Bona-Flde. Every-Dsy ,l.irtlt .... i .rer isia fJrCaltioi" Published is Wllrn'oi100- . v NBffSPlPB ril R STATE. Mobile, Ala., yeaterday, loss of 300,wu ana mo men. legislature 01 .V. o Mtakliaha 5J; sute feruliaer plant t . . mUT re- V- jcommutation in the case of r" Taentenced to bang February btville. Admiral Schley H.w-.nointention of entering e - greeted with an ora- hi. arrival in Chicago. Bdantatabath house In St. isestothemurderofA.D. miliioi-e. Hearing . nf re-enactment of the inbject Chinese from this coun- Hwumed yesterday. rsi ...chin is reoorwd ashore ririnia coast. Twenty w a-Vari -.irBn from the Iowa mine 0 . iaimi occurred Fr: anallpox spreading in London; -ant emDloyes hare been uiu' Turkish official atnnp.. the American mis- with connivance with the !iaa Committee. Yeater Tjje)r York markets: Money on Siininil; cotton steady, middUng JLj, 8 516c. ; fl3ur easier and dull ; ELpot weak, No. S red 87J.0. ; Lrtined common to Rood $155; jj, turpentine firm at 4iJ5c. WEATHER REPORT, n 6. Dw.'t or AGRIOTLTUB. j Wkathkb Bureau, f ILMIH8T05, N. O., Jan. 25. ) Tempentures: a a. su, o negroes; p K 45 degrees; maximum, m bo- minimum. 39 degreea; mean, 46 Sunfall for tne aay, .w; rainiaii 1st of the month to date, 1.15 fOBXOAST FOB TO-DAY. fiSHEJOTON, Jan. 35. JJ or worm jrtlini: Kam aunaay ana prooaoiy fctij; winner Sunday, fresh eaat- riy finds. Pirt Almanac Jnaary 26. jaBisa jnSets 7 04 A.M. 5.21P.M. 10 H. 17 M. 9 37A.M i Ikr Length Water at South port. Iri Water Wilmington. 12 07P.M. Thos. M. Patterson, the Senator- tetfrom Colorado, is an Irishman btrth and was at one time a cir- a imager, .now ne can proceed perform. i am on trial in France ior rder established an alibi by nrinj that at the time of the a via he was in another town bar- jewg a hotel. Tie latest about Mrs. Stone is tithe brigands will release her trill hold her for a few days oiil they get a chance to hide the aney to the nosers can't find it. Potter always shakes hands Kit the engineer of the train on nico be travels, lie believes in keeping on good terms with the fel- n who manipulates the throttle. Perhaps when Indian Commia finer Jones issued that hair- order, he thought the barber mi olve the Indian problem by bng the young bucks to death. laejonng Korean Prince who lent to this country to be edu- ed?ot8ome oUt while he was Ptting away with the $30,000 which borrowed from that Philadelphia "coati ranee about $60,000 to taain the Czar of Russia on his it. It will cost thia conntrv """I &8 mnfih tft nnfjartain PrinM J"8!. It would be cheaper if those did their visiting inccgnito. 6 PhTainiftTia whn aav f liat. fViroo wij meals a day are too much for -"ftwiive capacity of the aver- mortal and that the dinner J"114 be abolished, might point to !aipt0 8upport their, dictum. -""eat three meals a day .and "ttelj a hearty dinner. wwateof Missouri seems to T the rule as to the payment fcrtin the public schools. wa that the male teachers re- . a average of $296 a vear and raaale teachers $3o6. But these J. o not indicate a very high "woii put upon the labors of lio teach the youDg Missouri to shoot. r. - j ' pernor Cumminirs. Rennblioan. uttered a rock-bottom truth said that "Protection was for mannot man for proteo. u a general way that's right trior l be Dearer the exact "-aenad said "Protection was tk. . , men special favorites of - owg who made the protec- ?ftnraQriPPo and In- i ,gg- ! - use UHENBxrS k. K a M m"W x 1 X x ; ilk LOCAL DOTS. TV i " " ;,' ' ! xtcxeta ior tne uraoe organ rCCliai will be ha alA HnnH t Vt..i book store. The Clyde Bteamer07m2apassed out at Southport at 3 P. M. yesterday ior new xork. I Eer. P. O. Morton will speak w men at the Y. M. O. A. this after, noon at 5 o'clock. Eev. 0. W.Triplett, of Bargaw, wui preach at South S de Baptist cnurcn this moroios; and evening. The x. M. C. A. basket ball game, postponed Friday night on ao count of the Board of Aldermen meet ing, will be played early thia week. British schooner JfcCTttrfl.Capt. Weston, arrived yesterday from Nas sau, consigned to J. T. Hiley & Co.. for cargo of lumber from the Chad bourn Lumber Co. Mr. K. F. Parker, the furni ture dealer, has an advertisement in the 8tab that should be read by those wno need upholstering, mattresses renovating, curtains, awnings, &c "Son" Fisher, recently dis charged from the county convict quad and a frequenter of the courts,' was arrested last night on the charge of drunkenness and disorderly con duct. Mount Olive Advertiser: There will be a great increase over last 7 ear in the acreage devoted to cantaloupes. This crop has proved to be a very pro-. ntabie one and will soon rank as one of the leading truck crops." EUia Freeman, colored, of Ma sonboro Sound, was committed to jail by, Justice Fowler yesterday for trial in the Superior Court, charged with al lowing stock to run at large. Tie gave bond in the sum of $50. with Mr. J. B. Falea as surety. j The pleasure yacht Marjorie, owned by Joseph A. Vandergraft. of Philadelphia, came up to the city. Fri day and coaled at J. EL Taylor's coal yard. The yacht-had on board Mr. Vandergraft, his wife and son, and two friends. They left for Charleston, 8.C., in the afternoon. At the Opera Hesse. The Una Clayton Company,! the best popular priced company that has come to the local theatre this season, closed a phenomenally successful week's engagement at the Opefa Bouse last night, presenting "Pink Dominoes." Mr. Francis Morey, leading man in the cast and general manager of the conpany, has brought together this season a cempany Of real artists, and that the people of Wilmington ' have appreciated his efforts ia thia direction is evidenced in the fact that j essh night this wee tibe company has been greeted with a "atanding-rcom-only audiencea. The 'Prentice Trio" In specialties at each performance are rell worth thepic of admission. The company leaves this afternoon for Charleston and Savannah to play return enaragements already this season. The Abasf sacs' Scheeser. The Alexander Jones arrived in port yesterday afternoon towing tne abandoned schooner Mary L. Crotby, which was taken from the shoals near Frying Pan on Friday. She was left at Skinner's railway, whero she wilt likely berhauled up and pumped out for repairs. CapL -I A. mmm. master of the vessel, arrived from Baltimore yesterday, to look after his interests and a member of the firm ot Pendleton Bros., of New York, the owners, is expected here to-day. The story -of the shipwreck was told in these columns yeaterday. A board of survey will likely decide what j dispo sition to make of the vessel to-morrow. Kev BsU III. ; The Stab regrets to announce that Bev. Jno. H. Hall, pastor 01 nm 8treet M. E. church, has been quite mt thm Memorial Hospital. He was much better yesterday, however, .n) Mtnraed to his home. While at the hospital, he underwent a ! slight operation, the result of which was highly satisfactory. The morning MFTicfl at Fifth Street church j tc-day will be conducted by Secretary Fitch, of the Y. M. C. A., and at night, Bev. P. C. Morton will preach. Custom noose Appoistmesi. Thm Stab learned yesterdsy from a mnat raliabie source that Deputy U01 lector John EL Taylor would retain his ooaition under Collector Keith at the Custom House and that it was almost as positive that Mr. Wm. 8truthers would be retained also. proic thatM.. Keith will qualify and enter upon the duties of the office or uoiiec tor early this week. NEW ADVERT18ICMENTS. F. T. Mills Look at this, t N F. Parker In addition, j Williams Bros. New stock; p L. Gore Co. Seed potatoes, n d'Connor For sale or rent. O. DeBosset Fine ststionery 8 & B Solomon-White Dimity. pnnl'a Savin s Bnk-We want. Geo. O. Gaylord If not, why not? OTilminrton Gaa Lleht Co. a' Atlantic National Bank Carefully handled. . I- . ! B9BSVVBPSII j - BUSWCS8 U0OAL8 ; , - . j W. O Zjlgler Wanted. Bicycle For sale cheap, j Furnished Roomi For rent. ... Mis McGee 7-.4dlea' wanted. P H. Havden Buggies, harness. a P. B. Mahler Dwelling for rent. TjBE SUPERIOR COURT Two WecksVTerm for Trial of Civil Suits Will Conyene - - - . , . To-morrow. Morning. . ; -sailBBBiiSlBlM - m THE DOCKET FOR TRIAL. Severs! Oamtte Cases Are Set for a Hearl sj Com plaints Is Masy of Tfcesj Piled Jsrors Ssmmosei f or Terni Other Notes. New Hanover Superior Court for the trial of civil suits only will be convened to-morrow morning at 10 o'clock, judge EL W. Timberlake presiding. There 29 cases on thetrisl docket but none of them are of very great importance. All are. set for a. hearing the first three dajs of the two weeks' term but it is expected that it will take much longer than that time to.try them. There are 69 eases on the motion docket and a large number on the summons docket, but many of those, of course, will not be taken up at-thlsterm. Perhaps the most interesting case on the trial docket for to-morrow is that of Emiline Mask, colored, against the Oity of Wilmington, in which the complainant asks damages of the de fendant in the sum of $5,000 for in juries received by the overturning of a buggy into an excavation made for street work in the northern part of the city in July 1900, the said excavation not having the required safe guards in the way of lights, eta, thrown around it. The plaintiff is the mother of Dr. T. B. Mask, the colored phyaician. Messrs. Bellamy & Bellamy appear as counsel for the plaintiff and Messrs. Meares& Buark for the defendant city. Wm. J. Bellamy, Esq., was formerly of counsel for plaintiff but upon his election to the office of city attorney he withdrew from the case. The other cases set for the first day are of no general interest. On Tues day the Strauss suit was set for hear ing but since its compromise it will pass off the calendar. The case of the 3. P. Cowan Livery Company against the city of Wilmington, which in volves the relative jurisdiction of the Boards of Aldermen and Audit and Finance, Is also set for Tuesday and will be argued by Bellamy & Bellamy for the complainant; Oity Attorney Bellamsy and Ex-Judge E. K. Bryan for the defendant. The case of Graham Murray against the city and or. Charles T. Harper, superintendent of health, in which the plaintiff seeks to recover $5,000 for the sllegtd indiscreet removal of a ick child inftne enforcement of quar antine regulations, is also set for trial Tuesday. L. V. Grady is counsel for plaintiff and City Attorney Bellamy and Herbert MeOlammy, Eq , for the respective defendants. The allegations in the complaint in all material potnta are denied in to to. The city has filed a demurrer to the complaint upon the ground that the latter' document does not ' present facts sufficient in law to constitute a cause of action in that the city, discharging a duty im posed solely for the public ben fit un der the law, an artificial body, acting only through its servants, would-not in law be liable for the torts of aaid servants in the exercise of its gover- mental functions, the doctrine of respondeat superior - not applying thereto. On Tuesday is also set the case of Penny against the A.O.L.RB. Co., the particulars of which are well known to the readers of the city papers. On Wednesday nine other eases are aet for trial but none of them Is of interest. In connection with the calendar Judge Timberlake has made the fol lowing order, which is printed on the same: "uases wui ne caiieu peremptv . . vis 1 a rilv on dav set. and if not reached that day will be tried when reacned. unless continued by content or upon legal grounds." Heretofore . the cus tom has been to continue all cases not reached upon the day hey are origi nally set. The following jurors have been summoned for service the first week i T .T. Amu. J. O. Powers. D. D. Bsr- ber. a L. Spencer, B. B. Humphrey, T. B. Jsesson. Ed. Norgooa, w. a. Craig. G. J M. Baldwin, W. H. Bon- ham. J. P. Chapman, K. J. uasteen, J. D. Brown, Jno. O. Heyer, Thos. UnFMB. Vernon Baldwin. U. 0. Peachau. .TndM Timberlake arrived In the citv vesterdsy from jacssonviuo where he has been holding uaaiow Superior Court during the past week. Aged CIttaes. ef Pesder Dead News reached the city yesterday through a telesrram to Mr. r. rv Lamb .of the death of Mr. uaniei Bordeaux, a venerable and higttJy Mteemed citizen of Fender couniy. Mr. Bordeaux was about 75 years or re. and resided about six miles from RnM Ha mtbi rour sons ana one dauenier w awura r i The funeral will take plsce at 8. o'clock to-day from the late residence. i H00M Psrty Friday Evesfsr, A. house party for the benefit of St. Paul'a Lutheran church will be given .t thai residence of Mrs. G. J. ttouu- lan. No. 504 South. Front street, Fri j.. t.. l.t fmm a io 11 P. M. No .4niuiM will oe enargea, dw nu- meots wUl be served. A musical pro-. . - h. 1 hMm arranced for the gnUIIUV mm.-. ; - evening.'- - - u... Maieie Davii left yester day to visit Wends In Covinjtton y. WILMINGTQy, N.ia. SUNDAY; JANUARY 26 1TH UTE WM-A-WRI0HT- Rentflsk Arrived Yetterlaj sd Were Laid ts Rest is Qakials Cesietery Fa- ersl Proa St Jaaes' I The remains of the late William A. Wright, whose death at Jacksonville, Fta., on! Friday , has already been cnronteied, reached Wilmington at 12:05 o'clock yeaterday afternoon via the Seaboard Air Line railway, ac companied by the bereaved wife, her daughter. Miss Alice Wright, who la afthnnl at RnltiilmHP Q O iri VHWVM. K, W., and joined the party there,' and Mr. Samuel P. Holmes, brother-in-law of the deceased. The other t wo children remained with their grandmother at Jacksonville until their mother's re turn: From the station, where a large party of friends awaited the arrival of the funeral cortege. the remains were tenderly borne to the vestibule of 8t James' Episcopal Church until the hour of the services 8:80 o'clock yesterday afternoon. There were in attendance upon the funeral a large assemblage of friends of the deceased and family, and upon the casket were laid many beautiful floral tributes. The order for the burial of the dead was impressively said by the Bt. Bev. Bishop A. A. Watson, assisted by the Bev. Frederick H. T. Horsfield, rector of the parish of which the ; deceased was so long a faithful member. The remains were laid to rest in Oakdale cemetery, the following having acted as pall bearers: Honorary. Dr. T. S. Burbank and CoL John Wilder At kinson; active, Messrs. T. D. Meares, T. C. James, George Kidder, Jno. H. Brown, L. B. Sasser and Jos. H. Wat- tars. The Jacksonville Times-Union of yesterdsy has the following to say of the death of Mr. Wright ; "After a brief residence here. Wil liam A. Wright, formerly ' of Wil minarton. N. C died suddenly at 1 o'clock yesterday afternoon at his home in the Sanderson flats, on Ocean street. "Mr. Wright came here several weeks ago on a visit, accompanied by his wife, who is a daughter of Mrs. John L. Holmes, mother of Sam P. Holmes. J. Dobbin Holmes and Miss Sallie Holmes. Soon after coming here he decided to make this city his future home. He was in the best of health and hit audden passing away from heart failure is a great shock to his family here and to those whom he left Jn Wilmington, where he was prominent in business and social circles. . He was the promoter of Wrishtsville Beach, a well known and popular Summer resort near Wil; miDgton, "Tne body was sent last night to Wilmington, accompanied by Mrs. wrtgbt -ana ner brother. Ham r. Holmes. The ' funeral arranrementa were in ebarre 0 Funeral Director Obarlrs A Oiark. The funeral 1 will be held i to-morrow at ' Wilming ton." ALDER HEM AND THE STREETS. Meetlsg Last Nliht Did Net Materialize. Msy Cone Te-siorrow Nliht. The meeting of the Board of Alder men which was in contemplation for last night to pass upon the xrdinsnces introduced at Friday night's session,' did not materialise but a special meet ing is said to be on tapis for Monday. night at which the "right thing" will be done. There are two resolutions to? be acted upon. One is to prevent city employes from leaving the city with out permission and, the second Is to stop all sewerage excavations until all ordinances now in effect in regard to restoration of streets are complied rith. While the Aldermen are talking of the meeting, the excavations are going merrily on. Mayor Waddell having given permission for the work to pro ceed. It was suggested yesterdsy that the resolutions now introduced will bave to await the next regular meet ing of the Board and that they cannot be legally adopted at a special meet ing. KENANS VILLE AQANST WARSAW. Asd ike Peculiar Sltnstlos Is Which Qur sstise Placed as Estllshmss. The smallpox situation in Duplin and Sampson has taken a rather ridicu lous turn. It seems that Warsaw had quarantined against the town of Clin ton, and yesterday a drummer an Englishman who was not familiar with the way Americans do things, cam j over from the latter place and waa immediately arrested and fined ten dollars. He refused to pay and was sent to Kenaosville to jlL Kenansville re fused to receive him and returned bim to Warsaw. Before he was well on his wsy the suthorities were called to getber and quarantined against War saw and will not allow the "suspect" to bs sent back to jail. The English man would not 'pay his money, the authorities woujd not take his body; and the last time he was heard of no one would either take the responsi bility of taking him or discharging him. Paresis Shasta Attesd. A treat is in store for all parents who will attend the Sunday school at the First BanUst church this after noon.' There's to be a singing contest for a prise by the boys of . the school; I and it will be a treat for fathers and mothers to see their voubsstera dis play their vocal talents lor the covet ed premium, v - u. a Ellis four for thsr novelty dozen photos; . i Latest. styles; two- positions. T U..CL Bills f or tho novelty dozen four styles: two postBona. ItBEATRE OFFERINGS. notable Galaxy of Attractions at the Opera House Duc tal February, j S0USA "THE MARCH KING. Psbiobs Basd Master sad Fifty Maslcisos Os tse-7tb-Ksthrise Kidder, 17tta. Lewis Morrison I9ib sad Otis Skisser 28th Others. An extraordinarily fine list of at tractions is offered bv the Oners House mansgement for the month of February, and theatre-goers may well rely on the statement that during those days the season at Wilmington will have reached its zenith. The house will remain dark all this this week, but on Monday evening, Feb. 3rd something "great" is prom ised in the appearance of the well known colored organization, Bosco & Holland'a Georgia Minstrels. On the 7th comes Sousa, tbe'March King," and his fifty! mnsic;aDs, direct from London and ; New York city. This is an attraction of arrest distinc tion and Wilmington is fortunate in securing it . : : Following Sousa for the .week be ginning Feb. 10th, the "popular pricera" will have their Inning in a six-night engagement by the Bent- frow Pathfinders. The company played last week at Greensboro and seemed to give eminent satisfaction. Next on Monday night, 17th ins t, comes the charming Katherine Kid der, in her beautiful success, "Molly Pitcher," a play ef Bevolutionary times. Miss Kidder has proven her self a star of the higher class and is well remembered for her excellent work in this oity last season ss the f emal 1 star of the triple star combina tion, "Kidder-James-Hanford." Next cornea Wilmington's favorite, the devil himself" Mr. Lewis Mor risonin his Twentieth Century 'Faust," a scenic and spectacular pro duction. All theatre-goers will wel come Mr. Morrison, who returns to the stage after a season of rest The dste of his appearance; here is Febru ary mn. Following Mr. Morrison in "Faust" on the 24th, will be Finnigan's Ball," a real Irish comedy-which scored a great success here last season. After "Finnigan's .Ball" a dramatic treat is in store for the elite theatre goers of the city in the appearance of Mr. Otis Skinner in his metropolitan success, "Frsncesei di Komlni." in this play Dr. 8kinner is st his best and critics, whose reputations are national. say that it is one of the dramatio suc cesses of. the year- Mr. Skinner is playing but few cities ia the South and the Opera House management is to be congratulated upon securing suea an excellent com pany for a city the size of Wilming ton. The time for the production here is February 28ih. ; REV. DR. JNO. W. STaQQ HERE. wm Aiireu Wumlsrtoa Ciorches To ssy la Interest of 25ih Ccatary Fsad. Bev. Dr. J. W. Stagg, pastor of the Second Presbyterian Church, of Char lotto, and in charge of the great Twen tieth Century movement for educa tion which was launched at the last meeting of Synod; arrived in the city yesterday and will speak to the con gregations of the First Church and St; Andrew's to-day. Dr. Stagg began bis actual canvass for the Fund at Fayetteville last Sun day and met with most substantial en couragement He has postponed the beginning of his great work until now, so that people by this time would have had arranged all their business affairs and been prepared to meet their obli gations to the great cause which Dr. Stagg represents: It ia expected that there will be no difficulty in raising the $300,000 which the Synod of North Carolina has pledged for the Million Dollar Fund. r TEACHERS' ASSEMBLY. Will Meet This Year Jase IOts to Uth. The Plsce Yet to be Selected. . .. 1 1 f Sjpecial Star Telegram. Ralkigh, N. C, Jan. 35. The J. . W. McLauchlin Company, of Baeford, Cumberland couniy, is chartered, with 1 $80,000 capital.- The incorporators are J. W. McLauchlin, E. B. MeNo.ll, J. C. Thomss and D. 8. Davis. The Executive Committoe of the North Carolina Teachers' Assembly met today and. decided to bold a session this year. June 10th to Uth, at a place yet to be selected by the eomnnuee. aiemoers nresent were President Edwin Mima, Seeretarv and Treasurer W. D. Car- mlobael, J. U. uoraer, n.. w. ones. J. T. Faust .4. J.Blair. . Rey. C O. VsrJcu. Fayetteville Observer, 35tn: "Bev, O. G. Vardell, president of Red Springs 8eminarv. has I been unanimously elected president of the Texas College for Girls. President vardell is a graduate of Davidson Oollee, was for some years pastor of the Presbyterian church at Newbern, and has built up Bed Springs Seminary to Its present ntgn standard OX: sonoiarsmp ana use fulness, i He has not yst signified his acceptance of the appointment If he I does accept, hia place will oe nam to nu." h its Coach Cftspcl HIIL News and Observer: It was an announced yesterdsy that the services of Mr. Ed. M 4Asherback had been secured by the State -University; and that as unn hm baa made the round of the cities whrchjare : beinr solicit d to rorm a North Carolina ieague ne will go to Chapel Hill to take up nis ; work there until the professional sea 1902. I PARAQRAP"s Mr. W. H. Smith, of Golda- boro, ia at The Orton. Mr. Sam Wertheimer, the pop ular cigar drummer, of Baltimore, is at The Orton. . Mr. and, Mrs. L. B. Penning ton and Mrs. Jos. H. Hinton are back from a delightful trip to the Charlea ton Exposition. Fayetteville Olserver, 25th: "Mr. and Mrs. B. H. McDuffie re turned at noon from their wedding tour of the South." -Bev. Dr. Calvin S. Blackwell left yesterday morning for Cbspl H li, where he will preach to the students of the University to-day. Bev. Hight O. Moore is a gueat at The Orton and will fill Dr. Black well's pulpit at the First Baptist church here. - Mr. and Mrs. Tench Charles Cox, of Ashevilie, have arrived to spend several months and will reside at Mrs. Louise B. DeBosset's residence, No. 310 Orange street. Mrs. DeBos set and daughters. Misses Annie BJount and Beitie DeBosaet, are residing with Mrs. T. H. McKoy. Thrown from Bicycle. Mr. Frank L. Huggins was the vic tim of a very painful accident yester day afternoon about 8 o'clock. Mr. Huggins is manager of the "Un known Factory," to the north of the city, and was riding his bicycle out to the factory after dinner as usual. Soon after coming to the macada mized road leading to Castle Haynes, he quickened up bis pace somewhat and was spinning along at a rapid rate. The front fork of his machine,' from some unknown cause, suddenly broke and the was thrown violently upon a pile of lumber on the road side. The left side -of his face and'the left eye were badly contused, and his left hand and. forearm were also bad ly bruised. He sent for his horse and buggy at the factory and was brought back to bis home in the city, where Dr. Bellamy gave him the necessary surgical attention. At last accounts he was reating well, and his friends hope to see him out again in a few days. CAROLINA NORTHERN RAILROAD Rumor That It Will be Extended Prom Psyelteville te Charlestos, S. C. The Washington correspondence of the Raleigh Post of yesterday con tains the following: There is a strong probability of the Carolina Northern Bailroad being ex tended from Lumberlon to Fayette villa. I get this information from E. K. Proctor, Jr , of Lumberton, sen era! counsel for the road, who arrived here to-day from Philadelphia, where he went to confer with the majority stockholders. Thia road is now in operation from Lumberlon to Marion, - C a distance of 45 miles. Mr. Proctor tells me that the road is to be built at once to Charleston, S O . a distance of 110 miles. Work will be-. srin witbin sixty days. 'It is the de sire of the owners of thia road to build an extension to Fayetteville, which would give a direct route to Charleston. Mr. Proctor was here to ape Representative Bellamy about the $3,500 appropriation for the improve ment of the Upper Uape 1 ear. lie says if thia appropriation Is granted and deep water ia obtained at Jfayette- vuie there is no doubt about the road being extended to that point Mr. Bellamy will give the River and Har bor Committee the benefit of this in formation. It is 83 miles from Lum berton to Favetteville and it is nro- posed to cross the Cape Fear about Tar Heel.; 1 RtV. JOHN STANLY THOMAS. Realisation ss Pastor ef Saffolk Presby terian Church Macb Reg retted, Suffolk, Fa., Herald, m.l On Sunday last Bev. John Stanly Thomas resigned as pastor of the Suf folk Presbyterian church, his resigna tion to take effect February 26. Mr. Thomas came from W.lmington, N. C, to Suffolk in 1899, to undertake pas toral work in the church here. During his pastorate the membership has grown, the attendance increased, the church property has been improved, and extra salary has been paid. i In addition to being a talented pul pit orator and an efficient pastor, Mr. Thomas has been an aggressive worker In moral reforms, lie has also con ducted mission services a few miles from Suffolk. Mr. Thomas is not only greatly be loved by his own congregation, but has many other friends in Suffolk and vicinity who will regret his departure from our town, and whose best wisnea will follow him wherever bis lines may be ! cast He has under consid eration several, fields of usefulness, but has not yet decided where he will go. I DIED AT COUNCIL'S STATION Mr. J. S. Cosscn, Aged ssd Respected Citlxes, Died Thorsdsy NIht. Special Star Correspondence! CousCTLS, N. O., Jan. 24 M. J. 8. Council died suddenly of heart fail ure at his home here last night i He waa in the 72nd Tear of his age. i He had been postmaster here since Grant'a first term, and waa a senial. kind- bear ted citixen and waa loved by all. He leaves four daughters. Mra. B E. Vick, Mrs. J. F. Flowers, Misses Olive EL and Lenora Council, of this plsce and one son, D. W. Council, of Ruth- erfordton, N. O The State Ball Leaine. Rtlftivh Netr and Observer i "The ' nm-mtm 1mm Hp. A ahnn bafk. who la now in Charlotte, ia that there will be a halt team rrom mat CUT ia tne finMknimiint UiraK. At a -meet ing held there it waa decided to put a atrong team m tne league, au w iim wnvtr ta xnac ena mt unvo. r. .m.Mri.ln thit Oreeniboro and Charlotte will come in the league i i m v a m mih Ralelsfb, andxnat wiu oe rorm New liverySew ; Mills, WHOLE NO. 10,742 IF USE i BECAUSE II IS OBI. G AS! BECAUSE II IS (Mil. BECAUSE FOR Hat-i . ! i .11 iner. Tw " jan26 It J. W. NORWOOD, Pres. JOHN S. ARMSTRONG, Vice Pres. Other .People's Money is Carefully Handled by tne Atlantic Monal Bank, j WILMINGTON, N. C. Absolute Safety is Afforded Depositors by -A.SSi3S - - $2,ooo,ooor We want your account. Write ns. ANDREW M0RELAND, Cashier. a W. YATES, Aas't CaabJer. jsm SOtf What we Want ? Is Tonr Bavlnm Bank Aeoonnc. We offer Ton an abaolntelv safe Investment for tout Idle funds, nav von interest at thm rate of 4 ner cent ixt annum, com. poundea Quarterly, we take any amount, larse wny not open an account with us t once? Bcn next one. Deposits maae now vui near interest The People's Savings Bank, Opposite the Postoffice. 11. v. HeQDKKr.. cr.iiti. XNO. S. ABHSTRONO, vu PreeiSeatt. in f( tr m. w. SI1R. Caair. White Dimity. . Another lot of ten cent White Dimity on sale now at 6 Cents. Jan SS tr PEANUT MARKET BULLISH. Crop Said to be Very Short la Eastern Virgjsis Higher Prices. A Norfolk correspondent of yester- day'a Richmond Dispatch says: "The fact that an average, of 83 per cent of the present peanut crop of Eastern Virginia has already been marketed is exploited in the annual trade statement of Holmes & Dawson, peanut authorities, to be issued to morrow, i j - "The effect on the market is de cidedly bullish. Comnared with a atock of 100,000 bags in the hands of Norfolk commission, merchants tnis time last year, the fact that there are now only about 8,000 bags on hand will also boom prices. "Tho cron is short Holmes & Uaw- son ssy, snd the favorable weather has resulted in its rapid harvesting. The demand, despite the limited supply, is poor. This is because of advancing prices. The grade or nuts is umiormiy higher." New Livery. See F. T. Mills, t New Livery. See F. T. Mills, t TRIBUTE OF BESPKcT. At a maeUnir of the Hibernian Benevolent 8o- elety, held at their ball Jaeu try 18. 1902, a com mittee was appointed to draft resolutions com memorative to the memory or our late brother, Hugh "weeney, wno aepartea taw tue January 17ch, !:. Jtesotwd, That while we how with snpnuaupn to the vul of oar Heavenly Father, who in his all wise provldenci has seen tit to oUl Horn onr midst our esteemed brother. Hugh Sweeney, causing a void In our rauka and a vacant seat In ear council chamber, hia genial fellowship whli b was a sonroe or joy to u for years, h s been wltndra wn from us by Almighty Boa. who doeihaUUilngB wel , out while we submit to the inevitable decree, we are consoled by the hope that our loss ts his eternal gain, la navlng gone to receive tne rewara m a ww ww. u, in the kingdom of our Heavenly Father. We mourn the loss ot a charter memoer each as he wn .mi win aiwava cherish hia memory as on whom the community honored. Rfolvtd, That we teoaer to ne oerovu hmi vnr onr dcosasfd bi other our heartfelt aymna hy In their hour or trial, and .... ia our book of records and a page thereof be JUadlmtd, Thatthew reeoluans be published m too oity papers anaacopy onnn ua waua mltted to the family of the deceased. OOL JNO. U OANTWSXL, T. DOB AST. JA8. MaDuEN. n . . Committee. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. For Sale or Rent. Tiiili " The Bielly Farm of 850 acres at Fa mer's Turnout. Fineea muee Horn tne cnj wvuui, . . n. fn .ran in earn ana SfioinJOR. B al Estate A ent, WilaUngtun, H. C J8t LOOK AT THIS. I Fresh Load of Horses ' ( and tlulea Just arrived, among them several Kentucky sadole and reneral baataees Hoists, 1 &iso carry a inu stooa ox BUBGlESa HARNESS, ETC, For sale and have lately addedto my bnslness ugntuvery new aggieaanaBj""' au and see me. . - - F. T. MILLS. I SlsT ttontnaV " I Three Senilis. - Two Mentha, " Delivered f fturwritrs las tat I Clay as 45 Psarta per Wewsat. T OOOSSO6OOSOO0Ofr4 IT IS COHVEHIEflT 11 n i nmn nc i innT rn 1 (ILlillllhlUII WW LMIJ lUojt 27 WORTH FROST ST. or smaU, and extend tne same courtesy to all dollar yon put at Interest helps you to earn the rrom vvotuary is to Stock Just In. Mullets, fiew Catch. Patent and Straight Flour, MEAL, TOBACCO, CANNED GOODS, Fox River Butter, Candy, Soap, &c. Williams Bros. lan 88 tf .. i Fine Stationery. i - eaaasaaaMBwaaBwaMBiHBBasss My line of Ladles and Gentle men's Stationery is com plete and consists of all the latest tints and shapes. My Box' and Pound Paper can't be beat. 107 Market St jan26tf Bell 'Phone 26. Bran and Seed Potatoes. 800 sre of bt Wlit Brsa. ISO baas o Arweatoelt count! K. PotaSaea. , totii ( KMal rMt&etc 1 so stace of oSTee, ae bataaiaia, l SO ae at Ktee ' r ' b SOO box - Xafcaeeo; epecial prleee ta larar bayer. , 50O bweat'ia of Virginia WsMr Gro.nd Rival. 5,000 b.b.-lf ravHi. ' ' s emrsoadaorftw.lTlmosnylaay. We aak the merchanta ot the OaxollnaH to get onr pnce beiore pnrchaatng. ; . ; , - D. L. CORE CO., Wholesale Groceries and progs. la's, ? m "a m WHSO. IN ADDITION m Mrrvlnar the largest sfck of Furniture TSSS.lmSSm specialty oj Uphol Lter D.Mattro aenovattog. Curtain and Awn" g Stog and .Hanging, Qarpet UHylnK, PackUT?, lUuhng anaBng. IT. F. PAEKEE, Furniture and Furniture llovslties. Ill ILirkac street. BeUPbons6U , later State aSl- ROBERT C ft i' -Hi t 1 1 r r ' 1 i! i t? L. ,(( it- i - Hi 4?, -i H If . 4 I I i M . ilia: vjf i if? . a -i .3! ni-' Hi 'I' . 'Wii' J i 1 Ik t 1:. l ' iCS?. ORANT. Ntw Uvsry. -8w F. T. Mills, t Niw Livery. See F. T.. Mills. I son begins la this otate." t'Hn Paiaca.lharmc.