mMZ Mi- i .AAiiWVWVfMi WWW M000600s6aaaoa6a t a TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION.: 71 Of Ay Other Dally News p,per Published is Wilmington. ; On. Yeavr, by Elavil. $6.00 hi Six Months, " 8.80 i ' Three Morntba, 1.8S , iff -ft.i (IpErrDivEW8,,APIC- Two Xonthav 1.00 ; VOL. LXIX.-NO. 115. t Delivers to aeerlbr la sac WILMINGTON, N. C, THURSDAY; FEBRUARY 6. 1902. i5 V ' WHOLE NO. 10,751 J City at 45 Cents per BTeatlu -. T 1HE MORNING OTARo ' . . : ; OUTLINES. laree fire ia Chicago lat night rtnmnlished and neonle . i liQirS wci . QU1JLU- - " . u in.itx'8 ileamer will t,i io( "y : t tn $1250.000. Sahooner ,O0doV. Woott-n, ashore at Hat- 'llB bas' beefl abandoned. A . ffSOl"""1 i ... iha Hiuse inviting Cuba to , pert of the Uaited State. F1 t,aa hAn nroranif mi tn .Aoomp"J " - - . .... .nrf oil in Floyd eountv. tore tor" - Deficiency appropriation billa ,,loujdebaf; in the House the riarinebilwa. debated. ! president and party will leave Uiogton Mmday night for the aylrtion Eiposition. A bill to diibit jouoK children working in ' . r.tnries ia South Carolina was tiled in the Legislature. - North gjeigh last nigQfc xne nana m.rt.ville. Ark , dynamited and Lied- the sieriff was killed by the ij ion ounai ot me omaie lyen took place yesterday in Pitts- gf, Peon. 'Southern Stove jjjafictarers' Associat on hare ad- qjrf the pric of stoves. Presi jalBxBevelt's response to the appeal Admiral Schley will be adverse to judaiirL Two of the coal C(ti supposed to have been lost iSaaday stora have turned up a 1 jtt; the third one waa lost, fie York markets: Moaey on i3iieadyat2MtH pr cent; cot irteady at 8 5 16c; fliur quiet but ndily held; wheat spot easier: No. rd 87Kc;crn 'P' y;Nj. 3, lttwn steady; spitits tnroentine WatWOtitfc . WEATHER REPORT 0.3. DEP'T Or AOBIOULTDRB, i Weathcb BoRrarr. Wilmington, N. C, Feb. 5 femperatures: 8 A. M., 25 degrees: P. 1, 84 degrees: maximum, 88 de- he; mini oaum, 34 degrees; mean, 31 kptes. knfall for the day, .00; rainfall In bt of the month to date, 1.00 fORECAST rOK TO-DAY. Iishixgtos, Fob. 5. For North Vim: Cloudy, with rain or snow hndty and probabl Friday; light utile wiads, becoming fresh soaih- brij. Fwt Alnatnavc Fbrurx 6. .Eifc3 jjrts length . . . 6 53 A. M 5.31 P M. 10 i S3 Si. 6 34 H. 54 9U.P.M Water at South port. Is Water Wilmington. !il849 there was one pair of An- goats in this country and now art are said to be more than a all from that pair. The cherry tree BWiudle managers as bare done a tree mendous kaess, if they offer, as alleged, to Vback $30,000 and call it even. i Pacific steamship companies Vi railroads are keeping a high- aed lobby at Washington to work mi the re-enactment of the Chi eicluaion act. There is money Aeai ia its defeat. fa. Patrick Campbell, the ac- p, denies the published report fihesail she had wou $22,000 Xlridze whist since she has been, fttij country. She never told Rwdj how much she has won. iy Gnge mast feel pretty fsof a good j ib, as it is reported r he has declined an offer of a jjof tlu0,000 a year, to fill the m of President of the Interna- fUrporation of New York. porter on the Washington who has been writing no the J Congressman, says, J. Spen- rDHbarQ, of this State is "all P considered the handsomest lsrof the aoase." There now. the victims of the "Cherry V in1 - . '"ul were a gooa many (People. Th f were a good many who L7"ouna, who couldn't see it, rjr;wd "ere also taken in and ,,4tranKe and unaccountable in Chicago some farmer from another gently took the town in, in 'Jlin . 8' aQd. although be pocket8' nobo(1J to? . h wiU raQ schedule atl hour anl make the k,Wreal to Vancouver in ptiid 8' Thia wil1 cnt - '-wwBQiy iour hours. - in . 7Par 1 : . 'rkVoMch 1,1902, the te or ouin Afr,ca will 5 350,000. The estimated 15 - - "uo.iniu man nnif - were tnree LOCAL DOTS. The N. C. Sorosis will hold its regular meeting at the club room this afternoon at 4 o'clock. Monthly meetinsr of the Dor- caa 8ociety in the ; Luther Memorial building this afternoon at 4 o'clock. The Primary and Junior Snn- j'day Sohool Teachers' Umoa wd" m-tt th i afternoon at 4 o'clock in the Y. BI. A. L' Arioso German Club will give its last dance before the Lenten period to-aight. Dancing will begin prompuy at 9 o'clock. The Chamber of Commerce ill meet this afternoon In regular monthly session at 3:30 o'clock. In Porta ot matters are to be considered and a full attendance is desired. A new constitution and by laws were adopted at a meeting of the Wholesale Gnears' Association yes terday morning. O. her matters were of a p -irate and routine nature. License was issued Tuesday for the marriage of Miss Mary Bell .w- ... . uewKtrk, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. a Newkirk. to Mr. Walter Williams, son of Mrs. Lily Williams. all of this city. , Eey. Dr. Calvin 8. Blackwell ill preach a specikl sermon at the First Baptist church 8uoday night. March 2 id. to the Caroentera and Joiners Uulonof this city. Ta$ Union ill attend in a body. The alarm of fire from box 16, at 7:10 o'clock last nisht. was on account of a slight b'ase at the home of Andrew Buss, colored. No. Su7 Jfljyd Avenue." Third between Bit- den and Harnett streets. The build ing is owned by Cant. L 8. Belden and was damaged only slightly. Fayetteville Otaeruer: "Though the invitations are not yet out, we learn that Mr. George M. Rose. Jr . son of Hon. and Mrs. George M Rose, of this city, now with the Liuis vide & Nashville Railroad at Nash ville, is to marry Miss Mary Crow, of Raleigh, and well known in Fayette ville." The United States Circuit Court of Anoea'a at R chmond Tues day handed down an opinion which reverses and remands the case of Me Nair & Pearsali vs. Stephen Mclatyre trustee of B J. Sanderlin. bankrunt. The case went up on petition for re view from the District Court here and the opinion was by Judge Simon ton. ' SUUSA AND HIS BAND. At Opera Hoase Te-mdrrsw Night An Immense Aidieace Expected. Sousa has returned from bis triumphal tour of Great Britain, load ed with honors, and met with an en thusiastic recept oi from bis admirers in his recent re-appa-ance in New Y -rk. Tnia British lour occupied ex actly three months and was, in fact, the most successful ever accomplished bj any foreign organization in that country. The 8ousa Utad creatrd new record for rece pis and atieitda- c -wtur ver it appeared. Aft-ra biiii vacation spent in shooting ia North Carolina, tbe "March King" has once more embarked upon his - customary winter cooert tour, in the course of which the great band will give a con cert at the Opera House to-morrow night. Tne soloists accompanying toe organisation this year are those who shared in the British suecesse Maud Reae-Davies, soprano; Dorothy Hoyle, violnist; Arthur Pryor. trom bone, and Walter B. R srrs, cornet. Celebrated 80 Birthday. Wilmington' eateemed townsman, Mr. Richard J. Jones, was celebrating the 80th anniversary cf his birth yesterday. He is the oldest male citi zen of prominence residing here, and was therefore receiving many con gratulations from friends. Mr. Jones children and grandchildren were as sembled at his home yesterday, and last night many friends called to ex tend to him their, compliments. Mr. Jones is in excellent health, is active ly engaged every working day in the year, and no one es j ys a j ike better or has a keener sense of humor than he. He has been Grand Treasurer of the Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows f r twenty years, and is also a Past Grand Master and Past Grand Representative of the order. The Shaw Last Nit at. Railroad Jack" a very sensational comedv drama, was seen by a fairly large-sixed audience at tbe theatre last night. It was sot as bad as one or two shows thst have been to Wil miner ton this season, and several fea tures that were really amusing crept in during the progress of the perform ance. The "real live lion was on hand according to promise, but it was a disappointment to many that he aia nnt atraear until the last act. They should have been allowed to! have BAen him sooner. Be it said to the credit of the company; it did not foist itself upon the public at high; class prices. ThrLate Hath Miller. Tk. Nai PrMi armor V wss AUV W W V awa draned in mourning yesterday out of risnectto tbe late Hugh Miller.' Tbe dig on tbe tug Navassa wss at half mast also ia rrsoect to his memory Dr. John F. Miller reached his sons bedside in Columbia Tuesday atoul an hour after he died. Tbe funeral will h hiH at Ooldaboro to-day at 10 A.M. j NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. - - j .Levi McMillan & Co. Have you t J H Render & Co. Clearing sale. Vollers & Bhagen Goods Tight FRIENDS OF SEAMEN. Forty-ninth Annual Meeting of Society at Wilmington Held - Tuesday Afternoon. THE ELECTION OF OFFICERS. Reports All Shewed Accomplishment of Much Temporal and Spiritual Qood. Bnilding Will be Rehabilitate. Other Improvements. The 49th annual meeting of the Sea men's. Friend 8jciety was held! Tues day afternoon, at 3 o'clock, in the reading rooms of tbe Sailors' Home, c rner of Front aad Dock streets. Tne meeting was organised by calling. Mr James 8pruot to the chair and Col. W Wo d ward to act as secretary.! The Rev. Dr. A. D McClare .opened th- proceedings with a most earnest and fervent prayer. The President, Secre tary and Treasurer, Librarian and va rious committees submitted their re- -oorts and on motion of Mr. James P'ce the same were received and or dered on file. The reports are as fol lows: ! president's bepobt. The 8eamea' Friend Society of Wil mingtoa bas sustained its good work for 49 years, and to-day ia assembled at ita annual meeting for the purpose or hearing the reports of Its officers, and of shaping its course for another year which will be its semi-centennial ann yersary. j Tne one borne building with rooms 'or 125 sailors has been well kept by (he superintendent. Tne religious ser vices nave been raub fully maintained at 3 o'clock e vury 8unday during the ost year, and tbe general work or tbe few earnest members who have! con tinued with unflagging s-tal to promote the best interests of tbe sailors in this port, is shown and recorded in tbe annual statements presented foriyour e lDsideration. By actual count the Su da v service has been attained bv 3 393'persona during the oast sear fuere h s been a steady increase in the number of worshipp-rs and visitors to the reading room for 7 years, I with one year's exception, the total of 7 Tear being 41,437 men. How much good has been acc mplished by these srrvices and by tbe attractive and comfortable reading room, in wbicn they have been temporarily held. can tot be estimated now, but will be shown when the sea shall give up its dead and when the King at the ifioal reckoning shall say "Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of tbe least of tteae my brethren, ye have done it unto me." I For several year past the Bethel building, which was presented to the society nearly 50 years ago by tbe Ute Uaplala UUbert rotter, has been uosafe for use on account of its dilap idated conduion, and it has been tbe d sire of the trustees for a long time to repair tbi9 useful place of worship in a substantial and attractive form. Those of us who began this excell-nt work in the prime of life are growing tray in tbe service and cannot exoct to continue much longer in this! field f usefulness; it therefore behooves us to repair without further delay the damage to tbe Brtiel biilding, using such mans as we have and can obtain from others interested in the cause and in order that we may. if spar -d. e'-j jy tbe privilege of celebrating our 50iO anniversary in a new burjdiog dedicated to this holy cause. To this end I would epcally recommend that a building committee be appoint ed by our new Board of Truiees to btain plans and estimates fori the building, tbe lower flwr of which may be rented for commercial i pur poses, and tbe second fl xr fittingly oeautified for the stvcm and glory of God. Jas Fprunt President. TREASURER'S REPORT W. J. Wouuward, treasurer. In ac- ftnnt with the Seamena' Friend Society: i Feb 5.1901 721.87 R-Hs't annual duetf 88 00 Araer. 8 F Society "400 00 R3nts,intere.t,eie, 1 1,374.41 f 1.737 54 Total ... $3 459 41 265 00 120 00 360 00 S3 40 .... 107 00 Bethel's Ministers..... O ganist and soprano., K-ading room BupL Incidentals Insurance. . Repairs and sundry tzpenses 18 14 Balance on hand 1.895 87 Total : $3 459 41 W. J. Wood -aro, Treasurer. Have examined the hooka and found them correct as per rendered. 1 James scotoalu C i mm i tee. COMMITTEE OH PUBLIC WORSHIP. RtiKuiar services nave beeu ineld every 8unday afternoon during tbe psst year. The services have been conducted by the ministers of the va rious denominations of our citv,wbo have endeavored to in lei est thef sea faring; men who have visited our bort, aod we have every reason to believe that tbe preached Word bas ben a power of good. We are gratified for the interest manifested by our minis ters in this work. Tne 8ociery is in deed fortunate In having with them every 8unday Mis Anna Sprunt and Miss Carrfe YVnite, who are always anxious to make the music an inter esting feature. Tbe attendance at Sunday service tbe past year has been 3298 te'sons. Beoctfu ly, W. J Woodward, J. L Melts, James Mr-D oral I. Committee S OOXXXTTEE OS RENTALS AND REPAIRS. The oommillee on rentals atd re pairs submit the following report: Corner store rented, $480; tbe other store, $480, and .the home to H. G. Ubristi ffarsen, $360. During the year an abatement of $75 was made on the rent of the borne on account of in ability of keeper to maintain tbe same. v The repairs to the . property ih- past year have amounted to $18 34. - Tbe Mt. Ti-tab property has not been rented or iraea. r Jas. L Mett, T. K. Sprunt and Wal terMacRa-, committee. 1XBRART AND READINO BOOM During the past year the visitors to tbe reading room and attendance at Sunday services has bien at fallows: February..... March April. May.......... June July August ... ... September ... October ..j...? November ... 389 87 3(6 . 333 . 135 . 130 . 875 .338 . 8 0 .178 .3 403 .1518 65 64 64 65 43 43 79, 53 57 67 75 897 300 184 840 380 89 i 1457 3 454 4.575 December -.. January ...... 873 411 839 486 699 W 6,030 For the same pr'od lat year: Satlors, 8 903; citizens, 649; total, 9.551. Tne reading room is open fron 9 A. M. until 10 P M. daily. Services every Sunday at 3 P. M. James Pr ce, James 8prunt and Ed gar D. Will ams, committee. Other Proceedings ot Meeting The following named gentlemen were nominated and elected trustees to serve the ensuing year: JamrsSprun, Jmes L Metts, W. J. Woodward, R vV. Hicks, Rev. A. D McCiure, D. D., P. E. Sprunt, James McDjugall, N Jacobi, Jamts Prce, W. B. Cooper, Sev Dr. Oarmtcbael, E D William, J. H. Bjatwright, Walter G MacBae, D. L. Gore, Rev. Dr. O. 8. Blackwell and Riv. J. N. Cole. In view of tbe necessity of active work the coming year, the secretary aod treasurer was req tested to ipform the trustees of their election and ask their attendance at the meetings and co operation in tbe work of tbe year. The most grateful thanks of the So ciety -were tendered the American Sea men's Friend Society of New York far their continued aid, also to city papers for favors. The B jard of Trustees met immedi ately aftr adj mrnment of the So clety, with Capt James I Metts in the chair and Col W.J. Woodward sec retary. Tne .following officers were elected r Preside at, Mr. James Sprunt; vice president, Capt. James I. Matts; secretary and treasurer, Col. W. J. Woodward. Rev. Dr. McCiure, Capt. Walter G. MacRte and Mr, James Price were elected to constitute tbe executive committee, with the president, vice president and s cretary. The following committees wera appointed : Rentals and Repairs James I. Mt is, T. E 8prunt. W. G. MacRae. Public Worship W J Woodward, Jamea L Metts, Jas. McDougall. Reading Rftn and Home Jamas Pnc, Jms 8oruat, E. D. WMiams Auditing' James McDougall, N. JacobL Building Committee Members of Executive Committee. Mr H T. ChristLffersen's appoint ment as superintendent of the Home aod Lbrary, was confirmed. The nomination of Miss Anna 8prunt and Miss Carrie White as organist and soprano was approved. NEWS OP LOC4L SHIPP1NQ. Arrivals sad Depsrtares Yesterdsy Cot too Stesmer's Beasrksble Recsrd. Tbe Clye steamship Oto. W. Clyde, which was delayed this week on ac count of fog and snow storm, arrived last night at 8 o'clock. Tbe schooner Fannie Reiche cleared yesterday for Baltimore with a. cargo of lumber consigned by the Cape Fear Lumber Company. Tbe British steamship Roda, which arrived Monday from Charleston, made tbe remarkable r crd of taking on a cargo of 6 803 bales of cotton from the Wilmington Compress in three days. Tbe cargo is consigned by Capt. J H. Sloan to parties in Bremen, Germany, and is valued at $264 000. Tne Swedish ba-qte Victoria will sail to-day with a cargo of 4.300 bar rels rosin consigned by Paierson, Downing & Co., to parties in Stettin, Germany. Capt. Erickson will take aboard the two belligerent sailors who so violently ssssnlted their mate Saturday night and were arrested by a boat crew from tbe Algonquin By advice of vice Consul A. d. Heide they will be taken in irons to Sweden to be tried for their offence. Tbe mate has cow about recovered from tbe in- j tries received at the hands of the Swedes. The schooner Eva A. Danenfunoer went down tbe river yesterday to fiaiah discharging the remainder of her cargo of cement. L'AQILE COTILLON CLUB. Besatlfsl Dssce, Last Before Leaf, la Ms soalcJemple Lsst Nlfkt. L'Agile Cotillon Club danced a pretty german in the Masonic Temp'e ball room last night, which will be tbe last before Easter. Tbe dance was led in a graceful manner by Mr. Geo: P. Jms and the couples participating were as follows: . Mr. Geo. P James with Miss Jeanie Peck; Mr. J. O. Angel with Miss Nora Angel; Mr. T. A Baxter with Mas Anita DeRosset; Mr. F. D. Bolles with Miss Leonora Cant well; Mr. W. C. Crow with MissSue Clark, of Tarboro; Mr. Chas. F. Green with MissMarie Pesebau; Mr. Norwood Giles with Miss Ive3, of Baltimore; Mr. Rv H. Gwalt ney with Miss Annie Kidder; Mr. J. McR Hatch with Miss Janie Williams; Mr. J. L. Kerr with Mas Marie Baldwin; Mr. E Metts with Miss Olive Armstrong; Mr W. L. M ore with Miss Ida Brown; Mr. O D. Maffitt with M ss Jane Mearrs; Mr. H. McFarlaoe with Hiss Green ; Mr. H. J. McMillan, Jr., with Miss Octavia Boatwright; Mr. R. H. Nash, with Miss Klitibetb Payne; Mr. S. O. Potts with Miss Lesaie Potts; Mr." Jno. B. Pesebau with Miss Beulah Armstrong: Mr. William L. Walker with Miss Bessie Burruss; Mr. O A. Wireins. Jr.. with Miss Rena Johnson. The Jaslor Order Orphanage. Fayetteville Observer: "Mr. W. D. Ga&ter is getting subscriptions for a fund which it is proposed to use in in- J Ik. Imiitinn hM of the Orphan's Home, which the Junior fjrder or U on. American iwuuwi is to erect somewhere in North Caro T ..i4 that it VavettSVille Of fer tbe right sort of inducements the trustees are awrous.oi- iqosmuk m home here. Mr. Gster has met with floe success so far, v one gentlSman heading ibe list wib $100," i-i pr Olesriog s l6 of the Johnson Store at Rehder'a. Don't fail to gat a du gain.. l ' t POULTRY FANCIERS. Yesterday Was a Qood One for tbe Exhibition at the City Hall. WERE MANY PRIZE WINNERS. Specimens are All Fine and tbe Aseocls tlon Deserves Every tncoaragemenL Chickens Hstcbed While Yon Walt -Local Exhibit. a The second day of tbe Poultry and Pet Stock Show at the City Hall yes erday was not one whit behind its distinguished predecessor, the opening day. Many people are commenting upon the exc-Hone v of tbe dirplsy and the very admirable i manner in every re--p-ct in which the fair is being man aged. T ia hall is as neat as a new pin and the specimens in the hundreds of coops certainly appeal to those with an eye for the beautiful. Tne Asso ciation, under whose auspices the show" it given, deserves unstinted praise and very liberal patronage for its indefatigable efforts to interest Wilmington people in fancy poultry. in which undertaking members have already succeeded In a large measure. Among the many varieties of birds exhibited are the Houdon Polish White Face and Spanish Hamburg; Blue Andalusisns; Black and White Minorcas; Buff, Red and Brown Log- horns; Buff and White Plymouth Rocks ; Silver and Golden W vandottea ; Partridge Cochins; Light Brabmas; Indian, Warhorse. Pit, Red, Duck- wing, Gray and Deep Creek Gray Games; Pekin ducks; Chinese Brown geese; White Holland turkeys; Brooxe turkeys; Bantams, "8ilkies," Pea fowls and parrots. Among the entries of pet stock are exhibits of Cavies. Guinea pigs, white, gray and black rabbits, and a number of very fine dogs, ranging from tbe fox terrier to President Sam Davis' fine greyhound, "Jip " A number of the hounds on exhibition are from the kennels of the Wilmington Fox C ub. Mr. R. L Simmons, the judge. finished his labors last night. Tbe prise list shows that the Wilmington birds came off well in the contest and won a number of prises. The pre mium cards have been tacked upon the coops, so that it will be easy for visi tors today to know the prise winners in all the classes. Tbe birds are all magnificent specimens and some of the winners exceed anything of the kind in afze and condition ever seen in this part of the country. To-day will be a big day at tbe show, as the people who have visited it have gone away and talked so about it that everybody in tbe city will visit tbe exhibition to day. The number of admissions yesterday was some thing over 900, but to day is expected to be tbe ''biggest" of them all, as the fair closes to-morrow. An interesting feature of the exhibit ia an' incubator in tbe southeast corner of the room in which little chicks are being "manufactured for display while you wait." This exhibit is the product of the ingenuity of Mr. Frank L. Huk- gins, a prominent member of the As sociation and a leading fancier. Five dosen eggs are ia tbe incubator and they were placed there long enough ago for the hatching process to be in full blast to-day. Mr. Huggins is agent for tbe incubator used, and -of course will explain its merits to all interested. The prize list; as . announced last night Is as follows: r Blue Aodalasians First and second pris-, A 0 McBacbern, of Wilming. ton ; third prise, O'Connor Dairy Co., of Greensboro. Partridge Cochins First and second prizes for hens, O'Connor Dairy Com pany. Gulden pencilled Hamburg First. second and third prizes, O'Uonnor Dairy Company, j 8ilver pencilled Hamburg s First, second and third prizes, A. O. 8need, of Wilmington. Hondms First; second and third prizes, O'Connor Dairy Company. Single comb brown Lagborns First coca, S J. Davis, of Wilmington. Single comb white Leghorns First cock. O'Connor Diiry Company; first ben and pullet, O'Uonnor Dairy Com pany. Buff Leghorns First trio, J. A. Appiegale, of Wilmington. 8ingle comb black Minorcas First eockerel, first hen, first pullet, W. H. StcEachern. Barred Plymouth Rock First cock, Nv-M. McEiChern, of Wilmtngtoo; second cock, J. ' O. Boesch. of Wil mington; first hen, A. O. McEachern, of Wilmington;! second hen, J. A. Isley, of Burlington; first cockerel, A. O. McEachern ; first and third pal lets, J 8. Isley, first trio, E T. Wade, of Wilmington : second trio. J. 8. Ialey; second pullet, T. O. Peele, of Bioh riq iare, N. C. Buff P.ymouth Bocks First trio, J 8 Isley. White Plymouth Rocks First ben, J. 8. Isley; first cockerel, J. 8v Isley; first pullet, W. EL McEtcbern; second oulIet,-F. L. Huggins; third pullet, J. a Isley. i . Golden Wyandottes First and sec ond prists, O'Connor Dairy Company. Silver laced Wyandottes First trio, N M. McEachern, of Wilmington. White Wyandottes First cockerel, J. 8 Isley; first pullet, J. 8. Isley. Silver Saahrigbt Bantams First hen, W. C. Armstrong, of Wilming ton. Japanese Silkies First pen, W. G. Armstrong. i Black-breasted red game Bantams First pen, R inert Kornegay & Son, of Mt Oiive; first cock, first hen and sec ond pullet, Fred Banck. 8ilver duck wing Bantams First prize, Kornegay & 8on. Pekin Ducks First prize, Kornegay & Son. . j Chinese brown Geese First prize, 8. J Davis. Woite Holland Turkey a First prize, 8 J. Davis. j -, . Mammoth Bronze Turkeys First pnz, Kornegay & Co. 5 ' Cavies-Firat prize. A, A Brown, of Wilmington : second prise, W. GL Arm strong, oi Wilmingtop. Belgian Hares Ftat and second buck. W. P. Price & Son, of Wil mington ; third buck, D. C Whined, of Wilmington; first doe. D. C. Whit ted; scond doe, John D Wood v. of Wilmington; first litter. W. P. Price & Son first dee and litter, W. P. Price & Son. Black Belgian Hares First and sec ond prizes, A. A. Brown, of Wil mington. Angora Rabbits First and second prizes A. A. Brown. Indian Games First trio, Kornegay & Son; second trio, W. A. Bonitz. of Wilmington; first and second hen, O'Connor D.iry Company. Pitt Games First pn. 8. J. Davis; second pen. O'Connor Dairy Company White Crested Black Polish First and second hens, O'Connor Dairy Company. SEABOARD'S EQUIPMENT. Agreement Piled for Kecord Yesterday With Vermllye & Co', New York, i Additional foiling stock There was filwi yesterday for record at the Court H uae by Messrs. Meares & Ruark an "Equipment 'Agreement" between Vermilye & Co., of New York, ?and tbe Seaboard Air Line Railway of date Jan. 39th. 1933 The agreement is for the furnishing of a large amount of equipment to tbe R til way Company, for which there is to be paid $331,893 Of this amount $131,393 is to be paid in cash upon the delivery of the first equipment by Verm lye & Co., and tbe residue, $70 J. 000, Is to be paid in 40 quarterly installments on the first days of May, August, November and February of each year, commencing May, 1903 said installments to be 1 ernately of $17,000 and $18 COO? of the in stallments shall hi evidenced by 17 or 18 promissory notes for $1,000 each. dated Feb 1st, 1903, and bearing in terest at 4 per cent, per annum, pay able semi-annukliy, Aug. 1st and Feb 1st. Attached to the notes shall be coupons evidencing the interest. Tbe tide to tbe equipment of the railway shall not pass from Vermilye & Co., until all notes have been paid and a! metal plate bearing tbe name, ''Vermilye & Co., Owners," shall be attached to each piece of tol ling stock. The rsilway company is te maintain tbe equipment to the sat isfaction of Vermilye & Co., and pay all insurance and taxes on the property. The agreement is signed by John Skelton Williams, president of the 8. A. L , and the secretary of Ver- mlye & Co. The equipment to be furnished as per the agreement is as follows: 800 flit cars Nos. 44 40044 693, inclu sive, delivery, Feb. 1912; amount $151,393; American Car & Foundry Co., Huntington, W. Va., manufac turers. 600 ventilated box cars, Nos. 18 000-18 499 inclusive; de livery March 1303; amount, $333,000; Southern Car & Foundry Co., manu facturer, 10 pa84nger engines, Nos. 631610 inclusive, delivery soon as possible, amount $130,000; manufao turer, Richmond Locomotive Works. 10 freight engines. Nos. 641650 in clusive,, same terms, same manufac turer; amount $140,000. 10 coaches, Nos. 510 519 inclusive, delivery April and May 19 3, amount, $77,000. manu facturer, Nilea Car & Mfg. Co., Niles, nio- 1 mm m MR. M'CHWHY IN WINSTON. Had a Talk With Clieat Prnett Oass : Condition Pavorsble. Winston Sentinel, 4th Lawyer McClammy, of Wilming ton, spent two hours in Winston yes terday afternoon. He Came here for an interview with bis client, Geo. W. Pruett, who is in jil awaiting trial for shooting Mr. Gass. Mr. McClam my had a talk witn the prisoner and be expressed delight over the infor mation that tbe wou odd man had a g od showing for getting well. Mr. McClammy stated to a reporter that he bad known Pruett for several years and he had never heard of bim being in any trouble before except in family affairs, a suit being now pend ing for divorce. Tbe law ver waa quite confident that Pruett was only jesting if he told any one that he shot a man a few years sg Mr. McClammy left last evening lor home. He will return here for the triaL Dr. 8pencer, who performed the operation upon Mr. Gats, reports that tbe wound healed nicely. This morning the physician - removed all but about two of the stitches. The patient began eating soft boiled eggs yesterday. To-dy the nurses began increasing the solid food. Mr. Gass rests well and says he suffers from no pain whatever. He was allowed to turn over this morning. He has been lying upon bis back ever since tbe operation,, except on the second night, when he unihoughtedly turned over himself. He -was notified of the danger of this and has since complied with instructions. His Sister Critically III. Sheriff Frank H. 8tedman left yes terday morning for Fayetteville to be at the bedside of his sister, Mrs. N. H. Smith, who wss reported Jn a dying condition at tbe family residence on Haymoant. Mrs, Smith is a daughter of the late N. A. S ted man, for years treasurer of the Cape Fear & Yadkin Valley Railroad Company, and sister of Hon. Chas. M. 8tedman, of Greens boro, and Sheriff F. H. Stedman and Miss Fannie Stedman. of Wilmington. The Fayetteville Observer at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon says: 'Toe sad news reaches us that Mrs. N. H. Smith is la a dying condition this af ternoon" ajata Store. Mr. JameaE Sm'th. of 413 Queen street, suffered with indigestion lor 7 years.; Tried many remedies without relief. After using Globe Tonio for 3 weeks, his appetite ia good, the indi gestion is cured and be feels better in every way. Samples free or the $1 00 bottle for 85c at 131 Soaih Front or 618 North Fourth street. . , t Go toXiehder'a for Baigaint. t Great Clearing Sale OF Johnson Dry NOW GOING ON Many of the prices are marked still street. Read circulars for some of Car fare paid on purchases of $2 HAVE YOU TRIED levi McMillan & co. For Children Shoes ? On Fourth fbtf PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Mr. W. E. McDaniel, of White- ville, arrived last night Bruce Williams, Esq., of Bor- gaw, arrived last evening. Mr. H. H. Gardner, of George- rown, S. C, is at The Ortoo. Hon. Jno. D. Bellamy left last night, returning to Washington. Dr. Leonard P. Aaron, of Mount Olive, is a guest at Tbe Orton. Capt. W. E. Kyle, of Fayette ville, arrived in the oity last night and is at The Orton. Rev. E. J. El wards, of South- port, preached at Southside Baptist church last night. The Stab regrets to learn that Mr. W. EL Shaw, Deputy Clerk of tbe TJ. S. Court, is confined to his home by illness. Mrs. J. N. Brand and Miss Mary Borden left for Goldsboro yes terday to attend the funeral of their relative. Mr. Hugh Miller. Jno. H. Gore, Jr., Esq., went to Rockingham, yesterday on business connected with the Great Falls Manufacturing Co. Col. Jno. L. Cantwell the vet eran secretary of the Produce Ex change, was able to be at his desk only a part of the day yesterday. He is suffeiing with an attack of la grippe. Yesterday afternoon's Fay etteville Observer: "Both Mr. A. J. Cook and Capt. W. H. Pemberton, who are at the Sanitarium, continue to improve and the latter is now able to sit up" For LaGriDpe and In fluenza use CHENEY'S EXPECTORANT. Sir win liv II rillii-i" falat-M I'lmrmti't NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Sewing Machine Repairing. ALSO FURNITURE, OE9AN8. TYPE- wr Iters, cleaning, re. varnishing and opbolater- log. Will be glad to have thi patronage or mr many friends and strangers too CU and see me at No 8H North Second street. feb41w J. B. FARBAR. LAST CALL FOR CITY TAXES Alvertlstnz llsta now taint nrenared. Will betrln 10 lew at oiioe on real statu and oer- nroiertv for unpaid t&xts. Pay to-day ana oa,e coats. H F KING, feb 4 85 City Tax Co lector. FOR RENT. The rpacton" quarters on Prince street formerly o:cu ilea bv tb- AtianMc National Ban. Kaaiimed vith Ml tne modern eon venleaoeo r water, gas ai d 'leotitolty. These anrwaoff-r ezoelent opportunities for tne eoadactlna' of any clira of business. for TJ-rnuappty to ine Jan 18 tf ATLANTIC NATIONAL BANK. Poultry Show. CITY HALL, - February 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th. Doors open 10 A. M. to 11 P. M. Admission 10 cents. feb 4 St Special Announcement. On Monday evening. February 17th, tbe dis tinguished actress, Kathryn K dder. wol be seen for the first tune In this city in ber latest and much talked of success, "Money Pitcher." tbe heroine of tbe A tne. tea a Revolution. Bale ot sets will commence Feb ruary i itb . at 9 o'clock abarp Prices 86c to fl 99. In view of the 1 irge number of inquiries reg -rains tnls easagement that bas already been made at tbe box tin It bas been decldtd that applications for seats sent In before Feb rniry Htb will be filed in tbe order of tbeir re ceipt. ' . feb56r, Houlton Rose Potatoes. 191 410 819 811 1903 918 a 40 107 Bays B. R. Potavtoes. Ba.hela Spring Oats Kegs Havila, Bavrrele P. O. ZXolaases. 8a hale Beat Cora, BaeaUVv Stead. Bate v-tat Bravau Baxea 84-eamt Tobacee. V. B.' COOPER, Wtleale tjreeer, soSj SieYSIS Rats street, ia Wilmington, V. a tabs TPTFI Goods Stock AT REHDER'S. lowei than at the store on Front the prices. and upward. feb 8 tf and Campbell Streets. We Take This Method Of thanking tbe generous publio for their psst valued favors in dis pensing patronage at Our Department Stores. Many lines of Goods have been closed out; many others partly so; yet, there remains Various and Valuable Bargains For the economical householder to ponder over. We are now push ing everything preparatory to giv ing the general public the Best Possible Footwear Service To be bad at tbe lowest possible cost. Try us at the Same Old Place. The Goods are Right. The Prices Are Right! You want goods that sell. Here they are if you give them a chance. Renown Cigars 5 cents. "Cuban Blossom" Cigars 6c. "Cremo" Cigars 5c. "Topical Twist" Cigars 5c. "Portuando" Cigars 5c. "Smokett" Cigars 5c. "Silver Knight" Cigars 5c "El Capitan" Cigars 10c. "Star" Tobacco. "Horse Shoe" Tobacco. "Battle Ax" Tobacco. "Schnapps" Tohacco. "Foot Prints" Tobacco. "Cabin Home" Tobcco. Yollers & Hashagen. Provisioners. feb 8 tf Hot Chocolate AND WHIPPED CREAM At our Fountain. LI' s feb 4 ly VALENTINES. BOOKLETS. NOVELTIES, FANS, CARDS, &c. 107 Market St Bell 'Phone 26. feb3tf FOR RENT, Dwellings, Stores, Offices, &o. tin an 23 tf D. O'CONNOR. iilra & tins Co. JaStf mm ROBERT C ID MO ' ' 111 mi ft. ' III: -mm mm mm t ". .-; f t iiS5f 4 i: .. y.u It' ' 5jt-; ii, SI! m -; ? 'Mm ': i , 'ui m r 'y ; h -It: 'If-Sil- mw. :i mAv 3 -'M.-i-.; r 'X- ' ,. - 1 . ... . V

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