pit XomhiQ gtnv. OUTLINES. v Burtoo, of the 8. A. L shops at terdy- Burglars attempted . ... - " robbDtc at p, j out were 5,80 i ff oy the town watchman. Caristi0 Science is tfieaeLSation of tbe njoroeot ia Berlia. Presi dent 8 je7d't bM abandoned his pro jripto Charleston, 8 O., on ac- Joaotof the illness of bis son. gr Alm'ra' Sibley and wife have, fetaraed to Washington. A jouor soi of D tL Christeoberry. jab'io, N. O . accidentally and prob-' 6lj fatally shot h,s ; Theo dore B wsevelt J r , last evening was teporied as doing well; but it was an -jounced that toe President wou'd jare Washington at 12:10 for Groton. - la ioflieutial circles in par,ji(i, Ireland, it is believed that the Uaitfd Irish Lsague is working for revolution. - Mrs. Soffel is laproriae; ber husband has engaged Oiosel for her defence. j Ftal basting accident near Greenville, Pa ; oas man was killed and eleven men injured, four fatally. Fire at Wisbiaeton, N. O. ; one man was killed; the loss is placed at 170,000. Nesr York markets: Money on jtll-market quoted nominal; cotton itedyai6iJ; flaur market was slow jod barely steady ; wheat spot weak, fli 2 red 84lc; corn spot easier. No. J Cic; oats spot easier. No. 2 48c; rjj... sieady; spirits turpentine firm WEATHER REPORT. 0. 3. DKP'T Or ASRIOTJLTUBB, . Wkathcb Burbatt, V Wilmington, N.C.Feb. 8 ) Temperatures: 8 A. M., 81 decrees; jP. tf., 37 degrees; maximum, 45 de grees; minimum, 84 degrees; mean, 31 degrees. : Rainfall for the day. .00; rainfall usee 1st of the month to date, LOO inch. , , FORECAST FOB TO DAY. Washington, Fob 8 For North fcroliiu : Fair Sunday and Mondtv ; fresh northwesterly winds, dimia- Ubiog. ; , Port l muc--r'o.-ury 0. Sua Rises 6 5S A.M Sun Sets 5.84 P M. Day's Length 10 39 i Hih Water at South port. 8 33 f. M. H;?b Water Wilmington. 11 06 P. M Bnker Bishop, of Cincinnati, is Bid to be the oldest banker in the TorlJ. He was born in 18u6 and keeps on a bankiu'. ilr. Lyd George figures out that Ijtne time the Boers are subdued it till have cost Great Britain $2,0JO, 000,000. A "humanity staggering" price. : - It is said that John O. Rocke feller gire in benefactions last year a . re than 13,000,000. Bat he still h eaoagn left to bay all the skim milk and bread he can eat. The Pension Committee of the Hxue of Representatives has be t'eea 4,000 and 5,000 pension bills oa it will bunch them and they will be run through in jb lota at the late of about twenty a minute. The Seuate sat down on Senator Hoir'd t)ill to increase the salary of Congressmen from $5,000 to 47,500 per an, by a vote of 44 to 15. i The Sfteea were nearly all rich old roos- ten, sme of them millionaires, California grows nuts as well as fruit and other track. Lust year she aipped 15,000.000 pounds of wal Mtiand 5ao,000 pounds of almonds. Here is a pointer for North Carolina, which can grow nuts as well as Cali- wroia can. ; i An old woman died in Middleton. Y., a few days ago who had been "Pported by charity and was aup ftobeapauDer. In rummaging her house after her barial over tO.ooo ia anaey was found hidden WdiSereut places. ! IlU estimated from the returns Jwy in, although not complete, . embezzlers in this country and panada got away last year with Jw W,8jo,000. The king bee was Cincinnati fellow, who on a sal- fJ of 125 a week swooped $400,000. tbe R-i it i.. - y - ui ueaun, in 7- the other day struck Tern l .f J . Ne a pul- uuub quarry, and co r pile of there and a half demn tons of rmg Powdr, which contained 29 Li ot PwJered stone Cap ighta on twe was an elopement isome 32 m Wa Where Joan8 woman of t.' rn elPed with her sweet Can fctioa to . HZ Wintoro Ti i ------ Aucig vt oa ww the match, so the girl thi filW V gJ r0VB t0 his honse him mto the bnjrav .vint 80a had the knot connubial eta "8 not to be feoled, be llSom 8Weetneart was worth LOCAL DOTS. Rev. John H. Hall will oconnv his pulpit at Fifth 8twt church this morniasr. Secretary Fitch, of the Y. L CL A. , will address the conereva- tion at nieht. Invitations have been received here from the faculty of Dvidaon Ujllrge to the dedication of the Shearer Biblical Hall on ThuradaT. February 13th, at 11 o'clock. A sale of ten oarbine rifles, a number of revolvers aad other articles from the revenue cutter Algonquin win oe maae at auction at the Custom House. February 86ih, at noon. Mr. John H. Sweeney has bought the former reside i.cr f th Ute DuBruts Cutlar. 413 North Sec ond street, now occupied or Mr. Caas acmileo; consideration, $1,000. - By deed filed for record Yester day Louis Hanson and wife trans ferred to P Q Bioore. house and ir regular lot oa. North side of Walaut, 1S5 feet east of the east line of Front street; consideration $3,800. The annual meeting of St. Paul's Lutheran church will be held Monday. 8 P. M., in the Lather Mo mortal Building, Sixth and Princess streets.' An election of officers will take place and other important busi nesss will be transacted. A reward of $100 is ofEered bv Governor Ajcock for the arrest and lehvery to the sheriff of Scotland county of Joe Ridley, who murdered Sherrill Ward: in Scotland countvon January 24th last, and then burned the house and body with it. "The Man Who Stands for God Stands Alone," will be the sub j -ct of Ur. mack weirs address this afternoon at the T. M. C. A. at 5 o'clock. This is the third in a series of character sketches being given every Sunday afternoon. All men are welcome. . Yesterday afternoon's Fayette- viile Observer'. "The steamer Hurt did not clear for Wilmington until late yesterday afternoon, and will, there fore, not be up b if ore to-morrow. She carried a large cargo of factory goods. The Highlander came up last night aad cleared on her return trip to-day." Contractor F. A. Applegate has completed the work of remodelling the Cape Fear Club'a handsome build -ine on Front and Chesnnt streets. It is now one of the most convenient and admirably adapted club houses in the State. About $10,000 will be expend ed in the entire improvement and re furnishing of the bu lding. Capt L H Webs Oesd. Cpt Lwis Henry Webb, once a resident of Wilmington aad a brother of Sir. W G Web1), of ths city, died Wednesday night at hU home in Franklin, V , aged 71 years. Ciot Weob was birnatR icxingham. N. C, but moved to Wilmington sooa after the Civil War and ood icted a music store for several years on Front street, near where 8o'omaa' shoe store is now locited. He was a gallant Con federate, soldier and C3m-naaded Co A. 13th Bittalion, N. O Artillery. He hid a decided literary talent and con tributed to the History of N. C Rigt ments in the Civil Wa, lately p-ib lished by Jude Walter Clark. Hi is survived by a wife and three daugh ters; also, two brothers, Mr. W G Webb, of Wilmington, and Mr. H. H. Webb, of Pickens, S. O. Ai Ppliloa is Baikrnptcy. Raleigh News and Observer: "Judge Pumell yesterday rendered a rather important opinion in bankruptcy, in the case of H. G. Carver & Co. The jadge holds that creditors wbo seek tbe benefit or p otectipo of the Bank rupt law must institute proceedings in tne bankrupt court by petition within four mooths of the making of the gen eral assignment. Otherwise the bank rupt court has not authority to inquire iato the conduct of tbe assignee under tbe State insolvency laws, as to bow he disbursed or distributed the funds, provided said assignee has distributed such funds prior to the adjudication in oankruptcy. Aa to any funds or prop erty unad ministered in the hsnds of the assignee at the time of the adjudi cation in bankruptcy, such funds will be turned over to the trustee in bank raptcy, to be administered in the bank ruptcy court." Sklaaer Is; Berasrd Oat. Raleigh News and Observer, 8th: Harrv 8kinner. Greenville, N. O , was autographed with a clear hand at the Yarborough at about 4 o'clock yes t rday morning. Claude L Bernard was not present when this was done, bat doubtless he turned over uneasily in bed when this took place. To-day Bernard gos out and Skinner goes in as District A'tocney. That is the pur pose of appearance of the new Federal official on the scene of action. Mr. Skinner had "nothing to aav" when seen yesterday. He did not know i.av.. h miM Mfflon to Raleigh. wuo.u-. - k. .h.ni mio'ht tke Diace alter he took charge or what was going to nappe n." The numerous friends of Mr. W. McD. Evans will be glad to learn that he is improving, after a severe at tack of pneumonia. MEW ADVEKTlBKMENrS. . Notice In bankruptcy. N. IT Parker Close outs. MeetingCaroIina Yacht Club. j Vollers fc Hashagen Save tags., 8olomoo'a 8boe 8tore Bumanie. Mercer & Brans Co Don't look. J H Rander At Co. Clearing sale. Geo..O. Gay lord Pushing season. People's Savings Bnk Surprising. ' BU8IHB88 LOQALS. "a. T. Morris Wanted. Dask B 10m For rent W: H TarliagtqaBty asle. Wanted Gentlemen boarders. 1 - JR. O.U.AJI; MEETING The Ftale Council Assembles ia Wilmington On Tuesday of Next Week. WILL BE AUNY DELEGATES. Address of Welcome by Col. A M. Wad- dell -Of fleers who will he Here. Local Committees wbo Will Provide EatertsisDcat Members of tbe local branch of the Janior Order of ' Coiled" American Mechanics are makiog great p re oa ra tions for the eleventh annual meeting of tbe 8 ate Council of N jrth Carolioa in Wilmington on Tu-sday, Feb 18h. The State meetirg is expected to bring to tne city some 125 or 130 dele gates from all parts of North Carolina aud the local Juniors are preparing to receive them royally and hospitably. Cne lodge here isonly about two years old, but it is alive in every sense of the word, and has about 115 members. Tnere are over 100 councils in the State, and naturally tbe meeting here will be of wide importance. One of the features of the session will likely be the dtciaion to locate, at some central point, an orphanage to bs built and maintained by the order in North Carolina. The sessions here will be held in the lodge room of Jeff Davis Council on South Front Street and the head quarters for delegates will be at Tbe Orton, which has kindly offered a $3 rate to all duly accredited representa tives. The railroad have offered a rate of one and one-third first class fare for the round trip, and the Mechanics will be here in full force. The opening session will be held Tuesday at 3 P. M. when Hon. A. M. Waddell, mayor of the city, will de liver the address of welcome. That will be' followed by responses from prominent members of the order in tbe State and the regular State Coun cil exercises. The members of the Grand Council, hwbw will be present, are as follows: Councilor C. B. Web 8tatesville. Vice Councilor J. B. Moore, Wash ington. Junior Past Councilor B. S. Niasen. Winston-Salem. Council Secretary Sam F. Vance, Winston Salem. Council Treasurer J. T. Thacksr, Greensboro. C unctl Assistant Secretary B. H. Fu ghum, Wilson. Cuocil Conductor J. N. Maxwell, Sal sbury. Council Warden T. G. Cobb, .Morgan ton. Council Inside Sentinel W. E. Yupp, Wilmington. Uou icil Outude Sentinel W. Fugleman, 8liabury. Council Cnapiain Bsv. W. H. E G. Roach. High Point. National B-toresenta'ives W. Ftison. R Weigh; ReV. C. A. roomas, Thomasvil!e. The local committees appoint d to provide entertainment for tbe guests upon the occasion are as follows: Hotels W. E Yopo. Jno. ELWood, Jos F. Craig. G. G. Tienken and W. F. Britain. Rues J. T. Burke, A. J. Hewlett and J. & Brittain. Entertainment W. F. Brittain, J. H dwinaon and J. T. Burke. Badges J hn B Wood. 0nyaug Committee J T. Burke, W. E Yapp aid A J. Hewlett. Final details of the entertainment for the visitors will be dee ded upon at tbe meeting of Jeff Davis Council Wednesday night. THE ASS0CUIE9 CHARITIES. Asassl Report of tbe Tressirer, Hr. J. H. Bostwrlfht, for Yesr IWI. The annual report of the treasurer of the Associated ' Charities for the year 1901, which was not read at the recent annual meeting on account of the illness of Mr. J. H. Boatwrigbt, was furnished yesterday to the Secretary as follows: Balance in Bank January 1st, 1901 $ 599.04 Amount received during tbe year 3. 583 . 55 Total $4.18169 Amount paid out during the year....... 13 233 5 Amount to credit in Bank Jan. 1st, 1902 $948 07 J. H. BOATWRIOHT. Treasurer of tbe Associated Charities. Nr. Wade's Cblckeas. In the list of special premiums printed in yesterday's Stab there were unintentionally left out several awards to Mr. E. T. Wade, of Wil mington, wbo had undoubtedly one of the finest exhibits at the Poultry Show. He received first prise for best irio of Barred Plymouth Rocka a W. B. corset offered by the O. W. Potvogt Cjmptny, and a bottle of non-alcoholic cherry wine 'U rea oy Mr S. W. Sanders. Mr. Wade also secured several other diat nations for hla noultrv. which entitle him to front rank in the line of poultry fan eiars in the 8tate. Two Small Fires Yesterday. The alarm of fire at 8:45 A. M. yes terday from box was oa aco iudi ui si ciimaey buraiog oat at the resi of A. Seler. Second and o.ima streets. Tne alarm at 8:28 P. M. from box 48 was oa accouat of a small a. t th triiehea of the residence or Mrs. M. Oronly, No. 215 South Third mfAL. Tae bias s was oaua oy nre tMm the chimaev. and the .mwb about t25. covered by In auranee with Oil. Walker Taylor's agency U C.E'IU for those unique Loren-'zJZm.--.-Cinm Ladv lakes five dozen. . SPLENDID STREEf inPRUVEHENT. Urasce is Model of Perfection la Macs ds- Ixlof Rock Qsarry la Operation Those who have bad occasion to visit the section of Orange street which is now being macadanvxed by tbe street force are enthusiastic in their compliments of Superintendent Wool ard, who has charge of the woik. All who have watcbed the manner in hich the improvement is bsing done say it is the fintst section of street in tbe city. The work has been completed thus far with stone cuib ng aod' gutters from 8ixth to Fourth street and Su perintendent Wodtrd now has his farce engaged in continuing the work between Third and Fourth streets. It is sincerely hoped the Board of Audit and Finance will see its way clear to ooncur in the special appropriation of $1,000 to k-wp the work going until the new funds are in hand. Tae q-iarry is now . in splendid wotkiog order aid excellent material is being mined at a low cost. With a limited force a block of street is now being macadamized almost every ten days and the Streets and Wharves Commit tee is to be congratulated uoon the splendid results attending its efforts. THE MARKETS AND SHIPPING. Nsval Store Crop Short Cettoa Advaaced. movements of Vessels at Wllmlsf ton. Not a single cask of spirits turpen tine was received on the local market yesterday, which emphasizes the fact. frequently commented upon, that the - naval store crop is very short ' this year. Col. Uantwell, secretary or tbe Produce Exchange, says he thinks the shortness of the crop is owing to the fact that people in the turpentine dis trict tributary to Wilmington have more generally turned their attention to the more important and remunera tive pursuit of truck farming. The local cotton market advanced to 8 cents for middling yesterday in sympathy with New York "spot" hich went to ff cents. Tbe receipts for tbe day were 1,21? bales, most of which came via tbe W. & W. railroad. The receipts same day last yesr were 856 bales. The British steamship Wingrove. hence for Bremen, and 3edish barque Victoria, hence for Stettin, passed out at Soutbpoit. 11 A. M. and 3 P. M, respectively, yesterday. British schooner McClure was clear ed yesterday by J. T. Riley & Co., with a cargo of lumber for 8an Do mingo. THE SEWER AQE CUTR0VR3Y. Ceatrscters at Work No Cooiprosalat Afreesseat Hearing at Loabbarg. Oace in a while there iaan inquiry as to wbat shape the sewerage im broglio has taken. Since the company gave bond Thursday and commenced work again it seems there have been no developments, or at least none that tbe public bas been appr sed of. The efforts to iff act an agreement by which a competent engineer would judge of the restoration of the streets seem thus far to have been fruitless, ss tbe two sides to the controversy are unable to agree upon a man. It is believed now that no meeting of tbe Board of Aldermen will be held to review the situation until after the hearing of the injunction proceeding at Louisburg next Friday. The bear ing will be at Louisburg instead of at Kensnsville, as court at the latter place has been continued owing to the late prevalence of smallpox in Duplin Yesterday tbe sewerage contractors were at work on Mulberry between Tnird and Fourth streets and on Cbea- nut between Fourth and Sixth streets. , ! Meetisf of Colored Teachers. Tne teachers of the several publie schools of tbe county held a most in teresting meeting with their superin tendent. Prof. Washington Catlett, at tbe Court House yesterday morning The meeting was one of a series which are held by Prof. Catlett alternately each month for both white and colored teachers. The meetings have proved a source of much benefit in many ways to the teachers and haveservtd admirably to keep the superintendent in perfect touch with every detail of school work in tbe country. At tbe meeting yesterday Prof. Catlett made an interesting talk to the teachers ss to the methods and ethics of teaching and this was followed by an informal interchange of Ideas by those present There were a)so report from the sev eral districts as to tbe progress of the work. Improvements at " tirlle." Contractor F. A. Applegate has just comnlet'd a handsome combination carriage house, stables and crt house at "Airlie." Mr. Pembroke Jones' splend.d country estate on W rights - ville sound. The building when fur nish d will cost between $7,000 and R 000. Another imnrovement at "Airlie" which Mr. Applegate has about finished is a preit artificial Uke near the tnrnnike. The lake is about 200 varda long and 75 feet wide and is In a ravine with natural stones leading to it The average denth will be about five feet and the lake ia spanned by a beautiful rustle bridge. TT n Kliia for thoe uniaie Loren- z nhotoa. One Ltdv takes five dosn. T?nr T.n.OrirTlO and In flue oza use CHENEY'S EXPECTORANT. .. ' mr sale Wr U roims riaoa.ruamiacf. LUMBER SITUATIOiN. Mills ia This Section of the State Are Said to be Rushed With Orders. MANY VESSELS FOR CARGOES There Are More Tbsa Twice the Number Here Last Year Several Plants Are Ealarglsg A Very " Hopeful View Tskeo. Lumber mill men in this section of the State were perhaps never more jubilant over the outlook for a good year's business than now. The prices are said to be entirely satisfactory and the mills are rushed with orders. As an evidence of the lat er fact there are now eleven sailing vessels in port here for lumber cargoes and the railroads are unable to furnish cars as fast aa the mills desire to rush shipments North. L 1st year this time there were not half so many vessels in port for umber and there was little, if any, complaint ss to the shortage of cars. Tne Southern Milling and Lm tuber Journal published in Wilmiogton con tains in its current number a leading editorial in which a decided optimistic view is taken of the situation and the facts seem to bear the opinion out. It also publishes a symposium of views of leading lumber mill men in this and other 8tales which are decidedly en couraging. It is stated by several cor respondents that never before has North Carolina pine had a brighter outlook than now. Daring 1901 tbe demand was excellent but there was little response in pr ess, with the remit that the product was sold lower than its value throughout the 3 ear. Now, ss one correspondent of the Journal expresses it, "the manufacturers of North Carolina pine have 'loaded their gun' and they have done it well : it is simplv a question now of-'shooting it off' intelligently, to procure tbe game. It is a noticeable fact that several mills are adding to tbeir plants, all of which is in contemplation of the heavy year's business. The recipts of lumber by raft on the river have been unusually heavy this season aad as a general rule the rafts men have received prices in propor tion to the general boom in the trade. CARPENTERS'. AND JOINERS' UNION. Retolar Meetlsg Last Mtht Secretary Rhodes Will Remove ta Florida Local Carpenters' and Joiners' U oion No. 899, hi-ld a very interesting meet ing lat night. E ghteen applications considered and 31 initiations were a p rt of the work performed. Mr H. R. Biodes tendered his re signation as secretary and Mr. Jesse E. Smith was elected to fill the va cancy caused by his retirement Mr O O. 8tyron, as chairman of a committee to procure a suitable sou venir, to show the esteem in which Sir. Rhodes is held by the Union, pre sented him with a solid silver butter dish and knife of beautiful design in a very happy little Ul, to which Mr Rhodes feelingly responded. He said that he did not rtqu're any tangible evidence to keep ever green in his memory the proverbial kind and hos pitable people of Wilmington, but would always look back with fondest recollections upon his very pleasant stay here, and only regretted that tbe condition of Mrs. Rhodes' health ne cessitated their removal to South F.orida. He will accept a similar poiition in tbe shops there that he re signed with the A. CL L. here. H s hosts of friends r?rt to see him go. THE POULT Y SHOW rOR 1983. Preparatloas Bclst Made by Assoclatloa for Big Exposition ia Jsaasry. Already the Wilmington Live 8tock Association has begun preparations for its second annual poultry and pet stock show to be held in 1903. The fair just closed was so success ful in every particular that the enter prising gentlemen at the head of it at once called a meeting and decided to begin work at once for a show much larger and in every way upon a more extensive scale. Tbe dates will be January 4th, 5th and 6.h, 1903, and a premium list will be issued that wi'l attract exhibit from all this immediate section of the South. The Association deserves every praise for the interest it is creating in the breeding of fine poultry. A Prisoner For Raleigh. Constable Wm. 8heehan will leave this morning for Raleigh taking with him the white man, J.OO dbam, re cently arrested at Delgado Mills. Old ham was taken into custody about a week ago on a warrant sworn out by his brother-in-law, charging him with an assault and with criminal int mscy with his step daughter. When the C4M was called before Justice Mo Oowan, the brother-in law confessed that he could make no case against Oldham and he was discharged as to that offence. Constable 8heebai. how ever, discovered in tbe meantime that tbe prisoner waa wanted us Raleigh on a capias from tbe last term of court there, the charge being assault and battery with a desdly weapon. Old ham was re-committed to jail and as the result of communication with the Wake authorities be will be trans ferred to tbe jail there to-day. Clearing sale of tbe Johnson stock this week at Kebaer s t Don't fall to TifcliKohder's this week. Clearing sale. . t PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS Mr. R. T. Riveubark, of Wil lard, is in the city oa business. Rev. Jno. E. King will preach at Soutbside Baptist cuurch at the usual hours to-day. j Mrs. James Sinclair is the guest of her niece, Miss Brjan, at the State Normal. Qreensboro. j Rtv. Win. Francis Dickinson, rector of St. Paul's par's, returned last evening from New York. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Smith and Mr. Wm Mclotjre, of New York, were registered at The O. ton yester day. Friday was the Chinese New Year. It was celebrated as utual by the colony of celestials in Wilming ton. - j The beaming countenance of Capt E Cliff Cohen was seen among tbe audience at Sousa'a concert Friday evening. MisS Bailie McBee left yester day to visit friends at Fremont, N. C. Liter, she will visit friends in Balti. more and Philadelphia. Miss Cammie Lord gave a de lightful "Valentine german" to her daydtneing class in -Oermania Hall last night. A large number of couples participated and thoroughly enjoyed the evening. Sheriff Frank H. Stedman, Mr. W. 8 Bernard aad Mrs. R A. Kings bury returned last eveniog from Faj etteville, where they were called last week on account of the death of. their relative, Mrs. N. H. Smith. The Stab regrets to learn of the critical illnets of Mrs. A. B. Bid die, at the home of her brother, Mr. J. A. Biddle, of Federal Point town ship. Mrs. Biddle is the mother of Register of Deeds Biddle and has many friends in Wimington. 8he was not exepected to live yesterday. MiiS McMillan Elocutionist. Iod cations point to a good crowd Monday evening at the Y M. C. A. to hear Miss Georgia Rty McMillan. She is a young woman of rare ability and never fails to attract and hold her hearers. Miss McMillan is a graduate of Oxford College and has been before the public as a dramatic and humorous reader ever since. Mis Swan, a pianist of great merit, will appear here with her. Mr. H. K. Holden, of this city, has also consented to atsist and will sing one or more selections. Tickets on sale Mioday or they can be obtain ed from menoars of the Woman's Auxiliary undar whose auspices th9 reading is given. I i Basket Ball Lsst Mint. The Businesi Men won from the Na val R-serves in a score of 29 10 4 in the game of basket ball at the City Hall uader the auspices of the Y. M. C. A League last nignt. For tbe winning team C. T. Hawes and Alien Buglns were forwards; W. L. Williams cen tre, and J. A. McQaachey and W. A. Little, guards. Tae Naval Reserves were represented by J. S Line and W. 8. Morris, forwards; J. H. Le- Gwin, centre, and Sherman and John- on guirds. Messrs. J, T. King and Ei. Kelly were umpires; C C Lough lin, timekeeper, sorer, and Dr. N. M. Wetzel 1, referee. - j . Alert Coast Lioe Conductor. Charleston News and Courier: "Ooe of the conductors on the At lantic Coast Line running between Charleston and Wilmington has made a splendid record in capturing scalp era' tickets. Up to date be bas collt-ci ed fifteen fares from passengers who had bad tickets and put twelve passen gers off the trains. This conductor is very progressive In bis metbods. lie has a memorandum book in which he records a description of j holders of all Charleston excursion 1 tickets when such holders are on their way to this city. When the tickets come into his possession on tbe returu trip be refers t? his memorandum and ascertains if the persons presenting tickets tally with the.descript on in bis book. In this way he Js able to keep a close watch on all travellers and his work thus far bas been mo it effective." New York Purchasers. Wiley, Harker & Ca..of New. York, are reported in the current number of the Southern Milling and Lumber Journal as having acquired an inter est in tbe Cape Fear Lumber Co., of this city. It is said that the interest purchased is tbst formerly owned by Robt. R. 8iser & Co., J. Y. Steeyes and others, of New York. The pur chase of this interest led to tbe recent reorganisation and election of officers at Norfolk, which has been' reported in these columns. Pittsbart laabcr Compsoy. - Machinery Is arriving j for a com plete planing mill outfit to be added to the extensive plant here of the new ly organised Pittsburg Lumber Com pany. Tbe saw mill of the company has been in operation for some time and a very fine grade of lumber is mauufactured. It is learned that in a abort while a still further addition to the 4 equipment of the plant,gwill be machinery for an up-to date sash, door and blind factory, j Old C. P. ft Y V. Wharf. Winston Sentinel, 7th: "Mr. J. C. Buxton, wbo left for Wilmingtonjes terday, goes there to sell: inn wharf of nranertv of tbe old C. F. & Y. V. Railroad. The property was sold at auetion some time ago but pending con Urination by tbe court it was swept by a fire, making another. sale neces sary. The sal will be a private one . awMwiiMaasBaBeMBBHHsawHS " 85? blk guaranteed Taffeta Sflk 69c at Eehdera. Gas Heaters and FOR THE NEXT TEN DAYS WE WILL SELL OUR HEATERS AND RADIATORS AT RE DUCED PRICES. Tlie Scratcli o a, ZMIatoIb- and th8 fire is started. ! -A- Tn -run. o "tlb. "W":rdjs-b and the fire is out. Think of the advantage of this in the Spring when the mornings and evenings are too cool to be without heat of some kind, and yet not cold enough to start up a fire in the stove. Wilmington Gas Light Co., 27 feb 8 St JOLLY PATHFINDERS Good Attraction st Popnlsr Prices at the j Opera House This Week. Of : the "Jolly Pathfinders" attrac tion i the Petersburg Index Appeal says: ' "Another fine audience was present at the Academy of Music last evening to greet Rentfrow's J lly Pathfinders. Indeed, this company has bad good audiences every night this week, and the present engagement seems to have been a very successful one from a business point of view." The Jollv Pathfinders commence a week's engagement at the Opera House to-morrow night. Opening with Milton Nobles' masterpiece, "From Sire to don." Bargaia matinee. Wednesday, at 3 o'llxk. 10 cents to all, at which time (he new version of "East Lynne" willb presented. Saturday matinee at 2:30 o'cl ?ck a grand spectacular pro duction of "Cinderella, or the Crystal SI pper." Prices: Children under 12 years. 10 cents; adults, 20 cents Ladies will be admitted free Monday and Tuesday nights, when accompa nied by one paid SO cent ticket, if re served before 6 P M. each evening. Tickets on sale at Gerken's. PROBABLY FATAL SH00TINQ. Sixteen Year0ld Boy Shot His Sister Near Tarboro Fire at Washington, N. C. i Special Star Telegram.. Tarboro, N. C, Feb. 8. The six teen year old son of D. M. Christen berry accidentally and probably fatally shot his fifteen-year old sister a short distsnce from town yesterday afternoon. The boy snapped a gun at some birds flying over the house, but the weapon was not discharged until it was taken from tbe shoulder. Tbe load went through a window where tbe girl was standing and entered her body in the region of the liver. A great conflagration is reported to be raging in Washington, N. C, and about two hundred thousand dollars worth of property' has already been consumed. Csplored In Wilmington. Florence Times. 8th: "Sheriff Burch has been notified of the capture in Wilmington of Eli James, a negro wanted in Florence for assault and battery with intent to kill. James shot old man Thomas Gregg several months ago on a plantation near the city. Grrgg was thought to have been fatally wounded, but be recov ered.' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. The Annual Meeting Of the Carolina Yacht C ub will be held Monday, February I7tb, 1903, at 8 P. M. in New Hanover CniiDiy Court room. ; H. R. SAVAGE, feb 9 St su Purser. Sewing Machine Repairing. AL8O FURNITURE, ORGANS, TYPK- wrlters, cleaning, revamUhlng and opbolster log. will be glad to have the patronage or my many friends and strangers too. Call and see me at No. North Second street. feb41W : J. B. F ABBAS. FOR RENT. The roactou quarters on Princes street formerly otcaMeu by tbe AtlanMo National Bant. Equipped with oil Lhe modern con vnleocep r water, aas aid -lectiiclty. These quarters off-r exce lent opportunities for the or t-rmipTiy to the Jn 18 If ATLANTIC NATIONAL BANK. FOR RENT, Dwellings, Stores, Offices, &c. liiil an 22 tf D. O'OONNOK. TOBACCO. 419 208 647 817 66O 198 846 616 167 Pounds Pound Peueds Ponnds Pounds Pounds Pud P unds Pounds Tobacco Tobacco Tobaeeo Tobceo Tobacco Tobaeeo Tob weo Tobaeeo Tobaeeo 18 cents. 20 enta. 22 cents. 26 cents. 28 eents. 80 eents. 86 eents. 88 eeats. 40 eents. ! W. B. COOPER, Progressive WholeMle Grocer, feb 8 if WUmlrgton, N O. At The Unlucky Corner NORTH CAROLINA HAMS. Springfield Haass, . Jone Basse, Premium Hams, Geld Band Haass, Diamond Hams, Pleale Havms, Slieed Hams, Deviled Hasaa. Potted Ham svnd AbraJubam. I S . W. SANDE R S. jaa mr f fit Gas Radiators. North Front Street. Save The Tags. We pay 50 cents each in cash. No premiums but money. Foot Prints Tobacco. SAVE THE MONEY that you pay for ordinary Cigars and buy the below brands and your trade will increase and we will be one happy band. Smoke "CUBAN BLOSSOMS." , ' n "BENOWNS." "TOPICAL TWIST." "P0RTUNDER." "CREMO." So "MATCH IT" Cheroot. Vollers & Hashagen. Provisioners. feb 9 tt DON'T LOOK In Our Window Unless you are prepared to be astonished ! For we have prices and quality , in our SHOES that will amaze yon. Even greater astonish ment awaits yon inside our Prepare yourselves and try the experiment. 1 Same Old Place. feb 9 tf UNITED 8TATE O AMEB'CA, EASTERN D si net of North C o.lna eg. In tbe Uulttd States "te'rict Conrt lu and for said lIs rice Fourth Division in the matter or a. ft. Lewt lnvomntarv bfkraDt. No. 78. Id Bank ruptcy. Petiti on frd charge To 1 he Honorable rnomas B.Pnrnell, Jnd - e of the District Court of the United States for ihe Eastern District of North Carolina. 8 B. Lewis, of Lumot-rron. In th-county of Boeson, and Btaits ot No-th Ca-ollna. in said district, respectfully repre sents that on tne 4tn any ot Ja nary, last past, be wa3 duly .oj uiged bankrupt un"er cbe Ace of Congress relating to DankrnoHt): that he has duly su rendered alt bis prop, erty and rights of property, and ha- full c m Dlied with all tbe rtaulremems of said Acts t nd of ihe ordO'S of the Court touching his baDt raptcy. Wherefor, he prays that he may be decreeaby the Court to have a full discharge from an debts nrovaue aaraiDSt nis estate un der said BankruDi Acts, exesnt such debts as are exempted by law from such discharge. Daieu tnis 4in aay 01 od ua y. a v. iwk BDEB OF NOTICE THEBEON. Eastern District of North Carolina, countv ot Ner Hanover ss. On this 5th day of Fei ruary, A. D. 1903, on reading the foregoing petition, it is o'-derrd by the Court that a bearing be had upon tne same on tne zn aay 01 rourmrj, a. i. 1903, before 6. H AlacBae, Esq Be'ere of said imn ft at Favetteville. N. O . la Said dtftrict at one o'clock in the afternoon; and that notice thereor oe pnoiisnea in the moRwiHa ftab, a newspaper printed In said district, and. that all known creditors, and other persons in inter est mav annear at the sa d lime and place and. show cause, tf any they have, why the prayer or the saiu petitioner snouia not, oe graniea. ana it is runner oraerea oy mo u uri tuii ia cleik shall send ny mall to all known creditors cop e of said cetltion and this order, addressed to them at their places of residence, as stated, witness, the Honorable Thomas B. Purne L Judge of the said Court, arid the seal thereof a-. Wilmington, N C, In sold district, on the 8ch day of Febiuary. A. D. 1902. Attest HIBAM U. G BANT, Clerk. By WM. H. 8 HAW, Deputy Cleric feb It One Week, commencing Monday. February 10. Matinees Wednesdav and Saturday. Rentfrow's Big Comedy Company, THE JOLI? PATHPINDEBS. Band and Orchestra. Prices 10, 80 and SO cents. HONDA? NIGHT: FROM SIRE TO SON." Special readies free Monday and Tuesday nights wnen accompanied by one paid 80 cent tloaet. top 7 8t Special Aiiiioiincement. On Monday evening, February 17th, thadla tiagulehed actress, Kathryn K dder. will be seen for tbe first time In this city In ber latest and much talked ot succets, "Molley Pitcher." the heroine ot the Ameitcaa Bevolutlon. Sale ot setts will commence Feb ruary 11th at 9 o'clock sharp. Prices sso to SI 50. In view ot the 1 irge number of Ir quirlea reg -rdlng tnis engagement that has already been made at the box t ta It has been decldtd that applications for seats sent In before Feb rniry Uth will be filed In tbe order or their re ceipt. tebSBt CLOSE OUTS. I am not "selling out." but In order to make room ror Spring eoods, now comlnu In, on UUW CVIBUIK IB, on ive 5 on mannfac a. aw articles 1 wut cive ou manniac tnrers prices, and on all gord.i I will guar- a.nt-e to meet any selUnirout price. Be- nu-mber, I B- novate Mattresses, Lay Car - pts ni Matting, Hang Window Snade, Make A wrings, do Paper Hauglognd e ery kind of Upholstering and uepair work. H. F. PABKEE. Furniture and Furniture Novelties. - m Market street Sell Phone CIS ' - r P - Interstate m. Xeb9tf lira 4 Evans Co. MtM IWy -MSA II f . I ', -) 'I 1

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