0, Any Other uauyr j,,per PnbHsbed; Wilmington. Wl .TATE. Bloruing 'j$iar. outlines. wrecked the . m tr Racon on the Tennes tfilfl1 ' .a tilled and threa jttf'One "- ' r " ' K.dlv iniured. I Schoon- JTe. Hall sunk in collision ' the scnooaer flt w irillad and two others Kyt men r ; 1 . .J in a wrwV on thft ft T ij i,,tirtm it " - - i t : L of Tburber, Texas, destroyed I ill A rL. loss $100 000. Troops If MI o.tn KICO Win w sent to the West Indies lo formally take 01 luc iiw" , I who assisted in the escape Ue Biddle brothers, has fully re '1j Mrs. Jas. I A. Reagan JTwith her throat cut in a Louis- !f crime. British j authorities ?.ik rumor that Geni. Botha, the Lj commander, had offered to sur- The German Emperor's ' nfto Miss Alice Roosevelt was 'a ond bracelet. The Diplo- giicind Consular appropriation bill 0$ the House yesterdajr. Jas. t KnndiD. accused of the murder of jfife near Boston, last June, was yesterday in w e w ; x orK. -Sef York markets: j Money on jBiteidy at 22i per cent. ; cotton m it Si 3; flour was quiet but paditroa the wheat range ; wheat got firm, No. 2 red86ioi corn spot 1, So. 2 67 c; oats spot firm, l3c; rosin steady; spirits tur- p$jx steady. i MBi,, WEATHER REPORT I U i Uii-'T or AamouLTURB, . -Weatheb Bxtbkau, I Wilmisgton, N. 0., Feb. 25. ) ! ftmperatures: 8 A. 56 degrees ; P.M., 92 degrees; maximum, 59 de-. aummum, oiae$rrees; mean, 55 net j Btinfall for the day, .40; rainfall U 1st of the month to date, 1.34 tea.' j Suueof water in Cape Fear river kfiyetterille, N. a, at 8 A. 28 fO RIO AST rOH TO-DAY. fiSHdSTON, Feb. 25.-!-For North Mini: Fair Wednesday and Thurs jay, brisk northwest winds on the fcut diminishing Thursday. frt &!manae-FebrBry 28. 6.S8 A. AL 5.50 P.M. 11H.10M. 10.34 A.M. 104 A.M. .. b3eu w; Length U Water at Southport n waier Wilmineton. m, ueet isn t treating wen. ! m ( ciener with ordinary courtesy, beaks through that blockhouse pon whenever he feela like it. 1 rhe tax delinquents in the State Sew York are $65,000,000 behind tues. The controller has un- pken the large sized job of col- king it. In Corea when officials are found pmpt they put them out of the Fij of temptation by cutting their Wioff. This proves io be a very ptiTe way of stopping the pecU- pu of the peculator. i fieneral Weyler wants the queen Ipt of Spain to give j him a free ii to deal with the racket ia Spain. She gave him a t hand to do that thin? in Cuba. 0 not she wishps she hadn't. I oseph Jefferson celebrated hiB pi birthday anniversary .at his 'wer home at Palm Beach, Fla., Jijlaat week. Joseph is one S4e gentlemen who has no reason fksud because he was born. I tkey has devised ainew way to ,14 debts, provided they are not wge. She, orders j a warship od includes the debt in the of the ship, which the builders and over to the creditor govern- JlSOl the United States printed 14 1109,784,413 worth of pos Plt&mpg, stamned nriveloTM and ( cards. Uncle Sam has a- in this bnsinnaa. bnt OO- 51 the counterfeiter gets in Rework- imi,: i I - via 1 H i'l Urn. .. . -wrman on a troUey line, r J0 years ago went to the WhUe aso she returned and l , " motoring ana maa. 00, and he forgive her. ; letters j ii. ii wj. . - 'TOiieu ujr wits uiuwu 01 Europe range from 150 to day. The Pope re l j more letters daiiw n t.v heads com hi nod tmm 29,.- l.D,.. TWleS to handle orrl on.-o. - wuuiw UUVA MU IV VA received, n frnm 4.U. Jt.. x TT- Jmment to make on the IWT11 decision on! the Sfihlev- ST5Uabble- PernaP8 be feels S7 0Ii farmer whd spilled his WPplea driving up a hUl. He Ige t0 express his sent! i tary Si f II 1 II 1 d TCDMC fit ciiDcnninTinsi If? t i -ill in 1 1 .n -i 11 in .ii k. w ii --v -r-.M iv : ,i a i cni.iii ur .uinAiimr i inrf.A " H H. WflbKN KUi- nPATD) -si' Si I " - V r i - ' - X lBfM BHUIt l.SOX v ,,: 'Si- i I $ Two Months, - " . 1.00 .M VOL. LXIX.-NO. 132 LOCAL DOTS. Christian Science service at the Masonic Temple. Room 10. this evening at 8 o'clock. Frank Mumford, an old of fender, went to the station house last night for being drunk and down. Cape Fear Lodge No. 2,1. O. O. F., conferred the initiatory and first degree upon two candidates last night. " Friends will regret to know that Mrs; K. P. Bailey is very ill with pneumonia. 8he was some better yes terday afternoon. Congressman Bellamy is in formed by Special Agent Boushee that six new rural delivery routes have been selected in Robeson county. The House Committee on Li braries has ordered a favorable report on Congressman Bellamy's bill au thorizing the erection of the Shipp monument on government property in Charlotte. Mr. Gaston D. Phares has re turned from Baltimore where he pur chased a new and complete line of fur niture and furniture novelties. He will open? his new store, Nos, 110-112 Market street, about March 1st. Forty-five negroes working on the Florence water works system and receiving 60 cents per ten-hour day struck for $1.00 yesterday. The con tractors say they will import negro laborers to take the strikers' places. Attention is called to the ad vertisement of F. H. Krahnke, the merchant tailor, which may be found in another column. His spring pat terns are arriving and he is prepared to please the trade both in style and quality. A Pythian well up in the his tory of the order reminded a reporter yesterday that the late Gen. T. F. Toon was at one time a member of Stonewall Lodge No. 1, K. of P. of this city. Gen. Toon joined Stonewall lodge while a conductor on the W. C. & A. railroad. ' Pitcher A. B. Hopkins, of last year's Wilmington baseball team. writes Mr. Clem Wescott that he will be here March 15th to spend a few days with him. Hopkins thinks of or ganizing an independent team in Wil mington for the season aud will be as sisted in the enterprise by Mr. Wes cott. Sarah Hall and Jennie j Mc- Call, colored, had a fight Monday nifcht at Fourth and Bladen streets. Policeman W. C. Moore piloted them to the station house and their disorder cost each a $5 fine, in default of which , they went to the county convict squad for 20 days. I Susan Williams was bound over to Superior Court by Justice Fowler yesterday on a charge of larceny, and in default of bond she was committed. A warrant was sworn out against the woman for trespass, but upon in vestigation she said she had stolen some clothing and would return it. whereupon the indictment was chang ed to larceny. March musical Fete. I Practices are now being held regu- larlv for the grand March musicale to be given Tuesday evening, March 4th, by the N. N. Society of Fifth Street M. E. Church, in the lecture robm of the building. The programme for the event is about complete and itj will embrace a galaxy of numbers that will ecliose all former efforts of the society. including as it does, vocal and instru mental selections in solo, duet; and quartette. Some of the best talent in the city will be called into requisition for an execution of the programme and a rare musical treat is in store for all who attend. lo Honor of Mr. aad Mrs. Qray. Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Gray, formerly of Charlotte, now of, this city, were most charmingly entertained at a dinner party in their honor by the "Y. M. C. A. Club" in tne Association building on Monday evening, j The i;nf n hai l was erv Drettilv decorated and the "menu consisted of the pnost dAifnacieB. After dinner a vuwiwv v- select musical programme was render ed. Mr. and Mrs. a H. Robinson chaperoned the party of young people. Overbaolisf Distilleries, Deputy Collector O. M. BaDDiii, oi Newborn, was here yesterday ana superintended the replacing of J two WOOa ouuuenw, r Gore down the river, with the latest improved copper stills. One oithe plants is known as the M. Roberts" BtilL The capacity is not Increasea ny the change but the Deputy uonecwr la reanirea DV law w w t r make the legal transfer. Flre From Lamp Explosloa. rrv,- niminn of a lamp at the resi- dente of Mrs. Julia H. Harrison at 8:40 o'clock last night caused a damage by fire of $20 to rurniture anu vw the building, which is owned by papt. J. O. Morrison. The department re sponded to an alarm from box S3 1 but the flames had been extinguished by the time the apparatus reached the scene a few minutea later. NEW. ADVERTISEMENTS. - ! I . t ok. mm Naw store. Uliwn - ""'-' j Mercer & Phares-Dissolution, H. J.Bierman & Co. Don't miss, a W Sanders Unlucky Corner. Wilmington Savings & Trust Oo,- Bear In mina. ; Bpsnriss ivooam. THE LOCAL MILITARY. Companies Are Enthusiastic at Further Prospect of Charles ton Exposition Trip. WEEKLY DRILLS LAST NIQHT. Naval Reserves Will Go With North Caro lina Brigade Aboard the Hornet and tke Llfht Isfastry Will Likely be la Governor's Escort. The Wilmington military is mani festing a lively interest and a com mendable enthusiasm in the proposed trip to Charleston upon the occasion of North Carolina Week at the Expo-, sition, April 7th to 14th, inclusive. Both the Wilmington Light In fantry, under the command of Oapt A. P. Adrian, and the Wilmington Division, Naval Reserves, in com mand of Lieutenants EL M. Chase and N. N. Davis, had satisfactory drills last night with comparatively full ranks. The members of both compa nies are delighted with the prospects of the trip and each day brings renewed assurances from headquarters that the troops will attend the Exposition . The Light Infantry will doubtless attend with other companies as the Governor's escort. It is expected that this week the twelve companies of the 8tate Guard which are to form the composite regiment which will be the. escort of the Governor will be chosen. The plan is that each of the three colonels shall suggest the four companies of his regiment which in his opinion are the most meritorius. The idea is that the transportation of the composite regiment will be paid. The W. L. L is in the second regi ment, commanded by Col. W. B. Rod man, of Wanhington, N. C, and has with it the regimental band. This combined with the further fact that the company is one of the best in the State Guard makes it certain that it will be one of those selected for the escort. The other companies com prising the regiment are from Tar- boro, Greenville, Goldaboao, Raleigh, Hertford, Washington, Clinton, Eden- ton, Wilson, Lumber Bridge and Max ton. Lieut. Chase, commanding the Naval Reserves, read to the Division last night an assuring letter from Capt W. T. Old, of Elizabeth City, com manding the N. 0. Naval Brigade. There are now only a few details to be brushed aside and it will be made certain that the Wilmington sailors will take the trip on their cruiser, the Hornet, which is now being put in readiness by members of the Division. The Charleston trip will doubtless take the place of the annual cruise and the expenses will most probably be paid by the govern ment. The other divisions of the N. a Naval Brigade will also take the cruise. There are divisions of the Brigade at Wilmington, Einston, Elizabeth City, Newborn and Wind sor. Battery A, of Charlotte will like ly take the trip from .here also aboard the Hornet. It will be especially gratifying to have the local companies at the Expo sition for "Wilmington Day," April 11th, coming as it does during North Carolina Week. SUNDAY SCHOOL ENTERTAINMENT. Members of Mr. Geo. E. Leftwlcb's Class Spent a DeHfhtfnl Evening. The Sunday school class of Mr. Geo. E. Leftwicb, of the First Baptist Church, gave a most charming little reception last night on the fourth floor of the Atlantic National Bank building, corner of Front and Prin cess streets. The entertainment began at 8 o'clock and lasted until about 10:80 o'clock. The class consists of fifteen bovs and fifteen girls, and each and every one of them was most delight fully entertained. After some time spent in pleasant social intercourse, those nresent enioyed a spread of splendid refreshments, consisting of ice cream, cakes, candy and fruits. Present besides members of the class were Dr. Blackwell, the pastor, Mr. and Mrs. Geo.. E. Leftwicb ana Mrs. A. S. Holden, who acted as chap- erones for the merry party of young folks. Sonthslde Baptist Church. The pulpit committee of Southside Rantut rhnreh held a conference at the home of Mr. J. F. Littleton Mon- - day night and decided upon extenamg a call to a pastor to succeed the Rev. R. EL Herring, who resigned several months ago. For tne present w name of the minister to whom the call will be extended is not given for pub lication. A congregational meeting of the church will be held Sunday morning at which time it Is expected that the committee's action in this re gard will be ratified. A full attend ance of the members of the church is requested. Cspt. Lncns lo Washington. A Washington special to the Ra leigh Post says: 'Captain Lucas, the government engineering expert in North Carolina, who came here from Wilmington to appear before the House Committee on Rivers and Har bors, presented In a strong way the necessity for the Cape Fear improve ments. Captain Lucas made a very favorable impression on the members, who did him the unusual honor of mmmonlng him here after regular hearings had been closed.'- Regular Dinner from 11 A. M. to 8 P. ILatthe Dixie Cafe, U7 Prtacetn street. WILMINGTON, N. C, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY FAREWELL TO A PVTHIAN. Chancellor Commander of Clarendon Lodge Will Leave Saturday for Atlanta. Exercises Last Night Mr. J. L. Daddow, an esteemed citi zen of Wilmington and a valued em ploye of the car shops of the Atlantic Coast Line, will leave Saturday for Atlanta, Ga., where he will take a po sition with the Georgia Car and Manu facturing Company. His departure from Wilmington will be a source of much regret to numerous friends here, but nowhere will the loss be more keenly felt than with his brethren of Clarendon Lodge No. 2, K. of P , of which he is the esteemed Chancellor Commander. Last night the regular aession of Clarendon Lodge resolved itself into something of a farewell meeting to Mr. Daddow, at which there were numerous expressions of regret at his intended departure. Remarks of that character were made in a formal way by Dr. W. O. Galloway and Col. Walker Taylor, while around a ban quet board prepared later in Mr. Daddow's honor, there were numerous other expressions of kindly feeling for the retiring Chancellor. To all of them Mr. Daddow responded in words of warmest appreciation. Mr. Daddow came to Wilmington three years ago from Roanoke, Va., where he was employed for 15 years by the Norfolk & Western. During that time he has gained a knowledge of his craft which fits him for the high est position. Mr. Daddow will carry with him to his new home the very best wishes of a host of friends. During the lodge exercises of Clar endon last night the second rank was conferred upon Messrs. W. B.Thomas and W. W. 8. McPbatter. ALONQ THE WATER FRONT. Sailor Reported Drowned Oneida lo Port. Schooner With Ties for Boston. The Clyde Line steamship Geo. W. Clyde arrived yesterday morning from New York. The Oneida, which was grounded in Winyah Bay, near Georgetown, S. C, Saturday and Sun day, also arrived yesterday and ex pected to proceed last night to New York. The British schooners Benefit and Evolution arrived yesterday, light, from Havana. They are consigned to J. T. Riley & Co., and will receive cargoes of lumber. Capt. Faulkner, of the Benefit, reported the drowning. while on the voyage over, on Feb. 12th, 2 P. M.. of Edward Wheaton, a sailor of Hantsport, Nova Scotia. A heavy sea was running and the wind blowing a gale at the time. Wheaton was sent up to furl the vessel's jib and in some way he lost his footing and went overboard. A boat was lowered and everything possible done to re cover tbe body but without avaiL His relatives were telegraphed from here of the young man's sad fate. The schooner Ralph M. Haywood was cleared yesterday with a cargo of 10,460 cypress cross ties for Boston. The ties are consigned by the Hall Tie. and Lumber Co., of Richmond, Va. Mr. R. N. Floyd is the representative in this section, of the consignor. Y. M. C. A. BASKET BALL LEAGUE. Second Series of Contests Arranged Last Night New in the Field. , The Y. M. C. A. Basket Ball League met last night and arranged the sched ule of games for the second series of contests for the Zoeller cup. There was a good attendance at the meeting and enthusiasm ran high. All the teams were materially reinforced, and the "Big Five" team was organized to take the place of the A O. L. organ ization, which retired from the league during the first series A number of matters of detail in the arrangement of schedule were left over until to day, but it is enough to know that the second series will be notable for good, fast ball playing. The first game in the second series will be played Thursday night at the City Hall between the Business Men and Big Five teams. Admission will be 10 cents, and the public is invited. "Stocking Party" To-night. A unique and novel entertainment in the nature of a "stocking party" will be given to night at Immanuel Presbyterian church for the benefit of the 8unday school fund. . Invitations have been mailed to a large number of young people who are looking for ward with much pleasure to an even ing of splendid entertainment. The affair is in general charge of Miss Anna Savage assisted by Misses Annie Ramsey, Kate Holden and other prom inent young people of the Sunday School. Colored Stevedore Isjnred. George Gilmore, a colored stevedore emnloved at the Clyde Line wharf. suffered a severe bruise of the foot while working in the hold of the steamship Oneida yesterday noon. One of the heavy boards used as a cover fell through a hatch of the steam er, barely missing the negro's head and crashing down on his foot The negro was attended by Dr. E. S. Pigford and later sent to his home. Resigned Chief Clerkship. ; Mr. W. H-Brown, chief clerk to Capt T. D. Meares, general agent of the Seaboard Air Line Company in this city, has resigned his position after 23 years of service.! He will en gage in the brokerage business with his brother, Mr. John H. Brown, un der the firm name of Brown Bros. i . . t-. : TBE BEACH SEASONS. Preparatory Work to the Rush of Summer Visitors is Being Done. AT THE SEASHORE HOTEL. Annex Will Not be j Bailt, Bnt Bowling AUey, Pool and Billiard Pavilion Will be Erected At Carolina Beach. Transportation companies, -hotel people and other property owners on the beaches have begun their annual preparation for the opening of Wil mington's seaside ; resorts, which for the season ot 1902 augurs especially bright and promising. Probably the most important consid eration to travellers and erstwhile residents at Wrightsville beach was the recent purchase by Hugh MacRae & Co. of a controlling interest in and the reorganization of the Wilmington Seacoast Railroad Company. Many hoped for the conversion of the ays tern into a trolley line, but with the banishment of those hopes come the assurance from tbe directors of the new company that the property will be overhauled and improved as much as the support will warrant, and along this line beach enthusiasts will have much to welcome. The Seashore Hotel will be mate rially enhanced, in value and con venience, although the company does not just now see its way clear to make the material enlargement of its capacity that was in view some time go. A meeting of the hotel company was held yesterday morning in the office of Mr. George R. French on Front street. It was decided to abandon the idea of building an annex to the southern end of the hotel, but instead of the annex will be erected a building for pool, bil liards, and bowling, , behind the hotel and between tbe railroad track and Banks' channel. The building will be ISO feet long and 40 feet wide. A ten foot piazza will extend entirely around tbe building and the verandas on the western end will be made suitable for a boat landing. The front part of the structure will be devoted to pool. billiards, etc., and in the rear will be a double bowling alley; all of which will contribute much to the entertainment of guests and the public The utmost order will prevail and no drinks will be allowed in the building. It will be for both ladies and gentlemen and will cost about $2,500. The contract will be awarded in a few days. Manager Hinton says the hotel will open June 1st, and that the prespect is bright for a repetition of tbe phe nomenal business Of last season. In quiries are already coming in about rates. The North Carolina Medical Society, State Association of Bankers, and several other prominent organi zations will gather there for their an nual meetings. : The Carolina Orchestra, of Raleigb, newer and larger than ever, bas been engaged for the season. At Carolina Beach the work of pre paration has already begun. Capt Harper, since last season, has had the steamer Wilmington made entirely new by the installation of new machin ery throughout and ! other improve ments. The railroad from "Harper's Pier" to the beach is also being gone over and the rolling stock overhauled. There will be additional attractions at the beach to last season and a success ful year's business may be safely pre dicted. To Beantify Caswell Grounds. Sealed proposals in duplicate, sub ject to the usual conditions, will be received by the government until noon, March 27tb, for the construction of granolithic walks at Fort Caswell, according to plans and specifications made by tbe United States engineer. The walks are being built to beautify and make convenient the grounds about the fort which will necessarily follow the filling in of the sea wall which is now about completed. It is said that all the grounds about Cas well will be turfed and the post made one of the prettiest along the At lantic coast Grand Secretary Coming. Grand Secretary B. EL Woodell, of the Grand Lodge, I. O. O. F., in North Carolina, is expected to arrive in Wilmington from Raleigh and make official visitation to Cape Fear and Wilmington lodges, of this city, on next Tuesday and Thursday nights, respectively. Mr. Woodell will ex emplify some of the unwritten work of the order, for which duty he is es pecially fitted, he having attended the last two sessions ; of the Sovereign Grand Lodge of the United 8tates. It is needless to say tnat tne entnu- siastic Odd Fellows of Wilmington will give the-Grand Secretary a cordi al welcome. ' I Negro Woman Well Fined. Pollv Mack, the nesrro woman ar rested Monday for using insolent and boisterous laniraace to CoL Jno. L. Cantwell, who remonstrated with her about unnecessarily taking up too much room on the sidewalk, was fined $10 and required to pay the costs, amount ing to $4.45, in the municipal court yesterday. The woman nurses for Mr..F. Bissenger and was rolling a babv carriage on the: sidewalk at the time of her offence. Marsdeh Bel lamy, Esq.. and Dr. R. T. S. Steele were witnesses for the prosecution. The woman arranged to pay the pen-. 26, 1902. PERSONAL PARAGRAPH! . Mr. Dan Hester, of Chadbourn, arrived last night. Friends of Maj. Thos. Hall McEoy will regret to to know that he is very sick. Mrs. T. R. Kerr, of Jackson ville, N. C, was registered at The Orton yesterday. Miss Fannie Moore, who has been visiting Mrs. Bishop Pridgen, left yesterday for Raleigh. Col. N. A. McLean, of Lum berton, was here yesterday on his way to Whiteville to attend Columbus Su perior Court Fayetteville Observer, 25th: "The condition of Mrs. N. E. Bunting who is now at the Marsh-Highsmith Sanitarium, is about the same." Mr. J. J. Croswell, the pop ular and enterprising Southern Ex press route agent, arrived via the Carolina Central railroad yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Worth re turned Monday from Florida. Mr. Worth attended an enthusiastic meet ing of the Ice Manufacturers' Associa tion while away. Capts. F. B. Rice and J. T. Borden, U. S. steamboat boiler and hull inspectors, passed through tbe city yesterday, returning from an ffi- cial trip to Newbern. Mr. W. D. Sumlin, the clever night clerk at the postoffice, is con fined to his home with la grippe. Mr. Herman Meredith, of the day force, is on night duty in his stead. Bev. N. H. Harding of Wash ington, N. C, returned home yester day after having spent several days here in attendance upon a committee meeting of tbe East Carolina Diocese. Miss Amelia A. Branton, an aged lady and sister of Mrs. J. M. Mc Gowan, suffered a second stroke of paralysis Monday afternoon. Her friends will be glad to know that she was doing very well yesterday. Mr. S. C. Morton, a popular Wilmington boy now residing in Mississippi, arrived yesterday on a visit to his parents, Rev. and Mrs. P. C. Morton. He is being cordially greeted by numerous friends here. Mr. S. H. Fishblate, who re cently returned from New York, brings the news that Wilmington's former townsman. Dr. J. Harry Hon nett, is succeeding remarkably well in the metropolis. He has a large and growing practice. Mr. J. H. Rehder left last night for New York to purchase Spring and Summer goods for his big Department Store near Fourth Street bridge. Miss Gardner has been away looking after millinery styles for several weeks. NEGRO ACCIDENTLY KILLED. Fatally Shot This Morning Near Chad- bourn's Mill by an Associate. Projecting With Pistol. Ebbie Eagleton, a colored youth, aged about 18 years and employed at the Cape Fear Lumber Company's mill, was shot and fatally wounded this morning about 1:30 o'clock at the house of Rosa Thompson, colored, near Second and Harnett streets. where a party was in progress. Jesse Wiadom, another negro youth, confessed the shooting, but said it was an accident and surrender ed himself about half an hour later to Police Captain N. J. Williams, who was summoned to the house by a tele phone message aent by one of the colored women in the house from the Fourth street bridge hose reel station. Windom says Eagleston was drunk and fearing, he would do harm with the weapon he asked him for it Eagleston handed the pistol to Win dom handle-foremost and as the ex change was about to be made Eagleston jerked it back, and fn some way their fingers got on the trigger and the pistol went off, the ball taking effect in the negro's abdomen and killing him al most iustantly. Coroner Bell was notified of the death and will hold an inquest to-day. Windom is held at the police station pending the verdict He has nine wit nesses summoned to prove the truth of his version of the affair. SIXTH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION. First Battalion, Boys' Brigade of America, Will Feast Friday Night. The First Battalion, Boys' Brigade of America, organized and commanded by Col. Walker Taylor, will celebrate its sixth anniversay Friday night in Abbie Chadbourn Memorial Hall at the First Presbyterian church. The anniversary address will be by the Rev. J. M. Wells, Ph. D., pastor of the First church, and in addition there will be short speeches by others. Supper will be served by the Minister ing Circle of tbe King's Daughters. The Brigade is now in a most flourish ing condition and the anniversary celebration promises to be most auspi cious. The organization now numbers 38 well drilled officers and men. Enraged a Saloon Keeper. Walter Silvey again came under the eye of the police Monday night but he escaped arrest Silvey walked through the saloon of Mr. Carl Stern, No. 208 , North Water street and passed out the back door. He was evidently looking for some one in the saloon at the time, for he came to the door very soon and hurled a bottle with mucn fury into tne crowd tnat was standing at the counter. Mr. Stern, the proprietor, snatched a pistol from a drawer and fired at Silvey but he escaped. Policeman B. RV King and others rushed in but Silvey had fted. WHOLE NO. 10,768 We Are Moving In LineWith 1 THE PROCESSION. Our flew Spring Goods Arriving Daily. 9 9 9 9 9 A Full Line of New and Fresh Spring Mattings. O Embroideries in Cambrics, Nainsooks 8 and Swiss, with Allovers and Beadings to match. Our line of White Goods is full and complete, consisting of 5 r!oiriKrino T.vnr rl-i-V. "L1'i:'U XT: 1- T;Iu T; it- , OvW v Lawn, Persian Lawn, French Nainsook and Linen Cambrics. w l am sole Agent for The ft American Lady Corsets. Her Majesty's Corsets, I A. D. Brown, v Lry uqoqs ana oarpeis. No. 29 North Front Street, Wilmington, N. C. janl2tf DON'T MISS THESE FIVE GOOD BARGAINS t Mackerel, regular price 1.2 Oyster Crackers, price f0 Ginger Snaps, price 10 Lemon Cakes, or ice 10 Soda Crackers, price 10 WhV STO further fcr VOUr unfits ? Our TJriceS are the lowest the mart ft. also have a good draft Horse for sale. Bell 'Phone 3S. feb 26 Bear In Mind The fact that a new interest quarter will begin at our Bank on March 1st Deposits made on or before that date will receive three months' interest at our June 1st quarter Four per cent, per annum paid on all amounts from $5.00 to $50,000. All deposits subject to check without notice. Call or write for further particulars The Wilmington Savings & Trust Company, 108 Princess Street. roos, rrai4nu f. wiltrki. -. rMw.in. C. SL TAVLOH, Jr.. "aklr. J. W. NOR 1 feb 86 if Sewerage Bond Arrived. The bond required of the Wilming ton Sewerage Company by 'the terms of the recent compromise with the Board of Aldermen, arrived yesterday and will likely be passed upon by the Board of Audit and Finance at a called meeting this week. The bond is given with the United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company, of Balti more, and is in the sum of $15,000. The conditions to the bond, according to the compromise, have already been published in these columns. Charleston Train Late. I The Charleston train, due here at 11:30 Monday night, did not arrive until 6 o'clock yesterday morning. The cause was that at St. Stephen's, S. . C, between Charleston and Florence, one of the Coast Line's big engines pulling an extra freight train, left the track and unavoidably blocked traffic about five hours. No serious damage was done. A wrecking train was sent out from the Florence shops. The Rains a Blessing. I Florence Times, 25th: "The recent rains have proved a blessing along the Northeastern railroad, where the famine of water for a long time gave the Coast Line a good deal of trouble, interfering seriously at times with the operation of trains. The situation is somewhat relieved and it is expected that water will shortly be plentiful. This is hoped at least. A good many of the wells have been deepened and one or two new tanks built including one at San tee canal." Will be Married To Night. ! Miss Maggie F. Howell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Howell, No 505 Wooster street, this city, will be mar ried to night at 8 o'clock at the resi dence of her parents to Mr. O. Edward Bender. The ceremony will be per formed in the presence of a few in vited guests by the prospective bride's pastor. Rev. Jno. H. HalL The Storm Down tbe River, j Parties, who came up the river yes terday, said that the storm Monday night was very severe near the coast. About the only damage reported was the overturning of a shed by the wind at the plant of the Cape Fear Fisher ies Company, at Old Brunswick. No damage to shipping has thus far been reported. . i ... , . Hanser Case In Supreme Coart. j The case of H. Hauser, held in the county jail here under sentence of ten years for having set fire to his store, will probably be decided in the Su preme Court with other Fifth district cases next Tuesday. The matter was fixed up on appeal several weeks ago, and will likely be heard this week. An Approaching Marriage. ! Announcement is made of the ap proaching marriage to-night of Miss Maggie H. Craig, of this city, to Mr. Wm. O. T. Keen, a popular em ploye of the Atlantic Coast Line. The ceremony will be performed at the residence of the bride's mother. j For LaGripgeand In fluenza use CHENEY'S EXPECTORANT. Wat sale by ft raja's FaJaostPaarsnaay, One Yeavr, by BXaJl, f 6.00 j ! Six Months, " 8.50 ! ; Three Uontlu, 1.25 ; Two Months, " 1.00 ; Delivered to Muboertboi 1b x City at 45 Cents per SEontav x 13 O O 9 o m Butterick Paper Patterns. i 9 1-2 cents, this week 10 cents 5 5 5 5 44 Ii Wa have t.Vio nnatififv nA nncti'fir AfFnWIg flnr annAa ava fg) Wo. tf 215 Market Street. NABISCO TRY THEM. E. i k m. feb ss ly Hew Store, New Stock and New Prices. Our goods are arriving and we will open our Furniture Store . at 110 and 112 Market street, March 1st. We will have a complete line. Our expenses small.no partner to share profits, and we are going to sell cheap. If you anticipate Nbuying any thing in our line wait until you can inspect our stock. Orders by mail solicited. GASTON D. PHARES. feb 86 tf At Tne Unlnc&y Corner Extra, No. 1 Blate's Mackerel, not cheap but good. Medium Mackerel, price reasonable, "Royal ecanei" salmon 8 teas, pickled. All grades of canned Salmon. Genuine George's whole Codfish. FIHE Shredded Cod ash. North Carolina Roe Herring. Bmokrd Her rings lo cans. Brook Trout. Lobster, Kippered Herring-, Sardine Pate, Sardines spiced and eU. Great big- Beef Tongues. S. W. SANDERS. feb 86 tr SPRING OPENING. Spring is not here but our good8 are. Now is your op portunity tojselect your Suit for the Spring. My prices are so low that credit's got no show. No rnst, hotrust, no bust. F. H. KRAHNKE, 113 Princess Street, feb 25 it Smith Building. FEBRUARY 28TH. OTIS SKINNER and company direct from Victoria Theatre. Hew York City, In FRANCESCA DA RIMINI. Company ot players, including Aubrey Bonoacault, William n orris and Miss Marcla Van Dresser. leb 85 at tu th fr DlSiiOLUTlON. The firm of Mercer & Phares bas this Cay been dlsco'.ved by mutnal consent. W. T. Mercer & Co. having purchased the one-half interest ot Gaston D. Phares. All liabilities are assumed by Mercer ft Oo tind all claims of the late firm must be paid to Uercer & Co. T his day and date, February 17th, 19C3. W. T. MXBCKB, febtfttw . OABTON D. POABXa. j-v J m - I' IIP ' 1 i 1' ' 1s, 9' , 5'1 I .V n it it. It , - i 1 !. 'i.it i 1 ii -jt I 6 I.' i I, S I i : J' f w. j! m f i. Ii t i tr x Wil. Ga L!h.Cto.-$o trouble. - f