.Xv&C ooeooofto unrBieea wimtwb, "'"j-"-, Circnlatlon Urjer T6i Thai Of Any Other Dally News-, paper Published is WUmlnrtoo. tolJkT DAIl-Y NBW8PAPB L IN TUB si ai B. , OUTLINES, fke rebeiMon in Kwanj? 8i provinoe, ain.i preading rapidly. Prince wU gt Milwaukee last erening Avta riven an enthuaiattic recep- ij,best degree pleased with the recep Z, accorded Prince Henry in this ntry Cunard Line steamer Rroria, disabled, is reported In tow of British steamer William Cliff, near g,, Aiores. Charles Broadway gjass' will filed for probate in New York; it makes no charitable bequest. -Police and military unable to cope fiih the strike situation in Norfolk Mterday; additional companies and a Jjjiery of artillery will be called this uorning. U. S. cruiser Phila delphia has sailed from Panama for gaiyaquil, Ecuador. William Henry Moody, of f Massachusetts, is limed as probable successor of Secre- drj Long in RoosstoU's cabinet. Ihe damage to the Southern railway letveen Morristown and Asheville, n C., is over $200,000. Ship sub- , ii bill again discussed in the Senate; the House spent the, day in discussing tie rural free delivery service. jler York markets: Money on call ,teidy at 2 3 per cent. ; cotlon quiet H 9c; flour fairly active and steady; ihwt-spot steady. No. 8 red 86c; eorn-spot steady. No. 9 68Jgc; oats ,potfirm, o. 2 ooc; rosin steady; iprits turpentine firm at lX45c WEATHiH REPORT. U. 3. Dep't of Agrioxjltubi, . WEiTHKB BUBBAU, i Wiuonqton, Ni 0., March 4. ) Temperatures: 8 A. M., 46 degrees; i P. M.,' 56 decrees; maximum, 63 de ;reei; mininaam, 42 degrees; mean, 63 Rainfall for the day, .00; rainfall luce Is: of the month to date, .43 aches. ; STORM "WAK5TNG. The Weather Bureau at 10:30 P. M., isied notice that a storm was central grer northern Georgia, moving north ait. Signals were ordered up from Hitteras to Sandy Hook. - FOBIOA8T FOB TO-DAY. Washington, March 4. For North irolina Rain Wednesday, colder in raiera and central portions, with a ad wive at night ; fresh to brisk south finds sh;ftin to northwest; Thursday lir. Port Almanac March. 5. ihitjj . r-s Sf u !rs Length I 6.38 &.. AL 5.59 P. M. 11H.3LM. 4.36 P. M. 6.56 A.M. I is W ater at Saukhport h water Wilmiagton. The Commoner, W. J. Bryan's taper, claims a ; circulation ox IIOO.OOO. Nikola Tesla hasn't been heard !m for at-least a week. He must ie getting ready to spring a sur- Tje. Nik is full of those things. Judging from the pace at which py are rushing Prince Henry he 1 probably come to the conclusion ready that this is a pretty fast saatry.. The recent globe ' circling excur- onof tbe Duke and Duchess of !-orkcost the. British Government 610,000. They had the fun and lie British tax-payers foot the bill. i German water-walker has re- ntly accomplished the remarkable Pd nnione feat of walkinc 100 i!eg on the Danube and towing his tfe in a boat. He wore water shoes p yards long. Wm. C. Whitney, of New pk, thinks he has "earned a i. old fashioned rest." We think fellow who haa hustled around and amulated $20,000,000 or $25.- tyOOO i8 entitled to that. ncle Sam had to shell out $50,- I X) for the shells shot at the Span- ifleet by Dewey, and $84,000 for Nshot at Cervera's ships, i It I packing business while it pea, but we don't know yet how iU pan out, whether it will pay P not. ker Washington advises the to let politics alone, and more attnti An fn fVia lroa anil "question. Good advice. Now Ooker COnld TrVA?l n tb wnitfl Wlican machine runners to let a o "epoes alone, he might get, in 16 of his advice to the negroes. Tan.j -"'"uiw was agreeaoiy aur- a few days ago by notice that been left $1,000 by an old Neman as a mark of annreciation ? courtesies extended while trav- on that road. Courtesv een- 'ipajS. 'THata ia -nntina Inaf. anyway. 4 refinpH I Kansas, ia Timinflr for some pnial masculine who would love C herself alone." As Bhe in- raiij remarks that in addition r Other eooH nninji ho i worth 0 t2f Ann v- v-vsi::- VyX she will find soma svmna. rc fellow Who will vnlnntpAr to I: : ; aa - - -- - -- - - 5 i 1 1 ii n i i w ii ii h i itk. r w iw n -TT- i ii v 11 v -wt i-r I . . , I I T : - . : . . " ' vvalu JNUJ 138. THAT S. A. t. SERVICE i Produce Exchange Managers Impatient About Extra Wil mutton-Hamlet Train. THE REGULAR MEETING. ! Ptais Mttsrlnr for Cossolidatlor With Tariff Asseclitloa Special Meetlax Oa March 18th Favorable Be, ports Proa Commltteej. ; j The seeminj: delay of the Seaboard Air Line officials in the matter of that extra passenger and mail train between Wilmington and Hamlet was the sub ject of some rather caustie remarks at the regular meeting yesterday after noon of the Board of Managers or the Produce Exchange. The matter was introduced by the submission of a report from the com mittee, appointed some time ago, and the discussion was general. All the correspondence in the case was read and the sentiment seemed to prevail that there was unnecessary delay on the part of the S. A. L. officials in in vestigating the conditions here as they had been invited to do several weeks ago. President Pearsall was instructed to write a personal letter to General Manager, Barr to the effect that his letters thus far had been un satisfactory and if there was continued delay the question would be taken up for further consideration at a meet ing of the Board on Mrch 18th. ; Mr. J. A. Taylor was in attendance upon the meeting of the Managers by nvitation, and addressed the Board on the matter of consolidating the Pro duce Exchange and the Tariff Asso ciation. The matter waa crone thor oughly over and on motion a commit tee, composed of President Pearsall and Messrs. Gt.' J. Boney, L. B. Rogers and J. A. Taylor, was appointed to nquire into the matter and report at the special meeting to be held at S P. M. on the 18th inst., as to the advi sability, machinery and cost of a freight bureau to be established in con nection with the Exchange. The committee on faster freight ser vice over the S. A. L. reported prompt action and compliance with the re quest of the Exchange by Superin tendent Barger and the committee waa discharged with thanks. There was also a favorable report from the committee to invite a promi nent speaker to address the business men of the city, and the same was ac cepted with thanks. The result of the committee's effort is that President George T. Winston, of the A. & M. College, will speak on Friday night in the Y. M. C. A. auditorium, as pre- vioualy noted. Mr. D. L. Gore will introduce him. It is the committee's purpose to also have Mr. D. A. Tomp kins, of Charlotte, to address the busi ness men of the city in the near future. The other proceedings of the Board yesterday were principally routine and of an unimportant character. LOCAL DOTS. New York steamship will ar rive this morning. The Board of Directors of the Merchants' Association will meet in special session at 3:30 P. M. to-day. The Atlantic National Bank declared its usual dividend of one per cent, ior the month of February, paya ble March 1st The Dutch steamship Vlug, 876 tons, Capt. B. E. Eliasen, arrived yes terday from Huelva, Spain, with a cargo of pyrites for the Navassa Guano Company. She is consigned to Heide & Co. The merry melange of wit, beauty and song, "The Burgomaster," interpr ted by the original and largest company on tour, numbering eighty people, will be the Opera House offer ing next Monday, March 10th. The schooner Cora M., in charge of that popular "hell-roarin' " crafts master, Capt. Jno. E. Mitchell, cleared yesterday for Barbadoes. B.W. I., with a carro of lumber and. shingles, con signed by the Kidder Lumber Com pany. The King's Daughters will serve oysters, iee cream and other re freshments in the lecture room of the First Baptist Church to-night A pro gramme of music and recitations will be observed. The public is cordially invited. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Tsoi. H. Wrlfht Purchased Darby Prop- i erty Sale la tbe Coaatry. By deeds filed for record yesterday the following real estate transfers are noted : James J. Darby and wife to Thomas H. Wright, lot on Second, between Nun and Church streets, size 33x125 feet; consideration, $1,200. Louisa C Swan to Edward Swan, tract of land on south side of the Scott's Hill road ; consideration, $L Mr. G. B. D. Parker, of Duplin county, and one of the most enter prising business men in the State, was a Stab visitor yesterday. NEW advertisements: Vollers tic Haihagen Always. Opera Houie The Casino GJrL" BUSUTESS LOCALS. , Wanted Salesman. King's Daughters Entertainment. r XFTn nD)ATJ-lTr Unn a M?5!B i LL H H l XV li A V Jlvil 4C; U J I i II 7- II T THE LIGHT IN PANTRY SELECTED. It Win Qo to Cbarleiton as Member of Couposhe Regimen Preparation. The Wilmington Light Infantry has been designated by Col. W. B. Bod man, commanding the Third Regi ment, State Guard, as one of the com panics .composing the composite regi ment which . will act as Governor A jcock's escort to Charleston, North Carolina week at the Exposition, April 7ln to lath, inclusive. The information came in a private letter to Capt A. P. Adrian yesterday and last night it brought forth great enthusiasm, at the regular meet ing of the company, for a well attended drill which followed. The appointment of the company to the honor will come formally from Adjutant General Boyster but will be upon a recommendation already made by CoL Bod man. ' ' ' " From now until the date of its going the company will have drills twice a week, on Tuesday and Thursday, nights and Capt. Adrian will take his then, 60 in line, to Charleston In great shape. An effort will be made to also carry the Veteran corps of the com pany. It is understood here that Col. J. F. Armfield, 1st Regiment N. O. S. G , will command the composite regiment and that no encampment will be held this year. the fund coiner to da- fray the expenses of the troops on the Charleston trip. These Were Tried by the Mayor. In the municipal court yesterday Joe Walker and Joe Turner, colored draymen for Mr. Frank Fales, were required to pay the cost for fast driv ing at 8ixth and Castle streets; Henry Williams, colored, was sent-to the roads for 20 days for being drunk and disorderly at a church festival at Ruth Hall Monday night; Henry Macon and Ed Smith, were required to pay the coat and $10 fine, respectively, for an affray upon the same occasion, and Jordan Mclver , white, was fined $10 for being drunk and down. The arrests at Ruth Hall were' made by Policeman E. Skipper and the fast drivers were piloted to the station house by Officer J. G. Carney. Threatened to Kill a Woman. Edward Washington, colored, was sent to jail by Justice Fowler yestsr day in default of $50 bond for his ap pearance at the Superior Court to an swer the charge of assault with deadly weapon. From the preliminary trial it developed that he went to the house of Tina Wright, colored, in "Brook lyn," Monday and threatened her life. He was armed with an old-fashioned musket and approaching the woman he drew the ram-rod from the stock, carefully showed her that the gun was filled with "four fingers" of ammuni tion and levelled it at her head, at the same time "breaking the news gent ly" that he was going to kill her. Washington said he was drunk and didn't know what he waa doing.' . Death of Mrs. Anaie P. Swaaa. Friends will regret sincerely to learn of the death of Mrs. Annie P. Bwann, relict of the late Benjamin Swann, which occurred at 6:15 o'clock yester day morning at her home on Ninth between Market and Princess street. Mrs. Swann was in the 72ai year of her age and had been in poor -health aome time, but death was hastened by a severe fall which she experienced about four weeks ago. She was a good woman and was a faithful mem ber of Fifth Street M. E. church. She leaves to mourn their loss, one daugh ter. Miss Elizabeth Swann and four sons, Messrs. Vrans, Frank, James and Theodore Swann, all of this city. The funeral will be conducted from the late residence by Be v. Jno. H. Hall at 4 o'clock this afternoon and the inter ment will be in Bellevue cemetery. Promoted to Maasier. Mr. W. L.Weat, a prominent young man of this city, left last night for Wilson,, N. C, where he has been placed in charge of a depot of tbe Home Brewing Company, recently established in that eity. Mr. West has been employed at the Wilmington branch of his company the past three years and that his services have been eminently satisfactory is evidenced by his rapid promotion to the position of manager. Mr. West waa accompa nied to Wilson by Mr. Jno. M. Wright, manager of the Wilmington depot and supervisor for the company in North Carolina. Prisoners From Oreene Conniy. Deputy Sheriff F. L. Bouse, of Greene county, arrived last night from 8now Hill with two prisoners sen tenced by?udge Francis D. Winston at last week's term of court in Greene to terms on the New Hanover roads. The prisoners are Thos. Boltman and John Hines, both colored, sentenced to terms of six and twelve months, rer inectiveiv. for larceny. They were placed in jail last night and will be sent out to the roads to day. ! The Llavllle Improvement Co. 1 At a meeting of the Linville Im- nrovement Co., held yesterday morn ing at the office of Hugh MacBae & Co.. business waa transacted of muen future Interest to Linville, the beau- Mai Bummer resort in Western north Carolina. The following officers were elected: President, Donald MacBae; viAA resident. John F. Divine: secre tary, B. M. Sheppard. Directors, H. W. Fries. Wm. J. -tleraman, Jonn Wananaker, T. B. Lenoir and Hijch MacBae."'' - , : ;. -- ' X . Visit Taylor's Studio to-day and nee the grand Art Exhibit, 10 to 6. t WILMINGTON, N. 0., WEDNESDAY, MARCH AUDIT AND FINANCE. Regular Semi-Monthly Meeting of the City Board Was Held Last Night. THE FIFTH STREET BRIDGE. Contract With Qeo. H. Craft, of Atlanta, Again Considered Pistols for Po lice Porce Several ApproprIi tlons Concurred In. SBMSSStM The business transacted at last night's regular semi-monthly meeting of the Board of Audit and Finance consisted chiefly of the auditing of the usual bills and finally passing upon matters considered at the previous night's meeting of the Board of Alder men. Mr. O. W. Yates presided in the ab sence of Mr. H. G. McQueen, the chairman, and members in attendance were Messrs. a P. McNair, Jesse Wil der and J. A. OrrelL Abatement of taxes to D. O'Connor, Jno. 8. Armstrong and Mrs. A. EL Latimer was concurred in. - Bills of Messrs. Marsden Bellamy and Junius Davis for services in the sewersge injunction in the sums of $381 65 and $315 65, respectively, were allowed. Members of the Board in quired if there was not some way the Sewerage Company could be made to bear the expense. The bill of Brooke G. Empie for $35 in the same contro versy was ordered paid. Mr. Orrell voted "nay" on the question of pay ment, and based his objection on the ground that the bill was not duly au thorized. The appropriation of $1,500 for con tinuing the permanent street improve ment as per arrangement in regard to the Princess street paving fund was concurred in, as waa also that of $150 for extra clerical service to assist in he collection of scattering poll tax. The Board declined to allow the ap propriation of $15 each to Jno. 8. Piver and R. G. Holmes, distressed employes of the city, incapacitated for further labor. Members of the' Board expressed their willingness to contri bute individually to the relief of the employes, but did not want the city to establish such a precedent Alderman Maunder was present and asked that members of the police de partment be furnished with pistols under some arrangement that might be suggested. The Board, however, declined to take action. The bond and contract of R. H. Cowan, lessee of the Opera House, was referred to the City Attorney for examination and approval. Mr. Maunder pressed the matter of the Fifth Street Bridge and several communications were read from the A. C. L. Company, which has agreed to build the abutments for the structure. The specifications for the abutments as prepared by Contractor George H. Crafts, of Atlanta, are satisfactory to the railroad company and it stands ready to begin work on its part of the structure as soon as specifications for the bridge are in hand. Tbe contract for the construction of the bridge was approved by the Board last night subject to the condi tions that the bridge is to be completed wiihin 90 days after the abutments are ready; that a capacity of 15 tons shall be guaranteed and that $3,000 bOBd be given by the contractor for the faith ful execution of the work. Alderman Geo. Harriss was also at the meeting last night and consulted with the Board regarding several matters. Secretary Sheltoa at the Y. M. C A. Mr. Don. O. 8helton, of New York, one of the International secretaries of the Y..M. O. A., addressed an enthu siastic gathering in the local Associa tion building last night upon definite religious work for young men. He divided his subject into a discussion of bur separate and distinct agencies to be employed for best results religious meetings, which he suggested should be spirited, pointed and full of the real gospel of Christ; Bible classes in which strenuous, continuous effort should be put forth to interest young men in systematic study; organized bodies of young men who should seek by prayer, their lives and words to lead younr men to tbe real live, and the fourth an important phase of religious activity An the way of carrying the gospel to young men in non-Christian ands. At the important meeting to night Mr. Shelton will tell of the very ntereating developments that have taken place since the work began. Cape Pear Lodge Improvements. The Odd Fellows building on Third street, opposite the City Hall, will be very materially improved both on the interior and exterior within the next ew weeks. It is the property of Cape Fear Lodge No. 2, and from it a com mittee consisting of M. W. Jacob!, (chairman),: S. Behrends and Jos. Meier has been appointed to have the work done, which will cost in the neighborhood of $800. The improve ments will include new furniture for the lodge room, repainting, etc. Justice Had Busy Dny. Justice Bornemann had his hands ilL figuratively speaking, yesterday. Mary Jone and Annie McDonald w.m Hnt to iall in default or me payment of $5 and costs for assault and disorderly conduct; xjouw du and Annie Howe were let off dera with costs for similar offences and ir. TTnM was triad for implication in the aame "mix up," but was dis charged. All the parties are eotorea. GRAND MARCH MUSICALE. N. N. Society Gave Dcllgbtfal Entertain ment to Many Quests at Splendid Concert Last Night Proceeds. Tne grand March musicale in the lecture room of Fifth Street M. E, cnurcn last evening, under the auspices of the N. N. Society, was a brilliant success in every par ticular and eclipsed all former ef forts of that popular organisation both In point of attendance and the excellency of entertainment af forded. The lecture room was attrac tively decorated with palms, ferns and cut flowers and the execution of tbe programme was perfect The follow ing numbers were rendered in such charming manner as to call forth re peated encores in several instances: introductory remarks and lffvoca- tldn by Rev. Dr. A. D. McClure. Male Quartette -"The. Two Rosea." (Werner.) Sooraoo solo "Rock of Airea. VBia- choff.) by Mrs. Parker. Recitation "Absolution." bv Mrs. B. O. Moore. Bass solo "Fesr No Foe." fPin- sutti.) by Mr. H. E. Holden. instrumental number, selected Bv Miss Fannie Corbett Cornet solo "Lost Chord." Sulli van.) by Mr. E. O. Craft. soprano solo "The Heavenly Song," (Gray.) by Miss Nora Scott. Recitation "Old Ace." by Mrs. B. O. Moore. Whistling solo, selected By Miss Lizzie Otten. Male quartette "Serenade." (Mor chuer.) The accompanists were Mrs. Mattie L. Chasten and Mrs. Otten. The bene diction was said by Dr. A. D. McClure. The committee of arrangements which did no little towards the ac complishment of the magnificent suc cess was composed of Mr. James S. Williams, (chairman.) Miss Mamie McGirt Miss Bessie Williams. Miss izzie Mario w and Mr. D. K. LeGwin. Tbe ushers during the evening were Messrs. J. S. Williams, J. W. Fleet K. LeGwin and H. 8. McGirt; doorkeepers, Messrs. W. A. McGirt aid Wm. G. Smith. Something over $50 was received for the benefit for which the musicale was given. The regular monthly meeting of the N. N. Society will be held to-night THOMAS ntDRICK H0WEY. Remains Arrived Yesterday From Chatta nooga and Laid to Rest la Oakdale. The remains of the late Thomas Hedrick Howey, whose death Satur day evening at Chattanooga, Tenn., was noted in these columns yesterday, arrived the same morning via the W. tic W. railroad and immediately there after were taken to Oakdale cemetery, where impressive funeral services were conducted by Bey. Wm. Francis Dick inson and all that waa mortal of the deceased gentleman waa committed to earth. The floral : tributes were very pretty and attested the high esteem in which the late Mr. Howey was held. The funeral hymns were sung by a selected choir led by Mr. John Van B. Metts and Miss Eliza Metts. The lata Mr. Howey was in the 50th year of his age and died of heart fail ure. He was a son of the late Thomas H. and Mrs. Martha Howey and lived here until 13 years ago when ha re moved to Alabama and later to Chattan ooga. He was employed there at the time of his death as bookkeeper in a arge furniture; store. He was a member of St Paul's Episcopal church of this city, and was a man of many admirable traits. He was never married, and leaves to survive him three sisters and three brothers: Mrs. Urbana Parker, of Virginia, and Misses Martha and Mary Howey, of Wil mington, Messrs. John H. Howey, of Mexico, and Wm. M. and G. P. Howey, of this city. Mrs. Parker arrived from Virginia yesterday morning to attend the funeral. The pall bearers from the train yes terday were Messrs. S. ; P. Cowan, S. M. Empie, Mike Cronly and R. H. Pickett SENSATIONAL AFFAIR AT THE SOUND. H. B. Nankins, White, Badly Beaten Up by Mr. Coaoway and Family. Justice McGowan will investigate n his court this morning at 10 o'clock a rather sensational affair which oc curred at Wrightsville ; sound last Sat urday. H. B. Hankins, a young white man employed on the trestle force of the Seacoast railroad, came up to the eity yesterday and procured warrants for A. T. Uonoway, wife and daughter, MissLydia Oonoway, charging each of them with assault and battery with a deadly weapon. Hankins says that Saturday night at 8:80 o'clock, the three came to his boarding house at Mr. E. N. Edens' place and called him out .No sooner had he gotten on the outside, he says, than they set upon him with sticks and knives and severe- y beat and cut him. He had a bad contusion on his left cheek, cuts on his temple and forehead, a bad slash on the muscle of his left arm, three stabs in his breast and four similar wounds back of his right shoulder. He says that yesterday was the first time he was able to get np to the city for attention. Dr. A. H., Harriss dressed the numerous wounds. Mr. Oonoway has employed Messrs. Bellamy & Bellamy to defend his family at the trial and bases aa a cause for the attack on Hankins j that he had basely slandered both his wife and daughter and he could not re frain from Inflicting nummary punish ment- -v -'t; " -"II i. At Wtifhft at !Vlnr' ShldlO tO day only, 10 to 6. Public invited, t 5, 1902 TBE COUNTY BONDS. Sale of $50,000 in Road Certifi cates Consummated by Com missioners Yesterday. MONEY IS NOW AVAILABLE County Treagnrer H. McL. Green Has Exe cuted Bond of $50,008 for the Amount In Trost Proceeds of the Sale $51,88 53. New Hanover's $50,000 road bonds were -yesterday received ' from the engraver, by Chairman D. Mc Eaebern of the Board of County Com missioners, and alter the signatures of himself and Register of Deeds W. EL Biddle were affixed, they were deliv ered to the purchaser, Mr. Jno. S. Armstrong, and the proceeds of the sale delivered to County Treasurer H. McL. Green. The bonds are 50 in , number and Chairman McEschern and Begister Biddle had all they wanted to do for a while in properly signing them. At tached to each bond is fifty coupons evidencing the semi-annual install ments of interest amounting to $33 50 each. These are affixed with fac simile signatures while the bond itself Is signed in actual writing. The net proceeds of the sale were $51,688 53, of which $50,000 is the par value of the bonds; $1312.60 is the premium paid and $376 03 is for inter est that has accrued since Jan. 1st to March 4th, the date of the consum mation of the sale. County Treasurer H. McL. Green yesterday afternoon executed a bond of $80,000 for the safe-keeping of the fund and the money was turned over to n. He will deposit all of H, except a small working fund, in the savings banks of the city at 4 per cent inter est thereby counterbalancing in a measure the 4 per cent interest which the county has to pay on the bondsi Mr. Green's bondsmen are Messrs. Jno. 8. Armstrong and J. W. Nor wood, each of whom justified in the sum of $80,000. , ; Chairman McEachern says there is no call for an immediate large expen diture of the bond fund, but that the money will.be used as fast as is-prac- ticable to give the county an adequate and thoroughly up-to-date system of public roads. AT THE LOCAL PLAYHOUSE. "Pablo Romas!" Will be Seen To-nijht and "The Casino Qirl" Later. Aiden Benedict's "Fa bio Romani" will be presented at the Opera House to-night That which has pleased long, and pleased many, jnust pos sess some merit Aiden Benedict's play of "Fabio Romani" has been con tinually travelling for the past eleven years, uninterrupted, ana continue ously. There is only one explanation and that is, that it is said to possess merit of a very high order. The lovers of the grand, the terrible, the passion ate, tbe weird and uncanny are fully gratified, so it Is said, in witnessing this production of Maria Correlli's novel, "The Vendetta." The "Casino Girl" The Casino Theatre, New. York, which for a dozen years past has been the home, of the best musical comedy produc tions that have been made in this country, has tfever sent out a piece: that haa achieved more fame than has "The Casino Girl," which will be seen at tbe Opera House Friday night The organization will number fifty artists and the production will be the same in every detail as that which prospered so wonderously in both New York and London. "Sweet Annie Moore." "The Honey suckle and the Bee," "Lovers' Lane," are the names of three songs which have become extremely popular in New York and London, having been introducedfty members of "ThejCasino Girl" Company. Seats on sale to morrow morning. Prices $L50; last three rows in orchestra and front rows of balcony, $L00. General admission 75 cents. Beautifying the Grounds. Work is going right ahead by the government toward beautifying the grounds about Fort Caswell.' This week bids were called for trees for transplanting about the ' place and from present indications it will be an ideal spot there. The trees wanted are 12 magnolias, three to four feet in heigth; 6 Norway spruce trees; 6 Balsam Firs, 6 Irish Junipers and 6 Siberian Arborvitaes. The trees are for delivery not later than March 27th and bids will be received until 2P..M. March 13th. SUPREME COURT CASES. Fifth District Matters Arjued in Raleifh Yesterday Wilmington Litigants. . Special Star Telegram. Raleigh, N. C, March 4. Cases from the Fifth District were argued in the Supreme Court to-day as follows: Barns vs. Railroad, by L. V. Grady, by brief for plaintiff, Junius Davis for defendant; 8iles vs. Hawley, by F. R. Cooper, by brief, for plaintiff, J. D. Kerr for defendant; Tucker vs. Winders, by Stevens, Beasiey and Weeks, for plaintiff Marion Butler and J. O. Can by brief for defendant; Meares vs. Whitehead, (two cases) by E. K. Bryan and Bellamy tic Peschau for plaintiff, Junius Davis and Bonn tree tic Car for defendant; Thomason vs. Railroad, by R. G. Grady for Slalntiff, A. B. Andrews, Jr., and F. L Busbee, by brief, for- defendant; Humphrey vs. Taylor by W. D. Mo Iver for appellee; Ezzell vs." Lumber Co., by Stevens for plaintiff. Allen for defendant.' U f, .,5.; ; For LaCfrippe and In fluonza uso OHEHBY'S BXPEOTOBANTSJ f orsatobyH ram's PaiaosFnarmacr. - - ' WHOLE NO. 10,774 I We Are Moving In LineWith f ! THE PROCESSION. O Our Hew Spring GooflT flrriying Daily, i r A Full Line ofjlew and Fresh Spring Mattings. Embroideries in 9 and Swiss, with Aliovers nV 1 w4 (Kk Our line of White Goods is full and complete, consisting of A nmlm'g Tni, flint-V. l?nn.i:-V XT-.' U T.U T TT.- Jt V Lawn, Persian Lawn, French Nainsook and Linen Cambrics. W j I am sole Agent for The Butteriok Paper Patterns. a? 9 AmericaB&ady Corsets. Her Majesty's Corsets, A. D. Brown, Dry Goods and Carpets. No. 29 North Front StreetWilmington, N. C. jan 13 tf 9 9999999909999990999 PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Mr. E. V. Elwell is down from Phoenix to spend a few days. Mrs. W. L. West left yester day to visit her parents at Whiteville. Mr. J.W. S. Eobinson, of Delta, N. C, was in the city making business calls yesterday. Mrs. E. N. Farrior, of Char- otte, arrived yesterday to visit her parents, Maj. and Mrs. T. H. McKoy. Messrs. B. E. L. Brown, Chad bourn, J. J. McCurry, Charlotte, and CoL ' H. B. Short, of Lake Wac oamaw, were Orton guests yesterday. Mr. S. C. Morton, who has been at home on a visit,left yesterday. returning to Gulf port, Miss., where he has a position with the Gulf and Ship Island Railroad Company. Visit from the Grand Secretary. Grand Secretary B. H. Woodell, of the Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows, arrived from Raleigh last, evening and made a semi-official visitation to Cape Fear Lodge No. 2, at night. The Grand Secretary was received with great hospitality as a veteran "in har ness," he having served in his present capacity near SO years. He exempli fied the secret work of the order, and spent some time in pleasant social intercourse with the members of Cape Fear. To-day he will go to Chadbourn to visit Chadbourn Lodge No. 213, but will return and visit Wilmington Lodge No. 139, of this city, to-morrow evening. Secretary Woodell is a guest at The Orton and came to Wilming ton primarily on business with Past Grand Master M. W. Jacobi. Tne Late Rev. P. C. Morion. At Monday's meeting of the Protes tant Ministers' Conference, of Wil mington, it was resolved to give the entire hour to expressions of love and admiration for the life and Christian character of the late Rev. Paul C. Morton. It was also decided that Rev. Jno. H. , Hall, Dr. A. D. Mc Clure and Dr. O. S. Blackwell should express, in part, the sentiments of the conference to the bereaved family and also give the same to the public through the press. The committee prepared a very beautiful expression, which the Stab regrets, owing to an unusual press of other matter and lateness of the hour at which the copy was received, it is unable this morning to present to its readers. Naval Reserves to Charleston. Wilmington Division, Naval Re serves, had a most satisfactory drill, about forty men in line, last night in anticipation of its trip to the Charles ton Exposition during North Caro lina week, which has already been de cided upon. From now until further notice drills will be had twice a week. Thursday night the Division will have artillery and wall-scaling drill. ' Change la Lightersf e Firm. Mr. W. M. Howey haa purchased the interest of Capt. L. S. Belden in the: lighterage firm of Belden tic Howey and will hereafter conduct the business on his own account. He has associated with him In the work Mr. Geo. P. Howey, who lately re turned to the city to live. Theatre Last Night. An excellent production of the Shakespearean play, "King John" wan given last night by the McLean-Tyler Company. The house was not as large as the attraction merited by any means. DIED. HOWIY In Chattanooga, Tenn., March 1st, THOi, H. HOWJEY, son of Thos. H. and Martha Howey, aced 49 years. Interment In Oakdale Oemrtery March 4th. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. y FRIDAY, XX ARCH 7TB. The Casino's Greatest U Success, Geo. W. Lederer's. VTHE CASINO GIRL." ; 400 nights in New York. - 300 nights in London. 50 Big New York Company 50 Original Mew Yorr production and ttie Famous Oasuio Beauty Chorus. marSSt On Tear, by SXa.il, 5.00J Six Months, M 2-50 ! ; Three Months, " 1.86 V Tw Uonths, S $ DlIvre4 to subscribers la tne X City at 45 onts per Bfomtsu Cambrics, Nainsooks and Beadings to match. Flour. Jack Frost, Patent. Also, the following straight Flours : Lucile, Queen of the Kitchen, Electric Light and Home Comfort. We also carry a full line of Canned Goods,' in conneotion with out Stock of Cakes, Candies, Cheese, Sardines. Starch, Salt, Snuff, Tobacco-Smoking and Chewing, Coffee and Mullets. Which we offer to the trade at living prices. Williams Broo. febStf Always Go Together. "Cuban Blossom," "Renown" Cigars Makes increased business, none better. Keep a tew brands only. These will please the greatest many. We distribute "SHOW DOWN," "SHOW DOWN," "SHOW DOWN." Tobacco samples next week. Ask your grocer for a cut FREE. It's tbe hot stuff it satisfies. MULLETS, MULLETS, MULLETS. Want to close out a consignment. Yollers, & Hasbagen. mar 2 tt ORANGES, Grape Fruit and Tangerines. 4 mar 1 lv I have a full line of Waterman's ideal Foun tain PENS, and can give you any style of point. All-Peng fully guar anteed and sold at Manufac turers' prices, from $2.60 up. 107 Market Bt Bell 'Phone 36. jfebitf, Wednesday, filareh 5th, FABIO ROMANI. A Bomantlo Melodrama of surpassing Excel lence. Greatest of all stage and - , . " scenic effects. MISS OLUB COOKE 1 tn her famous : Serpen tin Fire avnd Stereopt!ean , Dances. FOR RENT,- MINK-BOOM HOT7BX. All nu- A provements. No. -: sot. Morth ' Front, next north of M. a A. . .. , , D. O'CONNOR, - ' Beal Estate AgenV Wilmington, N. O. marsst. Fancy Florida 1 MKT r ww m iM-rwitir - m -it ii. 1 i. : 11 ""4 ! t '

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