jNjHOOOC -3- s if-, f". B " V- - ---V- ' ' 'Lyre-.jt " V - ? i-i .i.t - - - - I'l ft n Hi a ah ftSS . Uairtateed Boaa-rtoe, cmrvt! :naS0FSC3SCC?TCl Circulation Urfer Thai Thai 01 Aay Other Dally Newo paper Published" Is WDmls!. i """'' a wm XSMMV-Py xaaMi. ISIS ZlMtba. S.60 toi.DBT DAIX.Y RKWSPATKS 1 DaUvaraC ss MsOsMitbors IN THB STATB.' t .sv0000000C00 VOL.fIAlX.-NO 153; C. STIJRPAY; MARCHj 22, 1902. OUy at 4S oasts bmt nssUavr , WHOLE NO. 10,789 Bil! 1VM-M ' aT OUTLINES. Bill for repeal of the war revenue txes and that for protection of the president of the United Statea passed the 8anate yesterday. The House passed the river and harbor appropria tion bill. The statement of Gen. Miles was brought op before the cab inet meeting yesterday; the President will take action soon for Miles1 retire ment. A joint commission, rep resenting the North and South divi sions of the M. E. Church, is in aes- gion in Baltimore. A woman, who bad passed for thirty five years is a man, died yesterday near Peters burg, Va. Mrs. Susan P. Lee, of New York, left a legacy Of $30,000 to Washington and Lee University. Aan arrested in Chicago alleged to be one of the gang who robbed the pDatofflce in that city last summer of $76,0o0. Argument of counsel in tae' trial of Albert T. Patrick for the murder of Wm. M. Bice will begin Monday. Judge Jones charged the jury in the Wilcox trial at Eliza beth City; a verdict waa not expected last night. Four-master schooner Honhegan wrecked on the coast, of Florida; captain and crew saved. New York markets: Money on eali firm at r5 per cent.; cotton quiet at 9 l-16c; flour dull and barely steady; wheat spot easy, No. 2 red 85ic; corn spot easy. No, 2 red 67o; oats spot easy, No. 3 48c; rosin firm; pirits turpentine firm at 49i50c WEATHER REPORT U. d. DefT or AesiouLTCBB, t WKATHKS BUBBAV, Wilmingtoh, N. a, March 2L l omperatares: 8 A. M., 43 degrees; i V. M., 59 degrees; maximum, 67 de crees; minimum, 40 degrees; mean, 54 legreea. Rainfall for the day, .00; rainfall once 1st of the month to date, 3.37 Inches. Stage of water in Cape Fear river at Fayetteville, N. 0., at 8 A. M. 10 8 feet i sosnoAST fob to-day. W AsmHOTOH, March 21. For North Carolina: Bala Saturday; Sunday fair in west, rain in east portion; fresh winds mostly south. Port Havre 28. Sun Hi sea 6.02 A. M.. Sun 8eta 6.13 P. M Day's Length 13B.UM. High Water at South port. 6 43 A.M. High Water Wilmington. ; 9.13 P. M. ' Gen. Otis told the Senate com mittee that for duplicity Agninaldo has few equals. Bat Agninaldo fooled Otis so often that he may be prejudiced. Hon. Grover Cleveland had a party last Tuesday and celebrated the 65 th anniversary of his birthday. The party consisted of himself, his wife and children. A Chicago man declares that Limtrarger and Boquefort cheese are alive with bacilli. We have seen some of it so much: alive and so strong that it could row itself across the ocean. King Menelik, of Abyssinia, ex presses a desire to visit the St. Louis Exposition. : If he cornea and would put himself on exhibition he would be a drawing number.! Menelik licked lots of Italian soldiers once. A New York woman sued a hos pital for $25,000 damages for per forming an : autopsy upon the body of her husband without her consent. She cut up considerably about it. The jury out the damages down to 500. Marconi has not yet succeeded in perfecting his anti steal process as he claimed he had, for an English war vessel the other day succeeded in intercepting a number of dis patches sent from shore stations in England to mail steamers at sea. There is a hoodoo laid away for young Alphonso of Spain. He suc ceeds 13 Alphonsos who sat on the throne of Spain before him. . They are going to celebrate the event by printing 13 different kinds of post age stamps to bear the heads of these 13. That means a good deal of licking for the Spaniards. Mr. Jenkins. Bepresentative from Wisconsin, wants to know what the status of Cuba is anyway, whether is foreign or domestic territory. He might refer the query to the V S. Supreme Court.' which would probably decide that for some pur poses it is foreign territory and for some purposes domestic, a la., the ttrto Rican decision. A Russian engineer has presented Mr. Yerkes. formerly of Chicago, out now maninnlatinflr rsilwavs in Europe, with a scheme for a' single rail tramway between Moscow and St. Petersburg, by which he pro poses to shoot passengers over ; at the gait of : 200 miles an hour. At this speed he thinks he would have i 'he dead wood on the crawling ex press trains which require thirteen nonrs to make the trip, i EVIL IN TDE IIEASDRE Mr. Bellamy's Warning to Suf frage Agitators In Con- i grcss ihursday. SICK OF SECTIONAL STRIFE. Oar Represeststlre Polsted Oat to Basse . Wosderfol ladsttrisl Strides State : Is Maklag asd Regretted Effort to Estender 111 Feellsf. Yesterday V Washington Post says: "Representative Bellamy, of North Carolina, one of the conservative but progressive Democrats of the House, rstruck the first note of opposition yes terday that baa been - heard on ' the floor since the Committee ion Boles agreed to report a resolution for , the investigation of suffrage.! Mr. Bel lamy comes from the Wilmington dis trict and has been much in touch with the industrial develop meat bf that sec tion. He is distinctly a type of the active and energetic Southern man, alive to modern conditions. Those members of the House. said Mr. Bellamy, 'who -will take oc casion to read . the last census report and also to peruse that very splendid article written by ex-Governor Mer- rum, the ' ; head . of the Censua Bureau. In the last edition of the Manufacturer? Record on! the indus trial growia of ine South, will be amazed to note the stupendous growth of the State of North Carolina in cot ton manufacturing and also the in crease in the general material devel opment of all the resources of that State, i In the number of manufactur ing establishments in the cotton line he now exceeds every other Bute in this Union. In the manuraeture or furniture she is rapidly becoming the treat center of that industry. She haa already become famous for her manu factures or tobacco, ana tne vurnam brand in known throughout the habit able globe. , The Mesace of Nerre Dculaatiom, "TMohtliMM ntnlnr. allow me tb say if we are not disturbed in the peace and the security wnicu is now prevail ing throughout that 8tate, and never through negro domination again have our treasury squandered or our taxes again maoe mors Duraenauuio uimi a o.n h.u BnH tmr (MODla be- eome demoralized, that ! we will- leap rapidly to tne irons ana oo come the greatest manufacturing State TT1 1JI m. tliimA nf iu mis union, cur ucvij m uuo v. MMitnn mi lnnd. the menace of negro domination, has been hover ing over the soutn, ana just at iiua period, when we are about to peace- T "... . . 1 runy seiUQ too racial queauou, wum mxmrtk an1 itnntBntmMt am! nrevailinsf throughout the 8outhlandJ when sec- Uonalism bas been viriuauy Dunea. ah.n th h.-t nf thn tm aectionB of our common country, by the dreadful .... T m m m . a calamity which Has ceiauen us recent ly, baa been united as dj im. eomiuon household sorrow; .when lour people had begun to study the great economic questions of this country rather than partisan pontics, wnen ine,auuii-uk ui progress and hope has begun to dis perse j mat tnreatening niaoa ciouu ii ml th hm an nation neaeeful- ly forever, we- are startled and awak- ened by anotner enort to inienere tn our domestic concerns, to stir up sc tinna atvifa and hittArnesa. and tear agape healing wounds afresh. "Mr. Ubairman, we souinern pou ni haaFtil v tiiwd. vea. sick nieh unto i death, of sectional strife. We love the Union, and we win ever ae- fand ( and maintain ita honor. YeS. ur Chairman thm Southern neonie desire to contribute their share to the upbuilding of the moral ana materia growth ot our great nation. Scheme for Political Advsatsce. 'Rut tn m ainiatAP motive. SOme f mamKara nn tha Other Side Of this chamber, doubtless for the purpose oi anarimop a (rain in seeaa HI Hcuuoii 1 ka ntwwinmul fntn this uiiwfra. chamber a most adroitly concoct-d scheme for partisan and political aa vantatrA and teaF ranin the sections nf thia now united country. The hands of the dial oi time must not h. (nM K.iVaHi bnt mntt be al lowed to point to a bright and hopeful future of industrial progresa u pcw and patriotic members of the other . . a . 1 ' 1 Am aM r.a side, wao iove nauonai , nuuj mu tha (haa A nartiaan Tjaiitiea. DUI19 or wnom lbbts ao uuuur w fvianila tn fman daa DDOa SOU COB demo that measure, which is fraught with ao much evil to our peopie. BBMatassaBaagaBaaaaa.aa - i i - . i Distressed Ceastiat scfcweer. iThe schooner Corolyn, of "Maffii's Mosquito Fleet," U in from a regular trip to New River. Capkl Moore re- oorts havinsr nissed the distressed coasting schooner belonging to Capfc Marine and ashore in Corn Cake Inlet. He saya most of the cargo of naval tores was thrown overboard to light en the craft but all except seven casks of spirits turpentine was recovered. Lightening the vessel, however, did vrr little rood as she had sprung a leak and began to fill with water, immediately she was off 1 the shoals The schooner has now been beached on ' the inside and will probably be able to get up to the city in a few daya. .- ' "" j To demonstrate their adaptability to street Illumination the TurrenUne Light Company has bad placed on the Court House corner and at Jfront ana Princess streets two of their KUsoa lirhis. The merits of the lamps, will be called to the attention of the Lights Committee of the J jard oi aaaer men with a view ot the company's bidding for the street lighting contract, wmcn will be awarded on the first Monday night in April or May. f "tSIVW ADVERTISEMENTS. E Warren dt Son lee cream. , Gaston D. Pharos Furniture, i S. H. MacRae Bankrupt notioe. G. A. Norwood. Jr. uerman sainit. Opera House Isle of Ohampalgne. Wanted-Oonfederate tesbillf LOCAL DOTS, i Steamer 2fircta,- henoe for Bremen, arrived out yesterday. r. Mr. J. G. Blackley left yester day afternoon for the West to pur chase a slock of horses and mules for his Spring trade. -: Mr. Bellamy has the promise that three rural free delivery routes will be started in Bobeson county April 1st and five others on July 1st. The last number in the Asso ciation Course of entertainments at the Y. M. O. A. will be Autum was Male Quartette, which comes on' the even ing of April laL j ! Cotton receipt? the past week were only 1.610 bales against 3.431 during the same wetk last year. The receipts since Sept. 1st have been 365,- 869 bales against 150.573- bales last -- The alarm f fire from box 19 at 6:80 P. M. yesterday was on ac count of a small blase at a house, No. 904 Campbell street, occupied by Min nie Hawkins, colored. The damage was about $10. : The trial of Ed .Bryan col ored, on the charge of abandonment. was postponed by Justice Fowler yes terday until next Tuesday. (Bryan is an ex-deputy aheriff and has employed It. G. Grady. Esq , to defend him. . Mr. Arthur Butt, of Charlotte, who owns a Summer home at Wrights- ville, ha bought a fine launch and will have it aailing on the sound and out in the open early in the aeason. It is a 25-foot boat and will be propelled by electricity. - Subscribers who receive bills for subscriptions due the Stab are re minded that it la not fair to expect a publisher to supply them, with news for nothing. Many, however, seem to think otherwise. As soon as a bill is received a prompt remittance should be made. i In the first baseball game of the aeason at Chapel Hill Thursday, the University of North Carolina base ball team defeated Oak Bidge by a score of 30 to 0. Sweeney, of Wil mington, pitched for the University and allowed only three hits. ! He easily ranks as the University's finest pitcher. The Sxut is requested by the family of the late Dr. E. A. Hawes to return sincere thanks to the many friends in Wilmington who mani fested' such a kindly interest in the young man during his recent t ineas and death and also for the many kind nesses shown him while a resident of this city. The family is Indeed grate ful for the many kind expressions and desires publklv to acknowledge It. ' IN THE BANKRUPTCY COURT. Asswer to PetltUs of Credltars of J. W. Hsll la lavolsalary Baskraptcy. In the matter of the petition of B. E. Lee, attorney for certain creditors who asked on the 14th inst that J. W. Hall, general merchant of Lumber Bridge, N. C, be adjudged an invol untary bankrupt, CoL N. A. McLean, of Lumberton, counsel for Mr. Hall and A. W. McLean, Esq., to whom an assignment had been made prior to the institution of the bankruptcy pro ceedings, yesterday on the return dsy I entered a plea and motion to dismiss in the U. S. Court here. The plea of counsel for respondents is that the petition baa not been duly verified as required by the act to es tablish a uniform system of bank ruptcy by any creditor of J. W. Hall. 8 That it does not appear that B. E. Lee, who attempted to verify the same, had any authority in law or in fact, so to da S That the said B. E. Lee is not the attorney at law or In fact for the alleged petitioning creditors of said J. W. Hall and was not at the time said petition was filed. semes op prophetic lectures. Elder MOes Grsst Excltisf Max! IsteresL vVOl Speak at Y. M. C. A, The series of prophetic lectures being delivered by. Elder Miles Grant, of Boston, in the Second Advent church. is attracting widespread attention and large congregations are in attendance nightly. . 'r : . - Elder Grant's subject to night will be "Prophecy Relating to the Present Condition of Rome.m : To-morrow morning at 11 o'clock.' he , will have for his theme, "Secret of Happy Life" sud to-morrow night at 7:45 o'clock. a a aws)srfsa vus swausaus j Sunday afternoon at 5 o'clock, El der Grant will spesk at the men's meeUng at the Y. M. a A. His sub ject will be: "The X-Bay s of Prophecy on the Eastern Question" . Miss Carrie White will sing. , The public is cor dially Invited to attend. - Monday night Elder Grant ' will re sume his lectures on Prophecy Rela tions to the Present. Condition of Borne." - i ;i. ! Popelar Csptsla ssd tilsVesseL :; f V Capt'CL P. Perry, of the schooner Metinic which arrived light yesterday from New York, was received ashore by many .friends who ' had not seen him in several years. Capt, Perry it exceedingly popular in shipping cir cles and formerly traded here as mas- i ter of the schooner BeR 0rpum. Later- he came here as master of the , brig I if C. EoiktO, but now he has in the Metinic .brand new vessel, which i will be one year" old to-morrow. 1 . 8he waa built, and . hails from Rockland, tteCaad is an exceedingly, trim little craft. Her length is 113 feet, depth 10 feet and breadth Sit . feet. Bhe Is pert haps the smallest vessel afloat with a complete system of steam hoisting aboard.' . r:u j , -vr-.? s , 1 C0AS1HINBI0RS; Reported: Sale of ; Isterest i to the Pennsylvania tiulroad' Heard in Baltf core. In TREASURER NON-CCSlMITTAL Mr. WaUe Newcosur Refuses' te Aaswer Qaestloas Propoasded by a Sua Re-1 porter A Sadden - Rise in StKksPoraier Offer. , The following special dispatch from Wilmington to. yesterday's Baltimore Sun and the comment of . that paper upon the subject matter of the same Will be read with much, Interest herer -'WzunaoTOV, If. CU March 30. It is rumored here to-day that the parties holding' the controlling 'Inter est in the Atlantic Coast Line system have sold out . to : the Pennsylvania Railroad Company. . The price paid for this controlling interest cannot be learned, but it must belarge. . t - "While this report cannot be corro borated now, for all in a position to know are reticent or prof ess ignor ance, still there Is probably consider able truth in it,' for the Pennsylvania Railroad Company made an offer some years ago of $100 per share for the controlling interest in the ' Wil mington and Weldon .railroad, which is the parent road of the Atlantic Coast Line and the main link in the whole system. : The Coast Line comprises oyer 3.600 miles of road in Virginia, North and South Carolina, and connecting with the Plant system of Georgia, forma -a short main line .between Florida and the Northeastern States. The Atlantic Coast Line Is in excellent condition," the market value of Its stock is far above par, and it has paid its owners handsome dividends for years." Read's Treasurer NssComaiIrtaI. A large: amount of atesk in the At lantic Coast Line is owned in Balti more, and among the officers of the company are Messrs. Harry Walters, aiieaaei . Jenkins ana waido Mew- comer, of this city. Mr. Walters, president of the road, could not be reached last night. Mr. Waldo New comer, treasurer of the company, after he read the dispatch from Wil mington, said he had no comment to make. "Will you confirm or deny the re port!" waa asked. "1 am not answering any Ques tions," he replied. : "Will vou sav thai von neither confirm nor deny itln "1 have nothing to say about It whatever." There has been a sudden rise in At lantic Coaat Line stock in the past few daya, the common gaining 14 points and selling up to 104, and the Atlantic Coast Line of Connecticut stock selling to 180, which is a rise of 30 points. Three possible reasons were given for this sudden rise tne purchase of the system by the Penn sylvania, the absorption of the Plant system by the Coast Line or an in crease in the dividend. RATES FOR WILMINGTON DAY Atlaatk Cosst Use WiU ScU Roaed Trip Rstes Oa Tkst Acceaat for S3. The Schedales. i i . The success of Wilmington Day at the Charleston Exposition, so far as attendance is concerned, is assured by reason of the generous offer made yes terday by the Atlantic Coaat Line to furnish round trip tickets on that ac count for $3.1 At that rate many people will take the trip and, will: be amply repaid for the amall outlay. Wilmington Day is Friday, April 11th, and tickets will be sold at the special rate on Thursday, April 10th, and for the morning train on Friday, April 11th, with final limit April 13th. On Thursday passengers may leave on the mornisg train at 6 o'clock and arrive in Charleston at 1:15 P. M., or they may leave at 3:45 P. M. and ar rive in Charleston at 11:15 P. M. Friday persons may leave on. the early tram at 6 A. M. and arrive fat Charleston at 1:15 P. M Leaving Charleston persons may come Saturday either on the 0:45 A. M. train, arriving here at 1:40 . P. M., or the regular Charleston train at 4:30 P. M , arriv ing here at 11 :S0 o'clock at night : a-MawaaaaiBBBSBSBBjayajjaBaBvavaaaw Patreabe Nesie Isdastry. ; ''" ; Local retail clothiers are disposed to protest against the wholesale patron age that la being given by the public to travelling salesmen now in the city taking orders for custom made suits to be manufactured in the North. The clothiers claim that they have aample books and are prepared to do the same. business as the travellers are , doing; that they pay taxes here and contrib ute to the support of the town and the town should at least act a little more upon the principle - of " "patronising home industry." ' ? a- aaw;aaaiaaaaaai' Basket Ball Last Mxfc fj f The basket ball game last night re sulted in a victory for the Boys' Bri gade over the Young Men in a score of 34 to 30. ' .The'came waa very ex eitlnc' . and t the ' attendance: good. Wednesday night, March 38th, the last games - of the series will ibe played. It will -be a double-header, and the contestanls .wlllbe the Busi Men vs. xoung lien, and uoyr Brigade va. Big Uivec s i Ell Bisi la the Forehead. OonsUbleTSheehau yesterday ju rested and committed to jail. Wnc Bethesi eblored, oncharge of having- assaulted Ben Barge, colored wtttt a deadly weapon at The Oaks,'! down the river. Barge ?saysBetheahit Tt piece of flesh froni his ; forehead i and otherwise assaulted him. , ue wui- pe tried In Jastioe lfcGowan's wort at 4 P.M. to-day. f AtL C00NS LO0lC?AUKE.v; Asdlssls Why a, Peoder Depaty Mia. teakJaahu Bstts, Colored, for Ne- '.'y?i: ere Desperado Evass. -:j Depaty Sheriff Wesley Westbrook,1 of Hampatead, Pender county, arrived in the city yesterday morning before dsy with a negro prisoner whom bej regarded as a valuable captive. The prisoner was Junius BatU and Mr.! Westbrook waa reasonably certain: that the man was none other than Thoa. Evans, the assailant of Foreman! Gregory, of the sewerage contracting firm, for whom a reward of $100 Is offered by the;eoanty. . Mr. Westbrook captured the negro at Holly Ridge, on the Newborn rail road, about 35 miles from Wilmington, and brought him,bouAd hand and foot, to police headquarters by-private con veyance ThauMrJ Westbrook's vis ion of the $100 reward faded away,' for the negro waa at once recognized as a 'new : coon," : wanted by .Constable 8heehan for larceny by trick, and not the desperado Evans. Constable Shoe- haa was communicated With from the station and he came down and had the negro admitted to j til. Mr "West-' brook returned homo much disappoint ed, as he was sure he had the much- wanted Evans. ' .V I.-', ,: , 1 . Batts was given a preliminary hear ing by Justice McGowan - yesterday afternoon on the charge bf larceny by trick and waa committed to jail for the higher court in default of $50 bond. About two weeks ago he voluntarily offered to carry a basket . of provisions for -Maggie Burch, colored, at Six teenth and Market atreet, and when ahe turned her back on her escort for . a moment, htf sped away with the day's marketine. To-dav he will be tried on a further charge of stealing, a wood ' aaw and "horse." FRO A NEWSPAPER'S STANDPOINT. Jut Why tin Adiltiessl Trala Betweea Wllalsttoa asd Haauet is Desirasla. ' Under the present schedule of the Carolina Central railway the Char-; otle morning: daily travels over about 184 miles of rati, through nine counties, and reaches here about three hours before the Wilmington papery are permitted to start on their west-; ward journey. And thus we are eomM polled to serve our patrons on that line and ita connections with cold "vitties;N which, paradoxical as It may seem, makes those patrons " hot." The Charlotte paper for Newborn, probably goes on the same train with; the Wilmington papers, but it is poaet bie for it to take the route over "the en tire i length of the North Carolina and the Atlantic and North Carolina! railroads and shake handa with the Wilmington papers in Newbern at 5:40 P.M. I Charlotte papers can likewise, through the connections at Hamlet and Max ton, reach Raleigh five hours and Fay etteville more than one hour ahead of the Wilmington papers. It will thus be seen tint ibe Wil mington papers are practically cut off; from a very large territory, at least one-half of which, j under , an early morning schedule would be legiti mately their own. : ! While we make no contention that railroad company ahould subordi nate its interests to those of the daily newspapers alone, it is our deliberate conviction that no si agio business interest suffers so much pecuniary loss, under existing conditions, as do the newspapers of Wilmington. j In referring to the newspapers alone, Thk Mossora Stab is sot un-t mindful of the commercial interests Involved; but these are being looked after by committees who are making energetic efforts to accomplish the desired object ' , ' SCHOOL CHAMPIONS VICTORIOUS. Splendid Qaae of Basehan stHUtoa Park 1 Yesterday Afteraooa Score. . 1 Those of the "faithful" who could not resist the temptation and jiur neyedout to Hilton Park yesterday afternoon saw a really excellent exhi ution of baseball and were delighted With It,. ' :4 ..' ; W.''l Theeoatesting forces on the diamond were the "High School Chammons" and the "Herri well Blue Caps. both of which teams showed that they in- eiudea m their ranks some fine talent. The' "Champions won out in the nmtn.. inning after a game which abounded in brilliant plays. The aoore was 10 to 9 and the result until the last ball was passed -over the rubber was to.doubt: v : :;:':r ! A good crowd of spectators were on the bleachers and in , the grand stand. The teams lined up in the following order: ' -i' - ;g Hiob Soaoou : v H Butsi Capb. Moore,' (capt) .e. 7. . 7.Smar: Foard.... ..... ,.v,.p..Iinder4 (capt) Mclntire. ........ - - i -Cmrr Cole 8b .I ..Lftsren Hall. s ' ; ' : v . ii s i X Zbi . "Little Fred? weecott. . . i. ..... .e. a . . . ..uaiioway Morse. . v . . . ; . i . L f. .'., : Woodbury 8chulken. ;.v,".o. f. . . . .Guthries Orrell. r. .!. .V. . . .r. f..; . . . ...Patrick Summary Struck out by Foard, 18; by Linder, 1 6. - Bases on balls, by Foard, i try 'Linder, 3.- Basehita, Uhampiona,iW;jJiueuapa, o. j The feature of the game was posai bly the pitching of Foard, the bra wny younc c wirwr , zor tne unampions, who .struck out 18 men and allowed only hits off, his d?U very, Linder, the : s alab: artist fto thsroppoaina' team, also did credltahle' work, Jiaying atrpek louta rmen, allowed nly 10 hits and gave a'passto first to only 3 of -the TJhampTona ; There3 Hras ' also 6thexindiyMualpl a Jihrh; . ut ia probable mat ue teams wui ar-? range another gams in the near future. DAVi Happy Chadren Delighted Uoests UUU Cam - bA4:An TmU. I leaux and Art. THE TIUSSTON EXPOSITION! Eveaf Reached the Zeattk ef Its Qlory Proa Erery Viewpoint list Mtht. j A Very Excellest Programme. The Close To-dsy. I The art exposition being given by. the students of the city public school system in Tileston Hall reached thef zenith of its glory last night both itf attendance and in the excellency of the entertainment of visitors. f It was "Union School Day" yeaterl day and from every point of the com-f pass the crowds came to view -the: superb collection of the World'a best n art The number of admissions dur ng the day and last night was greatea than on any previous day of the dis4 play and the teachers and pupils of the- Union School should be congratulated! :-- During thejrogressof last eveniBe's; display the pupils of the Union School rendered a programme, of pleasing; music, song, recitation and tableaux! which was much enjoyed by the large audience. " i The opening feature was the singing of "Little Boy Blue'" by the children; of the Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh' and Eight grades and that was folio w-j ed by a beautiful tableau, "Homage to Poetry," whieh waa cleverly exi ecutedby little Misses Edith Butler j Evelena King, Isabella Bmallbonesj Theresa Parsley, Luclle Riley, Louise; McManua, Edith Pritchard, Hattiel Forth ee, Annette Holmes and Amorel Cord'- " - - J Following -that came another tableau. In two scenes, "Reveries of a Bache4 lor." -The characters in both scenes were, well taken . and the I scheme was almost perfect Master Earle Cros-f well impersonated the leading figure in the tableau and the caste waa madd upas follows: : j 8ailor Giri. ......... . ..Marie Hopkinsi Winter Girl Louise Hardin J Summer Girl Lizzie Grantf Country Girl. . . . .Elisabeth SimmonsJ Golf Girl. Asrnes McQueeni Society Girl. . . . Annette Mundsi Nurse. ...Fannie Hall! The Bride. Fannie Murchisoni The next number on the programme! was a recitation, "The Night Wind,'! by Miss Louise MeManua' and the ex eroises came to a close with a good night song, sweetly sung by the little tots of the grades mentioned above. I Miaa Lizzie - Kirkham and Miss Alderman played the piano accompat niment to the several numbers. t The exposition will be open to the public this afternoon between the hours of 4 and 6:30 o'clock and again: to-night between 8 and 10:30 o'clock! The display may be seen jast as ad vantageoualy as ever and the public is cordially Invited. The object for which the pupils arranged the exhibit that of beautifying their class rooms "ll- 11 V A . , ll 1 . M. j won ue oest arj commenaa useit iq every one and should command i Urge patronage up to the very closing hour of the splendid exposition. , t S. A. L. CONDUCTOR INJURED, j Wake Coaaty faraer Killed DyTeasat Other Rsleiih News. "j Special Star Telegram. RALXiaH, N. a, March 31. Capt, W. K. Rand, of Raleigh, a Seaboard Air Line freight conductor, fell ibe! tween two flat cars at Cheraw .this afternoon and had his left arm crushed so badly that amputation - waa neeeti aary. - He - was attempting to spring upon some moving cars on tne Uneraw Sd. He had been running between mlet and Wilmington for several weeks. . . i Q. S. Adams waa killed this morning in Barton's Creek township, this county, by John Nipper. Adams waa a farmer and Nipper - bis - tenant Adams came to Nipper's house intoxi cated, abused and struck - his mother and attacked Nipper. Later Wipp-r got a gun and abot him, the load taking effect in his breast. The corof ner's jury to-night gave a verdict to the enrect mat tne xiuing was justi fiable. - : " ! ! The Chamber of Commerce to-night announced the informationof a $30,000 stock company to opera t a collar and cuff factory.. Already $13,000 of j the stock is subscribed. N. W. West Will be president The Bute Board of Education has appointed CoL W. B. Rodman, agent for the SUte lands, authorizing him to . abstract and ! in conjunction with SUte Engineer MeRee to prepare maps abowing the locattoa and char acter of the land and timber. - He la also empowered to sell the land or timber, subject to the approval of the board and haa special instructions to take steps to stop saw mill companies and. others from cutting timber with out authority, which is now largely done. DlstlaraUhe J Visitors. - Hon. W: Calvin Wells and wife; of Jackson, Miss., are. in the city on a visit to their son. Rev. Jno. M. Wells, PhJ., pastor of the First Presbyterian church. ' Mr. Wells Is here to recu Derate from him noant severe illness and both he and Mra.' Wells are :cor- dially welcomed. - They are members of a distinguished family of Mississippi. Mr. Wells with a soil, comprise; the leading law firm of their city, and- Mr. WellS himself la an honored Ooafed erate of his Statee4 OwtlstattasUke. , InoompUment to his relative, Miss Anna 'iie j en kins, of Richmond, ya Me, Iredell Meares gave a delight-' ful outime at Lake vWaocamaw to h number -of young people t of thai dty yesterday "afternoon. Inv the party were Misa Jenkins, of Richmond,! Mr. T,:axter; Miss Jane Meareai James T. Munds; Miss Anita Delibsset and Mr. J. te-Vfane:' ?w UNION SCHOOL iPNeyep Good 0 Take Anvthinri for Gmnte J oil O Hence I solicit your visits to my W 11,168 ererJ article This is my (S My counters and shelves are SLin both quality and styles. buyer public a full line Probably in no place of business is there greater opportunity f g to exercise tact and please human nature than in the retail? 3 Dry Goods Store. . m iiiooscu cusiocier is one ot ine oesi aovanissnisnis. ; w - The recent viBit of my 3me to offer to the WTTTTP! OnnTIR TTATIPAh PTOTTTfR ORGANDIES. LAWKS, DIUITIltS. a - t 'Grenadene effects and Novelties. : ' St " Our Linen Department is complete and has nerer been tnyjc wpaased in artistio'patterns. . K? f-m O J Tl .,, J "1 1 , A . ' B J . , bl ifii fiiir rui'f mil n i imp vnii wi ti n rm sninnr twiiii a immtiti vn 3gline of Carpets, Art Squares, Bugs, Chinese Mattings, Japanese WMattings, Household Furnishings, Draperies and Corsets. . 1 J t Agent for Butterick Patterns, Her Majesty Corsets, American Q avwai Anv Avanro BW J VViBUVO 9 marl6tf We Sell What We Advertise! THREE SPECIAL BARGAINS FOR THREE 0AY8. Ten piece Decorated foilet - Solid Oak Brace Arm High Ten piece Highly Decorated lor va.w. - Bemember we are closing out and sell what we advertise. THE S3Sra3E3D GO , mar 19 tf Second and Market Streets. . PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. E. J. Hughes, Raleigh, N. C, was sn Orion guest yesterday. F. A. Bizzell, Florence, S. C, was registered at The Orton yesterdsy. 8. Arthur White, Mebane, N. C.,waa registered at The Orton jester day. Miss Allie Lee Butler, of Clin ton, is visiting the family of Dr. K. J. Powers. Miss Bachel Post, of New York, is visiting the family of Mr. James F. Post President Thoa. Wilson, of the Northwestern Railroad Company of South Carolina, was in the city yester day. Miss Elisa Meyer, of Chicago, HI., daughter of Wilmington's former townsman, Mr. John Meyer, is the guest of Miss Lottie Harr, No. 916 Market street. Mr. P. Heinsberger returned last night from the Sunday School Convention at Fayetteville. He spoke enthusiastically of the great success which attended the meeting and the genuine, open-handed hospitality ex tended to the visitors by the good peo ple of tire good city of Fayetteville. TRANSFERS OP CITY REALTY. Valuable Lots On Water sad Preaf Streets Exchasre BsBds Other Sales. The following real estate transfers appear from deeda filed yesterday for record: Maria A. McKoy. executrix of the late Robert H. McKoy to Willard Bag and Mfg. Co., lot on South Water street next north of the company's present factory ; consideration, f 1.525. i M. u ttrien and wire to Mrs. alary M. Bell, lot at northeastern intersec tion of Front and Church streets, 80 reet on fJhureh street and 66 feet on Front atreet; consideration, $3,250. I Thoa. OL Miller and wife, of Nor folk, to Abel Walker, tract of land on west aide of Anderson near Gwyn atreet and tract on south aide of Gwyn near Anderson street; consideration, $500. - - - i J. O. Oarr, commissioner in the esse of Wm. Latimer and others against Nicholas Morris and others, to B. F. Hall and D. 1 Gore, house , and lot on west side of Front between Church and Castle streets, the lot being 66 feet .on Front atreet and running back into the block 165 feet; consideration, $lsoo. ..... Aa Iaclocat ef War Ttaesv A Washington correspondent sends to the News and Observer the follow ing interesting- little story : "When Wilmington was evacuated by the Confederate troops. General Joseph B. Hawley waa made post commander of the city, and he seized the residence of the father of Bepre sentative Bellamy, which he used as headquarters. The General is now Senator from Connecticut. To-dsy he informed Bepresentative Bellamy, that he had an autograph album belonging to one of Mr. Bellamy's brothers wnicn had come into his (Hawley's) posses sion while he had hia headquarters in the Bellamy home, and that he wish ed to return it with an appropriate in scriptions senator uawier ia a native of Richmond county, "now Scotland," North Carolina. Hia parents were Yankee -school tescners - working in our State. The returned to Con necticut aoon after the birth of their son.' , Tit Excarsloa Tookhtow. , ; Many are lookinsr forward with much pleasure to. the exoursian to Bald Head on the steamer. Wilmington to-morrow., The boat leaves Market dock at 10 A. M, and returns at 6 P.M. The fare for the round trip is only $5 cents. . " t For IiqQrippo and In- DXPECTOHA1JT. for sale bvB ratnMiaflaTharaiaev. store when looking for the newest ) kept in an up-to date ? O O object laden with the "smartest" things X - ? to the Northern markets enables ( ) of c ) o ft No. 29 North Front Street. : Q Set, worth $3.50 for $1.99. Back Diners, worth $1.50 for 69c Toilet Sets, worth anywhere $5.00 ICE CREAM Delivered at all hears. mar Si lr New Goods; OajslflQ and Tlsa, flewnullats, FIRST PAT. FLOOR, SZTD PAT. FLOUR, STRAIGHT PLOUB, SUGAR, COPPEB, HIOB. SEAL, GRITS, BOLASSB8 WHEAT BRAN, ' CANNED GOODS. SOAP. LYE, STARCH. SALT. e. Bend ma your oroen. Spaolal atteoUon given to oonstenmentp. 8. P. CcflAin. aa 88 u OUR STOCK IS NOW ALH0ST COMPLETE, And we'ask' your inspection of our goods when in need of any thing in' the furniture line. Our goods are all new and up-to-date, and we guarantee to sell at a reasonable price. Mail orders solicited GASTON D. PHASED. Inter-State TiKme 78. 110-US Xarkat itrtwt. mob sstf Pure German Kainit, l2PerCentPet!i, At $9.60 Por Ton, Sacked, F. O. B. cars at WQ mington, 10-ton lota, to close out. Address G. A. N0EW00D, Je., ' mar 22 lw - Ooldsboro, K. C. TUESDAY, ZXARCTXtS. 6BAND OPEBA m COMPANY. munriog a staafl soanio ja-ooaettoa or THE ISLE OF ClIAHPAIGriE. a .star oast of stngers. Sargo cnorosof prettr ia. - vma. or scenory. our own oronestra. a ok . . - .. . - .... . DAILY son. Ft THB DISTRICT OOUBTOfTHX TTNITED Statea lor tbe Saatorn District of Kotxb Caro lina, ia thamatwr ot a. w, 11070, bantampC. In Bankruptcy. To the creditors -ot A. w . noyd, ot Aahpole, la tae oooptr or Bobraon, nvaald Distr'ct, lankrapt: NoOoo - -toberefyetTen tnaton too 80th dsj of Maiob, A. p ISO the said A. W. Floyd was doty a? .. judged - a . bankrupt: and that the flrat ' meettng: of h a creditor will bo told at the ' office of of, the nodrrslgiied Referee m Bank ruptcy m rayettoTUla, in said dltr(ct,on the 8tday of Maiek A.D. 190S. at 1 o'clock tn the afternoon, at which time the said oredttors may attend, pnw their claims, appoints trae- s tee. examine the bankrupt and transact such other bualneaa as may properly come before toe said meeting, anamination of bankrupt is . dJred, adTtoo mo. i ; . , Fayetteylile, a. &, Marc SO. 190S. -;.'. -in auiiT&a-aCBAav mar as it - Kafareo ta Bankructcy. -v.w-i-