t FQaaranteed Bo at-Fide, ETeryDayX r ,-Walatlna f mrrv Ttiaa Thai ; of Aoy Other Dally New I paper Poblisfaed la WDmlarton. VnlHEIT nill.T MBWIPPlt..A ? - X- IN TBI STATU X OUTLINES. Cecil Rhodes, the South African flnancier. died yesterday. The Senate yesterday continued ditcuuion 'of the oleomargarine bill; the House f concluded general debate on the army appropriation bill. The jury in the Patrick case returned a verdict of guilty. The combined movement of British columns against Gen. De-larc-y resulted in the capture of about 100 Boers. The U. 8L diplomatic representative to Cuba frill be a full fledged minister, with a salary in the neighborhood of $7 500 per annum; there are a half dozau U. 8. consuls to be appoisted. Republican lead ers of the-House of Representatives axe C mfident that they can pass the Cuban reciorocitv bill without ralianca unnn Democratic votes. A race riot between negroes and whites reported near J aspar, Ala." An explosion of gas in a room of the Screven House, Savannah; Ga., led to the finding; of the dead tody of a man who had com mitted suicide by taking morphine and turning oa the gas. Two masked men attempted to rob the safe of a hotel at ESmporiav Kansas, but failed. New .York markets: j Money on call firm: at 8&K per cent; cotton quiet at 8c; flour was more active: wheat stead j, No. 2 881c; corn spot steady, Not 2. 66Sc; oats spot steady, No. 2 43c; rosin firm; spirits turpen tine firm at 60i51c. WEATHER REPORT U. ri- DcpT or AsRicmiruB, . Wkatbkb Bubkau, Wilmihotok,. a, March 26. ) remperaturea: 8 A. M., 44 degrees ; $ P. M., 51 degree; maximum, 67 de grees; minimum, 39 degrees ; mean, 48 degrees. ; j Rainfall for the day, ,00; rainfall since 1st of the month to date, 2.S0 Inches. . Li IOKSO AST FOB TO-DAY. Washington, March 2 -For North Carolina: Bbowers Thunday; Friday fair: fresh to brisk east to South winds. Port Alnanae-"ZiJureh 2V. 3uq Rises -- i Sun Sets ... . . Day's Length . . - . High Water at Southport High Water Wilmington 5.55 A.M. 6.18 P. M 12 U. 25 M. 10 00 A. M 12.30 P.M. The Yellowstone Park is no small affair. It contains 2,228,000 acres, and is supplied with hot and oold water. Washington reports say that the ship sub3idv bill will run np against trouble in the Hoasa of Representa tives, aadtbac miuj Republican vots will be ca3t against 4t. Some of the Western delegations are dead against it. ; j A Pennsylvania man who lost his power of speech eighteen months ago and recovered it a few days ago was so re; tneed that he talked himself to death. I A good many politicians bare done the same thing and some of oar war "heroes" also. I Th people of China are said to feel humiliated at the way China is kicker around like a football by the European Powers. We thought that the people of China had reached that stage where they couldn't be humil afei. j A Chicago inventor has invented a process, with the nse of electricity and a carbon point, by which he can cat steel sheets as easily -as a knife would cat cheese. If the burglars get hold of this they could go through any bank or other steel ate a jiffy. . j Mr. McNair, who has a farm near St. Elmo, Mo., is known in those parts as the "Peach Kingj." He has 1,900 acres in peach treesi Not sat isfied with that he has bought all the peach crops in the surrounding country and expects to ship from ten to twenty car loads j every day during the season. I Some men do not appreciate favors. A soldier at Fori Assinni ; bone who had been sentenced to ! 99 years in the penitentiary for some aggravated offence, Had his. sentence ra laced to 25 years, and instead of returning his thanks he took French leave the other night find flVinvuiH ntrav f Panola Some fellow ont in the Philip pines hss built a magic shirt, all covered with mysterious devices, which shirt it is said will' make the wearer invulnerable to bullets, dis eases, etc. They are made of com mon cotton goods, and are in great demand. When lots of the Filipino boys get into those shirts,! what are we going to do then? . j Ex-Governor Altgeld, deceased, was abased si good deal for pardon ing those Chicago anarchists, but he did it on) the petition of many citizens, amofcg them exfSecretary Gage. - This Jwaa not rnaide public until Mr. Gage got out of the Treas ury. If he had done the square thing he would hare made it known when Altgeld was being abused for 1 his clemency. VOL. LXX.--NO. 4 BASKET BALL LEAGUE Business Men Won Pennant for the Season Last Mght at the City Hall. STANDING OF THE CLiBS. Interesting Series of Qaoes Uod:r au spices of the Y. M. C. A Will Uie Field Day Exercises Soon-For fell to Boys' Brigade. The final game of basket ballon tbe Y. M. O. A. L-aaue for the 2 llrr cup was played last nieht at tbe &ij Hall and the contest for the e venisg 88 well as for the pennant for the se,n was won by the Business Men's teoi. The game last night was between &e Business Men and the Young Men li the score in favor of tbe first usnud was 19 to 17. The contest was spirited and the result of it in doubt uotii the last moment. Two gj-oiic'-i'e halves were played with an intermis sion of ten minutes. At the end o' the first half the score stood 12 to 13 d it was a battle royal in the second the honors. It was fittingly tbe best game of the entire season and w " nessed by the largest crowd. Tae teams lined up as follows: bits mat. w. A Little (capt.)r.f. W. T. Turner 1. f W. L Williams. . .c. YOUNG MSS F. fcCJU .O. a Hopltiab . ... J. L Dis . .....L. Miwq uureins r. tr w -a tnwm Vmuj AM. A aaM v Officials Dr. N. M Wetzel, referee Messrs. J. T. King and Neill McLw in, umpires; timekeeper, Mr. C. 0. Loughlia; scorer, Mr. J. H. LeG;a. The second game between tba r' Five and Boys' Brigade teams, scl uled for last night, was forfeited to e Brigade by non-appearance of the 'M Five. The standing of the teams for (as season, including both series, wa? s follows: Business Men "" Young Men .ft Bays' Brigade .i Big Five US The handsome cup won by the Bus iness Men will be presented with at propriate ceremonies very aoon. Now that the baakqt ball season s over, the Y. M. OL A. classes will tu n their attention to outdoor athletics sad to that end will hold a meeting very soon at which plana will be set on foot for field day exercises in the ear' Spring. LIST OF LETTERS. Rtfluriolif Uncalled For la the Wilmlaj tea Postoffke, March 2th, 1902. WOMEN'S LIST. Clara Anderson, Lula Arnold, Bissy Birnes. Jessie Bell. Maggie Barrioper, ?4arah -T R.ntnn Rah Rmarn A Ha Co I via, J Q. Cansdy, James Clinton, Maran (Jury uena uixon, tsuaie Dasher, Aner Hill, Eliz Humphrey. Holmes Hill, Mry Henry. B A H4ges, Rusan Q Hill, Julia Johnron. B-rtha Knight, Leviner Moorley Mary Marine, Virginia Murphe7 Mary Nickerson, Anna Otto (2), 8us Ky Parseley, Nattie Pen ley. Lot Boss, L A Reeve, Mary Robinson Minnie Rivenbark:, Lonie Smith. Merill Smoson, Mamie Toncill, Ger giana Williams, Melissa Williamson. KEN'S LIST. A T Bonnie, H C Crawford, M J Cruise, MCbadwick, H B Duncan (2). James J Dray, Ad Davis. Ei Groins. C H Harrifaw, D H. Higher, J M He a rett James Honed, Dr M Holdeu Lorence Johnson, Wm T Hare, W 1' Hugo. Willie Hurst, Chaa McMillan D J McCalister, C E McCullond, M X McNeill, Robt McFeoder. Duane H Nasb, Corile Rsck, W D Quinn, Biu len SeoU, H EStonecypher, WmSkin ner. Willie Scoggios, Willie Smith, H J C Taylor, Edward Whiteheac. Jamea M Williams, M Williams. Rheubin Winley, Sancy White. BSTUBHXD FSOXDKAD LETTKB OFFICE. L B Miller, Oliver Shepard. Letters to initials or fictitious ad dresses cannot be delivered. Persons calling for above letters i wTl please say advertised. If not called for in fifteen days they will be sent to th dead letter office. M. a Darby, Postmaster. THEY'RE AFTER HIS JOB. Court Howe Jaaitor Received Abobjbob CommnskstloaOlTlof. "Fair Notice." "Uneasy lie the head that weara a crown;" likewise uneasy ia the mac who holds a good j ab that somebody efee wanta. By way of illustration, the following anonymous letter was received yesterday by Mr. Jordan Branch, j.nitor at the Court House: "March 24 b 1903 "Mr Jordoa Branch, jineter of the hon nerrabull County Court house "Dear sir take notice your time is nearly out for the posision of the bou erable Oinnieacter of the honerable Court houaa. I have got threCom misioners on my aide. "You better restne. A Friena. Camber Issd's hew Sheriff. Yeaierdsy afternoon's Fayetteville Observer : "At a special meeting of the Hoard of Countv Commissioners, called this morning for the purpose, Col W. a Cook, mayor of Fayette Tille. waa elected to fill out the unex pired term of the aherivalty. The Ob server reporter saw Cl Cook just af ter the action of the Board, and he in timted bis accptnce of the position, to which he will not, however, qualify until after his resignation of the office of mayor,"Tor which a meeting of ihe Bord of Aldermen will aoon be called." NEW ADVEBTI3KMENTS, : : Dairy men Notice. - ; j ' .Wanted Hotel manager.. Banks No buaiaesa Friday. Savings Banks No Holiness Friday. Wii. Gas Light Oaj-Oreat luxury. .''J'; business LOOyUJs. j ; KWestbrook Fine lot ceiery. the ; Morning r ; " . Lll. ' " : : - 4 THE BAStBMX OUTLOOK. Maasser Bear Says He Will.Beffa Slfa lax Teas, at Oace The Meetlni Held Ust Nlfht.! If it s tn the power of Edgar Bear. Wilmington will have a baseball team in the State League this setson. Mr. Bear met an enthusiastic crowd of the "faithful" at the City Hall last night and made the positive statement that he was willing to undertake tbe engineering of a team throughout the season upon the guarantees he has on paper and the assurances he has been given in the way of financial support. Nat quite the $500 has been raised but Mr. Bear says he will get the remain der of the amount io a few days and is willing to go ahead with the signing of a team to report here for practice two weeks before the opening of the league reason. May 5th. That kind Of talk bringa joy to the hearts of the fanatics here, who are dead anxious for the sport. A Brown University catcher of Bal timore has been signed to captain the team and play utility. Dommell, the big Dutchman of Pennsylvania, who played first base for Wilmington on the heel of the season last year, wants to come and bring a catoher. He will be signed. McOinnis, the "Grand Old Centre Fielder," of Roanoke, also writes that he will come, and, of course, Wilmington can't do without him. The remainder of the team will be picked from half a hundred appli cations already on file. Manager Bear says the chute is still open for subscriptions. There are a hundred who ahould give $1 and $3 each, and he is very anxious to hear from that hundred. He can ba found any and everywhere, and "Now is the time to Subscribe." AFTERMATH OF ROBBERY. Pocketbaek Rifled ef SI.S83 la Carreacy Foasd Ua the Streets The Checks latact Mr. Smith's Less. The robbery of Mr. Herbert 8mita, clerk of the Superior Caurt of Duplin county, was decidedly the talk of the iown yesterday. Particulars of the affair were given in yesterday's paper. The only development during the day was the fiading of the rifled pock- ei book by John Norwood, an old coir ored maa employed ia cleaning up about the back yard or Mr. W. H. Sprunt'a residence on Third and Grace Greets. The book was found on the earning of the aide walk on the Grace sueet side. All the currency had been uke-i from it, though checks amount in; to something over $300 and a .umber of other papers were left i iUcL An envelope which contained t. 42 for deposit for a friend of Mr. South waa broken open and the money Uen. The checks were regularly en dorsed and might have been negotiated bat tbe thief preferred not to take the n- k and left them . Oae of the checks Vr $105 was the personal property of Mr. m th and tbe currency belonging him and lost amounted to between 800 and $1,700. The $U3 taken from a envelope belonged to another par ty, as did also several checks, which ere left. j llr. Smith left last evening for his 93iein Duplin county. He is now "tain that the money was taken from ai as h crowded out of the Opera t1. lie after the performance was over Tuesday night. : LOCAL DOTS. The schooner C. C. Lister arriv? ed from New York yesterday. The revenue cutter Algonquin iled yesterday for a cruise along the acast. The Primary Union will meet at 4 P. M. to-day in the Y. M. a A. ,mlors. An important meeting of the Merchants' Association will be held at heir rooms this afternoon at S o'clock. The aaTings banks of the city, 'he Produce Exchange and a number ' other business bouses will be closed morrow on account of Good Fri day. Miss Georgia Bay McMillan, of Lumberton, will arrive to-morrow to Uke charge of tbe rehearsals for "Gib ou's Animated Pictures,'' to be pre sented soon at the Y. M. C. A. Walcer Hays, colored, was sent "ihe roads for thirty days by the Jayor yesterday for trespassing upon he premises of a negro woman at ventoenth and Princess streets. Mr. Geo. E. Lef twioh's Sunday too) class will give a reception Fri "7 evening, March 28 ih. on the fourth ' -or of the Atlantic National Bank Gu iding, corner Front and Princess - -eta. It may seem-strange, but it is l. The street sweepers were out night and materially added to the appearance and sanitary condition of cnt and intersecting streets in the pt.-town section. Subscribers who receive hills fo subscriptions due the Stab are re minded that it is not fair to expect a publisher to supply them with news tor nothing. Many, however, aeem to think otherwise. As soon as a bill is received a prompt remittance ahould be made. j The school 1 authorities desire to announce that an order for pictures will soon be made for the schools, ana if any patron of the school wishes to order duplicates of those shown in the recent exhibition,' the expressage can be salved by having all shipped to gether. Any further information will be fclUdly given by the superintanoent. -' . . - 11 " ' ' ' ' '' WILMINGTON, N. C, THURSDAY, MARCH 27. UNDERWRITERS KICK. They Don't Wanta Centraliza tion of the Down-Town Fire Companies. WOULD) IMPAIR THE SERVICE. That Plea is Entered With the Mayor asd tbe Board of Aldermen, why the Chaste is Desira ble The Letter. The proposed centralisation of the fire department companies now located at Fourth and Princess streets; Fourth street! near Dock, and Dock street, near Fourth, at one mammoth central station, near Fourth and Dock streets, as suggested by Chief Charles Schnib ben in his annual report, does not take well with the Local Board of Fire Underwriters. The suggestion of Chief Sohnibben was received with much i favor at a recent meeting of the Board of Alder men, and the Fire Committee waa in structed to look further into the matter of the consolidation, but nothing de cisive has vet been done. In view of the fact, however, that:the matter will very naturally come up for final action at the first regular meeting of the Board of Aldermen in ADril. the Under writers decided it would be best to give the city authorities some intimation of their feeling in that regardAccord ingly, at a meeting of the fc$cal Board Tuesday, the following letter was ordered sent to the Mayor and Board of Aldermen: To the Honorable Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City ofwuminQ-t-n, N.C. "Gentlemen At a meeting of the Local Board of Fire Underwriters this morning the Secretary was instructed to call your attention to the fact that it is the opinion of the Local Board that the contemplated consolidation of the different fire houses and appara tus, will materially impair the oresent efficiency of the Wilmington Fire De partment. "We are sorry that there is anv such action con tem elated to reduce the standard of our Fire Department, especially at this time when the call through the country is for greater effi ciency. "By consolidating the department there will be portions of the city left. la a measure, without immediate pro tection. If any change ia to be made we think it would be desirable for the city to have the apparatus scattered even more than at present, so as to protect every part of tbe city; we, therefore, respectfully request that the contemplated consolidation be aban doned. Yours respectfully. "8. M. BOATWRiaHT. Secretary." The proposed centralization of the companiea waa in the interest of econ omy and in order to afford a place at Fourth and Princess streets for the city's live stock, which are now fed and cared for by contract ' It was not the plan to consolidate all the com panies of the department, ; but only those mentioned above, which are now within two blocks of each other; the Hook and Ladder and Chemical being even nearer than a block. BASEBALL THIS AFTERNOON. Hick School ChanploBS aad Blae Caps WIM Coatead for Mastery, An interesting game of baseball is scheduled to be played thia after noon at 3:30 o'clock at Hilton Park. The contesting teams will be the High School Championa and Merri well's Blue Caps, the game being the second in the series of three to decide the championship of these aggregations of well known junior players. The game laat week between the same nines re sulted in a victory for the High School by a close score. The contest this afternoon will be interesting and the public ia cordially invited. Foard and Moore will compose the battery for the "Championa" and Genaust and King. K., will !; serve the leather and handle the mit for the "Blue Caps " ON A WILD GOOSE CHASE. Nexro Captared at Dllloo, S. C , Was Not Thoa. Evas, the Desperado. Constable Wm. Sheehan went down to Dillon, 8. C, yesterday afternoon to identify a negro supposed to have been Thoa. Evans, the desperado who some time ago ahot and I seriously wounded Mr. Jno H. Gregory, the sewerage foreman.. Last night a tele gram was received by the Stab from Mr. Sheehan stating that the negro ar rested waa the wrong man. Constable Sheehan will return to the city , to-day. The information regarding the cap ture came in a telegram ; yesterday morning from H. G. Smith; of Dillon, and said: "Chairman D. McEachern: Have negro supposed to be Tom Evans. Send man to identify him. Answer. He has large brown ejes." Stole Caaoe aad Sold It Conductor Tyson and Charles Sin gletary, colored, I were committed to jail by Constable Sheehan yesterday for trial in Justice Fowler's court Sat urday afternoon on a charge of false pretence. They ! represented to an other negro that they owned a certain canoe tied up at one of the city wharves and sold it to him for a small consideration. Later the owner of the boat came up the river and identi fied it as a canoe stolen from him a short time before. If the owner of the boat can be secured as a witness, the charge againat the negroes will be lar ceny. V T A discharge in bankruptcy was received in the U. 8. Court here ye terday for A. A. Harrington, Jr., of Fayetteville. : . : - THE COUNTY CONVICT SQUAD. Sixteea Recraits Yesterdsy asd Two More Would Make aa Eves Haadred De sertloa of the Jail. 8ixteen convicts from this week's term of the Superior Court were taken to the atockade at Castle Haynea yes terday by Superintendent Sbearin and will begin giving object lessons in modern road-making to-day. The aggregate of sentences is exact ly. 13 years and with the two convicts for the 8tate penitentiary the sum total of Judge Tim her lake's dispensa tion of justice in two daya ia 83 years. The number of convicts now on the road9 is 98, including those sent out yesterday. Superintendent j Sbearin says he hopes to get two more to-day to make out au even one hundred. Those taken in charge yesterday were: Louis Clinton, 4 months; Ed Cole, 6 months; Clarence Davis, 6 months: John Green, 4 months; J. E. Herring, 13 months: John McKay, 80 daya; Andre w"Smith, 4 years; Ella Simmons, 6 months: Oicar Stamps, 4 months; Orren Matheson, 13 months; Cbarlea Badler, 6 months;) Sam Maffitt, 13 months; James Batts, 13 months; Frank Haymore. 6 months: Jaa. Spen cer, 30 days (from justice's court). . When Hauser, Murphy and Bell are taken to Raleigh to-day, there will he few prisoners left in the "Hotel de Afric," as GapL Cappa chooses lo call bis hoatlery. There is a crazy colored woman, Lucinda Moseley and two ne groes committed yesterday. TRANSFERS OP CITY REAL ESTATE. Number of Tracts Exchasfed Heads. Lesse of Shuttle Block Property. The following transfers of city realty by sale or lease appear from the re cord yesterday at the Court House: BoaaL. Barker and husband. John L. Barker to Thomas H. Wriarht. house and lot on west side of Sixth street be tween Castle and Q teen, 33 feet on Queen street and running i 136 feet into the block; consideration $550. u L. ttore and wile to Charles D. Gilbert and wife, house and lot on east -aide of Seventh street between Walnut and Bed Cross. 66 feet on 8eventh street and running back into tbe block 10SH feet, more or less; con sideration $1,650. Murculsou National Bank to Col. Kenneth M. Murchison. lot on North side of Cheanut street, 139 feet from Front street. 35 feet on Cnesnut street and running back into the blocx 138 feet; consideration $1,500. Misses Mary C. and Margaret Darby and L A. Weedon and J. W. Moran and wife, of Baltimore, to American Wood 8pecialti Company, of New York, (lease) lot at southeastern inter section of Church and Surry streets and bordering on Cape Fear river; rental $500 per year, payable monthly beginning March 1st, with privilege of the property nve years longer at $400 per annum with the same conditiona aa to payment or with privilege to purchase during continuance of the lease. PRISONERS 0FP FOR RALEI0H. Three ef Then Seat ; Up for Tea Years Each Iasaae White Womso. Deputy Sheriff Harvey Cox, assisted by Special Deputies Frank Harper and T. A. Wortham, will leave to-day for Baleigh, conveying to the State peni tentiary H. Hauser, convicted of house burning at the November term of the Superior Court, and John Murphy, white, and William Bell, colored, con victed at thia week's term of the court of entering a house and stealing in the night time. Each of them ia sentenced for ten years. The officers alao take with them Mrs. Fannie Howie, a white woman of the Fifth ward, who has been recom mended for admission into the Eastern Hospital for the insane at Baleigh. DIED YESTERDAY AT SOUTHPORT. William H. Savage, Well Kaowa Carpea ter of WlbalsgtoB, Passed Away. Mr. William H. Savage, a well known carpenter ef thia city, aged about 86 years and formerly residing at 514 8outh Second atreet, died yes terday morning at Southport to which city he-removed temporarily about a month ago. Mr. Savage leaves a wife, but no children. . . . The remaina wore brought up to the city on the steamer Wilmington at 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon, accompa nied by the deceased's relative, Mr. B. M. Hill. The funeral will be conduct ed this morniog at 10 o'clock from Fifth Street M. E. church and the in terment will be in Bellevue. . At the Opera Hoase. The Bobson Theatre Company will begin a week's engagement at the Opera House Monday night, ! present ing for the first time, in thia city the four-act drama "The Wheel of Fate." During its week's stay , the company will present a new line of plays, some of which are "A Romance of the South,". "Queen of Treachery," On the Eastern Shore," (The. Inventor," "Roanoke," and others. There will be a change of play and specialties each niffht. and a matinee will be given on Saturday. Ladies free Mon day night, when accompanied by a person holding paid SO-cent ticket. Durchaaed. before 6 P. M. Seats on sale at tbe usual place. Aa Oatlag at the Beach. A number of gentlemen including several city officials will take a day 'a outing to-morrow at the Hammocka Boating and Fiahing Club' house on WrigbtsvUle.. They will go down on a special train over the Seacoast road at 10 - A. M. and return; leaving the Sound at 6, P. M. There will be racea on the sound, fishing and an Oyster roast. 1902. J e" r -ar a. v W at aV V-V aa. at mrw ar RAILROAD CHANGES. Startling' Ones Are Reported in New York Ready to be " Sprung at Any Time. THE ATLANTIC COAST LIN. Its Purchase by Peansylvsaia is Desled, Bat More Defined Reports Cone ss to Its Joiot Control ef tbe Plant System. The following special to tbe Rich mood Dispatch from New York re garding tbe many railroad rumors afloat, will be read with much inter est here: j "New York, March 34.-rIf signs here hold good, and the rumors thick in the money district are verified ac cording to promise, there will be some important and atartling changea in the railroad situation in the South within the next fewweeks. A well-defined story, rapidly gaining credence to-day, is that thel Southern Railway, either by itself orMu conjunction with tbe Atlantic Coast Line, is negotiating for the Plant system. The story even goes so far as to give details of the proposed basis of negotiation, which is said to be a guarantee of 4 per cent on tbe capital stock of the Plant prop erties. If these should be secured, they would add 2,200 miles to the Southern system. ' "The story, published a few days ago, that the Pennsylvania has bought the Atlantic Coast Line, is denied, hut it is apparently certain that there is 'something doing.' "On top of this cornea unwonted activity in Louisville and Nashville. Large blocks of this stock have changed bands within tbe last few days. Both Atlantic Coast Line and Southern stocks are firm, with an ad vancing tendency. The weatherwise take all this to mean that Mr. Morgan, despite his difficulties in carrying out his Northern Railway operations, is intent on bringing about a "commuj nity of interest" arrangement or some stronger connection, in the Southern Railway position, by obtaining control- of the Louisville and Nashville." ! Mr. Ford Toaight. Mr. 8. T. Ford, the noted humorist and delineator of negro character, telegraphed yesterday from Norfolk that he would arrive here at 6 o'clock thia evening and would fill his engage ment at the Y. M. O. A. to night aa advertised. Mr. Ford appears under the auspices of the Woman's Auxiliary and will entertain with two entirely different programmes to-night and to morrow night, j A Caocas and an loepectioa. I i I i The "Majority" Board of Aldermen was out last night for an inspection of the Kitson and Welsbach lights, being exhibited by their respective com panies with a view of ' bidding for the contract next week. Madame Rumor and sometimes she is a truthful bid soul says that the "Majority" Board also held a caucus laat night Upon what subject the Dame refused to say. - ! Sale of Realty for Taxei j The sale of cityxeal estate for taxes began yesterday and will continue each day at noon until the list of de linquents is exhausted. The property yesterday, for the most part, went to the city, .but six tracts, valued at $4,000, went to an individual for $70.30, the amount of taxes on the same. Qood Prlday Service. .1 i The "Vigil at the Cross," or the Three Hours Service," will be ob served in St John's church on Qood Friday, from noon to 3 P. M. All are cordially invited, with the request that they will come or go, during singing, if ihey are unable or indisposed tore main for the entire service. Aaoaal Electioa To-night. ; 1 Wilmington Lodge No. 532, B. P. O. E., will hold its annual election of officers to-night and "politics" among the "best people" is warming up. Among those mentioned for Exalted Ruler are Messrs. Wm. J Bellamy and Jno. R. Turrentine, Jr. 1 PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Mr, A. Shoaf, of Jacksonville, N. C, was ih the city yesterday. . Capt. S. F. Bnrbank, of Wash ington, N. C, was an Orton guest yes terday. ; -1 " j j Col. N. A. McLean, of Lum berton, registered at The Orton yes terday. '- ' Mr. K. 0. Barrett, of the Southern Express Company at. Rocky Mount, waa here yesterday. ! Messrs. Nathan O'Berry, of Goldaboro. and B. F. Aycock, of Whiteville, were here yesterday. j j Mr, Will li. Miller, of the Acme Tea Chest Company, will leave thia morning for. a business trip to Plymouth and Norfolk. -j j Among the arrivals from the Pouth last night were : J. A. Brown! Chad bourn ; H. Whit cove, B. S. Ellis: and F. 0. Rogers, of Marion, S. O. : For Laftrippo and In fluonza use OHElIEY'fl EXPECTORANT. ! ror sals hv B rota's nuaeeTswsiaey. . T I WTTOT "Kl NO 1ft 7C THE GREATEST OF LUXURIES! j ; 1 " Easily operated. ilmington mar 2? St I No Business WILL BE TRANSACTED BY THE SAVING8 BANKS OF THIS CITY T0-H0HR0W, FRIDAY, MARCH 28TH, GOOD FRIDAY. THE PEOPLE'S SAVINGS BAM, THE WILLII11GT0N SAVINGS & TRUST CO. mar 87 n No Business Will Be TRANSACTED BY THE BANKS OF THIS CITY, FRIDAY, MARCH 28TH. The Atlantic national Bank, The Murchison mar 27 2t Wanted I A HOTEL LIANAGER, To run our two large New Hotels and twenty Cot tages on a salary during coming season. Capacity 300. An up-to-date experienced man may apply to VADE tiECUHl SPRINGS CO., Vade Mecum, N. C. mar ?lw New Goods. Bagoing and Ties, flew Hullets, FIRST PAT. FLOUR, SND PAT. FLOUR, STRAIGHT FLOUR, SUGAR, COFFEE, RICE, MEAL, GRITS, MOLASSES WHEAT BRAN, CANNED GOODS, SOAP. LYE, STARCH SALT. &e. Sena me joar orders. Special attention given to wnslgnmeot. s. p. acriAin. aa 88 tt Easter Cards! My lines of Easter Cards and Booklets are now out and ready for your in spection. Also a nice line of Prayer Books, Hymnals and Bibles. mar 23 tf 107 Market St WlUtWGTOH. N. O. We, me undersigned Dairymen of this city, believing thtt the delivery of Milk la bott'es Is the only practical and sore way of glvta oar customers a aatform quality or mltk-, acd realising' tbe grear. loae we faave been obllgea to ataame Ty this me hod ot delivery by the fail are or a large majority of oar eastomsra to re tara empty d ttles pronmtiv, do hereby agree that on and after March 9tth we wi l not leave ml k at any noose unless the bottle or bottles previously left are returned to the mllfcman. (Signed) Glenwoed Oalry. U Y. Styne, Fairview Dairy. H. L Fennell, , Bellevuie Dlry. B. Warren A Son, Phadeland liafry, A. O. VeBaehern. Cape Fr Dairy, D. B. Pridgen, M Oarroll. Wr!ghtvlll Dairy mrsnt Bids for Bath Houses. ? BMsforerectionofBath Houses at Carolina Yacht O ubwlibe received by me until Thurs day. Karen 27ti, 1908, at noon. Plans may be seenatoffloe otChas.'McM11len. rpcowaw, , molCB 4t Oommodorev oo;rtMaqooo6oaooooi TEPS of su3scri?Tio:i. Oum Teavr, hy XXftlf. : f SCS Sis months, -v - 8.SO Threw Booths, " ' 1.8 Two ZZoBths, 1C3 Dllvr f iNaiafttofi la Ctty a 4 fr Btotlu oeaaeeooeoovo Instantaneous ; Water Heater, Operated with Gas. HEATS THE WATER Instantly. With one of these Hesters you can get hot water at any time of the day or night at a moment's notice. Will heat water enough fpr a bath at a cost of two cents. Call and see them. Gas Light Co. thsa tu National Bank. "HATCH IT" "MATCH IT" MATCH IT CHEROOTS. Wrappei with Sumatra Wrapper and as" good as many 5c Omars, a mild smo th smoke, and gives niire satisiactiou. eola by all &nt class stores. 'Cnbenolav. "Cuban Blossom." "Emanuel Poriuadav." 'Ronown, CI6ARS all hieh srrade and Cuban band mtrte and htsh- est quality stock in these brands. These brands are ins nignestQaanty was can Mpocina c Cigar. Sdinappa. lone Home Show Down Early Bird. Good Luck. Foot Prints ' Cabin Home. brands TOBACCO. V0LLERS & HASHA6EN, General Provision Dealers, maristr W. D. HARRILL & CO., Prop., BLLEXTBORO N. C. Eggs for sale from prize winners of the following; varieties: Black Minorcas, Light Brahmas! Black Lang shans. Buff, Brown and Wr ite Leghorns. Baa! Plymouth Bocks, Partridge Wyandotfa, K. I. Beds and 8 . S. Hamburgs. won at High Point, N. C, every first prize competed for bat two; won at Charleston, 8. C, four first, second and third on ten entries. Eggs Leghorns, Plymouth Bocks, B. L Beda and a. & Hamburgs si 50 for V, Partridge WyandottesS300for 15; L&ngBhans, Mlnorc&s and Brahmas 13 0 for 15 Write your wants or order from this adver tisement. We will do you right. febSStt tenement! As our sale of CREAM ia con siderable less than we have con tracted for this 8ummer the surplus must be used in our Ice Cream Department, thus- insuring a better article than heretofore. Same old price, 0ns Cellar Per Gslbn. L'JfflBi SOB. mar 86 ly Meal, Corn and Oats. Salt and Holasssa, Coffee and Rice, CigEs ar.d Tobacco. We offer the above roods of beet qoattty at lowest market prices, ' fend as your orders ror anything la oar U.na, i Wf ite for samples and prlots. HALL & PEAE0ALL. wholesale Qrocer, maristr wnminaton. . o hoe