if iGaaranteed Boos-Flde, Every-Dayl Circulation Latter Thai That Of Any Other Daily News paper Published in j WUmlsjton. 'oldest daily nbwsfapr.. IN THB STATE. OUTLINES. The Southern States Portland Ce ment Oo.J capital $3,000,000, organ ic sd In Atlanta. - British steamer Athena wrecked on the coast of Ohili; only eleven of the crew saved. British forces attempted to surprise a Boer laager, but were driven off, after heavy fighting. The revenue cut ter bill was discussed in the House yesterday ; Mr. Bellamy ot North Caro lina was one of the speakers in behalf of the measure. In the Senate discission) of the oleomargarine bill was continued. Damage to fruit in Tennessee by frost is estimated at 50 per cent. Cotton mill owners in Augusta, Ga., threaten to close their mills indefinitely if a strike is inaugurated in the King mill. John Morris appointed receiver for the Anvil Insurance Co., Savannah, Oa. Two negro convicts killed by a boiler explosion in a saw mill at Rich burg:, Ala. Two hundred dele gates, repretenting eight States, at tended the convention in Louisville for the formation of an allied party opposed to Republicans and Demo crats. The disabled Ounard steamer Etruria arrived in Liverpool yesterday.) la Manila, up to noon yesterday, 117 cases of cholera and seventy-one deaths were reported. New York markets: Money on call steady at 34 per cent, closing bid and asked, at 34 per cent ; cotton dull at 9c; flour fairly active and firmj at old prices; wheat spot firm ; No. 2 red 83Kc; corn spot firm ; No. 3, 67fc; rosin steady; strained common to good $1.67L70; spirits turpantine dull. WEATHER REPORT. u. & dep't of aebiodlturb, Weather Bureau, Wilmingtoh, N. d, April 3. ) Temperatures: 8 A. SL, 41 degrees; 3 P. M., 51 degrees; maximum, 59 de crees; minimum, 37 degrees; mean, 48 degrees. ! Rainfall for the day, 00; rainfall since 1st of the month to date, .00 inches. j Stage of water in Cape Fear river at Fayetteville, N. C, at 8 A. M. 13.6 feet and falling. rosea ast rem to-day. Washington, April 2. For North Ciralina: R&in Tnursday afternoon or night; warmer; Friday, probably rain; light west winds. Port Almavnavc April S. . ju Rises 5.44A.M. uSets;... 6.23 P.M. I'.y's Length. 18H.41M. High Wateue at South port. 8 46 A. M. High Water Wilmington . 6.16 P. M. That Missouri man charged with having married 13 women, indig nantly denies the charge. He says he never had more than three wives at a time in his life. Bnssia isn't letting the Anglo- Jap alliance catch her a napping She is harrying up work on the Siberian railroads, patting them in condition to meet emergencies- The probabilities are that it was the round cotton bale that blocked Senator) Jones's way for another term in the Senate. They have been playing the round bale against him for some time. A Hoboken, X. J., woman wants a divorce because her husband, who earns $8 a week, brutally refused to give her the money to bay a $4.69 Easter I bonnet . which had been marked down from $4.70. A tramp was recently arrested in Chicago for the unusual crime of stealing a bar of soap. There must be some mistake about this a case of mistaken identity. It wasn't a tramp or it wasn't a bar of soap. Although Senator Jones may not go back to the. Senate the faithful service' he has rendered - the Demo cratic party both as Senator and as chairman of the National Committee entitle him to its highest regards. Gen. De la Rey (which is said to be the proper way to tpell his name, usually consolidated into Delarey,) achieved distinction before the Boer war. He served for twelve years as a member of the Volksraad and never made a speech. Growing peaches in Delaware mnst be a longevity promoting business. At a recent banquet given by the Governor to the peach- growers, there were present one in his 87th year, still hale and hearty; six over 80, and a dozen or more over 70. The press reporter didn't consider it worth while to notice the boys. Epicures in this country are catch- ing on to the true inwardness of the hind leg of the hopper. It is es timated that the catch last year amounted to 2,000,000 frogs. New Yorkers eat about 500 pounds a day, and pay from twenty-five to seventy oents a pound, and sometimes as much as a dollar a pound. There are some splendid frog farms down in these parts, but we do not seem to have caught on. VOL. LXX.-NO. 10. LOCAL DOTS. No meeting of the Carolina Yacht Club was held last nteht for lack of a quorum. No meeting of the Third N. O. Infantry was held last nhrht on ac count of the lack of a quorum. - In the Richmond stock market, Tuesday, Atlantic Coast Line of Con necticut stock was quoted at "190 bid and 300 asked." George Clay, the colored fisher man and clam dealer, sent some nice soft-shell crab to the city yesterday, wnicn are perhaps the earliest of the season. The next rehearsal for the Gibson Animated Pictures will be held Fr.day night, berfnnini? at 8 o'clock, in the Y. M. C. A. parlors. There will be no rehearsal to-night. The North Carolina Sorosis will I hold its regular annual meeting for the election of officers this afternoon at 4 o'clock at the club room on Fifth street. A full attendance is arced. By deed filed for record yes terday R. W. Hicks and wife trans ferred to Isham Thompson for 1125, lot at northwestern intersection of Fourth and Dawson streets. 66x67 feet in sixe. Charlotte Observer: "At the meeting of the board of school com missioners last night Mr. J. A. Fore was elected a school commissioner from Ward 3 to succeed Mr. Hugh W. Harris, resigned." Oriental Conclave, No. 1, Hep- tasophs, or & W. M.. initiated six candidates for membership Tuesday night. Oriental and Jewell Conclaves are preparing for an elaborate joint social session to be given in the very near future. At last night's meeting of Orion Lodge No. 67. L O. O. F., Past Grand J. A. Orrell was elected Grand Representative, with Past Grand B. R. Penny alternate, to the Grand Lodge meeting of Odd Fellows in Greens boro in May. The car shops of the Atlantic Coast Line are now' making what is known as the "Standard Unit Box Car," a sizs recommended by the General Managers' Association of j Railways. It is 88 feet long, 7T feet high and 8 feet wide, inside measure ment. Subscribers who receive bills for subscriptions due the Stab are re minded that it is not fair to expect a publisher to supply them with news for nothing. Many, however, seem to think otherwise. As soon as a bill isreceived a prompt remittance should be made. CAROLINA YACHT CLUB RACES'- Commodore Cowaa Presented Hsadsome Trophy for Late Sessoa's Coatests At a meeting Tuesday of the ' Gov ermng Board of the Carolina x Yacit i,, tht Club, Commodore S. P. Cowan prince of racing enthusiasts, presented to the organization a handsome silver pitcher as a trophy to be raced for by the club fleet after the annual regatta on July 4th. The pitcher is a handsome one and will be sent North for an in scription of the club's mono&ram upon the same. At the meeting Tuesday' Messrs. F. A. Lord and C. 8. Grainger, of the regatta committee, resigned and Messrs. Geo. Harriss and T. W. Davis were elected in their stead. Mr. A. M. Waddell, Jr., the third member of the committee, was elected chair man. The contract was let for the build ing of the additional bath house for gentlemen. Asleep la The Saashlae. Charles Carroll, a negro employed in the scavenger service, was arrested yesterday afternoon by Officer H.W. Howell and D. H. ReVille for being asleep on the sidewalk near Third and Queen streets. The negro works at night and sat down yesterday about noon in the sunshine. His African nature quickly asserted itself and the officers came upon him sprawled out and snoring loudly. They carted him to the police station were he was recognized for his appearance in police court to-day. He was not drinking but that sunshine was too mouh for his physical energy. Fires at Dnsa and tteasoo, N. C. A special from Dunn, N. C, says that the handsome residence of Mr. James Pea nail was destroyed by fire Tuesday morning. The building was valued at $8,000. Mr. Pearsall carried a policy of $1,600 on the praperty. The same afternoon Benson was vis ited by a fire. Residences which were the property of Preston WoodalJ, J W. Whittington and Seth Allen, valued at from $3,500 and $3,000, were consumed. Insurance to about one- third value of the property destroyed was carried. i Baseball To-day. Those who are pining for baseball, nflndinir the oneninsr Of . the State League series, would do well to go to Hilton this afternoon and witness the game between the High School Cham- nions and a crack team .from the A. C. L. offices. Foard and Moore wui do the slab and mit honors fosthe High School team, and Green and Litgen will perform a similar service for the A. O. L. team. j NKW ADVERTISEMENTS. Opera House "Roanoke." Wanted 1.000 voune men.-. J. VanB. Metta The insurance rates BUSIHESS LOCALS- Wanted Energetic workers . IHE DEFIED UNCLE SAM. Capt. Nielsen, of Libelled Ship, Assaulted Marshal's Deputy Yesterday Morning. HE HAD TO BE LOCKED UP. Broke Up the Vessel's Farnltare aid De stroyed Official Records Now la a Pitiable Coaditloa at tbe Police Station Alcoholism. Crazed by drink and naturally fren zied because bis vessel had been taken charge of by United States authorities, Capt. Harbtr Nielsen, of the libelled schooner Nellie Floyd, yesterday morning made -jo much trouble for officer W. J. On who was in charge of the Teasel, that he had to be arrest ed and confined in the station house to prevent his doing further bodily injury- to his supposed enemies, the officers. Capt. Nielsen is suffering from severe alcoholism and is being treated in the city prison by Dr. O. T. Harper, city superintendent of health, who advises that he be sent as early as pos sible to the Memorial hospital for treatment He is very violent, and soon after he was placed in a cell at the station yesterday, he began to tear up everything in sight and the hand cuffs had to be placed again upon him to prevent him from doing himself in jury. Even handicapped by the brace, lets on his wrists, he tore all the cloth ing from his person and his condition is indeed a pita ble one. As soon as he has sufficiently re covered, he will be brought before U. S. Commissioner 8. P. Collier and given a preliminary hearing as to resisting an officer and destroying of ficial records, those charges having been preferred against him soon after the arrest by Deputy Marshal C. O. Knox. The penalty for these offences is very severe, ranging from $300 fine and one year in the penitentiary to 3.000 fine and two years in the peni tentiary. Capt Nielsen has been drinking heavily since his boat came into port from New York three weeks ago. When the vessel was libelled last week he came aboard one night and ran the officer ashore, but Deputy Marshal Knox secured a (quad of marines from the cutter Algonquin and persuaded him into obedience of the officer in charge. All went well until the vessel was moved up to the Custom House wharf Tuesday evening to make room for another boat at The Coal, Cement and Supply Go's, wharf. Tuesday night about 8:30 o'clock he came board and demanded of Watch man Urr the papers oy aurooriiy of which he held the vessel. The captain was disposed then to make himself obstreperous, but Mr. Orr finally persuaded him to go to hia cabin and go to sleep. Early yesterday morning when he awoke, he came on deck and again assaulted the watch man, striking him over the head, draw ing a revolver and attempting to put Mr. Orr overboard. He finally got the officer to the gangway, being a man of powerful physique, and pushed him ashore. Then the captain went in his cabin, smashed a clock and did other iDj ary to the vessel. Mr. Orr went back on the vessel, but no sooner had the frenzied man seen him than he again set upon him, threw him down and dragged him ashore. The captain by bis powerful strength then pulled the officer along to Water and Prin cess streets and compelled him to en ter W. H. Lamb's saloon. Com ing from there, the captain went back with the officer aboard the vessel and a third time assaulted him, threw him down and took the papers from him. Mr. Orr then came ashore, communicated with Deputy Marshal Knox, who with . Policeman Leon George went aboard, handcuffed the captain after a desperate struggle and brought him ashore. The police patrol wagon was called out and the belligerent sailor, with the aid .of four policemen, was at length landed in the station house. Before the captain was arrested he went into his room and completely wrecked everything there, including the ship's papers and official docu ments. He was engaged in this wholesale destruction when Deputy Marshal Knox compelled him, at pis tol point, to allow Policeman George to put the handcuffs on him. Captain Nielsen is a naturalized Swede and lives in New York. He has a wife and one child, and until his "jamboree" on this trip has al ways been regarded as a clever gen tleman. Negroes Took Possession. Justice Barnemann will investigate in his court to-day an ugly affair which took place Tuesday afternoon back of the Marine Hospital. A num ber of white boys, ranging In age from 10 to 16 years, were playing a game of baseball in the vicinity named. They were set upon while at play by a num ber of colored boys of about their same age and allege that they were robbed of a ball, bats, mask and other para phernalia, and later driven from the field. Aboat lnsnrasce Rates. In another column Mr. John YanB. Metts, tbe well known insurance man, has a card of great interest to the in suring public. He is always on the look-out for the interest of his patrons and tells in an advertisement in an other column one way in which he has saved his policy holders a neat little sum. The advertisement is well worth the reading and reflection it merits. Mo WILMINGTON, Nj C, FROM JUDQE WALTER CLARK. Response from Author of Relaental His tories to Recent Resolutions by Cape Pear Csmp. The following letter from Judge Clark in regard to the resolutions adopted by Cape Fear Camp, Confed erate Veterans, on motion of Col. Waddell, has been received and will be read at the next .meeting of tbe Camp: j "Raleigh. N. G, March 81, 1903- R'mi A XT T&nAAtn. I "My Deab Colosel. Allow me to thank you, and through you, the Camp for its very kind and very com plimentary resolutions. But I do not assume the credit you so kindly give me. The work has been written by members of each command, frequent ly at much expense to themselves and always with much labor and research. in your own camp are several gentle men who have contributed much time. and expense, and engravings, as well articles. It is to them and other comrades like them that the credit of this work is due. It is t&etrwork. It is honor enough for me if I can par ticipate by saying it is ours. ! "To vou. nowever. for vour kind expressions and to the Camp for their vote I am none the less a debtor. But I cannot assume credit which is due to my comrades. With very high re gard, "Waitkb Clabk." PYTHIAN DISTRICT CONVENTION. WiinlBgloa aad Ciarkios Ksljbts Will Have "Qrtst Tine" oa May 12th. Since the series of monthly joint meetings, which made Pythian life so pleasant last year, has been dispensed with, the enthusiastic Knights of Wil mington have returned to the old form of district conventions, and the first of these for the new year will be held on Monday night, May 13. h. The district comprises the four K. of P. lodges in Wilmington and the new one instituted at Olarkton last year, and each of the five has been asked to name two members of a joint committee to make all arrangements for the event Stonewall Lodge has named on the joint committee Messrs. D. Kelley and Jno. R. Turrentine, Jr. ; Germania Lodge, Messrs. ! F. W. Ortmann and John Haar, and Jeffer son Lodge, at last night's meeting, named Messrs. O. D. Weeks and It H. Raebright. Clarendon Lodge aid the Clarkton Lodge will select mem bers of the committee later. j A meeting of the members of the joint committee already appointed was held last night and organization was effected by the election j of Mr. John Haar, chairman, and Mr. Jno. R. Turrentine, Jr., as secretary. An elaborate programme will be arranged and the Pythians will have a festive time in general. ANNUAL MEBTINQ LAST NIQnT. N C. Home Bnlldlng Association la Yearly ! Session Directors Chosen. The annual meeting of the North Carolina Home Building Association was held last night Mr. R. F. Gore, presiding. Capt Henry Savage, Maj. W. H. Bernard and Mr. L JJ Bear, a committee appointed to verify proxies. reported a constitutional number of shares represented, and the! meeting was declared open for tbe transaction of business. Aside from the reading and receiving of the annual report of the secretary and treasurer, which showed a very sound financial condition of the Asso ciation, the election of Directors was perhaps most important The follow- ng members of the Board were re elected and will meet in a few days to organize: O. W. Yates, W. H. Bernard, R. R. Bellamy, F. H. Stedman, J. W. Freeman, W.J. Reaves, Henry Savage, E. a Pigford. W. E. Worth, ' J. Weil, O. C. Chadbourn, A. D. Brown, I. J. Bear, 1L W. Divine. "MORE LIKE HYENAS THAN MEN.' That'a What Mnyer Told Colored Under takers Who Qoarrelled Over Body. In the municipal court yesterday Mayor Waddell took occasion to ad minister a sharp reproof to the colored undertakers, Bryant and Rivera, who engaged in a wrangle as .to which should bury a dead man Monday night, the particulars of which were given in these columns yesterday. 4The row was disgraceful." said the Mayor to both, defendant Bryant and complain ant Rivera; "your conduct was more like hyenas than civilized men. I decline to go further in this matter and will dismiss the whole affair." Brooke G. Empie, Esq.,! appeared for Rivera, and Bryant was represent ed by O. D. Weeks, Esq. A Syrian Merchant's Way. D. Kalille, a Syrian, was arrested yesterday by Policeman George for an assault upon Ben Gay. colored. He was recognized for h u appearance at the Mayor's court to-day.! Gay Zal- leges that he purchased a pair of shoes from the store of the Syrian near Front street market house: that after paying for the same, he found that they would not do and carried them back for an exchange. The Syrian merchant insisted on giving him an inferior pair in exchange and because he would not take them, thin merchant threw them at him as he was leaving the store. News of the Shipping. Schooner Annie Ainslie sailed yes terday for New York with a cargo of lumber consigned by the Cape Fear Lumber Company. Schooner John J. Perry arrived yesterday from New York via Charleston with part cargo of 1,000 barrels of cement for The Coal, Cement and Supply Co. RNING THURSDAY, APRIL 3, DODBLE-DAILYTRAIN Chamber of Commerce Will Con- sider Important Proposition ' from S. A. L. Officials. MEETING THIS AFTERNOON. if Preifht Inducements Are Offered QenersI Mansfer Bsrr Ssys the Wllmlsjton sod Hamlet Additional Service Wilt Be Pnt On-Tracklnf . The Chamber of Commerce will meet in regular monthly session in its rooms in the Seaboard Air Line build ing this afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. One of tbe most important matters to come before the meeting for con. sideration is a proposition from Vice-! President and General Manager J. M. Barr, of the 8. A. L., in regard to the double-daily train service between Wilmington and Hamlet for which strenuous effort ! has been made by a joint committee from the trades bodies of the city for several weeks. The committee is in receipt of a let ter from Mr. Barr, since his recent visit here, in which he says that after examination and careful consideration, he is convinced that the additional passenger service asked would, if pro vided, impose avion upon the company as the business between the points named could not support it Inas much, however, as the commercial or ganizations of Wilmington are so de sirous of this a dditional service, tbe company will provide it, provided the association! named assure them for mally of the routing by their members of sufficient additional freight business via the S. A. L., to justify the com pany in providing and maintaining this service. Mr. Barr says the railroad officials have already taken steps to develop the trucking industry along their lines between Wilmington and Hamlet and will provide the service necessarry therefor at the company 'a cost and all parties concerned have been so ad vised. Mr. Barr closes his letter by as suring the business community of Wil mington that it is the. company's pur pose to meet its wishes in every way so far as it can consistently be done. NEGRO STOLE A TRUNK. Chief Furiosi Policeaan Wood Mnde a Clever Csptare Yesterday. Jim Davis, a South Carolina negro travelling under half a dozen aliases. was arrested yesterday by Chief of olice Furlong and Patrolman O. E. Wood upon a charge of larceny. Back of the arrest is a story of clever detec tive ability, which is worthy of com mendation. Yesterday morning as Cowan's transfer was taking a trunk to the 6 o'clock south bound train for Mrs. Giles P. Newton, of Newtonsville, S. C, who has been visiting the family of Dr. J. D. Webster, the trunk was stolen from the wagon and the trans fer drivers were unable to ac count for its loss. During tbe early morning the trunk,' broken open and nearly all its contents gone, was found in the rear yard of Capt De Leon Fillyaw's residence, 116 Grace street Capt Fillyaw reported the find to Chief Furlong,- and soupling the two incidents together, the chief went to work on the case. In a few hours the negro Davis was spotted in East Wilmington and was subsequently ar rested in front of Mr. SoL J. Jones' residence. He had the contents of the trunk in two baskets and sacks, and was exposing the goods, consisting of hats and wearing apparel, for sale. The negro is now locked up at the sta tion house. Mrs. Newton, not know ing of the loss of the trunk, left on the 6 o'clock train for her home. Orange Street Improvement. The work of macadamizing and otherwise improving Orange street between Front and Sixth, was com pleted yesterday by Superintendent J. M. Woolard, and that thoroughfare may now be regarded as one of the finest in the city. Many, who are competent to judge, say that it is the finest section of street in Wilmington, and Mr. Woolard is receiving numer ous well-deserved compliments for the superior workmanship shown in the direction of that improvement Mr. Tompkins To-nltht. Mr. D. A. Tompkins, the distinguish ed North Carolina manufacturer and authority on textile matters, will ar rive in the city to-day noon and will address the public under the auspices of the allied trade organizations of the city In the Y. M. a A. auditorium to night There is no admission fee and the entire public, will be welcomed. Mr. Tompkins is an interesting speaker and what he says will be based upon experience. City Baseball Lesfne A goodly number of the junior enthusiasts held a meeting at the Y. M. C. A. last night and took the pre liminary steps toward the formation of a city baseball league in Wilmington. The plan is to have a game once i week when the StateLeague team is not here. Four organizations will be put In the field, viz: High School Cham pions, A. C L. office and shop teams and an aggregation to be made up of the mechanics of the city. On account of Wilmington Day at the Exposition, the Atlantic Coast Line will sell round trip tickets to Charleston at $3. Tickets will be on sale Thursday, April 10th, and for the morning train Jfridav. a.pru uu. Final limit April 13th. TAE, 1902. OUR RIVERS AND HARBOR. Chamber of Commerce Committee Ketaras Thanks to Cosfressmsa Bellamy for His Untiring Elforts. The following letter to Hon. Jno. D. Bellamy, Congressman from this district has been forwarded and will be read with interest here: Wilmington. N. G, March 29, 1903. Hon. Jno D Bellamy. House of Rep- ' resentattves, Washington, D. (J : Deab Sir: At a meeting of the spe cial committee composed of Messrs M. w. Jacob!, H. G. Smallbones, W. E. worth and tbe undersigned, ap pointed by the Wilmington Chamber of Commerce for the purpose of ob taining increased facilities for this port through a larger appropriation by Congress than has been proposed by Mr. Burton's committee of the House, your speeches in our behalf, pub lished in the Congressional Record, were read and discussed with Captain E. W. VanO. Lucas, who was present by invitation, and it was unanimous!? resolved that the thanks ot this com mittee be sent to you through the chairman, for your untiring efforts which, although unavailing in this instance, will likely prove to be of service in a final arrangement before the Senate committee. I have much pleasure, personally, n conveying to you this expression of tbe confidence of our commercial com munity, and of their eratefulness to you for services which you have so willingly rendered for the benefit of the only deep water port in North Carolina. Your, truly, James Hpbunt, Chairman. LIST OF LETTERS. Reaaiolaf Uncalled For la the Wilmlng- ton Postoffke, April 2nd, 102. WOMEN'S LIST. Mav Alieu. Marv B Averv. Bina Brockinton, Mattie Brewer, M1E Cor- bett a It Svans and Co. Jane Graves. Agnes Hurst, (col,) blester Hall, Mrs Uaokart. Maud Johnson. Marv Jones. B Jordan, D Laurence, Sallie Laur ence, Gertrude Midgette, M I Bun nell, Minda Vann, Recheor Werton, Dela Hagen. KEN'S LIST. -T T. AIIati F.I Ho Rnniam!n Kmn T Mmia Rnin CI W CVtAnA T.iatnn Corbett D J Clark, E D Davis, Murry WT WW I TTTflll W-T 1 TTT-ltl a . a. b ioya, w mie xiyae, w uiie &.eiiey, R ff.lnhninn Tlaranwl TTtmaa R PT Kaquin. Jane Lay ton, Ben McLeod, Kifiav Nolans, .fnn IT Hnh1nann. An. Aftl RiinAll Clan Hantair TM TT flniith Sterling Robinson O N Simon, M K Damn, u Bteivan.Ltti wooien, uorey w ara, ji ij jxca.ii8ior. RXTUBNKD FROU DEAD LETTER OFFICE. W G Graham. Persons calling for above letters will please say advertised. If not called for in fifteen days they will be sent to the dead letter office. M. C. Darby, Postmaster. INSURANCE RATE keducbd. Successful Effort by the Carolina Com psny In Ten Cent Increase. In response to efforts of the Carolina Insurance Company, the following let ter has been received from the secreta ry of the Southeastern Tariff Associa tion: "Atlanta, Ga.. March 28. 1902. "Mr.il.8. Willard. Secretary Carolina insurance uompany, Wilmington, N. C : "Dear Sir: Your favor of the 25th is duly at hand and contents noted. It wonld appear somewhat inexpedient to get out a new town tariff for Wilming ton so closely upon: the one recently issued in order to take out the 10 cents additional charge on mercantile stocks. We will notify Mr. S. M. Boatwright. the secretary or tbe Board, however. that the agents are authorized to omit the charge of 10 cents hereafter wher ever it has been included in the printed rate. We think that the end can be accomplished just as well without, tbe publication of a new town tariff at this time. Yours truly. Chas. C. Flemmtng, Secretary. Qreat Production To-night. The Robson Theatre Company pleased a good audience at the Opera House last night To-night it win play Ithe feature of thel repertoire Hal Raid's beautiful story of Old Vir ginia, "Roanoke," in which the com pany is particularly strong. "Leota Clyde Rogers" will be seen as the old "negro mammy," tbe part she created in the Chicago production of the same piece. The play has never before been presented at popular prices and the management promises a perform ance equal to a dollar production. There will be a 10 and 20c matinee Saturday and a present of $15 in gold to some person Saturday night Wilmington Presbytery. Wilmington Presbytery convened in regular Spring session at Mount Olive at 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon. Last night Dr. Geo. C. Worth, of this city, delivered an address upon foreign missions. The following ministers and lay delegates went up on the Coast Line train yesterday morning to at tend the session: Rev. Colin Shaw, of Bladen county ; Rev. A. McFadyen, of Clarkton; Rev. J. M. j Wells, Ph. D., Rev. Dr. A. D. McClure, Dr. Geo. O. Worth, Mr. P. Pearsall and Mr. W. H. Sprunt, of Wilmington. The Presbytery will continue through to day. MUSIC TEACHERS ASSOCIATION. Qreessboro Chosei as Next Place of Meet Ing Officers Elected at Raleigh. Special Star Telegram. Raleigh, N. C, April 2. The North Carolina Musio Teachers' Asso ciation to-day selected Greensboro as place of meeting next year. Thefol- inwina. nfflmmi ware sleetfld : Presi dent Prof. J. W. Jewdine, St Mary's school; vice jrresiaesi, jrroi. j. xx. Craig hill, Charlotte; Secretary and Treasurer, rroi. uiaranco n. crown, Greensboro. For LaQrippo and In fluenza use CHENEY'S EXPECTORANT. rorafttabyaT rota's WHOLE NO. 10,799 Interesting Spring News From the Busy Store ! Where did you get that hat ? An old saying but a question often asked. Generally the answer to this question is, at REHDER'S. This season we have had an immense Easter trade, We ra dltght?d to say that not one of our customers have bem disappointed. All orders for Kts er delivery have been filled and we are now ready to supply . your wants promptly.! Mny new things will be shown in this department this week. Clothing and Gent's Famishing Department. I Have You Seen the New Styles ? Ttte new Spring things are with us. Suits and tcp-Coats, White and Fancy Shirts. Nobby Neckwear and the like. Our store is full of bright snap py Patterns, the latest productions of the leading maker. We have by far the best stock and assortment of Clothing we have ever bad. Special offerings this week in all other departments. Two hundred rolls new Matting just received. J. H. REHDER 0c CO., 615, 61? and 619 North Fourth Street Oar fare paid on purchases of 2 and over. mar SO if Just Armed To - Oar Load Fine Kentucky Well Broken Horses and Mules. Among them several city broken saddlers and drivers. Finest lot ever brought to the city. Prices right. mar 28 tf PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Mr. B. F. Aycook, of White ville, arrived last night Misa Annie Hamme has re turned from a business visit to Wash ington, D. C : Capt. and Mrs. Jno. W. Har per returned 1 last night from the Charleston Exposition. Messrs. ; Milton Calder and Horace Emerson returned to Chapel Hill yesterday morning. Miss Mary Post returned to the Woman's College, Richmond, yes terday after having spent Easter with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James F. Post ! Miss Hattie Burkheimer, a popular young lady of this city, has gone to Marion, S. U., where she be- comes head milliner in the large store of the Oaaque Mercantile Co. The Stab had a pleasant call yesterday from Mr. John H. Craig, formerly of Wilmington but now a prominent citizen of Elberton, Ga. Mr. Craig is a brother of Mr. Jos. F. Craig, of this city, and will spend a week here. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 1,000 Young Hen Wanted. One thousand young ana middle-aged men wanted, with their friends, to hear Hon. D. A. Tompkins Thursday night, April 3rd, 8 80, at the T. M. o. A. Auditorium. Do not taU to attend, as it may assist In putting: you upon the pinna cle ot fortune and tame. an 8 it . Robson Theatre Go. TO-HIGHT CC 73 PiImi 10 SO and 30 eenta. j Matinee Saturday. apsit i The Advance in Insurance Bates. My companies Instructed me about tno ssnd ot February to increase Mercantile Stock rates as percent., bat to first deduct tie for mer increase of 10 cents made by the Tariff Association. Not having received further instructions from them, I have always deducted the 10 cnt charge from such rates, then added the 96 per reit., thereby alTtng my policy holder the luweet rate possible. I look after my customers' interest at an , times and asfure all who place their Inanr noe In my hands personal attention and prompt eettlement of toesns The best com, panlea represented. J. VasB. METTS, ! Insurance. Office 8. A. Is. Building, North Front St. 'f hone 103 thsaeu aprSSt Pore German Kainit, 12 Percent Potash, At $9.50 Per Ton, Sacked F. O. B. cars at WU mington, 10-ton lots, to close out. Address G. A. NORWOOD, Jr., - mar 22 lw Goldsboro, N. C. EAT Warren's ICE CREAM! apltt TER0S OF SUBSCRIPTS! J Oae Toavr by Halt, S.C Six Heaths, &Oi Tsm Moatas, " I.! Tws Xoatfca. 1.00 Dllvr4 f ftarcm la ta day - 208 and 210 Market Street. COFFEE. Several grades which we offer to the trade at prices to suit the times. We also carry Flour, Sugar, Cakes, Candy, Cheese, Canned Goods of all kinds. Snuff, Starch, Tobacco, Salt, Shot, Nails, Tea, Meal and Mul lets. Give ns a call and see what we can do. Williams Bros. mar 8 tf LI0LASSES, One car load at very low prices. MATCHES. One car load lower than the lowest. SOAP, One car load at old prices. CORN, In even two bushel bags, new bags. OATS, In even five bushel bags. RENOWN, Benown Cigars. MATCH IT. Match It Cheroots. They are the best grade of Cigars and Cheroots made in tbe world. Oar guarantee stands behind each ' and every one. Try them. V0LLERS & HASHA6EM, Pronsioners. marsott Will soon be in'f nil 'swing, and we call attention to our immense stock of AGRICULTURAL inPLEirEirrs, Which we are selling at prices that must attract the atten tion of bnyers. When it comes to our great stock of Hardware, Tinware, Cutlery Guns, Ammunition, we have not space to go into de tails; but you are invited to call and make personal examination. J.l'l.fJrtMiCO., ORTON BUILDING. mar 8 tt Pure Bran. WE OFFER. 516 Bags Wheat Bran. $1.10 Cash, 1 00 pounds to bag. W. B. COOPER, aroratr Wholaaal GrMtf, Wilmington, N. O mar so tr EASTER EGG DYES. A large assortment, all the colors of the rainbow for Sets. If by mail add 1 cent for post age. HARDIH'S Palace Pharmacy, macsstt latseuta frost Fanning Operations - !