. t .! : S' J . :..l"-. y:?V'!r Vttj".. ' .. . ' gasarsnteed Boaa-Flde, Every-Dayt TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. r i Ir.'.ilillnii I trtM Thill Tlltl NING a ui nay uuici uuij iww- ... i A4k.. n.n- u. Oh Tsar, by MaJl. ! piper Published ia WUmioitoo. 'OLDEST DAILY NEWSP1PK. Six Mwtks. "WO Two Koathav l.OO' 0flvr4 I- CUT at 0fivrd to fcertftwra la tU4 IN THB UTATB. VOL. LXX. NO. 19 WILMINGTON, N. C, SUNDAY, APRIL ;13, 1902. WHOLE NO. 10,808 eeee Mor Star i 1HE I Cite &ovnhxQ j$ tar. OUTLINES. The strike of machinists of the buthern Railway ia officially declar- jrt at an end. An Atlanta aia- jatch aaya it ia believed there that the Ltlantio Coaat Ldne and the Plant ystem will aoon coaae under control the Southern Railway. Re. be. Talmae died last night at his Some in Washington, D. O. the bill repeating war revenue taxes Vas been signed by the President. StoT. Aycock has appointed Gen. J. S. arr and Maj. A. B. Stronach to repre- nt North Carolina at the funeral of m . . t A. en. waae uampioD, at uommDi 10- ay. tTOi. muier, wno muruer- A Miss Jennett at Detroit, Mich., has een sentenced to life imprisonment n the State's prison at hard labor. Peace in South Africa is be ieved in London to be -"within meas irable distance;'.' negotiations are still iroceedine at Klerksdorp. Hay- ien revolutionists were defeated by government troops, and Gen. Baptiste, heir leader, captured and shot to death. N. Y. markets: Money on call Heady at 4 per cent; cotton ; Was dull at 9c; flour was firmer; kheat spot 'steady, No. 2 red 82Jc; orn- spot firm, No. 2 67o; oats spot firmer. No. 3 48c; rosin steady; Spirits turpentine dull at 4646Jc. WEATHER REPORT U. S. DKP'T OW ASBIOULTUEB, i WEATHEB BtTRKATJ, WILMINGTON, N. O., April 12. ) Temperatures: 8 A. M., 59 degrees; H P. M., 60 degrees; maximum, ti ae- (trees; minimum, 55 degree: mean, 63 degrees. r Rainfall for the day, .00; rainfall i-nce 1st of the month to date, .73.' Stage of water in Cape Fear river at Fayetteville, N. C, at 8 A. M. 14 3 feet." fOBEOABT rOB TO-DAY. Washington, April 13. For North Ctrjlina : Fair Sunday; rain Monday; light to fresh northerly winds. Port Almanac April 13. Sun Rises..... Sun Sets Day's Length High Water at South port High Water Wilmington 5 SO A.M. 6.83 P. M. 13 H .3M. 18 00 M 8 30 P.M. E very dog has his day, and a good many dogs have their nights, too, and make Borne howl as it were. The latest newspaper venture in Manila is The Volcano. Its editor does the belching. The first num ber of the Volcano is a warm one. ;. A $500 diamond brooch was latoly found in the stomach of a Kansas steer slaughtered at St. Joseph, Mo. No trace was found of the woman who wore it. It is said that .there will be four millionaires in the field for U. S. Senator from West Virginia. There will be a chance there for some "pickins" by the thrifty legislator. If the daughter of J. J. Hill, the railroad man, doesn't keep herself together and her hair up she will have no good excuse. She was married a few days ago and her pa gave her $250,000 "pin money." In 1812 a fellow in Oneida coun ty, N. Y., got tired, hung his scythe in the fork of a tree, forgot to go back for it and that scythe is there vet. The wood grew aronnd the blade and there it stuck. The doctors of Syracuse, N. Y., object to being addressed as "Doc." They are right. Brevity may some times be the soul of wit, but brevity of this kind is the soul of bad man ners and rudeness, though not so in tended. Yesterday we published Chairman Piitchard's open letter "to the peo ple of i North Carolina." In this issue we publish some pertinent re marks on the same by Chairman Simmons, who effectually bursts Jeter's babble. Paris authorities do not show a strong appreciation of American en terprise. They have just arrested a couple of Americans who were in troducing a new industry and teach ing some of their people how to' make "moonshine'' whiskey. In some of the provinces in China the people are revolting against high ,w taxes. This shows that there is a good deal of human nature in the average Chinaman. People are not fond of paying taxes anywhere. In this country although we haven't reached the revolting point, we do a good deal of lodging and kicking when we can't dodge. Two Chicago girls have just ar rived at San Francisco, and made the trip jointly on 45 cents. They wa gered they could do it. They didn't- beg, but took what was offered them. When they couldn't beat their way on the railroads thev walked. At one time, after they struck Utah, they went for four days without MILITARY RETDRNED. Wilmington and Sampson I ight Infantry Arrived Yesterday from Charleston. HORNET WILL SAIL TO-DAY. W. L I Made is Excellent Sbowlnr at the Exposition aid Were Compli mented by President Roose elt Other Notes. The Wilmington Light Infantry, the crack military organization of the provisional regiment of State Guard troops, which acted aa Governor Aycock's escort at the Exposition, re turned yesterday from Charleston on the belated W.Q. & A. train, and were most cordially welcomed home after a week of great enjoyment. m Everybody who went to Charleston last week came back tinging the praises of the W. L. L, and Alderman E. P. Bailey, who was a prominent visitor at the big show, says that the com pany received favorable recognition by President Roosevelt when the regiment passed before him in review. The train bearing the military came out of Charleston in three sections at 6:45 o'clock yesterday morning, one of which went via Columbia, another via Pee Dee on the "Short Cut," and the third came to Wilmington. The Sampson Light Infantry, under Capt. Geo. L. Peterson, also arrived on the afternoon train yesterday and went through to Clinton last evening. The conduct of Capt. Peterson's com pany at the Exposition also evoked favorable comment and Eastern North Carolina has abundant reason to feel proud of the men. j The U. S. S. Hornet will sail from Charleston this morning with the North Carolina Naval Brigade aboard and will reach here to-night. The revenue cutter Algonquin will sail about the same time, also returning to Wilmington. A number of the officers and men of the Kinstoa and Wilmington Divisions came home by rail last night but a large maj irity of them remained aboard ship. Lieuta. Chase and Davis, of the Wilmington Division, who went down by rail, will return on the Hornet WITH THE COUNTY SCHOOLS. Board of Education Meets Monday mass Meeting of Committeemen. The regular monthly meeting of the County Board of Education will be held Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Prof. Washington Catlett, the coun ty superintendent, contemplates hold ing in the near future a mass meeting of all district committeemen for the purpose of considering educational matters in general and encouraging the great educational awakening that is already sweeping over the county and State. The meeting will not be held until all truck crops' have been marketed and residents in the country have some leisure. The plan is an original one with Prof. Catlett and promises to result in much good, Murchlsoa-Hn rcamp. Friends in the city yesterday re ceived handsome invitations, which read as follows: "Mr. and Mrs. Sen neth M. Murchison request the honor of company at the marriage of their daughter, Marion, to Mr. Charles EL Hurcamp, on Thursday, the twenty-fourth of April, at twelve o'clock, at Forty-sixgWest Fifty- seventh street." Ward's Minstrels. Mr. E. F. Martin, manager of Ward's Minstrels, who come to the Wilming ton Opera House next Friday night, arrived in the city last evening to make all nreliminarv arrangements. The troupe recently played in. Charlotte, and the city papers there were profuse in their compliments of the perform ance, which is said to have been clean. new and refreshing. Another Fnyetteviile Mill. i Fayetteville Observer, 12th: "More good news for Fayetteville. Another silk mill is to be erected along side the nresent one. The Acbley Bailey Com pany have just completed contracts for material for the DUlIQing oi n- nthAr lrirn silk mill along side and just north of tbe present structure. Tna work or buildinir win db vuiu- mnreH within thn next thirtV Or lOrlV ii Thn new mill will be xor weaving ; tne present one is ior spum ing." FayettevHle 011 will. Fayetteville Observer: "Mr. F. K. Rmfen of Onldaboro. district mana- rrar nt Thn Hnnthern Cotton Oil Com- psny, nas neen in me cmj iur ""J " . M. "4. AAM a daw AR two. going over tne grouna wiui t "R Williams hranch manager. nrenaratarv to the erection nere pi a new and modern oil mill of large ca- nar.it v. tn take the dace Of we one nowhere." NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. At Behder's bargain week. 8. & B. Solomon Mating. Sneed Co. Furniture drives. W. B. Cooper Family white fiah. Wm. E. Worth & Co. Attention. Mercer & Evans Co. To the ladies. Wil. Gas Light Co. Gastronomy Geo.R. French & Sons Special naie. People's Savings Bank Idle m ney. BUSINESS LOCALS Lost Sum of money. Stenographer Position wanted. T. F. Tyler Carpenters wanted. LOCAL DOTS. - For church notices, see second page of to-dy's Stab. A first-class printer is wanted at the Stab office one who ia compe tent to work on a morning daily. In Baltimore, Friday, Atlantic Coast Line Company stock, both pre ferred and common, sold at 130, with offerings scarce. Mr. W. M. Camming will be the special speaker at the Y. M C. A. aervice for men at 5 P. M. to-day. The Bible class will meet as usual this morning at 10 o'clock. Application has been made to the clerk of the Superior Court by Messrs. E. H. Freeman, J. W. Brooks and Ed. Taylor for license to lay off oyster beds in Federal Point .town ship. Coast Line trains 41 and 48 to and from Goldaboro and Wilmington were delayed about an hour yesterday morning on account of a flat car which broke in two near Wrightaboro about 9 o'clock. i I In Richmond, just as in Wil mington, Justice Crutchfield adds 50 cents to the costs of each conviction when the prisoner has been hauled in the "Black Maria." This Is, "addinfc insult to injury." A deed was filed at the Court House yesterday transferring from Buchanan a Wright, of Philadelphia, to Cornelius Hayes, of Wilmington, lot at northwestern intersection of Brown and Taylor streets; considera tion 1160. Fayetteville Observer 12th : Hon. George M. Rose returned home this morning from Harnett county court at Lillington. where he appear ed for the A. C. L. in two large dam age suits. The railroad got a verdict in both cases." The Fishblate Clothing Co., for the fourth consecutive year, is fur nishing" to the street car conductors and motormen handsome Spring uni forms. They are of the famous "Hight Art" manufacture which have given such general satisfaction in the past. Presiding Elder E. B. John rill conduct quarterly service at Grace Street church to-day. both morning and evening. Rev. J. N Cole goes over to Zion church, in .Brunswick county, to hold the regular quarterly meeting there. Subscribers Who receive bills for subscriptions due the Stab are re minded that it ia not fair to expect a Dublisher to supply them with news for nothing. .Many, however, seem to think otherwise. An soon as a bill is received a prompt remittance should be made. Dr. J. M. Wells, pastor of the First Presbyterian church, will con duct services at New Hope, in Bruns wick county to-day. Bev. C. W. Trawick, of Buena Vista, was expect ed to preach at the First church thia morning, but owing to death in his family, he could not come to Wil mington. Lost His Rogers. Mr. B. F. Hawkins, a workman at the Fore & Foster Company's plant on Sixth street, hsd his right hand badly lacerated yesterday by contact with a revolving lathe saw at which he was working. Mr. Hawkins was removed to the Memorial Hospital, where Dr. Thos. B. Little, the superintendent. dressed the wound. Dr. Little found it necessary to amputate the little finger of the hand and the next one to it. The other fingers of the hand were badly cut but amputation wan not thought necessary. Honor to jWumlnrtonlai. i Wilmington's esteemed young citi sen, Mr.j James Owen Reilly, who was a member of the W. L. L upon its trip to Charleston this week, was the recipient of a very graceful and de served cbmpliment while in the city. He wss chosen as one out of the en tire provisionoal regiment or State Guard troops as orderly for Governor Aycock and aerved in that capacity during the entire week with conspic uous ability. i To Attend Hampton's Puaeral. Capt James I. Metts, commander of Cape Fear Camp No. 254. U O. V yesterday received a telegram from Gen. Julian S. Carr asking him to send as large a delegation of Vet erans as possible for the funeral I services over the remains of the la mented General Wade Hampton at Columbia, S O., this afternoon. Capt. Metts was unable to attend himself. although he greatly desired to do so. Juvenile Bnsebnll. Tbe "Tbird Streeters" and "Fourth Streeters" had an interesting game of baseball yesterday afternoon, which re sulted in a victory for the first named in a score of 9 to 5. Gore and Myers and Kingsbury and Belden were tbe batteries for the respective teams. The feature of the contest was a home run by W. Dais, Mr. Branson In Charleston. Charleston News and Courier: "Mr George Brunson, editor of the Wil' mington Disoatch. one Of the bright est anernoon newspapers in rtorin m. w T 1 Carolina, is among tbe prominent i-jurnalists in tbe city this week, lie is here with the North Carolina dele gation. Mr. Brunson is probably the youngest editor of a daily" publication in the Southern States. He is a South Carolinian and a- graduate of Wof- ford College. After com pleting a four veara' course at that Inatituuon be entered the newspaper field. - He has proved himself an enerset o and capa ble editor since his connection with the NEWS Ladies Will Give an Elaborate Bazaar ia May for Benefit of Home Team. THOSE WHO HWE SIGNED. Wilmlnrtoa Player Accidentally Killed at Prsctice In Lynchburg Has Belstlves Here Some Cnnnzes Made in thn Official Schedule. Baseball enthuaiam grown apace with the approach of the opening of the season on May 5 th. Manager Edgar Bear now has all members of his team signed and Capt. Arthur ("Buck") Henry; Is on the ground arranging everything to get the boy 6 down to regular practice on to-morrow week. Some members of the team will begin arriving Wednes day or Thursday but all of them will not reach the city until the date for the practices. jj On his pitching staff Capt. Henry ill have Norcum Sweeney, whose ability as a twirler has excited great interest all over the State j Joseph Mc Cann, a crack leather artist of Balti more; Samuel Dunn, a well known minor league star, and a fourth man whom Fred Prem will bring with him from Maryland. j Behind the bat there is Capt. Henry and Harry Binkley, the record of both of whom will bear the closest scru tiny. Dommel will cover the initial bag; J. H. Velleneur, the second, and Mayhew Lattin, of Baltimore, will be at Third. Fred Prem. of Baltimore. will cover the territory at short and Ed. McGinn is and two or three other good men whom Manager Bear haa on his string, will look after the outer- garden. I A Baseball Bazaar. Baseball tn Wilmington has no bet ter friends than the ladies of the city and they not only contribute their presence at the game, but they ara al ways very willing to help in a finan cial way. Already there in a move ment on the part of the ladies to give a mammoth baztar for the benefit of the club in the City Hall on the even ing of May 2nd, and to I this end all ladies who will interest themselves in this favor are aaked to meet in the par lors of the Elks' Temple to morrow" afternoon at 4 o'clock. At this meet ing flaal arrangement for the bazaar ill be perfected. j j In connection with the basaar a bur lesque circus is being arranged to be given in the Opera H rase, the same evening. Ten young men, including Mr. James H. Cowan who ia expected home thia week, will take part and a thoroughly enjoyable affair is prom ised. Manager Bear personally deserves great credit for his undertaking in launching a team and that he in to be aided by the "fair rooterinas" is noth ing but proper. j j Wilmington Plsyer Killed. Manager Bear received sad news yesterday in the announcement of the death of young M. M. Marsh, of Lynchburg, Va., who wan killed ia a practice game Friday afternoon. Mr. Marsh had been aigned to play in the outfield and tbe following apecial to the Washington Post gives particulars of the distressing accident : Lynchburg. Va.. April 1L. M. M. Marsh, son of Bev. M. W. Marsh, was killed here to-day while playing baseball. He .was practicing on the grounda in the suburbs of Rivermont and was attempting to get under a high fly when he ran over an em bankment, falling a distance or about fifteen feet. Several ! blood vessels were ruptured and death ensued in a short time. Marsh was a locomotive fireman, but had recently given up his position with the Chesapeake and Ohio and signed with the Wilming ton, N. C, baseball team." Young Mr. Marsh was a nephew of Mrs. Thoa. E. Davia and a cousin of Mrs. Eliza Wharey and Mrs. W. E. Davis, all of this city.! He played in the South Carolina League last year and returning to his home after the season closed, he visited his aunt here. He was an exemplary young man and a clever ball player. Revised Season Schedule. Copies of the revised schedule for the entire season were received last night. The only changes from the original schedule published in last Sunday's Stab are after Aug. 16th and areas follows: August 18, 19 Baleigh at Wilming ton. Charlotte at Durham, Greensboro at Newbern. August 20. 81 Charlotte at New bern, Greensboro at Wilmington, Durham at Uaiirn. Augast 22. 23 Newbern at Durham, Charlotte at Wilmington, Greensboro at Raleigh. Auguat 25, 26 Wilmington at Dur ham. Raleigh at Charlotte. Newbern at Greensboro. i August 27. 28 Wilmington at Char lotte, Durham at Newbern, Raleigh at Greensboro. August 29, SO Durham at Wilming ton, Greenaboro at Charlotte, Newbern at Raleigh. Seotember 1. 2 Wilmington at Newbern, Greenabore at Durham, Charlotte at Raleifh. ! September S Raleigh at Durham. Charlotte at Greensboro, Newbern at Wil mine ton. i Sentember 5. 6 Wilmington at Ra- lelsh. Durham at Greensboro. New bern at Charlotte. : ' Sentember 8. 9 Wilmington at Greensboro, Durham at Charlotte. Cooing for Ben Age. j Constable Sheehan j yesterday re ceived a telegram from Deputy Sheriff J. B. Fountain, of Southport, N. O., saying that he would send an officer for Ben Age Monday morning. Age was captured day before yeiterday and ia wanted for resisting an officer at Town Creek, N. Q, some time ago. THE BASEBALL Don't week. fall to rinit Rahder'n thin THAT FENCE CtNlROVtRSY. Three Other Arrests Were Made Yester- Jdsy Hesriag To-morrow, j The j controversy over the erection of a fence around the residence' of Mr. J. F. Garrell, Jr., at southwest corner of Third and Walnut streets. will be beard In Justice McGowan's court at 10 o'clock to-morrow morn ing. As stated in yesterday's Stab Mr. Stephen Jewett, who has a resi dence ad joinings obj Hits to the build ing of the fence because it extends beyond the aide walk and detracts from the value of his property. The Alder men had previously granted Mr. Gar rell permission to extend the fence. but in so doing, Mr. Jewett claims they exceeded their authority. The fence extends by actual measurement, Mr. Jewett says, ten feet over the side walk line. ! Yesterday afternoon Contractor C. D. Morrill and Thos. Brown and Wm. Bethea, carpenters, began work again on the fence and were promptly ar rested and brought before Justice Mc Gowan. They gave bond for their ap pearance Monday. ! Exposition Visitors. Over a hundred returning visitors from the Exposition came in last night on the Charleston train. Among the passing throng the following returns were noted: Mr. E P. Bailey, Mrs. Margaret Lefton and Mrs. Mary E. Kelly, Mr. Jno. J. Fowler, wife; and daughter, MLjs Nellie Fowler, Misses Leonora Cant well, Anita DeRosset and Olive Armstrong, Mrs. R. W. Hicks, Misi Atha Hicks, R. W. Hicks, Jr.. Mrs. D. MeEachern, Earl Croswell, Mrs. H. O. McQueen and Miss Agnes McQueen, Mrs. A. 8. Holden, Miss Bertha Dudley and Miss Annie Ram sey, aiessis. u. v. ana u. u. Motte, u W. Yates, Jr., H. N. Smith, Mrs. N. F. Parker, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Garrell. j FATAL SHOOTING AT TAEBOROQ Sensntionsl Elopement nnd the Result nf It Yesterday Afternoon. Special Star Telegram. TABBOBO, N. C, April 12. As the result of a shooting affray, which oc curred near the Tarboro Cotton Mills about 5 o'clock this afternoon, two white men. Rube Roberson and Wil liam Burrougha are lying mortally wounded in the hospital. Burroughs, who is married, attempted an elope ment with Roberson's sister-in-law. When overtaken by the latter, he opened fire and several shots were exchanged. Roberson was shot in the stomach with a revolver, and; Bur rough's face was terribly mutilated by discharges from a shotgun. i I QOV. AYCOCK IN RALEIGH Appointed Representatives to Attend den. Wnde Hsmpton's Pnneral-Accident. Special Star Telegram. Ralkioh, N. CL, April 12. The Gov ernor appointa Gen. Julian S. Carr, of Durham, and Major A. B. Stronach, of Raleigh, special representatives of North Carolina at the funeral or Gen. Wade Hampton at Columbia, S. 0.. tomorrow afternoon. Both will start for Columbia to-night. Governor Aycock and party arrived on a apecial train from Charleston at 7 o'clock to-night and was escorted to the Mansion by the Raleigh Light in fantry. A atop was made al Uneraw for a demonstration in honor of Gov ernor Aycock, who made a five min ute sneech. As the Governor's special passed through Hamlet. David O. Laughlin, who as "Uosteiio" was once a noieo oircua rider fell the under wheels of a car and both his feet were cut off. The train was going on a aiding and Laughlin thought it wan leaving and made a dash to get aboard, but fell with his feet across the track. THE NEW STEAMBOAT LINE. Steamer City of Fnyetteviile Win Be Here InMny. Yesterday afternoon'a Fayetteville Observer nays: "At the meeting of the stockholders of the Fayetteville and Wilmington Steamboat Com pany Wednesday, very lavorabie re oorts were made by the officers. It was definitely stated that the first steamr of the new line. The Ctty of Fayetteville, juat completed and now beinar nttea out at jacxaonvuie, u ia , would reach here during tbe montn or May. A handsome schedule foMer, with the picture of Tne fjitv or tray ettevtue. at the company's wharvea in Fayetteville and Wilmington, setting forth the great natural advantages of Fayetteville, is now being published." McKINNON DEVELOPMENT CO. Maxtoa Corporation That Will Encoornfn Tracking nnd Other Enterprises. Special Star Correspondence. BaLXlGtH, N. OL, April 13 The Sec retary of State to-day granted a char ter for the McKinnon Development Company of Mazton, with $50,000 i capital, authorized. The company pro- proses to deal in all kinds of real, per sonal and general property, and nas for a special obi sot the assisting of those wno desire to grow fruits, vege tables and truck for the market, by advancing money to the planters. Tne incorporators are A. J. McKinnon, J. and Q. Uppman, B. M. Williams and K. V. Murray. i 1 Bishop Wntsoa at Fnyetteviile. Fayetteville Observer, IZth: "Bight Bev. Bishop A. A. Watson and Mrs. Watson arrived from Wilmington to day and are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. B Bose on Havmount. To-mor row the Biahop makes his annual visi tation to Christ Church, Bockfish, and St. Thomas', Hybart miL" Bargain week at Behder's. t TBE SUPERIOR COURT End of the First Week of April Term Was Reached Yester day Afternoon. PROCEEDINGS OF THE DAY. Jory la the Cnse of Emetine Mask vs City of Wilmlo(ton Hss Reached No Verdict, Bat Is Discbsrf ed Until Mondsy-Dlvorce Mntters. The first we ek of the April term of New Hanover Superior Court came to a close at 4:30 o'clock yesterday after noon when the issues were submitted to the jury in the $5,000 damage suit of Emetine Mass: against the City of Wilmington. By order of Judge Timberrlake, the jury remained in consultation unti!6 :30 o'clock last evening, and having reach ed no agreement at that hour, the mem bers were discharged until 9:30 o'clock Monday morning with the customary warnings by the clerk not to discuss the case with outsiders or allow it to be discussed in their presence. The hearing of testimony was con-. eluded during the morning hour. When court opened Meares & Buark, counsel for the defendant city, rene w ed their motion to dismiss and also entered a demurrer on a technical point. Both were overruled by Judge Tim- berlake, whereupon exceptions were noted. Witnesses were then introduced for the city as follows: J. A. Perry, formerly superintendent of streets; B T. Pickett, foreman of the street force; Charles Mason, Wm. Borne- man n, Q. T. ! Williamson, Holden Lewis, Oicar Croons, H. M. Millinor, B. L. Jones. Ephraim Dale, and other members of the streets force employed at the time the j accident to the plain tiff occurred. The burden of their testimony was that in their opinion the excavations were not over six inches in depth and no lights were needed on the same. The plaintiff introduced Policeman E. J. Grimsley in rebuttal, after which the evidence was closed. Marsden Bellamy, Jr. E q., and Bobert Buark, Esq., junior counsel for the plaintiff and defendant, re spectively, openly the argument to the jury and each made a clear and log ical exposition of the law and facts in the case. Iredell Meares, Esq , spoke last before the dinner recess at 1 P. M., and upon the convening ' of court at 3 P. M. Marsden Bellamy, Esq., for the plaintiff, closed the argu ment. After a brief charge by Judge Timberlake the issues were presented as follows: "Was tbe plaintiff injured by tbe negligence of defendant!" "What damage has the plaintiff sus tained?" As before stated, no verdict was reached last evening and the jury will assemble again Monday morning in an effort to reach an agreement. The jury is a follows: D. L. Gore, H. O. Craig, Geo. O. Gaylord, J. T. Canady, A. J. Howell, Bertram Quelch, I. C. Loftin, O. H. Ward, Thos. Wortham. C A. Bordeaux, W. A. Johnson and A. G. Hankina. The important suit of J. I. Love vs. the Carolina Central Bailroad Com pany was set for to-morrow but was continued by consent. Judge Timber- lake announced that on Monday he would allow cases to be called up by consent from any day on the calendar. The following divorce cases were disposed of yestesday: David Sasser vs. Susan Sasser; judg ment for divorce. Lula Swann va. Joseph Swann; judgment for divorce on grounds of abandonment Court will convene promptly to morrow morning at 9:30 o'clock and the important case of J. L. Love against the Seaboard Air Line will be entered upon. Messrs. Herbert Mc Clammy, WmrJ. Bellamy and Bel lamy & Bellamy appear for the plain tiff and Messrs. Meares Ss Buark for the defendant. Two or three days will likely be consumed in a trial of the oases. The following regular jurors are summoned for the second week : Jno. D. Woody, Jr., J. A. Orrell, G. F. Cumber; A. C. Skipper, Arahie. P. Merritt, J. H. Holton, Jos. P. Mont gomery, EL W. Konfg, A. L. McNor ton, L. A. Weedon, Jno. O. Walton, O. P. Bitton; James A. Miller, W. G Craig, Henry T. Bauman, Jno. W. Stormfblts. H. K. Holden, O. B. Ma son. The following talesman were ordered summoned yesterday for service to morrow in addition to the regular ju rora: J. W. Mints, B. W. Bordeaux, F. 8, Thomas, Alfred F. Gibson, Caas. Craig, E nanuel Bear, Ohas. E. Tay lor, E. G. Hall, Adolphus D. Smith, Jake 8olomon, W. B. Kerr, B. B. Jack on, Walker Taylor, B E. Williams, Chas. P. Driver, Geo. V. Harold, Sol Stern berger, Jessie W. Bivenbark, N. J. Williams, J. V. Gurley, O. W. Pol- vogt, W. B. Cooper, Paul Taylor and W. W. MacBae. Change in Mall Hoars. On and after Monday, on account of the change of achedule from 9:80 to 9:05 A. M.. the mail for the morning train north will close at the post office I at 8 -30 o'clock instead of 9 o'clock as heretofore. Misses Mary and Alice Borden j Miss Neppie Borden and Miss Marie Baldwin returned laat nicht from the Exposition. Greatest bargains this week at liehder'n. t IDLE MONEY i -' Money often lies idle awsit'ng opportunities for In" vestments, bat these opportunities d not rone every week, mobth or evfti year. Ia the meintinn this monef hou d bd earning something, at d it oin, if you will place it in this bank All sums accepted and interest allowtd at the rate of 4 per cent, per annum, compounded quarterly. The People's Savings Bank, i - Opposite the Postoffiee. H. C. KeQTJBENt Fresldanw JNO. 8. Alt iMTROftOt Ties President, P1S V. W. dick, caafcler. Special Sale We have some broken loto of Misses and Children Shoes That we are closing ont below factory cost. They are good desir able Shoes for school and bargains as long aa they last. Now in he time to shoe your children cheap. Call early, as we are run ning them off. GEO. R. FRENCH & SOUS. 108 North Front Street. ap IS u Furniture An Oak or Mahogany An Iron Bed $3.50. A Refrigerators from $7.50 up. A good Felt Mattress for 17.60 Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machines $24.50. See Us for Your Furniture Wants. T H Hi SUsl ItllidJ J CO., ap 13 tf , Second and Market Streets. MATTING Floor 0Xclo-bl3-3 "W Especially Clieap. S. & B, Solomon, sp 13 tf PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Mr. J. E. Kelly, of Tarboro, A. C. E: agent, is at The Orton. Mr. E. J. Bivenbark has re turned from the Charleston Exposi tion. Mrs. H. A. Kare left yesterday to spend a week visiting relatives at Charleston. Herbert McClammy, Eeq., re turned yesterday from a professional visit to Newbern. Mr. E. J. House, A. C. L. agent at Teacheys, was in the city yesterday on business. Mrs. George 8. McLeod, of Lumberton, N. O., was in the city yesterday, returning from the Exposi tion, j Mr. and Mrs. James Sinclair and Dr. Jos. O. Shepard returned yesterday from the Charleston Expo sition. Superintendent T. C. McNeely, of thn Carolina Northern railroad, ar rived yesterday afternoon from Marion, Mr. E. P. Bailey, Miss Vir ginia Bailey and Hiss Lina DeRosset returned last night from the Expo sition. Henry L. Stevens, Esq., of Warsaw, spent yesterday in the city on professional business in the Su perior Court. Misses Etta and Eena Canady, of Scott's Hill, passed through the cityyesterday, returning from the Charleston Exposition. Mr. F. E. Hashagen, Dr. D. WBnliuck, Messrs. J. T. Burke, F. T. Sppper and Bev. L. B Boney re turned yesterday from the Exposition. -Fayetteville Observer, 13th: "Mr. VE. C. Holt, president of tbe Delgado mills, Wilmington, is here on a visit to his brother, Mr. Walter L. Holt" Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Garrell and Miss Lucy Mcintosh returned last evening from the Charleston Exposi tion, where they have been spending North Carolina Week. Mrs. Win. H. Chadboura, Miss Lucy Chadbourn, Miss Lizzie Bobin- aan. Miss Davie Duffy and Miss Flor ence Pearsall returned laat night after a week's visit to the Charleston Ex position. Miss Helene St. Pierre Tren- holm, of New York, and Miss Lula Bellamy returned last night from the Charleston Exposition. Miss Tren holm will be Miss Btllamy'a guest for sometime.! Although he is still confined to his room, the numerous friends of Mr. Eugene Knight will be glad to know that he is! improving some from the injuries received while engineer on a freight train near Sanford last week. !- Mr. D. M!. Williams, Miss Fan nie Williams, Miss Martha Williams. and Misses Jane Iredell Green, Jen ! nie and Fannie Murchison, Margaret Harrisn. Marguerite and Nannie Hoi- ladav returned yesterday from the . Exposition. For LaGrippe and In fluenza use uja-EKEnrs EXPECTORANT. -rorssiabvBT rdnvsYaiaMTnarmae. Drives. Leather Seat Rocker $1.50. Good Sewing Rocfcer $1. LADIES, Insist upon having every pair of your Stamped "Duttenhofer. GENTLEMEN. Insist npon having yonrs stamped "W. L. Douglass." We carry full lines of both. 63 steps east from corner Front and Princess streets, apr 13 tf 71 Barrels Family White Fish. $3.25 per Barrel, Cash. W. B. COOPER, ProareaalTe Wholesale Groear, Wilmington. H. o aprl 8 U Spring Sarsaparilla- Hardin. Th UnMnirof the M tire words so tbat tbe first lumWliately suggests thotbertotbepnilo 1 dos mainly ta he fact tint we hare been furnish ing ror the ptse ten yrs tbe vetv best St sip.rt la made 8prlng Is bre and nw is tbe time to net straight ror gammer. Hardin's Bars miiawill dlt To -an get it tor 7c per bottle or tbree bottle lor as. HARDIN'S Palace Pharmacy, 196 Sontb Front . Both 'Phones fs. ai ttT IF YOU NEED A Dining Table Call and See Ours. They are nice and the prioe is right. Special price this week on Go Car ts. We guarantee to sell as cheap (quality considered) as any house in the city. Get our prices before you buy. Mail orders solicited. GASTON D. PHABES. Interstate 'Phone 7S. 1M1S Mail attest. apttf NEVER MIND The fae dos? out sales; they don't hurt m and won't tun yen, proYldei jou see m before you "bite" at bargains " I bays no shoddy Koods. bntwtu ceil joa nonfat mde (roods that will beurtr e teetoi time at te earns price jou we aaked to pay lor shoddy bargains. N. F. PARKER, to as mi as aso rnumvas sotxitixs. Ill Market street BeUPbone61S Inter-state I. apr tf Printer "Wanted. Wanted, a first class compositor who has had experience on a daily morning: paper. Matt have Rood recommendations as to habits and qualifications. Apply at, or address the ap l8 tf UOBNINa STAB. tar & Evi Co.. food. i For Bent No. 410 N. Front street. Wilmington Dispatch." t .r

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