60oa)eaeoeo tliaaraoteed Boss-Fide, Every-Day$ TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. v LirculAtloo Larrer 1MB id! a w r 01 Any Other Dally News paper' Published is Wllmiortoa. Oit Ytuar. by Halt $.Oo Slat Komtha, V .0; Thr Hontha. 1.86! t Two Months, V 1.00; 0(OEST DAILY NEWJP1PB,. Dc-ltvm. so sserllrs fa tkc X CTV at 4S Cnta pr Hloatlu J A IN THa SI ATK. v VOL. LXX. NO. 40. WILMINGTON, N. C., THURSDAY, MAY 8, 1902. WHOLE NO. 10,829 The Morning Star OUTLINES. a statehood bill for admission of ,.i..i,m. Arizona and New Mexico .p taken up for consideration by the a of Representatives yesterday. """" ...j a J v IP The Uniieu djuuu "i ahvu- ,.;, Lutheran Church is in conyen- Kf t Charleston, B. 0.; Key. Dr. Hon t . . . , , I Vniet was eiecveu yiw ioaou. North Carolina -iii meet toiay Pine Association in Norfolk. Vestibuled train on the Southern rail way wrecked near Lynchburg, Va. ; several coaches burned : no passengers hurt The quadrennial confer enc of the M. E. Church, South, is in session at Dallas,Texas ; the Bishop's ad dress recites that only38.085 additions to the church have been made since ih last conference. Funeral of the late Admiral Sampson will take, place Friday. o developments respecting the three firms which sus pended Monday in New York city. Xff0 persons killed in a railroad collision near Des Moines, Iowa. Kire destroyed the Burns University school near Charlottesville, Va.; two of the students lost their lives. .New York markets: Money on call was firm at 6 10 per cent; cotton was quiet at 9ie; flour the wheat k.ir discouraged buyers and only a moderate trade was done in top grades, with the close steady; ; wheat spot weak. No. 2 red 870; corn spot easy, no. ot; t kj, No. 2 46c;; spirits turpentine firm at 4646ic. : WEATHER REPORT. U. 3. Dkp't of Agrioulttjrm, i WlATHKB BimXAU, Wilmihqtoh, N. C, May 7. ) Temperatures: 8 A. M., 72 degrees; 3 1. M., 73 degrees; maximum, 83 de grees; minimum, 65 degrees; mean, 73 degrees. Rainfall for the day, .00; rainfall since 1st of the month to date, .00. OOTTON RIGION BULLETIN. Bains have fallen in the central and western districts, with heavy local showers. The temperature is gener ally lower in the western sections. ro RIO AST roB TO-DaY. Washington, May 7. For North Carolina: Showers and thunderstorms Thursday; Friday, fair; variable winds becoming north and fresh. Port Almanac Mavy 8. Sun Rises 1 5.01A.M. Sun Sets ' 6.58 P.M. Day's Length i 13H.51M. B h Water at Southport. 8.34 P. M. D Water Wilmington . 10.54 P. M. Andrew Carnegie says the only salvation for England is to hitch herself to the United States. Chicago had more wind last year than any other town in this country, 145,193 miles of it,; and Senator Billy Mason wasn't at home all the time, either. Senator McLanrin, of South Car olina, doesn't seem to be stuck on thu primary, and the people who compose the primaries do not seem be stuck on McLanrin. Field Marshal Waldersee sees war in the near fntnre between Russia and Japan over the grab in China. They have both been preparing for it for some time, but neither is quite ready yet. ! The richest woman in the South Pacific islands is the daughter of an American who married the daughter of a Samoan chief. She has a 120,000- acre plantation on one of the islands, and leads the fashions, too. If all the Southern governors were to impose the condition of Gov. Davis, of Arkansas,, in pardoning negro convicts, Massachusetts would have to rjevise her views on the negro question or enlarge her peni tentiary. Mr. Schwab, who holds a pretty iat job with the Steel Trust, says he believes in trusts that reduce prices and lessen the cost of produc tion. That wouldn't be a bad kind of trust, but thus far there are not many of that kind in evidence. When ex-Secretary Long got back to Boston he talked with a newspa per man, and fired a parting shot at bchley by remarking that "the darkest hour in the Spanish war waa.when Schley's fleet turned away" from Santiago. Pshaw! Nobody was scared but the Boston people. The Canadian Minister of Finance must be more different Borts 01 a fellow than any other Dominion dig nitary, unless the Newfoundland Solon who, in a speech, called him a nar, a bumptious, noisy cad, a braggart, a coward, an ass, a black guard, and a vile character," grossly exaggerated, j Speaking of President Roosevelt appointing a negro collector of cus toms for Savannah, against the pro tests of white citizens, Congressman Lester says he doesn't know how to take Mr. Roosevelt and doesn't think anybody else! does. Roosevelt en joys mystifying people. THE TRUCK MOVEMENT ! BECOMING VERY LARQE. Speciil Trains Seat Oat Yesterday New York Veretable Prices-Dally Report I of Shippiit Agent Batman. A special train of eight express cars and a train of refrigerator cars were sent out oyer the W. & W. road yes- "7 " V w 05 w" roaa yes" ' -trawberry shipments which are daily crowine larger, as oauy growing larger, as will be seen by the subjoined report of Mr. H. T. Bauman, shipping agent of the Truckers' Association. The following was received last night from New York as to prices: new York, May 7. The market is improving for strawberries. We quote today choice stock from 10 to 13 cents; fancy, 14 to 16 cents. The lettuce market is dragging, owing to heavy native receipts. The prices are from 75 cents to $1 per basket Gar den peas are active at f rom $1.501.75 per basket. The outlook is for gener ally higher prices in track. J. & GK Lippman. Shlpslsr Ajeat's Daily Report. The daily report of Mr. H. T. Bau man, business agent of the K. C. Truck and Fruit Growers1 Association, shows distribution of Tuesdav'a shinments of berries through flnnth Rnekv Mount as follows: POlntS Ot RAfrlffAF&tnv ttm InMH Destination. Cars. Orates. New York 31 76 Newark, N. J 4 I 37 Philadelphia 13 443 Baltimore l 117 Washington. 1 347 Wilmington, Del.. .. 85 Chester. Pa 111 Richmond, Va 44 Boston 17 Providence 4 s Springfield ...3 Hartford. Conn 3 Norwich, Conn 1 Water bury 1 Scranton, Pa 3 Pittsburg, Pa. 11 1 io Buffalo, N. Y Interior Points. . . . Worcester, Mass... Erie. Pa 7 '2 2 1 3 Utica,N.Y... Syracuse Hornellsville . . . Rochester Elmira Cleveland Cincinnati Indianapolis Montreal Toronto Total 117 1,381 LOCAL DOTS. I Twenty-five United States pria- ; oners are now confined in the county jail here for the Federal Court. In the police court yesterday Wise Merritt, colored, and Queen Dicer, white, each paid a fine of $5 for being drunk and down on the streets. j- License was issued yesterday for the marriage of the following col ored couples: James Mack and Lilla Dunham; Wm. Bethea and Romelia Rat ey. License was issued vesterdav for he marriage of Miss May Strick land, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Strickland, of Delgado, to Mr. Robert R. Allen, of Delgado. -j- Mr. James Kyle yesterday en tered upon his duties as secretary of the consolidated Chamber of Com merce. CoL Cantwell also began his duties at statistician to furnish certain reports. The old-time suggestion of Thk Morning Stab, recently renew ed, that Aldermen receive compensa tion for their services, meets with much favor. i The Chamber of Commerce will meet, 3:30 P. M. to-day, for the purpose of giving an expression upon the proposed ordinance allowing the Bell Telephone Co. to pat its wires under ground. Favetteville Observer: "Over 50,000 feet of lumber and heavy tim bershas been delivered at the site of thepro posed wharf in Oampbellton of the Favetteville & Wilmington Steam boat Company." By deed filed for record yes terday Mrs. Maria Silvy transferred to P. Q. Moore for $350, lot at northwest corner 01 eixieenin ana sutui m il J a I A & 66 feet on Market and running into the block 165 feet. The steamer E. A. Eawes ar rived yesterday from Fayetteville and cleared in the afternoon with part cargo of 93 tons of copper wire for the American Liong Distance Telephone Co., at Fayetteville. Subscribers who receive bills for subscriptions due the Stab are re minded that it is not fair to expect a publisher to supply them with news for nothing?. Many, however, seem to think otherwise. As soon as a bill is received a prompt remittance should be made. Attention is directed to the advertisement of the Seashore Hotel in anoiner comma, vwwuw j-uuw, as the News and Observer good na turedly dubs the genial manager, will have everything his way this season nA h miUn? arrangements to care well for all comers. Deputy Sheriff Harvey Cox yesterday went down to Middle Sound and arrestedFrank Wilkinson, color ed, for an assault upon his wife, Mar- stella Wilkinson, Saturday night. He was tried in the Court House yesterday by Justice Gerrit Walker, of Harnett townshiD. and discharged upon pay ment of costs. ; NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Seacoast Road Schedule. ( A. L DeRosset For Register. Seashore Hotel Opens Jane 1st Atlantic National Bank Report. THE FEDERAL CODRT. Master of Schooner Nellie Floyd Sent to Jail for Sixty Days and Fined $100. THE OTHER PROCEEDINGS. ColaaibBjs, j Camberland and Robeson Cases Tried Yesterday One from New Haiover After Default inx Witnesses Notes. Capt. Harber Neilson, of Brooklyn, N. Y., master of th schooner Nellie Floyd, who made so much trouble for the U. 8. authorities here upon the occasion of the recent libel of his vessel by the Coal, Cement and Supply Co., was arraigned in the Federal Court yesterday on the charge of resisting an officer. ' He submitted his case, through Col. Thos. Evans, his counsel, and was sentenced by Judge Purnell to 60 days in jail and to pay a fine of $100 and cost. No charge was preferred against him as to destroying the official records of the vessel. The New Hanover jail was designated as Capt. Neilson's place of confinement and he was placed therein immediately after the trial. i The matter of the libel of the schooner Nellie Floyd and the cross libel in the Circuit Court will likely come up for trial Friday or Saturday. The cases are on the admiralty, docket. The court resumed its sessions r at 9:30 o'clock yesterday morning. The case of P. A. Kennedy, of Cumber land county, was taken up and con cluded, a verdict having been rendered in favor of the defendant The remain der of the day's proceedings was as follows: i Cross Edmondson. Columbus county. retailing: pleaded guilty; 30 days In jail, $100 fine and costs. uarsden Mariow. uoiumbus. retail ing; pleaded guilty; 60 days in jail; $100 fine and costs. W. d. Crumpler, et aL, New Han over; illicit distilling; nol pros enter ed upon submission as to Allen Crumpler, Ben j. Dixon, James Brown and A. a. Williams, w. B. Urumpler enters plea of guilty; judgment re served. ! - Bud MoKoy, defaulting witness; sci fa dismissed. Robert Blue, defaulting witness; fined $20 or SO days in jail. J. P. Musselwhlte, defaulting wit ness; sci fa dismissed. Phoebe McNeill, Cumberland coun ty; retailing; put in plea of nolo con tendere; discharged, defendant having been In jail four months. Lady i ljowry, uooeson. retailing; having served 30 days in jail and hav ing complied with her bond for ap pearance at this term to show that she had not violated the law since her conviction at last term, she was dis charged. H. Keuson, of schooner JSeuie Floyd ; resisting an officer; 60 days in jail and fined $100 and costs. The following defaulting witnesses were called and failed, judgment nisi sci fa and each fined $40: Dolph Har din, Diek Davis, N. O. Burruss, D. K. Barnes, W . fcL Kay nor. Thornton Liowry. Robeson, default ing defendant; sci fa for surety. Grao. i Bay, Cumberland, retailing; defendant submitted; SO days in jail and $100 fine and cost David Eyans, Camberland, retail ing; verdict guilty; judgment sus pended and order to remand to State authorities. Alex. Strickland, defaulting witness; called and failed ; nisi, sd fa and capias. Memna McNeill, Cumberland, re tailing; guilty of distilling; 6 months in ialL $100 fine and costs. lorsey Moms. Uolumbus. retailing: si) days in lall. sioo One and cost. tteo. tsald win. iUumber land, illicit distilling: not guilty. i tteo. Newell, Cumberland, retailing; 30 days in 3 ail: 1100 nne and costs. Nash Robeson. Columbus, retailing; 60 days in i ail. tjlOO nne and costs. Jd. Greenback. Uolumbus. retailing: verdict guilty. WILMINQT0N SCHOONER SUNK. Caaarla la Colllsloa With Flshlsg Vessel. Partlcalars of Wreck. Mr. H. K. Nash, Wilmington man ager for Paterson, Downing & Co., yesterday received a telegram an nouncing the sinking of the schooner Canaria, which sailed from this port April 25th. A telegram from Glou cester, Mass., gives the following par ticular of the wreck: Glotjokstbb. Mass.. May 8. Schr. Canaria, Ricker, from Wilmington, N. C. for Halifax, with 3.152 bbls tar, 400 bblspiich, 4,908 gallons spirits, 61,- 261 feet lumber. valued at I6.440.eollid- ed Wednesday evening; with fishing schr. MarceUa, 30 miles WNW of Georges Bank. The Canaria sank. The 'MarceUa arrived here to-night with loss of bowsprit. The crew of the Canaria took to the vessel's boat tnd were afterward picked up by the MarceUa and brought here. The Canaria was owned by Paterson, Downing & Co. and valued at $12,000; partly insured. Presented Crayoa Portrait Relatives of the late lamented Jas. H. Chadbourn have presented to the Union School, of this city, a handsome crayon portrait of the deceased gentle man and benefactor of the city schools. The formal presentation was made yes terday by Superintendent Blair in the presence of the pupils of the institu tion. Miss Nellie Cook, supervising principal, also made a few appropriate remarks. Members of the School Com mittee, Mr. W. H. Chadbourn, Rev. R. B. John and several other citizens were present. The valiant services of Mr. Chadbourn to the public schools, of Wilmington are two well known to need further comment Win Be Married Today. Announcement is made of the forth coming marriage to-day of Miss Bertha Bear, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Bear, Sr., of this city, to Mr. Albert Rothchilds, a popular travelling man ; of Louisville, Ky. FRYING PAN LIGHTSHIP HAULED UP MONDAY. Repairs of as Extessire Character Now Going oi at Skisaer's Yard Com plimeat to the Firm. Frying Pan Lightship No. 1, the oldest and one of the largest In the service, having been built in 1865 at Kathryn, Me., was hauled up on ordi nary tide without a shake or a jar at Skinner's marine railway in this city Monday. She was drawing 13 feet of water at the .time and marine men say the feat is one' which speaks re markably well for the railway and proves it one of the best between Nor folk and Key West. The big vessel is in charge of the genial Capt A. Neilson and the re pairs in progress by 25 skilled work men will be extensive, requiring two week's time or more. She will be stripped, recaulked and re-metalled with the very best and heaviest yel low metal ever brought here. Over three tons of lead will be used on her bow to protect the chains from gal vanic action. The sides are to be re caulked with whitelcotton to her plank sheer. The vessel is one of the most diffi cult in the service to dock and that Mr. Louis H. Skinner, proprietor of the yard here, secured the con tract by the narrow margin of $32,50, over Charleston and Jack sonville bidders, is a decided compliment to him as well as the port Not before in 20 years has one of the big vessels been hauled up in Wilmington. Mr. Skinner received the contract from Capt W. L. Fields, commander of the Sixth Lighthouse District with headquarters at Charles ton. The repairs are being looked after for the government by the popular Capt J. W. Whiteley, superintendent of Lighthouse construction and re pairs, and during his brief stay in the city he has made scores of friends. Capt Whiteley is regularly stationed at the light house depot, Csatle Pinck ney, in Charleston harbor, and lives with his family of eleven children there. Since he has been stationed at that point, Captain Whiteley's fam ily have saved 54 persons from drown ing and members of the family have secured several handsome medals from the government for heroic service, j Capt Whiteley himself is as faithful to duty as he is companionable and is as popular with Ithe people as he Is with the government MR. HERMAN P0EZ0LT. Aged Cltlsei of Wllmiortoa Passed Away Yesterday Faneral This Moralif. Mr. Herman Poezolt, a native of Prussia, '.Germ any, but for many yeais a resident of this city, and father of Wilmington's esteemed townsman, Mr. Eugene Poezolt died at the resi dence of his son, 315 North Sixth street, yesterday morning at 8:50 o'clock as the result of a stroke of apoplexy suffered early Tuesday morning. His advanced age, 74 years, 7 months and 7 days, was a contrib uting cause. Deceased came to Wilmington when a young man and was engaged for years in merchant tailoring, having been at the time of his death a mem ber of the firm of E. Poezolt & Co., though not actively engaged the past few months. Deceased was an estim able man and a member of the Luth eran church. He leaves two sons to mourn his death, Mr. Eugene Poezolt of this city, and Mr. Harry Poezolt of Greensboro, who arrived last night to attend the funeral which will be held at 11 o'clock this morning from his late residence. Rev. Wm. Frances Dickin son officiating, in the absence of Mr. Poezolt's pastor. The interment will be in Bellevne. Oae Negro Robbed Another. In the police court yesterday John Cooper, colored, was charged with knocking down and robbing George James, also colored, of $52 in a a house in "Ford's row," Third between Bladen and Harnett sts. Saturday night. Through his counsel. Herbert Mo Clammy Esq., he waived examination and is held for the Superior Court in default of $100 bond. James, the prose cuting witness, is also held to appear against the defendant, uooper was arrested yesterday by Officer W. O. Moore atFifth and Bladen sts. Both negroes are employed by the uape Fear Lumber Co.. and live in the house where the alleged robbery oc curred. Mr. Patterson a Caididate. Sheriff Geo. B. McLeod, of Lumber- ton, who is In the city attending Federal Court authorizes the positive statement that G. B. Patterson, Esq., ofMaxton, will be a candidate for Congress In this district in opposition to the present incumbent Hon. Jno. D. Bellamy. Sheriff McLeod says there was an uncertainty as to his ran ning until yesterday when matters so arranged themselves that the an nouncement can be made. Mr. Patter son is also in the city attending court Atlantic Hotel Sold. A special from Newborn says: "The Atlantic Hotel at Morehead City Is now the property of the Atlantic & North Carolina Railroad. The pur chase price was $17,500, a three-year lease at $2,500 per year being guaran teed the purchaser in the transaction.' Asceuloa Day Services at St Paul's. The service at St Paul's Episcopal church will be held to-day at 10 A. M., instead of 11 aa announced on Sunday on account of the rector's being called to attend a faneral at the latter hoar. RALEIGH TOOK THREE Wilmington Team Put Up Better Exhibition Yesterday, But Lost the Game. RESULT OF OTHER CONTESTS. Charlotte aad Qreeashoro Take Oae Each from Darhsn aid Newbera Qreeos boro Here To-4ay McNimara a Little Off la His Work YXSTEBDAT'S GAMES. WUmington, 4; Raleigh, 7. uurnam, 5; Charlotte, 17. ureensboro, 8; Newborn! WHEBE THEY PLAY TO-DAY. Durham at Raleigh. unarlotte at Newborn. Greensboro at Wilmington . STANDING OB THE CLUBS. won. Lost. Percent Raleigh 3 0 1000 Greensboro 2 1 1 2 2 3 .666 Charlotte 2 .666 Newborn..... 1 Durham 1 Wilmington 0 .333 .333 .000 By superior stick work and favors from Mr. McNamara, the Raleigh Red Birds succeeded in making it three straights from Wilmington yesterday afternoon. Three hundred of the faithful were present to witness the obsequies, notwithstanding the crush ing defeats of Monday and Tuesday. The game was as pretty as one could wish to see up to the opening of the fifth inning, when McCann, in the box for the locals, went to pieces : and allowed four hits, netting four runs, one of the hits being for three cush ions with two men on bases. In the same inning, Charters for the visitors went up in a balloon and Wilmington sent two across the plate but Ohilds, Raleigh's new piteher, was put in about the middle of the spasm and he developed an article of speed that put an end to the run-getting. McCann stopped his foolishness in the sixth, but in the seventh the Raleighites jumped on him' again and Dunn, the clever little southpaw, replaced him. The locals added one more to their tally in the sixth and one more In the ninth, but these were off -set by one in the seventh and two more in the e ghth by the visitors. The game more in de tail is aa follows: 1st Pastor passes to first: Soffie fans; Kain singles; Hook out 3rd to first Pastor and Kain advancing; Smith out catcher to 1st Wilming tonBrown fans; Mattheson out short- to 1st; McGinnis .singles to right; Dommel singles to left; Brandt fans. 2nd Sherman fouls to catcher: Myers out short to 1st; Leonard fans. Wilmington Henry out 3rd to 1st; Fisher out catcher to 1st; McCann out pitcher to 1st 3rd Charters out short to 1st: Pas tor flies to centre; Softie singles to left; Kain out 2nd to 1st. Wilming ton Lattin safe on error of 'short; Brown pops up to pitcher, who dou bles Lattin; Mattheson flies to left 4th Hook flies to left; Smith fans; Sherman safe on error of 2nd; Myers flies to right Wilmington McGinnis safe on error of 2nd; Dommel singles over 2nd, giving McGinnis 3rd ; Brandt fans; Henry Hies to right and McGin nis caught at home by Kain. : 5th Leonard fans: Charters singles to left: Pastor hits by 3rd; Soffie hit to centre, scoring Charters; Kain hit for three bases to left scoring 1 Pastor and Soffie: Hook out short to 1st. Kain scoring ; Smith fans. Wilming ton Fisher and Mcuann pass to 1st ; Lattin scratches to 3rd; Brown hits to short and on throw-in and catcher's error,! McCann and Lattin" score; Mattheson hit by pitcnedD all quarters relieved in box by Ohilds; McGinnis swats the first one over to short who makes brilliant catch, tags 2nd and throws to 3rd, making triple play. 6th Sherman and myers out, zaa and 3rd tolat:Leonardfans. Wilming ton Dommel singles to right; goes to 2nd and home on wild pitch; Brandt and Henry fan; Fisher passes but Mc Cann pops to catcher. 7th Chiids fans; raitor sate on error of short; Soffie and Kain single, scoring Pastor; Hook oat 3rd to 1st Soffie and Kain advancing: smith out, 3rd to 1st WUmington Lattin fans ; Brown singles and is thrown out try ins second; Mattheson drove out to short 8th Sherman out short to 1st; Myers drove for three bases to left; Leonard hit double to left, scor ing. Mvers: Ohilds singles over 2nd. scoring Leonard but is caught at 2nd; Pastor passes to 1st; some out, pitcner to first. Wilmington mcuinms, Brandt and Dommel fan In succession. 9th Kain and Smith fly to short: Hook fans. Wilmington Henry got a scratch hit; Fisher got a stinging blow on the arm; Dunn hit to left scoring Henry; Dommel caught out at 3rd on fishy decision of the umpire; Brown new to short. The tabulated score, etc.. is as fol lows. SOORE BY INNINGS. 133456789 SHE Raleigh.... 00004012 0-7 11 4 Wilm'gton. 00002100 14 8 3 Batterises: Charters, Ohilds and Smith ;. McCann, Dunn and Fisher. THE TABULATED SCORE. WIUOKOTON Brown, 2b Matheson, 3b. . . AB 4 3 4 5 4 4 .1 3 1 RBHPO 0 10 0 0 2 Meulnms, cr.. Dommel, lb. . Brandt If Henry, rf Fisher, c McCann, p.. ... Dunn, p 1 1 8 12 0 I 1 1 0 9 0 0 1 0 Iiatnn,ss...... 4 1 1 Total 82 4 8 27 13 2 RAIiKIQH. 1BSBHPO A I Pastor, as..... 3 2 14-31 8offle,2b 5 18 10 1 Kain,rf 5 18 110 Hook, 3b 5 0 0 2 0 0 Smith, c 5 a 0 12 2 1 Sherman.cf 4 0 0 0 0 1 Mvers. If 4 11110 LeonarcLlb... 4 115 0 0 Charters, p......... 3 11110 Ohilds, p. 1 0 1 0 1 0 Total 1 89 7 11 27 9 4 Rnmnun Two hssa hits. Leonard: three base hits. Mvers. Kain; double plays, Kain toJSmith; Wple PjT. Pastor to Hook: hit by pitched ball, Matheson and Fisher; bases on balls, McCann, 1; Dunn, 1; Charters, 2; Chiids, 1; struck out, by McCann,' 8; Dunn, 1; Charters. S; Chiids, 7: wild pitches, Chiids. Time of game, 1:45. Umpire, Mr. McNamara. The Giants Will Tackle King Kelly's Krew To-Day. Komical King Kelly komes. King Kelly's Krew, how do yon do? - Wilmington needs a porous plas ter in left field. Attendance about S25. Better ball will increase it. To be sure, we will win today and make4t one game out of (oar. Three stiff "straights" make the horse editor "too full for utterance." Fisher is the finest back-stop that overplayed on a Wilmington team. Jakesmith 'em to-day, boys, "Spare none of them over ten years." "Don't give up the ship." Let's see what we can do with the Greens- borers. Even thus early it appears that Charlotte has the best team in the State League. Chiids, Raleigh's new pitcher, has great speed and bids fsir to be a star in the League. We'll be Dommelled if the Cap tain didn't do just what the Stab ask ed him to do. He made three out of the eight base-hits yesterday. Wilmington must play some win ning ball this week. Next week the Hornets will be here, and there Is lit tle doubt that they have a formidable team. The series of three games with King Kelly's Kritters opens this after noon at 4'clock. Give the boys from the Gate city a cordial welcome and a sound drubbing. ' The Stab's rabbit foot did not win the game; but its magic touch produced a marked improvement in the playing of McGinnis, Dommel), Brown and Lattin. It is understood that both Man ager Bear and Manager Rivers, of the Raleigh team, have protested against Mr. McNamara as an umpire and ask ed for his removal. Fisher received a stinging blow on the muscles of his lower left arm from a hot ball fired from the pitcher's box. It disabled him, but notwith standing the injury he will be able to stand behind the bat to-day. Dommel was fined $2 by McNam ara yesterday for starting to approach him. As captain of the Wilmington team, Dommel had a perfect right to address him and the fine seems to be superfluous to say the least of it - Elma Hutton, of Lancaster, Pa., recommended by Captain Dommel as an all 'round fast ball player, and last year with the Pennsylvania League, has been signed by Manager Bear , and will be here to-day probably in time to enter the game. Leigh, a crack short stop, recommended by Brandt, has alao been written for. He applied earlier in the season for a contract. Games oa Other Diamonds. Newborn, N. C, May 7. Greens boro had easy victory from the New berniana tt-day, the score having been 8 to 2. Greensboro got 11 hits; one error. Newborn got 10 hits; 3 errors. Charlotte, N. C , May 8. The Hor nets won again from Durham to-day by the overwhelming score of 17 to 5. The game had to be called at the ena of the 7th inning on account of dark ness. SOCIETY OP COLONIAL DAMES. Aaonal Meetlsr Yesterday and Officers Elected for the Easoloc Year. At the annual meeting yesterday morning in the Masonic Temple of the North Carolina Society of Colonial Dames, the reports of all departments were read with enthusiasm and the following officers elected for the en suing year: President Mrs. Gaston Means. First Vice President Mrs Wm. H. Green. Second Vice President Mrs. M. A. Bland, of Charlotte. Honorary Vice President alts. Vir ginia G. Empie. Becoming secretary urs. , aaireu Moore WaddelL Corresponding Secretary Mrs. M. F. H. Gouverneur. Treasurer Mrs. N. N. Davis. Register Miss Carolina G. Means. Historian Mrs. Emma M. Maffitt. All the officers, except Mrs. Green and Mrs. Maffitt were re-elected. Liquid Air Demonstration. The liquid air entertainment inr the Y. M. O. A. auditorium to-night has been secured by the management at great expense and for that reason the price of admission had to be pat at 75 cents, but the press in the cities of the State is unanimous in Its praise of the exhibition and it is safe to say that it will be well worth the advance. Children will be admitted for 25 cents j and the demonstration will be found very instructive for them. No charge is made for reserved seats. The attrac tion is for one night only . THE ASSOCIATED CHARITIES. Report of the Treasunr for the month of Anril 1902. : Beceinta New Uanovr county, MSB Ht Andrew's Presbyterian church, $5.61; First Presbyterian church, $87.97; Market street au JJi. church, $1.10; cash, $10; Mrs. Eliza beth Ttlmnr. 12.60: William Latimer. 1,2 50; Mrs. L. Meginney, $1; Miss Kitln Harlow. ' niahnraments Secretary's . lalarv. ! K25; Ostharine Kennedy Home.$12.50: groceries, $169.60; wood, $90.25; rent for tnose in neea, o.ou; casn, neip, $3; janitor, Z; snoes, ai.su; nourish ment for sick, $2; postage, $1.90. 5 For LaGrippeand In fluenza use i CHENEY'S EXPECTORANT. ' for sals by a rdiat raiaosTharmscy. . The Seashore Hotel, WBIOHTSVILLE BEACH, N. C. Opens for the Summer, Jane 1st. For the coming season of 1903 we have added sixty large airy bedrooms, twenty en suite, with private baths, bowling alley, pool and billard halt Hotel being bat a few yards from old ocean's edge renders it cool and comfortable at all times. - Ho Malaria, No Uospitoes, No Flies. The finest bathing, boating and fishing along the Atlantic coast The cuisine will be thoroughly up-to-date, embracing everything In the way of delicacies in sea foods and choice edibles. Artesian water. Music the entire season by Professor Hollo wbush's New York orchestra of eight pieces. No more delightful resort in the South. Write for descriptive booklet, rates, etc. Address JOE H. HI N TON, Manager, mX 8 3m Wrlghts-rlllo Beach, W, O. J-W. NORWOOD, Pros. Report of Condition ATLANTIC NATIONAL BANE, Wilmington, N. 0., at close of business April 30th, 1902. A.SSJCTS. Loans U. S. Bonds at oar . S 953.683 00 268.800 00 80,000 00 . 243,183 41 11,494,706 41 Real Estate... -. O&bq on band and in Banks. . Dividends payable monthly at rate of one Extra dlvld idend of 50 per cent paid January 15th. 1902. Andrew Morelamd, Cashier. my 8 tf PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Mr. P. A. Mitchell, of Ea leigh, is at the Orton. Dr. H. B. Maxwell', of White ville, arrived yesterday. Sheriff. Geo. B. McLeod, of Lumberton, is in the city. Mr. S. McGwigan, of Lake Waccamaw, is in the city. Mr. W. M. Corbett, Jr., of Olga, N. 0., was here yesterday. G. B. Patterson and J. H. Cook, Esqs., of Maxton, arrived yes terday to attend Federal Court Mr. Edwin Anderson McKoy is at home to spend a few days with his parents, Major and Mrs. T. H. McKoy. Mr. and Mrs. Tench Coxe, of Asheville, who have been spending several months in the city, nturned home yesterday. Mr. Burdis Anderson and fam ily, of Boardman, and Mrs. H. U' Butters, of Ludington, Mich., an guests at The Orton. The Stab regrets to note that Mr. O. H. Dollar, one of its efficient compositors, is very ill at the home of Mr. W. J. Meredith, on Third street Mr. D. L. Gore,. president, and Mr. Claude Gore, secretary and treas urer, of the Great Falls Mfg. Co., of Rockingham,lef t yesterday for Charles ton to attend a meeting of cotton spin ners on the 8th and 9th inst Street Cars to Oakdale. It is announced that the Consolida ted Bail ways. Light and Power Co., will begin work at once on an exten sion of its line down Princess street from Ninth to Tenth, connecting with the Seacoast railroad track leading to Campbell, and placing passengers with in two blocks of Oakdale cemetery. The Local Shippiar. The schooner Maple Leaf, 199 tons, Capt. Annberg, arrived yesterday from New York for cargo of lumber. The Standard Oil steamer Maverick also arrived towing barge 57 and clear ed in the afternoon for Philadelphia. Tme7:nr.T At 8:sa o'clock Wednesday. May 7th, lass, HXBMA.H POIZOLT. Bom Septem ber 27th, 1897, in Presala, Germany. Funeral at 11 o'clock this (Thursday) morn- Ina from the residence 01 his son, sngene Poezolt. sts North sixth street. Friends and acquaintances Invited. NEW ADVEBTISEMENTS. FOR, REGISTER OF DEEDS. Subject to the vote of the Primary. my s 71 u u a a si 1 SCHEDULE OF The Wilmington Seacoast R. R. Leave Leave Ocean View I M A. M. 10.10 A. K. Saturday only. 3.00 P. M, dally. 7.00 P M. daily. my 8 1 dally except Sunday. 11.80 P. M. Saturday only, S.09 P. m. oauy. FOB CONSTABLE. I respectfully announce myself a candidate for the nomination ot Constable of Wilmington Township, Hew Hanover county, subject to the will of the Democratic primary, ap 30 lm WILLIAM 8HKEHAM For House of Representatives. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the House of Representatives from New Hanover county, subject to the action of the Democratic primary to beheld stay S7tb. my 1 tf GK0R8B L. MORTON. For County Treasurer. To the Democratic voters ot New Hanover county: I take this method of announcing my self ' a candidate for re-nomlnatlon for the office of County Treasurer, subject to the ap. tion of the Drimarv to be held May theS7(h. It nominated and elected I will serve you in fu tore as 1 nave in toe pans, taiuiiuuj. Very respectfully, apr27 2W H. MCL. OBZXH, Printer Wanted. Wanted, ! a first class compositor experience on a daily who has I had morning! paper. Must have good recommendations aa to habits and qualifications. Apply at, or address tne aP12tf MORNING STAB. JNO. S. ARMSTRONG, Vice Pros. LIABILITIES. Capital Surplus, etc. Circulation. . .1 185,000 00 188.910 63 91,100 00 . 1,145,697 78 $1,494,708 41 Deposits oer cant. J. W, Yates, Ass's Cashier. BUG DEATH ! Bug Death is used to kill many kinds of bugs, but the potato bug, after all, is the source of greatest loss to the farmers. It must be killed to obtain a good crop. Here's where the value of Bug Death comes in. It is non poisonous to start with, and it does not burn or blight the plant, and so retard its growth. It keeps the vines green and growing from ten days to three weeks longer, which gives the potato many more growing days at the time they need them. The potato matures better, is more starchy and less liable to rot. Bug Death kills the bugs. Bug Death Increases Yield. Do not hesitate to use It freely. It cannot harm the plant, bat will nourish it while destroying; the pest. APPLY TO THE WORTH CO. my s tf A Good Cigar. In the Cigar world every clats ot smokers mingle together, but it is only the discern ing smoker who readily distinguishes the high quality Cigar from the ordinary; but sicisoniy nnmanior toe setter to mace all the pront he can, YOU can readily see yon can saleli you can saieiy Duy Dranas tnat are weu t land favorably known, and are not ashamed to go before the Dubllc. YOU are Justly en- titled to get a most excellent sxcellent Curar for a nickel, and why not buy .the weu known brands Cuban Blossom.' "Cuban Blossom' "Benown," "Benown," t tfr f aenowu, neuuwii. Sold in all Drug Stores, Cafes, Sa loons, and by all sellers of good Cigars. Ask for one. V0LLERS & HASHAGEN, Provisioners. apr37tt How About c That Tackle ? The blue birds are with us again. The streams and ponds are warming up. The fisher men shonid be looking up their outfits. Seeing if any thing is wanted before the last minute. As of old we are showing the finest things to tempt the fish kingdom and make the sport more sporty for the anglers. Lines mav be wanted : Doles must be needed ; hooks are very necessary, and in factwe have everything that is re quired to make a complete outfit to those that are lnieresieu in me sport, to those others that may not be so enthusiastic, we would consider it a favor to have all come in and 100K. J. I'l. j Dealerslln Hardware, &c., - Orton Bonding. apsstf OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF THE AT LANTIC COAST LINE RAILROAD COMPANY: WlLMIHGTON, N. 0., April 39th, 1962, The Board of Directors of the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company have declared s divi dend ot two and a halt (2tt percent, on the preferred capital stock of wmt Company. Divi dend due and payable at the office of the Treas urer, at Wilmington, N.C.. on May 10th. 1902. The transfer books will stand closed from May 1st. to i8cl5f Sectary, my 74t Atlantto Coast Una Railroad Co. For Clerk Superior Court. I hereby announce myself a candidate for re election to toe office of Clerk ot the superior Court, subject to the will of the Democratic primary, and respectfully solicit the support of tne Jjemc n.mfMMHA vr.n ft v Rftrnmr OOUUtV. I embrace this occasion to make grateful acknowledgements for expresilona of con n denoe. JNO. D. TAYLOR, aptf " A REAL BARBER SHOP. Such is "The Climax. " Our men are all graduates with the degree of A, a. which means Artistic Barbers. Our Piccaninny Polishers can give your shoes a shine that will nt a plate-glass mirror to shame, iverytnlng up-to-date. euiOX DAVIS. ap T Booth front Bt toil 4 Co 1