: ! I I ! . ' !.;.:- 1 i .. ! THUS OF SUBSCRIPTION.! (lAny Other uaiiyncw,- ! One Tear, by Mail, $5.( Hi ;Slx Months, " ' 8.50 i r ! Three BXontha, l.SfH ' Two Kontha. - l.OO' STATE.' 1 Mtellvm to Subscribers 1st I CUr at 4S Gonta pr BXpntau VOL.! LXX.-4nO. 62. WILMINGTON, N. C, TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 1902. I ' r II l VII i 1 . I rsXI ' ' I . II f WR- IlffiiWW HPA JO) n ' - ' 1 ; ; : J I ! , WHOLE NO. 10,851 - 1 ! : j " OUTUNEsT Court has order- Tb6j in the case of Commission 6dPrW?lki county, N.O., vs. W. enf wu ...-n from the files of the K Color. brijk buUd ' Elizabeth City, N. O.. was de- Ty fire;W.K. Carter and Ben flfwerelburned to death. Wird were . omi terms k"vv- . . i snth Africa, have been appointed July 8th as the . Mr hanging three negro criminals Stein the Senate was continued yes 'Sto under the fifteen minute rule. Eneineers,firemen and pump-men Tiny of the collieries in the anthra itaaal district yesterday obeyed the ks shocks have ruined the town of 1Te! w-Tten.- Riotine fhlDDRt'i 1 . 1L the progress of the teamsters' 5, in Caicago; there were numer al fights with the police and mny persons ! were mjuroa. - Lere tornado at La Crosse, Wis.; jqjj people mjurou uu. .j. .,; rn-Aflt reioicinsr In the XDero .s British colonies as well as in England met the announcement of peace in SMth Africa. A volcanic out- jmHt in - AiaSKa is ropurmu. N T. markets: Money on call was . . .9as nfr cant: cotton quiet nnn w r .,97.16c; flour was fairly active ana rfdilT held;, wheat-spot sieaay; no. . -j Tfii-mm snot steady; No. 2 2 IW1 ; - ' - - ie; oats-spot steady; No. 2.45c; Hjjin steady; spirits turpentine steady. LEATHER REPORT. U. 3. Ubp't of AQBIOULTUBB, i Wkathkb Buhbatj, WitMcfflTOS, N. O., Jrtne 2. J Meteorological data for the M hours ending S P.M.: TemDeraturea: 8 A 74 degreej; 8 P. M., 73 degrees; maximum, 80 de peei; minimum, 63 detrree; mean, 73 degrees. Rainfall for day, .00; rainfall since lit of month to date, .00 inches. OOTTON REGION BETLLETIN. Warm weather is generally report ed wita local rains. Tn-re were no rains in the Wilmington district. rOSSO A8T FOB T-UaY. WA3HEfaTOJT, May 31. For North Carolina: Fair Tuesday and Wednes day; light to fresh south winds. Port Almanac Jane 3. ' : Rises ; 4.43 A.M. 7.12 P.M. 14H.29H. 5.31 P. M. 8.01P.M. 3id Sets Day's Length . i. High Water at Soathport. nwn water Wucungion. It is said that the Government has lost for several years $600,000 a year in custom's duties on account of systematic fraudulent valuation of silk goods. Cuba haan't been doine business long on her own account, but the trust has got there and taken in all her big cigar manufactories. It, will be pretty hard to smoke it out, It ia said that Sir Thomas Lipton willtry again for that fugacious America cup. He has had so much fan he doesn't like to stop short off. Fife will design a new boat for him. They have gone to stealing alreadv p Cuba- Some one stole President Lima's inaugural address. They to do that with our Presidents wta a way was found to hide them. Two Jjacite coal region in Pennsylvania. They are raking in the money, be cause the strikers, having nothing : , v- Bir'Ke out for the circus and take it in. Thia conntrv n.;rf 1 ... j uimutuun no co- Wished rr.r,: . ainC6 Julv loaf A AO o c-lA nitr e 8tamP3 have been issued, an in- PFCn r"? 01 nearly a billion over the Previous year. 4 newspaper PProach to the crater of Mont Pe- tw t muat be a Prettv not number "wtne hustlin?newHna o w?n aot tackle. "Tatooinc" ;B : a J.UCV nV n iHo. that- cntini sketching on the 2X iddB t0 their attractions, JJWIJ "hapsitdoes. Tatoohasthe "vantage ovm- ;4. iv.i ?i . . Fim iswui not on a fellow's shoulder. friend .. is not witnont i whoatt v Wliin ranee. A fellow "ao8ahorapa . lVQ jn France. A fellow mohiiR j "'guteaea &i an auto- mobn! W ran away 8ued the damae8' bnt the t and i a rea80nWj tatelU kaow 8emnt h0"e ought to attl if v J bI" wme, 8ttCfo&'8faUltf0rng TAX LEVY FOR 1902. Annual Meeting oi the Board of Magistrates of New Han over Held Yesterday. COMMISSIONERS RE-ELECTED. Jorlsdlctloa la Minor Offeaces Recom mended to Be Qlvea! Justices la cresse Is Rate of 2 Cents on the SlM-.ReTenne Needed. Pursuant to call the New Hanover Board of j Magistrates met vesterdav noon ia the Court House and was called to order br Chairman TV Mc- Eaehern, of the Board of County Commissioners. Sixty-four out of 81 magistrates were present. Upon mo tion of Mr. Jesse Wilder, Col. W. J. Woodward , was ' made permanent chairman and the Register of Deeds was ex officio secretary. Chairman McEachern read the tax levy recommended by the County Commissioners and same after some discussion was adopted aa follows ii nnn motion of Maj. W. H. Bernard: J.'. real and pers. poll. General fund.. i.83f 71 Hospital...... !.07 .21 Jfu"'X-- -0U .04 Court House Bonds.. ; .04 .12 Road Bonds l .04 .12 Total... 1 .40 $L20 "And that them ahall Ka collected on all subjects of taxation embraced in schedules "B" and "C" of the Machinery act, and elsewhere in the Acta of 1901, the same tax as is by law specifically imposed for State pur- puwm, except on sucn subjects as are forbidden by the law of the State." There was a motion bw Mr. B. J. Jacobs to consider the items seriatim. but the' motion failed of adoption. The appropriation is madejto cover the estimated expenses of the county for tne year as follows: Superior Court $ Out Door Poor and Insane.'. . . . 6,000 5,000 2,000 2,500 2,000 400 200 150 600 600 1,200 1,700 1,400 550 1,000 1,000 600 4,800 3,400 Uuonty Home. Public Buildings Jail....! , Corona. ' '- Magistrates . UonsUble , Register of Deeds........ Attorn at Superintendent of Health.... commissioners Clerk and Janitor. Printing and Stationary Tax Listing ! Elections Militarr. James Walker Hospital I Furnishing Hospital.. Total.. $34,000 Chairman McEachern explained the necessity of an increase in- the levy from 38 to 40 cents and the adoption of the i recommendation was unani mous, 'i Mr. M. W Jacob! suggested the de sirability of an official map of the county and moved an appropriation of $500 for the purpose. Justice Mc- Go wan ; moved a substitute providing (200; Mr. Walker Meares (100 and de-, fining the scope of the map, and Maj.: W. F. Robertson said the map de sired by Mr. Jacobi would cost at least (3,500. , A motion by Justice John J. ' Fowler to lay the whole matter on the table passed unanimously. Upon motion of Justice M. New-; man, with amendments by Justices 8. H. Fisablate, J. M. McGowan and W. E. Worth, it was recommended to the Legislature that in ' New Hanover i county;1 magistrates be given jurisdic tion in cases of larceny where not more than (50 is involved and the penalty is not more than 80 days on the ! roads, and also in cases of carrying concealed weapons. ' Upon motion of Mr.F.H. Fechtig and seconds by Messrs. Newman and D. J. Fergus, the present Board of County Commissioners, Messrs. D. Mc Eachern, Gabriel Holmes, W. F. Alexander, H. L. Toilers and F. A Montgomery, were unanimously re elected and by instruction the secre tary cast the roteJ Continued laitrovemeats at St. Paul's. - Iteivesthe Stab pleasure to note the continued improvements in the I interior of St. Paul's Episcopal church. a nnw r.hnir-room has been built and handsomely furnished, and the vesti bule of the church enlarged and new ly carpeted. The central aiale has al so been re-carpeted with the same pal- tern as that recently laid in the chan a1 Tha interior of St. Paul's now nresents a verv attractive appearance; and it is learned that other changes are ! to be made.EespecialIy in the pews, which!: will render,; them more com fortable to the worshippers, wnen k fa remembered the short time in whfoh &11 this work of improvement hu haan aceomolished. and the fact that not a single dollar of deot nas been incurred, it is seen both the rec tor and the conereeation deserve great credit for their efforts. Elfht Hoidred Cars. mL. ii..n.ruct t.Iha ahoiia here lv at work on a hurry order for eight hundred freight cars, nf whfon thev are . turning . ou uuc hundred per month. The capacity of .kona Tinaravar. fa nOW being in- creased by the employment of every carpenter ana car Duuaer w . secured. - NKW ADVBraTiBJM" i - . People's Savings Bank Ten per ct. Mall KAftMftl IwBlHlU UCU A V mw Atlantic National Bank Solicits your account. BUSIHK8S LOOAU- Cottasre For rent "AuoUo's Oracle" Wedn'y even'g. LOCAL DOTS Tar. advanced to (1.40 per bar rel on the local market yesterday. The Fifth annual opening of the Hanover Seaside Club on Carolina Beach will be held Thursday. - The regular, meeting of the Board of Managers of the Chamber of Commerce will be held at 1 P. M. to day. The Postal Telegraph messen ger boys yesterday appeared in hand some uniforms of blue with caps to match. Those who desire board on the beach may find an announcement of interest to them in the business local column of to-day 'a Stab. The schooner Morris and Cliff ! cleared yesterday with a cargo of 2,505 cross ties consigned by the B. F. Keith Co. to Perth Amboy, N. J. The monthly statement of the receipts and exports of cotton and na val stores is printed in the commercial columns of to-day's Stab. A, delegation of Wilmington Presbyterians will go up to Point Cas well to-morrow to attend an adjourn ed meeting of Wilmington Presby tery. ' The British steamer Petunia arrived yesterday to Heide & Co.. from Pomaron, Portgual, with a cargo of 2,240 tons of sulphur ore for the Navassa Guano Co. James Henry Jones, colored, was bound over to the Superior Court by Justice Fowler yesterday to answer to the charge of abandonment. In de fault of (50 he went to jail. The Jnstice boomlet started in New Hanover county is rapidly as suming the proportions of a boom throughout the State. In Charlotte, Greensboro, Raleigh and other leading towns it is a topic. Capts. A. L. DeRosset and T. O. Bunting have opened the books for the listing of taxes at the City Hall. Meesrs. T. G. Pickett, Joe Llppitt, R. A. Kingsbury and Capt Wm. Blanks are assisting in the work. License was granted yesterday for the marrirge of Miss Martha Tharp, of Wilmington, and Robert L. Rey nolds, of Brunswick county, and Alex. RusselKeys, of Detroit, Mich., to Miss Catherine May Godfrey, daughter of Mr. John Godfrey, of Wilmington. Deputy Sheriff W. H. Cox and Special Deputies C. R. Anderson and W. P. Seal left yesterday for Raleigh, conveying to the State penitentiary the seven convicts sentenced at last week's term of court to an aggregate of 93 years at hard labor Subscribers who receive bills for subscriptions due the Stab are re minded that it Is not fair to expect a publisher to supply them with news for nothing. Many, however, seem to think otherwise. As soon as a bill is received a prompt remittance should be made.! By deeds filed for record yester day W. F. Corbett and wife trans ferred to John Robert Elmore and wife for (900, lot on east side of Fifth between Hanover and Brunswick streets, and John A. Everett, Jr., and wife transferred to F. A. Bissenger for (3.500, house and lot On the east I side of Seventh between Chestnut and Grace streets; 66x140 feet in size. AN EX-SALOON FOR A CBUKCS. Novel Method Arreed Upos for Breakiox Up Disreputable Locality. Carrying out a determination to break up the disreputable locality known as "Fourth and Castle streets," the building known as the "Klondike saloon," in the midst of the settlement, has been rented and will be converted into a church, where services will be held regularly each Sunday and prayer meeting during the week. Prominent persons belonging to the First Presbyterian congregation are said to have originated the movement and in their novel effort toward a sup pression of vice in the vicinity named, they have enlisted the co-operation and support of leading respectable residents near the neighborhood, who believe that the moral effect of the un dertaking will be to rid the commu nity of its undesirable residents. The "Klondike" is at present ten anted for living apartments, but the agency from which it was rented promises to dispossess the tenant before next Sunday, when services are ex pected to be held by some prominent city pastor. Sales at Auction. Three sales at auction took place at the Court House yesterday. About (800 In accounts due the assignee of R. R. Love were purchased by Jno. H. Gore. Jr.. Esq.. for (11. and in a foreclosure proceeding of D. L. Gore vs. R. Bruce Freeman. 820 acres of land in Federal Point township, were bought by L. B. Rogers for (50. Seven city lots of suburban property on Mar ket, Hanteller and Princess streets belonirinflr to the Dasreett estate were sold by W. M. Gumming and pur chased by Jno. H. Gore, Jr., EiqM for (3.000. All are subject to confirma tlon of the court. Accldeit to Mr. Bowden. While going through the yard of his residence. No. 212 Red Cross street, early yesterday morning, Mr. It. Tate Bowden fell and broke his left leg just above the knee. Dr. D. W. Builuck set ! the broken limb and at last ac counts Mr. Bowden was doing very welL Several jrearii ago the same leg was amputated just below the knee and that makes the accident , all the more THAT HIGH LICENSE. I ( 1 m ' 111 I 1 - .. It Came With Variations and Was Defeated by the Al dermen Last Night. ALDERMAN BAILEY RESIGNS. Mr. VoaQlaha Also Went Out as Mayer pro tern Msay Increases In Privi- lere Tax-Rock Qsirry Leased to Mr. L. A. Weedon. ! More than a hundred liquor dealers, lawyers, citizens, etc., were present last night at the regular meeting of the Board bf Aldermen to see what the Council "had up it's sleeve" in the way of a high lice ne;pro position about which there has been so mueh talk recently. ! The show.down on the part of the high license advocates came when Al derman Hashagen, of the Finance Committee, began reading the general tax ordinance for the ensuing fiscal year as agreed upon by two members of the committee. The two members. when the liquor clause was reached, recommended that the license remain at (23 per month as now, but Mr . W. B. Cooper, the third member of the committee, submitted a minority report which in addition to the regulations of the traffic now in force, provides for a classification in the license rate ac cording to location of bars as follows: Classification A (1,000 per annum. payable quarterly In advance. Classification B (720. payable quar terly in advance. Classification C (324. payable semi annually in advance. For tne nurnoses of this section Claulflcation.A shall be deemed to ap ply to all places where spirituous, malt or vinous liquors are sold in that ter ritory bounded on the east by the east ern line of Fourth street, on the south by the northern line of Church street, on the north by the southern limit or line of the right of way of the Atlan tic Railroad Company, and on the west by the Cape Fear river: provided. however, and it is expressly intended that all that portion of territory with in the oity limits situate west of the Cape Fear river shall be deemed for the purposes herein expressed to be part of Classification A. Fori tne purpose of this section Classification B shall be deemed to apply to all places where spirituous, malt or vinous liquors are sold in that territory bounded on the west by the Eastern line of Fourth street, on the east by the Eastern line of Eighth street, on the south by the northern line of Church street and on the north by the right of way of the Atlantic Coast Lane Railroad Company. uussiueauon u AU tbat territory in the City of Wilmington other than that hereinbefore described or referred to; that is to say not included in Clas sification A and B. Every shop, building, ahed or tent or open stand where spirituous malt or vinous liquors are retailed as above snail be deemed a Bar. Mr. I Cooper spoke in favor of this report and Mr. Sweeney warmly at tacked it He said he didn't want to create a liquor monopoly and moved that the license remain just where it is. -Mr. Spencer seconded the propo sition of Mr. Cooper. Mr. Bailey op posed itand asked for an opinion as to its constitutionality from City Attorney Bellamy. N Mr Bellamy said he hadinvestiga- ted the measure and was satisfied it was all right in principle but might be defective technically in its phraseology it was drawn hurriedly. He said the classification scheme was effective in New York and cited authorities to its legality. At the request of Mr. Cooper, Mr. George Rountree was present and gave an opinion exactly coincident with that of the oitv attorney, whom he said had explained the law perfectly. Mr Rountree said, however, that he did not pretend to say as to the policy of adopting such a regulation. Mr, Iredell Meares was also present for Mr. Goober and concurred in Mr, Ronn- tree's opinion. Mr. Tiencken, of Fifth ward, oppos ed the measure and said what applied to New York would not ap ply to Wilmington. Mr. von Glahn said! he heard rumors on the streets that the effect of the ordinance would be to seriously impair the revenue of the public schools. He said it was a 'nrettv nass" when our children are educated from the sale of liquor. Mr. Mann wanted consideration de ferred until Thursday and Mr. John son seconded it The Mayor ruled thai there was a motion already before the house. Mr. Johnson read from a paper, de fining his position and saying tne effect of the license would be to in crease blind tigers, the law against which wasnot enforced. Mr. Sweeney took him hotly to task for the last re mark and called in vain for Mr. John son to specify charges and call names. Mr. Bailey had previously moved a substitute for the whole that tne license remain as it is and wnen the question was put Messrs. Johnson, Hashagen, Sweeney, Bailey and Tiencken voted "aye," while Messrs. Cooper, Spencer, VonGlahn and Mur- reU voted "nay." Mr. Mann did not vote and the motion to continue the license same as now was adopted. The remainder of the tax ordinance was taken up seriatim and the follow ing increases made: Billiard, pool, bagatelle, ping pong or Kiondyxe tables for hire (3.25 per month; bill postern and advertising agents, (20 to (50 per year; bottlers of non-alcoholic drinks, (12 to (20 per. year; brokers In money or money lenders, stocks or bonds, other than banks, (6 to (120 vear : electric light business, (16.50 to (25 month; gas companies and street railways, each, name advance; guano warehouses. (110 to (120 year; Itiner ant hucksters, (Lid to (L50 month; . . . . A risk " A ' .4 Vt . private marxeia, aw . to jlow joi itinerant peddlers, (2 to; (3 per day. An effort to double the tax of (75 per year on ice companies failed. A new license tax was' imposed on Sewerage companies soliciting business, of (120 per year, payable quarterly. The rate on real estate was allowed to remain same as last year. j The usual Summer loan of (40,000 was authorized, i The Goal, Cement and Supply Co. was7 awarded the contract for coal. cement, wood, and terra cotta piping. upon motion of Mr. Johnson it was ordered, that the tax books be written up in the City Clerk and Treasurer's office at no extra cost and not by j the lister as formerly. "1 ! Mr. Cooper reported the purchase of 1,000 feet of new fire hose at 70 cents per foot and a new alarm box for Sec ond and Market streets. ! The contract for caring for the 108 oil street lamps and furnishing same was awarded to W. B. Duke for (800 per year. J. B. Oasteen, the present Incumbent, bid (925. Mr. j Tiencken asked that crushed rock be placed in the "fish cart alley." at the Market House. Chairman VonGlahn, of the police committee, reported the election of T. G. Evans to fill the place on the force of W. F. Furpless. resigned, and- the putting on as "subs" of .D. A. Rowan, J. H. Lewis and J. W. Howard. Bid: of Ii. A. Weedon to rent the city rock quarry for (25 per month, pay the six cents royalty and furnish 7,000 tons of crushed material on the the streets at (LOS per ton, was ac cepted. C. EL Dock offered the same rental, with exception of royalty and to furnisn material for i (L42 de livered. M. Y. i Johnson offered (25 rental and material at (LS9 per ton delivered. A. R. Stewart, of Colum bia, S. C, offered to deliver rock, f. o. b. ears in Wilmington, for (L52 per ton. Mr. Tiencken presented i a majority report accepting the Fifth ward water works, and said the money for same had been paid. Mr. Bailey submitted a minority report. ; , ! The city made a formal! application through Hon. John D. Bellamy for two parrot guns and balls for pyra mids to be placed on the W. L. L grounds. Mr. YonGlahn tendered his resigna tion as Mayor pro tern, and same was accepted with regret. Mr. Bailey later in the meeting tendered his re signation as an Alderman and that also was ; accepted with regret. Mr. Z. E. Murrell was unanimously elected chairman- of the Public Building Committee to succeed him, but his successor as an Alderman was not chosen last night. Mr. Bailey said a change In his business made it impera tive for him to devote all his time to that! It la learned that the change in business is a dissolution of the com pany owning tne Wilmington iron Works, Mr. Bailey retaining the foundry and machine shops and Mr. EL A. Burr, the other member of the company, assuming control or tne mill supply business, j j The Bell Telephone Co. filed Its ac ceptance of the ordinance recently adopted and a slight change at the re quest of Mr. Meares, attorney, was made in the ordinance passed relative to the American Telephone Co. The following Board of Commis sioners of Navigation and Pilot age j was re-elected; Thos. Evans, James Sprunt, O. W. Worth, a F. Craig, J. W. Craig, Geo. Harriss and Samuel Northrop. i Messrs. Cowan Bros., lessees of the Opera House, were authorized to ex pend half of the annual rental of (85L50 on furnishings for the theatre, an inventory of all fixtures to be filed with the city, i This action also settles the controversy between! the Messrs. Cowan and Mr. S. A. Schloss, the for mer lessee. At the suggestion of Mr. Tiencken, the Ordinance Committee and City Attorney were instructed to de vise some regulation for - the proper control of the alleged bawdy houses in the city. The Mayor characterized as a lie eer tain reports that were suggested as to his non-enforcement of the law per taining to any .subject. His remarks were put strongly and repeatedly, and very soon the Board adiourned. ST. THOMAS' PAROCHIAL SCHOOL. Pleasing Commencement Exercises by the ( Children Last Evening. The 84th annual commencement of St.! Thomas' Parochial School, taught by, the Sisters of Mercy of the parish, was held last night and the exercises were seen and enjoyed by a large audience. The programme was well rendered and the Sisters deserve much praise for training the children in such an admirable manner as to enable them to execute their parts with so much skill and grace. The programme was as follows: Sonn: "Busv Children" and "Go to Sleep Little Children," by the pri mary classes. r Dade Drill," by the boys. MA Rawtair Circla." bv the srirls. "Oarrle'a Quarter " a nlav bv the little girls. Hones bv tne uttie cnuaren. !"The Oaroenter." and "Wake Says the Sunshine" by the children. , Moon Drill, bv the lareer ems. Hymn to the Sacred Heart, by the nchooL ; v I v Address, by Rev.' Father Dennen. Each part was well gendered, the most amusing being the "Dude Drill," while the most realistic was the "Sew ing Circle," by the girls. Rev. Father Dennen delivered a short and appro priate address, at the close of which the children received many ) well ! de- served compliments." 'f f : : N :' v I For IjaGrippo and In fluenza use CHEITEITD BXPEOTOBAITT. tor saieeir a ram's waaosTnannioi. WHAT DO YOU THINK? Wilmington Captured a Game Yesterday from Raleigh on Its Own Grounds. THE SCORE, FIVE TO JOURJ r Charlotte Kent Up Its Winning Streak and There Was n Disturbance nt Oreeosboro Mace Sifns New Players Meeting Called. YESTERDAY'S GAMES. Charlotte, 9; Newborn, 8: Wilmington. 5: Raleigh. 4. l Greensboro. 9; Durham, 0J WHERE THEY PLAY TO-DAY. Newborn at Charlotte. Wilmington at Raleigh. Durham at GreensboroJ STANDING OF THE CLUBS. won. .. 21 .. 15 .. 14 .. 12 ..'11 .. 2 Lost. 3 10 11 13 14 22 Percent. Charlotte Durham Raleigh..... Newborn. Greensboro . Wilmington .875 .600 .560 .480 .440 .083 Special Star Telegram. Raleigh, N. a, June 2. Raleigh lost to Wilmington to-day in a rather slow game. Errors were conspicuous on both sides, but at the critical min ute Wilmington put in good work Sweeney was excellent, as usual, while Leonard was ratheroff. Raleigh made three double plays, each being short stop to second to first. Wilmington lost two good chances for doubles through:' errors by Lattin. Holland made the batting record for Wilmingt ton. Fisher was at his best. There is a marked improvement, Sweeney says, in the work of the infield, while the outfield Was also good. Raleigh cranks are very anxious over the pos sible outcome of the next two: games. Wilmington startled them by the work to-day. " I Raleigh, N. C, June 2. Neither Wilmington nor Raleigh deserved to win to-day as neither played fast bait Sweeney did better work at the slab than Leonard. Fisher's work behind the bat was extra good and Holland with the stick, five times up, made four hits. Lattin at short, made two costly errors, but Raleigh beat Wil mington at the error game. The team showed plenty of grit and a few vic tories will aid them. Their behavior to-day was much to their credit. The umpire gave both teams black eyes on several decisions. He is a lo cal man and did the best he knew how. The game was won in the ninth on" Hook's sleepy play, letting ajball get away and . looting at it. sweeney reached first ' and advanced when Mathlson went out, short to first, scor ing on Holland's hit in centre, i Mc- Ginnis flew to Hook; Dommell walk ed and Fisher fouled out to Smith. Raleigh did nothing in its half, j j Two hits in the second, scoring: a run, and three hits in the third, scor ing two runs, really did the business. It is likely the game to-morrow will draw a larger crowd. THE SCORE BY nrOTNGS. 123456789 RHI Raleigh ....... Wilmington. . . .10101100 04 7f 7 .01200010 15 9 4 L Batteries: Leonard and Smith; Sweeney and Fisher. - THE TABULATED SCORE. Raleigh. AB . 4 . 5 . 4 . 3 . 4 . 4 . 4 . 4 . 3 BBHPO Pastor, ss... 0 0 3 I Soffle, 2b . . . 0 4 0 2 Smith, c . . 5 14 Farrell, lb.. Treagar. If. . 1 1 1 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 Hoy, cr Hook, Sb . . . Davis, rf Leonard, p . Total 35 4 7 27 la Wilmington ab rbhpo E Mathlson, ss. 5 0 2 1 6 10 3 3 1 0 0 0 Holland, rf & McGkmis,cf. 0 0 0 Dommel, lb. . . Fisher, c .. Hutton, If. 0 Handibou, 3b. Lattin. ss 2 Sweeney, p . . . Total....... .35 5 9 27 9 4 Hummarv: Earned runs. Raleigh 1, Wilmington 1. Double plays, Raleigh 4. Struck out, by Leonard 5, Sweeney 9. Bases on balls, off Leonard 5. wee- nev 1. Three base hit. Smith. ! Two base hit, Dommel. Hit by pitched ball, Sweeney. Left on bases, Raleigh 8, Wilmington 9. Time oi game,: x:ou. Scorer. Mr. H. F. Smith. Umpire, jMr. Robert Little. Attendance, zou.: By a Score of Five to Four! We Surely Got One More. Did you ever? Will you swear to it t What f Won a game ? Was McCann the hoodoo ! Remarkable as it may seem!, It's so. Five to four. Well, that's one more. j -r-The Raleigh Turtles are making encouraging progress in moving back ward.-, i. i The Stab telephone was kept warm last evening by incredulous cranks who wanted the news confirmed. Pitcher McCann withdrew from the Wilmington team and-left yester day to join the Bennettsville, S. C, team. y" Subscribe liberally to the base ball fund. The reconstructed uiants Will show next week that the hoodoo haa left them. The rare and radiant wereiinSa state of ecstatic dengnt last evening when they became convinced that Wilmington had defeated Raleigh. Here's another wire from I Wake Court House to the Horse Editor: "Long life to the Lobsters. We hard ly know whether to laugh or. cry. Gnens we had batter rejoice with you T. B. Eldridge." This telegram from Raleigh : 'Horse Editor Star: Coneratalations on Lobsters plucking; a feather from Red Birds. It will add much needed grace to Wilmington's cap. W. J. Martin." II ' . Manager Harry Maee telegraphed yesterday from Wilmington, Del. that he had signed Lawson, short stop ;Hines, left field; Krause, pitch er; and that he was after Jeffries for third base and Hart man, catcher. The men are all from the Pennsylvania League and Mace knows the record of each. He said he was lhavinsr some trouble getting the men away but wired for transportation j for the five from Philadelphia to Greensboro. The men will join the team this week. The committees in charge of the subscriptions were on j their rounds again yesterday and met with only fair success. To-day the final canvass will be made and the public j spirit of Wil mington's baseball enthusiasts should assert itself. The committee authorizes a call for a meeting f of all sub scribers and all others interested in baseball at the City Hall to-morrow night, -at which time a Board of Directors will be chosen and other important business transacted, A large attendance is desired, j The dame at Greensboro. Special Star Telegram. . Raleigh, N. 0., June 2. The game at Greensboro with Durham was stopped during the last half of the ninth inning to-day by; Durham's re fusal to play longer on account of rank decisions of Umpire Proud. The game was forfeited to Greensboro, 9 to 0, with the actual score 4 to 4. McTeer first up in the last half; of the ninth, singled to right field, Mangum bunted and on error of Durham, McTeer went to third and Mangum to second; Kel- ! ley hit to short stop, who ran to third base, touched Mangum: and also Mc Teer, who was near. Umpire Proud ruled Mangum safe, and McTeer out. Durham contended that both were out and forfeited the game by leaving the field. ! OUR CUSTOM H0USB PRIVILEGES. Mr. Bellamy Introduced Bill Yesterday i Tending to Increase Imports Here. Hon. J. D. Bellamy has been in formed by Deputy Collector J. E. Tay lor that the port of Wilmington is not a port to which dutiable merchandise may be shipped without appraisement, under the act of June 10, 1880, while Charleston, Mobile, Norfolk and Sa vannah have this privilege. Acting upon this information, Mr. Bellamy prepared a bill which he introduced yesterday, as follows: j An act to make Wilmington, N. C, a port through which merchandise may be imported for transportation without appraisement. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress as sembled, that the privileges of the first section of the Act approved June 10th, 1880, governing the immediate trans portation of dutiable merchandise without appraisement, be and the same are hereby extended to the port of Wilmington, N. C. In talking oyer the matter with Mr. Chance, the supervising special agent of customs, Mr. Bellamy was further informed that Wilmington had no bonded warehouses and that when the government owns a warehouse, on ap plication of the collector, a part of the warehouse may be used as a bonded warehouse without a regular store keeper, a deputy doing'the duty when required. It is necessary to have this done in order to make effective the bill Mr. Bellamy intends to have passed. The special agent also called Mr. Bellamy's attention to the fact that Wilmington has not even custom house premises which are used for the storage of imported goods in bond. Funeral of a Child. ! . The funeral of little James Qil- j Christ Smoot, whose death in Fayette- ville was announced in these columns Sunday, was held! yesterday morning at 10 o'clock from the residence of his grandmother, Mrs. Mary E. McGirt, i No. 110 South Sixth street, in the pres ence of many friends of the bereaved family. The services were conducted by Rev. John H. Hall, assisted by Presiding Elder R. B. John, and the remains were tenderly laid to rest in Oakdale. i j K, of P. Election, j i The folio wine officers were elected last night by Stonewall Lodge No. 1, K. of P., to serve for the ensuing term : Chancellor, J. O. McLeod: V. O., J. B. Taylor; P., J. T. Gordon; M. of W., H. D. Stanland; M. at A., G. A. Peter son; Inner Guard, E. H. Batson.O. G., J. M. Holmes. Mr. C. D.Yarborough was recommended to the Grand Lodge for Lodge Deputy. - vaaaSBSH A Real Compliment, j It must be universally conceded i.t Hi iotiiU of the convention held in Harnett county yesterday is a very high compliment to Hon. John D Bellamy. Harnett Is a new county in the Sixth district and is further from Mr. Bellamy's home than any other county in the district. Then, there were two candidates in the field from Cumberland, which adjoins Harnett. Baseball This Afternoon. I The High School Champions, strengthened by several college players at home for their vacation, will play a game of baseball at Hilton this after noon with the Athletics. Both teams are strong and a good game may be exoeefed. The game will be called at IP, a! General admission 15 cents; ladies 10 cents.! ! ;Mr. Norwood; OrrelL who has been attending Horner's military school, returned home yesterday. TAB COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. Regular Monthly Meeting Yesterdsy Rpatine snd Unimportant Business. Jurors for July Term of Court. Only routine and unimportant mat ters were considered by the Board of County Commissioners at its. regular monthly meeting yesterday afternoon, upon which all members were in at tendance. The committee on application of Hall ft Pearsall for tax abatement was continued. Mrs. James Rasp berry and children, of Masonboro township, were granted $4 per month for ode month, and Dr. McMillan and Commissioner Montgomery were re quested to investigate the matter of continuance. Reports of the Super. intendent of Health, Register of Deeds and Road Superintendent were read. approved and ordered on file. Grant ing by chairman of liquor license to the Seashore Hotel on Wrightsville Beach was approved. Renewal of the bond of Dr. C. D. Bell as coroner was likewise approved. Report of J. M. McGowan and Col. John D. Taylor as to fines collected and paid into the treasury was approved. The report of the grand jury at the last term of court was submitted and turned over to Chairman Vollers, of the Pubic Building Committee. The following jurors were drawn to serve during the one week term of Superior Court for the trial of crimi nal cases, beginning July 7th. Judge Henry R. Bryan presiding: Fred W. Dick, Listen Larkins, Moses H. Beardsley, EL A. Martindale, D. J. Padrick, L Shrier, A J. Burrruss, J. V. Grainger, Tom Lawther, J. F. Hug gins, Phil Pearsall, Jeremiah B Smith, W. L. Coney, E. A. Kerr, D. H. Lip- pltt, W. R. Lewis, S. O. Frink, T. M. Craig, Geo. Grant, H. W. Howell, W. A. Oanaday, Jr., E. L. Smith( Wm. Tiencken, Matthew O. West W. L. Duke, Geo. Darden, O. E. Gor don, C. M. Mc Arthur, E. Lilly, James 8. Branch, Wm. P. Carroll. Jno. W. Kerr, Geo. W. Hughes, O. O. Bowser, Wm. Ritter, Geo. W. Huggins.' PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Mrs. Duncan O'Hanlon left last evening for New York on a pleas ure trip. Mr. C. H. Whiteheart, the "Foot Prints" tobacco man, is in the city, a guest at the Atlantic Inn. - Drs.iL. C. Keerans, of Char lotte, and L. O. Covington, ofiVance- boro, are here for the session of the Medical Examiners. Miss Mollie L. Williams, who has been visiting her sister Mrs. O. C. Sasser, returned to her home at Bow den, N. C., Saturday morning. Miss Lizzie Struthers arrived Sunday from Washington, D. 0., to spend a month's vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Struthers, Mr. F. E. Hall, of Eichmondy district superintendent for the Virginia Life Insurance Co.. is in the city at tending to the transfer of the Wil mington office of the company from Mr Geo. T. Hanes, promoted. Mr. Hall is accompanied by his wife and they are guests at the Seashore Hotel. HARNETT FOR BELLAMY. Over Ninety Per Cent, of the Delegates for the Renomiaation of Hon. Jno. .. D. Bellamy. Special Star Telegram. Dunn, N. C, June 2. The Harnett county convention was held at . Lil lington to-day. The convention was called to order ; : by J. O. Clifford, Chairman of the County Executive Committee. Dan Hugh McLean was elected permanent I chairman. There were no instructions for any candidate, but over ninety per cenL of the delegates were for Bellamy for Congress. Clark, for Chief Justice, had a large I majority of the delegates. Brunswick Commissioners. The Board of Magistrates of Bruns wick county met yesterday and elected as a Board of Commissioners, M. O. Guthrie, Esq., of South port; A. M. Chinness, of Northwest, and A. C. Meares, of Shallotte. Mr. Guthrie was the only member re-elected. THREE NEGRO CRIMINALS. ! To Be Hanged July 8th in Rowan County. State Institution for the Blind. - lEIpeoial Star Telegram. Raleigh, N. C, June 2. Governor; Aycock to-day fixed the date, July ' 8th, as the time for hanging three neero criminals in Rowan county. They are Archie Conley, convicted of the murder of Geo. Davis; Dick Flem ing and Richard Elan ton, - wno were convicted of breaking into a house and committing an outrage upon a respected widow, alone with a little daughter. . . j ! Diplomas were presented to two . graduates to-day during the .closing exercises of the State Institution for the Blind, xne annual aaarenwM by Major B. F. Dixon, State auditor; his theme, "Ideala." V tha nanaoUdated Credit Co.. Char lotte, ia chartered, with $5,000 capital, to conduct a mercantile agency con fined to the State. NEW XPVBBTISBMBNTS. A REAL BARBER SHOrC Boon is "TM Climax." Our men are an graduates wttn the degree of A. B.. wfclcn Sans Arttstto Barbers. Our Plocanlnny Polishers can aire roMSboeea shtoett J" at a plate-glass mirror to shame. XTeryMms ap ; r: v Vi t- k - II lit if n. 11 if li Is 5 3 Mi 1 1 I PTC ... I Is. , 6 h l fx I Mrs. B. R. Dunn Sumnaer boarders.' serious. LL.