ggggSS--"' . . MM""M gMp . jSeed Bon-Fide. Ereu-y j I TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION.! Circular" a. Onm 7sari by Elavil, ! Six Motfc. " ; Thr Boathay - -; Twa lfeBthaV M p,pef P"WMa WHmlnrtn- DllTr4. to Satertbrs tm tktf I llltw at II lint, up Wtk. - T ,I,P .v IHB STATB. VOL. LXX.-NO. 63. WILMINGTON, N. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 4, 1902. WHOLE NO. 10,852 XI - I I II II II 7 . I I I V II il l 1 II NX T l i vw 1 W II :1 A TITV S 8.60 1 l.5 J 1.00 glowing ftar. c OUTLINES ...,r Bureau reports that T m have checked ihe growth oolmg I the central and eastern rfc0ttOBtat the general condition of rpromising; the least favor cr0P'!t: ,miD1r from the Caro- pnorted decrease in " n...a is a r l"",s'". v,th Carolina of 9 per Knrth The Senate passed the cent -philipPme government bill by a vote Jefferson Davia's 30. generally observed in v.,hfar was Ga., yesterday. Statues Tthe memory of Gen. Jtiartow ana yesterday at tin veiled McW" Riotine contin eriayiCWcago, the striking iers attacking the police; many were inured. seveVal fatally. No developments in the anthra miaers strike; disturbance of aiser nature are more frequent All the lower portion of the city TTolieL HI., is under water; several iSrowned; damage estimated at Sow Kin Edward 641)16(1 J, ' npatulations on the conclusion Ir oeace to the British represenutives ; si fr n,hun" Li kegs of gunpowder at the Oliver Iwder works, nearWilkesbarre. Pa., hleirupduriiiga thunder storm; no one was injured. People living rtng the Red river, in Texas, are moving oat, fearing an inundation." N. Y. markets: Money on call was euier at 34 per cent ; cotton quiet t 9 5-16c ; flour was weak and iis lower; wheat spot easy; No. , 79k corn spot easy No. 3 69c; oats-spot easy; No. 2 45c; iteady ; spirits turpentine firm. rosin WEATHER REPORT. 0. 8. DlP'T OF A9RI0ULTIJM, J Wkathkb Bttbkatj, WtLMraoTOH, N. O., Jnne 3. Meteorological data for the 24 hours ending 8 P.M.: Temperatures: 8 A. M., 72 degrees; 8 P. M., "i degrees; maximum. 84 dc pees; minimum, 65 degrees: mean, 74 dspee. Rainfall for day, .00; rainfall since lit of month to date, .00 inches. 0OTTO5 REGION BULLETIN. The weather is generally fair in all actions. A few light local rains have fallen in the New Orleans and Okla homa districts. Temperatures continue neatly stationary. rOBtOAST FOB TO-UaY. Washington, June 3. For North Carolina: Generally fair Wednesday and Thursday; light to fresh south winds. Port Almanac Jane 4. Sua Rises. 4.42 A.M. Sun Sets 7.12 P.M. Day's Length 14H.30M. High Water at Southpon . 6.25 P. M. H eb Water Wilmington 8. 55 P. M. Minister Wu was mistaken while in Georgia for a woman, which he took as a compliment. Wu isn't a beauty, but he would inake a jolly old girl. Ediaon says he has completed his storage battery, by which automo biles, road wagons, carriages, &c, can be run a hundred miles or more with one charge. The Xew York Commercial-Ad-vertiter, Republican, wants to know if the "Commercial Democracy" is extinguished? It is. McLaurin has received hia pay. Unmindful of the hoodooed 13, thirteen young men took a boat ride at Burlington Island, Pa., a couple days ago. The boat was upset and two of the young men were drowned. The circus elephant which killed that Indiana man for trying to put atwo-for-a-nickel, lighted cigar into her trunk was excused on the ground of sufficient provocation. The man arunk but the elephant sober. was Trusts cheapen things with a ven geance. The Chicago Record-Herald JPotej an electrical supply dealer of toat city a3 saying that it now costs Per cent, more to equip a house haQ t dil a year ago, before the organization of the Trust. Anthracite nol fiaa rrnna tit trt - s Mi ' I 7 ton ia Philadelphia. With cal up there, beef from 20 to 30 Poand.and other eating Dffm proportion, the average emzen not in a frame of mind 10 reyel in the tide of prosperity. 11 is said that President Roosevelt , PWa ar0UQd the White House like anl?ng 8tier ia a cornfield, and 'ometlme3 almoat takes the breath !t,ay from dignified Senators and on ?' LWhen he fan"Harly slaps them tne back and informs them that wuid make Players. good base ball imPeror WiIIiam 8aya fchat .n the eJn , pean war 40 men, Jipped with machine guns, can lueir ground against 80,000. .'"P'ovided these 80,000 don't a shooting things with all the chinp k:::. OI 10Q8 range ma- mesa anyway. GRAND LODGE OFFICERS ! WILL BE ENTERTAINED. Dlstlntalshed Membera of the Royal Af caBum Order Will Be Honored by the Local Social Session, j In honor of three" distinguished membera of the Grand Lodge of their order, who are attracted to the cHy by the meeting of the State Board of Medical Examiner and th N n. Medical Society, Oornellua Harnett and Carolina lodges of the Royal Ar canum have arranged for a delightful joint social session to be given in Odd Fellow!. Hall on Third street, next Monday night Members' of both lodges are most cordially invited to come and brine with them friand likely to be interested in the benefits of the order. The guests of honor will be Dr. i J. Howellj Way,- grand secretary, jof Waynesville, N. a, who arrived yes terday, and Dr. W. U. H. Cobb, of Goldsboro, grand medical examiner, andDri E. H Brooks, of Reidaville, grand orator. who will arrive this week. A joint committee of arrangement has been appointed as follows: Cor nelius Harnett, A. H. Paddison, J. C. Morrison (secretary), Henry Burk- himer and R O. Sloan; Carolina Council, H. K. Bonitz (chairman), Jamea Hooper and W. J. Toomer. The committee met yesterday morn ing at ille office of its chairman and perfected all arrangements. LOCAL DOTS. Christian Science service, Ma sonic Temple, room No. lOhis even ing at 8:15 o'clock. ilbmt 200 persona went to Carolina Beach on the Second Advent excursion yesterday. A large fire-proof safe was placed in the office of Messrs. Russell and Gore in the Allen building yester day. 1 A number of articles of house furnishings are offered for sale In the business local column of the Stab to day. : The meeting of the Dorcas Society of the Lutheran church has been postponed to next Thursday night Eev. W. B. Eoyall, the new pastor for Town Creek church, will preach at Sammerville and Lelaad next Sunday.; The First Presbyterian Sunday School will run an excursion to Caro lina. Beach Friday. The first boat leaves at 9 A. M." The fifth annual encampment of the Boys' Brigade of 'America will beheld this year at Southport the second week in July. i Tar on the local market was .yesterday qnoted at $L45 per barrel. Cotton declined to 9 cens for middling with receipts of 62 bales. Mr. C. E. Schererhas purchase ed of Mr. J. F. Garrell a tract of 10 acres of land in Cape Fear township for a consideration-! $45. The American Surety Co., of New York, has opened a local office here With Messrs. EL O. McQueen and D. L Gore as local vice presidents and D. Li Russell and Jno. EL Gore. Jr., Esqs., as local secretaries. Beginning July 1st. two postal clerks will be put ba the "shoo-fly" train 'between Norfolk and Goldsboro, giving Wilmington extra mail service over that route. The "shoo-fly" has not carried a mail car before and it will now connect with the train arriv ing here at 10:10 A. M. Died ii New Orleans. Telegrams to relatives and friends in the citv vesterdav brought the sad news to them of the death in New Or leans the same morning of Mrs. Bessie Low Kidder daughter of the late J ames H. Low. a nrominent merchant of Wilmington during the civil war. Mrs. Kidder died after a brief illness with typhoid fever. She leaves one daugh ter, Miss Bessie, aged 18 years, and two brothers. Mr. Edwin H. Low, of New York, and Mr. Clarence F. Low, of New Orleans. She died at the home of the latter. Mrs. Kidder was a sister of Mrs. A. L. DeRosset, who preceded her to the grave about a year ago. Temporary interment will be at New nriiini but the remains will later be brought to Wilmington. alderman Mann's Position. Tn regard to resorts on the streets yesterday as to his failure to vote on the liquor license pro- nnaitlnn t tha meetinsr of the Board Mondav nizht. Alderman Mann asked a reporter to say for him that his si lence on the question was due to an agreement by him with Mr. Cooper to vote for a $27 per month license, which was not proposed. A Wilminilon Player. Mr. Clem Wescott, who has been ni..iiii a star centre-field on the Rnni!ttaville.: 8. 0.. baseball team, returned vesterdav. having been re- tired from the firame temporarily on " account of a coupla of broken fingers from strenuous work. He brings high mmMiittiAni from Manacer H. I Tj- -II - Ttristnw. M NEW ADVERTISEMENTS ' W. B. Cooper Fresh jelly. The Sneed Co. Ready for you. J. W. Plummer, Jr. Pineapplea. " h ' - k BUSINESS LOCALS. M For SaleAt a bargain. ALMOST A SHOT'OUT. Tail-Enders Easily Defeated the Wake Court House Contin gent Yesterday. WELL, WELL, DID.YOU EVER? Charlotte and Darbam the Winners on Other Dlimoada, the Utter fty Tea InBlags Baseball Meetlsg To Itht The Sabscrlptloa. YESTERDAY'S GAMES. Charlotte, 8; Newbern, 8. Wilmington, 8; Raleigh, 5. Greensboro, 7; Durham, 1L WHERE THEY PLAY TO-DAY. Newborn at Charlotte. Wilmington at Raleigh. - Durham at Greensboro. STANDING 07 THE CLUBS. Won. .. 22 .. 16 .. 14 ..12 .. 11 .. 3 Lost. 3 10 12 14 15 22 Percent. .880 .615 .542 .461 .423 .120 Charlotte Durham Raleigh Newbern Greensboro . . , Wilmington . . Raleigh, N. O., June 3. Wilming ton outplayed Raleigh and put in some good team wok to-day. How ever, the story of Wilmington's vic tory lies rather in the ragged listless work of the locals. . Fact is, the Ra leigh fans are greatly discouraged at the poor work of their team and the gate receipts. have shrunk mightily. the attendance to-day being only two hundred. Dunn did good pitching for Wilmington and not a hit was made off him until the fifth, when four hits, two errors, two bases on balls and an error netted the locals three runs. Abase on balls, a wild throw by Brenig and a single secured one run for Wilmington in the second, and a three-bagger and a batted ball, scored another. In the third a single and juggling performance by Farrell, scored another and in the seventh four singles, aided by errors, and poor work generally of Raleigh allowed five Wilmington men to score. the score by innings. . 123456789 r'h Wilmington.. .0 210 0 0 5 0 08 10 2 Raleigh.. .....000030002 5 7 6 Batteries: Dunn and Fisher: Char ters and Myers. the tabulated score. Wilmington" AB . 4 . 4 . 5 . 5 5 . 3 . 4 . 4 . 4 RBHPO Lattin, as. .3 3 0 Holland, If ... MeGinnis, of. . 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 4 4 Dommel, lb... Fisher, c Huttoo.lf. 13 6 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 Handibou. 2b. Sweeney, rf . . . Dunn, p Total 38 8 10 27 9 9 Raleigh. ab BBHPO 0 2 3 Pastor, ss 5 8offle,2b h Bmith,cf 5 0 0 0 4 2 8 2 0 0 8 Farrell. lb 4 Treagar. If 3 Davis, rl 4 Brenig, Sb 3 Myers, c 3 Charters, p 4 0 Total.. ...34 5 7 27 17 6 Summary: Three base hits, Myers and Handibou. Bases on balls, off Charters 3. Dunn 4. Struck out, by Charters 7, Dunn 5. Stolen bases, Treasrer and Mvers. Passed ball. Myers. Double plays, Pastor to ttoi fle, Dommel - unassisted, Lattin to Handibou to Dommel. Left on bases, Raleigh 6, Wilmington 6. Time of game, 1:30. Two Out of Three From The Raleigh Turtles. Blessed Tony 1 What I Another I Dolph BobinsonXsays, "Wonders will never cease." Percentage gone up from 43 to 120 in two days. Now, don't expect the boys to win three straights from Raleigh. Looks like Bay Kennedy is toting the left hind-foot of a graveyard rab bit. The horse editor tenders his tin- I cere condolence to the denizens of Wake court house. The Street Railway people ex pect to have an 'improved service for baseball next week. Good I If ithe Giants win one or two more games this week there'll be a big time at Htyton ParkJIonday. What's the matter with the Tur- I ties ? Manager Rivers will have to place some live coals on their backs. There was "weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth" among the Ra leigh cranks when 8 to 3. stared them in the face. - Quess we'll have to giro the Tur tles a game to-day to keep 'em from jumping the league. Don't forget the meeting at the City Hall to-night. All interested in baseball, whether subscribers or not. are cordially invited. A telegram dated Washington from Manager Mace last night said: 'Got players out of Wilmington, Del.-all right and sent them on to , Greensboro. Am after another pitcher here." The names of the players se cured were published yesterday. A game of baseball of the really artistic and novel order is being ar ranged for Friday afternoon between the Bachelors and Benedicts, the pro ceeds from same to be applied towards l fund to be raised by the ladies of the city for the purchase of new uniforms for the reorganized Wilmington team. There will be many novel features among which will be that of the um piring of the game by the "Hon Editor." Mrs. J. H. Davis and little daughter, Lldaof Savannah, Ga., are visiting friends and relatives in the city. , MUNICIPAL MATTERS BEFORE AUDITING BOARD. Refulsr j Meeting Yesterday Ateraoon Consideration of General Tax Ordi nance Deferred Until Prldsy. Consideration of the action of the Aldermen upon several matters the night before principally engaged the Board of Audit and Finance at its reg ular meeting yesterday afternoon, over which Chairman McQueen , pre sided, and upon which all other mem bers were present, Mr. MeNair having come in late. The authorization of a Joan of $40,- 000 to tide the city over the Summer months was approved. I The matter of allowing the lei- sees of. the Opera House to expend ! half the amount of the first year's rent for improvements, was referred back to the Aldermen, with the ln- i struetion to obtain an inventory of the furnishings proposed to be bought Brooke G. Empie, Eiq., was present as counsel for the Messrs. Cowan, les- The bond of Geo. H. Crafts for the construction of Fifth street bridge, was approved. J Judgment against the city in the case of Emeline Mask in the sum of $330 was ordered paid. j Abatement of $12.80 tax on the property of Evergreen Lodge of a col ored charitable order was approved. ) The award of the contracts to Ma. W. F. Robertson for the Brunswick street water works extension; W. B. Duke for earing for the 611 lights of the city, and the Coal, Cement and Supply Co., for furnishing brick, etc', was likewise approved. j Approval of the bond of the Wil mington Gas Light Co.,1 in the sum of $5,000 with Mr. R. J. Jones as surety, for he maintenance of its contract for city lightning, was deferred for technical corrections. j The bond for the Fore and Foster Co,, for tha lumber contract was approv ed, i - ' i Consideration of (he general tax or dinance as adopted by the Alderman was deferred until a special meeting to be held Friday at 3 P. M. After audi ting, various bills for current expenses adjournment was UkenV , - MaVOSTJ. A' ARR1NQDALE, Elected Chief Executive of Town of Wrif hts ville Bonrd of Aldermen In Session. At a meeting of the Board of Alder men of Wrightsville Beach at the office of Mayor R. W. Hicks In this city! yesterday morning, Mr. Hicks resigned the office of mayor and Mr. J. A. Arrindale was elected to suc ceed him. j Mr. W. F. Fnrpless was elected beach policeman for the season. j A tax levy of one-half of one per cent on the $100 property was agreed upon. J Those present at the meeting were Mayor Hicks, Aldermen Ernest Wil liams and M. J. Corbett and Mr. Geo. D. Parsley, City Clerk and Treasurer. i i KNIGHTS OP PYTHIAS ELECTION, I i Clarendon Ledge Chose Officers Last Night for Installation In Jnly. At the' convention of Clarendon Lodge No. 2, K. or P. last night, the following officers were elected to serve six months from July 1st. ! b. C B. M. Capps. j I jV a F. V. Huggins. j Prelate F. B. Tbomas. M. of W. J. JJ. JNutt. M. at A. J. L. Brimer. L G. W. B. Thomas. O. G. George Sloan. The officers will be installed the first Tuesday night in July. Chamber of Commerce To-day. I (The regular monthly meeting of the Bbard of Managers or the Chamber of Commerce was held yesterday after noon, President James H. Ohadbourn, Secretary James Kyle and Messrs.. W. Malloy, J. A. Arringdale, 8. P. MeNair and L. B. Rogers having been in attendance. The business was of a routine and private character. The committee on constitution and; by laws, Mr. Wm. Caider chairman,! no tified the Board that it was ready to report and to receive the report a gen eral meeting of the Chamber was call ed to be held this afternoon at 3:30 o'clock in" the Seaboard Air Line building. A full attendence is urged. The Blf . Dredge done. 1 The tug Alexander Janes left j yes terday noon towing the big suction dredare of the Atlantic Gulf and Pa cific Company, which recently com pleted filling in behind the sea wall at Fort Caswell. The. dredge will be tpwed from Oeracoke to Albany, N.Y., rhere she will be engaged for probably tjwo years filling in some property for the New York Central and; Hudson River Railroad. Mr. Walter j A. Fur long, of Wilmington, has the respon sible position of chief engineer on the dredsreandCapt. O. P. Wychel Is in jharge as master. 4 first Excursion of the Tear. 1 1 The first excursion from the interior to reach Wilmington this season will come in from Wilson and intermedi ate points this morning ..and will be taken straight through to Wrightsville jjver the Seaebast road. vThe second excursion of the year will reach liere Friday from Lumberton, N. C, in charge of those popular managers, Mr. Frank Gough and Dr. R. T. Allen. For aGrippe and In fluenza uso OBn2Y jlPEOT02iANT J foraalabv a rdina ralaoaTaarsuuwl EVENTS SOCIALLY: Miss Catherine May Godfrey Wedded to Mr. Keys, of Detroit, Yesterday. FOUR MARRIAGES TO-DAY. Annual Openinf of Hanover Seaside CInb Receptltn Complimentary to Sbrier Qoodmaa Bridal Pnrty-Cnarch Entertainment Note's. Miss Kathrini J. Bappler a popular young lady of Wilmington and daugh ter of Mrs. Margaret M. Bappler, will be married at 9 o'clock to night Mr. Jas. Moseley Murphy, also of this city, and son of Mrs. Sarah M. Murphy. The ceremony wilf; be performed at the residence of the bride's mother, No. 207 North Fourth street The entertainment to-night in the lecture room jof the First Baptist church promises to be a most delight ful and unique affair. ; The charming little play, "Apollo's Oracle," will be produced, and refreshments will be served. Mystery boxes will bn sold at 10 cents each. The general admission will be 10 centt and all are promised a good time. j Lieut. Garrison BalL adjutant of th e army post at Fort Caswell, has given his permission for the post band to go to Carolina Beach Sunday j and give a. sacred concert in the afternoon. The steamer Wilmington will make her regular trips and a large crowd will no doubt go down for the attraction. .The band is said to ba one of the finest in this whole section. Miss Allena Leet Cook, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Cook will ba mar ried to-night at 9 o'clock to Mr. Sam uel A. Matthews, of Oronly, at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Cook, No. 106 Castle street Mr. and Mrs. Matthews will reside at Cronly, where Mr. Matthews has a responsible ' position with the American Pine Fibre Company. At the Temple of Israel ! this after noon at 4:30 o'clock Miss Bertha Good man, daughter of Mrs. Lina Goodman, will be united in marriage to Mr. Monroe L. Shier, of New York, the Rev. Dr. 8. Mendelsohn1 officiating. A reception will follow from 5 to 10 o'clock in Harmony Circle rooms in the MacRae building, the bride and groom leaving at 7 o'clock for New York.-their future home, j The marriage of Mr. Charles E. Lertz, of Baltimore, Md., and Miss Grace E. White, of this city, will be solemnized this afternoon at 5:30 o'clock at the residence of the bride's parents, No. 806 Market street, Rev. Dr. Calvin S. Blackwell officiating. No cards were issued. Mr. and Mrs. Lsrts will be at home after June 20th in Macon, Ga., where Mr. Lertz has an important position with the Ar mour Packing Co. The fifth annual opening: or the Hanover Seaside Club j at Carolina Beach will -take place to-morrow. Clubmen and their friends are assured or a delichtful occasion. There will bs music and dancing during the day and at night and the steamer Wil mington will make four trips each way during the day for convenience Of guests. The House Committee, composed or Messrs. H. Gieschen, F. A. Bissenger and Wm Tienken, have arranged a delightful programme, in cluding a bowling alley contest for gentlemen, in which a handsome dress suit ease is offered for first prize and a silk umbrella for second prize. There will be an indoor target practice for ladies, for which the prizes are a hand some silk pillow and a fan. . At the residence or the bride's father, Dr. John Godfrey, surgeon in charge of the United States Marine Hospital in this city, yesterday afternoon at 5:30 o'clock, Miss Catherine Marga ret Godfrey was quietly married, in the presence of only a few intimate friends and relatives, to Mr. Alexander Russell Keys, a prominent young business man of Detroit, Mich. The ceremony was the ring service accord- ing to (the rites of the Episcopal church, and was performed by the Rev. Edward Wootten. The apart ments of the home were tastefully decorated with bamboor palms, ferns and carnations, and the illumination was from a myriad i of incandescents, shaded softly with pink. The bride was fashionably gowned in Paris lawn over pink taffetta, trimmed with Duchesse lace. The veil was of the same, caught with a pearl brooch, the gift of the groom. and orange blosioms. She carried a shower bouquet of brides' roses. - The maid of honor was Miss Kate Dearing, of Athens, Ga., a cousin of the tride, and she was elegantly costumed la a gown of white organdie . over pink silk. She carried a bouquet of pink carnations. Previous to the wedding service Mr. E. H. Munson, the organist, delight fully rendered an original wedding march and selections from The Burgo master. By special-request, a march' from Lohengrin was .played as the bridal party entered for the ceremony, and Mendelsohn as they came out. Among the guests present from a distance were Mrs. A. P. Dearing and Mrs. Geo. Winthrop, of Detroit, aunts of the groom. Mr. and Mrs. Keys left last evening for a bridal tour to Washington. D. C., and Northern cities, but will be at home in Detroit within ten days. , j The bride received very many hand some wedding presents, a number of which were sent direct to the new home in Detroit MANY EMBRYO DOCTORS BEFORE EXAMINING BOARD. Opening Session nt Seashore Hotel To -day Medical Society Meets Next Week Prominent Physicians J The North Carolina State Board of Medical Examiners will meet at the Seashore Hotel, Wrightsville Beach, this afternoon and will continue in session until Tuesday. . Dr. E. C. Register, of Charlotte, president; Dr. J. Howell Way, of Waynesville, secretary, and Dr. T. 8. McMullen, a member of the Board, arrived yesterday and the remainnig members will get here to-day. They ar,e"Dr. D. T. Tayloe, of Washington ; Dr.Thos. E. Anderson, of States ville; Dr. Albert Anderson, of Wilson, and Dr. J. C. Walton, of Reidsvlle. There will be a class of about 100 for examination, three -fourths of whom are already in the city. To-day they will register with the Board and to-morrow the questions in one branch will be submitted and so on each day until Saturday. . Dr. F. H. Russell, chairman of the local committee of arrangements, is doing all possible to entertain the visitors and furnish them ' with all needed information. The 49th annual meeting of the Medical Society will convene next Tuesday and remain in session until Saturday following. Dr. j Robert S. Young, of Concord, is president of the Society; Dr. Geo. W. Pressley, of Charlotte, secretary; Dr. G. T. Bikes, of Grissom, treasurer; Dr. John O. Rodman, of Washington, orator; Dr. Eugene B. Glenn, of Asheville, essay ist, and Dr. A. A. Kent1 of Lenoir, leader of debate. Among the pipers to be read during the session are the following: "Uric Acid Excess," D. J. Hill; "So Called Dyspepsia," O. A. Julian; Turberculosis," 8. H. VonRuck; "Medical Jurisprudence," J L Nichol son; "Inebriety," Chas. Duffy; 4,Small Pox." P. J. Macon; "Public Chari ties", S. E. Koonce; "Morphinism,'' W. P. Ivey; "Creosote," J. B. Wright; "Commercialism," B. R. Graham; "Recent Remedies." W. W. McKen- zie; The Urine," F. O. Rogers; "Ap pendicitis," J. M. Parrott; "Alcohol," C. a Mangum; "Intubation," J. W, G. G. Thomas; "First Aid in R. R Surgery," R. B. Miller; "Railway Surgery," J. H. Manning; "Practical Anatomv." G. G. Davis; "Cancer of Uterus "J. E. 8tokes: "Fibroma of Uterus," EL A. Royster; "Gynecologic Disease",, Wm. A. Graham; "Appen dicitis," F. J. Kirby; "Malarial Infec tion," E. G. Goodman; "Methods of Establishing Hearing and Speech for Deaf Mutes, ' ' M. M. Stapler. LIST OF LETTERS. Remaining Uncalled For lir-the Wilming ton Postoffice, May 3rd, 1902. WOXZN'B LIST. MississiDDi Blossom. Romelius Be thea. Sale Bryant Euria Cason, Mary Conway. Sarah Davis, E A Folson, Pollv Hall. Janny Jones, Josephine James, Mary Lane. Mary Marlow, M J McDonald, Racile Moore, Histie Piner. Nettie Parker. Georeiana Rus sell. Rachel Reaves. Gary Smith. E L Southerland, Lizzie Tate. MEN'S U8T. A H Addison, James 8 Anderson, J E Atkinson. M Advails. George Brown. H W Bolimire. G E Billings, Bonn Brown, H W Boyette, Irving Cornish, J L Corbett, O a Cass&r, Bird Clark. Roland Cook. S J Cald well. A Duff. I O W ueRossett J H Dav. J Y Dais. J M Dnkes. H A Ev erett Charlie Grimes. F P Greenew. H Gossebb, Moses GilleU, Mr Gilliam, R W Grant Simm Golden. V Gt tib son, A O Hankins, C C Hill & Co., E B Harvar. Bani Hines. Wm James, Q W Holmes. I J H Heide. J R Hatcb, Lonzie Howard. N O Hanbv. J T Jackson. R L Joyner, Mr Knight, J H Killey, W K-nogig, a j mcasier, J Lutzen. J Al Lowery, M O McKen- der. R M McDonald. R P McCartney. J C Nixon. P J Neely. W B Northrop, C R Paee. H L Penrose, Lt and Mrs Phelnhs. J Powell. W L Price. T J Rivenbark, Willie Roberson, Alpha & Shepard, Albert Bfcoog, J Btevenson, G E Smith. H M Steiner. Haywood, Jno Swinsonr J T Sellars, N Scott, R J Southerland, Mr Southerland, W S Smith. W M Scott W A Savage, O G Thomas. S B Lanner. Gilbert Vann, Barnes & Wright, Wilson Mor- riss, RH Wiley, W H White, 119 Bo 7th st FOREIGN. Massaran Canst Orincoin Pietro, Nepon Gravianno. BETUTJED FROM DEAD LETTER OFFICE Sol Bellamy, N H Oumbrey. Han nan Hooper, Thos. Johnson, Francis Reayes, Ida Taylor, G A Huggins. Persons calling for above letters will nlease sav advertised. If not called for in fifteen days they will be sent to the dead letter omce. so., u. tAEur, I Postmaster. CASE OP SCHOONER NELLIE FLOYD. Judge Pnrnell Hands Down Opinion State Firemen's Tonrney In Raleigh in Jnly. Special Star Telegram. Raleigh, N. C, June 3. Judge Purnell hands down an opinion in the case of the Coal, Cement " and Supply rtomnanv Schooner Nellie t lOVd, holdlncr that the libelants are entitled to recover S936.65. the full amount demanded. The contention is sustain ed that the vessel was unseaworthy. especially for the character of cargo. President J. D. McNeill. Of the Fire man's Association, held a conference with the Raleigh Fire Department to nteht and selected July 23, 23 and 24 as dates ror me oiaie convention ana tournament here. Raleigh will enter all contests. . Mrs. a?hos, H. McKoy left yesterday afternoon ' to - visit her daughter. Mrs. Ernest N, Farrior, of Charlotte. WE HAVE JUST COMPLETED FURNISHING The seashore hotel. Are IsTowBeadrfor rr oia. We have prices and stock which will please you. Can't illus trate in this space. . j ! FOR EXAMPLE: A PORCH ROCKER - A TOILET SETtgood, A HAMMOCK 1 - - Remember We represent the guaranteed hye years. solicit your trade. SWheeler & Wilson Sewing Machine THE SINTEZEHD CO. Je 4 tl OEAWFOBD, THE WORLD'S BEST $3.50 SHOES. The Crawford Shoe is a New York Shoe. American fashions are created in New York; foreign fashions imported to New York. The Crawford represents the newest American and foreign fashions. Made in all the popular leathers Calf Skin, Box Calf, Velour Calf, Yici Kid. Imported Enamel, Imported Patent Calf, Crawford Patent Calf, DOngalo, etc. lit is the most durable shoe. It fits perfectly, being constructed on lasts scientifically designed for comfort as well as style, and fitted on. liv ing models. We are sole Agents for this shoe. If we obtain you as a Crawford customer we will make you 'Phone us and we will be pleased from. 4 J, H. Rehder & Co., I j 615, 617 Car fare refunded on purchases of e liti MaaBaaaHaaaaaaaBaaMawaMawaaaawaiaHaaaaasaaaw. This Week SPECIAL New lot just received.. Also 1,000 5c, 6c and 7c yard. j! COME EARLY AND GET THE BEST. S. & B. SOLOMON. Je 1 tf , . Ten Per Cent i . j ; Saved from what you earn will cause you ho incon- S venience, and this will make you comfortable in the course of time. WHY, NOT OPEN AN ACCOUNT Write, 'Phone or Call. The People's Opposite the Postoffice. PrIdnt. JNO. S. ARMSTRONG, Vice Mrldea. V. W. DICK. Cashier.. H. C. BleQUBKN, PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. R. G. Grady, Usq., returned yesterday from a professional visit to Burgaw. jMisa Lelia Stockard, of Ra leigh,' returned home yesterday after a visit to friends in the city. jDr. Calvin! S: Blackwell left yesterday for Elon College to deliver the annual literary address. . :Mrs. James F. Post and chil dren are attending the commencement exercises of the Women's College, of Richmond, where Miss Mary Post is a student. iMiss Bessie IFillyaw, who has had charge of the art department in Lincolnton College, Lincolnton, N. 0., the past session, returned home yesterday. j - Dr, H. M. McDonald, of La- Grange, N. C, is visiting his brother. Dr. A. D. McDonald, No. 313 North i Fourth street and expects to attend the Medical Society meeting and to spend some time at the beaches before returning home. ! Parents Doubly Bereaved. Celestia Elizabeth, the infant daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Culpepper, No. 8 Castle street, died yesterday mormng at 7:50 o'clock, aged two and a half months. ! A twin sister died only a few days ago, and the doubly bereaved parents have the tenderest sympathy of many friends in their sorrow. The funeral will be conduct ed at 3 o'clock this afternoon from the family home, with interment in Oak dale. ! Birthday Party, i ' A very enjoyable little birthday party was given last evening at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Toomer to their daughter, Miss Lois. The occasion was one long to be re membered by the young people pres ent who had an1 evening of unalloyed pleasure. The H E. received, a special Invitation to act as umpire of the games played, and imposed numerous fines that will never be paid. j " DIED. KtDDKB In New Orleans on the morale K ot Jnnel3rd, 190, at tne residence ot her brother, Clarence F. Low, and after a snort Illness of typhoid fever, Mrs. BESSIE LOW KXDDKB, a a&agater ot tne tate j ames tu low. Temporary interment In Blew Orleans. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Fresh Jelly. lie Pails Selected Jelly. 71 Cases Tumbler Jelly. 08 Kegs Paris Green. 188 Packages Tebaeeo Twine. 811 Boxen Octagon Soap. - 197 Barrels Mallets. 87 Boxen Butt Heat. W. B. COOPER, Waelssale Oroeer, my il tf I Wilmington, H. o. 81.00 - - 1.99 - 1.00 3-piece Bernstein Iron Bed, spring - - Wilkie Refrigerators, Dixie Mosquito Nets. We Needles for sale. a Crawford friend. to send you several pairs to. select and 610 North Fourth Street. $2.00 worth and over. . EMBROIDERY SALE. yards short lengths at 2c, 3s, 4c, WITH US AT ONCE. ' Savings Bank, "ToMcco-Chewers." if yon want a specially fine chew of Tobacco we know nothing superior to the wel known "Foot Print" brand. "Foot Print" brand. "Foot Print" brand. Tags in this Tobacco we guarantee to pay " for each one Mc No take, but the spot cash . "Foot Print" Tobacco Is sold In every bar-room. "Foot Print" Tobacco Is sold In all grocery stores. "Foot Print" Tobacco Is sold in cigar and drag stores. "Foot Print" Tobacco Contains no weed or waste, but is strictly first class In every particular. Y0LLERS & HASHA6EN. eitt Extra Fancy Pineapples and Bananas JUST RECEIVED. Ice Cream ! J. W. PLuIIHER, Jr. je 4 tf I Offer to the Trade Penny Candies, all styles jBroken ' Stick Candy, Smoked Herrinsr, Cakes and Crackers, Sardines, Potted Ham, Bice, all grades of Molantftt. and complete line of Groceries. Prices and samples furnished on application. Mer chants visiting the city will do well to inspect my stock. SAIYTL BEAR, Sr., WOmlngton, R.C., . is .Market street aprwu At tne Unlnckr Corner. Tate Springs Water. "Naff said." North Carolina YamSjO. K. Lemons 15c dozen. What do you P aree Yellow Onions not sprouted. A lot of Norton Yam Potatoes. Ice Cream and Yanilia Cakes. Ginger Ale 6c bottle. Granulated Sugar 5c lb. 8. IV. SAW DEROt myaBtf ' V h i: 1 .1 1 if i Ml I. V- u 3 v.- it r. U'l n 2ti . I. 11 V. el t 3' r. ' i - "'