Bons-Flde. & , . TERMS OF SUSSCHIPTIQ;.. t of Ay Other D.IU New, 0e Yr, by ZXavil. $5.00 j paper Poolisneo . Six UMtka. ' S.0, Thre Hontha, M 1 Two Hontha, 1.00 ' i0,,P is THB STATB. Mlivra to Subscriber im t VOL. LXX.-NO. 65. WILMINGTON, N. C, FRIDAY, JUNE 6,-1902. WHOLE NO. 10,851 OUTLINES. Hre plant of the Cary Lum- new Balaton, wasde- iW1 strike in Chicago has and the men return to Wr X the murder of Mrs. J. K. p!iC Jife of a section master of the fa Ls lynched near Ravenal, general strike of miners &Lsoft coal regions of the Vir- ifscheduled for next Saturday. pDlCral debate on the anti-an-Zy bill in the House will be con- ,L Lit? Two spaeches were d11a the Senate on th, isthmian i Viiect British stemer rlv is reported anchored near the Kth of Oty Hawk, N. O. TheBr tish House of Commons Ia fifty :housand pounds to Lord JJLer Democratic prima- Tin Georgia yesterday nominated a BB or No chanee m the Saationi" the anthracite coal Son isreporled; mora men joined rants of the strikers. -- New York markets: Money on call was audr at 33i V cent. ; cotton was qaietat9c4 in was fairly steady Lnuiet: wheat-spo; easy; No. 3 S5c-e3ra-3P3t steady; No. 2 691c; Mts-spot steady; No. 2 45c; rosin jjetdj; spirits turpentine steady at 4S3- rYEATHSR report (j 8 dep't ot agrioultubb, . ' Weathsb Bubeatj, Wilminutos, N. C. June 5 Jfeteorolojjicil dita for the 24 hours ending 3 P. M.: Temperatures : 8 A. M. , 74 dejrree . 8 P. M., "5 degrees ; maximum, 84 de pees; minimum, 65 de?w: mean. 74 le;es. Riinfall for day, .00; rainfall since 1st of month to date, .05 inch. OOTTOS REGION BULLETIN. Wirm and geaerally fair weather eoniiausi Local rains have fallen in the Atlantic coast districts and in Ar kansas and West Tenuessie FOBIOAST t-'-UaT- WAsanaTOS, June 5 -Fi? r.irth Carolina Partly cloudy Friday; probably she wers and in inte rior; Saturday fair; warmer in inte rior; fresh east winds. Port Almanac Jane 6. ij Il;ses - Sun Sets D v"s Langth i; h Water at 3o:itho.'i. t: ,'b Water WLkainiioa 4.41A.M. 7.13 P.M. 14H.33M. 8.10 P. M 10.40 P.M. The battleship Mikasa, recently completed in England, for Japan, is said to be the finest and most formi dable war ship afloat. There were fifty suicides in the city of Chicago in tho Month of May. When a person makes hp his mind to get out of that town he gen erally finds some way to do it. Some of the New York papers are complaining about what they call the ''smoke nuisance." If the coal strike continues and coai keeps go ing up in price, that "nnisance" will be Tery likely to abate itself. The Asheville Citizen notes a ru mor that the Republican Senators are patching up a job to add to the U. S. circuit judges in the South to provide for Senator Pritchard WDen he has lost his job as Senator. A Yankee with an eye to business has erected some pumps on the river Jordan and is now supplying churches all oyer Europe with Jor dan water. Judging from the busi ness lie is reported to be doing he doesn't find "Jordan a hard road to travel."' To Mrs. Botha, wife of General Botha, is given the credit of bring ing about the negotiations with Gen. aitcnener, which have brought the to an end. Kitchener is an Irishman, and Mrs. Rotha h Irish blood in her, being a descendant of aooert Lmmet. Good stock. Edison doesn't talk muoKbut he If Pons ,,. . --r u uoing tnings. lriaddition perfecting his storage battery, by Jich automobiles, &c, can be run 'hundred miles over a rough road Wlth one charge, and no smoke, Steam . . - . . ueu or oEensive odor, he has invented an automobile which does not eigh more than half as much thoae nnoa ; -"-0 uuw jq use. A well educated young lady, aged eighteen years, daughter of a wealthy I 7 mchant of Des Moines, Iowa, a Bpat With hnr follAw ti1 fft "Pite him took to the road and became " iramP- She footed it for five jeka and was finally tracked to jwaon, Wis., where she was taken " J the police. m Jidison is somewhat deaf, but t a Jaat aeaf enough to snit him. J .ca hear well enough to hear wnat he wants t.r ko, ; An ftn . -w cauia, io uveal. noagh not to hear what he doesn't "to hear, waicn he thinks an i . . cellent far i -" scuusub. ae mere' . e Alined to let an .n.t nr arrangement. He there- 0rmonhim whn uminn in. t0rehls faring in a little while. HANOVER SEASIDE CLUB ENJOYED FORMAL OPENING. Mtay People Attended BIgUy Successful Event oo Csroihu BeachPrize Winners la Contests. The fifth annual opening of the Hanover Seaside Club at Carolina Beach yeslerda? and . tint nf vht w one of the most signally successful ovoum ui in cnaracter in the history of that popular organization. The weather conditions were well nigh perfect for an oatln nf tha rinA and on each trip, the steamer Wilmington carried large crowds of clubmen and their friends. The attendance during the day was more than 800. lde House Commlttae. whn hid all arrangements in charge, was compos ed of Messrs. H. Geischen (chairman), F. A. Bissenger and Wm. Tienckon, ana loose gentlemen provided a pro gramme of entertainment which could not be ezc ailed. Thev are deserving Of great Credit forthenlAiaa.nt mannnr in which the opening passed off. In the bowling alley contest for gentlemen, Mr. J. Q. D. Gleschen, a popular member of the club, won the first prize, which was'a handsome dress suit case. He made a pwnn) nf SO points out of a possible SO. and Mr. E. P. H Strunck won second prize a silk umbrella by makinsr 28 noints out of a possible SO. In the ladies indoor target nractiae. Miss Marie Buss won firat mize a pretty silk pillow and Mrs. J. T. uunge won the second, which was a handsome fan. The ooeninp of 1902 win lnn k. . membered as one' of the most pleasant in the history or Hanover Club. In addition to other attraction- music and dancing during the after noon ana at night. -The last boat reached the city midnight. LOCAL DOTS. at Partrick Bros., of Clinton, will bring an excursion to Wilmington June 26th. - An excursion of Southnort school children will Tisit Carolina Beach 8alurday. The Board of Audit and Fi nance will meet this afternoon to adopt the tax ordinance and transact other business. Beginning to-day the savings banks of the city will close at noon on Fridays for half holidays until Sep tember 1st. The Carolina Yacht Club has extended the courtesies of their club house on WrighUrille to visiting phy sicians at the beach. Through the real estate agency of Mr. W. M. Camming a sale of the Waddell cottage on Wrightsville beach has been made to Mr. A. 8. Wil liams for $1,400. Dr. Calvin S. Blackwell left yesterday for Scotland Neck, N. C, where he delivered a literary address last night at the closing exercises at Vineland Academy. Baltimore Sun, Srd "Coal was being taken on the revenue cut ter Algonquin, Captain Willey, yes terday, preparatory to sailing for Wil mington, N. C, the cutter's station." A large number of Wilmington young people are interested in the opening dance of the season at the Seashore Hotel to-morrow night. Music will be by the Carolina Or chestra. The Grand Chapter, Boyal Arch Masons of North Carolina, will hold its annual convocation at Win ston on Tuesday, Jane - 10th. On Wednesday, the 11th, the Grand Com- mandery. Knights Templar, will hold its annual conclave. . Southport Standard-. "Sharp competition between the steamers Wilmington and Compton on Friday last with excursions by the colored people from here to Wilmington brought about interestingly low rates and-big travel from here that day." Southxjort Standard: "The town has contracted with Mr. Wm. a Weeks to bora a hundred-foot well in Franklin Square, and, if it proves to be a good one, then other deep wells are to be d laced at other points in the town. Mr. Weeks has begun work on the well." . Lonr Distance Telephone. Florence Times: The long distance telephone line building by the South- Am Ball Talenhone Company rrom Columbia to Darlington has reached Sumter. The construction gangs are MTArinc the srround at the rate of two. milea a dav. and it is expected that oy Jnl lt Florence can get long distance junction with all the important points." ' ' An Excursion From Lamberton. v:.. tinniiMd naonle came on the Sunday school excursion over the Sea board Air Line.from Lamberton early yesterday morning. Theeoacnes were attached to a Seacoast train and taken through to Wrightsville ueacn. excursion was managed by Messrs. it v Onnffh ind Dr. B. T. Alien. I The party returned last night after a pleasant day by the seaside.- NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. a.irincra Rinka-taeeial notice. 8. W. Sanders Cream sugar corn. , Busnrsss loaia . - , ' t. . m i- Preston Gumming Sawed work, Presbyterian Family excursion. N f MFIsTf AI RO A171.J I First -Examinations for Eighty- one Applicants for License Submitted Yesterday. ENTERTAINMENT OFVISITORS Seashore Hotel Has .Over 200 Quests and AU Are Delighted With the Bescb. Materia Medics, Therapentics aad Chemistry Subjects. Eighty-one applicants 'before the N. C. State Board of Medical Examiners j yesterday received their initial exami nations in the ball room of the Sea shore Hotel on Wrightsville Beach. The subjects were materia medica and therapeutics and chemistry, the first having been submitted in the morning by Dr. Edward C. Register, president of the Boar j, and the second In the afternoon by Dr. T. 8. McMullan, of Hertford. The embryo doctors got down to work "on the jump" as the baseball people would say, and completed their answers during the afternoon. The questions were as follows: MATERIA MEDICA AND THERAPEUTICS. What are the Medical uses of Qua- I iacolt What is diphtheria AntitoxinT Give dose and method of administration. What is the action of Aconite on the heart! Give symptoms of Antimony pois oning. What medicines are incompatible with Calomel! What does a Seidlitz powder con tain! Describe the physiological action of Heroin How would you treat a case of Arsenic poisoning! . How many minims of tr. of opium are equal to one grain of powdered opium! How much paregoric is equal to one grain of powdered opium! What is the equivalent strength of morphia in each! What is the differential diagnosis between Alcoholic narcosis and uremic unconsciousness ! CHEMISTRY. , When are substances "Isomor- phous!" What is a colloid substance! What is Osmose! What substances are most likely to dyalize, and which have no such tendency! What is meant by "chemical af finity!" What physical forces tend to decompose compound substances. What is chemical "analysis" and what is chemical "synthesis?" Men tion the elements existing in the gaseous state. j What is organic chemistry accord ing to modern views, and mention the four chief elements entering into or ganic compounds.' To what chemical group does Gly cogen belong! State where it is found, its properties and how acted on by dilute acid. Whv are astnnsrent liquids useful in poisoning by vegetable akaloids! What is an antitoxin! What is a Proteid! What is a Pep tone! State the characteristic chemical difference between the two. State in a general way the chemical difference between animal and plant life. Describe Trommer's test for sugar in urine. What precaution must be observed, and state the chemical re action if sugar be present. The examination this morning will be on "Diseases of Women" by Dr. Albert Anderson, of Wilson, and this afternoon the young physicians will tell what they know about surge rV in an examination by Dr. D. T. Tayloe, of Washington. Those competent to judge of such matters say that the examinations sub mitted yesterday were very thorough. well prepared and reasonable. The Board is composed of some of the best talent in the State and the members are being very generously compli mented for their manner of conduct ing the examinations this year. Manager Hlnton, of the Seashore Hotel, is doinsr his best to give the visitors every pleasure of the Beach, and all seem to be enjoying them selves to the utmost extent. A dance will be given to the guests of the Sea shore bv Manager Hinton to-morrow night. IMPROVEMENTS AT CASWELL. Water Works to Be Constructed, Arteslsn Well Deepened and Buildings Moved. Extensive improvements are still go ing forward at Fort CaswelL A con tract will shortly be awarded for deep ening the present artesian well of 800 feet and also for the construction of a complete waterworks system. The wa ter works plant will consist of a pump and boiler house, pumping machinery, a steel tank of 160.000 gallons capacity with trestle, a distribution system, well j system and suction pump." It hu &1ao been decided - to move and repaint the ordnance storehouse. bachelor officers, quarters and to lay new brick foundations for all. Tern- norarv nost head Quarters will also be repainted. Mr. Sam Potts III. The numerous friends of Mr. Sam uel O. Potts, of Lake Waccamaw, will , regret to know that he has been suf fering several weeks with chronic gas tritis. Ha has been brought to the Walker Memorial Hospital in Wil mington for treatment by Dr. ' W. J. Love. Mr. Potti is a member of Stonewall Lodfe. No.'l. K. of P.. of this eity, and is receiving the attention of his brethren in that order. ' Young Bicyclist Run Over. Arthur Miller, the 10-year old son of Mr. J. A. Miller, corner of Tenth and Chesnut streets, was run over by a vehicle yesterday as he was riding a bicycle and severely. cut about the head. . Dr. E. 8. Pigford was sum moned and crave the little fellow-all the attention possible. county auditing board I 111 llllll 1 ULi I OLiOJIUIlt Treuarer Green's Statement for May, Snowlsf Receipts and Disbursements of tbe Different Ponds The auditing committee of the Board of County Commissioners held its regular monthly meeting yesterday afternoon, Chairman D. McEachern and Messrs. Gabriel Holmes and H. L. Vollers having been in attendance. About the only matter of public in terest, aside from the auditing of the regular bills, was the adoption of the treasurer's - report for May, which shows receipts and disbursements as follows: Receipts Balance, general fund. $3,930; special fund, $1,759.41; road fund, $47,816.68; sinking fund, $371.33; back taxes, $51.80; rents, $6.75; court cost in case of Frank Hay more. $16.05; refunded attorney's fee in tax suit, $100; refunded tax from Board of Education, $4,75; marriage license, $20.90; Total, $54,067.67. Disbursements O nt-door poor, $381.90; public building, $83.83; Su perior Court, $330.30; roads and bridges, $130.20; County Home, $151.35; jail, $75.40; hospital, $400; magistrates, $6.33; stationery and ad vertising, $19.10; refunded taxes. $23.83; county commissioners, $118.10; attorney. $325; superintendent of health, $100; coroner, $44.30; clerk, $50; janitor, $45; treasurer's commis sions, $28.55; New Hanover road fund, $1,508.52.. Total, $3,621.71. Balance on hand June 1st To gen eral county fund. $2,007.06: special fund, $1,759.41; road fund, $46,308.16; sinking fund, $371.23. Total, $50,- 445.96. vvwHaaillaaVaBiBiiVnBiiaMBM 1 THE LABOR TROUBLE ADJUSTED. Mill Employes Returned to Work As to Cause of the Disturbance. Mr. J. A. Arringdale, vice president and general manager of the Cape Fear Lumber Co., made satisfactory ar rangements with the laborers who walked out of the mill Wednesday and yesterday morning they returned to work as usual and no further trouble is expected. In making a note of the walk-out in yesterday's Stab the rather broad as sertion was made that white labor or ganizers were believed to have been at the bottom of the affair. By this statement no implication in or reflec tion was intended to be made upon the organized labor unions of the city and particularly none as to the Car penters' and Joiners' Union which is composed of substantial men, who had no interest whatever in the mat ter, their union, the strongest in the city, having for its object the cultiva tion of pleasant relations between em ployer and employe and resorting to strikes only when strikes are absolute ly necessary to their own protec tion. KNIQHTS OP PYTHIAS ELECTION. Officers Chosen for the Ensuing Term Be ginning Jsly 1st District Deputy. At Wednesday night's regular meet- inglof Jefferson Lodge No. 61, K. of P., the following officers were elected to serve for the ensuing term of six months: C. C E. F. Jones. V. C W. L. Williford, Prelate L. O. Smith. M. at A. R. H. Ruebright M. of W. Anson Alligood. K. of R. 8. EL E. Bonitz. M. of E. B. O. Stone. M. of F.-B. S. Collins 0. G. Q. W. Branch. . 1. Q. O. H. Page. Capt. J. O. Morrison was recomend- ed to the Grand Lodge for appoint ment as District Deputy. Niece of Mr. James Walker. Miss Annie F.Walker, or Wash ington, D. C, a niece of the late James Walker, who has made his memory dear to the heart of every true Wilmingtonian by his magnan imous gift to the city and county of the splendid institution which bears his name, is in the city and is a guest at the home of Mr. E. Lilly. Jiias Walker came to see the magnificent hospital erected by her uncle and to lay a fresh tribute of respect upon his grave. She will visit the hospital to day in. company with a number of the members of the Board of Managers, in whose hands Mr. Walker left the conduct of his splendid philanthropy. In Far Away Oregon. The Astoria Daily News, of Astoria, Oregon, contains this paragrapn: "Mr. O. E. Onslow, a young from Wilmington, N. U. will arrive here next Sunday to enter the office of. fUmoel Elmore & Co. He Is a friend of young S. O. Morton of the Astoria & Columbia River railroad, headquar ters In this city." Elmore & Co. are i Wee salmon packers and steamboat men. Mr. Onslow was formerly with the A, G. L. in this city and has i numerous friends here who will be In terested in the above. Brunswick County Convention. Rnuthnort Standard: "The Demo cratic convention for the election o delegates to Btate. Congressional, Sen .tAirfal anil .Tndfflial conventions will 1'meet at Lockwood's Folly on the eui nf Tuna The uemocrauo jaanj " r- . , Convention will meet uepwmoer iow. At a meeting of the Democratic Ex ecutive Committee on Monday last, of which M. C. Guthrie is cnaurznan, d. i J. Stanley, Jesse Lancaster and J. D. n.iinwBv wen selected to oe recuui- mended - I or wo ' county - - ... i . n i n am Board."" i NEW PLAYERS 0. K. Lost to Greensboro Yesterday Afternoon for Need of Team Practice. THE GAME HERE TO-DAY. Fisher's Splendid Work Don't Forget the Bachelors and Benedicts The Games nt Dnrhum sod New- ' : hem-Notes of the Lesgue. YESTERDAY'S GAMES. Wilmington, 2; Greensboro. 5. uurnam, 3; Ubarlotte, 14. Raleigh, 5; Newborn, 8. WHXBJB THEY PLAY TO-TJAY. Wilmington at Greensboro. uarnam at Uharlotte. Raleigh at Newborn. STAKDIKQ OF THE OLUB8. Won. Loit. Percent. Charlotte Durham Raleigh ...24 3 .888 ... 17 11 ... 15 13 ...13 15 ... 12 16 ... 3 24 .607 .535 .465 Newborn Greensboro . . . .429 Wilmington . . .112 ISpecial Star Telegram Greensboro. N. C. June 5 A nice clean .game was played by both teams here this afternoon. Wilming ton made its first appearance of the season and a good impression. The new men showed up well but lack of cohesion lost the battle. Lawson bids fair to be one of the best short stops in the League. O'Neill at second played wonderful ball, while Hines at left showed up as a fast player. The team seemed full of spirit and life under the new management Krouse pitched a good game. Practice together is all that is apparently needed. Manager Mace speaks highly of the prospects. THE SCORE BY INNINGS. ISSJKftTftQ rpb Wilmington lOOOOl OH 02 K t Greensboro. 1 0 3 010 0 Ox 5 7 1 Batteries: Krouse and Fisher: Onur. neen and Myers. the tabulated score. Wilmington. AB BBHFO A E Holland, rf Hines, If.. Dommel, lb. Lawson, ss. ..... , O'Neill, 2b. :. 3 ... 2 ... 4 ... 4 ... 3 ... 4 ... 4 ... 4 ... 4 0 110 0 10 0 14 10 2 2 3 8 0 2 4 0 MctJinnis, cl..... a i l l l l 3 1 Mathison, Sb Fisher, c Krouse, p. Total 32 2 5 2ri4 7 Greensboro. ab bbhpo a e McTeer, lb. 3 2 1 Kelly, If 5 12 Fox, 2b. 4 11 0 0 3 2 3 1 1 Myers, e 3 0 2 Darby, ss 4 0 0 0 3 2 2 4 2 0 0 0 0 0 Cook,cf 3 0 0 McKernan, So. 4 0. 1 Suggs, rf 4 0 0 Oourneen, p 2 1 0 Total 82 5 727 5 1 Summary: Bases stolen. Fox. Myers and Courneen. Two base hits, Kelly, Fox, Myers and Lawson 2. Sacrifice hits, McTeer, Myers, Cour neen and Hines. Double plays, Hol land to Dommel to OTOeilL Triple play. Fisher. Base on balls, off Cour neen 2, Krouse 1. Hit by pitched ball, by Courneen 1, Krouse 2. Struck out, by Courneen 3, Krouse 3. Passed ball, Fisher. Time, 1:30. umpire, Mr. Upehurch. Attendance, 4U0. Not From the Horse Editor They Are Only Substitutes. The present baseball manage ment assumes no liability for contracts or liabilities of the former manage ment. Raleigh Post: "Fisher is an all- round ball player of whom any team should be proud. He has made many friends in Raleigh." Raleigh Post: "That unassisted double by Dommel on Tuesday was among the prettiest plays ever seen on this diamond." Brandt, of Charlotte, allowed only two hits in the game with Newborn Wednesday. O'Steln, of the Char lotte team, is very ill at his hotel. Raleigh has released Bill Farrell, first baseman, and signed Davis in his stead. . Pat Rollins, catcher and out fielder, has been signed from the Pennsylvania League. Raleigh claims ithat Manager Bennett, of the Shreyeport, La., team, baa been to Wake Court House and Is trying to lure some of her players awav. We don't believe it. What does Bennett want with them t Philadelphia Sporting Life "Wilmington continues her losing streak, but with the change in the management and the strengthening of her team she will soon begin to win some games. The public have nobly supported a losing team there.";. Greensboro Telegram: "Messrs. John G. Hines, W. J. Lawson, Harry J. O'NeiL the new players whom Manager Mace has signed for Wil mington, arrived . this morning and registered at Clegg's. They will await the arrival of the home team to-morrow." ' v On account of their generous as sistance to baseball in Wilmington this season and many past, the Board of Directors yesterday afternoon de cided to reduce the price of admission for ladles to the grand stand to 15 cents, instead of 25 cents, as hereto fore, witho general admission at the gate. ' -:-v Manager Mace while In Washing ton placed an order for eleven new uniforms which will be here Monday subject to Inspection. If they are ' all right the reorganised team will appear in them for the game the aame After noon. The ladies of the city have generously set to work to meet .the navmenL and the new dress for the team will be all the more, appreciated for that - ' ' Those who have been accustomed to view the game from some lofty perch In a tree top, standing In bug- giesand carriages or hanging to the fence will no longer enjoy that privi lege. The Park grounds have teen leased by the Baseball Association, and notices posted that no such tres passing will be allowed. : Policemen will Bee that the law is enforced. The Fayetteville Observer gives this incident of a game there this week between the Fayetteville and Smithfield negro teams : " During the progress of the game one of the play ers was hit a terrific blow on the head with a ball and knocked senseless. A bucket of iced lemonade near at hand waa dashed on him and he promptly came too." The Qame This Afternoon. This "manifesto" reached the desk of the H. E. last evening: To the "Hoss Editor" of the Morning tstar. "Dear Mb. ' Editor: The patron esses and team captains of the Bachelor-Benedict baseball game, to be play ed at Hilton to-morrow at 4:30 P. M., beg that you will act as umpire on this momentous occasion. In making this request they are not unmindful of the severe task it will entail upon you, and the many personal risks you are likely to encounter ; so they have made request to the City police au- tnoriues for ample protection to your person, both at the grounds and on re turning therefrom, and they would ad monish you to go yourself thrice armed. "Trusting that you will accept, and with solicitations for your future safety and longevity, Respectfully, "B. G. Kmpee, captain, Bachelors. "F. A. Lord, captain, Benedicts "For the Patronesses and Teams." The line up of the teams will be ex actly as stated in yesterday's issue, ex that Mr. Geo. D. Crow will take the place of Mr. Robt. Nash, who was called away from the city last night on business. A letter from Manager Mace received yesterday morning from Washington says while there he selected at Tappans, the largest sporting goods house in that city, a set of beautiful uniforms for the team. The only thing now necessary to get these uniform here quickly Is the money and a large at tendance at to-day's game will go far towards settling this question. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Miss Mary O'Hanlon is visit' ing friends in Fayetteville, Mr. S. B. Alexander," Jr., of Charlotte, is a guest at The Orton. Mr. L. L. Brinson, the popu lar American Tobacco Company trav eller, is at the Orton. Mr. George G. French and Dr. O. W. Regan were among the ex cursionists fromLumberton yesterday. Mrs. Rebecca West and Miss Emma West left yesterday morning to spend the Summer at Burlington, Vt Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Draper left Wednesdsy evening for New York. They will spend the Summer North. Mrs. C. W. GasquePof Char leston; who has been spending some time in the city returned home yester day. v Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Hamlin, of Elizabeth City, are "guests of Mrs. Hamlin's parents, Sir. and Mrs. Joseph Everett. Messrs. N. O'Berry, C. D. Way, H. L Finlayson, R. W. Craton and Murray Burden, of Goldsboro, are at The Orton. Miss Lula AbermathCT, a charming young lady of Lincolnton, N. C. is the guest of the Misses Fill yaw, Fourth and Red Cross streets. Mr.' and Mrs. E. J. Powers and daughter, Miss'Mabel, of Atlanta, with a number of their friends, will spend the Summer at Wrightsville Beach. Raleieh Post: "Mrs. Oscar D. Green returned to her home in Wil mington yesterday morning after, a visit to the family of Mr. A H. Green." Junius Davis, Esq., Captain W. H. Northrop, Mr. Berry Gleaves, Mr. C. W. Worth snd Mrs. Edwin Northrop have taken their Summer residences on Greenville Sound. Mr.W. B. Allen, general agent of the Prudential Life Insurance Company of which Capt. W. M. 8tev enson is the popular resident agent, is in the city for a few days' busines visit. Miss Sarah Kenan left Wed nesday evening for New York, where on June 15th she and Miss Daisy Holt, of Burlington, chaperoned by a Mrs. Ward, will sail from Philadelphia for Liverpool. J Mr. Edward Wootten. who re cently completed a course in electrical engineering t at the A. & M. College, Is now takinglpractical studies in the science in the shops of the Westing- house Electric Co., at.FlttSburg, Pa. Mr. E. M. Lemen, one of J;he chief draftsmen in the Coast Line shops in this city, left yesterday morning to take charge of the shops of the Central Railroad of New Jer sey. : ' Mr. Lemen was accompanied by bis family. Southnort Standard: "Misa Julia Guthrie has returned to Wilmington after having spent several weeks here In visiting relatives. Miss Annie May Wmdaidaleftvesterday to visit hef little friend. Miss Jessie Harper, of Wilmington, for a few daya. The Crops In Robeson; The "Horse Editor" who is "rustica ting" at Haxton writes the agricultur al poet that the general crop prospect In that section Is pronounced magnifi cent. Corn, cotton, watermelons and cantaloupes are specially mentioned as promising great yields. LUMBER BLAZE AT CARY.) Large MfU Burned Near Raleigh Yester dayA Postmaster Convicted New Incorporations. Special Star Telegram. Raleigh, N. G, June 5 The plant of the Cary Lumber Company, includ ing a million feet of lumber was burn ed at Cary, four miles west of Raleigh this afternoon, loss over $50,000, insur ance S10.000. The tracks of both the Seaboard and Southern main lines were warped for a hundred yards or more so that trains cannot pass. Both roads are transferrins passengers. The fire started at noon and it will be some time to-morrow morning before the track is ready for traffic to resume. Five new corporations were charter ed to-day, among; them, being the Columbus Telephone Company of Chadbourn, with a capital of $5,000. uyman Supply Uompany, of New born, capital $15,000; Purves . Indus trial and Training school for the Col ored race, at Newborn, J. T. UorbetL ex-Postmaster at Bel- ma, N. O., was convicted in tbe Fed eral uourt to-day of embezzling seven registered packages while postmaster. xne verdict was rendered on the eve of adjournment and no sentence was pronounced but will be to-morrow. ;The limit is one to hve years at hard labor. DIED. i BROWN Entered into rest. Jane 2. Mrs. if. H. BROWN (nee Schrodt). a zed 23 years: wife or Dr. M. H. Brown. FaneraVfrom Pearson's Chapel, corner Third and Chesnnt streets, Tuesday, Jane 8, at 4 P. K. , interment at Care Hill cemetery. (LonlsrUle Courier-Journal. ) For iiaGritme and In fluenza use CHENEY'S EXPECTORANT Vir .am. Iiw H nun'. Plca.'Pnrmvtv NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. At the Unlucky Corner. Have you ever tried Webb's Cream Suaar Corn? No. Then come and get one can free with a purchase of two (2) Ids. of parched or around - Cstraeaa Laguyrs Coffee for 45c. The regular nrice would be 63o. Only a few aaya. S. W. SANDERS. jeBtf OUR SODA FOUNTAIN Is fizzing and sizzingand bub bling with the most delicious Ice Cold Drinks. Only the best quality of material used and folks tell us that we do know how to make delicious Soda Drinks. Pins Pom Cream anil Cream Pea New and original, are delicious. HARDIN'S Palace Pharmacy, my 1 tt Just Received A lot ot Water Coolers at $1.60. Foster Bra's Enamel J-plece Beds, guaranteed as ' good as any on the market and 20 per cent cheaper than other makes. The Springs are guaranteed never to asvg. A stood Hammock for 80 cents. Sice line Hall Lamps. A good Oak Rocker for 90c New lot nice Pictures cheap. We offer any goods In stock at lowest prices. Bee our Cots and Bafea GASTON D. PHARES & CO- Inter-State 'Phone 76. 110-112 Market street. e str . Extra Fancy Pineapples and Bananas JUST RECEIVED. Ice Cream ! J. W. PLUUUER, Jr. Je 4 tf eofreiooeoeoooo SOLICITS t i A. With a large capital, and a fine equipment, this bank so il Iicits your account. The bank is prepared to extend every reasonable accommodation. JL ' flail arA aaa fthfltlk it. y vnu taut ww - i ' g Capital - $125,000 135,000 Surplus - Organized 1892. ATLANTIC NATIONAL BANK, Wilmington, je3tf N. G. A REAL BARBER SHOP. Bach is "The Climax." Our men are all graduates with (he degree of A. B.. which .Arusuo Barbers, our - necaninny Polishers can aire your shoes a shine thit wi at a plate-glass mirror to shame. Everything up-to-date. 8UIOM DAvns. a u. r T Boutn STonin. MR 1C 01 ! NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. CROWNED by the unanimous vote of intelligent American Housewives . 1 7 Saves Labor ' Time . Patience Money l ON SOI.IATET RAILWAYS, LIGHT AND POWER CO. How About That Tackle ? The blue birds are with us again. The streams and ponds are warming up. The fisher men should be looking up their outfits. Seeing it any thing is wanted before the last minute. As of old we are showing the finest things to tempt the fish kingdom and make the sport more sporty for the anglers. lanes may be wanted: poles must be i needed ; hooks are very necessary, and in fact we have everything that is re quired to make a complete outfit. To those that are interested in the ! sport, to those others that may not be' I so enthusiastic, we would consider it a i favor to nave all come in and looic 1 l Itali 3 DeatenCln Hardware, &c, Orton Bunding. apsstf "Tobacco-Chewers. if you want a specially fine chew ot Tobacco we know ' nothing superior to the wel known "Foot Print" brand. "Foot Print" briind. "Foot Print" brand Taga In this Tobacco we guarantee to pay for each oneSoc. No fake, but the spot cash . "Foot Print" Tobacco Is sold in every bar-room. "Foot print" Tobacco, Is sold in all grocery stores. "Foot Print" Tobacco Is sold in cigar and drug stores. "Foot Print" Tobacco Contains no weed or waste, bnt is strictly first class In every particular. VOLLERS & HA3HA6EN. jeltt III 748,706 pro.; in 1901 1,566,220 Pairs. what does this mean 1 It means that the W. L Douglas Shoe Co.'s methods muBt be up-to-date In every sense, in this era of Bharo comnetltlon among manu facturers, when each one is trying -to make their :besc, this firm, over 25 years old. has in : the past four years more than doubled their already iarjie dubiubbo. x 10 imivuviuvum with this Shoe for Men and Boys, and Duthen 1 holer's, (the counterpart ot Douglas) for iAdles, with many lower grades proportion ately STOOo, is it any wonuer uutu um mnujow Is Increasing I . It does not take the publlo long to find where They can get the Beat Shoe for the least money. 63H sups from corner Front and Second Bta., .on Princess. jeliti Warren's Ice Cream BEST HADE. - j" I' -- - -d- One dollar per gallon. my si tf son & Co SALES & Evans Co. EAT w 1 i I r? f 1. h'1 4 k 'M H m i t , I I, Si 14