t TERUS OF SUBSCRIPTIOIf.1 Anj Otter On News- I paper MM ,B Wilmlnfton. One Year, by Hil, $5.0o Six Blontks, - 8.60 Three months, . " r 1.85 i Twe Honths, " 1.00; Delivered, to Subscribers la ; Ctty at 4S Cent per BXomtku X o'Vkstatb. t VOL. LXX. NO. 71. WILMINGTON, N. C, FRIDAY, JUNE 13, 1902. WHOLE NO. 10,860 mm Star. NG OUTLINES. owners declare in the Pocahontas that the strike is The Repub- after a con fine ..i field P1 ,i hmken &uc'r senators, F' ided to continue their op- F" trSciprocity with Cuba. Pwere killed in a railroad W Chattanooga, Tenn. collision in 995 Boers have surren- ln au ... n catflM todate;m"j --- FINAL DAY'S SESSION. North Carolina Medical Society at Wrightsvitle Adjourned Yesterday Until 1903. LOCAL DOTS. VERY VALUABLE PAPERS. is np " and unwards. The J . , t"i:. AnrlArf VAf. at AVeSt rOUi. ci loTeleTen ended yes- diplomas win class. 10 W Va.,-caused losses fbee2e $150,000. Eight stu- fnS. a picnic, were injured ft So Tuesday near Wash w tLa In a fight between three were it .i; n v v - S ,o seriously wounded; Bllea" f an old feud. f the"""' hvth x l...-nmea u'.;u Can i of a I t.nnke. a. Bay- kerosene oil at U. S. training ship is ashore in unesapeaae German warships were -Led to Venezuela simply to safe German interests and not to !Le the cation of claims Yorkmarkeu: Money on call was tfadT at 2is; ttr was ramer 1Bd more active; -" Kn 8 red 7Stc; uuru-.j. a 9JC;0atS SpUlil"". iu. swjv, t turoentine dull at WEATHER REPORT. 8. d. DSP'1 0F AGRICULTURE, VYEATHEU flutniu, Wilsihqtos, N. O., June 18. Meteorological data for the 2i hours UdineSP.M.: : remperatures: a A. Jn., aegrees. 8 P. M., 76 degrees; maximum, tsf ae- tfeM; minimum, 63 aegrees; mean, o Btinfall for day, .uu; rainiau since Uof month to date, .52 inch. SUge of water in Cape Fear river it Fayetteville, N. C, at 8A.M.3 fact. COTTON REGION BULLETIN. High temperatures, with generally dear weather, prevail in the cotton belt Light local rain has fallen in the Memphis and New Orleans districts. rOBSOAST FOB TO-DAY. Washington, June 12. For North Cirolina: Showers and thunder storms Friday, c:olerin eeotral pariion; Sat urday showers; light to fresh south winds. Port Almanac Jane 13. Sua Rises 4.41A.M. Sua Sets 7.16 P. M. Day's Length... 14H.35M. High Water at South port 1.35 A. M. High Water Wilmington . 4.05 A. M. Oom Fan! wasn't consulted about that peace. deal and feels insulted. Hon. Tom Tongue has been re elected to Congress from Oregon. He manages to control himself pretty well. Some of the Republicans are-brag ging about our big 128.54 per capita ofmoney. Pshaw! How much meat would that buy? The regulation goose-egg hail rtone would be knocked out in -British Bengal, where some three pound chunks recently dropped. They dou't fool with the hail atone business over there. Those Heard oa the Ust Day Most Inter estlnr, Perhaps, of the Entire Ses sions Delightful Trip on the Steamer Wnmlnftov. Interesting papers by distinguished physicians and surgeons and able dis cussions of the- subjects introduced were the features of the closing ses sion of the 49 ih annual meeting of the N. C. Medical Society at the Seashore Hotel, Wrightsville Beach, yesterday morning. Final adjournment was had at 1 o'clock in the afternoon and many of the visitors came up to the city and became guests of the local Board of Physicians on a delightful excursion down the Cape Fear on the splendid steamer Wilmington, in charge of that prince of good fellows, Capt' JohnW. Harper. The trip included all points of interest down' the river and the visiting doctors and their friends were delighted with the enter tainment. The steamer came along side her wharf late in the afternoon and a number of the guests left on the evening train for their homes. The remainder of the party will leave today. The final session of the Society at Wrightsville was called to order at 10 A. M., and report of sections was call ed for. "Creosote" was the subject of a valuable paper, read by Dr. J. B. Wright, and an interesting discussion followed by Dr. A. A. Kent, of Le noir, leader of debate, and -Dr. J. F. Highsmith, of Fayetteville. Dr. J. EL Stokes presented a treatise on "Cancer of the Uterus0' snd the read ing was followed by a lively debate. Dr. EL A. Moye, of Greenville, dis cussed "Perineal Lacerations, Their Prevention . and the Necessities of Immediate Repair." Perhaps one of the most, valuable, if not the most J valuable, papers of the entire sessions, was that on "Appen dicitis," by Dr. F. J. Kirby, of Balti more, Md. Dr. Kirby's treatise of the disease was thorough and was listen ed to with great profit. "The Spirit of Commercialism," by Dr. B. B. Graham, of Wallace, was another of the very best read during the meeting. "Further Observations on Ovarion Cysts in Colored Women," was the title of a well prepared paper by Dr. Hubert A. Boyster, of Balelgh. From a practical standpoint, no treatise of the sessions was better than that at the meeting yesterday on "The Doctor, the Patient and the Impor tance of Good Boads to Both," by Dr. Eugene Street, of Glendon. By reso lution it was ordered that the Society furnish the paper to the press for pub lication. The visiting physicians speak in highest terms of the manner of their entertainment at the Seashore Hotel. Manager Hinton provided his table each day with all the delicacies of the sea, and each and every guest was given the utmost consideration. It is safe to say from what one heard from members of the Society yesterday that never before have they been more handsomely entertained for their an nual meeting. Cotton on the local market advanced to 91 cents yesterday. A large Sunday School excur sion from Durnam will reach here to morrow to visit the seashore. The schooner C. C. Lister cleared yesterday for New York with cargo from the Cape Fear Lumber LCompany. The Cape Fear Towing and Transportation Company has taken the offices formerly occupied by the Chadbourn Lumber Co. Invitations have been received in the city to attend an impromptu german to be given by the Riverside German Club at Lumberton to-night The Norwegian barque Kotka, Capt Eriksen, cleared yesterday for Amsterdam with cargo . of 9,950 bar rels of rosin consigned by Murchison & Company. Southport - Standard: "The Morning Star has 'the contract to carry Fort Caswell mail between Southport and Fort Caswell for the year beginning July 1st, 1902." - Two other dealers, one white and one colored, were each fined $35 and the costs for failure to pay license tax, yesterday. It is in dead earnest, too, for there are no remissions of the' fine upon payment of cost Fayetteville Observer, 12th: ''State Engineer Joseph H. McRee, of Wilmington, arrived in the city to day at noon to make the survey for the wharf of the Fayetteville and Wil mington Steamboat Company." Sampson Democrat: "The huckleberry' market took a tumble Tuesday. The quality has been very inferior this season, caused in a great measure by the want of rain, and by the careless way in which they are gathered." r Tenny'g Crystal Parlors are still a delightful retreat for the young people of the city during the after noons and evenings. Throngs of the most elite and fashionable people of the city are giving the proprietors a liberal patronage. LOST ONE TO KELLY. With Their Crack Twirler in the Box the Farmers Won from the Locals, Yesterday. THE SCORE, FIVE TO TWO. Kranse la Better Form and Allowed Bat Six Scattered Hits Sweeney Will Probably (Jo In To-day The Leifoe Meeting in Raleigh. YESTERDAY'S GAMES. Wilmington, 2; Greensboro, 5. Durham, 11: Baleigh, 13. Charlotte, 9; Newborn, 2. WHERE THEY PLAY TO-DAY. Greensboro at Wilmington Durham at Raleigh. Charlotte at Newborn. STANDING OV THE CLTJB8. Won. Charlotte. 29 Raleigh.....-, 19 Durham . 18 Newborn 16 Greensboro 16 Wilmington 4 Lost. 4 15 16 18 18 29 Per cent. .879 .558 .529 .470 .470 .121 terday was a repetition of that of the day before. Of the total of three hits McGinnis made two and Hines made one. ..... The official score was five to two; but it should have been three to two. Under a special rule prevailing here a runner is entitled to but one base on I a blocked ball; but the umpire cave Kelly's Kritters two runs instead. Ig norance of the rule cannot be pleaded in justification, as it was the duty pi the umpire to Inquire of the captain of the home team if there were any I special rules and, if any existed, to en force them. : The League Meeting Last Night. Raleigh, N. 0., June 12. At a meeting of the Executive Committee of the North Carolina Baseball League nere to-nignt Durham withdrew its protest against Charlotte for paying excessive salaries-. " The committee de cided to take the fining power from umpires and hereafter the umpire can put refractory players out of the game. The present series ends June 29th and a new series begins June 30th. The constitution was amended by provid ing that any team, which' forfeits a game by leaving the field, be fined $50. All teams except Greensboro were represented in the meeting. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. How About That Tackle ? The blue birds are with us again. The Btreams and ponds are warming up. The fisher men should be looking np their outfits. Seeing if any " thing is wanted before the last minute. As of old we are showing the finest things to tempt the fish kingdom and make the sport more sporty for the anglers. Lines may be wanted; poles must be needed; hooks are very necessary, and in fact we have everything that is re quired to make a complete outfit. - To those that are interested in the sport to those others that may not be so enthusiastic, we would consider it a favor to have all come in and look. - You Are Cordially Invited To come down and have your Shoes fitted -in our handsome fitting Booth. So you can't blame us if your feet are not made comfortable. We solicit your troubles in this respect, and guarantee to make you happy if your feet are aching. We are yours for Foot comfort. - GEO. R. FRENCH & SONS. P. S. Our Oxfords and Slipper bargains will surprise get a pair. Prices from 10c up. you. Stop and my25tf DID YOU EVER STOP TO THINK P The People's Savings Bank, Opposite the Postoffice, is one of the strongest exclusive savings banks in the Southern States; We pay 4 per cent, interest, compounded quarterly. OUR MOTTO is to be conservative and liberal to all. Deposit a part of your savings with us and watch the result. KNIGHTS OP PYTHIAS OFFICERS. Those Elected Last Night by Oermania Lodge for Ensuing Term. Germania Lodge, No. 4. Knights of Pythias, at its regular meeting last night.elected officers for the ensuing term, beginning July 1st as follows: O. C G. F. Seiter. V. 0. J. W. EL Fuchs. P. M. Bremer. M. of W. H. Gieschen. M. at A. H. F. Haar. I. G. M. Schnibben. O. G. J. F. Bolt These with the appointive officers will be installed the first Friday night in July. Mc Mullen-Miller Lamber Co. The Rowland Lumber Co., of Nor folk, has bought the large McMullen- Miller Lumber plant at Bowden and the mill is now running under their management They also purchased all other property connected with the business including the hotel and store. Messrs. A. EL and W. EL McMullen are also large stockholders in the plant The officers of the Rowland Lumber Co. are: S..O. Rowland, president; 8. P. Ryland, Jr., vice president, and Geo. W. Jones, general manager. These and G. M. 8apell and J. EL Rowland make the board of directors. Suggs, the star twirler on Kelly's staff, was very effective in the box for the visitors yesterday and let the lo cals down with three hits. Krause, the local firing artist was in better form than on Monday and gave up six hits, which were, however, well scat tered. The score was 5 to 2 in favor of Greensboro, the rans having been principally on errors, though none of them were very glaring. Neither team could send a man across the plate until the fifth and with the exception of the fourth the teams were up and down in almost their or der. In Wilmington's half of the fourth Mathison drew four balls, stole second and went to third on catcher's passed ball, after Hines had bunted out and Dommel had fanned. With Mathison on third, Lawson fanned . Three Greensboro chalks were pasted up in the fifth. McKernan got life on Deiters' error, was sacrificed by Poole and came home on Cooks single to left Suggs bunted to Krouse, who threw wild and on a blocked balL Umpire Sherman allowed the . two runners to gallop across the plate. There was riehteous indi cation at this flagrant violation of well established rules and a protest was entered by Manager Mace. McGeer and Myers, next up, flew out to left on beautiful work of Hines. In the sixth, the locals put in their first run on a wild throw of Krause's hit from: third to firit and he came home on another error of the same kind, after Mathison. and Hines were up and hit to the infield, Dommel having been doubled, short to first Wilmington got in a beautiful double In the seventh, but neither team scored. In the eighth, the visitors put in two more on a pass to Suggs, a single by McKernan, a dumb play and an error of second. In their half of the same spasm the locals got another on a pass to Mathison, with two men down, and a beautiful single to centre by Hines, who played great ball throughout the game. No runs came in the ninth and these figures tell how "it was did:" THE SCORE BY INNINGS. N 123456789 RHI Greensbora....00008002 0 5 6 3 Wilmington 0 0000101 02 3 4 Batteries: Suggs and McTeer; Krause and Mathison. THE TABULATED SCORE. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Mr. B. R. Stone and family are visiting their old home in Brans-wick. - Miss Sallie Watson, of Wash ington, N. C, is the guest of Miss KateLeGwin, No. 421 South Fifth street. Miss Bessie Gibson returned last evening from Greenville, N. C, where she has been visitingxMrs. John Addison Ricks for the past month. Fayetteville Observer. 12th: "Mr. D. McEachern, of Wilmington, chairman of the Board of County Com missioners of New Hanover county, is in the city." Fayetteville Observer, 12th: "Dr. and Mrs. R. & McGeachy and little son, Weissner, arrived here to day from Wilmington, and will spend several days with Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Brown before returning to Raleigh." Fayetteville Observer, 12th: "Mrs. Fry," Mrs. R. D. Wescott (nee Stella Thompson) and daughter, Miss Lillian Wescott, arrived from Wil mington on a visit to Mrs. Wescott's father, Mr. G. A. Thompson, on Maiden Lane." MR. J. H. SLOAN TO LEAVE US. J. I1. apse ti Mnrctiison & Co H. O. OleQlTEEN, President. je8tf F. W. -JIf O. SI. ARKBTBONG) Tie. President. DICK Oaanler. DealenCIn Hardware, &c, Orton Bonding. Soft Honey Peaches AND BEST IceCream L I jo 7 tr 4 Extra Fancy - m e 0 D a e m e B P. m a 91 2r SB SP S SB js B OS " g 00 Iftv s B JO"B SB rt4 - IS 8 K o O . aaS c II ? 9' s; .B s 8 8L, S "3 S- B-J s S? n si a SB 81 3 CO CO PS BO 3 Pineapples and Bananas I J)oeS the Work ! Communicated. SERVICES AT THE "KLONDYKB,' are It is said that the .negroes dying out in Cuba too. u little probability of a shortage when they can be bo easily imported from other islands. A good deal of that has been done already. Geo. O. Minor, of Baltimore, will conduct services at "Klondyke," D. V., near corner Fourth and Castle fttrMU. Rundav at 11 A. M. and 8 P. Mark Twain wept when he recent lj visited hia birth-place in Missouri. It is no trouble for Mark to weep. He can always weep when he looks oa the grave of a relative. He wept piously at the grave of Adam. Alg oaqala fn Wnshinfton. A special to the Raleigh Post from Washington, D. 0., says: "The reve nue cutter Algonquintfiom Wilming ton. N. O, which has been in dry dock at Baltimore for several weeks past nnderfoins renairs. arrived in But there I d Wednesday and Friday at I Washington yesterday. While com :.!?: 18 P M. The co-operation of all . B A -9lhm Alatmmiin ned rn ..niHt Mnnui. f r- - - " i -j mk. vr; m h nndAnnmi- I two men who were clinging to the national in character, and will be for the sole purpose of giving the Gospel to those who have never nad it before. The work is commendable; let all as sist who can. The "Klondyke" has been rented for a year by parties inter ested and will be used as a mission during the year. Greensboro. ab McTeer, c 5 Myers, rf a Fox, 2b 4 Darby, as Allen, Sb 4 McKernan, lb. 3 Poole, cf. a Cook,lf. 4 Suggs, p 3 Total.... BBHPO 0 1 11 1 0 0 2 0 1 0 2 0 0 4 0 0 10 0 2 0 Will Become President of the New Bank at Spartanbnrf , S. C. A special to yesterday's Columbia State says : 'Spartanburg, June 11. Spartan burg is to have a new national bank, with a capital stock of $100,000, in which some of the most practical and successful business men in this por tion of the South will be materially interested. Mr. J. EL Sloan will be the president of the new bank. The loca tion has not yet been decided upon, nor are the other officers selected. Mr. Sloan will live in Spartanburg perma nently, having fitted up a residence on East Main street He has given up the export cotton business in which he has heretofore been largely engaged, and hia future transactions in that line will be for the mill trade. This will Be his headquarters, with brancn offices at Charlotte, Greenville and A n trn ata. "Neither the names of the other nfffeniw nor the site of the building have been determined upon. The other capitalists interested are: J. W. Norwood, president of the National Bank of Wilmington ; D. A. Tompkins, of Charlotte; J. E. Reynolds, president oi tne .mercantile xrus. vauiimuj, New York, together with capitalists from Eastern cities. The capital stock of the new bank will be $100,000." JUST RECEIVED. Ice Cream ! J, W. PLOHHER, Jr. Je 4 tr I Offer to the Trade Kooky Point, N. C, May 10, 1902. Geisttlembn : The "Bug Death" FIXES the bugs up in good style when nroDerlv applied. I have used it dry and in waiter with good re sults, ixuiy, (Signed) E. Pobteb. We are receiving testimonials from all quarters as to the merits of Atlantic Coas Line t Hill Company. General Meeting of Stockholders. Notice is hereby given that a special meeting of the stockholders of the Atlantic uoast Lilne Jtcauroaa com pany will beheld at the Company's office in the City of Richmond, .Vir ginia, at 11 o'clock A. M., on Monday, the sixteenth day of June, 1902, for the purpose of considering, author izing and voting on the proposition to issue bonds of the Company to an amount not to exceed twenty thousand dollars per mile of railway actually owned and not to exceed in the aggre gate eighty millions of dollars ($80, 000,000.) payable in gold coin not more than fifty years from tneir date, and bearing interest at a rate not exceeding four per cent, per annum, which bonds will include the amount necessary to retire all bonds now outstanding and secured by underlying mortgages and also the -amount necessary for the ac quirement of additional properties, and will, when all the bonds are ulti mately issued, increase the present bonded indebtedness of the- consoli dated Company about thirty-three million dollars; and for the purpose of considering, authorizing and pro viding for the execution and issue of a mortgage or deed of trust to secure said bonds, embracing all of the rail ways, property and franchises of the Company, and for the purpose of con sidering and acting upon such other . matters as may be legally presented at the meeting, By order of the Board of Directors: Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Com pany By JAMES F. POST, Secretary. Dated May 13, 1902. my 15 till je 16 r 66 Bug Death." rvnTfliinr lilt r Stick Candy, ' Smoked Herrine, but the surest proof is the purchase uaxes ana uracae, onruiuw, . , An0 a ;Qi bllttb cki TV J a xuuvna Potted Ham, Rice, all grades of ' Molasses, and complete line of Groceries. Prices and samples furnished on application. Mer chants visiting the city will do well to inspect my stock. SAM'L BEAR. Sr., Agents, THE WORTH CO., my 13 tf Wilmington, N. C. If you can Not made by a trust. The only Cheroote made with the finest Sumatra wrapper. 5 for 1 0 cents. We beg to say we have added to our line the celebrated brand 99 pr 87 ti Wilmington, N. C. 1 Market street. REMEMBER ! GEORGE W. GW MAJOR E. J. HALE. .33 5 6 27 8 3 bottom of a capsized boat The two men would have drowned but for the timely action of Captain Wiley of the Algonquin tLtid. the members of the crew. The Algonquin will remain here a week." Wilmington. Mathison, c. . . . Hines, If Dommel, lb. Lawson, ss. ... . McGinnis, cf... Holland, rf Deiters, 8b O'Neill, 2b. Krause, p AB . 2 . 4 . 4 . 4 . 4 . 4 . 2 . 3 RBH FO 10 3 0 13 0 12 0 5 2 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 E 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 Five acientiata and a newspaper cor respondent recently climbed Mount Souffriere and looVp.d rtnnm intn h They couldn't see much, crater. could hear the water boiling. The old kettle ranst have a pretty good supply of water. Death of a Young Man. John W. Smith, aged 19 years, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Smith, No. 6 Woostet, street and an employe of the Wilmington Cotton Mills, died Wednesday night at 10 ociocx oi cerebral meningitis. The remains were sent to Whiteville, his former home yesterday afternoon for interment The Republicans are boasting of tout $550,000,000 surplus in the treasury. Rut that means just that much moaey unnecessarily taken 0nt of the people's pockets by tax ation. Unnecessary taxation is un JU8t taxation and legalized robbery. Smallpax Patient Discharf ed. The negro Pearce, committed to the smallpox hospital about three weeks ago, was discharged yesterday, reare came here from Fayetteville and was the negro for whom Capt Green nau such a lively chase on a Sunday morn- Blttesi By a Rattlesnake. A two-year-old son of Mr. George Trask, who resides a short distance from the city on the Federal Point road, was bitten by a large ground rattlesnake Wednesday afternoon, while he was playing near the edge of his father's house. The snake was killed soon after the child was bitten. The little fellow was brought to Wil mington and given medical attention by Dr. Charles T. Harper. He was doing very well yesterday. Rev. R.B. John to Wed. Invitations have been issued for the marriage of Rev. R. B. John, presiding elder of the Wilmington District, M. W The negro was given new clothes I a. Church, and Miss Fiorina Gertrude and sent on his way rejoicing th6 aah'nSton correspondent of JMAsheville Citizen quotes Speaker enderson as saying that they will e to give the Appalachian park Withe go-by this session. They jaye appropriated so much money Sfv'11 have t0 hold UP and that U1 hold aP the park for this session. The city of Hong Kong, in China - menng for "e gone dry and the people are -uuent ior water on vessels uun dread Chapter, R. A. M.V At the annual meeting yesterday at Winston-Salem of the Grand Chapter, Royal Arch Masons, Mr John O. D re wry, of Raleigh, was eieow Priest; Mr. H. G. SmaUbones, Deputy XllgU - secretary. The delegates pected home last night Worth, of Guilford College, for the past few years principal of "the High School of this city. The wedding will take place at the Friends church, Guilford College, on Wednesday, Jnne 25th, at 4:30 o'clock. They will be at home after August 1st at Na 408 Grace street this city. ex- water. The wells NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. that it frnm flia j tj. - , . - uc uiaimauu. lb is arn ?Ut t0 the thirstT' wh0 crowd ihd the places of distribution by ne hundred with their vessels to Shuttle to take home to their Bering families. Schr. Wilmington Schedule. The Sneed Co. Beady for youj , Geo.R-French & Sons Invited. J. W. Plummer, Jr. Pineapple. E. Warren St Bon Honey peachca. - Btrsnrsss locals. A. S. Winsted Fruit, produce, y Oa to Wilmington. Fayettevtlle 0&sertery.l2th: "Messrs. H. B. Short of Lake Waceamaw, ana Boston Stevenson, of Wilmington, vd here from Chanel Hill- Tues day night at 11 o'clock, -via the Cape Fear River. These young men em barked on New Hope Creek, .four miles from Chapel Hill, In a canvas boat of their own making last Friday at noon and made their way to the city by water. ..They left for Wilmington early this morning in their small cnift They say the trip up to this point wan a most enjoyaoie one. . - v , Total 30 2 3 27 15 4 Summary: Bases stolen, McTeer, Myers, Allen and McGinnis. Double Elays, Allen to Fox to McKernan, awson to O'Neill to DommeL Base on balls, off Suggs 2, Krause 1. Hit by pitched ball, Myers, McKernan and Deiters. Struck out, by Suggs 10, Krause 4. Passed balls, McTeer 2. Time, 2 hours. Umpire, Mr. Sherman; Sweeney Will Pitch For Wimington To-Day. The game was very properly pro tested. Krause pitched fairly well except in the eighth inning. Ex-Mayor William Ellis is now Manager of the Newborn team. Crawley had a leg broken in the game at Newborn Wednesday. The horse editor will make a double play to-day. He will bet two nickels on Wilmington. The horse editor is disconsolate. He lost a nickel on the game. Now he feels like 55 cents. Manager Mace has sent In a pro test of jyesterday's game-for reasons which appear elsewhere. King Kelly has not forgotten hia early training but he never kicks ex cept when he gets a chance; Vot ish de madder mlt tierr v on Dommel t . Out of fifteen times at the bat this week, on his home grounds, he has made only one hit ' Umpire Sherman under tele graphic instructions of President Bus bee, left last night for Newborn. An umpire for the game this afternoon will reach here thin morning. The batting of Wilmington yes- Faykttkville, N.O., June 12, 1902. Editor Stab: The following resolu tion was unanimously adopted at the great mass meeting held In this city on Monday nighfcalled by the Mayor and Board of Aldermen to celebrate the passage of the bill for improvement of the Upper Cape Fear: Whereas, Maj. E. J. Hale, chair man of the committee appointed by fk. wvAttAviiiit Chamber of Commerce 3 1 0 1 J. 1 I to promote and secure the adoption of OUr rl T Or UUUUTuigill avusiuv, generously given time and means and talent to this great work; nd Whereas, Chiefly through his able, and ingenious and indefatigable efforts we believe the project has reached its present triumphant status : Resolved, That we congratulate him on tne ricn iruii inai u muur um borne and thank him heartily and pro foundly for this great service to his native town and State. In view of the facts recited above, of his qualifications,. and of the circum stance that Hon. EL L. Cook has with drawn from the Congressional race in this District -Cumberland will present a united ironi in aavocauag najur Hale's nomination by the Democratic Congressional convention which meets in this city on August 20th. North Carolina has not now a single Confederate veteran in either House of Congress. That cannot be said of any other Southern State. We could not batter re-assert our loyalty to Southern ideals than by beginning with the election of Maj. Hale. - Maj. Hale's demonstration or the commercial feasibility of the Cape Fear Improvement scheme and of the cause of North Carolina's commercial inferiority to her neighbors and the remedy therefor, has been literally a work of genius. His long and success ful fight for this scheme against appar ently insurmountable opposition has exhibited executive capacity of the highest order. For these reasons the people of thin section regard his elec tion to Congress an indispensable to the completion of the work so well be gun. .. -.: N. A. BraoLAiR. t If You Need Field Peas FOB SEED We can supply you. HALL & PEAESALL, Now Is the time you need a IWIIW I have a beautiful line. Call and see it before you move to the seashore. 36 3 tf Incorporated. Wilmington, N. O. Wrightsville Sound. For Rent. My teauOral Summer Home, "ARCADIA," on WrtehtBViUe Bound. Elegantly and com pletely furnished throughout. WIU rent same to responsible party for the Summer, fumlahed as stated, with exception of linen. House has nine large rooms, exclusive of servants' quar ters, etc. The deepest and broadest channel in front on Wrightsville Bound. DuBRUTZ GUTLAR. 1e W 2t Apply to W. M. Camming. A REAL BARBER SHOP. Bach is The Climax." Our men are all graduates with the degree of A. B.. which means Artistic Barbers, Our Piccaninny Polishers can give your shoes a shine that wl ut a plate-glass mirror to shame. -Everything up-to-date. aUIOH A DAVni. , ap M Routb Front Ht SUMMER SCHOOL For Teachers.' University of North Carolina, Ninth Session, June 16, July 5. Twenty In structors. Three thousma five hundred Teach ers have attended in the past Expenses low. Address F. p. YEN ABLE. President, myisw chapel Hffl. N. a BEACH ERS- Call atnd ceo say Coach Bed. je8tf 107 Market St Partition Sale. j STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, New Hanovxr County, Superior Court, Before Clerk. Arietta Hart, et al., vs. I Henry A. Bust, et aL u uiri.iin nf a. rinrtree of the Superior Court Of New Hanover county. In the above entitled ac tion, the undersigned commissioner ui hiXlAv Tnr najtlt. fit thA Oonrt HOUSB dOOT Of New Hanover oounty on the 80th day of June, 1903. at 12 o'clock M. the XoUowlng. parcels or I lots of land lylng-and being in tne city oi wu- Second street eeYeet northwardly fromthe I northwestern Intersection of Second and pock streets, and runs inence """ujs tKTwestern line of Second street 18S feet; lir.-Tmuitv&rritv And naraliel with the A.hAvn una nr m m . k hhddu vu uajm wuvuv ! BouSJwardly and parallel with the western line rln atrAAtirefaat: thence eastwarOlT and parallel Wlul urn uuruuciu uiw wi jva. shots 165 feet, to tne wemera uue ui otwiiu Bitrvei-i i Mdnti -hA a an A rtain(r ma A flaw A-vt tiAif nf lota s nuid 4 In Block No. 152 accord- in tr to official plan of the city aforesaid. This property will he offered as a whole or divided. o. m. MfUk wiuuufloivuvi ma so je 8 7 10 17 St 29 7t This cigar needs no introduction to the public. Careful smokers will rejoice that the goods can ' now be obtained at all cigar places. V0LLERS & HASHAGEN. je8tt . BOLE AGENT. 5: t t y t V X Our lethOuS Are calculated to ensure prompt and efficient ser vice in every department of banking. Perhaps you would like to give us a trial ? r I i 3L t Y Y Y i t ATLANTIC NATIONAL BANK; Wilmington, N. C. Capital - - - $125,000 Surplus - - - 135,000 jeStf Organized 1892. Fresh Jelly. OUR SODA FOBHTAIH NEW 'ADVBBTJSBMENTS. James Charles Graft, Instrnntor nf Piano and Harmony. Studio 110 Norm sixth street. - . Conch in the day, a double on two single Bedsat night. Simple in its construction, manifold In its uses. The beat thing for Bummer cottage I ever saw. ' Bee my Refrigerator ad in "Messenger. . P. F. PARKER, v J nxHinrasiASD ruasiiuas irovxunu. 111 arajitreet. v Bell Thona Bit - . lutez-Btatsfil. - mr SO tl ; . - - 116 Pails Selected Jelly. 71 Cam Tumbler Jelly. 93 Keg Paris Green. . 123 Pseksv;es Tobacco Twine. Sll Boxes Octagon Soap. 197 Barrels) Mullets. 87 Boxes Bntt Beat V. B. COOPER, WkiolMal Clroeer, my list v wfflnhiaton, N. O. Is flzzinz and sizzing and bub bling with the most delicious -Ice Cold Drinks. Only the best ' quality of material used and folks tell us that we do know how to make delicious Soda ; Drinks. PiM Pom Cream ani Cream Peci. New and original, are delicious. HARDirrs Palace Pharmacy, fii u V A '-t f-'SJt t. - r. -t !

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