XUaaraitced Bcia-FlJi, Evcry-Drf Clrcxlitloa Lirm Tuxm Thai t ; OTlaj Otter DaHy' Newt- SSIx SXoatha; - WQmlBitoB. v Tbre Months SBlW WWIW W-t St WW i II Mil Two Months DilTrS. to so Ht TUB STATS. TT VOL. LXX.-NO. 88. I" Wilmington; n. c, Thursday, july 3, 1902; WHOLE NO. if, 877 CMy at 4 per Mostts 3 i I . .: T -. , - -v 1 . -..-II 1.1 1 I i Ti. . I ! I i . 1 II IV I - . II S. 1 I V II ' . " n Al:;.ll"; IV" II W I r - - - -v ..''TBBiL mm , m mm - mm mm m m m mia. mm - mm mm -- m m mm mmm. - 1 I 4. 1 OUTLINES. - The President; bu appointed - jMaj. Mi can Jenkins collector of cas- i & , a ? l n rit jwnuuwMiariciian, ot u. oiep will be taken at once to put thePhilip- pine government j act Into, opera- Hon. Kin Edward PUed anoth- i er (rood day. Maximum temper- ature in Atlanta yesterday was 93 de- Creea. A rate ; war between the 4 . .VI-... t J T" S III. Vw haa begun. Southern Education. tal Convention la in innlon at Chat; - wiuiu umuimnc dm ucQurnxi 'tne - anthracite minis 7 reelona of Pennsylvania. - Operator In the Virginia coal region say the strike Is practically at an end. A funeral at Sterling. Ills.,, was delayed yester day while the. mourners administered a coat of tar and feathers to the hus band of the sister off, the dead wo man. Southern stone manufae- L . . J . ; - 1 a jtZem York markets: Money on call - firm at 5 7 per cent.; rosin teady; spirits turpentine quiet; cotton I teady at 9jc; flour easier again and Moll; wheat, spot ; firm, No. 3 red Sl$ceorn spot insgnlar; No. 3 71c; ( oais spot steady; No. 3 S5i56c VEATHF?. REPORT I: D.8. Dei7 or AsRiauLTURB, . Weathcb Burbau, Wiumoir, N. p., July S. V leta-jroloj? d data for tee 21 hours adln8P.(f: : Temperattias : 8 A; M., 76 degrees ; 8 P. 1L, 86 degrees; maximum, 88 de grees; mlniofum, 73 degrees; mean. 79 degrees. i . . Rainfall for day. .00; rainfall since 1st of mont to date. .00 inches. MlEKIIOSBUUXTnr.; rh tVeperatures and fair weather (raited la all districts. .RBOABT TOTO-DaT. "' . OTpH, July L For North a Fair - Thursday. - warmer the coast; Prd ay JaJr, fresh is to souu rwinas. - .r . 1 :- il : s . - Pert ftlause JIy S. , - faBises.-?. 4.47A.M. 7.20 P.M. . ... 14 EL SI M. iu tta f Length r n: water at port. ; 8.07P.M. Water Wl gton 8.37 P.M. last we hare the judicial status I- zo defines them! as "attentions fthout intentions; flirtatious atten- etc, etc That's what they in New Dersejj nyhow. automobiles speed orer roads at the rate of fifty hour, and they don't kill tthey do in this country. ,rs that tne fault isn't in ne, but in! those who nari- Ae foreign element is a potent in most ox tne western ana cities. In New York it ntitmtAa 36 rjarcant. of the DODU- V ... r . itioa in Boston, 351 per cent.; in i jms. ' Chicago, 2S; in ,Ban Francisco, v In some portions 6f Illinois, where the crows do congregate, the people hare occasional roundups. In one of these recently j they slarfghtered 1.396, and they arejerowing orer it. And yet the crowJdoes more good .tixsnharm. Maiden, IL&ss., is suffering from too muchness of gypsy motbj,catter- pOlars and other crawling nuisances. S and is offering a bounty or ten cents f a 4uart tor them. : jA chance for the ynej,:: 'hi':, - If is reported that Win. Waldorf Ltoi will iTe his daughter $20,- k nw mta (rata m 1TlAi. WILD such an announcement as tnat tne chances are favorable to her finding a husband witnout watting very . .t i long. -. i-,, 1 r mm m i 1 r 11 v iu kuu Miiwank-AA nrewenes. ma wwon want to limit the Quantity of free beer of their employes to four quarts each a day. .Thei men declare that laej wouia pens a ou a L- lowance, and are kicking lire jven- Philadelphia man who hnt has such an attach- Ill thai he can't refrain arm's reach of them." 'bim ia kleptomaniac. V : accounting ;for- the 'Jadelphia maniac., -t ci f::t to ucky mnle A Q00D WOMAN PASSED AWAY Mrs. Carl Manle Died Rather SaddeaJy at PaaDy Hone Last Nlrht The . - Faaeral This AftersooaV - Friends in the city will hear with exceeding great sorrow of the death of Mrs. ' Johanna UCnix' mwttm. tr """M"! nun vi . uari Magge and a most estimable woman, whose death occurred rather suddenly last night at the family resi dence. Princess near Second street, f Mrs. Hugge was apparently In the best of health until 9 o'clock last night when, as she was about' to retire, she suffered a serere attack of heart failure from which she died two hours later while under the care of the best phy sicians who were quickly summoned. Mrs. Magge was born In Wilming ton Feb. 7th, 1859, and was a daugh ter of the late G. EL W. Range and Mrs. Johanna Range, who survives her. 8he is- also survived to mourn their lots -by four sisCers i and two brothers, Mrs.' Alden Powell, of Smith field, N. a? Mrs. Z. CL Loflin. Miss Katie Range, Miss Bertha Run?e- Smith, Mr. J. Theodore Runge and Mr. G. W, Range. Of the immediate family besides the heart-broken husband, there survive two bright little children. Carlotta. aged IS years, and Ludolph,' aged 11. The bereaved ones have the sympathy of very many friends. The funeral will take place this after noon at 8 o'clock from the late resi dence, thence to 8t. Paul's Lutheran church, of which the deceased lady was a consistent member, and thence to Oakdale cemetery. --MBSSkBSaMMM LOCAL DOTS. Kev. a B. Paul will conduct the service at the First Baptist church to-night. Messrs. .Gough 4 : Allen will run an excursion" from Lumberton to Wilmington, July 8th. - .'. ' ; -. Mr. Charles S. Grainger has been appointed assistant cashier of the Murehlson National Bank. To-morrow being.: "Independ ence Day." and a national holiday, no paper will be issued from the Stab office Saturdays morning i : : The regular monthly meeting of the Chamber of Commerce will held this afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. , A full attendance Is desired." - ; Arrangements have been com pleted for the excursion to the "fcjaek fish grounds : to-morrow. The boat leaves the Custom House wharf at 3 A M. sharp. Tickets on sale at Nntt's drug store. The five months old son of Mr: aud Mra. Theodore Swann. 80S South'Beventh street, died at 3 A. M. yesterday. The interment will take place this morniag at Myrtle Grove Sound. The next excursion from Golds bo ro to Wilmington will be run by Messrs Pope, Southerland Snd Sutton and will arrive Wednesday morning, July 9. The fare for the round trip is only $L2S. The poatofiice carriers will make bat one delivery and one collec tion on July 4th. The stamp and general delivery windows will be open from 9 to 10 A. M., and 6 to 7 P. M. The money order and registry depart ment will be elosedTdaring the dsy. Csrpesters Te Celebrate. Local Union 899 of the United Brotherhood of - Carpenters and Joiners of America will publicly in stal their newly f elected officers Sat urday evening at 3 P.M. at their hall opposite the Front street market. They have invited all non-union car penters in the city and the Electrical Wire Workers to meet with them and eniov an evening of social pleasure, sandwich d with short talks, refresh ments, be All are expected to bring their wives, daughters or best girls; Wlsstos Carriers Comiaf .. Winston Journal-. Extensive ar ranrtmanta are beinar made for the en tertainment of the State Letter. Car riers' Association which meets in Wil mington July 4th. ' A number of local carriers will attend the meeting. Among them are A. Prempert, W. E. Gordon, W. L. Vest and possibly others. . . . 0s Education! Work. Rev. A. D.. Hunter, financial secre tary of the Century Educational Work of the Baptist State Convention, spoke at SontHside Baptist church last, night at 8 o'clock. ' A large crowd heard his very interesting discourse. JUDICI4L CONVENTION. CALLED. The Delegates to the Judicial Con Tentlon of the Fifth District will meet In Convention July 34th, 1902, 3 o'clock P. M at the County Court House In .New Hanover County. v . Hzkkt E. FAisoar, Chair.-: J Fbahz Thoxfsoit, Sec'y. - - - NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. I v " 1 NoticeBids wanted;rf : ' v r " .Clyde Line Sailing days" ; " Notice Industrial education I " Trinity College Darham, N. O. -- Jeff Davis Council Where to go. J.W. Plammer Fireworks to burn. Cou thern Railway Excursion rates. Cir. Corapton Schedule for . the 4th. T7ilAzzton Savings & Trust Co. ; ; you pay rentt '.;'-V-7 't.'; i'.".; r - :t Gall watca... s'!?-;..z";i ,";-tJ Twoyoang men. "'. -T;V - isi TraTellias salesman. '. ,--:r ri-9 C-rslIaa intlons. LOSTTBRODGQ ERROR Newbern Made It Three Straights from Wilmington in Game Yesterday Afternoon. -r THE SCORE, FOUR TO NOTHINQ Kirns la Box for Ssilors aid Pitched a Good Game, Bat Recclred Mlsersble Sspport Tesmi Here To-day. Donble-Hesder To-morrow. YTSTXRDAY'a GAHE3. Wilmington, 0 ; Newbern, 4. . Charlotte, 8; Bfleigh, 5. ' j Greensboro, 8; Darham, 4. WHIKK THXY PL1Y TO-DAT. Newbern' at Wilmington. Charlotte at Greensboro. Raleigh at Durham.. sTaJTDnra or thk cltjbs. Won. Lott. Per cent. Newbern Greensboro . , Charlotte Baleigh......;. Wilmington ... Durham ", .. 3 0 1,000 .. - 3 0 ..3 1 .. 1 2 .. 0 3 .. 0 3 1,000 .666 .333 .000 .000 Special Star Telegram. 1 Newbebn, N.O., July 2. Karns' good work in the box was ineffective to prevent Newbern from winning the third straight Unlay. Bad fielding as sisted to increase Newborn's score. McGinnis' fielding was a feature of the Wilmington team. ' THX BOORS BY ESTNTNG8. 133456789 BBS Wilmington.. . .0 0000000 00 3 6 Newbern 10 0110 0 lx 4 9 1 Batteries: Karns and Fisher; Bass and Thackara. THX TABULATED SOORK. WrunsroTOH. ab bbspo a b Holland, rf 4 0.0100 Mathison,3b... 4 0 1 3 0 0 Dommel,lb.. ....... 4 0 1 5 0 3 McGinnis, ef........ 8 0 0 3 0 0 Lawson, sa.. ........ 3 0 0 1 3 S nines, If............ s 00101 Fisher.'c. 3 0 0 7 1 0 O'Neill, 3b. ......... 3 0 0 : 3 1 0 Karns, p. ...,..... 3 0 1.1,8:0 Total .... NarwBXJUf.' : Fillman, ss . . ..... Devlin, 8b. Randolph, 8b Foster, lb......... Thackara, c....... Goodman, rf. .... . ..39 0. 3 24 7 6 AB BBHFO . 5 0 0 3 X 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 .4 1 3 13 1 2 3 ; 3 0 .3 .3 . 3 . 3 0 1 11 1 4 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 rr.;....; Temp Wind, cf, Baaa,p. ........ ..4 13 0 0 0 ': Total... .33 4 9 37 11 1 . Summary : Stolen bases, Foster, Bass and Karns. Two base hits, Dev lin, Thackara. Gettig and Bass. Base on balls, off Karns 3, Bass 3. Hit by pitched ball, Foster. 8truck out. by Karns 6, Bass 4. Passed ball. Fisher. Left on bases,. Newbern 11, Wilming ton 4. Sacrifice bits, Randolph 3 and Wind.-. Time, 1:35. Umpire, Jordan. Observe the Neck and Neck Race of the Bulls and (Hants. Two games to-morrow, one at 10 A. M. and the other at 4 P. M. Wilmington played another very nanght-y game yesterday. Never mind the shot-outs. We'll all go out and see the game to-day. . The game will be called at 4 P. M. "Many are cjdled, but few are" won. Possibly the local team will be strengthened by a visiting pitcher this afternoon. ' r - . You know Newbern cannot beat us four straights. If she can we mean to see how it Is done. It is a tight race between the Bulls and the Giantst. It now stands three "skunks" for each. Being now engaged in a fruitless effort to raise money and cantaloupes, the horse editor will sell hisbaieball franchise on reasonable terms. j Thackara and Devlin, of last year's Wilmington team, are now with the . Newbern team, the former in the capacity of captain. The Wil mington cranks should give "Thack" thVgladhand at the park this after noon, j'.- Crashed Between Car sad Esxlse. : While attempting to couple a car to a shifting engine on the A. O. L. dummy line at foot of Ghesnut street about 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon, Geo. Lucas, colored, 28 years old, was caught between the "dummy" engine and the "bumpers" of the car and badly crushed about the left side. It is thought he has suffered internal in juries and may die. He was removed to his room upstairs in the brick build ing at northeast corner of Nutt and Mnlberry streets, where Dr. D. W, "BulluckAtlantle Coast Line surgeon, attended him. :', ;.; : ,. The Judicial Coaveatloa. The Democratic convention-, of the fifth judicial district, composed of the counties of New Hanover, Duplin, Lenoir, Sampson, Pender and Onslow, is called by Chairman Henry K. Fak son and Secretary Frank Thompson to assemble at the Court House in Wil mington on July 34th-at 3 P. M. Only a solicitor Is.to be nominated. Thus far the Stab has heard of no op position -to the present very able In cumbent, Bodolph Duff yVr Esq., of Onslow. : The New Hanover delegates are Instructed unanimously for hincfc The Stranded Schooners. - J Nothing was heard -yesterday from the stranded schooners off Cape Look out, and no tugs -from. here, so tar as- could be learned, went to their assis tance. The Ida O. Schoolcraft. CapL "Ben" '. Robinson, - is consigned to Messrs."; George : Harriai, Son & Co.; and has a cargpf coal for one of the "fisheries' down the river, f? ZJIJ A Dr. "Craig- Barrow; of "Savan nah, arrived from the South last night. THREE LODGES INSTALLED OFFICERS LAST NIGHT. Orioa Lodre, 1. 0. 0. P., Jefferson Lodce, K. of P., sod Jeff Davis Conacll, Jr. 0. U, A. M. Aa Ezcarsloo. The first week In July is always a season of- installation of ofilcers with the various secret orders of the city, of which there are in Wilmington per haps more than in any other city of its size In the Union. . Lodge Deputy H. O. Craig, assisted by Past Grands P. T. Dicksey, C. D. Morrill and J. A. Orrell, installed the following ofilcers of Orion Lodge No. 67, L O. O. F., at the regular meeting last night': S P O Win Simpson. N G W H Hodges. . V G J H Swlnson. R 8 L T Bowden. F 8 J E Sttvar Treasurer II O Craig. Warden A T Parker. R StoN G O D Morrill. L S to N G P T Dicksey. B S to V G A W Watson. L 8 to V G J A OrrelL . I G F B LeGwln. - O G J E G Brown. Chaplain B R Penny. Conductor O W StewarL Jefferson Lodge No. 61, Knights of Pythias, also installed ofilcers last night, the installation having been conducted by Deputy Grand Chancel lor E. H. Munson, assisted by G. M. at A., J. O. Morrison and Grand Pre late R. S. Collins. They are as fol lows: O C K F Jones. V O W L Williford. Prelate L O Smith. M at A R O Rubright M of K B O Stone. I. G W O Page. O G G W Branch. A committee of ten was appointed to assist in the arrangement of a moon light excursion down the river on the night of July 16th, under the auspices of Stonewall, Clarendon and Jefferson lodges, the "proceeds to be applied to a fund for furnishing the new K. of P. Hall. The committee consists ; of Messrs. E. J. Jones (chairman). An son Alligood, K. H. Munson, a. a. Oolljns, R. a Rubright, G.W. Branch, L.O. Smith, R. C. Piatt, W. O. Page and W, U. Williford. - - At the regular meeting of Jeff Davis Oounciyfo. 63, Jr. O. U. A. M., Tues day niftt, the following ofilcers were installed fori the term J beginning July 1st: - .. ' " ; ' ' ; i, J Jr P O W J Bellamy. - F 8 GO Simmons. : ' O W F Brittain. Treasurer John Thomas. VOOW-Craig. v Conductor H I Craig. R 8 J E. Wood. A R 8 E Russ. Warden R 8 Cowan. I 8 E G Hall. O 8 J 8 R Wallace. Chaplain J E Gordon. Trustees J E Wood, J F Craig and W F Brittain. After the installation a delightful spread of refreshments was served which was thoroughly enjoyed by the the large number of Juniors In attend ance. PASTOR 0P DBLOAD0 CHURCH. Rev. J. W. Wheeler Has Accepted Csll to Importsst Missiles Field. Rev. J. W. .Wheeler has accepted a call to the mission work at Delgado Mills and has removed with his wife and child to cottage No. 60 In the vil lage. He will preach at Delgado two Sundays ineaeh month and devote the remainder of his time to the Baptist mission work in contiguous territory. ler was made possible by a very liberal contribution from an outside source through the mission committee of the. First Baptist church. Rev. Mr. Wheeler until week before last was of the Methodist -Episcopal church in the Newbern district, and was bantized into the Baptist faith by Rat. Hlffht G. Moore, of Newbern, Thursday a week ago. He is said to be a verv consecrated man and an earnest worker. For several years he was associated with Rev. U. U. Paul, of Southside Baptist church, this city, and it was largely through Mr. Paul's influence that he was se cured for the work here. He is a na tive of Tennessee and is aged about 30 years, pleasant in conversation and with a willing hand for the work he has undertaken. . ' PRETTY CHURCH EBTTERTAINMBIiT. A Bssca of Roses" Cnsrnlazly Resdered . st Chspel of the Good Shepherd. A delightful little play, ."A -Bunch of Roses." was charmingly presented by the Sanctuary Guild of the Chapel of the Good Shepherd ' last evening to aa appreciative audience.. The play was well staged, the : lighting effects were good and the costuming elegant. The entertainment took place in the Hall of the . Good ; Shepherd, which u attractively decorated for the oc casion. The cast of characters was as follows, and each parr was well taken: . '.. Mrs. Rose-Mrs. A. E. Carter ' K The Roses-Misses Sadie- Huhn, Ethel Lewis, vHelen Skinner Mary, Marine, Katie Hall, Lillie Gorman and Lizzie Ollrn.-jdbJMAi C Rosebuds Misses Gertrude ' Lewis, Hattie Burrus and Allie Skinner. , Mr. Melrose Mr; Walter Thomas. H .The second part of the play wast by the same cast with, different charac ters." u V-i-;;'-:..'.:-- r The entertainment elbsed with, a posing as the statue of Columbia by Mrs . A. E.5 Carter, while the company Sang with much effect "The Stars and Stripes 'r: US Dr." T. S. Turlington,-; cf Ben-; nettsville, B-IC, wsj n Or'.:a guest yestsrday. ;: - V. "Glorious fourth." Elaborate Celebration Friday at the Beaches and Also at . Southport. NUMBER OF : EXCURSIONS. Anaaal tizslU at Wrlrhlsyllle by Csro-lias- Yacht Club Sped si Traia te - Lake Waccsmaw The Dsy oo the Riyer-Two Ball Gsmes. The "glorious fourth" of July" in Wilmington, at the beaches, at South port, at Lake Waccamaw and at many adjoining places will be appropriately celebrated tomorrow and without a doubt upon a much more extensive scale than in many years past. The observance in Wilmington will consist of little more .than - closing ;of stores and offloes, while at the other points mentioned attraotiTe pro grammes have been arranged and many city folks will turn guests and enjoy the recreation of the day with their neighbors. At Hilton' Park there wlH be two professional games of baseball during the day and parhaps an excursion party from Newborn to enjoy them. The local team has taken a "bracer" and will win one of the two, which will be in the morning and afternoon. Wrightsville Beach will be a popu lar place on the "fourth" as of yore. There will be the usual 20 trains a day over the Seacoast road to take the crowds to and from the popular resort and an attractive programme of events wifl entertain the people while there. The train schedule hi leaving Wilmington at 6 :S0, 9, and 10:15 A. M., 12:15, 1:45, 3:15, ,5:15, 7:15 and 15 P. M. ; leaving Ocean View at 7:30 and 10 A. M., 12 noon, 1:30, 3, 5, 10. 7:30 9 andll P. M. ; Of course the drawing card will be the annuaL regatta by the Carolina Yacht Club' for which, all arrange ments are complete. ThergsrfUbe irom seven to ten entries. The prizes are very handsome! this year and are' on display at Mr. ! George Honnet's jewelry store, where they were pur chased. - The first Is a splendid chafing dish; the second, a three-light silver candelabra and the third, a handsome silver flask, neatly , chased and 'en graved. The cup offered by Commo dore Cowan, will go to the fastest yacht.' The yachts will report prompt ly at 4 o'clock and the regatta will commence at 4:30 P. M. The Regatta Committee is composed of Messrs. George-Harriss, T. W. Davis, and J. K. William. Another attraction ad vertised for the day is a yacht race over an outside course, open to all without restriction as to class, sail. . area or ' ballast.. Cash prizes are advertised. The fireworks display at night, it is said will be bet ter, fuller and fiery than ever before. A subnjarine explosion is one of .the features of the display advertised. Morning and afternoon concerts will be given by the Carolina Orchestra and a ball will be given at the Seashore Hotel. Dancing will also be in pro gress at Ucean view pavilion wbile bowling, ping-pong and pool contests for prizes will be in progress at the amusement parlors of the Seashore Hotel. Poorth At CaroIIaa Beseh. The fourth at Carolina Beach will be made notable by the annual excur sion to that resort by Jeff Davis Coun cil No. 63, Junior Order of Uni ted American Merchanics. There will be three round trips, dur ing the day and -.the fare will be only 25 cts. The boats leave at 8:30, 10.39 and 12.00 A. M., and at 2 P. M. and the last at 7 P. M. Passengers may take their choice of going through to Southport at the same price and the schedule of leaving that city is 11 A. M. 4:30 P. M. and 9:30 P. M. At the beach the Juniors and their friends -will enjoy a day of delightful sea breeze, a'J base ball game between picked teams, sack races and other athletic sports. Ac commodations have been provided for a very , large crowd and a pleasant time is assured. . Mr. John E. Wood is chairman of the committee of ar rangements. : ' Big Celebration at Seotbport. Perhaps nowhere will the" celebra tion of the fourth be. more- elaborate or fltting4han in the delightful little city of Southport. : Energetic commit tees have been at work the past month to make the celebration exceed ; all former efforts and it is very certain that they have accomplished their un dertaking. ' There are no . more hospi1, table people on earth than . those of Southport and to their Wilmington friends they say fWelcome." Every form of entertainment known . to the civilized world will be. provided, in cluding boat races, baseball, athletic contests, concerts and patriotic de monstrations. - The r annual oration will be by Dr. Calvin'8. Blackwell; of Wilmington, and that Is 'sufficient guarantee that it will be one of un usual exceTlence.;2'i::v--.s The BteamerfWIj7iingon will makey three M round i trips :- dur IngheCdayleavlngvit '8:30 A. M., at 2 ' P. M. ; and 7 P. M. and leaving gSouthpbrt at 11 A. M., 4 :30 and 9:30 P. IL The steamer: Compton. in charge, of the clever Capt. W.' A. Banders, will also make .three round trips during-: the'day; leavingWil mington at 8d5 A, tM., 2.P. M. and 7 P. IL ; leaving Southport, 10:80 A. M., 4 :30 P.: M.: and 9 0 P. VL The f aro will be 25 cents and the boat will rnn through without transfer. j; i:-Jicsrsloa to Uke Waccastiw. I Arcther" feature -of the day will be tha Atlantic - Coast Tdne excursion to L- 're Wfisciuna'w' : and return, levrfr g --. " f :- " J ;'';,: ;; ' "l the Front street station at 8 A M.; Brinkiey's, 8:47 A. M.; Freeman's, 8:52 A. M.; Maxwell's, 9:05 A. M, and arriving at Lake Waccamaw 9:20 A. M. Returning, the special train will leave Lake Waccamaw at 8 P. M., arriving here at 9:20 P. M. The fare for the round trip will be 75 cents. BRILLIANT EVENT AT WARSAW Miss Carrie Hnssey Became the Bride of Dr. Jas. H. Newbary la a Beautiful Ceremony is Baptist Church. Waksaw, N. 0., July 2. A mar riage in which Warsaw 'society has been : interested for some weeks was consummated at the Baptist Church at 6:30 o'clock" this evening, when Miss Carrie, the lovely and accomplished daughter of Dr. LaFayette Hussey, became the bride of Dr. James Henry Newbury, a talenied young dentist of Magnolia, Rev. J. J. Douglass, of Wil son, officiating. ; To the strains of the wedding march artistically rendered by Miss Laura Lake Hartsell, of Goldsboro, the bride, handsomely costumed in white silk, ornamented with diamonds, carrying a bouquet of carnations entered upon the arm of her brother, Mr. Ernest Hussey, of Charlotte, while the groom attired in the conventional black, ac companied by his best man, Mr: Jas. Southerland, of Goldsboro, entered. the opposite aisle and meeting at the chancel, were made man and wife by a beautiful and impressive ring ser vice. The maid of honor was Miss Louise Hussey. sister of the bride, wearing a handsome pink organdie. The attend ants were Capt. James Hartsell, of Goldsboro, with Miss Pattie Maye, of Fremont; Mr. Joe K. Johnson, of Wilson, with Miss Eva Hussey, of Warsaw; Mr. Ed. J. Hill, of Warsaw, with Miss Daisy Johnson, of Teacheys; Dr. J. M. Wiliams, of Kenansville, with Miss Grace Hus sey, of Atlanta; Mr. Jack E. Williams, of Warsaw, wit Cox, of Catherine Lake Best of ..Warsaw, wi Williams of Kenans verton. of Goldsboro. Hinson; of Kenans ville: Mr. Clyde Glazbrook of Baltimore.' With Mi Annie Maye Newbury of Wilmington; Mr. Perry J. Heath of Selma, with. Miss Annie Ross Williams, of Kenans- ville. The ladies wore white organdie; tne gentlemen full dress. Little Miss Martha Whitaker of Greensboro, r was ring bearer, ; and : Miss J3ae Hussey, flower girl; both being neices of the bride. ;-:tr. '. -"i . -a '.V". The church' was elaborately decora ted for the occasion by Mr. Glazbrook. a skilled, prfessional decorator of Balr timore, and presented a beautiful ap pearance. The happy pair left on the 8:45 train for an extended bridal tour embracing Toronto,? Niagara Falls, Rochester, - Baltimore and Washing ton, and will be at some, Magnolia, after July 20th. where Dr. Newbury, who nas successfully won the degree of D D. 8. at the University of Mary land and passed the state Board, will temporarily locate for the practice of his profession. Both are well known in Eastern North Carolina society cir cles, and have a host of friends who will join in wishing them a- long, hap py and prosperous life's journey. The presents were numerous and valuable, attesting the popularity of the young people. One of the most pleasant features of the occasion was the reception on Tuesday night at the home of Dr. Hussey. followed by an Impromptu dance at the home of Dr.. J. N. John son, in which a large number of Golds boro, Wilmington, Clinton, Faison, Kenansville and Warsaw's society people participated. The music was by the Boston Italian String Band, of Wilmington. NORTH CAROLINA SOLDIER, DEAD. Private Dickinson, ef Oxford, Died at Port Caswell Tsesdsy Evening. Private C. F. Dickinson, of Oxford, N. C., recently enlisted in the United States Army for service at Fort Cas well, died at the post Tuesday night, and the remains, accompanied by a military escort of eight men, under Corporal L. T. JRhodacker were brought up to the city yesterday and sent on last evening's train-to the young man's bid home for. buriaL The remains were also accompanied by Lieut. Garrison Ball and Dr. C. J. Manly, first lieutenant and assistant surgeon, who arranged for the em balming of the body at Woolvin's un dertaking establishment. Private Dickinson had been in the service only a few weeks and died of remittent' malarial fever, with hema turia. He had been in the hospital much of the time since he came to Caswell. Corporal Rhodacker accom panied the remains to Oxford, where they will be interred to-day. TRANSFERS OF REAL ESTATE." Deeds Filed for Official Record Yesterdsy ' .:;';' at the Court Hosse. .The following real , estate . transfers were recorded yesterday: Susan Ann Littleton to Maggie Ar thur Littleton. - her daughter. - house and lot on north side of Caahe between Third and Fourth streets; considera tion $l.t)0.: . - - : John K. Mcllhenny and wife to T. C McIlhenny, Jr., HH. Mcllhenny et aL, tract of land containing- about 500 acres, situated at soutnern end ot Eacle's Island, in Brunswick county. and an undivided ; one-half, interest in lot at northwest intersection of Second and Market streets, 20x130 feet in size; consideration $250. '. . -v T srA Pjppi isjkiiiiull An exhibition pool game of 3l0O points between .: Mr.; Young,- of . Vir ginia, and Mr. Karns. of Washington.1' D. 0., will be played at the Crescent Cigar Store, No. 109 Market street, at o'clock to-night. . Both- players t are experts and something interesting Is expected, t Those who care : . to : dp so may witness the contest.; A. and MCoUee Tha orat iTirtntWftT Hftbool la ' nOW ready for five hundred pupils. If-you wish your boys taught to work, pre-, pared for industrial life, .. trained in hWi nf scftnAmv. rncrtl larit and punctuality, write to. President Win stonr Ealeih, Ni O-rif or booklet, ,"A Day at the A. and li. College.' 3 f - .' - ' ' " '', r z hJCissMMe -on Carolina. Beach and Southport Steamboat Line WHERE TO GO JEFF DAVIS COUNCIL Hoi 63, o Junior Order United American . Hecliaiiics, WILL CELEBRATE THE DAY AT CAROLINA BEACH! Whicli will be one of the most delightful places to spend the Fourth. Music and Dancing all day until the last boat leaves at night. Re freshments at reasonable prices. Baseball in afternoon by local teams, Sack Bases, Races for Bathing Suit and other amusements. ; ; - i; Ladies and children can rest assured that the best of order will be preserved. - Sono-bhL"pox4l3- V There will be a big Fourth of July celebration in Franklin Square.' The committee in charge have prepared an elaborate programme. Rev. Calvin S. Blackwell, D. D., of this city, will be the orator of the day. Following the ceremonies there will be sports of a varied and intensely interesting nature. SCHEDULE, STEAMER WILMINGTON. Leave for Carolina Beach, 8:30 A. M., 10 A, M., 11 A. M., 2 P. M. and 7 P. M. . Leave for Southport, 8:30 A. M., 2 P. M. and 7 P. M. Leave Beach for Wilmington, 12 M., 5:30 P. M. and 10:30 P. M. . Leave Southport for Wilmington, 11 A M., 4:30 P. M. and 9:30 P. M. Fare 25 cents. Take your choice. JHO. W. HARPER. jy3tr Do yon pay rent ? Do you -pay Interest ? Do vou move once a vear ? Do you stay awake nlghta? Do you "ever expect to own a home ? Do yon get deeper In debt each month t It so. tarn over a new leaf and open a savings account with us. Four per cent, per annum paid on deposits ol $5 ana upwards , The Wilmington Savings & Trust Company, 108 Princess jr. XV. NORWOOD, President jys tt C. E. TATLOB, AGRICULTURAL AND INDUSTRIAL A combination of theory and practice, ol .V inar, Aericnltnre, Okemlatrr, Electricity, mechanic Arts and Cotton X BEannfaetniljMC. Full Courses (4 years), Short Coar8es (2 years). Special Courses (3' X mos). Tuition and room, 110 a term; bard, S3 a month 30 teachers, 369 students, new 3 t bnildlnsB for too. Write for booklee "A Day President GEO. T. Y T jj 3tf PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Mr. W. H. Ebaby ol Savan nah, arrived last night. Capt, J. A. "Cutts, of Rocky Mount, was here yesterday. . Mr. Harry Howell, of Golds boro, is in the city to spend a month. Mrs. J. F. Woolvin and chil dren are visiting on Wrightsvilie Sound. Mrs. S. P. Collier, Jr., and little son left yesterday morning for Wilson to visit her parents, Rev. and Mrs. A. P. Tyer. Hon. Jno. D. Bellamy returned to Washington last nisrht to close up a number of matters of business in" cident to the adjournment of Congress. The following party of young people of Enfield, N. C. are guests at the Seashore Hotel: Misses M. F. Whitaker. Mary Collins, 3aby Whita ker, Stella Poppin, Sadie Bell Mc Gwigan, Bessie Whitaker and Spier C. Bellamy, Esq., and Mr. W. T. Cle ments. ' William J. Bellamy, Esq., left las.t night for Asheville where he goes as a delegate from Wilmington Lodge of Elks with instructions to nrge the North Carolina Association of Elks, now meetnig there, to hold the next annual convention In Wilmington. DIED. SUSIE-At the family residence in this city late n'gat at 11 o'clock, Mrs. JOHANNA HUQOB. beloved wife of Carl Magge, aged 43 years, 4 months and ss days. Funeral this (Thursday) aiternoon from residence, Princess, near Second street; thence tost Paul's Lutheran church. Interment in Oakdale. Friends and acquaintances Invited to attend. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Schedule Steamer Compton on Fourth of July. Leave Wilmington. Leave Southport. - 8.15 A.M. 1S.39A.M. 2.00 P.M. 4.80 P M. ' 7.10P.M. 0.30 P.M. Fare for round trip, 26c This boat runs through without transfer. W. A. SANDERS, jy 3 8t Master. Bids Wanted. For T2 pieces Black Cypress Timber 13x13.30 feet long; SO pieces 8x8, 10 feet long, to be deliv ered on cars on A. c. L. B. H. track at the In tersection of Fifth street. Bids will be opened at City Hall Monday, July 7th, at is o'clock M. E.F. JOHNSON. Jy S2t Chin. BtreBts and Wharves Com. FOR RENT. ' Bulldinsr onVthe corner of cneenut and Water streets, now occupied by Messrs. C. C Coving ton, J. T. Blley and others, from first day of October next, wiu rent the whole building to too man, or divide it up among different par ties. Will let rent note or lease run any tune from one to five years,. Any one wanting to rent, apply to, - . : -;' ;JyW , D.L.GOBBS. TRIHITY COLLEGE, DURHAM. N. O.- 7;::: Oifers 12S graduate and under- graduate conrsea. of study. New: library facilities,- laboratory; equips nlents and gymnasiunu s Number of, istudentai doubled in 8;yearg. Largo number, of scholarships awarded an-j nually. A Loans made to worthy stu dents. Expenses t. very .moderate For catalogue address,. :.- 1 J ? t': ' D. 7. NEWS01TA ! ADD HOI fPAilf I Iff S K " ' Don't pay rent. Don't pay interest. Dont move every year. Don't worry. It can be helped. Don't remain a tenant- Don't fall to enquire at onr banting house how we help you save money and- become Inde pendent. Street. Hi WALTEB8, Tie President. Jr., Casbler. MECHANICAL COLLEGE. EDUCATION. book study and manual work in Knelnaer- at the A. & M. College." WINSTON, Raleigh, N. C. mi.' ml il n . - lie rounsi mm Opens with the . Month of June.' AND THE mimm kail wax ANN0USCI3 THK SALE Or summer cxcursiun iiurcisc To the delightful Resorts located on and reached via Its lines. These Tickets Oct Is particularly attractN mountain resorts, where 1 Invlzoratlnar. and where accc be had either at the'comfortable 1 boarding houses or the more expeq to-date hotels. ADDITIONAL SLEEPING Placed In Service from Various P01 For Beaching those Points. Particular attention is directe' the elegant Dining-Car Service on principal through trains. southern Railway has Just Issued Its hand some Resort Folder, descriptive ot the many delightful tesorts along, the -line of Its road. This folder also glveb the names ot proprietors - ot hotels and boarding houses aaa number of guests they can accommodate. Copy can be had upon application to any Southern Railway Ticket Agent.. S. H.. HARDWICK, w. a. TURK, aenl Pass. Agent,. Pass, Tcaffle Mgr. . , 1y3lt 1 Washington, V. C. ? 10 BU I have .. a completer? stock for , - July 4th; - Give me your, order, J.W.PLUDDER.l ' jy a tt r liilnSiciiiissil Nlxon, untf"' firm name of t &ies& srr wasuiasQ ;c is uir vi a. . - .... . 'i r n ruiiHiiuUiiuiiiiuruiiiF J J i Thatr "THE LI a '

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