4', fjogriDteed BWrm, etctjuj( Clrcolstlos UrfCT Than Thai iMAsy Otser DsuyNews psper Psbllsbed is Wllinlsrton. TERMS W SUBSCRIPTION.? Ob b- ZXavlL $5,004 !SIx Months. ' " f.50, Three Heaths, ' ' 1.85 1 oinB" " : ' Two Months, " 1.00 " IN THE 8TATX. J ghc IHo wing jgtar. outlines. atary Moody, of the Nary De aient, ho ordered that one of the !lps recently authorixed by Con Ill he constructed at the New York ird. King Edward will Jleroimed between the 11th and 15th ofiastnext. ; Cholera reoord u Mnil Sanday was fifty new cases ud thirty death. President prof Venezuela haa Uken the Seldatt&ehsadof his troopi against e rerolutioniati Four chil dren were struck by lightning in Pothiua county' Va. ; one fatally. A strike of 9,000 freight handlers i, Chicago began yesterday, and j-rj freight house of the thirty-four -j!rodi concerned is tied-up. giTereitorm in western New York H..-u- nirht and Sunday eauaed pttl damie to property; lightning jed barns and other buildings; the flood washed away many hornet, Th8 street car atrike in -Rhode blmd towns haa'j ended. Three -hitemea and two negroes killed by fchtnin at Offerman, Qa. 'ew York marketa: Money on call m'fim at 46 per cent; otton steady at 9 is; flour was fairly jcure and steady; wheat, spot ateady, 5a. 2 red Sic; corn spot firm. No. tWj:; oats spot ateady; white, No. 2 Bit; rosin steady, strained common to pod $1 55 157 J ; apirita turpentine Kttdy at iTjQlSa WEATHER REPORT. 0 4 DipT or AaiomTU, Wkathib Buxeau, WaainrGTOS, N. C, July 7. ) Meteorological data for the 34 hoars udinjSP. M.: J Temperatures: j 8 A. M., 84 degrees; IP. 1L, 79 decrees ; maximum, 87 de pcei; minim am.! 77 degrees; mean, 83 tefrees. BainfaU for day. .00; rainfall since la of month to date, .00 inches. OOTTOS BC0IO5 BULLITT-. Hifh temperatures hare continued is til rections. Light local rains hare Sn in nearly all districts. Maxi 3a temperatures Sunday were: At Charlotte and Raleigh 93; Goldsboro, S; Wilmington, 100; Lumberton, 101; raee, a C, 107. rOElOAST I FOB TO-DAY. WiSHraaTOS, July 7. For North Ctrolint Showers Tuesday and pro kb.'j Wednesday; light to fresh Dotbesst to soath winds. Port Almanac Jaly 8. 'uRifceS Jj. .. Jos Sets bsft Length... JJ. Eeh Water at Southport. H:ra Wsier Wilmington . 4.50 A.M. 7.19 P. M. 14 H. 49 M. 10.24 P.M. 12.54 A.M. It Uke3 from four to six days to kch mo3qaito hggs, according to tie weather, butj there is always easier enough to hatch 'em. Carrie Nation announces that she rK join "Iijaa" Dowie's church. Sat Elijah may look oat for squalls. HeUprobatly be sorry he came back to earth. ' 1 Oat of a total of 15,572 bills in todncel ia the House of Eepre- teutiYea ia the pa3t session and t50 in the Senate, 1,503 in all 3e pound out. !! An Indiana J. P. died a few davs pwho had tiedU.OOO connubial j505. moat of them elopists. J Saangeaa it may' seem he died a rai death. I Tlie Norfolk anil Hampton Boads ip Building and-; Dry Dock Corn el ill soon begin the erection of tlO.000,000 plant at Sewell's fWi near Norfolk. It isn't wait er subsidies. 8 They haven't any casa words in r UIk they can slap at a man call him "a fellow." But how tuese people get along when get right mal? didn't want to h loft nn hirth- I celebrations, but was short on aren. poi0k,.iij n i. t. r"7of her noodle. She and "herdogsenjpyei it. ew York 'actresa wants to Tfieze .Vt rwvk jj i. manufacturing firm for using - oaacorsei moaei. one tt ' like tnclr r- : v-:. on her without permia- ton. . CU!ominei'ortunate,a young woman;of Haaleton, Pa., to the improper atten- jeral bullets from herUttl ltnr ,fainer ttniorxnnate . mm, ij ; er boycottin? a church bacansa tor refused to order a non- the Btrikera in ftia tt"? haTe 'ened toboy ithf r8,fho attend thedok iamilies 0f the non-union en. it. i.is: . ... len h uut wa7 'aese loomn BIQ CONFLAGRATION VISITED CLINTON SUNDAY Twe Basisess Blocks aid Misy ResL ences Destreyes Worst Fire la the History of the Towa. d-rros.N. O., July 7. OUnton WM Jwtea oy tne worst fire in its his- wry yesteway about noon. Two bus! noas Diocxs on Main and Elm streets ana all the residence portion on the south side of Elm street were burned. a 5 au forty-fire houses were burned. The total loss will annraxlmibi Mn- ty-flre thousand dollars, with about twenty thousand dollars Insurance. The above telegram but briefly tells the story. The conflagration atarted m ane grocery store of J. H. Carr and gunea rapid headway. ' From Carr's store the flames hast ily spread among a number of wooden Duuaings , la the block and swept oreryining to the corner where is located O. Q. Powell's . store. The fire then crossed the street to O P. Johnson &8on'tore and residence, went oa Elm street to D. E Clifton's residence, leaving in its wake 43 stores and residences destroyed. The Goldsboro fire department was sent xor and was soon upon the scene, working hard, and finally getting the fire under control. The department was carried to Clinton by a special train directed by the Atlantic Coast Line. Among the residences destroyed were those of Mrs. D. O. Qlddens, Jerome Williamson, Charles Crum pier, Dr. Charles Boyett, Mrs. W. T. Hodutt and D. T. Clifton. Among the stores were those of C. P. John son & Sons, B. F. Powell, H. J. Hubbard & Bra, J. H. Carr, Dr. B. E. Lee's office. Dr. A. M. Ln's drug store, B. E, Herring, Jerome Wil liamson, T. M. Ferrell, A. J. Planner, Atkins Hall, J. P. Parker & Bro., O. J. Powell, Amos Powell, W. E. Royall, LixzieJBterry, B. C. Holmes and the Episcopal church. The Wes tern Union telegraph office was also burned. LOCAL DOTS. About 400 colored excursion ists went to Newborn yesterday. J ustice McOowan tmd sever al Fourth of July celebrants yester day. : Justice Bornemann yesterday married a colored couple at the Court House. The annual 'excursion of Southxlde Baptist Church to Carolina Beach takes place Thursday. The entertainment so suc cessfully given at the Chapel of the Good 8hepherd last week Is shortly to be repeated. Hanover Seaside Club will give another delightful ball to-night at the handsome club building on Carolina Beach. D. L. Gore yesterday trans f erred to L. B. Rogers a tract of land in Masonboro township, consisting of S00 acres, for $50. The N. N. S. Society of Fifth Street If. E. church is to give another delightful moonlight excursion down old Cape Fear the 12th instant. The mercury danced up to 100 In Wilmington Sunday. But It was 102 at Charleston, Augusta and Sa- ' a . -ni, J. Tannw", avna s lorence ooueu oyer at 107. The regular quarterly meeting of the Board of Directors of the Asso ciated Charities will be held this (Tuesday) morning at the office of the Association at eleven o'clock. Beach Policeman Watson Sun day night brought a young white man up from Wiightsville who had been arrested for disorderly conduct and fined by Mayor Arringdale. The game of hand-ball is still an attraction at the Y. M. C A. gym nasium. It will continue throughout the Hammer each Monday. Wednes day and Friday afternoons. The tragic dismemberment of the Wilmington baseball team having made of the horse editor a gentleman of elegant leisure, he is now open to an encasement. "Quiet home wed dings" barred and, positively, no en gagement with a string to it. The tantaliilng torrid tem perature of the past few days has been pouring nickels into the treasury of the street car people. The open cars now In use are a real comfort and make good time. In the poetic words of the regulation conductor: "Go some more." Osly a False Alarm. n k. Hnnriiv nirht thought A sjbssjisj J a - they discovered the presence of burg lars at the residence of John D. Bel lamy, Jr., Esq., corner intra ana n . a f p TfellamT . and family are summering on the beach, police headquarters were notified. OapL - 1 r & k A i . ML Williams and aae.au won -,j Rt fnniui It "anlv a false alarm." The only suspicious Indies - .... .1. lumllHW tlon was the iact uiai wo i.v.wt Mnkl. bo doubt, by. the night Utch - faula td do 1U duty when the door was closed. Strkkea With Paralysis. RjfflMaiL while on a visit to Goldsboro on uxe ourwt u - stricken with paralysla. ue it ow Past Grand of Orion Lodge, Indepen- dent Order of Odd Fellows, of this city. NEW ASYXBTIS ME N 133. The SneedCo. When you I Vollers & Hsharen Match It. : People's BaviBgi Bank Notice. HUT BASEBALL NEWS League Wants Plucky Wilming ton to Retain the Team at Its Expense. MEETING HELD LAST NIGHT. Directors and Players Don't Wast the Franchise Transferred-New Players Sent for to Strengthen Tesm. To Be Settled To-day. "Where are we at t" Wilmington may yet get back its own, if the plan set forth in the following special received late last night by the Btab is carried out: "At a meeting of representatives of the State league to-night a movement was started to relocate' Wilmington team in that eity. This is much pre ferred to transferring it to either Goldsboro or Wilson. The plan is for the league to reorganize Wilming ton team and let it continue to repre sent that city. President Busbee has telegraphed for several strong players to strengthen the reorganized team. He also wired Lawson, Mathison and Hines at Wilmington to leave for Baleigh at 9 A. M. to-morrow. Salar ies are guaranteed. Not heard from yet, League officers say members of Wilmington team who are here much prefer that franchise remain in Wil mington and that that city's remarka bly faithful and continued support of the team under such heavy discourage ment proves people there are the .real thing as baseball retainers. It is im possible to settle the matter to night, out opinion is that the plan to re organize Wilmington will be adopt ed and the team made as good as best in the league." Lawson and Hines, who did not go with the team to Baleigh on account of leaving Saturday for Troy, N.Y., to join the New York State League, re ceived the telegram alluded to above and wired President Busbee that they would join the team immediately if it was to come back to Wilmington. Mathison, . of course, could not be communicated with, as he left yester day for Darlington, 8. C, to join the Bennettarille team. Dommel and Fisher left Sunday morning for their homes in Lan caster, Pa. O'Neill also went home. So the only members of the team who went to Baleigh Sunday night were Mace. Sweeney. Erause, Hol land and Earns. Catcher Daum and Outfielder Wind also went as a special loan of clever.Manager Ellis, of the Newborn team. lathe game at Baleigh yesterday the locals won by a score of 15 to 4. White pitched for Baleigh and Krause for Wilmington. Newborn beat Charlotte 7 to 8, and Greensboro beat Durham 5 to 1. MeGlnnls left with the Newborn team Sunday afternoon for Char lotte. Brandt has gone to Birmingham, having been sold to that team by Char lotte. M ! mm QAME THIS AFTERNOON. Lamberton to Play Our Homo Boys on Hilton Diamond. Although the league team has gone. Wilmington "fans" are still to live on. This afternoon a select team of our home players, assisted by Lawson and Hines, are to play a strong team from Lumberton. The team will ar rive on the excursion this morning. The Wilmington team will line-up as follows: Council, c; Sellers, p; McDougald, lb; Emerson, 2b; Ahrends, ss; Lawson, Sb; Hines, If; Wescott, cf, and Chad wick, rf . The game is going to be a splendid one and should be largely attended. It will be called at 4 o'clock. The ad mission will be 25 cents. Ladies will only be charged a grand stand en trance of 15 cents. FATALLY SHOT. Nerro Shot by Another Dies at the City Hospital. Avoungnegroman, EugeneKIng, shot accidentally by a comrade, died at the hospital late Saturday night The shooting was done on the Fourth at the home of King and his comrade, Sam Bellamy, in Brown's alley, be tween Fifth, Sixth, Nixon and Bwann streets. At the time Bellamy was oil ing what he supposed to be an unload ed revolver, 88 calibre. While he was working the pistol suddenly "went off" the-ball striking King in the right side and penetrating the stomach with fatal effect. It was conclusively proven that the shooting was accidental, so Bellamy was not arrested. Just before death Kins' made a statement to Chief of Police Furlong completely exonerat ing Bellamy, "SOCIAL EVEN1NQS." First of the Pleasurable Eveats en Tapis for To-night. TKm fnaturaratian at the "Social Evenings" to be given at the Young Men'a Christian Association, under the direction of the entertainment committee, takes places "to-night. It promises to be a social affair of much novelty ana pleasure ana wui do i..mW atiMidad. Plnir Pons' matches. s(USjw.j " - chess and checker contests and other games are on the programme, as is also delicious refreshments. ' These nodal evenings are to taxe t Im a week throughout the Summer and. each will be different from Its predecessor ana ; entertain From 8 to 10 , o'clock will be the hours. ' . .: WILMINGTON, N. C, ruslv very Little Easiness of Psbllc Interest Trssgscted Jarors Drawn for Next Term ol Coart Recess Taken. But little business of public interest transpired at the regular monthly ses sion of the County Commissioners yes terday afternoon. All members of the board, Commissioners. MeEachern, (chairman), Holmes, Montgomery, Alexander and Vollers were present The usual monthly reports were re celved and ordered flled. Among these were the reports of . Mr. SoL J. Jones, superintendent of public roads, and Dr. W. J. McMillan, county superin tendent of health. Dr. McMillan reported that during June he registered 179 office patients and made 43 visitations to 88 homes. The county home, jail and convict camp he reported in good sanitary condition. At the last named there was one case of continued fever but no acute cases at either three of the insti tutions. Three convicts were sent to the hospital for treatment An in mate of the home, Amanda Walker, died during the month at the hospital. Seven cases of typhoid fever were re ported In the county during June. J. O. Kerr, Esq., appeared before the board and asked that the public road now in existence on the property of Mr. Pembroke Jones at Wrightsville Sound be abolished and another road. which is now being constructed by Mr. Jones, be accepted in its stead. He stated that Mr. Jones would bear 'all expense of constructing the new road, which would answer every pur pose. The road now In use is the one leading in the direction of Scott's HilL Chairman MeEachern appointed the other commissioners a committee to go to Wrightsville Thursday and thoroughly investigate the matter. A number of citizens appeared at the meeting and applied for correction of errors in tax listing. Each applica tion received due consideration. E. T. Howard & Co. were granted liquor license for Carolina Beach. The application of J. F. Stolter, for the same place, was deferred on account of some irregularity. Jurors were drawn for the next term of the Superior Court, which convenes the 11th of next month, as follows: B. F. King, J. D. Reynolds, S. H. Mintz, Montie Hewlett Morris Green- blott L J. Sternberger, G. W. Dun can, N. B. Chad wick, H. E. Bonilz, W. B. Jones, E. T. Jewell, J. T. Burke, John W. Harper, Jr., T. M. Justice, J. W. Beilly, Virginiuslall, E. N. Penny, L. L. Bland, John M. Wright J. S. Cannady, A. H. Bob bins, H.G. Smallbones, C. EL O'Berry, E. J. Littleton. Isadore Bear, A. H. Benson, S. B. Ellis, James M. Murphy, J. L. Callahan. S. L. Smith, Joshua T. Skipper, Warren 8. Johnson, E. J. Lanier, J, J. Jordan, W. L. Parsley and Walter Bergen. The Board adjourned to meet next Monday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock with the Board of Pensioners. SUPERIOR COURT. Tern for the Trial of Criminal Cstes Con vened Yesterday Morning. New Hanover county's Superior Court for the trial of criminal cases only, was convinced yesterday morn ing. Judge B. Bryan, of Newborn, is on the bench. Other court officers In attendance are High Sheriff Stod man, Clerk Taylor and Deputy Sheriffs Oopps and Cox. The docket for the term is neither extensive or interesting. At the ses sion yesterday about the only case of public note disposed of was the one of larceny against Tony Ashe. The sly old fox was very penitent when brought before the bar of Justice. He acknowledged his crime and was sent to the roads for four months. . Other cases tried were as follows: West Bichardson, larceny, twelve months on the roads. Silas McGee, carrying concealed weapons, $50 and costs. James H. Jones, abandonment judg ment suspended upon payment of costs. -- Z. W. Whitehead, stock running at large, nol pressed. Elliott Lane, carrying concealed weapons, four months on roads. Thos. Wells, larceny, four months on roads. Willis Thomas, larceny, not guilty. Fred Howe, larceny, twelve months on roads. Julia Moore, assault with a deadly weapon, not guilty. Boot Gause, larceny, guilty. Court about 6 o'clock took a recess until 10 o'clock this morning. The following grand jurors are doing service at this term : P. Pearsall (fore man), H. W. Howell, George Grant Tom Lawther, E. L. Smith, William Bitter, John W. Kerr, S. O. Fink, William Tienken, George Darden, W. L. Dukes, I. F. Hoggins, E. Lilly, J. B, Smith, a E. Gordon, G. W. Hughes, W. L. Coney and D. J. Padrick. Manager "Fax" Crow. Wilmington's sons abroad are still going up the ladder. Mr, B. Fairfax Crow Is the latest one to win distinct tlon in the form of promotion. He has been named as manager of an ex tensive oil mill In Waco, Texas, suc ceeding a gentleman promoted to the vice presidency of the Texas Cotton Oil Company. Mr. Crow is a son of our esteemed townsman, Mr. John E. Crow, and Is a young man of much merit and popularity. . An excursion arrives this I morning from Lumberton. TUESDAY, JULY 8, OUR CITY FATHERS. Held Their July Meeting Last Night for a Couple of Hours. TWO INTERESTING FEATURES Fifth Ward Aldermen Disagree-Drinkiog Fountain to Be Established for Ex cnrslonlsts Liquor Applies tloss Recommended. The most prominent feature of last night's Aldermanlo meeting, which was the regular monthly one, was a division and consequent fight between the two aldermen from the Fifth ward over the bawdy house question. Alderman TIencken thinks he has at last solLthe problem, and pre sented: the solution in the form of the following ordinance, which he strong ly advocated: ' AIT AMENDMENT To Article 53 of the General Tax Or dinance for the City of Wilmington, kj., ior tne year ii: "Be it enacted bv the Board of Al dermen of the City of Wilmington, ana it is hereby enacted bv the au thority of the same that Section 53 of the general Tax Ordinance of the City of Wilmington, N. C, for the year iauz snail do as iouows : Section 53. Hotels and Boardinc nouses. Two to four rooms. SI uer month in advance. Five to fifteen rooms. 13 ner month In advance. Sixteen to twenty-five rooms. $4 per month in advance. Twenty-five to fifty rooms. 16.25 per month in advance. More than fifty rooms. $12.50 per monin inaavance. Provided, as a prerequisite to the granting of such license that written application shall be made by all per sons desiring license under this sec tion to the Board of Aldermen of the city of Wilmington, and the. granting of all such licenses shall be left to the discretion of said Board; Provided, further, that this ordinance shall not go into effect until the first day of October, 1902." Alderman Mann took issue with Alderman Tiencken upon the grounds that the ordinance should not be passed until some locality was defi nitely obtained where these houses of questionable character could be situ ated. Thus was the fight on between the Fifth ward aldermen. Alderman Tiencken, in presenting the ordinance, made a strong appeal for its passage and; stated that it was the artlw nlan tn rid Fourth and dsstla streets and vicinity of these houses. He also stated that he was backed by the best people of the Fifth ward in the course he was pursuing. Alderman Mann said the aldermen had no right to scatter the houses and that until they obtain a certain and fixed location for such places he would oppose the ordinance. until such trme, he said, the city should stand "hands off." Alderman Tiencken said he pro posed to get the ordinance passed if possible, as he felt that it was a part of his work. Alderman Mann said he had never been asked by a tax-payer of tbe Fifth ward to advocate such a measure. AidermanlTiencken replied that he had. After the discussion Mayor Waddell reminded Alderman Tiencken that ac cording to the rules the ordinance would have to lay over a meeting un less adopted unanimously, so the mat ter was deferred. The ordinance was drawn up for Al derman Tiencken by City Attorney Bellamy,' who vouched for its legality. Another interesting . and profitable feature of the session was a resolution suggested, by Alderman Bailey and presented by Alderman Johnson, pro viding for the 'establishment of a drinking fountain for excursionists. The fountain will be situated on the plaza on Market street between Front and Second, and very likely at the Second street end. The water will be furnished gratis by Alderman Bailey. The resolution also instructed the Streets and Wharves Committee to see about sanitary accommodations for the excursionists. Besides these two matters, other bus iness was transacted as follows:, Upon motion of Alderman Bailey all teams of the city, except those of the Fire Department were placed un der the control of the superintendent of streets. Alderman Murrell, of the Fire De partment .Committee, reported the re ceipt of bids for the erection of a Cen tral. Fire House, as follows: T. F. Tyler, $5,000 ; D. Hanna, $5,250 ; Wil mington Towing and Construction Company, $5,854.50 The contract was awarded to Mr. Tyler. Alderman Johnson, of the Streets and Wharves Committee, reported the curbing ready to be laid on Bed Cross street and that sidewalk work had been done on Fourth street near St Andrew's Presbyterian church. He also reported that the machinery was rapidly being placed in the rock quar ry and would be ready Tor operation in a few days. Alderman Bailey called Alderman Johnson's attention to two trees on Orange street near Fourth, that are a. menace to : life and property in case of a storm. Alderman Tiencken also called at tention to two trees that are dangerous on Church, near Third. The matter of granting A. B. Schloss a liquor license, to do business at No. 105 Princess street, : which was de ferred from the last -meeting, was taken up and rejected. ' - Mr. Schloss presented a petition in his behalf signed by business men In the vicinity of his proposed saloon, buf ex-Judge E. K, Bryan successfully opposed It with a counter , petition 1902. signed by near-by residents. - He also raised opposition on account of the nearness to the switch to be placed at Front and Princess streets by the Street Bail way Company. All the Aldermen voted for its re jection, except Aldermen Hashagen and Tienken, who did not vote. The application of Mr. John EL Woebse to conduct a saloon, corner Fourth and Nixon streets, was recon sidered and allowed on the strength of a strongly endorsed petition. B. G. Empie, Esq., appeared before the meeting to present a petition in fa vor of allowing Frank Brown to con duet a saloon, corner Ninth and Bla den streets. The license was granted, all the Al dermen voting in the affirmative except Aldermen Murrell. Reports were received from City At torney Bellamy, Chief of Fire Depart ment Schnibben, Cattle Weigher Bland and Superintendent of Health Harper. Chief Schnibben reported six alarms during June and a total damage of about $1,200. Cattle Weiarher Bland reported weighing 133 cattle the pasKmonth. He turned over to the city $20 fees. Dr. Harper reported 59 deaths, of which 20 were whites; 3,702 inspec tions by health officers; 616 acid or ders issued ; 1,037 loads of trash hauled ; and 195 closets cleaned. He also recommended a city crematory for trash. City Attorney Bellamy reported the collection of $472 back taxes. Upon Alderman Johnson's motion, Alderman Sweeney was placed on the Finance Committee, Alderman Tienck en on the Ordinance Committee, Al dermen Hashagen on the Light Com mtttee, and Alderman Bailey on the Streets and Wharves and Public Build ings Committee.' Dr. Harper was granted a leave of absence of a week or ten days and Dr. F. H. Bussell selected to act in his stead. Shortly before 10 o'clock the meet ing adjourned. There were present at the session Mayor Waddell, Clerk King, City At torney Bellamy and Aldermen John son, YonGlahn, Mann, Hashagen, Tiencken, Bailey and Murrell. The very first business of the meet ing was the swearing in of Alderman Bailey, re-elected. ELKS A-COMING. State Association Will Meet In Wilming ton Next Year Return of Special Representative Bellamy. Still they come; and this time its something exceptionally good. Next year, some time during the month of June, the State Association of the Benevolent and Protective Or der of Elks, will hold its annual con vention in Wilmington, all business sessions being held at Wrightsville Beach. This comes as the result of an invitation extended to the State Asso ciation at its meeting last week in Asheville by Exalted Buler W. J. Bel lamy, special representative of the Lodge in this city. Mr. Bellamy returned home yester day morning and speaks enthusiasti cally of the interest taken in the meet ing last wees, which was the second annual one,' and says that the sessions were of a most profitable nature. Not only were the various State lodges well represented this year but large delegations from other States were present Both Spartanburg, S. C, and Knoxville, Tenn., sent good delega tions. Charlotte, Salisbury, Winston, Durham, Greensboro, Baleigh .and Wilmington were all represented. Four of our Elks were honored with offices. Major W. F. Robertson and Mr. John B. Turrentine, Jr., were selected as general director and secre tary and treasurer, respectively, and Messrs. C. W. Polvogt and L. Stein were elected members of the board of trustees. This was not only a fitting honor for each of these gentlemen, but a peculiar one as well, for neither was present at the convention. This makes the laurels more marked. Other officers elected were: Presi dent B. S. Davis, of Charlotte; Vice President, Harvey ML Dickson, of Asheville; Grand Marshal, Walter Murphy, of Salisbury, and Deputy Grand Marshal, H. W. Wilson, of Charlotte. Among' the distinguished visitors present were Philip Kelly, chairman and committeeman of the Grand Lodge of the United States, and John O. Weckert of Richmond, editor of the official organ. Just exactly what time next June the convention will be held has to be decided by General Director Robertson. Pythias Notes. Stonewall Lodge, No. 1; Knights of Pythias, installed officers last night a list of which appeared in these columns at the time of election. Mr. O. D. Yarborough has been ap pointed Deputy Grand Chancellor of the LiOdge. The 16th Inst is the date decided upon for the Pythian moonlight ex cursion down the river. The trip is not only going to be a delightful one artistically, but Is going to be a de cided success financially, as . each lodge has appointed a committee of ten to personally dispose of tickets. : All the the Pythian lodges in the city show a decided gain in member ship and finances for the laa semi-an nual term. . - A drop in the temperature from 100 degrees Sunday to 86 yes terday was almost as enjoyable as a good game of AbasebaIL " WHEN YOU Want to purchase anything in the Fur niture line come to us; will treat you courteously, and guarantee first class goods at lowest prices. We make and renovate any kind of Mattress, by a first class workman. THE ST3ESD OO. Je 15 tf Notice to Depositors Interest for the quarter ending July 1st is now due and payable. Depositors who have had as much as $5.00 on deposit for three months or more are requested to bring in their books at their convenience to have interest entered. The People's Savings Bank, Opposite the Postoffice, B. o. lleOVEBN, President. jno. 8. Jl.Rbtr.ONG, vie Pr aidant. y 8 " . W. DICK, Oaabler. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Col. Walker Taylor goes South to-day on a few days' business trip. Mr. D. H. Lippitt Teturned yesterday morning from his European trip. The Stab is glad to note that Mr. James K. Collier continues to im prove. Col. W. A. Johnson was called to Clinton yesterday by the illness of his mother. Miss Alice B. Little, of Wil son, is visiting Mrs. S. B. Drew, No. 221 South Front Mrs. Will L. Miller left Mon day morning for Blowing Bock, to be gone about six weeks. Miss Harrison, of Atlanta, ar rived Sunday to join the Powers house party at Wrightsville Beach. Mrs. K. J. Haigh and daugh ter, of Fayette ville, are visiting Mrs. H. L. Fentress, No. 411 North Second street Mrs. W. P. Robertson and two sons, Masters Frederick and Julian, are soending July at the Lithia Springs, Wilkesboro, N. C. Mr. John B. Hanson has ac cepted the pharmacist position at the James Walker Memorial Hospital. He is a graduate of the Maryland College of Pharmacy. Messrs. W. L. Beynolds and EL T. Nelson, special agents of the German-American and New York Un derwriters Insurance Companies, re spectively, were in the city yester day. Cambpell Encnmpment of Odd Fellows. The following officers were installed by D. D. G. P. Chas. W. Stewart, as sisted by G. P. L. L. Boon, W. L. Smith and N. Jacobi, last night C. P. C. C. Chadbourn. H. P. Jno. E. Wood. S. W. E. D. Craig. J. W. P. EL Murphy. ' Scribe W. EL Howell. - Treasurer N. Jacobi. Guide N. F. Parker. . 1st W. Chas. W. Stewart. 2nd W. F. Lafella. 3rd W. A. G. Martin. 4th W. J. D. Webster. 1st G. T. A. Silverman. 2nd G. T. E. L. McClammy. I. S. J. E. Dean. O. S. W. G. T. Keen. Past Chief Patriarch W. L. Smith was elected as Grand Representative and J. T. King as alternate to the Grand Encampment which meets in Newborn next month. CUMBERLAND'S CONVENTION. A Misapprehension as to tbe County Vote for Associate Justices. Star Correspondence. Fayettbtvtlle, N. O., July 7, 1902. Mb. Editor We notice from the reports of the Cumberland County Convention, as published in some of the State papers yesterday, that a mis take was made relative to the county's vote for Associate Justice. The facts were, that 110 voting out of 120, Judge Connor received 85 votes, Mr. Piatt Walker 70 votes, and Judge Brown 65 votes, the convention hav ing voted by townships for two candi dates on each ballot. If you consider the entire vote as 110, then each of the candidates received a majority of the convention's vote. If you consider the vote as a proportion ate part of 220, then neither candidate received a majority. The truth of the matter is, that each of the gentlemen named is entitled to his proportionate part of the vote of Cumberland county, to-witr Judge Connor, 17.44; Mr. Walker, 14.44, and Judge Brown, 13.44. The writer of the articles alluded to was in error in saying that according to the rules of the convention, Messrs. Connor and Walker are entitled to the unanimous support of the county. Under the rules of the county conven tion, each of the above gentlemen will receive his proportionate part of the vote of Cumberland county in the State convention. Yours, respectfully, H. MoD. Robinson, N. A. SlKCIiAIB. Cruelty to Animals. Justice Bornemann yesterday issued a warrant for Hugh Owens, white, charged with poisoning eats and dogs. The charge grew out of two cases of disorderly conduct one against Owens and the other against a white woman, named Mary; Eliza Wolfe. Both de fendants wereflned, but appealed the decision of the higher court X CUr at 4C Casta per Blentn. aecee$e If you can Not made by a trust. The only Cheroote made with the finest Sumatra wrapper. 5 for 1 0 cento. We beg to say we have added . to bur line the celebrated brand fdtnnnnniii minAflii 1 II This cigar needs no introduction to the public. Careful smokers will rejoice that the goods can now be obtained at all cigar places. VOLLERS & HASHAGEN. jestr BOLE AGENT. JULY 4TH i I ce Cream Out of Town Orders Promptly Filled. LET US HAVE YOUR OR DER EARLY. E. II 4 Je 28 tf Try One of Our Steel Bear ing Lawn Swings, They are the best made and guranteed for three years. New Line Trunks Just Received. Get ourprlcea on anything yon need in Fur niture, we do not pretend to sell at cost, but we positively snarantee to sell you goods as low or lower tnan any arm In Wilmington. GASTON D. PHARES & CO. Inter-State Thone 76. uo-USMarkst street, jyetr I Offer to the Trade Penny Candies, all styles jBroken Stick Candy, Smoked Herring, Cakes and" Crackers, Sardines, Potted Ham, Bice, all grades of Molasses, and . complete line of Groceries. Prices and samples furnished on application. Mer chants visiting the city will do well to Inspect my stock. SAIYTL BEAR, Sr., WllmInston,N.C., ts .Market street. apr 87 tt HORNER MILITARY SCHOOL. OXFORD. V. C. Fifty-second year begins Septem ber 3, 1902. Gives the best acade mic instruction,, physical culture and military training. A generous table and home influences of refined ladies in the dining hall. Athletic field and running track. For information address jy41w J. C. HOBNBB. LIEDICAL SCHOOL, UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA. FOUR YEARS COURSE. Seven Laboratories. 32 inctruetors. Fall term begins September 2, 1902. For information address, F. P. VEXABUa. Prstsldsnt. Ca.pl Hill, N. C. je29tf - FOR BENT, Building on the oornar of Onesnnt and Water streete.now occupied by Meears. O. O.Oovlnx ton, J. T. BOey and others, from first day of October next, win rent the waole bnildinar to one man, or divide It up among different par tles. Will tot rent note or teaeerunawr oma front one to Ave years. Any one wanting to rent, apply to D.L.60BE. ; FOR RENT. " V Furnished Cottage on ML-i Wrightsville f Beach. . Apply to jj43t .O'CONNOR. 1 t-v J A"- 7 -.V'

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