?..raflteed Bons-FIde, Every-DsjX I - --';.-. 11 ti '-m -;-;iv ! 't' ' ' vV-"V:.r ' - jOOOOoV00Ot - Tt, m That Circulation of Any Other Danynewi. paper moiwnea u Wilmington. IN THIS STATE. OUTLINES. unr Arkansas made her W trial trip yesterday. The ,?.Tcar strike in Richmond, Va.. is r u niuui.v. TTet settled; the arDiirauon com L ire to meet again this morning. Henry utei, shot two oisiera 01 vaaruj . Wnnndlino' hnartital tthe ew 7.hi.nshot himself; neither of the . ....11- hnrt. TMrtMn IS .. k. th ransizinfirof a sail boat Portsmouth, N. H. Joshua iidenon Uken from jiil at Owens L. Kentucky, and lynched for jTnmrder f hi wife Cho1- it spreading in Manchuria with Jit mortality. Chineae author!- rthdrtwal of forefen troopa from W 1 5 1 I J 4 1L. far meniujurea bjiu wwuouiuu iue S. v . rauroau. i upuiauua i 1 - 1 A AAA , Oklahoma n piacea ow,wu. r g itetner saerwwr wu im iu g "typhoon in the Phllippinea June uji- nineteen of the crew were gowned. The fire in the oil fields gjessisp. L., continues; ten thou wi dollars is offered to any one who ill txtineuish the names. tjaa pge mister kiHed and thirty passen--ninjaredina railroad train wreck JlmeOia id". -m-tiu mua. nTt shot and killed by some an taown person at Groyeton, Texas. jie York markets: uoney on can M ewier at 2&3 per cent ; roam (MdjjspiriU turpentine quiet; cotton at 9 5-16c ; flour fairly active and ujdier; wheat spot steady. No. 3 red TSe at elevator; corn spot steady, 5a. i red 70s at elevator. WEATHER REPORT. U. 8. Dip t or Aqeiodlturb, , Weather Bureau, f WoMisaros, N. 0., July 17. ) Meteorological data for the 34 hours adutfSP. M.: Temperatures: 8 A. St., 79 degrees; IP. M., S3 degrees ; maximum, 94 de- pei; minimum, 76 degrees; mean, 85 fcfrte. Eiinfiil for day, trace; rainfall since 1st of month to date, 1 70. 00TT05 BIQIOS BCLLETDI. Generally fair and somewhat warm s' tei'.ber prevails in the cotton belL 1ft local rains have fallen in the Curlesion. New Orleans. Oklahoma, ud Smnnah district. Maximum fcaperatures Wednesday were: Wil angtoa, 93 degrees; Raleigh, 94; Luierioa, 94; Charlo'.te, 92. rOBICAsT VH TO-DAY. WismsaTOS, July 17. For North Oolina: Fair Friday and Saturday; Scat to fresh sautheriy winds. Port Almanac July 18. a Rises SuSeta Dit! Length ttlh Water at South port ffrh Water Wllmin gon . 4.55 A.M. 7.15 P.M. 14 H. 39 M. 6.33 A.M. 853 A.M. For Tke Chicago Infer- Ocean, Repub- Soa, a3k3 "la republicanism a we." Well that depends. If the aua doesn't know any better, per- "? it isn't. Fred Schmidt, of Bowline Green, &o,ito inherit 1,000,000 from uc!e in Germany, but on condi feathathe fir3t marry some worthy toaan. Fred's chances of marry 2i somebody are pretty good. The British India Government is 3 fanmhin? relief for half a mil- San famine sufferers, whUe the in- ccationa are for another famine fconghout the Bombay province. Some WOmpn tf iha Phinarm Pat wb haTe organized for a corner on ni of high degree. As far as J8 lave seen Mrs. Carrie Chapman lunot figuring in this corner. A St. Lnnia ;n,l 1 J J cable right of a dog to bite jp who undertakes to attach a 61 an to ita tail without its per- asaid that bathing the face n(k in a solution of a half a ? of hot water and a piece of 181 the aize of a walnut will make r-mj lmmuae irom me Mfif tKo .. . . '. . - uiusrjuuo, wtuca doesn't "e combination. wrner contented himself with A ag about a million and a oat of the shorts, when he had But h "ilggtr3 for ab0Qt .000,000. tt-vw 1 other irons in the fire had to look after. i- tuings are happening -u reiee began to per- mo-:11 tWeeka &So a Mexican wo- rJed tJ u'u" sue bux- p e. ,doctora by repeating the Cotn are vigorous kids. k4'l3,8aid t0 be the heaviest urawn by a gingle locomo. ae daykVheXew York Central, J last week, when an engine lvrila of 108 loaded. cars THe Jl Albany, in 11 hours. contained 4,500 tons of xi ii: i ii ii 1 1 it i ii n i ii ii xx i ii rvx i n n - w i ir i 1 t 11 x 9 s ii ii ii i i ii u . i n vi k - riv s I vriT t w r ' ' LOCAL DOTS. The Hydraulic White Press Brick factory Is again in fall opera tion. Workmen are now laying bricks for the sidewalk to the north of the court house. Only one applicant was exam ined yesterday for the Peabody schol arship at Nashville. Police Sereeant Woolarrl in ATI. joying a deterred vacation. PaHaa. man Moore is acting In his stead. The excursion of Georcra Wash. injtton Council, Junior Order of United American Mechanics, goes to South port today. The moonlieht excursion down the river last nlcht. given by the N. N. a 8ociety of Fifth Street Methodist Church, was a delightful affair. Desks and other office fixtures arrived by the ear-load yesterday from the Offices Of the old Plant Batum &t Savannah for the Greater Coast Line here. The Washington attornevs here interested ia the sale of the Parsley wharf property to the government, had the property nhotosTanhed veater- day. Chief Engineer Fred E. Owen. of the U. 8. revenue cutter service, who arrived several days ago to visit his family, has been detached from the cutter MorrUL stationed at Milwaukee. and is awaiting orders. A movement is on foot for an encampment of the Youna? Men's Christian Association young men at South port. All those who desire to participate in such an outing are re quested to give their names to the As sociation's secretary by next Friday. - A SANITARY QUESTION. alderuea Now Worklat oi Aiotker fnv ortsat Bat DIfflcalt Problem. Another question that Is agitating the minds of the Aldermen, and from which will, no doubt, arise an ordi nance at the next regular meeting of the board, is the sanitary matter, rela tive to the work of scavengers. It seems that the idea is to. form some plan by which this matter may be governed and bettered from a legal standpoint. Of course, it will have to be different from the law in vogue several years ago, which provided for the city being divided into districts and only on e man being allowed to be licensed for work In each district, as the Supreme Court held such a law to . be unconsti tutional and consequently it .was abol ished. Just how the question, which is a difficult one to successfully consider. will be solved in order to better the present scavenger system is yet un known. DATE SETTLED UPON the CosbIsi el the Odd Fellows' Orphsss Next Moata. The date for the coming of the br- nhans from the Odd Fellows' home at Goldsboro to Wilmington for their annual outing will be August 12th, unless something now unforseen makes it necessary to make a change. This has been the date agreed upon by the committee and . an invitation extended accordingly. The committee Is organized with Mr. M. W. Jacob! as chairman and Mr. John E. Wood secretary, and is work-ins- earnestl v in the matter. A meet ing will be .held next Wednesday af ternoon at 6 o'clock at the Postal Tele graph Company's office. The pro gramme is for the orphans to come down on Tuesday and stay until Sat urday, observing the same order of pleasure as last year. Word From the Dea. Just to keen the North Carolina League In mind comes a few words each day. The Stab last night received tne following special from Baleigh: President Blsbee, of the late Bute n.MKii r.a.(TTi uti that the mana gers of each of the late teams inter ested in the defunct league agrees that no demand shall be made by any team for the penant. A.suemen wm w prepared at once for the settlement or sff airs and a division of the sinking fund between Baleigh, ureens- boro and Newbern. wnoreuuneu fran chises until the end came" Sofitnsort News ..'. a,.htt fnAruiard. Julv 17; A ItJthA.UfV. . - friend. In writing from Supply, tells us that what is supposed to be the largest alligator In the lxHSkwoods irony nver waa - ,,r gatorhad been making way with for several weexs. aw iJZT TZ with a rifle and measured ten feet in length, sixteen inches across the head and had winy-seren The steamer Cape J ear nas neon to Fernandina, lria., wnero joe wu remain at least two months before re turning to the Cape Fear river. Assistant Aodftors Appolatei. t Axuinrt in thu three auditors ap- ..nti tnr thm Greater At- lantio Coast Line, Comptroller H. C Prince has named nz. . Orand as AssisUnt Auditor of Freight Receipts and Mr. B A. Williams aa AssisUnt Auditor or yuDunwa MEW ADVKBTISKMENTS.: Atlantic National Bank-Beport. W. B. Cooper Bagging and ties. Mercer & Evans Co. The change. BXTBXaXSS aVOOATJI. vo-mntaA TaAv stenographer. Notice Young man wants work. h-1 r-4 W. . -1 H-f M ' i"x' ' A V Z THOSE B06DS CHECKS Further Procedure of the Prolific I Buyer and Giver of Bogus Bank Checks, THE JAIL STILL AWAITS HIM. Rand Is No Doubt the Same Sharper Who Visited Columbia's Merchants Last Week He His Depsrted to Parts Unknown. The whereabouts of the sharper and bogus check giver, J. M. Band, whose nefarious doings were related in yes terday's Stab, is still unknown. It is almost certain he has left- for parts unknown, as a search of the city by officers have resulted in naught. The last known of him was Wednesday morning, when he - was seen on the streets by a porter of Whitlock's es tablishment. In addition to the number of checks put afloat by Band mentioned in yes terday's paper, is. one of $118.69 to Sam'l Bear, Sr., on Market street, and one for $126.71 to L M. Bear & Co, cor ner Front and Grace streets. From the latter firm he obtained, after ordering a bill of goods, a handsome dress pat tern and an umbrella. The pattern he got Mr. Peter McQueen, Jr., to express for him to his alleged sister, Mrs. L. O. Winston, 1004 Broad street, New ark, N. J. Band's boldness is without an equal After telling Mr. McQueen that he was a contractor from Vicksburg, Miss., and had a large camp at Ham let, consisting in all of 0Q white men and 250 mules, he went to the office of Oapt. T. D. Meares, the Seaboard Air Line's agent here, and with which road he claimed he had a contract for road ballasting, and tried to arrange for a special car to carry his purchased mer chandise to Hamlet. He also inter viewed Messrs. WiUard and Giles relative to insuring his alleged camp. and negotiated with Swift & Co. for a quantity of meat. Band did not get away with the shoes given him by the firm, of Geo. B. French & Bon. They were in the va lise recovered by Messrs. C. W. Pol ogt and Henry G. Haar.- The sharper Is, no doubt, the same one the Columbia State Wednesday morning told about, as follows: "On Saturday last a smooth, young fellow successfully worked several merchants here with worthless checks. Among the victims, it is said, was Al derman David, who let the fellow have a suit of clothes and considerable pocket money in xhange. The man who passed the checks has quietly dis appeared." ALGONQUIN IN PORT. Came Up Yesterday to Bid Adlea Before Qoiag to Porto Rico. The revenue cutter Algonquin came up from Southport yesterday morn ing for supplies and to bid farewell to this port, as she leaves to-morrow, for Baltimore to prepare to go to Porto Bican shores, where she has been or dered by the treasury department The cutter will remain in Baltimore about six weeks, having an ica plant insulled and ventilators put in be tween decks to better adapt the craft for comfort in a warmer climate. The people of Wilmington will re gret exceedingly to see the Algonquin go, for they have grown very much attached to the staunch little cutter during the last two years and a half, the life of the boat here, but they will regret more to lose the clever gentle men who composed the official staff. Many of the officers have families, in fact two of the officer's wives are Wil mington daughters, and they will all have to move away. It Is generally understood that an other cutter will be ordered to this port, though not immediately. Ball Qame Yesterdsy Afternoon. The baseball game at Hilton yester day afternoon between the Firemen's team and the Wilmington Amateurs resulted In a victory for the latter by a score of 10 to.0. The line ud was changed slightly from that given in yesterday's paper. It was as follows: FIEEKEJT. AMATEURS. Burriss c 'J?0?116 Kermon p. Boilers Cromwell ...lb. Hines Williamson 2b. King Allen 3b. Orrell Bryant ss Wescott Harris If. Prempert King cf. Dffy Home n. cvipm Accldeat Yesterday Afteraooa. Yesterday afternoon, about 6 o'clock, iust after the ball game, a horse attached to a cart became fright ened at a trolley car crossing Hilton bridge and came near doing serious damage. The animal ran frantically through a nearby vacant lot, on the south aide of the bridge, and broke a wheel off the cart and otherwise damaged it A small boy was in the Tehlcle at the time, and he was thrown out and his face painfully cut and bruised, but fortunately he was not seriously hurt. The horse escaped without injury. Big Forest Fire In Bladen. Passengers whTjcame la yesterday on the Atlantic and Yadkin-road re ported a damaging forest fire in Bladen county. One gentleman siatea uh the railroad agent at -Kerr, thirty miles from the city, told him that the fire had been In progress four or nve days, and thaUl haoyhurned. dowit a number .of house,'? :; WILMINGTON, N. DELIGHTFUL RECEPTION AT SOUND LAST NIGHT. Charming BaMmoreso and Friends Are Royally Entertalaed at the Cowan Home oa Greenville Stand. Mrs. 8. P. Cowan last night de lightfully entertained a large party of friends at her attractive Sound home at Greenville, in honor of her popu lar guest. Miss Mamie Norr.s Hough, of Baltimore, Md. The main feature of the many pleas ureable ones was dancing, the music being furnished by the Boston Italian string band. The terpsichorean fea ture took place in an especially erect ed pavilion. About midnight a palat able and elaborae luncheon was served. Another delightful incident of the charming affair was a moonlight wagonette ride on the turnpike back to town. This was for the accommo dation and pleasure of the guests from the city who went down on the even ing Seacoast train. The, guests of the occasion were Miss Frances Newman, of Atlanta; Misses Nellie and Annie "Hinsdale, of Ba leigh; Misses MeU and Theodore Lie Grand, of Portsmouth; Mrs Bettie Bridgers and Miss Hicks, of Peters burg; Miss Isabel Shotter, of Savan nah; Hon and Mrs George Bountree, Capt and Mrs W H Northrop, Capt and Mrs James I Metis, Mr and Mrs Junius Davis, Mr and Mrs B C DeBosset, Mr and Mrs O W Worth, Mr and Mrs F A Lord, Mr and Mrs John H Gore, Jr., Mr and Mrs C S Grainger, Mrs Annie Bridgers, Misses Eliza Metts, Isabel Bountree, Jeanie Peck, Octavia Boat wright, Lizzie Peck and Alice Davis, and Messrs John K Williams, W D McMillan, Jr., B A Parsley. Geo P James, W C Crow, John B Peschau, H J McMillan, Thos W Davis, Junius Davis, Jr., E A Metts, McBee Hatch, Geo Davis, Piatt Davis, T A Baxter and Norwood Giles. LADIES' YACHT RACE. Caroliaa Yacht Club's Splendid Event To morrow Afteraooa. An event of rare sport! ven ess will be the ladies' yacht race of the Carolina Yacht Club to-morrow afternoon in the sound at Wrightsville Beach. The contest is being anticipated with much pleasure and will be witnessed by a large number of boat racing lovers. The crew of each yacht will be made up of the from femininity and sailed by them. Six or seven boats will run in the race. Yesterday a committee selected two handsome prizes from Honnet's jew elry store. The first award is an ex-, eeedingly pretty silver back cloth brush and the second a silver shoe norn m tm i OFF TO CAMP. The Boys' Brif ade Left Yesterday Morn ing to Encamp at Soatbport. The Boys' Brigade, spick and span, entered yesterday upon their camp life at Southport. The brigade, com posed of Companies B and C, the for mer commanded by Capt. P. O. Hall and the latter by Capt. J. A. Curtis, left for camp on the morning trip of the steamer Wilmington. The encampment will be on the garrison and promises to be the best annual one the brigade has ever had. The companies duly formed at noon yesterday, with Col. Walker Taylor in command. It will last for ten days. Capt. James H. Price has been ap pointed batUlion adjutant. CHURCH FOR THE BEACH. Plans Drawn for a Sacred Edifice at Wrlfhtsville Beach. A movement is on foot, in fact sub stantial plans have already been for mulated, to erect a church on Wrights Yille Beach. Some of our best church folks at the seashore are interested in the matter and it will not be long be fore a sacred edifice will adorn and benefit the beach. Plans for the hullding are now in the hands of Contractor Applegate and as soon as a few alterations, deem ed necessary, are made, work of erect ing the church will be commenced. EXCURSION YESTERDAY. Steamer Broaght Down Over a Hundred from Up the River. About one hundred and twenty-five np-the-river excursionists spent yes terday in the city. They came down Hon the steamer Highlander, which made the excursion trip from as far upas Fayetteville. The steamer ar rived at her wharf in this city about 8 o'clock yesterday morning and left on the return trip last night at 7 o'clock. The excursionists thoroughly en joyed their visit here and to the sea shore, which, of course, they "took fin." It waa the largest excursion party of its kind that has been to Wil mington In several years. Back from the Convention. Most of the delegates to the State Convention at Greensboro returned last night. They were ex-Judge EL K. Rrran. Sheriff Frank EL Btedman. ts. G. Empie, Esq., Maj. Wm. H. Bernard, Alderman W. B. Cooper and Mr. G. Herbert Smith. Hon. John D. Bel lamy alio returned. W. B. McKov. Esq..Thoa. W. Davis, Esq., and Mr. N. N. Davis are ex pected to-day. The last two named went via Charlotte to spend the night in the Queen City. Souvenir Photographl at Taylor's Studio Saturday morning at $1.60 per dozen. , .- : ' -1 . FRIDAY, JULY 18, WELCOME GEORGIANS Annual Encampment of the Fifth Georgia Regiment Begins This Morning. LEFT ATLANTA YESTERDAY. Big Excnrsloa Trala Also oa the Way. Traia Movlog la Three Sections. The First Section is Doe at 6 O'clock This Morning. The Fifth Georgia Regiment will formally enter camp at the Ham mocks this morning and everything is ready for its reception. . The regiment left AtlanU yesterday morning, followed by a big excursion train. The trains are now moving In three sections, about fifteen miles apart. The- first section is scheduled to reach the city at 6 o'clock this morn ing. Yesterday the advance guard kept things "hustling" at ; the camp and succeeded in arranging everything in apple-pie order. The water supply at the camp will be excellent, as Mr. A. B. Skelding, superintendent of the consolidated companies, has just had completed a fine waterworks system. Company F, of Oartersville, Ga., will not go into camp, as the required quota of men could not be made up. Professor - Wildermer, of Atlanta, has been secured to conduct the band during the encampment. Yesterday morning's Atlanta Con stitution njn: The Fifth Georgia Regiment leaves to-day for Wrightsville Beach, N. C, where the annual encampment will be held. The seven Atlanta companies will be augmented by the members of the different companies stationed at Borne, Oartersville, Griffin and Newnan. The soldiers will leaye over the Sea board Air Line this afternoon at 3 o'clock. The train carrying them will consist of twenty-one coaches. The tents used by the soldiers will be carried with them to-day. The regiment is composed of about 500 officers and men. The encamnment last vear waa held at Dalton and a rollicking good time was reported to have been enjoyed then by the boys. They say they are anticipating an equal amount of pleasure this year, and also the usual amount of hard work. Another train will leave at 6 o'clock for Wrightsville, carrying a large number of citizens. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Mr. A. O. Davis, of Wilson, is in the city. Mr. T. B. Pepper, of Winston, arrived yesterday. The Spring Hope excursion arrives this morning. Mr. H. Archbell, of Kinston, is among our visitors. Mr. J. F. Rogers, of Goldsboro, was in the city yesterday. Bruce Williams, Esq., was among yesterday's arrivals. Mr. - C. L. VanNoppen, of Greensboro, is in the city. Mr. R. B. Adams, of South- port, came up to the city last night. ; Mr. R. K. Bryan was in the city yesterday, shaking bands with friends. Mr. Nr W. Powers, of Willard, was a welcome caller at the Star of fice yesterday. Hatch Bros, have arranged for another excursion from Goldsboro to this city next Friday. Mr. J. J. Moore is back from SavannahHo go to work in the Greater Coast Line's shops here. Miss Helene Trenholm, of Charleston, is visiting the family of Dr. W. J. EL Bellamy at Southport. Miss Nellie Bradley, of Peters burg, Va, returned home yesterday, after a pleasant visit to the Misses Elliott at their father's beautiful sum mer home, Oak Point. Mr. S. T. McGill, State Secre tary of the Y. M. O. A., for Tennessee, who has been in the city visiting his sister, Mrs. W. L. Latta, left for his home in Nashville yesterday. Mrs. H. S. Ledbetter, Miss Mary Ledbetter, Mrs. R. A. Johnson, Miss Martha Johnson and Messrs. Robt. Ledbetter and Hal Ledbetter, of Rockingham, passed through the city yesterday going to the seashore. A Spartanburg, S. C, party, consisting of Mrs. Robt Chapman, Mrs. Jas. Chapman, their daughters, the Misses Chapman, and Mrs. Mc Laughlin, passed through the city yes terday en route to Wrightsville Beach. Appealed the Case. The only interesting cases of ten on the police court docket yesterday were against Walter Silvy. He was charg ed with an affray and with resisting an officer. In each case the mayor sentenced him to thirty days on the roads. From this decision the defend ant appealed to the Superior Court and gave a justified bond of $50. Silvy was arrested Wednesday night for fighting by Policeman Jones. He resisted arrest in a most violent manner. Early last night Policeman Chad- wick arrested Silvy at Fourth and Nixon streets for being drunk and dis orderly, so he is once again back in the flock up, ; : . "The Boston Italian String Band" will remain.- In Wilmington for the season, and will furnish music on all occasions. All transactions by mall or wire will receive prompt attention. Aonlv- to V. Gammariero. No. 611 South Front, or D. Amerena, No. 209 Castle street v ' . X ' : f 1902. STATE BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. Met Yesterday ia Raleigh-Corporations at Wilmington and Goldsboro Chartered Special Star Telegram. Raleigh, N. C, July 17. The Wil mington Towing and Construction Company was incorporated to-day with $8,000 capital subscribed and $100,000 authorized. The incorpora tors are W. G; Elliott, Jr., W. B. Tharp and F. A. Appleton. The Fanville Grocery Company, Goldsboro, is chartered, with a capiUl of $8,000. The incorporators are J. B. Fanville, W. EL Fanville, J. H. Hines and E. M. Davis. The State Board of Agriculture met. this afternoon and received the semi annual report of Commissioner S. L. Patterson and State Chemist B. W. Kiljrore. The board took a recess un til 9 o'clock to-morrow. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. FOR RENT, Stores, Dwellings, Offices, 4c. HI! 33 tf k O'CONNOk BIDS WANTED. Bids win be received np to 13 o'clock (noon) July 23rd, for repairing Sixth street Bridge OTer the AC.Ii. E. B. Plans and specifications will be furnished on application to E. F. JOHNSON, Chairman of Streets and Wharves Committee. jy 17 2t WANTED, Two Brat-class Barbers. Must be early risers No BIp Vanwlnkle need apply. QUIOX A DAVIS, je 18 tf 7 Sontn Front Bt. Before Placing Your Order for Bagging and Ties Write us for prices. Let ns have yonr orders for Hay, Corn, Oats, Bran, Meal and Flour. We have the stock on hand and are selling at lowest prices. HALL & PEAKSALL, je25tr Heidelberg Malt Extract THE GREAT TONIC. Creates appetite, aids digestion. In vigorating. 15c a bottle by the dozen less, at HARDIN'S Palace Pharmacy. 126 South Front street. my 25 tf Do You Live on the Beach? Listen. I am in a position' to save you time, money and an noyance. Will take your order over either 'Phone or any way, pack carefully and deliver to any train or boat. My stock of first class family gro ceries is full and complete. Lowest prices consistent with quality. S. W. SANDERS, At The Unlucky Corner. jyutf BAGGING AND TIES. 4,000 8,600 1,240 486 813 403 211 186 Yards Bagging. Bundles Ties, Barrels New Flour. Bushels Virginia Meal. Bags Best Corn. Bags Wheat Bran. Bales Hay. Barrels P. B. Molasses. W. B. COOPER, WfcelM&Ie Grocer, Jy i Wilmington, N. O. TRINITY COLLEGE, DURHAM, If. C. Offers 125 graduate and under graduate courses of study. New library facilities, laboratory equip ments and gymnasium. Number of students doubled in 8 years. Large number of scholarships awarded an nually. Loans made to worthy stu dents. Expenses very moderate.' For catalogue address D. W. NEWSOM, jy 3 4w Registrar. I Offer to the Trade Penny Candles, all styles : Broken Stick Candy, Smoked Herrinar, Cakes and Crackers, Sardines, Potted Ham, Bice, all grades of Molasses, and complete line of Groceries. Prices and samples furnished on application. Mer chants visiting the city will do well to Inspect my stock, SAM'L BEAR, Sr., Wilmington, N.C., sprS7U . is Market street. NORTH CAROLINA, New hanovxb County. Superior Court, Albert staUes ) a. J M&ttleH.6teljd8. I This Is an action brought by the plaintiff in the above entitled cause against the defendant above named for divorce on the ground of adultery. It being made to appear that Mattle H. steljes la a non-resident of the State of North Carolina and cannot after dne diligence be found in this State. These are therefore to no tify said defendant to appear at the next term of the superior Court to be held for the county of New Hanover on the sch Monday after the 1st Monday in September, A. V. im, then and there to answer or demur to the complaint of the plaintiff or Judgment will be granted ao corcun g to the prayer of the complaint, in wit ness whereof I nave hereunto set any hand and seal of office, this the 1st day of July,' A. D. IMS. J NO. D. TAYLOR, Clerk of - Superior - Court of New Hanover County. ' . . H. McCLAMMT, attorney.' sn Jy 6 Ot - WHOLE NO. 10,889 Are You a Practical Man? Have you a Bank Account? Have you any money working for you ? If not, why not open an account with us TO-DAY. You will never be worth any money until you save some. Lay by a part of your earnings for a rainy day. No cost to start an ac count with ns. You are welcome with any amount, and we pay 4 per cent, interest, compounded quarterly. The People's Savings Bank, Opposite the Poetoffice, B. O. KeQTJEBN, President. JNO. 8. ARU STRONG, Vice PreaMent. il V tf P. W. pick, Caahler. Our 98 Cents HAND-TURNED OXFORD SALE Has been such a success we have decided to extend the time still a few days longer. Remember, Ladies, you get abont three times your money value in these goods. Sizes 1 to 4, Black; 1 to 5, Tan. Do not send out or exchange. GEO. R. FRENCH & SONS. je 20 tf . SPECIAL SALE This Week of Ladies' and Children's Oxfords and Slippers. THIS IS THE PLACE. levi McMillan & co., Fourth 'PHONE 605. Tan Shoes for Men $2.50. About one hundred pairs only in sizes 8, 8 1-2, 9, 9 1-2, 10, 10 1-2, 11. ' These shoes were made up to sell for 13.50 and $4.50, but they are only large sizes that's why they are selling so cheap. See window. Solomon's Shoe Store. jy 13 tf REPORT QF THE CONDITION OP THE ATLANTIC? National Bank, at Wilmington, N. C, at the close of business, July 16, 1902. BESOUBCB8. Loans ana discounts fl,C69,724 63 Overdrafts, secured and unsecured 128 85 TJ. 8. Bonds to secure circulation . . ' 95,100 00 U. 8. Bonds to secure XJ. 8. Deposits 173,800 OQ Banking- house, furniture, and fix- tares 30,000 00 Other Real Estate owned 10,000 00 Due from National Banks (not Be- n serve Agents) 40,857 98 Due from State Banks and Bankers 78,811 11 Due from approved reserve agents 59,348 13 Notes of other National Banks S1.610 00 Fractional paper, currency, nickels, and cents 59135 Lawful Money Reserve in Bank, viz: specie S5.810 oo Legal tender notes $94,375 00-109,185 00-108,386 35 Redemption fund with U. 8. Treas'r (5 per cent, of circulation) 3,300 00 Total $1,650,857 05 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in s 135,000 oo Surplus fund... $125,000 00 Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid 31,773 30140,778 20 National Bank notes outstanding. . . . 95,100 00 Due to other National Banks 164,793 34 Due to State Banks and Bankers 138,111 50 Dividends unpaid 306 00 Individual deposits subject to check 756,593 40 Demand certificates of de posit 50,000 00 Cashier's checks outstand ing 15,081 71 United States deposits.... 173,800 oo 1,283,983 85 Total $1,650,847 65 State of North Carolina, county of New Han over, ss.: I, Andrew Moreland, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. ANDREW MORELAND, Cashier, Sworn and subscribed to before me tnls 16th day of July, 1902. w. 8. ARMSTRONG, Notary Public. Correct Attest: Matt J. Hetis, 1 Sxo. B, Frinch, V Directors. D. L. Qojii, ) ICECREAM, Vanilla and Chocolate. THE VEEY BEST 51.00 Per Gallon. Let me have your order. Sent anywhere in the city. J. W. PLULfflER, Jr. jy 18 tt MEDICAL SCHOOL, UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA. FOUR TEARS COURSE. Seven Laboratories. 92 Imatruetor.. Fall term begins September 2, 1902. For information address, F. P. VENABLE, President, Chapel Hill, IT. C. Je29tf For Your Good I The balance of tnls month I will spend at the Furniture Exposition in New York City, Lexington Avenue, 48rd to 44th street, where I will be pleased to see my friends In person or receive their orders by mail. During my absence Mr. Dosber will attend to your wants in a satisfactory manner. I have a special advertisement In the "Messenger" which I am desirous that every one should read, and to accomplish that a copy of the "Messenger" will be mailed free to any one who will call at my store, or send their name on a postal card. N.F. PARKER, . rnamruai' ao rtnurrruaa irovxixixa. m Market street. ' Baa Tuonans Intar-Statattt. jytttr TERUS OF SUBSCRIPTION. : Om Tavr, by Kavli, f 6.005 ;Slz Kontkav " .60; I Thrse Months, 1.85' ' Tw Xontfcs, " 1.00 ' DllTr4 to SabMrikan la tka X Ctty as 4S Cants pjr BKoBtsu $ and Campbell Streets. je 29 tf Mullets, Mullets, Mullets. A small consignment cheap. Cuban Blossom Cigars, Cuban Bloaaom Cigars. Renown, Renown Cigars. Renown, Renown Cigars. Geo. W. Childs' Cigars. Geo, W. Childs' Cigars. Cubanola, Cubanola, Cubanoia, Cubanola. These brands are the best on the market, and undlsputably surpassed by none. V0LLERS & HASHAGEN. jyutf IN OUR WINDOW. We've had a rushing sale, which still continues, on Tan Shoes at Reduced Prices. We are offering tempting bar gains in PATENT LEATHER SHOES. Low Cut and High Cut. See us before you buy. in 1I1U1UU1 , & UIUWJ UVaj jy 6 tf Same old place. Fancy Soft Peaches. Ice Cream ENOUGH FOB ALL. e. nil 4 JO 12 tf Just Received A beautiful line of Toilet Sets (decorated and tinted). New lot enamel 3-piece Beds and Cribs. We offer special prices this week on Hammocks, Carts and Go-Carts. See us for any thing wanted In furniture. We guarantee our prices cannot be beaten. GASTON D. PHARES & CO. Interstate ThoneTfl. llft-118 Market street. jyia.tfi : s OBSERVE THE CHAHGE fa p If If: - ar air it p 1 4. it 111 m a - w Hi 1 J 111 it: If im i. , -,' ... J '