- " ' - . - V ' . ' . -' ' - , , ' ' - ' ' ' ' i- ' " "I- . ' . ; - " " ' - " , - - , .. ' ' 11 - " - -1 ' - I " II - - - - - " "x - " ' . . a a n tinmnm mm mm mm - - . 11 1 ' 111 '" " 1 " 1 1 - 1 CeeJ B0"' Erery.Dt, CircuHUoi Urrer Tima iui of Any OlMer DIIyfkw. paper Pobllshed Is Wllmlnrto- OUTLINES. The first ble of the new orop of col- tea k. Dec 11 ThA iurr of inquest in the o( Libert C. Latimer, who wu fSiw ihot t his home in Brookljn, Zv brought in a Terdict that Latl ff'w killed by a pistol shot wound; If ,ccustion ajrainst any one was by the jury. The damage Iefire at Camden. 8. C, is eU- itedst $70,000. Two persona L, drowned and two others injured !fthe cspsizing of a sloop in the Ocjoeechee river, Ga. One man Sled wd tw0 men badly ioiared ,n .font on a planUtion in Newton Lnty. Gs. Everything is In Idioea for the Jeffries-Filxsimmons (ontest in San Francisco Friday night. Wm. J- Bryan is to dj one of the i the banquet of the New htUnd DemocraUc League to-night. Pfleen thousad people newed the fjtmM's tournament at Raleigh yea sty; Durham will be the place of BeUn'?nexi year. The outlaw ii still at large; he Is not wonded. Fire t Annapolis, 1, eiuwd losses estimated at $50,000. 'piinine mill and tobacco plant fctrojed by fire at Owensboro, Ky.; $100,000. Deputy 8herif of Aiken county, 8. O., was tiled Monday night by a desperado. i markets: Money on call ftsiteady at 2i3 per cent; cotton aiet it 9ie; flour fairly active, steady ; viieftt-spot steady. No. t red, 79a at tfcwtar; oats -spot firm. No. 2 63Jc; wiaiteady; spirits turpentine steady WEATHER REPORT. U.a. OiP't or Aqrioulturx. , Weathkb Bureau, : Wujcsgtos, N. C, July 23. ) Kiteorological data for the 24 hours iiH 8 P.M.: Temperatures: 8 A. SL, 74 degrees; IP. a., 73 degrees; maximum, 87 di pjea; minimum, 71 degree; as a. 79 decree. Rainfall for day, .00; rainfall since la of month to date, L83. OOTT05 BIGION BXJtXJCTTS. TrmperAture changes in the cotton kit during the past 25 hours are gen mliysliebt. Local rains hare fallen a the Charleston, Galveston, New OfleiQs, Oklahoma and Savannah dis trict! rOHEOABT rOU 1 i'-UaT. WiamsaTOS, July 23 For North. Ctroiai-Fair Thursday; Friday in-tr-tang cloudiness; light variable, rait Port Almanac Jaljr 24. a.. Kims SusSeta Dt' Length 1th Water at South i-r ; Water Wilmini ca 5.00 a.. M. 7.11P.M. 14 H.32U. 10.00 A. M. 12.30 P. M. The wheat crop of India is re ported to be 28,251,440 bushels less &r this year than last year. The atimated crop is 224,335,323 bushels. There are comparatively few pei Kai engaged in the culture of the. Erifberry, bat the value of the crop in this country ia estimated at 1100,000,000 annually. Itia reported that the Busaian Gorernment wants an international conference to consider the trust qaestion. This looks like Invading Eooaevelt's preserves. Their Republican constituents in Michigan have relegated four of the Congressmen who opposed reciproc tyvith Cuba, by refusing to Te rminate them. And Michigan is teet8 agar State, too. Ajoung cashier in a New York has recently disappeared and shortage of $40,000. As he fltonly, (in the regular wej) 118 a w seems that the bank owners didn't appreciate his abUity. Tere is a crank in jail in a Penn VWinia town, who says he has been itl7 jailed, and is so mad about that he will starve him- death. They made a mis- e; a lonatic asylum is his place. The scions of royalty must be get tQg stack on this country. There a half dozen or so booked for yjj, the latest b eing Prince Chen, "China. That whirl we gave the )iser'a brother Beems to hate made emall giddy. The champion dude of Germany nce Albert of Thurn, who ears a new suit of clothes every day, wiousand neckties in a year, and Paira of boots. He is a sweet cuaa, too, for he has all his Perfumed with attar of roses, ,aich coats 125 an ounce. B ..aAuatiQ dispatch says Senator nT Proposes to hare Minister . and Solicitor Penfield bS6? He may be a11 riKht in far p their official Blp as M PenCeld is concerned a good taiaJl PePle may think that ft Tefy ho t0 get eTea a um abont"13? 8aca 8trenuous language thJ iley after thak Beveridge incident. W W U. ST J- BA A M 11 I Mr-Z A YOUNG WHITE MAN - ARRESTED FOR BURGLARY. Wiley Mulnjo Allexed to Hare Bees mm . acci ii mc Act of House Breaklif Yeaterday Mornlag. One of the moat car inn ,. can be committed In North Carolina is cnarged against a mnn iiiu P " uiu of this city. Wiler Hiring .hni. now m the guard house. It is alleged r - "a " m v a anas ne is guilty of burglary, the penalty for which la dMth ni ir h. evidence be true he was seen In the ery act of committing the offence. The crime occurred cirlT TntAnt morning, about 3 o'clock, at tha rtmi. dance of. Mr. Chan a riim Pourth street, between Nlrou and Swann. Mr. Sellara bedroom haa a window opening on a porch, and It was half way through this window that he dim. covered a man thia mornlneat tha tLoM msntioned. It was nrobablv some noise made by the Intruder that awakened him from a sound slumber in time to prevent a burglary.' The man, when he saw ha was diMowurM) immediately jumped out of the win dow and made his escape, but not un- m ne bad dropped his cap,1 which is a good piece of evidence. It was impossible for Mr. Sellara to capture tbe burglar, but he recog nised him as Wiley Mazingo, a well known young whtte man about 22 years of age. He immediately swore out a warrant for his arrest The warrant was nlacedin tha hnd of Policeman Temple to serve. Short ly past noon yesterday the officer, af ter several hours search, arrested Ma alngo and placed him In prison to await trial before the mayor to-day at noon. Mazingo does not deny the bunrlarv. except to state that he was drunk Tues day night and yesterday morning and doesn't remember anvthine that occurred during that time. He also states that he has lost his coat and cap. LOCAL DOTS. Hatch Bros. Mount Olive ex cursion comes down to-morrow. Mr. James F. Woolvin was-the last purchaser of a shell road toll ticket. While Chief of Police Furlong is away Capt Williams ia acting in his stead. The Fort Caswell "Post Band will give a concert at Carolina Beach Sunday. The Judicial Convention for this, the Fifth District, will be held at 3 o'clock this afternoon at the court house. The tents for the encampment of the members of the Young Men's Cnriatian Association have been se ta red. The appeals of counsel in the well known Planner auit will be argued before Judge Timberlake, at Louiaburg to-day. On account of the Elrod ex cursion oui to sea to-morrow tne steamer Wilmington will not make her usual 2:45 o'clock afternoon trip. All persons haying claims against the Wilmington and Uoast Turnpike Company , are notified' to hand same in to the secretary. Mr. Geo. Haar, by Monday. Prof. Washington Catlett, county superintendent of public in struction, is preparing to extensively advertise the educational rally to do held next month at Middle Sound. One of the moBt pleasurable aiUmr narties of the season was given at WrghUvillo Beach Tuesday night by Mrs. J. O. Wise, of Macon, ua.. complimentary to Miss aiay Oates, or Charlotte. The handsome United StateB flags to be given to the Union and Raman wav schools by the Junior Or der of the United American Mechanics, of this city, are to be selected by Con gressman Bellamy. Mr. W. E. Stees, of the Sea- hora Hotel, caught a Spanish mack erel yesterday measuring thirty-two Inches in length and weigning eign tMn nonndi It was the prettiest fish of Its kind ever caught In this section. An unique and interesting en .rtiiament will be given to-morrow night at the Brooklyn Baptist church. It will be entitled 'The Ways or we Blind," and will be given by a blind couple, Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Jonnson, of Newbern. Two Deeds Recorded Yesterday. Two deeds were recorded at the Court House yesterdsy. One trans ferred a piece or property on - Havanth and Eighth. from T. J. Gore and wife to V. Gaskel. for fer $500. The other was ror weirans of a piece of property on Middle Sound to Nicholas -W. Scnenc:. 01 Bancombs county, this State, is was transferred by Gabriel Holmes and wife, B. I. Holmes and wife and J ulia Harrison, of this city, r. . Macon, Jr.. and wife of Chorlattes-m- xr w a Hinrhton and wife. of Spartanburg, a O, and OwenMcB. Holmes and wire 01 obwwij,. MEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Notice To the public . - Concert At Carolina Beach. Masonic Meeting WiL Lodge. BU8XJTE83 XXXUL8 Lost Shepherd pup. -Wanted To buy house. Mr. Fred Bolles has returned from an enjoyable Vacation. . BIG DEAL JUST MADE boutbern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company Makes an Important Contract. EXTENSIVE NEW CONNECTIONS Within Thirty Days Wilmlnrton will Have Telephone Connection Within a Rsdlss of Nesrly a Hnndred Miles The Columbus Co. A deal that will mean a big thing to Wilmington has juat been consumma ted. It is a contract entered into be tween the live Southern Bell Tele phone and Telegraph Company and the Columbus Telephone Company, whereby this city is soon to have tele phonic connect within a radius of from 75 to 100 miles. This will be a great benefit to our citizens, especially when it is taken into consideration that the places to be reached by tele phone are of much commercial value to Wilmington, and it will also mean that our city ascends another notch in the world of progress. So quietly and rapidly have the ar rangements for this deal been worked that it will be a great surprise to our citizens, but it will be a decidedly wel come one, which will duly be appre ciated. The places to be connected by tele phone with Wilmington are Chad- bourn, Whiteville, Bogue, Ash- pole, Boardman, Clarendon, Lake Waccamow, Shallotte, 8outh port and Council's station, of this State, and Conway, 8. O. Within thirty days most of these connections will be made. The lines are already up be tween many of the places, and the work, which has been going on for the last ninety days, is being steadily pushed. All of these lines are the property of the Columbus Telephone Company, a North Carolina corpora tion of recent birth. At the time the company commenced operation, a little over three months ago, they had no idea of covering such an extensive field as now proposed, nor did they ever contemplate co-operation with tbe Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company. However, the advantage of .such moves were soon seen by both companies, with the result already stated. The contract was formally made in this city Mondsy by Mr. Thos. B. Mc Manus, the alert manager of the Bell Company, and President Harrelson and Secretary Perry, of the Oo lum bal Company. Under the agreement all the work from now on is to be sup ervised by the Bell's experts which is a sufficient guarantee that it will be well done. Not only will our people be able to communicate with the places men tioned, but will be able to Ulk to all Intermediate points as well. It will also be possible to talk with promi nent farmers at their residences and with the proprietors of large country stores. Two of the eleven places named above, Chad bourn and Whiteville, already have local exchanges of over three score of 'phones. Four of the other places, Ashpole, Lake Wacca- maw, Council's Station and Conway, are to have exchanges installed. In all, the Columbus Company now has seventy-five telephones in use through the territory mentioned. The toll fees on all lines will be the same as charged by the Bell Com pany. The new lines will also get the bene fit of Wilminarton's Goldsboro and Kaleigh connection, .now being made. Work upon thia line is at present about fifty-five miles from the city. For tbe great convenience and benefit Wilmington is to derive from these new lines, praise is due Mr. McManus, who Is always wide-awake to the city's welfare and ever stands ready to ad vance it's interest and prosperity, and to the substantial and go-a-head com pany he so capably represents. Since the above article was written it has been ascertained that Cronly will be another place connected with Wilmington by telephone. HEW SECRETARY C0M1NQ. Directors of Christisa Assoclatloa Hsve Secured a New Qeaeral Secretary. At mMtinor of the board of direc tors of (he Young Men's Christian As wwi.ttnn hfOd Tuesday evening a unanimous call was extended to Mr. Chas.Dusham.of Charles ton, to become the general secretary of the Wilming ton Association. MV. Dmham has for the past three years been physical director of the Charleston association, tie nas bum i j ... npone or tnennest pnyncai ucu menU in the South. Recently he ae. elded to give the attention to the all round work of the association and i.. .ntAd his call to this city, m addition to his duties as general secre tary he will carry on the class work in the ffvmnasium. He will enter upon his duties September 1st. Mr. Dusham nas oeen wnuww with tbe association work for some nine years. He Is a man of consider able experience and ability. He will be accompanied to the city this Fall by his wife and two children, rt. to- if WMeal. who for the past two years has served the association as assistant secretary ana pnysicai di rector, has decided to take up work In .v.. fl.M n has several places aisiivs - under consideration but will not de cide definitely before Augnst 1st. His many friends regret to learn of his intended departure from tne city. Mr; J. D. Sessoms, of Sted- man. was In the city yesterday. WILMINGTON, N. C, JOINT COMMITTEE MET ;YESTERDAY AFTERNOON. Odd Fellows' Committee Met aid Mapped Oat a Foil Programme of Eotertsla. ment for the Orphans The joint Odd Fellows' committee on the entertainment of the orphana during their annual visit here next month, held an important meeting yesterday afternoon. The chairman, Mr. M. W. JacobI, presided, with Mr. John E. Wood secretary. A letter of acceptance of the invita tion extended the little folks was re ceived from Superintendent Brinson, of the Home. The programme for the visitation was mapped out as follows: Toe children will arrive from Golds boro the morning of Tuesday, the 12th of next month, and will go di rectly through to Bbuthport, where they will give an entertainment that night They will return to the city next day and give an entertainment here at night at the Young Men's Christian Association. Thursday they will spend the day and take dinner at the Seashore Hotel, and Thursday evening and Friday they will spend with friends here. The return, trip will be made Saturday morning. . AT CAMP TERRELL. The Boys Still Csjoylog Themselves and Receiviag Handreds of Visitors Seversl Went Home Yesterdsy. The boys at "Camp Terrell" are happy and oontented. They are hav ing a glorious time, fishing, swim ming and playing baseball. They Dlav a match came everv afternoon. The weathy is all that could be wished ror ana the sand hies have not made their visitation as yet Nothing out of the usual routine transpired to break the monotony of camp life yesterday. The boys made a fine appearance at dress parade In the afternoon and they are to be complimented on their soldierly bearing. Boating parties are quite popular among tbe beachers. They usually come over on the pleasure sharpies to attend dress parade. There are' from two to three hundred visitors in at tendance at each parade. Private Adkins, of Company K, has been appointed regimental postmaster to succeed Private Haynes, of Com pany M, who was compelled to return to his home at Atlanta on account of business. x Lieutenant Hunt who is in camp with Company G., is a first lieuten ant In the Second Regiment Georgia State Troops. Yesterday the officers of the day and night guard were Captain Pomeroy, of Company K., and Lieutenant Lo gan of Company I. respectively. About twenty-five of the soldiers re turned home yesterday. They could not be away from business more than a week, hence their re turn. It is a comical sight to see the boys wrapped in red and gray army blan kets on their way to and from the surf. FINE GAME TO-MORROW. Wllmlsitos Boys, Aided by Several Pro feasipnals, Will Play the Soldiers' Team at Hilton. The game of ball scheduled for to morrow afternoon at Hilton Park be tween a Wilmington team and one se lected from the ranks of tbe Fifth Georgia regiment is really going to be of a much finer quality than our fana expect In fact from all indica tions, it ia going to be an A 1 exhibi tion of the great national sport The soldier boys' team is said to be a well organized one ana or mucn merit while the team here will have its principal players; Holland, late of the Wilmington team, Tucker, a well known college player, who is to ar rive to-day from his home in Fair Bluff, and last and greatest the Uni versity's crack battery. Council and Sweeney.. The Wilmington team's line up will be Council, c; Sweeney, p; Home, 1 b; Tucker, 2 b. ; Orrell, 8 b. ; Ahrens, s. s. ; Holland, L f ; Wescott c. f. ; and Me Intire, r. f. Gentlemen will be charged 15 cents admission, but ladies only 10 cents. Admitted His Guilt When arraigned In Justice Fowler's court yesterday the negro boy, Isaac Pollock, arrested for stealing bags from the North Carolina Cotton Seed Oil Company, of this city, admitted his guilt He was bound over to the higher court and, committed to jail in default of ball. The stolen . bags Pol lock sold to a junk dealer, L. Ablo wltz, doing business on Second street between Princess and Ohesnut. Qirl Bsby Abandoned. In some mysterious manner, and by dint of much exercise, some one about midnight Tuesday abandoned a little girl baby, about two weeks old. at the James Walker Memorial Hospital. The child was found on the back porch of the building, and whoever placed it there had to climb a fence to do so, as the gates to the grounds were locked. .anil. T-.. Tt.11. 3l4..j TJ.Tld" iflO OViMIU tMUMMI HUUk will remain In Wilmington for the season, and will furnish music on all occasions. All transactions by mail i .111 1 nvnmnt af f.n t IflTl or wire wii iwm v - x TT rUmm.irfAM NA nil South Front, or P. Amerena, No. 209 ii. 1 THURSDAY, JULY 24, ANOTHER SWINDLER. Aged White Man Arrested Here Yesterday for the Kinston Authorities. MANY WILL RECALL HIM. He Claimed to Be a Book Af eat and Has Been Here for Several Weeks A Kiastoa Officer Will Come for Him Tcday. At the wired request of Chief of Police James H. Bouse, of Kinston. Police Captain Williams yesterday had one of his men to arrest an old white man, J. W. Hoyt, who .has been in the city the past fortnight as a book agent on the charge of false pretence. The telegram from Chief Bouse was later, followed by a letter, which stated that Hoyt is wanted in Kinston for general 1 swindling; that the book house he claims to represent, George Barrie & Son, of Philadelphia, has de- nied having him in their employ. Hoyt ia now in the guard house, awaiting to be given into the custody of an officer who will arrive to-day from Kinston. The alleged swindler is a well known figure to many of our people, as he has been energetically among them trying to sell Barrie's edition of Shakespeare and other books. He is fully past the three score mark in age and appears to be a man of intel gence and wide experience. He is small of stature, but thick set and the little hair he possesses on his head has long ago turned gray. It ia a great wonder why a man of such advanced age should stoop to crime, and if such be so, it is also a matter of profound Pity. While here he stopped at the At lantic Inn, corner Front and Bed Cross streets, where he was arrested yesterday afternoon by Policeman I. F. Huggins. ' The old man makes a positive denial of the charges, saying he knows nothing at all about tbem MILITARY RECEPTION. Wilmington Light Infantry As Usual to Do the Proper Thing In Honor of the Fifth Qeorjia's Clever Officers. Through the kindness and courtesy of the Atlantic Yacht Club, tbe mem bers of the Wilmington Light Infan try and its officers will give an infor mal reception to the clever officers of the Fifth Georgia Regiment. Geor gia Stat Guard, now in camp at the "Hammocks, " to morrow at the hand some home of the Atlantic clubmen, at WrightsvilleBeach,and they will be assisted in this reception by the offi cers of the Second North Carolina Regiment and the officers residing in Wilmington who are members of the Governor's staff. The invitation was extended through Captain A. P. Adrian, of the Wilmington Light In fantry, to their military friends from Georgia yesterday afternoon. The Wilmington Light Infantry boys are anxious to show their visiting friends some little courtesy, and have taken this method of expressing a feeling of hospitality towards this disting uished Georgia regiment. There will be no special features of the entertainment other than music, dancing, refreshments, etc., but our boys propose to treat them right roy ally, in good old North Carolina style, and to endeavor in every possible way to see that their friends enjoy them selves. It was desired to have the" re ception at the Wilmington Light In fantry armory, but as this building is now undergoing extensive repairs it was Impracticable to do so, and when the generous and gracious offer made by the Atlantic Yacht Club came it was accepted with the fullest apprecia tion of the hospitable desires that prompted the club to offer its building and grounds entirely to the service of the company and their specially In vited guests on this occasion. It is un derstood that the reception will be from 9 o'clock until midnight No occasion of this kind would be complete without the presence of the charming fair sex, and in extending the invitation to the military gentle men from Georgia, It was understood to be the sincere desire of the Wilming ton Light Infantry boys to have the wives and friends of the visiting mili tary among their guests and, of course, the young lady friends of the com pany. Taken Sick Os His Beat. Last night about 9 o'clock, Police man Dan A. Rowan, one of the most efficient members of the force, was taken suddenly ill on his beat at .Sev enth and Bed Cross streets. By the time a physician could be obtained he was unconscious and had to be moved In this state to his home on Castle street between Fifth and Sixth. Dr. C . D. Bell, who attended the sick officer, attributed the sudden at tack to heart affection." At last ac counts Policeman Bowan was still un conscious.' Colored Minister Dead. Rev! William EL Bishoo. colored. mm W died tmLkhIit aftnmnnn at.hia resi dence on Green street between Eighth and McRae. He was In the eightieth vear of his aara and there waa not a colored man In the city more respect-' ed. He waa well liked and thought of by all.! Thai funeral will talre nlaca at 4 o'clock thia afWnnnn it HL Stanhen's A. M.)E church, thence to Pine For est cemetery. 1902. THE FIREMEN'S TOURNAMENT Fifteen Thousand People Present Parade a MUe Lonr The Contests Will be Held at Durham Next Year. Special Star Telegram. 1 Raleigh, N C, July 23. Fifteen thousand people viewed the State Firemen's Tournament events to-day. The parade at 9 this morning was a mile long and very imposing. The Spencer and Charlotte hose reels hsd the most beautiful decorations. Rocky Mount won the first prize, throwing water a long distance, mak ing 317 feet nine inches. Charlotte entered the contest for quick steam and long distance. Gave up the quick steam contest ; made 225 feet and four inches throwing wa ter, but was ruled out on having too much steam (110 pounds). Greensboro followed, making steam in four minutes forty-seven seconds and threw water 205 feet two inches, Elizabeth City made steam in three minutes 48 1-7 seconds and threw wa ter 313 feet Newbern made steam in three minutes eighteen seconds, but was ruled out because steam was not maintained; threw water 150 feet but was ruled ' out on excess of steam. Raleigh Rescue entered, but had an acciden. In the hose wagon contest the Goldsboro Eclipse won the first prize; lime 33 1-5 seconds Goldsboro No. 1 won second money; time 34 seconds. Raleigh Rescue No. 1 made third time: 39 2-5 seconds. Other en- teries were Durham No. 1, forty-one seconds; Raleigh Capital No. 3, time 42 seconds; Salisbury No. 1, time 43 2-5 seconds: Greensboro Steamer No. 1, time 47 2-5 seconds; Greensboro Eagle No. 7, time 46 1-5 seconds. In the champion reel race, the Capital Hose Co., Raleigh, won the medal; time 47 2-5 seconds. Spencer, second prize, time 48 seconds, was ruled out. Monroe. 59 2-5 seconds. At midnight last night Durham.as it were, snatched from very grasp of Salisbury the entertainment of the tournament next year. Did it by prom ising $3,000 in prixes. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Mrs. Geo. N. Lewis, of Flor ence, 8. C, is visiting relatives on Masonboro Sound. Mr. B. A. Horn and wife, of Greensboro, passed through the city yesterday en route for Wrightsville Beach. Mr. W. S. Glenn, of Spartan burg, S. C, arrived in the city yester-' day and is a guest of Rev. A. D. Me Clure. Mr. Wm. Carr, formerly in the hardware business in this city, is visit ing Mr. Geo. Harriss at his Summer residence at Wright3ville. Mr. Thos. Pritchard, who has been sick at the James-Walker Me morial Hospital, returned to his home onWrightsville Sound, yesterday. Mrs. J. B. Smith, Mrs. J. D. Grimes, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Thompson and Misses Lawrence and Maud Grimes, of Lexington, arrived in the city last night, going to the Seashore Mr. C. M. Hunter, of Char lotte, formerly an officer and a clever gentleman of the Charlotte Naval Battalion, is spending a few weeks at Wrightsville Beach, a guest of Mrs. M. Cronly. ROBBED A FREIGHT CAR. Young Negro Crook ia Limbo for Stealing a Quantify of Docking. The police have in their posession about a hundred and fifty yards of ducking stolen by Louis Lavender, colored. The young negro crook was seen trying to dispose of the cloth and was arrested on suspicion. At first it wss thought that he had stolen the ducking from some vessel in port, but it is now almost certain that it is part of about two hundred yards stolen out of a car at the Atlantic Coast Line freight depot and which was the prop erty of the Rheinstein Dry Goods Company. Lavender will likely be tried in the police court to-day. Military Ball To-night. To-night the brilliant full dress military ball, in honor of the officers of the Fifth Georgia regiment will take place at the Seaside Hotel. It will be a fashionable event. The members of the Carolina Yacht Club have been invited by the officers to attend,' and each member who de sires to accept the generous invitation is requested to get a signed card either from the purser or secretary of the club. Excursion A Big Success. The Odd Fellows' excursion to Caro lina Beach yesterday, under the au spices of Hanover Lodge, was a big artistic and financial success. Several hundred people enjoyed the boat trips and the visit to the seashore. The dance last night was a delight ful feature and pleased many young people. It was midnight before tbe last boat returned to the city. Funeral Yesterday Afternoon. The funeral of the late Captain G. Clinton Hewlett was held yesterday afternoon at 5 o'clock at the. church on Masonboro sound. The pall-bearers were Messrs. John-.A Orrel, E. A. Orrell, Geo. T. Hewlett, J. H. Hew lett E. W.Hewlett and Chas. W. Hewlett - NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. HASONIO TEMPLE, July 24, 1902. Wilmington Mge No. 319, A. F. & A. M. EMERGENT COMMUNICATION THIS Thursday evening at 8 o'clock for work in Third Dgree. - visiting Dretnren coraiauy invltea. By order ol W. M . , : . : thos. r. baglet, ir 81 it - : Secretary. WHOLE NO. 1088125 STRIKING REDUCTIONS. Best Quality Apron Ginghams 5c HENNEN'S TALCUM POWDER 12 1-26. Horse Hats, Sold Elsewhere at 25c, 15c, $1 Madras Shirts, Sizes 15 and 15 1-2, 69c. Figured Silk Mulls in all the new shades 50c, Values 39c. . J". HI. BEHDEB & CO , 615, 617 and 619 North Fourth Street. Car fare paid on purchases of $2.00 and over. All cars go to Render's. jy20tf The Seashore Hotel. WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH, H. C. Opens for the Summer, June 1st, For the coming season of 1903 we have added sixty large airy bedrooms, twenty en suite, with private baths, bowling alley, pool and billard hall. Hotel being but a few vards from old ocean's edsre renders it cool and comfortable at all times. Ho Malaria, Ho Mosquitoes, Ho Flies. The finest bathinar. boatinsr and fishinsr alone the Atlantic co&aL The cuisine will be thoroughly up-to-date, embracing everything in the way of delicacies in sea foods and choice edibles. Artesian water. Music the entire season by Professor Hollowbush's New York orchestra of eight pieces. No J 1: 1. i. ... 1 . . a, ci At iir . i m . . i i ... i . mure uwijjjiuui resort in tne oouin. w Address JOE H. HINTOrJ, Manager, my 8 3m Wrlghtaville Beach, N. O. 2,000 FANCY FLORIDA LIMES at 1 5 cents Per Dozen. s Jy 22 tf "A SWBBT STORE," PLUMPER'S, Where an excellent supply of Oranges, Bananas, Pineapples and other luscious fruits are obtainable. For Sunday's Dinner: PEACH, CHOCOLATE and VANILLA lee Cream $1.00 Per Ballon, J. W. PLUUUER, Jr. jy 19 tt Trackers' Fertilizers, 515 Bags Armours .285 617 Bags Armours 3810 1,040 Bags Armours 2810 1,306 Bags Armours 587 2,430 Bags Armours 822 1,100 Bags Phosphate and Potash. 1,760 Bags Best Kainit. 203 Bags Muriate Potash. 1,841 Bags 13 per cent. Acid. Terms and prices to please. W. B. COOPER, Wholesale Grocer Jy as tt Wilmington, N. o. g wlft Premium Hams; " 'NnfT said." yy nlte "O" Sugar 4)4o pound; Granulated Sc. gome people prefer N. O. Hams; we have them, a large lot of Jellies and Preserves, way down. to 1, Mackerel just arrived Qan stni chips the Beef thin. JTvery eflortjused to please. Call 109. peady to eat Canned Delicacies; all kinds, gour and Sweet Pickles and Mangoes. "The Unlucky Corner." Both 'Phones. jyaotf For Your Good! The balance of this month I will spend at the Furniture Exposition in New York City, Lexlnarton Avenue, 4Srd to 44th street, where I will Be pleased to see my mends in person or receive their orders by matt. During my absence Mr. Doeher will attend to your , wants In a satisfactory manner. I have a - special advertisement in the "Messenger" which I am desirous that every one should read, and to accomplish that a copy of the 'Messenger" will be mailed free to any one who wlllcall at my store, or send their name on a postal card.. N. P. PABKEB, nnunxujts asd nnunvusi hotxlthb. Ill Market street. Bell Pbona Bit Interstate 481. jymr i Concert at Carolina Beach. There will be a concert at Carolina Beach Sunday afternoon by 'the Post Band of Fort Caswell. jy241t J. W. HARPER. NOTICE. All persons having claims against the Wil mington and Coast Turnpike Company will present the same to the Secretary on or before Monday, July 88th, at lo A. M. . - ero. haar, it 2 56 Secretary and Treasurer.. 1 Sill. oooo0oooooooeoo i TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION.! Omm Ymmr, bySaU. Six HoBtha, Three ZXontfcs, " $0.00$ S.50! Two Xonths, " 1.00 Btunni to Swaaerlben la Sme , nyat4SCmtspeKeatlu X ooeooooooooeo nie ior aescnptive DOOKiet, rates, etc. How About That Tackle ? The blue birds are with us again. The streams and ponds are wanning up. The fisher men should be looking up their outfits. Seeing if any thing is wanted before the last minute. As of old we are showing the finest things to tempt the fish kingdom and make the sport more sporty for the . anglers. Lines may be wanted; poles must be needed; hooka are very necessary, and in fact we have everything that Is re quired to make a complete outfit. To those that are interested in the sport, to those others that may not be so enthusiastic, we would consider it a favor to have all come in and look. J. I'. Dealerslln Hardware, Ac., Orton Building. apSStf Mullets, Mullets, Mullets. A small consignment cheap. Caban Blossom Clears, Cuban Blossom Clears Renown, Renown Clears. Renown Renown Clears Geo. W. Child' Ciera. Geo W. Childs' Clears. Cuhanola-, Cubanola, Cnbanola, Cubanola. These brands are the best on the market, and undlsputably surpassed by none. V0LLERS & HASHAGEN. Jyl4tt ' OFFICE SUPPLIES. I HAVE A FULL LINE OF ALL KINDS OF BLANK BOOKS, Pens, Pencils, Filing Gases, Inks, and anything you need in your office. 107 Market SL Bell 'Phone No. 26. jy 13tf Before Placing Your Order for ' Bagging and Ties Write us for prices. Let us have your orders for i Hay, Corn, Oats, Bran, Meal and Flour., We have the stock on band and are selling at lowest prices. HALL & PEABSALL. jeastt Gum Logs Wanted. oar loads A l Sweet Gum togs Inches 20 and overln diameter, and 83 and glnchM long? to Da awiniN iiiiiiiiavwM w feTW MH.Mll. Agent Appiy w So 8 soutn water street, jy 82 JW Wilmington. N. O. (Sill 4 Co ROBERT C mm M I f A I . I '-. s I 4 1 -a- SL' ' ft t Hi I -t; i r

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