fiisirssteea dob-h I . -in-aUtloi Larref Taaa Thai i 1st Other Daffy Hews- " paper PabUaaed la Wflmlaxtoa. PEST DAILY 5KWIPAP1, at ThciHorutug jiar. OUTLINES. SiI men were hanged yesterday la ktitu tor murder. Four men re killed and fifteen persona were Ilred in raiIroad wreck ner Tenia, 0Wa iJmr nances in . -,nt?nae. Richmond P. onsion and Victor Blue are desig- i.i. for meritorious aer vices in b' , . . I ir with Spain. An Impor- t4reementisannouncea, oywnien firtit Britain auu """""'J ede Cores' independence and their ' port and assistance in all questions . ra' internal and foreign usk ------ A, - r . ' nronartT ralued at $250,000: -e oremn was killed and a number rfoiiKf were seriously injured. trains a killed and other persona jj-'anKi in trin wrccs in .nion. . markets: Money on call .'jjHt t 213 per cent: cotton ,,;t 3:;tljur was dull and euj; etor; oau-soot firm. No. 2 641c; e-spot easier. No. 2 700; roain ijjjj; ipinis turpentine quiet. rYEATHFH REPORT. p. 4 Dep't or AaaiouLTtTRn, WCATHCB BtTBBAU, WiLXi5nT0!r. N. O., July 85. ) (eiwolosicil data for the 24 hours -dial 3 P. : rtmoeratares: 8 A. M., 71 decree; IP k., 76 decrees; maximum, 79 de- minimum, 63 degrees; mean. 74 infill far day. .00; rainfall since U y month to date, 1.99. COTTOX BIOIOH BUIUTT5. Temperature has remained nearly uzonuy in the cotton belt. Showers kare fallen in nearly all districts with kiTj local rains in Georgia, Arkan- m tad Texas. roRXOAST roa to-uat. Wa3HI53T05, July 25. For North Cmlini: Fair Saturday, showers jaaiijia the interior, fair on the cm. north wind, mostly light to frwii northeast Port AlmanacJuly 26. 31nti:irt Jaajets !t' Lnth I:-. V:r at South iki.-i if 5 Wiiaiiarioa 5.03 A.M. 7.01 p. a. 14 H.29H. 11. S3 A. M. 2.09 P. V. Tie Chicago Inter-Ocean calls Sector Mason "a man withont a par.j." Bat Billy still has wind t oigh for two or three parties. Rlchmoai is troubled, according ia Diipaf'-h, OTer ''the mud we frisk," while the burgers of Phila delphia are troubled over the water tie eat. The Chicago Xeics wants to know lot it was that Mr. Gates, when he W running the corn corner, "over looked July oata." Perhaps he was "honied." For the past ten years Alpine tiimbera who lost their lives by 'sntaresome climbing have averaged ti rtj a year. Footing those moun ts 3eems to be more danger i than naTigating the clouds. Su-iley McCormick, of Chicago, io objected to appearing on the wllj aa a poor choat, has insist donhi3 a33e33inent being raised fram 4250,000 to 4?5,000. They )mmodated him. Bat there has been rery much of a rush by fcier-taxed citizens to follow his According to reports of the Treas L7 department there are 300,000 aeae in thia country. As there 88 o 03,000 registered amyals a P many mu3t have sneaked in "sway. When a heathen Chinee Pituckonthia country it wiUtake "Ze amount of watching to keep Louisville negro boy who got , of gallon of ice-cream one J Uat week at one sitting, has 3 screaming crazy ever sinee and . 1 10 y sent to an aaylnm. At he imagines he is mayor of the Governor, President Rooserelt monkey. There is no telling too much monkeying withice- may do. Jje Census Bureau puU the Talne farms in this country, with 8 machinery and implements, total of ? 0,000,000,000, one j of the national wealth. The vv'I which there were in 1900 are valued at $16,674,- implements and machinery ;'l,2':i,550, and live stock at C-G-V)o0,041. kh ,rTlDx' a Chicago inventor, tt :r and worth about Vw, atole a v on M 011 by eloping with and hl washwoman. . The RaTe WM thak he was wmianionship. When a man in f e7noaKa in love there's no WeTDg WUh him and J1" Qt ; !m belieTe Ju kno mr ttlltthan he does. Ir VOL. LXX.V-NO. 918 LOCAL DOTS. Key. Q. D. WnKntcr ..v til., v " -. . ax. u. a. to-morrow at 5 u uoer. Good rains h.vo faiTAn ivarunffton and Mirinn a o - w 1U IUO Com. It was yery badly needed by WIUUI, The schooner .Tumi Tsinniu Tired yeaterdiT from Rminn with cargo of 850 tons of sulphur ore for uKirwr anipment. The BChooner AIwmt won cleared yesterdav b .t t t?ti. a. Oo. for Cape HalU with cargo from wio vaaaoourn lumber Co. Hatch Bros-' Goldsboro yesterdaw la iA tn h. uumwea aoout 700 persons. It re- quirea io ears to transport them. The Boys' Brigade will hrAaV camp at South port this morning and wiu return to the citw hw flrt hn.t The boys hare had a delightful outing. Pitcher Biflhon and f.arior uenman, late or the Charlotte h.ah1l team, hare, joined the Bnnsttiu team, which goes to AugusU for flwe games next week.- Oarhneton News: "Mr. Will H. Hudler has aOCflDtd B rtnmMnn In the telegraph office of the A. O. L. at Wilmington, N. O., and left for that ... t ir , ... uu saonaay." Herman and Geo. SL Georr. Robert McQueen and T. D. Brown, all colored, were fined S5 each in thu police court yesterday, charged with disorderly conduct on Elerenth. be tween Dock and Oranre streets. Tha quartette was "cooped" by Officer E. J. Grimsley. An excursion from Elrod. N. C managed br Mr. N. A. nrtr nt Baynham, reached the city yesterday ana returned dnrins the ermlnr. There were about 375 in the party, most of whom enjoyed a delightful trip to sea on the steamer Warning- ton. Greensboro correspondence: "Baseball Enthusiast J. R. Hanea is getting up a minstrel entertainment to conclude with the farce comedy onera. 'Mr. MIk-auin fm tYm Knflt of the loci stockholders oftheBtate League, recently deceased, who, he ays, are in the soup to the tuae of . DEATH OK SCHOONER QEH. First Mate Ckarks Merrisa Died at Sea. Cattail's Daath Here. The following Associated Press dis patch, received last night, will be read with interest here: Viwxtard Hayes. Uajbs.. July 25. Tne schooner Gem, Captain Dix, from Wilmington, N. O., for Boston, arrived to day, bringing the body of her first officer, Charles Herri am, who died on board July 231. off Montana, of malaria. The body will be for warded to Everett, Mas. Merriam was 54 years old and a resident of Kyerett. lie leaves a widow and sev eral children. Capt. 8milb. late master of the Gem, died while the vessel was at Wilming ton, aad Cap. Dix, the present mat ter, was seat out by tbe owners to take the Teasel to Boston. News ef tke Ffekt Locally. Only a few ofithe confirmed sports were on .the look-out for bulletins from the Jeffries-Fitxsimmons fight pulled off last night in San Francisco. As there is considerable difference in the time here and in 'Frisco it was long psst nvdnight when bulletins commeoeed to come in from the ring side and rery few remained up for the news. Aside from the lateness of the honr, there was not the local interest in the fight that used to be. It was not a long while ago that newspaper offices were surrounded on the nlght-o'-the-fightwith visitors, but that day has apparently passed. . Asheabsck (Jets a Job. , Georre M.Beed has resigned as manager of the Shreveport baseball club; and Ed. Ashenback, late mana ger of the Charlotte team, is appoint ed to succeed him. Mr. Reed's resig nation has been expected for some time. He repeatedly asked the man agement of the Shrereport club tore- lease him, but there was no one to fill his place, and he remained. Baseball at Csadbosrs. nhkdhoura and Boardman met on the baseball diamond at the first nimd nlaee Wednesday afternoon and the home team for which Swee ney and Council were the battery, I oa the contest in a score of 10 tol. Tha enthusiasm was Intense and Swee ney and Council proyed themselves "the whole thing. w Fixed Case ea Appeal. Hum Karens 8. Martin. Harsden Bellamy and Geo I. Peschau return ed yesterday morning from Louis burg, N. a, where they fixed on ap peal before Judge E. W. Timberlake, the well'knowa suit of Fianner ts. Umi Martin aad Bellamy IVIAMVl - appeared for the defendants and Mr. Peschau for the plain un. Cottoe WIU be Lower. inM tt Price, the well known cotton factor of New York, telegraphs the editor of the Bias: "Expect mncn lower prioes for the new crop. The brilliancy of the outloot: is unex ampled.' ADVEBTISEMENT8. Notice To the public. E. Warren & Son Fancy peaches. Peonle's Sayings Bank People be come wealthy. n. n ttt iv.iwurt rVv'a afore will be dosed to-day on account of stock taking. ; 1HE GREENSBOROREUNION Local Veterans Are Being Inter- ested in the Annual Encamp ment Next Month. GENERAL ORDERS ISSUED. The Old Soldiers Will Be Eatertaiaed Free of Cost Captain Metis Re qaests the Names of - Those Who Caa Attend. Attention of Oontederate veterans in Wilmington has been directed to !the Greensboro reunion, Aug. 20tb, by the receipt yesterday of General Order No. 19. issued by Adlatant General a. A. London, chief of staff of Maj. Gen. J ulian 8. Carr, commandidg. It is not at all unlikely .that Cspe Fear Camp of this city will attend almost in a body, and Capt. James I. Mettt, commander of the camp, requests all who will attend to communicate with him at their earliest convenience. The matter will be further considered at the tegular meeting of the camp next month. The official order is as fol lows: Paragraph L, The annual reunion of the North Carolina Division of the United Confederate Veterans will be held at Greensboro, N. C.v on Wed nesday, the 20th day of August, 1902. in accordance with the resolution adonted at the last snnntl r tin Ion held at Wrightsville, at which will be held the annual election of- Division and Brigade Commanders, to-wit: A Major-General and four Brigadier- uenerals. Unly those will be entitled to vote at this election who are duly accredited delegates from camps which are reported as Having naid their dues. The attention of Camp Commanders is especially called to this, and they are urged to see at once that thei camp dues are paid, as reauirea by the constitution of the U. U. V. Paragraph 2. Governor Aycock has again kindly loaned the tents and blankets of tbe State Guard for the use of the veterans, and an encamp ment will be neld in a snady grove convenient to tne railroad station and near the centre of the city, where will be accommodated and fed free all those who cannot or do not wisb to board at the hotels and private board ing houses of the city. This encamp ment will be ready for occupancy on Tuesday afternoon the 19th of August, so that veterans can arrive then and rest that night for next day's pleasures. raragrapn s. xne main business of the reunion will be transacted on the morning of the 20th, when several ad dresses will be delivered, and in the afternoon of that day there will be a grand parade. The encampment will end on tne zist. Tne veterans and other public spirited citizens of Greens boro are making preparations lor tne comfort and pleasure or visiting vet erans, and are determined to make it the most successful and pleas ant Reunion ever beld in this State. Paragraph 4. All ex-Confederate soldiers in North Carolina of good standing are cordially invited to this Reunion, whether or not they are members of any camp or association. Commanders of camps are requested to communicate as soon as possible with Commander J. W. Scott, ttreens- boro, the number of veterans who will wish free lodging and entertainment. so that it may be known in advsnce for what number to prepare. Paragraph or All the railroads in tne State nave kindly given a rate oi one cent a mile in each direction for this occasion, and this low rate will be riven all visitors as well as veterans. Tickets will be on sale on the 18th, 19th and 20th, and will be good until the 25th of Auarust. ParaeTanh 6. All officers, and as many comrades as can, are requested to wear their uniforms. A full attend ance is urged and a pleasant occasion is anticipated. Rally up, comrades, and let us make it the grandest Re union ever yet held in our good old 8Ut. DUKQLABY CHARGE AMENDED. Wiley Mizlnio Seat to the Roads for JO Diy for Drnokeiaess. Willey Mazlngo, white, was arraign ed in the police court yesterday on the charge of burglary, particulars of which appeared in these columns a few days ago. From the evidence of policemen and several other witnesses it developed that young Mazlngo was woefully drunk on the night of his alleged crime and fell over a fence into the yard of the house, which he is charged .with entering. When he awoke in a stupor he was attempting to find his way out and stumbled into the house. Under these circumstances the war rant was amended so as to charge drunkenness, and Mazlngo was sent to the roads for SO days. He was not represented by counsel. A. J. Mar shall, Esq., appeared for him, how ever, at the first hearing and secured the continuance. Low Water, Hinders Shlpplflf. The absence of rain In the up-coun try is a serious hindrance, as usual Knnt thf time In the Summer, to the river shipping. The Highlander cleared yesterday afternoon but expected to get only as faraa Walker's Bluff on account of low water in the river. The Hurt and-JBawes are tied np at Fay etteville, the former having a cargo for her Wilmington trip with only one foot of water in which to navi gate. Troable With Aa Employe. TTnnn a warrant charging him with assault with a deadly weapon noon David Stubbs, a former employe or nia mill, Mr. a H. Cooper appeared in TnatfiMk fiTtwIer'a court yesterday and secured a continuance of the case until in A M. to-day. Mr. Coooer denies the charge of a deadly weapon in toto and sets np a claim of assault upon himself by Stubbs, with whom he had a business dispute. . On account of stock taking The O. W. Polvogt Oo.'a store will be closed ho-day. - - Morning WILMINGTON, N. C, YOUNQ WILMINGTON MAN ARRESTED LAST NIQHT. Wasted in Petersburg Young Qeorre Phillips Was Takea la Cbirf e by Detective Robert Green. Upon a telegram from Chief of Po lice R F. Ragland, of Petersburg, Va., in whioh a felony is charged, City Detective Robert Green last mid night arrested G. W. Phillips, a young white man well knewn in t his city, where he was born. Capt. Green received the telegram shortly after 11 o'clock at his home; he came immediately down town, and a 1 At m m . in less inan nail an hour the young man was arrestea just as be boarded a Princess street car at the junction, Five minutes later Captain Green had wired Chief Ragland of the capture, and it is likely an officer will come for young Phillips to-night. When locked up at the station house 1 A t . . tne prisoner had on nis neraon a lady's gold watch, and a ring, which he is accused of having taken, was lo cated. He had only $1.35 in money on his person. Particulars of the charge against young Phillips is con tained in the following special to the Richmond Dispatch : Petersburg, Va.. July 24. A war rant was issued to-day for the arrest of a young man named George W. Phil- Hps, on the charge of robbing Mrs. lessie tr. ljamDert. a widow ladv re siding on Sycamore street. PhllHni. it is stated, has been boarding for some time in the same house with Mrs. Lam bert and enjoyed the confidence of all tne inmates of the house. Mrs. Lam bert had frequently trusted him to at tend to matters or business for her and had also entrusted articles of value to his keeping, such as her watch and jewelry. xesterday she asked him to cash check for $50 on the Petersburg Sav ings and Insurance Bank and bring her the money. He cashed the check and last evening left the city, carrying witn mm, it is alleged, not only the money, but a double-case gold watch. a valuable bracelet containing twelve monogram gold dollars, an opal scarf- pin and a valuable diamond set ring. It Is also chare ed by his landlady. Mrs. Akers, that taking these belongings away be lert his board bill unpaid. Phi lips came here some months ago from Wilmineton. N. Q. and has been tm ployed in a furniture installment house here. GAIETY AT "MARTINVILLE. Messrs. Msrtla Ratbjes, Jr, aad B. P. Ratbjea Dellgbtfally Eatertaiaed a Compssy of Friends. Messrs. Martn Ratbjen, Jr., and B. F. Ratbjen delightfully entertained a company of their friends at the hand some country home of their parents. "Martinville," near Wrightsboro, Thursday evening. The party drove out to the home in wagonettes and other private conveyances while others went up on the 7 o'clock northbound train. Games, music and splendid refresh ments were daintily served and the young people enjoyed a moat delight ful season, which ended after midnight with a sumptuous melon feast, served in most approved style. Mr. Martin Ratbjen, Jr., also contributed a num ber of recitations to the pleasure of his guests, each of the numbers having been received with much applause. Mr. and Mrs. Ratbjen were present as chape rones and well sustained their reputation as gracious hosts, in behalf of their sons. Among the guests were Miss Kate Walker, of Warsaw; Miss Sophie Heines, Miss Lottie Haar, Miss Annie Adrian, Miss Katie Fick, jAIss Eva Stolter, Miss Christine Hintze, Miss Fredericka Martens, Miss Marie Rush, Miss Carrie Ortmann, Miss Dora Bor- nemann, Miss Riston Banck, and Messrs. Walter Godard, Carl Rehder, C. L. Schulken, Geo. TIenken, Jr. Henry Harbenlcht, Willie Ortmann, Adolph Ahrens, O. N. Bornemann, Carl Miller, Gilbert Voigt, Henry, Stolter, Harry Poezolt Machine Railroad Men. Charlotte Observer: "The Southern Railway, Company has decided to re quire all its employes to stand an ex amination every three months on the rules of the company. Tbe new ruling will apply to an employes except colored brakemen and flagmen, who have-no responaibllity and cannot be Dfomoted. It is maintained by Southern Railway officials that many accidents are directly due to the fact that employes are not familiar wltb.or misunderstand rales, and the purpose of the examinations is to see to it that the men in the service of tbe company have a correct interpretation of all rules and regulations." Installed Electric Plait. Mr. Reese Champion, of the D. A. Tompkins Co., Charlotte, has just completed the installation of an elec tric lighting plant at tbe splendid mill of the Angola Lumber Company ins the northern section of the city. The dynamo famishes the mill with arc lights and 150 to 200 incandescents. The lighting plant is a model of neat ness and is in keeping with the mod ern up-to-date ideas that prevail with the Angola people. Naval Reserve Practice. A detachment of Naval Reserves from tbe Wilmington Division will go down to Wrightsville at 8 o'clock this afternoon for a target shoot with the division's one-iound Hotchkiss. The range will be about 4,500 yards and will be at a floating target anchored on the Seashore Hotel. All members of the division, who can spare the time, are requested to report at the armory at 3 o'clock this afternoon. Tha n W Pnlvnvt (ln.i store will be closed to-day on account of stock taking. t """"""""'"SSSMSMMMM SATURDAY, JULY 26, AT CAMP TERRELL. The Last Day of Fifth Georgia Regiment's Outing at the Hammocks. REVIEW OF THE TROOPS. Adjutant General Royster aad Other North Carolina State Gnsrd Officers Pres ent Dellrbtfnl Reception by Wilmington Light Inf sntry. Adjutant General B. S. Royster, of the North Carolina State Guard, ac companied by Col. F. A. Macon, of Henderson, quartermaster-general, N. CLB. G., and Major. Wm. Landis, of Oxford, Assistant Adjutant General, N. O. o, G., arrived in the city yester day noon from Raleigh and in the afternoon the party, accompanied by Major W. F. Robertson and Major O. H. White,of the Governor's staff in this city, went down to Wrightsville and reviewed theGeorgia troops of the Fifth regiment now in camp there. Adjutant General Royster came as the personal representative of Gov ernor Aycock, who found it utterly impossible to come down as expected xne distinguished worth Carolina State Guard officers came oyer the S. A. L and were met at the station by Major Robertson. Later they were joined by Major White -and the party left for Wrightsville on the 3 P. M. train, arriving in camp in time to reach the troops on dress parade late in the afternoon. It is unneces sary to state that the North Caroli nians were favorably- impressed with the personnel and discipline of the Georgia regiment, which is conceded by all to be one of the finest the beach has ever entertained. The North Carolinians were most cordially re ceived by the Georgia officers and shown every hospitality of camp life. A large crowd of civilians witness ed tbe parade, which was the last of the day's encampment. The Georgia soldier boys never showed off to bet ter advantage and the exchange of compliments was very general. The regiment will break camp at 1 o'clock thia afternoon and the soldiers will be taken on a two-section train over the Seaboard Air Line, reaching Atlanta at 10 A. M. to-morrow. Offi cers and men of the Guard express themselves as delighted with the Hammocks" as an encampment ground and Bay they will come again. The weather has been very fine for camp life and the boating and fishing has had a peculiar charm for the Geor gians. Wilmington. and tbe beach people have been delighted to have the visitors with them and all testify as to tne well-behaved manner of the men and the splendid soldierly bearing of the capable staff of officers. Last night the officers of the Fifth Georgia Regiment, the visiting and lo cal North Carolina State Guard officers and many friends, including the ladies, of course, were the guests of the Wil mington Light Infantry at a delightful reception at the Atlantic Yacht Club house on the beach. The pretty home of the club was thronged with fair women and gallant soldiers and it was late when the festivities' came to an end. Capt. Adrian, his staff of officers" and members of the Light Infantry vied with one another in according genuine Cape Fear hospitality to their guests, and the affair was one of the most elaborate and enjoyable of this season's beach events. Tbe Baseball Game. The game of baseball at Hilton Park yesterday afternoon between a team from the "Fifth Georgia" and the Wilmington Amateurs resulted in a fiasco. Only two and a half innings w ere played and the Georgians had decidedly the better end of those two and a fraction. The game had to be called to allow the "Troopers" to reach camp in time for the final dress parade yesterday afternoon. The score was 5 to 3 when the fireworks ended be fore about 75 spectators. Neither team distinguished itself by "putting up the real article." Steamer City of FayettevIIIe. Jacksonville Times-Union : "The steamer City of FayetteviUe, now un der construction at the Merrill- Stevens yards, is neariner completion, and will be a handsome, commodious and excellent boat. It will have large freight capacity and .state rooms for accommodating a considerable number of passengers, besides ample space for the engines, tbe crew, and wide prome nade deck. The City of FayetteviUe' is what is called a "wheelbarrow boat" by steamer captains, and has the big wheel at the rear. It is built for ser vice on -the Cape Fear river, N. 0., and will likely be ready for delivery very soon." BIf Excursion From Darlington; A big excursion from Darlington, 8. C to Wilmington is scheduled for Tuesday, August 12th. The : train leaves Darlington at 6 A M, and re turns the same day at 9:45 P. M. A. L. Dantzler is general manager of the excursion and he is being assisted in arranging the trip by a committee of about 25 representative citizens. Carolina Military Comlif . The FayetteviUe Light Infantry is considering the matter of running an excursion to the beach on or about August 23rd, in honor of the. com pany's 109th anniversary. It has peen proposed to start from Maxton and bring the Maxton and Lumber Bridge companies. On account of stock taking The C. W. Polvogt Go. 'a store will be closed to-day. .-. t Star, 1902. PES0NAl PARAQRAPHS Mr. W. C. VonGlahn got home from Raleigh yesterday. Miss Hettie Struthers is the guest of friends at Whiteville. Mr. Selden Jones of Atlanta, is a popular guest at the Seashore. Miss Minnie Dock and Mr. Fred Dock left yesterday for Seven Springs. Mr. J. W. Wara, of Echo, Bobeson county, was a visitor to the city yesterday. Mr. Preston Stamps, of Al derman, N. C, is in the city on a business trip. Superintendent D. H. Barger, oi this division oi the o. A. u., was in the city yesterday. Mr. A. J . Johnson, of Taylor's Bridge, N. C, was a welcome visitor to the city yesterday. FayetteviUe Oiserver: "Miss Fannie Stedman Smith is visiting relatives in Wilmington." Mr. L. T. Townsend, a promi nent young business man of Bobeson, spent yesterday in the city. Mr. S. J. Smith, of Bayn ham, N. C, was among the excur sionists from Elrod yesterday. Policeman D. A. Bowan was able to be on duty yesterday, to the pleasure of his numerous friends. Sheriff B. A. Horn and wife, of Monroe, N. C, were guests at The Orton yesterday upon their bridal trip. N. A. Sinclair, Esq., and Miss Kate Sinclair, of FayetteviUe, arriv ed last evening en route to the beach. Messrs. Duncan McKenzie and and E. C. Bailey, of Timmonsville, S. C, are in the city en route from Tarboro. Friends of Mr. M. S. Shipman, who was hurt last Saturday at Mr. J. A. Taylor's store, will be glad to know that he is improving. Mr. L. B. Wiggs, formerly with the A. C. L, has accepted a posi tion in the office of Capt. J. H. Mc- Bee, State surveyor. - Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Weedon, .of Whiteville, are guests of Mrs. Wee- don's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Q. H. Ward, 518 Bed Cross street. Among yesterday's guests at The Orton were Messrs. J. T. and C T. Pate, of Purvis, N. C. ; W. W. Mc- Oormick, A. L. Morrison and L. Z. Hedgepetb, of Rowland. Charlotte Observer: Mr. W. W. Harris, Jr., general agent of the Gainesville & Gulf railroad, is at the Buford. Mr. Harriss is a former Wil mington man, and has met with fine success in Florida." - Florence Times: "Miss Bessie D. Burtt, of Wilmington, is visiting the family of Bev. W. B. Oliver. Miss Burtt is enjoying her vacation during the interim of the New England Con servatory of music sessions.". THE BEACH TROLLEY LINE First Car to the Beacn Yesterdsy The Profress of tbe Work. The first trolley car to reach Wrights ville Beach "anchored" off the Caro lina Yacht Club house on the Seacoast road yesterday morning and to-day the work will have progressed suffi ciently for a car to proceed the entire length of the track. The bonding has been completed and work was begun yesterday on the installation of the storage batteries in the old station at Wrightsville. Work has also begun on the stringing of the feed wires and the end of next week will find the small trolley cars trans porting passengers "straight through.' The large suburban cars, however, will not be here until about August 5th and it will not be until they are ready for the track that the schedule of the steam trains will be abolished. Even without the reinforcements of the stor age batteries, the current at Wrights" ville is said to be very strong and the line in splendid order. It Is safe to say that the line will be one of the finest in the South. Church Notices. First Baptist Church, Bev. C. 8. BlackwelL D. D, pastor, it A. M., "Christian Seamen," 8:is p. in.., " i ne Diooaiess name. St. Andrew's Preabrterlan Church, corner Fourth and Campbell streete, Bev. Alex. D. Mo- urare, v. l.. pan tor. uivmo services w. a a. m. and 8 P. MTiB&bbath School at 4.00 P. H. Praver meeting and lecture Wednesday at v. bl. -xne puduc lnviiea. Beats iroo. First PreBbvterlan Church. Bev. John M. Wells, Ph. D pastor. Divine services at 11 A. M. and at E GO p. M.. conducted by the pastor. Prayer meeting: on Thursdays at 8:15 P. K. The public cordially invited to all ser vices, rows tree. Bladen Street Methodist Church: Bev. Qeo. 7:80P.M. Sabbath School 8:80. P.M. Prayer sernce every Wednesday at 7:80 p. m. a cor- aiai welcome exienuuuro au. Grace M. E. Church, corner. or Brace ana Fourth streets. Pastor, Bev. J. N. Cole. Ber- ylces Sunday at 11 o'clock a. m. and 8.00 p. m. Bunaay scnooi, w. a. uooper, trapi, .au p. m. Weeklv nraver meetlnz Wednesday at 8.00 D. m A cordial welcome to all. Visitors to tbe city especially invjiea. seats rree. Fifth Street Methodist Church, situated on Fifth street between Nun and Church, Bev. John H. Hall, pastor. Services on Sunday at 11 A. M. and 6.00 P. M. Prayer meeting Wed nesday evening at 7.30 o'clock. Sunday School Sunday afternoon at 8.00 o'clock. A oordlal In vitation extenaea to au. Chanel of the Good BheDherd. Sixth and Queen streets. There will be the usual services on Sunday at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sunday Bcnooi at a o'ciocx is tne arternoon. Bouthslde Baptist Church, Bev. C. B. Paul, pastor, .services as 11 a. bl. ana :im r. m. Brooklyn Bantlst church, corner Fourth and OTTUIBWICK BIB. ttOV. J ..1. V 1 UDOIIiau, vobiaji. Sarvloea to-morrow at 11 A. M. and 8 P. M. Sunday School at 3.30 p. M. Weekly prayer ana praise meeting weoueButty or. n. Btransrers and visitors are cordially Invited to aa services. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICE. Havlnz Qualified as executors ot Bobt. B. Freeman, deceased, late of New Hanover county. North Carolina, notice Is hereby given ta all oersoiifl bavins cJaimsatrainst the estate of said deceased to present them to the under signed on or before the 26th day of July, 1903, or this notice wiu Dopieaaea in oar or tneir re covery. All persons indented to said estate must make Immediate payment. KUJUA.Nl V. FKlSJCMAM, . ana kjuius u. vtmmmAM, V fTnl July 25, 190?. Executors. jy U7 4W ca WHOLE NO. 10,88127 People Become Wealthy By spending less than they make. A good place to put your money, . The People's Savings Bank, Opposite the, Money deposited with us now will draw 4 per cent., compounded quarterly from August 1st, 1902. We respectfully solicit yonr business. N . H. C. BlcQUEEN, President. JNO. 8. ABnSTRONO, vie President. Jy 87 tr p. w. DICK, casMler. OFFICE SUPPLIES. I HAVE A FULL LINE OF ALL KINDS OF BLANK BOOKS. Fens, Pencils, Filing Oases, Inks, and anything you need in your office. 107 Market BL Bell 'Phone No. 26. jy 13 tf Heidelberg Halt Extract THE GREAT TONIC. Creates appetite, aids digestion. In vigorating. 15c a bottle by the dozen less, at HARDIN'S Palace Pharmacy. 126 South Front street. my 25 tf g wlft Premium Hams; 'Nuff said." yfhlto "0" Sugar 4c pound; Granulated 5c. gome people prefer N. C. Hams; we have them. large lot of Jellies and Preserves, way down. ao 1, Mackerel just arrived Qan still chips the Beef thin. r; very effortjused to please. Call 109. peady to eat Canned Delicacies; all kinds, gour and Sweet Pickles and Mangoes. tfim vti v xne umucKy uorner. Both 'Phones. jygptt Before Placing Your Order for Bagging and Ties Write us for prices. Let us hare yonr orders for Hay, Corn, Oats, Bran, Meal and Flour. We have the stock on hand ana are selling at lowest prices. HALL & PEABSALL. jesstf 2STETTI2STG-, Twines, Ropes, Corks, Buoys. Etc. FISHERMEN: We call your attention to the superior quality of our cotton and linen netting. L. LICHTENSTEIN'S SONS, 1413 E. Main Street, jy 9 lm Bichmond, Va. Just Received A beautiful line of Toilet Sets (decorated and tinted). New lot enamel 3-piece Beds and . Cribs. We offer special prices this week on Hammocks, Carts and Go-Carts. See us for any thing wanted in furniture. We guarantee our prices cannot be beaten. GASTON D. PHARES & CO. Inter-state "Phone 78. 110-112 Market street, jy 13 tf For Your Good! The balance of tills month I will spend at tbe Furniture Exposition In New York City, Lexington Avenue, 48rd to 44th street, where I will be pleased to see my friends in person or receive their orders by mall. During my absence Mr. Doaker will attend to your wants In a satisfactory manner. I have a special advertisement in the "Messenger" which I am desirous that every one should read, and to accomplish that a copy of the "Messenger" will be mailed free to any one who will call at my store, or send their name on a postal card. N. F. paBKEB, rUKSHUBJB axo tokhitukz hovzltizs. ill Market street. Bell Fhone 611 Inter-State 481. Maxton Building and Loan Association, MAXTON N. C DIRECTORS: 3. D. CEOOM, ILaXrpk. xKD. XCBAX, MAXTON. a. j. xcKnroroxr, m axiom. O. B. PATTXBS02T, MAXTOH. J B. WEATHBRLY, KAXTOH. W. H. BXK3SARD, WXLMllfQTO. V. 8. MCKXWZTK, MAXTON. Initiation ree, as cents per snare. HDbscriDtlonsto stock navable lnweeklv In. taiments of SS cents ner share. Tbe management Is prudent and economical as Is shown by the fact that the Association has sustained no losses, and its annual expenses, in eluding taxes, are only about Two Hundred Dollars. ; J.D.OBOOM President. Bl ROBERT WE TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. ; On Yr, by MsOl. $5.00 ! Six Montha, " 2.50 ; I Three Uontha, " 1.85 ! S Two Month, 1.00 IllTar4 to Subscriber Im Ska 2 City at 45 Cents pr Hlomtau X Mullets, Mullets, Mullets. A small consignment cheap. Cuban Blossom Cigars, Cuban Blossom Cigars. Renown, Renown Cigars. Renown, Renown Cigars. . Geo. W. Childs' Cigars. Geo. W. Childs' Cigars. Cubanola, Cubanola, Cubanola, Cubanola. These brand's are the best on the market, and undlsputably surpassed by none. V0LLERS & HASHAGEN. Jyutt How About That Tackle ? The blue birds are with us again. The streams and ponds are warming up. The fisher men should be looking up their outfits. Seeing if any thing is wanted before the last minute. As of old we are showing the finest things to tempt the fish kingdom and make the sport more sporty for the anglers. Lines may be wanted ; poles must be needed; hooks are very necessary, and in fact we have everything that is re quired to make a complete outfit. To those that are interested in the sport, to those others that may not be so enthusiastic, we would consider it a favor to have all come in and look. fDealers.ln Hardware, &c, Orton Building. - apsetf Seven Good Reasons Why people should buy their Shoes of their home dealer, . viz: Because Because Because Because Because Because They can usually be fitted better. They can buy as cheap or cheaper. They can save transportation charges. It inspires the home merchants to do better. It is reciprocity In the true sense. DOUGLAS and DUTTENHOFEB SHOSS are as good as can be maae. B6CaU86 Tneycan bny these goods only at 11 jy 20 tf 115 Princess street. BASKETS Fancy Soft Peaches, MUST BE SOLD TO-DAY. E.1 jy 87 tf I Offer to the Trade Penny Candies, all styles; Broken Stick Candy, Smoked Herring, Cakes and Crackers, Sardines, Potted Ham, Bice, all grades of Molasses, and complete line of Groceries. Prices and samples furnished on application. Mer chants visiting the city will do well to inspect my stock. SAsVTL BEAR, Sr., Wilmington, N.C., apr 27 tt IS Market street. Truckers' Fertilizers. - 515 Bags Armours 285 617 Bags Armours 3810 1,040 Bags Armours 2810 1,306 Bags Armours 587 2,430 Bags Armours 822 1,100 Bags Phosphate and Potash. 1,760 Bags Beat Kainit. 203 Bags Muriate Potash. 1,841 Bags 13 per cent. Acid. Terms and prices to please. W. B. COOPER, 'WMoleemle Oroer, Jy23tf Wilmington. H. O. Gum Logs Wanted. OA Oar loads A 1 Sweet Gum tora SOinches 2i) and over in diameter, and 83 and ssiincbes iong to be delivered at Wilmington about tbe pp'y fBrt,wTUi U MIIXSB, Agent. , w mo. South Water street, jy 88 lw Wilmington, N. O. 1 & Co Mercer S Evans Co., 125- D :!'! i ''"f-'t' s Kg; .-tt: -a it If i': m ':5: re f:3 i 1 1 .;'r-t. r. ' v tr' ' it fJS '"'IV, K -Mr T .15 7 l I 1 r .a