I . , ' - . - . rt Bosa-Flde, Erefy.Da i irxr Tfaaa That X Ui"11"' - $ i i Other DiHrNew- M ' piper Published is WHmlnrtoa. niILT NBWIP1PI 1LV- m V . IT1TK. 5 is tub mm x i I OUTLINES. Rioorts that the A. O. L. will ac- control of the L. & N. railroad - nied by J. f. Morgan x Uo, Three million dollars gold haye Zenea'11 New York for ,hiP" cat to Europe tins wee. ine TVcno on mo - "".u. ' lw;ce in eruption last w-ek; many Lple ire leaving the island. L-tfant Roosevelt will hare two Lhts at his disposal at Oyster Bay. 1A negro who had assaulted a ,-, white woman at rembroke, L u lynched at that place. Sun- ar nizht. A company of State qilia has bjen sent to Westmoreland fluty Va.. to protect a negro who ,lio had assaulted a white woman bom lynching. A. M. Boths- M'd heai r a Dig department siorr, ffuhingwr. D. C, committed suicide; Bsporary inanity the cause. rw Edward's health continue to improve. Four men Biieawan on an excursion train in Indian Territory. Many persons were iijjred and hundreds were arrested iirie the street disturbances in Paris nowaday. ' JFortersTUie, uaj., jit McKincey, an ex-convict, shot rt men and escaped. vvm. Wiiwn. a citizen of &oudon county, U .murdered by ome unkown person. ;;eff York markets: Money on oil iteidy at 23 per cent., the jurist closing at per cent. ; cotton p-et it 9116c; flour unsettled and lo(rtosell: wheat spot easy; No. 2 ied H.c; corn spot weak; No. 8, Cc: rosin steady; spirits turpentine fell at 45",'47e. tfEATH"?? REPORT U. 3. Dip' or Agriculture Wxather Bureau, WiunjrrtTos, N. O., July 28. ) Meteorological data for the 24 hour d:a 3 P. SI. : lemperatarea : 8 A. tf., 7 degree; J P. 51 . "5 decrees; maximum, 86 de pwi; minimum. 73 degwea; iuoan.80 jerree. Rainfall for the day, .06; rainfall cscelst of month to date, 2.02. COTTOS REGION BULLETI5, X) unpjrunt temperature changes iiTe occjrred during the past 24 hours Biins are reported in all districts. rOBXOAST FOB TO-DAY. Washisgtos, July 23 For Nona Carolina: Siowera Tuesday, followed by fir and warmer weather Wednes day; light to fresh southwest winds. Port Almanac Jaly 29. . UlSwi -.a 6eu lay's Lee (ta ii-n Wtter at Southp-t-ri i: ;n Wt?' W limine - 5.04 A.M. 7.07 P.M. 14 H.24M. 2.47 P.M. 5.17 P.M. 1 proposed peanut combine is the latest. Those fellows ought to be roasted. The Norfolk Virginian-Pilot is doing splendidly. It has aacumn lited two libel suits within a few weeks. If Fitz. and Jeff, were introduced to the fellow who Btartedthatfake" rtory they would doubtless treat him to a punch or two. A Western editor says yon "should ner spank a child on a full fomach." Xo, never. Always tarn ?em over and spank 'em on the other side. The new constitution of Virginia makes the minimum school age in the public schools seven year. That is right. The public schools should not be considered nurseries. The Sultan of Turkey eats very 'paringly and eschews wines and qaora of all kinds, but he makes it aPinco2ee. He hankers for that, tot the doctors have limited him to 5Teoraii enpa a day. G'iveme 11,000,000, says Santos Dnmont, and I will fly across the an in two days. There are lota of men who would fly across the in loss than two days, if they """Id, for a tenth of that. Simpson, of Cincinnati, Vice Jwiient of the American Boiling Company, is stuck on Ply ath Rock chickens. He has a in Indiana and has contracted Ior 2.000,000 eggs for his incubators. to. Mitchell, President of the JJed Mine Workers, sayB if the can hold out ten weeks Dger tQey will win. By that time j coal-burners will be paying nt 12 a ton for coal, and how WnS Ci they hold out at that ? The bituminous coal miners have Routed over $50,000 to the rate strikers' fund. It seems 0 na at the bituminious mine fcjton might also chip in to that th w fr the lon2er the "Wke lasts 0etter itwill be for them. JeamaQ Hepburn, of Iowa, says bad WaDted iB a law to Mt the WouM " and 111183 the good one. BemiKr 1 U be interesting to eethe Publican statesmen on the hunt lQr a "Koj m .... find . irH8l J-'hey couldn't 0ne with a forty -foot telescope. I VOL. LXX.NO. 920. GEORGE W. PHILLIPS RETURNED TO PETERSBURG Chief of Police Ratlaid Arrived for Him aflflaay Matter May Be Amicably Adjusted Later. vnier or Poliea Tt rr - Petersburg, Va.. e. Sunday eyeninjr and took back with mm last night to the Virginia city Geo. W. Phillip, arrested here Friday luiuaigm oy uetectire Green on a telegram charsin him with th mil. appropriation of 50 in ana several article of jewelry belong ing to a widow ladv with whom n A boarded. The money and iewelrr was recovered. An effort was made to settle the matter here by friends of young Phillipr, but Chief Ragland explained that a settlement could onlv be ar ranged with the woman at Petersburg, inereiore he would have to take the young man back with him. nwf Bagland intimated that it waa very likely the matter would be settled out of court when Phillips saw the woman. Chief Ragland was glad of an onnor- tunity to visit Wilmington, as he once attended school here and remembers. many prominent Wilmington men as his friends of boyhood days. He waa a pupUTof the late General B. E. Col aton and called upon many of his ac quaintances wnile in the city. LOCAL DOTS. Schooner Jno. B. Fell, hence for BalUmore, sailed 3 P. M. Sunday. The Stajk is requested to state that the steamer Wilmington will not make her 3:45 P. M. trip to-day. An important meeting of Lin den Grove, U. A. O. D., will be held Thursday night A full attendance is desired. A regular rehearsal of the Second Regiment Band will beheld to-night at 8:30 o'clock. A full at tendance is desired. Baltimore Sun: "Mr. and Mrs. Otis EL Stocksdale and Infant daugh ter, formerly of Towson, but now of Balelgb, N. C, are visiting in Towson." Mr. John McLaurin is having built for renting purposes a handsome residence on north side of Orange, be tween Sixth and Seventh streets. It will have all modern conveniences. A competent young man to take the position of collector and as sistant mailing clerk may secure em ployment at the office of The Mobn tsa Stab if he can give first-class references. James Batson, the old negro charged with abandonment of his wife, waa discharged in Justice Fow ler's court yesterday, it appearing that the wife, who was the prosecuting wit I ness, died a week ago. Dr. E. W Sikes. of Wake Forest Collar, who is to deliver the I address at the educational rally at Middle Sound Aug. IStb. will be the speaker at similar rallies at Clark ton, Aur. 11th, and White Oak, Bladen I county, Aug. 13th. A Seaboard Air Line freight trala, running from Hamlet to Mon roe, Saturday afternoon, killed two little neero girls and fatally injured another small colored girl on the trestle over Richardson's creek, two miles east of Monroe. Major C. H. White, of the N. C. SUte Guard, has received from a friend in Savannah an Invitation to ! attend and participate in the fifth an nual meeting of the Bavannan Mili tary Rifle Bange Association to be held Aug. 25-30, inclusive. The young ladies of the N. N. S. Society will give a lawn party at the parsonage of Fifth Street Jn. ohnrr.h Thursdav afternoon and even ing. The children will be received be tween the hours of 4:30 and 6:30 P. M. and the older people from 8 to 12 o'clock. The British brig Dixon Rice arrived Sunday from New York to ! complete a cargo of lumb3r for Jiaiu th n had bo urn Lumber Com pany. The achooner.JB. JT. Hazard also arrived from New Yora: ounaay with cargo of salt for the D. L. Gore Company. a friend of the btab sug- mApA Teaterdav that, in view of the fact that 100 or more young men will arrive this week to take work wltn th "rratr" Coast Line, it would be a rood Idea for those who have fur- nished rooms to let or can iaxo aaoie boarders, to advertise that fact at once. In regard to harboring the young girl who wanted to run away and marry John Odom on Saturday, Mr. Ben Lane, near whose nouse me w& found, wishes the statement corrected that his residence was a nf hldin for Miss Potter, ine girl ran Into his house from that of a relative of the would-be groom across the street. Th fffver Steamboats. The steamer A. J. Johnson has re cently been thoroughly overhauled at Clear Bun and la expected In port In a day or two after naving wm -r for several monmi. iu - zr.T.TMfzM. kImtmI -veaterday after noon and expect, with the slight rise In the river to be able to go as far as Fayettevllle. - NKW ADVERTISEMENTS- Greo. R. French & Sons Notice. J. EL Render & Co. Remnant. Levi McMillan & Co. Special sale. BumaTxaa ivooalb. Linden Grora of Dulds-Notlce. 1 HE . MORNING oTAR. AN INSURANCE WAR. Southeastern Tariff Association is Making it Hot for the Greensboro Companies. THE TACTICS EMPLOYED. Home CoacernB Defiant and the Screws Are Pat Down on the lasnred Threatened Withdrawal of Pro tection on Heavy Risks. . There is widespread interest over the State in the relentless warfare being waged just now by the Southeastern Tariff Association against the Greens boro fire insurance companies, which several months ago refused to make the 25 per cent, advance in rate on certain risks, that were scheduled at the time. Nearly all the insurance ageneies iu this city represent the Greensboro companies, and a short time ago a committee from the Association vis ited Wilmington with the, result that a written agreement to write no more insurance at the Greensboro rates was exacted of their representatives here, who also handled business for compa nies in the Association. A similar agrement was secured from agents in other North Carolina cities and last week the Association committee bearded the lion in his den," so to speak, and tackled Greensboro, with what result is best told in the follow ing special to the News and Observer: Gekknsboro, N. C, July J26. Dur ngthe last two days there has been an mportant conference held here be tween representatives of -the South eastern Tariff Association and the officers of the Greensboro Fire Insur ance Companies. Tremendous pres sure has been brought to bear upon the Greensboro companies to induce them to allow their Greensboro agents to cnarge me zs per cent, in advance in rates. After most careful consider ation the Greensboro companies have decided to maintain steadfastly their position and not charge the 25 per cent, advance. As a result of this de cision a war upon the business of the Greensboro companies has been inau gurated in Greensboro. It goes with out saying that the people of Greens boro will stand by their own compan- es. One sensational feature of the fight is that the largest insurers in Greens boro have been notified this morning by representatives of outside compa nies that unless the Greensboro com panies charge the 25 per cent, ad vance, all their insurance will be can- called within five days, and that these large insurers will be lelt witnout protection. The manifest purpose of this is to induce the property holders themselves to insist that the Greens boro companies shall charge the ad vance, but it is not believed that the people of Greensboro will submit to any such humiliation. It is believed in Greensboro that the people will stand by the home compa nies and there is said to be talk of ask- ng the city authorities to establish a day and night fire patrol for business blocks in the event of the association companies carrying out their threats to leave the concerns with only the imited protection that can be given by the home companies. THE GREENSBORO ELOPERS. Arrived in New York and Ssy They Are Qoio( to Europe. A special from New York says: ' Whnn th a Old TViminlon itsimir Jefferson from Norfolk came to her pier at the loot or ueacn street tms at tarnoon. a voanc man dressed in the height of fashion rushed down the gang plank, and was immediately seized by a crowd of attorneys and ac quaintances. Following him closely was a woman, probably 40 years old, hysterical from excitement. The young man was J. urnest tiara no 25 Tsan old. of Greensboro. N. n . and th a. woman waa Mrs. J. W. Stafford, wife of a Greensboro man. Among those who met naming was Attorney Campbell, of the firm of Campbell & King, who had been re tmlriAr! hv tha f ami It to endeavor to have the young man return to his home, out ne neara me entreaties oi Mrs. Stafford and he said to Mr. Camp- hAll- "Kn T will mmain with her. I love her and will go through bell to snow her my devotion." Tha pinnl were arrested at Norfolk yesterday and were released. Hard- inrr in A a rttrmrtnr that ha and Mrs. Stafford would sail for England by the first steamer and would tnere De mar ried. Hoyt dels His Freedom. J. W. Hoyt, the alleged swindler, who was taken from Wilmington to Kinston a few days ago and held for the higher court In the sum of $100, sued out a writ of habeas corpus thmtiffh his counsel and the Judge of the Superior Court promptly granted the same. In a letter to a representa tive of the Stab Mr. Hoyt says he waa released "upon a concise and clear opinion whioh stated there was 'no case." Mr. Hoyt wrote on his way tn Richmond. Va.. and said in a few hours he would be "where policemen are not allowed to run over the tttate arvMtinv whom thev please and where justices usually know something of aw." Compliment to WrlrhtsvMe. Wrightsville Beach correspondence, Atlanta Journal: "Inside of ten ars " said a Northerner, at the oeacn a few days ago, who had just come from Morehead, and was a -frequent visitor to New Jersey's great watering places, "this resort will be to the South what Atlantic City is to the North. M 7 a. i aL. ..a4 KaaAn ir two reasons, iimuibwi-' . . unthMit nnait. and Atlanta people have taken hold of.it." What a delightful compliment this last, to a Southern city. The speaker waa here n the thick or tno crowu. . i - mnrtk lhoW HMm. TO OaTlUK uiua w- .7 .-i There seems to be no abatement in the i .i.i.i..n..illn(r nartina :and dancing and bowling and whist go on as beiore. WILMINGTON, N. C, ,," fu.cn I vrwm us WWII 111 1 1 J vj t VS H Differences Between Municipal Boards Strips City of Police Patrol Wafon Service A White Elephant. The "Black Maria." otherwise known as the patrol wagon, which transports "drunks and downs" to the station house, is no longer in comis- sion and will not be for some time un- less the Board of Audit and Finance relents. Now the alert policeman will have either to dumn the "downs" in a vacant lot and leave Dame Nature to sober up the victims or else toil with the offender In hand alone the sidewalk to the City Hall. The "Black Maria" has been a nro- Ufic source of trouble between the two co-ordinate boards of the city for some time. In the first place the Board of Audit and Finance refused payment for the vehicle on the grounds of irregularities in the nur- chase and a suit with eminent counsel on three sides is now in the courts to enforce payment. In the next place the Board of Audit ahd Finance serv ed notice on the Aldermen that no more bills for repairs to the "Maria" would be allowed. As a retaliatory measure the Aldermen then adopted an ordinance that the fees arisinr from the use of the vehicle be kent distinct and applied to a fund for the maintenance of the same. The ordi nance having a financial featnre. of course had to go before the "board of last resort" and it was promptly turn ed down. The "Maria" broke down a few days ago and as there is no money for re pair, she remains in the Citv Hall yard, as much a white elephant on the citj'a hands as the big road roller "Hercules," which she now has for a side partner. A trash cart was Dressed into the service Saturday night for a while but the "Maria" with its clanging bell and a stream of small boys running behind is a "long felt want" unsup- plied. WILL BE HERE IN SEPTEMBER. New Secretsry of the Y. M. C. A. Highly Esteemed In Charleston, His Home. Mr. Charles Dushan, physical direc tor of the Charleston Y. M. O. A., has returned home after a visit to Wil mington where he will locate as sec retary of the local Association in Sep tember. Beferring to his intended departure from that city the Charles ton Post says: The Wilmington call is a good one and Mr. Duanan'a many friends are glad that he received it. They all re gret his departure from the local asso ciation. He proved one of the best physical directors that the association nas bad and tbe manner in wnlcb be has for several months discharged the duties of secretary has been especially to his credit. His personal qualities strongly commend him, aside from his professional standing, and his depart ure from Charleston is a distinct loss to Charleston and Wilmington asso ciation has reason to be well pleased with the selection that it has made. Mr. Dushan had offers as physcal director from the aasociations at Dal las, Texas and Covington, Ky., and he waa in correspondence with the associations at Bichmond, Va., and Battle Creek, Mich. He preferred the offer of the Wilmington association, and his Charleston friends are glad of it, as this selection will keep him nearer to them and allow for an occa sional visit. Will Celebrate Labor Day. Local Union No. 899, Carpenters and Joiners of America, are arranging for a befitting celebration of Labor Day. At the next regular meeting a committee of arrangements will be named to make all preparations. Union No. 1.210 of the order has late ly been established at 8outhport, N. 0., through the auspices of the Wil mington Union and a large crowd will go down from here to the instal lation on Aug. 8th. General Organ izer K. S. Odell is expected to arrive on the 7th and accompany the party. Local Union 899 will meet in the future in the MacBae building on Front street until its new hall in the Murchison National Bank building is ready for occupancy. Repalrlnx the Streets. A force of hands was put to work yesterday by Superintendent Woolard in repairing the macadam streets in the various sections of the city an improvement that was needed badly from the fact that the negotiations for a lease of tbe rock quarry were some what extended. The Merchants' As sociation has been called to meet this afternoon to urge the repair. A part of the street force is also at work placing the stone curbing for the im- nrovement of Bed Cross street, which will be commenced as soon as the Castle street extension is finished. Larceny Cases la Police Court. Dave Mitchell, colored, was arrested yesterday afternoon by Policeman O. E. Wood at Water and Princess streets, on a charge of the larceny of some clothing from another negro with whom he boarded on St. James' avenue, leading from Orange street. The case of Bill Moore, charged with stealing flour from the -Atlantic Coast Line Co., was continued at the request of defendant's counsel, Herbert Mc- Clammy, Esq. T. M. C. A. Social Session. Another social evening will be en joyed by Y. M. 0. A. members to- niht from 8 to 10 o'clock. Ping pong, erokinole. chess, checkers and many other games will be played and other fnma nf entertainment nrovided. All; members will be welcome. TUESDAY, JULY 29, L. & N. NOT FOR SALE Denial in New York of Rumors as to the Absorption by the Atlantic Coast Line. AT MORGAN HEADQUARTERS. No SoKestion As to Important Traffic Arrangements That Are Believed to Be Possible News In Rich mond and Baltimore. Interest in the rumors persistent in Baltimore that the Atlantic Coast Line is about to absorb the Louisville and Nashville railroad is hardly less intense than in the wild speculation indulged in a few weeks prior to the authoritative announcement of the taking-over of the Plant System by the A. O. L. From Coast Line sources thus far there has been no denial or confirma tion of the rumors but from the Morgan interests in New York, there came last night an authoritative announcement that the Louisville and Nashville was not for sale. The advices, however, do not deny or suggest the possibility of important traffic arrangements which might be almost equiva lent, so far as a control of the situa tion is concerned, to an actual merger. Most friendly relations exist between the Coast Line and the Morgan inter est", which manage the Southern rail way, and both systems have been working in complete harmony. The establishment of the important traffic arrangements referred to is therefore believed to be not out of the question. When the Coast Line absorbed the Plant system it gave the Southern valuable trackage privileges. The purchase and division of the Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley railroad by the Coast Line and Southern and Messrs. Morgan & Co.'s acquisition of the Charleston and Western Carolina rail road and its subsequent delivery to the Coast' Line are good evidence of this cordial feeling. In Richmond and Baltimore. Richmond, Va., July 27. The re port that the Atlantic Coast Line is negotiating for the absorption of the Louisville and Nashville railroad has aroused the deepest interest in certain quarters here by reason of the fact that many have purchased largely of the common stock, having apparently re ceived information that the deal was going up. Some months ago the com mon stock was below par, and tnose who purchased then will reap a rlcn harvest, for the stock has steadily gone upward and apparently the high est 'point has not yet been reached. Atlantic Coast Line common quota tions closed to-day at 175. Baltemobk, Md.. July 27. It is im possible to obtain an authoritative ex pression of opinion concerning the ru mor that negotiations are pending looking to tbe absorption by tbe At lantic Coast Line of the Louisville and Nashville railroad, which is controlled by J. Pieroont Morgan & Co. The report that the Coast Line Company will eet the Louisville and JNasbvUie has been freely discussed in financial circles here, and the general impres sion prevails that it is well rounded. DEATH OP A Q00D WOMAN. Mrs. John W. Creasy Passed Away Early Yesterday Morning. Many friends will regret exceeding ly to hear of the death of Mrs. Clara Creasy, wife of Mr. John W. Creasy, a popular young business man of Wil mington and a son of the lamented D. W. 8. Creasy, which occurred yes terday morning at 7:45 o'clock at the family residence in this city, No. 306 North Seventh street. Mrs. Creasy had been in very poor health for a year or more and her death was not wholly unexpected, though hope was entertained for her recovery a short time ago. She was a woman much admired in her circle of acquaintances and lived a life of tender devotion to her family. She was a consecrated member of Grace M. E. church. Before marriage she was Miss Clara Gaston, of Charlotte. She married eight years ago and as a result of the union there survive three interesting little children, the youngest being a mere infant. She is also survived, by a grief-stricken husband and her moth er, who resides in Charlotte, to which city the remains will be sent on the 305 P. M. train to-day for interment. Changes In Vlrjlnia Office. Mr. Edsrar Child, formerly assistant superintendent of the Virginia Life Insurance Co., in this city, has been promoted to the superintendency of a new agency of the company lately established at Salisbury, N. C, and has entered upon his duties in that city. Mr. Child has been succeeded in the Wilmington office by J. T. Bass formerly superintendent at Greens boro. Mr. Bass has already arrived in the city and he will be joined later by his family, which is now visiting in Bich mond. Mr. N. E. Bradford is the capabable superintendent of the Vir ginia office, having lately been trans ferred here from Baleigh. Return of tbe Qeorgia Troops. Atlanta Constitution: "Sun-burned from surf bathing, but healthy looking and happy, the Fifth Georgia regi ment returned to Atlanta yesterday morning. The regiment arrived in the city at o'clock in the morning over the Seaboard Air Line, and the men and officer, all of .whom were tired out, went Immediately- to their homes. All of the officers and men speak in glowing terms of the en campment as one of the most success ful in the history of the regiment, and each is loud in his praise of the hos pitality of the people of Wilmington and North Carolina. Wrightsville Beach nraved to be an ideal place for a camn. and afforded many opportu nities f er healthful exercise and recre ation not to be found at an inland bamp." 1902. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. - Mr. W. W. Randolph, of New York, arrived in the city yesterday. Mr. G. A. Croft left yesterday for a business trip through North Car olina. Dr. R. J. Brevard, of Char lotte, is spending a while at Wrights ville. Dr. Calvin S. Blackwell left last night on his vacation of five weeks. Congressman Bobt. B. Scar borough, of Conway, 8. C, was here yesterday. Mr. W.C. Dowd and family, of Charlotte, returned from the beach yesterday. Mr. Willie Martin, of Savan nah, is here on a visit to his father, Mr. W. A. Martin. Mr. E. J. Hale, Jr., of Fay- etteville, arrived Sunday to spend a week at Wrightsville. Mr. and Mrs. E. G, Hoyt and Miss Helen Moore, of Washington, N. C, returned home from the beach yes terday. Mr. W. M. Stone, Jr., of Little Biver, S. C, passed through the city yesterday, returning from a visit to Pulaski, Va. Miss Mabel Vann, of Franklin- ton, who has been a Charming guest of Miss Neppie Borden, returned yes terday to her home. . Mrs. H. McL. Green and daughter, Miss Alice, left yesterday to spend a while in the mountains of Western North Carolina. Miss Maggie Hoyt, of Wash ington, N. C, who has been a popular guest at Wrightsville, left yesterday for Southport to visit Miss Lilla Bel lamy. Capt. E. Cliff Cohen, the popu lar Coast Line conductor who now has a "run" between Goldsboro and Norfolk, was a popular visitor to the city Sunday for a few hours. Mr. Julius T. Jennings, book keeper for Mr. J. H. Sloan, left yes terday afternoon for Spartanburg, S, C, where Mr. Sloan will have his headquarters in the future. - Mrs. C. H. O'Berry returned last evening from a delightful visit to KinstoD. She was accompanied by Mrs. C. Franklin Kooace, a niece of Mr. O'Berry, who will be her guest for some time. Mr. Alvis Bowden, an old Wil mington boy who has baen with the Seaboard Air Line in Portsmouth for several years, was here Sunday for a short visit. He left Sunday night to take a new and responsible position as rate clerk in the office of the Mer chants' and Miners' Steamboat Co., in Baltimore. Fayetteville Observer: "Col. W. J. CrosswelJ, superintendent of the Southern Express Company, spent Saturday and Sunday with his broth er, J. J. CrosswelJ, Esq. Col. and Mrs. C. W. Broadfoot, Misses Kate and Frances Broadfoot, and the children, have returned from a pleas ant visit to Wrightsville Beach." LIST OF LETTERS. Remaining Uncalled For In the Wilming ton Postoffice, July 28th, 1902. WOMEN'S LIST. Minnie Bryan, Margie Burns, Mary Boy, Lena Bullock, Ulinda Davis, Lizzie Green, Mrs. James Gragy, Ada Hargett, M. E. Hal J, Snvie Gordon, Sarah Johnson, Mildred Jones, Birty Kmsey, Fernetta Locke, Mabel Leach, Lizzie Marine, Mollie McDowell Crouly Muld, Lessy O'Neall. Mrs. Dr. Frank Price, Sallie Beaves, Sarah KoyaU, Mora atorther, Bettie bout nor land, Mittie Simpson, Mrs. Kichard Turner, Mary L. Tisson, Beatrice venell. MEN'S IIST. 8am'l Allison, A. H. Anderson, James Anderson, Many Bait. Willie Brown, Walter Bethae, J. C Baudin, J. E. Covington, Wm. Cook, Dr. Jas. uevane, J. m. migause, J. ft. Everett, A. T. Fisher, J. T. Groocb, J. F. Gore. William Glory, G. W. Grady, Co lumbus Gaterson (2), W. C. Harlow, Mallard Mart, Kit llurst. John James. Ed. James, Willie Judge, Charles Kirkland. Porter Langston. O. D. Matthews, Nash McCree, Edward Mc- Uallem, John Poplin, a. Moore Par ker, Gustus Puves, John W. BandalL Lionao Kicn. isenme Kobinson. Kicn- ard Sellers (3), Smith Music Co. (2), Julian Stanley, A.J. Slater, C. B. Townsend, Carl G. Wade, Harry Hayne, E. M. Wilson, Tbos. T. Whit- tey, U. hi, Wright, John Young. RETURNED FROM DEAD LETTER OFFICE. A. J. Batson. FOREIGN. Mibre Cima, Caroline Davis, Buf falo Marmora. MERCHANDISE. Catherine Mailer. Persons calling for above letters will E lease say advertised. If not called for l fifteen days they will be sent to the dead letter omce. m. u. uarby, Postmaster. Distinguished Visitors. Col. T. P. Felder, mayor of Ameri- cuf, Ga., and Mr. Lawson Stapleton, of the same city, are in Wilmington to investigate the merits of the new system employed by the Hydraulic White Brick Co., of this city. CoL Felder and Mr. Stapleton are also tak ing advantage of the pleasures oi the beach during their visit and have been guests of Mr. Geo. A. Croft, on Wrightsville Sound. Big Excursions. West & Donnell's excursion from Salisbury, Greensboro and interme diate points to Wilmington will reach here to-morrow and remain for two days. An excursion over the South ern from Thomasville took 1,800 peo ple to Charlotte Saturday. WHOLE NO. 10,88129 aiLts I Great Remnant Sale. Monday, July M, at 8 O'clock, The greatest sale of Remnants ever held in this city will be inaugurated at The Big Store. The entire front of the Dry Goods Department will be given up to this sale. Remnants of every descriDtion will ho sold; 25 t.n sn can be made by attending this great J". REMNANTS. iy 27 tf FOR RENT. The three desirable Rooms now occupied by the Virginia Life Insurance Co., " situated in the building corner Front occupied by A. Shrier. Being front desirable for offices. Apply to GEO. R. FRENCH & SONS. jy 29 tf SPECIAL SALE This Week of Ladies' and Children's THIS IS THE PLACE. levi McMillan & co., Fourth and Campbell Streets. 'pHONE 605. je 29 tf THE MURCHISON NATIONAL BANK, OF WILMINGTON, Is prepared with ample assets to serve you to call on us or write us when Capital, Surplus and Stock Liability . - - $450,000 00 Total Assets We deal in Foreign Exchange. H. C. McQUEEN, President. J. V. GRAINGER, Cashier. - je 20 tf People Become By spending less put your money, The People's Opposite the Postoffice, Money deposited with us now will draw 4 per cent., compounded quarterly from August 1st, 1902. We respectfully solicit your business, a. c. mcQUEBN, President. JNO. 8. ARMSTRONG, Vice President, jy 27 tf F. W. DIOKi Caahler. JNO. S. ARMSTRONG, Pres., ATLANTIC NATIONAL BANE, WILMINGTON, N. C. The Dhvslcal condition of this bank Is exhibited In Its financial statement, to which your at tention is here invited. Condensed report of condition EE80UECE8. Loans $1,069,123 63 U 8. Bonds, at par 268,900 oo Real Estate 30,000 00 Cash In Vault and In other Banks . . . 282,333 43 11,650,857 05 We invite you to do ANDREW MORELAND, Cashier. jy 27 tt OFFICE SUPPLIES. I HAVE A FULL LINE OF ALL KINDS OF BLANK BOOKS, Fens, Pencils, Filing Cases, Inks, and anything you need in your office. re uuiiwwwu a e 107 Market St. Bell 'Phone No. 26. jy 13 tf Before Placing Your Order for Bagging and Ties Write us for prices. Let us haye your orders for Hay, Corn, Oats, Bran, Meal and Flour. We have the stock on hand and are Belling at lowest prices. HALL & PEABSALL- JeOtf FOR RENT, Stores, Dwellings, Offices, &o. ill! au23ftf l O'CONNOR. RflRRRT neKFJ 1IVUUIII ft TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. 4 ! Oat Tatavr, by EXadl $5.00? !Siz Months. " 8.50 ; Throe Month, 1.25 ' Two Months, " 1.00 DllTred to 8nMrIbra In tm- City at 4S Cnta pr Blontsu X Bexnnan-ta 1 1 sale. EEHDEE & CO 3 615, 617 and 619 North Fourth Street. REMNANTS. and Princess streets, oyer store rooms and centrally located are very Oxfords and Slippers. the business public. We invite youhave occasion to use a bank. - - - 1.100,000 00 Wealthy than they make. A good place to Savings Bank, J. W. NORWOOD, Vice Pres. at close or business Juiy iu, isoz. LIABILITIES. Capital $ 125,000 oo Bnrplos and net profits 140,773 20 Circulation 95,ioo oo (Individual 930.392 40) Deposits..... 1,283.983 85 (Banks 353,691 45) $1,650,857 05 business with us. J. W. YATES, Assist. Cashier JUST SO, In stock and ready to ship. VA. WATEB GBOUND MEAL, PBIME MIXED COBN, BEST GBADE OATS, PR0VISI0NS- Meats, Lard, Bacon, Shoulders, Etc. TOBACCOS All popular brands and others. CIGARS CHILDS', OUBANOLA, CUBAN BLOSSOM, and many others equally good. Everything kept in a whole sale house. We carry and solicit your favor, and promise honest dealings and satisfaction. V0LLERS & HASHA6EN. jy27tf BASKETS FancyiSoft Peaches. UUST BE SOLD TO-DAY. jy tt 125 y Sill. ti I 'I I i 1 5 4 -.1