. .. I . - . ' 1 all to tbB tore iairamecu - y . .., i . Than That ircol"UB Of Asr Other Dairy News piper Published la Wllmlarton. nKlT D'" " 1 IS TUB IT1TB. The Morning Star Sot VOL. LXX.-NO. 119. outlines. ,til proposed to burn the building IMPROVEMENTS TO FIRST THE HlfiH SrH I IL. I 1UK taaVSS wawV-- FKEod i I cKlAN UlUKtn. WILMINGTON, N. C., SATURDAY, AUGUST 9, 1902. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. WHOLE NO. 10,908 : I i . 1 ...nnfininTinil One Tear, by Six Sonthi, " ' Three Month, M Two Months, " , iMUTWtA to sserlors 1 CUT a 4 Dn pJr . A 99 8.00J a.5o; i.6 ; i.oo; GRAND ENCAMPMENT. ORDER OF ODD FELLOWS. STORM AFTERMATH. innew - j aoeount of the IS 1UW nf imaiipox. s the Ciaynor wrw" : . rase promises to render judg pas case, Pfo office presence . .t veanesuj. menner.l Knox had a personal dif sey :.h . nartv of men in Atlan canity r . . . lie City Schooners Wednesday night Wm. F. Collins and P. ; onilison off the Jersey Wednesday night, sod both were sl No change In the sit- rion at Shenandoah, P. ; the cavalry S- over the territory and were hoot- U.nd ieered at by the foreigners. Wo J Bryan, in hi. speech at Mus Sp 'low, yesterday declared that Should not be. candidate for Preai I.ntial904. Various questions were Sussed at the negro congress yeetor ffti.nta. Dr.6tedd,of Em- oj iu Collet- near Atlanta, has tender- 7his resignation. Jury in ine caw fpalUal on trial at Ariievillefor wereunaoie to axrw- Money on call Repairs Cos tier Nearly $1,SW, Authorize at Congregational Meeting Wedaes day Cemmlttee Appointed. At a well attended congregational meeting of the First Presbyterian church held Wednesday night, Rev. Dr. J. M. Wells nresldine. it was de cided to materially improve and beau tify the already commodious and pretty house of worship of that con gregation. Among the repairs contemplated is the putting in of a new ceiling, re cushioning the pews and doing such other work as is deemed necessary to the attractiveness and comfort of the building. In the neighborhood of 11,600 or 11,800 will be expended and work will begin as soon as specifica tions are drawn, bids calls for and contract let. 'The Improvements to the church were left in the hands of a committee composed of Messrs. Samuel North rop, Geo. D. Parsley and James H. Chadbourn. Prof. R. D. W. Connor, ol Wil son, Chosen Principal by the Joint Committee. OTHER TEACHERS ELECTED. Prospects, for Forthcomlof Scholastic Year Are Very Encoaraglng The Improvements to Union Bnlld lsf Mr. Blair Re-elected. mhetzlement. vnrk markets: Us.ieadyat 2i3 per cent; cotton , at 7c; flour-wea ana mi Z:. wbeat-spot easier. No. 8 red, Oats-spot quiet, No. 2, 63c ; BL8pot weak, No. 3 65c; rosin Zi steady, spirits turpentxne firm LOCAL DOTS. WEATHER REPORT n 8 DipT or AaRiouinjnn, i ' Wkathkb Bttbsutt,. WiuiisflTOS, N. C Aug. 8: Serological daU for the M hours endinz S P. M : perares: 8 A. 81 degree ; 80 degrees; maximum, litnam, 76 degrees; mean, m rainfall rrtes: mm t?a!nfall for the day, .69; ance 1st of month to date, 1.43. OOTTOS BUaiOH BULLETIN. Showers have fallen in the Okla ham district, and light local rains In gouth Carolina. Texas. Louisiana and Georgia rOBXOA6T FOB TO-UAT. Washisqtos. Aug 8. For North Cro;i.ia: Fair Saturday, local rains Saadiy; light variable wind. Cotton receipts during the past week were 66 bales, against 85 bales same week last year; crop year to date, 278,070; last year, 258,183. The steamer Franklin Pearce arrived yesterday from her maiaen trip to Bhallotte, N. O. She brought a general cargo, including spirits and rosin. A colored excursion, from .New Bern will reach here Monday. A base ball game between the Wlimingion and Newbern teams is scheduled for the afternoon. Mr. H. R. Kuhl has been given a building permit to erect a two story dwelling and store, 25x42 feet In sise, at northeast corner of Eighth and Bladen streets. v The C. W. Polvogt Co. has the contract for 147 new shades for the windows in the postoffice building. It doesn't look that way, but there are just that number of windows in me building. the Prof. B. D. W. Conner, of Wilson, ho is in the very front rank of the State's preparatory teachers, has been elected principal of the Wilmington High School, the academic institution of the local graded school system, and. will be here for the opening of the Fall term. Prof. Connor succeeds Mrs. B. B. John, nee Miss Fiorina u. Worth, resigned. The election was made a few days ago by the joint school commiteee for the two districts embracing the city of Wilmington. Prof. Connor is a young man, unmarried, a graduate of the University of North Carolina, and a son of Judge H. Q. Connor, so well known and highly esteemed in the Eastern section of the State and re cently nominated for Associate Justice r th Rnnreme Court. Prof. Connor has lately been engaged as principal of the city school in Oxford, N. C , where he met with marked success. He has an excellent record as an educator and a disciplinarian. The High Bcnooi is very fortunate in securing his ser vices. Upon the election of Prof. Connor there were yet two vacancies in the faculty of the school and these were filled by the election of Miss Alice V. Txrn.n ntT.nnr. N. C and Miss MaOaea. of Staunton, Va. Both are teachers of experience, highly educa ted and cultured and will be received cordially by the student body of the High School. The Institution will begin the new fiscal year with a most excellent facul ty and all departments in readiness for good work. The Fall term of all the city pub lic schools will begin Oct. 7th and the prospect for an excellent year with u v i.aHtntlnni is brieht. Ex- chcu Aaousl Meetloi Just Closed-at Newbers. Electloa of Officers for Essoins Year. Meets Next st Charlotte. Wilmington's delegation to the Orand Encampment, I. O. O. F., which has been In session at Newbern this week, got home yesterday and all report a delightful time. The visitors were most hospitsbly entertained by the Newbern people. Wednesdav afternoon they were given a steamboat trip on the river, and Thursday a very pleasant automobile ride about the city was given them. Wednesday evening Calumet Encamp ment gave an exemplification of the first two degrees. Officers lor tne en: suing year were elected as follows: Q. P. L. L. Boon, Wilmington. Gk H. P. A. F. Hail, Winston. q g. w. W. H. Weatherly, Eliza beth City. G. 8. J. T. King; Wilmington. (j. T. Wesley Williams, Elizabeth City. T G. J. W. L. W. Jeannett, Representative Geo. , Green Grand Marshal D. W. Woodhouse, Poplar Branch. Inside Sentinel-O. E. Fritcb, Char lotte. . . Outside Sentinel J. . iawsuu, Newbern.' The next meeting will be held in Charlotte during August, 1903. There were about 60 delegates in attendance upon the Newbern meeting. Survivors of the Wreck at Caro lina Beach Are All Doing Very Well. MR. SMITH WILL RECOVER. Ashe-New- Vnifii Man Mnaf SerlODBlv lolOfed U Fast Improving Hundreds Visit the Scene As Unfortunate Trans position Is Explsined. All the injured from the catastrophe at Carolina Beach Wednesday night were reported as doing very well in deed yesterday and In a few aays many of them will be able to be on the streets and to converse interesting ly with their friends of the terrible ex perience. Some of the injured ones will neces Barllv carrv with them to the grave evidences of their misfortune, but the large majority will be up and about in a few days. Toung Hampton Smith, who was most severely injured, was reported at the hospital yesterday as having spent a comfortable night and having maae remarkable improvement. Of course, hisJnjuries are of such a nature that it will be a long time until he is out again, but the attending physicians say that he is now out of danger and his wounds will not result fatally by any mAan. unless some unforeseen com- and that is narcuy FEDERAL COURT ATTENDANTS. Port Alma: iu tti iin Seu lyj Length iligh Water at South port Hirh Water WilmlneUMi 5.13 A.M. 6. 56 P. M. 14D.4M. 13.00 M. 3.30 A. M. for the at Pernam- school vear was closed last May. ' Mr. John Jay Blair, the popular su ntnriftnt of schools, has been re- Thore ia trouble brewing City of Mexico. The bakers have formed a combine to raise the price of bread. Young Cornelius Vanderbilt hag constructed a locomotWe which it is claimed will pull a train of cars as fiat an automobile can fly. Senator Stewart, ex-Free Silver, now Republican, predicts that Ne Mdiwill go Republican this Fall. As there are comparatively few ToterB in that bailiwick it wouldn't re quire a very large "barl" to go 'round. On the excursion from up n.ttlin. Central next Thursday, the crack baseball teams of Laurinburg and I t in tne High School there will be Lumberton will meet at anion tr. i few changes In the personnel oi w.w a hiir crowd of Wilmingtonians will I d recall what a prosperous see the game. . v....man Tiarnne Hermod, 498 inn. nnt Johannsen, arrived nmvftntine Thursday from bueo, via Barbados, ana wiu Pn to the city for cargo of naval stores. The brig Dixon Rice sailed yesterday 7 A. M. George McKinney, white, lor habitual drunkenness, was sent to the county roads for SO days by Mayor pro tern Cooper yesterday. The bel ligerent Bennettsvllle excursionist also went out k cnu days. a deed was filed yesterday .....rltM from the Wilmington and Coast Turnpike Co., to Thad. F. Ty ler, the second toll house property for a consideration of $175. A deed f rom TT...vi.h Roaham transferring a third Interest in the property to the Turn-, pike Co. was also filed. Messrs. J. H Render & Co., the Wit department store VOjaiti are distributing handsome adyerUring Conveniences May Be Established In or Around the U. S. Court House. The miscellaneous crowd of negroes, Oroatans and whites who Infest the Postoffice building from cellar to gar ret, chewing tobacco and expecto rating promiscuously, has long been a source of annoyance to people who have had occasion to visit the building during Federal Court week and the philosophically inclined have neen working on a solution of the problem of Using care of those people for quite a while. In the absence of a better place, of course, there is noth ing for the hundreds of witnesses and defendants to do but "hang out" at the most convenient place to the court room up-stalrs. Congressman Bellamy haa recenuy taken up the question and yesterday he received a letter from Acting At torney General James M. Beck saying th.t th matter of erection of conve niences in or around the public build elected for the ensuing year and will 1 j for lne w 0f those who attend the return the latUr part of September to DUtrict and Circuit Courts at WI1- make arrangements for the opening. minRton had been referrea u mo ow- . ww - flvsiWa Germany boasts of a rose OTmir, for the - " yearfrfi 1 ford shoes, w - sole agency m - are few shoes better or more POP" ly known than the Crawford, for men and women which ia said to be 1,000 We wouldn't like to dispute its age, but we would like to have the duly certified affidavit of the person who planted it. i n?..v;.i.fAn ?;Tatr.h savs the tx naouiuwu - - United States mav forbid the pro posed 135,000,000 Cuban loan. But without auch objection Cuba would probably find it difficult to borrow that much money. person of Al was Black Maria" la Commission. With the funds subscribed .11. h members of the Board ! dermcn the police patrol wagon was . -j and once more pui I repaireu J- . oltT Hall under the anea t for use. The worx wa - - i I U.tHMWI IkTBCVi Doouiw At present he Is spending a wnuoa his old home near High Point. He left the machinery of the schools In most excellent condition and will find it in much the same condition when he returns. He will have his office on the second floor of the High School building-, the same as last year. - r th. most notable improve- menU accomplished in connection with the schools during the Summer vaca- tion was the ouuuing oi mo uu- . .. . , J arenownearing compieuon. ii Kn nraTided for the ant ruuiu n - - Urge number of studenU expected and the children and teachers alike will enter upon the new term wn mou encouragement. A splendid heating system is being installed and toe com mittee in the district in which the Khool Is located, has looked carefully !- ih matter and provided every means of escape in case of fire or other catastrophe. The saniUtion of the building and grounds nas w been neglected. Although It U a little advance on the season to Ulk of such matters with or dinary people, the school committee, are doing a lot of work and the fruit of it all will be seen when the Fall ses sions begin. rotary of the Treasury, where ft will doubtlesss receive prompt attention. Queer Pranks of Llrhtalnr. Policeman B. R. King yesterday re lated to a reporter of the Stab a itory of the extraordinary pranks of a stroke of lightning Wednesday night near the home of Mr. J. K. Seville, who lives at corner of Sixth and Writer streeU. Within a radius of .. uv. n I w : , . rtnttm more b TmTAu Maria" will be noise oi wo - - , heard in the land and the people are glad. Chicago a few davs ago. U " I noise of the op iated only a day. The contention vaa amicably adjusted the strikers buried the hatchet and the burying bugintaa was resumed. Some DemocraU figure out a ma jority of thirtv-six in the next House of Representatives, and the Repnb licana figure about twenty-two. To ettie the matter amicably we would oe willing to bunch and take hall. 011 Barie Ashore. . j I..!.. Rtandara Th tua istanaa, nTvofoIlfor the local branch oi No. 91, was proceeoiBK " tha she wens w - nn flfod We don't know how Kansas is on honey but it is a land of milk, for foe cenaua credits her with 800,000 nulch Persona in the State. And they are oo scrub stock either as their average talueia over $40 a piece. . i-A rnt Off On Ity, but expucw - tide last nlgnu The Edflcstlonsl Kslly Prof public not to , A THOUSAND EXCURSIONISTS. Two Train Losds of Visitors Yesterday. The Season a Record-breaker. The city was alive with excursion UU yesterday, most of then, however colored. Seven - - " Marlon, 8. O., viai-um, the Seaboard Air ume, " -TA'a .racial train from Rowland, came on a special w n n via Pee vte, o. v., ShMr.ttrr.4 for rtlJJJ mv. .i.ttnra anent the oay .n,M of iU nresence. n appeared strike all around the house of Mr. RevUle, but did not touch the build inr Two trees were struck; a post, the fence and a numoer oi oww jecU in the yard also bore signs of the lightning's work. There was but a ingU-flaab, but that seemed to have w.iui ihB house like an umbrella, the pointe being the places where the electricity made itself manifest. With the Wilmlnrton Elks. The Wilmington Lodge of Elks has .1 j v nrAnaratlons for enter- Kiroaujr r--r . .j i.. OfatA nnnrention. o. tr. luninK us " O. B., which meete here next year. Major W. F. Roberteon haa been chosen Director General of the cele bration which will attend the delibera tions of the body and tnas is sajma -great deal at the outeet for the success of the affair. The matter was in formally discussed at the Elks' smoker plications arise, nrnhable. His father, Capt. J. O. Smith, visi ted him last night at 10 o'clock at the hospital and reports his condition very favorable. There were several reporU on the streeU yesterday that the young man's injuries had taken a turn for the worse but all were ill founded, as the hospiUl authorities tated at different times during the day that he was resting easily and was cheerful and bright. Mr. J. E. Haywood, of MeColl, S.O. who was badly injured about the legs and back, was also reported as doing well yesterday, though suffering some. His little daughter, who miraculously escaped from the wrecs, revamp home yesterday. She is but five years old and was brought down to the beach for her health. The sufferers at the home of Capt. Jno. Barry were all doing well and there were also encouraging reports from the other injured ones in the city. RnnHrAa nf neonle visited the scene of the wreck yesterday, buC the largest crowd will go down Sunday. It is said tone an interesting study aad how the 14 injured people escaped with their lives is a mystery. Transposition of Affairs. Stab readers yesterday morning in looking over the account of the storm doubtless nuzzled to know ff other unusual caias- not set upon iU coi making up the forms rooms tor first or "lead" oi IUO rww, the article found ite way near the mid dle of the story of the occurrence, while the middle went first and the con clusion wss sandwiched between the two and a part placed at the end where it belonged. It was one of those unavoidable er rors which appeared to make every body ridiculous, but which, in fact, hamttm in the "best mij Buuicuiuv. - regulated," newspaper snopa ur lies," as the case may be.v Col. D. D. McCall, of Bennetts ville, S. O , was here yesterday. Miss Mary Belle Fillyaw left yesterday to visit friends at Weldon. Mr. E. H. Farriss left yester day for High Point to visit his brother. Miss Gertrude Addison, of Charleston, is the guest of Miss Elise Ortmann. Mrs. E. W. Sikes, of Wake For est, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. M. H.P.Clark. m and Mrs. Ike C. Loftin left yesterday to spend a while at Seven Springs. Mr. K. W. Hicka and family have', removed to the beach for the re mainder of the Summer. Mrs. C. C. Shines, of Mount Olive, returned home yesterday after a visit to Mrs. J no. J. Kelly. Mr. Bland Wallace, of Kenans ville, is spending a few days in the city with his brothers, Messrs. R. W. and Hugh O. Wallace. State Auditor B. F. Dixon was here yesterday on his way to White ville. where he will deliver an address at an educational rally to-day. Misses Meppie and Rosa Meier, left yesterday for Rosindale, N. 0., where they will be the guests of Miss Minnie Edwards for several days Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Buie and f amUy, Mrs. R. F. Devane and family and Miss Anabel uevane, ui Springs, passed through the city yes terday, en route to the beach. Write It Down In Your Memorandum, THE NAME AND PLACE WHERE IT IS PLEAS ANT TO TRADE. A Mice Clean Stock of Goods nd polite salesmen and salesladies, painstaking and earetnl. This One Price House carries at all seasons a complete Btock of DRESS GOODS, WHITE GOODS, LACES, EMBROIDERY, HANDKER CHIEFS, &c. MEW CARPETS AMD MATTIHGS. In floor covering we can please the moBt fastidious. popular sizes in RUGS AND ART SQUARES. Respectfully, . A. D. BROWN. All the INTEREST paid on deposits at rate or fonr per cent. P?' a,n,2na from tnat date. The Wilmington Savings & Trust Coipanj, 108 Princess Street. Ht W&LTEBSt vice rriw"' THE COAST LINE SHOPS. cvclone or trophe had umns. In in the composing the nress. the Savannah is Worked Up Over the Idea of Removal and Sends so Emis sary to Wilmington. The Savannah News of yesterday Owing to the uneasiness among tne business men of Savannah, due to ru mors that the Atlantic Coast Line pro posed to remove its shops from here Col. J. H. Estill went to Wilmington Wednesday for the purpose of finding out what foundation there I "the rumors, and also to see if a part of the force of the general offices, which has i nnt be return- Dee n HUU nnmj , . ed. He wanted to have a full and free talk with those autnorizeu w kowinghow deeply interested in the matter the people of Savannah are. The following dispatch from CoJ. Ks til was received last night: SWixmiitgton, N. C, Aug. 7. While Atlantic Coast Line officials, like those of other corporations, are not addicted to talking about the com- i na.o in nubile. General Manager Kenly spoke freely and fully on masters which have teen under discussion as to rumors that fuher depletions in the organization of the late Plant System invannah were in contemplation. Mr. Kenly said that thArAia no intention of removing the shops. In fact, they are more neces sary than ever for the reason that af 7" 3- iKth Savannah will be the northern terminus of the second divis ion and the southern terminus of the firat division of the Coast Line, and furthermore, the trains which now run from Florence to Charleston will run to Savannah. Speaking of recent re movals, the general manager said that they were only such as any business man or firm would have made and were necessary to f clliutHbu38S;i w -or ivnnwnOD. President. O. B. TAVLOBi Jr. Caafcler. DIRECTORS. . t w v. .1. W. NORWOOD, J-J. GRAINGEB, i. voixEBa, DONALD MU.CBAE. an 9 tf b. O'OONNOB. N- B. GEO. B. FRENCH, RANKIN. Wage-Earning People. We invite the attention of every wage-esinei r to the advantages of onr Saving. Bank. It affords a safe and proat- The People's Savings Bank, II. c. MeQUKKN, an 9 tf rtnnrultA the Postoffice. Pr..ld.nt. JNO. s. ABSSBTRONO, Vie. President. FOR RENT A SCHOOL WITH PROMINENT PATRONS 'fami NE0R0 EXCURSIONISTS TAKEN IN. Occupants ol Alleys Hsd HeyDay With Their Cosntry Friends Trials. From all accounts the negro women who infest the "hell's nan-acre u. Backet Store alley did a good busi ness yesterday in "touching up a .nmhr of the neero excursionists in the city from Marion, 8. C, and Row land, N. C. Donald B. Melvin and J. F. Thomp on, both colored, reported at the po .n that they had lost $15 in money, a ticket home and thejcket- book in which It was conswncu, The Wednesday night, and from now- I Qf Fjknny Wllllam, nd Minnie Clark, colored, was accompueneujr before the excursion Utg uwuw. departed the women were given a pre liminary hearing and bound over to next week's term of the Superior Court. - . vLast night Zetta Green, another col ored damsel, was arrested for playing a confidence game on a negro named "Mack." She will be irieu iu lice court to-day. " - , .-hall ia.t nlffht. A maicn gauio ----- bTtween colored teams rom wumj Moulting in n l na siiLBruuuM w-m w h ia aiiu rget the educaUonal Qe7eat for the yUitor. in a 7 at Black's ianui, i to o. record-break-Za Wednesday, Aug. So far ""'rini ..... ..v. tVta W II llUErV .a A $ AVffflt I public do Tndinr. I k cowa, about one iur i t11y ana nia j . I tMm ntm been a score Of 7 til the convention is over m Mtj0 Elks will leave no stone un turned to give everybody at the con- . nnd time. Mr. W. W. Slaton, manager of Ludden & Bates' Southern Music House m nw and Mr. Bam AuerDacn, travelUng man of AUants, were w Into the antlered tribe at me mecuu Wednesday night. Parsley Whsrl Property. The Washington correspondent of T?.iirh Pot writes: "Chapman tun . W Maunln. a special agent treasury A Partial List of N. C. Patrons ol the Hor ner Military School, Oxford, N. C. Ex-Senator M. W. Ransom. Senators J. C. Pntchard, F. M. Simmons. m ann. Ex-Oongressmea-x. . 8. B. Alexanaer, ijrea a. Harry Skinner, tticnuiou" B. H. Bunn. Congressmen c-na. John D. Bellamy, JaslL Moody. Ex-Judges . w. Philips, W. Graham, A. Burwell, H-A S2f-ir F. D. Win- liXS. Oliver H. Al- I le, W. B. .W2ii "ndftr. Uonieaeraie v o.or- j ri" i Gteiu J. S. Oarr; Adj. Gen. and Ohtof of Staff, Col H A. f011 tor General, -Lieut. OoL M,J? Means; Quartermaster Gen., Lieut ?rrr t M. Kmry; Judge Advocate Sn. TLieulCol.yR.B. Peebles; Com missary Gten., Lieut. Col. r. n. HaSesfsecond Brig. Com Gen W. K Loidon; Third Brig. Com., Gen. The three desirable Rooms now occupied by the Virginia Life Insurance Co., situated in the building corner Front and Princess streets, over store occupied ly A. Shrier." Being front rooms and centrally located are very desirable for offices. Apply to GEO. R. FRENCH & SONS. iv 29 tf CHARGES AGAlNST-tlEORGIA OFPICER. I Col. Anderson Is Investigating the Charge Against Captain O'Neil The Atlanta Journal Thursday con tains the following that will be read with interest here: Ts ni nnfTnivr Anderson, com- mandinK the Fifth Georgia regiment, Slled on Governor Candler this morn Sg and discussed toe charges which i ai.H with hfm asrainst Capt. the Gate City GlJa5d: -i Ann told the governor. it ia said, that he was working on tne it u i saw, w .. . the charges Soroughlf investigated and that he 3 Report to the governor assoon ii.ffnn waa com nleted. Colone Anderson declined to discuss thilatter to-day further than to say : .mi .MtiirAtini7 the cnarges. 1 iTSc genTrklbeUefl 15 tto glint now Sat a courtmartial will result. Cajtain O'NeU and Corporal Dun woayTwho brought the charges, de cline to have anything to say. FAUCI CALIFORHIA PEARS. CONCORD AND DELA WARE GRAPES. Rodi Oranges. Apples, Bananas and Peaches. E. l 4 an 9 tf TMilnr very - , I . a v.t one or more f'--77 ; t.m the city idtrnMpw""' . . of the j..hnmt has returnea UBIIWW-') . - . V . LrST- nmnertv which purchase for custom houje PP--- Mr Maupin waa uirotw w -v the value and Utle of the PP and Scertaln what ""WJSiK Uined by the owners of the Parsley Sonertv His report was completed SSJind was turned over to IsriJ-"TrsJ- Taylor, who will take of tlo,Ow was ppii- -. Surchsse of the property, but it U re ported that Agent Maupin considered the sum excessive. Vt.linra to USCOlatOO. Lincolnton Journal: "The visitors tr iTan been at Miss McDaniel's Anrtna the montn oi juaj during tne WUming- Mrind f'l&. P. 'B. MaWjr. ; '.11 children, nurse and on, Nicholas Hullen, WUi three ehUdren and Mrs. Hokin; Wilmington; and Mss Janie Flpxin, J Mi- rflJT Wilmington j ana vr Vihariotte: 1 Gore, Wilmington. large ew York's police force claims to kthe "foinest " and there are lots I detectiTes, but the World saya there were, in addition to those lor hich arrests were made, sixteen murders committed in that city since January lat, and the murderers have ner been discovered. attendance from the -Jf ht in j tw,f E. W. taxes, u. si"1"- : niH for a traw ABAwni sii uirvw. "- Forest College, wui NEW &DVtai- W-War-?pe., ?eJeBanke-e WUmington SaviolC & Trust Co, Interest. : -Busarrsa ikjaXA Wanted Two boarders. SesCoumming-eliverycarL 1 A rt L. Jones, prewu- uom- i crowds of up-country ght of the dt A gentleman CoL A. The Richmond Dispatch doesn't m disposed to accept without duly Heated record the story told by fte Fayetteville Observer about 8ftftrro,l VfV navnlinfanS. The ttt thing we expect to hear from L Southeastern t" Dispatch be a demand fox 1 y at Ashpole, N. . . Proof aa to the age of Noah Baby, ex-North Carolinian, who has sojourning in New Jersey for e past hundred years. .xo.cli,l. the The recora taia that way. - m The Convicts Are Healthy. r uwiiian. county supw H.jne. yterfT d mde ITtSu 1. iu.Uj food lor tb. convict i" a - nergoai bis sons, Messrs. Jones. , Ernest and Philip i number every ' one. Mr. ton; and Not a Schooner la Port. For the first time in many moons yesterday there was not a single sailing vessel of sea-worthiness In port for cargo, the schooner Jeanie Lippitt having early In the day. She carries 12,- 000 cross ties consigned by the Hall tv .nri Timber Co. to parties m ow- ton. It is expected, nowever, uu the Lippitt finally sails, tna omw chooners will be here, as several are on the way and due at Southport. Dr. A. D. McCInre Keturnea. Rev. A. D. McClure, D. D., returned last night from Oak Plains, Sampson i v.ai tin naa oecu wu ing Bev. R- M. Mann in a series of revival services, xne wi,.- h. th addition of six to the church membership and a great spir itual awakening in the community. Bev. Mr. Mann was cauea wfrr . r i-hm AnngrresratlOn. Dr. M.O- , in ..uah tn-morrow at ua. M. at St. Andrew's church and-wffl .t. a. so P. M. in East WU- jerytoeatBt. Anurews. F. M. Parker. tJt. T.1lltAM of TT Aa KraSlUBIlM m u& wmm thnfederacy-Mrs. W. M. Parsley, Mrs. D. H. Hill, Sr. Medical Bodety-President, Dr. R. 8. Young, Vice;President, Dr. A. G. RaV Association President. O. M. BuBsbeetvSpresidents,W .A.Dunn; Mai. H. A. Lon- ST Hon!r6.1 Mteharu", Hon. Fred. A. Wooaaro. CRIMINAL ASSAULT IN WAKE. Two Negroes Jailed la Raleigh Wilson Light Infantry Dlsbsnded. Special Star Telegram. Raleigh, N. C, August 2.-The Wilson Light Infantry, Company K, Second Regiment, is uisoanaea j SEED RYE. 100 Bushels Seed Rye, 90c. 2 1 8 Lbs. Gravely's Car Whee1t47c W. B. COOPER, an 9tt Wktolaaal Grocr, WUmlnKton. H. O. intant General Boyster upon recom E&L ot the Inspector Genefor failure to comply wltn uw w. Mverning the BUte IrUMHWiu m . n'Snfflersof the State Literary and Historical Association. . B...to.. J. "wTi.'-Ua. ran. H. A. vonuuu, . n B. Alexander : nJWJ. Winston, Locke Craig, KB. McKetti an, A. W. Graham, F. L. Oturr,w. . Parker, Julian Mann, H. W. Stubbs, "Winston, LL. D., whUe pMutyof sity 01 lexa- ' "TTT- Mtehard. , tK'h. A. Powell Grocery Com pany of Goldsboro, is chartered, with I 25,wucapiiai. WftWw two Lionnie iavw t JoUe Merritt, colored, In M S township, tnis coun.j.. For Seed or Feed I 700 Bushels N. C. Rust Proof Oats just received. FLOUR, all grades. Cotton Bagging, Ties, with our usual assortments of heavy groceries and provisions. HALL & PEABSALL ZZZ: down the door of the woman s Jy80tr house with an axe, accompUsnw r Pu?pandn , respected in her locality. another Phenomenal Catch. Encouraged by their goou m the day before, Messrs. . . Louis H. Skinner, T. 8. McManus and T W Wood continued their fishing ot tn 'HOCKS jwvoij ! cught 125 sheep head and a number . a Tk. fianiniT ak tuo OI iruui. " was never finer. g win premium Hams; " 'Nufl said." mte o sugar 4o pouna; Brunuiatod 6c. Come people prefer N. O. Hams; we have them. 2 large lot ot Jellies and Preserves, way down. o 1, Mackerel Just arrived an still chips the Beef thin. N call 109. . i . a low hum. UOliege , ia? " t nnlleire : president Bouwern; ;-jjaniel ral Manager Carthage R. - E? . v rii- variant A. & N. U., A. rTCnrsoo Traffic Manager A. O. L.; Inn General Freight and a. iu. ' n T. I Uiowu ' -r : to. tun. 235; JuTtteTof the Supreme Court. TiiH Mitors-T. B. Kingsbury, Mrs Rosa Vickers Young, the popu landSidld proprletees. oHoM Phoenix, Winston, N. O., has been itemoer every efforfcusea to please. neady to eat Canned Delicacies; all kinds, gour ana sweet Pickles and Mangoes. "The Unlucky Corner Both 'Phones. lysMtr NOTICE. en Hotels ll. d., j. .r.wsw r Bis Ail the ex-tresiaonw ui Bar Association. Eleven x-lresi SSts tf the N. O. Medical Society, iid one-fifth of aU iU Boards of Kx- amlners. "n r.rh'oitalIty. Insure bit entertainment that can be tLn The success of this new resort E unprecSeSed and the best part of the season yet to come. No one, whetherin quest of health or pleasure, SfSake a mistake by going to Vade Mecum this season. T Having qualified aa i entors of Freeman, deceaeed,,, late ft ati Hm8 unst the eBw of said MSVJ?SSent aemtb the nnOer l seceasedto vne- jqIt. 1903, signed on pi " owjfSJ "S aaded hi har Of their re ottoisiiotice JinPloadenar make Uedaymeu AN July 2190?. y jyKtw sa . ! -

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