.issrss oonaTwo, ' , Any Other Dally New. papr Published la Wllmlniton. tPBST PAH.Y NKWSP APB I fS TUB STATK. i fhciHorwiug jltar. OUTLINES. exhibitionists of Alabama have , oat a SUte ticket. At Phila- f, ,; Georee McFadden, colored, fsed to the police that he Is ted in Lumberwn, n. v., ior mur- " The Grand Lodge of Elks Baltimore as the place of meet- i 1903. The fourth anni Lryof the capture of Manila by Americans was celebrated in that ...holiday. Judge Caron, 0 jebec. released Gajnor and WOO ETC wtanu iu uv uuikou i for irauas uo gorem- Foar men were killed and .u... Karil iniiired br t hnlltr three OlQ" . " Hjlosiw on a tug in New York har- Gov. Aycock writes the 6jtrnor of Massachusetts, denying Aeewt"" ,n th,t lbe neRro neted Bctom c wed with arson in Dar T jf.c. will not be given a fair Ml if returned to North Carolina. Fred. E Betts, broker, in Boston, (i. is undfr nrrest on charge of jgTj. 3 mails in a conspiracy to jefriad. Tne trike situation at ?MDodo3b. Pa. has not changed; oops sre still on duty. Mary frht and Putnam Bradlee 8trong .ere reported living happily together i, Lisbon as Mr. and Mrs. Atkinson, tot lines then hare left for Paris. jfeir York markets: Money on iieidy at 34 per cent., the auket closing at 3tf per cent. ; cotton qiietit 9c; flour steadier and more ictirt it old prices ; wheat spot firm ; Sa2red"5,4'c; corn spot firm; No. lite; rosin steady; strained, common lo rood- $155; spirits turpentine firm. WEATHr REPORT . -! iXf'T or Agbioultcrjb, i Weather Bubmau, WlLSlSilTOW. N. O., Aug. 13. ) Meteorological data far the 24 hours Jia? 3 P. 31. : LrnperiUt s -V. id., 76 degrees; jP. "J., 75 degrees; maximum. 81 de pewriimum. 72 decrees; mean, 78 Biiafali for the day, .00; rainfall tact 1st o? month to date, 1.50. jine of water in th Cape Fear rirer at FyetteTille, N C, at 8 A. If. jesrd7 3.3 feet. COTTOS RSGIOH BCLLETCC. GnMliy fair weather has prevailed, eifp. iocil rains in Georgia and iibion. Temperatures hare risen a the western sections, tne greatest ne occarring in tne UkUbomi dis- ' t jRZOAfcT FOE vo-daY. V'AsaisaTOS, Aug 13. For North drolini: Local raius Thursday and fr:dij: light to fresh S3utneast winds. Part Almanac Angait 14 :,&ses 5.17 A.M. fcoSeu 6.51P.M. Hit's Length 13H.55M. fUs. Water tt South vs'i 4.10 A.M. H n Wt'r Wilmlng-j r.. 6.40 A.M. King Edward has gone clean back oa that prophet who, when Edward is kid, predicted that he would lire to become King but would not tvo to be crowned. Congressman Cannon, of Illinois, reports a condition of political ipithyin the middle West. This Kniof thing ia apt to give the Be pafalican machine managers a chilly The year 1S16 ia recorded as the jar without a summer in this coun try and Europe. As far as steady tinning up goes we have had sum mer enough this year for two or three yeara. This Government has decided to fnize Japan's claims to the pro prietorship of Marcus Island. This hooka out Gapt. Koaehill, who was Planning to go into the guano busi Da there. A MiH3ouri candidate for Con Me3 a graphophone in his can Taa. Sensible fellow. All he has to do is prea3 the button and hare hiJ speech made without any danger of gating it miIed up. Col- Jack Chinn, of Kentucky, rjw to remark that boys and girls joo ought to be trained in the use of firearm3 and taught to shoot tofcght. Judging from the mortu- reports the impression is that theJ are in that State. h The Xew York Post remarks that there never was known in this coun jrjsnch a 'go-as-you-please' race for Egress aa we see starting." With a many of the Republican yirauta it will be a little later on a So-aa-you-don't-please" race- li Carroll D. Wright, who in the ning of the Pennsylyania coal, was sent by President Boose Tfilt 10 inTeatigate, has made any re- there must haye been some jje m it that wouldn't do to pub .. ' M the report has nerer made 1U aPpearance. lt ' said that the Filipino lores gamble better than the China- tk But When ifc comM tri01" are vain and ways that are quite rar, the child-like and bland eatiai could discount Mr. FiU- Mo five in the game and beat binu VOL. LXX.-NO. 123 EDUCATIONAL RALLY AT MIDDLE SOUND. V Km Hasdred People Assembled io One vaBse-KiBriBg Addresses J Two Able Speakers. Nearly four hnnfl j - lW(U uum i i ' nd Pender counUes, including committMmn 1 . -I yauvuiuu children of the public school, attend- mo educational rally and big fish try at Black's Landing. MirMU bj yesterday and with one accord everyl body pronounces it an immensa .t,.,. cess. It ia tarely predicted that the re tail will be a great educational awakening all oyer this territory and that the rally will bear fruit in aft- year. The day was an ideal nn fa. occasion of the kind and while not many from the city attended there a greai outpouring of the country peo ple and aa it ia these that thA n. Uoual rally ia intended to interest, the um auenaancs rrom Wilmington was not detrimental to the -gwww w UU gathering. Among those who Wfint down fmm the city were Prof. Waahintin nt. lett, superintendent of county schools. ur. ic. w. Bikes, of Wake Forest Col lege, Iredell Uearea. Eia. Ur w f Gumming, Mr. James W. Monroe and Mars&all, Esq. The party arri red at U:30 A. M. and at IS o'clock the meeting was organized with Pmf Washington Catlett as chairman. Prof. Catlett introduced Dr. Sikes and Mr. Mearea to the audience and each responded with ringing educational addresses, which were along general 11 . uues ana entnused the people greatly. The speaking took place in the yard of the old Black residence and after the exercises the people enioTed heart ily the spread of good things on long table arranged especially for the oc casion. It was a great day for education in New Hanorer. LOCAL DOTS. A number of Wilmington couples went to Fort Caswell yesterday after noon for the dance given there last night by the officers and ladies of the Fort. The "Black Stockings" and the AtlaiUa colored baseball team will meet on the Hilton diamond for a series of three games next week In stead of on the Atlanta diamond, as at first reported. 'Announcement is made of the marriage of Miis Bath L Keen, daugh ter of Mr. W. G. T. Keen, of Wil mington, and Mr. Robert J. Shepard, son of. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Shepard, also of Wilmington. By deed filed for record yes terday 3 na't Bear and wife- trans ferred to Margaret I. Irwin, of Char- otte, cottagQ on WrighUville beach adjoining the place of Col. F. W. Foster; consideration $400. "Wilmington has gone wild on while bob-tailed dogs," remarked Policemau B. B. King, as he stood on the corner yesterday. "I never saw so maoy of a kind before," he con tinued. "They are all of the terrier size and it must be 'the fashion.'" An excursion will be run from Wilmington to Charleston orer the Atlantic Coast Line on Saturday, Aug. 23rd. Train leares here at 3 P. M. Beturning, leaves Charleston Tues day, 36th, at 6 A. M. Fare for the round trip, $3.00. Accommodation will be provided for white and colored. Ask George Branson about still another new bank that is to be opened ia Wilmington and his mad pursuit after the item for his paper yeaterday. This by way of revenge for the recent cigar joke perpetratea on a "chaser of news" for the Stab. Mr. Brunaon will take pleasure in ex plaining, for it's too good to print. Dellfblfal River Eicnnloa. N.ri sno neonle enjoyed the de- it-ht. nt mnnnlfffht trio up the river 15 miles on the steamer Wilmington last night and ii tne crowa measur ed to night by the enjoyment of the - . 14 ,rty on the nrst excursion i w of the steamer to hold the people. The affair was under the auspices of the poular N. N. 8. Socie ty of Fifth Street M. E. church and the party was composed of the best people of Wilmington. As before intimated the excursion will be repeat ed to-night and the society will have the children of the Odd Fellows Or phanage a special guests. There will also be a band of music and other ad ded attractions. The fare is 20 cents for the round trip of SO miles and the boat leaves at 8 P.M. A Palsfal Acc ideal. Mr. J. Carmer Davis, of the Coast Line car building department, suffer ed a painful bruise of the thumb of his right hand yesterday 00' . consequence of which he will be laid up for several days. The thumb was bo badly crushed that amputation at the first joint was necessary. The re mainder of the thumb is lo badly lacerated, but the wound will heal. Mr. Davis remained In the Infirmary of Dr. D. W. Bulluck. Fourth and t.i 4 tnr the oneration, out was later sent to his home, 209 North. Seventh street, wnere no very well last night. His friends hope to see him out again in a few days. KW ADVKBTISEM1CNTS. Levi McMillan & Oa-Notice. Hardin's Pharmacy Bath sprays. J H. Behder & Co. Crawford shoe. The Morning Star. - COUNTY DELEGATION. New Hanover's Representatives to Congressional Convention Organized Yesterday. REDUCED RAILROAD RATES. Convenient Schednle for the Round Trip. Knconrsrlnr Reports as to Mr. Bel limy's Prospects Vote Which Escb Connty is Entitled A meeting of the New Hanover dele gation to the Congressional conven tion to ba held in Fayetteville Augnst 20th was held yesterday afternoon. The attendance was large and enthu siastic and great interest was mani fested in the highly encouraging re ports as to the prospects of Hon. John D. Bellamy for renomination. After a general exchange of views the delegation organized and made the following appointments for the convention by a unanimous vote: Chairman of the delegation, Wo. H. Bernard. Committee on Permanent Organiza tion, Frank H. Stedman. Committee on Platform and Resolu tion, Walker Taylor. Secretary of the delegation, 8. P. Adams. George L. Morton was chosen as the member for New Hanover of the District Executive Committee. The advance guard of the New Han. over delegation will leave here for Fayetteville Monday morning. Oth ers will go via Wilson Monday night on the train leaving at 7 o'clock. A majority of the delegates and alter nates will probably go Tuesday on the 9.10 A. M. train of the Atlantic and Yadkin branch of the Atlantic Coast Line. These will have the advantage of the $3.55 round trip rate established for the Confederate reunion at Greens boro, and tickets may be bought either Monday or Tuesday, and will be good to return until Friday. Delegates and alternates should not forget that if they 'do not leave Wil mington until Wednesday morning they cannot reach Fayetteville until after the convention has been called to order. New Hanover will send a very large and representative delegation, in cluding many of the most prominent business men of Wilmington. It will include men of every trade, profession and occupation, and will number at least seventy-five. Delegates and alternates are ail re quested to go to Fayettevile. Low Rates to the Cosveatioa. The following round-trip rates to the Congressional Convention on the W. C. & A. railroad have been an nounced by General Passenger Agent W. J. Craig, tickets to be sold on Tuesday 19tb, via Chadbourn and El rod on train leaving Wilmington at 2:45 P. M., reaching Fayetteville 10:25 P. M: Brinkley $4.05 Lake Waccamaw 4.05 Whiteville 3.85 Cerro Gordo 3.85 Chadbourn 3.65 Fair Bluff 4.05 The Vote By Counties. The following table shows the popu lar vote cast for Aycock for Governor in the aeveral counties of the Sixth Congressional District and the vote to which each county will be entitled in the Congressional convention to be held at Fayetteville, August 20th. On all questions on which a vote by counties Is demanded the counties will be called alphabetically. Counties. Gov. Cong. Bladen 1,589 S3 Rranawick 915 18 Dolnmbns 2.178 . 44 Cumberland 2.719 54 Harnett 1,515 u New Hanover 2,963 59 Bobeson 4,100 82 Total 15,979 319 Necessary to a ehoice.lCO. Through an oversight, Harnett county was misplaced in the table as printed In the Btae a few dsys ago. The counties are all in their proper positions in the list as printed to-day. BIQ DAY IN SHIPPINQ. Five Schooners Came Dp In a Bnncb Yes terday Fonr- Masters. Th lull in ahinninflr circles the past week or two was broken yesterday by the arrival of five schooners for car goes, three of them being large four- masters for cargoes of cross ties, xnree of the laree ones were brought up by the Jones on a single tow. The arri vals were as follows : Schr. J. R. Teel, 756 tons, Oapt. Hansen, Boston. - t t. -or 7?iwZ-j 729 tana. Capt. Davidson, Baltimore; cargo for Armour fertilizer works. Schr. J. C. Strawbridae, 758 tons, Capt. Coombs, New York. Schr. Chas. Linthicum, 125 tons, o. to.mk. Ptitimnrd. with earsro tankage for the Armour fertilizer W xj.im.K i.ti, Mnrirtn. Louise. 196 tons, Capt. Barnard, New York. All tne . veaaow except " named are consigned to George Har- w4mi nnn fir. Oa. The Marion Louise is to J. T. BUey & Oa Mr. Moreltad a Director. VMtArdav Mr. Andrew Moreland, the popular cashier of the Atlantic National Bank, was eieciea a mrecnw of that well known institution, suc ceeding Maj. J. L. Ooker, of Harts yille, who finds it Impossible to serve the bank longer. The selection Is a enmnliment to the banking ability of Mr. Moreland and - one worthily bestowed, ue nas wen es tablished himself in the financial world since coming to Wilmington less than two years ago. WILMINGTON, N. C, THURSDAY, AUGUST THE ATLANTIC TRUST AND BANKINQ COMPANY. Organization Effected Yesterday by Elec tioa of Officers $50,000 of the Stock Subscribed. At a very enthusiastic meeting yes terday afternoon of the stockholders of the recently incorporated Atlantic Trust and Banking Company of this city, an organization was affected by the election of the following officers: President Matt J. Heyer. Cashier Mitchell F. Allen. Directors A. B. Lynch, D. Mc Eachern, L. B. Rogers, B. H. J. Ahrens, J. G. L Gieschen, B. B. Bel lamy, I. M. Bear, B. Solomon, Matt J. Heyer, Jno. H. Kuch and O. W. Yates. The meeting was held at 3:30 o'clock in the rooms of the Merchants' Association in the Seaboard Air Line building and 60 of the nearly 100 stockholders in the new institution were present. Upon motion of Mr. Matt J. Heyer, Mr. Geo. B. French acted as chairman and Mr. B. O. Stone secretary. Mr. Heyer briefly stated the object of the meeting and said 500 of the shares of $100 each had been subscribed, al though the bank has authority to begin business on half that amount or to increase its capital to $100,000, if desired. Messrs. M. J. Heyer and John S. Armstrong were appointed to ascertain the number of shares represented and they reported that stockholders own ing 201 of the 500 shares were in the room to say nothing of proxies, where upon the meetingwas declared in read iness for business. Mr. W. E. Worth then nominated the Board of Directors named above and by instruction, the secretary cast the unanimous vote of he stockholders for the same. The Directors subsequently met in the office of the Atlantic National Bank and elected Mr. Heyer president and Mr. Allen cashier. The bank will be ready to begin basiness October 1st and will occupy the rooms formerly occupied by the Atlantic National Bank. Mr. Heyer's excellent business abili' ty is too well known In this communi ty to need commendation here and it does not require the ability of a prophet to foretell-that the institution will do well under his administration. The Directors are also men of keen business sense and wealth. Their names connected with any institution at once places it in the foreground of popular confidence. Mr. Mitchell F. Allen, the new cash ier, has been collection clerk at the At lantic National Bank for the past two years, having come here from Rich mond, Vs. He is a young man of aterling business worth, possessing the peculiar business tact that fit him for the position. CUMBERLAND DELEGATES. Delegates and Alternates to Represent Cnmberlsnd in the Convention. Mr. J. H. Myrover, Chairman of the county convention held in Fay etteville July 5tb, announces in the Observer the following delegates and alternates for the Congressional con vention : TAlAr&tAa J R Underwood. Jr.. J. G. Hollingsworth, W. E. Kyle, J. A. Pemberton, R. H. Buckingham, J. A. Barnes, a. d. wiuiams, Lieignion w. TTnilrf. T. M. Hunter. A. McBuie. M. Folb, Jno. O. Vann, C. B. McMillan, H. L. Cook, H. W. Lilly. J. H. My rover, J. W. Atkinson, W. Watson, J. D. McNeill, N. A. Sinclair, G. M. Rose, B. R. Huske, D. H. Ray, H. R. Home. L. B. Hale, I. W. Clark, J. N. Prior, 8. D. Cole, Wm. Clark, J. W. Bolton, W. G. Holmes, Joslah Cook, R. L. Williams, N. A. Mc Arthur, D. a. Uurrie, w. J. Bzxmn. wuus no.. Pniw T) J. Riv. J. A. Cameron. A. L. Gllliland. J. A. Wright, Alex. D. McNeill, waiter ruimgnasT, J. tu IP.lwlnth. W. T. Clifton. G. F. Simn- nn TV TC. Beard. W. S. Maultsbv. J. O. Salmon, W. D. Campbell, Jeff Kobinson, w. Lt. waiter, n.mmeti Jessup, A. D. McGlll. Alternates a. ueu. itooinson, a. H. MacRae, J. H. Marsh, R. B. King, W. B. McMillan, W. W. Huske, A. S. WIghtman, F. W. Thornton, Thos. C. Williams, Jr., J. D. Brown, N. H. McGeachy, G. A. Overbaugb, J. M Goddard, John H. Robinson, M. Mcl. Matthews, R. L. Holland, W. N. Wil liams, K. A. Boutneriana, a. ta. Burn ing, 8. H. Strange, W. G. Clark, W. R MalloT. H. C. Bash. J. B. Starr. E. T. Watson, A. B. Williams, Jrr H. O. Atkinson, w. JU.. xomiinson, uan iel W. Marsh, W. H. Giaham, John Williams, H. A. McPhail, N. M. D. mark. D. McL. Holt. J. W. Hall. W. L. Williams, H. E. Smith, W. O. Fieldr, W. u. Uiover, J. r. Lt. Arm field, J. B. Tillinghast. J. J. Cross well, John R. Buie, Matt Fisher, J. F. Johnson, J. T. Bynum, J. A. Mc Arthur, T. H. Maultsby, W. L. Haw ley, John 3. Maultsby, Norman C. McLeod. L B. Hair, Jr., D.. A. Mc Millan, John Ledbetter. Woes of Excnrslonlets. John E. Mudd, the negro arrested some time ago by Capt. E. Piner for disorderly conduct as the excursion train upon which he came was about to go out of the shed, ,and who was badlv cut about Ithe! neck and other places, was arraigned in Mayor pro tern. Cooper's court yesterday and al lowed to leave the city. He was juit out of the hospital for treatment of his injuries, and Is still in bad shape. The young white man from Bennetts ville, S. C, who was some time ago sent to the county roads for 80 days because he could, not pay a fine for disorderly conduct In pulling . a bell cord on the same train, has been re leased. The young man's family heard of his misfortune and sent money to pay the costs' and for a ticket upon which to return home. Saturday will be the last day we will make our Souvenir Photographs at $1.50 per dozen this year at Taylor's Studio. t THE SUPERIOR COURT Bench Warrant Issued for Two Participants in & Recent Street Altercation. CASES TRIED YESTERDAY. Several Sentences to Connty Roads and One to State Penitentiary Grand Jnry Down to Work Again After Visit to County institutions A sensational feature of the pro ceedings in the Superior Court yes terday was the issuance by Judge Henry R. Bryan of a bench warrant, upon affidavit of John H. Gore, Jr., Ejq , for Messrs. W. H. Northrop, Jr., and Robt. H. Northrop, with whom Mr. Gore had trouble on the streets of the city last Monday afternoon. Mr. Gore alleges in his affidavit that the two defendants attacked him, aod that there was an element of consnir acy in the attack. The warrant was served at onca by the Sheriff upon Mr. Robert Northrop, but owing to Mr. Harriss North rop's illness the case was not heard yester day but was set for to-day, when the two will be taken up together. Judge Bryan's warrant, with the endorse ment thereon as to execution, is as follows: State of North Carolina In Superior New Hanover County. Court To'jthe Sheriff or other lawful officer of New' Hanover County, Greeting: Whereas, Jno. H. Gore, Jr., hath this day complained on oath before me, Henry R. Bryan, Judge Presidr ing over the Superior Court of New Hanover County, that on or about the 11th day of Aug. 1902, one W. H. Northrop, Jr., and one Robert H. Northrop did wilfully and unlawfully assault and beat the said Jno. H. Gore, Jr., inflicting upon the said John H. Gore, Jr., serious damage, contrary to the statute in such case made and provided and against the peace and dignity of the State: These are therefore to command you forthwith to apprehend the said W. H. Northrop Jr., and the said Robert H. Northrop and have them before me instanter to answer the above complaint and to ba further dealt with according to law. Herein fail not. Given under my hand this 13th day of August, 1902. Henbt R. Bbtan, Judge Presiding. Executed by arresting Robert H. Northrop who, by order of the Judge was paroled In the custody of Mars- den Bellamy, Esq., for his appearance at 5 o'clock P. M., this the 13th day of August, 1902. - F. H. Stebhan, by J. F. Sellars,-Deputy. A true bill had not been found by the grand jury yesterday evening, but action upon the indictment ia expect ed to-day. A number of eye wit nesses to the affray have been sum moned. The court was engaged nearly all yesterday morning in the trial of an interesting case against James W. Smith, white, in which the defendant was charged with an as3ault upon E. C. Horton, also white. Herbert Mc Clammy, Esq., assisted the solicitor in prosecuting and Brooke G. Empie, Esq., appeared for Smith. After re maining in deliberation over the din ner hour, the jury returned a verdict of guilty, but judgment had not been pronounced when court took a recess at 5:45 P. M. for the day. Another case which was hard fought and upon which the jury is tied up for the night in the Court Hous, was that of Bill Moore, colored, charged with the larceny of a sack of flour from the Atlantic Coast Line. There was a sharp legal fight over the . negro's guilt between Solicitor Duffy and Messrs. Davis & Davis for the prose cution and Herbert McOlammy, Esq., and Brooke G. Emple,Esq., for the de fence. James Spencer, colored, plead guilty to an assault with a deadly weapon and was sentenced to six months on the roads. For carrying concealed weapons, he stood trial, was found guilty and sentenced to an ad ditional term of 60 days on the roads. Minnie Clark and Fanny Williams, alias "Hoss Face Fanny," denizens of Racket Store alley, were sentenced each to 3 months in the county jail with leave to Commissioners to hire out for making an assault with a dead ly weapon upon D. . B. Melvin and Jno. F. Thompson, two country dar keys, who recently "struck the town" on an excursion from Lumberton. For the additional charge of robbing Mel vin of $15, "Hoss Face Fanny" will do 12 months in the State penitentiary. Arthur Moore, colored, charged with an assault with a deadly weapon upon Liacy Hheredan, coloea, upon whose toes he trod in a recent color ed dance, was found guilty of simple assault and fined $5 and costs. The grand jury failed to find a true bill against Isaac Pollock, white, charged with the larceny of sacks from the N. C. Cotton Oil Co. A committee from the grand jury yesterday visited a number of the county institutions preparatory to making its report for the term, but later in the afternoon it got down to routine work again and from the per sonnel of witnesses being heard yester day some highly sensational develop ments may be looked for later. I ncrease fa Valuation. The computation of the tax returns from the country townships, complet ed yesterday, will show an increase in the valuation of real and persons! pro perty of about $100,000. It is also said there will be a corresponding increase in the city. Tax-dodging, therefore, appears not to be as effective as it was at one time or rather that values have greatly Increased. A number of the corporation reports have not yet been secured from Raleigh, which makes the work of computation extremely difficult. ' 14, 1902. VISITING CHILDREN OFF TO SOUTHPORT, Party from Odd Fellows' Orphanage En joying Coast Breezes Return This Afternoon to Wilmington. Bright-faced and happy the fifty two children from the Odd Fellows' Orphanage at Goldsboro, in charge of their clever superintendent and family and the painstaking matron, left their temporary homes in Wilmington yes terday morning and are now guests of Atlantic Lodge No. 145, I. O. O. F., of Southport, in which city they gave a delightful concert last night. The children will return to the city, leaving Southport at 2:30 o'clock this afternoon, and reaching here three hours later. To-night the entire party will be guests of th N. N. S. Society and Captain John W. Harper on the excursion up the river. To-morrow at 10:10 A. M. they will be taken to the Seashore Hotel to par take of the hospitalities so generously tendered by Manager J. H Hinton, and in this eonaectiou it iu specially desired that as many Odd Fellows as can pos3ibly do so will go down to the beach iu order that the little ones may bathe in safety and that none be de barred the pleasure of bathing for the lack of some one to care for them. Returning from the beach on the 6 o'clock train, they will spend a quiet night at their temporary homes and leave on Saturday morning at 9 o'clock, refreshed in body and mind and ready for the duties and pleasures of their Home. Fridiy night at the Y. M. C. A. the children, assisted by local talent, will give an ontertaiament, to which the public wiU be welcome. MARRIED LAST EVENING. Mr. Ed George Weds a Clarkton Yonog Lady Ceremony and Reception. A quiet but very pretty marriage ceremony last night at the home of the bride's uncle, Mr. and Mrs. C. M, Baldwin, No. 808 North Fourth street, joined in matrimony Miss Bes sie Gooding, the attractive daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Gooding, of Clark- ton, N. C, and Mr. Edward D. George. a popular member of the Wilmington Fire Department. The ceremony took place at 8 o'clock and was performed by the Rev. J. L. Vipperman, pastor of Brooklyn Bap tist church, in the presence of a large number of friends and relatives of the contracting parties. The maids of honor were Misses Stella Krinar and Barbara DeBose; the groomsmen, Messrs. J. H. Gooding, of Clarkton, and J. Haskett, of Wilmington. Mr. and Mrs. W. G; Baldwin, form erly of Castle Hayne?, now residing at 410 Chesnut street, this city, were in attendance upon the ceremony. After the wedding a delightful spread of refreshments was served. Mr. and Mrs. George will reside at Fifth and Brunswick streets. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Mrs. H. K. Nash and children and Miss Mary Nash are visiting at Tarboro. Mrs. Fred Martin, of Mount Olive, has returned after a visit to Mrs. R. D. Tucker. Friends of Mr. A. B. Skeld- ing will regret to know that he is con fined to his home by illness. Mrs. Lula Henderson, of Sa vannah, Ga., is the guest of her sister, Mrs. J. M. Woolard, No. 715 North Fifth street. Miss Mary Johnson, represent ing the Orphans'' Friend, the official organ of the Oxford Orphanage, is in the city on a business visit. Col. N. A. McLean, of Lum berton, N. C, is in the city to appear for the prosecution in the case of Gore vs. Northrop in the Superior Court to day. Mr. W. A. Lineker, the popu lar cutter at the merchant tailoring es tablishment of Munson & Co., re turned last night from his Summer vacation, which he spent on a fine farm which he owns in Nebraska, and in1 New York, Philadelphia, Pittsburg and Chicago. Demolished Bread Wagon. Car No. 23 of the C. R. L. & P Co., in charge of Conductor Scott and Motorman Jordan, ran into the de livery wagon of Warren's Bakery at Sixth and Ann streets yesterday after noon and almost demolished it. The driver and animal attached to the vehicle escaped without injury. The car and wagon were goingin the same direction. agala, the Bloodhounds. There is continued talk of the ur gent need of bloodhounds to be owned jointly by the city and county. Citi zens believe this to ba the only solu tion of the burglary problem and can't understand why the authorities are so dilatory in the matter. There is talk of a meeting of the Board of Magistrates to f urther push the mat ter. Railroad Truckers Struck. Florence Times', 13th: "A temporary stop was put to work at the Atlantic Coast Line freight transfer yards last night by a strike among the negro truckers. The demand is understood to have been for shorter hours. It is said that about fifteen of the truckers quit work and went home, when their demand was not granted. The places of these workmen for the most part have been filled with other men, and work is going on as usual to-day. None of the old men were at work this morning." WHOLE NO. 10,912 New Lot Just In. ONE PRICE. All Sizes, All Stiles. Every pair guaranteed. Money refunded f not satisfied. Crawford's Pat Colt Skin will not break. CT. EE. KESIIDES & CO , 615, 617 and 619 North Fourth Street. Car fare paid on purchases of $2.00 worth and oyer. au 10 tf NOTICE! This is a chance for you. We will close out our stock of Summer Shoes Saturday ab sljolcL "below cosi3. levi McMillan & co., Fourth 'PHONE 605. Wage-Earning People. - We invite the attention of every wage-earner to the advantages of our Savings Bank. It affords a safe and profit able place for the accumulation of small savings. We pay 4 per cent, interest, compounded quarterly. The People's Savings Bank, Opposite the Postofficft, H. c. RleQTJEEN, President. JNO. S. ARHBTBONO, Tie President, an 9 tf F. W. DICK. Cashier. STANDARD PASSENGER RATES. Corpnratlon Commission Requires Them on Branch Lines of Southern Road. Special Star Telegram. Raleigh, N. C, August 13 The Corporation Commission issued an order to-day that the Southern Bail way must apply the commissioners' standard passenger rates of 3i cents per mile for first class and 2 cents per mile for second class on all roads or the system in the State, including branch lines. This order reduces the fare from Si and 3 cents on the following roads of the Southern sys tem: Western North Carolina, Ashe ville to Murphy, 124 miles; Statesville and Western, Statesville to Taylors ville, 20 miles; State University Sta tion to Chapel Hill, 10 miles; North Western, North Carolina, Winston to Wilkesboro, 75 miles; North Carolina Midland, Winston to Mooresviile, 54 miles; Oxford and Clarksville, Oxford to Virginia State line, 50 miles; Yad kin Kailroad, Salisbury to Norwood, 41 miles ; Atlantic and Yadkin, San- ford to Mount Airy, 41 miles. Standard rates already apply on all roads of the Seaboard Air Line and Atlantic Coast Line. It is understood that the Southern will accede to the order and put them in effect Octo ber 1st. Two Excursionists Hurt Florence Times. 13th: "Two acci dents occurred on the return trip last night of the excursion train that was run from this place and Darlington to Wilmington. About two miles above Marion, Mr. B. E. Morris fell from the train, and at Pee Dee Mr. I. A. Gar land met with the same fate. Both were bruised considerably but sustain ed no hurts of a serious nature. Mr. Morris says he must have been stun ned, for when he awokelat 6 o'clock this morning he was still lying by the track and thought he was in Darling ton." NEW ADVERTISEMENTS? N. N. S. SOCIETY Fifth Street M. E. Church. Moonlight ride np the river on the Steamer Wilmington to Mag nolia Tree. 15 miles, Wednesday and Thursday evenlnzs, August 13 and 14. Boat leaves Wil mington at 8.00 o'clock. Fare 80c. Refresh ments. Tickets at the boat. Scenery unsur passed, an 13 2t BATH SPRAYS I Doctors are advocating cold showers now every day as the greatest nerve tonic and for generally toning up the system. There is no more convenient way of accomplishing this than by having a "Holdfast" Bath Spray. Will fit any faucet. For sale at HARDIN'S Palace Pharmacy. an 14 tr Seven Good Reasons Why people should buy their Shoes of their home dealer, viz: B6CaUS8 Tney can tisually be fitted better. B6CaiiS8 oheaW11 CbeSP r R6CaUS8 charges?11 8876 transportatlon BfiCaUSB to abette thB home mercnants BscausB 14 18 recIproclty ln tne trae RaMHOA DOUGLAS and DUTTENHOFEB DCballoD shoes are as good as can be made. s BscausB 0411 bny 111666 20048 onlyat ir IMOlbOI jysotf 115 Princess street. rn S Evans Co., i lornr w0OwwwO - ' : TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. ' One Year, tar MaJO. $6.00$ Six Months, " 8.50 Three Months, 1.25 g Two Months, " 1.00 OSUTr4 to Subaerlbars la tke X GUy at 4fi Gonta por BIobUu X $3.50. often imitated. never'equaudI and Campbell Streets. au I tf What's Said of "Stock Best" Flour, "Stock Best" Flour. The leading brand on the market for the last thirty years Is a fall guarantee of Its vast superiority over all others, we sell Silver Coin" Patent Elour. - Qood enough for most people and an im mense seller. We can't keep our trade sup plied. AU grocers sell these brands. Full stock Prime Mixed Oats new). Va. Water Ground Meal. Cracked and Whole Corn. Grits, etc., etc , etc. V0LLERS & HASHA6EN. Millers' Agents and Provisioned, auiotf Fancy Fruit OAK LOAD ASSORTED Pineapples, Florida Oranges, Bartlett Fears, Elberta Peaches, California Plums, Delaware and Concord Grapes Best and finest fruit I ever had. J. W. PLUIMER, Jr. an 18 tf A NEW LINE HALL RACKS. Enamel Beds, in colors. Leather Seat Diners, Extension Tables. Our Hammocks and Go-Carts this week 20 per cent, off regu lar price. See us if you want Furniture of any kind. Our prices will suit you. GASTON D. PHARES & CO. Inter-State Thone 78. 110-118 Market street. an 3 tf g wirt Premium Hams; " 'Nuff said." hlte "O" Sugar 4Jc pound; Granulated sc. gome people prefer N. O. Hams; we have them. large lot of Jellies and Preserves, way down. to l. Mackerel just arrived Qan stm chips the Beef thin. rvery effort.used to please, call 109. peady to eat Canned Delicacies; all kinds, gour and Sweet Pickles and Mangoes "The Unlucky Corner' Both 'Phones. Jy20tf SEED RYE. 100 Bushels Seed Rye, 90c. 2 1 8 Lbs. Gravely's Car Wheelt47c W. B. COOPER, Wfeolaaala Orr, Wilmington, H. o, . an tt