idttrtntced Bona-FMa, yery.Dayj Circulation Urrer Tnaa Tnat Ot any Other Dally Newa piper Pnbllahei ta Wllmlnrtoa. . nKT DAILY NBW1P1PI! A' . : iv THE STATE. I x o o o o e a OUTLINES. itarlars robbed the postofflce at Edfetop, Tenn., ana securea (ow in ney tad stamp. A fresh oat- Ljk of trouble in the coal regiona of ffrtJ Virginia is reported. An ther troop of cavalry haa been order- j to Shenandoah, Fa. Capt. HBiry Marmaduke, Confederate nayal jeger has joined the Columbian jTJ" The Cotton Statea Com moner! Association elected offlcera u, the ensuing year. Re-. A. F. f tkinf. of Brcokhaven. Miss.? haa chosen agent to raise a trust fund j $5 000,000 by trustees of the M. E. 0arth Soutb. Italian ateam- ip Liguria was run into and badly fcned by a British steamer in New York brbor. Rear Admiral Hifc- pnwnhis submitted his official re--t apoa ii-e recent naval manceuvrea Jjtfia coast of New England. fae Sheriff at Pensacola, Fla., has ji-dthe Governor of Florida for giliiU w pratect a negro, charged r;ih criminal assault, from a mob. itoniii and a man were shot ui killed, and another man is dying gi hospital in New York city, the re jjof a quarrel in the woman's apart- N.Y. markets: Money on call gtdy at 3&i per cent. ; cotton steady d qaiet at 9c; flour waa quiet gd easy; wheat spot easy, No. IrtdJSi:; corn-spot easy, No.2, 67c; a-ipot dull, No. 2 new, 3437c; Bta firm ; spirits turpentine firm at WEATHER REPORT. U. 3. DcpT or Aqrioulturb, . WCATHZB BTJRKAU, WiuiisaTOS, N. C, Aug. 87. ) Meteorological data for the 24 hours ailns 8 P. 31. : Iemperatures: 8 A. L, 69 degrees; IP. JL, 74 degrees; maximum, 81 dc pa; minimum, 69 degrees; mean, 75 agrees. Biiofall for the day, .00; rainfall net 1st of month to date, 2.S5. OOTTON BKGIOH BULUTIK. High temperatures hare previiled lite central and western portions of ie cotton belt, the Oklahoma district nortia; a mean maximum of 106 de- (rm, scd the GalTeaton and New Or ass districts 100. Temperatures con- aae moderate in the eastern sections. Loeai raias have fallen in Georgia, the iralici?. Tennessee, Alabama and Okkhoma. ro&EOAST FOB TO -DAT. WASHisaTOS, Aug. 27. For North Circling Showers Thursday and Fri- iit; fresh east to southeast winds. Port Alm&nave An-t 88. JKisas 5.28 A.M. JuSeU 6.S3P.M. Sim Length . 13H.05M. trh VV ater at Bouthca . 2.35 1. M. Water Wllmlva 6.06 P. tf. It u said that Hon. Mr. Balfour, i England, sleeps twelve hours a ijand Bometimes more. He is toing lota of fan. The PhilarlAlnhia Press antici- Jites an immense chestnut crop this Senator Chauncey M. Depew a returned from Europe. Hr. Hiaa is the Congressional Can ute of the Republicans of the J-th district. There is a sort of posey soand in that name. Captain Carter, in the peniten- itfjfor robbing the QoTernment, Jigaia appealing for jnstice. Some sn never know when they have oongh. It iaa't likely that the Bepubli spell binders will make many tference3to the "fall dinner pail" hen canvassing in the Pennsylvania "1 regions this Fall. While Chas. Schwab is resting 3 recuperating in Europe, he may hi some exhilarating recreation Skiing Monte Carlo, and "blowing wme American dollars. t A Manila dispatch imparts the in mation that "the Philippines r an excellent field for the 8a'Jj of the cholera germ." With toot 1,500 deaths a month there onMn't be much difficulty in cor ding the germs. A South HarrtU 101 mind biting himself with a at all, says turpentine ap- io tae place bitten is a sure It is better than the Ken 'Japeciflc and doesn't require 15 ouch. Thirtj-one years ago they began ork ia building Phttadelphia's JJJhall. They have spent nearly .000,000 on it, and are still at i oa it. But Philadelphia never Jw- She is probably building Chouse for prosterity. Aniaawho recently died in Ta- conf es sed to the murder, thir Q Tears ago, of a girl, for which loung Indian was tried, convicted "1 hanrrnrl (PL!. M as -gen. xiua coai.tsiuu w J5hat belated, but it is another t circumstantial evidence,, U lame. k. - - . . ... - o i ii ii ii a i w ii ar . ii. nil villi x" vi i rv 1 1 1 1 1 rv i I -a ii i I WJt 1 aha w J IV . II II lllrt I ttat" t . . zr I viii. i . x v fj i me , . WILD REPORTS ABOUT DR. STRANQE'S POISONING. One of Fifty Odd Quests Who Drank Im- Pe Milk at Sweet Sprints All Have Recovered. Among the Bichmondftni h poisonea recently at Sweet Springs, , w. vt., u the result of drinking ui uiai naa been allowed to atand in a tin vessel for iom t!m An Pa Dr. Robert Strange and Mrs. Strange, formerly of this city. Between forty and fifty guests in all wpa nnimn out none or them seriously. xne poisoning occurred more than week ago, bat the hotel mania managed to keep the affair quiet until t leaked out in Richmond and was Ubsequentlv Written tn frlpnrfa nf n- Strange here, who had eontamnUtpd joining the family at the Springs. mere were many wild rumors here yesterday, regarding the poisoning. but friends will be clad to know that all the poisoned guests have recovered. Manager Bell, or the Springs, says that between Sunday nUrht and Wed nesday between forty and fifty guests and employes oat of a total of over. seven hundred, were attacked with metallic poison from drinking milk that had been allowed to stand In tin vessel?. None of the nartr who were attacked was at all dangerously, sick so far as lire waa concerned and in no case did the sickness last over twelve hours. Private letters to people in Rich mond giye a graphic account of the consternation caused when the sick ness began to develon. It ia said that guests who were amusing themselves or strolling on the lawns dropped on all aider, and that it looked for a mo ment as if a batterv of artilierr had suddenly opened with grape and can ister on tne gay gathering. Servants as well as guests suffered, and those who escaped the visitation had all they could do picking up and caring for the sufferers. LOCAL DOTS. An advertisement offering a liberal reward for $51.00 lost .here by an excursionist, appears in the Stab to-day. Atlantic Coast Line of Con necticut stock is reported to have been aold in Baltimore yesterday for $337.50 per share. A new electric battery is being natalled on President Elliott's private car, No. "301," to be used for running electric fans in the car. Fayetteville Observer: "It is said that Mr. B. F. McLean, of Max- ton, is an aspirant for the Republican Congressional nomination." Messrs. M. F. Croom and B. M. Croom left yesterday for Greensboro to attend the Republican State Con vention which convenes to-day. The Wilmington Juniors de feated a baseball team from Col. Tay- or'a Boys Brigade yesterday after noon ia a score of 7 to 1. Linder and Jordan and Sellers and Moore were the batteries. Col. Kenneth M. Murchison arrived in the city yesterday .and waa cordially greeted by his numerous friends after his Summer sojourn North. OoL Murchison last visited his daughter, Mrs. Hurkamp, of Vir ginia. The Sias was in error yester day in stating that Capt R. M. Mc- Intire was in charge of the carpet de partment at A. D. Brown's. Capt. Mclntire haa a position in the store, but Mr. A. T. Walsh Is the clever man ager of the carpet, rug and matting department. Mr. N. F. Parker, Wilming- ton'a up to-date furniture man, has closed the contract for a nice lot of furnishings for the new Murchiion National Bank building. The bank haa purchased a number of handsome nieces and R. G. Grady, Esq., will furnish his new office In the building from Mr. Parker's stock. ' AN INDEPENDENT CANDIDATE. I. r. Mc-ethao, of Camberlaad.Jnnps Isto Cooxressloaal Rice of Tbls District. The Favetteville correspondent of the Raleigh News and Observer graphi llw describes the nrancing into the Congressional race In this district of Mr. E. R. McKethan, or uumoeriana, the following short special: "B'lVTTTnrtf.i.t N. C. Auff. 26. til.. hnnihnH from dear skv. came the announcement to-day that n . -tP Vt fTrthn. Of Camberltnd, had announced himself a Independent canaiaawi ior ia this district. His card to this effect appears in to-day's Obs erver." Trala Foir Hoars Late. The A. & r. train, due to arrive at did not reach 7:25 o'clock laat night the city until 11:40 P. M. The delay occasioned by a break-down of thi Sonthern division was two .k. Hanfnrd. The flues OI lUO rusu t w of one of the locomotives blew out at of the Greensboro, a secona engine ww- ed out and that became disabled at Goldaton, causing still further delay. tfBW ADVEBTISKMENTS. I. Bhrier Announcement. Hugh MacRae & Co. Notice. Masonic Meeting WU. Lodge, a & B. Solomon Fall line complete People's Savings Bank Remember. Vollers acHashagen Fancy mullets Btrsnrxsa loo-L8 . ' Lost In green backf, $51.00. Wanted Board In private family. ' "- WlliMlTSUTON, N. 0., THURSDAY. AUGUST 28. 1902. WTTnT.TE NO in q-u M DAY IN THE COURTS. Negro Held in Heavy Bond for Stoning an Excursion Train Monday Night. TAKEN BACK TO COLUMBIA. Sooth Carolina Officer Arrived for Yoang White Man Charged With Qrsad LarceayEzperIesce With Sap posed BnTfJar Notes. For throwing stones into an out going excuraion train of negroes Mon day night, Jim Townsend, colored, about SO years old, was yesterday. held for the higher court by Mayor Wad dell and in default of $200 justified bond, the defendant went to jail to await the November term. Herbert McCIammy, Esq., appeared for the defendant, while Junius Davir, Esq., Atlantic Coast Line attorney, con ducted the prosecution. From the evidence it was shown that Townsend boarded the train, presumably at the Front street station, and rode as far as Seventh street with the excursionists. There he jumped off. and Engineer Everett, of the Independent Ice Co., saya he saw the negro stoop down as if to pick up something, made a mo tion in the direction of the train and Immediately there came the crash of a stone striking the car. Two negro la borers at the ice plant corroborated Mr. Everett and said Townaend in paasing them, aaid aome one on the train threw at him. He was later arrested by Police, Sergeant Woolard in a dance hall in Brooklyn. Deputy Sheriff L. H. Sligb, of Co lumbia, S. C, arrived yesterday and took back with him on the afternooon train the young white man, John Bernhart, alias John Doe, who was ar rested Sunday on a charge of grand larceny. Bernhart on Monday signed a paper setting forth his willingness to return to South Carolina without requisition, but yesterday he was dis posed to refuse to go and at the last moment became very ugly. He says he is of German-Italian descent and was born in New Hampshire. He has a distinctive Northern brogue and saya he is a travelling man. When asked by a reporter as to the line he carried, he evaded the question. He was not disposed to speak of his residence In Columbia. He is an interesting con versationalist and is much above the average in Intelligence. He dresses well and showed a remarkable ac quaintance with the law. Deputy Sheriff Sligh knew no particulars of the offence. Gilbert Wingate, an old colored stevedore, was found lurking about the house of Mr. Calvin Reaver, Sixth and Wright streets, about 3 o'clock yesterday morning. A Mrs. Cartright, living next door to Mr. Reaves, gave an alarm that burglars were in the vi cinity and Mr. Reaves and a Mr. Mo Girt who lives with him, rushed out to make a capture. Wingate was drunk and attempted to hide himself by stooping. When the men came upon him he started to ran and was felled with a blow over the right eye with some aharp instrument, which left an ugly gash. Wingate was sent to the Hospital and as no burglarious intent was shown, he was ordered re leased as soon as the wound is healed. " Justice Fowler at 10 o'clock yester day morning rendered a decision, dis charging "Bill" Jones, the negro who was given a preliminary hearing Tues day on the charge of criminal assault apoa Abbie Kelly, a colored girl living on Wrightaville Soand. Jones waa released from jail It waa stated yesterday in these columns that the evidence was far from conclu sive. Justice Foweler decided that it was not strong enough to admit of probable cause. Herbert McCIammy. Esq., appeared for the prisoner and made a strong plea In his behalf. Sue McDuffie'and Josephine Brown, both colored, had a fight on Eleventh between Dock and Orange streets, Tuesday night. Eaoh was fined $5 in the municipal court yesterday. Hanover Seaside Clnb Hop. The Stab acknowledges with thanks the receipt of an invitaion to the closing hop of the Hanover Seaside club at Carolina Beach to-day. An enjoyable programme of exercises has been arranged for the day and a moat enjoyable time la anticipated. There will be three boats daring the day, leaving the city at 9:15 A. M., 5:15 and 3 P. M.. with a late trip for the ben efit of those who desire to remain for the dance. The Italian Harpers will furnish music during the entire day. There will be a number of bowling alley and other contests for excellency in which prizes will be awarded. Fists for Aaxols Mill. An turraement bv which the Angola Lumber Co., of this city, purchases from the Kilby Locomotive and MaoMna Works, of Anniston. Ala bama, ten, standard gauge and two 42-inch gauge logging cars, was filed for record yesterday at the Court House. The cars have already Kaan irftivad and are beins? used on the company's logging road in Pender county. Aa Approachlsg Msrrisxe. Announcement Is made of the forth coming marriage on Nov. 6th of Mrs. Llxxle Fowler Bell, of Bocry roini, io Mr. J. T. Larkins, of Castle Haynes. The ceremony will be perrormea at the home of the bride at Rociry roini. RURAL FREE DELIVERY TO BEJWUCH EXTENDED. Special Agent DeWolf, of Washloftoo, Here for Coasaltation with Mr. Bel limy Regarding Seversl Roates. Although defeated for renomination as Congressman from- the Sixth Dis trict, Hon. Jno. D. Bellamy has lost none of his old-time enthusiasm in the work of extending the rural free de livery Io this territory and the pros pects are very bright for the establish mentof aeveral additional routes in the near future. xesieraay Mr. w. a. uewolr. a special asrent of the rural free deliv ery Tdepartment, reached the city from Washington for a consultation with Mr. Bellamy and the result of the conference is regarded as quite satia factory. This morning Mr. DeWolf will leave for an inspection tour of a proposed route to Shallotte. Brans wick county, and from there he goes to -Clark ton and Emerson, in Bladen county, Whiteville and Ohadbourn, ia Columbus county, Ashpole.Barnes ville, Lumber Bridee. Red Snrlnes and Maxton, in Robeson county, Bar- gaw, Willard, Long Creek and Atkin son, in Pender county. The visit of Mr. DeWolf is con strued to mean that several very ad vantageous routes will be established leading to and from the points indica ted. MR. WILLIE HERRINQ DEAD. Yoang Man Formerly of Wilmington Died at Hendersonvllle Yesterday. The sad news of the death of Mr. Willie Herring at Hendersonvllle, N. C, yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clock, reached the city last night through the medium of a telegram to Jefferson Lodge No. 61, K. of P., of which the deceased young man was a member. Mr. Herring waa being nursed by the Pythians at Hendersonvllle and when his death came, the local lodge there telegraphed to know what dis position to make of the remains. The young man's parents live at Toma hawk, Sampson county, and they, upon being notified of the deatbgave directions aa to the shinment of the body home. Mrs. J. H. Swinson, an aunt of the deceased, who lives in this city, waa also notified. Mr. Herring was about 30 years of age and for some time he worked in the general offices of the Atlantic Coast Line in Wilmington. He had been in poor health for a long while and was forced to give up his work here on that account. About four months ago he went from his old home at Toma hawk to Hendersonvllle with the hope that the mountain climate would do him good. On the contrary, however, he became worse and his death came at 4 P. M. yesterday. Mr. Herring waa a most excellent young man and numbered his friends here by the hundreds. He was prom inent in Y. M. O. A. work, was a de voted member of the Baptist church and took a prominent part in the re ligious life of the city. Besides his parents, he leaves two brothers and a sister, who have the sympathy of the community. MARRIED LAST NIGHT. Miss Mary E. Wslker the Bride of Mr. W. Hsrvey Cox. At the home of her aunt, Miss Amanda Everett, No. 720 North Sev enth street, last night at 9 o'clock, Miss Mary Eliza Walker, the attractive young daughter of the late C. O. Walker, was quietly married to Mr. W. Harvey Cox, a popular young man of Wilmington and a deputy In the office of Sheriff Frank H. Sted- man. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Geo. B. Webster, pastor of Bla den Street Methodist church, and there were present to witness the nuptial event a large gathering of friends and relatives of the bride and groom. A number of handsome and useful presents were received. After the ceremony a reception fol lowed, lasting until after 11 o'clock. Refreshments were daintly aerved and Mr. and Mrs. Cox were the recipients of many happy congratulations. They will reside at No. 720 North Seventh street. Mrs. Ada 6. Harm, of Onslow coumy, a sister or tne groom, was among the out-of-town guests in at tendance upon the ceremony. CUTTINQ AFFRAY LAST NIGHT. Wm. B. Watson Slssbed by Qeo W. Cameron Nesr Sixth and Csstle. As the result or an altercation be tween Messrs. Geo. ' Cameron and W. E. Watson last night about 11 o'clock at Sixth and Castle streets, the latter was severely gashed across the stomach and twice on the back. Mr. Cameron escaped with little injury and the wounds of the other combatant are not aerious. Mr. Watson was sent to the hospital for surgical attention and Mr. Cam eron was recognized for his appearance in the Mayor's court to-day. Both parties were arrested by Special Offioer S. L. Mann. Are the Cars Here? Rumors were abroad on the streets yesterday that the new suburban ears for tha beach trolley line had arrived and would be in running order in a few days. Inquiry at the company's office last night brought forth the In formation that the cars had not yet ar rived but were expected daily. Mr. Joe Armstrong returned last night from Wilkesboro. t s s i ON THE WATER FRONT Over a Thousand Bales of New Crop Cotton Were Received" Yesterday. TRAMP STEAMERS ON WAY. British Schooner Cleared With Lumber for Santo Domingo Two Others Resdy To-day Captain Ward Will Bny Another Tog. uotton receipts reached the high water mark of the new season yester day. The number of bales was 1,135 and all of it came from South Carolina points on the W., O. & A. railroad and adjacent territory in North Caro lina, with the exception of two bales which oame down the Wilmington and Weldon road. The receipts yes terday were the heaviest of any single day during the month of August ever recorded at Wilmington. With addi tional receipts as heavy as those of yes terday the remainder of the week, the British steamer TusJcar will be able to get her cargo without delay at the Champion Compress andx be ready to sail early in September, if not on the first. The "British steamer Polano, Capt. Holttum, will arrive from Balti more, perhaps as early as Sunday. The next ateamer for cotton will prob ably be the British tramp Rosewood, 1,104 tons, Capt. McGregor, which sailed from Villa Real on Aug. 9th. Fayetteville Observer, 27th: "The Highlander arrived from Wilmington ast night and cleared on her return trip this morning. Wm. McDowell, a Bladen county negro, fell off the Highlander, 20 miles this side of Wil mington, night before last and was drowned. McDowell was a former deck hand on the boat and just as she left the wharf in Wilmington he got drunk and took advantage of his former service to obtain a ride home. That night he was cutting up some capers on deck, when he fell overboard, and like most victims of the Cape Fear, was never seen to rise again." Capt. Herbert Ward has just re ceived notice that the tug which he waa about to go North to purchase had been sunk. He is now on the look-oat for another boat to meet his requirements, and will purchase one early in the Fall. The .Buck is now doing towing on the river and in the harbor in charge of its new master. Later in the Fall she will be taken to Charleston, 8. C, for harbor duty there. The British Bchooner Marion Louise, Capt. W. H. Barnard, cleared yester day 'for Samana, Santo Domingo, with a cargo of 156,108 feet of lumber, consigned by master. The four-masted schooner Tvoohy with cross ties and the schooner Wm. F. Green with lam bar will perhaps be ready to clear to day. Spirits was quoted on the local mar ket yesterday "nothing doing." There were sales, however, after hours at 44 cents. Slsnders Wilmington Ministers. "Go away from home to find the news" is an old adage that has work ed oyer time, but it appears still . to hold good from the following exam ple in a story printed in several papers under a Greensboro, N. C. date line: "A white man is here holding a holi ness meeting among the negroes. His language is moat disgusting. He as serted that the white ministers of Wilmington had a private barroom in which they met and drank, and he be lieved the preachers here did the same thing. He is being assisted in these meetings by a negro woman who' also preaches." Aa Enterprising Clothier; In the advertising columsof to-day's Stab, Mr. I. Shrier, the old reliable clothier, makes an interesting ' and seasonable announcement to the pub lic. He has ready for inspection a large assortment of foreign and do mestic woolens, and announces that he is ready to do first class tailoring at low prices. Mr. Carey, an expert cut ter of the firm of L. E. Hays & Co., Cincinnati, O., wilrbeatMr. Shrier's atore to-day and to-morrow to put on display 500 styles of the handsomest suitings and trouser patterns. You can select patterns and have your measure taken for future delivery. New Bank May Open Saturday. A special meeting of the stock holders of the Atlantic Trust and Banking Company was held yester day afternoon in the Merchants' Asso ciation rooms, Mr. Geo. R. French presiding and Mr. B. O. Stone acting as secretary. The charter of the new institution waa read and accepted and matters pertaining to the general wel fare of the bank discussed. President Heyer and Cashier Allen hope to have everything ready to open for business Saturday, beginning a new interest quarter Sept. 1st. The new bank promises exceedingly well. At the Inter-State Shoot. As will be seen from the Stab's tel egraphic dispatches this morning, North Carolina's only team at the In ter-state shoot at Savannah, Ga., yes terday took one of the second prizes In competition with the large number of companies - from three. States repre tented. Of course, reference in had to the Lumber Bridge Light Infantry, one of the crack organizationa in the State Guard. BROOKLYN BAPTISTS TO IMPROVE THEIR CHURCH. Contract Awsrded Laat Night for Hand some Pews Other Work to the Interior of Bnlldlog. At a called conference of Brooklyn Baptist church last night it was de cided to place an order with the South ern Seating and Cabinet Company, of Jackson, Tenn., for handsome oak pewa with which to furnish the main auditorium of the splendid new church edifice, erected a little more than a year ago at the southwest cor ner of Fourth and Brunswick streets. Since the church was completed the old seats have been in service, but the congregation recently decided to fur nish the new building with pews, etc., more in keeping with the handsome new structure, and to that end corre spondence was opened with a number of manufacturers, which resulted in the awarding of the contract last night. It will require about three months for the Tennessee company to complete the order, which is for the best material and mcst up-to-date de signs.. Another improvement soon to be made is the kalsomining of the walls of the main auditorium. This will be finished by the time the new pews ar rive, and the interior of the church will be as pretty as there is in the city. Over a thousand dollars will be ex pended for all tho improvement. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Mr. A. B. Guyton", the popular mail carrier, is spending his vacation at Winston-Salem. Miss Annie Gause is at home from a visit to her friend, Miss Taylor, of Charleston, S. C. Miss Geneva Mann returned yesterday from a delightful visit to friends at fcCol), S. C. Mrs. J. W. Plummer is visit ing her daughter, Mrs. D. W. Town- send, of Maxton, N. C. Mr. A. S. Kochelle, of Dixon, Onslow county, was in the city yes terday on a business trip. Editor J. J. Farriss, of the High Point Enterprise, is visiting his brother, Mr. W. A. Farriss. Mr. B. F. Keith went to Oak Ridge, N. C. yesterday to enter his son, B. F. Keith, Jr., in the Institute there. Mr. J. H. Stone, of the Stone Brothera Co., of Little River, S. C, left last night for New York to buy Fall goods. Capt. William Anderson, of Charlotte, has joined his family, who are spending some time at Wrighta ville beach. Mr. S. A. Schloss, lessee of the Grand Opera House, Greensboro, is in that city making arrangements for the opening of the theatrical season. Mr. W. B. Cooper returned yesterday from Lincolntoo, N. C. Mrs. Cooper and children came with him as far as Rockingham, where they will visit Mr. and Mrs. Oiaude Gore. Messrs. E. C. Banks and C. F. W. Rehder got home yesterday from an extended sojourn in the mountains. Mr. Rehder attended the florists' con vention in Asheville while away. Mr. J. F. Tobin, senior mem ber of the firm of Tobin & Bro., the well known plumbing contractors of Charleston, S. C, waa in the city yes terday greeting his many friends. Fayetteville Observer, 27th: Mrs. Boudinote, of Wilmington, is here on a visit to her daughter, Mrs. Henry Angel. Mrs. Angel's little son, Henry Love, is very ill, we regret to learn." Fayetteville Observer, 27th: "Mr. D. M. Williams and Misses Nan nie Holiday and Kate Horner, of Wil mington, who are spending a while at Holly Hill, Manchester, were in town to-day." THROUGH TRAINS BY WILMINGTON. Coast Line Trestle Near Fayetteville Burn ed Freight Wreck Near Elm City, Yesterday afternoon's Fayetteville Observer says : The trestle on the A. O. L. main line at Goddard'a vineyard, about two miles irom uayeiievuie, was burned last night, and in consequence all trains over that route have either to co around by Goldsboro or those coming south take the Wilmington di vision at this point. vestibule train No. 35, due here at 20 o'clock this morning,' did not reach here until 5 o'clock this morn ing on account of a wrectc at Elm City, and, after remaining here several hours, took the route via Wilmington. The freight was wrecked yester day afternoon about four o'clock be tween Rocky Mount and Earn City. It was caused by a draw head palling oat and falling across the track. Eight box cars loaded with mrnlture and lumber were completely demolished. No lives were lost. Three tramps, who were on the train, were Injured, bat not serioasly. Sonthero Lumber Journal. Celebrating its simultaneous publi cation from Savannah, Ga., Norfolk, Va., and Wilmington, N. C, the Southern Lumber Journal, edited by Mr. Z. W. Whitehead, of this city, came out this week in a much en larged and improved form. The cur rent number contains 88 pages, fall of interesting . matter, highly embel lished with half-tone cuts, and is a dandy" in every respect. Mechani cally speaking, the number is perfect and reflects untold credit upon ' Mr. Jno.7 H. Hewlett, who has charge of that department of the big paper. ANNOUNCEMENT! Cnstpi Tailgring, FaU and Winter 1 902-1903. We have ready for your inspection the beat assortment of Foreign and Domestic Woollens ever shown here. ETLi?si-01a,ss Tailoring Nowhere costs so little as here. It is economy to wear clothes at the prices we quote for such commendable apparel. Many men in this town know what good Tailoring we do. WE WANT EVERY MAN TO KNOW IT. w??we-?aTe n1 arrangements with Mr. Cary an Expert Cutter of the firm of . E. ?y?-nnSllmatk9 - t nit on display lor two days only, to-day and to-morrow, 600 styles or tne Handsomest lot of SUITINGS AND TR0USER PATTERNS ever shown in the city. Come and look for yourself. Yon can select catterns and have ronr weuBure casea ior present or ratnre delivery. au 28 It New Lot Just In. EVI ISr a D I sf IE? WIUI6 miU 1 m, 1 SDfe. Every pair guaranteed. Money refunded if not satisfied. Crawford's Pat. Colt Skin will not break. J". -EEC ZBEIEECIDjEjIR & CO. 615, 617 and 619 North Fourth Street. Car fare paid on purchases of $2.00 worth and oyer. au 10 tf Please Remember That deposits made with us on or before Thurs day, September 2nd, will draw 4 per cent, interest, compounded quarterly, from September 1st. OUR MOTTO: Safety, Courtesy, Promptness, Liberality. We solicit your business. The People's Savings Bank, Opposite the Postofflce, B. C. ITIcaUBBN, PrIdn. JTTO. ft. ARMBTBONO, Vice President. an 28 tr w. W. PICK, Cashier. ' Our Fall Line Complete And we can give you a bargain in Blankets and Comforts. Now's the time to buy and save money. We still have a few Moquet Rags left at $3.50. S. & B. au 28 tf Mcdonald chose to marry. Returns sod Makes a Bride of tbe Object f His Perfidy. Raleigh News and Observer. Dunn, N. C, August 26. Paul Mc Donald, the young man charged with the seduction of Miss Stella Matthews, and for whom a reward of $300 war offered by the Governor, was arrested in Charleston, S. C, and brought to Dunn Sunday night and taken to Is lington Monday morning. On his way to the court house he called at the home of Miss Matthews, and made arrangements to meet her in Lillington, where he secured license and married her.- They were married in Sheriff Salmon's office by C. H. Biggs, J.R WILL HONOR REQUISITION. Massachusetts' Governor Decides to Let Monroe Rogers Return to Durham. Special Star Telegram.! Raleigh, N. C, Aug. 27. Gov ernor Aycock received a telegram late to-night from Governor Crane, of Massachusetts, saying that he will honor the requisition on , him, made some weeks ago, for Monroe Rogers, colored, wanted at Durham for arson. The contention was made by Rogers' friends that he would be lynched if brought back to North Carolina. The delay has been so they could have ample hearing. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. MASONIC TEMPLE, Ang-. 23, 1902. Vilminston Lodge No. 319, A.!F. & A. M. EMERGENT COMMUNICATION THIS Thursday evening at 8 o'clock for work In F. O. degree. Visiting Brethren are cordially Invited. By order of W. M. THOS. P. BAGLET, au 88 It Secretary. FOR SALE. Stock of new and second band clothing, con sisting of 175 single Coats. 200 Frocks, 175 Coats and Vests, 125 Suits, 250 pairs Pants, 150 Over coats, on account of retiring from business. No reasonable offer refused. Call or address 8. HARRIS, au 26 3t 220 Harrison St., Baltimore, Md. CALIFORNIA PEARS, Grapes, Plums and Peaches. Fancy Apples, Bananas, Concord Grapes, AND NEW COCOANUTS. U aa 37 tf t Ii aaaa00O TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One Yeavr, by Cavil. at r .1 A UBa Two Months, 1, Dllvretl to Ssibserlnars la te ; City sit 45 Cents per Ho-tax. X Den't forget the date. 8.50$ IIKV .00 1 I- SEERICR, The Reliable Clothier and Men's Furnisher, N. E. Corner Front and Princess Sts. fl o c t often imitated Oi9Ui NEVER EQUALED. SOLOMON. Fancy New Catch Mullets. Ask for prices until a shipment just received is closed out. Salted meat at 11 cents don't com pare in economy with new fresh fish at present prices. Vollers & Hashagen, Agents for the celebrated NIXON FISHERIES. an88tf Notice to Jovestors. We beg to call tha attention of the public to the fact that we have unusual facilities for buy ing or sailing the stocks of the following Rail roads : Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Co. Chesapeake & Ohio Railway. Southern Railway. Norfolk & Western Railway. Louisville & NashviUelBa llway. Seaboard Air Line. Any orders entrusted to us will receive onr prompt and careful attention HUGH BXaveRAE & CO., Bankers. au 232t thsu We Keep Amolin Deodorant Powder and Amolin Soap and Tooth Paste. Purified Talcum in bulk, 25c a pound. Pearls of Violet Bo rated Talcum, an elegant per fumed Talcum. Don't forget to get one of those Hold-fast Bath Sprays. They are fine. J. H. HARDIN'S Palace Pharmacy. an 23 tf SIX CARS HEAVY GROCERIES. Two cars Half Pat. Flour. One ear Bast Pat. Flour. One ear Wheat Bran. One ear Feed Oat. One ear Vlrsrl-ia Meal. All just received. Can make prompt shipments. W. B. COOPER, WheUwale draear Wilmington, N. o. aa ss a f m hi 'hi hi 4' ft i I ; 13 n A t! i 1 . i: V 111 i i . .'ill ! 5

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