frTL, Besa-FUa, Every-DajX TEO Of SGSC.1IPTI0.'J. tfAJj Otser DsfljMews- r 1 .-'-..-' l-;;,tv On by MaII, $ $6.00 ! Ix ZXontfcs, . 8.60 WUaiutoi. TM C 1 1 1 1 i OUTLINES. . , ;n the Molineax .Li & s verdict of not ulHy; much spplauee when the L rti announced. The A. fVjj other railroad! have iiled !.- to the complaint made f estuckr railroad eommiaaion. foreland were guests oT honor 4ddicijn of the newbuIMine CL Kew York Chamber of Com- f Aln Q- Moa. the Bos- od, accused otth:nwwdop. f-irt A. Morton,- vrJ dhaobju-jred (Todj and Perry, tl aorro J- a witness, waa charged with the fL iad committed to jtiL cUa were injured by anexplo LrfflaaiinaiiB gas in buildia U jgjl city it nijchU -Qasbier iitortia hia accounts. rtt-ttr.rd anniversary of -tha jCditarj Inititate was observ- An American sjn- uii wsmitted a plan for improv--eot me'.hodi of transporting etfosto English mills; a direct erf steamship! to Manchester ia to abliihed. The wage contro- gfj between the railroads and the hocd of railway trainmen at has been amicably adjusted . Present Rjoseyelt, after the ban t!stt oieht in New York city.board- , train for Memphis, Tenn. (Yjrk market. Money on call ,ir3i at 46 per cent; cotton A it flour wu dull but liyoa top grades; wheat spot firm; iMni'c; corn spot ateady; No. g; oats spot quiet; No. 3, 34; a firm; spirits turpentine easy at WEATHcl? REPORT. U. 3. Djp't of Agriculture, ) Wkathes Bureau, V Thjiesgtos. N. C, Not. 11. ) J-tMrologicai dii for the 24 hours iuiP. M.: 5ue"urs: ? A. M., 43 degree; P.L, 53 degrees; maximum, 75 do Biaiiaiarini, 47 degrees; mean. 61 r ki l for the day, .00; rainfall sJ" ' month to date, 1.41. roascAST for io-day. IisHesgtos, Not. 11. For North ri.ii: Fair Wednesday and Thurs sn Eigbkt variable winds. hrt Almanac ITorsaaber 12. i foes 3eu in Length . . p Water at South port, p Water Wilmington. 6.33 A.M. 4.55 P.M. 10 H. 13 M. 4.40 A.M. 7.10 A. M. far a man what ia seeking rest :Ctaa. M. Schwab seems to be aaing it in a somewhat strenuous "icle Joe Cannon appears to be i iig gun in Speakership racket, eema to stand the beat showing ir. y.i Republican party in Kansas a to hare absorbed the Populist 7, winch is simply a reminis ce out there. ti Hetty Green is pretty well iiad now ahe is" about to pro i beraelf with a church by fore st a mortgage on one in Chi i. ; it said that the Republicans t 1350, 000 in the late "election York and the Democrats .0OO, so that Odell'a 10,000 ma- coat the party about $35 a "gland must have an unhealthy te for horsea if it be true as d that ahe imports 324,000 anu But as beef has become high 'Wain, perhaps the butchers find for them. Hoboken, N. J. woman found u0 who could build nice pies iie made sure of him by marry tom right away. Now maybe '31 cot take so much interest in P-e business. j 4J le incidentally remarked ' tte federal office holder who totmced in Alabama for too "pernicious actiTity,, in the 1 hite" movement didn't get Charge until after the election 1 they saw how the "lily white" a8 panned out. Waldorf Astor couldn't buy a 1 England and couldn't eren ' privilege of putting an W handle to hia name. Why, K have gotten that by staying J-e,and buying a seat in the iture. What fools some men ia a Russian Baron in New Juahin around looking for an Jjcwwife. Heisnotpartionlar hnd of a woman she is provided , 0,000 in aTailable assets, Jx It8 equivalent, for irhich he Millie tn toi- v.- s pia Ma title. PERSONAL PARAQRAPHS." CoL W. lrBeBooet went to T11 . . ' .. .. ... wr.nrmmn ytsieraay. r ; . -rMr. Frank; ;T. Mills has. goxxe owouc for tv few day. Hiss Eliza Metis left yesterday to rialt friends to Baltimore. Jtr. GeoVAJJetf ord, the popa lariartdlnjgnaa for HE, JBncklen & Oo.f Cihkago; is at The Ortoa. Mr, nd MrsC'A; J. Gray - and IltUe sob, Master John, are ueata of Mnv Gray "a parents', Mr. and Mrs. JT. CL 8prxnger. , - Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Townsend and familyrOf Maxton, spent Oarniral .week in the city, the gnests of Gapt. and Mrs. J. W. Plummer. ' r , Mr.. S. Martin, adTance agent for Barlow Sc Wilson's Minstrels, was here, yesterday, , His adtraeUon comes to th Aoademwof Uosle next Tues Anjong yesterday's arrivals were J. a Causey Jr.; Causey, S. a; B. T. McBryde. Charlotte: L. Z. Hedgepeth, Rowland; J. W. Davis, Maxton; J. F. Hargrare, Lexington. Numerous friends will regret to know that Mr. J. A. McGeacby ia quite sick at ttifc hoapiUl with typhoid fever. Rt. D. P. McOeachy, of Burgaw, a orother, came down yesterday to be with him." Among last night's' arrivals U KT .J - Xt.t.I k.. "r an Borden, Charleston: P. P. Thorns. Aaheboro; Wiley Barnes, Wilson; Mr. and Mrs. H. OL Martin, Raleb, and J. A. Norman, Cape Charles, Va. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS YESTERDAY. Myrtle Grove BatUttlsg asd Trait Co. Bays a Tract Others. By deeds filed for record yesterday at the Court Houae the following Drop erty transfers are noted: L. B. Rofi'era and wFm in Martin Grove Building and Trust Co., tract of jana containing szo acres, known aa the Ken tuck or Fergus tract, and aitu ate on the eaat aide of Cape Fear river, former It owned bv Dr. John Vremm- consideration $300. A. K. Blake and wife to J. E. G. Brown, houae and lot on west side of Seventh. 108 feet north rf Wwitr street, 40x66 feet in size; consideration W. H. McMillan to Thorn aa Whit field, tract of land in Federal Point townshin sdiaininv the trtvet nf RlHih Moore and containing' about 30 acres; consideration $45. A bo at Telepboae Mattera, Manager McManua said yesterday that he hoped to have a force of work men begin on the laying of the under ground wire system for the Bell Tele phone Co., the last of this or the first of next week. The first work will be on the north side of Princess street, from Front. The long distance line yesterday was still out of whack but a new force of linemen will start out from Wilmington to-day and climb each pole from here to Goldsboro, if need be, to find the trouble. Yes terday Manager-McManua convened with Atlanta Ga., as well as with Charlotte and Raleigh. Ftre at Fort CsawelL The commissioned officers' quarters at Fort Caswell, occupied by Lieut. John Greeh and Burgeon C J. Manly, were destrcjed by nre wntcn oroae out from an unknown source Friday night about 10 o'clock. The officers were at the officers' mess at the time, and lost nearly all their personal ef fects. . The damage ia roughly esti mated at about $6,000. The quarters were situated just at the head of the gangway leading to the pier, and con sisted of anew modern building in every respect. Eztead River laterests. It is learned that Capt Edgar D. Williams will shortly purchase a new tutrand dredge boat for use on the Cape Fear river and will in other wavs ereatly enlarge his river Inter ests. Hia eon, Mr. Jamea 8. Williams, has been associated with him in the sew undertaking and has already be- un work. CasdHate for Doorkeeper. foouire Q. W. Bornemano, the well known Fifth Ward justice, yesterday informed areoorter that he would be a candidate for doorkeeper of the House at the forthcoming session or tne leg islature. He says he la confident he nullified for the noaition, and can leave bis msgisterial duties in good hands while he Is in Raleigh. W. L. I. Electloa Ordered. At th reirnlar drill last night Of the Wilmington Light Infantry, First Ser geant J. MeRee Hatch read a general order from headquarters calling an election of company o nicer ua Thursday night, Nov. 37. The elec tion of Second Regiment o racers ww take place at Goldsboro, Dec 4th. James Walker MemprisI Hospital. The usual monthly meeting of the Boiri of Managers of the James Wal ker Memorial Hospital waa heldyeater- day but only routine Dusinesa wu transacted. The report oi ur. thm tranerintendent, was exam- ined and found quite aatiafactory. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Notice Sale of real estate Atlantic National Bank Onward. Murehieon National J3ank Wants. Consolidated Railways, Light and Power Co. " ' . .. ' ; ' ; . , j,. , - - " - - - . ' -j ' " 4. ssasBBBsesssaest - Wanted Toung lady stenographer. ruiiidated Railways, Light- and Power Co. Welsbftch drop light, ; i . TflECOONTY SCHOOLS New Hssoyer Board of Edacatioo Iti Regular MontbJy Session ; Monday Night. STATE SUPERINTENDENTS. rraf, WMUsgtsa CsUeit - Will Attest Mcetlsf la Ralelrh This Week OUt By Heyler Cecoa Verks te ' Rarsl White taatitatlons. '. - " " . The New Hanover County Board of KducaUos met . Monday sight, those present having been Col. W. A- John son chairman, and Capt. Donald- Mae, Rae, members of the Boards County Baperintendent Wsshlngton Callett, County Treasurer B3cL. Green; and. Mr. tf aejuel Northrop, : CapL,W; BL Lenan ana iwojjttipoia poslsg city school committee No. a, The usual routine buainaas was dis posed of and the visiting school com mittee then tnade a very comprehen- aive report of the work accomplished daring the' past Summer in the dis trict embraced by the committee's jur isdiction. Very many improvements have been made, notably the building of an annex to the Union school acd the bringing of all the institutiona up to a very high standard. The report was received with much gratification by the Board and the Committee was assured of the Board's continued sub slantial co-operation, so that all the schools may be continued until ihe end of the term up to the present high or der of their excellence. The monthly report of County Treat urer Green was presented. It shows a balance of $14,654,18 to the credit of the school fund on Nov, 1. Superintendent Catlett presented a very comprehensive report, showing very material progress in the conduct of the rural schools. During the first month of the new scholastic year there waa an enrollment of 851 pupils in all schools, of which 401 were whites and 450 negroes. The average attendance each day was 602 pupils, of whom 803 were white and 299 col ored. The report shows for the first month of the new year a larger en rollment and a much better average attendance than for the second month of the laat term. Prof. Catlett has recently received by express from the Huyler's Cocoa and Chocolate Works, of New York City, a handsome gift to the museum of each of the white schools in the county. The gift consists of a num ber of charts, ahowing life in Vene zuela and the production of cocoa in all its forms. There are also in neat receptacles samples, of the cocoa and interesting informa tion about the island and people who inhabit It Of course the outfit to each school is primarily for an adver tisement for the company's manufac tured product, but the collection ia even more than that and is valuable. Prof. Catlett leaves this morning for Raleigh to attend the meeting of 8chool Superlntendenta of the State in that city during the remaining three daya of this week. The State Super intendent haa honored Prof. Catlett by appointing him one of the leadera in the discussion to-morrow night on County Teachers' Aaaociationr, Teach ers' Libraries and Courses of Study for Teachers. The meeting promisee to be a most profitable one for the teachers of the entire State. LIST OF LETTERS. Remalolnf Uncalled For la the WHmlnf toa Postofflce, Nov. 11th, 1902. WOXXSTS LIST. Flora Ann, Emer E. Bannerman, Annie Bowen, Mrs. David Brenen stripe, Msggie Ducy. Agnes Ellis, Lener Fie, tteiia uidsou, nannau Hill, Mary Horton, Marther Jamse, Mrs. Elick Larnce, Daisy Lea born, Mary McClamic, O. D. McDowell, Mrs. Chas. E. Mcllwane, Beller McJNeiJ, Julia McNeill, Cathern Mlddleton, Eater Maria Moore, Foley Murpny, Julia Ray, Laura Jane liogers, Ke- becca Banders, Airs. a. u. omaiiey, Mrs. David H. Shields, Sophia Thompson, Mrs. Annie Taylor, B. Welch. XKS'S LIST. Berg Ashley, Jessie Applewhite, W. G. Bagwell, L. W. Bordeau, lieny Bearcheap, Washington Brady, L. Bragdon, Edward Brown, John Brux, Z. W- Brown, Leander J. Burney, Geo. Campbell, Charles Carter, Clar ence A. Coley, Rev. W. B. Cook, H. B. Cooper. J. w. uumoee, A. u. Davis, Sanders Davidaon, D. F. Dep- pe, Willie Dobbins, unepara uowen, William Ellias. Charlie Evans, Rob ert Fennell, Virgil Frink, a E. Flynn, Sunny Fontville, Daniel Grady, F. A. Gee, frill es unrgan, u. .uny, wai ter Hardy, Daniel Haskins, R. B. Hatcb, Cooper Hall. U. J. fclall, J. t. Henry, B. F. Hill, H. A. Hobba, Frek Hooper. Daniel Hurst, Duffle Jsckaoo, Blenand Jones, J. C. Mars cher. Rev. J. R- McLarin. O. D. Mer ritt, Claude Mills, A. B. Mints, R. L. Mitchell, vance jaooro, . v. auurr, Henry Melton, Gabill Moore (2), Hor race Morse, Percy Murray, R W. Nor ris E. O. Petteaay, George Pickell (2), J. H. Pierce, Rose Pridgen, William Rivers, George T. Simpson, 8ula Sea more. Hale Smith, T. J. Bmith, Hen rie Taylor, Frank Thomas, T. J. Tines, E. J. WaUon, KODl. "anon, umin Weaver, A. WUliamfjAugustus Wil liams. Rev. J. W. wneeier, wesiitj Willson, John William, J. H. Wil liamson, B. J. wane. HITUTUnBD FROM DEAD LKTTEB OFTICB. Mrs. James Baite, L. M. Miller, Joe Bpcallingfor above letters will nlSSsay adveXed. If not called for 7d7yj they Wta-" the UHArnmce. x. v. Postmaster. - --. First Church, bf Christ Scientist, MuVVblson Bank buildlnf on Chesnut street -Services w "vr" " o'clock. All are ibtiwu. .v, . WILMINGTON N. WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 1. 1902. MURCHIS0N NATIONAL BANK lacreases IU Capital Stock to 53,CCJ Special Meetlax of Slutteholders HeU Yesterday Woraiaj. - "The proposition to Increase the capi tal stock of the Murchlson National -ns zrom fS5w,uw to aauu.uw waa almost unanimously adopted at special meeting of the stockholders of that popular institution - yesterday morning at 11 o'clock. Col. Walker Taylor was called to the chair and Mr. J. V. Grainger, cashier of the bank, acted aa secretary. It waa ascertained that 434 shares were represented in person and 1,341 by proxy. , The meeting ' was thereupon declared duly organised for business and -the' following resolutions were adopted:, w: j.- - - itoofaetf. That under the proTiaione or inaeci of jiay. 1st, isss, the capital stock of this association, be Increased In ,tb$r90!ik4aa;i wn capital $juu.oyt&: - Resolved, That, the -officers of jhe aasoclation be directed? to offer the new stock to all the present stockholders ratably at $130 per share, to be ac cepted by Nov. 20th, 1902, and paid tor by Dec. 1st, 1902. Retdlved further. That anv , stock not so accepted by the present stock holders by the 20th of Nov. may be disposed of by the officers of the asso ciation at $130 a ahare not later than Dec 1st, 1902. MATERIAL FOR FIFTH ST. BRIDQE Psrt of the Saperstrnctare Was Placed on Qroaada Yesterday Abotmeats. "When will work begin on the new Fifth, street bridge?" is a question that has been asked and answered in definitely for some time. The people of the First Ward are ex ceedingly anxious about the matter and they have a right to be, for it haa been many months since the contract was awarded. They have been patient,' however, and yeaterday their patience was rewarded by aeeing a part of the material for the superstructure placed on the ground. The Atlantic Coast Line agreed to construct the abutments for the bridge and these have been in place for sev eral months. With the arrival of the first instal ment of material for the superstruc ture, it is expected that the work will be pushed to completion right away. JAILED YESTERDAY FOR BURQLARY. Sampson Cosnty Negro Committed With out Bail From Masiclpal Coart. J. EL Williams, the Sampson county negro arrested Monday afternoon by Policeman H. P. Merritt on the charge of burglarizing the apartments of an other negro named Wallace Miles, who lives in Thompson's alley, waa ar raigned before Mayor pro tern. Cooper in the municipal court yesterday and held for the grand jury without bail. He will be tried for hia life, aa there were persons sleeping in Miles' room when Williams entered by cutting the edge of the door and lifting up the latch. Williams had previously room ed with Miles, but had moved elsewhere several days before. Williams' case will make four capital onea for trial at the term of New Hanover Superior Court to be convened Monday week. THE LOCAL SHIPPING NEWS. Qermaa Steamer Sails for Tamps Oil Bsrie Ashore Dowa the River. German steamer Carl, Capt. Joch- imsen, having finished discharging her cargo, cleared yesterday, light, for Tampa, Fls. The steamers Hurt, Highlander and Johnson, of the river fleet, were all in port. yesterday, and cleared in the afternoon for their return trips. StardardOII Barge No. 93, while proceeding up the river Monday after noon, want ashore at Liliput, off Fort Fisher, and had not been gotten off yesterday afternoon. The harbor tugs went down at 3 P. M. to pull on her. They expected to get her off on high tide last night THE ATLANTIC FISHERIES COMPANY' Will Erect $50,000 Resderiot Plant ia Beaufort, N. C, Harbor. A special to the Stab last night has the following in reference to the At lantic Fisheries Co., which operatea a large plant at Old Brunswick, down the river: "Beaufobt, N. C, Nov. ll-.The At lantic Fisheries Company, of New York,' will erect at once at a cost of $50,000 a fish factory at thia place. The aite secured is the Christopher DeLamar Jonea Island, just off Beau fort harbor." Mozart Symphony Club. The Mozart Symphony Club at the Y. M. O. A. to-morrow night will ren der popular and classical music on, musical Instruments that have been popular for more than three centuries.; The Viol da Gamba (10 strings, used 200 years ago) was invented in the aeventeenth century by an English prisoner, who waa granted life and freedom as a reward for his work. Mr. Blodeck, of the Mozart's, is said to be the only artist playing thia instru ment in the United SUtes In public at the present time. fell Tkroafh Glass Wfsaow. Wm. Gamble,. colored, was drunk Monday afternoon and fell through one of the ahow windows in Mr. L. W. Davis' store, on Market atreet. He was arrested later at Front atreet mar ket houae and In ": the Mayor's court yeaterday he was required to pay $350 for the broken window and the cost in the castV rlfl-:fl VM CARNIVAL OPINIONS. Some Say, They Were Benefited; OthersSay That They? Were Not. THE WHOLESALE MERCHANTS As a Rule ; There Ik Ne Complshrt From TheajRestaarau Proprietors Did a Lssd Office Basioeis More StrsBters Thaa far Years. There Is a variety of opinion among business men as to the benefits derived by the city la holding the. late atreet carnival in Wilmington..: It is the same old question - that .'noDS dp ia every town, after the ball is over" and it U weU nigh iaisoavlble to get ajt smrtbioS'like'aeonRfmiinf trlwi. - ivm' tae--fqizeauoas7ana"auswers. propouaded nd received from' repre sentative business msu-in .all lines, it would seem safe to any that the largest wholesale dry goods houses profited by the fair. Messrs., I. . M. Bear & Co. say they had a- splendid trade for the two daya when the weather was good and that they aaw more country mer chants here during the week than they saw any one week before in ten years. The Rheinstein Dry Goods Company said that their business picked up some and Messrs. Morris Bear & Bros, say the Carnival brought them some business and they would have done better had it not rained. Mr. Geo. O. Gay lord, who sells at both wholesale and retail, said his business was splen did and he made good money. The a W. Polvogt Co. said its country trade was excellent and Messrs. J. H. Rehder Sc Co. said the same. Opinions of the wholesale grocers differ as to the benefit derived by them while the retail grocers are almost a unit that they were harmed. Tne jewellers and stationers noted no im provement while the drug store pro prietors in the Carnival district were immensely benefitted. The saloon men differ as to the benefit they received, according to their location. From the fact that the saloons were closed practically for two daya during the Carnival period on ac count of the election, it waa hard for the proprieietors of them to say just what effect the fair had upon their business. The restaurants and there are now three first class ones in the city did a land office business during the Carni val period. The hotels also did good business, but upon a demoralized and unsatisfactory scale. The net results were, however, good. The wholesale and retail hardware men aay they did a good business and have no complaint. Of course the Carnival brought de moralization to some extent in i. all lines and for that reason it was objec tionable to many. Taken as a whole, it's a toss up with even odds as to whether the people did or did not like the Carnival. LOCAL DOTS. For lack ef support from the business interests of the city the Flo rence, S. CL carnival haa been aban doned. The announcement of Mr. Jno. H. Kuck in regard to the receipt of a large consignment of imported wines will be read with interest in another column. Samples are free at bis place. A meeting of the Pythian Car nival Executive Committee and the Chairman of ail aub-Oommittees are requested to meet to-night in Castle Hall, over the Murchlson National Bank, for the purpose of winding up the affairs bf the late atreet fair. Oernrsn Last NIgfat. The Terpischorean Club danced a very pretty german in the Masonic Temple last night Mr. Frank Shep- ard led and a large number of couples,. participated. Music was by Hollow- bush's Orchestra, which gave its usual eminent aatisfaction. The ball room was very attractively decorated. For Astnma use CHE NEY'S BXPEOTOR- ANT. Tor sale by J. a Shepard. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Executor's notice. The underalzned having Qualified as Execu tors or me im win ana restaurant oi kj. ju. , Dsrothea Harlem, late oi the county of New Hanover, deceased, hereby notify all who are I lnaeDtea vo mrtxtuiMi i uimr iwwwui w uuuo early payment, and all having claims atralnst Raid estate to nresent the same, duly authenti cated, either to the undersigned, or to their af torneyg, tteiiamy x Beuamy, ac uroir-uiuraa iu the City of wumlnfrton,onor before the 85th day MrA.Aia. 1QM Mlifa haHm will ha nlia1fWl in bar of their recovery. This tne sue aay or octoper. iwa. KUZABSTH VOLLEBS, O. B. BKLLOIS, Executors of the last will and testament of O. E.-Dorothea Harlem. - octant - we . Ben Davis Apples. 28 Barrela Psaney Apples. 8.40O l,mrz C. O. Nata. 1,hu f sasas suzea ansa. 38s Boxes BBOfced Bernagi 960 Pewada .Btaeavronl. 180 Dosen'Mostjard. . . ." 1 SO Deaesa Pepper Savnee. ' 318 Barrels September SXnlleta. 83 Tubs Q. E. Batter. 1S6 Mavrtlxi'a Cheese, " - .. ' we have thsprloas,too.' . ; " :W.;B. COOPER, riaelesaae 6reeert ' ; WlhningtnB, V. O, noStt NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. - Attention, Hnnton C&I! ca oi fer yesr equicsisnt We can supply-Ton ; with GTJNS in all qnalities. . We keep in stock all kinds of; Ammunition Xaoadod silLwith eilner BiacK or Smokolcas JPo wdor. HUNTING BTJITS, GAME BAGS, and everything' necessary for a complete outfit for the Bird Hun ter, the Deer Hunter, the Duck Hunter. oo 31 tf Wilmington, N. C. T ar Rye, Wheat, Oats. FISH, Barrelled and Canned. II II lJ IU1UIUUUJ SALMON, MACKEREL HERRING, Bagging and Ties. AH Heavy Groceries, THE WORTH CO., oc 1 tf Wilmington, N. O. WE sell Cuban Blossom Cigars, Renown Cigars, Topical Twist Cigars. Cnbanola Cigars. Geo. W. Childs Cigars. Emanuel Portnanda Cigars. Casena Cigars. These brands are returnable If not satisfac tory all So Cigars. WeSell "MATCH XT" Cheroots, good as sc Cigar In quality, hand-made, Su matra wrapper. A strictly gentleman smoke. Vollers & Hasnagen, oc 12 tf Distributors. The Little Saving Banks Have Proven Popular. THERE HAS BEEN A RUSH FOR THEM. EVERYBODY wants one to help them save. There's a place through which to drop a coin, and a place for bills. Once in yon can't get the money out; as we keep the key. All classes of people are getting banks from us and opening accounts. Fonf per cent, per annum is paid and compounded quarteily. Atlantic Trust & Banking Co., 16 Princess Street, MATT J. HEYEE, Pres. B. H. J. AHRENS, Vice Pres. MITCHELL F. ALLEN, Cashier, no 2 tf PEACHES AND CREAM, A NEW CAKE AT The Onlncky Corner. Florida Oranges, Ben Davis Apples, Choice MnlacA Rran Bananas. Fresh Cakes and Crackers, Cheese Sandwich canned Soaps, assorted; big Prunes, new Cur rants, Horse Radleh, Oygterettes. Come and say "Zu Zu." Mrs. Kldd's Fin Money Pickles, Ginger Pre serves. S. W. Sanders. octtotx Seed Oats. CHOICE R. P. SEED OATS from Hyde County, full stock Also Coffee, Sugar, Rice and Mallets, Ask for samples and prices. HALL & PEAKS ALL. Incorporated. novlltf SALE OF REAL ESTATE. By virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of New Hanover county, north Carolina, in a cause therein pending wherein James H. Gal lev et al. are nlalntlffs. and Joshua H. Galley et r&M 1afAn?1a.ntj. t.hA nnrtnrHlflntad commlS- sioneriwill at 18 M., on Thursday, the 4th day pf Decern Der, urns, as tne uonn iioaso aour u wiu county, sell at public auction, for cash to the highest bidder, all the lot of land and premises follows: vegmnug at a point in uw momaom line of Brunswick treat 6S feet west of the western line of Be Seventh street, ana rnn thenne westward it aions saia sontnern une oi Brunswick atreet 65 feet; thenee southwardly parallel wltn Seventh street 66 feet; thence eastwaroiy parauex wiin cmuswiuK sum. feet,, and thence northwardly parallel .with Beventn street, 6S feet, to theTJeglnnlng, being rart of lotl.ln Dlock S66. In the City of Wil- mlnortATl. - ir....,-..--,j -. . v. - uomnunivuw. - A. J. MASSBLsXL. Attorney for Plain tLIs. & ML KMPIK, Attorney for nefendants, ; . J.' no IS 46 v ; ,i?if7&: SEED nets Karriines itauuuuu HOT pCrescentlnstaiitaneons f Moment's Wdtice AND cm; mm Heat your bath-room I Consolidated t oai For Manufacturing. For Domestic Use. For any purpose where a We are prepared to furnish any quantity desired. See Us Before Making Contract. Wm. E, Worth & Co. Phones Bell 94. Inter-State 146. WeSell "Selz Shoes!" other. Found only at GEO. R. FREfJCH & SONS. nov 4 tf i . 1 .1 TT UnwamaM UpwaFO... The surplus and undivided profits of the At lantic National Bank now reach the sum of $325,060. This is far in excess of its capital, and eicella the record of any bank in North Carolina. The deposits of the Atlantic National Bank are nearly 11,500, 000, a wonderful increase over last year. The onward and upward march of this bank is maintained . with no sacrifice to the safe methods which have characterized its man agement, nov 13 tf Wants We want to lend 1500,000 to responsible borrowers. We want Depositors who borrow. We want Depositors who do not borrow. We want Business. With a capital and surplus of 250,000.00 With deposits of 1,200,000.00 With assets of. 1,600,000.00 We are prepared to furnish every reasonable facility to every reason able customer. Foreign Exchange bought and THE HDRCHISOH I n0v 12Jtf OF TOlLBUNGTOir;, N. o. Are We Justified ? PERHAPS we ought to be satisfied, with present achieve ment. But, you know "the more a fman gets the more he wants." This being true, we are then justified in soliciting new business, and especially so since we are so well equipped to handle it. Four, per cent, paid on deposits, compounded quarterly. . H The People's Savings Ban It, Opposite the II. C. BI.Q1JKSN. nov 9 if Praaldnt JNO. S. ARMSTRONG, TI PrSSiiwtt a, w. jiok CMiti.r - Fancy Fruits. Bananas, Apples, Grapes, Pears, Oranges and Cocoanuts. Can serve you with best Ice Cream. 31.00 For QaUon. J. W. Plnmmer, Jr.,; HOT 1 tf - 1 V, . It 1 wr fceainjBr 1.00 BimrM n nsnmai tm th jm. coeooeeooooeoeeS fW:" WUI Kesp YDtt In HOT WATER! A HOT BATHhAt A I f AT ANY TIUB. with GAS HEATEE DROP LIGHTS Railways, Light and Power Co Coal. au 24 tf B IIIDIKS.;! ; f Bituminous Coal is Wanted. Because they look the best, feel the best, wear the best and sell tho Best. They come In Cain Box Calf and Vici Kid, Bals, Blucherand Conaress. Prices, $3.00 and $3.50. You wear onepair and you will have no J sold. NATIONAL BANK, Postofflce. I m portant Notice. We wish to Inform our regular customers as well as the public at large that we have just received a consignment of Foreign Wines, which we offer to everybody at the following low price for a short time only: r, , - -:y-i 'Rhine Wine, Vintage 1898, per gal.; $1.00 ' Port " . " 1900, " " ; t.00 Clsret ' ." 1900, " " .00 Port " 1890, " " 2.00 samples FBEE ststore. :' ; : r Regralar Hami lte pr poud. ' JNO. H. KUCS, Importer sul Bottler. Mo. 8 Hortn Water St. -Ben Thone 185. " ;rj i r 5f , noStf -' FOR RENT, Stores, Dwellings, f Of3ces,: Sso, V anl p. S' '