4 Bas-FWs. Every-Daj Pf-wLi Una TIM That rev" gjiiyOtbef DtllyHewt.. PsbllBnes' ta KUmlugto. OUTLINES. , a. old officert of the R. F. & P. ..lcrted tt the annual r .. of iwcUU1- htdepotoftie Southern rail- ffilCitT,Alre,ultriinthe (Vrf four persons and Injury of r-Stwo fatally, by an explo-rJSwnlte- The Standard f J b declared a quarterly dlrl- rf $10 per share. John J, 2ain on the wltneaa Qiierd7 t'0 the coal ,trike f Won, under cro5s-eAuimMu. Eoland B. Moiineux haa Vv hut. & D.: 11 la ru- & d,e is teekme a dirorce. .n'. nirtv will break rZiti in the Mississippi cane- li-ina re--"- - Cgjrtl Missionary conference of U t ctoiea made apportion mania. i .n pn I n MpniniHf. Wtre lDJureu. m.u . J T of Labor at New Or- y?irday a committee waa I to investigate cnarges iWdent Gompers. r-k m.rkets. Money on call 1 fci tt 3i6 per cent ; cotton i; 8.30c; flour was mora active; pot steady, Na 2 77f c; corn f j Itid. No- 2 65c; oata apot I j, 35:; rosin firm; apirlta WMitesdy. FATHER REPORT. 1 1 DlP"T OF AGRICULTURE, WC1THES BUREAU. ruinraT05, N. C, Not. 17. Vaonloiicil dU for the 24 hours Ijpersnres: 3 a. u.., oz ae ea; L M ieyreet ; maximum, 66 de- Vaniiicum. 58 de ees; mean, 62 tfiH far the day, .04; rainfall LiV mouth to date, 1.45. ft of water in the Cape Fear l riyeUerille, N. C, at 8 A. U. STORM WAESISO. lX5aT05, Not. 17. Southeaat Lnniinr, 9:30 P. iL, Wilming- Lnliead, Washington, Norfolk .Norfolk. Disturbance central an Georgia; will probably in- Vitateosity with northeastward i. Brisk to high southeast tola wet winds are indicated on inlina coast late to-night and iaiij forenoon. IDEKA3T FOB TO-DAY. t39Tox, Not. 17. For North ut: Bun Tuesday except fair rawest portion: cooler. Brisk Jo toatheast winda shifting to Wediesday fair. Malmaae Novamber 18. 6.39 A. M. 4.51P.M. 10 H. 14 M. 9.40 A. M. 12.10 P.M. stt rlajrUi 'iter at 9outhport Tttr WUmlneton. jjtks are cited aa proof tbat pm county, South Carolina, -Siheepto 2,546 dogs, about i sheep and four dogs to the Me. ' atimated that every square the sea contains 120,000,- And Vpt thprp fl.ro Rnmn iofisha whole day without Hi bite. It is iu8t their luck. J United States produce 293,- fM of coal, or a little oyer p3 the production for the wld. The United Kingdom Jxt with 245,332,578 tons. ft airship waa tried a few fatXantea, France. Manned ;3r persona it made several p Hooted around oyer the Perfectly manarroaKlo onr? I- . J &v,w..w p t a speed of twenty-fire nour. f iidy adviaea the Christian r4 not to treat contagious or r ceases in their way, but fe laws and respect public F "Mil the public becomes tqnainted with Chriakian p which is judicious coun- Rockefeller. Jr.. told hia nfcnool cl afla that gnnnaflfl ia H Paged by the amount of Vj makes. X0. The more a wmetimes the sooner he eornea tn ioua p.on n t art 01 tar athe penitentiary. r Knaael Sage rises to re- great fortunea are I that i in fViA Moan , AAA HUQ ier fn . v uoir. uut mayDe S'J means it, for if he o mnch occupied in u.. U"Be millions of his, . 350 fun outnf ni'. mnnn m the fellow he hires it and study the Vefla. The giant of the k a natiTe 0f South K-of an inch long, Portion, with hopping -ccordance. I ; - : " . VOIo LXXI.-NO. 49. WILMINGTON, N. C, TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 18, 1902. WHOLE NO. 10,994 THE MARKETS AND SHIPPING. ArrlTtl of Six Vessels tt Port o! WI1- snlirtoa Saaday aid Yesterday Oatxolax Fleet With Carroes, The British steamer Stag, hence for Glasgow, with carsro of renewing tlm- oer, paaaea out at South port at 1 P. at. Bunday. The BrIUah steamer Lobelia, hence for Philadelphia, paaa ea out at 7:30 r. M. Baturdar. Thm schooner Clara A., DonneU,, for Boa- ton with cargo of cross-ties, paaaed out at 8 a. M. yesterday morninar. Six sailing Teasels entered, the port W Wilmington during Bandar and yesterday, some of them light for car goes and others with freight fox local consignee. The barque E. 8. Powell, rrom froridence. and schooner J. a Strawbridge, from Boston, came for cargoes of cross-ties from Messrs. Flyna & Co.; the schooner EsteUe, guano for Interior shipment: the Nor- wegian barque From, from East Lon don to Heide & Co., for cargo of naral stores from Matt' J. Heyer; the schoon er Emily F. Northam, from New York, with 1,800 barrels of cement for Roger Moore Sons & Co., and balance cargo of aalt and the schooner Lizzie H. Patrick,-from Philadelphia, with cargo of fish scrap for the Virginia Carolina Chemical Company. LOCAL DOTS. Fifteen or twenty cases were disposed of in the municipal court yes terday, but none of them waa of im portance. The regular monthly meeting of the Cape Fear Chapter, U. D. C, will be held at the W. L. L armory Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock. By a deed filed for record yes terday C. W. Worth and wife trans ferred to Primus Daris for a consider ation of 192.65, lot 66x79 feet in size on Second street, near Dawson. Eer. John H. Hall will preach the annual sermon at the memorial services of the Wilmington Odd Fel lows next Sunday night The services will be held in Fifth Street M. E. church. Prof. Honeyman, a golf expert who was with the Cape Fer Golf Club last season, has arrived to apend several weeka here again this year. Prof. Honeyman's class promises to be rery largo. Rot. C. A. Logan, of Florida, occupied the pulpit of the Second Ad rent church Sunday. He also preach ed in the same house of worship last night, and will occupy the pulpit again to night A derotional service by the Loyal Workers of the Second Adrent church Wednesday night at 8 o'clock will be addressed by Secretary Dushan, of the Y. M. C. A. There will be spe cial music by the church choir. Friends of Mr. and Mrs.' B A. Montgomery will deeply sympathize with them in the loss of their infant child, which occurred Sunday at the family residence, No. 313 MacRae street The interment waa on the 8oand yesterday afternoon. The Diphtheria sjuarantine at the residence of Mr. W. A. Wlllaon, Jr., haa been raised, his little daughter, Margaret, haring recoTered. The resi dence of Mrs. Mary Hedrick, 110 North Eighth street, has been quarantined for scarlet ferer, but her little daugh ter, who is the patient, is recovering rapidly. Death of a Good Womae. Friends in the city will regret ex ceedingly to learn of the death of Mrs. Wm. J. Benton, which occurred 'at the family residence, 707 South Fifth street, yesterday afternoon at 12:20 o'clock. Mrs. Benton was In the 69th year of her age and had been in feeble health some time. She had suffered several strokes of paralysis, the last of which came about a week ago. She died in the midst of members of the family and a number of friends. Her transition was a happy one and was in the triumph of a Christian faith. Mrs. Benton leaves to mourn their loss a sorrowing husband and ten children Mr. L'zzie Peterson and Mrs. Annie Bibbins, of Cronly; Mrs. Lila Skip per, of Town Creekj Mrs. Amanda Marshburn, of Onslow; Mr. Dan Ben ton, of Masonboro; Mr. Joe Benton, Mrt.:J. A. Mote.Mrs. J. L. Daniels, Mr. Fulton Benton and Miss Melissa Ben ton.of this city.The funeral aerrice will be held at the residence at 10 o'clock this morning and the interment will be in Bellerue. Bishop Merelaid Soidsy. Rt Rer. Wm. H. Moreland, lahop of Sacrament, "who is in the city on a risit to his brother, Mr. Andrew More land, occupied the pulpit of St Jamea Episcopal church Bunday morning ana was beard by a large congregation. Blahop Moreland's sermon is spoken of in the highest terms by an wno heard him. He is a clear logician, an eloquent and fuent speaker and his discourse rare evidence of great schol arly attainments. At night by special invitation, he nreached at St Mark's church where ho waa also heard by a large and appreciate congregation. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Clyde Line Sailing days. , Masonic Meeting WiL Lodge. Virginia-Carolina Chemical Co. Fire per cent bonds. BTJSTJTKSS IVOOlXA. W.a Arnutrong Minorcas for aale. DONOR GEN. GORDON. Cape Fear Camp of Veterans Will Greet Him In Hospi table Manner. COMING THURSDAY NIGHT Lectare at Academy of Mnslc, This City Considered at Regular Meetlnr Held Last- Creaisg-Tbe Conrmlttee Qrtoted Farther Tims.' The lecture of General John B. Gor don, of Georgia, In the Academy of Muaicfihia city, on -Thursday, night will be. made the occasion of a grand rally of the Confederate veterans of all this section. , The entertainment. of General Gor. don during hia brief-atay in Wilming. ton for this event was the special topic; foxTWtsgflaaJaLJDlg lar monthly meeting of C&pe Fear Camp No. 254 TJ. O. V;, of Wilming- too, upon which there was a large number of enthusiastic members in at tendance. The meeting was called to order in the assembly room of the W. L. I. armorr by Commander W. J. Woodward. The minutes of nrecedinsr mee tines were read and approved, and after granting further time to the committee on revision of the constitution, the camp went immediately into a discus sion of Gen. Gordon's visit The Adjutant read a communication from Messrs. Cowan Bros., lessees of the Academy, to the Commander, re questing him to appoint six veterans to occupy seats on the stage for the night of the lecture and also to fur nish the names of Indigent veterana to whoso complimentary tickets may be sent. . Commander Woodward will to-day appoint the committee requested by the lessees of the Academy. Many suggestions were made In reference to the camp's attending in uniform and as to other attentions that should be shown to General Gordon while he is here. The committee to be named to day will meet the distinguished Con federate at the railroad station and escort him to The Orton and, at the proper hour, to the Academy. There were many expressions of ap preciation of the kind offer of Messrs. Cowan Bros. The committee named by the Commander to-day will formu late place of entertainment and report at a special meeting of the Camp to be held to-morrow night, at which all ar rangements will be completed. The sale of seats for General Gor don's lecture, which is under the au spices of the Southern Lyceum Bu reau, of Atlanta, will open to-morrow morning at the Academy's down-town box office at Plummer's. Not only will Wilmington turn out almost en masse to hear the peerless orator and V chieftain, but many people from ad joining counties are expected. The only other matter of importance transacted at last night's meeting of the Camp of Veterans was the unani mous adoption of a resolution chang- ng the regular meeting to the night of each second. Friday in the month, natead of the third Monday, as here tofore. Legal Flint Over dame Chickess. An interesting case involving the egal doctrine of cruelty to animals was tried In Justice Fowler's court yesterday. E. G. Story, colored, who ives in "Brooklyn," on a recent trip to Texaa bought a fine game rooster. Story 'has as his next door neighbor Sadie Carter, also colored. She also owns a rooster with a number Of other chickens, and a few days ago 8tory's rooster flew over into his neighbor's yard and proceeded to wallop the Car ter woman's chicken to the queen's taste. The owner of the vanquished gamester, thereupon, set upon Story's chicken with a stick and killed him. She was indicted for cruelty to ani mals, and was recognized yesterday for her appearance at next week's term of the higher court Story was represented by Maraden Bellamy,Esq., and the defendant by Herbert McClam- my, Esq. Faoeral Soidsy afternoon. The funeral of the late Mr. Geo. W. Hewett waa conducted at 1 o'clock Sunday afternoon from the late resi dence. Rev. John "H. Hall officiating. The remains were taken on the steamer Comvton to Southport for Interment The following were pall-bearers: Messrs. W. EL Hardy, Eben Horton, T. G. Landing, Sterling Singletary, George Warren and EL M. Brothers. Brotherhood of Car Met. Mr. W. EL Ronemus. of Mena, Ark., organizer of the Brotherhood of Rail way Carmen, of America, is in the city and expects to organize a branch or the order In Wilmington Wednes dsy night A meeting of car workers, ho are interested, will be held In Gerniania Hall with that end in view. Kaocked His Eye Oat Jeff Wataon, a colored employe of the Angola Lumber Company, reii 'rom a scaffold, a distance of twenty cet, yesterdsy morning, and striking igalnst a piece of lumber, his left eye was knocaea completely o u " socket The negro suffered intensely. He was riven temporary attention by Dr. C. D. Bell and sent to the hospital. Death of a Yoaog Lady. Friends regret , to learn of the death of Miss Maggie Willis Murray, agea 17 years, which occurred at 5 o'clock yesterdsy morning at her home, No. 403 Smith street The remains will bo carried to Long Creek to-day for Inter ment i - - 1 " ' imib-ii -- ssssasssanininssslsssssssssasssBBssssissBssn SERVICES ST. THOMAS'. Bishop Leo Bald Heard By Large CoBgre- gstloas at lae Catholic Church The Forty Hoars Devotion. The services at St. Thomas' Catholic church Sunday were elaborate and Im pressive, marking as they did the first day of the Forty Hours' Devotion, now being observed by the congrega tion. Large audiences greeted Bishop Haid at both services and those in at tendance were treated ta eloquent and scholarly discourses. His. subject upon the opening of the Devotions was ah exhortation to his people to make a good use of the opportunities offered by Almighty God for their salvation. In the evening the Bishop's text waa Seek Ye First the Kingdom of God and Hia Justice and Ay Things Else Will be Added Thereunto." In this' discourse Bishop Haid directed the attention of hia , hearers to the ne cessity of looking lothelr lArvaiTopr The music was very attractive and added to the interest of the devotions xnese aevouons win close this even ing at 8 o'clock with a very interesting service and a sermon by the Bishop. To-morrow at 9 o'clock the sacrament of confirmation will be administered to a class of thirty, and in the even ing the new statue will be blessed with appropriate ceremony. An explana tion of the use of statues, pictures, etc., will be given. SEVEN GAMBLERS IN COURT. Party of Colored Boys Arrested Sooday Morning Held for Qrand Jury. ; The seven young- .negro gamblers coralled early Sunday morning by Policemen Leon George and EL P. Merritt in the house of Ella Henry, colored, in Burr and Bailey's alley. were arraigned in Mayor pro tern. Cooper's court yesterday and held for the grand jury in bonds of $25 each. All gave the bond required except Jim Anderson and Alphonso Robinson, who were committed to jaiL Alvin Lyons posted $25 in cash for hia ap pearance. City Attorney Bellamy appeared for the prosecution and Herbert McOlam my, Esq., was counsel for the seven defendants. When a part of the State's testimony waa heard, Mr. McClammy waived further examination and al lowed hia clients to be bound oyer. Dan Taylor, the young negro who Informed on hia former pals, was in dicted by the colored woman who kept the house for disorderly conduct, but the evidence was insufficient and he waa discharged. BARLOW & WILSON'S MINSTRELS. At the Academy of Magic To-Nlfht. Street Parsde ToDsy. Barlow and Wilson's Greater New York Minstrels will be at the Academy to-night The company will be seen on parade about noon and its street pageanfNrill be an exceedingly bright and unique one. The performance to night it is said, will be splendid and quite sufficient to please the most fastidious minstrel lover. The Pittsburg (Pa.) Dispatch en dorses the show in the following lan guage: "Barlow and Wilson's Min strels gave a crisp and clean cut en tertainment to a large and fashionable andience. Every feature waa new and clever. The olio of noyeltiea waa a aeriea of very excellent specialties." Beau are now on sale at Plummer's. Reserye seats 75 cents and general ad mission 50 cents. TOBACCO WAREHOUSE COMPANY. Meetlsg Next Thursday for Org anizatiOB. Committee la Sesslea Yesterdsy. The Chamber of Commerce Commit tee on the establishment of a tobacco market in Wilmington next season held a special meeting at 3:30 o'clock yesterday afternoon and went over the situation in its present advanced atage. Those present at the meeting were Messrs. Geo. R. French, S. P. Mc- Nair, Geo. O. Gaylord, B. F. Hall, L. B. Rogers, W. B. Cooper and M. W. JacobL As stated In these columns already, application haa been made to the Sec retary of State for a charter for the new company and the same is expected this week. A general meeting of the stock holders of the new company will be called for Thursday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock for the purpose of organizing by the election of officers, directors, etc. A full attendance of stockholders s earnestly desired. Stole Horse and Barry. The horse and buggy of Mr. Jno. F. Gorrell was stolen by a colored man Sunday night and driven towarda Bcott's Hill, in Pender county. Mr. Garrell yesterday notified persons along the Newborn railroad to be on the lookout for the animal and buggy and it Is probable the property will recovered. A horse and buggy answering the description of Mr. Gar rell's turn-out was standing near the railroad track at Scott's Hill when the Wilmington train from Newborn waa coming this way yesterday morning. WUmlflftoa Grewa Bananas. Illustrating the wonderful and al most tropical climate of Wilmington, Stab representative was shown yes terday by Mr. A. Shrler, the well known clothing merchant of this city, Some native bananas, grown in the ! in the ' front vard of his residence, at the northweat corner o Market and Sixth streets. There were 21 bananas on the bunch, all thor oughly matured on the plant and of a beautiful golden yellow. AT ERWIN IS PRESIDENT. Meeting of Atlantic Coast Line Stockholders In Richmond Yesterday Morning. OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS. Purchase of Louisville snd Nashville By Directors Ratified, Together With Plan of Financing Deal Pro motions of Local Officials. Perhaps one of the most important special meetings of the stockholders of the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company held in a long time was that in the company's offices In Richmond at 10:30 o'clock yesterday morning. Ninety per cent, of the stock in the corporation was represented, and the meeting is reported to have been har- monfcmi Im awey wf - Ta ntfl- ing adjourned at ? o'clock; and the bulk of what was - accomplished " is contained in the following Associated Press telegram to the Stab last night Kiohmond, Va., Nov. 17. At the annual meetiog of the stockholders of the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company held here to-day, the fol a r m . lowing .omcers ror the system were elected: President R. G. Erwin, of Savan nah, to succeed W. G. Elliott, who was made President of the . Atlantic Coast Line Company of Connecticut. First Vice President Alexander Hamilton, of Petersburg, formerly Second Vice President 8econd Vice President O. S. Gads den, of Charleston, formerly Third Vice President. Third Vice President T. M. Emer son, of Wilmington, formerly Traffic Manager. A new office fourth vice president waa created. This waa filled by the election of J. R. Kenly, formerly Gen- eral Manager, who will also remain as General Manager. Herbert L. Borden waa made Secre tary, and Jas. F. Post, formerly Bec tary and Treasurer, was elected Treas urer. Henry Walters waa made chairman of the Board of Directors. The stockholders approved the ac tion of the Board of Directors in pur chasing the Louisville and Nashville Railroad at a cost of $50,000,000 by a unanimous vote. The Board also rati fied the increase In the capital stock of the system by $15,000,000. . In accordance with the previous de cision, the directors of the Atlantic Ooaat Line determined to issue $35,- 000,000 bonds to pay for the Louis ville and Naahville road. The capital stock of the Atlantic Coast Line was increased $15,000,000. A private telegram received from Treasurer Jamea F. Post earlier in the evening, givesthe following as the ap pointments: EL Walters, Chairman of the Board of Directors; R. G. Erwin, President; Alexander Hamilton, First Vice President; O. S. Gadsen, Second Vice President; T. M. Emerson, Third Vice President; J. R. Kenly, Fourth Vice President; H. L. Borden, Secre tary ; James F. Post, Treasurer; H. M. Emerson, Traffic Manager; H. C. Prince, Comptroller. Since the elevation of Mr. Elliott to the presidency of the parent com pany of the system, with headquarters n Baltimore, as noted in these col umns Bunday, it was expected as a natural sequence that some one would succeed him as president of the Atlan tic Coast Line Railroad Company, with headquarters here. Mr. Erwin waa formerly president of the Plant System, before its absorption by the Atlantic Coast Line. He is said to be a railroad man of great ability and will be a worthy successor to Mr. Elliott, who will hereafter be with the parent com pany. As the result of the meeting yester day the company, will Issue $15,- 000,000 of special stock which, added to the $85,000,000 of the present stock, will make up the purchase price of the controlling interest in the Louisville. and Nashville. The price at which the new stock will be offered to subscrib ers, it is said, will be announced in a few days. The Board of Directors elected at the meeting yesterday were : H. Wal ters, Michael Jenkins, Baltimore; F. Scott, Richmond; D. W. Lassiter, North Carolina; E. B. Borden. Golds - boro; M. F. Plant, New York; Donald MacRae, Wilmington; H. B. Short, Lake Waccamaw; J. J. Lucas, Society Hill, a C.; J. H. Estill, Savannah, and W. G.. Elliott, Wilmington. Among those who attended ' the meeting from Wilmington were: Gen eral .Manager John R. Kenly, Treas urer Jamea F. Post, Superintendent of Transportation Ed. Borden,-Traffic Manager Thomas M. Emerson, Oapt John F. Divine, .Messrs. EL B. Short, Hugh MacRae, Donald MacRae and M. F EL Gouverneur. Most of them will probably return to-day. Construction Force Here. Mr. John M. Fogle, in charge of a construction force Which will lay the underground system of wires for the Southern Bell Telephone Co. in this city, arrived yesterday from Charles ton, and with Foreman Chapman win put a force of men at work to-day in making excavationa for the conduits. The work -will require about three weeks for completion. It la more than likely that excavationa will begin first on Red Cross street. For Asxnma use CHE NEY'S EXPECTOR ANT. rr.:: ...... . v - : ... For sale by J. a'.Bbepara. . COUNTY TEACHERS' ASSOCIATION. laterestisr Proframme of Exercises for Meeting Next Saturday. The Teachers' Association of New Hanover county will meet in the Cape Fear Academy building, this city, next Saturday morning at 10 o'clock. . Mr. J. P.- Herring, secre tary of the Association, yesterday fur nished President Catlett with an out line of the programme to be observed at the meeting, and a delightful ses sion is expected. Mr. John Jay Blair, superintendent of the city school?, has kindly con sented to favor the Association with an .address on drawing, and Miss Augusta Wiggins, of the Delgado school, will treat the subject "Read ing." "How to Interest and Encour age Children in School Work" will be the subject of a paper by Mr. S. V. Bowen, of East Wilmington, and Prof. Catlett has consented to give the teachers' some impressions gained the '.recent , conference of County School Superintendents in Raleigh. All white teachers are requested to attend. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. . Mr. E. M. Hines, of Rowland, N. C, was an Orton guest yesterday. Capt. and Mrs. John W. Har per have returned from a pleasure trip North. Capt. J. L. Autry, of Autry- ville, is in the city on one of his usual business visits. Mr. H. B. Jennings, of Lum- berton,. was among yesterday's ar rivals in the city. Mrs. G. D. Tinsman, Mrs. Henry Parsons, Mrs. Harry Crocker and Miss BeBsie Parsons, of Williams port, Pa., are guests of Dr. and Mrs. R. T. 8 Steele. Mr. "Bill" Wilson, as his friends choose to call him, is in the city in the interest of the Raliegh Christian Advocate. He is an influ ential member of the Knights of Pythias and is being cordially greeted by numerous friends. Another Qsmbllng Joint Raided. Yesterday afternoon about 4 o'clock Policemen Leon George and E. Skip per swooped down upon another batch of young negro gamblers In a house on Brunswick, between Front and Second streets. Pat Loftin, the wo man of the house, Isaac Gambler and Galloway Moore were arrested but several others got away. Cards, money and other gaming paraphernalia were found in the house. The occupants fought madly when arrested and they will answ r the additional charge of resisting when arraigned in court to day. The officers were in search of a negro for whom they had a warrant for assaulting Ed. Smith when they came upon the party of gamblers by chance. "Couldn't Fool the Caiosman," Because he offered him money which he did not think was legal tender, Der Woo, proprietor of a Chinese laun dry on Third, near Market street, drew a pistol on Mr. W. A. Penny Saturday night and was hailed into Justice Fowler's court yesterday on a charge of assault with a deadly weapon. The Chinaman was bound over to next week's term of the Superior Court The money tendered was some of the one-cent pieces of the large size and the Chinaman was suspicious of it, as t is not in general circulation. Words followed and the Chinaman drew hia gun with the result stated. Cumberland Superior Court Cumberland County Superior Court, Judge Oliver H. Allen presiding, con vened at Fayetteville yesterday morn ing. One of the most important cases of the term is tbat of Edward L. Utley, charged with the murder of Night Clerk Hollingswortb.of the LaFayette Hotel, about a month ago. .The grand jury was examining witnesses with a view of returning a bill In the case yester day afternoon. Col. Jno. W. Hinsdale, of Raleigh, has been employed to de- end young Utley, who is very well known in Wilmington. FARMERS' INSTITUTES IN THE EAST. Will Be Held This Week North Carolina Tobacco Growers to Organize. Special Star Correspondence. Raleigh, N. C, Nov. 17. Com missioner of Agriculture S. L. Patter son, Prof. Massey, Dr. Butler and Prof. Burkett left to-day for Tar boro where they hold, a farmer's institute to-mor row, uther institutes to be neia on this trip will be at Wilson on Wednes day, Mt Olive on Thursday, and Smithfield on Friday. The Secretary of State to-day char tered the Crystal Ice Co., of Washing ton, N. C, capital $100,000. The in corporators are W. A. Blount, W. E. Swindell, H. B. Mayo, Wm, Bragaw and U. d. sterling. A movement Is on foot to organize a tobacco growers' association which shall include all the growers in the State. Col. John S. Cunningham, of Person, the largest individual tobacco grower in the world, is behind the movement The plan is to divide the State into three tobacco belts of which Rocky Mount, Raleigh and Greensboro shall be the centers, and establish a branch association in each district they having on the whole entirely different qualities of tobacco under cultivation. A can is to oe issued very soon tor the organization of the Rocky Mount As sociation. -- , DIED. nSTNTOSf At ' thM rumtlv'tuuna Tttt Rnnth Filth street, vesterdav - afWrumn at 12:80 o'clock, Mrv WM. J. BKHTON, la the 58th year Funeral from the residence this (Tuesday) morning at lo -o'olock. interment in Belleme cemetery. JTrlenaa and acauaiatances invited, Prices Reduced The Paris lllinery Emporium, r The New Store and"most beautiful Store in the South, lo . ; . :cated at - 129 Market Street, Wilmington, N. C, Next Door to Bonitz'Hotel. Everything new and of the latest styles. NO OLD GOODS. We carry the largest line of Ladles' Hats in the city, prices from 19o to $35.00 each. Misses' Reefer Jackets 65c, 75c, 90c, $1.25 and $1.50, worth double the price. Children's long Cloaks, sizes 4 to 14 years, $1.25 to $4.50. Ladies' Cloaks $3.75, worth $6.00, and $10.25 worth $18.00, all shades. Capes 40c to $8.50. Ladies' Mercerize Waist Ladies' Flannel Waist Ladies' Flannel Waist Ladies' Broadcloth Waist Ladies' Silk Waist Fascinators (Beeded) 19c, worth 25c. Fur Neck Scarfs, 6 tails, f nil length 63c, worth $1.50; better at 98c, $1.48, 2.50,'worth double. All kinds Hosiery, Notions, Novelties. If you fail to call you miss it all. M. BR ADD Y, Prop. nm 1 t.t A HARD COAL AND WOOD. We are well stocked and will take care of your orders. J. A. Springer & Co,, AN UNPARALLELED SALE OF ilk Waists. Two hundred Ladies' Silk Waists the season have been closed out to us. morning, November 10, at 8 o'clock, 50c ojol -fclxo Dollaa?. Just one half actual value. cr. ihi. eehdbe & co. 615, 617 and 619 North Fourth Street. Car fare paid on purchases of $2.00 worth and over. nov 9 tf The Little Saving Banks Have Proven Popular. THERE HAS BEEN A RUSH FOR THEM. EVERYBODY wants one to help them save. There's a place through which to drop a com, and a place for bills. Once in you can t get the money out; as we keep the key. All classes of people are getting banks from us and opening accounts. Four per cent, per annum is paid and compounded quarteily. Atlantic Trust & Banking Co., 16 Princess Street, MATT J. HEYER, Pres. B. H- J. AHRENS, Vice Pres. MITCHELL F. ALLEN, Cashier. no 2 tf Bulbs, Bulbs, Bulbs Received to-day. Hyacinth, Crocus, Freesias, Narcissus, Tu lip, and Oralis Bulbs. They are the very best imported bulbs. Plant early and get best results. J. H. HARDIN'S Palace Pharmacy. P. S. New Crop Lawn Grass Seed. sep 83 tt . The Management of the ACADEMY OF MUSIC have the honor to announce the appearance of GEN. JOHN B. GORDON Thursday evening, Nov. 20. nov IS St su tu th Fit 1 HA80HXO TEXFLE, NOV. IS, 1902. Wilmington Loile No. 319, A.!F, & A, M. REGULAR MONTHLY COMMUNICATION this (Tuesday) evening at,7.so o'clock. - -. visiting breturea cordially invited. - THOS. F. B AGLET. - nov 18 it secretary. 0000000000 TERMS OF SU3SCniPTI0i: On. Ysmr. bw EXaJlf S6.00 Six ZIoBtba, .60"X Throo Beattus, " 1.26 S Trro ZZovihs, - 100 9 98c, worth $1.25 60c, worth $1.25 $1.00, worth 1.50 $1.25, 1.87, 2.18 77c, $2. 38, 3.95 PULLI FOR SOME PEOPLE TO PROVIDE THE 'NECESSARY WHEREWITHAL TO PUR CHASE FUEL SAVE MONEY BY BUYING OUR HI6H GRADE evumrM so NmriNn ua se t cur mt 4 Vntm per KoBtlu r Z ooooooooooooo New Yard Foot of Chesnut Street nov 9 tf in all the newest styles and colors of They will be put "on sale Monday and will go at GOING UP IN SMOKE. CUBAN BLOSSOM, RENOWN, TOPICAL TWIST. By far superior to so-called TEN CENT CIGARS. CUBAN BLOSSOM, Renown, TOPICAL TWIST. Sold over every counter in Wil- ; mington and warranted the best 60 Cigar sold in the United States. . . . Yollers & Hasnagen, . Cigar Distributors. noistt ' ACADEMY OFMUSIC . One Night, Tuesday, Nor, 18. THE FAVORITES, BARLOW AND VILSOirS Greater Hew York TVTi -n R-bzpelbg- "88 People. 85. 10 Big-acts. 10. Funny Comedian. Talent Soloists. Superb Band and Orchestra. Parade dally. Beserye seats 75 cents. Seats on sale Monday morning at Plummer's. sovust tt sn tu . - I mportant Tlotico. we wish to inform our regnlar customers aa well as the public at Urge tbat we have lust received a consignment ot Foreign Wines, which we offer to everybody at the following low price for a short tune only; . Rhine Wine,-Vintage 1898, per gal, $1.00 Port " " 1900, " " 1.00 Claret " " 1900, " " 1.00 Port " " 1890, u " 2.00 Samples FREE at store. . - Best Patent Flour, O. B., per barrel 14.50. Agent lor celebrated Gtoldem Irish Bhad Net , nng. Regular Ksusaa 12e per ptssi. TOO. n. BUCK. Importer and Bottler. .,-. vo, 0 Nona water st ' .. - nott 4 BeO Phonol85. at Y-. f . ? 1 i " T v if. fx 1 .. V