OO6OOOOOOOOOOO0 . Tfc.atfllt : TERuS OF SuBSCR IPTlUii. 'T- SBSSSBBSSSSSSMSBSB Oum Yaar, by ZXail .Llt.Sall la I Six ZXonths, " ; Three ZXonths, M nulls"- " Halnxtoi. Two XXonths, Ill-rar4 to SmfeMrlb- im tm4 VOL. LXXI. NO. 55. Cttj at 45 Cams pr BXoauiu WILMINGTON, N. G., TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 25. 1902 WHOLE NO. 11,000 . AJkAAOMPV WW I mm m $5.00 Jt.eoS 1.25 1 1.00$ OUTLINES. t on the Southern .--..t.nbursr. 8. C, the llfkUIedand engineer serf- r j a now uus ui t , to.w Orleans. Sena ry p.-.i to tariff revision. Gritted States government V with Euronean t the enciuoi.. elt is puttine the ( toochMtoh.s message 3. C, jesieruaj, u. ... .nd killed and Miss rt ino , , Barns senousijr wuuuucvi , rtji BarTls nrea oon 4 riiro caDtain and two -nnnded and one striker. P . . ,'r mkera' airike. fej Wled and flf teenlfijured Ud iccident in Indian Terri- Lihecoai sino wmoiuooi r . !.. hen hl"fed from LPi. to Wjington and Q Tne Sfcnfaterial Alli- Kt Like City have adopted L itronjtly opposing the pro La to the U. i Senate of . r.wk maris: Moe6y on Lgi firm at 4 per cent., the off -ted at per cent.; -a at 8 603: uoar laiwy ui flrm; wheat spot euj; iSc; corn spot quiet; No. (ocnfirm; spirits turpentine Father report. t pxpT of Aoriccltcbe, ssT05. N. C. Nor. 24. Wogietl data for the twenty- blending at S F. U.: Unrer 8 A. M., 43 decrees; a Jrses: maximum. 73 de- bimam. 45 dejrrees; mean, 68 Ll for the day, .00; rainfall month to date, 1.78. a water in the Cape Fear IfijetteTille. N. C, at 8 A. H. JOIICAST FOB TO-DAY. Not. 24 For North ; Bun Tuesday; Wednesday i colder; fresh south wind, 9 Wit U-tanae Woveaaber 25. 6.45 A.M. 4.47 P.M. 10H.05M. 4.36 P.M. 7.06 P.M. Far it South port . far Wilmington. p Nation says "hell ia no Seither is Carrie. Massachusetts burglars re- ant the better part of the Tcbing a safe and they got ed had to ruin a 11,000 safe k English tradesmen who are CMcago must be haying a iae. They say millionaires influences haTe turned t: in to a hades. ti the jury only thirteen i to acquit Molineux, but it aie his wife thirteen min icide to scoot to Sioux ft a divorce. kdelphia man has just re join Portland, Oregon, hav imeat of the journey, 4,000 horseback. This makes ' champion Philadelphia Meaota Judge threw up because with the higher cost g hia aalary was too small. dn't do justice to himself 1 out justice to others for he was getting. agfrom the writings of Mr. It he didn't have a Tery high ofsome of our dead Presi de will be lucky after he if he falls into the less tart critics to do itary organizations in awe being criticised for re t parade in honor of the Khen he recently visited J Without discussing the rongof that, there is en- much of this military iiuainesa. Jionneux says so many him have been published hstb that he cant go any- !JJ4 it makes him feel un We don't wonder that ncomely as he is should "Oherecoenized anii wrra1d Wer to be taken for some kftT iorgery he was afflicted with La, and that while the fit Lr fae frequently wrote r"t PBTloroll- 1 41 . s wuuy IU(W blXCLU ki. particular occasion ow the forged check L eJ have Bcrmtom&niaca L!e11 M otfler kinds oi ODD FELLOWS' MEMORIAL Appropriate Services Sudsy Everts Is Fifth Street M. E. Chsrch Asooal Sermoi by Rev. Jso. H. Hall. Highly appropriate and moat im pressive memorial exercises were ob served Sunday evening at Fifth Street M. . church by the four lodges of Odd Fellows in Wilmington Cane Fear Lodge No. 8, Orion No. 67, Wil mington No, 139 and Hanover No 145. The observance is an annual custom with members of the order and is in honor of those of their brethren who have passed away daring the pre ceding twelve months. - Sunday night the large auditorium of Fifth Street churoa was taxed to its utmost capacity bj those in attend ance, including hundreds of Odd Fel lows, who gathered at the I. O. O. F. building, opposite, the City. Hall, at 7 o'clock and marched to the church in a oody under thtrdirection of Mr. S. Gk HaTTTchler mahaIT" " ' The annual sermon was by the Rev. Jno. H. Hall, pastor .of Fifth Street church, and his discourse was highly pleasing and helpful to his hearers. Mr. Hall spoke from the 11th chapter of Hebrews, first Terse, "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence cf things not seen. He re ferred to the noble principles of the Independent Order of. Odd Fellows and taught a great spiritual lesson from the text The music consisted of hymns bv a special choir of thirty-odd voices, di rected by Mr. James S. Williams, and opening and closing odes, sung by the lodges. The service, while not as elaborate, perhaps, as some of former years, was in every way appropriate and a credit to those who arranged it and assisted in observing the order of exercises. LOCAL DOTS. The Florence Times says the Pythian Carnival in that city last week was not a success financially. Deputy Marshal Averitt, of Fayetteville, brought down four negroes Sunday evening for trial in the Federal Court, all charged with "re tailing." Mr. L. B. Pennington expects to build a handsome residence on the vacant lot on the south side of Market street, adjoining the residence of Hon. D. Bellamy. Mr. O. P. Shell, of Harnett, is a candidate for Engrossing Clerk of the State Senate. He is a Democrat who has done much work for his party and is strongly endorsed for the posi tion. The laving of conduits for the underground telephone wires on Front, between Bed Cross and Orange streets, was completed yesterday and work has now begun on Princess, be tween Front and Fifth streets. Mr. M. J. Corbett received a telegram yesterday announcing the death of Mr. J. A. Montgomery, of the cotton commission firm of Bailey & Montgomery, New York. Mr. Mont gomery was well known in Wilming ton business circles and his death was heard of with regret. After funeral services from the family residence, No. 605 South Fifth street, Sunday afternoon by Rev. Father C. Dennen, the remains of Zsneth Jones, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Jones, were taken to Northwest, N. 0., for interment Guilford Metts Grier, the little ll-months-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Ephraim Grier, 914 South Fourth street, died Saturday evening. The funeral was conducted at 1 P. M. Sun day from the family residence by Bev. W. Tray wick and the remains were taken to Myrtle Orove Sound for in terment. Mayor's Court Yesterday. Col. Waddell presided over the mu nicipal court yesterday at noon for the first time since his sjturn from New Or lean . There were but a few cases for trlal and they were of trifling im portance. Dorsey George, colored, was fined $5 and coats for assaulting Mr. John Kure. a foreman for the Bell Telephone Co., and four other, defendants were let off with the costs in cases against them for disorderly conduct. Assistant Fire Chief lejured. While fishtine the Coast line fire I Sunday morning, Assistant Chief W. P. Monroe, of the Department, re ceived a painful gash on the hand as the result of some falling glass from a window on tne tmra noor wibo building. He was forced to leave the fire as soon as it was under control and Dr. O. T. Harper took several stitches in the wound and otherwise treated the band. Mr. sad Mrs. Smith Bereaved. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Smith have the BTmnathv of many friends in the death of their infant son, Kenneth Mc Donald, aged four months and one day, which occurred yesterday even ing at the family residence, No. siu North Fourth street. The funeral will be conducted at 4 o'clock: this after noon from the late residence. SEW ADVKBTIBKMENTS. 8. A. H Chage schedule. Millinery Emporium Hat sale. J. W. Plummer, Jr. Ice cream. Consolidated Bail ways. Light and Power Co. Winter schedule. - Busnrxsa locals. Lott-etter pup. Horse and Buggy For i1 ' Clarendon Lodge K. of P. Notice. THE SUPERIOR CODRT. v One Week Term for Trial o Criminal Matters Convened Yesterday Afternoon. JUDGE BRYAN, PRESIDING Poor Capital Cases 0a the Docket True Bill ia One o! Them Returned at This Term One Sentenced to the Con sty Roads. The New Hanover Superior Court, Judge Henry R. Bryan, of Newbern, presiding, convened at 2 o'clock yes teraay afternoon and will remain in session one week for the trial of crimi nal cases only. Solicitor Duffy, Sher iff Stedman, Col. Jno. D. Taylor, Ulerfc, and all other court officers are In attendance. There .are nearly bisadrt casts on-UqdockeiJottr ofj them for capital offences, but; it is not likely that they will all bs tried at this term. Judge Bryan's charge to the jury after the organization for the term yesterday afternoon,- was brief but comprehensive. The court immedi ately went into business and a nam ber of cases were disposed or berore a recess was taken for the day. The following grand jury was drawn and sworn to serve for the term: Jno. J. Fowler, (foreman),C. W. Woolard, H. 8. Bew. P. H. Hayden. Mark A. Jonet, J. T. Macosaber, C. E. Hall, Julius Sternberger, E. Piner, J. H. 8outherland, W. 8. McFadder, B. B. Brown, J. H. Ottoway, Jno. D. Ben der, L. M. Bunting, J. W. Hewett, D. D. Cameron, G. W. Woolard. Mr. C. M. Harris was sworn m as bailiff of the grand jury. It was ordered by the court that 16 jurors be drawn under me aci or 1885 for to-day and that the same number be drawn each day during the term. The grand jury came into court in a body soon after retiring and returned a true bill against J. H. Williams, colored, charged with burglary; also true bills against the following: T. H. Bobbins, embezzlement; Joseph John- son, colored, carrying conceaiea weap ons and assault with a deadly weapon ; Joseph Johnson, colored, larceny. Not a true bill was returned as to Robert Moseley, colored, charged with larceny. The following cases were disposed of during the afternoon: Joe Kirkham, assault with a deadly weapon; pleaded guilty; judgment suspended on payment of cost and a fine of $1. Bruce Morgan, colored, pleaded guilty of the larceny of a diamond ring from the residence of Mr. Roger Moore; 13 months on public roads. Joseph Johnson, colored, carry con cealed weapons and assault with metal knucka; verdict guily; judg ment reserved. Court took a recess at 5:10 P. M. until 10 o'clock this morning. A CATCHY SHOE WINDOW. Solomoa'i Store Unlqiety Calls Attention ts Psmoas Whlttemore Polish. At Solomon's Shoe Store, on Front street, there is a catchy window dis played vertising the celebrated Whitte- more shoe polish and dressing. The display occupies two of the large front windows of the store. In the first is a jet black calf, tied by a hemp rope, and an attractive collection or shoes, in the second window is a neat arrange ment of the polishes n all shapes and sizes and a real, live, colored bootblack with a pile of money in a box at his knee. Over the calf in the first window, the display of shoes, the col lection of polishes and the bootblack, respectively, are these catchy signs of explanation: "This is the calf that gives Its hide to make this leather, me unnera pride." "These' are shoss made of the leather to keep the feet dry in any weather.'' "This is the polish that keeps me shoe looking soft and bright and new.' "This boy his covers and cartons kept, and this wonderful narvest repf" Headquarters la New York. Mr. Herbert L. Borden, secretary of the Atlantic Coast Line Company, it a announced, will have his headquar- m . V ters in New xoric as previously stated, Mr. Henry Walters and Presi dent Erwln will have their headquar ters there and the new order of things makes it necessary for Mr. Borden to go to New York also. The numerous friends of the family in this city will regret exceedingly to hear of their In tended departure. Mr. Borden is now n New York and his family will join him in a very short time. serai of Mrs. Mattie A. Tllley. Impressive funeral services were conducted Sunday arternoon at . it a o'clock over the remains oi ane i Mrs. Mattie. A. Tilley, wire or Mr. Geo. F. TUley, corner or icignin ana Chesnut streets. The services were' 1 mm the family residence by me ev. J. W. Potter,, pastor of Market Street M.E. church, and the Interment was . . . - ' (Ph. m11-hAAN in uaxdaie wmew. - era were Messrs. Freeman Ltwia, o. W. Holden, E. v. McKenxie, u. a Billbro, A. W. Allen and w enue Scarboro. Closing out sale of cameras, fjnateur nnnlles and nicture framea at xayior Studio. One hundred cloture frames at cost :- t; at Taylor's Studio. : , ;. ATLANTIC COAST LINE FIRE. Aftermath of the Early Snaday Morsfag BIszr, Which Wrooxht Havoc In the Passenger Station Insurance. Hundreds of people Sunday morn Ing visited the scene of the fire which just before- day made almost a com plete wreck of the Atlantic Coast Line passenger station, purchasing agent's and general storekeeper's offices and ware rooms in this city. There is little to add to the story of the fire as al ready printed in these columns. It was nearly 4 o'clock when the flames were finally controlled, but the fire men did not leave the scene -until after 9 o'clock in the morning. Nearly everything in the peculiarly construct ed building, half wood and half brick; was completely destroyed. The greatest loss was perhaps in the offices and stationery department of Mr. F. H. Fechtig, general purchas i"sl.jt?ntjthe system. Millions of oianss, doom and articles or omce supplies were either burned outright or charred too badly for use. The havoc wrought in this office will have a tendency to cause great inconve nience in all departments and along the line of the system, as all agents received their stationery and supplies from that department and from Gen eral Storekeeper Albert H. Creasy. The clerical forces of the burned offices, under the direction of their chiefs, went to work with a will Sun day arternoon and soon had some measure of order restored out of the chaos. Temporary quarters for the Purchasing Agent's Department were secured in the Atlantlo Inn bulldin?. nearly opposite the general offices, on Front street, and nearly .every thing or value rrom the rums was taken there by nightfall Sunday. As little time as possible was lost by Mr Fechtig and it is wonderful how quickly the force was re-organlzsd and commenced work again. The ticket office from which the cabinet and a number of documents were saved, is now temporarily locat ed in the baggage room. The stationery department, which Is in charge of Mr. Marion L. James, is located for the present on Nutt street, in the store formerly occupied by the John A. Turrentine Co. General Storekeeper Creasy has se cured quarters for the present in the freight warehouse of the company. The Stab was in error Sunday in stat ng that Mr. P. H. Walsh was general storekeeper. Since July he has been one of the chief clerks in Mr. Fechtig's office. Of coursa no accurate estimate of the total damage to the property can be arrived at for several days. The est! mated loss to the stores in the building is $10,000, partly covered by insurance n the sum of $3,500. The company carried $4,500 Insurance on the build ing, which is thought to be all of a three-fourth's loss. The origin of the fire is still un known. It started on the second floor in the general storekeeper's depart ment, but did not get into the oil room underneath as was at first supposed from the dense volumes of smoke that poured forth from every available outlet In the oil room were number of barrels of oil and satur ated waste, which fortunately did not take fire. Y. M. C. A. BASKET BALL SEASON. Series of Games Begins To-Nifbt Orapfa- ophone Concert Thasks(irIo(. The devotees of basket ball will be pleased to learn that the game which has given so much pleasure to hun dreds of the people of Wilmington in the put, will again be made a feature of Y. M. C. A. athletics. On Saturday night those interested in the game met and organized three teams to play for the association championship. The captains are: F. D. Irving, W. R. Doaher and R. E. L. Hunt. The first game will be played to-night in the Association gymnasium. Only men will be admitted to this game as the space allotted to spectators is very limited. Ladies will be admitted later n the season. Admission will be free. Only a limited number will be admit ted and as soon as the seats are all taken the doors will be closed. The game will begin immediately after the evening class work is finished. This will probably be a fine game. The junior members of the Y. M. C. A. are anticipating a good time on Thursday afternoon. A graphophone concert will be given and all the chil dren of the city are invited to be pres ent. No admission will be charged and seats will be free to all children, boys or girls, who attend. The concert will begin promptly at 4 o'clock. This will be a good opportunity to hear bands, songs, talks, and many other things, both humorous and serious and every boy and girl' in the city should be present. aterr opted Their Tonr. Mr, and Mrs. J. U. Edwards return ed yesterday morning from Washing ton. They were on their bridal tour and expected to continue their trip to New York and other points North, but Mr. Edwards, who Is city ticket agent of the Atlantic Coast Line, was called home on account of the fire In his office Sunday morning. ' Mr. and Mrs. Edwards are at their new home, No. 217 Red Cross street m mine out mIs of cameras, amateur supplies and picture frames at Taylor's Studio. i . t One hundred picture" frames at coat j at Taylor's Studio., ... . D. S. DISTRICT CODRT. Fall Term at Wilmington Con vened Yesterday Morning in the Postoffice Building. THE DOCKET IS VERY HEAVY. Nearly a Hundred Cases for Trial Many Disposed of Yesterday Defendants Sentenced to Terms in Atlanta Prison The Grand Jury. The United States Circuit and Dis trict Courts, for the Fall term at Wil mington, convened yesterday morn iogatiU:3U o'clock and will remain in session until the docket of nearly a hundred cases is disposed of. Judge Thos It. Purnell, of Raleigh, is pre siding and District Attorney Harry Skinner, U. S. Marshal H. C- Dock ery. Clerk W. H. Shaw and all other ooart o$oat ra in. attejidaee..,.. . Yesterday Vi session of the court was devoted principally to the work of or ganizatiou and - the disposition of cases in which the defend ants pleaded guilty. A recess for the day was taken ahortly after 6 o'clock until 10 A. M. to-day. The following grand; jury of e gh- teen persons was drawn : J. Alves Walker, (foreman), Geo. McKeithan, Char. B. McMUlan, W. J. Keith, R B Southerland, B. B. Witheringtoa, W. O. Keith, W. B. 8cott, W. B. Heater, A D. Wease', Rory Mcwair, R. O Edmunds, Otis Ward, Wm. J Regis ter, Jno. O. Culbretb, L. A Hewlett, W. P Davis, J. R. Marshburn. The following jurors were called and failed and were fined $80 each for noa-appearanc: E. P. Boatwright (out of th State). W. T. Jeams. M. L. Hinson, D "Stewart, A. M. Watson D. W. Watson, G. M Rainwater and Jepiha Peel. t is. JLyerett was sworn in as crier for the term and John H. Brown and Wash Lowry as bailiffs. Viola Lambert, Neill Mitchell, Sim Baxley, Ben Wright, Harry Peterson, Mary McLaurin, M. Archie Carmi chael and D. Lockey, defaalting wit n esses, were fined $80 each. In cases of the United States against me following, orders ror alias capias were issued and the cases were con tinued, viz: G. M. Taylor (two cases), Hugh Oxendine, Luke Revels, J. L Yarboro, T. L. Roper, Henry Dixon, Neill Prince, Miles I. P. Clark, Chas. McLean. Other proceedings were as follows: James L. Yarboro and his suretv. Joseph R. YarborQ, soi fa; judgment absolute against defendent and surety ror $300 and costs. Alice Griffin and her surety. E. S. Lewis; judgment absolute against de fendant and surety for $100 and costs. Miles I. P. Clark and his suretv. B. M. Meares and T. J. Priest; judgment absolute to be discharged on payment or costs or sci ra and cost or arrest. Nepsy Braboy and Hector Lacklear: judgment absolute against defendant and surety for $200 and costs. Wm. Bryant, alias Bryant Williams. and his surety, James W. Graham: judgment absolute against defendant and surety for $200 and costs. Cases against masters of steamers Wilmington, Compton, Highlander, Black River and A. J. Johnson, for failure to affix revenue stamps to bills of lading, were dismissed upon sub mission and payment of costs. Kerny McDonald, Scotland county, retailing liquor without license ; judg ment suspended on payment of costs. J. v. uamer, isobeson county, re tailing; pleaded guilty; judgment sus pended and defendant discharged. Wm. Bryant, Robeson county, re tailing; pleaded guilty; fined $100 and costs and sentenced to 2 years in At' lanta penitentiary. Dim Ueberry, Scotland county, re trailing; pleaded guilty. Dillon Hunt, Kobeson county, re tail ing: pleaded guilty, judgment su spended, defendant having been in jail 70 days. Simp Smith, Columbus county, re tailing, pleaded guilty; judgment sus pended, defendant having been in jail five months. Violo Lambert. Robeson county, re tailing, pleaded guilty; judgment su spended, defendant having been in jail five months. Terry Jones, Scotland county, re tailing; pleaded guilty; 60 days in jail, $100 fine and cost. Henry MacRae, Scotland county, retailing; pleaded guilty; fined $100 and costs and sentenced to one year and one day in the Atlanta peniten tiary. Charles Graham, Scotland county, retailing; pleaded guilty; fined $100 and sentenced to SO days in jail. BUI McLieod, Scotland county, re tailing: pleaded guilty; judgment sus pended and defendant discharged. Sam Scott, Robeson county, retail ing; pleaded guilty; fined $100 and sentenced to 30 days in jail. Will McLean, Scotland county, re tailing; fined $100 and costs and sen tenced to 60 days in jail. Arch. Powell, Columbus county, retailing; pleaded guilty; fined $100 and costs and sentenced 'to 30 days in jail. MR. JOSEPH L. WINNER DEAD. . Aged Citizen of the County Died Sunday at Carolina Bench Fnneral. Mr. Joseph L. Winner, an aged and respected citizen of the county, resi ding at Carolina Beach, died at 7' A. M. Sunday and was buried yesterday in the graveyard near his home. Mr. Winner was about 68 years of age and had been a paralytic for a long time. For many years he conducted a jewelry store and repair shop in this city. He leaves to mourn their loss a wife and four sons, the latter being Messrs. Ma rion L., 5. 0., E. P., and J. M. Winner. Deceased is also survived by one daughter, Mrs. E. P. Backer, who lives in Concordia, Ark.1 The funeral was ' conducted at 1 o'clock yesterday afternoon and the remains were laid to rest in the family burying ground on the Sound.-. The pall-bearers were Messrs. F. D. Capps, J. ? T. Burke, W. ,T. Qrissom, J.H. Williamson, W. H. Taylor and Thos. H.' McGhee. ' ': ': s;vri.. AN APPEAL F0R CflAR,TY- President of Associated Charities Issues Statement to the Public In View of the Approach of Winter. The grave is the end of all. Here ends ail things earthly the grandest schemes, ambition's ladder, the con queror's sword, love's torch, the mar riage altar, the poet's laurels, the rich man's sorrow, woman's beauty, man's strength. "They shall lie down alike in the dust and worms shall cover them." But on the way to this com mon end should we not "look up, and not down, look out and not in, and lend a helping hand?" On the wav there are so many "sadly unfortu nate" ones. The Associated Charities of this citv ha more than two hundred of these on their books. This large roll is carefully and constantly revised by the fifteen superintendents of the fif teen districts into which the city is di vided. Our central office, 215 Prin cess street, open daily, and managed oy our experienced secretary, gives personal , investigation . to each case. mai investigation to each case, still the list of our . worthyjqor s. Though the city, the county;' And. grows. the churches of all denominations, and many generous individuals place in our hands quite a handsome sum annually, it amounts to less than two dollars per month for each of our beneficiaries, with which to Day rent. and buy fuel and food. No city is as iree from beeears at the doors and on the streets, made so by the work of our organization. , We ask the public to give no promiscuous alms, and pledge to see that no worthy one shall surfer. With hie her prices for all the neces sities of life the extremely poor are the nrst keenest sufferers. We expect the demands on us this winter to be unusu ally heavy. We begin the winter with a very small balance in bank. We do not expect to make any personal ap peals du i leave me subject to the dic tates of the individual conscience, to do as the Lord hath prospered each one. We confidently expect to hear from our large list of generous donors-. who have stood so nobly by this work for many years, and we hope the many new residents who have recently come among us, and strangers within our gater, will join us in this labor of love. Send contributions to J. H. Boat- wright, treasurer, or to Miss Carrie L. Price, secretary. Calvin S. Black well, President, Associated Charities. FUNERAL 0P JOHN KIERNAN. Remains Arrived Sunday Morning Prom Rocky Mount Interment, The remains of the late Mr. John Kiernan, of Rocky Mount, N. C, ar rived in the city on the 11:10 A. M. A C. L. train from the North Sunday and were taken to the residence of Mr. J. W. Hawkins, No. 105 Castle street, from whence the funeral was con cluded at 4 o'clock in the afternoon. Services had been previously held from the late residence of the deceased in Rocky Mount. Accompanying the remains to Wil mington were the bereaved wife and a delegation of about 60 men from the Coast Line shops in Rocky Mount, by whom Mr. Kiernan was held in the very highest esteem. They came in a special car attached to the regular train, and returned in the evening. Pan. Taa. T.a1ia XTrt O T " W or mis city, attended the burial in a body. The pall-bearers were: Honor ary, Messrs. ri. J. Jones and William Goodman ; active, Messrs. O. L. Gay and S. Hewlett, of Rocky Mount; Frank LaFella, S. Behrends, J. F. Stanland and W. W. Yopp. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Mr. R.T. Crawford, of South- port, is a guest at The Orton. Deputy U. S. Collector C. M. Babbitt, of Newbern, is here attending the U. S. court. Miss Mary Bond, of Edenton who has been the guest of Miss Neppie Borden, returned home yesterday. -! Former District Attorney Claude Bernard, of Greenville, is here attending the Federal Court. President Thomas Wilson, of the Carolina and Northwestern rail road, was an Orton guest yesterday. Mr. John G. Marshall return ed yesterday from Washington, D. C, where he spent the past several weeks. Miss Winnifred Watts and Miss Nancy Sharp, of Portsmouth, are here as guests of Misses Mary and Janie Meares. Mr. L. L. Brinson, the popular travelling salesman for the American Tobacco Co., is in the city calling on the wholesale trade. Superintendent T. C. McNee- ly, of the Carolina Northern railroad, with headquarters at Marion, S. 0., was an Orton guest yesterday. Mr. W. H. Phillips and Mr. W A. Frink, of Shallotte, are in the city on business trips, or. .rniwps is member-elect of the Legislature from his county. - Wade Wishart, Esq., of Lum- berton, and Jno. D. Shaw, Jr., Esq., of Laurinburg, are among the visiting attorneys here for the United States Court this week. Col. and Mrs. A. M. Waddell returned Sunday afternoon from New Orleans, where they attended the Na tional Convention of the United Daughtera ofthe Confederacy. Mr.Eay Kennedy; representing the well known produce commission house of S. S. Dorman, Philadelphia, has returned to the city and will spend some time here, looking after lettuce shipments. Dr. J. N. Johnson, of Warsaw, spent yesterday In the city. Dr. John son has formed a copartnership with Dr. J. H. Newbury, of Magnolia and the firm will very soon open an office in Goldsborp. They are both capable young men. skilled in theirprofession, and the Stab wishes them success. r HAT TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY WILL BE THE I bought out the entire stock of Can sell them for A $1 Hat for 48c and $2.50 now Tiiey Will Be Sold Tuesday and Wednesday. Have also received a big lot of fine Skirts, Monte Carlo Coats, Auto mobile and Bagland Coats Ladies' Black Peau-de-Soie Ladies' All at half price. 129 Market Street, nov Si tf HELLO. He Pans A HEW INTEREST QUARTER WILL BEGIN DECEMBER 1ST. MONET DEPOSITED ON OB BEFORE THAT DATE WILL RECEIVE THREE MONTH'S INTEREST MARCH 1ST. The Wilmington Savings & Trust Co., 108 Princess Street, Wilmington, N. C. J. W. NORWOOD, President. Hi WALTERS, Ties PreaKcnt. O. B. TAYLOR, Jr. Camler. no21tf THE UURCHISOM NATIONAL BANK, OF WILMINGTON. Organized March, 1899. City, County, State and U. S. Government depository. We unsurpassed banking facilities. $470,000 capital. Surplus and shareholder's liability is a guarantee safety to depositors. s H. C. McQUEEN, President J. V. GRAINGER, Cashier, novistr Atlantic National Bank, Wilmington, N. 0. We want the account of every one having business to do with a bank. In exchange for business we offer every facility and accommodation known to modern banking. A f eeliner of the utmost confidence and safety is exDerienced bv those who deposit their money in the largest and strongest bank in North Caro lina. ASSETS NEARLY $2,000,000. nov23tf Mr. Robert Post to Wed. Friends in the city yesterday re ceived handsomely engraved invita tions which bear the following an nouncement: Mr. and Mrs. Francis L. Palmer request the honour of your presence at the. marriage of their daughter Genevieve, to Mr. Kobert Edgar Post, on Wednesday, the tenth of December, nineteen hundred and two, at eleven o'clock, Grace Metho dist Episcopal Church, Lafayette Square, Baltimore." Prominent Society People. On three private cars attached to the train from the North Sunday morning, a party of distinguished Northern so ciety folk arrived to be guests this week of Mr. and Mrs. Pembroke Jones, at "Airlie." Among those in the party were Mrs. StuyvesantFish, wife of the president of the Illinois Central; Mr. W. K. Vanderbilt and Mr. Harry Lehr. Fnneral Sunday Afternooo, The funeral of Mildred Rogers, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Robinson, whose death occurred Sat urday, .was held Sunday afternoon from the family residence, 712 Dock street, in the presence of many sympa thizing friends. Owing to the illness of Rev. Dr. James Carmichael, the services were conducted by Rev. Dr. Calvin S. Blackwell, and the inter ment was in Oakdale. Closing out sale of cameras, amateur supplies and picture frames at Taylor's Studio. t One hundred picture frames at cost at Taylor's Studio. ' t For Astnma use CHE NEY'S EXPECTOR ANT. For sale by J. aiSheparo, DIED. SMITH KENNETH MCDONALD, Infant son of J X. and Bertna MVBmltiv at fiunliy reel derce 510 North ronrtb street, arad trmontbfl aoaoneoay. - Fnneral at P.M. irom residence, mends ana acquaintances invited. - r- SALE! BIG- HAT SALE. a manufacturer of ready-to-wear Hats. less than half price. to 3.00 Hat for 98c. I have over 900. Silk Waists. and Gent's Silk Handkerchiefs. mUfflery Empdriumr Next Door to Bonitz House, Wilmington, N. C. GROCER! Does your trade increase with stale peanuts !' Now take the hint keep up with the times and get the ONLY PEANUT ROASTER that will give you Fresh Boasted nuts every hour in the day with NO LABOR (3 minutes). NO ATTENTION. NO EXPENSE (2 cents). More ot your customers would buy peanuts 1C you had them always Iresa roasted. It you don't sell peanuts, why not add that line to your business it pays a large profit, takes no time and but little capital. THIS Is THE 1902 ROASTER. Price $17.50. Send for full circular. 3D. L- GOEE & CO.. Wilmington, N. C, Agents for North and South Carolina. If. C. offer Prompt and reliable service. of G-o TO I THANKSGIVING DAY. SPLENDID FISHING r From Company's Platform along (he Trestle over Bank's Channel. Regular Sunday schedule will be operated. Cars both ways every hour between 9 A. M. and 5 P. M. The Beach is pleasant at this season. SPEND YOUR HOLIDAY ON THE CONSOLIDATED RAILWAYS, LIGHT AND POWER CO. nov S3 4t snta wetn PERFUMES AND TOILET SPECIALTIES. A large assortment of Richard Hudnut's Perfumes and Toilet Specialties at J. H. HARDIfJ'S Palace Pharmacy, 126 Sonth Front Street. Both 'Phones 55. no20tf Important Notice. we wish to inform our regular customers aa . well as tne public at large that we nave just received a consignment of Foreign Wines, wnlcb we offer to everybody at tne following ; low price for a abort tune only: : - . Rhine Wine, Vintage 1898, per ,gaL, $1.00 Port " " 1900, " " 1.00 Claret " " 1900, " 1.00 Port " " 1890, " " 2.00 Samples FBKB at store. , Best Patent Floor, o. B., per barrel 14. so. AeentforcetebratAdSAidAa irfnti Rhad Net ting. . Ke-rTuar Hants i2e per pound. JNO. H. SUCK. ." ' importer and Bottler. . Ko. 0 Kortb Water St. , Ben'Pnonoias. - nostt: MM ID -V-

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