' j , f. BOBlTi i . TERMS OF SUBSCIilPllOil-j I Oava Tr. by Hall. $5.00$ urrer T- "si nltv Newt ' Six ZXoBtha. " 8.60 , ThrM Hontfca. " lJiS ' t'Qfliiniton. Two Konths, 1.00 ; DlIvsr4 o Smaaarlbara Is tkef T City at 4S Casts psrKomtlu I rflB STATB. VOL. LXXI.-NO. 59. WILMINGTON, N. C, SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 29 1902. WHOLE NO. 11,004 Star jfliontiuB f tar. OUTLINES. I -ener. were .erioumly and Snort subtly hurt by a fBear Indianapolis. !f,MOtiationi are Rotng on r !ritha Tiew to satisfying .!ian seainst Vene- l1 John L- Salliran, the ms h fiIed a Vmoa ln ' 8 iar house near fJL burned; loss $130,000. Cottier Norman, Oata efof Fire Department "jStw has been dis- : rvice The foot Tbrttreen the army and nary fLedUHltyat Philadelphia. IJL in the cue inTOlvin the e constitution of Virginia, Lwiiy ia Richmond. EiB invaders hare been 7tf Venetoela- Qreat J, closed iti ptTrt'rhrenm jTof cattle from the New J3UUS. bil1 h been ert of chancery, New ' te reilraia the American jBinK Company 'from deal (jjeeand selling sugar at less ; .Tomen were killed , founded by a boiler explo- Iicoo, Georgia. Chair- of the Ways and Means 2,,' of the House, does jjgt ny tariff legislation qpachiug session. New (irkets: Money on call ptadiwady at 46 per cent; pittatiSSc; flour was steady; Lipoteuy, Nx 3 79ic; corn jMdy, No. 3 63fc; oats spot I So. 3 S6c ; rosin steady ; spirits ' EATHEH REPORT JDCP'TOF iaaiCCLTUBK, ) i SfEiTHEa Bureau, U33T05, N. C, Njv. 23 ) . nioici dta for the twenty iUQdia at 8 P. M. : . pnmres 8 A. M., 33 degrees; ,t5ia;re; naximaai, 53 de liimjm, 33 degri; mn. 43 i ill far las day, .00; rainfall igr v h to date, 2.73. i fit in the Cape Fear ift Ihille, N. C, at 8 A. &.' eet and rising. Jkikast tor to-day. D9T05, N jr. 23 For North t-rair Saturday, withincreas itnea aad rising temperature tfaraoon; Sjnday rain and -Efhi variable wind?. Illaanac November 89 6.60 A.M. 1 4.46 P.M. 9B.6SM. toitSouihport. 7.45 P.M. ruer Wilmington. 10.15 P.M. miend a dispatch around ii now in thirty-nine min btt it takes a handful of to do it. irf tha Eastern members Of faror tariff, changes on ca and foodstuffs. Self-in-npa out in this, but these good starters. cujlvania girl wanta $5,000 from one of the county m who in trying to kiss her &11 off the porch and hurt ' As bungling a galoot as Kht to be made to pay for it. belonging to Uncle Bus It in Xew York was recently taieB. But yon can't man who has to hustle nd look after his millions "1 to Buch little matters as taxes on farms. toago scientist who has been if much attention to the sleep a has come to the conclusion e are lota of people who go life without being really 'rte. The result of the re actions in the Xorth support illusion. Pwple of Germany who can't bay batter use goose grease kitute, both in cooking and stable. Germany raises many kt not enough to supply the and last year imported H and in addition to these 8,1 quantities of goose grease, j - - ell Satrn Km withdrawn Mew York Society of the Descendants because at dinner the men persist ? in the presence of the 5o lady who objects to hould want to MBOftlAta an ill.mannaio1 mat e1 f Itll OToi. 19 AVrt 1 I , i,uw lima ueeu J Preier to oam fVai nan i k... . T u cpcu irnm in m nn fc be for them V country. There Is 0 fttional in Vt!nn . ' ing care of the In- VERY BOLD, BAD MAN. White Prlsoaer Proa Colambu for New HaaoTer Roads With Ugly Record. Superior Court at Wnlterllle. Oolumbus County Superior Court which was In session this week at Whlterille, adjourned yesterday, and Judge Olirer H. Allen, who presided, and a number of rial tins' attomr. passed through the city yesterday afternoon, returning home. The term was deroted largely to criminal matters, and as a result of the sessions Deputy Sheriff W. J. Benton brought oyer five prisoners for the New Hanorer chain gang. In the group ir J. P. Hughes, a white man. ith an all-round ugly record. The others are colored. Hughes was sen tenced by Judge Allen to two years on the roads, one year each for larceny and illegitimate relations with a white woman with whom he was living. Upon the expiration of his two-Teara' ns-here, he is to te retui ued to the t Columbus authorities to answer Other charges in that county. ' Later, he is to be aent to Wadeaboro, N. O., and re committed to the Anson county chain gang, from which he escaped some time ago with eighteen months yet to serve there. The other prisoners brought over by Deputy Benton were: D. M. Murphy and Jno. McLean, each six months for carrying concealed weapons and lar ceny, respectively; Chat. Lennon and Joshua Nichols, each four months for retailing liquor and assault and bat tery. personal paragraphs. Mr. Claude Murray spent Thanksgiving at his home near Bur gaw. Jno. D. Shaw. Jr. Esq.. of Laurinburg, returned yesterday to at tend the Federal Court. Mr. John E. Morris, the popu lar travelling man of Goldsboro, was an Orton gueat yesterday. Miss Hattie Bnnn returned to her home at Rocky Mount yesterday aft .ra delightful visit to friends in the city. Misses Julia Parsley and Laura Clarke left yesterday to attend a ger man bj the University students at Chapel Hill last night. Messrs. T. D. Meares, Jr., and Geo, Q. Thomas, Jr., returned to the University yesterday, after having spent Thanksgiving at home. Mr. James T. Munds has gone to New York-, where he will take a lucrative position. Numerous friends here wish him the greatest success. Miss Lula H. Wheeler, of Wil mington, who has been spending sev eral months in Western North Caro lina, returned last night from High Point. Mrs. Paul M. Smith, of Athens, Ga., a sister of Mr. George W. Brun son, Jr., arrived yesterday to attend the marriage of Mr. Brunson and Miss Bmallbonea in Sr. John's Episcopal church next Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. E. W. YanC Lucas, and little son, Eugene, Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Emerson and Miss Nellie Emerson have gone to Philadelphia to witness the great football contest there to-day between West Point and Annapolis. Gapt. Lucas joined the party in Wash ington yesterday morning. Back from Football Oame. Among those who returned yester day morning from Richmond where they "took in" the Carolina-Virginia football game, were the following: T. J. Davenport, B. O. Williams, W. R. Hsy. P. C. Morton, James Jackson, A. D. Daniel, Ben Parmele, Frank Harriar, Willie P-ck, A. J. Mitchell, D. B. Sinclair, P. L Knight, Tom Shepard, Clayton G-ant, Matt Meier, Law re nee Pinner, E. J. Rivenbark, Harry Clowe, A. Y. Laffiteau, O. B. Russell. Strawberry Prospect Floe. Mr. Wm Struthers, of Wilming ton, who spent Thanksgiving on his frm at Grist, nays he never saw the strawberry vines looking more healthy or promising at this season of the year than now. -He says the second or "Fall crop" of berries amounted to nothing in the Cbadbourn belt. The f roat yesterday morning put an end to any prospect of further development alonf this line. Real Estate transfers. By deeds filed for record yesterday W. R. French and wife tranaf erred to James E. Hall and wife for $250, lot on North side of Wright, between Front snd Second streets, 43xlS3 feet, more or less, and Thos. H. Wright, tranaferred to B. N. Bowden for $400, house and lot at Northwestern inter section of Third and Brunswick streets, 33x70 feet in size. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. W. B. Cooper O. C. nuts. People's Savings Bank Money. Galon & Davis "The favorite." Murchlson National Bank Statem't. Btrsnrzss locaia. Consolidated Railways, Light and Power Co. Cold weather. , Dwtin.rv rab remedies are dan gerous to give babies. An way's Croup Btrao is made for children's coughs and croup and colds and will certainly cure them. Ask io see lesumonuus. 25 cents at Robert BZ Bellamy's. t Visit the Polvogt Co.!s store tOraay, last day of their special sales week, t CAPITAL OFFENCES. Three Cases of Importance in Superior Court Were Dis posed of Yesterday. TERMS IN STATE PRISON. Oae Defendant (lets 25 Yesrs, Another 10 and Another 3 Civil Salt for Daaufes Compromised Pro ceed!o(s of the Day. Three eases in which the defend ants, all colored, were originally charged with capital felonies, were disposed of in the Superior Court yes terday. One of them for burglary was given 25 years in the peniten tiary; another for the same offence was given 10 years in the penitentiary and the third, for murder, was given '"res y law tit. Stat. - prison... Ail submitted to the crimes with which they were charged, in a lesser degree, and under all the"" circumstances sur rounding the cases, the ends of jus tice appear to ha? e been pretty well met In the manner of their dis position. J. H. Williams,- colored, charged with burglarizing the rooms of some fellow workmen . with whom he formerly boarded, received the longest sentence twenty-five years. Williams entered the house of the negroes in Thompson's alley, in "Brooklyn" and stole a num ber of articles of clothing and a cheap ring. The case went over from the Mayor's court and all the negroes implicated work in the lum ber mills about Wilmington. It was1 thought that Williams was wanted, when arrested here, for several crimes 4-committed at his old home near Rose- boro, Sampson county, but that infor mation proved incorrect. By appoint ment of the court, Williams was de fended by Marsden Bellamy, Jr. Esq. and O. D. Weeks, Esq. Orange Jessie, colored, sentenced to ten years, will go up for a case almost parallel with that of Williams. He burglarized a negro house and stole a lot of clothing, etc., but the charge of burglary could not be sustained and Solicitor Duffy consented to a verdict of housebreaking and larceny. Walter McKoy received three years for manslaughter. He is but a strip of a boy and killed Arthur Swinson last August at a "Sanctification Band'' church, on corner of Eleventh and Dawson streets. Swinson said before bis death that the shooting was acci dental but there were other circum stances which led Messrs. Herbert Mc Clammy and Brooke G. Empie, his counsel, to consent to a verdict of manslaughter offered by Solicitor Duffy. The evidence on both sides of the case was carefully gone into and the verdict rendered by instruction of the court. In the; civil damage suit of J. O. Stanley, Admr. of G. F. Brown, de ceased, against the Virginia-Carolina Chemical Co., judgment according to a compromise for $250 was entered. The suit was one for personal Injuries, alleged to have been caused by the negligence of the defendant com pany. Marsden Bellamy, Esq., rep resented the plaintiff and Rountree & Carr appeared for defendants. The court met at 10 o'clock and the sheriff returned the talesmen sum moned for the day with the exception of Morris Bear, Jno. R. Canady, Horace M. Emerson and Geo. V. Harrell, who were not found. The following were excused by his honor: E.Bor den, W. L. Parsley and W. J. Cros well. , The following entries appear on the? court docket: Trixy Johnson, disorderly house, not guilty. Robert Moseley, colored, larceny; verdict not guilty. Orange Jessie, colored; burglary; pleaded not guilty; verdict guilty of housebreaking and larceny and sen tencedto the State prison for a term of 10 years. J. H. Williams, colored; burglary; pleaded not guilty; verdict not guilty of burglary as charged, but guilty of burglary in the second degree and sentenced to 25 years in the State prison. Der Woo, alias Charles Deer, as sault with deadly weapon; plead ed not guilty; verdict not guilty. Walter McEoy, alias Walter Ellis, colored, 'murder; pleaded not guilty of murder as charged in the bill of in dictment but guilty of manslaughter; sentenced to three years in the State prison. Tales jurors were ordered summon ed for duty to-day as follows: Henry A. Skipper, Thos. Qainlivan, W. L. Beery, H. W. Howell, A. W. Riven bark, J. J. Moore, Sr., O. L. Spencer, H. O. Wright, T. A. Northam, John Mohr, Geo. B. Myers, CM. Mc Arthur, W. L. Williford, W. H. M. Koch, Frank Mier and F. E. Hashagen. Mr. Mostfomeiy to Leave. County Commissioner' F. .A. Mont gomery has purchased the Caswell Grocery Co., of Point Caswell, and will begin busipess there about Dec. 1st. Mr. Montgomery will move his family to Point Caswell and has" rented the large two-story residence of Mr. Sessom at that place. His departure and that of his family from Wilming ton will be sincerely regretted by numerous friends. It is learned that Mr. Montgomery will resign his office as County Commissioner next Mon day and that his successor will .then be named. Mr. Montgomery has made a careful and painstaking official and the county will regret very much to lose his services. Carpet and Matting among the many items of bargains at Polvogt's tonlay the last day of their special sales week. '. , ..; . T VVJ ' - Lastday of .PolvQgt Cto. Bargain Week"1'- -r '"-;'f";-'s"t-.r A CHILD SEVERELY BURNED. Foot-Year-Old Sob ef Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Hammond, 414 Orange Street, Badly Injured Yesterday Evening. The little four-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Hammond, who re cently moved to Wilmington from Savannah, was very severely burned last night as the result of the overturn ing of a lamp in the sitting room of the family residence, No. 414 Orange street. The lamp was on a centre table in the room and the boy was playing about on the floor. His mother and grandmother were in the room with him at the time but in an unguarded moment the little fellow ran -against the table and upset the lamp ln such a manner that it fell on him. The mother was frightened almost beyond her wits, but she managed to put out the flames that, almost cov ered the child .'ahoT ran wtihhlm to the nearest physician's office, where temporary remedies were applied. Later the child was taken to the resi dence of Dr. T. B. Kingsbury, where a friend of Mrs. Hammond is board ing, and Dr. W. E. Storm, the family physician, wan called in. The child was found to be badly burned on the right side, leg, chest and face. Dr. Storm gave the patient all the relief known to medical science, and at last accounts the little fellow was doing very well. The nervous shock re ceived by the mother put her in a very serious condition, but she, too, is thought to be doing very well. Mr. Hammond was at home nick when the fire occurred, but he ran down from his room upstairs and fought the fire until the department arrived in re sponse to an alarm from box 48 at 6:10 P.M. The damage to the building, which is owned by Mrs.' R. A. Gore, and the contents will not exceed $25. THE NICHOLS, S. C, TRAGEDY. Coroner's Jury Returned Verdict IsdN csting Suicide by Ssrvls The Girl Claims Secret Marrisge to Boy. A few days ago reference was made in these columns to a double tragedy enacted at Nichols, S. C, about 65 miles from Wilmington. The mys tery surrounding the affair Is partially cleared up in the following special in yesterday's News and Courier: Marioit, 8. C, Nov. 26. Dr. J. O. Mace, coroner, held an inquest Mon day night over the body of Dustan H. Sarvis, the young man who is alleged to have committed suicide at Nichols, this county, on the afternoon of that day. The verdict of the coroner's jury was that the deceased came to nis ;death from the effects of a pis te! shot wound, self-inflicted. This exonerates Miss Josephine Burns I com the charge of having done the shootiug. MJs Burns was present at the in quest and testified that Sarvis was her husband, having been secretly married to her in the town of Mullins on the night of Sept. 23, the night the Rev. Sam Jones lectured in that town. It was understood that the marriage was to be kept a secret until Christmas, but in aome way the young lady's family heard of it and insisted that it be publicly acknowledged by Sarvis. Mon day afternoon she went to see Sarvis at his office in the Atlantic Coast Line depot, in which Sarvis occupied the position of telegraph operator to beg him to acknowledge the marriage. She told Sarvis ber family were indignant and would inaiat upon his recognizing her as his wife. Sfle told him her brother was determined that the mar riage must be at once publicly ac knowledged and that he had armed himself to enforce his demands. To show Sarvis how terribly in earnest her brother was she showed him a pistol which her brother had recently procured. This pistol she had taken out of her brother's trunk to keep him from using it. She says Sarvis refused to acknowledge the marriage, but, on the contrary, told her that the alleged marriage was a mock one; that the man who performed the ceremony was not a magistrate, as he had assured her, and that there was no legal marriage between them. The conver sation continued for some time and, failing to induce him to acknowledge her as his wife, she rose to leave. As she was about to leave Sarvis re marked to her that she ought not to be going about with a pistol in her hands, and asked her to give him the weapon. This she did, whereupon he fired at her and then turned the pistol upon himself shooting himself through the neck. When shot she reeled a little distance before falling. This is sub stantially her account of the affair. LOCAL DOTS. British steamer Hohnlea, hence for Bremen, arrived out yesterday. Two strangers having the ap pearance of farm hands, one tall and dark, the other short and blond, flooded Fayetteville with counterfeit dollars day before yesterday. Local merchants would do well to lookout for them here. - A defective flue in a house owned by Mr. M. Sehnibben and occu pied by Snowden Harris, colored, on Seventh, between Red Cross and Campbell streets, caused a small fire which called out the department in response to an alarm from box 81 at 10:30 o'clock yesterday morning. The damage was slight Cards received in the city an nounce the approaching marriage in St. Augustine, Fla., on Dec 10th, at 3:80 o'clock, of Miss Renee Dlamukes, of St. Augustine, to Dr. George Hooper Mallett, of New, York, a prominent young physician of the metropolis and a son of Col. Peter Mallett, who is so favorably known in Wilmington. Thlrty-slx-lneh Black TaffetU Silk only $1.00 at Polvogt's to-day last day of their special sales week. t " RECESS TO FEBRUARY United States District Court Will Complete the Week's Term This Afternoon. SEVERAL CASES YESTERDAY. Postofflce Matters Necessarily Postponed On account of Illness of Inspector Davis Jadfe Paraell Goes to Raleigh Next Mondsy. . The United States Court yesterday had another day of much business, but few cases of importance were tried. A recess of the court will necessarily have to be taken .-to-day, -whether all the cases on the docket have been dis posed of or not, as Judge Purnell will have to be in Raleigh to open the Circuit and District courts in that city Monday. J- w, ' On ncwunt of the illness in Raleigh and consequent absence of Postofflce Inspector F. N. Davis, principal wit: ness for the government in several postofflce cases, which could not be tried during this week, the recess will be taken to day until the first Monday in February at 12 o'clock. ' The same petit jurors, serving this week, will be required to attend in the same ca pacity at the adjourned term in Feb ruary. Grand jurors, it is understood, need not attend. Court convened at 10 A. M. yester day, all officers in attendance. The following cases were disposed of: Thornton Lowrie, Robeson county; sentenced on Wednesday to 30 days in jail and to pay a fine of $100 and costs for retailing; judgment stricken out and defendant discharged. O. IL Spivey, Columbus county; re tailing; case tried on Wednesday, judgment 90 days in jail, $100 fine and costs. Delia Waddell, alias Delia Harring ton; Cumberland county; retailing; pleaded not guil:y; verdict guilty; judgment 60 days in jail; $100 fine a od costs. H. Gibson, Scotland county -r retail ing; pleaded guilty; judgment 30 days in jail; $100 fine and costs. Ed. Terry, Scotland connty; retail ing; pleaded guilty; judgment 30 days in j ail ; $100 fine and costs. Rufus Morrison, Richmond county; retailing; pleaded guilty; judgment suspended, defendant having been in jail three months. . Fannie Dees, Robeson county ; re tailing ; pleaded guilty ; judgment 30 days in jail; $100 fine and costs. Hodges Rosy, Robeson county ; re tailing; verdict guilty; judgment 30 days in jail ; $100 fine and costs. Eli Morrison, Richmond county, re tailing; verdict not guilty by instruc tion of the court. Elizabeth Morrison, Richmond coun ty, retailing; pleaded not guilty; ver dict guilty ; judgment, 30 days in jail, $100 fine and costs. 8. W. Boshee, Richmond county, retailing; continued for defendant; bond to be filed. Frank Stanback, Richmond county, retailing; pleaded not guilty; verdict guilty; judgment suspended and de fendant discharged. Thos. J. Lockhart, Scotland county, retailing; verdict guilty; sentenced to 80 days in jail, $100 fine and costs. Joe Dupree, Scotland county, retail ing; verdict guilty. Pending the re turn of the jury in the case, court took a recess at 5:30 P. M. until 10 A. M. to-day. J. M. Edwards was returned as a petit juror summoned for the day. J. R. Peterson and C. T. Lamb, petit jurors, were excused for the balance of the week. True bills for distilling were return ed against Owen McLean and A. B. McDonald; also against Ped Hines and Artemus Easterling, Scotland county, for robbing a poatoffice. For retailing, true bills were returned dur ing the day against S. W. Boshee, Rufus Morrison, Ell Morrison, Eliza beth Morrison and Frank Stanback. LOCAL MARKETS AND SHIPPINQ British Schooner Arrived Planter Pro ceeded Steamer for Isspectloo Cotton receipts yesterday 4,402 bales; same day last year 4,150 baleB. British schooner LiUie, Capt. Davis, arrived yesterday from Jacksonville and will receive a cargo of lumber from the Kidder Lumber Co. The steamer Planter, having com pleted repairs at Skinner's shipyard in this city, proceeded yesterday to Georgetown, 8. C. She passed out at South port at llo'clock yesterday morn ing. The river steamer Highlander ar rived In port Thursday night from Fayetteville 'and will remain in port over to-day to undergo inspection. Capt. Rice and Borden, the inspec tors, went through from Charleston to Newborn Thursday, but will return to-day and inspect the Highlander and the pleasure boat R. J. CantweU. Oreat ThSB8(vIflg Sport. Tom Walker and Willie Blake, two young Wilmington Nimrods, hunted near Sloop Point, Thursday ' and Fri day, and exhibited at the Stab office a string of ame which for variety, at least, is worthy of mention. Besides ten squirrels and one 'possum, the fol lowing birds were represented: Par tridge, robin,' yellow hammer, lark, blackbird,' jackdaw, dove, and wood pecker. If the boysxsould have put in one more day, their ornithological display would probably have embraced everything in the bird kingdom, from a humming bird to a bald headed eagle. Negro With Imarioary Wealth. T. W. Hooper, the insane colored man at the police station who Imagines himself immensely wealthy, got vicious yesterday because he couldn't get out and attend to his visionary in vestments, and Police Sergeant Ward had to put him In cell. Hooper was confined In the corridor of the colored prison and punched out several glass window panes through the bars, before, he could be put In t, gafQ pjacja, ; THE STATE BOARD OP ELECTIONS. Vote for Congressmen and Solicitor Can vassed Yesterday. r Special Star Telegram. Raleigh, N. C, Nov. 28 The State Board of Elections canvassed the votes of Congressional districts and for solicitors to-day. It is not believed they will finish their work before Monday. The official returns show practically no changes over the vote published already by the newspapers. Thomas Settle was present when the tenth district was canvassed as couneel for Moody, who contests Gudger's election on the ground of fraudulent ballots cast. The official returns show Gudger's majority to be 181. In four counties the returns omitted "Jr." from Gudger's name. The "E" was omitted from the returns of six counties from E. Spencer Black burn. These were all ordered counted. The North Carolina Corporation Commission issued an order to-day for reports si owing the condition of all 8tate, private and savings banks at the close of business November 25. 'Airflev' Guests RetnTnla. Mrs. 8tuyyesantFisb, Mrs. Oelrichs, Mr. Conrad and . others of a dis tinguished party of society people who have been guests of Mr. and Mrs. Pem broke Jones at "Airlie," on the Sound, returned to their homes last night on an Illinois Central private car attached to the Northbound train on the Atlan tic Coast Line. The remaining party of guests at "Airlie" expect to leave this evening. Church Notices. First Baptist Church, Rev. Calvin S. Black well, D. D pastor. 11 A. M., "The Ena of Love;" 7:80 P. M., "The Gospel." St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, corner Fourth and Campbell streets, Bev. Alex. D. Mc Clure, D. D.. pastor. Divine services at 11 A. M. and 7.39 P. M. Sabbath School at 8:80 P. M. Prayer meeting and lecture Wednesday at 8.C0P. H. The public Invited. Beats free. First Presbyterian Church, Bev. John M. Wells, Ph. D., pastor. Divine services at 11 A. M. and 7.30 P. M., conducted by the pastor. At the morning service the communion of tae Lord's supper will be celebrated. - Son day school at 4 P. M. Prayer meeting on Thursdays at 8 P. H. The public cordially In vited to all services. Beats free. Services at Fifth Street E. K. Church. Fifth street between Nun and Church, Bev. John H. Hall, pastor. Services on Sunday at 11 A. M. and 8.00 P. M. Prayer meeting Wed nesday evening at 7.30 o'clock. Sunday school Sunday afternoon at 4.00 o'clock. A cordial in vitation extended to all. Grace M. K. Church, corner or urace and Fourth streets. Pastor, Bev. J. N. Cole. Ser vices Sunday at 11 o'clock a. m. and 8.00 p. m. Sunday School, W. B. Cooper, supt, 3.80 p. m. Weekly prayer meeting Wednesday at 8.00 p. m A cordial welcome to all. Visitors to the city especially invited. Beats free . Chapel of the Good Shepherd, Sixth and Queen streets. There will be services every Sunday night at 8 o'clock. Sunday School at 3.30 P. M. Bouthslde Baptist Church, corner Fifth and Wooeter. Services Sunday at 11 A. M. and 7:80 P. M. Bunday school at 8 P. M. Prayer meet ing Wednesday night at 8 o'clock. Young Men's meeting Friday night at 8 o'clock. Immanuel Presbyterian Church, Front street near Queen. Pastor. Bev. O. W. Trawlck. Ser vices at 11 a. M. and 7:30 p. M. Sunday school at 3:30 P. M. Prayer meeting conducted by the Christian Endeavor Society Wednesday at 8 P. M. Brooklyn Baptist Church, corner Fourth and Brunswick Bts. Bev. J. L. Vlpperman, pastor. Services to-morrow at 11 A. if. and 7.30 P. M. Bunday School at 8.80 P. M. Weekly prayer and praise meeting Wednesday at 8 P. H. Strangers and visitors are cordially invited to all services. Bladen Street Methodist Church, corner Bladen and Fifth streets. Bev. Geo. B. Webster, pastor. Special services at 11 A. M. Begular evening service 7:30 P. M. For Asxnma use CHE NEY'S EXPECTOR ANT. For sale by J. O. Shepard. NEW ADVEBTISBMBNTS. "THE FAVORITE." "The Favorite" Barber Shop Is now more at' tractive than ever. Becent Improvements make It more pleasing to the eye; while It still maintains Its old reputation for the very beet service to its patrons. ttioji oavta. no 89 U 7 South Kront Street. C. C. NUTS. 12,500 C. C. Nuts, 3ic. 2,350 pounds Loose Raisins, 7c. 218 boxes L. L. Eaisins, $1.75. 129 bbls. Baldwin Apples, 12.75. 247 boxes Mixed Nuts, llc. 241 boxes Smoked Herring, 18c. 1,980 bushels New Peanuts, 3c. W. B. COOPER, Wholesale Oroter, Wilmington. . O. no 89 tr PERFUMES AND TOILET SPECIALTIES. A large assortment of Richard Hudnut's Perfumes and Toilet Specialties at J. H. HARDIN'S Palace Pharmacy, 126 South Front Street. Both 'Phones 55. no 20 tf In Stock and for Sale at Lowest Possible Prices 1 00 Dozen Mullet Roe. C0C0ANUTS, MIXED NUTS, RAISINS, CALIFORNIA DRIED PEACHES, DRIED APPLES, CANDIES, COFFEES and MOLASSES. And complete "line of Groceries. Write for prices. SAM'L BEAR. SR., & SONS, Wilmington, N. a, nvolSt ts Harket street. Seed Oats. CHOICE R. P. SEED OATS from Hyde County Also full stock Coffee, Sugar, Rice' ant) Mullet s .Ask for samples and prices. HALL & PEABSALIk Incorporated. - uovutr MONEY Deposited with us on or before Mon day, December 1st, will draw 4 per cent, interest, com pounded quarterly from that date. OUR MOTTO: Safety, Courtesy, Promptness, Liberality. We want your business. . The People's Savings Bank, Opposite the U. c. HxeqTJBKN, President. nov2tI W, STATEMENT OF CON. DITION OF At close of business. Not. 25, 1902. (Began basin ess March 1.1899.) RESOURCES. Loans and aiscounts . 739.001 69 U.S. Bonds 257.000 00 Kive per cent, redemption rand 7.800 oo Bank Bulldlngr 30,600 00 dash on band and ln banks..... 673,188 02 11,606,989 61 Comparative November tb. 1899. 1320,895 u November 25th, 1900. 417;486 10 we solicit your acoonnt. we can fnrnish banking. PATENT COLT SRIH $4.00. We guarantee the uppers not to break before the sole wears through. SOLOMON'S SHOE STORE. nov 16 ti I have a full line of Ping Pong Sets, Boxing Gloves, Punching Bags, Foot Balls, Tennis Balls and Golf Balls. When in need of any kind of Sporting Goods call on or write to The Stationer, oct 26 tf 107 Market St. T Rye, Wheat, Oats. Barrelled and Canned. SALMON, MACKEREL HERRING, Bagging and Ties An Heavy Groceries. THE WORTH CO., oc i tf Wilmington, N. 0. We Will Bond Yon. The United States Fidelity and Guarantee Com pany. Home office, Baltimore, Md. Paid Up Capital, $1,50.0,000 Surety Bonds. Fidelity Contract Judicial, Judicial Bonds executed without -"delay, state and county officials bonded. Burglar Insurance. Banks, Stores, Residences insured against burglary or theft. Correspondence solicited. O. D. WEEKS .General Agent, oc 142m c - Wilmington, N. 0. Just Received. New lot Library Lamps. A beautful lot of Pictures; Enamel Beds from $3.75 up. - Nice Line Rockers, Trunks and Stoves. New lot Felt Mattresses.. Gome and see us and get our prices. We guarantee to undersell any firm in the city. GASTON D. PHARES & CO. Interstate Fhone 78. uo-iia Market street. sep 14 tf -. Voice Culture. For terms apply to Ere. Annie DeRcsset Harris, no 20 tf lia South Third St. SPORTING ROBERT C SEED Hets n is Si Postofflce. JNO. 8. ARMSTRONG, VIM FriMat. DICK, CmsMler. The Llnrchison National Banfe, LIABILITIES. Capital stock .S 817,800 00 Froats lees expenses 6,eosai Ououiatlon 16660 00 Deposits, Banks ..684,673 98 deposits, individual 694,063 J7 1,178,637 SO 91,606,989 61 statement deposits. November 25th, 1001.. $686,949 63 ' November 26th, 190J 1.178.4J7 s0 you every aooommodatlon oonslitent with sate nov so GOING OP III S110KE CUBAN BLOSSOM, RENOWN, TOPICAL TWIST. By far superior to so-called TEN CENT CIGAES. CUBAN BLOSSOM, Renown, TOPICAL TWIST. Sold over every counter in Wil mington and warranted the best 5c Cigar sold in the United States. Vollers & Hashagen, Cigar Distributors. no IS tf Attention, Hunters. Call on us for your equipment. We can supply you with GUNS in all qualities. We keep in stock all kinds of Ammunition. Loaded Shells, with either Black or Smokeless Powder. HUNTING SUITS, GAJJE BAGS, and everything necessary for a complete outfit for the Bird Hun ter, the Deer Hunter, the Duck Hunter. J. V filriisi S Co. OC 31 tf Wilmington N.?C. v y i V T X ARE YOUR Gas Burners -IN- t t Good Condition ? IF NOT HEW BURNERS V V f T WILL BE PUT ON Free of Charge. Consolidated Railways, t T V Light and Power Co. nov 28 3t Important Notice. We wish to Inform our reirojdCWrtwmersaB well as the public at large that we have Just received a consignment of Foreign Wlnea, whloh we offer to everybody at the following ' low price tor a short tune only: , Rhtne Wine, Vintage 1898, per gal., $1.00 Port " " 1900, " " 1.00 Claret " " 1900, " " 1.00 Port " " ... . 1890, " V 2.00 Samples FBXB at store. Best Patent Flour, o. B., per barrel s.6o. Agent rot celebrated eoidea Irish Bhaa Net- , ting. ' Regular Hum XSe per peuA. JXO.H.KUOK. "importer and Bottler. jto. 6 North Water St. BeHThone 185. noStt Tne Only Restaurant, 108 Barksi Street, - Supplies a long felt want, furnish ing the Best the market affords, and afprices more moderate than have ever before prevailed in Wilmington. Our Special Dinners At 25 cents are universally praised by our customers. : Table Boarders are taken at 14.00 . pe week. -.- CHARLES AHDEBSON & CO. . WeplJonfTW.'- - ' '' I B0T Wtt - - 'r:;p&;p. ' - r- - -'-.' 'i mil 0 -T"Vi .'