-'iT-1 v. tf" fhsaThsl i 74IJ Other Dal New.. f published I x t A A aairiPlPIn "V, TflB STATE. Z outlines. JlUIie yesterday passed 173 pri ll11 '!T,. T.!,vrd Or1- Boir minister to Pepi, will minister to Japan. St treaty with Cuba .infixed The British gov- disclaims responsibility for Jquest of the VeneiueUn Bent the State Department at 1,B hs submitted arbitration f to Great BrIUin and Ger- Defensive preparation, at slre being pushed; great pa '-attritions are being made, irtported that the plan of the . r a . t German forces is to seize y LiOuiara and Puerto Ca- Germany denies that the ressels were sunk, and tit Great ;Britian participa- uTer action was taken. rlMioa-Saleoo; loss $175,000. jj troops were called out to jallami dog fights at Bock h Trains in collision at jit, N. C. ; two passengers in- train wreck on the Bock oid; engineer and fireman Toe allies threaten to the town of Puerto Cabello. Senate Committee on Educa I Ltbor yesterday heard ar (or sad against the eight hoar -N. Y. markets: Money on i it 612 per cent ; cotton 155c: flour was quieter but idilybeld; wheat spot easy, !je; corn spot quiet, No. 2 -ipotfimo, No. 2 37e; rosin lined common to good, $1.77 jirits turpentine 645tic. ATHER REPORT. DlP'T OF AGRIOULTURK, ) WlATHES BUBIAU, xnroTOS, N. C, Dec. 12. ) iloeical data for the twenty i eudta At 8 P. M. : spires: 8 A. M., Si degree; 3 degrees; maximum, 65 de aimum. 52 decrees; mean. 53 i for tuf day. .18; rainfall T month to date. 2 09. rf water in the Cape Fear yettevi!Ie, N. C, at 8 A. M. 7 feet. 5RECA3T FOR TO-DAY. !3T05, Dec. 12. For North : Bain Saturday, fresh to ! winds; Sunday fair and LlaaBae December 13. 7.03 A.M. 4.46 1 M. 9H. 43 M. 5. 58 A. M. 8.23 A.M. Uib er at Bouthport Wilmington J! the talk aboat the horse egated, there is something t. A fellow was sent to entiary a few days ago in uia for stealing one. . osbone way of forecasting I3wi3 brought from Ire Bnrke county, Pa., some re the Revolutionary War, arke people honk on it yet. are said to be a species of New Jersey which, when j dogs, will climb trees, e are Xew .Jersey tre ain. it may be only New 13. Orleans paper thinks it is it there should be five the qualified voters of that neither register, pay poll rote. Perhaps they are not dacements enough. Louis Judge has decided i a man spends $135,000 a franchise, there mast be a- Not necessarily: it only eitravagance in pay- then wa3 necessary. scrimmaging around since a soft Government snap, saaman Bynum, who bolted ratic party in that year, aded to give up the chase hia living in some other w York policeman who ar coal dealer for delivering Sunday didn't feel so smart judge discharged the man aid was violating no law. ceman was not discharged counts. lthat the Peruvian rub- are playing out, and the fliers must now seek sup be for(,a'-a of Bolivia. Bad nv(; destroyed forests der better methods would d. for many years yet. lament of his gratitude or his crippled child ru, J. Ogden Armour "i Chicago an institute r treatment of crippled , wjioh will cost $3,000,000, charge of Dr. Fred lel1", a co-worker of Dr. that the affliction of r- Armour's child waa cured e Uea3ing to thonsands kcted children. It is said institution will be es bJ wealthy men in New VOL. LXXI.-NO. 71. CONCERT LAST EVENING. HoDowbuh'i Orchestra Qtve Dellgatfal Eitertalimeat la Y. M. C. A. Selec tioBtvFroo Paist aid Cannes. The concert last eyenine in the x. u. u. A. auditorium by Hollow bush's Orchestra, under the auspices of the Woman's Auxiliary of the Asso ciation, was enjoyed by an audience which waa necessarily not large on account of the rery inclement weather, but It was select, and judging from the applauie,lt was appreciative to a mark ed degree. Nearly every number was ciosea witn an enthusiastic encora w. which in nearly every instance was graciously responded to. . The Tocal selections by Mrs. Samuel Jennings Springer from Faust and Carmen were charmingly and delight fully rendered. These were among the most popular numbers on the nro- gramme and gave evidence of great talent with the singer. The "Forge and Forest." an idyl of the woods, by the Orchestra with elec trical effects, was one of the feature. of the concert which gare unmistak able evidence of professionalism. The scene opens in night-time, day breaks; the chirping of crickets is heard ; the "bob-white" of the quail, and above the sound of the murmuring of the null stream is heard the cries of barn yard fowls; the chapel bells strike five; morning prayers ; the smithy comes to work; the forge goes into operation. and the grand finale is a beautiful anvil chorus with electrical effect. The programme was as follows : PART ONE. Overture.. Poet and Peasant. .Suppe. Drrhiuitr Cornet. .Choir Boy's Dream.. Lumbert. Mr. C. W. Hollowbuah. Concert Waltz. . . Wilhelmina. . .Hall. Orchestra. Vocal. . .Flower 8ong. .. .From Faust. Mrs. Samuel Jennings Springer. Idyl of the Woods. .Forge and Forest. Orchestra. PART TWO. (a) Twilight Whispers t in.jwin (b) Tittle's Serenade... -Laundereau. Zither Fantasia Profe. Mr. Fred Profe. Vocal .... Habanera. . . .From Carmen. Mrs. Samuel Jennings Snrioper. Clarionet. Polonaise SerenadcMissued. Mr. Carl Cordier. Cosy Corners March 8teward. Orchestra. LOCAL DOTS. Tar advanced to $1.60 on the local market yesterday. Bey. A. T. King will preach to-morrow morning and night at the First Baptist church. - There was no quorum last night for the regular monthly meeting of Cape Fear Camp of Veterans. A boy who is experienced in feeding job presses may secure em ployment by immediate application at the Star office. Dr. Geo. C. Worth will be the special speaker at the meeting for men at the Y. M. C. A. at 5 o'clock to morrow afternoon. The schooner OUnfleld in tow of the tug Alexander Jones paased out at Sauthport for New York shortly after miJ night yesterday morning. Fayette ville Observer: "Tom Monroe, the negro who has been in ail charged with the robbery of $300 from station agent Waddell at Man- cheater, and who was to have had bis preliminary trial to-day, has. been dis charged, the prosecution giving up the case against him." By aed filed for record yester day Marsden Beliam,, jr.t commis sioner, transferred to Mrs. Mary x Burbank for $4,650, residence and lot on east side of Fifth street, 204 feet south of its Intersection with Market street, 63 feet on Fifth street and run ning into the block 165 feet. A small fire at the home of Amos Scott, colored. No. 512 Brans wick street, caused a damage of about $10 and called the Department out at 7 o'olock yesterday morning in response to an alarm from box 16. Some children were playing in the fire and ignited some bed clothing in the room. Narrow Escspe From Drowolaf. Mr. Willie Weeks, who is an engi neer for the Atlantic Fisheries Co. at Old Bruswick, bad a narrow escspe from drowning nesr the foot of Mar ket street yesterday afternoon about 2 o'clock. He had just boarded the steamer Southport to return to the fac tory down the river and the boat wag leaving ber wharf when he attempted to walk the rail of the steamer around some freight piled on deck. He toppled with the movement of the steamer and went overboard in a jiffy. A rope was thrown to him jrom the steamer and he was pulled up on deck not a minute too soon. NEW ADVEBTISKMENT8. J. T. Burke For you to ssy. J. W. Plummer, Jr. Fresh candies. Academy "John Martin's Secret." BUSIHBSS LOOALA. Notice Any person. Wanted Bookkeeper. Lost or Stolen milk ticket books. Consolidated Railways, Light and Power Co. Gas radiators. Rrcelving and opening goods daily. J. T. Burke, The Jeweller. Ordinary cough remedies are dan gerous to give babies. An way's Croup Syrup is made for children's coughs and croup and colds and will certainly gun them. Ask to see testimonials. 5 cents at Robert B. Bellamy's. t 1HE THE HOLIDAY TRADE. Wilmington Merchants Are Al ready Enjoying Blessings of Christmas Season. MANY ATTRACTIVE DISPLAYS. Shopkeepers Are a Little Earlier Thaa Usual This' Yesr, Bat the Pnbllc Doesn't Mind A Time of Joy and Gladness. One has only to pass one of these bright afternoons or evenings along the retail shopping district of Wil mington to be convinced that the Yuletide is fast approaching. The streets are lined with holiday buyers, principally ladies, and about each counter in every store whege holiday wares are for sale there are groups of eager, enthusiastic shoppers, who are oa the qui vive for some article or ar ticles that will be pleasing to this or that friend, relative or acquaintance; for Christmas is essentially a season of gift-giving and that the gift shall be something appropriate and, perhaps, not too costly are always important items that enter into the consideration of a purchase. This year, if anything, the shop keepers have their wares on display a little earlier than usual, a fact which the bu jing public seems to have appre ciated, for already many merchants say their sales of Xmas goods have gone away ahead of what they were this time last year. . From early morn to dewy eve a slightly shop worn ex pression clerks are as busy as bees and they find little consola tion in the knowledge that Christmas is yet nearly two weeks off and that the rush will grow more and more intense until the greatest of all Amer can holidays is passed. Among the early Christmas shop pers this year are many people from the country, who came down on morning trains and return in the evening. The greater number this season is construed to corroborate the current opinion that not in a long time have times been so prosperous in the country. People from the smaller towns want something a little better than usual and they come to the larger markets for their purchaser. The city people are also buying more Krishiy and earlier this year than usual, so shop- keeyers say, and the indications are that Christmas 1902 will be one of the happiest of the new century. Holi day novelties that were put on the counters early and met with especial popular favor from the start have all been sold by some merchants and new orders made with instructions to rush - them in time for Christmas week. when the trade will reach its xenitb. Not a few of the stores have Inau. gurated "holiday openings" and these have proved very popular. Next sea son will probaoiy see an me stores falling into this custom. The book stores and jewelry atorer, of course, are receiving the bulk of the gift trade, but it is not confined to them alone. Nearly all the stores where dry goods and notions ate sold are "right there with the goods," too, and have attractive holiday lines. The clothing and shoe stores and hard ware establishments are also getting their share of the novelty trade and the drug stores, as a rule, have an at tractive line of novelties that will sell. Of course, the fruit and confection ery establishments will do a land office business, but as most of the goods sold by them are of a perishable nature, their "big days" will come Christmas The grocers are not to be for- j gotten in the cvun nd the same is true of the bakers, but their day is to come next and the week after. The good housewife always hasatemptinn menu for Xmas dinner, supper and breakfast . J as well, ana tne grocer, oaszer ana fruiter must all contribute their share of delicacies. Many of the stores have already been forced to increase their delivery facilities and still greater increases will hsve to be made next week. It is Christmas and the atmosphere is full of it. Here On Their Hoaeymoos. Dr. George Hooper - Mallett and bride, of New York, are in the city, the guests of Dr. Mallett's sister, Mrs. Gabriel Holmes, No. 218 North Third street. Dr. and Mrs. Mallett were married in St. Augustine, Fia., on Wednesday, and they are now en route to New York, their future home. Mrs. Mallett was Miss Bena Dismukes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jno. T. Dis mukes, of St. Augustine, one of the most prominent families of Florida Dr. Mallett is a son of Col. Peter Mal lett, of New York, and one of the most prominent young pbysicians.of the metropolis. Stole $100 In Moaey. Chauncey Carroll, a well known colored porter on one of the A. O. L. private cart, had the misfortune to lose $100 in money- Wednesday night. Hia house oa Eighth between Han over and Campbell streets were broken into while he and hia wife was away, and the money was stolen from a trunk in which it bad been placed for safe keeping. There is no clue to the burglar. One of the largest home publications, the WOMAN'S HOME COMPANION, wants a man or woman in this city to conduct a Magazine Route. It is a chance for any energetic .person to work up a monthly income regularly. If you are now canvassing for any thing else, it will be a profitable side line for you, and we advise that you address at once Circulation Depart ment, WOMAN'S HOME .COMPAN ION, Springfield Ohio. : ' MORN WELMINGTON, N. 0., SATURDAY. DECEMBER SPLENDID MUSIC RECITAL. Dellghtfnl Proxrimme Observed Last Even lot at Miss Hamme's Stndlo, No. 412 -Market Street Attendance. A delightful music.recital was given last evening by pupils and friends of Miss Hamme's classes at her studio, jno. 412 market street. There was a large number of friends and patrons of the school in attendance, and each number on the programme was ren dered with splendid technique and great skill. The programme was as follows: 1. Les Deux Alouettes, "Two Darks" (Leschetizky Op. 2, No. 1), uiss Hal J. 2. The Bosary (Nevin), Mrs. E. F. Huggins. 3. Ballade (Ohopin), Miss Bailey. 4. The Lincoln Two-Step, mando lins (Himmelman), Misses King, Wade, Hopkins and Mr. C. Hopkins. 5. Serenade (G. Pierue), Miss Wil lie Ennett. 6. Valse Impromptu (Wilm Op. 2), Miss Lizzie Bell. 7. " Polks, mandolin (Incognito), Miss Blanche Parsley. 8. Au Matin, "At Morn" (Godard Op. 83), Miss Jennie Jackson. 9. Nocturne (Chopin On. 37. No. 23), Miss Taylor. iu. JNun and the Fountain (Sher wood), Miss Sarah Catlett. 11. Mazourka (Ohenet), Misses King and Wade. 12. "Once Upon a Time" (L. Scbytte Op. 2, No. 8), Miss Nash. 13. Ulympia Valse, mandolins (Louis Tocaben). Misses Kine. Wade and Hopkins and Mr. Hopkins. 14. Impromptu in B Flat (Schu bert Op. 142, No. 8), Miss Hall. THE ANNUAL FRUIT VESSEL. Schooner Mabel Darling Here From Brit ish West ladles With Carto Oranges The annual coming to Wilmington of the "first fruit vessel" from the British West Indies, is looked forward to by the average" small boy with al most as much pleasant anticipation as the Christmas tide. It is no wonder, therefore, that the British schooner Mabel Darling was greeted cordially yesterday by half a hundrad young Americas as she came up to the Cus tom House wharf and tied up for the sale of her cargo, which consists of 150,000 oranges, 1,500 cocoanutr, 300 conk shells and four barrels of sea coral, the two last named items, pf course, being for decorative purposes. The schooner is in command of Capt. Sweeting and the cargo is own ed by Capt. Robert Ranger, both of whom are aboard. She is of 111 tons burthen and was loaded at Harbor Island, clearing from Nassau. She comes annually to Wilmington and always disposes of her cargo at good prices. Upon completion of her dis charge ahewill be loaded with shingles by J. A. Springer & Co. THE TURNPIKE BEING IMPROVED. Good Roids Trslo Belor Used - Progress oo the Market Street Extension. The good roads train of the county went to work yesterday on the Wrightsville turnpike. Chairman Mc- Etchern, of the Board of Commis sioner?, says it will be put in hrst class condition from Wilmington to the sound and will be kept that way. Asked about the progress of the per manent improvement of the Market street road, he said that be hoped to complete Ice link between Wilming ton and the railroad crossing, a dis tance of about three miles, next week. The work was commenced at the cross ing and is being brought this way. There are now between 75 and 80 con victs on the force, all told, and they are doing a great work. There is per haps no better organized or controlled squad of convicts in the State tnan iqii of New Hanover. The men behind them know how to get the work out of them a i . a in a numane way ana tney are get ting it. EDITOR OP "TALENT" CO i ING. Mr. S. M. Spedon, Who Will Entertain at Y. M. C. A. Tnesdsy Evening. Mr. 8. M. Spedon, editor of Talent, New York city, will appear at the Y. M. O. A. Tuesday evening as the fourth number in the Star Course of entertainments. ' Mr. Spedon Is a great entertainer and will have for his subject "Things We Laugh and Won der At." He comes straight to Wil mington from Richmond and is guar anteed a mirth-provoker of the first class. Mr. 8pedon was artist and corres pondent for "Leslie's" in New Mexico and the South in the eighties, and for the last fifteen years has devoted himself to' the platform and newspaper work, especially the study of illustra ted art. One has said that he was a sort of platform edition of 1 'Judge, Puck, Harper's, and Leslie's Weekly." Reserved seats are on sale at De- rBosset's book store this morning. Ad mission, Including reserved seats, 75 cents. Fine Military Record. Lieut N. E. Gillican, who has just retired from office in the Wilmington Licht Infantrv and who has been elected to membership on the Beserve Corps, has a most excellent record since he joined the Company Oct. 14tb, 1895. Daring that time 855 drills have been held, out of which he has missed only 23, giving him a percentage of 94 during seven years. The record Is one of which Lieut. Gillican may well be proud. Johnson's Chill and Fever Tonic will drive out every trace and taint of Grip Poison from tbe blood and do its work quick and do it right. Old and neglected cases of Grip are quickly euttd by a course of this wonderful medicine. Write to A. B. Girardeau, Savannah, Ga., for Agency. . t REWARD FOR BISHOP. More Than $500 is the Price of the Travelling Man's Liberty To-day. RELATIVES EMPLOY COUNSEL. Believed In Charlotte That Man Who Killed Mr. Tom Wilson Will Surren der Himself Case That Is Cre ating State laterest. Four hundred dollars is the price set by tbe State of North Carolina upon the liberty of Arthur L. Bishop, the young travelling man, well known here, who shot and almost instantly killed Mr. T. J. Wilson, a road over seer, in his own home in Charlotte on Wednesday night. This is in ad dition to substantial rewards offered forth? murderer by the city of Char lotte and tbe eount'of Mecklenburg, the exact amounts of which could not be ascertained last night-; The sup plementary reward by the Governor was offered yesterday upon the request of the Mayor of Charlotte and the Board of Count v Commissioners of Mecklenburg. It is believed that the offer of a re ward will have the effect of bringing Bishop from his hiding place although immediately after the shooting he dis appeared in an alley almost as com pletely as if the earth had opened and swallowed him up. The opinion is current in Charlotte, according to press dispatches, that Bishop is secreted in that city. If he attempts to leave, the police are confi dent that his arrest will be effected. It is moreover believed in Charlotte that Bishop will this morning give himself up to the authorities and that no friend or person connected -with him directly or indirectly will receive a cerf of the reward. A dispatch last night from Char lotte says that yesterday a brother of the young travelling man, in Peters burg, sent a representative to Char lotte and employed Col. Hamilton C. Jones and Mr. E. T. Cansler, two of the best criminal lawyers in the State, to defend Bishop. This is construed to mean that the relatives of the fugi tive know of his whereabouts and are planning for bis surrender. It was reported here yesterday that Bishop waa in Wilmington, but the best information is that the report was untrue. Inquiries at Petersburg last night also brought forth the in formation that he was not in that city. Wilt Join the Middleton Co. Mr. Martynne and Prof. Schedman, who were here last week and con tributed the principal features of tbe vaudeville performance of "The Great Martynne Company" at the Academy of Music, will join the Middleton Stock Company here to-day and will leave with it to-morrow for its three- night engagement at Florence. Mr. Martynne was the spectacular dancer with his company and Prof. Sched man owned tbe trained dog show which closed each performance. Tne Martvnne Company closed its season yesterday at Kins ton. Seaboard Medical Associatloo, The Seaboard Medical Association, embracing a large area in North Caro lina and Virginia, will meet next Mon day in Wilson and a number of Wil mington physicians will be in attend ance. Among those who will read papers and their subjects are: Dr. Frank H. Russell, "Pelvic Abscess," with report of a case; Dr. Edward J. Wood, "Hemorrhage and Perforation in Typhoid Tbtw, u-u.jojeph Aker man, "Report of Some Surgical Cases, and Dr. Pride J. Thomas, "Report of a case of Tubercular Disease with Am putation at the Hip Joint." Alleged Freight Discrimination. President J. W. Hanes, of the Win s ton Salem Chamber of Commerce, has addressed a communication to the trades bodies of the Stat , asking them to send a committee to a meeting to be held at some central point in worth Carolina early in January to formu late their grievances in regard to the aJleged discrimination in freight rates by the railroads and to arrange to petition in a concerted way the Legis lature of the Slate for relief. It is not known with what success the move ment is being re.eived. Burglary at Ninth and Grace. The residence of Mr. J. W. Gaskins, corner of Ninth and Grace streets, was entered by burglars Thursday night. Theoccupants of the house were chlo roformed, a valuable watcb, $5.65 in money and a lot of dress goods were stolen. Entrance was effected through a window and Mr. Gaskins was satis fied that he was chloroformed as he could feel tbe effects of the drug when he awoke to find everything in his house topsy-turvy on tbe .following morning. Judge Ewisg's Arrivsl. "Hon. Wm. G. Ewing, of Chicago, will arrive in the city to-day and on Monday evening at 8:30 o'clock he will deliver an address on Christian Science in tbe Academy of Music, He is also expected to be present at the services of the First Ohurch of Christ, Scientist, in the Murchison 'Bank building Sunday usual hour. morning, at the If jou don't know there is a way tb: find out. Call and keep looking until you see what you want, J. T. Burke, The Jeweller 127 South Front St. t 13. 1902 a - Miss Anita DeBosset left yes terday to visit in Fayetteville. Mrs. Haywood Clark and Miss Mamie Clark left yesterday to visit in Norfolk. A. W. McLean, Esq., of Lum- berton, arrived yesterday in the city on a professional visit. Editor J. Plummer Wiggins, or itie Liaurinburg ajxcnanae, was a visitor to the city yesterday. Miss- Julia Parsley has re turned from Raleigh, where she was a guest of Miss Christine J3usbee. Miss Lucy Baldwin returned to the city yesterday evening from a visit to friends at several points in the State. Miss Mabel Powers returned to her home in Atlanta yesterday after noon. She was accompanied by Mrs. Jno. D. Bellamy, who will be the guest of Mrs. E. J. Powers for some time. Rev. Edward Wooten and Eev. Dr. Dickinson were at the Episcopal Convocation at Kinston the past week. The convocation sermon was delivered by Dr. Dickinson. Toe meeting is re ported to have been a very profitable one. Yesterday's Fayetteville Ol- server: "Mr. a. A. Johnston returned this moruing from Wilmington, and he and Mrs. Johnston, who has been spending a day or two in the city, went up to Arranmore at noon. Miss Lela Hart has returned from Wilmington." Miss Edna Gasque, of Marion, S. C is the guest of her sister, Mrs. . H. C. Twining, for the holidays. Miss Gasque arrived from Rockingham, N. C, where on Wednesday she was one of the bridal attendants at the mar riage of her brother, Mr. Boyd Gasque, and Miss Mattie Johnson. Dr. W. I. Taylor, who is lo cated temporarily at Harwell's 8tore, N. G, arrived in the city yesterday. Oa next Wednesday he will claim a fair Charlotte bride and on his way to the Queen City for the wedding, he Btopped in Wilmington to shake hands with numerous friends. AT THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC. Very Clever Production of Faust Matinee and Nigbt Performance. The Middleton 8tock Company last evening at the Academy of Music gave an excellent production of "Faust," the thrilling piece made famous by Lewis Morrison. Of course the pre sentation of the play was not up to the standard of Mr. Morrison's production nobody could reasonably expect that at the prices but it was good enough and a little better for the best of repertoire companies. Mr. Charles Middleton io the role of Mephisto was very clever and the other promi nent members of the cast were not very far behind. This afternoon at a special matinee for which the prices will be ten and twenty cents, the company will pre sent tbe exceedingly funny comedy, "My Uncle from Japan." The doors will open promptly at 2:15 P. M , and the curtain will go up at 2:30. This evening the company closes its en gagement here with "John Martin's Secret." The prices will remain the Same as during the week. THE NEWS FROM RALEIGH. Woman Committed Suicide for Fain. Statistics of Crime In tbe State. Special Star Telegram. Raleigh, N. C, Dec. 12. The Hid- denite Granite Company, of Salis bury, was chartered to-day with $100,- ooa pitai, tu aoyolup granite qui- ries and mineral lands in Alexander county. Mrs. K. Li. Jones, wife of a collector for the S. A. L. depot here, committed suicide this morning while insane from intense pain from a complicated affliction. During the absence of her sister from the room, she seized a pis tol and blew her own brains out.- She was a daughter of the late Captain Cheatham, of Franklinton, and the remains were carried there for inter ment. The report of Attorney Gilmer, filed with Governor Aycock to-night, shows 79 capital felonies tried during the year ending July 1st, 1902 arson, 7; burglary, 13; murder, 40; rape, 19. During the year previous there were 114 capital cases 67 for murder, 22 for burglary, 6 for arson and 18 for rape. During the past year ,sui cases were tried i.aoi whites, 4,aaa col ored and 11 Indians. There were 6.418 convictions. 1.183 acquittals. 1,694 were nol pressed and 108 other wise disposed of. Church Notices. Rnv. a. d. MnOlnra. D.D.. will DrE&ch at Pear- sail's School House, East Wilmington, Sabbath afternoon at 4 o'clock-, 8L Paul's Episcopal Church, Kev. Dr. Dickin son ."rector. Morning service and. sermon at li a. at., Sunday Bcbooiat 8:80 P. ML, evening ser vice and sermon at 7:45 P. M. seats free, stran gers cordially Invited. Immannel Presbyterian Church, Bev. o. w. Trawlck, pastor, services to-morrow at 11 A. JU. ana 7:3U tr. m. Bunasy ecuuui w 9:wr, n. Prayer meetlns Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock, conducted toy the Christian Endeavor Society. The public cordially Invited. Blades Street Methodist Church, corner of v n ent, 8:so P. at; uld-week praise service Wednes day 7:30 jr. au a coroiai welcome to mu. First Presbyterian Church, Bev. John M. WAiia. Ph. D nastor. Divine services at 11 A. M. and 7.30 P. M., conducted by the pastor. Sunday school at 4 P. M. Prayer meeting on Thursdays at 8 P. ML The public eetlng irdlally 001 Invited to all services. Seats free. At ' Andrew's Presfrvterian Church, corner Fourth and Campbell streets, Bev. Alex. D. He ctare. D. D pastor. Divine services at u A. M. and 7.30 P. ML sabbath School at 8:S0 P. M. Prayer meeting and lecture Wednesday at 8.G0P.H. The public invited.. Beats rree. Grace U. E. Church, corner or araca and FOurth streets. Pastor, Bev. J. N. cole., ser vices Sunday at 11 o'clock a. m. and 8.00 pi nu Sunday school, W. B. Cooper, supt 3.30 p. m. Weekly prayer meeting Wednesday at 8.00 p. m A cordial welcome to all. Visitors to the city especially Invited. Seats free. Brooklyn Baptist Church, corner Fourth ana Brunswick Bts. Bev. J.L. Ylpperman, pastor. Services to-morrow atoll A.St and7.80P. u. Sunday School at 8.30 P. M. Weekly prayer and praise meeting Wednesday at 8 P. M. Strangers and visitors are cordially invited to WHOLE NO. 11,016 4tASl I. Welsbach Lights I $ FOR SALE AT COST o Glassware In Colors. p IF:cLe Eec-bs. g Q A Welsbach Drop Light 8 MAKES THE BEST READING LIGHT. y O Consolidated Railways, Light & Power Coll f 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 dec 11 3t 7 H. c. HetTJEEf7, President. dec IS tf V. CLOSIIIC OUT SALE OF 11 jfriiMM This Week our entire stock of Embroid ery at and below cost. We offer the best bargain in this line of goods you ever had. 8. & dec 7 tf HEADQUARTERS OF THE WILMINGTON DIVISION, NAVAL RESERVES : Wilmington, N. C, Dec 9, 1902. At a meeting of the Division last night the fol lowing resolutions were drafted : Whereas, The Supreme Bulerof tee Universe has In His infinite wisdom removed from among us one of our most worthy and esteemed com rades. Col. P. W. Foster, and Whixeas, The long and intimate relations held with him as a contributing and honorary member during the existence of this Division makes it befitting that we record our apprecia tion or him, therefore, Resolved, That the ability which he exercised la the aid of the organization will be held in grateful remembrance. Resolved Brvl, That the sudden removal of sncb a life from our midst leaves a vacancy and a shadow that will be deeply realized by all members of the Division. Resolved 3rd, That with deep sympathy with the bereaved relatives of the deceased we ex pros our hope that even so great a loss may be over rules of good, by Him who doeth all things welL Resolved t,th, That these resolutions be placed upon tbe records of the Wilmington Dlvlslon Kaval Battalion, published in the daily news, papers, and a copy sent to the bereaved family, S. K. DeVant, J. H. McFarlank, H. Z. Clotve, Committee. For Asinma use CHE NEY'S EXPECTOR ANT. For sale by J. C Shepard. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Academy of Music. Lecture Monday evening, beginning at 8:30 o'clock, by Hon. Wm. G. Ewing. Subject: "Christian Science." Admission free. dec 12 3t ACADEMY OFMUSIC MIDDLETON STOCK COMPANY. MATINEE THIS AFTERNOON. Prices 10 and 20 cents . Doors open at 2:15 o'clock. TO-NIGHT "John Martin's Secret." Prices 10. 20 and 80 cents.. Eeats on sale atPInmmer's. dec 18 It in Stock and for Sale at Lowest Possible Prices 100 Dozen Mullet Roe C0C0ANUTS, MIXED NUTS, RAISINS, CALIFORNIA DRIED PEACHES, , DRIED APPLES, CANDIES, COFFEES and MOLASSES. And complete line of Groceries. Write for prices. SAM! BEAR. SR., & SONS, Wilmington. K.C nvo is r . in Helps to Comfort A Eorwater Bottle Is one of tbe most use ful articles that we sell. It is often of great service in the siek room. -i we nave small face bags, half and one J. pint bottles and one and two quart bottles. some oi vaeia wo Kiukrouwc m When in need call and see the assort ment at . ; ? J. H. HARDIITS Palace Pharmacy, 126 South Front Street. dec4tf TERL1S OF SUBSCRIPI(0.l.j On Yostr, by Mail, Six Months, Throe Koniha, - 95.00, a.eo 1.26 1.00 g Two ZZonths Pltvral so SabsorlDoi-a In tavt x City au 4S Cents pr SXontsu a KM M All Shapes and YOU SOW PENNIES, you reap dollars, literally, if you make an initial deposit of only a few hundred pennies: with -ua.. and leave it here long enough. The In terest accretions of years will as- -tonish yon if yon sit down and figure them outwe'll do the figuring 'it- yon call. THE PEOPLE'S SAVINGS BANK,- Opposite the Postoffice. JNO. S. ARHBTRONG, Tie President. DICK. Cashier. 1M0IDERY. B. Solomon. Fresb Made Candies To-day 15 cents' Pound. Florida Pineapples Oranges, Apples. Pears and Grapes. Ics Cream for Sunday $ I per gal. Order early. J, W. Plummer, Jr., 204 Princess street. Bell 'Phone 680. dec 13 tf , James waiKer Memorial nospiiai. mmm aa SB Wilmington, N. O., Dec 12, 1902. Sealed Proposals will be'received at this Hospital until 12 O'clock noon. Saturday, December 20, 1902, for fur nishing: said Hospital with Groceries, Meats, Bread, Ice, Milk, Lights, Fuel, -Drugs and Surgical Supplies for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1903. Blank Proposals may be had at Dr. O. P. Bolles' office, MacBae building. Further information will be furnished by Superintendent. The right is re served to reject any or all bids. Vj JOSEPH AKERMAN, M. D., dec 12 2t Superintendent. It is for you to say If you fenow what first class goods are, as to quality and style. After seeing my line call and judge for yourself. J. T. BURKE, THE JEWEJLEB, 27 South Front St. . dec 13 tf - ' We Will Bond Yon. The United states Fidelity and Guarantee com-, pany. Home office, Baltimore, M d. Paid Up Capital, $1,5010,000 Surety Bonds. Fidelity Contract Judicial. Judicial Bonds executed without delay. State and ooanty officials bonded. Burglar Insurance. Banks, Stores, Residences Insured against burglary or theft. ' ! . uorreepvnaenca bouciwu. O. D. WKKKSiOeneral oc 148m Wilmington, M. Important Notice. v wish to inform our as-; mil as tne nubile at large t we have : received a consignment of Foreign Wines, which we offer to everybody at the following low price for a snort time only: Rhine Wine Vintage 1 898, per gaL, $t .00 Port " V 1900,. , IjOO Claret 1900,v i. " i nn (Port.-." 1890, r St- it 2.00 " 7 Samples FBXS at store. . t ' t Aarant for celebrated sotdea Irish Bhad Net. tang. Regular H a 12 par pounSU JNO. XL KTJCB, , importer ana Bottler. '" - No. 9 North water St. J .nostt. "BeUThone 185, V; A .P, v"-V ! ' 3 ' V 5 I : ' 4