ooooooeooooeoo j.,.(irjBIW omm-futm, i,tnj'wi;j ..... Tha. Vt.. ' Of a ay Other Daily News. piper Pabtlihed la' Wilalsxtea. "- - lm gto gX0mmg OUTLINES. The poitofflce at Indianola, Mis., from which the portmarter, colored omn, recently resigned under com- Lhnrities in Waahingtoa. iatcatmerDor,i from Pen' -col for Bremen with cotton, - arri v- ..tHiinilwn, Bermuda, wlihiCargo. Am, new vrneaua uu eaa Fr,ndKO railroad chartered at New I bay! t Norfolk, Vs., caused by burns from toy pwwis on wnsuuM mrv re ported. - re l Sasden,1 Ala.; Job JW.W- Tfae Sar Tf0,t .nnoances that hereafter all sales be on a net cash baala, r The Pressed Steel Car Company . proposes to .hares its proBU with it employesll An explosion ana cave-in eaasea by MUliDft of mine working occurred I Der 8crntoo, ra.. a now mu reai-; l dencei were swauowea up ana tne buildinKS took fire after sinking N. Y. markets:' Money on ; call firmt415 per cent; cotton quiet it 4 per cent; flour was firm' but steady; wheat spot steady. No. 3 red 79c; corn spot easy, No. 368c; oats ipot quiet. No. 3 88ie; Toain--finn. iplriti turpentine firm. ; l:i.4-: 11 j -.j. m m. WEATHER REPORT U. 8. Dep't of A.QEiotJLTuan,J y " Weather Bureau, -WttxniaTOS, N. C., Jan. 8. ) Meteorological data for the twenty ' four hours ending at 8 P. M. : Temperatures: 8 A. M., 58 deereea; 8 V. M., 67 degrees; maximum, 67 dev itam; minimum, 54 degree" ; mean, 60 degrees. r i . --- Rainfall for tha day, tracer rainfall ainde 1st of month to date, trace. FORECAST FOB TO-DAY. Washington, Jan. 3. For Iforth Cirolina: Fair in west, rain and cold er ia. east portion Saturday; Sunday fair, fresh west to nothwest winds. - "Gas" Addicks, who is scrimmag ing to be elected U. 23. Senator from Delaware, has captured one i more rote; bat he is still four short. - In portions of the West,1 where rood is scarce and coal hard to get, the farmers are burning corn. It is well for them that they have "corn to burn." : Carrie Nation ia said to have gone back to Kansas with $5,000, made in the East. But we haven't heard suj report that she hatcheted any bank, or murdered any body. Vyl . :. mi i ? s Uf. Lorenz, the famous Austrian surgeon, sailed from New York for borne last Wednesday. - He likes this country so well that he will return and make a tour of it with his family. The New York Board of Health taya lemon juice may be air right for destroying the typhoid germs in water-but the surest way is to boil the water, and it saves lemon juice. John D. Rockefeller made the Chicago lniversity a Christmas giff of 11,000,000 and then ran : the price of oil up, raking tn $2,400,000 for h share of the raise, leaving him 1,400,000 ahead. v It is said that one of the reasons why President Roosevelt t felt mi cuned to act as arbitrator in the Venezuela case was because it would ito him an opportunity to jaw the South American Republics. the total number of immigrants arriving at New York from January it to and including December waa Too largest number . came from JWj, the next largest from Austria- mngary. . : . . - Marconi ia emoted ah aavinor triat hen hia wireless system is comple- u uo ecu it auiuu vuo antic for one cent a word. Cheap that. Mr Marconi, should J6 encouraged by all persons who ""OOt lnternaled in tha AJHlTUtr trr bnsiness. rm nere were fewer 'Trnata" orcan- last Year tkn in 1 0fl1 rA mnrtk ryamg plants. The total, capi- Uon of all industrial oonsoKda-. --.including bonds waa $1,112, li comPting .companies 20,000, and of miscellaneous tton nearly $1,300,000,000. .,me of thB grievances charged lhe Sultan xrxk ..- thatV reTolBtiott nJ started,-was t7-.he Wore and encouraged" the oi clothes buUt on the u- aQl American plans, and thLi !Utomobile8- The faithful ue ought to be bounced for Mr '.W-m. i'IU 1 inrrTo. iv. a VtDAiM.I - -- -J k nuv fin v n Ln inHri bju v 8 gre but not: happy - people Greatnp, --ueai Uk80il and waterlThey sn'I 7!inmate readily. ' Bi Chin.! " muctt make the . napp7 which U all the" "i ior th nti " Moaman. - : v VOL. LXXL NO. 88 .am. TriBtfer Of Wharf Proneri t I I.!. . t 1 . - . j uuTcnuncii tor siitu Other Seal EsUte Ctaastes. ouwe umo fO It WiLB MnrniBou. - .. tht the Yalaabla iontnlo the Pauley eitate and ad w w--. joining ue CostomHtmia sltain thi. dty had " been sold to tha nniti outes gorernment . A. deed conrey- K kua property, according to the ternu ctf the poKhaae. waa m t. terday for record at the Court House. I $14,250 and the property la divided ww iracii. The flrit lathe itoi ounding occupied by Williama Brok. on worth Water atreet, haTing a front xe qi su reet and ; running back into the block alone Ewlnr'a aUa-w 77 fi,t The other 1 the wharf oppoalte, fronting- xy reet oa Water atreet The convey ance la slir ned by Geo. D. P&nlev and wife; W. L. Paraley and wife. .Walter auuana and wife, Miaa Mary M. Par ley, Uobert A. Paraley, T. E. 8prunt ana wire, : JU. mr Emerson and wife, ttenry Savage and wife, Miss Eliza beth P. Peek and Henry N. Parsley. . utner deeds filled for record yester day were as follows: Mr. Alice Unnitt tnThna T lot on east side of Third, between UAwson and Wright atreeta, 33x165 ieet in aue: consideration, $175. Andrew J.. Walker and wlfn tn Rn- jamln Brown, lot on north sida of Nixon, between Fifth and Sixth street, 30x133 feet In aize; consideration, $450. -a. a, wuuama ta J no. tL-Urunjes, lot on east side of Fourth, between Uarnett and Swann atreeta. 28x105 feet in aize consideration, $945. CLEVER BDRQLAITS OPERATION. Rosked the Residence of Mr. Cbsi. E. McMittea aid Secured a Watch. The residence of Mr. Charles E. Mc- Mlllen, the architect. No. 114 North Seventmtreet, was entered by a burg lar one night this- week and a valuable watch waa stolen from a vest pocket of Mr. McMlllen. Entrance waa effected through a window and although a light waa burning In tne room and persons were asleep there, the intruder escaped without detection. The vest waa taken from the room, robbed of the. time piece and then thrown back through the window. The watch waa a double- eased one and one of the lids was off and in another part of the room, await ing repairs on the following day. - Mr. McMillen aaya if the "gentleman" will call again he will furnish him with the remainder of the case so that he may have the repairs made. - LOCAL DOTS. V The Drunkard's heart, the Drunkard's home and the Drunkard's hell," will be Dr. Blackwell's subject at the first Baptist church Sunday night. .; ; : : .;' In its list of golf scores in the tournament Thursday, the Stab un- intentiontionally omitted the name of CapLl Donald MacRae, whose gross score was 139; handicap 27; net score 112. ; . Mr. L. J. King, of this ' city, expects to engage part ot his time in travelling, doing evangelistic and mission work,1n the way of distribu tion of relurious , tracts. et&. In the near future. i ; Mr. John L, Corbett, a ven erable dtlxen of the county residing on Middle Sound, died, this week at the advanced ae. of T3. Deceased a a callant : Confederate soldier and served in Southeriand's battery. ' The British ' schooner : Mabel Dartina . which brought . a : cargo of fruit from the West Indies .before the hoiidayw,-cleared yesterday- on the return trip to Nassau, laden with a cari?o of shinales.. tar. pitch, mould- inr and soars. , consigned by J. A. Springes' &. Co. ,-. ..t . Death of as lafaat.-' , Friends of 'Mr. and lr James B. Davis, 509 Wooater street, wUl sym- pathixe with them in the death of their infant son. Julirts Augustus, wnion occurred Thursday night. The funeral wu flantJncied 1 yesterday . afternoon by Rv. O B.: Paut pastor of South ide Baptist church, and the remains were inferred in Bellevue. Marrlafe la the Ceaatry. Announcement ia made of the forth- eominz marriage , of Mias uatnarme Uartindale. daughter of Mr.; Henry Martindale. of Masonboro lownsnip. to Mr. Charles H. Casteen, of Castle Havnea.' Both the parties to the mar riage tow are well known in the coun ty and there will be much yiteress m this announcement, i . Death lo Pender teastyu Misa Bertha 8toke,the young daugh- ter of Mr, . vyuey okwh, w wjr . . n-i a? T3TYTw tnwnBhlBL Pender county, .died, yea- ! UrdaV- aired IS eara. She had been ill with, consumption for av longtime and her death, while not unexpected. vreat shock to fnenas. Mr. j. W. Burton camedown to the city last i .n!r for a casket in which to inter the remains. ,i . f. -' ' '''r ' . iX 0 AlexandeipQrocerieaV; ' ' James MflalVDrug nbtes j. W. Murchison & Co. Hardware. Charles Anderson t ; Couf-The Only Reatauraht . "J OonsoUdated '.Bail ways, Light -and I Power Oa-ss nxtnres. Bvsnrcss looaxb. I - Consoiidited Ball ways. Light and i z . ... . i Power Co. ForttDie orop ugu. r' 1 . TflE SEWERAGE RATES. Patrons of the Old Company WiU Resist an Advance of the Original Schedule. MEETING HELD YESTERDAY. Committee Appelated to Employ Cooosel aadaFaod Baited for That Purpose. Are the CoBtracts Vallfl?-Uvely . DiscnssioaoltbeQaestloa. In response to a call ' Dubliahed in the city papers fifty or more subscrib ers to the service jf the .Wilmington Sewerage Company before its absorp tion by Philadelphia capitalists, met at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon In the Chamber of Commerce for the purpose of considering the recent1 advance in rates, notice of which had just been received from the home office, and for which it is claimed there is no warrant in law or justice. As a result of the meeting a fund was raised to fight the advance in the courts, and a commit tee was appointed to carry put-that plan of action." At least a hundred other property owners, interested ia the movement, but who were detained on account of the rough weather, will be asked to join In the fight, and many have already signified their willing ness to do so. j . Mr. Maraden - Bellamy called the meeting to order. Mr. B. F. Hall was made chairman and Mr. F. E, Hasha gen secretary. The , chairman ' asked the committee which had called the meeting-Col. ' Walker Taylor, and Messrs. Wm. Gilchrist and Geo. 8. LeGrand to state the object The re quest was responded to by Col. Taylor who explained that by virtue of a con tract which original subscribers bsd with the Sewerage Company before its reorganization, they were to receive the service perpetually upon payment of $35 connection fee and $4 annually or $50 connection fee and $3 annually, thereafter; that the reorganised com pany had accepted payment of duea for the past two years Upon that basis and it was understood there would be no advance from those rates; that the connection fee bad been paid at the start by the subscribers and he did not think it right for the same com pany under the same charter to repu diate an apparent contract ; to make an arbitrary advance in rates equal to four or five times as much as they had been paying. - Mr. Hall asked If the legal status of the matter bad been investigated, and Col. Taylor said that he had conferred with Maraden Bellamy, Esq , whom he asked to give the result of any in vestigation he had made in reference to the question. Mr. Bellamy said he thought the contracts perfectly valid and binding upon the reorganised company. He said he had made a ten der of hia usual individual duea to the local office of the company and it had been refused, except as part payment at the advanced rate. He said that the matter could be fought in the courts by injunction in case the ser vice waa discontinued for non-payment of the higher fee and advised that procedure in the light of the in vestigation thus far made. He said it was true that the company : could change its by-laws at any time, but he did - not think a contract could be vitiated that was made under existing by-laws. . Messrs. B. a Cantwell, Timothy Donlan, S. H. Fishblate, H. E. Bonitz, B. M. Melntire, H. J. Gerken and others discussed the merits of the ob jection and it. waa easily , seen that a determined bddy of men had gathered for a fixed purpose to fight the ad vance to the bitter end. Mr. Cant well said the old company declared a dividend of 291 per cent, for five years and it could hardly be argued that the old rates were too low. Mr. Hall said that it should be granted, however, that the large dividends came largely from connection fees and : not from dues. .- ::- '- . : ;.'.'.'; " Messrs. Maraden Bellamy and Her bert McGlammv. both of whom were present, gave it as their opinion that the company is bound by the old con-, tracts, so long as it operates under the old charter Mr. Bellamy suggested that If it came to the "pinch" the Cor poration Commission could beaaked to Uke a hand and regulate rates. After further discussion, upon mo tion of Mr. R. O. Cantwell, it was car ried unanimously that each subscriber present be assessed $3,- or so much thereof as is needed, and that the same be placed at once in the. hands of a committee of five to fight the matter of the advanced rates in the courts. It - waa also ordered, upon motion it Ui TT Fiahhlate. that all others who desire to adyanUge - jn . wt . - . - w : - themselves or the litigation, ne re a nested to call upon the committee .Hri ABsm in Lfin . uiuvdludui ut u. ment of the assessment and that the chairman appoint tne committee, which he did, naming. Messrs. w m. niinhvUt . Walker Tavlor.R. O. Cant well, Geo. 8, LeGrand and B. Solo mons, Tne committee suosequenuy mt and eleotea air. uuonriai cnair man and Col. Walker Taylor treasurer, all n&rties interested are re- ! spectfully invited to send amounts of their . assessment, iunso . preaeat the meeting yesterday were: B. F. UaU, IT. ta. nsnagen, xraw-u- nnl.n Mrti n Sehnibben. P. W. Ortmann, William Goodman, ttllfl- Kachern, K. U. uaniweii, j, y Springer, Andrew Smith R. M. Mcr Intyre, A. David, Sol. Bear, A. G: t. William Flanagan. Geo. : S. LeGrand, Walker Taylor.H. E. BonlU, P. H. Hayden, E. B. Pleasants, H. A. Kare, Thos. Evans, D. Russell Foster, M. F. Croom, M. W. Jacob!, M. Rosen- mane, J. wnwrv,S,f? H. FUhoiaie, wuuimucui T lamy! Victor Zoeller, J. Weil; B. Bolo- H. J. Gerken, B H. J. AhrejF,,H Rassell, V. Aicnacaeru, - Wright, M. S. Wlllard. WILMINGTON, N, CM SATURDAY, JANUARY h THE METROPOLITAN LIFE. - New Olflces of an Old aid EeUatls Com- psay EstsblUhed la Wilmlflrtoii. ' Already Presperlat. - A representative of the Star yester day had the pleasure of a visit to the local offices of the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, of New York, Rooms 11 and 13 In the Masonic Tem ple. ; Mr. Joseph Jacobs,- the court eous, and. .energetic: auserintendent with hia staff of enterprising agents were found busy as beea caring for the already large and growing patronage of . the widely known and reliable company whleh they represent. : '.. : i The offices are handsomely . fitted up and contain every appointment for the convenient handling of ihe busi ness that ia sure to reward the watch word "Progress'' that seems to obtaiii in the Wilmington superintendency Improvementa are still under way and a few months will find the offices of the Metropolitan in this city the pret tiest to be found anywhere. Business was begun by the Wilmington super-. intendeney on Nov. 15th and already official bulletins from the home ' offiee show that this district leads all others In the State. '.' ' ; The following corps of popular North Carolinians are already . on Mr. Jacobs' staff of agents and others are being added as fast as possible, viz: Alex. 8. Holden, CL T. Smaw. J no. H. LeG win, Walter D. Parker and Capt. R. M. Mclntyre. - These agents are hustling for any kind of life insurance known to the civilized world, all of which ia , written by the Metropolitan. V ? " While visiting Mr- Jacobs' offices yesterday the reporter was shown ah excellent picture of theiiome offices in New York. .The Jjullding has re cently been tripled in size and now takes up the entire valuable block bounded by Madlaon and Fourth ave nues and 23rd and 24th atreeta. . It has a continuous frontage of 860 feet, is 11 stories or 163 feet in heiahtb.with base ment and sub-cellar. It contains S35, 000 square feet of floor area and is fire proof. . The f ronta are all faced in white Tuckahoe marble and designed In early Italian Renaissance atyle of architecture. Mr. Jacobs, the Wil mington superintendent, will attend the annual convention of Metropolitan superintendents in New York Jan. 80th and 81st and is looking forward to a most pleasant visit. Hia company has great prospects in Wilmington. - AN INSTALLATION AND COLLATION Haaever Ledxe of Odd Fellows Eaoyetf a"' Dellibtfal Session Ust BIffct. At last night's regular meeting of Hanover Lodge No. 145, L O. O. F., officers were installed for the ensuing six months. The installing officers werV District Deputy Grand Master W. L. Smith, assisted by Past Grande E. N. Penny, E. F. Johnson, J. W. Fleet and R. P. Johnson. The officers installed are as follows: . P. G.N. F. Parker. N. G. E. L. McOlammy. V. G. A. Silvermann. - SecreUry 8. G. HalL V. 8. B. W. Dunham. Treasurer W. H. Howell. . Warden E. F. Lewis. Conductor 8. B. Bryant , . Organist J. W. Fleet. - R. 8. toN. G. William Ruble.. L. 8. to N. G J. L. Burner. . R. S. to V. G.r-nJ. Jordan. L. 8. to V. G. F. L. Walker, : R. 8. aJ. L. Graffiln. : L. a 8.J. W. Curtis. I. G. J. W. Orrell. . . ' O. G. M. O. Rayner. ; Chaplain J. O. Jones. After the exercises the lodge enjoyed a collation of oysters and other refresh ments. The affair , waa a delightful one and a large number of enthusias tic Odd Fellows were In attendance. A Fight en Second Street - . A. R. Herring, a young white man of the city, gave bond of $35 in Justice MeGowan'a court yesterday for his ap pearance in the i higher court next week to answerjhe charge of an as sault with a deadly weapon upon Jamea Donnelly, also white. The young men engaged in an affray on Second, between Market and Princess streets, Thursday afternoon and Don nelly alleges that Herring atruck him with a brick. Constable Savage, who came upon the scene and made the ar rests, says that he also got a "whack" on the head from a flying brick.',' ; Mr. "Jack" Clement Married. - v- , Mr: John B. Clement, a popular ybunc shoe salesman, who made Wil mineton his home until' about two year ago, arrived In thev-eity Thura day night from Augusta, Ga, accom nanied - by hia bride, who 'waa Miss Sarah Fleming, of Augusta. Mr. and Mrs. Clement left yesterday for Wal lace ; to visit the groom's old . home. Returnlna to Augusta in a, few daya they will atop in . Wilmington and visit friends.' ! c.e- Gardner & Lscey Bad a fttQfJ-iii A special from Georgetown. S. C, dated Jan. 1st, saja: "'A' destructive fire visited the large lumber ; plant of Gardner & Lacey early this morning, entirely destroytnaf the planing mills. The plant Is over the river on a penin sular and, aa no vessels had on steam at the hour, the fire engines could not get to- the flames. Splendid work was done by the department however, and the flames were subdued, but not be fore they had destroyed property wortn $10,500, on which there waa Insurance amounting to a G,uuo.". , ;i Saperior Court Next Week.'::,' r New: Hanover Superior Court for the trial of criminal eases only will be convened Monday,-Judge Robert B. Peebles, of Northampton county,' pre siding for his first term. There are about 63 cases for trial but none of them is of very great importance. NG HOLIDAY GERMANS. Two Delightful Dances Were Enjoyed by the Young Peoi , 6 pie Last Night. CLOSE OP BRILLIANT SERIES. i t- BIsa;XammIe Lord ; DeUifctf ally -Eater- taiaed Her Nlfht Clut and Yoa( nen at Home from College Pretty Impromptu Atfair. ,1 " The aeriea of unusually brilliant dances (hat have- been a delfehtfal feature of the holidays with theroung peoplen la WUmliiartaa this aeaann cstme toa close leaf night with two beautiful germane, the; first riven by; Misa Cammie Lord in compliment to her night dancing class and the young men of the city who are at home from college . for; the holiday?, and the second, an impromptu german given by a number of young men compli mentary to their young friends, la the Masonic Temple. The german given ' by Mias Lord was ia Germauia Hall - and conti oued from 9 to 11 o'clock. The room was gayiy decorated- for the evaut with holly, bamboo, ' mistletoe, " palms, fern, etc.,; while' from each chande lier waa suspended - -a'-, cluster of Japanese lanterns, shedding a soft and varr-colored light upon the group of merry dancers.- About forty couples participated andUhe event was a great success beyond perad venture. '.The figures were led in , most approved manner by Mr. Harry G. Smallbonea, Jr., and many of them were new and Intricate.' The music waa by Hollow bushV Orchestra, which is engaged for all Misa Lord's rermans, and a number of spectators gathered in the west end of the hall to watch the akilf ul execu tions by the dancers. Many of those who participated In the german, later went to the' Masonic Temple ball room to enjoy the festivi ties in progress there. - The impromptu dance commenced at 11 o'clock and continued until 3 o'clock this morning.. The handsome ball room of the Temple was never more resplendent than upon thia occasion and upwards of fifty couples participa ted In the festivities. The music waa by Hollo wbush's Orchestra and the figures : were led artistically by Mr. George P. James, assisted by Messrs Charles Elliott and Clayton Giles, Jr. Among the couples participating were J the following. '. . -- M!n Ann&halla Tatianer. Mr.' PresH ton Camming, Jr.; Mise Olive .Arm strong, Jr. Paul Cantwell; Miss Agnes Jones, of DanvlUe;Mr-Zach Bell; Miss Bessie Payne.1 Dr. R E. Zachary ; Miss Julia ; Paraley, ' Mr. Clarence Myers; Mias Potts, . Mr. Ted Brown ; Miss Virginia Bailey, Mr. Walter Storm ; Miss Lilly Gilchrist, Mr. E, & Nash; Miss Margaret Ashe,' Mr. H. R. Faison; Miss Nellie McMillan, Mr. Joe Armstrong; Mrs. Geo. F.- Fletcher, Mr. Horace Hunter; MiasTEliza Metts, Mr. WilUe Smith; Mias Jeanie Peck, Mr. Geo. Parsley ; . Misa Octavla Boat- wrlght, Mr. Robert H, Gwaltney ; Misa Beaulah ' Armstrong, v Mr. Emmet Crow ; Miss Meta LeGrand, Mr.j Geo. G. Thomas, Jr. ; Miss Sarah Gatlett Mr. Norwood Orrell; Miss Joner, of Nor folk, Mr. Joseph Walters; Misa Bessie Gore, Mr. Willie Emerson ; Mias Do ier, of Columbus, Ga.; Mr. Maraden Bellamy. Jr. ; Miss LUlie Sears, Mr. Willie Walters; Miss Perry, of Berk ley, i Va. ; Mr- . WaddeU . JWattcra; Mias Mary ; BeUe'jSnMdMr. Chrlato pher Pierce; Miss Moore, of Indiana, Mr. Willie Walken Mias Janie Wil liams, Mr. Benj. Bell, Jr. ; Misa Nellie Emerson, ; Mr Milton Calder ; Misa Leonora Cantwell, . Mr. , Henry - Mc Millan ;v Miss Ida Brown, Mr. Meyer Weaver;') Miss Alice i LeGrand,! Mr; Willie Gore; Mias Bessie Burrust, Mr. Robert Gaidar; .Miss Muncaster, Mr. Charles Muncaster; Miss Eliza Drane, of Edenton, Mr. Tom Meares; Miss Mary Wiggins, Mr. Norwood Giles; MissiMarr Cant well, ' Mr. : Marion James; Miss Daisy Bur bank. Mr., Nor wood Huake. t' ' i-i-rxii m - Stags Messrs. x; Horsce Emerson, WjUie 'Peschau," Charles: ElUolDr. Pride J. Thomas, Clayton Giles, Jr., Geo, P. James, Piatt W." Davis, Reston Stevenson,' Ernest. Pesohao," Willie Peck, Hargrove Taylor and Henry B. Peschau. - . - - PRErrY WEDDING AT DU3IN, N. C. ;: Mr. T. H. McNeUl, Permerlj ef Tola City, :. 1 Married CWbtswEwl The numeroua friends In this city of Mr. Thomas H. McNeill, formerly of Wilmington, but now editor of the Democratic Banner, of . Dunn, N. 0., will be interested 1n; the announce ment of - hia marriage, ' which took place in the parlors of the Oatesi Hotel at 7:30 o'clock Christmas eve. " ;-;--s The bride was Miss Bertha Gerald; the charming ' young daughter of Mr. and Mm. T. L s Gerald, late of Kansas City,' and the ceremony was performed la a beautiful manner by' the Rev. W. B. Morton in the presence of ' a party of friends, among . whom -were Mr. A. B. Harpldi, with the., bridegroom, Misses Annye Harper and Ora Wil son with Messrs. C Rw' Young and A. L. Newberry i Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Privett and Miss Viola McNeill and Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Wilson. J -r After the ceremony the company re paired to the home of the groom's father, Mr. EL C. McNeill, where a de lightful receptiOB was held: On the following evening a 'reception was given the bride and groom at the home of Mr. and Mrs. . M. H. Privett, the last named being a sister of the groom. Mr. G. C. Simmons was called to Clinton, N. C Thursday evening by a telegram informing 1 him of the death of his father. - The funeral conducted yesterday. StaRo 3. 1903. POULTRY SHOW NEXT WEEK. Every Iadlcatioa That It Will Be a Tre meadoas Soccess Exhibits Will Be(ls Arrivlog To-dsyi " The poultry and pet stock ahbw un der the auspices of the Wilmington Association, will open next Tuesday and continue through the week. That it will be a success, no one ' will doubt after a brief talk;: with . any one of the half dozen or : more enterprising fan ciers who have arrangements' for he exhibit In hand. ' " , -V It is true : that there has been very little "newsnaner talk" about what theAasociation will have for the pub ! lie on thia occasion, but the managers: have been quletlyrat work and the opening next Tuesday will bea reve-4 at!on to the skeptical.: , , f J l-? . Yesterday the coops and, benches were being placed in the City Halt and the several committees worked until late last night, getting every; thing in readiness. - A number of the exhibits from a distance will get here to-day and to-morrow and on Monday there will , be a flurry in the ball anions? the local exhibitors. Everybody remembers -the? tremen dous success of the fair last year and tn8y may expect still greater things this' season. The number of exhibits will be nearly twice as large and ihe variety will also be very much greater.' The show will be : open" convenient hours, night and day.1;" ; 5 J; I 1'' . " (wsss aw 'swwi' " ' PERlNAS?ARAQRAPlis " ' Mr. Henry Clark Bridgers re turned to Tarboro yesterday. ' . ' r- Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Wallace and little danarhwr havn ratnimwl fmWt a pleasant visit to Eenanaville. ? i 1 Mr. Fred W. Bonitz .has gone, to the Columbian University In Wash'4 Ington to take a course In civil engin eering. 'V; : : Miss Helen Dozier, of Colum bus, Ga., ia in the city on a visit to Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel Holmes, No. 818 North Third atr et. : -.-.r. " ' Mr.1 J. T. Foy, representative elect to the Legislature from Pender county; Messrs. Dozier Foy, F. M. Foy and D. R. Ormsby, all Of Scott's Hill, were in the city yesterday. Mr. M. McKinnon, who has been connected the past several months with theJCrescent Pharmacy, on Prin cess street, left, yesterday for hia home at Red Springs, N. C. He expects to return to the city later to take an other position.- . . "PECK'S BAD BOY" TO-DAY. ' . 1 J ft Will Be Presented at MaUaee and NffM v PerforoaBce at Academy. . Two clever and up-to-date perform ances of "Peck's Bad Boy'? will be given at the Academy - to-day. The first will be given this afternoon ' and will be especially for children, though it will begiven with aa mueh detail as the night performance. All electrical effects and the Academy's own sclen did orchestra will be used. At the matinee the prices have been greatly reduced and will only be 10 cents for children and 25 cents for adults; and for this performance- the doors will open promptly at 8:15 o'clock. To night there will be another reduction, the prices being from 10 to 50 eentav Seata for to-night's performance can now be purchased at Plum inert. N. 6. SCHOOL FOR DEAF AND DUMB. ; 5 w Recommeadatloaa to Letl&latare-Speclal " Term of UooirCoort--RaIeiih News. ? r n r't ru rrr-1 n - . RAiKiGH. N.'a.'Jan. 3. The sixth biennial report of the North . Carolina school ' for! Deaf and Dumb at Morgan- ton was presented to the Governor to day. . Itshows ftflr attendance of 837, with an average coat, of $180 per child. Recommendations are made that the maintenance fund be increased $7;500, making $47,500, and that $3,500 be al lowed for .permanent improvements. It is urged that the Legislature pro vide a school for the feeble-minded. .' . Got. Aycock to-day issued a com mission to Judge E. B. Jones, of Wins ton, lo hold a; special civil term of Lenoir county court January 13. : The Secretary of State Issued a chart er to-day to the E. S. Chesson Mer cantile Co., or Elizabeth , City, capital $35,000. .; , : :? . Church' Notices. , ' A First Baptist Church, Bv. CWfln 8. B1cb: well, D. D., pastor. ,11 A. H "The Death or Friends. 7:80 P. 1L, "The Drunkard'B Heart, the Dmakard Home and the Drunkard's HelL Bladen Street Methodist Chnroh, corner of Fifth and Bladen streets. Be Y.Geo. B Webster, pastor. Servloea Bandar 11 A.M. and 7:80 P. JaT Bnndar school, J. B. Taylor, snpbrbitend ent, 8.-30 P. It; ana-week pralm serrloe Wednes Oar 7:80 P. M. A cordial welcome to all. , . 0 First PrertJTterlani Church. Rev. John St. Wells, Ph. pastor. Divine services at 11A. M. and P. k., conducted by the pastor. Sunday school as P. M. Prayer meeting on Thursdays at 8 P. M. Thepuhllo oordlftlly invited, to all services. . seats tree. Grace M. E. Church, corner or orace and Fourth streeta. Pastor. Bev. J. N. Oole. Ber Tioes Sunday at 11 o'clock a. m. and 8.00 p. m. Sunday School, W. B. Cooper, supt, 8.80 p. ra. Weekly prayer meeting Wednesday at 8.00 p. m cordial welcome to all. Visitors to -the etty especially mTlted. Seats fine. Brooklyn Baptist Charch, corner Fourth and Brunswick Sts. Bev. J. h. Vlpperman, pastor. Berrkws to-morrow at 11 A. it and 7.80 P. U. Sunday School at 8.80 P. K. Weekly prayer and praise meeting Weclneeaay at 8P. M. B tranters and Tlaltors are cordially Invited to all servloes. . ' . Immannel Presbyterian cmurfA. Front street near Queen. . services to-morrow by Jhepastor. Bev. U. W. Trawlc, at 11 . iL-and 7:B P. JL Bunday school, A. M. Hall Supertntendent, at 8:80 P. H. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock, conducted by- the Christian Ea deavorCBoclety. The dudIIc cordially Invited. . Sk PauTs P'tseopal Church, Bev. Dr." Dlcktn son reetor. - toroing aTtoe and aermon at it A.M., Sunday sobool at 840 P.- M evenlim aer. vtoe and sermon at 7:4$ P. M. Beats free, fetraa gera oordlally Invited. - Chapel of the Good- ahepherd, BlxUrand Queen streets. There wm :beMMrvloM every Sunday night at. a o'clock. Bunday School as SJ v'urT--T7': eoutnatde Baptist Clrarch, corner-JVA wd Wooater. Services Bunday at 11 AvM. and TjSS p. M. Bunday aohool at 8 P. M. Prayer meej Inc WedaesdaynightM 8 o'clock. Young Ken's meeting Friday night at 8 o'clock. - - - - t j VdrlLcziinxauso GIH 1. 4 ANT, For sale by X a.Shepara. WHOLE NO. 11,033 i I. NEW ADYKBTISEMBNTSt Rye, Wheat Oats. Barrelled and Canned ' ; 1 -.- SALKOII, UACKEnEL, ging r ' - All Heavy I Groceries. THE VVpRTHCO : loo 1 tl. Wilnifaigtoi N. 0, ? The Only Restanrant, Our Restaurant Hae-llade a Reputation 1 " " There are thousands of people In thia city who when they think of-eur - Beataurant think of a quiet and cosy place where the -food is azoallent, the service prompt and the prices moderate.- It is now - an assured success. . -.i . - Orders for Plant, Floral Designs,; Cut ' Flowers, Bouquets,- &c., filled promptly and at reasonable prices.' CHARLES ANDERSON & CO. 1 ' Telephone 718. - janstf 'i Famtty Groceries. U, FINE DRESSED Tiirkoyo, Chickono and E ' AH kinds of choice Family Gro ceries. "- - ' , "". ' ; Cheapest Grocery in the city. r C O. ALEXANDER. No. 15 North Second St. janstf ' . ; We have on hand a fresh shipment of WILETS GAIiDIfiS, i THE BEST MADE. 7 Palace PhannacVt 126 South Front Street. , ; , ; ; jan 1 tf . . Call both Thonea 55. It is for yon to say . If jou know what first class goods are, as to quality and style. After seeing my line call and judge for yourself, : J. T. BURKE, ; . THE JEWEiiEB, - 27 South Front St. dec 18 tf - ; ve yiSH you a iiiiyicHRiSTiiAs t . ..- AND; A -v-! tfiA Happy and Prosperous NeYTItear. HALL PEABBALL. . deo25tf . Gall and Examine Onr : : i FINE LOT OF rri:- C hriotmao ;Gbodo. "! -Boyal Clu8ter:-Bai8in8.: Finest Seeded Raisins and Currants. Freshest Nuts of all kinds, shelled and in the shell." V" ' BopeM, im' ail mea CHees - and almost every other article In our line , ' for the Holidays.- ,..-. - TTrxniNOTON GEOCBEY CO-, Q ,-.: '":' JhOs Xfc BOATWBiaHT, Manager.':. . BotbVhonesNo.14.. -. deoi6tf.. ' Wanted Raw Fnrs. . wobiossuMs. : ,i(voob coons. -. 5,000 SKUNKS. ;. - 3,000 Fom 1 .2,000 MINKS.,,- ' . 1,000 OTTEBS. , " Highest cash prices paid and quo tations, furnished by applying to , 'it. Ik, SLTl EEHR. SR.v&'SOHS.: wommston, K.X. - -, i is tfarmatrset.: ! ceo si . ; If i WE OFFEB . ' ' - ' 5 25,000 ' Pounds Citrate ; Soia irr.prom Schooner Mellie .Trooper, t . .$46.00 ton;' 3c pound "for less n than ton. ' -' f t V. B. COOPER, 1 Waslw mi Srwr,;. Ijaasu . wnmmetoB. buo. K0TICE. . Notice' as bereoy gtren that an application wUl be made to tha next General AsaemUytor tbepMme or an Aet ranting; a. charter to tne aaisMetb City add Carolina Through Line Ballroad Co.. (or other name sa?resteaat ttme oi making appUeauos) to btuid a laUroad ttom wummgton, N. (X, to Elizabeth CUy, N. a January 1st, 1898. " - : . . laaSUa BOBZBT 0. GBADT. SEED! nll.i n 1 U1IK and . v at Tie aeeaaaaaaaaaaaaftcaetjoaat iTER-jsoFsu:iC:;?Ti::i. Osi ir, by Hall. ZA 81st Kansas, - S.EO Twe Kaatba IJQQ ' w awnni mm smaatrlara la tae City a 4S Oaaa per Kesuiu 2 eeeeooe NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ))eeeoeoeeeee HAW Vnn 0B17H Z HiX 111 IvU UlJiill iODRLIDBOFl Gas-1' Which wo oro colling at coot I If not it will nay 1 yon to call and j see our display. Bit & Power Go. Jan 8 8t III uiuiwuuiwu a vuii Wholesale and Retail Dealer in , mi No. 1 09 and III North Front SW Wilmington, U. C. -x Hardware of every deecflptlon at the very" closest prtcee. We bny In car load lots ana can sell cheaper than those who- bny la smaller quantities. - ' Complete line of Agrtealtoral Implements and Meohanfes' Tools. We can eeU you from a TackHammartoaBteam Kng-lne, and from a Plow Point to the latest improved Farming Ma chinery. - rme stock of Cutlery, Gnna. Pistols and Sporting Goods. Loaded Shells with Black or smokeless Powder, Hunting Butts, Game Baga,eto. largeet to the smallest In aize as weU aa price. Tinware. As ate Ware and Wooden ware. uooKing ftxovoB ana Hieei Kanses irom ui. Backets xor tne wen ana aomeaao - purposes. Plows, Harrows, sweeps, Hoea, Shovels and Spades at prices to anlt the farmer. Knives and Forfca. Cutlery, etc. Cart Axles, Boxes, Collars and Hames, Trace Chains, Back-bands and everyening' osea on a weu reguiatea larm . , ian atr - "El Capita" ; High quality lop Cigar. "CUBAN BLOSSOLI." ' ; No better 5c Cigar. We guarantee the sale of these goods, so if not sold we take them back. We accept the risk, yon get the gain. - - Yon are safe on a trade of that kind. If the goods did not have both : quality, and merit we would not talk so loud. Try them for i 0 : v-.;-, . : XMAS PRESENTS. ; V0LLERS & HA8HAGEN, '? Wholesale Distributors. ' Drug rOotec. To tha Public Osmerallyt - " 1 am and have been tor the past bait year running a first class Drug: store in every par tlcular carry Ins full Uae ot purest uruES and chemlcaia7 toilet articles, snnories, sta tionery, smokers' materials, eta, all at down town prices. Sir. Percy Hall, my assistant, and myself,-have both had a large- amount or practical drag; store experience, haying been reared tn our fathef's stores besides expertonoe in other stores. Hence we feel that we are pre pared to compound any ind all prescriptions In a competent manner. We refer you to the physicians of this city as to onr ability and in tegrity. We fill your prescriptions at any hour of the night at regular day-time prices. Night bell on Castle street door. Asking that you give me a trial and wishing you a nappy New Tear, I am, t v BespectfaOy, . JASfaHALL, Begistered Druggist and Prescrlptkm BpeelaW I tlHortbeast Corner Fifth andOastle streets, WUmlnrton, N. O. . 1 t . - .now 'rnones. i -.. i 1 J" ACAD12MYOF music ZXatlae suad Vlaiat Jaumary rd. NOW BIT WISE, 1r ' T , k OomeaiJdUturti wtUins'iSi-J' . MaOneerTloeeWOandMeeita, ,.,, ' . , KighS Prlces-lato sdeenta.PT-' OeotlSt - ATLANTIC COAST li:;e n. n. CO. '-t.-i i . ' ' '-- ' - f w.zl ---- - , ' . Wxuaxeros, xTCn pee. soth, 190. Tle Board ot Directors of toe AiianUo Coast Line Baflroad Company have declared a am dend of two and one-half per cent, on the com mon capital stock of that company. Dn doe and parable at the office of toe Treasurer. atwnmmgton,sT. a. on and after ftMW 1001,1908. Tne transfer books win "u""a from December ss, uos. to Jannary 10th, 1908, ' '-' XAHBS.r.-POST, decattai Jan. -iw.vf ' Traastger. ., ; Unds Pcstsd. ' .'. - satasa - TheprtvOege of huntlnaon say sands wnminton bavms bean leased, an persons aiw hereby warned against ahoottng, tmsttnthi nasr otherwise tsiassliaron "t?-. novstt , - e,w.irOBl Fixtures Uonsol J W ura son ft C11 Ul II I Peck Ba V in , 'TV. i ! tl K 1 it I i ' ":.!, t J

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