r, THE SUPPLY OF HARD COAL III THIS leiOU.' U JbE3. maSe of silk grenadine. The skirt MLffiTffi SEABOARD THE WEELITTLES IN WASHINGTON. Linen and Ginjjliam For Swell ' Morning Gowns. COAST fflE. 4 - ; City is about exhausted, and present outlook that it cannot be replenished HOW THEY MAY BE HUMMED. LOW ROUND TRIP s p. ST. CaartM&T&la fltf-1 For K -renin a: Wear There Are Usbt before Spring. In the meantime we Colored Taffetas Softened by Lace Applique Lons Wraps to Be Pop lar Goaalp About Dresa Trifle. are prepared to supply you with the Pembmh-A o-m a . rir"-A at.. For morning wear at summer resorts entire dresses will be worn much more very best WB8TBOPTO FBOM HAMLET. S Ramltf i ar Monro .V.V.V.V.'..V..V 4S nm 111 Si am' 7.40am 0.1K a n than shirt waists. Gowns mcde of ccrn lifien will be cut blouse fashion and Worn with belts and stocks of Olffcrfnt pale colors. Gowns of glace linen will be popular aa VUMlUaWtMf'tlt . A V nhavaran i .... 12.M a m 10.33 a m 10.80 am aa UWVO! t , , 4 , . Ar Greenwood ",. BITOmilOUS LOOP GOAL AT $5 PER T01I, 8.86 am 2 62am 7.85 am ac auiens...... ............ Ar Atlanta 4.00 pm cnotso oonnoctton at Atlanta tor Montgomery, Mobile, New Orleans and all points in Texal Mexico and California; alsojor CfeoostL Bates From Wilmington Which iSvas cheap as cut wood at $2.50 per cord. Obloago, and weswnTaj wortiswetirva points. OUR The Wttlittles visit tha C&pirol at Washington r FIND THE CAPITOL ATTENDANT. ura 1 HOI SPIES "FTo'b Sp Jri Hot Mineral Drinkin? Water and ninety-six to one hundred and ten degree. Strongly Alkaline and Nature's Specific for Rheumatism, Qout, (Sciatica, and all kindred troubles. There are no cues wh'ch they will not greatly relieve, and few which they will not positively cure, if faithfully used. These 8prings are in the grounds of the MOUNTAIN PARK HOTEL, A Hostelry with accommodations for Three Hundred Quests, and New, Mod em. Elegant Situated in a park of one hundred acres, on the bank of the French Broad River, thirty-five miles west of AsheTille. on the main line of he Southern Railway, surrounded by some of the grandest mountains east of he Rocky Mountains. No Humidity. No Fogs. A delightful Home for the Pleasure-Seeker, an Edn for the Rheumatic: No healthier, no more delight ful place in the world. Write us for Illustrated Booklet, iwith Analysis and Testimonials. s HOWELL COBB, Proprietor. Wl E. SPRINGER a GO. "District Agents" for the 'GLARES CUTAWAY DISC HARROWS," argest and fiaest lines of American and C. ding Shot Guns ever brought to this 17 tf Purcell sep A Happy New tar to You! One and all, of our many friends and patrons. We extend onr best wishes for your health and prosperity for 1903, and solicit a continuation of your SHOE TRADE, Which we hope to merit by giring you the BEST SHOES for the least money. CEO. R. FRENCH & SONS. dec 38 tf Fire Insurance. Plate Glass, Marine, Life, Accident and Employer's Liability. Agent for Jlojai Exchange Assurance .of London. ASSETS $25,211,566.00. - 182 Years Old. And five other reliable companies represented. Lowest rates charged on Plate Glass Insurance. No policy fee charged after December 20th, 1902. IS O W JJ3ST EBIL noy 23 tf THE HURCHISON HATIOHAl BAHK, OF WILMINGTON. If. C. COMTAEATIVE 8TATXXXNT. Deposit, showing increase of business since organization. March lit, 1859 I...........-,. ' $SSS nflrw 3i. t irqq 354,000 v-x:-:, ----, iiecemoer a us, i uu ecemberSltt. 1901. n u-- 01 .- iQrto H. C. HcQUEEN, President. POTT'S DCHHYRnYfll I 11111 I IIU 1 113- Tti CD r womanhood, aiding . development of organs and body. Ho UQV- known remedy for women equals them. Cannot do harm Ufa I" i - . . tl .nft PFR ROX ItY MAILi. Sold I by druggists. DR. MOTT'S CHEMICAL: CO., Cleveland, Ohio. 1 iHI PARK HOTEL. -n gs' 3sT. C. Baths, with temperature ransins from One of the or eat est labor-saving machines known, and such work as it does cannot ge done by any other machine made In a few days will show one of the English double and single breech market. BuHding, Wilmington, N C. Notary Public and Insurance Agent, lib Princess Street, Wilmington, N. C. AS2.000 ao7 nn ,vw . . . iiw.vw J. V. GRAINGER, Cashier. Pil l 8 ESSf 8 ! fa W omissions, increase vig- or and banish "pains T.TFTi SAVERS" to rirla at GRASS 1IN EN GOWN. principally In pink and blue. They will be trimmed with bands of Russian em broidery and are rather tailor made In effect, being trimmed with many rows of stitching as well as strappings. Blouse and skirt costumes of pongee are very useful and becoming. They can be washed like cotton. Silk gingham is another material which lends itself to the morning cos tume. Mads- up with a tucked blouse waist, three-quarter length sleeves and a belt of beading with a ribbon run through, this makes a dainty dress. Unlined dresses of dotted muslin made with elbow sleeves are very cool look ing for hot days. . A pretty grass linen gown is here Uowd. The waist is laid in tucks. There is a bolero effect headed and edged by wide ecru applique. The tops of the sleeves are tucked, and they ter minate at the elbows with wide cuffs. The skirt has a tucked front panel and a tucked circular ruffle.- The entire dress is trimmed with narrow black velvet ribbon. The bat which goes with this is of ecru straw trimmed with black and white tulle and an ecru ostrich feather. v Silk, and Chiffons. Light colored taffetas are being much used for evening wear. A recent ex- 8XABT RUFFLE. ample was a pink taffeta softened by applications of heavy ecru lace. The waist poached both back and front The sleeves and yoke were entirely of lace insertion, which also went down the skirt and spread at the bottom in Intricate veinings. Foulard is not so popular as in for mer seasons. Plain materials are. more fashionable. When foulard is used, it Is usually of the satin finished variety in pale, almost indistinct, colorings. Pongee is being made into dressy gowns, contrary to the custom of for mer seasons, i It is trimmed with pale blue or deep red or else lace and chiffon In the same ecru shade. Worn with an ecru lace hat and a lace umbrella, this makes a charming costume. The hat in the illustration is of tuck ed chiffon with a straw crown.. The neck ruffle Is of dotted net, with a cape effect formed of three ruffles and two ends shirred in three places! It is trimmed with . narrow Velvet . ribbons run through beading. ' Sew Loaf Oarntaats, Long wraps are very popular this summer. They are' made of unlined ,811k and are most useful to protect light costumes irom uie uuau iuug vuaia of pongee are trimmed with heavy brown lace and softened with chiffon ties of the same tint. Coats of blue, brown and gray taffeta are newer than the black ones and are considered very smart. Moire unlined makes an ideal wrap, as it has body and looks rich. Long coats of lace with linings of ac cordion . plaited chiffon are used for carriage and very dressy wear. The lose box plaited coat sloping at the waist line has gone out of fash ion as far as really smart people are concerned. It was at best an exag gerated garment and not In good taste. Three-quarter length box coats are being worn by tall women, to whom the full length loose coat seems too trying. . . .. - . " The smart venhur gown Illustrated For Group use CHE NEY'S KXPEOTOB- GRENADINE EVENING GOWN. has four ruffles, headed by a fanciful application composed of tucks and lace. The waist has a toothed bolero over a full blouse of tucking. The el bow sleeves have nnderpuffs. There is a corsage decoration of differently shaded roses. , " ' Fashion Decrees Pale Colors. All tints of rose will undoubtedly be much worn this summer, but the paler and more delicate toues will be the most fashionable. Blue and green in the very palest tints will be smart, and the combination of black and whit; or of delicate mauve with either black or white lace will be used on many costumes. Cottage roses and wild roses are seen on many of the most ' costly hats. Chrysanthemum straw and dainty sat in stsaw are deservedly popular, and in many cases these straw hats are simply trimmed with a wreath of flow ers. The pearl cabochon has been imitat ed so that it can be now purchased for a few cents; therefore it will soon dis appear from smart millinery. The os- prey is also being imitated so success fully that women will no longer have the excuse of wearing the real article. Sashes are to be as popular as ever. UBXBTT SATIN WAIST. only the bows are to be more com plicated, i with many knots and more than two ends. The pretty waist in the cut is jnade of liberty satin. It has a double bolero effect, with chiffon front and under- Sleeves. It is trimmed with heavy guipure lace. JUDIC CHOLLET. An Unreliable Gnlde. ,. Freddy Ma, according to my appe tite it must "be near dinner time. Mamma Yes. but your appetite Is usually fast Judge. Tried to Conceal It. It's the old story of "murder will out," only in this case there's no crime; A woman feels ran down, has. back ache or dyspepsia and tbink's it's noti ng and tries to bide it onui sue nnai- y breaks down. Don't deceive your self. Take Electric Bitters at once. It has a reputation for curine Stomach, Liver and Kidney troubles, and will revivify your whole system. The wont forms of those maladies will quickly yield to the curative powers of Electric Bitters. Only 50 cents, and gnaranteea by R. B. Bellamy, druggist. t Ptlfl Fllest PUmI Dr. Williams' Indian Pile Ointment is prepared to cure Piles and DOES IT n short order. Kasy to apply, every box aruaranteed. 50c and S1.00. All druggists or by maiL Williams IWa Co., Cleveland, Ohio. 8old by J. O. Sheppard. Jr. . t CASH PAID FOR Beeswax If you have some to sell ship it to us and will allow you 27 l-2c Peril)., F.O.B. Wilmington. WllliamsYUle Ufg Co., WilliamsTiUe, Mass. sep 21 3m sn we fr 1 I CHICHISTEK-9 tniiU.K fer CHICHESTSB'a ENGLISH la 11EB tad Cld BMUlUa ban. wM Kaklrib. Takes vttie. Bfbs Paaacrsaa 8fctitUoM aaa IslH BMU. Bay t jour OrmnUVar MS 4. is MHpi fr Particular. Tartlaasalals aaa Keller fr ld ioa," uum, j re. Brmfilna. daiaaaatar Caiaili.l Oa a aaaar FaUJbaW A. This coal is equally as good in every 'Phone your orders to ns and they ' i. . -i ' Wm. E. Worth & Ga Phones Bell 94. Inter-State 146. TSaiXsTKIS I I desire to express my sincere thanks to my friends or the more than liberal patronage they have extended me during the past year, and with the hope that they have had a merry Christ mas, wish them a happy and prosperous "New Year." If any one has neglected to do their duty Xmas, or wish to "reciprocate" New Year, I have a few "left overs" at a reduced price. IsT. IF. PABKBE, Furniture and Furniture Novelties, (II Market St Bell 'Phone 613. deoS8tr WB PAY 4 PEB CENT. INTEREST Ou imall turns as well as large amounts. v. You can open an account by depositing TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. Every nickel you spend is gone forever and eternally, but every nickel you save is still yours, and if invested with as will draw interest camoounded quarterly, for years to come. ' savings account. Deposits made on or before January 2nd, 1903, will boar interest from January 1st. 1 The Wilmington Savings & Trust Co. J. W. RonWOOP, PreaKant. a. WALTEBS, Vtea rrwMcnt, deo23U B. TATIiOn, Jr., ler. ATLANTIC TRUST 10. Princess Street, Solicits your account. Pays 4 pounded quarterly. Deposits draw interest from January 1st. IH4TT J. HBTER. Pretlaeat, i MITCHELL P. ALLS!f, Caabler. DIRECTORS : L. B. Rogers, J. G. I. Oieschen, B. H. it. a. ueuamy, jona u. kuo kl. M. near, U. w. Yates, D. McEacberti, Malt J. Heyer. dec 25 tf -J 5,000 YARDS SLIGHTLY DAMAGED BY WATER - WILL 0L08E OUT At 3 1-2 Cents Per Yard. DON'T MISS THIS ! SALE. S & B. SOLOMOlsT. dec 28 tf HUD mm Boko Pavlua Xtcbins, Scabby SMm Disoases, Caueara, BlooalXrovMsa, Pimples, Sorea PermanentlT eared by taktne Botanic Blood Balm. It 6atroa the active Poison In the blood If you hare aches and pains In banes, back and jointr, I toning BcabDv Bkln, Blood feels hot. Swollen Glands. Blslnss and Bamna on the Bkln, Mucus patches in If oath.. Bore Throat. Pimples, Oopper-Oolored Spots, all rnn- oown. Ulcere cn any pari oi uie uuuy, nair ur Eyebrows railing oat, take Bottvale Blood Balm, goaraatsed to' core even the worst and most deep-seated cases where daotors, patent medicines and hot springs tall. Heals all sores, stops all aches anu pauiBt rouuuea an BweuiugB, uiaaea uiuuu pare and rich, completely changing the entire body into a clean, healthy condition. B. B. B. has oared thousands alter reaching the last stages of Blood Poison. - ' Old. Rbeommtlam, caitarrta, Bcnmt, Itebiitc Hnon, Scrofula. are caused by an awfnl Poisoned condition ot the Blood.. B. B. B. stops Hawking and Spit ting, Itching and Scratching: tsnres Rheuma tism, Catarrh: heals all Scabs, Soates Erup tions, Watery Blisters, foal festering Bores; by giving a pare, healthy blood supply to affected parts,"" . ( Blood Balm Onrea Canecra or All Kinds. , Bnppuratlng Swellings, Eating Sores, Tumors, ngfy Ulcere. It kills the Cancer Poison and heals the sores or worst canoerperfeotiy. If yon have a peislstent Pimple, wart. Swellings. Soootma, Stinging Pains, take Blood Balm and they will disappear before they develop Into Cancer. -. OVK UVAHAliTEE. Bay m lmrce nettle for SI, of any draaaiat, take oa alreeted. Bataaie Blaaat Bala (B.B.B.) always ram when the right quantity ia taltea. ar mat fare, voir aiowcy warns nirf.al niaaJ SCalaa RJ B. R.1 la Pleasant and safe to take. Thoroughly tested ror ou years, uompoeeu oi run owwauiu uwra iiiAnta. - strnnirthens weak kidneys and weak stomachs, cures dyspepsia, complete direc tions go with each bottle. Saaapleof B, B. B. atiid Pamphlet Scut Free by writing ItlOOu 1HUIU uin auauw, vmum jruua trouble, and special free medical advice, to salt yoa oase, also sent In sealed letter. aeeuiiyr ou ui w , i , Wanted Raw Pars. 20,000 O'POSSUMS. 10,000 COONS. , 5,000 SKUNKS; 3,000 POXS. 2,000 MINKS. 1,000 OTTERS. FTlo-liPat pjvflVi Tvrio.pH Ttaid nnd nno. tations furnished by applying to SAM L BEAR. SR., & SONS. : .'. - Wilmington, N. Cm way aa any Goal sold on this market. will be filled promptly. dec 28 tf S5CJ Inter-State 421. Bee in the New Year right by opening a AND BANKING CO., Wilmington, N. C. per cent, interest on deposits, com made on or before January 2nd will E. H. J. A SIRENS, Vice President J. Abreno, B. Solomon, Martin O'Brien, CALICO ENTIRE LOT MONDAY 'There is a Best Id Everything ! m rami us uavis. Guaranteed 100 Per Cent. Pure, This is putting it mighty strong, but it is nevertheless true. Be Wise In Your Economy. Don't be deceived by the- argu ment that it costs less to paint your building with inferior or ad ulterated paint, because the paint costs less per gallon. Sold and guaranteed by The Coal. Cement and Supply Co., Sole Distributors, dec 19 tf Wilmington, N. C. Ledgers, Journals Cash Books, ' Letter Books. - Memo. Books Inks and 21 neila-g, Psiste avnd Glue, Letter Boxes swd Bavskats, Pens swd Foateila. FUes of aOl kinds. I have any thing-you need in your omce. Write for prices. The Stationer, "" ' dec 20 tf 107 Market St It is for you to say If you know-what first class goodB are, as to quality and style After seeing my line call OFFICE SyPPURS ROBERT C BgROSSET s and judge for yourself. : J.T.BURKE. , . THE JEWBLEB, , ' , -27 South Front St.t dec 13 Cf Sixth Annual Exhibition, Charlotte Poultry Association. Charlotte, N. C, January 12th-15th, 1903. Dates of sale January 11th to 14tb, inclusive. Final limit January 16th. Rate," $6.80. W. J. CRAIG, Approved : Qen'l Passenger Agent. H. M. EMERSON, Traffic Manager. EOV 15 tf ATLANTIC COAST LINE. Schedule In Effeat Nov. 30,. 1903. KOETHBOUND t - THO. 48 NO. 40 mi 7.00 p m ml SDK n m I Lv Wilmington. . . . Ar Goldsboro...... YVIMI p I Ar Wilson 1 18 p 1 KB n mho. 40 p m ar Roc lev Mount. min.25 p m ar Norfolk Ar weldon Ar Peterstrare 565 p 463 p 6.52 p 7aK n mi 1.45 a m 3.95 a m I Ar Eiohmond. ! Ar Washington...-, 1 Ar Baltimore Ar Pulladelohla..., 47 a m 11.40 p 7.64 a m fl 10 n. m 405 a 7.08 a mlu.ss a m ! Ar-New York m1 1.5S p m SOUTHBOUND. ttn.ru No. 49 Lv New York.... AIM a m 9.80 d m Ar PMiadelDbi. u so a m uiusm Ar Baltimore.... 144 p m 8.50 p m 387a m Ar Washington.. Ar Norfolk 3.45 am 900am "e.56 p'ia 783 n m Ar Hichmond.... 8.30 am Ar Pershorg... Ar Weldon....... Ar BockvMonnt 913 a m 9.04 r m 1123 am 100T P m 13 50 pm Ar Wison........ .a I -1 .-. W 10.48 p m .i.wpm 2,65 pm ai UVUOWAV..I4I,,, .. Ar Wilmington t.ib a m 110.10 am p m BETWEEN WILMINGTON AND THE SOUTH SOUTHBOUND. , Daily Ex. Sandav. Dally. Dstv. ! Lv Wilmington. . I A r Florence I Ar Charleston.... ' Ar Savannah.. .. Ar Jacksonville.. 6.00 a mi 9.25 a m 8 45 p m 780D m 7.oapm s.55am 1.10 p m 6 85 pm! 11 15 p m ; 5.45 a m 3.uu a m f'7.65 a m 9.00 a m 7.00-pm is 45 p m I Ar Tampa.. 10.00 p m SOBTHBOUHD. Daily EX Bandar. Dally. 9.80 a m 7.00 pm 1.15 am 65 am 9 45 am 140 pm i Lv Tampa... ....... Ar Jacksonville. . . . Ar Savannah A r Charleston.. Ar Florence e.u p in; ......... 7.su a m 1.10 p m 5.15 p m 8.00 d mi Ar Wilmington. ... 11.45 p m! BETWEEN WILMINGTON AKD 8ANTOBD. West Bound East Board Daily. Dally Lv Wilmington. 1 9.10 amtAr. 8.00 pm Ar FayetteviLe 13 S3 p m Ar. 5.00 p m Ar Santord I 150 p mLv. 8.45 pm BETWEEN WILMINGTON AND NEWBEBN. North Bonnd South DailvexSnndav. Bound Lv Wilmlnston ...13.33 p mlAr. 12.08 p m Ar Newborn 5.40 p mLv. 9 0 a m. Via Wilson. Trains Nos. 40 and 41 carrv Pullman Sleeninz i Cars between Wilmlnston and Washington, con i nectlng with Fenna B. B, for all points east. W. J. UBUUi Qen'l Passenger Agmst h x. emebsoh, Traffio Maoasw. JT41 READ DOWN: 2 31 o B3 Q3 sooseool a'gg'a's's'sl s C3 CO t O JJ 0 or S 00 HBP 0303 03p9 CO OOOCj 00 as SB. S3 3 ca eft cn 9 o or; m 5 Booeooi o" pi sat 11 A M ? a a w s p . !3 3 Ht-- Suftoo so "0 w CD Q w O a ii a 90 A m IB CO h 1 SB pt - . - ; CD 4 2 w n s s 1- to ee w wl MS 3 to H 0 O P s o m 30 gi eaieies to- , OI OD aiomuiaiatei ggg g o O OOOO dn GV3U We Will Bond Yon. I The United States Fldelttr and Guarantee Com pany, uuine uuiuo, oaiuuiwiv. uu. Paid Up Capital, $ 1 ,500,000 Surety Bonds. Fidelity Contract Judicial, Judicial Bonds executed without delay. State autu uuuubj uiuuiaia wuwu. Burglar Insurance. Banks. Stores. Residences Insured against burglary or theft . uorreeponoenue Bouiunou. - - o. D. WEESX. Oeaeral Agent, oc 142m ' Wilmington, N. C. Gall and Examine Onr FINE LOT OF Chriotmao Goodo. Rnvn.1 ClnatAr Haisins. Finest Seeded Balsins and Currants. - Freshest Nuts of all kinds, shelled and in theBhell. . - Rowforta Etlam ana Pineapple Ctieese, and almost every otner arocw in our una fortheHouaavs. . WILMINGTON GROCERY CO-, JNO.'L. BOATWBIOHT, Manager. Both 'Phones No. 14. . deofttf "THE FAV0RITE.w "The Favorite" Barber Bhop is now jnore at: i tractive than ever. Becent Improvemeiits I make it more pleasing to the eye; while it still j maintains Its old reputation for the very oast i service to its patrons. ; " : If . osoaocoooODj co . SOUTHBOUND FBOlf BAMUET. Lv Hamlet..... e.4pm 7.85am Ar Colombia... l lsam ll.aoam Ar Savannah.... .,... sssam 455pm Ar JacksonvlUe 7.00am 9.15pm Ar 2ampa....... .... ....... 6.45pm tooam NOBTHBOUi MUX ttAMXJCT. lv Hamlet........ ...10,40pm 7.50am Ar Balelgli IMS a m 11.10a m Ar Korilna.. -s.ssam t.sspia Ar Portemonth ............ c ii&mm Bosnia ArKorfolk.......... i pP Lv Hamlet....,.,,. 10.40 pm 8.40 a mi 7.59am Ar Raleigh. 1 30 a m 11.45 a m 11.10 a m Ar Noriina... . .... a.J2am 1.35 a ml 1.25 pm Ar Petersborg .... 6.63 a m 4.07 p ml 4.47 p m Ar Ricamond e.8S a m 4.55 p m 6.40 p nt Ar ywngton.... 10.10 am s.so.pm "... Ar Baltimore ...... n.asam ll.BSpm .......... Ar Sew York 4.15pm O.Mam Train 40 leaving Hamlet at 8.25 a; tn.' takM naftKenarnrn from train si avb.i : i.av v ux.. waiaijiiui v ai d,d j . 1Q " waBDlHKiOJ - 7.00 p.m.; Blchmond 10.87 p. m.s Portemonth ' arriving at Hamlet at 7.00 a. tu. From train iv ' lkVIU auaub. ,.uv V. 111., a.uuui T6,Vt p. Ql ; Qhester 4,15 a. m.; Charlotte 5.01 a. m.; Monrin. 5:40 a. m.; arriving Hamlet 7.39 a. m. From train 66 leavtne Jacksonville 4.80 n. il.. savannah 18.10 p. m.; Columbia 3.55 a. m.; ar -riving Hamlet 8.8) a. m. Through Pullman sleepers from Hamlet to a points North, South and Southwest. For tickets. Pullman reservations, eta., adui ' to Tbomaa D Xeares. Oeneral Agent, wiimiiii; ' ton. H.a. .... .. nov25tf ' , -4 -'.r THE COUNTRY ESTABLISHED 1831 The ONLY Agricultural NEWSpaper Aim ADKnTXDLT TBS Leading Agncultnral Journal of tue Worll Every department written by specialists, the highest authorities in their respective lines. Norther paper pretends to compare with it in qualifications of editorial staff . ; .Gives the agricultural NEWS' with a degree of completeness not even attempted by others. ' a INDISPENSABLE TO ALL CPUMTRY RESIDENTS ..who wish to KEEP UP WITH THE TIKES. Single Snbserlptloa, $1.60; Two Subscriptions, $2.50; ' Five Snbscrlptloni, $S.fi0. SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS to KAIS ERS OF LARGER CLUBS. . Four Months' Trial Trip SO cents. SPECIMEN COPIES will be mailed free on request. It will pay any body interested in any way in country life to send for them. Address the publishers : LUTHER TUCKER & SON, . S3y Subscriptions taken at thin offioa.' Both papers together, $ ' Uaxton Building and Loan Association, MAXT0N N. C DIRECTORS: J. I. CEOOM, 1CAXTOK. K U. MCBAB, MA ITOK . A. J. MCKiKNON, UAXTON. ft. B. PATTBBSOS, MAXTOK, J B. WBATHEBLT, MAXTON. W. H. BEBNABD, WILKIN 6T0N , K. &. ItCKBNZIB, MAXTON. , Inltiauon ree, 26 centsper snare. HnlawrlnMons to stock uavable In weekly tn- talments of 85 cento per share. . Tha mununniAiit In nrndnnt and ecrmomlcal' ax 1h shown bv the fact that the Association has sustained no losses, and its annual expenses, in eluding taxes, are only about Two Hundred u. ukuus rreniuHiii Atlantic mi KortH Carolina t-iaa Taala ea. IS. To Tfcfc BSmei SondaVjr, 0. SI, iCO. t lS.Ol A. tt. noma bas3. aoma wxsx. s !' ' ra zr f rlM Paas'sT Xraiui , ;eavlOaS ' .rrive Lxv Arm bemv f. Ht priT " A.M. A,".' ., 140 aoldsboro....... 11 65 ........ 4 n Klnston 10 It . ........ ( 40 5 so Newborn I If Jfi t oi T ot aforehead city. 7 a IS P.IM. P. at. A. M. A. at. North, lea ving aoldsboro at 11.15 A. and wlthBouthern Ballwar train West, leavmg aoidsboro s.00 P. M ana with w. ft N. at New oern lor wumingron ana mtermeuiaie yuuiua. Train 1 nminnofH with Ronthern Bailwavtialn, arrlvlna at Goldsboro t.oo p. M., and with W. W. train from the North at 1,05 P. H. Ho. 1 train also oonneets with w. A N.tor Wllmin ton and intermediate points. octu cr . a. VIU. BUS The Clyde Steamship Co : Hew York, Wilmington,. II. C, and Georgetown, S. C, Lines. aaaaast afrons new Tera for wnauagt ONXTDA.... ............... satarday, Jan. 10 Gio. w. Clyde satarday, Jan. - lTv rraa WUartnstvB Cot Hew TtK clype......:...... s&tarday, Jan. io ONEIDA ... ... i . . , Bataraar. Jan. 17 Irea Trtlwaingtem for Morsetewm - CLYDE... .................. .Tuesday, Jan. ONXTDA . ...............Tuesday. Jan. 18 Steamship Oneida does, not .carry pas sengers. r Through Bins Lading ana Lowest, through sates gnaranteea to ana from boUMs in noma ana bobui ubuvuiuv ror rreiCM anu j and passage aimnrto ' P. aTBMALUKEa. SttPfc, f wilmlnyton.il. 0 acn. b. BSCB. Senaral Hamwer. It state itreet, hew York Jan 8 f 0. o SHEFABD Jb.. Wilmington. - - i - MM law faaar SD1 IT abB9tt -isroth FrontBtree PYirsalebj J. O. 8bepar . Welss-an dec Sftt - 1 ' .... II Harkst street,

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