FTTZZUE1 PICTTTRB. . THE WEELITTLES IN PHILADELPHIA. .s- - n I m R4JPi H BLSl i Thev return to their hotel after visttina the I Smith Memorial in i fairnounr parh J FIND THE BOY , WHO AIDED THEM. 1 ; i . " I The Kind "XTou Have Always Bought9 and which has been. m use ior over au years, has borne the signature of - ana has been made under his per- youi All Counterfeits, Imitations and ' Just-as-good" are but jExperiments that trifle with and endangrer the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment What is CASTOR I A Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing' Syrups. It is Pleasant It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation, and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 3 O Years. THT CIKTW' COmMT, TT MURRAY BTTCCT. NCW TOK ITT. jjFn CAROUNA HOT SFRIIICS 1 IIIB PARK HOTEL. Hot Spci n ZnT. C. Hot Mineral Driokine Water and Baths, with temperature ranging from ety-six to one hundred and ten degrees Strongly Alkaline and Nature's f-cific for Rheumatism, Gout, 8ciatica, and all kindred troubles. There are coses when they will not greatly relieve, and few which they will not i lively cure, u faithfully used. These Springs are in the grounds of the Y 7IOUIMTAIIM PARK HOTEL, Hostelry with accommodations for Three Hundred Guests, and New, Mod 1. Elegant. 8ituated io a park of one hundred acres, on the bank of the pneb Broad River, thirty-five miles west of Asheville, on the main line of pouthern Railway, surrounded by some of the grandest mountains east of su re-seeker, an IGden for the Rheumatic. No healthier, no more delight- place in the world. Write us for Illustrated Booklet, with Analysis and Testimonials. HOWELL COBB, Proprietor. ar 9 ire Insurance. irs Of a. ' Clock Kentucky Girl's Error Cduised Death of' Lover A few miles from Bardstown. Ky., lives Nathan Colerain and his maiden sister, who Is now past middle life. Miss "Patsy Colerain Is a lady of re finement and bears traces of great youthful beauty. For nearly forty years she has not gone beyond the pre cincts of her own yard." There is a tragic story connected with her es trangement from the world. In the hall of the Colerain mansion is an old fashioned clock over 100 years old. It !s one of tbfc big clocks so common in the early part of the last century. Its hands tfave not moved stay killed? About this timea tachment of young Morehead's com mand b-sv c oped down upon the guerrll- I la. rvi r 1-1 . i , t . - UU jjcv mem 10 nigui. - . ry reads 'lite Action, but nevcithefeS3 ever- word of lt la As i bef ore stated, one jot the actors still lives, und the old .dock, with de faced woodwork and motionless ma chinery, stands In the self same lt did on that dreadful night. Its brazen bands still marking the hour that the brave young soldier met his ignomini ous death. Plate Glass, Marine, Life, Accident and Employer's Liability. Agent for Royal Exchange Assurance of London. JASSETS $25,211,566.00. 182 Years Old. I And five other reliable companies represented. Lowest rates charged on Plate Glass Insurance. tco policy fee charged after December 20th, 1902. Notary Public and Insurance Agent, lov 23 tf 110 Princess Street, Wilmington, N. C. ATLANTIC TRUST AND BANKING CO., 16 Princess Street, Wilmington, N. O. Solicits vonr account. Pava 4 ner cent, interest on deposits, com pounded quarterly. Deposits made on or before January 2nd will draw interest from January 1st. ITT J. USIEB. President. - E. H. J. lUHiuiSi vice ciii nirCHELL F. ALLEN, CasUer. DIRECTORS : B. Rogers, J. G. L. Gieschen, B. H. J. Ahrens, a Solomon, Martin O'Brien, r R. R Bellamy, John H. Kuc kL M. Bear, O. W. Yates, D. MeEflcbera, Matt J. ueyer. - dee 25 tf French Periodical Drops Strictly vegetable, perfectly harmless, sure to accomplish DESIRED RESULTS. Greatest known female remedy. ITIflM Beware of oranterfelu and Imitations. Theienalnetepn op only '"P 1 1 IUH ton with fae-slmtle .ljratnre oa .Ida of the bottle, thus. 4&&Z&&a'm for Circular to W1UU118 Ufa. CO, Sola AU, ClelaU.tlil(fc i: . TZ a THE BODY WAS D BAGGED FBOM TH CLOCK. since one fateful night In 1864 when It played an Important part In a bloody tragedy that broke Miss Patsy Cole rain's heart and enveloped her life In a pall of gloom that will never be lifted this side of the grave. In 1864 Miss Patsy Colerain was con sidered one of the handsomest young women in Nelson county. Of an old line family, wealthy In her own name, she was naturally much sought after and had suitors by the score. Of course she. had but one choice, and that was Reuben Morebead, a descendant of one of Kentucky's governors, who claimed Nelson county as his birthplace. Young Morehead was an orphan who had been reared by a neighboring farmer. Patsy bad known him all her life and had loved him as far back as she could remember. The war broke out, and Reuben took up arms for the north. Then followed sad days for the young girL Her fa ther sickened and died, and her only brother was In the far south battling for the Confederacy. Thus she was left with only the faithful negro slaves and a nephew barely in his teens. At this time the neighborhood was full of guerrillas. "Sue" Mundy and his gang were terrorizing that entire section, and soldiers and civilians alike were falling at their hands. The out laws were frequently at the Colerain house, and, while Patsy had never suffered any Indignities from them, she was in constant terror lest she might. One rainy night In April, 1864, Miss Colerain was sitting before a cheerful fire, her mind busy with thoughts of her absent lover, when suddenly the door opened, and young Morebead, at tired in a handsome uniform, stood be fore her. Before she could speak tbe young soldier caught her In his arms and showered kisses upon ber blush ing face. A second later she broke from his embrace, and, trembling with fright, she remonstrated with him for daring to leave his command and come there alone. The country, she said, was swarming with guerrillas and other enemies to his cause and that If he was caught there his life would pay the penalty. He soon reassured her, however, and convinced her that he could reach his lines, which were not far away, without the least danger to himself. Happy to have him with her, she nestled up to him, on the old sofa, and together they talked of love and tbe happy times when the cruel war should be over and they should be united, never to part. While thus engaged there came above the patter of the rain tbe tramp ing of many horses. The lovers' faces blanched with terror, for they knew that enemies were upon them. Going to tbe window. Patsy saw by the faint light of the moon breaking through 'the clouds that which caused her heart to cease to beat and paralyzed her every thought and motion. Tbe yard was filled with half drunken guerrillas. When her speech at last came to her, she turned to he lover, who was now at her side, and said In scarcely audi ble tones: "My God. Reuben; lt Is "Sue' Mundy and his gang. If they catch you here, It Is certain death! Oh, what shall we do?" By this time the guerrillas were at the door clamoring for admittance. Then lt was that an idea came to the distressed girl. "The old clock. Reuben, get Into that," she said. "It Is plenty large, and they will riSver discover you there." The young man lost no time In clam- feering Into the barrel of the clock, and his sweetheart fastened the door, then, with a lighter heart,- she admit ted the guerrillas, who were growling and cursing at the delay. Filing through the long hall Into the cozy sitting room, they took seats and demanded refreshments. Patsy left to Comply with their demands, but she had hardly left the dining room when she heard the guerrillas raving and cursing and the report of firearms. Realizing the worst, she hurried back and reached the hall Just in time to witness the murderous outlaws drag ging the dead body of her lover from, the old clock. At this juncture again came the tramp of horses, followed by more firing and commotion, and then to Patsy came a blank. , For weeks the girl hovered between life and death, a victim of brain fever. When the dicease left her, she was but a wreck of her former elf. When she grew stronger, they told her that she. had neglected to conceal her .lover's overcoat and gloves, that the guerrillas discovered them and Instituted a search for the young soldier, that the latter threw open the; door of the clock; presumably with the hope of making his escape, when he was shot and In- BBMBMHMHSHMBIBBBSBSHBlBBBBBBMSSSSSi For Croup "use CHE NEY'S: EXPECTOR ANT.1 : v: " , GEO. U. GAY LORD S THE ASPARAGUS BED. If you want to set out an asparagus bed this spring, do this: Cut old roots into three or four pieces with a sharp spade, prepare your bed. digging up to a depth of a foot Fertilize heavily, using well rotted stable manure, or the surplus cats and dogs of . your neigh borhood could be well- planted right here and give good returns. Cut none at aQ the first year and sparingly the second, but after that as liberally as you like. Do not cut after June 20, but allow all the growth to mature on the bed. These directions followed out will give you an abundant supply of one of the finest vegetables tbe garden affords. We are asked how best to renovate an old and weedy pasture. If possible. we would plow it up and take a crop of corn from it this year, a crop of small grain next year and seed down anew, If the land must be kept in pasture, we would take a cutaway disk and give it a thorough disking both ways, then sow clover and timothy, dragging it smooth. This will rejuvenate the bluo grass and practically make the pasture over new. I Power of Gems on Bad Eyea. . The ruby was considered good for (derangement of the liver as well as ifor bad eyes. The sapphire and emer laid were also credited with properties :which rendered them capable of influ jencing ophthalmic disorders, and there jis a superstitious belief that serpents Jare blinded by looking at the latter istone. Tbe business man who clutters up his brain with some other fellow's "suc cess maxims ' is pretty certain to score a quick failure. Denver Republican. Tried to Conceal It. It's tbe old story of "murder will out," only in this case there a no crime. A woman feels run down, baa back' ache or dyspeptfa and th Ink's it's noth ing and tries to hide it until she fioil ly breaks down. Don't deceive your self. Take Electric Bitters at once. It has a reputation for curine Stomach. Liver and Kidney troubles, and will revivify your whole system. The worst forms or those maladies will aalcklv yield to the curative powers of Electric Bitters. Unlv 60 cent, and guaranteed oy tf. if. JJBLLAXY, druggist. t PUee! Piles! piles! Dr. Williams' Indian Pile Ointment is prepared to cure Piles and DOES IT in abort order. Easy to apply, every box euaranteed. 60c and tL00. All druggist or by mail. WnxiAKS MVg UO., uieveland, Ohio. Bold by J. O, Bheppard. Jr. t No Han Cam Die Of any form of Fever who uses John son's Ohill and Fever Tonic even half way rieht. It Is 100 times better than quinine, and does in a day what slow quinine cannot do in ten days. John son's Tonic will drive out every trace and taint of Grip Poison from tbe blood. Write for Aeency to A. B. Girardeau, Bavannab. Ga. f Bone Pains, Itching:, Scabby Skin Diseases. - Caneera, Blood Troablea, Pimples, Sore . Pennanpntly cured by tak'a; Botanic Blood Balm. It l"Ptrots the active Potaoo in the blood If vou have Krhw and d lns In bones. back and Joint , Itching scabby Skin, Blood reels hot. bwollen ulands, Rlslnvs and BnmiM nn tbe 8 In. Mucna farcbes In Month. Bore Thro-tC Pimples. copper-Colored Bpta, au run down, u i cere cn any pari 01 we ooay, uair or Eyt brows railing oat, take Botanic Blood Balm flruaravnteed to core even the worst and most deeD-eeaed casw where doctors, patent medicines and hot tpnngs iaiu ueas au eoree, stops an acnee aiid pain?, reduces all swellings, makes blood gore aDd rich, comp eiely ehaoglna tbe entire odv Into a clen. bealthv condition B. B. B bas cured th ins tnda alter reaching tbe last Stages or Bl oa v olson. Old Btteammtlam. Catarrh. EtMHt, It china Humors, scrofula are caused br an awrnl Poisoned condition of the Blood. B. B. B. stops Hawking and Spit ting. Ik blng and Hcratoblng; cores Bbenma tlsm. Catarrh: beats all Scabs, Scales Erup tions, Watery B.laters, foal fester' ng Bores; by giving a pore, healthy blood supply to affected parts. Blood Balm Cures Cancers of All Kinds. i . BnprnraMng Bweliings, Eating Bores, Trnnon". ugly Ulcers. It kills the Cancer Poison and heals the sores or worst cancerperfectly. If yon have a neislstent PlmDle. wart. 8well n. 8 ?ootin?, 8 aoKlng Fains, take Blood Balm and they win aisaDoear nerore tney aeyeiop into Cancer. OUR ttUAKAIITGE. Bay a large bottle Cop SI, of any Iroffaiat, take am dlreeted. Botanic Blood Bala (B.B.B. ) always eurea when tbe right eoaatlty la taken. 1 r not eared yonr money will ont argrnnf n t. Botanic Blood. Balm (B. B. H.) la Pies Rant and safe to take. Thoroughly tested for 80 vears Composed or Pure Botanic Ingre dients. Strengthens weak kidneys and weak stomachs, cores dyspepsia. Complete direc tions go with each boitie sample of B, B. B. and Pampblet Sent Pre by writing Rinrwi Ra.nn Oo.. Atlanta. fa&: - Describe yoor trouble, and special free medical advice, to salt yon esse also sent In sealed letter. aeo&uiyr mmi w J&X.U.X.1J z lA0i is sure to ' -GIVE Satisfaction. Ely's Cream Balm Gives Belief at once. . It cleanses, soothes U A V 1717117 D and hea 8 the diseased nHl I bYC.ll memonane. x. ouree Citairhand drives away a Cold In tbe Head quickly. I' is absorbed Heals and Pro'eots tbe Kembrane. Kestores the Senses' of Taste and Smell Fall else 5 at Druggists or by mall; Trial s.ze 10c. uy mall. . - O U1S . 0J - 66 Warren Btreet,New York. . sep 16 tf m to tn -" CURE YOURSELF I Vtm Btt 3 for unnatural discharges, Inflammation., irritation er Moe rations of ma con. membran.. PihlMu. and not ltria ' :EvA.8CHEMtcco.to,',,oUo,,,, " :r .sola oy vranum 7 Miit in plain wrapper, Ainnwi. nrmftlfl. fnm .00, or bottls. ti.75. CURES iii 1 to.daja. omruUM w tn KrlMUa . I PrevenW Coalaa, ITHE cmcmNvn, o.a. On Worth Front Street IS CATERIN6 TO YOUR WANTS WITH THE NICEST LINE OF . : I , - " DRESS GOODS Zxi. -btz. 0t?3rJ la shrank and spun Series 36 inches wide we have all colors Blactr, Navy, Garnet, and Green that are regular 60a value. We sell tbem at 60c. -. Io colored Tricots we have a big line of new shades Pink, Green, light Blue, etc strictly all wool, at 25c per yard. f - - Imported Beautiful Shirt Waistlngs in silk and wool finish running at 48c, all colors. 1 ' Standard 52-inch heavy Serge . we are selling at 69o yard. Heavy reversible, all , wool 64-inch goods need no lining, for 50c -per yard. Heavy Melton cloth for Ladies' skirts 27 inches wide for 20, 25 and 35c yard. I ! A big line of beautiful Spring shades in A. P. O. Ginghan, at ,10c per yard best quality. 1 j 10c Madras in short, lengths selling for 7c yard. A. O. A. Gingham at 6c per yard. . Splendid Apron checks for 5c yard. Pee Dee Plaid best quality for 5c yard. 1200 yards extra heavy and wide plaids at 5o yard. A plenty of Rockingham Homespun at 5c yard. The best quality of Sea Island Shirt ing at 5c yard. The best feather proof Bed Tick at 14c yard. Bed. White, and Blue Flannels, from Xli to 50c yard In' our 8ilk de partment our stock is complete. Yard wide black Taffetta at $1.00, $1.19 and $1.89 per yard. Shoes! Shoes!! Just received 450 pair Vicious Shoes that we are having a special run on at $1 50, equal to any $2.00 shoes sold in the city. We have a big line of Bob ber Shoes for Men, Children and Wo men. Tbe best quality of $1.00 Good year Rubbers at 75c Men's roll edge Rubbers at 85c. Ladies' Rubbers for 25 to 50c. Children's Rubbers from 10oto25c Men's Rubber Boots from $3.25 to $3.50. House Slippers for Ladies and Gentlemen we sell tbe U Nevf r-'Em brand soft and flexible, and will give good service, from 40 to 65c a pair. We sell all grades of Children Shoe?, ad we sell the cheap, good shoes for a little monev. - Blankets! Cold Weather Blankets!! Jan.4 tr i We have too many Blankets, and we want to sell you some cheap. Blankets at $1 a pair less than they were last year. We have Cotton Blankets for 23c each. Heavy Wool Mixed Blankets at $1; 11-4 Wool Mixed Blankets at $1.85; N. C. Elken Mill All-Wool Rose Blankets at $3, sold for $4: 11-4 All- Wool Boss Blankets for $4 a pair. We Una that we are overstocked m Elan eta, and we want to sell them low. 'Overalls for Engineers, Firemen, Machinists, Plumbers and Laborers. We sell the Newfoot Standard $1 Overalls. The J. O. Overalls at $1 each. The Railroad Overalls are 50 and 75c. We have a Heavy Weight Uverall for S9c. Coats and .Pants to match and a full line of sizes. I Boys' Panls! Mothers, we can sell you Boys' Pants, made of all wool I worsted and ' made with tape seams, ior ova a pair, au sizes. ; Men's heavy working pants at $1 a pair; extra heavy, nice-looking pants at $1.25; we carry a big line of fine pants from 3 to 4 a pair. Heavy, all-worsted pants, worth $3, for $3 50 a pair. We have about 100 men's suits to close out we need the room. Suits we sold for $7.50 and $8 we will sell for $5, strictly all-wool and nice looking; this is a chance to get a nice suit for $5, many of them for less than cost. We also have a big line of boys' suits to sen out, good suits ior little money; strictly all-wool suit for $2, and up; boys' heavy cheviot waists for 85c; wnue jaunaenea waists wttn tape ex tension band for 50c. Lap robes for baby carriages a nice line of colors Cor 75c each; for buggies a nice new Btock that will run in -4rice from $1.50 to $4.50 each, all pret ty colors. A new lot of rngs jast re ceived : 4 4 Smyrna all-wool rngs for 75c: 5 4 s z for $1 48. 6-4 for $1.98, 8-4 Tor $3 75 a d 10 4 for $4 50. Art squares 373c squ s yards; 7J by 9 are $2.75 each ; 9 05 9 for $3 75 each and 9 by 12 ior du ior eacn. Our store is full new goods and our prices are guaranteed to be as low as; the lowest. We are furnishing card- with all cish purchases and giv ing away presents every day. COASTLINE. LOW ROUND SEABOARD Air "Line HXiiavjc. Sh.a.inff,ttHw,Mi TBS SJ8" wnmtagton at i f. ., Maxton ia i "Si"" P. M.: ChUloto uls pt Pembroke 9:43 a. M., Lmtrton ioaa A. -M Wflmington la. so noon. 10 88 WB8TBOPHD FBOM HAMLET TRIP W am I At r Monroe.... .....V.V..V.V. Ar nhrlntt. . i Ar Ohester, . , ax ureenwooa ,,,, Ar A than ...... &UlkUUft.l,.ii ...,.,.. B4S n m il 2) am i 132.51 am s a m 2 53 a m 7 .85 a in '4 7(40 am 9 15 am 10.33 IO 10 80 a Bt 6 18 pra 100 p m Rates From filmi Mm Sixth Annual Exhibition, Charlotte Poultry Association, Charlotte, N. O., January 12th-l5tb, 1903. Dates of sale January Uth to 14tb, inclusive. Final limit January 16th. Rate, $6 80. .yW. J. CRAIO-, Approved: Gen'l Passenger Agent. H. M. EMKR?ON, Traffic Manager. oov 15 tx ATLANTIC COAST LINE. I Hc-e-nl In EffMt Nov. 30, 190S. i NOBTHBOVND, Lv Wilmington Ar 6 ldsooro Ar Wlls n sr Bocfcy Moaat... r Norftlk Ar wrldc Ar Petersbnr?...... .... Ar Btohm nd.... .. Ar WasbinjrUm at isaitimore Ar P .ladelphla r hew York NO. .48 u xii ia last p 1 is p 155 p 655 p 453 p 663 if 7 45 D 111.40 p i.kj a 405 a 7.08 a No. 4A mi 7 ro p m m 988 p m m 1AM nm m 11.35 p m m 145 a m 9m 4 07 a m 7 54 -a m Dm. m mkl 9S m n'lwpn dose connection at Atlanta tor Monteomerv. Mobile, New Orleans ana all points tn Texas! mexioo na u-iuornia: also ior Ueattanoocs, ITasavuie Loaisville, 8t. Lonls, Cincinnati! Obicago, aaa Western o0 Xonrwesterr. . .hit. 801TTHBOTJHB FBOM HAMLET. Lv Hamlet Ar Columbia.,.. Ar Bavannab.... ...... Ar Jacksonville...... at Tampa........ .... ....... 9 45.P m nam sot am 700 a m S.iSpm! 7 85m usoam 455 pm 915pm eooam NOBTHBOUKD FBOM HAM-XT. v Hamlet, 100 om 7M am j Ar Baleigb.... ltOtm 1L10 m ' v i Ar Norllna ...... .... ........ 883am USpm ! a? gSi 10.40 pm 840 a n lutm ArMew York 4.16S 'sjS.S - 1 W,tB)t.,.H,.,, . . .,; -m. Train 40 lea vine Hamlet at 8.25 a. m taw, t passengers from train 81, leaving HewvortTnt -12.M p. m.; Baltimore at 5.48 p. m.; wminKVm 7.00 p. m.; Bichmond 10.87 p. m.; Portsmouth 9 05 p. m.; Norfolk 8 80 p. m.; Balelgh 4.15 a. tu. arriving at Hamlet at 7.00 a. m. From train S3, leaving Atlanta 1.00 p. m.; AtnemC 67 p. m.; Cheater 445 a. m.; Charlotte 5 01 a. m.; Monro 5.40 a. m.; arrlvms Hamlet ?.& a. m. From train 66 leaving Jacksonville 180 p. nu Bavannab 12.10 p. m.; Colombia 55 a. jn.: ar riving Hamlet 8 2J a. m. , Throngh Pnllman sleepers from Hamlet to all points North, South and Southwest. For tlokets, Pullman reservations, etc., applj to TnomasD. Meares, Qeneral Agent, WUmlag ton, NO. nov25tf SOD1HBOUND. THE COUfJTRY EST1BUSHED - 1831 41 Lv New York.. ar rcuaaeiDLii. ...... Ar Baltimore Ar Washington Ar NorfolK Ar Bichmrnd. Ar Pe e-sburg Ar Weldoo Ar Bocsy Mount r wi son Ar-.Go dsooro. . Ar w timing con . . . . Fo. 41 B01 a ml 11 SO a m 144 p m sou p m 656 p m 7 83 p m 904 d m 1007 PU 10 48 p mi 7.10 a m 10 1j a m No. 49 980 D m 1310 am 387a m 8.45 am 900 am 8.3) a m 9 18 a m ,11 22 am 12 50 pm 1 pm 255 pm 5.-5 -p m between Wilmington and the south. SOUTHBOUND. m E. SPRINGER & CO. i "District Agents" for the 'GLARES CDTAWAV DISC HARROWS," One of the greatest labor-sav ing machines known, and such work as it does cannot be done by any other machine made. In a few days will show one of the argest and finest lines of American and English doable and single breech C. ding Shot Guns ever brought to this market. sepl7tf PorceU BuUdi-2, Wilmington, N C. m ONLY Agricultural NEWSpaperr . Am DKrrxxDLY thje Mini AgnMtnral Journal of tbe Warli Everr department written by specialists, the highest authorities In their respective lines. No other paper pretends to compare with it In qnallflrationa-of editorial stag. Gives the agricultural NEWS with a degree of completeness not even attempted by others. INDISPENSABLE TO ALL COUNTRY RESIDENTS ' WHO WISH TO KEEP TJP WITH XEEE TIStES. Slsgls Subscription. $1.60; Two Subscription., $2.60; F1t Subscriptions, $5.50. SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS to BAIS EBS OF UBGES CLUBS. , between Wilmington awd san ford. I Four Months? Trial Trip 50 cents. Lv Wilmington. .. t r Florence Ar Chtrleston Ar V3nnn Ar J jekBcnville... At Tampa Dal'y E Sniday. 6 00 a m 925 a m nop m ess pm Pally. 8 p m TwD ID 11 15 p m ami a m 0.60 a m Dafy. 7.09 D m S.55am$ 5 a m 7!5 am 13 45 p m 7.Q-J p mllu oo p m KOBIHBOUND. Lv Tampa , Ar Jacks nvlile ArSaann'th ! -rCarl-ston Ar Florence Ar Wilmington Dal y Ex. Sunday. n.ua p m i au a m 1.10 d m 5 15 p m 8 01 p m 11.45 p ml Daily. 9 30a m 7.00 pm Lis am e.2sam 945 am 1.40 pm West Be und .East Bound Daiiv. Dallv Ly Wilmington." I 910 ami&r. 6.oo pm Ar FayeUevll e... . .. 19 2 p mAr. 5 00 pm I io Ar San otd. i p mLv." 8.45 pm BETWEEN WILMINaTON AND NEWBEEN. Lv Wilmington. Ar Newborn North Bound Bouth Dally ex Sunday. Bound . ...... 12 3S p mlAr. IS 08 pm 540 pmL.v. 90) am JVI Wl Fon. Trains Noe 40 sod 41 carry Pnllman SleeDlnar Cirs betweea Wllminston aod Wasblngton, con- necung wua reana u. ior an points east. w. J. UUA1U, earn Passener Asm. H. . EMEBSON. Traffle MaBUH. 'Jytitt READ DOWN. BPaW CRAWFORD SHOES, $3.50. NOTHING MORE STYLISH AND BETTER j FOR THE PRICE? Phoneus; have us tend up severs) pairB for your inspection. New lot just in. Weant to make you one of the many Crawford customers we nave. ; J. H. REHPER & CO. 615, 617 and 619 North Fourth Street, Car fare paid on purchases of $2.00 and over. jan 4 tf am t W .tK lis EOT 0B s M la S erts 3 Oo a S 1 5 9 ? A Happy Hew Year to You! One and all, of our many 'friends and patrons. We extend our best wishes for your health and prosperity for 1903, and solicit a continuation of your SHOE TRADE, : - - ! Which we hope to merit by giving you the BEST SHOES for the least money. 1 T il 8 lag e a 8 , St a1 ' w w w 08 0. 00 00 00 0. OO CO' -) Ok OS Ok Ok Ok Ot gg-CT-5 a- coooool 8C 1 n .Mm : aS?oi I s g . I? a ? OS CD 00 00 0 GD M r-a I. 1 . -! t-. "fl N.idia(6iowi 0 5SSioi-SI " wo oo.oua.otOflat, 88gg's'--lSrg It 2 g ' SB a s ! w 9 - a 09 a p p. m i CO o a m - CO S.O A a 5 to it M oa Q Wi a SPECIMEN COPIES will be mailed free on request Itwfllpayany. body interested in any way in country life to send for them. Address the publishers : LUTHER TUCKER SON, 'Subscriptions taken at this office. Both papers together, $ Llaxton Bnilding and Loan Association, MAXTON N. C DIBECTOBS: 3m D. OBOOlf, xAxro2r. ED. 1CCBAX, XAXTOS. a., j. uesnsnsoix, xaxtos. a. b. fact jsoxt, HAXToar. J B. VnEATHERLY, 1CAXT0V. W. H. BBBKAJtD, WILHIKQTOll. . K. G. XCE-VZTS. XAXTOH. Initiation ree, ss eentsper snare. . ; BnbscriDtions to stock oavable in weekly ta-; talmente of 25 cents per share. ' The management Is nmdent and eeonomlmJ- S as Is shown by the fact that the Association has sustained no losses, and its annual expenses, tn 1 eluding taxes, are only about Two Hundred : Atlantic anl Horti Carolisa RaHroai 1 'I) & :.-S -;;,:--rr-. I t 3: m Ta Tftk- JBVaet Sasday. Oei. 81. 1900. mt 18.01 A. X some cast. aona wbbt. dec 28 tf GEO. R. FRENCH A SONS. PTTA-NTTrRT I desire to express my sincere thanks to my friends for the more than liberal patronage they have extended me during the past Tear, and with the hope that they have had a merry Christ mas, wish them a happy and prosperous "New Year." If any one has neglected to do their dutyXmas, or wish to "reciprocate" New Year, I have a few 'fleft overs" at a reduced price. : ; " ' j "' -ET. ZP--IR-Rr"FiIR-Furnituire and Furniture Novelties. 1 1 1 Market St. BeHThone 613r decWtt Inter-State 421. OLD UEWSPAPERS. Yon Can Buv Old Hewsuavers in s raas'rrvratns PasB'g'r Trin srrA.ioas Arnvs tavs arrtve Maw; P. at. P. M. ' A. K. A, M. 1 40 Gkrtdsborc...'... il ts ........ n Kinston lt is ' I s w Mewbern. 8 IT oo J T or Morebead otty. T m t tr T.IM. P.M. A. M. A. M. 51 Quantities to Suit at the STAB OFFICE Train connects with w. w. train txmsa Morth, leaving Qoldsboro at 11.18 A. ML, and with Sonthern Railway train West, leaying -oldsboro 2. OOP. h., and with w. t H. at New bern for Wilmington and Intermediate points. Train s eonnects with Sonthern Railway ta aln, arrlvlnpt at Qoldsboro t.00 P. H., and with W. W. train from the North at tM P. M. Ho. 1 train also oonnects with W. 4t W. forWlUainn ton and intermediate points. oct xi a . oiu, Bap Tbe Clyde Steamship Co Hew York, Wilmington,, II. C, and Georgetown, S.C., Lines. THE UURCHIS01I 1IATI011AL BA1IK, OF WIUE-RfiTON, If. C j - coypABAirx statxicbnt. . Deposits, Bhowin? increase of business since organization. March lstr-18.. . . .v. .... ..... ,..'..-.,, t5wa,oou December 31 st, 1899..;. . ..-.U ... i . . 'A a December 31st. 1900 ,uw TW-tmher 31s.-1901 . . . . . i L . . i . . . i . . i .V. . I -. . . Ti i i V r. 684,0U0 December 31st. 1902 ii . , , X o v. .-.. 1,200,000 H. c. ncuuEEfi. Presissnt, r J. v. bMAumtii, wssai-iv Suitable for Wranpims Faner and Excellent for Placing Under Carnet Lands Posted. The prnnes of hn-Ongon my lands near WUminston haylas been teased, aB persons are hereby warned agaln-tB-ootlns. IranUns, raas- ng or (itherwlss tresplBg oo said tanas. : , - Hw Tsrk Mr WU-isst - onkida... ..... ........... Batnrday, Jan. iaT QIO. W. CLYDE BatnrdaTt JftB. '17 Wwmu 'iTU-alactaa. far Haw Yark. C-YD-............... ....... Batoruay, . Jan. oneida.... ............... Batorday. v Jan. iz WTm Wll-lnts m tor" Bwiisnna. CI.TDS.. ....Tuesday, - Jan. ft ontida...... ............. ..Tuesday, - Jan. 8teamain Oneida does not carry sensors. - iYzr ' fizzA 'Thraaan Bills adl and Through Bates guaranteed ta aaatroa m north ana bouui uarouna. ror vreia-i anajpassago .appry w ".;'' -:. v. WUmisu M. ft. , . IHXO. a enoteeneril aaager, T- - -- J. 0 SHEPABD, Jb., Wilmington. :mar avn. on iian. ' nor tt . 8. W. XQBUU for sale by J. 0.8hewr ta tiiia) .. : . : i

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