PUZZLE PICT U KEQ. THE WEELITTLES IN NEW YORK. The wejElittles meet a lady acquaintance or) the stone fteps approaching, the, ounTarn In Central Parh. FIND THEIR LADY The Kind You Have Always in use for over 30 years, - and has 7V Jas sona aaa.w . aav vaav v a.a W V JF aa. UUOf All Counterfeits. Imitations and Just-as-good" are but .Experiments that trine with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment What is CASTOR I A Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor . other . Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea fend Wind Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS S7 Bears the $18 Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THf CCHTMlR COIIMin, TT HU1IRM lIMil. MEW TOUR CITY. I NORTH Hi HOT SPIES ! I 1 HUE HOTEL Hoi Mineral Drinking Water and Baths, with temperature ranglzur. from netv-srix to one hundred and ten degrees leci&c for Rheumatism. Gout, 8ciatica. i cases which they will not greatly relieve, "and few which" they will not siuvtity core, u raUhruily used- These i 71 U N T A I N PARK H OTEL, ostetry with accommodations for Three Hundred Quests, and New, Mod Elegant. Situated in a park of one hundred acres, on the bank- of - the each Broad River, thirty-five miles west Southern Railway, surrounded by some .ttocsy fountains, jno Humidity. Mo su re-Seeker, an Eden for the Rheumatic. No healthier, no more delight- piace in tne world. Write us far Illustrated Booklet, with HOWELL COBB, Proprietor. aar 9tf u ATLANTIC TRUST AND BANKING CO., I 16 Princess Street, Wilmington, N. C, f Solicits your account. Pays 4 per cent, interest on deposits, com- . poanded qoarterlj. Deposits made araw interest from February 1st. XT jr. It EVER. President, r nirCHELL F. ALLEN, Oithler. t DIRECTORS : i. Rogers, J. G. L. Gieschen, B. H. J. I K. B. Bellamy, John H. Kuc kl. M. Bear, O. W. Yates, ' D McEachern, Matt J. Heyer. dec 25 tf .OTPS PENNYROYAL ' 01 menstruation. xney are iiXx1 HAVliiKSJ' to girls at womanhood, aiding development of organs and body. No known remedy for women equals them. Cannot do harm life becomes a pleasure. $1.00 PER BOX BY MAIL. Sold by druggists. DR. MOTT'S CHEMICAL CO., Cleveland, Ohio. , U. lags E. R. Potatoes. ag8 Ohio Potatoes, ags Bliss (en route); . 'arrela Mullets. lro8s Globe Matches. toss Coast Matches. toss Atlantic Matches. "088 Little Star Matches, "088 Matches, free with 10. " W. B. COOPER, V SO WfeeiMal or, Wlunlggton, it. o. ACQUAINTANCE. Bought, and which has been, has borne the signature of been made under his per- supervision since its infancy Signature of Stronelv Alkaline and Nature's and all kindred troubles. There are oprings aretn the grounds of the of Asheville, on the main line of of the grandest mountains east of Fogs. A delightful Home for the Analysis and Testimonials. on or before February 2nd will E. IX. or. AHBEN8, Tlee President Ahren. B. Solomon, Martin O'Brieni PILLS They overcome Weak ness, irrejrularity and omissions, increase ng- or and banian, "pains C 8HKPARD, Jr.. Wilmington. FINE BUTTER. We are now receiving the Celebrated, BOSCOBEL PRINTBUTTER, - in one pound blocks. This, wet believe to be the finest Butter for sale in Wilmington, Those desiring something really nice will please giro ns a call ana examine - - "-, WZLmSGTOIT GftOOESY CO-, Jani7tf . No, u south Front street. flN THE GHOST'S PATH 5 far t;opyright, 1KB, by the - S. S- McClure Company g Mary Manners was at war with her self and with all ; the world. Will Voight found that this was not a case where "present company Is excepted." "No," she said and shook her head so decidedly: tip t certain rebellious curls bobbed In her eyes. "No. I don't want to go to the theater. I want to be alone and to think. Who could think in a hot, stuffy theater? We will go to the park." He ventured to hint that even his presence ' might be a bar to the flow of thought . "I could not go alone, stupid! It would not be proper." "Or interesting." She flashed him a look, and he sub sided. The park looked cold and rather gloomy, but her sigh of satisfaction "oh, it's going into the wateb! bate m 8AYK IT I was quite ecstatic as she cried, "Oh, I do love the park!" "So do I in summer," "But now, when the breath of spring is in the air." "More winter than spring in this air," he retorted grimly. "There is a lot of Ice still in these sheltered walks. so do let me help you." But she refused his proffered band and stepped daintily along. She even hummed a fragment of a gay dance tune. Evidently her spirits were ris ing In proportion as his felL Overhead the bare branches creaked and sighed. Underfoot the walk looked treacherous enough in the fitful glimmer of the gas lamps. Now came a bit of incline. She start ed down recklessly, with a challenging look at her silent escort. "Let's see who gets to the bottom first." But on the instant her foot caught on a bit of gravel. She swayed and would have fallen If his readyhand had not steadied her. The effort, however, de stroyed his own equilibrium. Down, down rolled the dignified Mr. Voight to the bottom of the slide. His high silk hat rolled even faster; In an exploring expedition toward the little brook that ran alongside the path. The girl clasped her hands tragically. Oh, it is going into the water! Save ltl Save ltl" Then she burst out laugh ing. . Mr. Voight raised himself stiffly and went in chase of the hat.' When he brought It back, she was still laughing. "I am glad that I afforded you so much amusement." His tone was very freezing. "And I am happy to ten you that the hat has escaped injury. Your anxiety about it was quite remarkable. As for my injuries oh, that is a mat' ter of no consequence, to you evident ly." .- - Her laughter had died away, and she bent toward Jilm contritely. "Forgive my laughing! If you could only have seen how-funny you looked! Another paroxysm was threatened, but she steadied her .voice as she caught sight of his .face. "But you are not hurt, are you? Just let me brush : you off. and you will be all right, Will.' "Will" refused to be placated He had been laughed at, and 'ridicule pierces to the Innermost core of a man's being, "Don't pretend an Interest you have just shown conclusively you' do not feeL I am quite ready to resume our walk homeward." And he turned and began to ascend the Incline. The girl was glad that the friendly darkness hid . her Involuntary expres sion of pained surprise. William the meek, William the long suffering, had rebelled. She had teased him and played with him. This, then, was the last straw.' Then a wave of indignation flooded over her. How rude he was, how un kind 1 She stood still and gazed at the tall figure hurrying up the slope. How could be treat her so? She would go home alone. But the, park was very dark and silent. A cold tremor seized her. She was afraid .a With most undignified haste she hur ried after and caught up with him, panting. A glanceathim brought back her courage. His bearing was any thing but victorious. Her tone matched his own as she said: "I cannot go home alone. We need not have any further conversa tion, however, and I won't trouble you again." - r , -Voight winced visibly atr her words. There were signs' of yielding as he re plied, "You know that I am always glad to do thingsifof you." 3 " Miss Manners laughed bitterly. rAnd yet you were going to leave me alone just now. It .wasn't a kind, wasn't a gentlemanly, thing to do." His anger flamed up again.' "I could not endure . your mockery. It simply showed that I had been mistaken all along; that you -did not care for me; bad been only playing with me." Her voice was. low and vibrant as she retorted: "That is why I was rest less tonight, why I have- been restless for many days. -- Iwas trying to make. up my mind whether J really loved you. xou have Helped me to solve tne question. I can give you the answer now. It is No L He was too stunned to speak, and so they hurried on in silence. An angry spot of color burned. In the girl's cheeks. but the darkness bid-this as .well as the glint of tears in her eyes and the pallorpf the man's face." - , Jor Croup use OHE- NETB, ... EXPECTOR ANT. For amle by J. attyeoar : Suddenly" he caugnfTEer tQ him al- must rudely. She struggled, but he lifted her rodlly and then . set her down, trembling. Even as her. cry of Indignation rang but there was a blaze Df white light, a whir of .wheels and the automobile .was out of eight. : Voighfs voice trembled as he whis-. pered, "That is the White Ghost, but. It might have been the White Death for both of us," He held her in his arms, though she struggled. Sfte was yet too Indignant and too startled to realize her narrow escape. After a moment: "What was It to you if I had been killed? What right - have you to interfere?" There was a traitorous tremble in her voice that gave him courage. "The right of loving you. Had the last ten minutes made life .seem so Worthless for you too?" He tried to see her face, but she had hidden it on his shoulder. He bent his head till his lips almost touched her hair. "Can't you find it in your heart to change your answer?" Her farce was,stUl hidden, and only a lover's ear couldnave caught the faint reply. .. ....... Orison of Old Glory. In the reminiscences of Lord Eonald Gower is found a story of the origin of the stars and stripes. The "star spangled banner" of the American republic has its origin from an old brass en the floor of Brington church. In Northamptonshire. The brass covers the tomb of one Robert Washington and is dated 1622. On it appears the Washington coat of arms. consisting of three stars, with bars or stripes beneath them. On the first day of the new year," 1776, the thirteen united colonies raised a standard at Washington's headquarters. This introduced the stripes of the present but retained the crosses of St. George and St. Andrew on a blue ground in the corner. In 1777 the cross es were replaced by stars, as the Dec laration of Independence rendered the retention of the English element unnec essary and inconvenient. In thus adopt ing the arms of his ancestors as his own distinctive badge Washington no doubt intended the flag merely as a private signal for his own personal fol lowing, but it was at once adopted as a national emblem: ' Probably there is not another case In the world's history in which the private arms of an ob scure family have attained such "world wide eminence and repute. Intelll arent Robins. The following incident seems too re markable ta be true, and yet it is vouch- eu lor Dy a writer wnose wora snouiu not be doubted: Two robins were try ing to teach their little one to fly. It attempted to cover too great a distance and fell to the ground. My little boy caught it, and I told him to put it on the roof of our side porch. Then he and I watched to see what the old birds would do. They fluttered about the yard for awhile and then flew off. We waited for them to re turn, but they did not, and I had just made up my mind that they had de serted the young one when I saw them coming, accompanied by a third one. They flew directly to the roof of the porch, and I saw that one of them bad a piece of twine in its bill. And what do you suppose they did next? If I had not seen it, I never would have believed it. Two of them, caught bold of the twine, one at each end, and the little one 'caught the mid dle of it in his bilL Then they flew off the porch, the third robin flying under the little one and supporting It on his back. Minneapolis Journal. It Contents. Ida I really believe that you know the contents of this love letter. May (impatiently) Oh, nonsense. Ida There! Didn't I say you -knew what it contained? Chicago News. Trlaa to Conceal It. It's the old story of "murder will out," only in this case there's norime. A woman feels run down, has back ache or dyspepsia and think's it's noth in? and tries to hide it until she final ly breaks down. Don't deceive . your elf. Take Electric Bitters at once. It has a reputation for "curing Stomacb. Liver and Kidney- trouble, and will revivify your whole system. The wont forms of those maladies will-aufeklv yield to the curative powers of Klectrlo Bitten, pnly 50 cent, and guaranteed oy u. a. ttKiXAXYv druggist. . ,t . i PUm! Piles! i?Uotrt " Dr. Williams' Indian, Pile Olntmeni is prepared to cure Piles and DOES I? In short .order. . Easy to. apply, every box ruaranteed. 60c.: and $1-00. All drogrists or by xnaiL Wn.lJAWH Wa Co., Cleveland, Ohio. ' Bold by J. Oi Bnenpard. Jr.v - : .. . CASH FOR Beeswax If you have some to sell ship it to us and will allow you 27 l-2c Per Lb., F. O.B. Wilmington. Williamsyille Hfg o., Wmianxsviile, Mass. sep 21 3m su we fr CHICHISTIR CnttUSN . tat tjuvumiiA's xiuuaa II. HKD kb ("11 MUUto ban.. mmlM witl ribbon, 'l'ske m vUier. BeAu P.UW.I. SnbotltBttrau mmi Imlta Uma. Bay of jor Dram lit. Kad 4. la . mmmmt r Partla-iKr. TertrwiKl-1. l U M4BAllerfarL-leAiM-r,k;r-. k V tinKdL 0,oe TAnlmtoalAlA. S.k!bT r tH DwMiitMT ('kt.Adc. Ca UmamtUtftm. Miihia ftirTr. r"-' i 11" apt ir We sa su - ; PAID j The Tonle Par Excellonco. V CA wme-OordlaU .. II J ' v. The best specific remedy for ... . II . t lVJalarIal and Typhoid; 5 . v ; ' Fevers, '-,. Af I N, Vv,:.;?-;: ..r' XvColds, Influenza, Ao.X I . ' '1anl tf we -'"'.'"' . -l . . SMBSSBMS.SHSBBSaVSHBSBWBSSBBBBBBSkMPBSmHBSKaBBBBSBBHVSMBSSHBSBM . '" ' " " Plenty of Hew coming m. Ill They hare opened up L: - r . this week. CHYliOll HAC11ET SIOHG Beantifal Mercerized Si)k Finished White Goods. We have a most exquisite line of the newest v and prettiest patterns for ladies' early Spring -Waists run in prices from 18c to 29c per yd; we have a pretty line of White Goods from 8o to 12 per yd; 100 pieces India Linen. 12o values, we now offer at 10c be fore the season opens. A special drive in Silks all colors in pretty China Silk at 29c per yd. An elegant Taffetta Bilk in all colors and black at42c: an extra heavy quality of Blaek Taffetta Silk, -yard wide, special at 88c, worth SI; a beautiful White China Silk at 50c per yd ; a guaranteed Taffetta Silk $1.19 per yd; the heaviest and best warranted Taffetta, yard wide, at fl.39 per yd." Fifty pieces pretty Tricots in all the shades pinks, brisrht blues and all staple colors, special at 25o per yd. A big selection of pretty patterns in a F. O. Madras, special at 10c per yd; a beautiful line of Madras in extremely pretty colors, equal to best 10c quality, we are sell ing at 8c. A nice line of Worsteds, special this week at 9c per yd. Nine thousand yards Tobacco Cloth, one yard wide, at If o per yard; 1,000 yards heavy Homespun at 4o per yard; 450 yards Old Glory Bleaching, equal to Fruit of Loom, al7c per yard. Splendid yard wide Cavalier Bleaching at 6c. Fruit of Loom, Masonville, Andros coggin and Barker's plenty of all grades. A big drive in Birdseye, best antisep tic quality, at 60c, 60c, 70c, 75c and 85c for the widest; also a full stock oi Kubber Sheeting yd wide at 88c, yard wide for 60c, 2 yards wide for $1. Window Shades Our shade depart ment will be full and complete: shades 10c op, best opaque linen-shades 23c; heavy knotted foreign shades 25c: dadoed and figured shades for 85c. Lace Curtains Do you need anvf If you do look at our line. We buy direct from the factory in wholesale quantities and,can undenell competi tion; good curtains at 45c a pair; 8 Gaylord's Big GEO. O. GAYLORD. jan 25 tf BUM OUR COAL This Coal is just as City at present. Coal. Stove, Grate or Furnace. It is ail lump and will not melt and run together, all reports to the con trary notwithstanding. Remember it is only $5.00 per ton, weight and quality guaranteed. Give ua your orders and save money. Wm. E, Worth & Co. " Phonea Bell 94. Inter-State 146. WM. E. SPRINGER S CO. v District ABent8n for the "CLARKS CUTAWAY argest and finest lines, of American 0. ding Shot Guns ever brought to sepl7tf Parcel! cofveicirr. SOUTHERN OIL AND SUPPLY OO.'S Imbrleatlas. Unseed and lUvmlnawtlnK'Olls. Give ns trial order. - ; Fnones -inter State 73. Bell 645. GEO. R. FRCrJOH Cl SONQ. jan 25 tf Spring Goods many cases of new and pretty goods yard long curtains at 75c a pair; beau tiful 3 yard curtains at 1 a pair. Blankets We are anxious to close out our stock and win undersell any competition in heavy "wool blankets; good 11-4 Blankets at S1.85: best all wool Blanket for $3 50. Our $5 Blank ets are going for 5.75. ; TheBe prices are quoted spot cash and we punch no card on them, : it is simply turning Blankets into money. Out in Prices on Ladies' Hats We will give you your choice out of 600 Hats for 25c each. We also have about 100 ready-to wear Hats, you can have your choice of for 60o each. In ladies' early 8pring Hats, we have plenty of pretty black chips: nice nobby black Sailors and plenty of new 8pring flowers; 500 nieces pretty new Kibbon ana 4UU yards yara-wiae uux wmci we are selling at S5e per yard. All Silk Ribbon No. 40, In pretty colon, at 10c per yd. Good Sailors 25c. 35c and 50c. Shoes wet weather calls for shoes we have thousands of pairs. We try hard to fit your feet and suit your pocketbook. We sell nothing but guaranteed all solid shoes or no sale. Our men's guaranteed shoe at f 1.25 cannot be matched in 'the city it is built of leather and made to wear it is made to fit and will not rip. It com bines elegance and service, and our price is $1 25. Call for the Heart and Arrow Shoe and you get the best. In Ladles' Shoes, why not buy the Vicious? They are $1.50, and are equal to any $3 shoe sold in the city. We recommend them to wear, look and fit well, and will not rip. The manufacturers guarantee them. If they fail to do what we say, we give you a new shoe and they foot the bill. Do you trade with us! If not, why not? We are your friends. We give presents with all cash purchases. Get your card punched and do your trad ing at Racket Store. PEOPBIETOE. AND KEEP WARM. good as any that is sold in the It will burn freely in either jan 25 tf DISC HARROWS," One of the greatest labor-sav ing machines known, and such work as it does cannot be done by any other machine made. In a few days will show one of the and English double and single breech this market. Building, Wilmington, N 0. WHAT OFTEN HAPPENS I Yon. nave tees coal In the cellar than yon thoueht The strike has put tne price of Anthracite oeyond our reach; however, we have vu iuuiu o targe quantity oi Red Jacket Effff, Tennesee Jellleo, ' Hoanta4a Ash and Coke. which are the best substitutes for Anthracite. Will be pleased to receive your orders, and will uo oar Desi to piease you. The Coal, Cement & Supply Co. Bole Agents and Distributers. 1 Davis loo per cent, pure Paints, Colors Varnishes, and and 814. South Front street, JanBtt juaJce Men's xeet giaa. xney are the best that can be produced for Style. Wear and Comfort We sell them in Vici, Calf and Box Calf, Bals, Bluchers and Congress. Price.$3;00 and $3.50. - They are trade Thinners that bring tne trade. . SEE OUB WINDOW. Coal Ssiz Schn Shoes ATEiBTIC coast im LOW ROUND TRIP Rates From Wilmington Mardi-Gras, New Orleans, La., Feb. 18th-24tb, 1903. Dates of sale Feb. 17th to 23rd, inclusive. Final limit Feb. 28th. Bate, $25.00. By deposit of tickets by original purchasers with Mr. Joseph Richardson, special agent, New Orleans, not earlier than Feb. 18th nor later than Feb. 28th and upon pay ment of fee of 50 cts. per ticket at time of deposit an extension of the final limit to a date not later than March 14th, 1903, may be obtained. W. J. CRAIG, g Approved: Gen'i Passenger Agent' H. M. EMERSON, ' Traffic Manager, nov 15 tf . SEABOARD Air Line Railway Schedule in Effect Jan. 11, 1903. TBAm Leaves wamlnston at 4:80 P. sL, ar- 89 rives Ltunberton 6:56 P. ml, Fembroke itm r. bu, sLaxton 7:ss r. au, Bamiet - 8:40 r. u. TRAIN Leaves Hamlet at 6:30 A. M., arrives 0 uaxton 9:13 A. WL, Pembroke 9:48 A. M., Lomberton 10.-08 A. 1L, Wllmlns:- . ton is.au noon. WESTBOUND FROM HAMLET. Hamlet.... 8 60am ooonm Ar Monroe..... Ar Charlotte Ar Chester.... 10 as am 10.4S n m ii.4o;am 12.01 p m 11 59 p m 1160pm Ar Greenwood Ar Athens............... Ar Atlanta, aa.. ............. 8.iy p m 5 19 p m 8.05 am 415am 7.upm 6.15 am Close connection at Atlanta tor Monteomorr. Mobile. New Orleans -and all nolnta In Texas. Tdexteo and Oallfornla; also for Ohattanoosa. i-asnvuie, Masvuie, us. boms, uincinnau, Ohlcaeo. : and Western and .Northwestern POISBS. BOXJTHBOUND rBOX HAMLET. Lv Hamlet Ar Columbia.... .. sooam 7S4:am 9 45 am l so p m 8 45 am 9 30pm l.io a m 455am lissam Ar Savannah: sispm 7 40pm ar jaoKsonvLue. .. 915am Ar Tampa. 6 45am! eoopm NORTHBOUND FBOX HASOJCT. Lv Hamlet....... Ar Balelgh Ar Norllna ...... as 10JK p m 8 0) am 11.10 am 1.25 p m 1.15 a m 8.18 am 7.X 0 a m Ar Portsmouth . Ar Norfolk....... 5.85 pm Lv Hamlet..... Ar Raleigh 10.25 p mi 8.45 am 12 C9 a m 2.88 am i 15 a m S.18 a m 5.83 am 11.45 am Ar Norllna.:.. 1.85 pm 4.C9 o m Ar Petersburg at Bicnmom ond.. 6.10 a ml 4.55 pm 8.85 Dm 6.40 am 10.10 a m Ar Washington.... 9.45 a m at isainmore Ar New York 10.62 a m 11.25 p ml 11.31 am 445pm 3.15 p m o.au a m Throueh Pullman sleepers from Hamlet to an points North, South and Southwest. -. For tickets, PoUman reservations, etc, apply to Thomas D. Hearee, Qeneral Agent. Wllmliig ton. . u. jan is ti READ DOWN. -l--AAll 8" g o 8 eeoeeeo o e 8 12 CO "3 os - 8 eseoeseaose.ee ''& HI ilf- S IH ? B a ? o 8? m 3 IH H OB Q w a o . M.S. eoeooo o-wBw 82 02L a II 08 a 9 Pa 5 - CO Si a 0 M a aT 22 o Is- 3 to GO GO a6 CD OOfOB -a0 S3' i! 3 OKtIOOKl '885S58! m o or Or w e o st 5 a OCT-gOTOOQl O 5JOOOO 'ggssss's dn QV3U Seed Potatoes J ANUARY ARRIVAL. EARLY ROSE, WHITE BLISS, POLARIS, BOVEE. All early varieties and adapted to this soil and climate. Spring Oats, Wheat. Boole your orders. THE WORTH CO., jan 9 tf ; WHmliigton. N. O. ' Family Groceries. FINE DRESSED Turkeys, Chickens and Esso. All kinds of choice Family Gro ceries. ' Cheapest Grocery in the city. C. -0. ALEXANDER. No. 15 North Second St. janstr . "THE FAVORITE. The Favorite" Barber Shop la now more at: tractive than ever. Beoent Improvement make It more pleasing to the eye: while It still mM'talns its old reootatlon for the very best 1 aerrloe to Its patrons. . - -r - HUUMC IWTIS. no tt tf . ; - - ' t Boatb Front Btree . . ATLANTIC i COAST um. 8ehe4-u Im Bfl-eet Jan. 11, 1903. NOBXHBOUND. Lv Wilmington... tin's ESt-40 Ar Wilson... .. p H 8 88 P n - Ar Rocky Mount.'.'.". i 5 5! ?-J2 m - Xr Washington";; lilto ?, a m At BaiainorT. . . . . . . l sa 2 o S a " Ar Pailadelpaia'..... 4 ob a ii I? 5 S r sew Togg?.::::;:::::::: ff6 glH, 2 SOUTHBOUND . - -r k Triru Vo.'H No. 49 iftiMS?1 11 so a m is 10 a m a 144 pm 8 87a m Ar Richmond. ... '. . ." ' ' ".' " ' ' m n 1 22 i ? Ar wumtagton..:;-;.::;;:;;; g g g . BETWEEN WlUHKOTON AND THE SOUTH. Dally Ex. Bnuday. Dallv. Lv Wilmington. A r Florence Ar Charleston... Ar Savannah.. . Ar Jacksonville. Ar Tampa Daily. 7.oo p m S.55sm 645 a m 766 am 6 00 am! 925 am 1 10 p m 6SS pm 345 p m 7 SOD m ii 15 p m o.uo a m 9.00 a m 7.00 pm 1145 pm iu.uu p m BOBTHBOUKD. Daily Ex. Sunday. Daily. 980am 7.00 pm 1.15 am 6.25 am 945 a tu 1.40 pm Lv Tampa.. ........ Ar Jacksonville..., Ar Savannah... .., Ar Charleston.. ... Ar Florence Ax Wilmington B.0S p m 7.80 a m 1.10 p m 5.15 p m 8 00 n sa 11.45 p m BETWEEN WILMINGTON AND BAN FORD. West Bound .East Bonnd . . Daily, Dally Lv Wilmington. I 9.10 amiAr. aoo pm Ar Payettevllle... . ..lis 21 p m Ar. 5.00 p m Ar Sanford 160pmLv. 8.4S pm BETWEEN WILMINQTON AND NEWBERN. North Bound Bontta . Dally ex Sunday. Bound Lv Wilmington is 83 p mAr. U 08 p m Ar Newbern 5 40 p mLv. 9 03 a m Via Wilson. Trains Nob. 40 and 41 carry Pullman Sleeping Cars between Wllmlneton and Washington, con necting with Fenna R. R, for all points east. W. J. CBAIQ, ' eienl FasBenger Agent H. n. CMBRSON, Trafllo Kanagar. JyM tt Wholesale and Retail Dealer In HARDWARE, No. 109 and III North Front St., Wilmington, N. C. Hardware of everv descrlDtlon at the vrv closest nrlces. We bnv in car load totn and nan sell cheaper than those who bay In smaller quantities. Complete line of Aerlcnltnrai imnlementn and Mechanics' Tools. We can sell yon from a Tack Hammer to a Steam Engine, and from a Plow Point to the latest Improved Farming Ma chinery, i -Fine stock of Cutlery, Guns, Pistols and SDortlDK Goods.. Loaded Shells with Black or . Smokeless ; Powder, Hunting Suits, Game Bags, etc. Cooking Stoves and steel Ranges from the largest to the smallest in size as well as price. Tinware, Agate Ware and Wooden Ware, Buckets for the well and domestic purposes. Plows, Harrows, sweeps, Hoes, shovels and Spades at prices to suit the farmer. Knives and Forks, Cutlery, etc. Cart Axles, Boxes, Collars and Hames. Trace Chains. Back-bands and everything used on a well regulated farm. ion on , Don't Come to Town Then go back and tell your friends "I ain't seen no FURNITURE MAN yet," because we are still do ing business at 110 and 112 Market . street. GASTON D. PHARES & CO., The Furniture Man. jansstf Atlantic aa. North Carolina BaOroai Tv.fr I H. a. To V B-JToo Stindaty. Oct. 81. 1900. . 18.101 A. U. eons easz. aoma wksx Fttac g'r 5r:us ParYrfraa Arrive Laa A.K. A. at 11 OS 10 M ........ ' jit tot T T IT A. M. A. K. nioa8 Arrive tava p. at. I 40 H 5 80 T 0T' P. M. QoiacDcro.. (Klnston... ...... 40 T GJ p.m. sewDern. ..... iforehead Olty. train 4 oonnecta with W. A W. train bonnd Worth, leaving soldsboro at 1145 A, K. and with Southern Railway train west, leaving eoldsboro 8.00 p. bl, and with W. N. at New born for Wilmington and intermediate points. Train I connects with sonthern Bauwav tt ain. arriving at Goldsboro t.00 p. U., and with W. a w. tram from the North at 1,06 p. K. No. 1 train also connects with W. a X. lor Wllmln? ton and Intermediate points. oci si ti a. DIU Burt The Clyde Steamship Co New Hon, WUilogton,, II. C, and Georgetown, S. C, Lines. Wromti new Trk rer CARIB... ........ ........ Batorday, Jaa. si onxida Batorday. Fen. 7 rroaa trilmlnctoa tor H aw Tarku CABIB Tuesday, Jan. S7 ONEIDA.... Saturday, Jan. 81 riiB-Higf m for rgMewa. ONXIDA...... ............ ...Tneeday. Jan. 127 CARIB.... ........ ,t ....... .Tuesday, Feb. s BteamshlD Oarib has sbod : paflsemrer ac- eommototton. - -v . Through 'i Bills - Lading ana i lowest ;h Bates Knaranteedto and from noma In Morih and South Carolina. for neighs and passage vrvtrttt H. tt. BJIAJaU wr f hso. a. tan 24 f bsb, eenerai Hanager, 1 mate ttreetTvinr vn NOTICE. Notice la herebT riven that an annllealloB will be made to the next General Assembly for , the passage of an Aet eranttng a charter to the Elizabeth City add Carolina Through Line Railroad do (or other name sueeeetedat time of making application) to build a railroads from Wllmln gton. N. 0to SUaabeth City, N. 0. narjjMM888. B0BEBT Q GBAi. WOaatB A

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