, A UR3B3- THE TRAVELS OF COLUMBUS. 1 BSRP wramnvi ajva mi crew were now J odd until the Joyful siijvaJ from 4he PiQtL gun announced thai land hJ been sighted. II wa first dJacoT-j red by Rodriguez Beamejo, FIND CANNON AND HIDDEN GUNNER. The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been. in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of and has been made under his per--TV sonal sapervision since its infancy. " -v uvwa w wA AAA II fm All Counterfeits, Imitations and "tJust-as-grxxl" are but .Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Sears the Signature of 9 ? V y v v v : V V V X i. t v X 4 t 4 I X A The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TMC CCMT.UM CMMIT, TT BURMA V STOUT. ! TOUK CfTY. PRDDENT ADVERTISERS SHOULD NOTE THESE FACTS. THE MORNING STAR -IS OLDEST DAILY NEWSPAPER IN NORTH CAROLINA. t AND NEVER SINGE ITS FIRST ISSUE HAS THERE BEEN ANY CHANGE OF NAME, PROPRIE TORSHIP OR EDITORIAL MAN AGEMENT. IT GUARANTEES A MUCH LARGER REGULAR, BONA FIDE CIRCULATION THAN ANY OTHER DAILY NEWS PAPER PUBLISHED IN WILMINGTON. This claim has never been challenged by any competing sewspaper. cor rate and sample copies, address OTH. H. BERNARD, Editor and Proprietor, . WIlmlafftoB, V. C. 1 NORTH CAROLINA HOT SPRIGS THE 1 1 PARK HOTEL. Hot Mineral Drinking Water And Baths, with temperature murine trom ninety-six to one hundred and ten degrees. Strongly Alkaline and Nature's Specific for Rheumatism, Goat. 8ciatica, and all kindred troubles. Thore are no eases which they will not gTeatly reliere, and few which they will not positively cure, If faithfully used These Springs are in the grounds of the MOUNTAIN PARK HOTEL, A Hostelry with accommodations for Three Hundred Guests, and New. Mod era, Elegant. Situated in a park of one hundred acres, on the bank of the french Broad Hirer, thirty-five miles west of Asherille, on the main line of uo ooutnern ttailway, surrounded by some of the rrandest mountains east or f leasure-Seeker, an Eden for the Rheumatic No healthier, no more delight ful place in the world. Write us for .Illustrated Booklet, with Analysis and Testimonials. - . mar 9 t! Howell Cobb, Proprietor; IimS. SFICER'S CATCH Original. ! I never approved of Mrs. Spicer course. That I wish "distinctly under stood. Whether sne had any private grief of her own to avenge ; I don't know. At any rate, she might have ac complished the same result without publicly wounding any one's feelings. Herbert Vincent was an athlete and a good fellow with one especial weak nesshe was easily led by women. But as all men are more or less weak in this respect Herbert was not blamed by his friends. Indeed, there was some thing amusing in the violence of his love affairs. At last, however, he set tled down to two women. He was very fond of a yor.ng girl. Hazel Abbey, and in love with a widow, Mrs. Ara bella Bates. Miss Abbey was too young and inexperienced to cope with Mrs. Bates,, who drew the massive body of Mr. Vincent in her wake as a tug will draw a ship. Hazel would have ruined all by a display of jealousy had it not been for Mrs. Spicer, who in the ways of the world could discount the widow and give her points besides. "You keep away from Herbert," sold Mrs. Spicer, "while the fever is on him. Sooner or later it will pass away." Hazel bad the good sense to take the advice, and she went away for a visit. One evening Mrs. Spicer was chat ting with Herbert at a ball. Mrs. Bates was present, and, passing the couple on the arm of a cavalier, she gave Vincent a smile that displayed a set of very white and regular teeth. "Oh. If I had such teeth "as Mrs. Bates," said Mrs. Spicer, throwing up her hands dramatically, "I'd not. ask for another beauty.', "They are as white as her unblem ished soul!" exclaimed Vincent. "If I were a man and had a ladylove with such teeth, I would never rest till I had one of them for a keepsake. I'd wear It next my heart." Vincent made no reply, but the next time he was left alone with Mrs. Bates he entered into raptures upon what he called "pearl crescents," meaning her upper and under rows of teeth, asking her to give him one little tooth from an unexposed place. The widow, demur red, spoke of the dreadful pain she would suffer, the fact that the tooth would never grow again In fact, made every excuse in reason and beyond rea son but Herbert pleaded and whined and threatened till at last he secured a promise that he should have his heart's desire. A few days later he called on Mrs. Bates and received the tooth, wrapped in a bit of white, scented tis sue paper. The widow showed him the spot left vacant, whereupon he gath ered her in his arms. The next time Vincent met Mrs. Spi cer, while he was leaning over to pick up her handkerchief, she caught sight of a delicate gold chain which had be come entangled in the collar button at the back of his neck. She knew be was wearing the tooth. Before the close of the social season Mrs. Spicer gave a cotillon party at which Mr. Vincent, Mrs. Bates and Miss Abbey were present. Mr. Vincent was somewhat troubled at the presence of the two women who held the chief place in his heart; but, as usual, the widow, by superior "push, carried the evening and secured her a4mirer for a partner. Miss Abbey, seeing him car ried off, turned her face to the wall to hide her vexation, then faced about and accepted for a partner a meek look lug young man who had asked her. Mrs. Spicer made a list of the figures In the dance which she gave to the leader. This was one of them: A lady would place an ivory bit in the mouth of another lady and with a pair of fancy reins drive her to the gentleman with whom she was to dance the fig ure. A number of ladies had been thus driven when the hostess appeared be fore Mrs. Bates and, placing the bit between her teeth, drove her once around the room, then stopped before Mr. Herbert Vincent. Just as be was about to put his right arm about his partner Mrs. Spicer gave a terrific jerk on the reins, with a sawing motion, that nearly pulled the widow over backward. There was a shriek, add a double set of false teeth fell on the floor. : Mr. Vincent was a true cavalier. The teeth had scarcely touched the floor when be dropped his handkerchief over them, picked It up with the teeth, and before any one but himself and one or two immediate bystanders had seen what had happened he sailed away with Mrs. Bates. After onee or twice circling the room he paused before the doorway and, leading his partner into the hall at the foot of the -staircase,-handed her the teeth,-, still inclosed in the handkerchief. Catching at them, she turned and - hurried away to the ladies' robing room. . Herbert Vincent and Mrs. Spicer were not again on speaking terms that season. He bitterly - condemned her for her ungracious act, though the lady went about with a self satisfied air, as though she had accomplished a great feat. Vincent's next call upon Mrs. Bates was fraught with embar rassment. He was so considerate as to swear eternal devotion, but his words had a hollow sound that did not deceive the widow, who knew that the end of her reign had come. Her lover left her ' feeling very uncom fortable and, needing a soIaCe for his disturbed feelings, dropped In by the way Jo console himself with a visit to Miss Hazel Abbey. Hazel, who had. learned of the device of -her friend in her own behalf, had the good sense to pretend Ignorance of it and made her self very agreeable. That's the end of the story. Mr. Vin cent was landed safely in the matrimo nial net held by Mrs. Spicer nd the catch turned over to Miss Abbey. P. A. MITCHEL. A Ship Under Sail. A ship under full .sail is a truly mag nificent spectacle, and there is an ex hilaration in the wind that sweeps across her decks which can be "appre ciated only by thosawho have breathed It But if you were 'tween decks when she is flying along In such grand style you would hear a creaking and groan ing with every motion. A ship is built of perpendicular frames -and horizon tal planking, and as the waves shift their pressure the ship "works.' This wears out the calking in the seams first, and later on the frames them selves begin to weaken. SpeaJdKsr by the Cud. Mrs. Trumpem So your friend Smith la the proud father of triplets,, is he? Trumpem Not that I know of. Who said so? Mrs. Trumpem Why, you were talk ing Jn your sleep last night and said:' "Got three of a kind, have you. Smith? Well, that beats me, old man." Trumpem Did I? Well, I wonder whatever made me dream 'such a fool thing as that? Chicago News. - How Barjrytlakaa) Uaed to Shave. It is believed that there even was a time when' every orthodox ; Egyptian -ran the shaving tool.' over ' his 'face. scalp and eyebrows at least once in ev ery forty-eight hours; Unlike the Ro mans of a later age, the Egyptians. did not confine the privilege of shaving' ttf free citizens, but obliged their slaves to shave both face and bead. -- - (2 r mxuimtmsm. ." " - Chicago, III., 544 Garfield Avenue, October, 9, 1902. After doctoring for eleven months and taking forty-three bottles of medicine and finding no relief for leucorrhoea resulting from irritation of a fallen womb I took Wine of Cardui and fourteen bottles cured me. This seems strange but it is the simple truth. Wine of Cardui helped me from the time I began taking it and having heard it praised so highly by friends who had tried it I felt satisfied that it would heln me. and it did. It cured me. Took every bit of ache.nain and headache.cramDS and A-T . I'll T.U t A draff arinc down sensations awav till I felt vouiur. stroncr and hannv nnw more. It is a wonderful medicine and a true friend to women. When I lookback on the months of torture I had it seems like a hideous nightmare. Wine of Cardui will cure any woman I believer I have more faith in it than all other medicines combined. Who would go on suffering female troubles after reading the earnest statement of this prominent woman ? Are you suffering from leu corrhoea? Have you the irritation of a fallen or misplaced nterua ? Do you have periodical headaches? Do youhave aches, pains or cramps in the abdomen ? Have you "bearing down pains' ' i Do you feel as if you were never ' 'young, strong and happy' ' ? How can you refuse relief when you know these troubles are torturing you, are growing worseaay after day ? If you go to a phy sician after a local examination, ha.will probably tell you an operation is necessary. Mrs. Kingsley took Wine of Cardui and she waauuieu wiuuuul tui operation, .cuiu uub ib wuai vuu may uo. onoocmg pains, irregularity, inn animation ana peanng aown pains make w ny drag through lite never enjoying anything ? Wine of Cardui has made over 1 ,500,000 weak and suf We ask you to go to your druggist today and" secure a $1 .00 bottle of Wine of Cardui and begin to take'it at thousands of wpmen miserable. fermg women weu ana strong. -once. Do that ana the neaitn Mrs. jingsiey writes about will soon be yours. If you think special di rections are needed in your case, address, giving symptoms, Ladies' Advisory Department, The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, ienn. V A Cheerful Face. Next to the sunlight of heaven is a cheerful face. There is no mistaking it The bright eye, the unclouded brow, the sunny smile all tell of that which dwells within. Who has not felt its electrifying Influence? One glance at this face lifts us out of the mists and shadows Into the beautiful realms of hope. One cheerful face in the house hold will keep everything .warm and light within. It may be a very, plain face, but there is something in It we feel, yet cannot express, and its cheery. smile sends the blooi dancing through our veins for very joy. Ah, there is a world of magic in the plain, cheerful face, and we would not exchange it for ail the soulless beauty that ever graced the fairest form on earth! Ex change. A Story of Qveeaaland'a Mines. Three men had arranged for a blast of dynamite. Two of them walk! away. .while the other lights the fuse. The fuse being lighted, the navvy throws the lighted match aside. It drops into a keg of gunpowder, and he Is blown up. He falls, lacerated and burned, just across the hole where the dynamite Is. His comrades see his danger, run for ward and drag him away just In time. And they go on with their work as if nothing had happened. "Queensland In 1889." Bobbed tlte Grmva. A startling incident is narrated by John Oliver, of Philadelphia, as fol lows: "I was in an awful condition. My skin was almost yellow, eyes sunken, tongue coated, pain continu ally in the back- and sides, no appe tite, and growing weaker day by day. Three nhysiciana had siren me up. Then I was advised to use Electric Bitten; to my great joy, the first bot tle made a decided improvement. I continued their use for three weeks, and am now a well man. I know they robbed the grave of another vic tim." tfo one should rail to try mem. Only 50 cents, guaranteed, at B. R. Bellamy's drug store. t THE SPECIAL EASTER EDITION OF THB NEW ART AND YQp jFICTION HERALD FOR 1903 WILL BE PUBLISHED Sunday, April 5. Beautifully Illustrated In Colors and Half-Tone. Religious Art by the Best Artists. Brilliant Short Stories by Leading Novelists. mr313t : Nasal CATARRH In all its stages there should be cleanliness. Ely's Cream Balm cleanses, soothes and heals the diseased membrane. It cores catarrh and drives away a cold in the head quickly. . Cream Balm is placed Into the BOttrUs, spread oyer the membrane and la absorbed. Belief Is im mediate and core follows. It is not drying does not prodace sneezing. Large Size, 60 cents at Drng giats or by mail.; Trial Size, 10 cents by mail. ELY BROTHERS, 6S Warrea Street, Hew York. sepiett aata tb MEN AND WOMEN, TTu Hi. 3 tnr nnnararel discharge ,inflmmtion. Irritations or lcerto of biooii soembrsnee.- TTlTKtEYiUHCHHIICAlGO. gent or potomoss. I -br express, repBid. for u.QUi ore dohhi - . Circular sent mMt. mrw iy - tuthea la KED uit (Mi sutillte tetw, mM with bltxrlbMn. Take ntkep. Refine Weere SiUihMlm mm IaUto tteeie. BJ mt jonr Vruggimt, ereend 4. )- Kun tor Pftrtfr-atnre, TeBtlaMmlels ' a "Belief far Lalaw," Mr, by re- tmrm Mau. 1 e.ooe? i-miwuu. bom f . aBDrmsslM. ChlefcerterCbemleal C4 . Msslssi re. PHltA, PeW. Wilmington's Big Racket Store . Will have its grand Spring opening on Wednesday and Thursday, April 1st and 2nd. Commencing Wednesday morning at 9 o'clock and ending Thursday evening at 7 o'clock, with music by Hoilowbush'8 Band Wednesday even ing from 8 to 1 0 o'clock. Mr. Geo. 0. Gajlord and Miss Alma Brown have frat a few days since returned from the Northern cities where they bought an immense stook of the latest things in Millinery and Dress Goods. Also bought largely in all classes of "ry Goods, Clothing, Shoes,. &c, for Spring and Summer wear. Our whole force has been busy for the past two weeks getting ready for the opening which we intend to make one of the events of the season. Everybody will be made welcome and with nice music to listen to and pretty sights to see we trust all will en joy the occasion immensely. , We will have on display more Pattern Hats and prettier- ones than we have ever had. We also wish to extend an invitation to our out-of-town friends and milliners to attend, and we promise to try to interest them and make them feel that the Backet Store is the place to buy their Hats fiom. On, Wednesday evening the store will be closed from six' o'clock to half past seven to allow us to straighten and rearrange the stock. " Don't forget the days. Wednesday and Thursday, April i 1st and 2nd, and don't forget to talk "Opening" to your friends and all be on hand. " G. O. Gaylord, Prop. P. 8. We will have Souvenirs to give the Ladies who attend. mr29tf &&&&& A. D, BROWN JJ2 - i 1 1 4 Market St. Having located in my temporary quarters for a few months until the completion of my old stand I would announce that my Spring and Summer stock is here, and every day something new arriving. I am now prepared to serve the public and ask for a full share of patronage. And in re suming business and extending a line of credit it will be necessary for all OLD BILLS to be settled. This rule will be adopted in every instance. We have the newest novelties of the season, such as Silk Piques, Neckwear, Laces of all kinds, Gloves, Handker chiefs, Antique Glnne Laces, all-over Laces, Foulard Calicos, Ginghams, Cambrics, Percales, everything that is kept in a first-class Dry Goods House. Agent for Butterick's Patterns. . Agent f r American Lady Corset. C3 O mr 22 tf a. Id. brown. 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 i I I 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 The Men and Boys can be. Price $3.00 to $5.00. All say if you want a good Shoe go to French's, and most of them do. Have you seen the new PAT. KID AND COLT BLUCHER'S OXFORDS for Men and Boys, they are swell as Come see them. - mr29 tf GEO. R. FRETJCH & SOUS. W II 11 11 1 Mill rT'Sn ill t l k f l l raUsM. 1 I ( T E ETH INC POWDERS) Curse) Oholera-lrifanttMn- DtuThaa.. Druntaneiullha BaiaiITrnuhlM of Children of AiV Aoe. Aids Digestion. Regulates the Bowel. Strengthens the Child and MAKES TEETHINQ EASY. Cures Eruption and Sore. Colio, Hives and Thrush. Remove and prevent Worms. TEETHINA Counteract and- Overcome the Effects of the Summer' heat upon Teething Children, and cost only 25 cent at Druggists, r mail 25 ents to C. J. MOFFETT. M, D St Louis. Mo. : : REGULAR SCHEDULE CONSOLIDATED RAILWAYS, LIGHT & POWER COMPANY. In Effect Feb. 20th. 1903. LEAVE FRONT AND FBINOEB8 STREETS (For WrigbtBTlUe Beaob.) At 47 00 A, V.. 10 00 A. M 1.00 P. M., 3.00 P. M., 6 00 P.M. Saturday only tl0. 00 P.M. LEAVF WRIGHTS VILTE BEACH (For Wil mington.) J At t7.45 A.M., 11.45 A.M., tl.45 P.M.. 5.05P. M.. D.3 K. L. LEAVE WRIG HT8VILLE (For Wilmington.) An 8.00 A. M.. 12.00 M , 2.00 P. M., 5.20 P. M., i.wr.m. eaiuraay omy iu.au r. jo. Daily exceot Sunday. twill not be run beyond Wrigbtevflle except on requeue oi uonuucior. Freight.' Received at Ninth and Orange streets from 4 motr.n. juauy except unaay. Saturday and Sunday if the weather is pleasant. Suburban Line Cars Will leave Front and Princess streets every half hour from 1:00 to 5:00 P. M., and re turning leave Ocean View from 1:45 to 5:45 P. M. 1 C. R. L. & P. Co. mr 15 tf SEABOARD Air Line Railwav Sehedule la Effect Jan. 11. 1903, CBAIH Leaves Wilmington at 4:80 P. M., ar 89 rives Lumberton 6:66 p. M., Pembroke 7:20 P. 1L, Uaxton 7:55 P. M., Hamlet 8:40 P. M. TBAIH Leaves Hamlet at 8:30 a. M., arrives 40 Maxton 9:1s A. M., Pembroke 8:48 A. M., Lumberton 10:08 a. M., Wilming ton 18.80 noon. WESTBOUND FROM HAMLET. Hamlet... At Monroe , Ar Charlotte Ar Chester Ar Greenwood Ar Athens Ar Atlanta...... 8-60 a m 10.83 a m il.4o;am 12.01 p m 2.S9 p m 5.19 p m 9.00 om 10.45 p;m H.59.P m u.sopu 4.15 a m 6.15 a'm . Close connection at Atlanta for Montgomery, Mobile, New Orleans and all points In Texas, Mexico and California: also for Chattanoosra, Hashvflle, Louisville, Bt. Louis, Cincinnati, Chicago, and Western ana worth western polata. f 800THJBOUND FBOM HAMLET. Lv Hamlet Ar Columbia. . ,. Ar Savannah'..,,.. Ar Jacksonville. .. at Tampa sooam 7.24 am 9.45 a m 1.20 p m . ..... .... 8.45am! 9.80om 11.65 a mj 1.10 am 0.10 p id I vdo a m 7.40 pnj 9.15 am 649am! 6.oopm NORTHBOUND FBOM HAMLET. Lv Hamlet........ Ar Raleigh.... .. Ar Norllna...... Ar Portsmouth .. Ar Norfolk.. E.E:T 105 p m 1.16 am 3.18 am 7.io a m 800 am U.io am 1.25 pn 5.85 pm Lv Hamlet... Ar Raleigh......... Ar Norllna Ar Petersburg Ar Blcnmond.,...! Ar Washington..,, Ar Baltimore ..... Ar New York...., i 12.09 a m 2.88 am mil 6.40 am lo.ioam 11.85 am 4.15 pm 9 Through Pullman sleepers from Hamlet to an points North, South and Southwest. For tickets, Pullman reservations, etc, apply to Thomas D. Means, General Agent, W liming ton, N.O. anistt 10.25 pm l.isam 3.18 a m 5.82 a m 6.10 a m 1.45'am io.52am 3.15 p mi 8.45 a m 11.45 a m 1.85 d m 4.09 pm 4.55 pm 8.85 p m 11.25 p m 6.w am Commissioner's Sals of Real Estate. John H. Gore, Jr., vs. Da Brutz Cutlar and Me cnanlcs' Home Association. By virtue of a decre of the Superior Court, in the above entitledaetion, the undersigned Com mlssloner will expose for sale, to the highest bidder, for cash, at the Court House door of New Hanover county, on. Monday, the 6th day of April, 1903. at 18 o'clotk M., the following de scribed property situate In the City of Wilming ton, State of North Carolina, to-wit: ,; A lot. beginning at a point In the northern line of Market street 66 tee t eastwardly from Its intersection with the eastern line of Tenth street, and running thence eastwardly along said northern line of Market street 93 feet; thence northwardly and parallel with Tenth street 140 feet, more or less, to the line of the old Newborn road; thence weetwardly along, the line of the old Newborn road !98 feet and thenoe "southwardly, paralle Iwlth Tenth street 102 feet, more or less, to beginning; being parts of lota 8, 4 and 5, Block 174. A lot beginning at a point In said northern line of Market street 189 feet eastwardly from Its intersection of the eastern line of Tenth street, and running east along said northern line of Market street 54 feet; thence northward ly and parallel with Tenth street 150 feet, to a point In the Newborn road; thence weetwardly with said road about 61 feet, and thenoe south wardly and parallel with Tenth stret 147 feet more or less, to the beginning; being part of lots 3, 4 and 5, Block 174. . JAMES W.SNEEDEN, Commissioner. t RUSSELL & GORE, Attorneys. mr 7 30t Coimissioier's Sale of Real Estate. John H. Gore, Jr vs. DuBrutz Cutlar. By virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of New Hanover county In the above entitled ac tion, the undersigned commissioner will expose for sate, to the highest bidder, for cash, at the Court House door of New Hanover county, on Monday, the 5th day of April, 1903, at 12 o'clock M., the following described property situate in the City of Wilmington, State of North Caro llaa, to-wit: . Beginning at a point in the inortnernlllne of Campbell street 50 feet eastwardly from Its In tersection with the eastern line of Fourth street and running thence northwardly and parallel with Fourth street 120 feet, more or less, to the line of the right of way of the Wilmington & Weldon Railroad Company; thence northeast wardly along and with said line of said right or way 66 feet, more or less, to the line of a lot of land claimed or owned by H. L. pebman: thence southwardly along said line and parallel with Fourth street 186 reet, more or less, to tee northern line of Campbell street 66 feeV to the beginning; being aNEKD.849, Commissioner . RUBS ELL & GORE, . " ; Attorneys. mr 78Ct j IXAINE GBOWN Seed Potatoes Genuine Pride of the South ' . (White Bliss,) the best Seed, Send in your orders. HALL & PE ABO ALL. Incorporated.' afeb 12.U . " - ATLANTIC COAST LIKE; LOW ROUND TRIP Bates From Wilmington Southern Baptist Convention, Sa vannah, Ga., May 7th-14th; Southern Educational Conference, Richmond, Va., April 20th-22nd. On account of above named occasions, the Atlantic Coast Line will aell round trip tickets from Wilmiugton at the following rates: Richmond, $10.40. Ticket! on sale April 20th and 21st. Final limit, April 28lb, 1903. Savannah, $9.80 Tickets sold May 4th to 7tb, inclusive. Final limit May 20tb, 1903. An exten sion of final limit to June 1st may be obtained by deposit of ticket and pay ing fifty (SO) cents. Call on ticket agent for fall information. I W.J. CRAIG, Approved: Gen'l Passenger Agent H. M. EMERSON, Traffic Manager. nov is tf I ATLANTIC COASTLINE. - i Schedule In EfTeet Jan. II, 1903. NORTHBOUND. Ly Wilmington , Ar Goldsboro..... Ar Wilson Ar Rocky Mount Ar Norfolk.. Ar Weldon..... .,. Ar Petersburg........... tr Richmond... r Washington. Ar Baltimore Ar Philadelphia, Ar New York.. NO. 48 12.21 p l. IB D 1.5S p 665 p 4.53 p 6.53 p 1 1K n IMOp 4.05 a 7.15 a No. 7.00 9 88 10.40 11.85 .40 p m p m pm p m 1.45 8.S5 4.07 7.54 9.10 11.25 3.00 a m am a m a m a m a m p m SOUTHBOUND. Ly New York Ar Philadelphia......... Ar Baltimore.... Ar Washington Ar Norfolk...-, Ar Richmond 4 Ar Petersburg.. Ar Weldon Ar Rocky Mount ,. Ar Wilson Ar Goldsboro...... Ar Wilmington.... ,.. No. 41 8.55 a ml 11.30 a m 1.44 p m 8.50 p m "e'sVp'm 7.83 p m 9.04 d m 10.07 p m 10.48 p mi a m 10.10 a m No. 49 0.9Kn m 13.10 a m 3.37 a m 8.45 am 9.00 am 8,30 am 9.18 a m 11.22 am 13.50 pm i. pm 3,55 pm 5.45 p m BETWEEN WILMINGTON AND THB SOUTH. : SOUTHBOUND. Daily Ex Sunday. Dally. Dally. Lv Wilmington. .. 6.00 a m 8.45 p m 7.00 p m At Florence....... 9.25 am 7.30 p m 3.55 a mt Ar Charleston..,.. 1.10 p m 11.15 p m 6.45 a m Ar Savannah 6.85 pm 8.00 am 7.65 am Ar Jacksonville 9.00 a m 13.45 p m Ar Tampa 7.00 p m 10.00 p m NORTHBOUND. Daily Ex. Sunday. Daily. Lv Tampa 8.05 pm 9.80am Ar Jacksonville... 7.80 aim 7.00 pm Ar Savannah 1.10 pm LIS am Ar Charleston.. ............ 5.15 pm 6.25 a m AX Florence ,. 8.00 p m 9 45 am Ar Wilmington. 11.45 p m 1.40 p m BETWEEN WILMINGTON AND BAN FORD. West Bound East Bound Daily. Daily Lv Wilmington. ...... I 9.10 a ml Ax. 8.00 pm Ar Fayettevllle 112.20 p m Ar. 5.00 p m At Bantord ....1 150 p mLv. 8.45 pm BETWEEN WILMINGTON AND NEWBEBN. North Bound Daily ex Sunday, South Bound Lv Wilmington... ......12 83 p ml Ar. 13.08 pm Ar Newborn 5.40 p mLv. 9 00 a m via Wilson. Trains Nos. 40 and 41 carry PnUman Sleeping Cars between WUmlngton and Washington, con necting with Penna R. R, for all points east. W. J, CRAIG, aenl Passenger Agent H. M. emebbom. tTaffle Manager. lytltf ' ; Atlantic ani Mortb Carolina Eailroai TtSM TsklfS. I. To Take BsTeet' Sunday, Oeti 81 1 tOO. a 12.01 A. K. eoner kaby. eonia wxn. B 4 Fasa-g'r trains Paerrr trains SVAVIOKS i Arrive Leave Arrive Leav 1 P. M. P. H. A. B. A, tl 140 Goldsboro lies ........ 4 is KmstQn... ...... 10 it .i,.,... 1 40- 6 60 Meweern 187 90 . T 03 TOT Korebeaa City. T M T it P.iM. P. M. A. M. A. M. Crain 4 connects with w. sc. w. train fconna north, leaving Goldsborc at 11.85 A. and with Southern Railway tram West, leaving Goldsboro 3.00 P. and with W. ft N. at New bern for WUmlngton and intermediate points. Train I oonnects with Southern Ban way tt ain, arriving at Goldsboro 1.00 p. M., and with. W. A ' W. train from the North at 8,05 P. X. Ho. 1 train alao connects with w. ft x. for WOmUw ton and intermediate points. ootattt a. a. diu. bup 1 The Clyde Steamship Co He? York, Wilmington,, 11. C, and Georgetown, S. C, Lines. I rro as nw Tern far WlUstlncten. beo. w. clyde ......Batttraay. April 4 CAB IB BatnrOay, April 11 Tea WUamlmgtem for Hew Terk CABIB Baturday, Aprtl 4 GEO. w. CLYDE Saturday, April n aTTeajs Wllanlacten for eergsw. CABIB.. ...tnesday. March 81 GEO. W. CLYDE .Tuesday.. April 7 Steamship Carlb has good passenger ac commodation. . , , V Through Bills Lading and Lowest Through Bates guaranteed to and from points In North and South Carolina. i , Wilmington, . v. GLIDE milne. Gem iTeigns Agent, v THEO. G. KQKRGeal Manager. : tun i nr.vna . on. SAn'l Airents. . 19 State Btreet, New York. mr29 tc ( Lands Pcsted The privilege oi nnnnngon idj mum WUmlngton having been leasea, au peiswin hereby warned against shootmg, hunting, ran .. A nH.IB tl' IMMMtllg OB SSld ISJldSJ IV I U . " apl ly "- WeSBasn

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