ghe gjtoma gfab. WILMINGTON,-N. U. Tkubsdat Morhttjg. April 9. DENIES CHARGE OF MURDER. A Member of the Police Force of Wub- litloi Arrested for CoapUclty la Griiie at Hamptoa, Va. . bj Teiecnoii to Um Mornlns Btar NxwPOBTrws, Va., April a William Shelbj alias "Lanky Bob" By an, was lodged in Hampton jail to day by Inspector Charles Brans and Police Sergeant Joseph Brans, of the Washington, D. G, police department, who arrested the man in Washington Yesterday on the charge of being an accessory to the murder of Amos Dy- aart, an artilleryman, orer a year ago. for the snrDose Of robbery. Shelby, known here as Ryan, and wno is a member of the Washington police force, was formerly a soldier at Fort Monroe and a comrade or the murdered man. He denies that he aided Pritehard, the Phoebus saloon keeper in whose place the crime was committed, and Sylrester Hirkle, the third man accused, in doing away with Dysart. Sergeant Carter says : "I was nerer so much surprised as when 4earned that charces had been made against Shelby. I consider him the rery best man under me. He is an A No. 1 po liceman and did excellently in the dis charge of his duties." Shelby will hare a preliminary hearing in the po lice court next Tuesday. HOLLAND'S LABOR TROUBLE. Workmea's Committee Decided to Pro clala Qeaeral Strike of All Trades. Troops Still oa Gssrd. By Cable to the Horning Star. Amsterdam, April 8. The Work-, men's Defence Committee has decided to proclaim a general strike of all the trades throughout the country. The dwellings of the employes of the srorernment railroad who hare not struck are guarded by troops, as pro tection for the men's wires and chil dren. The bakers' shops and carts are similarly nrotected. The employes of the rirer and canal narigation companies hare decided to strike in sympathy with the ratlroaa men. The pupils of the Locomotire Engi neers Institute hare unanimously ten dered their serrleee to the railroads. Tneir offers hare been accepted and a number of them are being employed as stokers. The Workmen's Defence Committee is anxiously awaiting reports from the delegates who were sent to (iermany. France and England to appeal for the support of the trades onions or those countries. KINO O'KEEFE OP YAP. Qeorxia Heirs of the Alleged King Look- Is! for His Estate. bt Teteerana to tne at omnia Star. WasHDraTOsr, April8. The Nary Department is informed that the col lier Justin left Carite yesterday for the island of Yap! in the Caroline group on her way to San Francisco. The risit to Tap is made for the pur pose of taking there a lawyer from Georgia who is looking out for the Interests of certain residents of Geor gia who claimed to be heirs of the late King O'KeefeXof Yap, who is said to hare left a raluable estate. The claimants are the wife and the children of the alleged king. KingCKeefe baa aereral dusky wires and cnUdJ-en in his island kingdom and they will undoubtedly resist any attempt on the part or the American heirs to secure possession of any part of his estate. VIOLENT STORMS. Heary Ralafsil la tie Tesaessee Valley. Brer Risiag Rspidly. Br Telegraph to the Mornlns star. Chattakooga, Txsn., April 8. A heary thunder storm accompanied by unusually riolent wind risited this city early to-day and In an half hour tne rainiau at una point was more than an Inch. The Telocity of the wind rescue 1 twenty miles an hour. Telegrams fram Charleston, Tennes see, a point abore here on the Tennes see rirer, state that Itho rainfall was 3.6 inches during the past twenty four hours. At Clinton, Tens., the rainfall was 3.5 inches. The storm corered the entire Tennessee ralley ana ue rirer is rising rapidly with a prediction that it will reach within a few feet of the dansrer line. The depot at Camden waa destroyed by fire last night as the result of being siruca- oy ligntning. SURPRISE FOR SAILORS. Admiral MeMIle Preparlaf Ptaas for a Tarblae Propelled Warship. By Telegraph to the Morning Star. WAsmiraTOs, Z April 8. Admiral HelriUe, engineer In chief of the nary, has a surprise in store for sailors which perhaps will be as rerolutionary In its effect upon naral construction as was his famous triple screw. For more than a year past his bureau has been quietly making inquiries and prepar ing plans for a turbine propelled war ship. The best experts hare been consulted and the plans hare adranced to a point where it is thought that sat isfactory results are assured. Details of the norel arrangements of this ship are withheld for the present, but it is expected that they will soon be made public,. The 14,000 ton armored cruiser West Virginia will be launched at the yard of. the Newport News Shipbuilding Company, Saturday, the 18th inst, and will be christened by Miss White, daughter of the Gorernor of the State In whose honor the Teasel is named. - BXakM m, dear. Sweep. There's nothing like doing a thing thoroughly. Of all the Salres you erer heard of Bueklen's Arnica Sal re is the best It sweeps away and cures Burns, Bores, Bruises, Cuts, Bolls, Ulcers, Skin Eruptions and Files. It Is only is cents, and guaranteed to giro satisfaction by B. B. Bellamy, druggist. . : . r .. f CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. ft! Kin:! Yea Hare Ahrajs Bssght " Bears the : Signature of TORNADO STRIKES ALABAMA TOWN. Eleven Persons Killed. Four Fatally Injured and Many Seriously Hurt. MUCH PROPERTY DEStROYED. Bnlidlflis Tossed Abort Like Paper Boxes aad Some Blowa a DIstaace of a Rssdred Yards or MoreRes' - deaces Smssbed to Pieces bt TSMsrapn to um onuas stax Habckyille, Ala., April 8. A tor nado passed orer Hopewell settlement, one-half mile north of here, at 2 o'clock this morning, and as a result eleren persons are dead, four are fatally injured, and a dosen are more or less seriously hurt, while the de struction to property is heary. The dead are: Henry UcOoy and three children; C O. Oden and three chil dren : John Griffin, wife and son. Fa tally injured; Two children of Henry McCot and two children of UL J. Oden. Seriously injured: Mrs. Oden and child ; Mrs. McCoy. Among the less seriously hurt are R. G. Quick and family of fire. The names of the others injured hare not been ascer tained. The storm came from the southeast and Its roar was so terrific that it woke manr peonle. some of whom fled from their houses in time to escape death br tbe houses blowing down on them. Buildings , were tossed about like oaoer boxes and sereral structures were blown a hundred yards or more. The body of Henry McUoy was blown 203 rards and landed in a sand niL The house of Mrs. John O. Mor ton was blown down, but the family escaped by crawling under the bed while the timber And brick fell on top of the bed. breaking the force of the fall. The houses of the uaen ana Griffin families were smashed to splint ers and it seems marrelous that any of them escaped death. Trees were up rooted in all directions and many were blown across the Ajoulsrille and JNasn- Tllle railroad track, delaying trains for a time. The roar of the storm was heard at Hancerille. where it awoke many peo ple, but no damage was done here. As soon as the destruction wrought be came know rescuers hurried to the scene to gire attention to the dead and wounded. The death list at noon stood at eleren, but it is possible that it may be larger, as some of the bodies found were blown some distance. Torssdo la Arkaasss. LrrriiK Bock. Ark.. April 8. Specials to the Arkansas Gazette from sereral towns in White and uieburne counties, Arkansas, tell of a tornado hich swept through that section Tuesday night, tearing death and de struction in its wake. Thus far it has been impossible to ascertain where the storm began, but it is known that it raged in those two counties and the list of casualties will. from indications, amout to much more than it is now, with nine dead, three dying and thirteen others badly hurt. The towns of Little Bed. Albion, Brad ford, Heber and Fangburn hare been. heard from thus far. Bradford, which Is on the Iron Mountain road, was the first point beard from. Sereral houses were blown down there and one man badly injured. The tornado came from the west and had spent its force br tbe time it reached Bradford. It is feared the little town of Hiram, with a popu lation of ISO, has been wiped off the map. it la near Heber and In the storm's track. Nothing has been thus far heard from it. It will probably be sereral days before the names of all who were killed by the tornado are known. A special from Heber says: "In the tornado whlch!sweot across this section last night A. U. Williams. liring tea miles south of Heber, was killed. He was serentr rears of are and lired with his wife on ton of one of the mountains south of this town. His house was caua-ht un br the wind and thrown down the mountain aide. he being killed and his wife badlr in jured." . - . At irangburo, six residences were blown down. A lam church near Pangburn was blown half a mile. Forty-three residences and sixteen barns destroyed and other wreckage Is the record of the damasre reported un to 8 o'clock to-night. The tornado swept erery thing in its path a mile in width. THEMISSISSIPPI FLOOD. SItaatloa at the Hyn-elia Crevasse flas Aisla Become Serloas. bt ToiegTapb to toe Stomas star. NEwQsixazrs, April & With the blowing out of forty feet of cribbing at the Hymella crerasse to-day, the situation there has again b;come se rious, and fears are expressed that unless the damage can be Immediately repaired other portions of the three thousand feet of work will be endangered by the strain placed upon it Although material was hurried to the scene aa soon aa the piling gare way and work was has tened on the horseshoe started near where the cribbing yielded, little head way was made and the news late in the day was far from encourarinsr. The disaster occurred at the- point where a barge yesterday afternoon collided with the cribblnc. the damas-e uuue uruTiu uiuro Hnoai wan was feared at first The water is going inrougn me gap at a ternne-rate and there is alarm lest other sections giro way while efforts are being made to I mend this break. LABOR DISTURBANCES. Thirty Men Killed aad a Hsndred Woiaded by Rasslsa Troops. By Cable to as Morning Btai. bkbus, April 8. A dispatch to the Lokal Anzeiger, published at Bt Petersburg,dated yesterday, says thirty persons hare been killed and one hun dred were injured in labor disturb ances near iMianni norgord. The dis turbance occurred yesterday at a large factory near Nlshnf Norgord. The lo- ! cat eiTU authorities were unable to re store order. Troops were called out and ar.lllery was brought up and fired point blank Into the midst of the riot en, killing thirty men and wounding a nun area. H0HDE8AS ADVISES. AO latporUst Places Bat the Capital la Possessloa of Rerolatloitsta. By Cable to tbe Homing Star. Pabaxa, April 8. A dispatch from Honduras, received ria San "Salvador, announces that General Sierra aban doned Nacarme yesterday and it is ho llered that he will flee to Balrador. The town of Corsy has also been cap. (urea ay ue ioroes or uenerai Bonllla, and only the Honduras capital, Tegu cigalpa, now remains Jn the power of President Arias. STRIKERS RIOTING IN THE CITY jOF ROME. Tbe Whole City Occupied Mai7 Eocoasters About by Troops a Dozea Men Wossded AUsv, Arrests bt Cable to Ue Mornlns Star. Rome, April 8. The aspect of Borne was completely changed early to-day. No cabs passed through the streets and erea the street cart, .which ran at long interrals, were escorted by lice and were almost empty, as the people feared to ride in them on ac count of the threats of the strikers. The shops were open, but the shutters were up as the proprietors intended to be ready for any erentuality. (Che whole city was occupied by troops. Detachments of cavalry were posted on the squares and special details of soldiers and police were stationed around the Vatican so as to prerent any attempt against the Papal palace. Unimportant encounters between' the strikers and troops took place dur ing tbe morning, the former wishing to hold meetings which j were forbid den, or reach the center; of the city, but the strikers were easily dispersed by carairy charges. Fire hundred French pilerimi ar- rired here to-day and had some start linsr experiences. The osrty ar fired at the Garibaldi bridge just as a de tachment of carairy charged a mob and a scene of indescribable confusion ensued. With screams and shouts the pilgrims in their" efforts to escape were scattered in all directions. About the middle of the day the strikers succeeded in, gathering in threatening numbers on the corners of vitorio tfmanuele, almost in the centre of the city, and detachments of troops charged, fired three rolleys and dis persed them. About a dozen were re ported to hare been wounded. Many strikers were arrested during the day. The Pope waa much Interested in the particulars of the strike : ,4It is a sword with two edges," he said; He also ex pressed sorrow at the damage done the interests of the city and also because the strike interferes with the religious ceremonies of Easter. TWO STEAMERS IN COLLISION Both Bsdly Dansfed Passeagers oa Ose of tbe Vessels Kescatd by a Passisg Tig aad Lasded at New York. f . - Br Telegraph to toe Horning star. New York, April 8. The Atlas Line steamer Alleghany, from Port Llmon, Costa Rica, was badly dam aged in the harbor off New York to day as the result of a collision with the British steamer Jo. Herriweather, bound out for Baltimore and Cork. Ireland. The Alleghany was struck on the starboard side and a huge hole torn in her. Bhe took water rapidly and soon her bow wss under water. Bhe lay near Liberty island. The pas sengers, many or them in a panic, were rescued by a passing tug and brought to the city. The- crew re mained on board, gathered at the stern which was not submerged. Tbe collision occurred during a thick fog and it is said the Alleghany was anchored at the time, waiting for clearer weather to make her way up the bar to her pier. The shipVwater tight compartments, six in number, kept her from sinking entirely. The aterriweather stood by until the passengers had been rescued. Her stem was store In and she anchored off the 8tatue of Liberty until the ex tent of her Injuries could be ascertain ed. The Alleghany will be towed to Brooklyn. The Alleghany sailed from Port L'mon on March 30th with thirty-four passengers on board. Bhe was built at Glasgow In 1894. 8he was 310 feet long, 38.3 feet beam and 23 feet deep. She rec lite red 1,606 tons net. The United Fruit Oomnanr. which had a big cargo of bananas on the Al leghany, sent a float to the ressel to take off the bananas. There were ten cars and one hundred and four stereedores:on the float It had been alongside the Alleehanr about two hours, when for some unknown reason it suddenly sank. About one-third of the steredores were on the float at the time and were dumped into the water. According to Foreman W. F. Haake, howerer, all got safely on the Alleghany and later were taken off by another float sent by the United Fruit Company. Haake declares that there was not a single man lost A TENEMENT HOUSE FIRE. Three Persons Burned to Death aad Two Others Sererely Isjsrtd Oil Store Caased the Fire. BTOabiato tMMonunsstai. Philadelphia, April 8. Three persons met death in a Monroe street tenement house fire to-day and two others were sererely but not fatally burned. The dead; Yetta Brown- stein, SO years old ; Rosa Browns tein, four years old; O. Ella Brownstein, four- years old. Injured: Annie Brownstein. aged 49 rears: Lizarna Brownstein, aged 66 years. The ore was caused br the orer turn ing of an oil store In one of the rooms on the second floor occunied br tha family of Morris Goldberg. The Browns teins' rooms were on the third. Escape by way of tbe stairs was cut off by tbe flames which spread so rspidly that the younar woman -and tha two children who were in a rear room were barned tn !ath tv. heroic efforts H the-; firemen to rescue them. Annie and Lazarus Brownstein, who occupied the "front room, were carried down ladders to safety, but when the firemen returned for the others they found the room in which they were imprisoned a mass of flames. The three rJctima had made their way to one of the windows where death orertook them. VOLCANO lit ERUPTION. ' VUlsfe Destroyed Sixty to a Haadred Perioss, Killed aad Woaided. bt Cable to the Mornlns star. New York, April 8. The steamer Alleghany, which amred to-day from West Indian and Central American ports, bronchi tidinn of an rantlon of the old rolcano Daltierna Firms. in Colombia, near Galera Zsmbie, on Morch 22d. The rills sre of Tin-in wu destroyed and from -sixty to one hun dred persons were killed and wound ed. Durlnr tha nlirht of UiMh SitT, flames from the rolcano were seen by pwuiK Teams at a distance oi sixty miles. f The railroad commlmtdon nf Tiki-aa has issued an order for a hearing on April lath, to take up and consider the proposition to forfeit the charter of the Ban Antonio and Arkansas Pass Bail road Companr. because of an all-..! Illegal Issuance of bonds,to the amount of $1,700,000, without such bonds har ing been approred by the commission. It is also allesred that tha Rmthm t. ao i JWiroaa uompany owns a con- trvjung interest in tne road, ROOSEVELT SEEKS COMPLETE REST. In the Solitude of Yellowstone Park, Where He Will Re main Sixteen Days. FREE FROM PUBLIC DUTIES. Was v ei at Entrsnce to tbe Park by De tachneat of Carairy and a Number of CowboysMonoted His Horse aad Mode a Brief Address. at Telegraph to tne Mornlns star. Cihnabar, Most., April 8. Presi dent Booserelt is in the fastness of Yellowstone Park and for the next sixteen days he expects to enjoy com plete rest and cessation from public duties. He will be in almost daily communication with Secretary Loeb at Cinnabar, but nothing except busi ness of the utmost importance will be referred to him. In company with John -Burroughs, the naturalist, who accompaniecUhim from .Washington, he will study closely the nature of tbe rarious animals that inhabit the park. The President hss looked forward to this outing for some time, and he was in a particularly happy frsme of mind when he led the caralcade i nto the park to-day. Erery trail leading into the preserre will be closely guard ed and no one will be allowed to dis turb the President's solitude. His headquarters will be at the -home of Major Pritcher, the superintendent of the park. Sereral cam pi hare been established in different localities and these will be occupied by the Presi dent, from time to time. The special train bearing the Presi dent and his party arrired at Gardner, the entrance to the park, at 12:30 o'clock this afternoon and was met by a detachment of the Third carairy and a number ot cowboys. -Luncheon was serred in the President's car, after which, dressed in riding breeches and coat, with a light colored slouch hat on hia hesd. he mounted his horse and made a brief address to the people congregated near his train. He then bade the members of his party good bye, and led the way Into the park. Mr. Burroughs followed in an army wsgon. The train returns to Cinnabar where Secretary Loeb aad the remain der of the party will lire in it while the President is absent. The President will start on his trip to St Louis and the Pacific coast on April 24. The weather here is rery mild and reports from the park are to the effect that tbere is but little snow In the rlcinity of the President's head quarters. TILLMAN'S CASE CONTINUED. Because of the Absesce of Two Material Witnesses Coatlsosnce Qrsoted -Uatll Jose Term of Conrt. Bt Telegraph to tne Moraine Btar. Columbia, 8. C, April 8. Jamea H. Tillman, who shot and killed N. Q. Gonzales, the editor of the Colum bia State, on January 15 th last, was taken to the Criminal Court here to day for the purpose of haring him plead . to the indictment returned against him last Monday for murder and carrying concealed unlawful arms, as they are termed in this State. The arraignment was not had, howerer, and the proceedings which It was thought would be of a purely formal character turned out to be highly sen sational. The trial of the defendant had been set for next Monday and both sides had caused the report to be circulated that they were readr for trial. Much to the surprise of the spectators and lawyers here the de fence to-day availed themselves of the opportunity presented to secure a con tinuance on the ground that it had been impossible to obtain the attend ance of two material witnesses. Cap tain J. A. White and Miss Mary Julia Roper. The prosecution urged that a rule had -been made recently to prerent continuances under such circumstan ces as those shown in this case-, but the court ruled against them and granted a continuance until the June term on an affidarlt of defendant's counsel stating that It had been im possible to get the witnesses here in time for this term. The solicitor' for the prosecution then urged that the defendant be arraigned at this time, but Judge Klugh declined to accede to this request and the prisoner was remanded and the case continued until the June term of court. AMBUSHED AND KILLED. Una Ooiwell Waylaid by Foot, Men Near ;- the Tennessee Use. bt Telesraan to tne Momma Btar. Raleigh, N. G, April 8. A special to the News and Observer, from Ashe vllle, N. O. says: A telephone message from Tryon to Ashevllle to-nlcht tells of a murder in the Western ssetion of this State near the Tennessee line. William and Solomon Gordon and two men named Qosnell ambushed and shot to death Linn Gosnell as the latter started to his work. According to the story of a fourteen-year old girl, the Gordon who fired the fatal shot said he had killed two finer looking men than Gosnell and escaped punishment and he had no fears In this ease. There has Been no capture as yet. A FATAL AFFKAY. Ben. T. TbotnpioB Killed by W. E Stone la a Flfbt at Sherman, Tex. Br Telegraph to the Morning Btar. Sbbjian, 'Tex., April 8. Ben. T. Thompson, president of the Bank of Commerce, Texas, was shot to death on the public square of this city this afternoon by W. K. Stone, of Tex arkana, Tex. The men met on tha street, and without preliminary par lance drew their revolvers and opened fire. Thompson was struck by one of the first shots and fell mortally wound ed. He died a few hours later. Stone is about 22 years old and is a travelling aaieeman ior a isayion, Vs., nOUSO. Ue surrendered. Stone stated the tragedy was the result of a family difficulty. "Nick' Gilliffan, convicted about four years ago of the murder, under sensational circumstances, of Beverly B.Turner,of Isle of Wight county, Va., and sentenced to a long term of im prisonment, died last night in the Vir ginia, penitentiary. r ..-. v i LABOR TROUBLES IN NEW ENGLAND MILLS. AH Quiet at Lowell National .Male Splc " aers Assoclatloa Endorse Strikes ' la Rhode Islsad Mills. bt Xelecraon to tne Hornins exat Lowell, Mass., April 8. There was no trace of last night's disturbance to day when the Lawrence hosiery mill opened as usual. The ring spinners went to their work with the other op entires, numbering about 3,000 in alL Some Greeks had gathered near the mill gate, but the police were on hand to prerent any trouble and there waa no demonstration. The board oiaroi tratlon will meet here to morrow to in restlgate the strike and the dispute leading to it. '"' Boston, April 8. The National Mule Spinners' Association in session here to-day roted unanimously to endorse the position of the Lowell cotton mill operatires who are idle because of a shut down of the mills and to support financially the Lowell hands. The strike of cotton mill operatires at Woonsocket and Manrille, B I, waa endorsed and financial aid was prom ised. The conrentlon roted to lery an assessment upon all mule spinners for the support of these labor contests. Fttchbubg, Mass., April 8. The power was not started at the Parkhill cotton mills here to-day on account of the strike of the wearers and loom fixers in mill 0,the wearers in mills A and B haring been out since the mid-, die of last month. In all 1,200 cotton mill employes - are now out of work. The wearers of mill O objected to do ing work left unfinished in the other mills by the original striker?. BURDICK MURDER MYSTERY. Tbe Peonell Inquest to be Held Prlday la Boffalo Conference of Jadf e Mur phy and the District Attorney. bt Teiearann to toe Morning etai. Butfalo, N. Y., April 8. Justice Murphy and District Attorney Coals worth held a' conference this after noon on . the irennell Inquest, which begins at the morgue at S o'clock Fri day afternoon. The course of the public inquiry so far as It could be dis cussed before hand was settled. The Inquests of Pennell and Mrs. Pennell are to be held jointly. The last known statement of Pennell in his own de fence, in which be says a woman kill ed Burdick at midnight, is to come out. The question of suicide or accident Is not to be brought out, so far as the district attorney is concerned. That pan oi tne case win, oe atrected by Justice Murphy. The alleged defal cations, announced as equalling the total of Pennell's life insurance, hare nothing to do with the death of Bur dick, and the inquest will not be a trial of a dead man for swindling But that which in any way may tend to throw light on the murderer of Bur dick Is to come out. The letters Pennell wrote, the state ment he left behind, and all other pa pers that in any way touch upon or pertain to the affairs of Burdick are to be brought out if the authorities can get at them. Pennell detectires' re ports on the shadowing of Burdick also are to come out, unless they hare found their way into hands beyond the reach of the court. The faeta about the trust fund or bond from Pennell to Mrs. Burdick alio may come out unless Attorney Thayer on the stand pleada hia pririlege as at torney for the dead man. Eren then it is for the court to decide whether the plea is r slid, and Justice Murphy will pass upon whether Mr. Thayer should produce the papers in his pos session at the time of Pennell's death. NAVAL AFFAIRS. Rear Admiral Ssads to Take Commssd of Atlantic Coast Sqsadroa. sty "folearann to tne Morning star. WASHHTaxoir, April a Rear Ad miral James H. Sands, ; commandant of the League . Island navy yard, has reported at the Navy Department for duty in connection with the newly organized Atlantic coast squadron, of which he is to assume command. He will be detached from duty at the League Island "navy yard on the 1st proximo, and will raise hia flag on the Datuesmp Texas, which is to be tbe flagship of the new squadron, about May 15th. n Capt Chas. D. Slgsbee will succeed Admiral Sands in command of the League Island navy yard and will himself be succeeded aa chief intelli gence officer at the Nary Department by Commander Beaton Schroeder, for merly naval governor of the island of Guam. WARM WIRELETS King Edward arrived at Gibraltar yesterday from Lisbon on board the royal yacht Victoria and Albert. A tornado yesterday at Qwlngsville, Ky.. did great dtmtra to srnwino to bacco and destroyed number of build ings. - A special dispatch from Lisbon Says 150 men belonging to the Eighteenth uuaniry at uporto nave mutinied, owing to the belief that they were about to be sent to the Portuguese colonies in Africa. . World's records anbelnv with frequency by the ships of the At lantic neet. .Illinois lowered all rccurus ior accuracy witn thlrteen-inch guns and yesterday the Iowa took the record with six-pounders. The Dresdener Cigaretten Fabrick, the name under which the-American Tobacco Company operates In Germa ny, is being prosecuted in the Berlin courts by a combination of dealers for alleged unfair competition. x Four Belgians were arrested -in Newport News last night by United States customs officials, charged with smuggling ashore from tbe British steamer St. George thirty-three pounds of Havana tobscco, valued at $100,. Mrs. Booker T. Washington was a guest of honor at a meeting of the State Federation of Women's Clubs held in Dorchester, Mass., yesterday. mm. Juut ward Howe, honorary president of the federation, also was present - A committee has been formed, In Paris, consisting of the Marquis de LaFayette, the Marquis de Frasse and Count de Bochambeau, descendants of three notable figures in the Ameri can revolution, to offer a bust of Washington to the United States. v John Bsdmond. tha Trfih u... made an important speech at Dublin lt night, in which he welcomed the Irish land bill, in spite of it great de- icv , a me um measure proposed by an English minister having the avow ed object or carrying into effect the policy of : Parnell and the Land Quality Is what makes curnew e Tanllla Extract was no bet ter man other extracts its price would be the same. Once tried alwavs used. ADLAI E. STEVESS0N.3 Severely Burned While Attemptlaf to Ex tlooib a Fire at Mis Home By Telegraph to tne Morning Star -Bloobungtoit, III., April 8. Adlal E. 8terenson, formerly rice president of tbe United 8tates. lost his hair and moustache and receired painful burns on his face, bead and hands to day, nklla Ivvlno in AT-tinrtth ft fire In nlS borne. The ore started in a oeoroom. F When Mr. Bterenson . rushed into tbe room, the curtains were in blaze. Without calling aid he attacked tbe flames. In a moment the hair on his bead went up in a puff of smokeJEhe fire then seized his moustache and blistered his face. Then Mr. Bteren son called for help, and retreated be fore the flames caught his clothing. The loss to the house was $1,000. STREET FIGHT AT OPELIKA. A Citizen Killed aad a Deputy Sheriff Shot Throogh the Arm . bt Teiecrann to tne Bornintt stkt. Opkkika, Ala., April!3. In a street fight here to-day J. L Mood,- deputy sheriff, was shot through the arm and John Long, a well knowo citizen, wss instantly killed. Sheriff Hodge, who fired the shot that killed Long, nar nowly escaped death, sereral bullets going within a foot of his body. . The fight began when the two officers of fered to shake hands with Long and bis companion the preferred his rerolrer Moon. Instead of accepting bands. Long pulled and began firing - at auaatloa. . Father Did you notice how grandly our Ethel swept Into the room at the party last night? Mother Xes; but when It comes to sweeping out a room she Isn't there. New York Journal. A Gilded Rwle. '"You know you should lore neighbor as yourself. your "But the trouble Is when I try to do that I always end by bating royBelf.' Brooklyn Life. -. College BwmL "What is college bred, pop?" "College bred, my boy, la something Which requires a lot of dough tft make.'' leasers statesman. . To. Core a Cold la One Day Take Laxaalre Bromo Quinine Tablets. This signature tSffialfffcon erery box, 85e BUSINESS LOCALS. SST" oBoas ror Bent or Sale, Lost or roana. Wants, and other snort xisOellaneoas Acres Bsementi ineertea in One Department, tn eona nonpartel Type, tor 1 per werd eadt laser Hon; bat no advertisement taken for iese tnan SO eeata. Terms oosltlrelT oaeb la adrasee. Adrertlse: nta in this Department bring cood results. xeo 14 ti TLoat. Monday afternoon, on Founb or Prtn or Front street, a cold stick ptn wltb dove in centre. , BO- for Stab office. WtfKU recovery. Ieave at ap Tbe Gas Stoves' popularity increases every day. Place your order for one now. We are eemng tnem rest; consoudatea Railways, IJgnt and Power Oo. ap 9 It Wanted 500,000 Long Leaf Yellow Pine Railroad Ties. H. 8. Watklns A Co., No. lis water screes. ap 4im Fer Bent Hew Restaurant at pavilion at Carolina Beach. Apply to J. W. Harper. ap41w Brown Leghorn Bsc from high bred stock, for sale at 60 cents per dozen. R, a. Montgomery, Eighth and Princess streets. apstr . Wanted A position as stenographer. Have had several months experience. Qood refer ences furnished. Also understand book-keeping. Address Box 896, Fayette vUle, N. C. ap 8 7t Real Katata and lira Inannuin innt Close collection and prompt returns on aU pro- ness. J. M. Bunting, opposite Postoffice. yw vnu mi tar iiaimn. x solicit voor dd- mr 27 lm CemMtrat Rnnk-kmTwr want . ma. Good salary. Address P. o. Box 438. mr 81 tf' Offleee for reus In The Worth RnflAtnotha uiunuilireiunil UUB1UBOB 1VVSUOD IH IQQ City. Modern equipment. Apply to The Worth CoT rap 18 t . Oabbace, Cabbage Just received, car of nne Danlsli Cbbage. Also Bananas, Apples, Bweetand Irish Potatoes. Butter. &a. fc?h Wins. An .m. w. tn - Y- ... 1 i . . . . 'Phones. a to. nuuimu. a a UTS jm --. leb stf man's headauarters for w&n Farrar, Ho. fife North Beeond street. Paper. . J. a. mrutr ths pbkces LOOK before tnralnar stock ont to naotnm it. m save tune ana money later.' Maiena'8 ror repairs or new work are plentt fnC Kood and noi hlsh nriead. v ham re ceived a aew lot of Woven and Barbed Fence Wire; fencing Tools, Poultry Netting, Nalla. Btap'.ee, etc Theae are only a few of tbe tblnga In onr Im mense stock ot , HARDWARE, THE COUNTRY t 83i GEftTUftpl The ONLY Agricultural KEWSpaper. . AND ADMITTEDLY TBI . Leading Agicultiiral Journal of tie World. Every department written by specialists, tha highest authorities in their respective lines. No other paper pretends to compare with it In qnaliflcations of editorial st--.g. - Gives the agricultural NEWS With a degree of completeness not even attempted by others. INDISPENSABLE TO ALL COUNTRY RESIDENTS WHO WISH TO ' KEEP TJP WITH THg XJlf ES. Siagle SnbseriptlaB, f 1.60, : Two SafeserlpUoas, es.fio Five Sabscrlptloas, f S.6Q, SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS to RAIS EHS OP LABGEB CIiITBS - - - FourMonOuj' Trial Trip SO cents '. SPECIMEN COPIES Y will be mailed free on request. It will pay any body Interested In anyway in country life to send forties Address tbe publishers: WITHER TUCKER A 80M, - Albany, JN-. Tr.'. VW Subscriptions taken at tWa effice, ' "&h papers together, f J. I'i Mm 4 C. TO Geo. O Big Racket Store has receired thousands of cases of new . and pretty goods. ' Erery department throughout the whole . . store has been thoroughly replenished. Easter Hats, Easter Our Millinery Department has had L 11 1! "1 , our Desi attention ana we nave macro great preparations to please erery one. . Onr opening was the greatest success of any we hare erer had. Our-store was thoroughly packed with people and erery one expressed admiration -for onr Hats, Flowers and Trimmings. We hare increased the force in onr trimming depart ment till now we hare ten trimmers. We are trying hard to make prompt delireries to gire the Ladies their Hats on time. Onr wholesale busi ness is increasing wonderfully. We are shipping goods all oyer the coun try in large quantities. When onr goods don't suit we take them back and pay the freight cheerfully. And for the retail trade we guarantee the lowest prices, the prettiest goods and the greatest selection, and we trim your Hat in' any shade you want free of charge. We hare plenty of Trimmed Hats for Ladies and Children in all the grades. We sell , Trimmed Hats for 50o, 75c, $1 and on up. In TJntrimmed Hats we have about 100 dozen Ladies' and Misses Leghorn Hats to sell for 20o each. A big line of shapes in nice, new goods at 25c each. A beautiful line of Chiffon Hats nice, new and nob byfor 98c each. Also a nice line of Made-Hats, on wire frames, in all colors white, black, com, pink and blue-that we are selling for 50c each. In our Flower department, we hare au me, new tnmgs in geraniums, poppies, roses and fruits of different kinds. Inribbons,laces and applique trim mings our stock is well supplied. In our Lace department we hare a nice lineof rack laces, point de spree, ralsand torchons that we are sell ing from 2o to 75o per yard. Our ribbon counters are piled up with new goods in erery rariety. Plenty of relret ribbons from No. 1 to No. 40. Nice silk fast edge relret ribbons 19c per bunch. For Easter Dresses We hare thousands of yards of beautiful lawns, muslins, organdies, and dimi ties. A pretty selection oUFrench i Ceo. O. Gay lord's Big Racket Store. ap 5 FURNITURE When you are looking-for anything in this line SEE US. WE GAIIHOT BE UNDERSOLD. Agents for Wheeler & Wilson Improved Sewing Machine. THE S35nE3ESX CO., Corner Second and Market streets. mr 29 tf Reciprocal Relations. The Directors and Stockholders of the Atlantic National Bank, Wilmington, N. C, aim to reoiprocate fully any .business with which this bank is favored. If you are not already a depositor, open an account NOW and watch the result in your business. Your account is safeguarded by ample assets and con servative management. ARHSTRONS, Praaidani. ANDREW MOREL AND. Cashier 9. S. J. W. YATES, ap 5 tf 20 th Century Building Stone, MANUFACTURED BY THE Hydraulic White Brick Co., Office Mo. 2 Smith Building. Factory "Dickinson Hill," Wilmington, N. Samples and price on application. YOUR ACCOUNT SOLICITED. . " : We pay you interest on deposits at 4 per cent, per annum, compounded quarterly. ATLANTIC TRUST AM BAHKIHG CO., 16 PrinoeBs Street, Wilmington, N. O. Is. R RoKe, X. a U Giewhen. JSiroiia, a Solomon, afifftin O'Brien, B. B. Bellamy, John H. Kuelr, L IsVBear, OW. tates, r P. McKaehern. Matt J. Hejer. ap 4 tf Clay Brick, Annual Capacity 1 0,000,000 of Brick. --Better use old reliable Clay Brick now than to be sorry afterwards." Send us your order and get full value for your money. ap 8 It GoodGi Jnst arrived per steamer to-day T,ZM2vilto .cns). Toor- Ior Bonpa, Gravies, Ao, iet,adi htfnl fl; avorlng- Waffles, Pickled Salmon vYZZZX' (extra Oodnab Smoked HalUbnt. fat broiim It fit h-nlf" , Tne above with m. fmi ii.. . ... wrLnxwQTOK GROC2HT CO- No.- is Bontb Front street. InterHState Trnone 68. y Gaylord Dresses and Easter Suits. madras and white goods, all kinds Beceired to-day, 1 piece black all wool Bedford cord to sell for 75c per yard beautiful goods. Our French madras is worth 60c; we sell them at 38c. Basket weave imported madras for 25o. Twenty pieces very pretty white goods in open work effect worth 25c; we are selling at 18C' Three thousand yards beautiful 15 Lawns in pretty white patterns, e are selling at 65c per yard. Very pretty Dimities in white and colors from 10c to 22c. A full line of Silks in all kinds and colors. Yard wide silk for 75c The very beat qtialitv wash Taffeta Silk 65c per yard. Easter suits for men and bojs We claim to have the largest and best selected stock in the city; we buy our clothing direct from facto- tories and pay cash for them and try to get the newest and prettiest things. We have received a large quantity of Spring goods and a far bett line than we have ever had; we sell clothing at one price and that price we guarantee to be the lowest; we have suits as, low as 12.90; a heavy goods suit for 3-75; a rery pretty worsted suit for $4; twenty styles nice suits for ;.$5; a nice line of youths' suits ranging from $5, $7 $9 and np to $15V ' All our suits ire well made and well fit and the price is 25 per cent, lower than regular clothing people call them. . Our Gents Furnishing Depart ment is fully supplied. A big line of pretty ties, a nioe selection of shirts, boys' waists and a big stock of men's hats; boys palmetto; hats for 8c; men's 5 inch brim for 10c; the best 8-inch brim for 15c; a nico line of factory samples in men's straw bats from 15c to $1.50 each, all the late styles. In regular stock we nave a nice selection from 10r to $1.50 each; also, a nice line of caps for Spring wear. For bargains in every line we claim to be headquarters. Onr stock represents quality, quantity and the lowest prices. No. 9 Assistant Cashier, c. mr 15 tf Clay Brick. E0GER HOOEE S S0HS & CO. Ice Credm, The best to be had on this market, 0 VANILLA AND CHOCOLATE, " IIjOO per. spllon' delivered for . Sunday dinner, J.W- PLUCIHER, Jr., Bell 'Phone 680. mr28 tf I Bell 'Pnone Hi