y ? V V y y ? ? v y v y y x ? V t I y Y X I ? ? ! I y y y x HIDDEN CITY WHAT CITY IT FRANCE The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been, in use for over 30 years, has homo the signature of and has rp-f yfc,, sonal supervision since its infancy. All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-good' are but .Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTOR I A Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the . Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUGNE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years, TMC CCKTAUM COMMNT. TT ttURNAV PRUDENT ADVERTISERS SHOULD NOTE THESE FACTS. I THE MORNING STAR -18 OLDEST DAILY NEWSPAPER IN NORTH CAROLINA AJNL) INiliViiiK bllNUtt ISSUE HAS THERE BEEN ANY CHANGE OF NAME, PROPRIE TORSHIP OR EDITORIAL MAN AGEMENT. IT GUARANTEES A MUCH LARGER REGULAR. BONA FIDE CIRCULATION THAN ANY OTHER DAILY NEWS PAPER PUBLISHED IN WILMINGTON. This claim has never been challenged by any competing newspaper. cor rate and sample copies, address WH. H. BERNARD, Editor wad Proprietor, Wllmiafftoa, H. C, .5. i :-:xxmx I NORTH CHUM tod nn Tfl i I lib 1 Slot; Spriixgs IN". O. Hot Mineral Drinking Water and Baths, with temperature ranglne tram ninety-six to one hundred and ten degrees. Strongly Alkaline and Nature's Specific for RViATimatinm. float. Sciatica, and all kindred troubles. "Thore are no eases which they will not greatly pjsiuTeiy cure, li iaiuuiuiy useo j-aese MOUNTAIN PARK HOTEL, A Hostelry with accommodations for ra, Elegant. Situated in a park of one hundred acres, on the mhjc oi we French Broad Elver, thirty-fire miles west of Asherille, on the main line of he Southern Railway, surrounded by some of the grandest mountains east of he Rockrr Mountains. No Hnmld'tv. No Foes. A delightful Home for the Pleasure-Seeker, an Eden for the Rheumatic. No healthier, no more delight- iui place in the world. Write us for Illustrated Booklet, with Analysis and Testimonials. Howell Cobb, Proprietor. mar 9 tf PUZZLE. IS REPRESENTED? been made under his per- Signature of STHCCT. NfW YORK CITY. ITS JTKST J II D L SPRINGS R IIIUUlllHW I relieve, and few which they will not oprmga are is ma Kruuaui ui uia Three Hundred Guests, and New, Mod. ftt .1 ALOFT I was apprenticed to a decorative painter; but, being of aj bold, dan ger loving turn, J. ran away to sea before my time was out. 'After some years I tired of a maritime life, and, Having married and determined to stick to the shore. I erot work with a builder whose peculiar' line lay in erecting tall chimneys. I had al ways a very cool head! and could stand on elevations that made most men. dizzy, and so I waa soon a fa vorite nan with mv master. We had on one occasion to fasten a lightning conductor ; which had sprung near the top of a very high iimney, ana Mr. b taming chose myself and one James Polly to do it as the most daring of his men. 'About half a dozen of us went that morning with a handcart contain ing the necessary ropes,! blocks, the Kite and a box or cradle. Having flown the kite and dropped its line across the top of the chimney, we soon drew up a rope, at' the end of which was a block," through which ran the line whereby we were to be drawn up. - i Lolly had only been married a fortnight, and as we stepped into the cradle the men banteringly ask ed nun li he hadn't a; last dying speech, to leave for his wife, and then, Mr. Staming haying shaken hands with us and bid Sua-be cool and steady, we were drawn slowly up. It was known all over the town that the conductor was to be fixed, and the streets were thronged with starers. Colly was very quiet, andJ- when I waved my cap tq the people he said snappishly that this was no time for such folly and that he thought I might think of better things than how to amuse these gaping fools, who, he dajred say, de sired no better fun than to 6ee us meet with an accident. ! I had come up in the; best heart, thinking indeed nothing about the danger we incurred, but as we drew nearer and nearer to the top and aa nothing, as it seemed, belong ing to this world near to us but this straining rope I began, to see the pom of the undertaking. What Colly thought of it I don't know. He sat at the bottom of the cradle, never looking out, though I told him he would do better: to keep his eyes about him, so that he might grow used to the height,1 Good heavens I What was this? Here we were within a; yard of the top projecting coping, and still they were winding away without slack ing speed in the least. I guessed in a moment that they mistook our height and that with the great pur chase of that windlass the rope would be broken when the cradle came to the block. I sprang up and, catching the rope, climbed hand over hand to the coninff. Col ly, too, sprang up and followed me. He, too, got up safe. And still they went on winding up till the rope sung again with the strain. Then it snapped, and cradle, haul ing line and the main rope, with its block, fell down. Thus we were two poor men left in a most desper ate situation Poor Colly was completely dazed with affright, and the moment he got on the coping, which was only a foot and a half broad,' he called out : "Where can I pray? Where can I kneel and pray?" And so I said very solemnly: "Sit down, Jem. (iod will hear us if we pray to him sitting down." ; The color of his face was a trans parent blue, and it was distorted and twitching as if he was in a fit. His eyes were very wild and drawn into a squint, and he couldn't sit steady, but swayed his body back ward and forward, so that I felt cer tain that he must topple over. "Come, Jem, lad, I said, think ing to take the fright off him. "It's bad enough, but it can't be mended. Hitch up a bit and put your arm around the rod. Maybe it will steady you." "Where are you, and where is this rod?" he asked in a ivery hollow voice, though he wa3 looking straight at me, and the rod was only a foot or two to his left. By this I knew that he was gone blind with the fright, and self preservation said, "Don't go near inim." But then I remembered his new wedded wife and that, taking him all through, he was always a very de cent fellow, and I thought how I should have liked him to have done if I had been in his case. So I de termined to run a bit of risk in his favor. Of course I durst not get on my feet; but working myself on by my hands, I got to him, and, put ting my arm around hik waist and telling bvrn as cheerily as I could to keep cool, I got' him with his arm around the rod. ; It haid, however, sprung the stapling for five yards down and was so loose that it sway ed with him, and I expected any minute to see him falling head ana heels down and! the rod tearing away with tim. j There was great bustle down be low. People were running around the yard and pushing to get in, but as yet there were but some score of men at the foot of the chimney, and by closes looking I saw them put somebody on a board and carry him gently away toward the engine house. One of the men walked aft er with a hat in his hand. I knew then that somebody had been hurt by the falling cradle and that it must be poor Mr. Staming, as none of our men wore hats. ! Not a face was turned up to us. Iilearned aft rward that our men were so taken up with sorrow that so j good a man and 60 kind a master should be kill ed that for awhile they: had never a thought about us, and : the people outside imagined that we had come down with the cradle, j so thus we were left in isolation; for twenty minutes. While I was watching them be low, feeling very sorry if or my poor master, I was startled by a wild laugh from Colly, who began mak inff catcalls and yelling as if he was possessed. . Then I knew that he had gone mad. Even now I tremble when I think of that time.-?. It was horrible to peer down the shaft, black and sooty and yawning; ' and scarcely -less so to look outside and see a flight of pigeons sweeping I argBdai considerably less hejght than we "were. TEerFColly thank God, he was so dazed that he could not see me called my name three times as I sat fairly cringing in dread that his sight might clear, ajnd with a ghastly grin and chewing with his mouth he" began working himself toward me. i I worked away from him as noise lessly as I could, with every hair of my head standing on end. He fol lowed me twice around that horrid coping, making most hideous noises, and then, having come a second time to the rod, he got an idea in his muddled head that I had fallen over, for he never lost a sense of where he was all through this try ing time. Then he tried to get on his feet, but at the risk of my own life I could not let the poor fellow rush to certain death without one more effort, so I cried out for him to sit down. He cowered down like a whipped dog, all trembling. I suppose it had been put into his head that I was a dead man speak ing to him. That morning my wife had got a letter from her sister in Canada, and as there were parts we could not make out I had put it in my pocket, intending to get our timekeeper to read it for me. It had a scrap of uncovered paper at the bottom, and by another good providence -I hap pened to have a bit of red lead pen cil in my pocket. I wrote on the paper: "Get us down. Colly's gone mad." This I shut "in my. tobacco box and was fortunate enough to drop it just at the feet of two men who were standing by the engine house door. Directly all was bustle to rescue us. They got the kite up again, and T watched it mounting slowly, slowly, and when the slack twine fell between Colly and myself I took it in my hand and could have kissed it. Poor Colly, with his teeth chat tering, still fancied I was a spirit, and I did all I could to favor that idea until they got another cradle up to us. Then, havinggot him in, I scrambled in myself, and, clutch ing him fast, I shouted for them to lower. And so we were got down, he wrestling and fighting with me all the way. He was in a madhouse for some months and then went to scavenger ing, for he never would face any height again. And I have never had the same clear head since that adventure. ITnvr Liu coin Pelt. " I:i 1S32. pays a writer in the Kansas City Joiinml, Colonel Alexander of To jx who was an intimate friend of rrcj'.dcnt Lincoln, visited him at Wash-i-io:i ami found him in a greatly de-p-issi i! of mind. "This 1 -i president isn't all It is rr: ck(l up 10 bo. is it, Mr. Lincoln?" in'j'uiretl j!oihI Alexander. "Xo." said Lincoln, his eyes twinkling momentarily. "1 feel sometimes lik the Irishman who, ufter being ridden on a rail, said, 'Begorry, if it wasn't for the honor av the thing, I'd rather walk!' " Bobbedltbe GrT. A startling incident is narrated by John Oliver, of Philadelphia, as fol lows: "I was in an awful condition. My skin was almost yellow, eyes sunken, tongue coated, pain continu ally in the back and aider, no appe tite, and growing weaker day by day. Three physicians bad given me up. Tben I was advised to use Electric Bitters; to my great joy, the first bot tle made a decided improvement. I continued their use for three weekr, and am now a well man. I know they robbed the grave of another vic tim." No one should fail to try them. Ooly 50 cents, guaranteed, at B. R. BELLAMY'S drug Store. t Asking you to see our new line of LOW SHOES in Oxfords, Bluchers, Prince Al berts and Colonials for Men, Wo men and Children, made on a variety of lasts and in all the norm lai leathers. Dainty, comfortable and durable. Pleasingly priced, they come in good season for EASTER FOOTWEAR. MERCER & EVANS CO , Sole Agent for Douglas Shoes mr31tf Bug Death Kills Potato, Squash and Cucumber Bugs, Currant and To mato Worms, and all bugs and worms that chew the leaves of plants. BUG DEATH is a tenacious pow der, very fine, like dust, adheres to the vine, and is almost impossible to wash off. BUG DEATH can be applied dry with Perfection Shaker or a coarse cloth, or, what is better, mixed with water at the rate of 1 pound to 5 gallons water, and sprayed with any of the hand sprayers. O (.Produce better quality . The phenomenal sale BUG DEATH has had during the com paratively short time it has been on the American and Canadian markets, and the hearty endorsement given by truckers and merchants through Out both ' countries must-.convince the most skeptical that it has all-the merits claimed for it. For sale by THE WORTH CO., ap 4 tf Wllmington,irrO. FURNITURE That is made right and sold right That is the bind we keep. - ; GASTON D. PHARES & CO., The furniture Man. no-m Market bu r inter-state to, mrUtt LIS We claim that the COAL we are selling is as good as any Domestic soft GOAL sold on this market: Try it and you will find it so. Our Price Is $6.00 Per Ton. ? a; Pi f When you pay more, you are out the differ ence for looks. W Glvb us your orders and save money, Wm. E. Worth & Co. Phones Bell 94. Inter-State 146. Ka,c3-y For A. D. -AJU 1 1 4 Mar-ket St. Having located in my temporary quarters for a few months . until tne completion of my old stand I would announce that my Spring and Summer stock is here, and every day something new arriving. I am now prepared to serve the public and ask for a full share of patronage. And in re suming business and extending a line of credit it will be necessary for all OLD BILLS to be settled. This rule will be adopted in every Instance. We have the newest novelties of the season, such as Silk Piques, Neckwear, LaceB of all kinds, Gloves, Handker chiefs, Antique Clune Laces, all-over Laces, Foulard Calicos, Ginghams, Cambrics, Percales, everything that is kept in a first-class Dry Goods House. Agent for Butterick's Patterns. Agent f r American Lady Corset. A. D. BROWN. mr 22 tf , WM. E. SPRINGER & GO. 'District Agents" for the "CLARIS CUTAWAY argest and finest lines of American snd English double and single breech o. ding Shot Guns ever brought to this market. sep 17 tf Purcell Building, Wilmington, N C. ARE YOU PARTICULAR ABOUT YOUR SHOES? The Sprine season is here. Yon need new Shoes for Easter. The DOBOTHY DODD SHOE ladies is the sensation of the season, shoe world. How so much snap, style and comfort could be put into a shoe, at such a low price is surprising. Hiili Guts $3.50, $5. Low. Cuts $2.50, $3. The French heels on Dorothy Dodd Shoes are not made of wood, but of leather, and can be easily repaired. Sold only at SOLOMON'S SHOE You May Not Be Particularly anxious about starting a savings account right now, but you cannot help seeing the wisdom of do insr so. Everv dav that vou delav lessens the amount you could . accumulate. We pay 4 per terly on deposits of 5.00 and upwards. Tbe Wilmington Savings & Trnst Co., 168 Princess Street. J. W. NORWOOD, Praaldant. H WALTERS, PriWt. a8U O. Mm TATIiOBi Jr.i OMhIW. FURNITURE- When you are this line SEE US. WE CAII110T BE UNDERSOLD. Agents for Wheeler & Wilson Improved No: 9 Sewing Machine. THE SZETEIEID CO. mr29tf Corner Second and Market streets. P R.MOF FETTS7 f,TEETrUNCf pOVYDE RS Cure CholBra.lrrfantuinlOlarrhoaa.'DvsarTtarv and tha BowaJ Troubles of .Children of AlHFAa. Aids DltfattlotU Regulates the TEETHING EASY.- Cures Eruptions and ancf prevents Worms- TEETHIN A Counteracts and Overcomes tho Effects of tho Summer's -tie -upon VTeetMnf Children, an(j costs only 25 cents at Druggists, er mU 2S eas-1to C J.1OFf JETTi VD St. Louis. Mo. - - ST r)(p J wm Pi feb 11 tf Busi -n.ess. BROWN DISC HARROWS,' One of the greatest labor-saving machines known, and such work as ft does cannot be done by any other machine made. In a few days will show one of the for in the cent, per annum, compounded quar 1 looking for anything in Bowels. Strengthens the Child and MAKES Sores, Colio. Hives and Thrush. Removes Hie-hlv recommended for its ; TONIC Properties and as a Preventive for Afl Kinds of Ferers. c poirCRA co. .a nr. wiiiism St., jr. y. 4 STORE. 7n 1 av A CLAD HEART ! Is yours when your feet are clad in elegance, comfort and style. Just the kind of foot covering you fisd at French's, for yourself, your hus band and all the children. Your Easter suit will be complete with a pair of our OXFORDS. GEO. R. FRENCH & SONS. ap8tf . REGULAR SCHEDULE CONSOLIDATED RAILWAYS, LIGHT & POWER COMPANY. In Effect Feb. 20th 1908. LEAVE FBONT AND PEINOE88 STREETS (For Wrightsville Beach.) At 47 00 A. tf.. 10 00 A. M 1.00 P. VL, 3.00 P. M., 6 00 P. M, Saturday only 10.00 P. M. LEAVF WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH (For Wil mington.) 3 At t7.45 AM., 11.45 A.M., tl.45 P.M., 5.05 P. M., 6.45 P. M. LEAVE WEIGHTS VILLE (For Wilmington.) Ac 8.00 A. M., 13.00 H , 2.00 P. M., 5.20 P. M 7.00 P.M. Saturday only 10 30 P. M. Dally except Sunday. twill not be ran beyond Wrightsville except on request of Conductor. Freight. Becelyed at Ninth and Orange streets from 4 to 5 P. M. Dally except Sunday. Saturday and Sunday if the weather Ss pleasant. Suburban Line Gars Will leave Front and Princess . streets every half hour from 1:00 to 5:00 P. M., and re turning leave Ocean View from 1:45 to 5:45 P. M. C R. L. & P. Co. mr 15 tf SEABOARD Air Line Railwav Schedule in Effect Jan. 11, 1908. ZBAIK Leaves Wilmington at 4:80 P. M., ar 89 nves Lumberton 6:56 P. M., Pembroke 7:20 P. H., Maxton 7:55 P. MM Hamlet 8:40 P. M. TRAIN Leaves Hamlet at 8:80 A. M., arrives 40 Maxton 9:13 A. M Pembroke 9:43 A. M., Lumberton 10 08 A. M., Wilming ton 18.80 noon. WESTBOUND FBOM HAMLET. Hamlet...... Ar Monroe... ....... .......... Ar Charlotte............ Ar Chester.......... Ar Greenwood Ar Athens.... Ar Atlanta...... ............. 8 60 a ml 9.00 om 10 83 a m U.40:am 10.45 p:m 1159 p m lisopm 12.01 p m 9s.q p m 5.19 p m 7.40 p m 8.00 am 4.15 am 6.15 aim Close connection at Atlanta for Montgomery, Mobile, New Orleans and all points In Texas, Mexico and California: also for Chattanooga, Nashville, Louisville, Bt. Louis, Cincinnati, Chicago, and western and Northwestern fJOUTHBOUND FBOM HAMLX7. Lv Hamlet soos-xn 8.45am! sjsopm Ar Columbia. ..... 7 24". a m 11.55 a m J 1.10 a m At savannah:...... 9 45 am s is p mi 4.65 am Ar Jacksonville. .. 1.20 p m 7.40 p mi 9 15 a m Ar Tampa 645am! ooopm MOETHBOUND FBOM HAMLET. ' : Lv Hamlet 10,25 pm 8 00 am Ar Baleigh 1.15 a m 11.10 a m Ar Norllna 3.18 am 1.25 p m Ar Portsmouth ( 7iom sssnm Ar Norfolk f f 7-m fc.wlS Lv Hamlet... 10.85 p m 8.45 a m U.09 a m Ar Baleigh 1.15 a m 11.45 a m 2.88 a m Ar Norllna 3.18 am 1.85pm .......... Ar Petersburg .... 6.83 am 4.09pm"...... Ar Richmond...... 6.10 am 155pm 6.40am Ar Washington .... M5a m 8.85 p m 10.10 a m Ar Baltimore 10.68 a m 11.86 p m 11.85 a m Ar New York 3.15 p m e.toam 445pm Through Pullman sleepers from Hamlet to all points North, South and southwest. For tickets, Pullman reservations, etc, apply to Thomas D. Meares. General Agent, W liming ton, M.O. amstf Commissioner's Sale of Real Estate. John H. Gore, Jr., vs. Du Brutz Cutlar and Me chanlcs Home Association. By virtue of a decre of the Superior Court, In the above entitled 'action, the undersigned Com mlssioner will expose for sale, to the highest bidder, for cash, at the Court House door of DVf.lWU UIVVWVJ ui.wi.in. w.v A lot, beginning at a point in the northern line or Market street Mfeet eafitwaraly from its intersection with the eastern line of .Tenth street, and running thence eastwardly along, eald northern line of Market street 98 feet; thence northwardly and parallel with Tenth street 140 feet, more or less, to the line of the old Newborn road: thence westward along, the line of the old Newbera road :se feet and thence'southwardly, paralle lwlth Tenth street 103 feet, more or less, to beginning; being parts of lots 8, 4 and 5, Block 174. - A lot beginning ac a point In said northern line of Market street 189 feet eastwardly from Its intersection of the eastern line of Tenth street, and running east along said northern line ot Market street 54 feet; thence northward ly and parallel with Tenth street 150 feet, to a point In the Newborn road; thence westwardly with said road about 54 feet, and thence south wardly and parallel with Tenth stret 147 feet more or less, to tbe beginning; being part of lot. s. 4 andfe Block IJJ 8Bnaa5BN. Commissioner. E BTJ88ELL & QOBJE, . ' Attorneys. mr730t Commissioner Sale of Real Estate. John H. oore, Jr., vs. DuBrutz Cutlar. By virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of New Hanover county in the above entitled ac tion, the undersigned commissioner wlU expose for sale, to the highest bidder, for cash, at the Court House door of New Hanover county, on u ..i. A. .mill tans at.l9AitliAlr Beginning at a point In the 'northencllne or CampbeU street 50 feet tyrardly f rom ltata tersectlon with the eastern llneof F onrttii Btjeet and running thence nortiwaiy wlrallel with Fourth street 130 feet more or leeSjto the line of the right of way of the wUmtotrton Weldon Bauroad 1 Wmpany: ,&inmUaMUtr wardly along and wlthaald line of isaid rltof way 6 feet, more or less, to the line ofalot of land claimed, or owned by H. L. pebman: thenca southwardly along said line and parallel Xr&TT? Se gSgg ped.849; Oommlssloner. . BUBSELL & GOBE, . Attorneys - mr 78Ct "THt; FAV0RITE.,, The Favorite" Barber Shop is now more at. tractive than ever. Becent improvements make it more pleasing to the eye; while ft still maintains Its old reputation for the. very best service to Its patrons. -i..' "' , aUlOH 4t DAVIS. notttt 1 flontti Front Stret - new turnover connity. ua nuiiunjr, uua iux of April, 1903. at is o'clofx M., the following de- nwmAwirv .Hnata ln tha rfltvnf Wllmlnor- M., the following described property situate in OtaCfifcvnr wiiTninortnn. Stars of North CarO- ATLANTIC COAST LINE. LOW ROUND TRIP Rates From Wilmington Southern Baptist Convention, ; Sa vannah, Ga., May 7th-14th; Southern Educational Conference, Richmond, Vs., April 20ih-22nd. On account of above named occasions, m the Atlantic Coast Line will sell round trip tickets from Wilmitgton at the following rates: Richmond, (10.40. Tickets on sale April 20th and 21st. Final limit, April 28th, 1903. Savannah, (9.80. Tickets sold Maj 4th to 7th, inclusive. Final limit May 20tb, 1908. An exten sion of final limit to June 1st may be obtained by deposit of ticket and pay ing fifty (50) cents. Call on ticket aeent for full information, W. J. "CRAIG, Approved: Gen'l Passenger Aeent. H. M. EMERSON, Traffic Manager. nov 15 tf ATLANTIC COAST LINE. Schedule In Effect Jan. 11. 1908. NORTHBOUND . NO. 48 9 80 a 12.21 p NO.. 7.00 088 .40 p m p m pm p m Lv Wilmington...... ., Ar Golds Doro Ar Wilson Ar Rocky Mount tr Norfolk r Weldon.. Ar Petersburg.,., .... Ar Richmond. Ar Washington, . , .......... Ar Baltimore. ........ ........ Ar Phfldelphia...... ........ Ar Sew York..... i.io p 1.55 p 555 p 4.53 p 6.58 p 7 M n 10,40 11.85 1.45 8.S5 4.07 7.M 9.10 a m a m am a m a m a m p m 11.40 p i.xa;a 4.05 a 7.15 a 11.35 8.00 SOUTHBOUND. No. 141 8.65 a m No. 49 9.9K n m Lv New York Ar Philadelphia... ....i. Ar Baltimore ,.. Ar Washington - Ar Norfolk... Ar Richmond.. Ar Petersburg Ar Weldon Ar Bocky Mount.. Ax Wilson Ar Goldsboro Ar Wilmington 11.80 a m 13.10 a m 1.44 p m 387a m 8.45 am 9 oo am 8,80 am 913 a m 11.22 a 111 p m i ....... 6 56 i m 7.33 p m 9.04 d m 1007 P 13 60pm 10.48 p m l.WtpH 3.65 pm 5.45 p m 7.10 a m 10.10 a m BETWEEN WHJHKQTON AND THE SOUTH. SOUTHBOUND. Dally EX. Sunday. Dally. Daily. Lv Wilmington. .. 6.oo am 3.45 p m 7.00 p m Ar Florence 9.25 a m 7.80 pm 3.56 am Ar Charleston..... 1.10 p m 11 15 p m 5.45 a m Ar Savannah.. ... 6.85 pm 8.00 am 7.65 am Ar Jacksonville 9.00 a m 13 45 p m Ar Tampa 7.00 p m 10.00 p m NORTHBOUND. i Daily Ex. Sunday. Daily. Lv Tampa 8.05 p m 9.80 a m Ar Jacksonville 7.30 a m 7.00 pm Ar Savannah. 1.10 p m 1.15 am Ar Charleston 6.15 p m 6.35 a m Ar Florence........ 8.00 pm 9 45 am Ar Wilmington. 11.45 p m 1.40 p m BETWEEN WILMINGTON AND BAN FORD. West Bound East Bound Daily, Dally Lv Wilmington. I 9.10 amlAr. 8.00 pm Ar PayettevUlo. 113 20 p m Ar. 6.00 p m at aaniorq 150pmLv. 8.45 pm BETWEEN WILMINQTON AND NEWBEBN. North Bound South , Dally ex Sunday, Bound LvVilmington ....I2.M.P mAr. 13.08 pm Ar Newborn ..5.40 p mLv. 9 00 a in Vla Wilson. Trains Nos. 40 and 41 carry Pullman Sleeping Cars between Wilmington and Washington, con nect: ug with Penna B. B, lor all points east. W. J. OBAIQ, Qenl PaBsenge' Agent H. H. XMEBBON. frafflo Manager, jyntf Atlantic ani MA Carolina Baflroai Tfas Table M. 1. Te Tk BsTeet Snndy, Oei. tl. 1900. t 18.01 A. BL SOWS KABT. oonis man. r 4 Pass'gr Trains Pass'g'r mint - JSTAflONS. Arrive Leave Arrive beavt P. K. P. M. A. M. A. V S 40 Goldsboro....... 11 06 !.. ss Kinston 10 if 40 5 60 Newborn. ...... I if I so T 08 T 0T Horehead Olty. T M T 8t P.!!!. P. M. - A. M. A. M. Train 4 connecte wia w. St W. train bonno North, leaving Soldsborc at 11.85 A. VL, and with Southern Ball way train West, leaving Ctoldsboro 8.00 P. kL, and with W. N. at New Bern for Wilmington and intermediate points. Train 8 connects with Southern Railway tt aln, arriving at Ooldsboro 3.00 P. H., and with w. A w. train from the North at s,os p. M. Mo. l train also connects with W. ft m. tor Wllmlnc ton and Intermediate points. octutf. . .. s. a. DiUs eup-t Tbe Clyde Steamship Co Hew York, Wilmington,. 11. C, and Georgetown, S.C., Lines - rreatt iw erter wuatnnoii. qeo. w. cltd....... ....Saturday. April 4 OABIB... Saturday; Aprtl 11 Fream Wll ligtem fe Kw Twk, oabib .'. Saturday, April 4 SEO. w. CLYDE Saturday, Aprtl 11 Vreas WUaetaarten tr Cieesewm. OABIB......;...... ...lueeday, March si GEO. W. CLYDE Tuesday, AprU 7 Steamship Oarib has good passenger ac commodation. W Throusrh BUls Lading and Lowest Through Bates guaranteed to and from points in North and South Carolina. GLIDE MILNE, Genl Freight Agentc THKO. G. EGEB. Genl Manager. y " WM. P. CLYDE ?o-Genjl-igentt, - 19 State Street, New York. mr38 tt. . Lands Pcsted. TheprivUege of hunting on my lands near Wilmington having been leased, all persons a hereby warned against shooting, hunting, ran ng e othenrlsi trespassing on said lands. ,. noltt - S. W. M08LE