i. ; fob-the'-Little t ones, f little nonsense. ",vw: : - : : ' - -.- : - nC :y. - I xmr JCKTmTn :' fl AlLttlUll; I ; Had "Force" for Sunday evening tea, II II When cook went out that afternoon. II H - " 'Tts but a saucer and a spoon if r ; J'" ' Or two to wash a task not grim . II r.JtV And ail ar pleased," iawghd "Sunny Jim." II l BeotoSTC Cerwl I Jl pleases everybody "F II Jf II Sweat, etil flales of wkaat ant malt. CHffS II 11 " We Like it. " Sf(1 II" M We nw 4 Force 'and like It exceedingly. "5Cv?P Vm ll " H. R. Satthsw. SSCI AufFjy f HtDDEN STATE PUZZLE.' 5 4 ' WHAT STATE IS REPRESENTED? 1 A f The great rheumatic remedy not only cures every nrm nf rheumatism, out makes radical cure of I Contagious Blood Poison, Scrofula, Sores, Boils, Catarrh, P and all diseases arising from impurities in the blood. 1 CM4nral Kv tlfl vctrlflflO 1 TA tSMM In MA.AMf j where after thorough trial. UUW HU1 iNJUKIi ina UlbfiSTlVE URUANS, Raxsiqh, N. C. 4 ftntlpmen : I take nleasure In bearing testimonv tn thn 5 of your " Rheumacids." Two bottles cured my son of a bad case, ft this will r be of any benefit to you In advertising your meritorious remedy, you can use it. V ju - - " - w, a vmi viuv u buw niu : any benefit to you in advertising your meritorious remedy, you can use it. i ours truly, w . a. itAJN 1J, steward State Blind Institution. All Druggists, $1.00; or prepaid on receipt of price Bobbltt Chemical Co., Baltimore, fid. J AM'getable Preparationfor As similating the Food andBegula ting the Stomachs and Bowels of " Promotes Digeslion.Cheerfur nessand Rest.Contains neither Opium.Morphine nor rGneral. Not Nab. c o tic . nuiff of OltUbSAKUELPITCHER Pumpkin Seal" Alx.Smtut KxxktU, SLtx Asise Seed- Hfytrminl - Bi CerbonekSm Hum Seed - Clanfud Sugar I buitoyrrt. norm: .perfect Remedy forConstipa Uon, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature or NEW YORK. EXACT COPY Or WRAPPER " .1 liil For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of ' Am , In Use For Over Thirty Years IK THE CCNTAUR COMMNV. RCW TOHII 4MIV ;SPMf SEASHORE HOTEL, "WHIGHT3VILLB BEACH, N. C. Jut Eight tts Prom WIWd jton. i cms em iwir i HE res We now have 180 large airy bedrooms, 20 en suites with priYate bath. "uiei oeirig but a few yards from old ocean a edge renaers 11 cooi ana gfortable at all times. Artesian water, no malaria, no mosquitoes, no The finest Bathing, Boating atid Fishing along the Atlantic coast. ' uiaine will be thoroughly up-to-date, embracing everything in "ay of delicacies in sea foods and choice edibles. : ? V hi Piecea 1 r . -"viu i 1A DCd 1VUUO CUU OUVftOO UUIV.t nubic the entire season by the Hotel's Celebrated Orchestra of eight o more delightful resort in the South. Write for descriptive book- ' rate8 etc. Address , - JOE H. HirJTOTJ, Manager, TX7UTa.TTTlHT7rT.T.T5 RF.kCH. N. C. LB,0n PenB June 1st. Resident Pbyalcian, Dr. Thos, S. Bur- THE MDRCHISOH NATIONAL BAHK, Organized March 1899. Jpital and surplus. $400,000 Shareholders' liability 300,000 Strongest Bank In Wilmington. $700,000 known in pdern?6" Can rely ou PromPt eice and the best facilities 5J uieinous, fScaUEEH, President , J V. GRAINGER, Casbler. ICD R. M O F F ZTT'S J fTtrcTHiwr DAuinrncv 4. ,ol.era-lnfantum. Dlorrhna. Diil.nt.rii n4 h Rnuol TrnnhlM of Children :eETHim ld Diaestion. R0ulatB tha BawiiIl Slvrthi. (k Child and MAKE 8rreventfu?Y' Cures Eruptions and Soro. Collo, Hivea nd Thruah. Rempvem fcier-, I V orm- TEETHINA Counteracts and Overcomes the Effects of the l2S can? . upJ?n Teething Children, and costs only 25 cents at Druaglata, of cnts to C. O. MOFFETT. M. D St. Uouls. Ma. 7n f i . I mmm 1 1 r v v i or 3 Bird of the 8ea That Are Care let In . Nearly, all, sea birds Wre far more careless ia. their nesting than, their cousins who live inland.' The terns, the skua, the puffins, the black throated diver ' and the guillemot really make no nests at all., The puffins, however, usually borrow a rabbit burrow andj are not particu lar whether its original owners have done with it or not. If they inter fere or even try to pass, a peck; from the puffin's great parrot shanecf bill i3 enough to warn them against try ing to experiment tHe second time. ; The auk3 are birds of the north ern seas and are terhans t.Via fmoaf divers of all T;he feathered tribes. ineu enort wings look in fact far more like fins tnan wings, and,- un- uite gulls, the auks catch their prey beneath the water. The ton of a spot to lay her eggs is very birange. one cnooses a bare, bro ken ledere of hard rork ovrhnnOTTir the waves. It looks as though it were a feat to balance eggs in such a nlace. and the mRrWI ia hnf first gale does not send them rolling over tne crags. sut an auk's eggs are so shaned as to nrevpnt rupIi a calamity. They are much larger at one ena tnan at the other, and sq in-. stead of rolling straight ahead like a ball thev turn around in a itvTa when started and so keep , their piaces upon.tne rocfcsr ALL OVER THE HOUE. Dieeretion In Selecting Wall Paper and Borders. You hear much talk about one paper having "a good design" and another having "a poor design." Wot one person in a thousand real ly knows what a good design is. Yet if you put a poor design-upon your walls you will injure the effect of your room without being able to ac count for it. Follow the better part of valor, as you so often do in buy Ing dress goods; get a plain color, as "always satisfactory," "not like ly to go out of fashion' and so on. Be wary jin, the matter of .borders and friezes. In these a good design Is seldom to be had. Also, they are generally too narrow,, obliging you to put your, picture at the junc ture with the wall paper, which may be entirely the wrong place for it. The right place for a picture molding is even with the tops of the different heights of doors and win dows, and it TBhould be even with the greatest number. A simple and satisfactory way of treating a room is to carry the calci mine, of the ceiling down to the pic ture molding, possibly eighteen inches or more, and let the paper begin there. Obviously the ceiling should be one of the lightest shades of the paper or else cream color. Some pretty rooms have been made by selecting a good paper frieze and. ealcimming or painting the rest of the wall to match one of its darker colors. If the frieze is not wide enough, its lower edge may be set at the proper height and the,ceiling color carried down to its upper edge. The upper edge of leaves or some other irregularity may evjen be cut out before pasting it upon the wall. Isabel McDougall in Jfll-grim. Crash Curtains. Brown linen is amoner the recent innovations for dressing a window. It is particularly effective wnere the room is treated in ecru or in different tones of yellow. Curtains of this nave interiet. rincrn of heavv clunv lace and many rows of hemstitching. The con trast of the white lace and tne aarK Hnpn is auite strikine and pretty. While this style of hanging is more frequently used in tne -bearoom, curtains of linen for the dining room are good. Crash, old fasnioned crasn 01 ine rlish twel variety, can also be used with splendid success as window curtaining. Tne coarser xne mesa the better the effect, and as this is very cheap in price the fashion should be welcomed by young or economical housewives. On the Dining Table. From the fair shores of Nor mandy comes the latest decoration for the center of the dining table. This novelty , is supposed to be a fishing basket, but it is much more delicate in material and form than those used by the fishermen in the north of France. It is made of white rustic straw and impartially enameled in white. It looks prettiest when filled with English violets, with a mauve bow tied upon the handle. A wee orange, tree is another fa vorite decoration for dinner. One is especially effective when in a yel low china pot. This tree makes a charming decoration for an early wedding breakfast. Ginger Cream. - . Soak a quarter of a box of gela tin in half a cup of milk for half an hour, then place the bowl over steam until the gelatin is perfectly dissolved. Add to it four ounces of granulated sugar and a pint of whipped cream, two tablespoonfula of preserved ginger, chopped fine; two tablespoonfuls of ginger sirup and a tablespoonful of almonds," blanched and chopped very fine. Stir until it begins to thicken, pour into a mold and set on the ice. Serve in a glass dish, and powder the top with chopped almonds. Chicken Broth. Use the legs of a chicken for this dish. Break the joints and eut jip meat into small strips. Pour over it four cups of water, add one tableepoonf ul of rice and half a tea spoon of salt, then allow it to sim mer very slowly for an hpur and a half Strain out the rice and meat and cool. Skim off the fat and re heat as much of the broth as is re quired, In hot weather , the rice may sour the broth, so make with out and keep the Boup in a tightly corked jar in the refrigerator. jjGroqd. Housekeeping; If there were no such word as fall, some dishonest man would soon invent It. Chicago News. "' Oblivion Is the rule and fame the ex ception of humanity. Bivarol. ; Foolish r 'stake of a Man Who Waa 4 Sc.lcitir.g For Charity. - TLe m:vi who was soliciting for a charitable institution arjued long and earnestly.. He wanted a con tribution of $100. Finally the mer chant reached for his checkbook. "The Lord loveth a cheerful giv er," quoted the solicitor, with cheerful satisfaction. , Does he?" asked the merchant, hesitating. .- . . "You'll find it in the Bible," as serted the solicitor. The merchaii t put back his i checkbook. -" "I was about to give you $100," he explained, "but I couldn't possi bly do that cheerfully. Doubtless it would be more pleasing in. the eyes of the Lord if I kept down to a point where I can be cheerful." Thereupon he handed a five dol lar bill to the solicitor, and smiled , pleasantly. Chicago Post. , A Privilege In Peril. Master Jane, what is that terri ble racket going on outside ? Jane One of the children fell downstairs, sir. - T Master Well, you tell themthat if they cannot fall downstairs with-, out making so much noise I won't allow them to fall down at all. The How. Tubbs What hour Is It? Dubbs None at all. Tubbs What do you mean? .' Dubbs Not yet 1 o'clock. New Tori Herald. : Some Russian railways employ, only members of the Orthodox church. Startling; Evidence. Fresh testimony in great quantity is constantly coming in, declaring Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump tion, Coughs , and Golds to be un equalled. A recent expression from T. J. McFarland, of Bentorrille, Va., serves as example. He' writes: "I had Bronchitis for three years, and was doctored all the time without be ing benefitted. Then I began taking Dr. King's New Discovery, and a few bottles wholly' cured me." Equally effective in curing all Lung 'and Throat trouble, Consumption, Pneu monia and Grip. Guaranteed by R. B. Bxixamt, druggist. Trial bottles free; regular sizes 60c and $1.00. t Mill Bone Pains, Itching, Scabby Skin Diseases. plea. Pli Cancer, Blood Troubles, Sores. Permanently cured by taking Botanic Blood Balm. It deatroja the aeUve Poison In the blood. If you have aches and pains in bongs, back and joints. Itching Scabby Skin. Blood feels hot. Swollen elands. Risings and Snaps on the Bkln, Mncns Patches In Month, Sore Throat, Pimples, Oopper-Colored Spots, all run down, Uloers on any part of the body, Hair or Eyebrows falling oat, take Botanic Blood Balm, guaranteed to cure even the worst and most deep-seated cases where doctors, patent medicines and hot springs fall. Heals all sores, stops aU aches and pains, reduces all swellings, makes blood pure and rich, completely changing the entire body Into a clean, healthy condition. B. B. B. has cured thousands after reaching the last stages of Blood Poison. Old Rhenmatism,Catarrh,Eeaema, Itching Httmora, Scrofula are caused by an awful Poisoned condition of the Blood.: B. B. B. stops Hawking and Spit ting, Itching and Scratching: cures Rheuma tism, Catarrh: heals all Scabs, scales, Erup tions, watery Busters, fool festering Bores; by giving a pure, healthy blood supply to affected parts. Blood Balm Cares Cancers of All Kinds Suppurating Swellings, Rating Sores, Tumors, ugly Ulcers. It kills the Cancer Poison and heals the sores or worst cancerperfectly. If yon have a persistent Pimple, Wart Swellings, Shooting, Stinging Pains, take Blood Balm and they will disappear before they develop Into Cancer. . . Bay m large bottle for SI, or mmy drassist, take m directed. Sotoale Blood Bala (B.B.B. ) almyi cares when the right quantity 1. taken. It net eared yoar money wilt with. Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B.) Is Pleasant and safe to take. Thoroughly tested for 80 years f - Composed of Pore Botamo Ingre dients, strengthens weak kidneys and weak stomachs, cures dyspepsia. Complete amo tions go with each bottle, sample of B. H. SB. and Pamphlet Sent Free by writing Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Oa. Describe yoar trouble, and special free medical advice, to salt your case, also sent in sealed letter. deoalyr- snth w THE cleansing and healing: CUBS FOB r CATARRH !?! Greai Bali Easy and pleasant1 to use. Contains no In- CATARRH 3 Jurtous drug. ab- I .JBJ I "SL I COLD !M HEAD It is sorbea. Gives Relief at once. It Opens and Cleanses the Nasal Passages' Allays Inflammation. Heals and Protects the Membrane. Restores the Senses of Taste and. Bmell. Large size, 60 cents at Druggists or by mall.- Trial slae, le cents by mau. ELY BROTHERS, 86 Warren street. New York. Bepiatf satntb ' I 1- SttluMei M wf Mt MriaMN. i m hmniCo1W- l'-'-lnif Emms Choi ICU.C0. mrso ly MEN AND WOMEN. Vie Big CI for unnatural dlchargei4aaM"ni?M' irritations or slcerationt of mnoous membrsnei. PainleM, snd not srtria. .... mtiMIAOL - . HOH. w. V- old trw Droawlsts, or sent la plain wrapper. by expreM, vrnM. m Circular seat on rmuett. tuth sa ' MSI ' 'CHICHESTER'S ENQLI8H ' : PEnriYROYALPILLG II . Orlslaal and Only OsnmlM. lj in VED Aid Grid. mMalll HW. Mill Ivith btiwribboB. Tnkenoothei-b KefmM DaascraMS 8b.UtatlB ail latlts. ttoan. buj or jour brogciit, or Mad 4a. la Sir Partlaalara, ToatlawalaU and "RelleT fur Lad lea," to IMMr, by re. ' t.n Mali. 1 O.OOtt TMtlBMiBla. Said kv alt DrxffiM. CkleBeaterOaeailealCa- KaattaBtaiDaoar. Maal Baaara. fllllt. VAi f t 9 ICE ICE, ICE, ICE J The Independent Ice Co. 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 f 9 9 9 9 Is the friend of the public. We are on the consumer's side. Just make a note & a?5l of this pointer and do not make a great big mis- take by patronizing the - ICE TRUST 9 9 9 9 9 9 Our ICE is the best made in the county. Our de- V livery service isjclearly up-to-date and our prices 9 9 9 are just and reasonable, remember my 6(tf NOTICE! BEGINNING JUNE 1ST WE WILL PUT INTO USE Coupon Ice Tickets. Selling Only Hew Tickets, Printed In Strips. Coupons to be detached as Ice is delivered, Please note that no one in our employ will be allowed to sell the detached cou pons. Respectfully, Wm. E. Worth $ Co., Inter-State 'Phones 146-416. my 24 tf Bell 'Phones 94-64. SUMMER GOODS. Screen Doors, W JJSTDO'W SOIRJEQIrlillSrS. Hinges in sets with handles Complete for doors. LAWN MOWERS. Finest assortment of JRefrigerators and Ice Chests on the market. White Mountain Freezers. . B. SPRINGER & CO., my 2tf Purceil Building, Wilmington, N. C. Deposito Twlade With Ug On or before June 1st will begin to draw interest from that date, - the beginning of our new interest quarter. We pay Interest on de posits at 4 per cent, per annum, compounded quarterly. Your ac i count solicited. ATLANTIC TRUST AND BANKING CO., 16 Princess Street, Wilmington, N. 0. MATT J. II BY KB, Prealdent B. H. JT AHBEN8, Vice President. BIITCHILI. Ft AIiIiBNa Casttler. DIBXCTOBS: L. B. Bogers, Martin O'Brien, 0. W. Yates, B. Solomon, I. M. Bear, B. H. J. Ahrens, John H. Knelt, J. G. L. Gleschen, R. B. Bellamy, D. McEachern, M. J. Heyer. my 29 tf HowtlsM Your Depooito at thio Bank- A new interest quarter will begin on Monday, June" 1, and deposits made on or before that date will recelre three months' interest on September 1st. Capital and surplus ' eighty thousand dollars. De posits over a million. V . ' . : Wilmington Savings & Trust Co., ' 108 Princess Street. ' . J. XT. NOB WOOD, President. Bf. WALTERS, Tlee President. . O.K. TAYLOR Jr., Casnier. Bug Death Kills Potato, Squash and Cucumber Bugs, Currant and To mato Worms, and all bugs and worms that chew the leaves of plants. BUG DEATH is a tenacious pow der, very fine, like dust, adheres to the vine, and is almost impossible to Wflsh off, BUG DEATH can be applied dry with Perfection Shaker or a coarse cloth, or, what is better, mixed with water at the rate of 1 pound to 5 gallons water, and sprayed with any of the hand sprayers. Bug Death: Kills the bugs. Feeds the plant. Increases the yield. Produces better quality" The phenomenal sale BUG DEATH has had during the com paratively short time it has been on the American and Canadian markets, and the hearty endorsement given by truckers and merchants through out both countries must convince the most skeptical that it has all the merits claimed for it. For sale by THE WORTH CO.. ap 4 tf Wilmington, N. C. SEABOARD Air Line Railwav Schedule in Effect April IS, 1903. TRAIN 39 TRAIN 15 TBAIN 40 TBAIN 14 Leaves Wilmington 3:30 p m, arrives Iaumberton 5:4a p m, Pembroke 8:10 p m, Maxton 6:45 p m, Hamlet 7:35 p m. arrive Charlotte 10:45 p m. Leaves Wilmington 9:00 pm, arrives Lumber-ton 3:15 a m, Pembroke 2:55 a m, Maxton 4:05 a m, Hamlet 6:00 a nu Leaves Charlotte 5:01 a m. Hamlet 8:40 am, arrives Maxton 9:58 a m, Pem broke 10:08 am, Lomberton 10:87 am, Wilmington 12:45 pm. Leaves Hamlet 10:45 p m, arrives Max ton 18:35 a m, Pembroke 1:20 a m, Lnm berton 3:15 a m, Wilmington 7:00 am. WESTBOUND FROM HAMLET. Hamlet Ar Monroe Ar Charlotte Ar Chester.. Ar Greenwood Ar Athens.. Ar Atlanta 7 80 a m 8 55 a m 10 05 a m 10 35 a m 12 S3 p m a so n m 3 50 p ml 1040 pm 1215 am 1045 pm lsa am 8 43 am 6 05 am 7 50 am BOUTHBOtJND FROM HAMLET. Lv Hamlet A lAMUIUUUI.ini! Ar Savannah Ar Jacksonville... Ar Tampa.... 7 30 a m 1065 a m 3 80 p m 6 50 p m 645 a m 1040 pm J OU ft u sos am 915 am 800 pm NORTHBOUND FROM HAMLET. Lv Hamlet Ar Balelgh Ar Nor Una Ar Portsmouth. Ar Norfolk 10 30 p m i2s a m 3 50am 8 00 a m 8 55 a m 1150 am 145 pm 535 pm Lv Hamlet Ar Raleigh....... Ar Norllna Ar Richmond Ar Washington Ar Baltimore.,.. ArNew York 10 30 a m 1 S5 a m 3 50 a ml 635 a m 10 10 a m 11 85 p m tiopm 750 am 1115 am 1 45 pm 455 pm 886 pm 1185 pm 613 pm Through Pullman sleepers from Hamlet to ail points North, South and southwest. For tickets, Pullman reservations, etc., apply to Thomas D. Meares, General Agent, Wilming ton, N.C. apistl REGULAR, SCHEDULE CONSOLIDATED RAILWAYS, LIGHT & POWER COf.lPAtlY. DAILY. In Effect May 31st, 1903, LEAVE FRONT AND PRINCESS STREETS (For Wrlghtsvllle Beach.) - At 7:00 a. m., 8:80 a. m. and every half hour thereafter until 9:30 p. m , Saturdays only tl0:30 p. m. LEAVE WBIGHTSVILLE BEACH (For Wil mington.) At 7:45 a. m.. 9:15 a. to., and every half hour thereafter until 10:16 p. m., Saturdays only. (Leave Wtlgtttsvllle)ll:00p. m. t Will not run beyond Wrightevllle. r DAILY EXCEPT 8TJNDAY. Frelgnt received at Ninth and Orange streets from 7 to 9:30 A. M., and frcm 4:00 ta 5:00 P. M. DaUy except Sunday. Sundays Freight cars win make special trip at 10:00 a. m. Freight received at Ninth ana Orange 8' retts from 9-00 a. m to 9:30 a.m. my6(f Atlantic ani Nortli Carolina Railroai. iTlme Table No. 16. - f To Take Effect Snndavjv Oet. 81, 1900, at 18.01 A. M. GOING EAST. GOING WEST. 3 4 Passg'r Trains PasssT Trains i STATIONS. ' Arrive Leave Arrive Leave P. M. P. M AM. A. M. 3 40 Soidsboro 1105 ,. , 4 82 Klnston 10 13 5 40 5 60 Newborn 8 37 S 00 . 7 02 7 07 ' Morehead City.. 7 82 T 87 P.M. P.M. 1A.M. A. M. Train 4 connects with W. w train bound 1Vnrt.1i. Uuivlnar Qoldsboro at 11.85 A. M.. and wlthSouthern Ballway tarain West leaving Ooldsboro 3.00 P. M., and with W. St if. at New- bern for Wilmington and intermediate nolnts. Train S connects with Southern Hallway train arriving at ooldsboro 3.00 P..M., ana with W. At W. train from the North at 3.P5 p. M No. 1 tram also connects with W. ft N. for warning. ton snd intermediate points. OCtSStf 8. L. DILL, Bupt. C(MT LIME. LOW ROUND TRIP .... .- f ." ' ' RatesProm Wilmington. $18.00 Washington, D. C. and return. Tickets on sale dally. June 1st to September 30th, final limit October 8lBt,'1903. $14.50 Baltimore, Md., and return. Na tional Saengerfest. Tickets to be sold June 13th to 15th Inclusive, with final limit of June 82nd. 1903. All tickets are to be deposited Im mediately upon arrival at Baltimore with Mr. James Ramfora, Joint Agent, No. 7, North Cal vert street, and fee of twenty-live cents paid at the time. $23. TO Boston, Mass., and return. Na tional Educational Association. Tickets tone sold July snd to sth inclusive, good leaving Boston until July 12th; twenty-five cents to be paid for execution of return portion or ticket. Note. By personally depositing ticket with Joint Agent not earlier than July 7th nor later than July nth, 1903. and upon payment of fifty (50) cents, lextenslon can be seenred to ' leave Boston any day up to September 1st, SS3.T0 Detroit, Mich., and return. Inter national Convention Epworth League. Tickets will be on sale July 14th and 16th, good leaving Detroit until July 20th, 1903. Note, an extension of the final limit to Au gust 15th, 1903 Jmay be obtained by deposit of ticket with Joint Agent, and upon payment of ntty (50) cents at time of deposit. $14.80 Baltimore. Md., and return. An nual Meeting Grand Lodge B. & p. o. Elks. Tickets will do on sale July 19th and 20th with return limit to July 25th, except as upon pay- cents for validation of return portion of tick et, limit will be extended to leave Baltimore not later than July 31st, 1908. ; . - W. J. CRAIG, Gen'l Passenger Agent. H. M. EMERSON, Traffic Manager. je 8 tf The Only RESTAURANT,. 108 MARKET ST. . GOOD COOKING MEANS I FINE DIGESTION. A MAN CAN'T AFFORD TO WORK ALL DAY ON A BREAKFAST THAT DIDN'T SUIT HIM WE COOK THINGS YOU LIKE AND AF TER YOUR OWN "HOBBY." CHAS. ANDERSON & CO. SEE THE POINT f myl2tf ATLANTIC COAST LINE. Sehednle In Effect may 33, 1903. NORTHBOUND. Lv Wilmington. Ar Ooldsboro Ar Wilson Ar Rocky Mount Ar Norfolk Ar weidon Ar Petersburg Ar Richmond. Ar Washington at uaiumore Ar Ft tladelphia ArMcw York No 48 QSO a 12 81 p 118 P 155 p 5 55 p 4 58 p 6 63 p 7 45 D 111 40 p 188 a 4 05 a 715 a NO 48 700 pm 9 38 n m 10 85 p m U23 p m 125 am soo am 3 43 am 730 am 913 am 11 82 a m 800 pm SOUTHBOUND. Lv New York.... Ar Philadelphia., Ar Baltimore.. .. Ar Washington. . Ar Norfolk.. Ar Richmond.... Ar Petersburg.... Ar Weidon... ar wui avuilb .... - ....... Ar Wilson...... Ar ooldsboro Ar Wilmington a a J NO 41 9 35 a mi 11 65 a m 2 13 p mi 321 p m 7' is p m 8 05 p m 9 43d m 10 37 p m 11 is p m 7 16 a m 10 10 a m NOA9 9 25-Vl 18 01 S 287 am 345 am 900 am 880 am 9 48 am U46 am 1 00 pm 159 pm 310 pm 600 pm m m BETWEEN WILMINGTON AND THE SOUTH. SOUTHBOUND tv Wilmington... at b lorence. Ar Charleston.... Ar savannah Ar Jacksonville... Ar Tampa. Dally Ex. Sunday. 6 00 a m 9 85 a m 1 10 d m 6 30 p m Dally. 3 45 p m 7 30 n m 1110 pm swam 9 00 a m 10 35 p m Dally. 7 oopm 8 25 am 815am 8 8o:am lis Dm 10 35 pm NORTHBOUND. Lv Tampa Ar Jacksonville. . . .. at Bavaunaa. ......... at Charleston. . . . at Florence. Daily Ex. Sunday. 8 05 p ml 7 30 a ml 12 40 p m 4 50 d m 7 35 p m Ar Wilmington 11 0 p ml Dally 730 am 680 pm 1 15 am 685 am 945 am 1 40 pm BETWEEN WILMINGTON AND 8ANFORD West Bound East Bound Dally Daily Lv Wilmington....,...! 9 10 a mtAr 8 OS p m Ar Fayettevllle 12 so p m Ar ,100pm ArSanfora. .. 1 63 p mLv 8 40 p m BETWEEN WILMINGTON AND NEWBERN North Bound , : South , Dally ex" Sunday Bound Lv Wilmington 12 25 p mlAr 12 15 p m ATNewbern Is 40 p mLv B 00 aim TralnB Nos. 40 and 41 carry Pullman Sleeping Oars between Wilmington and Washington, connecting with Penna fi. B. for aU points east., W. J. OBAIG, ' ' Gen'l Passenger Agent H.M. Emerson, Tramo Manager. .; . my SJ4 tf . ' Tne Clyde SteamsMp Co New York, Wilmington, II. C, and Georgetown, S. C, Lines . Prom New 'Xorklfor 'Wllmlnstonu NAVAHOI...... ............Saturday, . May W OARIB. e imi 1 e .Saturday June 6 I Vrona rilmlngton for New York . CARIB....... ................ .Saturday, May so NAVAHOE Saturday, June 8 nem lllmlncton for Georcetown. OARIB, Tuesday, May 86 navahoe.............. ......Tuesday, AJone a Both steamers nave good Passenger accom modation. "" :-'' $ar-Through Bills Lading and Lowest Through Bates guaranteed to and from points in North and South Carolina. . For freight ajutpaasase apply to r . . 1 I . H. O. SMALLBONE8, Supt. Wilmington, N. O. : GLIDE MILNE. Qeal freight Agent. THKO. a. EOER, eenn Manager. WM. P. CLYDE ft CO., Gen'l Agents, . :i9 State Street, New erk, my84tf 1. ! c