PICTORIAL PUZZLE f FOR, NANNIE'S h , SAKE 4 By J P.-COUGHLAN CowHoM, 1901, by J. P. Caughton - $4w3w4w4wwe4ww8 FIND FOUB. LEAF CLOVER , AND MAN. Tbe Kind Yon Have Always Boujjlit, and. which lias been ... in use for over.30 years, lias . borne the signature of and lias been made under bis per- jfyty 'J, . sonal supervision since its infancy, All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are bat Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. ; What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age Is Its guarantee. It destroys "Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation f and Flatulency. , It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. " The Children's Panacea The Brother's Friend. ? CENUBNE CASTO R IA ALVAYS Bears the Signature of The flier which' left San Francisco that night carried me with It, although its first stopping, place-was ten miles, beyond Somersville. the village of my destination. Such was he impatience of my rage that 1 preferred the pros pect of a. ten mile tramp to the delay and slowness of a later train, t How my hate burned on that Novem ber nigUt I My thoughts, ran on to the accompaniment of the deep, " mellow murmur of the train as it flew over Its bed of sieeL Through and through my brain like a molten ball of lead ran the remembrance of the wrong done me by my treacherous friend, and time and time again I dwelt longingly on the re venge that should be mine. r i I was still In my soldier's uniform. Bat first let me tell you the story. Let me explain my fierce hate. Jim Brad ley and I had been chums a fine, lov able fellow I thought him. We were side by side In Cuba, and I believed that we knew one another as two men who braved hardship and danger to gether should. We went to the Philippines. Our friendship remained fast and seemed to be Impervious to any assault, But that country must have made a sad change in the character of my chum, Lured on by ,- some - dark eyed native woman, he turned traitor to his court try and sacrificed his honor. He pro cured arms for the. rebels and actually contemplated joining them. It was I who discovered his perfidy. Be con teased and tried to draw me into his traitorous schemes. My duty was to denounce him, but I could not. Our old friendship .was too strong, and I had foolish hones of dissuading him from his madness. . I cannot rake over the details now, I do not want to, nor can I explain clear ly the events that followed. He was inspected, arrested and brought to trial. By some devilish, trick he reversed our true positions and made me appear the guilty one. Dazed and 'staggered by this turn in affairs, I admitted the knowledge I had possessed of Bradley's Intrigues with the rebels. For six months I was held waiting for trlaL j When that trial came I was freed, but it left me almost a wreck, with A7 The KM You toe Always In Use For O.ver 30 Years. Bought CCT. mm fem em. rBpeftk6t auflgffwY "Iwm comeWypil again." - - For nearly two weeks an Inter mitxeni fever kept me In bed." My gentle little nurse Was even ; more- solicitous than. before, but she did: not Unde to the story I had told her. A trace f sadness seemed to have crept Into her manner,. Which I could not ascribe to any par ticular causes On the second day I was able to dress myself and sit on the edge of my cot Nannie seated herself on a chair near, me. 'I want you to promise me something today," 'Khe said in a low, quiet voice, kw-oino- her eves fixed on the floor in front of her. . "I'll promise you anything In reason,. Miss Nannie," I answered, with more fervor in my voice than in my words, for this tender5 girl had grown .inex pressibly dear to me. "This is within reason.' Tou must for give Jim Bradley!" - -- . "Nannie, I have sworn to kill 3lm. I shall keep my vow." " i "No, no! You must not! It-would be terrible. You must forgive him. - For my sake, promise me that you will for give him.". I could only stare at the floor and try to frame words of strength, of determi nation. "Come" she whispered, and, taking my hand, she led me to the end of the ward where a screen hid a cot from view. We all knew the meaning of that ominous screen. Noiselessly she pushed it to one side. There lay the man whom for months I had been pursuing. The ghastly pallor of death was on his features.- The life was flickering in the eyes that met mine. The mute, despairing appeal on his face killed the last of my resent ment. Nannie had taken his hand, and, unconscious of what I was doing, I let her put it in mine. Bradley was the only one to speak. ."That smashup finished me. I am not worth revenge now, but I'm sorry" As he spoke he brought ' his hands to gether and placed Nannie's in mine. "Poor little sis! I've been a bad lot!" He- fell back on bis pillow. A few days later he was beyond all vengeance of this life, sd as Nannie and I left his grave we faced the future together. Worst of All Experience. Cii anything be worse than to feel that every minute will be your last! Such waa the experience of Mrs. 8. H. Newson, of Decatur. Ala. "For three year," the writes, ''I endured insuf ferable nain from Indigestion. Stom ach and Bowel trouble. Death seemed inevitable when doctor and all reme dies failed. At length I was Induced to try Electric Bitter, and the result was miraculous I improved at once, and now I am completely- recovered." For Liver, Kidney, Stomach and Bowel trouble! Electric Bitten is the only medicine. Only 60 cents. It 1 guaranteed by R. B. Bellaht, drug gist, t v Jim Dumps said, "Wife, your Are not like mother used to But when he ate, with Baked apples in a nest of" Which his good wife had fixed " This beats Ma's food I" cried - is The BMdyto-8rr0 Cowl beats bread andcaUe. Calee Little for Other Food. "I trust you will not publish my name, irat I felt that I owed it to your company to express my esteem for a food, which by using has caused me to feel that it so far satisfies appetite that I care very little for any other food." ,...- bread and cake VV make." cream, of course, I v Force,"; . XV for him', .11 "Sunny Jim." , II ATLANTIC . COAST IA LOW ROUND TRIP Rates From Wilmington. S18.00 Washington, D. tuiy. ou iDer ira. tional Saengerfest. tickets to. be I Tickets on sale sota, 81 dallv.-J anal limit October I 14.50 Baitunor IDE COAL. CEDENT AEID SUPPLY CO.. Sole Distributors of Dayio' Absolutely Pure Paint; The only guaranteed 100 per cent.. Pure Paint on this or any other market.- Our guarantee la that it is composed only of Lingeed Oil. 100 per cent. Pure White Lead i (carbonate) 100 " White Zinc (oxide) . 100 " ?Tou 1CXJ8T XiCB FKBVBCTOiY SAID. STILL, " BHB NO ICE! BEGINNING INTO USE JUNE 1ST WE WILL PUT Coupon ce Tickets. Selling Only IMickets, Printed in Strips. Coupons to ba detached as Ice is delivered, .; Please noto that no ono-in, our employ will be allowed to sell tbe, detached cou pons. Besnectfully. Wm. E. Worth & Co., Inter-State 'Phones 146-416. my24tf Belt Phones 94-64. ji j ''J -i I - - ' f " " ";- J -? . 1 - r e3tf BESTAND CHEAPEST LIME OF BEFRIBERATORS ON THE MARKET.. , . - - WM. E SPRINGER & CO., Pnrcell Bnilding, Wilmington, N U. DR. M 7TP15THHM4? POWDERSr Cmrat ChaWmJ.tf.ntum. DIrrho.n.Mtrnd the Bowel Trouble" of ChMarnwj ';?Vj9. AWt Uigo.tion, R(ult th Bowels. Stre' h S olmoVi f EETHINd EASY. Cure Eruption and Soros. CottO, Hls "f'.I.foV the) nd prevent. Worms. TEETHINA Counteracts and Oy'J?2mT?J?t otSJttlsts. J Summer's heat upon Toothing Children, and eost only a conts at DruSSJaWt ev , l 25 cants to C l. MOFFETT. M. D. fit Louis. Mo. nothing but the vltaUty, fostered by vengeance, to support me. In the meantime Bradley had been invalided borne, and, knowing that he bad been born In Somersville, thither I raced to gratify tbe burning desire for revenge that I had nursed for six months. - There, in brief, Is the reason why I was on board this express. , It was tbe end of the chase, and I was hot on tbe trail of the false friend who betrayed country and comrade with equal readi ness, the one at the behest of a -dark eyed rebel witch, the other to save his own worthless neck. - The motion of the express exhilarat ed me beyond measure. The hundred and one plans for vengeance that I had plotted across the Pacific I reviewed again and again, "yet decided upon none. I would let the circumstances of our meeting be the arbiter of what ignomy. I inflicted upon him before kill- fne Mm. "I Suddenly the air was filled with a monster groan. A roar and shock con fused my senses, and the car in which I rode seemed to rise with a bound into the air, and then I knew no more. .. I awakened in the white bed ;of a hospital. There had been a dreadful wreck, an entire train derailed and al mosr crushed to atoms within "a few hundred yards-of . Somersville. The lo cal hospital, generally an almost empty institution, was now filled with the in jured, and ambulance trains had -carried scores of others to Daltonvthe next station on the line. I awoke to the sight of a sweet face bending tenderly- over me, and a soft voice bade me be quiet as I opened my lips to ask a question. "Now, you must lie perfectly still, lou are not badly, hurt-a broken arm and a little shock. You will be up and about very soon if you obey me im plicitly. I am your nurse, I know you will be obedient because you.are a soldier and accustomed to obey." I nodded feebly and closed my eyes again. Can you understand how sweet is the sight of a fair, tender American face after nearly two. years in the swamps andJwUds of the-Philippines? The note of . compassion In her, voice, the pure grace of her face, bound me a slave to my. nursej and her gentle pres ence was restful to my overtaxed nerves. , . - In a few days I beganto Improve wmMlv. I took an Interest in my sur roundings, and, having discovered that I was actually in SomersviUe, I asked many questions, trying to find -out through my nurse many things that I desired to know concerning-the man whoBe- Infamy bad: caused me this Journey to Somersville. My nurse was a native of the" town and was -one of the generous volun teers who had given their services to the victims of the wreck. -All who knew her called -her Nannie, and when I asked how to address her she told me to call her Nannie, as the others did. One day I asked her. In as unconr corned a voice' aa I could muster,; whether she knew any Bradleys living In the town. "Indeed I do, she replied. , '.'I know them very well. But why do you ask? Do you know any of them?" iln a reckless burst of confidence, hav ing ' first, bound her to secrecy, I told my story. It was a relief to me, lying there on my back, with my eyes tar ing at the white ceiling, , to - pour out pay wronga to this girl W whose pres ence and touch I always felt a wealth of sympathy, I did not note her-face during my recital, so engrossed was I upon the picture my brain wa paint ing. .' When t had finished, she said In a curiously dry, hard voice; ' ; : ' ' ' . "You were terribly wronged. You ftave suffered cruelly; nt I cannot Tbe Property Owner. Iron and UoTroofi are oftentimes ne leeted by reason of their being on top of a buildlne end ont of sight. Metal is more difficult of protection than wood, and a roof paint should be even more carefully selected than the paint for doors, . windows and other portions of the balldlnt;. The rait pro ducing elements heat of the sun, rain nd snow will soon destroy the ordi nary roof paint, and it Is of special im portance that a paint be used that will five perfect protection and pat off the necessitv of freaaent renewals. The Josenh Dixon Crucible Company, Jersey City, N. J., have manufactured Dixon's Btlica uraphlte faint ior number of vears. and it Is being- ex tenaively used in all parts of the world for the protection of iron and tin roofs. The property owner will save money in labor and money by writing the company for descriptive matter. - t Josipb Dixoh Crucible Co. Pure Turpentine DriGf and Tinting Colors. WITHOUT DOUBT We KNOW, that Davis' Paint will never disappoint when properly applied. It is made so good that you are sure to want more if you LIVE LONG ENOUGH to want your building repainted. In applying Paint always call for Pusher's Celebrated P. Paint Crushes. They speak for themselves. We also carry a full line of Building material, including the well known Flintkqte Hoofing. Bell 'Phone 645. inier-Diate ap 12 tf SEASHORE HOTEL, WKIGHTSVILLB BEACH. N. C. Just Eight Uiles From Wilmington. HLCY CADS EVERY HOT! ffl t- i . - We Have Just Received A NICE LINE OF Refrigerators, Water Coolers, Enamel Beds, Go-Carts. See our stock and get our prices j before you buy. i GASTON 0. PHARES & CO., lio-iis Market st ilnter-State 6. apiatf - ' - ' SEABOARD Air Line Railway Schedule in Effect April IS, 1903, O. and return. fane 1st to September SlstJlMS. Ma., and return. Na takAfat to ba sold Jans. I J3th to 15th inclusive, witb final limit of June waa. laua. aii uoaen ara to va uhvum wu uu- , mea lately noon arrival as isaiumore witu nr. James Bamford, Joint Agent, No. 7 Nona oai- rert street, ana ree oi twemy-nve cenio siuu at the time. $2 3. TO Boston, Mass., and return. Na- f tional Educational Aasoolatlon. . Tickets tote sold July sad to etn inclusive, gooa leaving , i Boston untu July 13th; twenty-five cents to be i paid for execution of return portion or ticket. . HOie. ay personally aepoeuinK ucxet wuu i Joint Agent not earlier than July 7th nor later man juiy inn, iuus, ana upon payment ; fifty (50) cents, (extension can be secured to leave Boston any day up to Beptember ,lt, " 1908." 1 " -- - . ? aa.70 uetroit, micd ana return.' inier i national Convention Epworth League. Tickets ' I will be on sale July 14tn and 15tn, good leaving vetrois untu juiy seuui, iwa. . Note. An extension or the final llmlkto An- WHM trt 1AAO inot Ka hfaltia1 h Aanrtalt. Af ticket with Joint Agent, and upon payment of nfty (50) eents at time oi aeposiG. S13.SO Baltimore, na, ana return. a.n-. nnalMeetlDsr Grand Lodge B. P. a Elks. Tlokets will oe on sale July 19th and (Hh with return unuiiiudujy wjui. oawvo meatof 11.00, in addition to twenty-five jm cents for valldaUon of return portion of tick et, limit will be extended to leave Baltimore not later than July sist, 1988. W. J. CRAIG, Gen'l Passenger Agent. H. If. EMBBBON, Traffic Manager. je 2 tf "Hay TBAIN 39 TBAIN 15 TBAIN 40 Leaves Wilmington 3:30 p m arrives Iiumberton 5:48 p m. Pembroke 6:10 p m, uaxtoa 6:45 p m, u amies 7:ss pm. arrive Charlotte 10:45 p m. Leaves Wilmington 9:00 pm, arrives Lumberton 2:15 a m, Pembroke 8:55 a m, Maxton 4:05 a m, Hamlet 6:00 a m. Leaves Charlotte 5:01 a m, Hamlet 8:40 am, arrives Maxton -92 a m. Pem broke 10:08 am. Lumberton 10:87 am. Wilmington u:45 pm. GAR LOAD OB TBAIN Leaves Hamlet 10:45 pm, arrives Hax 1 4 ton 13:85 a m, Pembroke lrso a m, Lum berton 8:15 a m, Wilmington 7:08 a m. WESTBOUND FBOK HAMLET. LESS We now have 180 large airy bedrooms, 20 en suite, witn private Dam. at a few yards from old ocean's edge renders is cooi ana Artesian water, no malaria, no mosquitoes, no 73 1! If") L-.Mll I Ltf' I Hotel being but 1 comfortable at all times. flies. .-. The finest Bathing, Boating and Fishing along the Atlantic coast. -vr T T1 ,,! Rtlliav1 TToll Tha Cnlaine will be thoroughly up-to-date, embracing -everything in the way of delicacies in sea foods and choice edibles. 1.1 a; V. TTaaV. ra1aV,iaf A flroVioaf ra AT filOf nt JH.US1C LHu IJIllUO W9WHU UJF WIS UVWI v.y miuwvm D I Pieces. - , , . ,...,...... Motel ana grounas ugmea oy eiecirioitv. No more delightful reBort in the South. Write for descriptive book- et, rates, etc. Address JOE H. HirJTOTJ, marmge ry WRIGHTSVILLB BEACH, N, Season Opens Iune 1st. Resident Phyaieiin,. Dr. Thos, S. Hamlet 720 am 1040 pm Ar Monroe 8 55 a m 18 15 a m 1 Ar Charlotte.. 10 05 a m 10 45 pm Ar Chester 1015 am 136am Ar Greenwood 18 83 p m 8 45 a m Ar Athens 850 pm 605 am Ar Atlanta 850pm 750am SOUTHBOUND FBOH HAMLET. Lv Hamlet 780aml0 40pm Ar Columbia 10 55am isoam Ar Savannah..- 880 pm 505 am Ar Jacksonville 6 50pm 9 15 am Ar Tampa 6 45 a m 600pm NORTHBOUND FBOH HAMLET. Lv Hamlet 10 80 p m 8 55 a m ArBalelgh 125 a mil 50 am ArNorllna 850am 145pm iNSrtoS?"::::::::::i 800ftm 685 pa Lv Hamlet. 10 so a m 750 a m ArBalelgh... 1 5 a mil 15 am ArNorllna...., ssoam 145pm Ar Blcbmend...,. 6 85 am 455 pm Ar Washington 10 10 a m 886 pm Ar Baltimore..... 11 85 p m 1185 p m at New York 4 is p m 6 1$ p m ASK FOR PRICES. H.'L. VOLLERS. je 7 ti'v ATLAUTIC COAST LIME. Schedule In EJTeet May 34 J903. NORTHBOUND. c. Bar- 8m Through Pullman sleepers from Hamlet to all points North, south and southwest. For tickets, Pullman reservations, etc., apply to Thomas D. Mearea, General Agent. Wilming ton, m. u. ap 10 w SUMMER SCHEDULE CONSOLIDATED RAILWAYS, LIGHT & POWER COMPANY. EfTeetlve Tuesday, Jane 9, 1903. Lv Wilmington at Goldsboro........ Ar Wilson. . . Ar Rocky Mount Ar Norfolk Ar Weldon ..... Ar Petersburg Ar Richmond.......... Ar Washington ..... Ar Baltimore. . . ax iruiiauoipuu..,,, ArN wTOtK... NO 48 9.80 a m 18 81 p m 1 1 p m l 55 p in 66ipm 4 58 D m 6 63 p m 7 4? d m ll 40 p mi i sm a m 405 am 715 a m NO 48 7 00 pm 9 88 D m 10 85 p m lUtS p m 185 in, 800 am 848 am 780 am sis am ll sa a m boo pm SOUTHBOUND. READ THIS FRONT AND FBTNpKSS BT., WILMINGTON ijsave every nair nour irom o:uu a. m.rwi n.au P. m., daUv except Bundaz. SUNDAY Every to n:; hqjf hour from 8:00 A. M. IP. M. THERE'S NOTHING BETTER made than enameled , ware. It's as much superior to tin for cooklnjr uten sils as the light of the sun is to that of the moon. ENAMELED WARE cannot rust. It is almost indestruc tible, lasting: four or fire times as long? as the best tin, Tbe cost is a little more than tinY but it is worth it. - We have good tinware, too, for those who want it Wholesale and Betail, je 9 tf Orton Building. Ratestor Sewer Senlce Water Closets - - 50 cts per quarter, each lfitin Sinks - - 50cts Der Quarter, each Bath Tubs - - - - 50 cts per quarter, each Fixed Wash Basins 25 cts per quarter, each Fixed Laundry Tubs 50c per quarter, per set We carry our pipes to your prop erty lino without charge, and rates do not jjo into effect until service i rendered. The Wi&iinstca Sewercse Co.' 3614 it ' ' - . Ve received 560 fine Trimmed Hats by Express to-day. LatSies' and Children's "Hats. They willibe sold at less than half price. $225 Hats for 08 Oe:iL-bS-$1.25 Hats for 50 CnL-bs. We have ten different styles and thirty different colors. It is the pret tiest lot of ready to wear Hats in the city. ; n -. t Don't forget we are cutting prices on onirt waisis ana ojsirw. PARIS MILLirJERY EMPORIUM, je 12 tf - 129 Market Street, Wilmington, N. C. A CLEAIJ AND PERFECT LIME OF CIGARS re the kind you will find here. To secure satisfaction, with the public you. must have tha rlarht kintLand duality of dears. Good smokes never come from poor quality Tobacco. We sea the right quality, we charge the right prices, and If you buy eJsewhere cheap you are not getting the same duality, because no one cn sell at lower prices than we do, for up-to-date high quality. No bands, or. premiums to come out of the quality.aa it costs money tojtmy those premiums and they come out of the quality of the article. ' Buy "White Knight" Cigars. . You have got the best THE F. E. HASHA6EN CO., ' . Sole Agent. - THE GA.8INO WBIGHT8V1IJjE BEACH. -: Leave every halt tour from M0A.iJ.to 18:00 P.M., dally except Sunaay . BUNDAYS Every nail hoar from 8:30 A. M . to 18:00 P. M.j BPKOIAL OAS FOB WBIQHTSVIIJJi Beach win connect dally with A. O. L. iraln No. 60duewnmlngtonatll:20i?.M. Mondays this, car will leave the Casino, WrlghtsvlAe Beach, at 0:00 a. m., to connect witn a. v. u. train No. 51 leaving Wilmington 6:00 A.M. BEACH CAB: For the accommodation of those who laajLdeslre to leave the Beach after regular cars have ceased rnnnlnar, an extra will tie left on tha seashore Hotel Bldmsr every night, which can te chartered for the trip to wnminarton and return for S10.00. The Motor- man in charsra can be reached at the Com pany's Baggage room, near that point. Bell 'Phone No. 1203. Lv New York. . Ar Philadelphia. I-Ar Baltimore at Washington Ar Norfolk".?. Ar Kicnmona .- ! Ar Petersburg at weiaon Ar BocKy Mount , . Ar Wilson AT BOlOSDOrO Ar Wilmington.... NO 41 NO 49 9 85 a ml 9 25 pm U55 a m 19 01 am nip mi a? am 821 p m 7 is (?m 8 05 p m 0 43 p m 1037 pm li is p m 716 a m 10 10 a m S45 am ooo-am sso a m- 0 48 a m 1140 am 1 oo pm 150 pm 3 10 p m 6 00 pm BETWEEN WILMINGTON AND THE SOUTH. SOUTHBOUND Lv Wilmington .. Ar Florence. Ar Charleston.... Ar Savannah..... Ar Jack son villa . . Ar Tampa.. Dally El Sunday 600 a ml 9 25 a m 110 D IB 6 so p m Dally. 8 45 p mi 7 80 d m ll is p m iwim 900 a m loss p m Dally. , 7 00pm 3 85am 8 15 a m 8 8o;a m 1 15 d nt 10 85 pm NORTHBOUND. FrelCbt Service. ie 7 tf Leave Front and Princess streets 6:00 A. M dally except Sunday. - - ,. Leave Ninth street Depot 9:30 A. M., dafly (including Sunday). , Leave Ninth street Derot 1:30 P. M.. dauy ex cept Sunday. ijeave Hinca sireec vepoi :iw r. b., uauj ex cept Bunaay. Lv Tampa ..v.. Ar Jacksonville.............. Ar Savannah... i... . at Charleston. Ar Florence.. . Ar Wilmington Dally Ex. Sunaay. 8 05 om 7 ao a m 1940 pm 4 sop m 7 85 p m 11 so p m DaUy 7oajn 5 so p m lis an' ess am , 845 am 140 pm and Princess streets from 6:30 A. M. only. sight a M. to 6:00 BETWEEN WILMINGTON AND BANJOBD - West Bound East Bound Dally - Dally Lv Wilmington ...I 010 a mtAr 8 05pm Ar Fayettevllle. ....... 18 30 P m Ar 6 00pm ArSanford. ... 1 69 p mlLv 8 40 pm BETWEEN WILMINGTON -AND NEWBEBN FREIGHT DEPOT: The freight freight Denot will rrom e:auA. hA nnnn fnr tint rnnnlnfi of M tr P M Rnnilnvfl 8:80 to 0:80 A. M. No freight will be received at other points in the city, except aa auura tspeuiuetx. . - Freight which is received within twenty min utes of time car is doe to leave will be held for next regular trip. ' ' : M A KITTNtt AND PREPARING: FTSlBht Will not be received unless plainly marked with name of the consignee and fully prepaid. . - LAUNDRY: when packed In trunks, hand bags, or hampers. Laundry will be hand?! aa baggage... - - 41 . - North Bound Dally ex Sunday South .Bound Lv Wilmington... at HewMrn. ......,.2 25 p m Ar ja 10 p m ....... .15 40 p mLv 9 oo aim CATARRH In all IU atages mere should bo leMoluass. Eli's Cream Balm cleanseMoothes and heala the diaeased membrane. It cure oatarrh and drtree airay a cold In the bead ; quickly. ' Cream Balm Is piacea un van OTcr tuo membrane and is absorbed. EelirfUlm . mediate and a cam t ollowa. It la not drytng-doea notproducaaneealng. Large Size, 50 oenta at Ding- ; rfsts or by mail ; Trial Size, 10 cents by matt, - ELY BBOTHEBS, 66 Warren Street. New xork. aepHtt -N aato tb MEMANttWOMEII. iTutFymt Chemical Co. . fiisumuTuiT i mU TiiMBlar sent ea .nq " ta th sa - We Need Money You Heed Furniture. T BAGGAGE: Baggage will be received and delivered at the Auantlo Coast Line and Hoo.hnari1 All- T.rna rlnnntA: all nlaCS8 must DO checked, and no piece will be delivered except on presentation of duplicate check. Trains No. 42 and 41 carry Pullman Sleeping t Oars between Wilmington and Washington, connecting witb Penna ft. B. fora41rntaeaBt. W. J. UBA1G, '- Genl Passenger Agent H. M. Emerson, Trafflo Manager. -my84tf. . - '- Tb& Clyde Steamship Co lienor!, FOR 30 DAYS YOU CAU BUY OF US FOR CASH; - inKAAm Sn?ta':sMAhnarfl. Hat Backs. Felt Mattresses. Bed Springs, Iron Beds, China Closets, Chifionienr, ToUet Sets, Wheeler - & Wilson Sewing Machines, and everything in the furniture lin at prices you never saw in Wilmington. Remember, terms strictly cash. We invite you to call. '- s ' Atlantic anl HortH Carolina RaUroaila I 711nHngtOD, H. C, ailfl Georgetown, S,C, Lines Time Table No. 16 21. To Take Effect Sunday Oct. 1900. at 12.01 A. M. Goma EAST. GOING WEST. TLJbLl PainleM, and not aatruf cent or pouonou. old byMBglt ' or cent in plain wrapper. Mqaeat.. Je 10 tf Corner Second and Market streets. - 3 PassgT Trains PlUUr IpEtinvnovAL-pi lUJAT r)BlnT fci.d C nly ej. M-'7,'VTUrE Aiwrrni.!e. LaAUs... lo.. uk Dnmllt for GUlClUa.lw ''UWU3im ' in Ki'.l ud ! mw.llfa. Wm, . wtol KitkUa ribbon. tiw.wrtkeA tiamZ T f TT krmfX,T Mad ' mwm MmUt 10.4H.U TMlnomialK Bold by .. tkli p:. MaMu un. f Hll.a jtjm r THE NORTHlCAROLINA STATE ITOnilM. AI7D lUDTJSTEIAL COLLEGE. Iiltararrt clatasleeU JBeielWe iPeOxosiealt, Cemmerelali Domeatle BcleneeV - manual Tnunlncs fiTusie. - Five courses leading to Diplomas.' Adyanoed courses-leading to 'Degrees. Well equipped raJn ni oharatton Bctool . Faculty number 40. Board, laundry. tulMpn,-ad -fees ?or nswnr tAzt hMka. etc. S140 a year. For non-residents oi the State lioo. Tweutn annual mbbiou ' begins September 15, 1903. To secure board in tbe , dormitories all rreeHtuition appiioanona i ahouldbe madebeiW tnTited from those desiring . competent 1 teachers and stenographers. For catalogue and other laformattonjbddresap - - G1TAIIL3 D IlelvEB. ireswent, jeaotf - " - JEfBERBQRO,'W C Arrive p. H. 5 40 7 OS P. M. Leave p. K 3 40 4 S3 5 60 ' 707' P. H. STATIONS. Golds boro. iKlnston. . . . . . newoern. ...... uorehead Olty. Paesg'r Trains - Arrive A.U. 1105 10 13 . 8 87. 7 S3 A.K. Leave a. it 'e6o" A. M. Train 4 connects with W. w.' train bound tan. lAnvlnir Goiasboro at 11.S5 A. M.. ana. wnhSouthern Hallway train west, leaving i ana wnn w. cn.H ew onMatwtra aoo P. M.. ana bern ror wummgwn ana miermeaiau pomw. Train 8 connects with Boutherh Hallway train anivtnff at Ooldflboro 8.00 P. M.. And With W. & w. traui from the North at S.K P. M No. train also connects with W. & N. for WHming- ton and intermediate points. m -- - c . oot mu o. buv Vrona If aiv York;r .Wiunlncton. NAVAHOE...... ...... ......Bwuroay.unw tci- H . ..... .......... w vTt.1v. a 4JAUJI... ., mm wiiainrtiia for New -!Arib...... .Saturday, June r? jiTApna.".... ............ Batnrday, July. 4 I arroaa irilaatnBton" for. Qaergttowa. I OABIB..... .T........ Tuesday, June ss HAVAUU.. ...... AUBOUBjr. 4UUB OT Both steamers have gooa Passenger accom modation. . - . iar Tbrouffb Bins " Lading and 1 rfwest Through Bates guaraateed to and from points 1 in Noth and south Carolina. ntros M1IJTR. Qenl Freight Agent. THKO. . t ria, Senl Manager. WM. P. CLYDE & OO., GejlAgents, leltt'

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