ZBTTZZTLTfl PIOTUHE: PICTORIAL FIND TWO SQUIRRELS, CAUSA r Aegetable Preparation For As similating foe Food andBegufci i hurt ihc Stomachs andBovsiels of Fromotes Digeslion.Cheerfur ness andRest.Conlainfe neither ' Opium.Morphine norJGneraL I 'ot "Narcotic. ytiy.v'mMf (ft Ctrt trriT (mfm 7W -tupv A perfect Remedy. forConsbpa hon . Sour Stonwh. Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness and Loss of Sleep. Facsimile Signature or new' yd n k . 13 ,1 . BEST AND CHEAPEST ON THE MARKET. ii 11 ! EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER jj Jyj ,ri5ti mi mm E SPRINGER & CO., Parcell Building, Wilmington, N. C je 3 tf Your Vacation wni ha anentin know that your valuable papers, sil verware, jewelry, etc., are left behind von in a safe nlace. Steel safety boxes in our-vault for . A. rent, all sizes, au prices, -accessioie at any hour of the ATLANTIC NATIONAL BANK. rf j as it REPORT OP THE CON dition or Wilmington, At close of busine. June 9. 1WS. (Began boBlnees, Mirth 1,1899.) RESOURCES. i XJXBJUOTA ana discount I W1.6M 85 i- 8 Loaas (at par) 800.800 M rBc Boiiaintt aoo oo Ln on Hand M In banks..- 40800 8J tl.C69.SS4 67 H. C. McQUEEN, President le n tr DR. M QFFEfT'S fTFFTHINC POWDERSWGLJ TM i a-a-, a---- - ' Bfra..-,-. Ka ptriect mccm. ' . PUZZLE. RABBIT AND A BIRD. iffln-uViftniiinii For Infants and. Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Sears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years tmc cchtmn ceaNRT. mrm vo OTTV. LINE OF REFRISERATORS reace of mind if you day. The Hnrchison National Bank, N. C, m am no anaNeiiV".y.,."..,.,.,.'.,., JgJJ 14 CircnlaUon ".".."". lKSJM 6S VOMmw,(, H,669.964 Oomparatm tatamnt of depoalta. jnna Wh. iwa. 1696.877.70. n.(rr5.1M 63. J. V. GRAINGER, Cashier. CLARKSON'S WTilRHERBVCE ...By JOHN WINTHROP Oopvritfht, 19oi, by McClurc't Ifevmpaper Syndicate I sa be 1 Archer would again teach In district No. 4. This was the chief top ic of conversation in the Casparvllle postotDce. - " ' ; When she banj gone Jiome at the end of the spring: term, she had bitterly de clared to certain intimates that she would never return. Those who knew best how Lem Tudor had bullied and tormented her did not wonder at her decision. Lcm was chairman of the school board, and. having set bis un couth fancy on the youngJeacher, he" had made life a burden to her. He was not a pleasing suitor. He lacked even the rough manhood that sometimes atones for the absence of that polish which society gives. A bully by birth and nature, as his father before him. he had used his official po sition to obtain as his wife not the wo man be loved, but the one who would do him the greatest credit. Casparvllle was sorry to lose Miss Isabel. There was no one who sup posed she would ever return unless Clarkson should ask her. Clarkson was teller in the Casparvllle bank. He was diffident and reserved, so that, though undoubtedly an admirer of the pretty teacher, his methods of wooing her were sadly lacking the dash and nerve evinced by Tudor. And, though, she certainly smiled upon her bashful suit or, he had just as certainly allowed her to leave Casparvllle without screw I lng up his courage to ask the fateful question. Yet after the distributing of the 920 mall Tudor had announced to the by J standers that' Bell Archer was going to take No. 4 again. When he got over to the lumber yard, he drew out the letter and re perused It with no pleasant expression on his heavy face. It ran: Dear Mr. Tudor Very much to my re gret I find that I shall have to apply for the school again this season. I had hoped yhen I left CasparvlUe that I would no longer have to teach, but the little In come left from my father's estate has so depreciated that my mother, needs It all. and I shall have .to go to work again. It is too late to obtain another school, so I will have to take No. 4 If the place la still open. Tou have made my position In Casparvllle a very hard one, but I sup pose this cannot be avoided, so I accept your offer. Yours truly. ISABEL ARCHER. As he folded up the letter his scowl deepened. "She's a little fool," he declared Bav agely, "but 111 win her yet, Just ta SHK OAVX A CBT AND SOUGHT TO WABD HIM OFF. spite Harvey Clarkson. She will have to. give In to me in the end, and then you bet I will make her pay for all she has made me stand for." When she arrived the following week, it was Lem Tudor who met her at the station and escorted her to the hotel. There was a broad grin on his face as he rudely Jested with her. When he winked solemnly and flagrantly at the group of loungers on the corner by Sweeny's saloon, the girl blushed a rosy red., but she knew that remon strances were of no avail. "I'll call with the buggy this after noon and take you over to the school house," he said as he handed her suit case over to the man of all work at the tiny hoteL "See that you are ready at 2. I've had the building painted and bought you a new chair and had the blackboards fixed up." No. 4 was about three miles from town. As they sped over the quiet country road that afternoon she found herself wondering why the drive ap peared so long. "I'm taking the long way round," he explained In answer to her comments. "I want you to see what a good horse this is. I got him from Bascom last month. I thought you would come hack, and L. wanted to have an animal that would pass all the rest when y took you out to drive. "I am afraid that I can go out very little this fall," she said coldly. "I want to study and fit myself for a city school next year." tt lanehed harshly. "Tou had bet ter keep on the soft side of the chair-? ' man," he said wamlngly. "i let tou come back because I like to see you, but If yog don't behave Millie Stephens will have No. 4 for the winter term. "Now, see here. Bell," he went on, "you and me might as well understand each other. I let you come back be cause I want you, but if you are go ing to stand on that confounded dig nity of yours there's going to be trou ble. Tou be nice to me, and In the spring we'll be married, and you'll have, the finest house In Casparvllle. If you keep on being silly, you'll be sorry. Why, you haven't even kissed me yet." And be made-a motion as though to take the caress. -She gave a cry and sought to ward him off, but his powerful arms" were around her, and she could not tear her self loose. His heavy, brutal lips had almost touched hers when the sound of wheels caused him to desist, and. a light buggy drove up. f'l think. Miss Archer," said the new comer, "that yon had better change to my buggy. Here at least you are free from Insult." - Tudor swung around and faced Clark son. "Tou'd better be careful, II ar vey," be warned. "This ain't no affair of yours." . Clarkson's eyes sparkled"MIss Arch er has it in her power to" make it so," he said. "Isabel, this isnt exactly the place for a proposal, but If you will give me the right to make your affairs mine" . . . . .- ; One glance at her face convinced Tu dor that he had lost. Sullenly he cramped the wheel that she might de scend. 0" - ' ff A moment later Clarkson's buggy was speetling up the road. "I won't hold "yon to your promise," he said,' with a .return to his usual diffidence, "unless you are willing. When I saw Tudor cull for you, I was afraid that he was v.p to some mischief, and so I hurried after as soon as I could get away. It was presumptuous, I know, but I couldn't see you at the mercy of that beast, and you don't have to keep your promise to marry me." - Isabel looked up shyly. "But if I do want to?" she whispered. That evening it was announced at the postofiioe that Millie Stephens would have No. 4 for the .winter term. Miss Isabel was to marry Harvey Clark sou. Neither of these announcements was made by Tudor. lie was at home nursing the injuries resultant on the interview Clarkson had held with him on his return to town. Let Thy Tongne Twang?. ' A grand thing is a fine, sonorous bundle of vowels and consonants. ; Hal leluia! It may seem sweeping and revolution ary to talk of a measure for the aboli tion, except for mean and ugly uses, of petty, ill sounding and ludicrous words for .there "are words whose very ap pearance raises a pitying smile but we have had the courage to revise the Tes taments, and from that to a spring cleaning of our mother tongue is not a far Journey. I have met Americans who would undeitake it. No familiar language is richer than blessed English In words worth speak ing a second time, brave, vigorous monosyllables and sonorous compounds. Let us have them to the front on all proper occasions, and away with trivial conversation. Grandeur of scenery, association of history or legend or frequent use In a pleasant connection may soften the of fense in many place names; but, oh, If some localities could have had a hap pier baptism ! As for a man, he often has to live his name Into respectability In more senses than one. Heaven help the unfortu nate who Bo has to conduct the busi ness of life that Suooks or Scroggins may become pleasantly familiar. Such a task is one for Hercules or a second Borromeo, and yet it is done, and many a strange name loses its uncouth sound ing In a noble history. Harold Ismay in Longman's Magazine. Meal Slonday. The students in the Scotch universi ties annually enjoy their "Meal Mon day," but few of the undergraduates remember how the holiday was insti tuted. In faroff days, when learning was really nourished on "alittle oat meal," the students before leaving home for the universities provided themselves with a quantity of meal suilieient to iu:ike "halesome parritch"' half throus'i tii session. By the end of January their meal kists" had run low, and "a day off" was given in which tlie student was expected to Journey half way Lome, , rue?tmg at this oint his parent or brother, who brought with him a second load of the simple diet. The holiday was fixed on a Monday so as to allow the under graduate the benefit of the preceding Saturday. Iu times past the journeys would often extend to fifty or sixty miles. The modern student goes home for "Meal Monday," but he travels with a week end ticket and - has no thought of the painful journeys of bis ancestors. Brutally Tortarsd. A aaa ramn tn Her hi that for oer- IsLstent and unmerciful torture has per h .11. Tv niv. mu never uccu ciiuwiw, vws blCK, OI UOlUia, IHU., wriies: xur fifteen years I' endured insufferable pain from Knenmauam ana noimos relieved me, though I tried every thing known. I came across Electric Bitters, and it's the greatest medicine on earth for that trouble. A few bot tles of it completely relieved and cared me." Just as good for Liver and Kidney troubles and general de bility. Only 50 cents. Satisfaction guaranteed by R R. Bellamy, drug gist, t SHOE YOUR MERCER & EVANS CO,, Sole Agents for Douglas Bhoea. myt9tt US Princess street. MAKE HAY! All their lifea our farmers hare tried to destroy grass, but now they are finding ont that there is money In curing it, SO MAKE HAY, and, when you do,"Tuy one -ol our HAY PRESSES and put it in shape to save and handle. HQRSE POWER HAY PRESSES. Price is low. THE WORTHTCO.. je 19 tt Wilmington, N. C. FEflllYnOYAL PILLS II JSrZ OrtsW a Only Oaa.lM. la KE1 u.4 Ow l Mfrtallio boM. mj! with blM rlbtwa. ! other. Konae - Dhphh naltrtituilwa aaa Imlta .f ; J Cw( nua for Prf '.lr TaattKMlal -M fcjtellaf tar LatUca,. Mur, ky r tmrm Mali. l.,ilUU TaMiajaalalfc Srtd T . aOnw-. Cklcfc. Cl. , JUMIIM OHfvi sa fcjii ssafj as mm All diseases and affections of the Positively cleared away in a hurry. I vouch for It. 1 Thousands of wretched people are miserable imagining they have a bad pois oning of the blood when in nine cases out of ten it is purely a local parasitic manifestation in the skin which can be cleared away in a hurry. Such misery now cleared away as surely as the sun shines above. Not merely ' ATTEMPTED not a matter of improvement only but a clearing of it all away - absolutelyand quickly, too. (Case of Sammy AUnkey. Cleared away and entirely cured in 21 days. Fully proven to me.) I -voxich for this Lbsolvitely. It has been proven to me beyond the possibility of doubt that a new medicament known as D. D. D. clears up the worst skin affections quickly. Its work seems aston ishing, amazing, almost miraculous. (It is a specific formula which, because of its discovery by Dr. Decator Dennis, is known as "D. D. D.' '). Its actual record sounds like a story of magic. But there is no room for doubt about it whatever; full proofs indisputable in every respect, have been submitted to me regarding hundreds of cases among them the one case shown here of the boy (Sammy Minkey), who was cured in 21 days. The results are not only complete, but permanent; in this case it is now nearly two years since the disease was cleared out of the skin, and no taint of it has appeared since. . Each one of the known skin affections is parasitic in nature, and all af them have yielded to "D. D. D.' ' The preparation is being used by most of the skin specialists. It is compounded for druggists solely by the D. D. D. Co., 70 Dearborn St., Chicago. It is utilized by every family physician who has taken the trouble to investigate the work it is accomplishing. It is used in the Cook County Hospital, Chicago. It will clear away any parasitic break in the skin in from 3 days to 60 days" time. Visit the undersigned and see proofs that will' make you a happier human. $1.00 ouys the prescription already made up in sealed bottles, with authentic label on ach. The undersigned will fill mail orders on receipt of price. ROBT. R. BELLAMY, Druggist. THIS IS A PROGRESSIVE AGE. IF I AM ANY JUDGE THIS COUNTRY IS NOW IN THE MOST PROGRESSIVE STAGE IT HAS EVER BEEN IN. The laboring man is drawing more salary as well as all skilled labor, which has advanced in price. .Every thing raised by the farmer is selling at prices sufficient to bring him a profit. There seems to be work and work plenty for everybody to do. While our people are making their strides to the front I am trying to keen in the nrooesaion. Mv business ! is to sell dry goods, shoes and cldth ing,milIinery,house famishing goods and trunks. Our Big Store on Front street is receiving New Goods every day we have added a big line of new white Lawn this week; this line is extra good value, 5c to 25c; a nice line of 32 inch Dress Lawns with small dots and stripes and white grounds, pretty patterns, 5c yard? one line 25c lawns in colors, bought cheap, we will run at 12c yard. In Overalls we have secured the agency for the Headlight- Overalls, made in Detroit, Mich., and we think they are the best made. They are sold on a guarantee made .of the best denin, with felled seams through out; we have four different lines of colors and all sizes; remember the name, The Headlight; we expect to prove to the good trade of this city that wears overalls that we have the line they want. - The price is $1 a garment or $2 a suit and the caps are 15c; we are the sole agent for this overall for this city and we would be glad for you to look at them and compare them with other makes; we don't simply say they GEO, O. GAYLORD, PROPRIETOR, Wilmington'! Big Racket Store. je 28 tf THE GOAL Sole Distributors of Davis' Absolutely Pure Paints The only guaranteed 100 per cent.. Pure Paint on this or any other market. Our guarantee is that it is composed only of Linseed Oil White Lead (carbonate)..... White Zinc (oxide).... Pare Toptine Drier WITHOUT DOUBT : We KNOW, that Davis' Paint will never disappoint when properly applied. It 1b made so good that you are sure to want more if you LIVE IjONG ENOUGH to In applying Paint always call Paint Brushes. They speak for themselves. We also carry a full line of Building material, including the well known Flintkota Roofinsr. Bell 'Phone 645. Inter-State 72. ap32tf A Record Breaker I Five bricklayer! laid 26,784 brick in a nine hour day at the Gape Fear Lumber Company. The best record in the" State for five bricklayers. Messenger. These were WHITE BRICK Manufactured by . Hydraulic White Brick Co., my 17 tf WILMINGTON, N. C. THE NORTH CAROLINA STATE N0RIIAL A1TD INDUSTRIAL COLLEGE. COURSES: Literary, classical Selemtlfie, PeaagotfeaJ, . Commercial, Domestic Science, .... manual Training-, BEusIe. .-. Five courses leading to Diplomas. Advanced courses leadlnz to 'Degrees. Well equipped Prtctioa and Observation Bcbool. . Faculty numbers 40. Board, laundry .tuition, and tees for use ot text books, eta, f 140 a year. For non-residents ol the State sieo. Twelfth annual session begins (September 15, 1903. To secure board In tbe dormitories all free-tuition applications should be msde before July 15th. Correspondence invited from those desiring competent teachers ana stenographers. For catalogue and other information address CHARLES D. McIVEB. President. leetr . - . gbebnsbqbo, w. c. mm 1- OF THE TIMES I THINK are as good', but say they are better. For Trunks This is the season when if you are leaving home you want a nice trunk; we handle trunks and have a big line to show; we have a nice line of roller tray trunks for the ladies and we carry three factories' lines. The price runs from $7.50, $9, 110 and up to $15 each; canvas covered -trunks, with leather straps and iron bound, $3.50 to $6 each; all styles in packing trunks from 50c up to $2 each. A fall line of leather suit cases for travelling men, $3.50, $4 and up to $6 each. Leather hand satch els from 90c, $1.25 and up to $5. For Summer millinery we have lots of white JJuck Mats and lus can Flats, fancy Veils with em broidered edge Silk Hats, made on frames. White and black chiffon hats and everything that is in an up to-date millinery store. New Bib bons Just received to-day a nice line of new'Taffetta Ribbons, No. 16 and 22 at 10c. A nice line of fancy Ribbons, No. 50 at 10c per yard. All kinds of Velvet ribbons. Wilmington's Big Racket Store has been very successful this year. We have sold more goods than ever. We have got the goods and we want to sell them. Remembar the new line of over alls The Headlight. We expect to make this line' of overalls carry the procession in the head ranks of the overall business. 100 pef cent. Pure 100 " 100 " and Tinting Colors. ' . want your building repainted. for Pusher's Celebrated P. V rjys.. ! CEMENT AND SUPPLY CO.. Corn 1,300 SACKS Best Mixed Corn. ASK FOR PRICES. H. L. VOLLERS. A. C. je 25 tf L CROSSING. SEABOARD Air Line Railway . Schedule In Effect April IS, 1903. TRAIN Leaves Wilmington 3:30 pm, arrives 39 Dumberton 5:40 p m, FemDroKe e:iu p m, Haxton 6:45 p m, Hamlet 7:85 p m. arrive Charlotte 10:45 p m. TRAIN Ijeaves Wilmington 9:00 n m, arrives 1 5 Lumberton 2:15 a m, Pembroke 2:55 a m, Maxton 4:05 a m, Hamlet 6:00 a m. TRAIN Leaves Charlotte 5:01 a m. Hamlet 8:40 40 a m, arrives Maxton 9:53 a m, Pem broke 10:02 a m. Lumberton 10:27 am, . Wilmington 12:45 pm. TRAIN Leaves Hamlet 10:45 p m, arrives Max- 1 4 ton 12:35 a m, Pembroke l :ao a m, lum berton 2:15 a m, Wilmington 7:00 a m. WESTBOUND FROM HAMLET. Hamlet Ar Monroe .... Ar Charlotte...... 7 20 a m 8 55 a m 10 404pm 12 15 a m 1045 pm 185 am 348 am 60s am 750 am 10 os a m Ar Chester........ loss a m 12 23 j? m Ar Greenwood,... Ar Athens OU if 111 at Atlanta 3 50 p m SOUTHBOUND FROM HAMLET. h&v Eamlet 7 30 a ml 10 40 pm 150 am Ar Columbia Ar Savannah Ar Jacksonville Ar Tampa 10 55 a m 2 20 d m 5 05 am 915 am 600 pm 6 50 p ml bit) a m NORTHBOUND FROM HAMLET. Lv Hamlet Ar Balelgh Ar Norllna..... Ar Portsmouth... Ar Norfolk 10 30 p ml 8 55 am i a m 3 50 a m 8 00 a m 1150 am 145 pm 535 pm Lv Hamlet.... Ar Raleigh.... Ar Norllna.... 10 30 a m l S5 a m 350 a m 7 50 am 11 15 a m 1 45 pm 455 pm 836 Dm Ar Richmond.. Ar Washington Ar Baltimore.., Ar New York.. 6 35 a m 10 10 a m 11 25 p m 4 15 p mi 1125 pm 613 pm Through Pullman sleepers from Hamlet to all points norm, bouui ana Bouuiwesu For tickets, Pullman reservations, etc- apply to Thomas u. ueares, aenerai Agent, wuming ton,N.C. aplStt SUMMER SCHEDULE CONSOLIDATED RAILWAYS, LIGHT & POWER COMPANY. Effective Tuesday, June 9, 1903. FRONT AND PRINCESS 8T., WILMINGTON Leave every half hour from 6:00 A. M. to 11:30 p. m., uauy exceps eunuay. bumuax uvery hall hour from s:C0 a. m. to ii:so tr. m. . THE CASINO WRIGHTS V1LLE BEACH. Leave every half hour from 6:S0 a. M. to 12:00 P. M., dally except Sunday. SUNDAYS Every half hour from 8:30 A. M. to 12:00 P. M. SPECIAL CAB FOR WRIGHTS VILLB BEACH will connect dally with A . o. l.. train No. 50 due Wilmington at 11:20 P. M. Mondays this car wiu leave the Casino, WrlghtsvUle Beach, at 5:00 A. M., to connect witn a. v. u. train no. 51 leaving Wilmington o:w a. m. BEACH CAB: For the accommodation of those who may desire to leave the Beach after regular cars have ceased running, an extra will be left on the seashore Hotel siding every nlsht, which can be chartered for the trip to Wilmington and return for $10.00. The Motor man in charge can be reached at the Com pany's Baggage room, near that point. Bell Freight Service. Leave Front and Princess streets 6:00 A. M i1a.11VATP.Ant flnndftT. Leave TNlnth street Depot 9:30 A. M., dally (inciuaing eunaayj . Leave Ninth street Depot 1:30 P. M dally ex cept sunaay. Leave Ninth street Depot 5:80 P.M., dally ex ceptaunuay. : The Express Oar will receive freight at Front ana princess streets rrom o:su a. n. w e:w M. only. FREIGHT DEPOT: The freight Depot wlU be open for the receipt of freight from 8:30 A. M. to 5:30 P. M. Sundays 8:30 to 9:80 A. M. No freight will be received: at other points In the city, except as auuve Dincuwu. Freight which Is received within twenty min utes of time car is due to leave will bs held for next regular trip. MARKING AND PREPAYING: Freight Will not be received unless plainly marked with nnmn of thn RnnnlimAe ana fnllv nreDald. t.attktivrv; whan ranked in trunks, hand bags, or hampers, Laundry will be handled as baggage. BAGGAGE: Baggage will be received and delivered at the- Atlantic coast Line and Seaboard Air Line depots: all pieces must be checked, and no piece will be delivered except je 9 tf Atlantic anil North Carolina; Railroad. Time Table No. 16 To Take Effect Sunday, Oct. 21, 1900, at 12.01 A. M. . GOING EAST. GOING WEST. 8 ; 4 Passg'r Trains PassgT Trains STATIONS. Arrive Leave Arrive Leave i - , P. M. 7i ITm. A. M. 3 40 , Goldsboro 11 05 m 4 32 Kinston 10 la ......... 5 40 5 so Newborn 8 87 8 00 .- 7 02 7-07 ttoreheadOlty.. 7 23 7 27 P. M. P. M. A.M. I A. MP Train 4 connects with w. & W. train bound North, leaving Goldsboro at 11.15 A. M., and wlthBouthern Railway train west, leaving Goldsboro 2.00 P. M and with W. & N. at New born for Wilmington and Intermediate points. - Train S connects with Southern Railway train arriving at Goldsboro 3.00 P. M., and with W. & W. tram from the North at 8.05 p. M No. 1 train also connects with w. ft -H. for Wilming ton and Intermediate points. OCtS3tf B. L. DILL, Supt. To Excursionists; The first thing you should do on your arrival In Wilmington Is to have a dean, easy shave, or a stylish hair-cut, cr a cool and refreshing shampoo. Possibly, you may need all of these comforts. . The Favorite" Barber Shop Is the place. . auic l DAVID. el4tt M(?.BoaUt.twM street. ATLANTIC COAST LINE, LOW ROUND TRIP Rates From Wilmington . 18. OO Washington, D. C. and return. Tickets on sale dally. June 1st to September 30th, final limit October 81st,;03. $14.50 Baltimore, Md., and return. Na tional Saencerfest. Tickets to be sold Jane 13th to 15th Inclusive, with final limit of June 22nd, 1903. All tickets are to be deposited im mediately upon arrival at Baltimore with Mr. James Ramford, Joint Agent, No. 7, North Cal vert street, ana iee oi twenty-nve cents ram at the time. f3. TO Boston, Mass., and return-. Na tional Educational Association. Tickets to be , sold July 2nd to 6th inclusive, good leaving Boston until juiy lain; twenty-nve cents w do paid for execution of return portion or ticket. Note. By personally depositing ticket with Joint Agent not earlier than July 7th nor later man July nth, 1903. and upon payment oi fifty (50) cents, extension can be secured to leave- Boston any day up to Beptember let. 1S03. $23.70 Detroit, Mich., and return. Inter national Convention Epworth League. Tickets will be on sale July 14th and 15th, good leaving Detroit until July 20th, 1908. Note. An extension of tbe final limit to Au snst 15th, 1903,'may be obtained by deposit of ticket with Joint Agent, and upon payment of fifty (50) cents at time of deposit. . 81 3. SO Baltimore, MCL and return. An nnalMBfltlnflr Grand Lodge B. P. O. Elks. Tickets will be on sale July 19th and 20th with return limit to July 25th, except as' upon pay ment of 1100, In addition to twenty-five (25) cents for validation of return portion of tick et, limit will be extended to leave Baltimore not later tnan j uiy mat, iwn. W.J.'OBAIG,. ' Qen'l Passenger Agent. H. M. EMERSON, Traffic Manager. je 2 tf Once Shipment. KILN DRIED Bayers can now until sold out get this su perior Meal . Please anticipate your wants and send orders in at once, the future on this article looks much higher. THE F. E. HASHAGEN CO. Je28tf ATLANTIC COAST LINE. Seneoule In Effect may 24, 1903. NORTHBOUND. Meat NO 48 No 42 Lv Wilmington I 9.30 a m 7 oo p m Ar Goldsboro 12 21 p m 9 88 p m Ar Wilson 118pm 10 85 pm Ar Rocky Mount. 155pm 11.23 p m Ar Norfolk 5 65 p m Ar Weldon 4 58pm 125am Ar Petersburg 6 63 p m 100am Ar Richmond... 7 45 p m 3 43am Ar Washington......... 1140pm 7 30 am Ar Baltimore 1 28 a m 9 is a m Ar Philadelphia 4 05 a m 11 22 a m Ar -w York 7 15 am 800pm - SOUTHBOUND. - y NO 41 NO 49 Lv New York 9 35 a ml 9 25 p m Ar Phi'-irtelpnla 1155 a m 12 01 am Ar Baltimore...... .......... a 12 p ml 2 87 am at Washington 3 21 p ml S45 am Ar Norfolk 9 00 a m, Ar Richmond .... .... 7 15pm I 880 am Ar Petersburg 8 05 pm 948 am Ar Weldon 9 43 p mill 46 a m Ar Rocky Mount .... 10 37 p m 1 00 p m Ar Wilson 11 18 p ml 1 69 p m Ar Goldsboro...... 7 18 a ml 8 10 pm Ar Wilmington 10 10 a ml 6 00 p m BETWEEN WILMINGTON AND THE SOUTH. SOUTHBOUND Dally Ex. Sunday. Dally. Dally. Lv Wilmington .. 6 00 a m 8 45 p m 7 oo p m . Ar Florence 9 25am 780pm 8 25 a m Ar Charleston.... l io p m II 15 p m 6 15 a m Ar savannah 630pm 8 00 a m 6 80.a m ; Ar Jacksonville oooamlispm Ar Tampa. 10 35 pm 10 35 pm NORTHBOUND. Dally Ex. Sunday. Dally Lv Tampa 8 06pm 7 30 am . Ar Jacksonville 780am 620pm Ar Savannah 1240pm 115 am ' Ar Charleston 4 60 pm 696am Ar Florence.. 785 pm 9 45 am Ar Wilmington 11 SO p ml 1 40 p m BETWEEN WILMINGTON AND BANFORD West Bound East Bound Dally Dally Lv Wilmington .1 9 10 a miAr 805pm Ar FayettevUle 12 20 p m Ar 6 00 p m Ar Banford. I 1 63 p mLv 8 40 p m BETWEEN WILMINGTON AND NEWBEBN North Bound south "Dally ex Sunday Bound Lv Wilmington .7T 25 p mlAr 12 is p m ArNewbern 6 40 p mLv 0 00 aim Trains Nos. 42 and 41 carry Pullman Sleeping Oars between Wilmington and Washington, connecting with Penna R. R. for all points east. W. J: CRAIG, - Gen'l Passenger Agent. H. M. Emerson, Traffic Manager. my24tf. ' The Clyde Steamship Co Hew Yort,1 Wilmington, II. C, and Georgetown, S. C, lines 5 3 V 4 Front New orltlfdr WUnilnlgton. : CAR IB ...Saturday July 4 NAVAHOE... Saturday, July 11 ' ; ITrom "Wilmington for New York. NAVAHOE .........Saturday, July 4 OABJB...T. .- .Saturday, July 11 rrom ruminaton for Georgetown. NAVAHOE....... ......Tuesday, June 30 OARlBrr... Tuesday, July 7 Both steamers have good Passenger accom modation. er Through Bills -Lading and Lowest Through Bates guaranteed to and from points In Noh and South Carolina. For freight and passage apply to h. e. BMALLB0NE8, supt. - - Wilmington, N. O. - CLIPS MILNE. Qenn Freight Agent. 5 THKO. G. EGER, Gen'l Manager. -WM. P. CLYDE & CO., Gen'l Agents! ' :i State Street. New or. Je28 '