I . . - - . . ii r -i n iftfntflifi I ,r , " ' , . I ; 7: : i - - -r. : r: . ... . -(rv-- - " iiiraite4 Bess-Flis. iTsryisj 1 TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTIOII.i ,lrslstla Largsr Teaa Tkit iH tsy Otkr Daffy fiiswi Mpr Pasilshsd Is WUmIit- ! Ob Ymr, by Kail, f 5.00 ; Six months, " S.50 & f 1. M4L. r OK 9 Two Month., 1.00 cBUTna to 8Mrir in tne VOL. LXXIL-NO 98 WILMINGTON, N. C FRIDAY. JULY 17, 1903 City as 4 Oeats pr Hontn. WHOLE NO. 11,198 X .utiaaLarterTaaaTBal XI r M M ft II . XI . ... A I . f ' II Wir--r. I II TI -TV T TT TV -w ,4i- IV 1 .iB-i. - I V IK 1 1MB I arras-SSI A m . "r a bb K mm w Bi .r m. a m. mm m Bk as.. Si BKasnv aW m mm mm u mwm m X i yhclWonnug .Star. OUTLINES. Th Kentucky Republican Conven ta nominated Morris B. Belknap for -,,rnor. The general conaiuc , .i,e rop yeaterday remained on- ...j The New York Block Uirktl wts ee;ain feverteh and excited. The Manchurlan qaeation has kb settled laUifaclorlly to the U. 8. nment. Borne of the New a!nd cotton milla are to be placed .Q four days' per week schedule. Mfrtd K. Knapp, the man who jjufeweJ to the murder or fire of hif vTe, ws convicted of murder at H.rnilton. Ohio. An extra aea- ,:ob of Concrew ii to be called to Xoember 9;h. The Vene- u3 pjferoment jetlerday paid the liit ios:lmenU of the indemnity to meTowri Four persona loat tjjeir lives ia a fire at Bonner Spring, , The State Department at Wsliioeton. it is said, baa received a reply from Ruia that it neither will receive nor consider the Jewish peli uoo. About 700 militia remain on dity ia Richmond, Va.; six men arrested for usaultingr a street car ver arraigned in court yesterday. The Cuban Senate hat ratified all tie treit'.ei with the United States, ex epi the PUtt amendment treaty. -New York markets: Money on call steady at 23t per cent; cotton -qaiet at 13.70c; flour was irrecnlar ad qaiet all day ; wheat spot dull. No. 2 red S5c; corn ipot easy, No. 3 67e. ; uu-tpot easy. No. 3 41c; rosin quiet; ipiriu turpentine firm. WEATHER REPORT. U. 3. Dep't or AGKIOCX.TTOM, ) WZATHXB BtTEXAU, Wilmington, N. C, July 16. ) Veteoroloeical data for the twenty fair hours ending; at 8 P. 1C: Temperatures: 8 A. U., 70 degrees; 3 1 M., 73 degrees; maximum, 85 de- iiin-m'Jin, 66 der; mean, 76 Kminfi!! for the day, .00; . rainfall iQ.e I.-, of the month to date, L.40 13C - rOBICAST FOB TO-DAT. Washisqtox, July 16. For North CrviuA fair Friday, except ahow ert ia west portion; Saturday fair on ihecoisl; ahowers in interior; light rtnab'e winds. Port Alaaa&cJalf 17. !iaKei 4.K5A.11. SiaSeti 7.1S P.M. Di i Length 14.H.18M. U J, '.Vi:er at South port. 13.63 P. M. H b Water Wilmingtoa. S.33P. if. The Birmingham Ledger says the uw joke in the Poatoffice Depart ment ii that ' too many non-work-en took Payne's salary compound." Mr. CleTeland can catch certain k n li of fish, bat the one which has b ea nibbling at his baited hook of Lie will prove too much for the old fciiOW. George Gonld, in an interriew at Pituburg, predicts a boom In the basinet world next fall. Hanna uj3 prosperity has already iwept tf.e country. How's that? A prominent New York lawyer lUrted out last Wednesday on an automobile trip of 500 miles through the hite Mountains. He should have taken out an accident policy before he left. No, negro lynching is not con Dt l to the South. But for the in terference of a depnty sheriff at 'oi jacket, X. Y., a negro would hive been swung up in that town the other day for the usual crime criminal aaaault on a white girl. Justice David J. Brewer, of the fcapreme Court, said in Milwaukee that a lyncher was a murderer and coalj be held by any conrt for mur ir in the same degree as though the crime were committed by an in iiVi.Jnal. It would no doubt proye undertaking to Belect a juiy that would conrict him, though. A Toledo real estate man bought QoU .lock at Manhattan, Ohio, about a jear ago, and paid $500 for ll for which his friends said he wa crizJ. bince then he has been sell iDZ the oak and walnut logs of which the wharf was built, and has so far beared tiO.OOO out of It, with the Poipecta of getting as much more. The romance of a runaway mar TH appealed bo strongly to Miss Mattie Coker, of Washington City, Jhat she was induced to elope with ter aveetheart notwithstanding fct that no parental objection had been interposed. So Mattie and htr lover, Harry Klotx, aged 17, a trip to KockTille, Md., where l"j were married. Nothing like 00Teity, ,on know! h ia aaid that t20,000 are now on JePoait in the Richmond banks that been raised for use In testing lje constitutionality of the diafran 'ement of the negroes in Vlr-Klni- It is told by Jordan Thomp- president of the State Negro -rae (Jonrention, that John S. and John O. Carlisle axe each 10 receiTe a fee of 110,000 as ooun 161 'or the negroes in this contest. r ocai. j its Other local, fourth, page. It is likely that the Board of Aldermen will not meet to-night, as was expected. --The schooner "Missouri" Cant. W. a Moore, arrtTed yesterday on her mamea trip from New Klrer. and will troe here regularly In the future. Edward Sears, aliaa Hooper, colored, was commiUed to iall aay by Jusllee BornemsDn tar tr!i tn. dsy upon the charge of aeduetlon. The Fort Fisher reunion com mlttee will meet .at 8:15 o'clock thT? eyenlng at the office of Mr. H. O. Mc- seen, prealdent of the Murchison Na tional Bank. - The Pest Exchange Band of r oriuaawell will rira another of its delightful concerts at the navilion at Carolina Beach 8unday. The public is cordially invited. In another column Chairman M. CL Guthrie, of the Board of County Commissioners of Brunswick, adver tises for indexing the county records similar to the plan in rogue In New Hanover. '. Lee Hansley andEobt. Wright, the young negroes charged la the Mayor's court with robbing Mr. D. N. Stanley's cash drawer, were discharged yesterday for want of evidence. Woodus Kellum, Esq., appeared for them. Southport Standard. 16th: "A force of stevedores are here from Wil mingtoa at work loading the steamer Hard anger," and It la expected that she will draw 23 feet when her cargo Is completed. Bhe Is expeeted-to sail to-day. A special dance will be given at the Ocean View pavilion to-nlgbt and every Friday night until further notice. Special can will be In wait- ng, If the attendance Is sufficient. until after midnight, for the benefit of those who wish to remain at the beach after schedule hours. Southport Standard: "The revenue cutter 'Forward,' stationed at Charleston, 8. CL, came In port on Saturday afternoon last and pro ceeded on Tuesday. During the ab sence of a revenue cutter at this sta tion at present the 'Forward' is cruis ing in these waters." Neat little leaflets, printed a colors, are being Issued by the Chamber of Commerce, advertising its proposition to pay fare as induce ment to country merchants to trade with twenty-five Wilmington whole sale dealers who have Identified them selves with the movement. The. "Atlanta Deppenj," the famous colored baseball team, will re turn on the excursion from the Gate City Tuesday morning for a series of three rames with the Black Btock-ingt,"-of Wilmington, Tuesday, Wed nesday and Thursday,- The. games will be called at 4 P. M. Sonthside Baptist Sunday school enjoyed its annual outing at Carolina Beach yesterday. The steamer "Wilmington' on the return 7:30 o'clock trip brought nearly 500 people, about half the number having been Goldsboro excursion lata, who met the Sunday school excursionists at the pier. Jsllcd for Larceay.. Mitchell Williamson, colored, was lodged In jail by Constable Savage yesterday on a warrant lsiued by Jus tice Fowler, charging him with the larceny of $3 in silver from Richard Wilson, also colored. Wilson says he took Williamson Into a restaurant on the wharf and "set him up" to a meal; that while the two were seated at a table, he took aome money from his pocket, paid the restaurant keeper and laid $3 he had left by his plate. He got up and atarted out, but sudt denly thought or having left his money on the table. When he re turned the money was gone. Wil liamson will be given preliminary trial to-day. Papers for Yoasi Brewer. Upon complaint of his mother, who Is much distrested over ber son's con dition, papers were yesterday issued by Col. Jno. D. Taylor, Clerk of the Superior Court, for the detention of James Pat Brewer, a young man well known about town and of an excel lent family, who is thought to be men tally unbalanced. Young Brewer will be brought before the Clerk and an examination of his ease made by the usual commission. It is hoped to se cure his sdmisslon to one of the State Institution, where bis chances of re covery would be good. Deeds Recorded Yesterlsy By deeds filed for record yesterday the following transfers are made: Lucy McKoy to Bernard Goodman,, for $185, lot on north side of Castle, 123 feet east of Tenth street,' 87x65 feet in sixe; J. D. Brown and wife to Archibald T. Parker, for $1,000, house and lot at southwest corner of Fifth and Queen streets, 61x66 feet ia sixe; Luther A. Blue to Mrs. Lillian A. Blue, (dale April 15tb, l&Ol) tract of land on Wrightrvllle Bound, contain ing 80 acres, more or less. NKW ADVB1BTISKMENTS. Sunday At Carolina Beach, f Brunswick Co. Comm'rs-Notlce. ; RU8UTB88 LOOAXa. Baseball At Hilton Park. 'tBummerBesT For rent A Dleasant ride and then you'll reich thtldeal seashore. WrightsrUle Beach. J ! ' u ! . THE TOBACCO BREAK. Formal Opening of WUmington's New Market Wednesday of Next Week. 100,000 POUNDS IN SIGHT. Warehoase eompssy Directors la Session Yesterday Discuss Plsss for fclotsble Erest-Psbllc Will be Welcome. Treasorer Williams. At a' well attended and enthusiastic meeting of the Board of Directors of the Wilmington Tobacco Warehouse Company in the rooms of the Chamber of Commerce yesterday morning plans for the opening break on' the local market were thoroughly discussed. Those present were President W. EL Worth, Secretary James Kyle and Messrs. Geo. O. Gaylord, W. B, Cooper, M. W. Jacob! and B. R. Stone. The opening will be at 11 o'clock and if all plans mature a brass band will be engaged to furnish music, and plenty of ice water and lemonade will be dispensed free. Mr. J. N. Gibbons will be auctioneer and those who have never attended a tobacco aale should be present for the novelty of the affair. Field Manager James Dodd has canvassed the territory very thoroughly and he Is of the opinion that at least 100,000 pounds of the yellow leaf will be sold on the open ing day. Several consignments are already on the floors of the ware house, and hogsheads and requisition for over half a million pounds have already been sent out. An effort will be made to get low rates on the rail roads and a "big time In general" is confidently expected. Many buyers will be on the floor and the sale will be conducted in a manner that will give the greatest satisfaction to the planters. The prices to be paid here will be as high as any place will offer. Aa before stated in theae columns, Mr. W. A. Williams has been engaged aa bookkeeper for the season, and a corps of other efficient men will be on band to take care of the business. At the meeting yesterday the office of secretary and treasurer of the company was divided and the office of treasurer was given to Mr. Williams in order that all payments for tobacco may be made on the floor and with the utmost dispatch. NEQRO RESIDENCES BURNED. Plre la Soatkeaatere Sectloa of the City Last Nlrbt Morslir. BIsse. A two-story frame residence, owned and occupied by W.H. Kelly, colored. at 516 Bouth Twelfth street, was com pletely destroyed, with Its contents, by fire which originated from an un known source early last night The loss la the building is about $100 and contents $75, with no Insurance. Kelly was absent at a lodge meeting and other members of the household had also left the premises for a short' time. The fire originated in the rear of the building and when first discov ered it had enveloped nearly the en tire house. The Department respond ed (ban alarm from box 53 at 8:43 o'clock, but too great headway had been gained for the firemen to do effective work. The house adjoining the burned' building, owned by Clem Hill, colored, and occupied by Maggie McLaurln, colored, was damaged about 50 per cent, the loss being about $300. Most of the contents were saved. At 10 .-09 o'clock yesterday morning the Department responded to an alarm which took the firemen to 1006 Green street, near the tobacco warehouse. About $10 damage was done to a house owned by the estate of John 8uggt, colored. The loss is covered by insurance with Col. Walker Tay lor. READY FOR ENCAMPMENT. WHmlflftoi Light lafaatry Will Leave Wedseiday Meetlor Last Nltht. A well attended and enthuslaatie meeting of the Wilmington Light In fantry was held last night for the pur pose of arranging for the annual en campment with the Second Begiment at Morehead City July 23nd-39ln. President Jno. B. Peschau was In the chair and Secretary B. N. Nash was at his post The company will leave for Morehead Wednesday afternoon, ar riving there early that evening. The company will carry the required 75 per cent of the enrollment Those who can go are expected to signify their Intention at the prepara tion drill as usual at 6:45 o'clock this afternoon. Adjutant Jno. V. B. Metts, of the reriment. will leaveMonday to assist in putting everything in readiness for the onward march of the soldiers. Msj. Chas. H. White, assistant inspec tor of small arms practice of the Na tional Guard, will also likely attend. tetaabns Smallpox Reports. The Whiteville News of thia week publishes signed cards from Mayor Davis and members of the county board of health relative to- the charac ter of the eruptive -disease reported trt-n that section. Dr. Tayioe, who visited the county at the suggestion of the State Board of Health, pronounced the disease a mild form of varioloid and advised reneral vaccination. There have been two eases in the jail and a ,...i..nt Mrinm about a mile from V a v saawvwv m w a T town, but all of these are reported i about well. The statements as to an epidemic are said to be exagge rated. The NewM aava it does not think the conditions will lnterefere with the special term of court to be held there Aug. 8rcL , PRETTY WEDDING AT ARMOUR Miss Hsrrlet Love the Bride of Mr. Aafost Trass, ef Esst Arcsdla A Bean tlfnl Ceremoay. At the pretty home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Love, at Armour, N. Q, on Wednesday even ing at 8 o'clock. Miss Harriet Love, an attractive young lady who has hosts of friends and admirers In Wil mington, was led to the hymeneal altar by Mr. August Truss, originally of Plalnfield, Pa, but now an esteemed citizen of East Arcadia, a short distance from Wilmington. The ceremony was performed In the presence of a large number of friends and relatives. The decorations were elaborate and very pretty. It was a green and white wedding and the color scheme was carried out perfectly. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. A McFadyen, of Clarkton, and soon after the service the hsppy couple left for a wedding tour to Ashe ville and other mountain resorts. The bride was charmingly attired for the wedding in a lovely gown of white organdie and carried a shower bouquet lor lilies of the valley and bride's roses. Her ornaments were diamonds, the groom's present to the bride having been a beautiful diamond sunburst Mrs. T. D. Love, of Wilmington, was aame or honor, and she wore a becoming gown of green silk, trimmed with point lace. The ring aervlce was used and Mrs. Love carried the token upon a handsome satin receptacle. A large number of young people from Wilmington attended the cere mony, returning at night on the steamer "Highlander," which was in waiting for the party. Upon their re turn from the bridal tour. Mr. and Mrs. Truss will reside at East Arcadia NARROWLY ESCAPED DROWNING. Small Boy from Darham Pell Overbosrd at Wrlf htsvllle Yesterdsy Afteraooa. William, the young son of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Erwin, of West Durham; N. C, had a narrow escape from drowning yesterday. The little boy, who has been at the Sea bore Hale for several days with his aunt, Mrs. G. W. Montcastle, of Lexington, was playing on the pier next south of the Hotel pool room about 3 P. M., and in some way fell overboard. He floated a short distance and then sank to the bottom. An alarm being given, sev eral bystanders rushed forward to res cue him. After being under water for fully five minutes bis body was dis covered ia about ten feefrf water by Capt. J. W. Willis, of the sharpie Lila May," who dived for him and brought him to the surface. "Capt Willis was assisted in the rescue by Capts. B. W. and D. Wells. After bringing the body ashore the uual methods were used to bring him back to life and the Stab is glad to note that they were successful. He was attended later by Dr. G. G. Thomas, who happened to be at the beach, and by Dr. A. H. Harriss, of this city, who wss telephoned for. At last accounts he was improving rapidly. ADVENT PUBLICATION SOCIETY. Aaaaal Meetlaf te be Held la This City Beflaalsf Taeidsy Next. The Southern Advent Christian Publication Society, embracing all territory south of the Mason and Dixon line, will convene In annual session In the Second Advent church, this city, on next Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock and continue In session through the following Sunday. The meetings will be presided over by the Rev. G. P. Sherrlll, of Lenoir, N. a, and Mr. Geo. H. James, of this city, secretary of the Society, will be pres ent in his official capacity. The meet ings promise to be very successful and the attendance good. The various re ports, etc, will show a great work by the 8ociety in the several departments during the put fiscal year. On Friday, 34th Inst, the visiting delegates will be given a compli mentary trip to Carolina Beach on the steamer "Wilmington" and an adjourn ed session will be held there. The visi tors will be entertained royally by the local congregations of the Second Advent church while they are In the city. Death of Afed Pbyslclsa. a News reached the city yesterday of the death of Dr. James W. Blount at his borne at Kenansville, N. C, Wed nesday night at 10 o'clock. Dr. Blount was about 80 years of age and for nearly half a century was one of the leading physicians of Duplin county. His death was due to heart disease. He was a man well known and highly esteemed In the State and his loss will be keenly felt. Dr. Blount Is survived by his wife and four daughters. His children are Mrs. B. O. Mlddleton, Mrs. Davis Mallard, Mrs. Scott Loftln and Miss Emma Blount Fa serai ef Mr. Hardwick. The funeral of the late J. M. Hard wick waa conducted at 10 o'clock yes terday morning from the family resi dence, 810 Princess street, in the pre sence of a large gathering of friends', by the Rev. Geo. B. Webster, pastor of Bladen street M. EL church, assist ed By the Ber. Jno. B. Marshall. The interment was In Oakdale cemetery. the following gentlemen having acted aa pall bearers: Messrs. J. u. Bteven soo, Jos. H." Watters, B. J. Sneeden, , P. Merritt K. H. Snell and Rev. Jno. B. Marshall. lug umik iuri ubwiiuk uu uw an tin enaat. 4S mUiilri from Wil mington. Take the trolley car. X MORE TAX VALUES. New Hanover Board of Equaliza tion May Complete Its Ad justments This Week. THE BIG PLANTS ASSESSED. Parmlag Laads at Impreved Castle Hayae Road Belaf Raised la Soaelastaaces. No Moralag Sesaloa To-day-Work Dose Yesterday. The County Board of Equalization, which has been in dally session since Mondsy, will make a supreme effort to complete its duties Saturday, but cer. talnly not before that time will all the adjustments have been made. In or der to give the Wilmlnsrtoa assessors opportunity to make Investigation of certain caaes referred to them previ ouary during the week, no aession of the Board or Equalization will be held thia morning but operations will be re turned as usual at 3:30 o'clock this afternoon. Both morning and afternoon sessions were held yesterday and the list of complaints wss about exhausted. The Board is now engaged in going over t very piece of property on the books, increasing values where conditions seem to warrant auch action and de creasing them where in the judgment of the entire Board, they are too high. It developed yesterday during the ses sion that values in Cape Fear town ship had not been increased in what was deemed a sufficient ra tio in the light of the ad van tagea of a macadam road through that section. The Board commenced with property at the Castle Hayne end of the road and was care fully considering each tract along the in proved thoroughfare when a .recess was taken at 6:15 o'clock until this afternoon. Several tracts were re garded assessed sufficiently high and were allowed to remain, while others were thought to be valued too low and were raised. The "Hermitage tract," owned by the estate of Hill Burgwin, was raised from $3,115 to $4,000, and 3,000 acres known as the Rose Hill place and owned by D. L. Gore, were iccreased from $4,000 to $5,000. The "ferry tract" at Castle Hayne. owned by Saml. Blossom, was Increased from $1,335 to $1,500, while the "Williams' tract" owned by A. G. Latta was in creased from $1,700 to $3,000. The Board took the position that it was not worth while to build good roads, if they do not increase advantage and values, which is admitted. When the Board convened at 11 A. M., with all members present, there were more Wilmington township complaints. No changes were made upon the following applications: Mrs. M. A. Potter, block 166; J. W. Beilly, block 143; Mrs. Bailie L. Mclntyre, block 173; Mrs. Alice Lippitt, block 140; Mrs. M. Steljes, several tracts; H. U. Merritt, block 183; a D. Foard In behalf of heirs; Mrs. 0.;K. Gilbert at 8ummer Best; W. W. Roberts, block 101 ; W. G. W ebb. block 141. Other complainta were heard and acted upon during the day as follows: Mrs. M. L. Steljes, Mason boro, reduced from $500 to $450; Miss Hattie N. Mohn, .block 335, from $4,350 to $3,875; A. W.Allen, block 186, $550 to $500; W. T. Howie, block 90, Increased from $7,000 to $10,000; Mary CL Wales, block 90, Increased from $3,000 to $4,000; Mary a Howie, block 89, increased from $700 to $1,500; Mamie Sheridan, block 89, increased from $3,000 to $3,800; Nathan Schloss, block 73, decreased from $3,000 to $1,850; James W. Jackson, Harnett township, reduced from $1,800 to $1,600; E. J. Barker, Harnett town ship, reduced from $450 to $335; Gussle Grler, block 198, increased from $900 to $1,300. The following assessments were made by the entire Board, the town ship assessors not caring to assume the responsibility for such large Interests: Virginia-Carolina Chemical Co., Al- mont factory, in Cape Fear township, Increased from $40,000 to $50,000. Stock on hand and all other property at Almont factory, $100,000. Angola Lumber Co., $37,500. Morton Stewart, trustee for site of Angola mill, $4,000. North Carolina Cotton Oil Co.'s fac tory, $70,000 Pittsburg Lumber mil), $17,500. C. M. Bstts & Co , shingle mill on Point Peter, $6,000. New Han over shingle mill (Mitchell & Taylor), $6,000. Brigade Vs. Soatbport. ' The Stab's valued correspondent in csmp with the Boys' Brigade at South- port has, for reasons obvious from the score, failed to chronicle the fact that a game or two .of baseball with the Southport boys have been included in the regular routine of the Brigade this week. Without In the least blaming the correspondent for his der eliction, the Stab notes from the Southport Standard this week that the score in Monday's game was 16 to 8 in favor of Southport, and In Wednesday's game 17 to 1 In favor of Southport And thai, too, with Col. Taylor as umpire I The Brigade should courtmartlal the Colonel for permit ting such scores. For fear of being mobbed when the Brigade comes back to town the military editor of the Btab refrains rom publishing the line-up of the team. t mm t - Qoldsbore Excursion Yesterday. I An excursion train of five coaches and a baggage ear brought about S50 people from Goldsboro and other points yesterday. The train went through to Wrlghtsville at 9:35 A. M. and came up early In the afternoon to allow the visitors to take the steamer I'WIlmlngton" trip lo the pier and re turn. PERSONA!. PARAGRAPHS . Mr. C. A. Howard, of Raleigh, is at The Orton. ' Mr. J. S. Westbrook, of Wal lace, was here' yesterday. Mr. Ike C. Loftin went to Kinston yesterday for a brief visit. . Dr. D. W. Bullnck has gone to Buffalo Llthia Springs for a brief visit Miss Louise White left yester day for Tarboro, N. C, to visit friends and relatives. Mr. W. C. Page, of Warsaw, N. C, was a welcome visitor to the city yesterday. Mrs. J. C. Shepard and chil dren left yesterday for Kenansville to visit relatives and friends. Miss Belle Gregg, of Marion, 8. C, who has been the guest of Miss Nan Huggins, returned home yester day. Miss Katie LeGwin and Miss Kate Sholar left yesterday for a visit to friends at Tarboro and Washington, N. O. Southport Standard: "Mrs. J. B. Mercer, of Wilmington, came down yesterday to spend several days." Col. W. S. Cook, of Fayette ville, arrived last night and went down to Wrightsville beach for a brief visit. Miss Lillian Rhyne, of -Mount Holly, who has been the guest of Miss Tallulah DeRosset, returned home yesterday. Mr. R. A. Morrow and daugh ter, of Monroe, who have been spend ing some time at the beach, returned yesterday to their home. Southport Standard: "Mr. Neill Morsf, of Wilmington, ia spend ing a week's vacation at Southport with his friend, Mr. Carl Pepper." SheriS Peter Rourk, of Bruns wick, was in tbe city yesterday on his way to Goldsboro with two colored insane patients for the State asylum. Southport Standard: "Mrs. E. H. Cranmer returned yesterday from Chapel Hill, where she visited her son, Dr. John B. Cranmer, who is lo cated there." Messrs. O. F. Justice, of Sneads Ferry, and Frank Thompson and E. M. Koonce, of Jacksonville, N. C, are in the city on business and pro fessional trips. Capt. Jno. R. Williams, the popular Southern Express agent in this city, accompanied by Mrs. Wil liams, is spending some time at Ruth- erfordton, N. C. Southport Standard: "Mrs. W. L Gore, Miss Julia Gore and Mrs. L. L. Pritchard and children, of Wil mington, came down Tuesday to visit Mrs. F. E. Owen." Dr. W. J. H. Bellamy return ed last night from a very pleasant visit to New Yewk. Mrs. Bellamy will re main North, the guest of her daugh ter, Mrs. B. M. Chis well. Miss May Alderman, of Greens boro, Miss Lila S. Love, of Fayette- ville, and Miss Theresa Moore, of White Lake, are guests of Mrs. T. D. Love, No. 323 South Front street Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Miott Gregg, of Sumter, 8. C, returned home yesterday after a visit to Mrs. Greggs' relatives In this city. Mrs. Gregg was formerly Miss Wlllye En nett, of Wilmington. State Secretary A. G. Knebel, of the Y. M. O. A., arrived in the city yesterday on business with Secretary Chas. Dushan, of the local Associa tion. Mr. Knebel will remain in the city until this afternoon. Southport Standard: "Mrs. H. D. Williamson, of Florence, & O. ; Mrs. Emory Williamson, of Cerro Gordo, N. C, and Miss Leila Orrell, of Wilmington, are visiting at the home of Mr. 1. 8. Davis." Messrs. C. 0 McNair, J. L. Shaw, W. W. Love, Miss Palmetto Gulpton and Miss Jeneatte Love were passengers on the steamer "Hlgh- ander," which cleared for Fayette- ville aa usual yesterday afternoon. Mr. John Underwood, a prom- nent insurance agent, and family, of Fayetteville, are spending some time at the Atlantic View Hotel, Wrights ville. Mrs. Underwood ia a sister of Secretary James Kyle, of the Wil mington Chamber of Commerce. VERY PRETTY LAWN PARTY, Juvenile Helpers Society of Bladen Street - Church Gave Delighlfal Pete. The Juvenile Helpers' Society of Bladen Street M. E. church gave a de lightful lawn party at the parsonage ast evening, which was greatly en joyed by a large number of persona. The grounds were resplendent with Japanese lanters and other decorations and thronged with merry guests; the scene waa a lovely one. Indeed. The Society has 85 diligent members and is accomplishing a great work. The officers now are Albert J; Rogers, president; Miss Beulabr Rand, secre tary and treasurer, and a permanent board of directors composed of Mrs. Geo. B. Webster, Mrs. Julia A. Barnes, Mrs. Ella Turley and MisV Mary E. Carpenter. Delicious Ice creams and cakes were served last night and during the pro gress of the evening the assemblage waa delighted with three sweetly ren dered solos by tiny Miss Hazel Yates, who sang "Hello Central," "Old Black Cat" and "Mama's in Heaven." Take tout friends for a trolley ride to Wrlghtarilla Beach. 1 9 TThaO TnHaQranrlaC.rit & 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 Ice Company Wishes to assure the public that there will be no interruption of our business by reason of the tire we had yesterday. We will serve all our customers as usual. THE 1HDEPE1EDT ICE CO. 9 9 jy n tf 3 READ THIS We received 560 fine Trimmed Hats by Express to-day. Ladies' and Children's Hats. They will'be sold at less than half price. $225 $1.25 We have ten different stvles and tiest lot of ready to wear Hats in the svix u xuiguij vvtj are uuhbiug puces on omrc waists ana OKins. PARIS MILLINERY EMPORIUM, je 12 tf 129 WILMINGTON GROCERY COMPANY. A. BX. HALL, JNO. L. BOATWRIGHT, Cten'l Ua.na.ger. President. A new business, old and experienced dealers, fresh goods and an in creased capital are the inducements count-witn us. We will always keep the freshest will give you polite attention and will possible moment after purchases. We every cent you bay. While we expect to keep everything nice in our line, BUTTER and FLOUR will be our specialty; in th,ese Hoping to attract your attention. JNO. L BOATWRIGHT, General Manager. 'Phones Bell No. U. Inter-State No. 66. jy 10 lw Notice to Depositors ! Interest for the quarter ending July 1st is now due and payable; depositors who have had as much as five dollars on deposit for three months or longer are requested to bring in their books at their convenience to have interest entered. The People's Savings Bank, Opposite the B. O. MQfj: IN, Pr14mt. JNO. S. ARBtBTROlTa, Tlt Pral4nt. jyatr F. W. DICK WE WILL PLACE Oil MONDAY WHITE XTTVrTCCI33Q Actual value twenty-five cents yard. Our price ten cents. ALSO NEW LOT FINE EMBROIDERIES S. 1k je 21 tf Death of Mrs. M. J. Driver. Friends will regret exceedingly to learn of the death of Mrs. Mary Jane Driver, wife of Mr. J. A. Driver, an employe of the A. C. L. car shops, which occurred at the family residence, No. 913 North Third street, yesterday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock, after an Ill ness of some time with gastritis. Mrs. Driver was in the 40th year of her age and while her death was not wholly unexpected, it came as a shock to her many friends in this city and else where. She leaves besides the sorrow ing husband, three young children, Mary Lilly, Charles and James Driver, to mourn the loss of a devoted mother. The funeral will be conducted at 8 o'clock this - morning by Elder Gk O. Minor, of the Brooklyn A. C. Mission,1 to which church the deceased belong ed, and the remains will be sent to the former home of the family at Fayette ville for interment. Damafe to Shade Tree. Justice Fowler yesterday rendered a decision in favor of the defendant in the action brought by Jos. Sneeden to recover alleged damages to the amount of $50 from the O. R , L. & P. Co., because the linemen of the company cut away a shade tree in front of the plaintiff's residence. Justice Fowler decided that Mr. Sneeden could not recover on the testimony of Messrs. James Owen Reilly -and Thoa. H. Wright, experienced real estate agents, who said in their opinion the property had not been decreased In value. Music and dancing at Wrightsville Beach. Last ear leave the Beach at 18:00 P. M. ; After supper a trolley ride to Wrightsville Beach. t m a o o o 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 for 98 Ooxibs. for 50 0xi-i3S- thirtv different colors. It ia the mat- city. Market Street, Wilmington, N. C. W. D. HALL, Sec'y and Treas. we offer you to open your family ac- and nicest goods to be boneht. We deliver vour goods at the earliest will give you FULL VALUE for we hope to excel. Respectfully, WILMINGTON GROCERY CO., Postoffice. OuhUn SALE HORNING BIG LOT B. Solomon. Do You Need Any Furniture or House Furnishings 1 If you do please give us a call before buying. We positively guarantee to save you from 5 to 10 per cent., removal sales not withstanding. Get your pencil and paper and price all around. GASTON D. PHARES & CO., lo-us Market St. Jy 16 tf Inter-Sto'.- 78. NOTICE. Tbe Commlesloners of Brunswick County will receive proposals at their office la Boutbport until Monday, Aug. 3ra, 19C3, at 13 M., lor Index ing the county records In tbe office or tbe Reg ister of Deeds, under tbe system known as tbe "BcbUcbt Tabular Index." now In use In New Eanover County. Bidders must state price for tbe work as a Whole, also by tbe day of eight hours. Work to be done under the supervision of County Commissioners. Proportional payments will be made as the work progresses, reserving fifty per cant, until work Is complete and accepted. Bidders will mark envelopes "Bid for Index ing Records." Bight is reserved to reject any or all bids.- M. O. GUT KBIT, - Jynit Chin. Co. Corns. Carolina Beach Sunday. The Fort Caswell Band will give one of its delightful entertainments at the pavilion at Carolina Beach Bun day afternoon. Everybody is invited to go down and hear their excellent music. jy 17 It o ffice of the Custodian, United states Poet Office and Oourt Rouse. Wllmlnirton. North Carolina, July 14th, 1903, sealed proposals will be received at this office until 8 o'clock' P. H., at this office.' M. O. Darby, Custodian. jy is st we ir su. LOST. a doable ease gold watch with apiece of chain attached to it some where between my residence ana Front street Market. . uberai reward for return of same. J. F. sarraii. Jrwtt s i ii if, i i 4

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