PICTORIAL" FIXD THE HIDDEN GIRL. hi (1111 AYcgetable PreparationlM- As similating theFtxxiandBegufci tuic Ui Stomachs andBowls of rromoles DigesUon.Cheerfur ness and Rest.Contains neither Opiiim.Morphine nor0neraL Not N ar c otic . &afr tftJUJk-SSMCXLPtTCBaf ' (W Siaar A porfec I Remedy, f o r Constipa tion , Sour Stotnach.Dianhoea Worms .Convulsions .Fcverish ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of , XEW YORK. yjjuLLH.r at' EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER 1 COAL. ffliT Sole Distributors of D avis' Absolutely Pure Paints The only guaranteed 100 per cent. Pnre Paint on this or any other market. Oar guarantee U that It is composed only of " Linseed Oil bite Lead (carbonate) . . White Zinc (oxide) WITHOUT DOUBT We KNOW, that DaTis Paint will never disappoint when properly applied. It is made so good that yon are. sure to want more if -yon LI VIS LONG ENOUGH to want your building repainted. In applying Paint always call for Pusher's Celebrated P. Paint Brushes, they speak for themselves. We Uo carry a fall line of Building material, including the well known Plintkote Hoofing. Bel! 'Phone 645. Inter-State 72. THE HURCHISON MATIOMAL BANK, or WILMINGTON, N. o. Organized March 1899. ' spiral $300,000. Surplaa ..100,000. Strong, progressive, liberal.' Careful attention to all basiness. Foreign Exchange bought and sold. H. C. McQUEEN, President. n l- tr REMOVAL THE PEOPLE'S SAVINGS BANK has removed to more commodious quarters, at No. 115 North Front street, building formerly occupied by the Hurchison National Bank, next south of The Orton House. This change is made necessary by the reason of its increasing business. With these improved surroundings the Bank is better prepared than ever to serve its customers. We Invito you to call and Inspect our new home. . c niaosiH, rresldaat J WO. ICK. rp dr: m a i II (TEETMINCPOWDERS) , - : - ; . f ' f I irK BniMI, Arl I kof "tEETHINA." W. wonder how w. h PUZZLE. For Infants and Children The:JCind.iYou Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of mm In Use For Over Thirty Years in TWC CtTg COMMIT. HIV TOMS Mlk 1 AND SDPPLV 100 per cent. Pare 100 " , " 100 " Depository for U. 8. Funds, State Funds, .' County Fund, 1 City Funds. ry. GRAINGER, Cashier. S. JlBHITKOKO, Vlee rrealdemt. GuhUr. i KIM OF CIGARS. Don't start on your vacation without ; I WHITE KNIGHTS. ! . - This grade of OUin are not Un whexe careful soakers aboand. WHITE KNIQHT8 , Wont cure consumption bnt U a'comfort : ; yoa owe yourselLeluier at bom or abroad. THE F. E. ' HASHA6EN CO., jy is : Distributers. '". 3 . . h ....... 1,1 1 . , 1 rid i.Iloo.KditI"i hi. bowlmhm aw- e m at a m mm i i ji r m m mi IN BORROWED PLUMAGE. 11 DrctMd Went. Who Wear Go4a Seat on AT1. When the ways of some women are considered, it is kses remarkable that snch numbers of women dwelling In the large citle3 dress extravagantly than before their methods of securing rich costumes for all occasions have been scrutinized. There are women, and many of thena very wealthy, who make a regular practice of having elegant garments sent to their homes on approval wear-, lng them once and then returning them to stores or costumers. Some women will wear a dress or a cloak to the opera and send lt back next morning. Or they will get a hat or wrap and go driving or visiting in ltT The average person wonld be astonished to know all the things, from handsome umbrellas and fans of great beauty to Jewelry, and clothes, that some women bor row from the shops. Of course all of these women are not well off, but they all dress well and go out a great deal, and although the shopkeepers often discover the manner, In which they are being deceived,tl)ey do Dot always like to make a fuss for fear of losing a good customer. Besides they know that if they incur the enmi ty of such impostors the women are quite capable of abusing their goods and robbing them of other and more honest customers.1 Strange aa lt may seem, these women generally mingle in pretty good society, or the fringes of it, and have some influence In the matter of dress, eince they have won the repu tation of always dressing elegantly and in the newest things. This sort of Imposition had been car ried on so often by a customer of a cer tain large firm that Its members deter mined to put a stop to her flaunting about in borrowed plumage, at least when the plumage belonged to them. One Saturday this woman had a splen did wrap sent home, on approval, and on Sunday one of the bead clerks of the firm who .knew Mrs. Blank as the offender stationed himself near her pew In the fashionable church which she attended. "When she sailed down the aisle after service, resplendent In the borrowed cloak, this man stepped up to her and said: "How do you do, Mrs. Blank? I am delighted to see that you like our cloak well enough to keep it.'? Of course after that she could not re turn the cloak. Still, with all the efforts put forward by shops and costumers to break up the pernicious habit of forcible borrow ing on the part of sundry feminine cus tomers, the practice goes merrily on, and many a fair dame with an envi able reputation for exquisite dressing appears but once In garments and hats Wat when next seen are bedecking an other woman or hanging In' the show room of some smart shop. Washington Star. HOLDING A CIGAR. Polata las Mu'i Character tie Aet la Said to XHacloao. Did you ever notice the different ways men bold cigars or cigarettes? Pld you ever observe how you yourself hold one? There are about a dozen different Ways, and probably no two men hold their cigars exactly alike. A Judge of human nature may pick up interesting points as to character Ojoe man will bold his cigar firmly betyVeen thumb and forefinger. He la usually a resolute, tenacious man, strenuous or merely phlegmatic, .as .the case may, be, but never lazy. His fin gers are stumpy. Another man holds the cigar loosely between his first and second fingers. He is apt -to be graceful, lazy. Irreso lute,' a man of artistic temperament, but not a hustler. His fingers are long and tapering. A third man wcajryJWa clgarwith the lighted end 'turned Tn .toward 'the palm, the nandhem scoop shape around it He picked up that trick when smQkmg on one sly as boy. fearing papa wQt bre4kiu4&en Wo tbe rame. He 'i usflSjIy of a ecretiana tUre and not marked by any special tendency to frankness. A fourth will' bold his. cigar awk wardly, nervously gripping ianjT4ften staring at lt Inquisitively to seeTbjJw lt la burning. He la not a "natural smok er," nor is he apt to be what Is known as a "good fellow." He la usually anx ious to conciliate others and has not great force of character. Thatch the man behind the cigar and see if all these character drawings are not correct New York World. - A CHEAP SQUARE MEAL. Saeeeaafol Scheme Tkat Wu Worked Sr Two HmmaT Meau "One tjf the" cleverest 'Krafts' I ever saw was worked the other day In a quick lunch restaurant on Park row," said the Observer. "I noticed two men talking earnestly lust below the place aa I was going in to gjet my lunch. One of them followed me In and took a seat W Katvnr ma at trio tahlA A f AW OeC- juo. SVJ rw . ' - - - onda later the other entered and took a seat Just opposite his friend, whom he did not ame&r to know. The first man ordered a very expensive dinner, com mencing with soap and ending with charlotte russe and coffee. He got the verv best that the Dlace couKl aurora. and his check for $1.85 was placed -In front of him. The other man took ma time about ordering, taking corned beef and beans 10 cents' worth. His check was placed In the center of the table, between the two men. "Number one ate hastily and finished first He got up, put on his hat and then calmlv Dlcked ud the ten cent check that belonged to his friend. Without turning a hair he went, to, the desk, paid . 10 cents and walked .out A few minutes later number two, who had been reading the paper, prepared to leave and took up the remaining check. He appeared greatly surprised and c&Iled the waiter, asking for an explanation. There was .nothing for the knight of the napkin to ao due give iue man a new ten cent check, as It was verv evident that-he had not eaten f 1.85 worth of food. I suppose-that the two met outside ana at the naxvpiace visited number two got the "square" meal. New York Mall and Express. i one arnaircommanttr tn Kansas a drug firm In four weeks-In January sold 102 ounces of -strychnine,; 214 ounces of cyanide of potassium, 45 himhelii of Doisoned wheat and 2SH gallons of carbon bisulphide, an for the of destrovlna; the prairie dogs on the farms of that community. Th. nnetton of food supply for ani mals produces some curious results. In TTwnminff dnrins the winter Just pass ed the Jackr- rabbits by thousands nntrht the Drotection of snow xences along the. lines of railroad, while the wolves and coyotes from over a ' vast tract of eouatry found the Jack an easy victim. - . . " , . , ;.iv n . -.r.Lu will h-iMtv a, mrrttv de " : DUU1V ircww ww w- m cent looking front yard, but the back ... . f 1 1 ft.. A .wa. yard of tueir preiuue As matte of fact; there should be no back yard to -. any - home that Is, a, jt i. TI ho mhMsh'' of the uuwp 1UI 1U1 . - , place.": Such a place always puts us In . - ijs i tnrr znina or a nneiy arcaseo jmuy-wo a dirty petticoat Jim Dumps, at Buffalo, went through Large mills, and rnoro delighted grew - At every step. " How clean I " said he. He saw them mingle skilfully -Malt, wheat and sunshine strength for him. 'And that makes ' Force," nods "Sunny Jim. ' roop COLbU I e EE ETT 66 Farmers and Canneri. ' The r'arniera' I'roteotive association of central New York is making trouble for the canning factories In setting prices for which the members are will ing to grow their produce instead of taking the prices offered, as heretofore. The scale adopted is considerably in advance of what was received by farm ers last year. Some factories have granted a slight increase.- 1 Mary land there are milch agitation and con flict between brewers anil packers of tomatoes along Ihe eastern shore. Country Gentleman. I Leave be Old Hen In Pence. During the Latching, if you are wise, you will not be too curious, but will allow the Instinct of the hen to do her work. It may be well to quietly reach under her and remove such eggshells as can be removed without disturbing her, but nothing further should be at tempted. Nlgnt Wan Her Terror. "I would cough nearly all night Jons'," writes Mrs. Charles Appieeate or Alexandria. Ind.. "and could bard ly ret any sleep. I had Consumption so bad that if I walked a block I would cough frightfully and spit blood: but, when all other meal cines failed, three SL00 bottles of Dr, King's New Discovery wholly cured me and I rained fifty-eight pounds. It's absolutely euaranteed to cure Coughs, Colds, La Grippe, Bronchitis and all Throat and Lung troubles. Price 50c and $1.00. Trial bottles free at It. li. Bellamy s drug store. : I DUNLOP MEAL 16 HADE OF , Best of Corn IN A Water Mill and Every Bushel Welahs 46 Pounds. As there will be a big crop of Cotton made the demand for bag ging and ties will put the price up, go buy N' W and buy of THE WORTH CO. Jr 10 tr - Wilmington and Fayetteville STEAMBOAT LINES. ateaanere frr FnyeitevtUe, aTrelant aai FaMBfn. ' Btaamar Highlander, Capt. W. XcK. Eobe son, leaves 4:90 P. X , Mondays and Thursdays. Btaamar Hart, Cant W. a. Robeson, leaves at 4:to p. nU Taaedays and rrldaya ? j . mi.k tAiM return an.' piy to -, j T. D. LOVE. V aeneral Agent, jf is tf South Water Street, i Ten Dollars. Ours is the only estab lishment In your City that makes Suits to measure for. Ten Dollars. - C. E. GORDON PANTS CO., " - . - - - - i 25 South Font Street. JJ apt tf - ! M Peach and Vanilla CREAM. S1.00 gallon delivered Sunday. J.VJ. Plummor, Jr., - Bell 'Phone 680. 1 jy 18 If 1 nam CNICHEVTin crahin PILLS unlv Oaaalaa. aw CHICUL.,1 l .Uti KNOUSH i la KEB t4 kuUi ten twm-ht I wkk UmiMh 1'bkc a Beraaa I rn 6itwUwM mm Imltm- tta. B.J of yxir Omnul.e . a mmf fimnlin,. TwUBatalf; aaa ''HoiSat rr I jlw i,m ( Mr, r twra atall. la.eaaTwttBaaUiL 8.14 . mmaimm thla The Eeadj-to-Serre Cereal crisp cleanliness and parity. i Cleanliness the ChaLrcxeterlstte. ."1 ftSfonI LnPtad "e ml11 "id " method of manufacturing the "If?" "f.116' PTible quality and of abaolate purity, and that ey rtepta the proceea of manofactare is characterized by perfect cleanliness. The Anal tfffiflJZrllwwSRty Bierl,liMth0 PTSt. from the time the grata ...S-.T??1 ? untfl a"! eeaUng of the packages, the food is handled Aaaiydcai Chemlrt TJnIvawlty of Bugalo, and Chemlat ofthe Cjty 10;" 9 9 j The Independent J Ice Company V 9 Wishes to assure the public that there will be no interruption of our business by reason of the fire we had yesterday. We will serve all our customers as usual 9 9 9 9 9 9 -V M HO. - r- - - s i J- '-wk I " V ! 'Vs.-. 'wtJ -" a BEST AND CHEAPEST LINE OF REFRIGERATORS ON THE MARKET. WM . E SPRINGER & CO.. je 3 tf SEASHORE HOTEL, WHIGHTSVILLB BEACH, N. C. Jasl Eight lilies From Wilmington. mm We now have 180 large airy bedrooms, 20 en suite, with private bath. Hotel being but a few yards from old ocean's edge renders it cool and comfortable at all times. Artesian flies. The finest Bathing, Boating and Fishing along the Atlantic coast. New Bowling Alley, Pool and Billiard Hall. - The Cuisine will be thoroughly up-to-date, embracing everything in the way of delicacies in sea foods and Music the entire season by the pieces. Hotel and grounds lighted by electricity. No more delightful resort in the South. Write for descriptive book- et, rates, etc. -Address ' JOE H. H I TJTOrJ, Manager, f WRIGHTSVILLB BEACH, N. C. SaaaamOnaas tan 1st Resident Physician, Dr. Taos. S. Bur- bask, Pep OGits Twlade With ATLANTIC TRUST AND BANKING- GO. On or before July 1st will draw interest from that date, pay 4 per cent, per annum, compounded quarterly. , MATT J. HBTEB, Preslfasit. ' ' lTTITCBEI.il V. L. B. Bosrers. Martin O'Brien, C B. H. J. Ahrens, John H. Kuck, J. MoEachern, M. J. Heyer. : -' ---: THE NORTa STATE N0RIIAL AITI) " ' courses: - - - Literary, oiaaaleaJ Scientific, Pedagogical, Commercial, Domeetle" 8elenee . t ... BXaaiual Tralnler, Blusle. ' . ... T1vmiTnM lAaltnff to DlolOKSS. Advanced courses leading to Decrees. Well eaultmed rracuoa ana unservauon Bcnoot. r acuity numoerBwi.- tsoaru, uiunury, nicon, ana iees ior. use of text books, eta, $ 14 a year. For non-residents oi the State sioo. Twelfth annual session begins September is, IMS. To secure board in toe dormltores ail free-tuition applications should be made before Jn'y isto. Correspondence invited from those desiring competent teacners anascenograpners. r catalogue anaotner iniormauon anaress .. .-? ,...r-: ; -: , CHABXES D. McIVER, President. JaSStf c CBKEWSBOBO, W. C. J FOOD CO S- 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 f 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 Purcell Buildinjr, Wilmington, N. C. iffy water, no malaria, no mosquitoes, no - " - choice edibles. , Motel s Celebrated Orchestra oi eigne - , my 24 8m We B. H. J AHRERS, Vice PrasldenU AliliEPTt CslIer. W. Yates, B. Solomon, I. M. Bear G. L. Gieschen, R. B. Bellamy, D . -' ' - je 28 tf CAROLINA 1ITDTTSTRIAL COLLEGE. Remington I g)- ' Typewriter. WVCROFF. SEAMANS 4 BENEDICT Jto Ts oewTlters of all kinds taken In exchange. Machines sold on easy Instalments. KiDDons, carDon ana lypewnier raper, etc C.W. YATES & CO. sole Agents for Remington Type writers, lyiatt THE UNIVERSITY of North Carolina- Academic Department, Law, Medicine, Pharmacy. One hundred and eight scholar. ships. Free tuition to teachers and to sons of ministers. Loans for the needy. 608 Students. 66 Instructors. New Dormitories, Water Works, Central Heating System, Library 40,000 volumes. Fall term, academic and profes sional departments, begins Septem ber 7, 1903. Address F. P. VENABLB, President, je 26 tf Chapel Hill, N. C. SEABOARD Air "Line Railwav Schedule In Effect April 12, 1903. TRAIN Leaves WtTmtnrtnn S-SO n m. an 39 Lumberton 5:46 p m, Pembroke 6:10 p . in, Buun e:w p m, uamiet ?:ss pm. arrive Charlotte 10:45 p m. TRAIN Leaves Wilmington 9:00 pm, arrives 15 Lumberton 8:15 a m, Pembroke 2:55 a m. Max ton 4:05 a m, Hamlet 6:00 a m. TRAIN Leaves Charlotte 5:01 a m. Hamlet 8:40 w a m, arrives Maxton :S2 a m. Pem broke 10:08 am. Lumberton 10:87 am, TTiuuuiicbou iz:v pm. TRAIN Leaves Hamlet 10:45 d m. arrives Max. 14 ton 12:35 a m, Pembroke 1:20 a m, Lum- berton 8:15 a m, Wilmington 7:00 a m. WESTBOUND FROM HAMLET. Hamlet , ,. 790 a m 1040 pm Ar Monroe 8 58 am 18 15 am Ar Charlotte...... 10 OS a m 1045 pm Ar Chester 10 85am 135am Ar Greenwood .....1223pm 843 am Ar Athens S50pm COS am Ar Atlanta 860 pm 760 am HOUTHBOUND FBOM HAMLET. Lv Hamlet 780aml0 40pm Ar Columbia 10 55 a m lsoam Ar Savannah.. .. 890 pm 605 am Ar Jacksonville 6 50pm 9 is am Ar Tampa 6 46am 6 00 p m NORTHBOUND FBOM HAMLET. Lv Hamlet .... 10 30 pm 855 am ArBaleisrh 125 a mil 50 am ArNorllna.. , 850am 145pm Ar Portsmouth I ann - .,, Ar Norfolk j 8 00am 5 35 p m Lv Hamlet 10 30 a m 750am at Baleigh 1 S5 a m 11 15 a m Ar Korllna 350 am 145 pm Ar Richmond 635am 455pm Ax -Washington 10 10 am 836 pm Ar Baltimore ll 25 p m 11 85 p m Ar Nov York 4 is p m 6 13 p m Throusrh Pullman sleeners from Hamlet to ail points North, South and Southwest. Wnv HAbato Dnllm.. m.. .(..nr. a m to Thomas D. Meares, General Agent, WlUnlnK too, N. C. ap is tf SUMMER SCHEDULE CONSOLIDATED RAILWAYS, LIGHT & POWER COMPANY. Effective Tuesday, Jhdi 9, 1903. FRONT AND PRINCESS ST- WILMINGTON Leave everv half hour from k-ihia m tiit -nn P. M., daily except Sunday. SUNDAY Every half hour from 8:00 A. M. to 11:80 P. M. THE OA8INO WRIGHTS V1LLE BEACH. Leave everv half hour from Rito A. M. to 12:00 P. M., dally except Sunday. SUNDAYS j Bvery nan hour from 8:30 A. M. to 12:00 p. M. 8PEOIAL CAR FOR WRIRHTSVTT.T.K BEACH Will connect daily with A. O. L. train No. 50 due Wilmington at 11 :20 P.M. Mondays i this car win leave the Casino, Wrlghtsvlile ! xteacn. ato:wiA. n-to connect wita a. v. u. train No. 51 Ida vine Wilmington 6:00 A: M. BEACH CAB: For the accommodation of those who inav desire to leave toe Beach after regular cars have ceased running, an extra win oe ieit on me eeasnore ttoiei siaing every nicht. which can re chartered for the trip to Wllmmgton and return for $10.00. The Motor man in charge can be reached at the Com pany's Baggage room, near, that point. Bell fhoneNo. 1203. Frelsbt Service. Leave Front and Princees streets 6:00 A. M.. dally except Sunday. Leave Nlaih street Depot 0:30 A. M., dally (Including Sunday) . Leave Ninth stroet Deoot 1:30 P. M . daOr ex cept Sunday. ijeave Mintn street uepot &:3U r. m.. aauv ex cept Sunaay. Leave Mintn street Deooc x-.ao p. m . aauv ex cept Sunday. The Express Oar will receive freight at Front and Princess streets from 6:30 A. M. to 6:00 A. M. only. FREIGHT DEPOT: The freight Depot Will be open for the receipt of freight from 8:30 A. M. to 7:30.P. M. Sundays 8:30 to 9:80 A. M. No freight will be received at other points in the city, except as above specified. - Freight which la received within twenty min utes of time oar is due to leave will be held for next regular trip. MARKING AND PREPAYING: Freight Will not be received unless plainly marked with name or tne consignee ana ruuy prepaid. - LAUNDRY: when racked In trunks, hand bags, or hampers. Laundry will be handled as oaggage. - , BAGGAGE: Baggage will be received and delivered at ' the Atlantic Coast Line and Seaboard Air Line depots: all pieces must be checked, and no piece will be delivered except on presentation of duplicate check. jew . - I 3 Car load's Timothy. 1 3 Cars No. 1 Prairie. 1 Car : Good Luck Baking Powder, x. 200 cases Cracker Jack Powder. 190 cases Parrot and Monkey Powder. ' I 150 Kegs Arm and Hammer Soda. 100 Cases Duke's Mixture. ', i ; :.' 120,000 Old Va. Cheroots at old - prices and everything else in ! the Grocery line at the closest prices. . :- . ;, - ST01TE & C0IIPAITY. 5 and 7 South Water St. Jyl4tf - ' ' LOST. A double case gold warcn with a piece oi chain attached to it some where between my , residence and Front street Marker. Liberal reward for return oi ease. j. F. eamtt, HAY ATLAHTIC - - ':.---Si-r ; COAST ROUND TRIP Rates From WilmiDgtoD. Ave AA.W.BMnftAH w . . w.o.w n.Sw, mr. j. uu reinrnj Tickets on sale dally. June 1st to September 80th, final limit October sieviws. , SS3.TO Detrolti Mlch and return, inter national Convention Epwortta League. Tickets will be on sale July 14th and 15th, good leaving Detroit until July 20th, 1903. Note, an extension of the final limit to Au- uoa luuii (no. jucv Lt7 vuvauicu uj u.(uuk vt ticket with Joint Agent, and upon payment of fifty (50) oents at time of deposit. SI 3.60 Baltimore, Md., and return. Annual Meeting Grand Lodge B. fc P. O. Elks. Tick ets will be on sale July 18th, 19th and 20th with return limit to July 25th, except as upon pay ment of II 00, m addition to twenty-five (25) cents for validation of retnrn nortlon of tick mwwtt r.l. .fVIO M.B k. rVW U. Ww rilAMAAl w et, limit will be extended to leave Baltimore 8 13. AO to Baltimore and ratnrnl Boverelffil Grand Lodge Odd Fellows: tickets on sale September 18th, 19th and 80th. Must be deooa Ited with Joint Agent and on payment of 11.25, limit will be extended, good leaving Baltimore October 3rd, 1903. . i . W.J. CRAIG, - Gen'l Passenger Agent. ' H. H. EMERSON, Traffic Manager. jeatf ATLANTIC COAST UNB: seaeanie in ssct sxay S4 1903. LIE LOW NO 48 NO 48 Lv Wilmington 9.30 am 7 00 p m Ar Goldsboro , 18 81 p m 938 pm ' Ar Wilson 118pm 10 sspm Ar Rocky Mount. I55pmll83pm Ar Norfolk 6 55 p m ArWeidon 4 58pm lasam Ar Petersburg 6 53 pm 8 00am Ar Blcbmond. 7 4f p m 8 43 a m Ar Washington 11 40 p m 7 so a m Ar Baltimore 128am 9 13 am - Ar Philadelphia 4 05 a m 11 22 a m Ar New York 715 am 800pm ( SOUTHBOUND. . " NO 41 NO 49 Lv New York 935a mi 9 25pm ' Ar Philadelphia...... 1155 a m 1801 am Ar Baltimore... 313 p ml 2 37 am at Washington , 3 21 p ml 8 45 am i Ar Norfolk 9 09 a m Ar Blcbmond.., 7 15 p ml 8 so a m Ar Petersburg 805pm948am l Ar Weldon 9 43 p m il 46 a m . Ar Rocky Mount... 10 87 pm loop m Ar Wilson...... Ul8pm 159 pm Ar Goldsboro.... 7 16 a ml 8 10 p m Ar Wilmington.. toio a ml 6 00 pm BETWEEN WILMINGTON AND THE SOUTH. , SOUTHBOUND Daily Ex Sunday. Dally Dally. 7 oo p m 3 25 am 61575 8 80am 1 15 om Lv Wilmington . Ar Florence. Ar Charleston..., Ar Savannah Ar Jacksonville. . . Ar Tampa 600 a m 8 45 p ml 925 a m 110pm 6 30 p m ii is p m soo a m 9 00 a m loss p m 10 85 pm NORTHBOUND. Dally Ex. Sunday. Dally 780 am S80 pm 115 am 695 am 945 am 140 pm LvTamna 8 05 p m 7 80 a m I9 40B m Ar Jacksonville., Ar savannah v 4 60 p m 7 85 d m at Florence.. . Ar Wilmington U 0 p m BETWEEN WILMINGTON AND SANTO RD West Bound East Bound Dally Daily Lv Wilmington........! 9 10 a mi ar 8 05 p m I Ar Fayetteville ..18 so p m Ar 5 00 p m ATBaniora.. ........... l bs p mii.v s u p m BETWEEN WILMINGTON AND NEWBERN North Bound South Dally ex Sunday Bound Lv WOmlnsrton ..12 25 n mlAr 18 15 v m ArNewbern .....15 40 p mlLv 9 oo aim Trams Nos. 43 and 41 carry Pullman Sleeping Cars between Wllmlnston and Washington. connecting with Penna B. B. for all points east. W.J.DBAIG, Gen'l Passenger Agent H. M. Emerson, Trafflc Manager. my84tf. Atlantic ana North Carolina Railroa.! ITlme Table No.tlO l t To Take Effect Sundavy, Oct. SI, 1900. at 12.01 A. M. GOING EAST. -GOING WEST. 3 4 Passg'r Trains - Paeag'r Trains STATIONS. . : Arrive Leave Arrive Leave p.m. pTiT aTm. a.m. 3 40 Goldsboro....... 11 05 4 82 Klnston..... .... 10 13 s 40 5 60 Newborn 8 87 2 00 7 08 7 07 Morehead City.. 7 28 7 27 P. M. P. M. -- 1 . A. M. A. M. Tram 4 connects with W. fe W train bound North, leaving Goldsboro at 11.25 A. M.. and with Southern Railway train west, leaving j Goldsboro 800 P. M., and with W. & N. at New , bern for Wilmington and Intermediate points. Train 3 connects with Southern Railway train arriving at Goldsboro 8.00 P. M. and with W. Sc. W. train from the North at 8.( P. M No. 1 train also connects with W. A N. for Wilming ton and intermediate points . OCt 23 tl tS. 1a. IMJUIj, BUDt. Tne Clyde Steamsblp Co New York, Wilmington, 11. C,, and i, S; Co Lines rraitw'tsrK fr WUMiiftsa NAVAHOE...... ..........Saturday, July 25 1 CARIB.. Saturday r Aug. l rroH wilautiea foiHra Tork, oasib .....,..ito-,i.Baturday, July 25 navahoe.. ............Saturday, Aug. t From WHmlngi "tor Georcetown. 241"A'."".V..r..V.;.Tnesday,.' July 81 NAVAHOE ......Tuesday, July 88 Bott Steamers nave snod Passenger accom modation. , TvrT JBT-TtoongnBffls iJMUnjt- and -Lowest Through Rates guaranteed to and from points In Nob. and Booth Carolina. -For freight and paesaee apply to : . - . - B. e. 6attlBONS, Bupt. ., i t . . Wilmington, . u. : t CLIDE milne. Gem Freight Agent. i- law. w. jeukis, wen'i vaaager. -WM. P. CLYDE A CO., Gen'l Agents, i , .19 State streeWNew ork. I lytf . : To Excursionists. - The first thing yon should do nwvntir amwat la Wilmington 6 to have a' clean, easy utava, or a tyusn nair-cut, or a coot and refreshing shampoo. Possibly, you may need allot these comforts. The Favorite" Barber Shop is the place. ' BUIOK- a DAVIS; Je 14 tr So. UntM rroai street i