eseeeeeeeeeeea asat Baee-flee, trerytayj TERMS Of SU8SCRIPTfOH. V (kuUUM karri Taaa mi of 417 OOae Daily aVrre- sasef as ttHatfartea. $ Six month. " Three Month. - Two Months, u SBIlTrd to SmbMrlbai-a la tataj 1 is th mn. ... T VOL. LXXII. NO. 115. WILMINGTON, N. C.,i THURSDAY. AUGUST 6, 1903 WHOLE NO. 11,215 M OKiM mm, 8.50 X 1.85 1 1.00 The Sjblotniiixtj Jtar. OUTLIMES, Was. llssilion. slf-coafeat4 mar ie f liiti Ueael Bkharda, waa ui rroon Ue jail 0 AaoUa conaty. vcv. bt a mob tad hsorsd. pj9 pus ea dseidsd laat his eoro- &ail Uke plaea naxt Baelay. To boye Arowae4 yeaUrday W'ort. Jf. CL Twoaeor te:rrs saoaacad yeaterday oa U y, Yore Block Excaaare; other I. r predicted. The tfstsi ! prkee of atocka ynatard'ay sneay aanilooeof dollar. . .V U- Graady, aaaaaftaa? editor a Norfolk Virffimin-niot, dJad ?op.'y. A Tlolaat atom itt St. Loola, Ma, yesterday iMt, lilliar oe bu end la- Mtinl otasra al taa Kxpoel t r3a4. Ohio Democrats ortJ caaanalxa la laat Bula y.trjy . Wen, J. Bryan wu oaa of u itMitn. dcaoaaclax Grover CUs4 rtra caaaad by Ui;f destroyed stock yard at LMJti.Kr-; lat eboul $250,000. N York enarkals: Money oa e 1 u sueiy al S03;eotloa steady t UTV; Star qa!l; wheal spot S. S red 83j; 'corn po ,Jr. J Ml.; oaU-po4 easy. Sa 1 33c . rjein eoenlael, etmlaed coav-M tofjod LM;ealriU larpea p.- lis Arm. WEATHER REPORT U dL Darr 09 Aamscvtmn, 1 Wurnaa Bcnsuc. WtunsoTOS. Jl. CL. Aafnat E. ) teroiocieaJ data for taa tweaty r aoure eadiax at 8 P. C: 'tasrxarea: A. aL, 77 dacrvea . 4 - J4-. 91 ; aaattaaaaa, tl da . . aJ.'wa, 74 e4g rue ; aa a. S3 Sa-afan for Laa day, CO.; rainfall . ih t taa aaoata to data, Lti of atUr la the Cap Ftar r.r ! rtUaUI, N. Q, at 8 A. If. orro aaatos acixxms. yKii raiaa, taarally IMcat, ara r- frtMa aarly all portioaa ot Ua u TnDrataaa coallaaa akoat roaxcuT roa to-naT. .V.hijtos. Aa. I. lor Noria C: rairlaW4t aAavara la LuaorUw Taoradaj; TtUij fair; Ukta wlada. Pa . ttM .... 1.11 A.M. -.a .... klfU 1JII.47M. tl k Wtu l Boulhporl C 47 A. at. U ck Waiar WUaUarwso. 117 A. M. Milra ratirra aa cotaeaaaJkT ;a -chief of tb Uo!tJ SUUa Amy aatt Saturday. pa4iof aix aaJ a kalf million ixlira for adiiUooal fortificatlona at Pn Artbar loaka aa tboaf b Rbi- 4 rJly aaeanabaaioeaa. - The raca qoeation la a national, niitr than a aactiooal ona," La in ft what Senator Gorman, of MtrjUnJ, aaU in an intarriew a ft Ujiao. And be U rif bt. The PreaUent tent a cback for ll t McKceaport, Ta.; tbt otber bt far T&eoJora Eooaaralt Signet, m to j born to Mr. and Mr. WO : a 1. Sijcnet, of tbat place, which Mr. Sixnet'a twentieth child. Ted i w.U no Joubt aoon tire of tbat bmioea. 1: 14 in Waabioston tbat the airo iil radaallj b eliminated ff the Nat j. Oat of 29,000 en- i 1 men in the Narj, only 600 are r l. Aa their Urrna expire tbey U JroppeJ, anJ four or fite fro now the Uat one of tribe bare bn weeded t". i-i l that the lobbyUt baa b ' 10 prtUtent and Interfered ir.oaIf with the work of tbe orjts !ezii!atore tbat aome of - utra hate bad occaalon to :. tk matter from tbe floor. kcif;r-.f ofttiaee protee e mnl t. UgUlator and reenlta in 1 tl. if aj, good to a State and ta irowmjc il abonlJ be abated. vt.: working on a railroad at h.o&U,0., tbe otber day Con 'tor Krnk WUe bnog hit Teet fRce. In tbe pocket waa a ronuioing tiS. A wander mrnm oftleprated appetite apled lt i 4t the eat and contenta. T's ro waa boagbt and alaabter- i March recalled U tbe re yn of the which wu yet " i h condition that It conld be 'l.i. a coetly meal, tbaL Ai.lwhee! airablp U in procee ' "f itruction al Frankport, N. T- h t the intention of T. C. avw, m MonUna ranchman, and U trtt machine of iU kind to pfi-iar uagible rcenlt. Tbe aa--a wiliholi one or two paaaen xa l the propelling power win u ruoline motor of from fire lo Ur power. It will be fnlded IjiU idewheer propeller actifif 14 force it in any decired direction fc' lir oppoaing tbrsjt of fana.. DEWE"S SHORTAGE S7S.0OO. laalai nVrbera Caakkf Mare Tkia Tbat Seaa Tie Ba0 raala flUi Extra Uea. ISfcial Star TUvraav) s RuxiaB, N. a, Aojt. B. Tboe. Daatele of Kewbem, la appointed re ceiver roe thelarnere'aadMercbaala Baak, of Newborn, by Jadge Brow a. application beiag made by the North Oarollaa OorporaUoa Oommluloa. Mr. Daaiala gaT, bo ad to-a!gbt la tbe aaenox 130,000 and will lake charge to-morrow. Chairman Franklin Mc Neill, of tbe OorporaUoa Obmmlaaioa, aaye Bute Baak Ex ami a ar Elllactoa, ow la charge of the baak. reporte the abortage of Gaahier T. W. Dewey not laaa than 173,000 aad It may reach 1100,000. The AllaaUo Ooaat Uae, Boa board Air Line aad Bonthers Itallway com paaJee filed ezeeptloaa to-day with Ike Ubeporatloa Oommlaaloa aa to thalr recaat tax aaaaeamaata of railroad property. The priadpal groaada for taa exception ara that the amonata aa eeani m ia axeeaa of the true aala of the roade ia anoaey aad are oat of proportion to aad rrwaler than the aa eaaamaala placed oa other property, aad that the law nader which the aaaeaameala are made la naooaatlta Uoaal la that It preecribee a dlffereet aad more arbitrary rule for lha aaeeee eaeat of property of railroad compa a taa taaa for property raaeraJly la the Btata. No lime haa beea eat for a hearlag of argumeat oa the exeep tloaa. LOCAL DOTS. - The rernlar monthly meeting of the Chamber of Commerce will be held thle afternoon al S JO o'clock. Steamer "Citr of FajetieTiUe" arrived at 1 P. M. yeaterday ead clear ad for the rat ara at C o'clock. Schooner "Arthur V. S. Wood- raff cleared yeaterday with cargo of lamber ead aklaclee conalraed by tbe Chad boa ra La sober Co. lo Port de Pals. Tbe rait bf W. E. Beaton ju the C.TL.L. A: P. Co.. for 130.000 damage waa filed yeaterday by Meaart. Raaeell ft Gore, attoraeje for me plalaUff. City aobecribera wbo fail to re ceive their paper aboold, la every la ataace. resort the fall are prompUy. either at the Btab oSoe or to Mr. W. McD. Kvaaa. JaJTeraon Lodge, K. of P., Uat algkl ee Joyed aa addreaa by Bapreae Muter of Exchraeer T. D. Meerre ead a aocial boor thai proved vary baoaficial to the order. At a recent meeting of tbe Board of Director of IheToaag Mene Cbrtallaa AaaociaUoa, Mr. Char lea E. Vale waa elected to fill aa exiatlag tcaacy oa the Board. A law jort enacted by tbe Oeor- gU Leclalatare aalhorbae the city or Bavaaaah to pay lie AJdermea for their earvkae whkh will be done at the rate of 110 per xoeetlag. CepL Wu, K. CblcbeaUr baa euceaaded Capt. D varan x aamaaUr of the Clyde Llaer "OaHh." Ilia many frleade cordlaUy waleome him to the New York, Wllmlagtoa aad aeorge- towa raa. A check drawn npon a London Arm bv lha Marchlaoa Natloaal Baah, of thkv dtT. wae loet oa the etrecta yeaUrday. Soluble reward for return or name la offered la the bndaeae local cola ma of the Bran to day. The Preaident baa called a meetl ag of the Board of Director of Lha MerchaaU AeaocUlloa thla arUr- aoi la the Seaboard Air Llae balld leg. Every Director la expected to be preaeat, ae tmporUal boalaeaa la to be Iraaaactad. The Prorrtes Epwortb Learae aad the Javeaile Ilelrer, of Bladen Bireet M. E. church, will ran aa ex- canto a to CaroUae llaaca on me taaanerl WUmlagtoa' to-day. Tte flt boat will leave at 9 JSO A. M. la- auador A. M. aa previoaaly ad vartlaed. Fare tor rooad trip, 15a. Mavor Springer yeaterdaT pre- eealed the borae editor of the "Morn. ag Oorj" wilh two of the largcat raUrmeloaa or tbe aeaaoa. They mmt arcdaccd oa Farmer Bprtagera !..iiiaa la Eaat Wllmlagtoa aad are a credit to the agricultural aptitude of IhU -boray-baaded aoa of tou. Waller McUnlre, colored, ar- Taeadav altbt while aalecp na der a aulr caee at Eighth aad Prlacraa atrteia, waa charted with vagraaey la the police court yeaUrday ana een- teaced to the roade ror SO oaya. u. W. aeodrtcb. white, charged with coeamltUag a aataaace, waa let off poa pa meat of coala. t cv. ead Mra. C 8. feel Bcreavce. Ma.y frleade here will be aad to ltara of the death or aiargarwi, little daughter of Betr. and lira. u. . Pal, which occurrea aiona.j Urel eooaty. She waa nve jaax,u.. Bar. Mr. Peal la peetoe of Bootbelde BapUit church. Ss nUt(irat el TfiueerUUea. Mr. W. W. Marrell haa been pro- Bjoted from a deek la Ueomee w parlaleadeat of traaaportauoa o -r. t? T. A- P. Co . with jarladlc- tloa oveboth the aty aad anborben Uae. NEW ADVEBTISEMENTa. J V7. IL Facbe New awr No: ,0ee Saaday achool onuag. acsnrs tocuui National Baak. - - DROWNED AT SEA. Capt. B. M. Potter, of Steamer Franklin Pierce, Met TratfC Death Yesterday. HIS BODY NOT RECOVERED. Fen Overeeari frem Hie Beat aa She Paaaed Over the Bar el Sea th pert Ea Keete te SkaBotU The Btrtartd FaaUIy Netea. CanL Brran M. PotUr. one of the beet known and moat competent coait plloU la the Boalb, waa drowned yea Urday morning at aea from the ateamer Fraaklln Pearce,w of which bewaamaaUr ror Meaar. Brooke & Taylor, of thla dty, who operaUthe ateamer on a regular echedaie be tween Wilmington and BhallolU, Brnaawlck county. J uat how Capt Potter waa drowned may perbape never be known. Tbe ateamer left Wilmington el 4 o'clock yeaUrday morning with a very large freight, aome or which. Including a number of aplriU turpentine barrel, waa piled on deck. The boat paaaed out to eea from South port about 9 o'clock. The water waa comparative ly smooth aad Cap I. Potter waa In the after-cabia aaleep when last eeee. About aa boar laUr Mate Martin Chadwlck bad occasion to go back to the af Ur-cabla and wae enrprieed to find the captain gone. Search of the boat railed to dlecloee hie whereabonU aad lha crew waa at once alive lo the fact that be bad la aome way falJea ovelboerd and beea drowned, although, on account or the wind, they bad beard no aplash nor onlery. The ateaater at once proceeded back to South do rt and Engineer J. W. Copelaad Ulephoaed Meaar. Brook Taylor or the distressing affair. Mr. J. W. Brooke notified member of the family In Wilmington aad aa there waa no ImmedlaU hope of re covering the body, be ordered the en gineer lo aeenre another master aad proceed. Several tbeorlea are advanced aa to bow Capt. PotUr fell overboard, the moat plausible one being that la at tempting to climb over the freight, going forward, be missed hie footing and plunged into the aea. Another Idea la that be waa walkleg In his aleep aad eUpped over the ralL Cant. Poller wae about 43 yeera or age aad waa a eon of the late Frank PotUr aad Mr. Melvina PotUr, who aow Uvea la IhU dty wlia her daughter. Mrs. W. J. Peany. Tbe family la originally from Bladen cowaty, bat different anamberaof It have lived la Wilmington and South port for many year. Bealdee hia aged mother and bU aisUr, Mrs. Peany, already mentioned, Capt. PotUr leevee two brother, IUt. J. W. PotUr, pas tor or Market Btreet M. E. church, this dty; Mr. Mack PotUr, or August, Oa., and a wife aad six children, a daughter and two eona grown, ell 1 tin at South port. The newa or hia death waa received here end at South- port with great regret and sympathy lor the bereaved ones. For a lone term of year Capt. Pot Ur waa Aral mate on tbe blx f overn ernment ruction dredge "Cape Fear," and waa highly esteemed by all who kaew him. Tie wae a member or the EnJghU of Honor at Sonthpertand - . at e . a waa conaiderea one or ilb saw Talaable members. It U a atrange coincidence) that Capt. PotUr lived with hia family next door lo the home of the UU Engineer Flaher, wbo waa drowned In much the earne manner from a tog boat at Booth port daring the last ChrUlmaa holiday, uapu PotUr aad Capt W. A. BnelL It waa rwanantlv remarked yesUrcay, were the beet coast pilols la the service In Ihiaaection. FayetUvme'e Water Werka. u. t v liahmrtMaa returned yeaUrday morning from FaietUvflle, where he nerved aa one or the arbitra tor lo place a value npon the waUr worke there ror the parpoee o a a . a - t. i the dty. The uoara piaoea a vaiim 1 ? tno bmb the plant and the same was ratified at meeting or tbe nMti a! AUtrmm and Audit and finance of the dty yeaUrday at noon. .... - TTT The other arbitrator wera ew " .Holland UA. WUUamaon. me dty will py ror the waur woraa plant aad enUr Into poaaeaaion oi same at once. Ferchiaci CenUif Scheescr. TV. kaanir Oore.M 104 ton. Cap. Calvin BaekmaaUr, which ar rived Tuesday from New York with cargo or 8,600 bege of cement ror the CoeJ. Cement and Supply vo. na nnn-)iMil bv Meaar. w. u. WblUhead and Mr.B.O. Wi of thU dty. The purchase wai from Jamee I Fowle, of Washington, N. The schooner waa built initKiai Washington, N. a Bhe b 88 feet i... t4rMtUi and 71 feet deep. 8be has one deck and two meaU; 109 tone groea and 104 lone net, ana wiu i need In the coastwise trsae. Oeldci Weidleg CdcbraUea. Handsome InviUUone have been mailed to frleade reqneatlng their at Uadanee npon the golden wedding celebration of Mr. and Mr. J. W. Branch, at the rwaujrtuBMw, SSt Bonlh Front atreet Bunday.Aux. 9th, 1903, at 4 OdOCe. sar. aa- - Branch were marneo w have lived happily toaremer .i r.mllv of children, graad-ehUdren and a number or trleede wm oepreeno . . . ... .kt. In. and air, urancn npoa rp"- -fifUeth mUe poet along the psth ox their wedded life. PRETTY VVEDDINQ AT CURRIE MUa Mary OcUvIa Sty roe the Bride Mr. B. Haaipkrey MsnkaD, el Tkia City The Cercnoey. o! A quiet, though very pretty wed ding eerrlce, in which hundreds or Wilmington friends are InUreaUd, was aolemnlzed at tbe home or ' the brides parenU at Carrie, N. CL, yee- erdsy morning at 9 o'dock, the par- Ilea to the vow being Mite Mary OcU- via Btyron, the attractive yonsA daughter or Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Btyron, formerly or this city, and Mr. B. H. Marshall, private aecreUryto General Manager Jno. TL Eenly, or the Atlantic Coast Line and a young man held In the highest esteem by all who know him. The ceremony waa performed by the Rev. V. H. Burbuck. of the Prea byUrlan chnrcb, and only relatives of the InUreaUd parti ea were la atUnd- ance. Among those in atUndance from Wilmington were Rev. and Mrs. J. R. Marshall, parenta of the groom, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Marshall and Meesrs. D. C. and E. B. Marshall. Immediately after the ceremony Mr. and Mr. Marshall left ror West ern North Carolina where they will apend aome time before returning to Wilmington. TWO EXCURSIONS YESTERDAY. Over a Tkoasaid Visitor from Ooldtbore eed NewBcrn Waal el teechea. Two big excursions from Golds bo ro and Newbern, respectively, reached the city yeaUrday, bringing over a thousand persons. The one from Goldsboro was ran by Bt. Pauls M. E. 8usday school, of that city, and Bit people were jammed into five care, the maaagere having found it Impossi ble to secure more adequate accommo dations. Nearly a hundred people who could not be provided for were left at Goldsboro and tbe train waa run straight through to Wilmington without slope for more paaaengers. The excursion from Newbern ; was by tbe EnlghU of Harmony and con sisted of 11 car In which E61 persona were taken straight through to the beach. Both trains returned j last night, afUr a pleasant day atj the aeaahore for the excursionist. 1HE CASlSrO POPULAR THIS WEEK. Javcelie Artiste Are Drawing Well aad Pleasing the PabUc WoadcrfsDy. The Juvenile Opera and Minstrel Company now playing at The Casino, WrighUville Beach, U deddedly the beet efferlag yet afforded byi the popular Bummer theatre at North Carolina's favoriU reeort Tbe atUn dance each night la large and nothlnc but praise ia the moat enthusiastic Urma la beard from Ihoae wbo attend the performance. Managera 8c h lose and Nathan are anxloua tbat the public at large will whit The Casino thla week, ror they are confident they have a worthy attrac tion and one that will give eminent aatlafactlon. NEW CLUTHlaa ESTABLISHMENT. Mr. J. W. H. Feels Will Embark la A a- etker Eaterp rise Aaeeesceascat. Mr. J. W. IL Fucba, who recently conducted with such aignal success the Palace Grocery on Booth Front atreet, announces In aa attractive advertise ment In another column that he will open to-day at hie former grocery stand a flrat-claaa clothing and genu furnishing store, with the moat np-to-daU atylee and euU aad the newest effecU in clothing for the Fall. Mr. Fucba will also conduct an egency for a well known custom UUorlng firm and aulU will be made to order from tlx. 10 up. i If noliU atUntlon and boneat deal ing count for aaytblng In the estima tion of the public, Mr. Fucha la sure to receive a large patronage. Camlet ef I. O. 0. P. ChUdrea. Tha iolnt committee of arrangemenU for the coming of the children from Lha Odd Fellowa' Home at Goldsboro thla month met yeaUrday at the office of Mr. Jno. E. Wood but transacted omy business of a deUil characUr. Owing to the reel that Dr. MeCInre leavee to day for a months vacation in supply ing the pulpit of the Second Freehyle riaa church, of Blchmond, Va., it baa been decided to ask Dr. Alexander Bprunt, of Charleston, to preach a ser mon to the children In St. Andrew s Preabr tertan church on the Sunday evening of their week in Wilmington Dr. 8prunt will be eupplylng DrJ ate- Clure'a pulpit at that time. Sabnrbaa Traffic Delayed. A guy wire to the trolley atDelgado palled loose last night about 11:40 o'clock end became enungieo wiin the Ulephone and otber wires, ground ing the auburban line current ; ana causing about en hour and a ball a delay. However, the trouble waa remedied as quickly as possible. Tbe Uat suburban ear reached Wilmington t i is thla moraine and dty cars were kept In waiting to transfer the belated passengers to their homes. Veterans Meet Te-sjorrew mini. , Inasmuch as local Confederate jVeU arena have enUredith so much seal and enthusiasm Into the movement for the reunion at Fort Flaher, and as the regular monthly meeting of Cape Fear Camp will not be held until the day .rt. iv. Mnnfnn. ft hM been decided awA vt3A nMB m v savasksva) to call a apodal session for to-morrowl iv , vi.i. .I!., tnm (i Mo event i bjjcui, at wiuui im - - will mmit mil dlacuased. A lltU attendance) Is desired. SADIE AGAIN VICTOR. Won in Mid-Summer Regatta of Carolina Yacht Club Fleet Yesterday Afternoon. QUESTION A CLOSE SECOND. All Finished Wlthla Less Thai Eight Mlaatea The Breeze Flee and the Crowes Large Next Contest Will be for the Ladles. The yacht "Sadie," owned and aail ed by Mr. 8. P. Cowan, again proved herself the "invincible" and added another victory to her long list of triumpha In the mid-Summer regatta of the Carolina Yaebt Club fleet at WrighUville Beach yesterday after noon, having won the race over the rtgular alx-mlle club course; time 1:52. Tbe "Question," owned and sailed by Mr. B. A. Paisley, waa a remarkably close second and until the last leg of tbe race; honors were even. The "Question" finished with a time of 1:63:47, having started with s handi cap of 21. The breeze was good and tbe race waa watched bv hundreda from tbe club our and other points of vanl Uge. With the exception of one hich didn't finish, the fleet of white winged racers came in within less than f ten and a half minutes after the winner. The entries and atari and finish by each are aa followa : SUrt. Finish. Bdle, Capt. 8. P. Cowan 5:30 7:22 Question, Capt. B. A. Parslaey 5:80:21 7:23:08 Carollnn, Capt L. P. Daris- 5:30:31 7:29:25 Eayembee, Capt. M. a Wlllard 5:34:28 7:28:15 Emma, Capt. E A. Metts 5:34:36 Maj. Wm. F. BoberUon, chairman of the BegalU Commute, waa in gen eral charge of the contest and gave eminent satisfaction to ell eonteaUnU. Ii waa one of the closest contests Bailed over the course In several seasons. Tbe next regalU will probably be for the ladiea and will Uke place about the last of August, when the tides are favorable to a race In the afternoon. The regular SepUmber regatU, of course, will Uke place aa usual and yaehUmeh of the club are already enthusiastic in anlidpation of that final event. RESIGNATION OP MR EDWARDS. eiever Ceeat Use Tkket Ageet WIU En gage ia Other Bnsleesa. Mr. J. D. Edwards, the clever and popular city ticket agent of the Al Untie Coast Line In Wilmington, haa reairned bU position and will Uke en- other with the N6rtb Carolina Cotton OH Company In thla dty Aug. 15th. Mr. Ed warda la easily one of the quick- eat and moat aaUafaelory agenU the Coast Line has had la Wilmington in n long time and hia realgnatlon will be greatly deplored by the travelling public. He la courteous, obliging, and aenda everybody from his window with a pleasant counUnance, bow- ever ead may be the journey upon which they are about to embark. Hie presence at the Front street aUtlon, where haa served ao faithfully for alx years, will be eadly missed. Mr. Ed wards' successor - baa not yet been named. COLORED TEAMS PLAYIN0. Champion Negro Baseballlaia of the Stale at Hilton This Afteraooi. Tbe "Goldsboro GlanU" defeated the "Black Blockings, "of Wilmington, in the baseball game at Hilton yester day afternoon, the acorn having been 8 to 4. A large number of both white and colored specUtors was in attend ance and the beat of order prevailed The teams are composed of aome of the beat colored players In tbe State. The visitors yeaUrday placed a phenome nal pitcher in the box by the no leas distinguished title than George Wash ington and be proved a hard proposi tion for the locals. Each team haa now won a game and the final contest will come to-day. . It will be a "warm number. " Mr. Clem Weaeott ia umpiring the aeriee for the Uams. Sock Quarry Operation. ExperU will vUit the city rock quarry thla week and ascertain the re pairs needed to the machinery there. Immediately upon their report n con tract for aame will be let ao that the work may be completed at once and the auarrv nut In operation bv Mr. a H. Dock to whom it haa been leaaed. Now tbat tbe appropriations are In hand Mayor Springer ia allow; Ing no grass to grow under hia feet In the way of pushing "preparation ror the permanent atreet improvement. The contract with Mr. Dock for the opera tion or the qnarry waa Ming drawn yeaUrday. The Porter lajired. Friends or Mr. J. Keener West brook, the clever purser on the steamer "Wilmington.' will regret to learn that be ia confined to hia home on ac count of Injuries received while a pas senger on one or the cairs or the O. B., L. dc P. Co., which was In collision at Greenville aiding last week. Mr. Weetbrook will not be able to resume hia work lor some time, ao he Is ad vised by the phyaician In attendance. Mr. W. F. Gilbert, represent ing the Newborn Daily Journal, was a pleasant caller at the Btab office yea terday. . BALD HEAD LIGHT HOUSE. Official Notice of Its Establishment,. With Otber Information for Marlaers,Qiven Oat by the Government. Under date of Aug. 1st, the Light Houae Board at Washington issued the following official notice to mariners of the establishment of the new light house on Bald Head : Cape Fear Llght-SUtion. Notice ia hereby elven that, on or about Aug. 31, 1903, a light of the first order, il luminating the entire horizon, and flashing white every 10 seconds, will be established in the tower recently completed at this - station, on Cape Fear, the southeasterly point of Smith Island, aeacoast of North Carolina, about 4 miles to the eastward of the entrance to Bald Head Channel Into Cane Fear Biver. and!2l milea SE from the old Cape Fear Light-Housa on Bald Head. Tbe focal plane of tbe light inill be 159 feet above mean high water, and 150 feet above the base of the tower. and the light will be risible 18 miles In clear weather, the observers eye 15 feet above sea level. The approximate geographical posi tion of the light, aa taken from unart No. 424 of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey, will be: Latitude, north, 33.50: 45. Longitude, west, 77.57:47. The tower is a white, octagonal, pyramidal, iron, skeleton structure, standing about 450 feet northeasterly from a row of three one-and-one-story white frame dwellings, with lead-colored trimmings and green blind?. Cape Fear Light SUtion on Bald Head Located on Bald Head, the north wesUrlv end of Smith Island. aeacoast of North Carolina, and on the easterly aide or the mouth or (jape Fear River. Notice la hereby given that, on and after Aug. Slat, 1903, this station will be known as "Bald Head Light-Sta tion." Bearings are magnetic and t i i ; I t given approximately; miiea are nauti cal miles. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Miss Lucile Banck ia visiting friends in Goldsboro. Miss Lillian Stroude, of Flor ence, 8. C, is visiting Mrs. J. D. Ed wards. - Mr. W. W. Randolph, of the O. R, L. & P. Co., returned North yesterday. Mr. J. H. Stone, of Little Biver, 8. C, spent yesterday in the city on a business trip. Mr. A. J. Moore, Jr., wite and two children, of Wilson, were ar rivals at The Orton yesterday. Mrs. B. S. Gibson and Misses Margaret L. and Bessie Gibson left Tuesday for Weatern Carolina. ) Misa Etta Haywood, of Ra leigh, la visiting her aunt, Mrs. Pres ton L. Bridgers, at WrighUville Beach. Fayetteville Observer: "Mrs. B. B. Huske and children have re tdrned from their stay at Masonboro Bound." - Mr. Kenneth Byerly arrived yeaterday evening from Baltimore to apend two weeka or more with hia father, Mr. a O. Byerly. Misses Katie and Agnes Pres- aon and Alice and Lottie Smith have gone to Western Carolina to apend the remainder of the Summer. Mr. James Stedman, of Eliza- bethtown, came in on the "City of Fayetteville" yesterday and left for home on the return trip of the boat. Miss Amy Bigdon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Bigdon, of New bern, N. C, ia the guest of her aunt, Mrs. O. H. Horton, 109 Dock street. Col. and Mrs. A. M. Waddell will leave to-day for Soutbport to spend a week or ten daya with Maj. Hugh Waddell and wife, of Washing ton, D. Q, who are there for the re mainder or the Summer. Fayetteville Observer: "Misa Kate Shelton Murphy, of Salisbury, arrived In the city from Wilmington yeaUrday and left this afternoon for Maxton to visit friends until Friday, when she will return here for a couple of weeks to visit her aunt, Mrs. N. A. Binclair, on Haymount." The Steamer "Wilmington." Alaree Catherine of young people were deliahtfullT entertained at the mid week dance on Carolina Beach laat night. The trip on the aUamer Wilmington" was delightful and the amusement all that couldlbe desired. To-night Capt Harper haa a most de lightful trip in store for the public. Instead of running the excursion up the river, on account of the warm weather the trip will be down the stream, touching at Carolina Beach. The fare will be only 15c for the round trip. The Bank of Warsaw. Mr. Joaenh W. Yates, assistant cashier of the Atlantic National Bank, this dty, went up to Warsaw laat nla-ht to be present at the opening of the recenUy-organized Bank of War saw thla morning. The new institution has a capital of $10,000 and Mr. EL F. Pierce, who recently spent some time in the Atlantic bank here, acquainting himself with bankinz methods, will be cashier. Mr. Jno & Armstrong, of this city, la preaident of the new Insti tution which' promisee well from the start ' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, Sunday School Outing. Bte&mer 'Brans wick," complimentary to the Bunday uchool clsa of Mr. W. D. Orteman in Brace m.B. Churon. Members ot the class are requested to be . present with ttelr mends. Boat learea Market street ace at 8:30 Pi M. NEW STORE. J, W. H. GEO. R. jy 31 tl THE NEWSAC NEW SKIRTS We have just received a lot of the latest stylea of Skirts. Woolen Skirts $1.25, 1.75, 3.00, 4.50, 6.0O, 9.00. Silk Skirts $4.75, 6.50, 9.00, 15.00. , ' n Black Mercerized Petticoats (underskirts) 65c, worth $1.25; better quality $1.25, 2.00 to 5.00. ' . ' . ' " suit- Tonv0fa ;n tvio utnsf. ofvifi inat tii a thin? for the seashore. Price una ucacwa wuw .mwh. -j w J j a - - ... $7.00. They are made of Peau-de-Soie Silk and the very latest style. A new lot of .Beads and waist Bets. ... We are closing out our Summer Hats and Waists at very low puces. An early call will show you a lot of new and stylish goods at popular prices'. . f . PARIS MIL LI W jy 29 tf 129 Deposits Made With v ATLANTIC TRUST AND BANKING GO. On or before August 1st pay 4 per cent, per annum, MATT J. HBTEB, President. miTCHELL Ff AliliiiWt casnier. directors: . ( t. n t? ufarffn fVRrJon C w. YfttfiB. B. Solomon. I. M. Bear H. J. Ahrens. John H. Kuck. Jj McEachern, M. J. Heyer. - ; If You Have Funds Awaiting investment there ia no necessity for them to lie idle. ' The Wilmington Savings & Trust Go. pays interest on deposits at rate of 4 per cent, per annum compounded quarterly. No notice required before withdrawals. Capital and surplus Assets....... J. W. NORWOOD, President. Jy 88 tt o. B. TAYI.OB. Cuban Blosso: AND- RENOWN CIGARS. These Cigars are better than ever. "SILVER COIN" FLOUR. It ia the BEST eveiLground; guaran teed, . , H.L. A. C. L Crossing. jy 26 tf , . DO YOU WAWT a real imported China Dinner Sett We have them real cheap. Special prices this week for Screens, Porch Sets, Mosquito Nets, Water Coolers and small Refrigeratora. Call on us for anything in Furniture. GASTON D. PHARES&CO.I lo-lis Market St. jyaotr lntar-8ta'3 76. 5 EXTRA FANCY SOFT , Free Stone Peaches. Will have only few piore this It- season ! . ; J. YUV Plummer, Jr. BeU 'Phone 680. ' jy 31 tf ; Vollers NEW GOODS. FUCHS, Head-to-Feot-Outfitter. Totbe Glotfling Wearing Public I I will open to-day (Thursday) evening my new establishment a first-class Clothing and Gente' Furnishing Store, at the old Palace Grocery Stand, with the most up-to-date styles and cuts and newest effects in Clothing ror this Fall. A visit to my store will convince you that you can aare many dollars heretofore spent for tailor-made goods. I have the celebrated Fechheimer, Fishelt&Oo'o Line Gusto m Made Suits. Neckwear Line is complete. Shawknlt Hoae and Fancy Hoae, the best line for 15 to 60c in the city. Collars and Cuffs I handle the Lion Brand Col lars and Cuffs. Tha best 2 for 26c collar made. Trousers to fit everybody. Hats A nice line of Hats. I also have a nice line of samples for Suits to order from $12.50 up. If polite attention, honest dealing ig what you want, we'll please you. sT. "W. HE. FIJOHS. au 6 4t : One Price to al). . DID YQU EVER WEAR A pair Selz Royal Blue or Profecto high or low cut SHOES ? They never fail to please the fellow who puts his foot in them. They have the snap, style, , com fort and wear that we all want, at popular prices $3.00 and $3.50. Found only at FRE11CH & SOUS. E R Y E IY1 POR I U IY), Market Street, Wilmington, N. C. will draw interest from that date. W e compounded quarterly. B. H. J, AHRENS, vie Bfreaiaeas, G. L. Gieschen, R. B. Bellamy, p jy 26 tf $90,000 00 $1,000,000 00 H. W1WEM, Vie Pre.ldent Jr. Caaaler Type writers of all kinds taken in exchange. Machines sold on easy Instalments. Ribbons, csrbon and Typewriter Paper, etc. 6. W. YATES a CO. Sole Agents for Remington Typewriters. lyistf BEST OATQ. 1,800 BUSHELS Best Feed Oats. 45 Conts Bushel ( Gash at Store. VV.B. COOPER, 308, 310 & 312 Xutt Btreet. , WILMINGTON, N. O. i an 4tf I Demingtoii1 Typewriter WVOfcOFF. SEAMANS A BENEDICT Y)n

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