ooooooooooooaooooooo ,iajretea aawwuee, amq iTECS OF SU3SO?TI0:i. IxaUiM Larva Thai TVai ; m a TP $8.00 j of ay Oiaav Dairy Oaa Taaor, by XXaJl.; ra2aaa4 to elaUsrtaa. Six ZXaaiba, i: o ' Thraa Boatka t.85; l.oo ; Two XZaatha," s tv at,' wwiuriM aaUTar aa aaaaariaara ia wao : Y city at 4S Oaata aar Haatk. -. X : oaooo000000a)0 , VOL. LXXIL NO. 122. !WILMINGTONf N. C., FRIDAY. AUGUST ii, 1903 WHOLE NO. 11,222 iMi 11IE OUTLINES. kl i:!abary b eerioatly lit""; IVMHictl Willi!, or im n. ju 1, 4,,, .a the Bh- Ball- 9f is ec,lrtd ea UUml Ja Ue A jl L sr-Uan. " ---J7 teak fro 5ewar. N. J who la ac- rvmd oi tu:it wooa, bM ba ar- ij u Wt VIrtlala, JYelfbl wracked aa 81 ada anoaalala; tar J 6nmMM irr tC1d d - isti bed both lca eat off. f rat ft ' 8- Carollaa coltoa J traurday ! AaraiU, G-, j reel per poaed. Two vm iere UI4 aad Urea la k powder esaiosJoa at. Coal l' Tbe Wl ledlee bur- fca - ! WM eeatrej At T "- rraaiJeat Roosevelt Waci4J yesterday bla coaiereaee eoi leaders oa CaaacUl WmAiiem ey Cotgnm. Aan! srr a t?uJ la U ease of Jolt aad Wi... eiTd vlla Ue warder el tw At WlaSeU. Ke . Uat t 49 tinwi la be deaaeatad i .'mi un soe.e. ere-aaded MTinJ ari uJ Uaa kUii kianlt Umbo. Ua aacro aaardaear, m t!"Ki SiAlartUla to be )j4 3aieebr 13U. l! a raeortad la verloaa sacUoa of lrwiM!A bttwaaei Turktah troeaa a4 fcenra-s: roar thoataad Tarka art km WIax Kraaar EJ v L Dyer SS4 eeiltfaa la teak nt t York; EU2Ue 374 ea4 assault X OmtliUrai aaai'! la Sea Freaclaeo la Ua Ca JtZrii ebt La tale alaca lo- t.ti. K.T. aaaikati: KoMjoa f.l far coat; ooOe . t t 1 17V; fiMf araa atroaf m4 W; wkaai aaoi Craa, Ka S r wa tyot ataaJj. ZTa. S t)rr. u -o4 firav, Ka. S rod a y. wrf u laraaaUaa aoaalaal, at LEATHER REPORT. L" & DwroAicctrcM, ) Wuran Dcaac WujujruToa, K. C, Aa- UL J trttmamaiiocteMl aUt far taa tvaal W aourt Wlax at P. It.: ..u-rUara: A. Tl iait; t r H Tl ajgTaaa; aaaatataM. 7S ia- aiaiiaaa,rj 4t at aa.a,Tt tu.arU fbr Laa aaj. Lt; ralaiall t a Um aaoala ta dair. 1 73 aroaji waastxa. Wajuuxotos; IX C. Aaraal 1 tl r. If. uraa la cwatral aaaj ii pot I ct YaeaUa. ralara imwuIi. tet prabaaty aavia- J Ua GaU. Droa far .: ka aail far or fra-aQalf aorta. ciyrros aauKa actxjrrtx. ai ra rvaoriad ta aaoat tfiatrkU,. u a f kay local abowar a 8aaiaiar MawaanUraa r .;! raa!Ii. toaacjJT foal to-oaT. . W4.aiTt.Aa. IX Tor Narla i .it-?aoara mday. Bataraay r t . trm la la aat wtaia, aWvfy J I Pa AUtin Mptt 14. .r&.Pi .. .... 5 .... all! P. H. Lfuru un.-stif. :! Wu ai PoalAport. 1L3JA.M. II 4 WtM WUmUjrV. 100 P. M. li.:, ko Uka i lock la Prof. U.i'y' ijiej apparalaa abJolJ tot !nt tkat it hit Waa hrarU (w to' A GaorxU led ut,J m caalof tfca ailtar day !.. 8X aa AliaaU UwjtT of uor Morra, of Alabawa, pra i . u Korkiff wHI U taa KapoV i'4. fiorwaa tba DtaiacraUo '"a.3t rraaUaat. !: . tiir ia aa allfjUa aiU for a ?iW frk a "Jaaipbf Can, .uc oa-.k of lli cit: I aajUJj nuttnl la kavias roa a rtaort . popl of WUaiofftatt? - ' T- tjt aoaaa Dallixaora . u a.!dpt Lb M ntlbod : If:: of ri4;8f aatriJa koraea. ! t.3o Lata alraavjj onSartd 111 liirta ta Va worn baa l ; thair ataaia. Xn: rMttukabla la tb-t Orrrory .a lf c WoUtar. coa&tj, Va., tiara ara tMrtaaa aoaa all t ft ua aa4 aaca waixT " ti va t poaa4a, A&i U U I ti: a of taa thlrtaaa toU j Kt pfocxaUo tkkat, 1 v4 of it, tirU: Om !. . foaa.l tt T!al 1 4:mx in broaBi to tHa !," tut jtr. If ataJa lata ?w ff u-i pUa4 Ufora tba waaxtrf ti Ck aboea, bai 'ekallaT tka coQ4.UalIoaa aaaa! l aiiftAUof Ua balk of Ikt l"- to vtet lata afact a Boa f af aJ:tor aai joIIlicUrJ vita y Ucaaaaw aa tbay ltrU eooli bow toU aa fli, tba erfTO qaaatloa wn pei;tka3y dead. Uat fl U a, iL Tha raca Uraa till U Pr,-iat ftatart la taa Mit eaia Jo. bota N'crta aa4 Soalb; aaa mocrata aba bolt tialr tkilt a u uka aacal tUIU, faw aad Utwtaa." " ' IXCAL DOTS. t 7" Other local, foartlt para. Fanell Broa, : win ma aa ox aartioa for vkiLea oaly from CUatoa w wuaUattaa, Aac JUL TbaaarrUfa of Uita BaaUa laara, oaajcblar of.Hr. aad-Mra. W. L. Tbara. aad Mr. J. B. OttaUlraa U aaaoaad. w ' Tit rrpcrt that tha Udj of uapCBrraat Poltar bad waabad aabora. aaar 8baIloUr, tu aot daSaitalj eoa- craad yaatardaj. ; ; CbJaf Scaaibbaa. Sacra tarr W. a ToaQUba aad tba WUaaJatlaa daltfataa to Ibt Blaia Jlramaa'a Aaao- cUUoa a Da r ham, will roach homo tbta aaormlar. City aabocribert who fall to ro- calra tbair pa para should, !a trary la aUaa roport tba fallara proapUy, alLbar at tba Br km. eSea oa to Ifr. W. UalX Craa a. A protracted za acting U la pro rma at tka llaiaodiat ebarca at Toaa Oraak. Taa paator, Har.v W. H, I-orail. h baiac aaaiatrd by Ear. EacUd MaWbortar, of Boa lb port. Jataeo A. Dadley aad Mary ArBoalroajr, a colorad eooplr, eoapro- laad a law a 11 by arocartag lleoaaa aad tela Jaiaad la tba baly boa da of aaairtaaoay la JatUeo FowUra ooart yratarday. , ' Mayor Sprlojar waa aaaoax tba aambar wba alfpaad aad fall oa tba rocka wbaa rat arm lac to tba alar from Fort riabar Wadaaaday. Ila bralaad bJ Ur aad la Ua tall broka a flat aaabralla.- By daed Iad for record yea Urday BaU. X. BaaUb aad wUa, of rail Bl rar. Maaa . oaly aarrtrlac batra of Aaad T. Hard wick, to Joaapa P. Sla. for 130, lot oa aaat alia of Eibtk, batwaaa Wooatar aad Daw- m atraat; 100x83 feat la alia. Gkachea rroa., J. Illeki Bant- la. M. r. Crooaa, TL J. Garkaa, IXalaaaa Orocary Co. aad Baaiaal Daar. 8r & 8oaa aaeb) coatrtbatad a bax of Cat etrara for tba aaa of tba TaUraaa at tba rtaaloa Wadaaadiy. Tba fra graat Iltraaaa war daiy aparaclaiad by tba old aoldiara. It 1 r ported that ttaaxafea waaa racacrad aara yaauraay rroaa Baltlaaora aad trkaaaoa4 biddlac for toaaoa atoek or vaa A. Uit aa. iaai wa waa for aala la WlXaaiaftoa. Tba laalriaa ara ooaatraad to aaaaa tbal Coaat Uaa eoauaoa la aUU la daoiaad aad a faod taraatjaaaL two cru roz aimsusa. Savaral Caata Phaini al by Mayae Sarirrrr TrtUHay A Hal fTae. Ia tba ' aaaaidpai eowrt yaatarday Oaato Craaa. allaa Jacpar Nlxoa, aad Bab etapbaaaoa, two of tba aacoea capiarad laat 6atarday alabt wblla tbay wara rasbllag aadar tba atraat railway ah ad at Iliitoo, waraboaad orarlotba SapcHor Ooart toaarvar Ua cbarcaa aad la daf aalt of M0 boad. tbay waal to Jail. Jao. IX. Kaai. aOaa -Uaa aaa Boav Alaaora Baaa, taw otbar wall kaowa akla-caaaa axparU who wara caartad wt lb robbia aaotber aacro of a pair of aaw Irooaera aad aabatluuaff aa old pair oa bla paraoa ta tbatr ,wara dUebarrad apoa tba fallara of tba aeoaaeaUaf wltaaaa to appaar. A eaaa aralaai Joa Job aaoa, colored. cbartad Uk caaabllaff.waa aol proaaaJ. Otbar aaaaa tefara tba Mayor , yaatar day wrra tr! rial. I0CXE9 EXCttSlO.1 TUXSL CSakrr Tarawa lata Caacb LarrLrf WrtaaWarraw rrayaa takwad. Aa tba OaUaboro exesraioa waa ra- taralac fro WUaalactoa Wadaaa- aay a?f bt, wblla batwawa Foartb aad Bit lb atreate kavlar tba city, aoaaa tacreaatlbrawa baary cUakar lalo oaa of Ua com baa. It etraek Mr. Hoary Mlddlaloa, of Waraaw, apoa im fortbaad,. tafikUag a paialal aamd aad rUaead off atriklar. Miaa Un!a Broak.ofUa aaaaa Iowa, who waa alao a paaaaexar oa tba coats, rartaaaialr Dr. Falaoa. of Faiaoa, N. Of. waa aw tba traia aad fara tba lajarod orary alUaUoa aaui taay eoald. roaeb Waraaw. Capt. Bobart Dra'aab waa tba caadactar la cbarya of tba traia aad ba, too, did all ia bJa aowor for tba aaffrrara. w . aa ill.. ' Tbarata aa rjaaioiaa tammuij Ua eeoadrorao tbraw Ua aalaaUa lata Ua coach. EiacatlM La Brajrwkk. Hoa. a T. Aytoek. aad Do a. v aiiar . Thopao ara aa l U aa act! ra i ! Bra aaw kk aoaatyby appoialaaaat of Ue i Btata Hoard la tiaiaiia. iaa-r - ..... a a v-ataaaa day atxbt tbay epoaa a pl aad LalaadfWedaatday at rs w ..1 Mlardav at BoaU Cb To ore -Tbay enoctad to rrach Lock- w A. . m a V f aaa wood'a rouy u - . a!bU Tday Uey rpaa eaejwu. 41ac tbair aaaopaJa aa iaaj otora lo-aaorrow. ILack kw jaajaaoal Ua. Tba Black Blrer aad wiiaauiw Biaai boat TraarporUlloa uv - aaoa ortaaltad .aara aad will - te ebartaad la a raw aeye wi Oorbatl.Jr . TL P. Tadilaoa, J. A. " a WT i b d Daar, Brooke Teyiar aaa Ward aa laoorporalore. AaeeUaa or will ba bi.t atoaeaat rolat Caa wall 10 ply tetwaao uaura nuck H-rar rota U. Tha oooapaay a a aw-w paJld la capliai oi nw. , Babartea Trolley Uaa-Nollor. rl.. Barla ta Bak-lU flaaaclal atresxtb. GRAND ENCAMPMENT. Ilixber Branch ol the Order of Odd Fellows in Session at Charlotte, N.C. MEETS NEXT AT KINST0N. Oflkcre Ekctci Yrtteraay far Eaealaf Year-ETtry Ledxc la tke Suit Erp reteatrd tkaarte la Caaall- tatlaa aad tylawa. i ' Special Star Teltgram, CaiaxoTrs, K. a. An t IS Every eaeaaipaaaat la Ua BUta waa ropra aaatad at Ua 81 lb annual aeaaloa of Ua Qraad. Eacampmant of Odd Fal Iowa of North Carolina wbkh ad joaraadUla aftaraooa, after a two day mealier, wlib Ua aleciloa of tba followlnc aSeera for Ua eaaulnjc year, , Grand Patriarch A. F. Hall, Wa aloa. Grand Hlxh Prleet W. H. Wealb orly. nitahalh Qty; Grand Baaior Wardaa L. W. Jaaa arret, Aaherillc. UGraad Bcrlba J. T. Klnjt. WU aalactoa. . Grand TreaaarerWealey WHUaaw, Elizabeth City. t n j t ttt..j. o v VW CharloUa. Uraad RrprraeaLaliTO Goo Grooa, Newbara. ...... Graad Marabal, F. a Dune, Kin. etoa. Graad Soalinal C. W. Eaall, JDar baax . Graad Oatalda BaaUaal W. E. Back, Wlaatoa. It waa daddod to hold Ua aaxt aa aaa! aacaajpaaaal ta riettna. Daddaa Klaatoa, Ualodcaa at Wlaatoa aad Darbaaa txteaded laTttatloa aad It toobtwa ballota to reach a decision. Tba coca ml Uaa oa oodlfiealloa of lawt waa aaotptad. Tba qaeatloa of a ebaaca la ooaatltatloa la pootpoaed till aaxt year. A aaw eat of by-la wa, aacreetad by Ua ooainilUea,waa adopt ad wlihoat aaMadataat, Tha ooaaU talkra for Uo caTtraaaeatof aabordl aaU aacaaptaaala waa alao dlaeaaaed aad accepted. Wedaeaday alcbt all Ua rfadllac dalacataa wlU CharloUa Odd Fallowa ware ealerteiatd at a dallcbtf al eoelal caibarlac A vary aloqaeat addraaa of waicoma waa Biade by Paat Graad ralrlarch Georya A. Pare, of Char lotla, aad rarpoaaao wara dallTarad by Maaara. W. D. Geater, of FayatlarUla, aad L W. Jeaaaerat, of Aabarllla. ArurUla Uara waa an mala aad ra rrMbanaala. Tba rafraabaaaata wara aaread ay Ua Dear h tare of Babakah aad a larca aaaaber of Uaaa wara proaaal. Soil call at Ua aaaeJoa joat aaded ahowad Uat aot oaly waa erery ta caaapaaaat la Ua BUU rapcaaaatad, batUattTtry o9ear waa praaaat, ex- cap t the graad oatalda eaaUaal, Mr. J. P. Dawaoa, of Kewbara. Mr. IW. X. OrowelL of ChlrloUa. waa appolalcd lo lake Ua place of Ua abaeat offlcer. Qraad Patriarch L. L. Booa, Graad Bcrlba J. T. Kla aad Graad Baara- aaataUra W. L. Bailth wara Ua WU aalactoa pooplo at Ua aaaatlace. lilUtOAD C0.OEJtlAT10a tlSE. Jadxe ABca Icrakta Bla Farwcr Order It the rYecMalartQtartei ftaaday. Tba Braa aotad aereral daya ara thai la Ua eaaa of tba Holly Shelter Railroad wa. TL B. Newtoa aad W. I. Pareley. a procaadlar Pdlt bofort Ua clark of Ua Ba parlor Ooart or Paader coaatr lo eoodaeaa cartala laada. bla Honor Jadya O. TL Alloa fraatad aa order to Ua dereaoaaif, aaoa their ax parte appUcalloa, pro blblUar Ua clark froaa procaadlar with Ua eaaa natil cartala appaaia from bla rattar wera paaead oa by Ua appar eoari. Defeadaala claimed Uaaa ahoald ba determined oerora ua dark cnald arooaed. PlalatUza eUlaa mA .a kmaal eoold ba aoada a a til Ua clerk had jrirea bla flaal jadraaeaL A aaotioai waa made trj piaiauiia ta wacaU Ua order aaada by Jadya Allea, hw-h aa arraed before blm aloa- day at Hlllaboro, by Iredell Mearea,' Eaa for Ua plalatlff, aad J. O. Carr, Em . far dafaadaat. Ja4ra Auaa mt hta daelaioa dowa yeeterdey td Ua clock raTOktaf hit former order aad Ua dark will aow proceed wlia Ua eaaa ea aaxt Moaday at Barjrtw. alTTOKOSHES AS0 B18TCIXS. CaraHaa LIB. Caw taay Orttnlirt ly Mraara. CBerry nenex. Notloa wa raeaaUy mad la Ueat eoiamae that Meaara. a H. OUerry tiJ TrtAk Herbet had formed a co- partaenhJp aad would talarca Ut raoaat very lannnx b" O'Berry at Wo. X Market etraeu a rUke wa made, aowarer, ia w atyla of Ut firm, whleh wlU ba ut tt.. AatMnAtJIa aad Bit tele Co. The Area will deal txleaairtiy la aa- tocoobllaa, bicycler, manae m Uoaary rolia appU d eaadrtaa of allkJada. Tha badaeaa wlllb ealarredvery malarlally aad akUlad workmea will ba employed la Ue meehaaleal department. The firm txpeeia IU flrat aatomobllt la a day or two. It wa iblppad oa Aaraat ltt. Cailae Ktxt Vftk. Tba popolar beach pUy houat wlU acala throw opaa 1U doore to Ut pah lie Moaday ale" praeeaUar eome Ulax really hUbelaaa la Taaderlllc Oat of Ua acta booked la Cameron A Toledo la a teaae from MFaaLw Tbh team earrlae ila owa electrical teaaary aad effect. Tbt other arte will b ea aoaacad la to-morrowa paper. v RAIN DESCENDED YESTEKDAYi Haary Dewepoor Caaacd Oxeat Daauxt tt ; Streets Arraxeaieat fer Brrta ! alag Wetk at Reck Qairry. ' 1 Wllmiactoa waaTlalled by a very heary downpour of reia yeaierday moralar and early yeaierday after boob "a rex alar jrujly-waaher aad trab-morer,n la Ua lan cu are of oar trriealtaral frlead. Preceded by Uo heavy rain of Tueeday aad Wedaee day which left tbt groaad aoft aad fall of water, tha additional rela quickly tranaformed many of Ue atreetalato temporary lakea aadUa callers preeeated Ue appearaaco of miniature river. Especially waa this Ua cate fa aeveral sections dowa towa where Ut dralaaft la aadly lm perfect Tba damaca to Ut-atreela aad aide walka by the delart la very creat Tha Market' treat hill by Bt. Jamea church, which will aooo be paved, was cut all to placet and waa hardly paaa ablt before temporary repair wera made yeeterdey by Capt. Woolard, who lo dolar averyUlar la hi power to counteract Ue darner by Ut floods aad rea lore Ua elreels a beat he can wlihoat material. j !v. Mayor 8prlacer, ehalrmaa of tba Bireete aad Wbarvea Committee, la aleoacUnca best be can la tha mat tor aad wilh all poaalblt haate. If Impeloe to . hie movement toward alreet repair wera needed, the ralne of Ua paat few deye bare certalaly far alabed iL Bat ba la aad ha been do lar all he can. Tha contract with Mr. Dock for Ut operalloa of Ut city rock quarry will ba alraed probably to-day aad work will becla, if aoealblr, oa Moaday. Wbea Ue material ba Ciae to coma It will ba oaly a qaeatloa of a abort time a a til many of Ue im proved atreel will bt restored to Uelr aormal eoadllioa. . j OOVEfiSOaTS B EOT BEX LL SPEiC. Error la Asataaclsx That Cblcf ExccaUve Weald bt at M aaoa bore, 2 Ik. Prof. CaUelt wa la trrer yeaterday la aaaooadar Uat Govern or Ay cock woe Id apeak at Ua blr educational rally to be held at Ua Gralejrer place, oa Maeonboro Bound, Aar. S8th. Ia haat Prof. CatleU read Ua latter re ferred to from BeereUry E. CL Brooks, of Ua Campaira Oommlttea, la which it wa at ted Uat Ue Goveraora brother, Hoa. B. F. Aycock, of Wbltt vlllr, aad aaoUer etroar speaker would be aoaL 1 While Prof. CatleU aad.Ua haa- drede who will attoad tha rally would be dallcbtrd to bear Governor Ayoock, Uey will be aoae Ue lea pleaaed to hear bla dlatlacalahed brother, who la alao aa orator of aota. Arraacameate ara procreaalaf nicely for Ua rally aad picala aad ladkatloaa point to a viry larce atteadaaea. ' Tne excussion flow yestebdiy. Faracrs treat DatHeflea, S. t Rrtara -of Special Treat Eatkcrferitee. j Tba wldelv adverllood farm era ex- cariloa from Darllactoa, BL G, reach ed tbt city at 11:4;A. M. yeaterday aad returned laat alcbt about 11 o'clock. Tba train eoaaieted oftlrht ears aad broocbt 850 people, who spent Ue day ia tba city aad at Ut beaches. Mr. J. 8. Patrick, of Dar llactoa. a a. was maaarar, aad a committee composed of members from each towaablp la Ua coaBty.aaeleled la seeartnr Ut crowd. j Goura b!r exeurtloa from Ruther ford loa left over Ua Seaboard Air Una at 8 o'clock Laat airbL -Moat of Ut party weat for a trip dowa Ut river veaterdav while many tookUt cars to WrlrbUvllIe. Alt hoa cb Uo rata fell la torrent duiinc Ue mora lae? aad early aileraooa Ua visitors appeared to ba eajoylnc Uemaolvee J UB0R DAY CELEBRATION. Idea SalkUlsx Faads Uw Bar Sat tt Ererybedy. j Aa aaUaalaatlo meetlsr of Ut La hor Dar Committee was held laat afrhL Chairman W. a Wallace pra- tidinr. CapL Oorbett, of the CL B, L. A:P. Co., reported that a X5c rata to WrirhtevlUe would be atvea to arerrbod w aaoa Ua oecaxloa of Ut calebratloa aad a tremeadoaa crowd will be la attendance., - - , Hendeoma bedree for trades aaloalxta will ha ordered from a Northern firm aad etch union wll bt called apoa to provide for Its members. The oommlt tea I aow eacared la solid tlar faads to defray Ue cxpeaaee ofUeeelebra- tloa and handsome card, printed la colore, ara beiar f aralahed for display ealllar altoatloa to Ut fact Uat "thl firm ba contributed to Ue Labor Day fand." The commlUea la dependlnr neoa Ue ceaeroue Wllmiactoa public to "do Ue aquare thine" la the way of daaatloaa. mail PRICES FOR SPIRITS. Sara teak Qsttatlea YttUxaaj Weal Above S2cTfct Ltcal Market, The atraneth of Ua aaval store mar ket wa a rain Ut subject of comment at tbt Chamber of Commerce yeater day. Tha qaolatloa wa firm at Ele. with - receipts of 94 caek, moat or whleh cam from river point. The Bavaaaah market opeaed yeaterday at El W aad eleaed at Ulc Keferrtnc to Ue rise. President Joha TL Toaar. of the National Taak aad Export CVx, of Bavaaaah, la quoted a havlar eald: ! "Tha ad react la aot unnatural. Ooatumare aad dealsrs have been ctvea timely notice." f DOCK ISLAND DEAL Acquisition of Seaboard Air Line Has Interest in It for .Wilmington. : . THE GIANT AGGREGATION. II WlU toetrol 14,009 IWei aid ni Vie With Ooald asd Wabath Sys tea la Morfsa latereated ? Tbs Mews la Richmond. As Wllmiactoa Is one of the South Atlantic seaport of the riant railroad acrreration of which Ut Seaboard Air Line has just become a part, creat iatereet will be felt here la Ut proba bit benefit Uat will accrue to this city aa a result of the combination Amonr the seaport terminals are Nor folk and Charleston. The Baltimore Sun editorially aays: The arrangement by the Bock Is land uaa J road Company with tba bea board Air Line, la addition to the VFriaeo," brince Into existence a mon ster arcrecatloa which extends from Ubiearo to Denver and JTort Worth la one direction, and from Bt. Louie to Oklahoma City, to Eansaa City and the Zlilo Grande river, to afempbla Ktd Uirminrbam yla a third dt auction. It vlea with Ue Gould, or Webaah aystem la the breadth of ite aspirations, havlne connections with all the chief Atlantic porta aad extend- far throuca the Oulf Btatee to tbe utaaiaalppl and far beyond. It may be said to approach the atatua of an east aad west trunk line. Ia 1903 the unicaco, ttocx xaiana aaa rtaae itaii way owned S.219 mile aad, with lea- rd liaea, operated 3,900 ml lea of road. The acquisition of Ua 8L Louis and Baa Francisco cave It 8,095 milea more aad Ua Bea board Air Line ba a mlle ace of over 2,600 miles, so Uat, with recent bulldlnr. purchaaea, etc., Ut Hock Island acrreration controls about 14,000 mile. It will doabtleaa beapuahlar and arcretalve element la the Bouthera field. A anecial to tbt Baltimore Sun from Richmond to aa follows: Bioaxoaa. Va.. Auc. 12. The an nouncement of Ut close alliance be tween Ua Bea board aad Ua Rock Island waa received la Uia city with the rreateet Iatereet aad little else waa talked of la stock market aad railroad. circjee. a 1 - It wa believed Uat the ar ran re- mont waa not only one of creat ad-, van tare to tbt Seaboard, but to Rich mond aad Norfolk as well. The an nouncement of the jump la Seaboard slock aad Ue cause for It came a a surprise la Ula city, where many holders of the stock reside. The moat authoritative statement made here saye Ue arrancemeat rivet tha Bea board aa entry into Bt Louie aad make a throuch Uat from Mexico at El Paso, Texaa, to New York, by way of Rich mond, a well aa a liaa to tbe Allan ila at Norfolk aad Portsmouth. Tha elaetlOB of aaw directors, lncln- dfac B. F. Yoakum, mreaident of U Bt. Louie aad Baa Franctaco, owned by Ut Bock Island, la takes to mean a eloaa workinc acreemeat between Ue Beaboard aad Ua Rock island. It civeeUe Beaboard an entry latoBt. Louis, which Ua Bouthera recently acquired by Ue Loulavllle, Evaaeville and BL Loula after a lone flchL The Beaboard aad Ua Frisco have beta oa rood terms for soma time aad recently, when Ua Seaboard rot Ue richt to co on, Ue streets of Birmlnr bam, President Wllhtms becaa nero Uatioaa with Ua Frisco to rive that road entry Into Birmlnrham la re turn for tha same richta for tha Bea board at Bt, Louis. Thus Ue Bea board secured Ue rlchts for which Ut Bouthera strurxled for years aad acquired by Ua purchase of Ue Louis ville, EvaasvUle aad BL Louis. A qaeatloa discussed bere la whether J. P. Korean ia connected with Ua control of Ue Bock Island. It la reaerally oaderatood Uat he 1 master of Ue situation, aad Uat Ue loar war between Ue Seaboard and the Southern la at an end, for Ue reason Uat Uelr in teres ta are now Identical. The deal mean the eliml aatloa of competition In Bouthera railway traffic and control of rates by one creat company. Tbe Beaboard. it l tutted nere, wui maintain It identity aa such wiUout chance of name or management, further Uaa Ue indicated chance la the directorate.. These are described as "friendly Interest." Bavaaaah Aetos. lain: A promi nent business man. who ha made a atudy of the railroad altoatloa, said Uat Ue Rock Island control cannot be otherwise than a blr thlnr for Sa vannah. It will benefit all of the Bo nth Atlantic porta reached by the Beaboard, Norfolk, Wllmlnfion, Ba vaaaah, Fernadina and tneuair porta. wnile ut volume or business win Dt distributed, he said, tha amount will ba ao creat Uat every port will reel lta Inlaeaee. It will meaa more steam ship line from Savannah aad i great Increase la Ut business of Ue port." . ' Def easaats Failed ta Appear. Tha case of Hoaea Davia, CL T. Wil liam . aad Jao. Tharp, the younr white mea charred with disorderly conduct aad assaultlnr a conductor on a street ear at NInU.and Princess street recently, failed to appear In Justice Fowler court for preliminary examination yeaterday. Davia aad Williams had deposited $50 each for Uelr appearance aad Tharp wa under a S25 boad, with Messrs. Herbert Mo- Clammy aad Walter P. G afford aa saretlee. The hoads of the two first oamed will be forfeited and a nlal will be Issued arelaat Ue bondtmen of Ue latter. O. a Great, charred with im plication la the aame affair, wa sick aad his trial waa postpoaed until later. , - Alter Dia Teacher. Sheriff L. Mlddleloa, of Duplin county, - remained over la tha city from the Goldsboro excursion Wed nesday aad veaterdav went oat with Police Serreant Geo. H. Ward Ina fruitless search for Daa Teachey, white, who-escaped aeveral moaUa aco from the Duplin jail where he was beinc bold for the murder or younr Rlvenbark, near Wallace, last Bprlar. Reward arerera tin c 1250 ha been offered by therBtate, county and sheriff for Ue arrest of Teachey but Una rar he ha eadd caMuto. , -" PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Mrs. A. T. Parmele is at Jack son Springs for a pleasure trip. -, Dr. W. B. Murphy," of . Bladen county, spent yesterday in the city. ' - Mr. Hugh MacRae left last nicht to join his family at Linville, n.o. . . ., . .. . - - Misses Ella and Annie Prldgen, of Keith, are visltinc Miaa LotUe L. Mason. ' Solicitor Daily and family are spendinr some time at Lincoln LIthia Bprlnr Mrs. T. M. Emerson is the rueet of her sister, Mrs. E. P. Boat wrirht in Norfolk. Mrv W. A. Lineker returned yesterday from a business trip throuch Eastern Carolloa. Mrs. J. C. Shepard and chil dren returned yesterday from a visit to relatives at Eenansville. - Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Edwards went to Goldsboro yesterday on a visit to Mr. Edwards' relatives. E. M. Koonce, Esq., of the law firm of Duffy & Koonce, Jacksonville, N. C, Is In the city on professional business. , Messrs. W. E. Blue and Quince Berry, of Marion, S. C, weve amonr the excursionists to the city. yesterday. " " Mr. Alex. Aman, of Bocky Point, waa In the city yeaterday. He reports crops in Pender very good; es pecially corn. Miaa Stella Meredith left yes terdsy afternoon for White Oak, Bladen county, to spend a short while with Meads. ' MissAddie Eare, daughter of Judge M. L. Eure, or Norfolk, is the ruest til ber sister, Mrs. , C D. Bell, No. 403 North Third street Mr. C. W. Fatch, of Pender, we In the town yeeterdey wltn a flatload of fine watermelons. The Stab was triad to have a call from him. Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Town- send and children, of Max ton, are spendinr week very Ue Seashore Hotel, pleasantly at Wrlrhtsville beach.- ' Clinton Democrat: "Mrs. Jnlia Millard and Mis Bailie, of Kenans- ville, were bere Tueeday en route for Wilmington, where Uey will reside la the future." . I Capt. Landon O. Jones, the popular A.C. L. conductor, now on Ue run between' Florence and Au gusts, brought In the excursion from Darlington yesterday. The numerous friends of Mr R. N. Nash, who wss operated upon for appendicitia at the hospital Wed nesday. will be clad to know Uat hi condition was very favorable yesterday South port Standard: "Mr. W.? T. Smith, of Atlanta, who waa en fared In Ue work at Fort Caswell two years ago, came down yeaterday. afternoon aad will return thia mora ine;." ; ; Lumberton Argus: "Mrs. DJ L. Gore, of Wilmlnrton, is visiting at the home of her brother, Mr: F. L9n non. She learea to-day to visit her brother, Mr. Gregory Lennon, near Bellamy." t Dr. C. T, Harper, who attend ed the Elks' reunion at Baltimore and extended hie trip to other point dur ing his three weeks vacation, returned to Uedty last night. He reports a "great" time Sonthport Standard: "Miw Etta Oanady.of Scott Hill, arrived on Tnesday and visits Miss Annie Kay Harper. Miaa Mary Blair return; ad to Wilmington on Saturday after vltitlnavMiss Josie Ottoway. . ; Sonthport Standard: "Mrs. T. T. Allard and sod, Roger, left pa Saturday via Clyde Line for New York. . They will go from there to Providence, R. L, and Boston, , to spend a month before returning." Charlotte Observer: Mr. M. A. Tate, of High Point, arrived laat night and will leave to-morrow for Wrlghtavllle Reach, with her daugh ter, Mrs. W. O. Smith, and Mrs. BL W. Smith, for a stay of two week. Maj. C. H. White, assistant in spector of small arms practice, North Carolina National Guard,' returned Wednesday night from the encamp ment of Ue i Third Regiment at Greensboro. .. Next week ha goes to Aaheville. . . "' Messrs. Frank St. George, Willie ' Davit, Richard and Robert Thompson aad Philip Fulcher, of SouUport, have rone to take positions on Ue government suction dredge Cumberland," now at Newport News for repairs, preparatory to returning to the- home port at Fernandina, Fla. - Maj. Wm. F. Robertson- re turned last nicht from Durham where he attended the firemen's tournament and the annual meeting of the x State Water Worxs . Association. As pre viously noted 1 la a special from Dur ham, Maj. Robertson wa elected vice president of the Association. . Uiktaiai at ShaUotte. During a severe electrical storm at Bhallotte laat Thursday night lightning struck the store of J.,A. Stanley and eight persona ia Ue room were-' all more or less stunned. The proprietor of Ue store, L. D. Lehue and a colored man were knocked senseless. Lehue's trousers were torn,, his thoe waa rip ped open and his shirt sleeves were set on fire. His escape was miraculous. The - building was set - oa fire but Ue damage waa only alight. During Ue aame storm lightning alao struck the chimney of Mr. OL N. Leonard's resi dence, dajnaglag U badly. ai v in nnnmiT A. V. flttUUli. A special line White Dress India Linens, ' i i fetnui uvni, " ; -,m. Freneh Lawns, " . , ' French Organdies, - 1 - French Nainsook, r - v ni war i - . '-arariB aaaauaa, ..(... y,-:t , - : . ;. .& ,.larorlaeMull,--,v---, ..-.M Victoria Lawns, - ' O - ! . Long OloU, - ti 1 ' . Bilk Persians, etc W o Our lines of Fancy White Good are larger and of greater variety than we have ever before shown, and Include ; O - Sheer Lace Stripes, " ; " - - ' Lawn Stripes, . ..-.:r. r vJK Leno Stripes, I .-U Dotted Stripe,! ,; iMmity Btripea, - - Dimitv " ' :s Lace Plain Wells, ; Fancy Marseilles, , i ". i Dotted Swistes, : ; Figured Swisses, ,urenauines, Sale Asrenta for Buttariek's Cornets. , .; .-. . . , ;: . A great jdednction in Embroideries for cash thia week. . You O are umtedto see them. i -, ' - y ITS FirJANCIAL STRrJCTHa, - Your attention is directed to the names of the following well known busi ness men, who compose our board of directors: : ylS ri ' .,?. ..; H. C. MdQueen, J S. Armstrong, Wm. Calder, E. C. Holt, M. W- Divine, Walker Taylor, T. H. Wright, F,W. Dick, J. A .Springer, M.' J. Corbett, J. JI. Cnadbonrn. ,: . . . .... . - - m t a a a m AU otUUlUUU HI ALfUYCf WO AAaaVO H BaTVUK MAIJ WA Otuumuviuvt of wv-w awoaaaaaa. , Idit Md reiDonilbmw uicied slrencrth to the Institatlon. Four per t & j Jii: .m-. aA w aba a ceat. interest paid on deposits, eompoanded qaarterlj. v ; a n ? The Pebple'siSavin No. 115 North B. O. XIaQDBSnr, ihroolaloaa. aaUtt . W. W BICKt MEQR0ES WAGED BLOODY FIQHT. Dispute Over a Pair ol "Eajllsh" Treasers " ' Oot Theai la Troable. Aa the result of a dispute a to whether a certain pair of trousers were "English" or not, Abram Bryant, a young negnf employed by Ue Coal Cement and Supply Co., his brother, Robert Bryant, and a third negro, named Robert Bolton, engaged in a bloody fight at Front and Orange streets early yesterday afternoon. Bolton was slashed badly on' the arm and shoulder and had to be seat to the hospital to have his wounds sewed up, while Abraham Bryant had a gash over one of his eyes and an abrasion on his hand. . They were both arrested by Policeman W. C : Moore and locked up at the station house; for a hearing today. .uk, " . - Robert Bryant waa the. owner of the trousers over which the .dispute arose and each put a dollar on his judgment aa to . whether Ue trousers were "English." A sartorial expert was sought out In Ue person of Mr. C E. Gordon and pending a settle ment of who 'won the bet, the fight occurred.. Mayor Springer, Without passing upon Ue question of the trousers, will likely rule to-day Uat Ue conduct of the negroes was de cidedly African 'and deal with then! accordinrly. - j. . -.1 Secretary To Y. M.6. A. Mr. L W. Murphy, who for more than two years haa held a position In Ue freight claim office of the Atlantic Coaat Line, haa resigned, he having been elected office secretary to the State Committee of the Young Men's Christian Assdciatian, with headquart ers in Charlotte. The scores of friends of Mr. Murphy regret to eee him leave Wilmington, but they- rejoice'; with him In Ue worthy promotion he haa received. ' . The Hre Last Nltht. ; i The alarm : from ; box 19 at 11:30 o'clock last night was on account 'Of a fire of unknown origin which started In the back porch of the one-story frame dwelling, owned' by Marsden Bellamy, Esq., and occupied by Eliza Robinson, colored, at 410 MacRae atreet. The damage to the building was about $125, but most of the con tents were removed aad Injured only ellghtly. .: .- . " ' . . . .. ' i Died of Vbooplsg Coath. 't. f Mr. and Mrs. Carl L. Euhl have the sympathy of friends la Ue death of Uelr Infant son, Carl L , Jr., aged a little more than one year, whose deaU occurred of whooping cough Wednes day night at the family home, Tenth between Princess and Chesnut atreeta. The funeral waa conducted by Ue Rev. Dr. Alexander Sprunt from Ue residence at 4 o'clock yesterday after noon and the remains were laid to rest In Bellevue;- f ' : ; V - ' . " -wa-' Appeadlcitla Patieat Well. ' 5? ' i 1 Capt. V. A. Austin, of the Monroe Ffre Department, who was stricken with appendicitia during Ue recent vacation of member of bla company In Wilmington and waa operated upon for the disease at Ue James Walker Memorial Hospital by Dr. Pride J. Thomas, left yeaterday afternoon for hie home completely restored to his health. His numerous friends In Monroe will be delighted at his return. NEW ADVEBTISEMENTS. FQR SALE, rvn ar inad flna Jaiaev and Holstain Milch Oows, giving; from 4 to 5 gallons, hare Jost ar rivAii .nil can ba bonsht cheaD. Oome arrv and take yoar c&olca or yon will lose a bargain, as they ara going to be sold at t ne. 808 and 810 Market street. " Both 'Phones 1M. - - aaiatt I T TtrtAmiT !V fl.. U. MUU1I. Q Goods sold constantly as follows: O - . O Check. Pique Sirlpea, '"t',r z . . - . -...... ... . . . "' - " In! a o ate. - -..:-.- Eatteraa aad Amarieaav Lady v , jy a : j . ,: ' 3 mm aaataw t -r attAabrnAiiaaa aavraa'aaiaa sav ann Front Street.- i - - JWO. B. ARBlBTBOZrCH Wloo PVOaMoatd O, Tloo ProaMoatd '., Oaaalor. :,A SCHOOL BOOKS. . School Books, School Supplies, School Furniture. . .... i .Exclusive Depository for Pnblio School Books adopted by the North Carolina Text Books Commission. Orders from the country will tneet with prompt attention. , .- r; C. W.YATES ; & CO., Wholesale and Betail , BOOK-SELLERS. an 9 tf Wilmington N. 0. ' Ten Dollars;' Ours, Is the only estab lishment .In your: City that makes Suits to measure for Ten Dollars. . C. E. GORDON PANTS CO., 25 South Font Street. ' apt tf ' - Tbe UnMy Corner Calls your attention to the fine line of Holmes & Coutt'a CAKES AND CRACKERS, t Anything you may desire ' for . that Lunch Basket. By the way if yon are shy of nice lunch baskets I haye a very select line. - Don't fail to try our "Fox Elver Butter" and . ''Mystery", Flour. They stand at the head. ";:'n':'' ' Both Phones 109. ' : jy 21 tf EXTRA FANCY SOFT Free Stone Peacaes. Will have ' only few more this . season.. -c .s.V .'. J. VV. Plummor, Jr., BeU Thone 680. ' ' jy 31 tf HOTIGE. ' Holaera of Slew Hanover - County f Court Xonaa Bonds take notice: 'z-:- -5 That aaiq bonds ot tlieoanomlnatlon at tioo each ana nnmbered 21, 82, -ss, i 85, J,S7, 88, . 89, ax 81 ana 88 inclusive ana bona of the, da- . nomination ol S500 each ana numbered, is, 14, so, 83, 85, S3, 89, 82, and all dated January 1st. 1893. will be paid at Atlantlo National Bank with accrued Interest on tba 3lst day ot August, . 1903, and after said aate lntereet wiu cease on aborennmberea bonds, r - ; J :t m: i By order of Board County commissioners. . D. XOKaCHEBW, , au78Wv- frsu -v Chairman. j.. . Chanaa at aeamla tot aTretca Oar v ea. aaajrfta TraUay litae. ) After august 15th Freight Schedule wfllbaaa ' follows: ... " ' 4 . Leave : aitIto ;' Ieave WDmliurton " Ocean View Ocean View . eVooa. ax. a. m. . 7.00 a. u. 1S09 " - 10.60 11.00 8.00 F. M. S.tO P M. 3.00 P. H. oao - Tao.." , . 7.80 - The 8.30 P. x. trip wm be dls v ntinued after , AM crnat IKMi. HnnAavii thtk VnlsM rcr-wfll make the io;oo a at trip only: an M