. PICTORIAL I I I n rr il ViUXX XUKUICXS 8TA.T13M VI V J m a V A f 1 I Sfl 11 II If 11 TT Klad Toa ILt Always Bought. au4 hkh la been la e for errer SO jwn, bora the alrnatnr af 7 a has Vl MtuliapenLUM alara JUtofiuery. Ct. Allow ao aaa la daU voa In thU. All Cmaterfif, Imitation and "Jwt aa ewAwaw but . Fipriarate taat trifle with aa4 eadaarrr tbej beallh of ' lafaala sad OiOJrw dprrlrt ocalrut llrTHnrtiU What is CASTORIA ' Castor La la a lumlrM trabetftata for Cantor Oil Fara jrrir. Irrvy aa4 Stoothlar Njrup. It 1 rirsvaaat. II caatala arilWr Opitxaa aforpalaa nor other , Xarrotli eubntaarcw Its ag- la It ituutM. It dra troys Worm! , aad allays Freriaaaeaaw It cam DLxrrhcra and WtaUf Qatlr. It rrttorr Tetalaa Tnmbtca, rare OmstliwUfcM ami riatoWacr. It aasimlUXra tha Food, rvxTiLaira tb Sinatra aad Dawrls, ftitias; beaJtliy aad naXoral aloep TVe CaXWlrraS Faaaeeav Tna Meaera Frieod. CEflUiriE CASTORIA ALWAYS S7 HcATa tho TIib Kind You Haye Always Bougbf In U so For Over 30 Years. THE COAL. CEOEBT Sole Distributors of Davis' Absolutely Pure Paints Tkm only rurmstaal 100 per cent Pare Paint en tMs or any atfcar smart ei, Oar raaraaiea U that It U coeapoeed. olj of LaMd 03..... Wait Lrl (eaxbenate) .100 " " Waite Zinc (oxide) : 100 Pare TniponHnB DrtGr 'ani-TintlDg Colors. WITHOUT DOUBT KNOW, Ut DitV PaJat 01 nrrtt dUappoUt wbts proper! ppiiaL It U male to rool tkt joa m rare to want more If yon U VK LON'O XN'OUOII to want jonr UDdIf rtpalnUd. laappijiag PaJnt thrayi call for Pntber't Celebrates! P. Pilot Brst&et. Ttey ipeak ftr ttientehre. ; . W al carry a fall IIm of BaSils aviUrial, InclnJlnx the veil kaom r.:atkoU Boofior. 'fhone eU. It Lf We Need Money I - t You Weed Furniture. I FOR 30 DAYS' YOU CAII BUY Ofc OSFORCASHj Ia P-al. CalaaOoaiU, Chlffnlr.-Toilet SU, Wheeler & WEeoH S-a Machlnee. and rrerjthlaf la the faraUarellne at prlcee joa neyef ta WilmlBfloa. Cmimbtf, Urae etrktly eh. We InriU yo U c:i. , t - t TBZEJ SUSTEIHnD CO., ; 10 Cant Soa4 M Mukit rtrMU. ; Your Vacation ! " Will bo cpentlnpoaco of mind If you know that your valnablo papers, ell vorwaro, Jewelry, otc aro left beblnd youlnaBafoplace, Stoel safety boxes In our vault for rent, all 8l263, all prices. Accessible at any hour of tho day. . ' j Aft MTin .riATIftriAL RATJIC i A a-a I e law , u nrEir-fisiiii PUZZLE. nm i in 111 jv it r AJi IS KKintfeHCVIXOt nwwlo node r hU per SITLltUTO of AflD SUPPLY CO., 100 percent. Par InUr-EUU 73. INi B-wfl TroaMi af : Um OuM a4 duju : TTCTrJNG EAST, j T. LOCUS. &. . ktvm. Tc tu ta- nrwt " "I TITLE PAQE8. - W rakMwa CatO llMt tW ltriMa rrtatlaaj. Tb iuot f jrpri loji tblBf la te hla tory of ta m ir U ta fact that' It wu ttetiy or.ttjown unUl a frwi yr rtr ilia lureoUoo of prlatlax.! i uya tror that rramt m, wtan. au mu wera la taanaatrfpt. do aatbe mr thoaxfet of prfctnr ti wwt wttfc a naru pare or lea? rrotfto1 Wbn prtaUB took'th tlaca of writ-. "MU roaLAKTV rata Tmann.'j. in mao) cany pnatPd took tir was atlll axpa for handwork. Initial inter wra' laft for tba -rabrlAhr- aa ba vrai eallaV to decora ta aod Ulomlaata by baad. aa books moltlpUad tUla rractlca, of, osora. aooa dld oat. OcraalooaUyi wMitsy aoa lanrVKU book oinar( wold ccoploy a aklUfal Ulomlaator to. uom u pa ana. marsiaa os a Qnat-. d book Jast ae ta fortocr daya taaaa- arrlpts bad bora lUamlaatofl. . Tb tnaaaafrtpt praetfco of aorrocod- laf tbo tzt wltb an oroameotal border vaa alao ortrq appUad to early printed book a. Tb latrodoctloo of tba.tltlo. para gbowad tba aamo mlnttiaa- of old aad oaw. mating waa lareoted about ltSOl bat no till par, property ao called, la known bcrora 147a In tba earUeat ez aanIa tba UU ta cltber. aa la mano acriU, glTen to tba flrat two or throe ttaae of tba flrat parr. to. ba Imiaedl etety followed by tba printed text, or la atmpty. aa It baa beoo called, a la bettbat la, U cooaUta of a very brief tJtle at tba top of a blank pat. There waa oa rartooa xcepUon. A. "Kaleodar priated by-Batdoit at Toa lea ta 1470 baa a fall title para la tba modern atyle. Tble remarkable page conaUta of ao tatrodoctory poem ror rooaded oo thro aidea by orsaBental bordara. with, at the bottom, the place of printing and date -eoettla, 1479" end tha nameo of tba printer. Bat tbia ta tjulte aa axceptlonal la- eunca. Bocb a tUla paa la hardly fooad a rata for twaary yaara aad did pot beeoata coaxooa till a boot 1230, mora than forty year later. A partiruUrty noticeable feerore la many tJiie pacee of tba alxteenth and early evvvateaath caararlea la tba leaitb of tba deacrtptlT fJtlce. Cba- troreralal pamphlets aad books of trar el aad advantore eapecUlly bara UtW whlrt are axtraordinarlly I007 winded. Tba whole para la filled with email type, (ftta ea aaalyata of the coo tents of book or pamphlet. Then toward tba end of tba feetun cantary aad throorh Its srxs eama tba rairrt of tba bold and plain tlUe pace, and the ptata title baa lasted until tba present day. THIEVES PETTY AND 8TU PI O laaaa Bu Drlm Oct f aa Ckarrr KM. Tba people who nowadays give tba detrrtjTee saoat troabla are tba mam tars of that vast horde of petty tblerea, both wblta end block, that Infest every treat dty." said 00a of tba most ela rhrat oWtecmas of tba Waahinftoa da partzarat Tba Cats of Toamraota Xrnr- tTterlea, dUaaoad robbertea and brU- Cant thiertaa operatlona have raaacd. oerbapa oarer to retara, aod Instead af tba really shrewd, calculator, and thief of half a ceatary aro we have today a mob of petty plHerare, are far from poaeeealnj; eoa-tenth pert of the brains end wit of tba old time thief, bet maaaxe aavertbeleas to Ctve the pot tee a vast deal of troabla. - "be prucT.ea of lareotloa baa pat tba abrrwd thief and barrier oat of Bay, for rxamt. a man steals several tbeaaaod aollara. very wen. Tba anomeat ba does ao be reel- that to order ta retain eia til gotten be most kavs tba scene of the crime, reeUxln- that be Is In now lee prepared ta eope"wlth modcra detec Ure and po&os metbada. rrobabty be fore ba learee tba dry telecrsms end teJepbooa mtassres bars preceded hua to tba dtlea of tba Valted States and Canada, and be Is nabbed the moment ba rearbee bM drsCaaXloo. 'Pat en- poainx tbat ba eaeapee en three trape reacbee soma foceirn country why, ba Is atiapry ta ae bad a pUfixt tbera ae ba was before lee Tin noma Nowadaya tbera la hardly e fovero- it or caantry with wfcdca the United Sutea baa not entered Into aa onder etandlnx wbere5y rrlmlnaie are caalt aad retoxned, and what few aad far dlataat stslea with which ear fOTsro- it has failed to draw, aa anyeoch arranfement can be very eaauy man axed ta case TJacle 8am wants to get any of hie mfcetfar children beck. Tba revolt ts tbat no really brJsbt er sbrwd person wonkl thlak et ea deruxlnx a Job of parglary or MeaKa la tble era.. Koae but the desperately poor, tba dexeneratra. morptlos osers, tha sabmerxed tenth, so to speak, now adays nrscCca ateaUnc They are toe sropcdto rvalue tbedasxer otlaocb a coarse and Dlanx beadtonx isto-e ca reer- that most sooner or later lend them behind the bars." Washington rest-." ' : ' ' 7 t- r aajaBaa-.aBaaaBaasBa-aa-aa-a-aa ' FIRST OCCURRENCES. ' EaTelopae wars first used la 1S39. Tba first steal pen leas mads la 1830. - IWoOree were first established 1a leoi. 1 i Tba first lodfer match was made la 1323. "" " - ' : '"- ' Karosene waa first used for Cgbting la 1S30. Tba first steamboat plied tba nodsoa taiaor. The first baUooa ascensloa was made ta 17SX Omnlbnses first eppearsd la New YerktalSSa - The first loromoUve was run la tble reentry ta 1S30. . The first wstrbee were made at KB remberj In 1477. - Tba first Enxtlea Be-wipepar.was pablUbed la ISSA. , , - rtas were first invtafaxnrp-lA,thix cocatry soon after the wsto iSli. The first cptsplete eewjnr maebjaa was patsatrd by- EUae iiewe. J,Ta load. The first Toioa Ul jrta xntoUAop Jaa. 1. 1774. 6rtr the camp It Cata brlixa. - The first aewrpape printed to itbe United Btttee was pabllahed la Bostoa oa oeri zs i7x ; If a dox sprtnrs for a man tba Ut ter aboald g-aard hie face- with .hla arm and try to meet the animal rJA bis forearm. With tbe rlrbt band be aboold attempt to catch one of th en mara troat pews. Tbe paw of a bull do is ultra sensitive. If If can pe caoxht e Tlxorooe aquaese will msxe the animal bowl for mercy and retire discomfited., " " sai--aeia-aHa-aaa-aeaa--aBi rtatteesa. Tocsx man," said bar father ktoly yon look a Krtle bit nerrocs. How'io yoafeeir -I feel fiattered,- repUed tbe xlrfe lotrar, who bad asked for tbe. later view, X was afraid I looked scared to CcCt, aTrchaaya. - la te Tearber -What comes after " Bothi - - - BTrfb -The" feJJow -hrs aoi2-l- taarrTy's2tsrsn.l--?-TJC : IN THE STOKEHOLD. . t reeetaa the Har Reeeaeas la aa Oeeea MJ aee. I The worj of. ercrnally pu-Alng tba aid rLIp pert tbe . merliUans the tare again: t time sod tLe s..a and tba tntemt 00 tba money beclne In tba gloomy stokehold. Yoa bare beard that tba stokehold la hot, and when von bars clambered Into It over dis orderly plies of still smoking ashes, steadying yourself by . taking lncao Hons bold of boralng band rails, and stand for tba first time face' to face with tbe furnaces yon feel assured of the fact ; . - - Bat, besides being hot, it Is the most active, late resting part of tba ship. It la her whole Ufa. Yoa mast spend years stndytns; It before yon can stand tbera In command of yoor watcb with yoor band on tha feed check elves, Torip eeea rm rf-rthlne In eeneraL and tha. ptcam uptWbern.t'beocgs la . . . 7 .a spue os we rsrenoos .ancmasacsuix, 1. wi7 rrom yoa; years Dexore joa can tell. In one swift glance, whether a fireman Is boxmng the greatest possi ble amount of coal per boar In bis fires with tbe least a mo ant of waste. Tbe problem la this: Under a certain large Quantity of water, which 1s con-, tlaoaliy changing, build thirty, fires, and by mesne of tbem, notwltbstand lng they most all be continually replen ished with fresh coal and freed from a shea, keep It at a perfectly even tem perate re (within a very few degrees), day and night for an Indefinite period. 1 Tba game Is tbe more Interesting be-: csose a ship can never sfford to spare more than Jast barely enough space for ber propelling machinery; conse-i q,oent!y everything engines, boilers,' furnaces mast be worked to the very Mmlt of Its rapacity. ;! The game goea aa regolarly by tarns' snd In cycles ss progressive whist, Starting with a few fires first In order, the doors are opened to admit a few aboTetfuJe of coal thrown Quickly Into tbe front of tbe furnacea, then closed sxaln aa soon ss possible lest too much cold sir aboald enter. Aa soon aa they are closed the fires next In order are served tbe same way and then a third group. Next the "green coal la tbe first fires Is raked back through tbe faraaere to complete lta combustion. After soother short Interval it Is nec essary to "slice" them that la, probe tbem with long pointed bars to lift tha clinkers from tbe grates and make air passages. Finally It la time to stake again. Benjamin Brooke In 8crlbnera. . - ' , tleelsee. . . ' '. "We cannot consider yoor story se rtooely,' wrote an editor to aa author, "because you have killed yoor hero In. tba middle of It" . i And tbe sot nor replied, -I killed hint early bees use be made me tired.' At lanta Constltation. KslsfBUUr rithl. i "Two pbjeieleas bad a long aad stab bora flrbt wiUi an abeesa oa my right laarV writes J. P. Hagbee. of Da Pont,- Ge., "sad rare me no. Everybody thought my time bad. eome. Aa a last resort I tried Dr. Klafs New Discovery for Ooarama Uoa. Tba benefit I reeelved was strlklsr, gad I was ea my feet la a few days. Now 1 bare esllrety .ra ysJasd aay h sella." It eoaqaere all Ootishs, Colds, aad Tbfoat and Long troubles. Oaaraateed by IL B. Brx- LAjrr, druxxlat. Prloa S0e and $ L00. Trial bottles free. r Or. BlgserV Hnckleberry Cordial TO Oras Sovtfeam stares dy. Ceres all Stonarh sod Bow-1 Trooblae. each ss Chranto DjraMlary. Clvotera ator baa. XUeodr 1ux. and also children tMthlns. It Mkloa rsOs to soaks qolrlr it caras ot au Stoma no Usumrmisi 01 tne : i 7rjVJtV W. CTLA.D2L Dr. Wsrue A. Tayiar, Atlanta, Oa. ' hee atrl Thla la the rt aarrSaas tnst I have ever Otvan as ta tna mifrti e aay aaadleaia. bet I telre p rtaomaswaira De. Bloeara Hi ears' HitokMMrry CardkaL - I raaMe H ttiS that I Have evae waad In my family far blames aad Bow.1 Trowbtae. 60a In vaatad aV a Settle ef this madlclaa to be eaad In the eaoemme o aay etaataah trsabls will ssva Ufa as wall as a larae aoetoe's blU. I have e friend who as life was as my opinion, saved by the teesmps asa ef Dr. B I Bears Hucklaoerrr fcardial. Fee sale by all Orueglsts, Ss aad 60s ear Sat tie. aignas HINKY W. ORADY. IHaSUwansee,tsyler Dreg Co, Prop-, - AHants. Oa. ' Tsylar's Ctivrokii Ramsdy- af Swal EUria and MaUeftt will ears Cauaha. Creep and cnri-f " IVica lioaad iVabodU. aasu DDI1L0P HEAL " 18 HADE OF ' . . " 7 ... i ; Best of Corri "'-' . e IN A" i: ' I7ater ill and Every Bushel Ve!ahs 46 T Pcnndt. - Ax there wHl be big crop of Cotton made the demand for bag gie z and ilex wm pnt the prlce up, 10 bny N W and bnyf 1 j THE WORTH CO. jr iu ' -" ' - " - " ' ' OP STJHHEtt 8BOBS , .; we are aneaiaff sow exeais ta Dseoiy aaa prtre, reasoosbisJHias any i navserer aoen, n bract nc foil linos (las received) et toa latooos oUoUaa SUOKS tor Msa sod Bora. DtJUoTiixtfer's aad Krtppsndort Diuaaas M Co s lor Ladles aad Mlaua. aad a best of otbsr ry daatraoia Unas ofe boas, laoladlns nU se Ttaiuii ot rsk Laaioar ssadsls for LadlM, MMmuI oniklree; sues to , H te 11, Ills to a. later, mast of wbicfe ksts sadarroBe price redactions. If yon are aoa a eocainsr of ours tbers re maoyf ood rsasoaa eiy yoa oeffbi te ba VivtiM paana te b vas OEBCEn & EVAflS CO., aajtf IIS Ol ICS MTE' Ki4Jaa T-v I m j r-' . i - ri ... i BEST-AND CHEAPEST LINE OF REFRIGERATOR S -'. OM THE C3ARKET. l WM. E SPRINGER CO.. je3tl 2 TT O DDI WTI MA f CbaV dUUIv dIMWu THE STAR JOB PRINTING OFFICE, , BOOK BINDERYJIND RULIfiG ROOMS ARE COMPLETE I THEIR APPOINTMENTS. WIXXIKGTOir, v. SEASHORE - WRIOHTSVIIXB BEACH. N. O. v 'j Jnst Eight Ililes From WilmiDgtoo. TROLLEY CIS We now hare 180 lage airy bedroottu, 20 en suite, with private bath. Hotel being bnt a few yards from old ocean's edge renders it cool and' comfortable at all times. Artesian water, no malaria, no mosquitoes, no flies. . ' - . - .- . - .. The finest Bathing, Boating and Fishing along the Atlantic coast. "New-Bowling Alley, Pool and Billiard Hall. aaraa a e a sa a aa s.s .aa : ne uuuine wm De morougmy the way of delicacies in sea foods and llusio the entire season by the pieoea. ..- -Hotel and rronndj-lighted by No more delightful resort in the let, rates, etc Address - --; - . -w-.--r' -:-y,: JOE H. HIHTOrJ, Manag M - WRIGHTSVIULB BBACH.. N. C. Sea sea Opaas Jaa let. Basldeat Payaleiaa, Dr. Taos. S. Bnr- baak. 'GEO. R. ly n tf We hare jnst receiyed a lot of BMrta $1.25, 1.75, 3.00, 4.60, 6.00, NEW SKIRTS i - 8Uk Skirts 94.75. 6.50, 9.00, 15.00. : v Black Mercerised Petticoats (underskirts) 65c worth -$1.25; better quality $1.25, 2.00 to 5.00. - - : Silk Jackets in the latest style; $7.00. They are made of Peau-de-Bole Bilk and tbe yery latest style. , A new lot of Beads and Waist Sets. -; - -- W are rJoiine- out our Summer: Hats and .Waists at yery low piices, ' "An early call will show you a lot .. r . . : ;,. -v. V par is ;r.i l lli ra "jy29tf ' 129 THE NOllTH STATE U0EIIAL AIID Utsrary. Claaalaal. Selantlfle, Fa4arta-leal CiaaaaseretaJ, Domestic . Selaaee, ... - saaaaal xralalag, Masle. . - .. Flea aonraM laadlna to DtDtomaa. Advanced PracUcs and Observation scnooi. nee et text books, eta, f i s year, ror nen-reeideats ol the state s lao. Tweirtn annual session begins septem bar is, Toseoare board in tbe dormltor ea all free-tuition applications aooaid be made before July ista. Correspondence Invited from those desiring competent tear hern aad stenogrspoers. rer catalogue ana ta St tf - jiep 2 ly Pnrcell Bnildin, Wilmington, - A 1 A A 1 N A A A N VJI . 2 Kmmer. -c" .. "k-j S ITTV . TTTT T"sTs ' M Mi; nULliw. S EVERY VARIETY OF PRINTING, - tiULiiia ANii Binuirm uunt & neatly, expeditiously & . cheaply: W1I. H. BBNABD, BBNABD, v Proprietor.' a? c. V Til I II np-to-aate, emoracmg eyerytmng in choice edibles. Hotel's Celebrated Orchestra of eight . - -. ; electricity. - South. ' Write for descriptiyet book 24 2m II A pair SezRoyal Profecto high or SHOES? Blue or low cut ' They neyer fail to please the : fellow who puts his foot in them.: They hare the snap, style, , com fort and wear that we all want, at popular prices f 3.00 and $ 3.50. Found only at ; FRENCH & SOUS. the latest styles of Skirts. Woolen 9.00. r - - - y x-. - . , last the thing for the seashore. Price of new and stjlish. goods nti popular - ;;----,-.:V.- e r y;e "th FOR I u ivif : Market Street, Wilmington, N. 0. OAROLmA: : UTDUSTEIAL COLLEGE. courses leading to De'i Well equii HOTEL D1TV IB I WWII 1 DID II Faculty numbers 40. Board, lanndry, tuition, and lees Tor otner laiormaaon aaoxesa CHARLES D. McIVER, Praaldeat. v' f GBKEIflBOBOt.N. C. ' .f Hifffaly recommended for lta TONIC Properties. snd ss a Preventive for All Kinds oTFeYers. a. svreaaa a co. sa.ea a. iruuaa, w, u. T. rim -h-H -rni g nrices on ice boxes and other seasonable ; things lost when old sol is, cutting up ; with the temperature. m rr:i;: This Is where and when the 'practical . housekeeper has her lnnlnea. with little money she can buy things ot great big Slue. -!--;:- -.S- Take our hardwood, charcoal filled Betrlgerators as a sample. These sold all season for a .but the few that are left are maraea as ! Wholesale and Betail,' jy 19 tf - Orton Banding.' WiImh.gtoii Sand Fajfejleville 1 STEAMBOAT LINES."'.'.'; '. fer aaa' Fayettsrfils x Jrelgb s , Passengers. v Steamer Highlander, Capt. W. BcK. Bobe- 8on, leaves 4:30 P. H , Mondays and Tnuisdaya. Steamer Hart, Capt. W. a Bobeson, leaves at 4:10 P. V.. Tuesdays and Friaara. For passage, freight and towage rates ap ply to - T. D. LOVE, General Agent, jylStf - eonth Water street, k THE UTJIVERSITY ' -.-of Worth Carolina. --i Academic , Department; Law. Medicine, Pbarmacy. . ' One hundred and eight scholar' ships. Free tuition to teachers and to sons of ministers. Loans for the needy. .. - yy C:- "7y'M 608 Students. . 66 Znstruetore. Nere Dormitories, Water Works Central Heating System, Library 40,000 .TOlnmes. . Fall term., academic and profea- ! sional departments, begma Septem ber 7, 1903. .Address - . , j F. . P. TENABLE, President, je 26 tf : Chapel Hill, N. C. Air Like. Railway ' Sehodale la Effect April "18, 1903. TBATN iMTes WHmineton 8:30 om. arrives S9 Lumberton 5:48 p m, Pembroke S.10 p ;, . m, Maxton 6:45 p mTHamlet .75 pm. TRAIN beares Wilmington 0:00 p m. arrrres 15 bamberton 8:15 a m, Pembroke 2:65 a m, autxton : a m, uamiet B:QU a m. I STRAIN. Ieares Charlotte s.-oi a m. Hamlet 8:40 am, arrlres Maxton 9:62 a m. Pern- 4fl; uroK0iu.tixam.umDerton 10:27 am. . Wilmington 12:45 pm. ; . v s . TRAIN Leares Hamlet 10:45 d m. antra Max. 14 ton 18:35 am. Pembroka 1:20 am, Lum- wnoaxuiD, Wilmington 1:00 am. WX9TBOUND FBOlCHATdUT. - v: Hamlet 780 a mi 8 56 a ml 1040 pm laisam 1045 pm 135 am 843 am os am 760 am Ar Monroe. m.... ...... at unarioKe.. Ar Chester............... 10 05 a ml loss a m 1383 p m at vrreen woou 'seaeae-eeeeeeee Ar Athens, Ar Atlanta. IwDD 8 60 p ml BOUTHBOUND FROM HAMLET. Lv Hamlet... ......... .-..: 780 a m(1040 pm Ar Columbia................. 10 65 a m 160am at savannan 880 p m 8 50 p m 645 a m 60S am 9is am 600 pm Ar Jacksonville at Tampa. ... ..... NORTHBOUND FROM HAMLIT. Lv Hamlet.. ....... ....... ...110 ao p mf 855 am Ar Raleigh.. 12s a mil 50 am Ar Noriina.,. .......... ,,.. 3 50 am 145pm Ar Portsmouth............ I gnn . . Ar Norfolk.. ........ .....i 1 808 amj.535 pm Lv Hamlet................... ioa m 750am Ar Raleigh.. issamllisam Ar Noriina ssoam 145pm Ar Richmond................ cssam 455pm Ar Washington.... .......... 1010 a m 888 pm Ar Baltimore 11 as p m 11 ss p m Ar New Tors....... 1 4 15 p m 8 13 p m Throueh Pullman sleenara from Hamlst to all points norm, eontn ana Boutnwest. - ror Hcxew, ruuman reeervauons, etc- apply to Thomas D. Meares, General Agent, Wilming ton, N.O, , apistt SUSmEB'SCHEDULB CONSOLIDATED RAILWAYS, LIGHT & P0VER COMPANY. Eerscttre Tuesday, Jim I, 1908. - FRONT AND PBIN0EB8 BTh WILMINGTON Leave eveflr hair hour rrom 8:00 A. M. to 11:30 p. m., oauy except Bunday. Sunday Every hall hour rrom 8:00 A. M. to 11:80 p. M. : T - THE CASINO WRIGHTSV1LLE BEACH. ' Leave ererv halt hour from 6:20 a. if.- to iz:oo p. M., daily except Sunday.. Sundays Every halt hour from 8:80 1 A. M. u .to 18:00 P.M.: SPECIAL OAR ! FOR WRIGHTSVrLLK BEACH will connect dally with A. O. L. train No. 60 due Wilmington at 11:20 p.m. Mondays una car wiu. leave tna tjasino. wrucntsviue ueacn, atcooA. Hto connect witn a. v. 1 train No. 61 lea vies; Wilmington 6:00 A.M. BEACH - CAR: For the accommodation of those who may desire to leave the Beach after uar cars nave caused running, an extra be left on the Seashore Hotel slaina every night, which, can te chartered foe the trip to Wumington and return for $10.00. - The Motor man in charge can be reached at the Com Danv's Baggage room, near that noinfc Bell 'PhAiuMn iara - . .. . i I , Frslaat aarrtee. Leave Front and Prmeess streets 8:00 A.- M.i daltvexeerjt Bandar. . - . r - - : ieave ainin street Depot :w a. a., uauy (including sunoay) . ea ve n mm street Depot i:ao r. a, oauy ex- I rtareta"stDsDaYa CentBnndav. : Leave Ninth street Denot iita P. H . diilv ax-1 oepfeDaauay. The Zmrees Car will raoelve freight at Frost ana mncess nreesi irom o:so a. a. to b:i , X. only. .:,!- FREIGHT DEPOT: The frefflh eoot Will ba onen fop the recelDt of freleht from 8:80 A. St. lo :sv tr. m. Bnnaayse:av wcwa. m- nv freight will be received at other points In the spi as aoove epeciaoa. - ; t which la received within twenty min utes of tune ear Is due to leave will be held for . nextiregnlartrftv ' ..iyc-:- MASKING AND PREPAYING: 1 Freight Wfll not be received unless plainly marked with name of the consignee and fully prepaid. -i t.attntjrV: . when necked in trunks, hand. tags, or hampers, Lanndry will be bandied as Baggage. : ,:r BAGGAGE: : Baggage will be received and: delivered at ute Atlantic coast Line and checked, ana no piece ww oe aeiiv on presentation of duplicate cheel except jess To Excursionists. The first mwunun or a sty us shampoo. Possibly, y- n may need all of these i comforts. The Favorite" Barber shop is the place. t: soiua s Dim. thing you should do oa your arrival gtoa is to save a ciean, easy seavs. n naw-cut or a oooi ana rerreahina ATLANTIC COAST UtlE. ROUND TRIP Rates Wilmington. ; ' $ia00 Washington, D. a, and re LOW turn. Tickets on sale daily, Jane lit to September 80tb, final . limit October Slatl03.v ; f 13.50 to Baltimore and return, Boy . ereign Grand Lodge .Odd Fellows; tickets on sale September 18th 19tb and 80th. t Unit i be deposited with Joint Agent and on payment of $L2K, limit will be extended, good leaving Baltimore October 3rd, 1903. - J11.B5 Washington, D. a, and re--torn, account Grand Fountain United Order of True Reformers, Beptember 1st t8tb, 1903, Inclusive. Tickets will bo on sale August SOtb, September lit aod 2nd. Final limit to reach starting point September' 10th, 1903. . - . W. J. CRAIG, Gen'lPaueDger Agent H. U. EMEBBON, Traffic Manager. : . jy 21 tf ATLANTIC ; COAST L11IE. Beaedale la HfTest Aag. t 10. . i: : STOBT HBOTJHD. - 0 48 NO 49 toe pm ess om Iiv Wllmtnarton...... ........ .o a mi ar Gkildaboro...... Is 81 P Bl at wuson At Rocky Mount., ar Norfolk l la p in 1S5 n m 6 65 m 468 p m 6 63 p m 7 45 n m 10 85 p m 1188 pm sesaeeeosa. . AT weiaon... isa 800 am 8 43 am 7 am 13 am Ar Peterebarg., ...... .. Ar Elohmond..... ArWaehlDgton.. ............ Ar Baltimore... ,w. Ar Philadelphia....... 11 40 p m 4 os a m 11 23 a m at new xora 715 a 800 pm SOUTHBOUND. N041 - NO 49 Lit new idte.oi.h. .,.... Ar PhUadelnhla I ss a ml 925 om 1165 a m w si am Ar Baltimore.. .. Ar Washington..... a is p mi s 87 a m 8 81 p ml 345 a m ax Honour. Ar Blcbmond Ar Petersburg.............. Ar Weldon Ar Rocky Mount ............ svs am 880 am 0 48 am 7 15 p mi 8 os p m 9 43 p m 10 87 o m 11 48 a m loo pm 1 60 p m 8 10 n m or Trunin... ma.... Ar Goldsboro.. ii is p m 1 10 a m at wumington... toio a ml soopm 1 w ' BKTWXKN WIIJIINGTON AND THE SOUTH. V -v SOUTHBOUND Dally Ex. Sunday. Dally. Sally. LTwnmlngtoa... Ar Florence....... Ar Charleston.... Ar Barannab 8 00 a ml 8 45 p ml 700pm 8S5im S5 a m thu d a 1 10 n m II 15 p m 151 80 p a warn eoo a m 8 80m 1 16 n m Ar Jack son villa . . Ar Tampa......... ...,. loss p m 10 35 pm NORTHBOUND. Dally ix Sunday. Dally 7 80 am ao pm 1 is am as am 45 am 1 40 p m 4W xampa Ar Jacksonville.............. Ar Savannah................ 8 05 n ml 7 80 a ml 18 40 p m 4 60 p m 7 85 n mi at narieston. Ar Florence... ............... Ar Wilmington. U so p ml BtrrWEEN WILMINGTON . AND BANTOBD " West Bound East Bound Dally - Dally 4r 7 50 b m Ar - 4 65 p m LT 8 40 P m BETWEEN . WILMINGTON AND BTEWBEBN North Bound Bonth : . panysxSundsy Bonnd Lv WllmlnKtoh..........9 85 p mlar 19 15 p m Ar Newborn...... ...Is 40 p mLv 9 do aim Trains Nos. 49 snd 41 earrv pnllmas Blieolns Oars between Wilmington and Washington, oonneoting with Penna j 1 tt. n . ILforalloolnts w. J. CBAIU, - " " GenT Passenger Agent. H. M. Emerson, Traffic Manager. my4. AtlanfiG and KoTtH Carolina Eailroai Time Table We'l To Taka Effaet Sunday, Oat. 81, - 1800. at 18.01 A. M. GOING EAST. GOING WEST. . 8 - ,4 -Psasg'r Trains ' Psssg'r Trains r STATIONS. - Arrive Leave ' - Arrive Leave P. M. P. at ' 1711? au.' ........ 3 40 Goldsboro....... 11 OS m...... 4 82 EUnston..... .... 10 19 ........ 5 40 5 60 Newborn ... 8 87 9 00 T 09 1 67 Morebead OKy.. J 7 87 P. M. P. M. . - - A.M. A. H. Train 4 connects with W. ft W. train bound North, leaving Goldsboro at 11.95 A. M., aad wlthSoutbera Railway train West, leaving Goldsboro 8.W p.m., and with W. N. at New bern for Wilmington and Intermediate points. Train S connects with Southern Railway train arriving at Goldsboro 3.00 P. M , and with W. A w. train from the North at ant P. M No. 1 train also connects with w. a N. for Wilming ton snd intermediate poults. OCt83tf- . .. - . 8. L. PILL. BUPt. Tbe Clyde Steamship Co WilfflingloD, 1I.;G., and GeorgetopiSUnes ftoaHw1orkfrWllalBrta NAVAH0E.... t'........i..Saturday, Aug. S OARIBu....M,...............8aturiay Aug. IS JTresa lf Uaalaglea far Mow sTarar. i OAniB...........,.......,'..ssturdsy, Ang.a j NATAHOE.. ........... ....oaturday. Aag. is Trresa tiaalagtea rer 43eergatewa. NAVAHOEtu...., ,. .....Tnesday, Aug, 11 oabxb. ......Tueeaay, Aug, is Both Steamers have good Psssenser imam. modation. -. mi- . i. . jae- Through Bills Lading and - Lowest Through Rates guaranteed to and from points In Nob and South Carolina. . ror rreignt ana pasee ewy to :- -i.BU G. biaALLONEB, asps.' -V , " L WilmlngtonTN. a 'GLIDE MILNE. Genn rvnlciif io.nt ITHKO. B.JEQJSB. een'IMansaer. WaUP. CLYDa CO.. Gen'i agsnta, ' i 6l tials BtrseWNsw era. Jeutt r No. 7 B0UUiirron sttsst.' r

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