tttrtWr j tan! aWaa-eTla, IrtrHUyS; ter::s of slw!?tiq.'u 1 01 1 17 Othe DaJZy nVre 2 asset Fiaflilsd la ' ? i Oa Tar, by Bail,' $5.C0 I Six Boataa, . . ' S.80 ; Taroo noatha, M ' 1.S5 Two Montha, ' 1.00 B)eIIrr 8aaatrltn la tke 1 1 xmm vtatv. X CUT a 41 Caatt ptt Htrntau ' T VOL. LXXIL-NO. 12Gi WiXIINGTON, N. 0M WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 1, 1903 WHOLE NO. 11,226 The iYlomincj jstar. outumes. li-KUirt of tte Ylrx!aia -Carolina Qateal Company decided Id dittdaad oa U commoa J, Chlae eruieer euah la oa with eleamar Emprvaa of ka eer H Ptla aid jjjrtsea f craw were drowaed. Wir Cart a reports coUoa ma red growth, hat heavy rIa are ax Uj try ; wl J eoUoa la opoala t. . x weaaeat oa tha BoaUara rmli f uurraatt IraJZ Uit Char- ul AUaata; nrJ daya mill It rt crtJ to aaoad the Wmk. h e fl4l betweoa eoaaiahlea aad war Norfolk. Vk, oat aetro VM ni:J eaJ lo ro aroaaded. . u fiftl belweea Tarie aad. lKUUa iaaarreata a ear lioaasUr U r' reaalaad wllh a loaa of jxi aiied ad woaadsd. Tarta IJUtrd Ue eaUr Chriatiea icoa they recaptured Ue Ua of Kraa&Ta. - A. reixa of ymt fee rtporUd el Cat ah emoag; U Carat! aa. Tba first rec for Ue Aaerxa cap U1 bo Ballad to-morrow. Heriaea T. Coals, -who mar- Lo-a'a Uall al Eprla Valky, 5. Y. eameaiUad eleide to jtU. York markets: Moaey oa o.i uJr el IS'OS F'iL, clco iu ivoi stc eaaLi eotoa dall a U TV; iar aaaeiUed aad kw to mi. il-poi weak; No. t rod U. rora-epoi ery; Na.t.USi; rgnia euedy; elraiaed, casaamoa to rMl. ItM-GlCO; pfrlta tarpoailao aialNiaU WEATHER REPORT. U. A DWrofloucaTOi, 1 Wunm Dnno, WturoroTOat. K. 01, Aox- IX ) UttaorotocctJ dala for l&o Ivoaly dr boor oodlair al P. IL: raralrao: 1 A. if.. 71 tacra ; 1 1. M 71 dacTo: aaaalamaaa, S3 (W (nw; tmlalaaaa, (J dtTOM; omoo. 7 WiofaJI tor Uo day. JUi raiaXiUI Irt of too aoooU to doir, 7.90 cuttos uaaox inunt LxJ raiat ara ttforXmA f rooa aoorlj a.1 4itricta. ToaiBoralaroa ax lovtr U IV UlUa Bock ood OcU2oaoo dl inu; tjitWn to too Wit kavo rdftlod abool ataUooory. roaCATroa TtyoaT. Wusxhotos. Aoc 11. Fo Nona CM8oa: TaUr oloody WritWiJi toora to OMtoro ood ooolara oor Hooi TkmrmUf. aftWW fair tg at to rr Xlmt Lra 19. Saltet ktJIA.M. dia SU IUP.M. Dy a LoxU U IL XI M. II a Wat at aocUfcport tl7I'.kf. il r Walar WUaCoxVM.. 7.171. M. Vow U tlo llfiao to bay a rtauu ku for aoxl Saavamor. Co it U poaalUa tLat Slot! Truit Sra40 U t9t I Pa a UHor Variaa AllaooJ. Uo Goorjio xaAO-Uolar, wao AllaUa.1. NtTtr ko v&a aUofU to rtaa. Wt ax told Uul a Utolo crmak, coociisK A Uost ti Hlxo Patau lott alt Toico. WoU Ut A rao io diJa'l loo bU c&fc. talr oor prtoaal oo&iUtatloa th nu pop2o or sot porral tlol to mptM aJJitioooi tail oa t&oat .for to oilactUoa of it elr diUra aa!M U eafro etil 4.a ar iadairJ. Ta (ircoliaboro TtJrm prtaU of a otaa who jam pod Into Ik HaJioa rirtr tnm a forrjboot, ai la it, "la Taii DoTrjf Wall, -".f lhAt ptaOJC, AO , BBBjt AOT Hat jo ootkoJ tAat tix!j ry aorio loot boo oroa a rae ap Nna lata otoooa BtoJt a tk't racorJF If UU U1bxxo : iu prtoaal Ikk tho aalomoUla II aat to ra to tia rtox. U u a! J lb Cockafatlar loat r.MX,c:o,0COea tbo Meant doclin -'-What aaaltor it If 1.1 ? Ao oJraaeo f a coat or fr rtJIoa la larroatao" will "a tayo Uta to rocoap. Ill AtlaaU Jnl prlaUJ a Mat3akaioa one at too troUi ppiar of Ula DaCrii ttaJaJ ' Uvl aa4 Aixaxt Sboali Eolh U.raf ti Jronol arao oalj dJ '3 aaUp&or. raport tool Sootaara EaUaay ii".-r;j Lara fceqtir! oa laUraat SoobooH AlrUao ajrUra. l caLI It coaaaaaaitf ef laUr tm ao 1 lot It ro ot Uul. Jeba i. MarZaatiat 'Srjrloi la UU J W. doot-NoCer. Hardia'a ralao raartoocy.--0Ua kVXUXA , - oaaBBaaaoao &Adr Bo. Ctal fiawara. PsUl CorvaU Boaxat pial. MUNICIPAL v REALM. The Board of Audit and Finance Train acted Important Dial cess Yesterday. TO EXTEND WAIEEU MAIN. tUtt Ftrt PrtUctlaa lot Oraif t Street tritati laprartauat of tic Flrt A Una Sjr4a-4tack Qaarry CootractOtar Ratca, , At ila rartlar otal-moatalT dmI- If YfOUrdav anoraoom Ihm CSIt od aaoca tta porta at baataoaa, chief of valea. sorbapo, waa coaearraac fa Uo approprlaUoa of $300 for lit ax taaaloo of too watar aoaio oa Oraar f root 81xta to Czala alroat; tatto yrotaj of lo eoatract aad aoeoptaaco of Lao boad of CL XL Dock for Uo oporaUoa of Uo dtj rock qaaxrj to eordlar to Urmt of hit two-jtar least; Ut boralac of 111,737.(0 eoopooa art- eaaciaf Jattroat la thai aroooatapoa e!tj bcada Uo talareat bartajf btta poid a aaaai Jaly lrt, aad as ajtrto aatat to oanr La am aDoroorlalloa of $1,630 for Uo porthaao of a sew aad tmprortd tet of TatUerict for Uo fir alarm ijtUto wtca Ut aialtar coat cS dally from Ut Board of Aid arm aa. ' Too Board aaat at S o'clock Caalr aaaa lfcOatoa orcaldlar aad lfaaaTt. a W. TaUa, a P. IXcalr aad J. A. Orrtll la aUt&dtac. AWertneo B. Bckraada aad P. O. II oor aad 8a eL J oo. T.Yata, of UtCr alarm ay stem. war tito prratat, Uo aru axmad to trra Ut txUasioa of Ut water mala, oa Oraafo alrtat aad Ut two laat aaaaad to lay beforo Uo Board alaaa for Ut parckaa of Uo aaw fir alarm baUorka. Mr. Sthrtada ipokt of Ut treat aeod of b4Ur firo proieciioa la Ut locaJUy aamod aad aa!d Uo people Uar bad a r!bt to aak Uat tomeUlac b doat; Uat accordlsx to a recoat se- eialoa of Uo Barremo Ooart, Uty coold bo4 bo madt to pay taxat aalraa Uay ao)oyed aom of Uo aaualdpai tSla dorirtd Uortfrom. Tnt tp- proprUUoa afUr Uorooth dlocatatoa waa aaaalsoaaly eoaearrod la. Mr. Moor crtoeatod Uo atoda of ta laaproTtd fir alarm tare k aad tx- bibUed correaaoadaac bo bad wltb U aaaaawaU Tt Alarm Teleffrapa Oo.. of New York, aad told of Ut recoal tUJI to Ut city of Mr. O. P. Crocker, of AUaata, tao coagpaay'a re areata taUvt la Ut BooU. wboat ar- eeoc ta Ut city aad daacrlpUoa of Uo iao wootod; waa clrta La tAoa cola aaaa at Uo tlaao. A atx-drtaU ibiaaaloa atorart boUary aad rt- MUr. wtlk twltckboord aaooatrd oa alato baao aad tscaaod la oak, wDl bo LaatalWdL A raaraatro la draa Uat Uo tlrctrlo power for tta aaalato- wUl aot txeotd $2S par yttr. wbenaa U prtoeat balUry lyatam ila abowt $3i per year. Tit aaw dmll of baULartot waa atroagiy ta aanalkrCkWW. &. Joyotr. of At Lao La, a leUer from whom waa road to bo Beard by Mr. Moore, who ta chair aaa of Uo FVa OomalUo. Ta Board taTormod Mr. Moor Uat 11 waa f ally all re to Uo aeod of a aaort Im proved ayalcm aad would coacor ta aa f-propriaXioa for tamo wkra It camo btfor Ut Board aSdairy from Ut Allaraata. - Tao ooatract aad boad of Mr. Dock for optralloa of Uo ajaaxry war read br Cork Norlaroa. Tao pabUo It ai- raody faaoUUr wllh Uo prorttkaea of Uocootract. By tie toraaa aao coairao tor acroa io faraUh Uo dty with SO, 000 loaa of craahod tioat for alroat 1m- Betrraaaoat at Uo rait of $1.S0 per toa at tao ejaaxTT, or $L71 par too dtUr- art do Uo alroeU, Lbo coo tractor io pay Uo aix coaU per to royalty for Uoowaera of Uo Iaad aad $35 per mooLb real for Uo macblaary. oi Um ikaa SCO too la to bo faraJahrd ptrweok ader forfeltaro of 1$ for aoah $0 loaa dildL Tht malarlai U to bo of Ut aamo ajaallty ad kiad prodaoad by Uo dty wbta tt operaUd Uoqaarry. Ilia alao alaoatrtod Uat la Uo treat Uo tall aow peadlar aftiasl Uo dty by J. W. Moak, la rolvLac Ut UUt to Ut property apoa hiaa Ut oaarry U loeatod, itcocmm adreraaly to tbo dty. I baa Uo oa lri, la to brcoeao aall aad rota. TO cUy. bowartr, axraoa to fixat Ut aalL,' m a o carry tax tt to Ut Baprtmt cnan. u ary. Tat S0,0OT loaa or mala rial La to bo deli rered aot uxor uaa ... xa. 19C1. Tao boad of nr. DoeklalaUtaaaxof $1.0CO, tad Ut raretleo ar Maaaxa. J. Victor Oralarer aod D. McEoehtra. Mr. t r. Johaaoa appeared btror m. a O iKm TVsAtd aad aakea payaaaaa w ftk Borchaaod of U Coal, Cemaat & 6a pply Co. for eSdewalka eoaatraci- oddaHarUt former aaaiiajairauoa. Tb Board dacllaad to aiww inm arntaaL rni!a tor rarreat txpeaae war Ma tted tad aparortd, aarta amall claim for k aaod la oat or tao paouo snii lax foatLalaa. Tht Board took Ut poattloa Uat It woald txrw to fartUa lotealy for Ut Market airte ioaa- Jo. CaaXrmaa McQaaca aaja at aaw of aodtyta Uo Ualtod BUtoa which aaderiook to faralaa poopie wtlh freodrtaklax water. - I It ooaaodloa wfJb tht award of Ut ooatract to Mr. Dock to work at Ueroekqaarry. U will b of latartat toaoUUattaaaoUer eolamaMr. J, Y, Moak. wbo laji elaiso to Uo-laad Bpoa wblcb,Ut t Barry la tocatair clre pMl aad cSdal aotk to all pertle la a'uy off Ut premier f or U porpoao of dlxxiac rtmOTlax ma Uriaj thtrt! rosa. - Aa Ut mattr la alread y U eoart, U la ballerad Ual U aoCco of Mr- Moak. Ul eaam ao U terrapUoa of Ut work. The. Great T Taf iWaS tkal tht aararal conitltaenti noTieparately tcomblnt at a coherent tyttoat. In looking at it, remember that the Bock tther fan-tailed ia all weatward dlrtcUoni at fafnorthweat ai Watertown. I . . : . . . . . . . n , r Tj(i Fort Worth. Tot xrteco be ran iaaa ror nono. abb xitukw iffltwiffl.tStt T. V. . . . ... n. ti vr.L ni 4.:. i. fit. T?vV T.1Ti1.T?r4aA liriAa At t nftt Tvoint It -Will ttlUS DO 8660 Tlnr the connecuns: un that the eomblaaUon ti one of rut acope and imporUnce, and lta occurrence can be trutniauy cauea sne weaamg oi '"""" "" llnto a aaion of power and proapeity.1 ; ' ' ' ' ' x Z9 aa Q LOCAL DOTS. Other local, fourth pax. Thar were lalea of fplriti tarptaUa after aourt ytaterday at MXceata. The learner' 'Sandera" ar rirtd from LI lilt BJrtr, a a. at o'clock yeatarday areola x Sartn candldatea receiTed the Srd dacrao at Ut rclar moeUax of Gap Fear Lodr L CX O. F. laat alfbt. Darinx a xalt of wind yester day Uo awalax of Ua CL IL. I A P. Oo. orvr Uo ticket ofioa at froat aad Prtaeta atrttta waa blown dowa. Tht Clrdt liner ,Carib,, ar- rlrtd from New York yeatarday mora- lnx aad r aaaai dowa Uo rlrar for Gtorxttowa last alx&t at 7 JO o'clock. w City enbacxiben who fail to rt- ealra Ueir papers ahoald, la trery ta-etaacr,- report Uo tail a r promptly, tiUor at Uo Btaa ofiot or to Mr. W. McD. Eraaa. A boy 15 to 18 year old who kaowa aow to raa a Job Prom may as car tmsloymoat by calUaf at Uo Btaa offica. Matt bo a raaldtal of WI1- mlaxtoa. Work on the new ateel bridge orer Black rirer at 8UU Koff, la Paadar ooaaly, baa beta eommtaotd aad Ut atractar will bt complatad btfor October lat . The fhnBian of the Orphan' Oommltoo taraeaUy rtqaeala all par Uet aarlax chUdrta La ' eharx to plaaa hart Utm at Troat aad Prlaett atratU Ula moralBg at t o'clock. LLeeni wax Ursed yetterday (or Ut marrlaxa of Mia Floraac I. OarUr. daaxhler of Mr. EUxa Carter, to Mr Iaaao T. Mlatx, aoa of Mr. aad Mr. B. U. MlaU. all of Ula dty. Tt Chadwick ru arretted yeatarday aftaraooa by Foremaa I, rraifflulh. of U Fourth atrtet bridxa aoa reel eooopaoy. lit la charred wtlh baiBK draak aad dlaorderly. " No caiea of importance were triad by U Mayor ywlerday., Aaroa Clark, colored, dieorderly eoaduet at Froat aad Prlaoea atrreta, waa fined ti, la default of which bt will go to Ut road. The FayetttTHle Independent IJxht Iafaatry, OapL N. n. Mo Qeachy la com in aad, left Tie A. O. L. for Ut taeampmeat of Ut First Bexi meat at Aahtrllla, Tht company xooa 41 troax. Matter George Bowdoin, who waa operatodMpoa for appradldlla at at bla bom. No. $17 Bad Oroa a tree t, by Dr. Fraak Boaaetl, la lmprOTinx. rjU moUar, howarer, la, til with aer Tooeproatratloa.; ' , On the third page of the Stab to-day may bo foaad txtraela from tht tloqaaat addrta delirartd by Ho a, Charle M. Btedmaa at Ut Confed erate rtaaloaaald alBmUhfield, Jobn atoa eoaaty, laat Tharaday. ? Tho fint shipment of genuine perartaa reaao to arrle at aay Boath Atlaallo port for mora Uaa twenty year came lata Charleston. B. CL, ro eolly. Mr. Ollrer Bmlth. of Wll miBXtoa, U tolt BUtt txaat. - , j The W. C. T. U. will hold lti UMtlax Tharaday tftaraooa at $ o'clock ! Ut lector room of U Tint BipLUt ehareb, laataad of Wtdateday at before, at a aamber of ladlet caa btttar atlaad oa Uat day. i Flrrt Chareh of Chriat, BdealUt. Marchlaoa Uak balidlox oa Uheaanl atreet; tJerrtoaUUeTealax at 8 o dock. All art larltrd. ;RocK (trreparoa orotn umciai aiape;(ueou dj at ou liOUia. ran so opnnsaeia. xuo., iuu tuu. r7rr-Ivt ti.Jb..v!.j ai. T.ln. r, mi VnrfntV. ran x Detween Auania ana liirminzoam, wmou ww jm rWWt MR. H.T. BAUMAN RE-ELECTED Cbtaca la Steered Blamlf aa Baalaea ictat tl Ue TracktraJ Aatoclatlea. j Mcdlara Her Tctiertay. Iaaportaat aad "well attended meet lax of Ut Board of Dlroetora aad Ex tcutlre OomBltto of Ut Eaat Oarollaa Track aad Frail Growera Aasodallon war held la U Baaboard Air Lias batldlax 1 Uta dty yeatarday mora lax aad aftaraooa. Tb Board of Di rector mot at 10 JO o'clock-la tb moraiar. Preddeat W. L. Hill, of Warsaw, preaidlnx, aad Mr. EL T. Baomaa, of WtlmlBxtoa, preaeat at teeretary. " Tie meeilax waa called primarily to hear the report of Mr. Baamaa, Ue tmaiaeaa arenL The report waa xirea la detail, ahowlax Ue eatireahlpmeaU of atrawbtrriat aad rajreUblaa, laelnd lax eaataloapea, tola year. It ahow that lhar hat btta a xrtat lacreaao la Ut ahlpmtata from Ula territory aad alao other atallaUe that apeak well for tb xrowta of Ue track lax ladaalry. Tho report waa accepted wllh Ihaaka to Mr. Baamaa. ' - i ' Eaxeat B. MarUa. Eao., altoraey for Ue AaaodatloB, came before Uo Board aad tendered hit realxaaUoa owlnr to a mimppreheaaloa of Ue datlea of Ut oOc apoa hit election. Tht realraaitoB waa accepted aad J. O. Oarr, Eaq of Ut firm of Beaatre A. Oarr, wa elected to aueceed him. i ; At Ue artaraooa meet! ore tho only Important baalaea transacted waa Ue aaaalmoae ra-IecUoa of Mr. XL T. Baomaa at baalataa axeat. Mr. Baa maa baa filled that position for many year aad baa xirea emlaeat eallefeo tloa. Ia fact, Ut aucoeaa of Ut truektax ladaalry la Ula eeetioa la larxely dae to Ue faellltatloa of Ue more men t of tho crop made possible Uroufh blm. He la eoartraaat with trery form and meant of traasporta tloa;lteaerxetie aad loyal alwayt to Ut Interest of Ue xrower. ; 1 The meollaxt were wall attended, Ue followlox aarlax beta preteal: W. L. mil, J. a Weatbrook, J. a OUrer, Mooal Oil re; L J. Falaoa, Faion;D. W. Futsell, Boet Hill; J. a Weatbrook, Wallace; J. EL Moore, Baraw; Dr. EL Porter, Boeky Point; W. E. Bprlaxer. EL T. Baamaa, Wll mlatloat M. F. Ltoabeart, W. E. Thlrpea, Chadboura;EL L. Biro then, Ortsl ; Dr. Geo. F. Luear, Carrie. - f t F UNES AL OP MISS EVELINA BATS0N. Reaaalaa tf Brtxkt Yti Uij Uld tt Best la Oaktalc Yetrriay. . I the preeene of a larxe aaaem blaxe of . friend a Impreaalre funeral aerrice war conducted at 11 o'clock yeatarday moralax by Ue Bar. F. M. Bbamborxer from FLflh Street M. E. ebarch orer the . remaloa of Misa Erellna Bataoa, Ut yoaox daarhter of Mr. aad Mrs. E. IL'Baleoa, wboat aad death occ aired while she waa tit Itlaxher alaterla Albemarle, N. C LutBaaday: - . ? The faaeralhyma were rendered la tcoil lmpreaalfo manner by a apo dal choir eoaalalLox of Miss Katt BhoUr, Mrs. M. M. Parker, Mr. Carrie Gardner. Misa Edna Fleet,' Mr. J. W. Fleet. Mr. Alex. B. Etoldea aad Mlaa Mamie McGlrt. orxaalat Un. Parker tanx aa a aolo with rpleadld effect: 'Sometime, , Well Under-etad,w-;'"' - ' , . : Tht interment wax la Oak dale ceme tery. Ue followiax hariax acted aa pall bearera: EL a McGlrt, D. K. LaGwlt, J. Ef. . LeGwla, Jamea I. Donnelly, Wa A. McGlrt aad Bobert Bellera. - . " unurmj ui amum umuiuuuo.; A fiA&Wrd Indicatea m the aim it to present to the laland tyttem originally began at Chicago, ran our to Koe& isiana ana South Dakota, a far west a. Denrer, andat far -m. , j iv... I .I.a mm4A fta flnnn In K .Tiff a. I JJgrOKn- UEUI- . r.T r t. " ttttttaotaeeeeeeegvvj NEW SEABOARD ALLIQNMENT. Wllailattaa BtlleTtt tt be mott aiTta Itieaaaly SItaated a to tie Seceat ' Sock Itlaad, 'PrUet Deal Br eoarteay of Mr. J. Harris, axinx editor of the Atlanta Constitu tion, Ue Btab la enabled to present to lta railway readers tbia moralax a aplendld map deflnlnr. the artlealdod tyatcm composed of the Bock Ialaad, 'Frisco aad Seaboard llnea, the jolntnx Or which eoaatltueatt last week eaoaed a ripple of . speculation all orer Uo world. Allan la, Cbarleetoa, Baraaaah aad Norfolk hare for eereral daya beta taklac atock of Ueir adraataxea and diradranUxea from Uaaaw deal tad Ut eoacensue of opinion appeara to be that all of Ue citlea meationed, with Ut poaaible exception of Charlet toa. will bofreaLLy benefitted. Many leadlax boaiaoat mail hare are of .Ue opinio lhat the tame will be true of WllmLaxtea, area la a xrealer decree. From U day Uat the announce ment of Ue new allixameat waa made public, Ue Traffic Bureau of Ue WU miaxtoa Chamber of Commerce h aa beta at work upon a plan by which It UbelieredU adraataxeoua podtloa of Ue port of WBmlaxtoa aa shown oa the map, will be mad of xreat aad laeaUmable ralue to Ue city. The Chamber la fully allre to Ue situation aad Ut location or the port aa Ue Beared Seaboard Air Line port from Blrmiaxham oa Ut South Atlantic coast ia readily appreciated. Shipment by-Seaboard to any At laallo port from Blrmiaxham, where Ue a Av L. jolaa Ue 'Friaoo, must aeoetaarUy be ria Hamlet, N. O., which la oaly 110 milea from Wll miaxton; 147 from Baraaaah aad 254 from Norfolk. The fact Uat Wll kaiaxtoa la Ut aeareat deep water poiat oa the Atlaatle coast to Ue raat axxregalioa jaat formed must of ne cessity In time prore or xat value to Ue elty. . aaajaaBBaBBBBBw" " ' - HOSPITAL AMBULANCE BESa Wtn be la CoaiaUulot Tfcla WeekPar ckaaed by MiaUterlff Circle. - Tht ambulance recently purehaaed Uroaxh Ue laatrameatallty of Ue Mlalateriax Circle, of Wilmlaxtoo, for Ue Jamea.Walker Memorial Hot pIUJ, arrired Monday nixht orer the Seaboard Air Line and will be placed la commission Ula week. It will be remembered Uat Ue purchase of Ue ambulance waa made poaaible for Uo Minlaterinx Circle by a xeneroualady contributor, who refused to allow her name to become public and that with Ue fund xaUered by the Minla terinx Circle for Ue orixlnal pur pose ot buyiax a rehlcle, Uat noble band of women waa permitted to buy a horse and equipment for the ambn Laaoa. .:. - -. " ' ' ' Tke coareyance la one of Ue latest bospiurappllanceeandwaa manufac tured by J. M. Bmlth, a carrlax buUder of AtlaaU, Ga. Ia a few daya Ut rehldt wUl bo taken to Ue hospital aad placed la a aultable buildiax for lta protection, oae of Ue colored ward la Ue old hospital hariax been remod elled for Uat purpose. A drirer will be rexularly employed aad another proxreealrt feature will bo added to WllmlBxtoa'e already apleadldly equipped Institution - ' . , - . "Mr. S. E. Memory, of White-" Tille, lert laat ereaiax for Ut North ern markets, to purchase hit Fall tock. Ha ia accompanied by hit dauxhter, Misa Bay. who .wiU ttlect hi Itock A iiiUUaerj. - X i lines. : It will be observed by . the eye the appearaace of Jhe -whole. . ,J , v i 5 eonthwaat reached UT to Richmond, ,,Tr f. lZ ' T,i PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Mr. H. D. Hihsbn, of Kenans rille, arrired last nixht. 1 ;L Mr. A. S. McGeachy, of Fay etteTille, ia at The Orion. -' Mr. J. C Jones, of " Rocky Point, was here yesterday.' Mr. Jno. W. Covineton, Jr., of Bocklnxham, la at The Orton. i Mr. M. Black, . of Point Cas well, ia In Ue city for a brief rlslt. - -MiH8 B. Smith, of Washingtoir, D. CL. ia Ue xueat of Misa HazeTLore. r ' H. L.J Stevens, EaqT, spent yesterday la Ue city on professional budBeaa.'4 :i i-iJl " - Misa Tallulah DeBosset has re turned from Charlotte,' where ahe ! Itedfrieada. . - ';r- '--k ': - Misa Irene Morton is visiting Ue family of Capt, Morse at Little Birer, a3L -" ' i- - Mr. J. A. Westbrook, of Mount OUrr,' waa hero yesterday -to attend the trnckerB' meellnx' ; - Messrs. J. B. Eigerton and NaUaa O'Berry, of Goldaboro, arrired yeaterday en route to Whiterille. ' Mr. and Mrs Gabriel Holmes aad aoa bare returned from Hender toarillo, where they spent tome lime. V-- Little Miss Anges Butler, of Vlrxinia, ia Ue xueat of her cousin, Mia Marie Butler, 818 South Srd atreet . Messrs. W. A. Clark, of Eliza belhtowD, aad'H. L. Lyon, of White Tille, paated throuxh Ue dty y eater-; . Fayetteville Observer-. ' "Miss Mary Ella Moor v of tWilmlnxtoni ia viaitlox OapL and Mr. J. J. Croaa welP -: '- ' ': l rX" .-: Dr. Jos. Akerman, Miss Mor ris, Mlaa Powera aad J. J.j Calhoun, Jr., were gueata at The Orton yeater j day. - . . y.."-' '; '.: ' 1 Mrs. D. B. Davis and two children and Misa . G. A. Napier, of Floreace, a a. were at The Orton yeaterday. ; ' ,. :- - '-' - - - Miss Katie ; LeGwin . has re; turned from a delightful visit to rela tlvee and friends. In Washlnxton and Tarboro. ' ' ' . ' " : - Mr. H. T. Williams" and wife, of AtlaaU, and Mlaa Bessie Davis, of Monroe, were guest at the Orton ye terday. ' ' y "' Mr. and Mrs. Frank Herring and ' little daughter, of Macon, Ga. after a vialt to Mr, Herrlax' " uncle, Mr. John Bwinaoa, left yeaterday. : L MessrsVW. S. HolVfof Fay etteville, B. L. Holt, of Burlington, and Walter. Williamson, ot Wllming ton, were xueat at The Orton yester day. - ' ' '-tls f Messrs. George Godwin, Gus. Weill, George Henson, John French; a T. Lear and wife, K. M. Biggs and J. A. Pope, of Lumberton, were among thoeeron the Bocklnxham ex curtloa yeaterday. " Mr. and' Mrs. James Calder aad Misa Nellie Calder, of BIchmond, aad Mrs. E. G. Woody aad children, of Ne w. York, who have been in the dty amoaU oa a visit to friend, left yesterday for Ueir homes. - , . . . - Mr., and MravA. A. Springs, of Georgetown, a Q, who have been Ue guest of Mr. and Mr. John M. Wrixht for several day, returned home yet terday, accompanied by Ml Carrie Caxaux, who will spend several week with them at Ueir Summer home on Pawleya Island, w- "Ti? ;;: CHILDREN ARE HERE. Visitors from the Odd Fellows' Home at Goldsboro Enjoy- - -ing AflnualOutifls. A JAUNT TO WRIQHTSYILLE. Party Will be Qaeata of Popular Seaibore .Hotel ' Marnier EatertslBoeBt la - Aademy of Music To-afrht ' . . Trip to CarollBa Beacb. . - lSixty-odd children, nappy in antici pation of a week at the aeashore and In the hospitable dty of Wilmington, arrived yeaterday morning, from the L O. O. F. Home at Goldsboro, and are now being entertained at the homes of . nearly -a .many kind hearted and generous Odd Fellows of this elty. The party is la charge of Superintendent J. F. Brimon, wife and two daughters, Mlsie Hatlie and Pearl Brinsoo, and Miss McArten, the assistadt matron of the institution. Superintendent Brlnson and wife are xueata at the home of Grand Treasurer B. J. Jones, Seventh and Princess streets, and the Mlaie Brioton are being entertained at the home of Mr. J. E. Wilson, 615 Princess street It is generally regretted that Ue kind-hearted matron, Mrs. Mcintosh, and Miss Maude Peacock, music teacher in the Home, with several of the children, are unable to come this year for the annual outing.. Master Bobert Bose Is ill with fever and his brother and slater, Joseph and MamleJ and the : matron were obliged to . remain : with him, and also with little : Mis Bessie William, who unfortunately atepped on a nail, Inflicting a severe injury, just before ahe. was ready for the trip. The visitor were met at the station yesterday morning by Messrs. J. E, Wood, M. W. Jacob!, jn. King; J.' J.' Hopkins, E. N. Penny, W. B, Yopp and other Odd Fellows, and also a large number of ladies and children were there to ' greet the visitors and welcome them to Wilmington. They were ahown to the various homes In the city assigned to Uem and all are enjoying themselves to Ue . fullest ex extent. , -- To-day the party will leave Front and Princess street on a special car at 9:30 A. 'M. for Wrightsville : beach where they will be the guests for the day of Manager Jos. H. Hinton, of the Seashore Hotel. .After dinner, at 8:80 o'clock, they will give an entertain ment In Ue ball room of the hotel and will return to the city, leaving Ue beach at 5 :30 P. M. Chairman Jno. E. Wood, of the Entertainment Com mittee, aaya If Is Important that all the children be . at the car junction at 9 o'clock tbia morning. - To-night at Ue Academy of Muilc the children will give a free entertain ment to which the public la most cor dially Invited- The exercises will be gin at 8:30 o'clock and the programme by the children will be supplemented by some of - Wilmiogtoa't leading musical talent, aa follows: Ioatrumeatal Voluuttry. ' ' - Opening remark by Superintendent J. F. Brlnson and Part Grand Master: M. W. Jacob!. - Bong and Chonuv "Our Country' Flag." by Ue clam. - - - - " BecitatioD, Mr. Spoopendyke'a Bicy cle," by Louise Mcintosh. - Bong, "Yo Ho, Ye Gallant Bailors," by Ue class. Dialogue, "Life Insurance," by Sam Stewart and Arnold Dennis. . .. Duet, selected, Mrs. J. D. Edward and Mr. A. B. Holden. .t " BecIUtlon, "ABoy's Plea," by Ed win Bett. ' - Song and Choru, - "Somewhere, Somewhere," by the class. Bedlation, "What a Little Girl Bald," by Beulah Anderaon. : u Solo, "Dear Old Dad," by Edwin Betts. 1 . - - ' : Dialogue, "Columbus Parson, Ue Bootblack," :by Jim Betts and Tom Delamar. - Qaartette, "Come Where My Love Ides Dreaming," (Foster), Mr. J. D. Edward, sopraoo; ' Mis -;- Lillian Stroud, alto; Mr. O. H. Cooper, tenor; Mr. A. S. Holden, bass. Voluntary . gpeeche by Odd Fel lows. - - - - - Bong and Chorus, "Bow Boatman, Bow," by Ue class. - " Regarding Ue excuraloa to-morrow, Ue Btsr Is handed the following wlU a request to publish: . -; - WnaasGTON, N. O.r Aug. 18th. t To the Od& Fellow of all the Lodges - in the Cityof Wilminqton: . .By reference to aa advertisement in another column of this paper, you will see Uat Ue Daughter of Bebekah are to give an Excursion on Thursday to Carolina Beachv wiU the children of the Orphan Home, a the guests of Capt. Harper. , - . t : The Daughter of- Bebekah have ever tided in every poaaible way Uo Odd Fellows of the different lodges in this dty, and this I the first oppor tunity we have had of showing our appreciation of their many klndneasea to us, and the excursion should be the largest that Capt. Harper has ever carried. The hours are so . arranged that everybodycan go. The last boat will leave Ue city at seven thirty, and the last boat-will leave Ue beach at eleven P. M., Uus giving those who leave oa the aeveo - thirty boat, two and a half hour at the beach. Let everybody go. Yours In F. L. & T.f N. F. Pabkeb, . .: P. G. Hanover, No. 145. t Fnaeral of Mrs. Phlpps. - - - ;". The funeral of Ue late Mrs. Benj. L. Phlppa waa conducted at 30 o'clock yeaterday afternoon from Ue family residence by Bev.FaUerO. Dennen, of St. Thomas'. CaUolIo church. A number of friends were in attendance aad great aympaUy' was expressed for the two little son left moUerlesaso suddenly. They are aged 3 and 4 years, respectively. The Interment waa in the Catholic cemetery, Ue following having acted aa pall-bearer : Mean. A. W. Aliea,. CL D. O fensi Jackson Lumley and Arthur H. Syke. ' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Cuban Blossom AMD- RE1I0WII CIGARS. These Cigars are better than eve "SILVER COIN" FLOUR. It is the BEST ever ground; guaran teed, V " ' ' H. Hollers. A. C. L Crossing. jy 26 tf . u ... SALT, SALT. (Fine and Coarse Grain.) . B AQGING AND TIED. and a full line other seasonable goods. rf 'Ask for quotations. : , : HALL & PEAESALL Incorporated. Wholesale Grocers. jyistr MEALS 25 CTS. THE ONLY RESTAURANT, , 108 MARKET ST. : CHAS. ANDERSON & CO. iff Rates for Sewer Service Water Closets - - 50 cts per quarter, each Kitchen Sinks - - .50 cts per quarter, each ; Bath Tubs - - - - 50 cts per quarter, each Fixed Wash Basins 25 cts per quarter, each Fixed Laundry Tubs 50c per quarter, per set 5 We carry our pipes to your prop erty line without charge, and rates do not go into effect until service is rendered.. . i.tfi & c n ins HiirainRioii obweissb uu. jyia tf - ' FAMILY EXCURSION To Carolina- Beacb.. Tha oaogntara of Bet beckan, I. O. o. r.. will ma a family excur sion to- Carolina Beacb on Thorsaay, Aaanrt 80th; on steamer Wilmington. Boat will run her ubu1 schedule wltU exception -last train will leave Beach 11 P. H. They will be accom panied by the children fronr The Odd Fellows Orphan Home. There will be muslo and dancing-. Refreshments will be served on- Boat and at the Beach at dty prices. All' Odd renew aad public invited to go with them and have a good time. Fare round trip 26 cents. ' -auiaat " tnwe . DO YOU VVAWT l a real, imported China Dinner Sett We have Uem real cheap. Bnecial orleea UIb week for ' Screens, Porch Sets, Mosquito 7Net. Water Cooler and small Befrigeratora . . - Call on hi for anything in Furniture. GASTOn D. PHARES & CO., 10-11 Market St. . jysotr lnter-SUe 76. One bis TJeeEc : oommenclng Monday night, Aug. 17 : , Vrightsvilla Beach Casino. v f " OAJfEBOH AND TOLEDO In a scene from the Grand Opera ""nst " pre sented with magnlooent scenery and electrical effects. BBowsoia BISTESS Ketropolltan Bister Team In np-to-date songs anddancee. WKBBAm1IZKB -prima Donna and the eouhrette. Evening at. ....... 8 P. M. Saturday Matinee at.....i 4 F. M. auiett , . - ' COWIDA. I have secured the agency for Conlda's high grade Chocolates, . - Bon-BonB, &c. A fresh supply ; always on hand at "x v y . HARDITJ'G : v7" - Palsffa PharrV. 126 South Front Street." , an 19 tf, Both Thonee 56. Executor's ITotico. Having on the nth day ot August, 190VqnaU Bed before the Clerk of the superior Court ot New Hanover county, aa Kxecutor oT the um wui and testament of Samuel Bear, eeniorjtote of the county of New Hanover. dw.Iber by noUfy aJXpereona hevlng oiaims agua the estate of my testator to present jthe same to me tor payment on or before the l6th Aa: gxri904,and request aU pwaonsto aebted to mysaldteetator to mafe early payment. this the tfth day ot Agugfcfwi , BEAR, Executor of the last wot and testament of aamuel Bear, Brn deceased, we aaMlw HOTICEe I hereby forbid taflf Olty of Wilmington or any person from digging dirt or removing rocfc or any other material from my place on Prmceas street road. aul J. W. M0K.

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