WILMINGTON. K. a Wcsxxaoxt Mouua. Acorrr 19. Eicaatoai AVer Idtr: Talxtj- wire valkbx eile by sii e oa the naparU of Fortmt Monroe, One ot aiftmJi!i!ioa Daris, 5? j tart eU,Ue dilMM, enttid a&4 caputs lsa!er of roTeroment OTtrt&rovs. coaatrj dreolale eai beaten, the nvxtttzU'Jy cf people's hiot drtaai TaaUhsd iai hpee UotteJ oat la ', t&eir bt Wood. Urn tu r.M waiJ. iloepior and hslp Utt, Urtlj to wlk, ecRpelled la min cow aad lata for rrcit aral the free air which hflWM pmiUJ to bmlli m special - a ewa. f.M ad Afiir loor eta is, isi eUhmr of LL tVO BUI 3100 AeeleUa M2a. lUlnrt aa J sttnij. J4 jtars oli, la to wy lash of Tirorooj rousr saaahood. hiring risen frc tit raaxs to tmst n ier-naeriL comaaaitr of aa army MrM. onm of tiia faTortte hareas of triemrfcaat , ccraatrr aad v: oa- caariir armr. At the order of General Mil, ahoat three months beiora, oa May 23. 1S45. Mr. Dtij kid been shackled. Tit former presIJsat of U Confederals States of America va physical weak, worn and Um tu coaSatd la "a fart vita great thickness of ttooo a!! witli ainT locked iroa doors. trebled line of anaed eat!ae!i aad a deep moat with high wall be twtea him aad tat possibilities ot M-n at niniL Yet hs was IKmvn La tka lion floor Of hi 3 br foar stroar yoaa soldiers. while gcard rtood by vita cod ad aad loadad musksta, aad shackles wr lutes td oa Lie emaciated ahVIm. Thnm demdad aad tor- land, he vat krpt day after day la a hot, allay aad foetid cell, denied a mom est of aolltada or peace, vita a lixbt bLuIar la ale eye all night aad aa armed soldier stealing gaar3 OTtr aim enry moment of tTtry hoar. lie vat denied tha commonest comforta aad at- eeniUee aHovtd to. tat rilett coa vlcti la oar penitentiary, PriTaU soldiers war gina thsTTight to la salt aim aad It vat pert of their daty t cCtad bit aatoral bami ti?i-Lt and Lute la email aad large dttaHt of Lie. All tali vai daae by the order of General Keltoa A. MLm. Not. after tatee talrtyixbt ytart, Mr. Darii tleepe peactf ally la Holly wood, vita tat ratals f vattn of tbt Jamea rim tlajtaf tadleai maiem a ear by, vita tat lot aad martaca of alt ova peoplt for Lit memory uprated daily la a taoo aaad vaya, vita the rrovtac reepeet of the vorid for lit character aad priadplet demoettrated dally. Gta eral MUet, after a carter of apparently brdeat tacCect, after yean la which, to do him tfjftt, at did food aad TaHaat eer Tiot for hit coaatry. It ditmlmed from the oomauad of the army of the .Ccloa, vita tcaat coarUty, with cart vordt from hit commaad tzi cilcer, which matt ttinf aad raakle la hit eoej aad which wul ctaad to belittle hie record all taroexh hittory. lit It voaadtd deeply la hit raaity, a teatitlrt part for eTtry maa, bat la him abnor mally dtTeloped aad pecaliarly tea eitiTt. There la for the moeaeat tamo oathant of tjapathy for him or rather of timalated -eym-paihy from thee aaxkat to fiad caret for qaarrt! with the Prtei dtat. Dat he It doomed to been rity, to mortiicatloa, to hnmHia tloa. We voader If the memory of thoee day at Fortree Monroe comet to him la thee timet of hit ova dltaiter aad taf triaf la hit old at, aad If ha thiaht cov aad then that perhept it may be retribution. Bo It rtmamhered, at hekaowi vaD, that the tort art of the pritoaer vat MXec ova act aad vOT Ha aad his frieade attempted to throw the ahaeat oa the eecretarj of wir, bat the docaatatt tUad to thow that tht commaad a at Fortreta Moaroo wat left free to follow hit owa jadf meat aad ImUsz la tht treatment of hit pritoaer. . i tsx rocma'oy.iioxxis. : : Secretary Eoot't order forbid Has the dochinx or bagiaf of hortec, taSt wiQ bo welcomed by erery tra frieadof tht kaf-tatriax bra to creatloa. It It la liat with tht ha mast policy, toward damb aal exalt vhkh tht pahUo It jradoally coming to iaaixt oa, both at a moral aad at aletal daty. It ltrdtiht weight of the (OTtTameat taacUoa to tht cnttade for a mart enlightened aa4 iadalgtat trtatmeal of maa't four footed fricadt aad a21ea. It will terra to chtcic aa abase wt owe to ' the. laertleetaeo ef tultot aad to oar mietahea tarvraect to Imitate a feralfa tUadarl ot tiaine a avert- see. Ccsdoaed for1 time, it hti ttZrz as-Iox thai aa cf local lav tni taaaj Aut7.n torn aad title,' aad. vi tooVwUh. hCpr2lst to the time whea rrea Uiilca vUl coat Udljcard It at a" Tl a decs aad dr gradiag matHaoa. - '1 We do not ttlai that docklaf hat etet ba m prtTaleat eastern la thl mHiWy Mrtt Oath oo-nLrm the 'Cciua &ute caTalry hat rather prided lUI en truc thU braUl cUh aad BBtoMierly. Bot tht War Depertmeat't order pate the teal official coademaatloa oa tht prac tice vheoerer aad whereter followed la the military eatabliihmeat. Wi hope that the influence of the ex ample that tet will not be loet oi ovaert of hortea vho ttill permit )vkfnr m a reinrulan tO'falte lieat of cqaint faehloa. V. THte. r. It le worthy of comment l.k.t ts flt hlea of cotton raited la Georrta aad So nth Carolina thit eeaeoa vert marteteu oy segTvc. t in!ti?rnt And fndottrioaa nt rro hat aaeouuiy ao aanaicsp a the fame of tbe South. Oolumb ia a- a New York negro ahot aad I . . - ..A lf I killed hit wortaieet wniio eon-iu i. mnA AUlBed to the aathor itle whea he tarrtadered that tht ifc'nr m!ht be excected at '.nt time vhea 'vh!U folkt aad rfrrara nt mixed BQw" Aad that Le tme North aad Soath. CUtU Lika Boct atronr men, Sec retary Hoot made enemiet. lie hat Imb Aceaied. with what meatart of trnth It not yet clear, of many acta ot partitaaahlp and faTorititm lit Afeiiitv. cAinoiiem ana ewa ia LantinnA at not oaeetioned. lie Ann a rrAt work ia reorraait ler the irmr. How mach of that wvrV wfll IlTA ATTAr aim IS IOT lot fatareto decide. Cltttiand J lam Xw'ir, Dun T FnHnrflild rMatt.1 214 aaTi: "According to hit former priraU eecretary.who hat vrittea a book, atr.tAraegie receiTea txtctly 1217,720,000 la tht 5 per ceat. Crtt mortrage bondt of tht Uaited SUU Steel CorporaUoa for VnM'mnln tiA aII Came He com- paay. lit ovat considerable property aside from tni. mere may d ricaer nun tn thm ronntTT thaa he. bat thit le the rreeieet fortaae of which fo mach It definitely known. nVlNKUMlh FAwrich: Sat. do TOO know Boohleeby boattt that oae of hit aa- ceetora was beheaded tn me lower of London? Grimthaw: Yet; pity It dldat raa la the family. Puck. Getler (weather forecaster): I'd like to kaov vnet&er to text aa cmbrelia or noL Mr. G.: Taat'e a rood one! Yoa tay it It rolnr to be fair veather. Gealer: Ob, that's dlTerent. That's myofScIal optn ion. Botiv Transcript. ids XAxmer iu vaa hub auww, lookinr around in alarm); Goeh! Ltanr: Don't be alarmed, tor friend. It's onlv oar Li Tins' skeleton. who It suffering from the erne. Judqu 'Hera's aa astrologer vho pre dicts thsl Klnr dvard it short T to past thrcngh a lot ot trouble, a dark cloud hanging orer tht em pire. Some homble calamity, doa't oa knov.- "IT1 bet Alfred Austin Is vritiag another ode." Lifu 'It vat sheer careleexaen oa somebody's part that caused Charier La Ioaa BQDff on that race." said yoasg Mrs. Tor kins, sympathetical ly. "Haw do yoa kaovr" I aav It ia the paper. The horse was left At th Mit The idea of tmttiatr a hone la a race aad then neglecting to aahitch him!" Wsigton &'r. The dispatch ee which speak ot Ambassador Tower! new court drees at a "chlo& maif orm" will, perhaps, awaken ao alarm la the breasts ot the friTolous and taper&cisJ. The AArkicA-mlnJtAL howerer. will not fall to raStct that chiffon It a die- Ehaaoaa material, Caa vt afford, i view of oar territorial Impor- (Ma Ia ran an nt tIA TffT Keieer teeing through Mr. Tower f Lift. Newtown Enitrprur. Mr. P. M. Dram, of Caldwell't tovnahip. ho It here this veek TlsiUor ait four daogthert, liTiag la Newton, tells us that a maa from Lincoln toa hat been going throngh thit conaty trying to buy ep tht cotton In tht field. lit It offering to pay 11 cents for it as toon at it Is picked aad ginned. lit says tery few art tell ing, aad tome are expecting 15 cents a pound thit Fall. 4 f The etertUa: aaAoaaeee&eat that a prrreatlTt of suicide had beta dle- eoTered will iateeeai snaay. A raa dowv erstAtn or derscadeaer IststIa- Uj preeedA nyvi, aaa eoaaetaiar aae bea foaad that will prereut that eoaditloa which saaket euieide likely. At the first thought of self deetrao tloa take Eleetrlo Bitten. It be tax a ere! toaJe aad Berria wlil streaxlhea the bctta aad build op the system. It Is also a great Biom aea. Ltrer aad Kldaer resrulator. Only KOe. BaiisacQoa roaraateed by U. u. TTrrMaT. druggist. t t Kxewrsl . Taoa. EL KaLrht offer the extreme ly low rate ef XX 00 for the rouad nip to Oolasahia. EL C. the beaaUfal expliol city of the old FsJaoetto EUate, oa wdBAaay, Aogust xsia, return tag aa Thursday alrht at 7 o'clock. Nothiaf better has offered Itself to tat txeurtloa-culag pubUt aad this cheap est of all cheep re lee lasurts a big crowd. Calxht'e exeursloae are uai- Tetmlly popular becaose tbey deeerre to be. Doat mlM the beat cbaaee -rtt off ered the people of WUmlagtoa. ThVe excursio will fo orer the fast aad eUcaat AUeatle Coast. Line la first elasa cars. Yoa wlil aot be oa teroad ell dsy, bat will antre la fjbtamtta at 1 rts P. M. BS4a4 ai. Washlagtos,' D. a Qraad Toua- tala Uaited Order Trae II formers. TicXete oa sale Aaxust acta. Bept. 1st d id i aaal limit Brptraner iota. Fere for rouad trip from WUaolagtoa, n. a. inn. Lo Aaralee aad Baa a-raaoseo. CaL Nauoeal Escaspeaaat Or ad Army ef the Bepubiio. TickeU oa eel J ml j Jlrt to AorustlSiht final !sll Octobsr lSia. Fare rouad trip from WUsalartoa, N. CL. $24 7s. Fee of ao eeata will be eaarrd at deetlaa- Uoa for ralMsUag tickeu i I Taoe. D. stxxaxa. u. a. , .3IC i te Let )n tra tvm LzrM 5C00P OF THE' SEABOARD. . t, sts the feetk Is aeeat ' te ke HeetlsrtteJiet as Wss the WesL l$pecial4o Atlanta. Journal NSW YoBi, AM, 15. Wei street It asking If the Frisco Sea board Air lint deal meant that tht Sooth is to be Zollis P. Hunting tonlsei. Tht railroad sitnatloa la the Soath It attracting about aa much attectioa la the street as any aba other thinsr. Ite the r en eral belief that in brinrins about the Frieoo-Sea board Air Line deal there hat been accom pliahed by ladirection what vat touxht to be accomplished directly ia the north vest through tht North rn Seuritiee oomnanT: that is, s consolidation ot all the railroads of tht section If not under one manage ment, at least under managements ao eloselT allied that they vili work In thorough harmony and there will be no chance lor tnroat cumog competition, and that tbe, Southern Sute from Mobile aad New Or- Iaa&s to Cincinnati and Norfolk and from the Mississippi rirer to the Atlantic seaboard will be bottled up as wss California when the Hunting ton combination controlled all the railroads to tht coast. Now Morgan It la practical con trol either by combination or direct ownership of all the railroad tystemt soath of the Potomac and east of tht Mississippi and It in a fair way to bring tht lines In tht southwest, be yond tht Mississippi Into tht fold. That Is the Wall street riew. and it iMmi to be borne oat by tht facta. Tht Seaboard Air Line at an inde- Tvnnt rrstem hat lonz been a menace to rates and hat on sereral occasions been a thorn In the side of thm Southern railway system with which Mr. Moriran'a firm It tht con trol Hn factor and with which It came Into most direct competition. Seyera timet efforts to get control of It hart been made by Morgan, but ther hare In the yatt been fa tife. tha Richmond financier, J. Skelton Williams, belieying he could do better outside the combination than in it, The situation in the South hat been that summed ap by a Wall street man who knows it thoroughly: . "Thit Southern combination now Includes the Atlantio Coast Ldne, Southern railway, the Seaboard Air Line, the IoaisylUe aaanyiue ana tht Frisco, and tht minor roaat which are limply appendage ox the great systems when they are nomi nally independent. The Illinois Central and uouia roads art friendly. Thit meant that tht railroad business in the Soath from Texas to Virginia will ran primarily In the Interest of the railroads, at Mr. Morgan and hit friends see it. The general In terests of that section of the country may or may &ot be served, accord ing to how they jibe with Mr. Mor gan's Ideas as to what la tht best In terests of tht roads. If they ran la parallel iinee well and good of the coaatry, if not, well tht railroadt wUl not surer, ins xacttnaimosi It not all tht Southern States hart commissions with power to. fix maximum rates will perhapa prevent any general raise in freight rate, nominally, bat the experts employed by the boatnern rail way trust can find a hundred ways of evading tha exactions of the commissions and at they art able to employ tht most astute political manlpuiaton In tht various States, there It little danger ot advent legislation. One good result which may follow the combination It that rebate aad ditcrimlnationt may bo dont away with because there vill not bo tht tcramblt for business which make inch things advisable. If thit result follows it will bo a good thing, both for tht coaatry aad tht railroads. The general impression in me street it that the combination would bo a Kood thing for tht railroads aad this belief wat evidenced by the better price for their aecaritle. T Going Tarowgti Them. -Yea, indeed," said Mr. Cater- pillcr, it mnt be rery expensive to clothe such a large family as yoa have." ItVsimnlv awful" said Mrs. Moth, the bsbit thit all tbe young Moths hare of going through clothes.'" Baltimore Herald. An Eskimo Episode. ' You are the light of my life," sighed the lover, edging a trifle clos er to the hand carved ice settee. "Yoa only say that because you know I drink so much train oil," he blubbered. "However, it resulted in a match. Judge. t-afo Horses. Kervoua Tarty Yoa are sure, dmer, that those horses are per fectly safer Driver The horses are safe enough, but they're pesky, and we can nexer tell how safe we are when we're behind 'cm. Harvard Lam poon. uch Taloe Take Tims. Mrs. Black Norah, weren't you unusually long hanging out the clothes today f Servant PYaps 1 was, mum: but I had to tell Mis' Tittle's girl about that quarrel you had with Mr. Black. Boston Transcript. a"saiBaWsew"jswma"""s tatA aa ava t It All. A grievous wall ofUmee come at a result of unbearable pain from orer taxed organa, Dixsmeae, Baexaebe, LlTer complaint aad Constipation. Bat thaaks to Dr. knag's New-Life Plllr. they put aa ead to It all. They art geatle, bat thoroufh. Oaly J 5c Ooaraateed by B. B. BxiJLurr, drug gist. . t rr OTA sratr vow Maa. Wrxaxowa Boothuo Branr has baea used for orer sixty years by mll Uoaaa of mothers for their child rea while teething with perfect success. It soothes the child, soften the gums, aad allays all pain; cures wind eolio, aad is the best remedy for diarrhoea. It will rallere the poor little sufferer Immediately. - Sold by drurxUts Is tTery part of the world. Twaaty-flve eeata a bottla, Fv rare ead - .for .Mrs. W Laalow BootUat 8jrm a a tea ao oiits ki4 .i .0XC tanlk 1 1 Ls4 Tn Kr-crm aet Temper Tester. No Wonder Soma People Are ,' 'Annoyed. . - Very little rest night after night. Very little comfort day after day. . The constant itching of file 8 or Ecxema.'"'" e 1 : Any Itohineu of the akin It a tem per tetter. ; Doan't Ointment ia a never-fail- Isgcure. ! ; It endorsed by Wilmington citi- sent for all Itching skin diseases. J. 8. King, clerk on i Market street, residing at 815 Orange street, says: "I used Doan's Oint ment and found It to be a great remedy for Itching hemorrholde. It acted like a charm In my case.- I tried all kinds of remedies but until I uied Doan't Ointment I could get nothing to give me positive relief. It is a splendid preparation and yon are welcome to use my nale aa one who tavt so. I obtained it at B. B. Bellamy'a drug ttore." ! For salt by ail dealers. Price, 50 cents a box. Foster-hliibum Co., Buffalo. N. Y.. sole agents for thr United States. - " 1 ! Remember the name Doan's and take no substitute, au 16 lw - LIST OF LETTERS. L Keaialalas Uncalled Far la the Wilmlaf toa Posufflce,iax. Iftta, I90J. woxza8 LIST. ! Nellie Bark, Nellie Bailer. Cora Coleman, tin. W. Darts. WILholma Darls. Llixle Evaos, Josta Farrow, Alice Grass. Ada A. La nr. liary lied- dellesr 8usaa J. Moeley. Urs. If. M. No aad. Urs. Lv U. Unsiey. itaoeua Boer. Oorene Samuel, Patsr 8her- maa. kfarraeret 8Inxleton, Annie Smith, Laura Wa ker, Emma Webb, KatUe Wrlsboa. , J ! staa'B ust. j ; W. O. Aenew. Dr. Blsntoo. J. H. Bow tens. Lewis Brlnklev. Wesley J. Butler. Bar. W. M. Carnlsb, Job a J. Fattow . Jim rltehett. Johner JTJow- era, Silvia Qarrell. E. D. Qeisoo, Haj. FraakOordoo. James Grant, afoseo Grayum. Bobble Harper, Bev. Frank- la LIst wood. A. D. Uerrlar. K Llal- ley. a a Laacblle. Bev. W. a Llv- 1 or ton. A. J. Uarahbarn. Will B. Miller. Dolly Nan, U. r. Bassell, A. J. 8ilers, Abble Smith, Bev. B. D. Swsla. CLCL Thorn ts. Bam Vereee. G. LL Warner. Ker. a. wircins. Kddte Wilson, 8am .Wilson. . i One cent due Is charred on letters advertlsec. i Letters to strangers or traasleat visitors to a town or city, whose special address may be unknown. should be marked ia the lower left- hand corner with tbe word "Tran- aiear." i I Persona eallinz for above letters will please say advertised. If aot called for In fifteen daye they will be tent to the dead letter office. at. Q. Dabby. Postmaster. ,! PROGRESSIVE : CONSUMPTION. Dr. Charles Conrad Abbott, whose work as a naturalist has made him well known; returned from a fishing excursion not long since deeply im pressed with the cruelty that la an almost inevitable -attendant ' upon hrinc. Dr. Abbott caujrht.on this excursion a pixe, says tne 1'niiaaei- phu Kecord. It was a fish about six inches long, and Qn opening it to clean it the angler found in its stomach a good, sized roudininnow. lie examinea vne mnajmnaow iu. some amazement, and his hand felt something bulky inside it. Accord ingly he cut it open and found with in' it a tiny pike, lie felt now as they feel who study .those Chinese puzzles that hare ivory ball within iTory ball, and without hesitation he ripped open tbe little ; plxe. Within it he found what he had ex pected to find another mud min- now. inns in one eaten ne naa come upon a pike containing a min now that contained a pike that con tained a minnow. M . - . - i k. TA XrwsartAA Ctsa It is at church In Norway that the national costume Is beat seen.: In the north the women wear short, dark gownay- with fringed - handkerchiefs tied becomingly orer their curry tair hair, black ones for the matrons and white ones for maidens. ; , In the sooth tbe old 1 Norwegian dress is often worn. It consMts otTi short dark petticoat, with a stripe or bright colors, a foil white blouse, and a -red bodice heavily embroidered. whlla on Bandars a quantity of silver plus and rbtn sre added. . 1 The headdress rarles accoromg to the occasion and the wearers social condition. - The- girls wear jaunty red cape, the married women a coif mada of many folds of starched white linen. plaited over a wooden frame, and a bride wears a high metal crown, curi ously chased and set with Jewels. " Tw .! TaUIac eea. A New York theatrical manager was advising a f rtend to be cautious In an trodertaklng b had In rlew. - . "Too cant take , too many precau tions,'' be asserted. 'An ounce of pre vention,' as the copy book used to say. Is better than seven pounds of allo pathic, homeopathic or hydropathic cure.' One of the most contented men I ever knew was the most cautious. He was deaf and dumb, and he never went to bed without putting on boxing gloves." i i. "Boxing gloresT wpat rorr T3o that he wouldn't talk In his sleep.- . " ; ; What a nice, big boy you are. Tom my," said the pleasant faced neighbor. I'm big all rlgnt," said Tommy, "but I ain't nice," . . - : . "Don't yoa want, to be called nicer Tha re Tery strange.- My Goorgle Is never happier than whea people allude to him aa a alee boy , "An I can lick him with one hand tied behind me," said terrible Tommy. Cleveland rialn Dealer. .. Ha'4 B XatLa. Vow, tU Ol do be askln' ye," 'said Clarjcy, "av yes sees a dawg gTowlln' wld ts moat an' wsggln' wld la talL srhlch lnd wod ye bellere lar "Thofs easy," repuea Morjarty. "Shore, Ol be leavln th', frsnt Ind. Clancy." Baltimore Kewa j SaaalelAAA. .. i "Tbe elopers have returned to: ask for your blessing." i "Blessing, eh? How do they want It? Xa the fona of an allowance or a cash deposit t" Life. . - j . - : COMMERCIALS WILMINGTON . MARKET. (Qooted offlclauy at tbs cloeinz by the Onamber of OommerOAj l v ' STAR OFFICE, August 18. BPIRTTS TURPENTINE Market firm at KOe per (rallon. ROSIN Nothing dolnr. ' TAR Market firm at tl.65 per bar rel of 380 pounds. CRUDE TU RPENTINK Market firm at $1.71 per barrel for hard, $3.25 for dip, $3.25 for virgin. Quotations same oay last year Spirits ; turpentine firm " at 43e; rosin steady at $1.10L15; tar firm at $l.S0i crude turpentine firm at f l.iu, S.50.60. EXCfllPTS. Bnirits turnentine . . 88 Roain..... 17 Tar -58 Crude turpentine..... 300 .Receints same day last year 33 casks spirits turpentine. Z97 barrels rosin, 80 barrels tar, 7V oarreis cruae turpentine. t OOTTOH. Market nominal. Same day last year, market firm at 8 Va for middline-. ' . A A Ueceipts Dates; same oay ia year, 45. . . roorreeted Begolsrly by Wilmington Produce Uwse pAia for prodaoe consigned to Oonunls- stop iercaAniA.i OOUHTKY PRODTTOK. PEANUTS North Carolina, firm. Prime. 70c: extra crime. 75c: fancy. 77 We. ner bushel of twen'tv-eiarht pounds. Virginia Prime, 60c; extra prime, 6&o : ianey, 7uc. Bpanisa- ooc CORN Firm: 65a70c per bushel for white. - . N. CL nADON flteadv: hams 14 15c per pound; shoulders, lOeiSc; sides, uhc . Dull at 14l5c per dozen. CHICKENS Firm. Grown. 20 TURKEYS Jfirm at 130 13 He lor T 1 ' . . live. BEESWAX Firm at 25c TALLOW Firm at 56tfe per pound. SWEET POTATOES Firm at 60c BEEF CATTLE Firm at 25e per pound MFINANCIALARKETS Br TslecraDb to tne sTernlnK8ttr. a ww Yoax. Ausr. 18. Money on call steady at 1X2 per ct, closiog at 12 percent.; time money was firm: 60 days. 4MQt per cent.: w dayas5X per cent.; six months o4 6 per cent. Prime mercantile paper 6 ev& Der cent sterllna exenanre nrm. with actual business in bankers' cms at 485.80C485.85 for . demand and at 483.1563483.25 for sixty-day bills. Post ed rates were 4835k and 480.x. 'Uom- mereial bills 482X0483. Bar sil ver 55. 'Mexleaa dollars 43 54. U.a re funding rs, rejr'd,106J;U.arefundIn J a. coupon, 10t)i ; U.S. S t, registered. 106)4; do. coupon, aoo; u. a. as. new reelslered. 134: do. coupon. 134; U. a" 4's,w old,-registered, 10; U. P. - 4's. old coupon, .10; U. ts. 5's, registered, 101H; do. coupon, 101 Southern Railway. 5's, 113. Stocks: Baltimore A Ohio pref'd 87; Cneaapeake or Ohio 35; Manhat tan L 135 C New- York .Central 134: Beadln56U: do. 1st preferred 81:do. tad preferred 69; St. Paul 145 Jsf ; da preTd, 171 K ; Southern Rail way Z3H : da prera 4M : Amalga mated Copper 50tf; People's Gas 95K: Tennessee Coal and Iron 45j; U. a. Leatner BXl U. - Leather, preferred, 83; Western Union 83 J4; U. a BteeJitX; da preTd 73H; Vir ginia Carolina Chemical Co., 22tf; sales shares; da preferred, 93; sales shares. Standard Oil 604. BlXTTJfORX. Md.. Aur. 18. Sea board Air Line, common, 21m ; da preferred. 37X37: da bonds, fours, 78 X- Atlantio Coast. Line, common. 113XU6;da nref erred, l02los. NAVAL STORES PARKETS By TslAgrsnh to the atoralng Btar. , flaw Yoax. Aur. 18. Rosin steady. strained, common to rood, ax ssea 2 00. Spirits turpentine quiet at B4 55C CHxaxxsToa. Aur. 18. Spirits tur- pentlnt nominal; sales casks. Rosin stead t: sales barrels: A1B.C m. r et kk v. et kk. w ei to. (i. mm an. rt mm T mn. -rr A4 OK iou; u, m fi; x, m iu, a, wv. at, $2 95; W, $3 05; W u, as au; w w $34 0. BiviniB. Aur. 18. Spirits, tur nentine firm at aille: receipts 954 casks; sales 908 casks; exports 146 eaaka, Rosin Market firm; receipts 2.809 -barrels: sales 1.024 barrels: ex- aorta 1.S93 barrels: A. B. O. $1 70; D, $170; E, 1 70; F. $1 75, G, $1 85; H, $2 80; I, $2 80; K $2 95; H, $3 05; , $315;W O, S3J: w w.wdu. , COTTON MARKETS. ;ay tsiscraon te the stornin Btar Knr "Vnnrr. Aav. 18. The cotton tnVt rtTwnAd anlet bat firm and un changed to an advaaee of five points . . tt - acu wmie anowinr occasionauy reo tlona ruled generally steady to firm all thm hotter LlTarnoal cables. moderate bull support and covering folio wins; the weexiy oureau re pur h which while . indicaunr -an im provement in the average condi tion of tha cron was hardly, so nnlwuntll favorAhle SB exnected. During -the forenoon trading was very dull andnnldday found the market at aeven to ten points nigner. Following the reading of tbe weekly .Mii.Miinrf nr1M ' Immfldlstalv ad vanced another three to four points, but eased on attain unaer reaiizins;. Thn Mm a mora reneral .demand. 1mA Wm WaII atrsjit eflmmlsslon houses and which centered on September and uctooer ana tne ust was Tery neiaj at wlthf n a ivttni nr (wn 'of the hst Of the session or at a net adTanca or nine to nineteen points, bales were esti mated at 20,000 balesr The weather man was TDTt fAVOFAhlfll And In-. fiuenced the partial reaction following tbe initial aarance, out was largely offset by the higher cables which were practically good on the lata nnaitlons whlla renortinr a I decline of fourteen points on spot cotton. The clique lesder bid 12.20 for 5,000 I August around midday after that position bad sold at 13.10 and did not get an offer though after ward the noaltlon sold at 12.30 and closed at 12.29. The feature In tbe weekly bureau attracting unfavorable comment waa the report of more dam- a am tmm tvnll waavII in nortions of Texas and damage from rains in cer tain localities. ersrw Tnm Anc IS PVittnn dull at 12.75c; net receipts bales; gross 1 t. 1 .4 l .MO 1 1 4 receipts oaics, biuca aoo,ao daics. Spot cotton dosed dull; middling nnlands 12.75: middlinr rulf 13.00: sales 10,456 bales. - JTutures closed very steady: August . a . a n aA mVL A 1 A septemoer ju.o, ucwoer November 9.81, December 9.77, Jann- a Q 70 tTKn,F-w a 7ft. M "eh fi The Cotton Exchange will be closed Saturday. Bentember 5tn. and Monday. Total to-day, at all seaports Wet re ceipts 815 bales; exports to Great RHtsln hAlas: axnorts to Franca' bales; exports to the Continent bales t stock 194, tus Dates. . f VmaftllriltAd. At All AAAnortA NM receints 1.203 bales: exnorts to Great Britain 50 bales; exports to irrance bales i exports to the . Continent 125 bales; exports to apan bales. T-vl.l - mfvtmm P(AntATnhr IsL at all a..M.. Tff.t MKAlntA 7 7f).S.S26 bales: ex Dorta to Great Britain 2,784,832 bales ; TYinrti trt MVAneB 7SO.OUO DAics ; ci- mt tn tha rvmt'nAnt 2.822.791 bales: exports to japaajSB.13? oaiea. - aaiitv i a -- i -m aast mn - iihbuw aa a aaA I net receints bales: Norfolk, steady I at 12Xc, net receipts 55 bales; Bal timore, nominal at isc, net receipt 12 " bales Boston, quiet at - 12.75c. net receints 113 bales: Wilminetov. steady 12.70c, net receipts bales; Phi tadMnhiA. ouietat lnet- re ceipts bales;. Savannah,, quiet at 1234A net recelptt Jies; ew Or leans, steady at 12Hc, net : receipts K Kalaa. "LftKilai nnmttill At, net r- celpts bales ;Memphia,quiet at 12 9-16, not Muuilnta ttf KalAB- Aiimits. nnoii-i, nal at 13, net receipts 258 bales ;ObarlesH ton, quiet ana nrm at izc,oei receipts oaies. " :- - - PRODUCE WARKETS - By TeleoTaDB to the HorDinic Narw Yobk. Aug. 18. Flour was unsettled araln and lower to sell; Wheat-Spot weak; No. 2 red &i6': Options market after a brief opening advance succumbed : to a bear rais in the afternoon liquidation became. extreme, causinr material declines all around; closing prices showed Hc net decline. May closed Balfc: Bepiem- ber closed 86He; December eloted 87c Corn Spot easy; No. 2 B9He. Option market from start to finish was weak and heaTT.clointr He net tower: September 67c;Decemoer 57Jgc Oau Spot dull; No.2, 89a Rice firm. Lard quiet; refined steady; continent $8 05; South American aa 78: compouna ia 07Kc Pork dull. Butter steady: extra creamery 19c; State dairy 14 17ie. Cheese steady to firm ;SUte, full cream fancy.small coiored.lOKe; small white 10 Vc PoUtoes steady; Southern $1 50Q1 62;Virgin!a sweets $1 502 25; Dong Island 22 00; Jersey 1 6Z 2 00. Cabbages steady; Long I-land, per 100, $5 007 00. Coffee Spot quiet. Molasses firm. . Peanuts steady; fancy hand-picked 4W4Vc; other domestic 304Xc Sugar Raw firm; Quotations were; refining 3 5-16c; cen trifural. 96 test. 3 1316c: molasses surar 3 1-1 6c Freights to Liverpool' Cottonby steam 12c; grain Eggs strong; State and Pennsylvania faney mixed 21c Tallow steady. Cotton seed oil market " was dull but firmly held. Q notation s : Prime . crude - f . o. b. mills 294230c. new crop; prime sum mer yellow 41Q12; off summer yel low 88c; prime white 46c; prime win ter yellow 4647c . CHICAGO. August 18. There was another big decline in wheat to day; due to renewed liQuidaliOp, and clos ing prices were near the bit torn. : Sep tember was off ltV- Septembir cort closed to lower. Oats were do n is. while prOTislons : wire- from 5 to lifts higner to iuc lower.. p CHICAGO. ' Aug. 18 l-Alili pricvr Flour quiet but steady Wheat No.2 8183c;No. 3 spring 7881c; No 't red 8282. Corn No. 2 51M51M ; No. 2 yellow 52W535c :Oai--No 2 335i34c; No.2 white - c: No. 3 white 33W35c. Bye No, 2 Slc '' Mess pork, per barrel, 112 C5ix CO Luird, per 100 ft.$7 72 i 7 75. Short rjFside, loose,' t7 12K7 37K. Dry salted shoulders, boxed, $7 257 50. Short dear slder, boxed, $8 008 Whiskey Baais of high -wines, (1 24. The leading futures ranged; aa -roi lows opening, highest, lowest au closing : Wheat No.' 2 September.old, 82X. 83, 81, 81; September, new, 82H 82H, BUHC; iMcemoer, new, 82X8294 8383W, 81H81X, 81c; May 84X84rf, 84K. 83X 83 , 83Jc. Corn No. 2 September 511C52. 52M. 51.51M, 51H51X; December 5ix53 wx.bix&bin, SIHc; Msy t2H, 51, 52 52Hc, Oats No. 2 : September 34 34V. S41f. S3. 34o: December 3SHG S5X, S5.35l. 3554 35. Mess pork, per bhl September 12 80, 13 12 65. 12 67K : October $12 95, 12 95, 12 75. 12 75; May 13 12V, 13 12V, 13 02V. Lard, per 100 lbs September $7 85, 7 90, 7 72itf, 7 87V; October 7 55, 7 61 V, 7 52J4 7 57V- Short ribs, per 100 lbs September $7 52V, 7.55, 7 40, 7 40 ; October 7 S7H, 7 62 , 7 60, 7 50. FOBEISMWArtKET By Cble to the Morning Etar. Lttxepool, Aug. 1& Cotton : Spot in iimiiea aemana; prices innau lower; American middling fair 7.14d; vnnH mMittlnv ft 92d ? mlddtinir 6.C6d: . . . j i i . t . i . low middling e.44d; gooa oramary (L18d: ordinarT S.98d. The sales of the day were -4,000 bales, of whieb 1 OOn ha Ins wre for meculAtion and export and Included 3,800 bales Amer lean, ueceinu none. Futures onened quiet and closeo atnarl-v AmitrlMB middlins' far O c: August 6.45d; August and September 6.876.S8d; 1 September 6.376.S8d; September and October. 5.86d; Uclo her And November 5.46d: Norember and December 5.345.S5d; December aad January 5.S0d; January and r-eo- mm A A m A ASA AJ1 ruary s.zvai jpeDruary ana s&arcn 0.20 5.3d; uarcn ana. April o.zoo. MARINE. ARRIVED. Stmr A P Hurt. Robinson, Fayette- ville, T D Love. Steamer Sanders. Bander. ' Liitlie River, 8 O, Stone & Co. ....... Clyde steamer uarib, unicaester, Naw Tors-. H G Smallbones. Stmr A J . Johnson.- Bornemann, 1 Black river- points, J C Bornemane. CLEARED. . Stmr A P Hurt, Robinson, Fayette-: ClTde steamer Carib.- Chichester, Georgetown, 8 0,HQ Smallbones. MARINE DIRECTORY. Lb! or VessAis Ib ssia fort of W limine . ton, it. c. aaAst 10. - rv ' SCHOONERS. Lillian Woodruff, 288 tons, Warner, UDUiiiitt. r Eliza A Scribner, 351 ton. Dodd, O D Mamtt. Bayard Hopkins, 212 too, . Esk ridge, CD MafUtt. - Catherine, (Br) 196 tons, Comeau, O L Mamtt. O O Lister, 281 tone Moore, C D Mamtt. JnoRFel), 281 tons, Robinson, O D Mamtt. Cora, 104 tons, Buck, to master. ' , BY" RIYCK AND R4IL Receipts et Naval Stares shj C . "Yesterday.. O. O. Railroad 28 barrels tar. 73 barrels crude turpentine. . W. : & W. Railroad 20 barrels crude turpentine. W.,U dB A. Railroad 4 casks spirits turpentine, 74 barrels crude turpen tine. - -:- - . - ' ' A. Ac Y.-Railroad 27 casks spirits turpentine, 64 barrels rosin, 2 barrels tar. 1 barrel crude turpentine. Steamer A. lr. Hurt 3 cases spirits turpentine 18 barrels rosin, 10 barrels tar. 22 barrels eruae turpentine. Steamer A. J. Jonnson 53 casks ' spirits turpentine, 65 barrels roain. 18 barrels tar,iu oarreis cruae turpentine. Total so casks ' spirits turnentine. 147 barrels rosin, 58 barrels tar, 200 barrels crude turpentine. Tailor-Me Clothing NOV IS THE SUIT MADE. Come in and select from the most complete and np-to date )ine. 0. amplea at prices way down. Also, a handsome line ofjFnrniBhins GnnA. T ... D..1 nAllou anil Rtii'rta Fechheim Fiahel & Co.'a make. ... j.CWoa:-; FcrcHs. an 18 tf A Grand Opportunity j TO THbOB GOING TO HOUSE KEEPING THIS FALli - I move in September to 206 North Front street, and to save coat moving will sell at a small advance on cosc--jnut at COST every tide in my present store and give free storage and insurance to Octf i8t Furniture and House Furnishing Goods, anl6 D&Ttf ' Wilmipgton, N. C. THE UURGHISOK NATIONAL BANK, . or iriLBiiifiToiijR. . Organized March 1899. Capital. . 300,000. Snrplns 100,000. strong, progressive, liberal. Careful attention to alL business. Foreign Exchange bought and sold. H. C. HcQUEEN, President. iTistr - - ---- - Dep ooifs rwlade With y ' ATLANTIC TRUST AND BANKING CO. On or before August 1st will draw-interest from that date. we pay 4 per cent, per annum, compounded quarterly. BIATT I. HBTBB, President. HITCHEIil, V. AlMiER Castasr. DIB1CTOBS: L. B. Bofirsrg, Martin O'Brien, C. W. Yates, 8. Solomon, I. M. Bmr B H. J. Ahrens, John H. Knck, J, McEachern, . M. J. Heyer. SCHOOL BOOKS. School Books, School Supplies, School Furniture. Eiclusive Depository for - Pnblic School Books adopted by the North Carolina Text Books Commission. Orders from the country will meet with prompt attention. , C. W. YATESi & CO., Wholesale and Betail ; BOOK-SBLI.ERS. an 9 tf Wilmington, N. f OLD IIEWSPAPERS ' Yon Can uv - . . a- : ? Old -neT7snaner in -Qaantities to Suit -. m - -' 3 ' at the ; r STAB OFFICE Suitable for Wranpincr. Paner and Excellent for Placing Under Garnet THE ESTiBUSBEB 1831 COUNTRY TttaOy AgricBltural KEVySpaper, v5 : jun aokittsolt the Lfiafliu Agricalliiral Journal of tie Worli Every department written by specialists, the highest authorities In their respective lines. . No other paper pretends to compare with It in qualifications of editorial staff. . : Gives the agricultural NEWS with a degree of completeness not even attempted by others. ' INDISPENSABLE TO ALL COUNTRY RESIDENTS WHO WISH TO KEEP TP WITH THE TIMES. Slagl 8MhKripUra, fl.fiO; Tws SBbserIptleBS fe.50; V Five Subscription, $5.60. 7 SPECIAL INDUCKMKNTS to RAIS ERS OF LARGER CLUBS. Four Months' Trial Trip SO cents. ? SPECIMEN COPIES will be mailed free on request. It will pay any- I body interested in any way in country life to : send for them. Address the publiahers : LUTHER TUCKER A SON, W Subscriptions taken at this ofilce. -Both papers together, 5 ......... - T ....... MT0:iSVILLE3URYUriD. : MOUKT VK BALES, . ; ' AOADUY OF THE VISITATION , BnlMfnorn anil trmnnAa ATtnnalva and attrao- ive. situation healthful: an new of Balti more, bills, river, and bay beautiful. Accessi ble by electric car routes. Thorough work In English. Science. Music, Art, aad Languages. Illustrated catalogues sent, oa application to e ft 8w fr sa we THB DIBKCTRESA EDGEW0.1TH BOARDING : AND DAY 8CHOOI. par etBLi: Bs-ooens September 24th. 1908. 49ndyear.- Mrs H. P. Lef ebvre. Miss B. D. Huntley. Prlaoipals. 12i-S4 west FrankUa sueet, Baidmore, Md. wesa JyWSm , TIME TO HAVE YOUR FALL A Ki'tr Una nf rnoir.nnJ. m ... One price to all. K Depository for U. 8. Ponds, , State Funds, County Fund, City Funds. J. V. GRAINGER, Cashier. ! Wt. H. J AHREN8, Tics Prsaldent. G. L. Oieschen, B. R. Bellamy, 1) iy 26 tf This town has never had reason to be dissatisfied " with anything bought here. We want to please and satis fv Ton: it a to our interest to do bo. J m W Ji pleased customer is the best ad vertisement for-our "WHITE KNIGHT CIGARS" A satisfactory sale means to us a forerunner of fntnre bnsiness. THE F. F. HASHAGEN CO., 'Phone 447. 210 Water St. OP SUMMER SHOE ire ar- abowlng now excels In beauty and price, reasoosDieoeBB any wo uvb em embraclug fail lines, (just received) ot tbe rsmoas loULAa BHOE-i for Men and Boys Duttenhoter's and . Krlppenflorf -Dltt nann Co. 's for Ladles and Ml-sea, and a h at ot ottier nra illnihla Htibh nfHhoea. InclndlnK lull an- sartmentsot Pat Leather randala for La'iies MissKsatd Children; sizes 6 to 8. m to n, 11H to S. Si to 7. Many or whlcb have undergone price redactions If yoa are not a customer of oars there are many good reasons way yon ought to be. We wl 1 be pleased to nt you odi at once. HeepectTuliy, UERCER & EVANS CO. aastr lis Prlnceaa street. lest Goods at . ZOW PRICES. 526 Bales No. I Timothy Hay at $18 PER TON. 221 Bales Prairie Hay $13 Ton. 390 Bags Oats. 489 Bags Corn. 620 Bags Va. Meal. 39 Bbls. New Catch Mullets. 10 Boxes Codfish. - Special prices In large quantities. imJB: COOPER, 308, 310 & 312 Nutt street. WILMINGTON, N. 0. an 18 tf - RECEIVER'S SALE. State of North Carolina, Connty of New Han . over. In tbe Superior Court. Charles M Wnitloclt, J M . . ta - vs. - J. Notice of Bale. Auburn Lumber Company. ) t ,.hi By virtue of an otder issned by the Honorawa W. B. Allen, Judge Superior Court, PP'?Sm. tbe undersigned receiver of the Auburn buni ber Company and dlrectlnK the reeeive tosellatpulUcanctioii,to the blgheet waaer. for cash, the plant or the said Auburn Lumber Company, that Is the saw mill, tramway, loco motive, timber, teams, rtgbtsof ws&Pf "ffS and alYother property. I will, on sistdayot August, 180S, at the m'l'K,gt Turkey. In Sampson county, sell to tbeWw bidder for cash, tbe said saw mill, tramwry locomotive, Umber, - teams, rlgMs ot wj 1 franchise and all other property of the sai 'u burn Lumber Company . , .R 'For Sale- One Iartre Miller make iron safe, weight 4,000 lbs. . . . - One large Marvin iron saie,weij?nt 2,500 lba. ' One larere ilerrine iron w weight 3,000. lba,;.and 25 other iron safea of various sizes. , , Show cases, all sizes, in Btoca auu can make prompt shipment. SALIlBEABrSRv&SONS., jy 3 tt : ' 18 Market Street.