Q0000O00000l&0O060 TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTIOl llrsauaeaj uriw i aaa i ui Of A sr Otnet Deity In past raaOsaed la H ; Oaa Yaar, by XXaJt, . f .00 ; Six Sloataa, , . . " 80 Tbraa Koatka. - .1.85 Two Koatba, - 1.00 I M TW STATS. T B)allTara4 t Bmaaarlaara Im th0 VOL. LX.Xn.-N0. 128. City at 41 Caata par naalau x WILMINGTON, N. FRIDAY. AUGUST 21, 1903 WHOLE NO. 11,228 H J.jaarsaiead Seaa-fUe, tvtrta; SiMM yiic3Uoruhig ,tar. OUTUHES. n race W(t Ue yachts IU- sra Saamroek tu drcisrad mUUl Tbe I Jae WK" " HsJrea be wUhdrawB. f i rye eoadilioa la critical .j u little hope cf bla rveov- EiCxnUJ loaaae by failare . a iios &1 beak at Dee a moat. tit.. era I33J.WO.' The powers iAr( :ad aa agreeeBeai recardia (tup u N ukra tewrynw the revolt 99'T r'xma U KmnmU, a cxafcaa of Soalharn eotioa jam s;I:bm ba practkafly computed; u roay i casUalised at I14.0CO. Ooetoa la cloMa as 12i f&wtte Ue aextO, R. iuib R I U Texas ell luU a loan estimated al fV u;ii Br the colls ee of a seaf- rj aa ValMIac t PUUbarr, Fa., M aa aeiUied uilttnum duasly aerf The Carroa Dank lit l . ol Trealoa, T, has clow 1 ita 4jor Mho Mary Jeaklae, tisrwae jeers old, wu mardared yee tia Halifax, N. CL; a aegro tftiati wboea Ure la tiros erUrnee in erraatad last algfct, aad It waa itdux&t ee woald ao4 live to see day- ;1L Secretary WUeca, ol Ue DveerUMatof Arrlealtare. aajl the nlitltt aaoveoveal la eoUoa U c jW la Sail mischief to eoUoa asaa.'actarlag aad eoUoa growls g. X. Y. markets: htoaey oat call mj at 1 1 3-2 pareeat; eoUoa-eelat u 11 Tie; Soar vaa aeclrcled bat saaaiselly merer; wheelspot easier, 5 1 rW. 84U; com ataadj, x S oalt rpo da 11, No. J S3; ran qjiat; tplrlla tarpaatlaa ataaij 4 UOiS. " . WEATHER REPORT. 0. a DarTca? AargiocimM ) Wunia BcmxAU. Wtuasorox. N. GL Abjt- 9X J MtUnrolocWl data for tk twaaty ear aoan aa4ia at 8 r. ICx TaasaaraXaraa: 1 A. Ti dagf ana; II' M.. 73 arraa; aaxxlaaBu 77 dr . aaialaaaas,?! iacraaa; maam.71 HiafaU for tba day, S.87; ralalall c lit of t& asoatH to'date, IX IS . Aa of vatar la U Oapa) Taar nw at rraUrrim, N. CL, at 8 A. kf. faL ocrroa kjuuos inumi. Otaaral raiaa h tilUm la tka eaual aa4 aaa.arst aa4 a f aeaJWf- 4 aaavara la tk waaUra aortioaa of u klL Uadarata taaatr taaaaara iraa avall, roajBCAJT roa to-oat. Wajmxorox. Aac. X For North i'riU: Falf FH-tay a4Baiarday; s il aorta la aortkaai vlada Pri Aliaaaa - lafrt 81. ILaca ... lA.kf. ... tUl'.M. l.f a Laatta. ........ U II. IS kf. iUa Witw at 8bailhport- CUP. M. U a WaUr Wllmf ctoai. 8.1SP.M. Kaaja Citj U vrestlias with aa iir eaoj. WonJrr vbat wtll b u prica of meat now t Tl vtaUiar baraaa U vorklo tk coataaaodaUa zaal totaakaop it itidtocj la nlzltlL Tit poaiUoa of aa aaplrt ta Uir Arbitration U alaoat aJ no i?py aa thai ol tka baacball am- Woc lr if Lhr ar aoy Ufa lora tkzct AttnU la Uacadaala? It'aa rt (!ac to take rUkiof tat tztra U. ir loai kiaJ. tn ta cloait roll by." Ail if thy doal roa by pratty 3 tbeir eootaaU vill bate ?f.l a "rrica of tarror" to tba I: cot probaUa tbat Corbatt U i it he coalJ whip Jaffriea. Ills r tkia llkaly b aJ MeaJl "4e"aJ via vOIio to b kaock Joat f.Jr in.ooa Th PrcaiJcat doabtleaa enjojeJ '-oi:iuQ batweaa taro torpalo Woytra dariof tbo naTal ratic i Ojnr Ray. It fata a ttrtonoai f4tar to tha occaaioa. A earreapoodeat of a Hie bm on J P?r t3;;rata Ota. knubsfb Leo J-f CreaMtat of tba Ualrertlty of v-rai. Bot.nti. Ual tht laaa "ki-la kit Utbt aodar a baihtl Tk politicaj pyrotcbaIct la Obi 'i kuoq ara foUy ap to tba Back ! itAs4rd. Both paxtlet ax pr eiB. bat tba Dtaocratt to "?r tkaKMtattractlTa program rat- A t iUabip U alwayi rafm4 to "lis" or "her." Soar Sulci, ta rt4, coQ&tHti, locoaollft ta l sa, lUaintrt, taJiiar; Teaaalt, ate All if voaaaa ara not tat! Tk rock oUaload. from tht 1w;a aaar WilmJatoa U."batUr 'aw aotkiajj," aaj U eoairxatiTt if -ka?; bat It U Ux from Ul ' proper aaadaria! for jrmiae-t at laproTtxaaat. AL0N0 T1IE WATER FRONT. aaBBaaaaaaBaaaaaa - - Hwt af Harkrta atl SitliaiWt m uaairta Aatlff ltoas TraHk Um KtaMtUJ Ctaualttta. Tba Oyi Uatr "CariV paaaoi ap ki Boa port from Oaorxatoira yaatrr. y anarmooa US :43 o'clock aad will tail tovtaorrow for Kaw York. fptrUatarpaUaa la arla dtTalop- f tJAl Itraajrth oa tba WUaalac toa a4 Garaaaah aurkata. Tkrra trarataiaa hara af bar boara rcatarday at Oo Tba Saraaaah aurkat doaU rrfiaj haif a caat hitbtr. Ra- 9ifM hara yaaiarday wera 151 etakt, 2 oat of which caeaa from rirtr ealiia. fa. H. K. Naab. Crook t Fraa'ch ta4 Jao. E. Crow hara haaa appolalad a commiOaa froas tba Chimbtr of Cocomarea to prapalra taltabla rtaola Uoaa apow tba daath of tba Ula Baaaaal Eaa, Er., wao waa loax i proaalaaaUj IdaallSad with tba batt at LaUnata of tba dXj. Tbtcom- aulUaa wUlport at tba aaxt refalar aaaUajr of tba Cbtmbar. Tba Tariff CbaajalUa. cotopoaed of iYaaUaal J. A, Tajlor, Ur. a W. Worth aad Mr. B. A. Taralay to- ntbar with tba EzteaUra Board of tba Chin bar of Oommarea, la ladat tHoaalj at work spoa tba pUa to a- rtra for WUmlarloa tba baat&U which aboald . aceraa lo tba port aceordltc to tu adraalaitaoat localloa oa Ut Cera La AUaatlo coaat wllb raftrtaca to tba rtcaat Bock Xtlaad. Friaco, Seaboard deal Of oo arte, thoaala a podUoa to kaow ara aot aaaoaaclax tba plaa wllb a fiaraof tranpata, bat I bay "hara aoaaathlaaT toodap their alearea' joat tba tame. Oaa or more medlar of each of tba ttaea aaaaed ara kaowa lo hara a bald tbla weak, bat what It balac doaa will be broach! to tba aUealloa Of a ftaeral aaeeUax of tba body wbea tba dacka ara battar U Uae." Ke fotlaUoaa ara VaUarad to be paadla tbal will reealt la creat tblaca for tba aoaamarclal welf ara of tba port from Ut ttaadpoiat of trafic LOCAL DOTS. William Brown, charged with a larcaay of fooda froa P. A. I. fraixbt care,wUl ba triad laJaetka- Boraaaaaaaa eoart at 8 o'clock tbla afieraooa. ' . City eabacribcra who fall to re cti r Udr papen aboald. la artry la ttaaca, report tba failara procopUy, alLbar at tba 8ra oOca or to h(r. W. UdL Eraar. The Hickory and Lenoir ex canioailate rataraad orar tba Baa board Air Uaa al t o'clock laat albt. Tbera ware S?S la too party. Exenr tloaa will raacb tba cltj today from 12 rod aad Claloa. Ux. Thai, a Dicklnaoa has a TilaibSa aad very lataraatlac collao tloa of rare cola, a few of which a rtsorUr aaw yaeiarday. A paaayof datal79Sad aaveral aalf paaaJea la hit poaaaaaioa woald brlax fancy prteae at aay aaavlamatlo baak. SEJtSO.1 AT CA10USA BEACH. PUaa kVtlai Orawa far AiHtlmMi Betel -SchWal. CapC Job a W. XIarper la harlajr plaaa prepared for aPO-rooaa hoaaa oa CaroUaa Beach, which will b boilt before tba erpealar of aext aaaaoa. Tba aaw boildiax will adjola tba luxa aew pariUoa aad tba rooma will baalaapfaxtpartaaaaia. xaia aaa aeea a popalar aaaaoa at CaroUaa Baacb aad CapC Harper tayt ha Bade that there la a deaaead for more hotel aceocanaoca- tloaa. The ftw rooma aader the pa vllloa hare baa a fiHad all tba Bammer aad people bare bee a try! nr. to cat boardLeed lodriac oa tba beach tiaee tbe aaaaoa opaaed la Jaar. Tba belldlac will ba two ttoriat la bt'xlh aad will be made comfortable aad coatealtat tad tbe rooma will ke aicely faralahrd. They will be reel ed by tbe day, week or moaia. Gaaait caa Uke tbelr meala la tbe periiloa at tbe reaUaraat. which will be raa oa a more elaborate scale aext Bammer. Il la probable that tbe boat tehedole betwaaa Wilsalartoa aad tbe beach seat Bammer will be made more eon eelaet for people who are obliged to come to tba city early oa account of baal Sale at A akin laabtf Plrti. Cameroa T. MaeBaWEea.; by elriai of a. ord.r of Jadre W. K. Ailea. aa racatrer for tbe Aabara lumber Ox, ailoa broarbt by C&ae. ai. WbWoek, of tbit dty. will to-day poae for aale at pabUe aaetloa for cash a ik BMmlaaa. aear Tarkey. 8amp- eoa eoaaty, all of tbe property of tbe . a eompaay, lacladiat aaw miu, wmm y. IcsmoUra, Umber, teama, mm of wit. fraacbiaea. ate. Ur. .Vacllte .t n t Warsaw yeaierdiy loeoa- daet tbe tile aad Jao. EL Gore, Kq., aUoraey for Ur, WblUoek, weat ap UitaljtbL No peet price waa aamaa by the eoart, bat the property la reload at eererU Uoaaaad doUara. - Ufut Ceecrrt 'Ceevpaty t r mm W. Nordla. repreaeallBf Tbe llhaea Coaaarralory of kiaifo U ike carlo arraare a dale la Jeaa- ary wilb tbe miaaxtmaal of tbe Y. U. (X A. Biar Uoaraa ror ui ipjw aaee of a UdUe'ooacertcompaay from that apUadli tetiitailoe. Ur. Nordia bad a oaf ara ace laat a real- wiia ifr. tL EL. Boaiu, wbo'waa tbe maa axar of tba 8ur Caa raa al tbe Y. M. a iMteeeaee. - -MEW ADVEim3EU12rr3. a W. Uairt-T? top. A. B. Browa-AaBoaaceaBtat. O. D. rteree A Ox-Da yoa waat t MR. WALTERS' YIEWS Head of Qreat Atlantic Coast Line Discusses Conditions la the Sooth. HE HAS OPTIMISTIC VIEWS. firm Bclirvcff la the Seelh Seal acta tf Yeat ItHwiy Uece EtcaeraxteX taiprttaiaea at tbe Vlrtiale CaraCaa CktaOcal Slack. naMQh Pott dUpatcK BiLrmoxa, Aareat 13 Mr. Harry WalUra, oae of the owatre of the At laatle Coaat Llae aad chalrmaa of tbe board of director, of the Loularille aad KaabTUla, who wat hare to-day, aaid la tpaakiac of tbe trade eaadlUoae la tbeBoaia t 1 bare aiwtya beea a bellarer la tbe Booth, bat em bow more to tbea trar. Trade coadilioaa are rood tbroacboat tbe eeetloa. Xa fact tbey wera aerer better. There It BOtbiar la tkeBoatatbat doee aot tell of proe parity. The ladjeatloaa are that there will be a reasonably larre eoUoa crop aad that It will be marketed arooad 9 ceateapoaad. OoUon at rood priera eaeaat rreat wtailb to t&e Boala. It la aot profitable to maaaiaclare at tbe recent tpot prleee for the raw article, bat tbe eoraer la tbla ttaple will laert taaly meet tbe fate of all other eor aer. There are erea bow ti raa that aay raiaa facta rer who waste eoUoa eaa probably ret It telow tbe ca rreat tpot price." atr. waiiert waa aaxea at to toe butiaeaa eoadltloaa of tbe All an Ho Coaat Uae aad Loairrille ct Nath- Tilla, aad aaid: "We hare every reaaoa to be moeb eleaaed with tbe traiSo of both roads. It refleeia tbe fenereJ eoadltloaa la tbe Boatb. aad, aa I bare aaid. tbey bare aerer beea better. Tbe tame tbiar appUea to tbe baalaeaa of theae railroada.' Ur. WaHtre, who a Headed the meet- tar of tbe directors of tbe Vlnrioia- Carollaa ObemJcal coaapaay la nidi moad, aaid la reference to that report: Xbe abatement of tbe board of di rectors eaeaka for itaelf. leraoaally. X eoaaider the compaay'S oatlook bet ter taaa it baa beea at aay time tiaee lit orraalxatioa. Any concern that tncreaaea I la baalaeaa 86 per cent, la one year It rolar ahead fast. Ia fact, tela ia tbe reaaoa that tbe company bad to borrow money. It raa ahead of iia workinr capital. Tbe board of directors are rarponalble for tbla loan aad lie terms, and they are aot dodr lax tbla responsibility. Tbe terms are prtratr, aad, waua toere la rooa deal of ffaeeaiart there It aothinr to be aaid oa tbe subject, uoaey waa tirbt aad hard to ret. aad It waa worta last what waa paid foe 1L Tbe fiaaaciai commiuee aaa ta miad a plaa which will proride tbe addi tioaal cash workinr capital that It da aired. Of tbla plaa aothinr eaa be Id at preaeat. It abooid aot be orariookad tliat the company was able 10 borrow tbe money it seeded oa lit ttrairbt note. There waa Both Ur hypothecs led, aad its treaaory sets are free for ate la ut correal rmrtnret Tbit It the ttreartb of the arraaremeat that waa made, aad ehowa the credit of the company." WOES OP AS EXeCSSKMUST. While ftaa frtea Hart act la Pltlekla Cet- Ulea al (be Pallet Sis Ilea. . ' B. P. Tearee. tbe while maa claim- lar to be aa ax-pollcemaa of Florence, B. a, who waa left hereby aaexear aioa oae airbt laat week aad created ao aad of excitement by eursinr aad asisr load aad bolateroae lanraare oa the back porch of Ur.B.1 rhlppe reaideace. at Bereath aad HaaoTer atreeta, aad who waa tabeeqaeally flaedtlOby the Mayor for bla eoa- daet. Is arala la tbe toils. He wat arrested at 11 J50 o'clock yesterday morals r ta the Tidal ly of Elthth aad Wooater atreeta by X'olicemaa W. U. Harris and la locked ap at tht police station for . another hearing by the Us yor to-day at noon. rearee waa draak aad disorderly aad waa waaderinr aimlessly in lo dwalllarala that Tldalty. Xa a cell la tbe ttatloa hoaaa yealerdsy after- aooa he wat reeorerlar from a weekl debaaeh aad hit condition was pitiable. Df.QT, Harper, the dly eoperiatea- deal of health, waa called aad rare the maa medicine to qaiet him. rearee It a maa of tome means aaa wbea be wat fined by the Uayor last Monday mornlar be telerraphed to his baak la Florence aad tecared money to Day bla flae and ro home. Instead of learlnr oa the train, bow- trtr. he took tbe price of. hit ticket aad ooaUaaed hit spree. If be hat re la tires la Florence, the" police are woaderlar why they do aot look oat 'or him. I reakUt tf Oar Owe. A. teleeram from Norfolk to the Btib last alrbl, embodyiar a qetry If be paper wanted as aoeoaatof the addenL ttated: Wllmlartoo couple hare a ttrennout time tecarlnr marrl- e liceaae." Certainly the Stab wanted bo accoaat. WUmlortoa coo plea hart ttreauooe tlmee teearior marrUre. lloeasee here every day at r owa Court Hoase, or, la tut words of oar clever Bcotemaa, Mr. John ktcLaurin. people are coattaat taklnx adraatere ol - the "yoatn anl laaxperiaaee of the deputy recUter of deedt In tryinr to rt avarrl- are liceaae wbea tbey are aot entitled to them. At aay rate It It enough to kaow that "a Wllmltrtoa -couple bad dirSealty, etc. Pit Brtwrfe Deed RetettUoa. TaL Brewer It at prone to rt ialo troable at tbe tparkt ere to fly a p ward. Bal yesterday, after barter barlarbeea Uxed ap with thtcotte U a malldoat proeecaUoa broarbt by blm arsleet hit falbtr hit best fHend bearraeredto pay the coat, twere off la JastteeBoraemiaa't court and reaolrad to do batter. Hit friends ahonld aid blm la carry lor oat that resolution. UNPRECEDENTED, RAINFALL; Ofliclal Flrarct Shew That 1 trait Hat . Brtkea All B tear is Slace EiisWlab- ! . Beat el Weatkrr Beret a. "Aad, the ralae descended aad the water, of tbe flood were apoa tbe earth." That-raa aelh the eerlptaral aoooaat of aa aneleat time whea the weather moat ha to beea rery much like aalo that which Wilmlaftoa hat beea experianclar darlar these peat two weeks. In Biblleal times, before tbe inrenlioa of weather bareaat, the exeeealTe) rainfall waa a stenal for Father Koab to make ready hlsark, aad bat for tbe promise con tain ad la tbe rainbow bow, Wilmlajttoa people would before tbla, perhaps, beea after followinr the example of the patriarch Noah, for It hat rained, aad ralaed, and ralaed the pasj few day, amasblar all records. Btreete here beea dam axed to aa extent "tcareely paralleled la tbe history of tbe dly aad truckers aad farmen la tht country report that they hare aaffered Incalculable Injury to their crops by reaaoa of the eoa tlaaed dSwapoar. Cellars and base ments la a few lestaacee hare beea flooded, but the rains came to steadily aad conliauoualy that occupants, had ample notice aad reneraUy removed tueh of their belonriara at were likely to be dam axed, redudar the Injury to a minimum. Obeerrer Felxer, of the Weather Bureau, waa sought oat by a reporter yesterday and asked for tome official fixareeae to the rainfall , anor waa at tbe tame time incidentally Implored to close ap the leak a aa early at poasl bla, Tbe latter request he eery kindly treated by tendinr out a fair weather prediction for lo-day, and la retard to Cruras of rainfall, he aaid without a doubt all records had beea broken. Tbe total rainfall for the S boars ended at 8 A. U. yesterday was 8.05 inches, be said, while the total for tbe 84 boara ended at 8 o'dock last nljht waaS.871acbeel . ' ! "Tba total am oust of rain to 8 P. U. to-day, alncs the first of the month? tald Ur. Fairer ' laat alcht, "has equalled IS. 65 inches, a rreater amount than. has fallen darlar aay Auxuat since the establishment of the Weather Boreaa ttatloa here in 1871, aad Aa xaat la essentially the flood month of the year. "Tbe beariest prerlont fall darlar Aaxast wat 11.98 Ineheela 189L - r "Tbe normal rainfall for this month. asobtalaed from 83 years' record, is only (.73 laches." j OUTLNQ OP L 0. 0. P. CHILDREN HnXttUj at Carellat Beach Trte It Seethert-EaierUIsaieat Tt-tixkt Tbe party of children aad thoae ia cbarre of them from the Odd Fellows Home at Ooldaboro tpeot yeaterday at Carollaa Beach, the xuests Of that clarer aed kind-hearted eoa of tba Cape Fear, CapL Jao. W. Harper. Tbe weather waa decidedly unfavor able for an oatlar, bat the children were moat hoapilably treated by CepL Harper ead tbey will never forret him or hie kladneaa. Tbe excursion by tbe Daurhtereef Bebekah was all that could have beea expected la view of the rain. The late trip of the boat wat dispensed with oa aeooaat of the aa- svorable conditions. To-day aad lo-nirht the children will be the xnette of tbe Odd Fellows at Boalbport aad tbe party la looklar forward with much, pleasure to their annual visit to . that hospitable little dtv. - ' - "i Bpeaklar of the tisit of the ehlldrea to Boalbport to-day the Standard of yesterday tayt! 'A committee eompoeed of Met srt. Henrv IHnlel. J. A. Williams and Rev. E. MeWhorter bare made all ar- rsaremeate for taklarcare of the or phans while they ereia Boauporu They will be met et the boat oa Fri day aad takea to the bonnes of theOdd Fellows where they will be well eared lor while here. - "On Fridev evenlnx tbe orphans will rive aa entertainment la the Pa Hlon. boriaainr at 8 o'clock. This announcement la always looked for ward to each year with moeb pleasure bvonr neonle. aa these brirht little children alwtyt have tometblar rood la etore for those who attend ineir en tartsiamente. - There will be no ad- mlaalon fee charred for the entertain ment, as it It well known that the or phtare is totally supported by tbe Odd Fellowa." - ... v Stethpsrt Sttstfarl Persotalt. Boat a port Standard: "Capt James WllMama, of Wllmlerton, it eajoylnr vacation la South port. Miss Hsttle Lerre csme down from WI1- ml a r ton on Tuesday and visits rela tives la Boatbport - Urs. J. J. Darby," of Wilmlnr ton, . visited her parents, Ur. and Urs. J. T. Uarper, last week-, returnlnr Sanday. r If iss Elizabeth Canady and Ulnnie Bsr later, of Wilmlnr ton. are spend- r several dava with Kiss Minnie Barries. Urs. H. W. Koair aad daughter, of Wilmlarton, came down last week to spend several weeks at Ural H. K. Baark's, while Ur. Koair la Germany. , bust Flossie and Ur. Oaa Blexer of near, Wilminrton, arrlred oa Baadsy last aad are visit- Inrattbe home of their rrandfslher. Cap. T. U. Thompson. ; ; - , Brstswkk's New Jtfl. ' i. Boatbport Standard 'A special mMifnr of the Board of Coaaty Com- mlaaloners waa held on Tuesday after noon for the purpose of selecilnr a plan for the erection of tbe new Jail E.-Mt.. wMh hu baaa under con- WWUauun, n mmw " Uderatloa by tbe Commissioners for eome time. Toe pi an as sudbluw vj Ur. T. T. Allard. who was empioyeo by the Board at their last meetinr to drew w ap a pisn and specaacauons, aeoepted. The Board then author lsed ise chalrmaa to aaverure icr pro- porala for lbs boililor.' f NATIONAL LABOR DAY t Arrangements for Celebration of First Monday in September N earing Completion. ; THE UST OF FIELD EVENTS. Prerrssiaie Aaaeasccd Laat Bflfht A Psraee ef Trsie Ualaalstt asdjhe ' Uae ef atarcb Osveraor's Ke : ceptiea Bead Esxif.ee'. AmiMDMud fn ti alAhnrata eela bralloa of National Labor Day at Wrfrhttvllla Beaeb, Uoaday, BeptTth, were considerably farthered at a well attended and enthusiastic meetinr of the joint committee from all the trades a alone In the dty last nlxht on the fourth floor of tbe AUaatlo National Bank bulldlar. - Chairman W: O. Wallace presided aad Ur. J. E. Lewis kept a record of tbe proeeedlnra. It waa reported that a rood bead had been eoraxed to lead tbe parade, which will be a feature of the day, aad that all arraaremeala had beea perfected with the CL B., L. Sc P. Co. for hand Ilnr the crowds to end from tbe beach aad also for farnlshinr a private ear for Governor Ayeock and the commit' te from Wilminrton to Wrlrhlsvllle. A a before aisled Governor Ayeock and Uayor 8prtnxer will be tbe ore- ton of the day.- Tbe Governor will arrive oa tbe 10 JO A. If. train from the north oa Uonday and will be met and escorted to the beach by a special committee to 'consist of Ueesra. G. F. Quinn, . J. E. Lewis aad Capt. W. F. Corbeti. Mr. Quinn haa beea selected lo introduce the apeaker. - Ur. J. G. Bmltb, of the Carpeatera' and Joinera' Union, was selected to meet a blr excartioo to ar rive that day from Newborn and direct the 600 visitors expected to the place of celebration. All Wilminrton people. who eaa do ao, are arced to ro to the beach aa early as possible durinr tbe mornlsf so as to avoid crowdlnr later In the day. . ' -- f The' Parade of tradet uaionlate will form all Front aad Chesnut atreeta, headed by the bead aad a platoon of policemen aad will move thence down Front and Ore a re streets; up Oranre to Fifth; dowa Fifth to Bed Croat; down Bed Cross lo Front and back to Princess street inaction where the ears wUl be boarded forWrkhtaville. : bm a m i . i . e a ant t xoe exereuee win uae . ptaee ia x oe Caaiaa and : follOwiar the epeakinr, dinner will be served. After dlaaer there will be concerts by Prof. Bran aoa'a orchestra and the Labor.. Day bead, v Later. la the af taroooa iha field exerdeee la eharee of Seere taryChaa. Dash an and Ur. i Wilbur Dosher, of the Y. U. a A., will Uke place oa the beach! A number of prlsee, tbe value of which will be aa-i aoaneed later, will be given by the labor orranlxttlons.4 The entries will be opea to the pablie aad printed lists will be distributed.' The several events will be aa follows : L Bun alar Broad Jump. . Dash of 440 yards. aa srw a aaa . -. ! a. Liuroia varos. 4. Throwlnr BatebalL 5. Handred-yard Dash. 6. Half-mile Blcyde Baoe for Boyt. 7. Half-mile Blcyde Baoe for Men. 8. Steadier Broad Jamp. . . 9. Greasy Plx. 7 ROMASmC WEDDUa YESTERDAY. ftpslsr Ysstf Petple ts Lcaolr Cxcsrsloa Becaas Maa aad Wife White Here. Ulss Us tile Cornelia Baker, daarh- ter of Ur. and Urs. P. L. Baker, and Ur. Lather Hill Elrby, toTlof Ur. and Mrs. John I Kirby, ail or ienoir. will have a pleasant turprise for their families and friends, when they reach home to-day.: Tbe younr people came on the excursion from Lenoir late Wednesday evenlar, and yesterday they eschewed the pleasures of the seashore and spent the day la Wll- miartoo arranrlnr for their marriage aceordinr to a preconceived plan, form ulated before " they left ' home. Yeaterday afternoon the couple ap peared at the office of the Berlster of Deeds, procured the necessary papers after a eerlee of ques tions as to axe, consent, etc., by the dilicent officer In charge, and drove In a down poor of rala to the residence of Ur. W. H. 8prant, where the Bev. Dr. Alexander Sprung of Charleston, 8. Q, wbo It sapplylnr the pulpit of Bi. Andrew's, made them- man and wife aceordinr to tbe beautiful service of the Presbyterian church. The bride and rroom are members j of prominent families at their home, for which they departed on the return lnr excursion lastBlrhtat 9 o'clock. Laid Hu Scalp Opea. Bay Jackson, colored, was arretted at Eirhth and Nixon streets and lodred la jail by Constable Savage late last nifht Jsckson Is charred with an assault with a deadly weapon upon Jsmea Abraham, colored, with whom he worked at the Almont fac tory op the river. Jackson rot Into a difficulty with the nerro of a pstri- archlal name end laid hit scalp open with a brick. Abraham came over to the dty, had hit wound dressed at the hospital and secured a warrant for his j adversary from Justice Fowler. The case will be heard at 4 P. U. to-day. Held for Federal Ceart, .i..:. Fayetteville Observer: "Anthony Bay. the 71st desperado and outlaw, and his wife. Elizabeth, who are in jail awalUar trial oa several eharres. one ror beinr leaders or outlaws, were taken before United States Commie !nnr Mnrri. . this morninr.' and tried oa eharres of telltnr whiskey. Tbey were both bound over u uio Federal Coart, and were returned to Jail." i - H0N??R P0 MR. J. A. TAYLOR. Pretldest of Chamber of Commerce Won S509 Prize ia Contest far tbe Beet . Essay oa Credit lasaraacs. ', : President J. A. Taylor, of the Cham- bsr of Commerce, and Wilminrton commercially have abundant 'reason to feel proud of a dittlnrulthed honor which came to the chief executive of the dty't leadinr tradet body yeater day. Last year the American Credit Indemnity Company, of New York, a corporation with a million dollar capital," assuming commercial risks and doinr business all over America, offered 13,000 In rradsated prizes to credit men in the United States and Canada', who woald submit the best essay on "Credit Insurance." The first prize was $500 and Ur. Taylor yes terday . received a letter from Ed m In M. Treat, secretary of tbe corporation, saying It gave him rreat pleasure to enclose a check for $500 made payable to Ur. Taylor. Continuing the letter said: - "This check represents the first prize ia the $3,000 prize essay contest forartldes on Credit Insurance. Pleat accept our heartfelt congratulations upon your success. . xou will under stand, of course, that your article will be published and distributed By as." The award to Ur. Taylor was solely upon the merits of . his essay, which waa limited to 1,500 words length, The contest waa open to every policy holder ia the United States and Cana da and Ur. Taylor had 89 competitors, among them leading men of the North and South. To make the competition absolutely fair, the essays were print ed In pamphlet : form, each Indicated by a number, and . the name of the writer not disclosed. The pamphlets were sent to each of the 89 contestants and the 30 easaye receiving the largest number of votes for merit were sub mitted to a committee composed of men of international reputation. They were Chat. O. Smith,, manager of B. G. Dunn & Go. ; Louie T. Tone, divis ion superintendent of the Bradstreet Co.; and Jas. W. Folk, circuit attor ney for the American Credit Indem nity Co. The essay t were again con sidered by numerals, the identity of the writer being ankaown," and No. 11 captured first prize. . Ur. Taylor is, of course, - proud ' of the - honor and places an intrinsic value upon -; the five hundred. It Is also an honor lo the business community of Wilming ton, v - "-:x- PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS? MissMajme Gibbons is visiting her sister, Urs. I. B. Sssser. L Miss - Josie a LattaT of Fay- ettovllle. is the guest of Uias Katie Hayden. . Mr. Fab. Haywood, formerly of tbla dty, now of Charlotte, is here to spend a abort vacation . r Mrs. J. N. Murrin, of Savan nah, Ga., Is the raest of Urs. S. F. Yopp, 11S South Front street. - Fayetteville Oiserver: "Mrs. Iredell Ueares and children, of Wil mington, were in the dty to-day." Mrs. Samuel T. Aahe and two children left yesterday morning for Balelgh, where they will visit rela tives. . - - Miss Stella Meredith returned yeaterday from White Oak, Bladen county, where aha baa been visiting friends. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. JSmerson left yesterday morning on Ur. Emer son's private car, No. 305, for Lenox, Uses., to spend a few weeks. ' . Mr. A. J. Matheson, of Ben-j nettsville, one of the largest planters and business men ia South -Carolina, spent yesterday In the dty on a busi ness trip. - . '7-: ; : -v Mr." and Mrs. - F. G. Dosher leave - tbla ; morning for Southport, where they will spend ten days visit ing Ur. Doeher's "parents Capt and Mrs. J. H. Dosher. ; ':. Mr. Alfred w. -Vick, of ; the A. C L. general officet, will leave to day for an extonalve trip through the Weat. He will spend some lime in Arkansaa and also at Denver, Col. Capt. and Mrs. W. . Ij. Harlotr and daughters, Ulss Louise and little Uias Wilhelmina; left yesterday morn ing for Eikdn, whence they will go Into the mountains. They will be gone several weeksT " FayettevilleOiscrrerth: "H. 0. McQueen, Eiq.t president of the Uurchison National Bank, of Wil mington, arrived In the cllylo-day on business with Beferee in Bankruptcy 8. H. UacBae, Esq." , - - f i- Messrs. J. E. O'Donnell, of Wilmington, and John B. Stronach, of Bileigb went to Baltimore Wednes day, where they will attend the con- ventlooto beheld there by the Na tional Cash Beglster Company. " Mr. Louis W, Warroo'klT form erly of this dty but now with - the S. A. dc A. P. Bailroadv; of Texas, it la the dty for a brief . vacation. - He has not visited Wilmington before In four years and - his friends are welcoming him cordially. . . rv 1 Mr. Gabriel Holmes left Wed nesday night for Washington D. CL, where he goes for treatment under specialist. Mr. Holmes has - been very 111 since bis return a few days ago from Hendereonvllle, but his many friends hope for his recovery.; Mn J. M.Sewell, formerly of j this dty, but now manager for the Singer Sewing Machine Ca, at Au gusta, Ga., arrived yesterday, accom panied by his wife and little daughter, Corndia. They went up to Fayette ville on the steamer "Highlander," bat will return to spend a few days at the beach next week. . - . .". v-.- - : ... . : .'-; :" ;I am pleased to announce that I will occupy my xO , New Store at Old Stand, No. 29 11. Front St, 1 About Sept 15, with the ; most complete line g .'s-jW.-j;. erer-oyongjit to OA R P ETID E - will lo iHflfinlt t vKtoin tjs7.;:?j5--Hahow you somethinr aewin & At 1 14 LiarKet street. .q i A D. BROWN: o & Sole Arents for "Aaerleaa Lady" and "Her Majesty's" C J 14 Coraata. and Battariek'a Paoer Patteraa. ' C ) aul5tf . Shoe Remnant Sale. Hot weather will very probably last for six or seven weeks yet, but our Fall goods are beginning to arrive, and we need every Inch of room we have, so we are holding a big REDUCTION SALE OF SUMMER LOW CUTS. Every pair Men, Women and Children's Low . Shoes marked down from 10 to 60 per cent. : They can be worn for two or three months before they are too cooL Some of 'em good for winter wear as well. Don't wait until your size is gone. ; None churged or sent out on approval. S. Ct an 16 tf FARMERS' PROTECTIVE ASS0CI4TI0N. Meetlst To-dsy at Rocky Mooat-.ehad bonra Hsaofscfarlof 6onpsay.; Bai.ktoh, N, O. Aug. 20. Col. Jno. 8. Canningham was here to-day en route ' to Boeky Mount, where as president of the North Carolina State Farmera Protective . Association, : he has called a meeting of tobacco plant ers, dealers and business men general ly to take action for relief from the great depression in the leaf tobacco market. He expresses the opinion that the attendance will be very large; that success will erowa their efforts. Very strong antl-trast : resolations will be proposed and a movement start ed to enable all farmers to hold. thdr tobacco for better prices. The uoadnoum aunuracturinguom pany, of Ohadbourn, was chartered to day with $25,000 capital.- to do a general lumber business.'. Incorpora tors J. A. Brown, B. E. L. Brown, D. a Whltted, 11. E. Newbury; B. Newbury and the Magnolia Manu facturing Company. . REAt ESTATE TRANSFERS. Property That Exchssfed Hands by Deeds 1 ' Filed for Record Yesterday. : Louis Wacksmuth and wife, of Edgecombe, to J. E. Morris, for $3,500, house and lot at southeast corner of Campbell and Third streets 66x116 feet in size. v . . r Charles Oraie and wife to W. M. Sneeden and wife for $100. tract of land containing 16 acres in Mason- boro township, adjoining tracts of D. W. Trask and others. " f v ? Mechanics' Home Association to Charles D. Gilbert and wife for $1 and other valuable considerations. deed of release to house and lot on south side of Chesnut, between Eighth and Ninth streets; 44x165 feet In size.' 1 "asB"aaHaaaT Tsxlog Nsvsssa Qhsbo Company. r Southport Standard : VAn impor tant item that came before the Board of County Commissioners at the meet ing Tuesday waa the matter of taxing the Navasta Guano t Company with $180,000 for stock on hand the 1st day oF June, 1903, composed or ieruirang materials. This is in addition to the property tax of $107,000 on the plant and will make a total of $287,000 for which the company will have to pay taxes on, The total amount of tax on this for the State and county will be $2,439.60. -Heretofore this company has been paying taxes on $100,000 worth of property, and It haa not ex ceeded $816.66. : We -learn that tbe Navassa Guano Company are object ing to the payment of taxes on the $180,000 in stock, and it it probable that a contest ease will be the - out come. w - '"1;-k Deer ia Brunswick. .V" Southport Standard:" "Ur. Jas. H. Thompson killed a fine four snag buck while out hunting with a party last week. The deer weighed. 140 pounds net. Deer aeem to be very numerous this season, as Caot. T. M. Savage tells ua that he and a party of gentlemen saw thirteen ia one day last week ia the vicinity of Capt. T. M. Thompson's place." - ' - -.ji'-. si'vi- new;adveetisembnts Best Goods at " IOW PRICES 526 Bales No: I Timothy Hay at $18 PER TON. 221 Bales Prairie Hay $13 Ton. 390 Bags Oats. .- 489 Bags Curnrr : " - . bzu Bags va. ueai. : 39 Bbls.flew Catch Mullets. 10 Boxes Codfish. , Special prices In large quantities. Vla B; C OO P E 308, 310 & 312 Nntt street. 5 v : 1" TwiLminqionn Ocl an M tf -. V- - ' of "TJp-to-Now" j Dry . Goods w our dty. Our - P A RT E W To At - nMBAnt o ,m ' vnUtntr tn , - - ' - ' S? a . Q B. Ten Dollars. Ours is the only estabr Ii8hment in ; your City that makes Suits to measure for Ten Dollars. . - -. . ' - si C. E. GORDON PANTS CO., 25 South Font Street. TIP TOBI 8UITHFIELD HAUS, High price but so good. Nice lot North Carolina - Hams. - "Nuffsed." " Cordial Pesvehetf SXaraachlno Cherries. . Codfish Balls, - V, Canned Shrimp. The finest Mackerel In the city. . Prompt delivery; polite attention. ' : S. W. 0ANDERO. - Both Phones 109. an 16 tf r MEALS 25 CTS. THE ONLY RESTAURANT. 108 MARKET ST. : DO YOU WANT a real Imported China Dinner Sett We have them real cheap. : Special j prices9: this, week 'i for Screens, Porch Sets," Mosquito Nets, Water Coolers aad smalt Refrigerators ::p:iyt , Call oa ut foi anything ia Furalture.' r (f; ; vc-;- GASTON 0. PHARES & CO 10-1U Market BL jySQtt - inter-BU'a 78. One bis I7eek . V. i .4. ---. ' Oonunenclng Monday night, Ang. It Vright8vilIa Beach Casino. OAMEBOa AND TOLEDO " In a aoene from the Grand Opera HFaast pre sented with mmminonnt aeenery and eleotrloal BBOWRIHQ BISTEBS u" MetropoUtan sister Team In op-to-flste songs and dances. - - '. . WESB AND BIZEB r- ; : 3 : I Prima Donna and the Boubrette. - Eyenlng at.. . ,"v..; . ... 8 P. M. Saturday Matinee at. . . . .. 4" P. M. Rates for Water Closets. - 50 cts per quarter, each ; Kitchen Sinks 50 cts per quarter, each Bath Tubs - -- - 50 cts per quarter, each fixed Wash Basins 25 cts per quarter,, each' Fixed Laundry Tubs 50c per quarter, per set We carry our pipes to your prop erty linewithonfe charge, and rates do not go into effect until service la rendered, r' . iTha WifciaeweregeCa JyW tt . - " Co ureses toryof I T4yr. ICatalosae Music TSe 1 " HALEIOU I v FREE Best Place Vfcl&JS: C. - ij-'AUnn.:: : '. '"trh" Jibli ' rnslaiat ' an lm : , ' ooioooooooo ? . .. V

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