:ptx: PICTORIAL "n.M TWO UCAUS 1 A,! iut$te5nattli3osstbcs mrv4 rl UrM-CcttUim neiArr Mrr Narcotic. tan . Swjt 5 iynrtch. I) untax r Mkl Los OF SHIP. NOV YOT1K. n i f i Hi kaact cm or wapp CEOIT CAS."" A .J 111 1 CO Bolo Distributors of Davis' Absolutely Pure Paints Tn oolj rArmaUa 100 par cent. Para Plat oa thU or in; aUkt tmar act. Oar fnaxaaLtej U that It U composed nlj of UfU4l 03. 4 ttiuLraJ (earboaati) : W htt Zinc (oiUs) Pure talis Dir wTTTrnrrr nnTTRT Wt KNOW, tiat DtU Pilat will new dlaappolat .when properly ii f s easJe ao rood ilul too r nn to want or If jo UVB LOS'Q &NOUUU to want la applying Pilot always 'call ! Tor Pflt!ier, Calebraied CP. Paint Brnihes. Thtf ipeak for thenielvM. W. corrr t fail Ua of Cafliias is li tf SEASHORE HOTEL, wjuanTSViixB beacxx. " n. c. Jast Bisht:ililes From Wilmington. TROLLEY CIS Elf f:, etc. A4irM - . JOE H. HITlTorJ, Manager. . O..J. 1. lUt Pa Dr. T. 8. B. y. THE HURGHISOK HATIOUAL BA11K, m9 PiUl 1300.000. SrpUj .."...... 100,000. profreuiTt, libexal- .. - H.C.HCQUEEN. Pmtffwt., ipiaa1 u JbCT ? PUZZLE. ; ' r AD a nsii. . amm m r rt i . I . ror Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Boars the Signature AtiD SUPPLY CO . 10O per c&U rare 100 " . 100 " aiil jour bandin rtjmlnUJ. I mAUrUI, laclaila the weU known TBEMK: DepoItory for t U. b. ana, , v . SUUPaaAi. Count jX& - City Fundi. r., i V emiWBEB.Ci.Mar, a Av In rff -X ' ;Use U' For Over Thirty Years wa .! m . TiDting Xolars. A1Y WAR HORSE! Thr .,; -. nrv foil tt rrf- rrrttc.A to - K-t.era t rusty onl or ETOMj Hi aii a!) that, bat I teU joa Ur i tkoUuox m U-ar to rta Is an rna niton t l?ct. bvl a borw t a Uflni ttinz. When a man la In t!-ht nlar tila linrM kunri It ttk nn a L doc HiaWlf. and acta acrorvJlnij-. I bav bn kt at night wben t dhln't knorr whether I ira rUllce Init bol I'm g'ttUn; aUJ cf ray story. Vbrn I ho Hull war ruin on 1 tqI- v&tnt In the raTalry srTlc and re- Bvaln.-U a prlmte daring t: whora wsr. I dvot br1re thrr was another man cwtstaiy uot niauy who sprred throoxh th war and rod toe sn bors from start to finish. It was all lock, my rrttlng nrowny, as I called hlxn-because be was a sort of brown chestnut since i drew him from the stock Jnst like any other horse. Tint I badnt rfcldra him a day before I d!s- eoTcred that I bad drawn a prise. ' I was Inst ooe tUgat as I was saylne after I rot nrowny," when wa advancing In Vlrslnla after a bard campaign toward Rich mond. In other words, I got turned round. I was carrying a message as beadqnartera orderly between two enrpe of tb army, and It waa so dark I couldo t see the tornplke. Tor a tint I could teU I wss on It by the sound of the horse's hoofs on the tones, but gradually toe sou ads eessrd and I knew I waa on the turf. I dismounted and tried to find the pike, bet couldn't do 1L Somehow It Was kind of lonesome out there In the dark, and Browny knew very well bow I felt, for be oat bis nose orcr iny shoulder and I embraced htm Jnst aa I would a human being. Finally I mounted him and wss tarring off, aa 1 supposed. In the right direction. but Browny turned about. I tried my best to get him to go as I wanted hi in. but It wss b use. lie simply would a t. While 1 was stnsfctlng with him It grew tighter and I saw that the way X was trying ror was piumo into u eoemy'a tinea. This waa the beginning of my friend ahJn for Browny. For four yeara be carried roe everywhere. lie was twice so badly wounded that I thought I'd bar to shoot him, but each time I stork to him till I got him out of It. thooch I admit good luck helped to by keeping me In oo place for some tin after h was struck, uunng ue whole ef ar catnrstma the borse knew danger as well aa I and scented It far quicker than X. Bat wnen w wr In ft thoaeh b didn't like It I aerer failed to manage him with the greatrat ease. Well, w were coming to ut usx flrht aither of us waa destined to take part la that Is, the battle of Nsehvllle. 1 waa aerrag vita my company sou waa detailed Tcdetl duty. Oo Bitot shortly befor tb Utile I was placed under a tree about whKa a creek wound. It would bar been good swltioo, being well screened on starlight eight, but the night I refer t wtmm Air as ErebUS. X CUmoUDlCa and leaBed against the tree, wttb my rifle cocked. Am for Browny. 1 len u rets oeer tb pommel of tb McQsllao saddle and let him do as he liked. II bad better eye to a la tb dark than X. or a better nose to reel, tor nrara alas drink from tb creek, then ajbhl tb grass within a few feet of me. But presently b stopped, ana roc m uw AiAn't heer a sound. Then I felt Broway's nos robbing against me. t but my arms around his neck, and for tin aeUher of morwd. " TVo knew what eacb waa aaytog perfectly welL -This la no fun. otu norse, is ii said. "Out her, wbesi 1 aaooja o in comfortabl bed. yod in a strsw coe ersd stslL VTeTs fight in th fsc of tb enemy, wbo are uaw to votnm dowa on o at any moment, and th flrst thing either of oa knows w may bar a whole regiment right oa oa. ior en-t sea beiood tb tip of our noses, and they'll com so slyly that w ran'l bear taem-- Tben I fancied Browny replying: -I can bear better than yoo, ray boy, and If I'm not mistaken there la a movement out there beyond th creek. That's th reason I stopped nibbling and ram to yoo. You'd sst yourself and do a service to tb command by withdrawing and trU tbem that yoo assprct an attack." -I couldn't do that Browny, tni I know theyr there. I'd be disgraced." Soddenty Browny raised Ms bead. I aUpped mr band along hla ear, and. as iKiirpected, X could feel that It rag pointed forward. Then, with a mick movemeot. b sprang forward, coverlagmybody.' As b did so I saw a flash Just acros tb creek, within twenty yard of me. and beard a shot. r - . ahrVk and fell dead. U bad received th bullet Intended for X believed that after th shot tf there WM k of sklrouaaers imimiin they would paah right forward, and. turning. I darted backward. Befor I bad taken a dosen step I beard cattrred report along th Itoe, which toon looked like a string of exploding Cracraxkera. st Car ss 1 could see. Th enemy were upon na THTaU, we drove them back and befor day everything waa quiet again. It was merely a movement to discover . m,mn nd be certain w were not moving- to attack them. As for Browny. X mourned him ae sln eerely as I would brother. The nsxt day X went back to my picket Ps and found Ms .body where It bad fallen. I flog a grave under tb tree wa htm there.. I always tn- tM.Ud to nwt no a stone with an In- CTlptlou on It ssytna. nier lie a bors who gav hla Uf for a man," but Ir never got round to It. BETAN TOCKO BELDINO. TRAIN AND. TRACK. . t ' t EV,ry tram car la Belfast has print ed la Urge letter Jnst over th step at r the car. Th lifeboat ml Is women and children first. I v. . Anm eraek line of rall-i IO VUI Vv w ways, of wbkl. ery mlV U guardad . . .a. Ub al srv-ial 11 t gMm aavsaw-r nr lac wum -- l Already branch Unes cosUsg 112.000.-; 000 ar being pianneu iw u b... railway. The larger part of the sum is to lay tracke aroond Lake Baikal, aow crossed by steamers. , . , Of th fd.000.000.0U0 annually earned la transportation by th railroads of th world thus In this country earn M par cent, or nearly double those sf Great Britain, which rank next. . 1 ' - ' . COLLEGE AND SCHOOL. i . rlT. lOUO- JfSW IOCS eivy mww - --- j lar scnooi our-. A coJlege diploma la now prereqmalte to entrance In the school of law. di vinity or of medicine at Harvard. rra Jordan of Stanford unlver ."T. i .. wav throuah Cornell J waning on the Uble, husking com: mm m. S. - and dicing oiicar - The Baltimore school board has ap propriated S10O to cnre the ofsome well Informed dtlsen to tte lection of nsmes of promlnsut Mary Unders of the past to designate th 100 BubUcehoola In th dtr. ' TIMELY TOPICS. If the l . encn experts are right. New TorkM Mc tropollun ronseura Is a col lection of .old bricks. ChKngo Tost. , It took fifty -seven congresses to en act a law prohibiting 'th sal of liq uors In the capltoL It will take fifty seven mora to enforce It. Seattle Times. Should United Statea senators who recommend and confirm th appoint ment of United Statea Jndgea practice law in their courts 7 inquires an ex change. It la by no meana anew ques tion, but Its pertinent points remain. Yaahlngtoa Post. Nobody will object to the disappear ance of the stage Irishman, provided, be will only take the stag Jew, the itage Swede and the stage-German with him when he goes. Denver Re publican. - . ' Russia. Austria and Italy have talked It over in a. comer and decided Just tow they wlU partition Turkey. Many ' nations that dined In anticipation off th bird of the Bosporus years ago are atUl tightening their belts to ease that sinking sensation. Philadelphia North American. CHURCH AND CLERGY. '. It Is announced that the translation of th Bible into Chinese, on which Bishop 8chereschewsky baa been en gaged for tan years, baa been com pleted. A noon prayer meeting established by th lato D. I Moody when presi dent of th T. 1L O. A. of Chicago baa not omitted its daily services for over t forty years. Bev. Dr. William Burt, bead of the American mission among Italians, has been knighted by King Tlctor Emman uel in recognition of bis successful ef fort for the education of Italian chil dren. Dr. EJllcott, bishop of Gloucester, seems to prove that railway accidents ar healthful. Msnv rears sco be was injured In one. The company gave him a life pass, and he still uses it at eighty-four. MIST HAVE MORE WATER. A writer for the press says that it will be a fine thing when all tbe re gion lying west of the Missouri in the two Dakotaa Is settled upon and farmed by enterprising farmers. It will, bnt some .irn moment will have to be made with tite weather clerk to1 give that territory about twenty Inches more rainfall before this deWtable sit' nation will matrrliilire. It Is a pbys-; leal impossibility t- convert a wild prairie into a clt wrttted farming community on f-n la-.-h- of rainfall. It would be co-t it rr.:f :cacbes la, Manitoba Slele trreveat. Th atsrtllns announcement that a preventive of suicide bad been dls eorered will Interest many. A run down ryalcm or despondency lnvarla bly precede suicide, and something baa been found that will prevent that condition which makes suicide likely. At tbe first thought or teii oesiruo Una take Electric Enters. It being a great " tonic and nervine will strengthen ue nerves ana bhuu up tbe system. It Is also a great 8ton vjm. and Kldne-v reamintor. OnlV 60c Satisfaction guaranteed by 1L It. imiaaTT, aruf gisu t afvrakr7e Oobri in g prices oa lee boxes and other saasonaMe things lost wnsa old Sol is cutting up wlta the tssBpsratar. I nxim la whars sad wbsa tb practical iMJOSiitnmTarfiMtiar Irmlnn wnk Dttis awnsysB eaa bay thlsgs of great big Take oar hard wood, charcoal Oiled Batrigstatarasaasampk. These sola all im for I .but the few that are left ars marfcad at I . J. V. fJorctiison S CO.. Wholesale and Retail. Jj 19 tf Orion Building. TTTX HKLJ.VO CATARRH cvax roa m OATABBH la Ay 'i cream Bali IwVS LJS - -X. sk sacs tur and pteaaaat 1nmi llaaT arv ar Jsrtousarss. It la ah- II Opens sad Oleanaes the Masai Paaaaaws ailavs Isflasisistto. :old'mhead Baals sad Protects th Memhran. Bestores omu a Droggtsuor by mall. Trial sue. Is M Warrea street, h'ew ork , asp II tf aetata Or. BIQge$, Huckleberry Cordial Th Craet Southern Rndy. Cures aJI Stomach and Dowl TrouMea. aVih a: Chror-le Dy.cn tery. Chotora Mw- nwwviT (tux. and t also ooilaren leecwnaft sSdons fall to make uuicg mZ irmaoo curs of ail atomach and r. diMtwi. See tMUmonlai of ths Dr. Walter A. Taylor, AtU"ta, , ' that I rae ever giwwr coram. rj.- that I a f las0 to wirfiW or roabte will often aeve life aa well las . wiiJoi uh of Dr.-Bisera Huckleberry Krdiel. Fof ilt bTal Dfuoolsts, U iuwi mt hattiei ' ) iilohed) HENRY W. QRADT. Atlanta. i. m ' .w. . Msltlwsnaer-Taylor Drug Co, Prp, Atlanta, Ca. -1 ayiorY thhs.,, "T"". 0" " e.n " - ; " t i . C,Vtw and joamwifftut " " " -s MIIUKDWOMEH. J- ee ant ta aia w"rr aeat ea ret 'V St tuWar tath sa r;ajigsjmni a ""TaiB an ..Maiai srswAfl taaal ta KIP h4 4i.M " jljS ! . 1 hbW.M. J O 3 PRI NTI NG.! O BOOK BINDING B P R T A 'O o o THE STAR JOB PRINTING OFFICE, BOOK BINDERY AND (RULING ROOMS ARE COMPLETE s THEIR APPOINTMENTS. gN O T-a J T 1 o 1 l 8Gl : ; . - . - . & , EVERY VARIETY OF PRINTING, RULING AND BINDING DONE & NEATLY, EXPEDITIOUSLY & CHEAPLY. O WM. H. BEBNAKD, ; - Proprietor." WIUJIINGTOir. K. O. ' . : iT4 V .v .WAV f.TJ W -ATiMT . ' t . . . .1 a BEST AND CHEAPEST LINE OF RfeFRIGERATORS ON THE MARKET. WM. E SPRINGER & CO., io3 tf Purcell Building, Wilmington, N. C. We Need Money! You Meed Furniture. - FOR 30 DAYS YOU GAll BOY OF OS FOR CASH. Bedroom Suits, Sideboards, flat Racks, Felt Mattresses, Bed Springs, r. it, nvina piAoata p.hitToninrs. Toil fit Sflta. Wheeler '& Wilson Sewing Machines, and eyery thing in the furniture line at prices yon never saw in Wilmington. Remember, terms strictly cash. We invite you to call. je 10 tf , - Deposits wlfV ... ti r Kafom RontomhfiT 1 at. the " bfiffinnillff Of OUf new interest quarterrIll hegin to draw interest from September 1st. .We pay Interest on deposits at 4 per cent, per annum, com pounded quarterly. ' ATLANTIC TBUST AND BANKING- CO. 16 Princess Street, Wilmington, N. C. Bin JT. IIKYKIt, President. B. H. J, AHBENS, Vtee President. SIITCHI1L F AIIBWt Caanler. DIBZCTOBS: . . L. B. Eogers. John H. Kuck, B. Solomon, D. McEachern, B. H. J Ahrens, C. W. -Yates, R. R. Bellamy, M. J. Heyer, A. B. Lynch, J. O. L. Gieschen, I. M. Bear. au 22 tf SPECIAL Our new interest quarter will begin Tues day, Sept. 1 . Deposits -made now . will bear interest from that date, payable in 00 days - The Wilmington Savings & Trnst Co. jr. W. NORWOOD, Prealdrou ;n. WA1.TEKS, yiee PreaWen aa sttf C.' B. TATIOB. Jfw CssalSH ' Shoe Remnant Sale- Hot weather will very probably last for six or seyen weeks yet, but our Fall goods are beginning to arrive, and we need every Inch oi room we have, so we are holding a big . . " , - 1 REDUCTION SALE OF SUMMER LOVVVCUTS. ' " Every pair ken, Women and Children's Low Shoes marked down from 10 to 60 per cent. They can be worn for two or three months . .before they are too cool. Some of 'em good for winter wear aa - . - well. Don't wait until your size ; is gone. .None charged or sent -' ' out on approval. " ' -:,. ' ' Z-j r S, B. Solomon. aul6tf ; ' - - "' " ' ":!-' THE NORTH STATE H0RIIAL AND lllDUSTRIAL C0IXE0E; '. " COURSES: -. - osa of test books, etc., $19 .1 tif rt i tnr au fteeouaCTUeaM asWItaae teadersanattenograpnM. For catalogue andotoar lnrormauoa agrees . y - - CHARLES D. MelVER. President. sep 2 lyj- ' .fx 0 AND RULING, s Corner Second tod Market streets. CAROLINA - j HiRhly recommended' for 'Us TONIC Properties and as a Preventive lor - . ;? s All Kinds of Ferers. ST. FtrKRA M CO. '-ee-s WllUaaa St.. T. r -1 i.i II Cuban rBlossoi ATJD RENOWN CIGARS. ' '.' i' ' ( These Cigars are better than ev e :" "SILVER COIN" FLOUR. It is the BEST ever ground; guaran teed. . ILL Tollers. A. C. L. Crossing. jy 26 tf . . THE UniVERSITY . v of North Carolina...' : ' ;; r Academic Department, Law : Medicine, Pharmacy. One hundred and eight scholar ships. Free tuition to teachers and to sons of ministers. Loans for the needy. 608 Students. 66 Instructors; New Dormitories, Water Works; " - Central Heating System, Library ; ' 40,000 volumes. Fall term, academic and profes sional departments, begins Septem ber 7, 1903. Address . F. P. VENABLE, President, . je 26 tf - Chapel Hill, N. 0. Wilmington and Fayetteville STBAMBOAT LINES. ' Steamers for FaTettsvtile, Frelelit and Passengers. . Steamer Hlghlanaer, Capt. W. HcK. Bobe son, leaves 4:30 P. M , Mondays ana Thursdays. Steamer Hart. Oapt. W . a. Eobeson, leaves at 4:80 P. X., Tuesdays and Fridays. For passage, freight and. towage rates ap ply to.: , T. D. LOVE. Seneral Agent, u lyl8tf Bontk Water street. SEABOAR Air Line RXjXWANf' Sehedule In Effect April 18, 1003. TBAiN Leaves Wilmington 3:30 pm, arrives 89 Lnmberton :4 p m, Pembroke 6:10 p m, Hazton 6:45 p mTHamlet 7:86pm. 7 arrive Charlotte io:4Spm. TRAIN Leaves Wilmington 9:00 pm. arrives 16 Lumberton 2:1! a m, Pembroke 8:55 a m,Maxton 4:05 am, Hamlet 6:00 am. TBAIN leaves Charlotte 5:01 am. Hamlet 8:40 40 a m. arrives Maxton 9:52 a m. Pern ' broke I0:fla a m, Dumberton 10:87 am, Wilmington 12:45 pm. TBAIN leaves Hamlet 10:45 p m. arrives Haz 14 ton 18:35 am, Pembroke 1:20 a m, torn- oerton a:is a m, wumuucion r.vumw. - WESTBOUND FBOH HAMXJET. Hamlet.. Ar Monroe , Ar Charlotte...;. A nyiAatai 7 20 a m flUim 11040 pm is is a m 1045 pm 10 05 a m 1015 a ta l aa am 8 43 am 605 am 768 am Ar Greenwood 13 23 p m at Ainens...... Ar Atlanta..... 5160 p m 8 50 p m SOUTHBOUND FBOH HAMLET. Lv Hamlet................... Ar Columbia. Ar Savannah..-..--.. -.. Ar Jacksonville.. ........... Ar Tampa 7 80 a m 110 40 pm 10 55 am i oo am 5 05 am 915 am 6 00 pm 2 20 d m 6 50 p ml 6 46 a ml NOBTHBOUND FBOM HAMLET. LV Hamlet....; Ar Raleigh Ar Norllna., Ar Portemontb.... I Ar Norfolk I 10 80 p m 8 55 am U50 am 3 50 a m 145 pm 5 85 pm 800 a m Lv Hamlet...... Ar Baleigb......... Ar Norllna.. Ar Richmond 10 so a ml 750 am l ss a m 3 50 a ml ll is a m 1 45 pm 4 55 p m 886 d m 6 85 am Ar Washington..... loio a m at Baltimore.. ll 25 p m 1125 pm upi Throngn-Pullman sleepers from Hamlet to all points North, South and Southwest. For tickets, Pnllman reservations, etc-apply tn Thnmiu n IfAftrML Gtanaral A fir en t. Wflmlrig- tnn w n . . . . an 15 tf ' 8UBMER SCHEDULE :" 1 CONSOLIDATED RAILWAYS, LIGHT & POWER COMPANY. EnTeetls-e xussdar J una v, io. ; FB0NT AND PRINCESS BT WILMINaTON: Leave every half hour from 6:00 A.M. to 11:30 p. v rtoilv Axoant Bnndav. SUNDAY JCvexy half hour from 8:00 A. M. to 11:80 P. M. XzuB OABIHU WltlUUXBVliajai uajMJxx.-. j taam. avawv y,air hAn. titvm fl'AO A. M j to 12:00 P. M., dally except Sunday. SUNDAYS- Kvery nan noor xrom o.ou a. m. ;uw . . j SPECIAL CAB . FOB' WRIGHTS Y1LLE tt . nrr iwmnut. Aallv with A . G. I.. tTftlTt No. 60 due Wilmington at 11:20 P. M. Mondayj this ar wlU leave the Csstao, Wrtxhtevlfle ueacn. at o:wi a. .; -vuuuvhv v. -j train No. 51 leaving Wilmington 6:00 A: M. r BEACH OAB: For the accommodation oi those who may desire to leave the Beach after . . saMo n w nlmv Sin S W I I'll wffl be left on the Seashore Hotel elding evert pany's Baggage room, near that point. Beu phone No. 1202. r . . I Frelcnt Servlee. Leive ' y WUmlngton soo A. M. 100J 200 P. M. 6 89 x" The 8.30 P. M Ocean View Ocean View 6.50 A. -M. 7.00 A. . M.e 10.60 " - 11.00 2.(0 P H. 3.00 P. M.f 72-J 7.80 I . trip will be discontinued after annil.n . that Vralffht Car Will Angnst 15th, macs tne iu:uu a m. trip ouijr. s Freight for 6.30 P. M. trip win not be lecelvea after 5.40 p. M. .1 The Express Oar will receive freight at Front and Princess streets from 6:80 A. M. to 6:00 A. .r 1 .. . FREIGHT DEPOT: The freight Depot Will be open for tne reoeipe or ireignc etoiu o; M. to7:80-p. M. Sundays 6:30 To 9:30 A. M. No rretght will be received at other points in the StV ??cept J" aDovewecill eflL - . . . t ntes of time ear is doe to leave win be held for next regular cnp. . - ... . -r -; t u a HWarh A VTk DU P"P a VTWfl sflAftTtt win not be received unless PWinly -marked wit .ma nf th. ormsisnes ana fully prepaid. . . J I A 1 J Pi Urk X i TfUOU IWVnyM as mm, aa.a.- . mmmm feas or hampers. Laundry will be handled as baggage, . . - - - '. , ' BAGGAOa : Baggage wfll be received and delivered at the Aflantlc Coast Line an SSboard Air Ltoe depote: 1 Pleoesmust be LAUNDHx: wnen pacapuiii " "f'.,,il": eheckea, ana no diowj wm w on preeentasioii ui uui. fMdtate for College YoanS'--Women fS& iv Courses PFArRWs Conserva tory of Music. TB A WitVM Catalogs RAIXIGH Best. Place W. C. AeireM. for Yoor Jas-Diawiddio' Daughter aa 8 im - 'aS-a-'-" ' ATLANTIC COAST LINE. LOW ROUND TRIP .:.!:-. -. v ".. i. Rates From WilffliDgtoD. liaOO WMhington, D. C and re turn. Tickets on sale dally, Jane 1st to September 30tb, final limit October 31st, 1903. ;, ' a. tlS.60 to Baltimore and return, Sov ereign Grand Lodge .Odd Fellowi ; tickets on, sale September 18th, 19 ti and 20th. llust be deposited witn Joint Agent and on payment of 11.85, limit will be extended, good leaving; Baltimore October 3rd, 1903. ; . , tlLS5 Washington. D. a, and re turn, account Grand Fountain United Order of True Reformers, September 1st to 8tb, 1903, inclusive. Tickets will be on sale Aueust 801b, September 1st and 2nd. Final limit to reacn starting point September 10th, 1903. :,V : W. J. ORAIG, , GenHPaaseoger Agent. H. H. EMEBSON, Traffic Manager. jy 24 tf - ATLANTIC COAST U1IB. geneemie In Effect Aug. 10S. ; ..." obthbqund. . , . !- NO 48 N042 ' Lv wiimineton.. 9 80 a m joo pm , Ar Goldsboroi. ...... ........ 12 21 p m 9 88 pm Ar wlUwnT. . . 1 is p m 10 85 p m at Rocky Mount. .......... isspmiisspm Ar Norfolk............. 6 6S p m Ar weldon...". 4S8 p m 125am Ar Petersburg... 663 pm 8 00 a m Ar BichmondT..... ,J vm 343 am Arwashlngton XJS2S Ar Baltimore 1 28 a m 0 13 a m Ar Philadelphia . jpsamlizaara at New York 715 am 8 00pm . SOUTHBOUND. ' . NO 41 NO 49 Lv New Tork. 6 a ml 9 25 pm Ar Philadelphia.... n 65 a m 18 M a m at Baltimore 2 lap ml 2 37 am Arwashlngton........ 1 P JJjJJ"? Ar Norfolk 'i;-'"I 8K ArBlchmond JMpm gfgjm Ar Petersburg............... SgP,fS55 Ar Weldon.... !2 P Ul IS m Ar Bocky lionnt iOS7pmjpopm, irwiteon......... U8 p m 169 pm Ar Goldsboro 7 16 a m 8 10 p m "imlnrton.:!;!!!. 1010 a ml 6 00 pm BETWEEN WILMINGTON AND THE SOUTH. SOUTHBOUND v... Dally Ex. i : Sunday. , Dally., Dally. Lv Wilmington... 6 00 am 8pm joopm ATFlorence. 925 a m 780 p m Ar Charleston.... 110 pm Ilia p -6 waVni Ar savannah 630 pm S2S S?f5m Ar Jacksonville. .,. Ar Tampa 10 85 p m 10 86 pm NOBTHBOUND. . . DaflyEx. . . Sunday. Dally Lv Tampa 805 pm Ja Ar JacksonvUle 7 80 a m 520 pm Ar savannah. WP 215 ArRharleston 5595 SKfSJ ArFiorenoe 7 85 p m 9 45 am Ar Wllmiagton U so pm 140pm BETWEEN WILMINGTON AND BANFOBD West Bound . East Bound nail - - Dans Lv Wilmington...... f ao a m(Ar 7 60 p m mm V n UW1UK VUUi II 1 1 1 I " A aa xn .a-4-a411a IIO OK Vk 1 at Sanford.. ..1 1 66 p mLv 8 49 p m III AS -m ar a- BETWEEN WILMINGTON AND NEWBEBN North Bound - South - Daoy ex Sunday Bound . . . in Mf m m.1 . . 1ft IK II m IjT W 11I1U11KVW11. ......... if in V ArNewberaT.. ..!). .I.I.I8 40 p mlLV 9 00 aim awiaa Vas . aia aaeail A iS4i 99W VnTlfrlalll HlMtTslnaV Oars between Wilmington and waBhlngton, connecting with Penna B. B XaUpnMeast. : Qenl Passenger Agent. H. M. Emerson, Traffic Manager. my24tf. - - v Atlantic ana "Hortl Carolina Bailroai Time Table Rol 6 : To Take Effect Sunday, Oct. 21, 1900. at 18.01 A. M. GOING EAST. QgiNG WEST. "' STATIONS' Arrive Le ave - .. V?T LesTe p. M. P. M A.M. A at.' ........ 3 40 Goldsboro....... 11 Of 4 82 Klnston... .... 10 13 5 40 5 60 Newborn 8 87 8 00 .702 7 07' nonhead City.. 7 a 7 87 P.M. P.M. --- A.M.1A.M. Train 4 oonnecta with W. 4 W: txanV bound North, leaving Goldsboro at 11.25 A. M.,and vrtthSouthern RaUway train West having eoldsboro soo P. M, and with W. N. at New bern for Wllmlneton and intermediate points. Train 8 connecls with Southern Hallway train arriving at Goldsboro 8.00 P. M , and with W. t W. train from the North at 8.(5, P. . at No. 1 teMn also connects with W. A H. for Wilming ton and intermediate points. - - TT . OCt 28 tf ' . 8. L. DILL. Snpt. . Tbe Clyde .illeuJork, J ' Uilmington, II.7C, aiid GeoieJpCLiiiC3 yjrreaa Neve jleratfor 'Vrtlaalncten., CARIB.... ........... ........Baturday Ang. NAVAHOE...... .aturda, ,. Sept , 6 - rront WUaalngton ro Now arorfc. NAVAHOE.....;....... ......Saturdair, Aug. 89 , CABIB...7..... ..........Saturday, Sept. 5- Frosa WUntlnaton for . Georjstewn. . .NAVATOE.....M.......Tnesday, Aug. CABXB. .....Auwi'iajr. mm,.! Both steamers nave good Passenger accom modation. - :' ar Throueb Bills - Lading ana Lowest Through Bates guaranteed to and from points . In Nob and south Carolina. - . . For freight and paae apply to . - " ' " - Wilmington, N. O. t.CLOE MILNE. Oenl freight Agent. THBO. S. EOEB, Oenl Manager. . . . WM. P. CLYDE a CO., Qen'l Agents, - . it state Btreet, New orkVx SteamsMCo Nsss"ii-'iM -rrn ih.il r" V ." ! j

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