WILMINGTON. N a Samoa Moiimi. AtrortT 29. THE BUSINESS SITUATION. BrUtrt'$ Ittt elwsrlaas ef Cr is S4M l4ctM ss L'cct Ulaty as to Keaetary OalSee. Br ThMn4 to U M5a Bar. Nrw You, Air Ea4lrea to-morrow will aay: Trads coadltloaa are All a!..Uy eeevsa, da to the becswanlaeeaof cfp U ease iUoa,A f-otre aai aacartalaly a so lie oaatary oaltook. Fall tr4 la em jw a ta Vrf iTcai eoaateaUoa rvJrt era tlU TaelWlat ro that l iroa ua. t cnMs4lu oa the boUcm aa TJa Jrloaa. ud small bayta of pi Cm to mora marked; fct hertecsi trulaty to ttUJ ottoW. Takea m whole th sitaaiioa haa aaaay tomtatooC sSraa,nh. What traslaeae to dola to of ft aolid character, aad la fact aay utoanoata ovar-eateacoa to eoaf?icmlj ataaaL The eotioa roods trade feel the tet of the eoaiiaaed etrtaraaey la MjUml bat Jobber hT (sued bay larWy rraev Baptoa are email U Muly ill poaOJoaa, aa4 amUetlxaa of auU stock aa4 heavy baataaaa waea Uapraaaat ember to removed ere "fiua failure for the week eaV U wUh Aarast $?th aaaabar ltx, aplast 140 ta 1X3. WOT ttOTfl MUXET. (UatnJ Caaitttoa Nat Attlr Aa la va act to frtora. Tura 4 aar. Fnx Bxrxa, Um Aax. H-Balae U tha art a I cloth aaarkt for the tik aasoaaud to 1X0.000 ptaeaa, Urvlr of aarto odd, aloe with a naaii aaaoaal of recela-re. The Utoraat which wea dirplafad 7 fcarvr a wash ro aaa fallaa off aocaa waal. aad aa a rarall gaaaral eoedl Uou ta taa local eioia aaark era aol m aetive aa thoaa of taa iacadla mt Tia artacfpal f aalaraa of l&a waakl traXa waa aa adTaacatat&a artoa of ranlan froaa lt lo 81 eaato aaaatoei ft aaull alock. tt Umld jaat aoatoal la aataatUa a aw prtca. Qirr Of S1I.M Ta Vaaatoflaa aal Ua latrtnttj Bdrt af Cjraa I. McCartaka. rr Ttrrva u u k au. Itntna, Vlw. Aax Oaorta XL Vtxj. praaiAaal of Waaa tarloaaad Laa Ualranity. vao taa Jul ratarai from a lr!a to CaiearN aaaoaaca Uai toa widow aai call Araa of Ua lata Crraa U. MeOormlek aaYaclva afaad of IKXCCO to Ua Ualraraity. taa iwoeaada of waickara to naiauia ta aw adaa kail. fMar to Ua daalk of Ut. XeOomtok aa rtTa 130,000 to fea UaJrtrdty. aad alto sto daalk ky kto will ala traataaa taraad orar to Ika Ualvanlty aa ad43tioaal t30,fXXL 41S41A Ittml af Oaaca rtoytd Ytstoriaj ky taa Uaxaa Tcaaa BTTi'i toUKjrt tut arracaa txiora. Nw Tork Waaalaxtoa, rala. PkIIa4aIpaia'Ccatom, raia. CavaiajMli. Lomto. rala. lOntt-Alcaro, raia. sanosAi. uaocx. Brooklyst-PaltoAalpkla. rala. Boatoa. ; Ntw York. IX ClataaU. f ;Ckleao. X PUtrr-ev Loaia, rala. 8aeoa4 Fiuaaorr. : 8L Lou. L aocrszu uaors. Atlaato, 4; Lluto Bock, f . Dlraala x k a?n. t;MaaaBala. 1. NaakrUto, S; Bkrrrrport, 14. Moatrooarry. 7; If rw Ortoaaa, I. COtPAllTTiE lOriO STAT?IT. Far Iks Wk EaXLa FrUay. Atl aa, i u. By Ttiapaa to to aui. Krw Yczz. Aax. tl Th follow tat to Uto coaparaUra eottoa aiato mast for lha waak ndlnx Aaraat S3tk.llC3: llt. 1C& nedpu al ail U. a porta 4ar- lajrtoa waak ... 1.433 C0.004 Total racaipc to UHadjUa T.TC4.U4 7.4J4.833 Cxportoforwwk.. 9.C84 S7M3 Total axporto to Uto 4.U7.S3 4.C04.837 Stock La all U. a porta,. 1W. MO liXtlS Slock al all LaUrtow brwaa 4W W.4AS Stock la UrwrpoaL 434.000 AaMrtoaji ildal f or Oraatllrtlaia... 15,000 miL iet tfiom Of MTT0.1. iTrul w la Xnat tut. ' 21 rw Tcax. Aax- JS. Tba follow, tof ar t2to tool mat racalpu of ooUoa at all porta ataoa BcvUmbm 1st, 1K3: Qalraatoa. 1WJ,TU balaa: ?rw Or toaaa, S.SC,S30: aCobCa Ht.t37; a niuK L377.C33; C&arleatoa. TW; WCaaisi-tom, W.4C4; Norfolk. ca.Cl 'ivit' u, ; if aw York, 17177 j iVacoav, M,M1 Nrwport Nwa, lt.33; rr.lTJa.X t7JU3'. Braaa wica. U1X17: rraadiaa. 4.114: law aaaola. U3L304; Port Arlaar. 64.143; Iart TirwaA. k3. ; 3a rraaeiaeo. U.447; rorUaad. Ora, 1,441; El raao, LI47t Caxto raaa. U.47); Lamto, IV 7C. Tatal. 7.74, 5 W Tka UaTUd 8tola craif IVooklra aaABaa rraactoeo laa VtUa rraacaa at t o'clock yaatardaj arcaiax for OaJoaaa4Cairal. ka ramaltr. A tU tkiax daaia. Tkaa a a!2aat cato or raralto U tcrmtok, Uair boUa kara paid Laa daala paaalty. I to wtoa to tare tac4toaa Annca lla Vsm kaat aair Balra rrcr haady. oa aarto. aad will awrraal faulty. Vlemn aad I'liaa Daraa. Boraa. Oaly 4sa at XL XL Pni a 4rx atorr. t CASTOR I A Tar Tifaito aad CMlLrca. TU Khi Yw Eiti Ahfiil lr.& SIR TflOS. IIPTON AUAUl UtrCAl. Ffinkly Si ji That He His No Hope ol Wlnnlnx a Sin jle Race. HERRESHOFF IS A WIZARD. If lk Day Ertr Caawa Wa Eaitaal PrWacta HI EaU Tkra Sto Tkaw S7t Ka Wm Ckalkix I t tka - ABcrkaa iif dfls. rTikffTaaatik Morals ur. VM Tur Air 13. PIT TbOmaJ Uptoa, aboard tha Irla, declared to j i. Ltrviw that ba woald mTr challaara acala for Amartea'a rapaatlla mil bad baaa foaad In Eaclaad who aaallad Nat nermboff IB T iuirw.'.' . ft .it k.itmv in. M I I II i wain ted hia diaaDaolatmeat at zua rauara aadtraakly aald that ha bad i bo hova m.t 4kIii. a alarla raco. ua v. " ft M a. I M "AmarloLa braJaa aad daralopmaat . ri at. Jm at wamaa Ah fWl Jail hart a oeavaa. u m X whaa Earlaad prodacea a IlerreahotT, i .iniU'M tnr tha miB aralt. Ik will aot bo aatll then, it u aa W " ba bralaa la boat baUd!Bf ara oa thlt m. ww . - aw . a ' fat aa tida Ol ina waver, uiwwuuu -wliard. Ill work U woadarf ol : a on a caa bar adoilrad uaxaaaoa morm u- f k.M Hha ia taa best boat by all .jj. . I a,. nil alrlf t aaarlL ! bjb a diaappolatad maa. My . - iftf.k f Ift kant. for I raraly baUarad wa woald carry back lb cap. . . "Yaatorday'i Aaka oaly pro! oa fed lha axoay for ma. I do aot waat to wta oa ay allpa. aad I rttrtttod Ba-I'un-i failara to cat orar tha 11 aa aa aascb aa aay oao coald." that Bhaaarock 111 wai aot giraa mora tH area, ua itpun ui ararythtaf iarardla: TOatlracUoa i aad IlBcompllaaatadCapC Barr aad aald Laataa au aa iBatt to uaww. way U which Bhaaarock had baaa I hopa," ha aald. Mtht wa will rt a rood 14-kaot hracst aad a haary aaa . . rvft. avfil ktn Kad ill tha chaaeea oa tha caJaadar to try oat Bftbaaaxock1! aaailUaa." Taa baroaat praiaad tha hoapltoiity aad raaro!ty of Aaiarkaaa aad ax praaaad lha ballif that naay of them - . ft m.. IftlM Iftk. t K ft. Mt "Thar woald pmah Bhaaarock orar tha ua aaaaa u uit -. T-4i7' tacc. New Yoex. Aaf. L Tha local Waauhar Baraaa baa raoalrad lha fol- lowlac ffpedal from Waahlartoat baarrar. Nrw York: Tha wlad orcr tha Utaraatloaal yacht raca etnita Balardaw will ba fraah aad M4ta Mititl a!th aaaatttod BhOW aryjraalhar. Bixaad. Fraakafiald.M AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION. aaB-aatatatat-aBat-t Omctrt EftWxUd trpart af Caaatttoc aa f aUtt Law Daaaud aad Aiaytod wHkaal AaMsd-Mtt. Bf Tai-graM to Cto XocmtM Hot Brauxoa, Am, Aa. 3L-At lha aaorala aioa of lha Aaiarlcaa Ear 4aaoH11mi to-day tha followlac oiSoara war alaetad: Jama Ilaxar- lb. MlaaoarL prealdaat; Joha Ulak- tor. Ifarrlaad. aacralary: Frad Ju. Simi N'i Tar. Lraaaarar. laai rnfiHi Raw la. PYiUadalahla: 1'. W. Maid rlai. Oaorria: flaU linear. rviM&4f. U r. DlekiBaoa. M aaaa ehoaeUa: 'Thaodora 8. Qaraatl, Vlr flaia; W. l'. Uraaa, latmaa. Tha rmriTn'riir oa law iTPoruax aaa tfaattaa Maartad a raaolntloa "that la tha opiatoa of tha aaaociatloa It to laaportaat that toa rapta laeraaaa ia tba Baatbar aad Tolaasa of rwportad I taa tTaitad Rlataa ahoold ba checkad. That it to aot daalrabla that oplaloaa aboald ba pabllabad wbica cUacaaa Bsaraly qaeatloaa of fact or m iwflrei arithoat modiilcatloa. ca obrioaaly well aetUad principle . - . - ft ft lnm4 k m daeidad rota. Tha MMrt of lha eommlttaa oa Bal aal triad aoak aad copyrixht law ra- naMMiai ua aaLaauaamaat oi a eoort of pataat appeal by Qoafraaa for lha datartolaauoa of pataat, trad nttkati emTrtfMcaaM. ha ria r la- rladlctloa of all aapaala aad writ of error la thoaa caaaa. lta dadxtoa to ba tBaX. sab J act oaly to aach powarof rarrtow by tha 8apreaae Ooart aa aball ba aicamrj to praaarra iaa jarlaaic- tioa Taatad ia that coart py lha eoa stltaUoa. Tha prfrpoaiuoa oecaaloaad eoadd- a.Ma tiabata. Attaa a aabata of anora Lhaa aa hoar lha ajaortatloa fiaally adoptod tha ra- u. aarfaKlVaSmamt f Lha nalaal mart. wllh aa aaaaadaaaat that tha rabjact . . . . . . ... r i-rAm antrka aa auisaiaaiaa umu Laa mr.ra-aai1 larladVlioa Of lha III OBOBBd ceort. Tba or.rlila aotoiaatod ware aetad. . BcaolaUoaa aadoralax lha LoalaUaa P.Su rTWUna araro admtad wham iVaadftlafit-alaci LLararmaa, of 61. IffwK chalrBaaa of lha oomsolitaa oa tha rabiSct,praaUd lha ommlUea IT VCUT t A com aal Ua waa arpoiatod to raport aa Laa faaafhtUtv aad adriaabilllr of tha f oravaUoa of aa latoraatloaal Bar A-aaxlattoa. tha commiuaa to rtpon al lha Bjaailar aaxt yaar. whica will Ka al rwa la aoaaaetlAa vlLh tha IaUmallcmal Lawyara Boat taa. ataay acaraaud iawyara aava aKa imki al lha baaa a at whica toarkad lha cloee of tha eoayaalloa lo- alihL VIZ. QIMZ AT POtTLASO VO Um to aa Ead T-4ay at Nee A Flme CatxtaMaC By Tacr?e to D XarajAt Baw. Pom.ATD. Ua.. Aax. 73. At aooa ttoorrow the solmto war wared off lhk sort eiaco aaldalrht Tuesday, with aU maaaer of maaavra by ue aayy. amrua la aa aad ana LQa NTRU wm Hnrriaad ta the dafaao of Ue dty will be withdrawn from the kartMr daraaeaa. To-dara moreaoaai eoaauiea w a fiaroe eaxaarameal, eanax wtuca a i..4ta Mrtf af l.fltiO wndar Rear Ad- fBlral dochlaa ca pored all lha eutioae aad dafeaceaof toeacapeaaa cpurwia. t. mariaaa aad lackiaa laadad aimoat atdawaaad were eacaxed aatll tha anaraooa. waea may reiaraea to wa fie, which had remain aa oa um m.mA'm i.iant all ilav Itaar Admiral Oochlaa baltoyed he bad achlared the xraadaat ykrtory or use aary. wi a i :4 Ltoatoaaat Jordae.la command of theesxiaeer eorpa at the Two Uchu, imtnmA h lalankaaa that tha urffM had daddad that ao laadlax waa effected tj vba uraoara. aa ua aaaa aad boats had been put out of ac ttoa before lha landing waa attempted. Tha report that the warablpOlympla groaaded oa a rock la Wedaeeaay a .war tsjoa, to oCUlly aoafirme4 ' , i .mnnNT in i STEAMSHIP. . I LVERYTHINa KZAW THE INTERSTATE SHOOT EatrlMlar MtoM! Trapfcy-Brw Tr.aa Caaiartlttoaa i a vrjaca irpj A Sap! a Flra Caatcit By Ta.rrayk to tba Itwalai fttar. BxAOttT. N. J.. Auit. t8.-Erary- thina la ia readiacae for the laUniata I abooUac toaraameat of ' tha Nation al Rifle Aaaociatloa of Ameriea, the New Jereey Btote Blfle AaaoeiaUoa aad tha TJaltad 8Utoa Berolrer Aaaociauon. that wUl becia September d aad aad BepUmbar Uth. Already the .tiiMM fMtnt aavaral R La taa are ia ItVW bU a WW a m aa camp and enraiac la daUT practice. Tha eninee to oaia raoeiTw -Uoaal trophy match alone laelade tj Vftrk. Vaaaachaaett. Vermont, CoaaeeUeui, Rhode Ialand, New Jer- air, Ohio, Iowa, reanayiTaaia. aaarj land. Georrte, EWatrlct of Oolambla. the Ualted Bute Armr, the Ualtad BUUi Nary aad tbe uaiiea Diaie alariaa Oorpa. It to practically a cer talaty that Hlaaooii aad North Da kota will aead teama, and that a re preeeatatioa from lfalne will be oa hand. The Baatirt ranr aeyer praaeaiaa a i..t. .M.1H.M than it daaa to-dar. tkm. aPiiHniial larrata at alz hundred yard ran re aad eerea extra targeU at lUe 1,000 yaroa ranee oit erected. One of the new team competition I tba Dryda match for a trophy Taiued at 14,000. preaented by Senator Dry A.m t v- Jaraar. Thl coaleat I expected to attract a lart camber of eompeuiora. tjoJonei A. &.aer, uwuib" win aSnt haa alvan a troDhr to be competed for ia a rapid fire contact. Ball a eye hooUnf win oaeuminaiea .iik. Mniii matL and to take 11 place, a aoavaalr medal match and' a aauoaaj marxameaa matca praviuvu. A aew eompeUdoa, aad, it to .be 1m red, one thai will arouaa eonxlaer able interaai, to for a drrke ealled the aftft a a 1 1 j. rpoeoopa. xm u aa mtmuuu .Tw MiMM a MriOB to ahOOt With- oatbalafaeaa by the enemy and to any oat the Und ahead without expo- lac hlmaair. RAILROAD COLLISION IN ITALY TraJe FUkd With SeLfim aad Frclxht CeEllraVTwtaty Ft raaa Ultof aaa Bikry Others Veaadad. By cal to to Kotaia Btof. ROMS. Aaf. IS. A dlaaalroas rail- aeddaat haa eat abort lha feetiT- like and demomtratloaa la hoaorof tha Kin aad Qaaaa at Udlae, taa chief towa oa tha eeatora frontier, I alxty aiUae from Venice, where the 1 eoraralraj had cone to riew the craad rmy aaaaoaarree. Alio o'clock Uat alcht aearUdlne b trala orarnowiaaT wiua aoiojera wlH4d with a freicht Uaia. The force of the collision waa terrific Thoaa oa board were thrown la all dlrectloaa aad thecoachee were oroaen "P. . .v.. il. A A It waa aaaoaacaa aaa g mftsMl twaatT aad the wounded elchty, ladadiac alx office r. A cap tain who waa killed had hie head cat off aad aa eactae drirar waa burned .11 TtMtK mm4mmm arara aatiralT dr atroyed aad aeraral of the care were craahed laio tpuatera. . , iMrkaeee raaaarea u wbivi about tha aoaae of the wreck extreme. rhlle the terror amoac taoea wno .wmmJ fata waa lafraaaad whan the train took fire a few mlantee after the collision. Fortaaately the flamee were immediately extla- ralahed. tn.. TTLm IT -nan rial wfcttad tha hoapltal la peraoa later to eee the Tio- uaii or tae accMeai. AC4IDC3TALLT DE0WBEO. Tkrta Yeatf Waaca aUtarmlai Ratal frea a Daaca Bear Plttaaerf, Pa. By TaUcraM to O Xnla Saw. Pxttsjcm, Aax. 18. While a par ty of yoaax people ware ditrinx borne from a eodel rtbariar. near Erer- creeaboroacb. aorth of Allegheny, about 8 o'clock lb la moralar. their ve hicle waa precipitated orer a hlh em baakmaat lato Glrtyl Raa aad three were drowsed. Two other narrow iy eaped a similar fata. The drowned: Myrtle BooU. axed SO yean; Nanale Booit, elatar, axed IS yean; Aaaie Glofford, a eonaia, axed to yean, rialMnc lha Scott home at Krarxreaa. Tha oartr waa retaralax from a daaca aad ware; aimoat home whea the horee eUooed. aad falllnx. draxxed the Tehtole orar the embaakmeat lato tha raa. Tha stream waa badly a wot to a aad three of the ooeapeata were swept away. a f. DtSTUST COUCT OpUlei Uretrtof the JarUlctlei el the State Cearts. By Taacrh to Ua Jf rab ar. Chattaxoooa. Ten.. An. 28. Ia tha Ualtad BUtoa dlatrict court to- ! day Jadra Clark handed dowa aa oaiaioa larolylac the jortodlctioa of toe oiftie eoarva ia am caae o w M rUntral railway. De- feadaat eompaay had built a track throaxh a street ta ui town oi wwir vllta aad Wllaoa eowf bt relief la the ft... 1mA m, niarkr hald that the BUU court had jartadlcUoa la the . . a , IV. aft.ll- road beiaf caarti. Jadxa Clark will require a bond of trom aowm. TWO YOU.ia 01CLS Aikrti to Rare Bets AMectod at Rerfelk ky the Captala ef a akkeescr. Ba aVtauk t MM Xoialae Saw. Nortolx. VAAax. 73. Warranto ware a worn oat here to-day by tha fathers of Blanche Montgomery aad rr.it'a rlmpv. lft.vaar-old white rirls. eharglag CapC Nicholas Lane,-of the foar-mastea acnooaer aiaaaacaaeewa, iih Mntfav thim. The Masaacha- til sailed from thl port; lumber- - aa a If a a M laden, ror new xora veaneeaay, aiva It to charred that Capt Lena carried tha im H rm oft with him oa the trio. The Norfolk police authorities at oaoe BOLLS ed the rtew xorx police to arreei Leae Immedlataiy npoe hie arrlyal aaa noia um iot nqunuga. . WAI 0VEX BOOT OP WAT. The Seatkera aad LaalirlU t HishrCle Eat td Is a Ceatmcrsy. ByTaltenphtoUMXaratef KBOXTTTi.a, Txxx., Aaxart 38. The Boathera aad IxJuLrrille aad Naahyllle Railways enrX ed la a right of way war aorth west of this dty to-day oa the Proctor addition. Tha South era built a track across the right of way orer which tbe Loalavlita atd NaahyiUe propoaee to reach Proctor aad Ltoaadale ladastrtea. -The LoaisTlils and Naahrille par tially eoyered this Boathera track with dlrL Both roads fiaally secured in junction aad stopped work. - THE VICE CONSUL WAS NOT KILLED. t Unknown Man Fired at Mabels- Ben, But the Bullets; Did i Not Touch Him.;- . SITUATION "STILL CRITICAL. lifts aad Prsperty ef America st Bar- j peet asd Bcirat Eadasfered Fresl- . dest WDl Net Retclsd Orders to Wanhlps to Go lo Belrat. , Br Cable to tha Morula Star, WASBrxoTpir, Aug. 13. A decided ly aew tura ia the caae of united Blate Vice Gonial William O. Mag elaseo, at Beirut, Syr!, who was re ported to have been assassinated laat Sunday, developed to-night whed it became known that the report waa in correct and that although Mr. Mag elasen had been shot at he had not ef en been injured. This Information came to tne otate iMpinmeni wnim . ... i . a na-ft ft a i i q ft diapalCD irom uniiea owwe aua Uter LeUbman at Oonatantlnople, who aald the mlatake in making the origi nal announcement waa doe to an error in. tbe transmission of the cipher dlapateh from Gonial Rsvndal at Beirut in reporting the incident to the minlater. Tbe dispatch from Mr. Lf lab man followed closely oa tne Aaaociated Press bulletin on the same a abject which has been shown to the prominent omciai oi toe royw"- ment. f t, . . Tha dlsoateh from the minlater waa communicated at onoe to the Presi dent at Oyster Bay, but up to a iaie hour co-nigni nouung naa ocea neu from him oa the subject at; the State Department. It contents were ex tremely gratifying to ue omciajs oi the government here, as it relieved thesltuatlaa of its extreme tension and leaves the way opea for ao- ami cable aad peaceable adjustment of tbe incident. .. .. ... Aetinx Secretary Lioomis aecunea to make public the text of Minister Leishmaas dispatch to-night, but be gare ft summary of Its contents. As stated la the press dispatch. It shows that Mr. Maxalsaoa bad beea anoint by eome peraoa at the time unknown to the officials, but that he had not beea hit Tbe local Turkish official were prompt to express their regret at the occurrence and were exerting themaalvee to apprehend the asaatain, bat thus far had beea vjuuecess fui. The mlnlater's dispatch also said that Consul Ravndal had reported to him that eome of the foreign consuls located at Belrat had reported to their government mat ue situation at uai place badbecome exceedingly unsafe, that thla condition of affairs had exist ed for eome time aad that something onght to be done to relieve the tension. The oplaioa was expressed that the at tempted assassination of Magelaaea probably would bring matters to ft f o cue, the attention of the Turkish gov ernment belax drawn to the matter la thla forcible way, aad eome effort thus be made to avoid farther trouble. Tbe latest derelopmeat la the Turk ish situation was discussed la official wIm whare tha wlew la held that den slal of the report of the killing of Mr. Magelseea relieve ue situation oi us Immediately awkward and embarrasa lar feature, but will not prevent our naval Tease la continuing to the East. Minister Leiahman la one of bis dis patches to the departmeat suggested that conditions were such that it might be wall to have eome American naval demonstration In those waters. Re ports also come. to the government rMm lha mlaa-lmarf Interests of threat ened destruction of their property at . a aaf. a S uerpoot ana Decease oi wis aaauru Cotton will be allowed to proceed to Beirut. . t ; . It developed during tbe day that. acting upon the first report of Consul MAaraisaen's murder, the united eta tee Intended to enforce its demande with rigor. If necessary, it naa oeen deter mined to seize and occupy eome Turk ish port. In that event- Minister Leiachman would have left Tarkey and turned over his affairs to ue Brit ish ambassador. i - - H laliter Lelibaaa'a Cakle. WASDHOTOiT. Auxust 73. Minlater Leiahman has cabled the State De tartmit that ha called at the Foreign Office axaln last night and -presented the American oemanaa ror an imme diate layeetlxation of the reported as sasainatioa of Vice Consul Magelssen at Beirut, Tha minister of foreign af fairs, while denying ail xnowieoge oi the affair and attempting to discredit t mAfL nnna tha Insistence of Mr. ilthtnaa promised that an Immediate . . aaa-aa a a t a Investigation wouio iouow ana tan the Turkish government would take all poaaible steps to find out aad punlah the guilty. 1 i Mr. Leiahman slates that Macedo nian condition are growing constantly more acute and that tha situation In that iwUai ta axtramalv srrava. In his cablegram to Minister Leleh maa laat night regarding the report of i.i iminRlVanlal Missions that aa attempt had beea made to burn the Euphrates college ;DUU(UBga at xiar aw. aotlnv RwTtarv Loom! In a true led him to demand of the Turk ish govarnment that It take immediate steps for the preservation of the lives of ail Americans uere. . j ; . U. S. WsrsUps. i . The Brooklyn and Baa Francisco will proceed witn au speeo to neirui aad will not wait for the Machlas, which to a much slower vessel. Act la Secretary Darling thla morning telegraphed the commanding officer of the Mn?Ma st Genoa to follow the Brooklyn aad Ban Francisco to Port Bald, where nets to coat ana await order. ... ' 1 - t Another urgent appeal ha reached lha Bute Department from the Ameri can board of missions at Boston that immediate ale pa be taken for the pro tection of American citizens at Bar poot. The situation to represented as rery grave. There are la Euphrates college at uerpoot, rourteea Amen caa teachers, beside women and chil dren and property to tbe value of tiOO.000. It to learned uat uere is aa American ooliexe at Beirut la which are a number of American teachers. No word haa reached the Btate De partment regarding . any attack oa them. FassUtUm Beyosd CftatreL Rrtrfow Vara . An 2?. Tha ea peal of tha American board to the gov ernment at waanmgion on oenaii oi American eitlisns at Harpoot is based upon ft series of Indictment which to IK. mind af thi board mininrt indi cate increasing danger to the Interests of American residents, not omy nas tha (finai! hn mads to tha Btata De partment, but a letter haa been sent to President uooseven asaing roranop portunlty to present to him the sltua The board's first appeal Was made because of aa attempt to ' burn the American college at Harpoot, news of which waa received by cable laat Mon diT Tha second anoeal waa made ajaooa Monday when a cablegram . was received from w. w. Feei, treas urer or ue American oeara at Jon stantinople, saying that the fanatto- - : t i -1 TT.nuw, Mi.tlmrjl havond 1BUJ UWJVW. " " , . control and that delay of action would be cangerous. this caoiegram iroai Mr. Peel was mailed from Constant! ..u tv Vl.nni to amid cenaorahip. end was cabled from Vienna August 83rd. The caoiegram: "Vienna, Aug. Xi, 1903. Norton wlrea fanaticism Harpoot almost be yond control. Delay of action dan- gerous. iDJgncu; AS lar aa tne American uuaru um k..-. mAwmmA tha attemnt to burn the American college, the date of which Is not known, resulted In. little, dam age, as the building waa of stone. -The fact that the attempt waa made, how- mrnm la vlawad aa evidence of the hos tility of the Turks towards civilizing influences ana an increasing aanog in their attitude towards the United States. At ir o'clock to-night a telegram waa Mu!vd by Secretary Loeb from Acting Secretary of State Loomls at ur.ikinatAii mm munfea tins' the text of ft cibtexram from Minister Leiah man at Constantinople, connrminK mi a a tvrt Pmu renort of the inaccu racy of tbe report of Consul Magels enTs assassination. Aa soon as the message from the department waa ae clphered Secretary Loeb communicated . . . ft ft 1. TT I il ft t Kal US Contents to taa iiwiubui "j ui.nhAn Tha taxt of Minister Leiah- man's cablegram is not made public bere. it can De eaia to oe ine purpose of President Roosevelt to afford imnFlcin t1t!r.Ana In tbe disturbed provinces of Turkey all the protection aa a ta at a . . ! fsa pOSaiDie. B or uat . reason auu i others which may develop in ft mv.nrt (im. tha declalon v ia reach ed that no change at this time will be made in the orders to ue European squadron. Admiral Cotton will pro ceed with his vessels to Turkish waters with the Idea of safe guarding fully American ana American imereaw. PROF. LANQLEY'S AIRSHIP. . .. Tbe Machine Shakea Up Ia a Severe Stern Tha Lsaacklaf May be Postposed for Repair By Telegraph to tha Morulas 8tos. WisrwATKR, Va., Augutt 28. Professor Langley'a air-ship house boat had another dangerous experience In a Potomac gale this evening. Boon after tbe experts gave np hope of launching the esrodromo to-day and returned to Clifton Beach, a storm broke furiously. The house-boat slipped her moorings and travelled rapidly down stream for two miles. where her ancnors oaugnt in ue muu bottom. A few men were-aboard, but they were powerless and the storm was too severe for any assistance to be af forded by the tags. The small steam launch tender, the float and three row boats were lost. They were sought by the tugs unsuccessfully and the search will be resumed Saturday. The house-boat la now nearer the Virginia shore, where she will remain until after an experiment. Before the storm Professor Langley said ft test would be made Saturday if the weather permit ted. The flvinar machine waa ao shaken np that the launching may be postponed for repairs.- The machine was all ready to fly this afternoon when the breeze stiffened to ten miles an hoar and the experiment was aban doned. NEW COTTON MILL CO. Incorporated at Charlotte and Capitalized at $500,000. By Telcfrapk to the Homing star. CBAJtLOTTK, N. C, August 28. Articles of Incorporation of the Fi delity , Manufacturing Company of this dty: capitalized at 500,uoo, were filed to-day. E. N. Clemen ce, of Oo inmhm Ri . ia to be nreaident and manager of the company, which haa purchased property of the Ada Manu fMitifHna cYm.nan' In Charlotte and will operate tbe mill after doubling lta . aa a a . a a SVSYSV preaent size, me mm now naa o,vw minrfiM ThMs will be Increased . r . ft a J M 1 111 to lSftlAA), ana Six nuoaxea iganii wui be added to the plant. The Ada mill . m a a a had MMntii rone into ue nanua oi a raMlmr ind was bourht bv the di rectors for $64,600. Mr. Clemenee and others also contemplate pmrehaa- . a aa-or . .11 . at t I f A L 1 .L lag ue victor miu, oi uia city wmca alan MMiitla want into tha hands of a receiver and will be sold at auction September 7th. U. S. SAILORS eOMPUIN 01 III Trtstmeat Accorded The ky Nor folk Police Olflcera. By Teletraph to tha Jtorain Star. Nortolx. Va.. Auxust 18. United States sailors have complained to the Navy Department of Ill-treatment ao- nntw tham h Knpfallr nnllefl officers. and Police Magistrate Taxwell Taylor to-day received omciai communm- Mnm fpnm riantafn ThnmiL of the rC- eelvlng ship Franklin, and from the department In Washington. The mat- a a a as a J PTii. & d . f m ter WUl DO laveaiixatea. xae truuuie mi nnt af tha ten dollars reward paid by - the navy for the return of aaiiors wno nave nroxen snore uoeny, and it ia charged the pollee cause a sailor's Imprisonment for drunkenness to keep him off ship over lime and then return him as a deserter and col lect the reward. The charge of dub bing and brutal treatment la also made. . - THE KANSAS FLOOD. Rivers Still Rlslsf A Bridie at Kasiss City Carried Away. y Teleavaph to the Xonlae Btar. Kajtsas City, Mo., August 28. The Kama river has risen eight feet in the last twenty-four hours and con tlnue to rise at the rate of two Inches every hour. It is expected that the water will continue to eome up at the nresent rate for another twdve hours at least. Further rains west of here last night are reported, with the Kan sas river at Lawrence, Topexa ana Manhattan till riainr fast. During the day ft portion of the reconstructed Jamee street Bridge ana ue xerry landing at Armourdale were carried away. Damage to property interests outside of the bridge is not at ail likely. . Excuraloa ta Fayettevllle. : Thoa. IL Knight will run one of his extremely popular excursions to the historic city or irayetlevilie over the fast and famous Atlantic Coast Line on. Monday, September 7th. This will be a big day in, Fay ettevllle and you cannot find a more agreeable spot on which to spend it. Take advantage of thla chance to spend the day ao pleasantly on the last and best excursion of the season. Knight's excursions are known for their - splendid conduct " and are patronlied by the best people. Separ ate car for white and colored people. Train leavea Atlantic Coast Line depot 8:00 and will leave Fayettevllle on the return at 11 .-00 P. M. Fare for the round trip only $1.00. t What you pay for extracts is im portant, but what you get for your money to ten times more important. Burnett's Vanilla coats more because it is worth more. ; ' - ..;.. Steso Pipes Barst, Fatally Scaldlag Two , Eorloeera aad FI va Stokers. ; By Telegraph to tha Mornlnif Star. RrMftW. Ana-. 28. The North Ger man Lloyd steamer Neckar, bound for Baltimore. Md.. while off Terschlll-. ing, an island in the North aea, yes terday, burst ner mam ateam mvvj mh aoaldad the third and fourth ' engineers and aeven stoaers. The vessel Is returning berefor re- mSw VftBi Ansmt 28. According to a dispatch received to-day at the offices ol the North German: Lloyd Company, in New Yorkthe two en gineers referred to In the Bremen dis patch and five out of tbe seven stokers scalded diea irom iuk injunc. -passengers of tbe Neckar are all well, mwtA th ataamav mitalda of the burst ing of her main steam supply pipes, is undamaged, .. Chorch Notices. : . M. rtrst Preshyterlan Charoh. Service at 11 o'clock Sonday morning, conducted by Rev. c. W. Trawlck. Koevenffljarservloe. - There win be services at the second Advent Church on Myrtle Grove Bound to-morrow at 11 o'clock A H. and 8 o'clocK P. M. Sunday school at 4 P. U. Elder Q. W. Shepard, pastor. : - Eev. Dr. Alexander epruni, wui cuimucj Tlcea to-morrow moralngat 11 o'clock, at St. Andrews PreebyWrnqnurch. Tnere wUl be Prayer meeting on Wednesday at 8:15 P. M. Kev. J. A. Bmitn win preaen ai ine -yra. Baptist Ohnrch to-morrow at 11 A. M. and 8 P. M. At the evening servleethe Choral choir will render some special music and Miss Maud Bulluck will shut a solo. Brooklyn Baptist Church, corner Fourth and Brunswick Bta. Bv. J. L. Vlrnfc patrtor. Services to-morrow at 11 A. C juid 8.M P. L Bunday School at S.80 P. M. Weekly prayer and praise meeting Wednesday ; at i 8 P. M. Strangers and visitors are cordially Invited to all servlcea. Chapel of the Good Bhepherd, BlxOi and Queen streets. Moraine prayer and address, u A. M. avenlng prayer and sermon, 7:45 P. M. Sunday Bchool,U0 P. H.- sonthslde Baptist Chorch, corner Fifth and Wooster. Bervlcee Sunday at 11 A. K. and 7:30 P.M. Bunday school at S P. M. Prayer meet lne Wednesday night at 8 o'clock. Young Men's meeting Friday night at 8 o'clock. . . Immannel Presbyterian Church: eervlees to-morrow by the pastor. Be v. C. w. Trawlck. at 11 A. M. and 8 P. M. Communion of the Lord's supper at the morning set vice. Bunday School at io A. X. Prayer meeting at 8 p. m., Wednesday. . Bladen Street Methodist Church, corner of. Fifth and Bladen streets. Bev. Geo. fi. Webster, pastor. Services Sunday 11 A. M. and 7:80 P. CT Sunday school, J. B. Taylor, superintend ent, 8:30 P. M; Mid-week praise service Wednes day 7:30 P.M. A cordial welcome to alL Grace M. K. Church, corner or oraee and Fourth streets. Pastor, Bev. J. Cole. Ser vices Sunday at 11 o'clock a. m. and 8.00 p. m. Sunday Bchool, W. B. Cooper, mpt, 8.30 p. m. Weekly prayer meeting Wednesday at 8.00 p. m A cordial welcome to all. Visitors to the city especially Invited. Beats free. . ' . . - BUSINESS LOCALS. BT Boncsa ror sent or Bale, Eost or rouna. Wants, and ether short Klsoellaneoas Adver tisements Inserted In this Department, tn solid onnartelTTDforl aamt per word each inser tion: but no advertisement taken for lass than SO aaata. Terms postttvelv cash in advance. .Treat atract store for Bent Across rrom Marxes. woou uubiuhdb wvwaua. aww quck toJ. O. Wright Bon. Beal Estate and tAntintr Anna 114 Pi lncess street. Bell 'PhoneStt. --anS8tt Prateea yoor homes agalnsc damage by BepMrnoer gaiea oj uu uu. policy with Dick Bellly, Beal tetate and Insurance Agents, 110 Princess street, an s tf Baaae TTaaiad-Wlth five, six or seven her of rooms and price. ' Address P. O. Box 436, cisy. ---f repaired, cleaned and re varnished; Up- . . i j. ft.ift i ililaa,na T n nl I all. wawnm wi Hm aftftftftw. - . - -. - Mo. 9 South Eighth street. JeSOtf Old newspapers, suitable for wrapping pa per, for sale at reduced prices. lnquanuUee. Apply at the office of Thx mobjidio Bta. w . - ... a . . iftaiwarfa VftlnnD which wUl be on sale Monday mornlnit at foot n irauanM. am.. 0. nuuawM. Brtws Lcxhorn Karsa, from high bred stock, for sale at 60 cents per dosen. R. A. Montgomery, Eighth and Princess streets. apftf . " ' " . o IB aaa for rent In The Worth Building the most convenient business location in the city. Modern equipment. Apply to The Worth Oa feb 18 tr - - " SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at the Mayor's office, Wilmington, N. C, UNTIL SEPT. I5TH, 1903, at eleven o'clock A. M., for furnishing all material and labor for . Paving nt Street from Second to Fourth, with - either Vitrified Paving Blocks, Vitrified Paving Brick or Bel . gian Blocks. The surf ace to be. covered, seventy -four hundred and twenty-five square yards .. approximately. Specifications for either kind of pavement with plan and profile of the street, can be had by applica tion to the Mayor. A CERTIFIED CHECK FOB 5 PER CSX Ts of amount of bid must be deposited with each bid. The right is re served to reject any or tli bids. . WU. E. SPRINGER, v ' ' Mayor. Wilmington, N. C, Aug. 25, 1903. . au26tf SALT, SALT, SALT, (Fine and Coarse Grain., 4 I BAGGING AND . TIES, and a full line other seasonable - goods. ' . Ask for quotations. . TTAT.Ta & FEAESALL ' . Incorporated. .- ; .. " Wholesale Grocers. jyistf . - - v Pineapple, - Chocolate and Vanilla OBEAM FOB SUNDAY. ' Made of pure cream. Dont forget I make the best cream in the J. W. Plummer, Jr., . Bell 'Phono 680. au 22 tf COWIDA. j -I have secured the agency for ' Conlda's high grade Chocolates, Bon-Bons, &c A fresh supply ' always on hand at vs?E . HARDITJ'G 'y-'-y - - : Palace Pbarnacy, 126 South Front Street - - " - " uw tf . Both Tbone 55,' - "-'1- v,-. - ' - . EVERY DAY BRIGS AS VE LIVE, SO OUR BUSINESS GROWS. Our goods sell themselves. Our prices are always right. Our stock is kept new, fresh and clean and always in season. Je Are How Receiving Large Quantities of EARLY FALL GOODS. . While we have duantities of Sum mer goods on hand to fill your wants Art . Una wa ava -makinw crreat efforta lo reduce our stock and be ready for Fall business. . uur ; sum mer Lawns have been-nicely-replenished and our 10 cent assortment ia splendid. They are Teally worth 15 cents a yard. We have a nice line of 32-inch Batiste which we are selling for. 5c a yard that will make you a pretty and cheap dress. W are atill aelling our Simpson's beat print at 5c a yard, worth more wholesale, v We have 5,000 yards Shirting which cannot be matched at our price of 4c a yardi j Py:-.-!'' - ' We 'also have 5,000 yarda of the yery best white Shirting made, which we are aelling at 6c a yard, cheaper than the manufacturer's pric. A. F. O. Qinehams we are selUnjr at 10c a yard. ; The yery best Bed-tickinjr, feather proof, absolute, -and al most water proof, we are selling at 16c a yard. : A nice line of white Flannel for baby wear at 11c a yard, 16, 20 and 25c and up to 48a a yard.: - One handred doaen spools of best 6 cord Cotton for machines at 4c a spool. Big Line of Vhlte Spreads. A splendid Spread, -10 quarter aize, atf 89c, $U 9L19 and $1.50. 1 Sheets and Pillow Cases. Nicely hemmed Sheets. 81 and 90 inches at 56c ;i 90x90 Defender brand 62Xc; an extra quality at 75c a piece. Pillow cases lOo, 12 and 15c each. Hammocks. A good Hammock with a Pillow at $1 : a better one for $1.25 and up to $2. Mosquito Nets at $1, L19 and $1.25. Upholstery. In our Millinery Department we hare lots of new Veilings that we are aelling at 25c a yard. Beady-made Veil with embroidered edge are 50c, 69 and 75e each. In Ladies' Hats we Geo. O. au 18 tf t ' GEO. jy 31 tf NEW SKIRTS We have just received a lot of the latest Btyles of Skirts. Woolen Skirts $1.25, 1.75, 3.00, 4.50, 6.00, 9.00. Silk Skirts $4 75, 6.50, 9.00, 15.00. Black Mereerized Petticoats (underskirts) 65c, worth $1.25; better quality $1.25, 2.00 to 5.00.i - r - Silk Jackets inthe latest style; jost the thing for the seashore. Price $7.00.- They are made of Peau de-Soie Silk and the very lateBt style. A new lot of Beads and Waist Sets. We are closing out our Summer Hats and Waists at very low puce. An early call will show you a lot of new and stylish goods at popular prices. PARIS MILLINERY EMPORIUM, "jy 29 tf 129 On and After Tuesday, Aug. Boat leaves for Carolina Beach Beach for Wilmington at 3.30 P. M. and 6 P. Mr - LveSuidayforCarolina Beach 9.30 A. M., 2.30 and 7 P. M. Train leaves Beach at 12.15. 5.30 and 8 P. M. Boat leaves for Oouthport at , . . 9.00 A. M. Boat leaves Southport for Wilmington 2.30 P.M. au25tf . . - - . City Livery Company, - . SUCCESSORS TO C0VAN LIVERY CO. Fine Pleasure and Business Rigs, Harness and Harness Repairing. Personal Attention to Boarding. Horses, W. D. r.lacr.HLLArj, Jr., Pres. ' ' ' r 108, 110, 112 North Second Street - Both 'Phones 15. - ' au25 A Grand Opportunity - TO THOSE GOING TO HOUSE-KEBPING THIS FALL. I move in September to 206 North Front street, and to save cost moving will sell at a small advance on cost NOT AT COST-every ar tide in my present store and give free storage and insurance to Oct. Furniture and House Furnishing Goods, au 16 D&W tf ' Your Vacation Will be spent in peace of mind if y pknowthat your; valuable papers, ;S"v .Jgverware, jowolry etc., are left bebino V . von inn. esfo tilaco. S ! ' flK1 VW uvuuiHiiiuijr uuAa ui wui rent, aU sizes, all prices. Accessible ai any hour 'of the day. - -1 ATLArJTIC rJATIOfJ A L B A N K. 3e 88 u - , . - - . . Itl SOMETHING E have a beautiful line of Silk h.i. they, come in white, black and Itl i colors. mTbey are somethine entiri. newand very pretty at $1.60 a Sec We have a beautiful line of whu. Duck Hata selling at 50c a piece ft Black Straw Hate for early vSJ? large shapes and new styles, we ha a nice assortment we are selling at 60c each. Ribbons. Ribbons we can oiler cheaper than we ever did before. We can sell th. test Ts eta Ribbons, all silk, beautiful srlos. No. 5 at 4c a yard, and babr Ribbon at lc a vard Nn 9 Pi KKrw. a. .1 1 6c a yard; No. 12 at 7c a vard-No i at 9c a yard; No. 22 at 10c a yard, No 40 at 15c a yard; No. 60 at 18c a yaid and No. 80 at 20c a yard. These Rib bons we have In all colors and ther are under price. n For earl v Fall you may want a lone Plume. We have-heat In white and bltck A 10-inch Plume we fan sell you at 28c; a 14-inch Plume at 50c-16 inches at $1; 18 inches at $1.50 and' 20 inches at $L75 each. These are new good and very pretty. In fine m trich plumes, you can find them from $1.00 to $5.50 each in while and black Tips, three in a bunch, we have at 25c 50c and $1.00 a buncb. ; Black Dress Goods. In this Department we have about 40 pieces that run from 36 inchei 10 44 Inches in width, aaaorted patterns that we will sell at 20c a yard. On our silk counters we have a full atoek and big variety and almoit any thing you may call for. We are tell ing one special braud of taffeta liik for 48c, worth 75c. We also have a black taffeta for $1.00 and $1.25, one yard wide good for skirts? This is a very dull aeaion, and we want your business, ao we offer the very lowest prices we can. all c.h purchases entitle the purchaser to 1 punch in his card and a handsome present free. A pair Selz Royal! Blue or ; Profecto high or low cut SHOES? They never fail to please the fellow who puts his foot In them. They have the snap, style, com fort and wear that we all want, at popular prices $3.00 and $3.50. Found only at R. FRENCH & SONS. Market Street, Wilmington, N. C. 9 A. M. and 5.15 P. M Train leaves - Wilmington, NC. ik..ftM.M 4 a. TTOlllt fOl Oaylord D VI 25tb n