'Hill I I PICTORIAL PUZZLE. r bask. We Need Money I - - You Meed "Furniture." FOR 30 DAYS YOD CAtl BOY OF US FOR CASH. Bedroon Sail. SkIboardf. Gal !, Fait MaUm, W 8'prlnft irna t4!l, (JOlQA UcwelA, Oi-OniTa, 16U oefas, "iicw" Sewi Machine, and rwTthin la the furniture Una aJttrieeayou aero ia U sal nr. ton. Ctuabtr, terms strictly Aa. We lanta you lo IL'H rH j 10 If D CO., Corner Second and llulctt street. TO RAISE THE MAINE t I " ' - m ; . !,,( , MO ENGINEER RICHARDSON MAY FLCAT CATTLESMIP. " WUAT I'MOM GEXIUIXL IS RmIU13EXTED IE DHL ,11 MID SUPPLY C0 Solo Distributors of Davis' Absolutely Pure Paint Ta only ruratd 10O pr ctnL Par riat oa this or any atha atArkst. Oar fAraatea U thxl It Is ooatpo4 only of Ui4 03 100 per cent. Par WtlMUAl tCAXDOOAiJ....... 100 ' " Wilt Zinc (oxUs) loo . " Pare TDrtsnUne Drier and TIotiDg Colors. WITHOUT DOUBT W KNOW, t&Al Davis Paint will Btrtr diuppoiat . when properly applied. . It Im mad to good IaaI yoa ax sura to wantjaott II yoa LIVE LONQ EXOUOII to want your baHdine; repAlaUd. ! applying alnt always call for Pother's Celebrated P.J Paint BrasUes. Tfcey speak for themelm W also carry a fall lis of BaHJIojr, baUtIa!, laclodinx ths wU know FUaUoU Roofing. BU 'Phon - Inter-SUU 73. It tf ' - . - - ' SEASHORE HOTEL, WRIQllTaVIUJl BEACH. IT. C. Josl Bight Hilts Front Wilmington. TROLLEY CIS EVERY TWEfiTY-rJKUTES. W now bat ISO Uxf aIxt bedrooms, 20 ca salt, with prif aU bath. Hotel beinr, bat a frr yard free eld ocean's adf readars tt cool And eornf ortabl At all time. ArteeiAa water, no atAlArlA, no moaqoUoe, no tie. The finest lUthlng, Boating And FUalar Alone AUacIIo coaiI. N'cw Bovlia Al!r. Tool And BUllArd UaIL I Tbm CaUia will m tnoroezhl ap-to-dAte, eaibrAdsf tterythlni; ria t a wsj of d2;CAci la te loouA Ana caoic eUaa. Meiio the tatir AAoa by lb IIoUIa CelabrAted Orchetr of eifbt IU(aI Aad fToandi Ilzbtod by electrldty. Na more dtllcbtf al reort la ta Soath. Write for deriptiT book Ut, nUi, etc Addr - - . " JOE H. HirJTOn, Manager. wju a nTavn.T.n bbacxx. v. c .OyJ ! BwUmI PreUtA Dr. Taaa. S. Sr Ilvt Lift tkly rrc Dfd-l.tkta eaalA 0tr ly AIM RIm m4 WIlll I'alrM Ut plan at tbm easlar ar All awry tbe wreck oC to bttWh!p UaIa. waka La lala i th mad at tbe bottom of Ilarao hArtor doc Trtx IX isr wUl be ralMd from tt I;tkU bd sod ooc mora brrt ta corUnswave. TLd t.lanA. Which am now nusnlili. art tL rrjult f constant todj' aloe U SjnUJi war by Mr. Ocorge Bicb- ardaua of CUcato, aa enjitaeer of et' fwrlrnt. The acbem Itself ta almple. ItbotKb It tarolrea jrrat dl of la bor ami will rjulra tbrt nsopUia to b put Into zecuUoo. Dot bfore any UUjik farter ma be Com It wUl be Awtary to erevr tbe cooawot ef tbe otmainL At tbe nett kmIm of eoocrce ta Ualted 8utre will be aki to releaa 1U owDrbJp In tbe aoakea Yeel end alo to turn over to Mr. Richard oa tbe BpanUh talpe tbat He be a lb tbe we ten off tbe eoatbern coast of Cub. If coocreM will graat tbe prtrllege, work wUl be at one beruo by Mr. IUcaxO- ao oa oo of tbe aookea 8pealab salpe. be Utlake tbey co moat ttiUr be rmlaed. It U tU lateaUon. bower er, to rale all tbe ablpe If bl plan wUl work etatL . . , lo betlnAUi tbe work MTeral rows of pile wUl be rack porallel to ecb aW of tbe wreck. Tbe piles will rest oa Um bArdpao and will, project ser ersl feet a bore tbe water. Upon tb piles will be built platforms capable of susuiala rreat weljbt. and apoo Ut platforms win be set bydraallc Jacks. Tbe Ingenious part of tbe scbeme, bowveer, ts Dot la this prt of tb pro- poaed work, bat la tbe method of plao ta the. cables beoetb tbe wreck. Tb prlorip! part of tbe derlce for raaalnf tbe cable ooder tbe saakea salpe con sists merely of hollow steel tab tea laches or mor la diameter. Taeee tube. each sectloo of which ts a boat six feet lo&x. will aerre as spoot throuxh wblcO jet of water Is to b forced. la the beclaalnx tbe tabes will Wi I. ill Mi.ini.iii. . I . I M M I L SPECIAL- Oar now lntorcst qxnixtor will begin Tuca- day, Sept 1. Dopoaita made now win bear Interest from that date; payable in 00 day 8 The Wilmington Savings . & Trost Co. ...r.aAssa. it-w alt Am, Tie rr.i4.. i c BU TirtB.lrM or ktAxra as rr row xraAB be oJy Iocs' oasb to reach the mod bottom. Great pomp wUl . fere the water tbroagh them. 4tItIb away tb eon deposit. As the water die tato tbe mod the robes will be extended by the Addition of other sectloo, ' . Tbee tab locllo at a angle of forty-fir decree, and there will be 1A4 of them en each aid of the ship. Tbefr locatioo most be so nicer ealco- teted - that when tbey .ere forced throne h tb mod tbey will join at right a ogles beoeatb tb keel of tbe saakea eesswL TTben tbe tubes from opposite side meet, the pomp on only one aid will be kept workloc- A wooden spber slightly smaller than tbe bore of tbe tube will then be forced under the reeael through tb connected tube. To this wooden sphere will be fattened cord. This eord will be seed to draw rope and tb rop to draw tb rough cable. Wbea this la repeated 1S1 Mm A and tbe cable are Strang under tb ship from stem to stern, both cod of the cable will be fattened to the by draallc Jacks. - The raisin- of tbe ship tbea becomes a simple task, according to IXr. IUcn ardsoo. Tb jack will draw tb ca ble taut and tbu gradually raise tb wreck bor the sorfsce of tbe water. Once aboTe tbe water tbe reesel will be booyed by alrtig-ht caaks suffldeat la a amber to support It. It csathca be towed to dockyard In tbl couotry and sepelred. ' : . It wa wttb the Idea of raisin the Alain that the Inventor set about to find a method to that end, but now tbat be believe be has solved tb prob lem be Intends to raise all tb Spanish war wreck slocg the Cuban coast. Usay expert engineers and wreckage Ba to whom the scheme baa been snfitnltted believe It I practicable. All tbat Is now necessary is TJncf Sam's permHsloa to begin work. The entire expense "of the work win be bora by tb Investor, who bopee to be reimbursed by tbe exhibition sad aaie of the ship. 80 confident is Air. fllcbrdom in tbe socces of bis plan lhat be fully expects to bav on or mor of tb ship up next summer. So tbe ill fated Xfstne sfter ber years of repoe la Cuban mud may once more gladden tbe hearts of tb patriotic rally restored to ber original strength and osefala. THE UORGfflSOK 11ATI0HAL BA11K, - r jetitwerrem, si. r. ; DepoalterT for U. 8. Fond, Stab Fondt, . ' Coanty Fund, City Fandt. Oftiaire.1 March 1S09. . CepitAl $300,000. Supia, 100.000. Satsf, profjesslT, liberal. Cat!! AlbsaUoa to All boAinc, tit EzchASf brabt And old. H- C McQUEEN, Present . J, V. 6RAIHGER, Cashier. City Livery Company, SUCCESSORS TO COVAII LIVERY CO. Fine Pleasure and Business. Bigs. - Harness and Harness Bopalrlnff. Personal Attention to Boarding Horses". W. D. I71acr.1ILl.ArJ, Jr., Proa. k jh s 1 Ol., Both Tboa 1J. 1C, 110, IIS Norta Second Btxeel- z lrlnilliKMil f CTTTTH I.'Ij PC V' V I ) ssw - e " - C:m Ci:!sn-fc!2&3, IS Bewl Treabks si CKildrte e4r 4. Aids Ptjttetiesw tUuirtu IS EUwl. Strt$tas f OAS M Ma 4 VkOX; 'it rrr - 'CJ 0 OSU CZIJ D Clf IX ITZliS TtfmiNG CAST tjQIe JL c J- MOfrm. njjr to-a ti'sls MsAAuSaL at mm aaM sesaaa a assjeassa sk asks 4aas st ssaTWsveuNSSBs1 k- awa sMiasaaseA; sskksMksi SC eeaakal WaBsaasBaBl sa mm 9 A & T I. . '"- --I rrml .TT ' I-l . - - T--(ai.l -1 nTL 11 l. sr. avu a. sj - ri"-" 8 PORTING tOTE8. XaKb A. AfeKerron and Lord Derby wUl likely come together la tb ro foe tbe Cleveland $5,000 cup. r rr.rd Rlalr of tbe New. York Yacht dab has chartered tbe steam yacht May from Commodore AJexaa f er Van Ilensselacr. u.ni.ii at the Automobile Club eC America want a stste law passed that will compel vehicle of all kinds t show td light la the rear t albt. lurnM Xirevfus last summer coa- Lmnlitnl tr'.D tO AUStrail for th riratee, but when some of them did feoalneiM with the A merles nriesffue tbe project was dropped. ' CapUin Adrian Ansoo. once tse loot of UebU fans. U gctUng to be as great a bowler as be waa a first base man. He bad aa average of over 230 la lx games recently. Airn chmD!on. the crack Frencn pace follower Is deeply stirred over imw nacln rule adopted by tbe Ntttooal Athletic assoclatloa and is trying to break, up the drcuit n- nw voir Unks st Nice occupy on of the most picturesque positions 00 the enure nviera. J a me wwwu ftnnjtt l one of the charter member of tbe club, which was formed last season. . . " ' Questions For Mamma. fni. : 1 ... inmt 1 iv. m !nff Ia t A ill no K" J fti read. One day while conning net book she suddenly jooicca.vp wim this peculiar question: "Mamma.- what doe hcn backed np to k: rpU and what doe ho' httched on to tt epeu r n rcuuii- thinking to discover she meant when" nd -who." Ne York THINGS THEATRICAL. George Ade Is writing comedy called TI.e Circuit Judge." Clyde ntch has sailed for Europe and will be abroad aatU October. Air. and Mrs. Kendal bare brought out a new plsy In Liverpool entitled One People." ' Mr. and Mr. Itobert Drouet sail for Surope In May to spend the summer t o... f . 1 Ul DIOUUIIIN. ( One of tbe bis farce - comedy sue-: cesse of the present season baa been "Looping: tbe Loop." . . Tbe Australian tour of "Way Down East" baa been postponed. Tbe play. will be given In London first f George II, Broadhorst baa been com--missioned to dramatise Winston Churchill's book. The Celebrity." for J. K. Ilackett Next season Paul 'Gllmore will ap-' peer In John DreWs great saccess of this season. "Tbe Mommy and the Humming Bird." David Warfleld's season in "The Auctioneer" bas been one of such ex traordinary success that bis tour bar been extended to June 1. - OUWCEp o I am pleased to announce that I will occupy my New StOTe at; Old-Stand, Ho. 29 H. Front St. About Sept. 15, o o o o o with the most complete line of "Up-to-Now" - ever brought to our city. Our Dry Gooda' ATMfflC 8C A R P ET D EPARTMEWTI o THE WRITERS. After long silence Miss Braddon, who bring is now aa old lady. Is about to bat a new novcL Mrs. Mary Wll kins-Freeman bas gone; oaca to her maiden name In writing booka, and her forthcoming volume will have ber name as simply Mary E. llklns on the title page. It sppears that Lady Helen Forbes, the novelist. Is a real person the only sister of Lord Craven, Mr. Bradley Martin's son in-law. She Is tbe wife of Captain Forbes, who bas seen service In South Africa. Ibsen bas just celebrated bis seventy- fifth birthday not publicly, however as bis physicians forbade it Tbe poet,; can't take any active exercise, but. he drives oat every day with the young) doctor, who never leaves him. He reads; a little every day and like to talk, but - , .J LAW POINT8. o 3 will be full to the brim, and what we haven't in "Will be difficult to obtain. At present we are . show you something new in , MOTIONS waiting to a Cnqfclrf n g At . 114 Ilarket Street. AD. BROWN ' Sl Aarnt for "Asterieaa Lady" and . Crta, and Bottcrlek'a Paper Pattern. aulStl o o Her Majesty'". prices on Ice boxes and other seasonable things Just when old Bol is cutting np with the temperature. This is where and when the practical housekeeper has ber Innings. With little money she "can buy things of' great big value. .:. - . Take our hardwood. - charcoal filled Befrtgerators as a tampla These sold all season for s .but tbe few that are left are marxea at i J. 1'f.lowon 4 CO:. JO. o o P R I NTI NG 8T To add to a canceled check tbe words' "In fall of account to d.te"-wtth in-. ... . - v : . .t lent w nier its eaecx as receipt, u held In Gordon versus Com. (Vs.). L. B. A. Tf. to conatltate forgery. Tbe title to accretions Is held In De Lassus versos Faherty (Mo.), 08 L. B. , A. lio. not to be lost by the fact that a stream chances Its coarse and forc ing Irs wsy throojen the- newly formed land cuts the portion In controversy off from the main land. Tbe owner of land adjoining a high way Is held In Franklin verso Puree (N. II). OS L. B. A. 112, to bare no right to fill depressions In -bis land which are natnrnl outlets to drain the wster from the highway tf the effect will be to caat tbe water back on to the highway and injure it. BOOK BINDING V-V-V TVV WVWVVVVVVVVVVWN'VV vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvila o AND RULING. I I Th startling-announcement that a prevenUv of salads bAd been dis covered will Interest many. A run dowa system or despondency Invaria bly precede suicide. And something; has been found tbat will prevent that condition which make suicide likely. At tb first thought of ealf deslruo tloa lake Eleetrio Bitter. It belngr a great tonlo aad nervine will strengthen tbe aerre and build up tb system. It is also a great Btom- acb. Liver aad Kidney regulator. Oaly BOe. Satisfaction ruaranteed by XL IL BgTl.aaTT. drag gist. . t THE STAR -JOB PRINTING OFFICE, BOOK BINDERY AND .'RULING ROOMS ARE COMPLETE I THEIR APPOINTMENTS. ' Wholesale and Ketail, ' -jy!9tf O'rtonBnilding.: THE UNIVERSITY of North Carolina. Academic Department, : Law. Medicine, Pharmacy. One hundred and eight scholar ships. J?reo tuition to teachers and to sons of ministers. Loans for the needy. 608 Student. ' 60 Zastrnetors. - New Dormitories. Water Works, Central Heating System, Library 40,000 volumes. Fall term, academic and prof ec- 3 1 J 1. x 1 ! CI T X - , siouai ueparbmeufcB, unguis oeptem- ber 7, 1903. Address P. P. VENABLB, President, .je.26 tf Chapel Hill, N. C. Wilmington and Fayetteville STEAMBOAT LINES. . WILMINGTON, N. C. EVERY VARIETY OF PRINTING, HULirib ANU BINDING DUNE g NEATLY FYPPniTinil?l V M , .-. skkiiw l a UHtArLY. o o era for Fayettevtile, Pasieacsrs. Freight o o o d - Bteamer Hlghlanaer, Capt. W. McK. Bobe- bod, leaves 4:80 P. M , Mondays and Thursdays. steamer Hart, Capt. W. A. Bobeeon, leaves at 4 :S0 p. Jkt Tuesdays and Fridays. For passage, freight and towage rates ap ply to . Wll. H. BERNARD, Proprietor, ; jy 18 tf T. D. LOVE, - . general Agent, ! Boath Water street; - Ba Paia. Itching; "cabby Skia Dlseavses. " Caers, Bleed Treakles, P las pies er. fraaanay eared by taktnt miq. jt oastror Botanle Blood tb aetlv Poloon In tbe . Mood. ym mm acbe so pains in ona, back aad Jotnta. Itctuoa- ecabbv Skla, Blood nil hot, BwoUea elands. Biatass aa Barapa en o etui, Mocnt raicDe sa Moau.eoie Tbroet. PtmDkw. 0wer-Ooocd BTMMa.airan Aowa, Oleers oa soy part of the body. Hair or xjeorowa uiung oat, uii Btal Bleed Balsa grearavateed to etir va th worn and most deeoeaated e-aa wb.r eoctor. ptat mdteuM and bo : sptinr rau. Heaia aoi ora, atop aii acDe aaa peine, reason eu rweuuiK, mun otooa par so rtch. eosBPiiy ehsnanne th so tire bade Into a eleea. beeitbv eoedJUon. B. B. B. ha cored tboosanda altar reaching tb last at- w dmm roiaon. O Id RkeeMtlsi,Catarrk.Ecaeesw Xtelds); ZXaaaors, Screfala, ar eeeead y a wnu reteoeea -eteeiuoe es- io Blood B. B. H. ttofm Hawking and Spit- tier, Itcbjns aed eoratcjimti ear nnema ttem. Ofttarrb: beai ail Soaba, fraaJea, Krnp Uoo. Watery BUstera, foal reatanof Borrm; by imn m pars. batthy blood sopply to affected parts. Bleed BaJas Oar Caer f All Slada, ' aorpsraUBg gwanmrs, XaUnf Bores, Tumors. Bcty Utor. It KUi tb cenoar roiaon sua bU lb kx-m or wort aoorpnrfcU7. If yoa bv a perslsteat Plmpi, Wart BwelUnss BbooCer. BUnaiog Pains, take Blood Balm and tbey win dJAppar beta Caaeer. -. . . t -ii! " V , ' '"''---T- ' f ' 1 i " "aai" v It . ; j ; -' i " "it" " - i . a - I Air Lijkb Ttiuumar Schedule In Effect April 18, 1908. TRAIN Leaves Wilmington 3:30 p nv arrives 39 . Lumbertoa 5:46 p m, Pembroke 6:10 p . nu Maxton o:s p m, uanuet v: pm. arrive unariarae iu:o p m. , . - . TBAIN Leaves Wilmington 9:00 p m, arrives 1 5 Lumberton 8:is a m, Pembroke 2:8fi a . m, suixion ano m, jttanuet o:w a ta. TBAIN Leaves Coarlotte 51 a m. Hamlet 8:40 40 am. arrives Haxton :52 m, pem- . DroKeiM3am,iumDerton 10:27 ami wiiimnpm VKIO Dm. . . TBAIN Leaves Hamlet 10r p m, arrives Max- j ion a m, rem oroK l :j a m. Liom- - oerson reus a m. wumuunon 7.mo a m. WKSTBOUND mOM HAHLET. BEST AND CHEAPEST LINE OF REFRIGERATORS ON THE nARKET. ' Wll. E. SPRINGER & GO., Hamlet.... 790 am 10 40pm Ar Honroe. .... ............. 8 68 a miais am Ar Charlotte.. 10 05 a m 10 45 p m Ar Chester.. loss m issam Ar Greenwood............... 13 23 p m 34 am Ar Athens....... 2 50 p m 606 am Ar Atlanta....... 850pm 760 am T BOPTHBOUKD FBOM HAMLET. , 1 LvEamlet... .......... ...... 780 a m 1040 pm Ar Oolnmbla..... 10 58 a m 160 ant Ar Bavannab.... .......... 220pm 505am Ar Jacksonville.. 8 50 pm 915 am Ar Tampa 645 am 6 00pm - NOBTHBOUHD FBOH HAHLST. .. .. Lv Hamlet.............!..... lo so p m 8 55 a m ArBaleleh.. ........ ......... 125 a mil 50 am Ar Norlina 850 am 145pm gBgaa:::: p" Lv Hamlet................... 10 so a m 7 60 am Ar Baieigb... l S5 a m 11 15 a m Ar Norlina................... 3 50am 1 45 p m Ar Richmond. ......... ...... 8 85 am 455pm Ar Washington.... loio a m 886 pm Ar Baltimore ll 25 p m 11 95 p m Ar New York. 415 pm 618 pm Throncrh Pullman sleeners from Hamlet to all points Monn,BOtn ana Houtnwest. For tickets, Pullman reservations, etc.. apply m i nomas v. aieaxee, uenerai Agent, wiinung ton, N.a . ap 15tf v . SUMMER SCHEDULE. ' CONSOLIDATED RAILWAYS je3tf Pur cell Building, Wilmington, H7 C LIGHT & POWER COMPANY. or tbey deveiop latOj m tmrrm tex.l. 1. W mwr r.tC tmli ma n .. wtwtmmtm HI.. MaUat IK. !.. Btway.ewa If ! mrm ymmr i.iy.wUl Betamle Bleed BaJaa (B. B. B.) Is plMa8aadsarsto take. Tboraagbly tested tor M rr. Oumtwed of Par Botenlo lngre ieta. sweactban week kddseys aad weak UMnacba. cure dyroepiila. Oomplet eireo Uoa f wit c bot. laayl.iaU ' '....kiai mm Fn. bv wrUlns ebt. aad speclai tre medioal advtoe, to salt ! yoer mm, aio asat in mi I .a jA. - --w ( . EaTeetlV Tuesday, Sept. 31, 1908. : A pair Seiz Royal2 Blue or Profecto high or low cut SHOES?- They never fail to please the fellow who puts his foot in them. ' They have the snap, style, com fort and wear that we all want, at popular prices $3.00 and $3.50. ounu omy at - FBONT AMD PBINCK88 BT WILMINQTOH Leave evervbalfbour from 6:00 A. H. to 11:C0 P. JC, deny except Sunday. SUNDAY Every naif hour troms.oo A. u. to 11:00 P. H. THJE CABINO WEIGHTS V1LLE BKACH.- Leave everv half boor from 7:00 A. M. to 12:00 P. M., dally except Sunday. SUNDAYS Every half hour from 8:30 A. X. to 12:00 p. H BEACH CAB: rorthe accommodation of those who may desire to leave tbe Beach after regular cars osto ceasea ranjung-.-en extra will be left on tbe Beashore Hotel Biding every nteht, which can re ehartered for the trip to Wilmington and return for Sio.oo. Tbe Motor man in charge can be reached At tbe Com pany's Baggage room, near that point. Bell phniM nn tana - . GEO. R. FRENCH & SOUS. Beflrtnnlng eeptember win be as follows: : Freigat aernee. ' 1st freight schedule Jr tf Or. Blnserx' Huck!ebrr Cordial: - ' Th. Oraat authm Remedy. . ' . Cnre ell Stomach and Bowel TTOUDtea. act c Chronic Dysentery. Cholera Moi Inw. Utoody nun. and Jo xbJldren thlir. It mMobi fall to mk qulc and MmtMnt cur of all tmftCb and ie . ... f-. HEVKV W. -. AJJ J. rv... airt Thl. la th rl cerr.tr that I bw ev 0n to th fKarlt ol any dlcl. btft I talf Peeue nwuMMMlnt or. bios- nci.. ' T Cord 1. 1. I coeMldee H th b eamedy Ht I haw vr imm in my " temaeH an Bewr TreutoU. 60o h- VMtM m a eortta f tni. maim w j Mubl will otn av life a wail a e jara Ooetor' bill. I hav a friend who in. ml Im mv oetnton. uvtd by he prompt UN f Of. Boor- nutm.torry Koxi.L Foe i by all Oruefllata, ST Deposits -j Leave Ocean view - ll.oo A. M. - 6.00 P. M.--make 10:00 A. an 60 eee bottl. Atlanta. Ga May 23. 1887, by all O ruse lata. 4INRV W, AADV. tgned) Hattlwangee-Taylor PmoCe, Pmp -Atlanta, wa. TayWa CWoke Family of 8wa. Oum aed MullaW will cur Louitnii. v-toud jCvMunpUon., Price tteandtl abottu. U - la KIB u4 iwllt. " " " vMaMMifMM. T.k.MMkws BnMa B., mt Ff lrus m mm . la w rmrUmmlmr TWl.l.l. MmU. ia.aoa Ty.wi. T r i. Made with us on or before September 1st," the beginning of our new interest quarter, will begin to draw interest from September - 1st. We pay interest on deposits at 4 per cent, per annum, corny pounaea quarxeny. ATLANTIC TBUST AND BANKING CO. 16 Princess Street, Wilmington, K. O. . SI A XX j. hiver. Preeldsat. B. H. AHukrs. vice rresiaeat . nrrcHtxii f allsri ouaiw, - dissctobs: ' v Ij. B. Boeers. John H. Suck, 3. Solomon, X. McJKachern, U. M. J Ahrens, U. W. xaies, a. a. xeuamy, au o. xieyur,t - A. B. Lynch, J. ir. i. uiescnen, i. sx, near. Leave - Arrive Wilmington Ocean view lu.w a. at. iv.su a. m. Sunday's Freight Car will H. trip only. rEEiBHT DEPOT: . The freleht Denot will be ooen for tbe receipt of freleht from 8:80 A. at. to 6:00 P. M . Bundays 8:80 to 9:80 A. at. No freight will be received at other points In tbe city, except as above specified. FreiKht which Is received within twenty min utes of time ear is due to leave will be held for I next regular trip. - 'MASKING AND PREPAYING: Freight Will not be received unless plainly marked with name of the consignee and-fuliy prepaid. LAUNDBY: when packed In trunks, hand bags, or hampers, Laandry will be handled as baggage. - baggagi: - Baggage will be received ana delivered at the Atlantic coast Line and Seaboard Air Line depots: all pieces must be checKeo, and no piece win os aeuyerea except on presentation oX duplicate check. , jeigi- - - - - - COAST HUE. LOW ' ROUND TRIP ' Rates From Wilmington. $18.00 Washington. D. a. and re turn, v Tickets on sale dally, June 1st to September 80th, final limit October 31st, 1903. $18.50 to Baltimore and return. Sov ereign Urnd Lodge Odd Fellows: tickets on sale September 18lh, 19lb and 20tb, final limit September 28tb. Tickets muat be r deposited with Joint Agent and' of 25 cents paid. -Extension of limit to October 3rd. 1903. may be obtained nnon nay ment of $1.00 additional. $11.65 . Washington, D. C, and re turn, account Grand Fountain United Order of True Reformers. September 1st to 8tb, 1903, Inclusive, Tickets will be on sale August 30th and Slit, Sep tember 1st and 2nd. Final limit lo reach starting point September 101b, 1903. By deposit of : Ucke with Ja. Richardson, special sgent, Pennsyl vania arenue station, Washington, D. O., and of 60 cents, extension of re turn limit td September 25th may be obtained. W. J. OBAIO, . Gen! Passenger Agent. . H. M. EMERSON, Traffic Manager. au 80 tf .... ATLANTIC COAST MIB. : geheAale In Eflt Ang. g, 103. . HOBTHBOTJITO. -j- Lv wilminirton.... .......... Ar Goldsboro................ Ar Wilson...... Rocky Mount. .......... AT Norfolk.... Ar Weldon. Ar Petersburg.............. Ar Richmond.. Ar Washington.............. Ar Baltimore. . . . Ar Philadelphia Ar Hew York No 48 8.80 a m u 81 p m 1 18 p m 1 55 pm 5 55 p m 4 68 p m 6 53 p m 7 4V D m 1140 p m 188 a m 4 05 a m 715 a m NO 48 700 pm 088 om rt0 85 pm uaprn 1 8S a m 8 00 am 8 43 am 7 80 am 913 am 11 88 a m 8 00 pm SOUTHBOUND. liTntw i or ............... Ar Philadelphia ...... at aiiamore at Washington.............. I Ar Norfolk Ar Richmond. Ar Petersbursr..... ArWeldon.. ........ ......... Ar Rocky Mount 1 AT UOIdBOOrO.. ............ Ar wummgton.. No 41 9 85 s mi ll 65 a ml 813 p m 8 81 p ml 7 15 p ml s no p m NO 49 9 85 D m 13 oi a m 8 87 am 845 am 900 am 880 am 9 48 em 9 43 p mill 46 am 10 87 p ml 11 IB P 111 7 18 a m 1010 a ml loo om 169 pm 8 10 p m 8 00 pm BETWEEN WILMINGTON AND THE SOUTH. SOUTHBOUND . Dally Ex. Sunday. au22tf Rates for Sewer Serrlc THE NORTH CAKOIilNA STATE I70BIIAL AITD llTDTISTEIAL COLLEGE. Lltarerr. ClaealeeJ. Selnae, Paros1eaJ, Coawaserelal, Domestic ScUne, Banaal XraJnig, music. Ttv nnnraaa taaiirnir to Dfttomas. Advanced oonwefl leading to Degrees; Wen equlppe -t.. -; - ibiuvj . riimit. BNwitiAr. Aft . Rnani lanndrv. tnltlnn. and fees for aa of text booka etc. f 18 a rear. For non-residents ol the State 8160. . Twelfth, annual session betrtns September 157193. To secure board in tbe .dormitories all free-tuition applications ahoQldb mad before July I5tb. Oorrespondeiice Invited from those desiring competent teaxbrsandstnogTapbers. Ter cajtaJogueandoiAerinformauonaaaress Prwsldent. ' - CHARLES D. McIVEH, Water Closets - - 50 cts per quarter, each ' Kitchen Sinks - - 50 cts per quarter, each ; Batb Tubs - - - 50 cts per quarter, each.' Fixed yiuh Basins 25 cts per quarter, each, . Fixed laundry Tubs 50c per quarter, per set We carry our" pipes to your prop erty line without charge, and rates do not go Into effect until service is rendered. . . The Wilmington SewerERe Co. ; Lv Wilmington, v. Ar Florence. Ar Charleston.... Ar Savannah..... Ar Jacksonville... Ar Tampa......... 800 a ml 925 a m no p m 8 80 p m easee .......... Dally. 8 45 p m 780 n m 11 upm sue mvm 9 00 a m to 85 p m Dally. 780pm sssam 61501 8 80!am rtispm id so pm NORTHBOUND. Ar Jacksonville. Ar Savannah. at -naneston.. ............ Ar Florence.. Ar Wilmington............ v Ex Sunday. 8 05 p m 7 80 a m 1340 pm eu p m t s d m tl so p ml Deny 780 a m sso pm lis am 885 am 945am 140 pm BETWEEN WILMINGTON AND BANFOBD West Bound East Bound .':: Dally :Dally . Lv Wilmington........ I 9 80 a miAr ' 7 80 p m Ar Fayetteville 18 85 p m Ar 4 55 p m Ar Banford. 1 165 p mLv a 48 p m BETWEEN WILMINGTON AND XEWBEBN North Bound ' Bouth . Dally ex Sunday Bound Lv Wilmington, ...... .Y. 13 85 p mlar 19 15 p m Ar Newbern.... 40p mLv 9 08 aim Trains Nos. 4 and 41 carry Pullman Bleeping Oars between Wilmington and Washington, connecting with Penna B. B. for all points east. W. J. DBAia, Genl Paseeager Agent. , H. M. Emerson, Traffic Manager. - . myeitf. ... ; Atlantic ani Horil Carolina Railrcai Tina Table No'ie. To Take Effect Sunday, Oct. 81, 1900. at 12.01 A. M. GOING' EAST. GOING WE8T. ) i S . 4 - Passg'r Trains T PassgT Tralra STATIONS. r- Arrive Leave - Arrive Leave P. M. P. M " - "aTm? jL al" 8 40 GoidBboro....... n oe ........ 4 83 Elnston 10 18 5 40 5 50 Newbern 8 87 BOO - 7 03 7 07 Morehead Olty.. 7 88 7 87 P. M. P. M. A.Mf A. M. Train 4 connects with W. Sc. W train bound North, leaving Goldsboro at 11.85 A. M., and with feouthern Railway train West. leaving Goldsboro 9.00 P. and with W. A N. at New bern for Wilmington and Intermediate points. Train I connects witn eouuiern mm way tram arriving at Goldsboro 8.00 P. M . and with W. A w tra.fn from thn North at S.(e P. M No. 1 train also connects with W. & N. for W liming-" ton and intermediate points. OCIKSU - - D. lit viu eupt. , The Clyde SftanisMp Co lieu Yort, ' 7Ilmlngton, II. C., ani GeoigetOuH, S.C.,LiDC3 aTreaa NewYerKTor rilamlegteat. OABm....................;...Batnrday NAYAHOE, . , . , ............Baturday,. An Bei 89 S 89 : 9 VreB Wllaalngtoa iter rer Yrk. NAYAHOE............. ......Saturday, Aug. QABiBx..... ............. ...aaturday, Sept. aTreae rUaaJjkgtesi ; fr Cleergete NAYAHOE.............. ......Tuesday, Ang. 85 OABIB ..Tuesday, Sept. .1 Both steamers have good Passenger accom modation. ar Through 'Bills Lading and -Lowest Through Bates guaranteed to and from points In Non and Booth Carolina. . . L for freuht and passage amtv to bMMhl ' ones, Bupt. - - H.U. H.G. . .... v..-. v iimlngton, 1 THBO.-G. EGEB, Gen'l Manager. Wa. P. OLTDK A CO., Oen'l Agents, . 19 State street. New ork. anistt rribune, : r " "" - - 1 lesstf . OREEIYSBOBO, W. C." Jyl9 tx " ; v .y