FIND THREE HIDDEN FACES. rn i v J n r Tb IUml Yoa Ilaro Always Uoasht, ami thtch h& beca. in u.e fbr ottt 3D year, h borno tbo T;ni-tjr of ami bas been tnado under Lis per- fj 'j1'. , ' 8oal aapcrvlskm since lu Infancy. ' AH Counterfeit, Imitations and M JnRt-atMMl aro bat f!iprtmentt that trifle with and rndansrr tbo health of l-Cui la and Cb lren Ix per tmc ncalnst nperimet, What is CASTOR I A C iori U a barmles eubstltato for Castor Oil, Pare rrlc. lrvp and Sooibla Sjraps. It U FlcaxaaU It contain neither Opium, M-rphino nor other Narcotic ra balance. IU age La It cuaratce. It c troys Worm and aHajs Feverish-. It cures Diarrbcca and Wind Colic. It rellcTca Teething Troubles, care Const! potion and flatulency. It a Initiates tbo Food regulates tbo Stomach and Uowels pi Tins healthy and notoral sleep, Tbo Children's Ianacea Tbo 31 other's Friend. C E fiUI H E C ASTO R I A ALVA YS Sears the Signature of " CONDENSED STORIES. Mow DwlQht L. Moody Was Taken In by the Urchins cf Bethany. When P. L. i: ody went to Beth snj daring his titcls in the east fee u xery r-tt i carted over all the multitude of beggars there, not 'nly, because the place it bo unusual, but because he was moved bv it beand ful tradition. He gave quantitie of backsheesh and then asked If sny of the children had the name of Mtry nnA Msrtha. Yes, indeed; they had." And that opened his pocket again. " The new of his generosity spread through the Tillage, and new claim ant came until hi visit seemed like ly to result in a fight for eUtece. The case was getting desperate a3j he told the dragoman to call for si lence while he made an aadreas. Then he said: "I have come 6,00J rae to see, this little Tillage of Bcthajy. It waa a place my Master lordfta vis. it, and 1 haTe come to see i ; because, he loTed it I am verr cjac ta peet yon all, but now I want to be eiose. I hare no more backsheesh, arid I bid you all goodby." A fine looking boy of sixteen re plied to the address, lie spoke, flu ently and with the grace of an ora tor. Mr. Moody waa delighted with! the beginning of his oration, but not wi(h its conclusion: "We are glad to wo the gentle man and his friend who have come to far, but the gentleman must not think that his actions are cqnal to the importance of his visit. Six thousand miles it a long way to come, and the gentleman must Tiave sacrificed much tomake the visit. In consequence It ia nat&ral for ns to expect that he would be mojifl ccnt Ln backs heeshl Thia ho has not been, and now we expect that he will KlTe ns a great deal more. Mr. Moody was so d-gusted that he abandoned the situation entirely and burned away withxls friends. 1 did think.' said he, "that boy. bad a soul aboTe tweashcesh." -And did you think, too, that some or the children were named Martha and Mary V he was asked. Certainly. Why not?" "Nothing; only they were all boys." Leeds Mercury. OafUnt Sir Thomas. Sir Thomas Lipton has a gallant way of paying pretty compliments to ladies. UriTing through v uh Ington one day ho passed a huge red automobile that stood before an im- The KM You Have Always Bought. In Use For Over 30 Years! Llany Men of Many Minds, Oaoy Shoes of Uaoy Kinds ara said all over onr CIty.w Bat renenber when yoa want tha Best Shoes forryour Money, to OUR STOBE for yonrsalf or faxaily, yoa must corns wher we make the one at -, - ; GEO. R. FRE1ICH & SOUS. Too rsssan mm a littu wmu aoo. nosing mansion of grsy stone. A i if w ww. I in, -,rl in . whit. m aat In BEST SHOES our trade winner. lTy I :htt .Xmobfl- rd as Sir Thomas glided by she bowed to him, smiling a raaiani ana cnarming .smue. xxe, howrrer. failed to see her. The young cirl looked embarrass ed, vexed. She bit her lip. She thoueht a moment Then she took hold of the wheel of her machine, pressed with her email foot the bulb that made the horn toot gru3y, and rwiftlr and smoothly she shot after the English knight Soon the great automobile over took the carriage and halted. The. young giii, an oia xnena 01 oir Thomas, extended her hand, and as Your Vacation u Will bo ffpontlnijeaca of mind "If you know Hint vour valuablo Dapors. all- verwaro, jewelry, etc, are left beblnd you In a safe place, - Rtnnl flfifAhr boxes 111 OUT Vault for I h took it she said reoroachfuUj: V , a ou passed me a little while ago rent, ail BlZQat tall prices, atwuaaiuio I without looking at tne.w any hour of tne day. . ATLANTIC NATIONAL BANK. A Fifty Cent Window Display. Mfltlm ear wlndaw In DaUlOff.- A IllCS aitOflnent Of Foralihlna 6ooif and Shirts, taventy-flve cents ar tides at Any cents for this week only. Call early m and oiks yoor selections. CT. "W". Ir. .FTTO-l-EES- nead to Foot Outfitter. ONE PRICE TO ALL. aa 23 tf THE UORCfflSOK HATIOHAL BAHK, With a trallant smile and inclina tion of the bead, ir lomss an swered: f I had looked at you I couldn't have passed you." Mrs. ShaWo Wit. Mrs. Leslie M. Shaw, wife of the secretary of the treasury, has always been noted for her wit It is saxd that a young T"" of humorous 'bent one dsy exclaimed in her presence, What could be more ddful for a woman man aiier znexve-ng er hiisband 's coat to find in one of the rockets a love letter from another Vcmanr "Foxt-natclj sajd Mrs.' rtw, That coxm Tottx -srpcnj fjfi an'Uica-se wonld not xeJ the co r wiii-T!v, m. Orx-alied March ISO-. C;ital 1300.000. Sarptaj 100,000. Stroar, prorTtaaivs, ilberaL attanUoa to all business, rertfru Exchanrs bought and sold. H. C McQUEEH, Prtslient Depository for " U. 8. i'nnds, State Funds. Count? Fund, City Funds. J. V. 6RAIHBER, Cashier. KIIM la Si-av. Ia 8Um each maxvilarla has his pe dst form of kite, of a -Uttoctivo color. aod tks alas po-- a mmfmacauj .orated alt, which Is flown at sun set. Vljt j (No:l4oret-icKW:aivd Paaas." ' - - '- . No. 826 Perdido Street,, ; ; . .. - - . New Oblbahs, La., March 27, 1903. ' For over hine years I had been troubled with Ieucorrhoea. The'discfcarge was yellowish at times but after the menstrual period it would become reddish, acrid and excoriating.' This exhausted my system. . I was con-tin-ally tired while my appetite was poor, my digestion Tery bad and my sleep fitful and feverish. : ; . Wine of Caxdui was the one remedy which helped me in my distress. I soon found that it relieved the . riin ad imbned me with new stxength and after the use of 22 bottles , , . . was well. No more discharge. - No more aches and pains and oh, ys -. (7 yX, L Loose who have haa my experience can appreciate . CCvitU es"" what relief, onlV tl the value of such a fine medicine as Wine of Cardui. rience can appreciate Vio- Pkxsid&nt, Uhitsb -au-HTBbs' Imdcbtrxal txes. CMH3X w r . Hrt Anna IX Moore. Does not this letter convince the most skeptical sufferer that Wine of Cardui will bring her " health E. It is difficult" to imagine a case where there are more discouraging features than this 1 before Mrs. Moore bea fairing Wide of Cardui. Leucorrhoea is an inflammation of the -I . vagina. It fa really rf th vital organs of womanhood. This inflammation often drives women into .the direst stages of nervous excitement. - At the menstrual period the continual itching is accompanied by the utmost , agony. The life of the woman who lets this trouble run oh as Mrs. Moore did is one of misery. But Mrs. Moere did not know what medicine to take to cure it When she had Wine of Cardui brought to her attention she took it and continued the ' treatment until she was cured. The case was a chronic one and it took presistent effort to bring a permanent cure. , - This cure can be secured by any woman who takes Wine of Cardui. Mrs. Moore tried everything else and continued to , suffer. She tried Wine of Cardui and was cured. You can treat your case successfully in your own home and nobody need know anything about it Secure a $1.00 bottle of Wine of Cardui. today and begm the treatment. 9 m THE NORTH CAROLINA STATE H0E1IAL AUD IITDUSTRIAL COLLEGE. . . . . - r.nilll. DMle , "-'"Ti -1 I I. HMtl' 9m "TrTT miiI : 11 i i-X rW l-i m-m-rn ....- . ... frasB O -Jill. i u .BBOCISSISmO. i. c as on. mo FP-Trr. 1 11 rn'"""' C U C Jjl til Ij m lM K ry . wm4 IS B- tn 1- mi Mi Dta&o-w Kttum tfm O04 n-s HUts V liC-c C C5t5 Wr 3 casU 1 Drsirisli, . tztnrG cast. a- St-tka. A rood layer of newwpapra ooder- Tath a carpet will prevent all ae from tooth, which have a strong ob jection to printers' Ink and will not cotae anywhere near It to lay their ess. . ' - Tw. r-- AWtl Ale. If a well coakl be das to the depth of forty-U tnllea, tbs density f tha air at the hottooa would be crest as that f q-ickUver. Uy ths aaoae taw a blc Inch f atr taken 4.000 mlla above tU earth - aarfare woald expand oCirtcntly to fill a pbere 2.0U0.QUO.OOO miles la diameter! cse . Ths very bct codflsh Is cured whole; cooacqoently thce who pnrchaM the 00 Inatcad f the aciceatea arucj tr better QuaUty. The choice cut or a csdnah Is p!c cot from the center. Wv C Are Cl4- la eJpslatliK. where the camel la foood. the ennoal variation of tem perature aotnptlme- reach '- ae- m. In -ra Asia wmrrr u mm flat ths animals are made to work fa vary Intense cold they are sewed up Rather Uaaleaa Word a. Commander Peary, the arctic ex- plorer, was talking to a Email bunch of newspaper men at Saratoga no long ago, and they were asking him a number of questions about life in the extreme latitudes, of which he can talk most entertainingly. Some . one asked if he spoko the Eskimo language," and he - said he' did. "What. . it like?" " continued the questioner. "For instance, how would an Eskimo say 'Good morn ing?" "lie wouldn't say it" re- ' plied the commander, with a slight smile. Indeed, and are they so un tutored in the amenities of life?" "Not at all, not at all," the explorer explained. lou eee, in a country where they would have occasion to use those words cly once a year they don t have them." . A Bsa fVIIa KISS fee aVlfa. With family around expecting him to die, and m son ridlnsr for life elght- teen miles to rat Dr. KLnr's New Dis covery for Oo-su caption, Coughs and uoJos. w. u. t-rown. or eervue. led., endured death's axoaies from asthma; but this wonderful medicine rare instant relief and. soon cured him. lis writes: 'I nowsleep sound ly every night" -Like marvelous cores of OonrumDtioo. Pneumoais. Bronchitis, Ooufhs, Golds and Grip proves Its matchless merit ' for all Throat -and Liang troubles. Guar anteed bo tiles BOe and ILOO. Trial bottles free, at It R. Bxxijrr'a drug store. t DUNLOP MEAL IB MADE OF ! Best of Corn IN A Water IViill and Every Bushel Welflhs 46 Pounds. As there will be a bfg crop of Cotton made the demand for bag. gin g and ties will put the price up, so buy NOW and buy of THE WORTH CO. jyistt WILL PUT EVERY j Xsm and Woman ta the -sylor mood have tMD oat anon our rnR w aia. ana nmmr IDidm mMTmllV. WfelM voa aooct iwn onu m wcn vo iar tB LP a a wa m an m iwiu for the mtW SH0XS for XaU and Winter war bow arrtvtDr Low cnta of au kia i for Mas, Boys, ladlee and hllia at prtoea which yon can eamiy mv and cbaaolv Dllia h oat Ute SWoa with o9ia. Usntan and moat atruat i root wear. Larva lou 1 Doasiaa boom on nana ana ar ming. MERCER '& EVANS CO., an tt tf - lis niuccat street. Or. BFggeriHDCklebcrry Cordial Th Oraat Southartt Ramady. -V Cnrva all'StonwiPh and Bowl Troubtoa, ituch Chrotilc Prtnt7, Cho Mor boa. Bloodr ilua. and alao children tMthifie-- It seldom falla to max quick and Mrrrutncnt cure ot aU atomach and bowal du waasa B teSU monlal of tha Dr. War A. Taylor, Atlanta, . ' Oaar Bin Thl la tha flrrt earJMta that I hava avae olvati aa to th IrTW-lta of any (madlelna, bwt I taJca olaaaura In rwio-mandtna Dr. Blgoara Hueklabafry Cor at. I coaaidar It tha boat ram ady txat I havo v- uaad In my family foe aaamaon and Bmm Troublaa. SOa ln ivhu) In bottta, of tni masiioina to do wa4 In tha eoinnmg or any aromacn craubl will of ton aava Ufa a a wall aa a laroo ooetora bill. I havo a Irtmnd wtioaa by the prompt iin oT Dr. Blgjara Hoeklabarry Cordial. For aaio by all Drugglata, 89 " l&SWHlUY W. ORADY. Haitrwangtr-Taylor Drug C- np t Atlanta, as. - ' Taylor'o Chorokao Ramady of Swaat Owm and atullain win cure Couch. Croup and Coomuxntioa. rnca ISoandll ahotUa a tf . M.iir.llPN 3Ta MtHMUMUMlN. A I iicit aa . , Tll IrrtuUMl ar lo.rm - ae3 tr tkiy rol a. I ao M-la- imDiUI-Ca. imt asoaoa. 7f"l 1 I - tr r,M. nlt. foe mHmmmmrrjr 41 cuooiar Ml aa raaaa. au H 17 ta ta as min in. l t . mm mtmw, tUTM. i mi mmA I I i MKV mm 4rl 3a si v 1 rV;rrfT --' rae asbk e a aaaSWaaa aaBBBa IDE WL. CE1HT ID SUPPLY CO Solo Distributors of Davis' Absolutely Pure Paints . The only guaranteed 100 per cent. Pure Faint on this or any other market. Our guarantee Is that It Is composed only of r Linseed Oil White Lead (carbonate) White Zinc (oxide) 100 per cent. Pure 100 " 100 " " . Pore Topie Drier and Tintiog Colors. WITHOUT DOUBT We KNOW, that Davis' Paint will never disappoint when properly applied. It it made so good that yon are sure to want more if you LIVE LONG ENOUGH to want your building repainted. r In applying Paint always call for Pusher's Celebrated P. Paint Brushes. They speak for themselves. e We also carry a full line of Building material, including the well known Klintkote Hoofing. Bell 'Phone 645. Inter-State 72. ap 12 tf - ' o o a o o a o o o o n 6 N T I N BOOK BINDING i&l&mi&m i&l &Ai&m&mJFm mmAmiimmA tAmmmmmmmmmmmmiAmm w vjvjve)1fv)tv)afy 9 es o o o o o 6 p o O 5 PRI NTI NGi aiV o B m. mm aaaaa m m . rn.rn.mmm. m mm. m. mm m m mm mm. mi STAR JOB PRINTING OFFICE, BOOK BINDERY AND RULING ROOMS ARE COMPLETE f THEIR APPOINRIENTS. AND RULING, i ; ... . EVERY VARIETY OF PRINTING, MULiribl AMU IMJH UUMtsTjl NEATLY, EXPEDITIOUSLY t CHEAPLY. ) , WM. H. BERNARD, Proprietor. i i BEST AND CHEAPEST LINE OF REFRIGERATORS ON THE PARKET. ' : BH. E. SPB1GER & CO, je3tf Purcell .Bunding, Wilmington, N. C. Deposits ' Made with us on or before -September 1st, the beginning of onr new Interest quarter, will begin to draw interest 'from - September 1st. We pay interest on deposits at 4 per cent, per annum, com pounded quarterly. : - , , ; ATLANTIC TRUST AND BANKING CO. ' 16 Princess Street, Wilmington, N. C. ". J BATT J. irKR, Fraalaaat. ' B. H. AHBENS, Tie PraUdeat BTTTCIIIIV V AUKHi CaaaUar. , , DDiXCTOKS: B. Sogers, John H. Kuck, B. Solomon, D. ifcEachern, B. H. J. Ahrens, O. W. Yates, E. B. Bellamy, M. J. Heyer, , -Martin O'Brien, J. G. L. Gieschen, I. M. ' Bear. - ' . - , aa22tf , Rates for Sewer Service Water Closets - 50 cts per quarter, each kitchen Sinks - - 50 cts per quarter, each Bath Tubs - - - - 50 cts per quarter, each Fixed Wash Basins 25 cts per quarter, each Fixed Laundry Tubs 50c per quarter, per set We carry our pipes to your prop erty line without . charge, and rates do not go into effect until service is rendered. The Wilmington Sewerage Co. ' jyis tr - r--'- . ' Pineapple, Chocolate and Vanilla ORB AM FOR SUNDAY. . Made of pure cream. Don't forget I make the best cream in the cit. ' ' J. W. Plummer, Jr., ; Bell 'Phone 680. an 22 tf : Wilmington : and Fayetteville STEAMBOAT LINES. Staai iera far and ' Frelslit Fayettavtlla. Paaaenxar. Steamer Hlgblanaer, Caps., W. McE. Kobe- son, leaves 4:30 -P. ; M., Mondays ana TharsOavs. Steamer Hart, OapU W. a. Bobeson, leaves; at 4:80 P. M Tneadsys ana Fridays. For passage, freight and towage . ratea ap ply to . - , !" . T. J. -OVB, eeneral Asent, Jyl8tf , south Water Street. SEABOARD i Air 1,ixe Vltel5W2f Sehednle in Etfeet Ans;. 30, 1903." TBA.IN eaves Wilmington 8:15 p m, arrive 39 Lnmberton S:85 pi mPembroke 6:00 i .Haxton 6:46 pm. Hamlet 7:86 pm. . arrive -narioHe iu: p m. TBAIN Leaves Wilmington 9:00 pm, arrives 15. Lnmberton a.15 a m, Pembroke 2:55 a m. M&xton 4:05 a m, uamiet e:oo a m. TP m TW T nfl V". nh..ln. Km . m .TTamlAfr O.JI mmm m . wumww. . jui uwumo.w 40 a m, arrives Max ton 9:2S5 a m, Pem broke 10:02 a m. Lnmberton 10:27 a m, TRAIN Leaves Hamlet 10:45 n m. arrives Max- 14 ton 12:35 a m, Pembroke 1:90 a m, Lnm- - Derton a:i5 a m. wumington 7:00 a m. WSTBOTTKD FBOK HAHET. Hamlet Ar Monroe Ar Onarlotte. .............. Ar Chester................... Ar Sreenwood,.. ............ Ar Athens............ ...... Ar Atlanta........... 7 so am 905 a m 10 05 a m loss a m 12 23 p m 2 50 D m 8 50 p m io 40 p m 1315 am 185 am 8 48 am 605 am 760 am SOUTHBOUND FBOK HAMLET. Lv Hamlet.................... Ar Colombia......... Ar Savannah.. Ar Jacksonville.... Ar Tampa.. 9 a s a ast 7 85 a m 10 55 a m sa p m 6 50 p m 645 a m 10 40 om ieu am 5 06 am i sis am ooo pm NORTHBOUND FBOM HAML-T. LV Hamlet Ar Balelgh.. ....... ......... Ar Norllna.,.. Ar Portsmouth...... ...... I Ar Norfolk ...f to so p m las a m 8 50 a m 800 ami 855 am 11 50 a m 145 pm 5 85 pm Lv Hamlet................... Ar Raleigh............. Ar Norllna Ar Richmond................ Ar Washington.;............ Ar Baltimore..... ........... ArNew York............... 110 sop mi i X5 a m 850 a ml 6 85 a ml io io a ml 11 25 p m ia p mi 50 am , u is am 145 pm 4 5S am 888 om ll 25 p m qu pin Through Pullman sleepers from Hamlet to all; points North, South and Bonthwest. - - I For tickets, Pullman reservations, ete- apply io -x-Domas u. aieares, uenerai agent, 1 ton,N.O. , Wllmlng- sep u - 'C.': SUKKER SCHEDULE CONSOLIDATE 0 RAILWAYS, LIGHT & POWER COMPANY. EflTectrve Tuesday, Sept. 1st, 1903. FRONT AND PRINCESS BT, WrLMINQTON Leave every half hour from 6:00 am. to 110 tr. m., aauy except eonaay. un ax very hall hoar l . 11.-00 P. M THE OA 8raCWBIQffiraViLI BEACH. Leave everv half hour from 7:00 A. M. to 12)0 P. M., dally except Sunday. BtTNDAYB Every half hour from 8:30 A. M. to 12:00 p. M. BEAGB OAS; Var tha aiwnmnMWlatfmt nt thoee who may desire to leave the Beach after. regular cars nave ceaeea running, an extra u oe lert on tne seas nore Hotel sioms everv nisht. which can be chartered for the trip to Wilmington and return for 810.00. The Motor- man in charge can be reached at the com pany aggage room, near tnas pome aeu iPhMIA HA IQftB . s . . Betrlnnlng September 1st freight schedule will oeasiouows: Leave 'Arrive'"-: Leave 5 Wilmington . Ocean View Ocean View lU UUA. . - . a. au . ii.w a. n., 9.00 P.sM.'. 8J0 P. M. - 6.00 P. M.' Snndav 's Freight Car will make 10:00 A. M. trip only. . -:,- FREISHT -DEPOT: The frelsht Depot will Deorjenroruie woeaw ot xreuuw irom h :aua. h. to 5:00 P. M. Sundays 8:30 to 9:80 A. M. No freight wiu do reoeivea as outerpoim- in tne city, except as above specified. Freight which ia received within twenty min utes of time car is due to leave will be held for Ben regular trip. - .;..:;;ilf.. MABSTN- AND PREPAYING: Frelffht win not be received nnlees plainly marked with i name of the consignee and fully prepaid. - j T.ATTKDRY; When rjacked ln trnnkn. hand. Dags, ornampers, i unary wiu oe nancuea as oaggage. BASOASC: . Baecraee win be received and , OAllvered at the AtJantlo . Coast Line and Seaboard Air Line depots: all pieces most be checked, aid no piece wiii bo delivered except on presenuuaon ox duplicate caeca. ATLifflC DOAST LIHE. LOW ROUND TRIP Rates FromjWilmlngton. . liaOO-Wasbinetoo. X. a, and rc- tura. Tickets on sale daily, Jane 1st to September SOtb, final limit October Slst, 1803. , : . . tlS.50 to Baltimore and return. Sov ereign ' Grand Lodge Odd Fellows; tickets on sale September 18th, 19th and 20tb, final limit September 28th. I Tickets must .- be deposited with I Joint Agent and of - ' 85 cents paid, --tension of limit to October -3rd, 1903, may be obtained upon' pay ment of $1.00 additional. - - S11.65 Washlneton, D. Q, and re turn, account Grand Fountain United Order of True Reformers, September 1st to 8th, 1903, inclusive. Tickets will i be on sale August 30th and Slst, Sep I tember 1st and 2nd. Final limit to reach starting point September 10tb. 1903. - By deposit of ticket with Jas. BJchardson, special ': agent, Pennsyl vania avenue station, Washington, it. OL, anq or 60 cents, extension or re turn limit to September 25th may be obtained. , - 1 W. J. ORAIG, -Gen 'I Passeoger AgenL , H. M. EMERSON, Traffio Manager. - antotf , . ATLANTIC - " COAST miE. -chaAmla Im Miass Aaa. 8, 103. . NORTHBOUND. Lv Wilmington..,. ...... w.. I Ar Goldsboro........ ........ I Ar Wilson....... i Ar Rocky Mount............ Ar Norfolk I Ar Weidon Ar Petersburg.............. Ar Richmond................ I Ar Washington... i Ar Baltimore........ ! Ar Philadelphia. i Ar New York NO 48 9 SO a m 13 21 p m lis p m 165pm 6 65 p m 4 58 p m 6 53 p m 7-4. n m 11 40 p m 405 a m 715 a m NO 48 - 700 pm 988 Dm 10 85 p m . llja pm .t....,. : 185 am loo am 84S am 7 80 am 918 am : 1188 am i 800 pm ! SOUTHBOUND. .: No 49 -mf 9 85 p m . m 19 01 a m ml 8 87 a m m a to a m i.. 900am m 880 am m 948 am m 1146 am m 1 00 p Ba rn 160 pm m S io p m m 6 oo p m T' . BETWEEN WILMINGTON AND THE SOUTH. 80UTHBOUND " LvNew York... ........ Ar Philadelphia I at Baltimore Ar Washington.............. i at Honour..... I Ar Richmond . ! Ar Petersburg Arweiaon ..... Ar Bookv Mount . . . ar wiiBuu. ......... .......... ar woiasooro.. ...... ...... ar wumington NO 41 9 85 a 1165 a Slip 881 p . . V, , i 7 15 p 8 05 p 9 43 p 10 87 p 11 18 p .716 a 1010 a I Lv Wilmington .. i Ar Florence... .... i Ar Charleston.... i Ar savannah I Ar Jacksonville... Ar Tampa Dally Ex ' Sunday. sop a ml 9 85 a m i io d m S 80 p m Dally. 8 45 p m 7 80 d mi n is p m 9 00 am 10 85 p m Dafly. 700pm 3l5 8 8o:am 1 is d m loaa pmv NORTHBOUND. i -V Tampa ................... ar Jacksonvuie.. ............ Ar Savannah.. : Ar fTtiftrlAfltnn. . ArFlorenoe.. ....... at wumington...... Dally Sx. Bunaay. '8 0S p ml i m a m 12 40 p m 4 so n m 7 S5 n n ll 80 p ml Dally T80 am 680 pm 1 is am 685 am 9 45 am 140 pm A . ... j BETWEEN WILMINGTON AND BANFOBD Lv WOmlnarton I Ar Fayetteville at uaniora. ton.... ....I 9 80 rtlle ..18 S5 ........ I 1 65 West Bound East Bound Dallv - Dally 9 80 a miar '7 so p m p ml at , 4 65 p m p mLv 3 40 p m BETWEEN WILMINGTON AND NEWBEBN North Bound - - South nan Rnnilu Hnnnd Lv wumington....... 12 85 p m!Ar 13 15 p m ' 1- Ar Newbern ...wis 40 p mLv 9 00 aim Trains nob. 48 and 41 carry Pullman Bleeping Qara between Wilmlnsrton and Washington. I connecting with Penna B, R. for all points east, i , . -. W. J.ORAIO, - i , uen'i passenger Agent. H. M. Emerson, Traffic Manager. ' my84tf. -; - . . ; ,: AtlantiG anil Fortb Carolina Railroai Thne Table Na.rie: ' jb jag To Take Effect Sunday, Oct, Ml, 1900. att It. 01 A. Bt. GOING EAST. GOING WEST. 8 - 4 Passg'r Trains - Passg'r Trains 8TATI0N8. Arrive Leave - Arrlta Leave p. m. p. u " -' """aTmT a. m." ........ 3 40 Goldsboro....... 11 06 ........ ........ 4 83' Klnston.... 10 18 6 40 6 60 Newbern 8 87 8 60 7 08 7 07 Morehead City.. 7 es 7 87 r P. M. P. M. AM. A. M. Train 4 connects with W. W train bound North, leaving Goldsboro at 11.15 A. M., and with Southern Railway train West, i leaving Goldsboro 800 P. M., and with W. A N. at New bern for Wilmington and Intermediate points, - Train ryinnAM with Southern BaUwav train arriving at Goldsboro 8.00 P. M . and with W. A w. train from the North at 8.05 P. M No. 1 train also connects with W. A N. for WQmlng- -ton and Intermediate points. . , - .s OCl U D. . VLUlA, DUIMi. Tbe Clyde Steamsbip Co ' Hew Yor. Wilmington, M. C, and Georgetoini; S. Cvllnes Vroi i NewYerk'for TTll ilnctaak. CABIB.... NAVAHOB eaaea enlBstOrta7a s3Pw . Vroaa trilaalBKtoM far Havr -. 89 S w i wr a rrt-L s XV L V ATlUAi il.ailti aaaa CABIB.................. .Saturday, Wroaa Wllai lnatA fr CMarges' vahoe.............. r.....Tnesdav. An. es CABIB... .....Tuesday, Sept. i. Both Steamers have good Passenger accom. modatlon. , , "' - .: j s-;- r anrouen bii . uaiii ana lom Through Bates truaraBteed to and from minu In Noh and south Carolina. - . a Tot freight and passage apntTto v 4 I r : . . w. paaiiiiHUNEB, bu: Wltmlnorfon fan' THBO. B. EGEB, Sen'! Manager. Wat. P. CLYDE A CO., Gen'l Agents, - - ' M 19 State 8ueetTNew ork. aa ss tt - .. .. , i la felt covers. r -i r . -t;--. .. a "1